Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Joity B. k M. Men Qo Out On Account of a
IThoy Connlclor ttio haws Governing
Ttiotn I'nflHcd Hy tlie Jjnto LICK'S- '
Intiiro Doing * In Supreme
Court Lincoln News.
fritoit TUB IIKK'S M.vcor.N iiunEA.u.1
The utriko made by the switch nnd
yardmen of the 1) ) . & M > does not promise
great results for the strikers. The claim
is made that they quit work because one
rihuridan was promoted to bo night yard
master out of the line of promotion ; that
ho had been n conductor and should have
been promoted in another direction. This
s the ostensible excuse for the strike ,
but the real one is understood to be thai
Sheridan Is not a union man , such as
they desire < n places of authority. About
forty-eight went out. As fast as they
apply they are given time checks and
notified that their services are uo longer
in demaad. While the strike may bo
Bald to be still ou it has given the com
piuiv very little inconvenience and trallie
has not been intercepted.
The grain dualers of Nebraska have
just concluded a meeting at Lincoln. One
hundred and fifty delegates were p res
cnt , representing over 500 elevators. The
b.'lls ' passed by the legislature at its last
session received attention. It will be re
membered that the law forbids pooling ,
and the association perfected an organi
zation in conformity to the provisions of
V the now law. The gram dealers have a
mutual insurance company for their own
protection. The high rates charged by
insurance companies led to its organiza
tion. The report of the ollicors indicates
that it is in a satisfactory condition and
that insurance has been secured up to
date at a much lower rate than hereto
fore. The organization has been made
The number of Lincoln people sojourn
ing at the Crete assembly is larger than
might have been expected. Doing a
cheap and very convenient place many
co there who have no other vacation.
Trains run so frequently that business
men can take in a portion of the exorcises
find not lose a great deal of time from
their usual allaira. Among others there
have been there a purl or all of the time
Lewis Gregory and family , Hov. E. H.
Curtice , Kov. h. 11. Chapin , Dr. Casebccr
nnd family , T. II. llardonbergh and
family , M. U. Welch and family , Mrs. T.
E. Culvert , Miss Cora Hardy , M. D.
Cheney ami family , T. II. Lcavitt , II. M.
liushnell , Mrs. C. S. Clasou and family.
Mrs. Roberts , Mrs. F. K. Nnwton anil
daughter , 11. C. Eddy , unit many others
who sojourn for a day.
Raymond Hro.s. have instituted pro
ceedings intended to test the "long and
( ihorthaul clause , " The It. & M. charged
them more for sugar from California to
Lincoln than to Omaha. They have ten
dered tlio same freight and ordered their
attorney to bring a replevin for the sugar ,
thus expecting to test the law.
suritn.MK coyttr DOINOS.
, Dougherty vs ( JrolV rehearing ordered.
Nebraska & Colorado railroad company
vs Stone submitted.
Rehearing was denied in Soils vs Hag-
garet , Nccker VH Koelnn. Now rules were
State ox rel J lining vs H.ibcock. Mandamus.
Writ den led. Opinion by Kcoso. J.
1. The constitution of the state requires
that all claims upon the state treasury
must bo oxamiued and adjusted by the
auditor and his action approved by the
secretary ot state , before any warrant
can bo urawti therefor. This provision
w applies to all claims whether claimed by
virtue of a spccilic appropriation or not.
2. The making of a specific appropria
tion by the legislature for the purpose of
paying a demand against the state is , in
no SOIIHU , the auditing of such claim , and
the duties and responsibilities of the au
ditor and secretary of state with refer
ence to the payment thereof are not di
minished thereby.
8. Tlio legislature has no authority
under the constitution to audit or adjust
n claim against the state , and if money is
appropriated to pay an alleged claim , or
one which the state docs not owe , and the
auditor so finds on examination and
adjustment , it is his duty to issue a war
rant , notwithstanding such appropria
4. The law furnishes an adequate rem
edy by appeal from the decision of the
nuditor. in thu examination and adjust
ment ot claims against the state. There
fore , a mandamus will not issue to com
pel him to ihsuo n warrant for tlio pay
ment of u claim which has been disal
lowed by him upon such examination and
Court adjourned until Tuesday , Sop-
„ , tomborSO , ntSiiJOa. m.
tfl 111(1 ( KK ITEMS.
V , The board of public lands and build
ings , composed of Secretary of
State Laws , Land Commissioner Scott ,
Attorney General Leeso and Treas
urer NVillard , have gone to Kear
ney to locate tlie additional build
ings provided for by act of the legislature
in connection with the Industrial reform
school. Thu now homo for fallen women
has not yet been located ,
i The governor has appointed the follow-
w ing notary publics : J. C. Cherry. Hastings -
' ings ; W. lj. Marshall , Hastings ; William
S. Shaln , Klgin , Antelope county. Free
man Morntngstar , Lartoria , IHillalo
county ; Herman Franse , I'cnder , Dakota
county ; William 11. Divingston , Omaha ;
Aaron llayatlorn , Curtis , Frontier county ;
Hugh J. Dobles. Dcatrico ; Charles 0 ,
Lewis , Auburn , Nemaba county ; II. W ,
Cowan , liertraml , 1'holps county ; A. It ,
Kenyon , Dorchester , Saline county.
( iovurnor Thayer ami Chief Hill are
both absent at the Crete assembly.
Alon/o Mead , sent to the pen from
Hastings , was released yesterday on a sir
The btato board of pharmacy has been
organized under the new law ami is now
in Hussion at the state liouso. Thn ob
ject of this board is to secure proper and
experienced druggists and clerks in tin
various drug stores of the state , and thus
as far as possible prevent accident :
through the distribution of poisons foi
innocent remedies. Clerks are rcquirei
I to show a certain degree of otUcicncy 01
pass a satisfactory examination. /
largo number of applicants were exam
incd yesterday.
Two Millions Hcfttorcil.
lirandrelh's pills are a certain cure foi
t every disease ; they purify the blood
which in its turn makes a pure , health }
body. During the last lilty years thej
1 have restored to perfect health and on
; joyment two millions of persons. Tin
j. , secret of thtiir success is their three-foil
r * effects , invigorating thu digestion , stint-
W ulating the liver and bowels , and purg
I ing away thu worn out particles of tin
I , body and all seeds of disease. Olio o
two pills taKcn every night for a week o ;
' two will always cure.
iCxcurdlou to Chicago nnil Ilnturn.
Tickets to Chicago nnd return , acconn
of the National Educational association
will be sold July ( Jth to 12th ntsiiiRlu fan
for the round trip , plus $3.00. All nw
era who wish. Apply to nny agent of tlii
B. & M. K. U. . or at 1321 Kamam St.
pmaha , ' .
Jlcrolo Demeanor of n Dakota Mnn
Under Trying Clrcumatnnccs.
A well known resident of Si6ux Falls
was out driving in the country one day
last week , says the Dakota Bell.Vhllo
coming back and about four miles from
the city , a heavy wind came up. To the
well known resident it looked cyclonlah ,
and ho drove up to the first house. Ho
went in nnd found three or four ladles ,
who were alone in the house and some
what frightened.
"There is no danger , Indies , no danger ,
I assure you. Simply a straight wind-
no cyclone. Keep cool By the way or
is there a collar under the house ? ' '
"Yes , sir. "
"Uml that i.s good. No danger ,
though as I said. 1'ray keep calm and
it will bo over directly. Whore where
did you say the cellar door was ? "
"Over there in the corner. "
"Ah , yes , thanks , this one. Yes , I'll
open it might as well ho open as shut ,
you know. There will bo no need of
going down , however. Simply a little
thunder shower accompanied by wind , "
"We're not very much frightened. "
"Of course not that's right : neither
am I. " Just then the house began to
shako nnd the limb of a trco scratched
against the window. "Don't bo at all
alarmed , ladles , you keep right still.
Good collar , 1 suppose , " ho added , peep
ing down.
"Yes. "
Hero a board flow off the fence and
slapped against the side of the house.
"I'm going down a moment , ladies ,
don't bo frightened ; the house is safe , "
and IIP. shot down the stairs , slipped oil'a
broken step toward the bottom , ami
landed in a box of egps. "Stay right
where you are ladies , " ho shouted from
the cellar , "it is about all over now. " -
Just then the wind blew open the out
side cellar door and an empty barrel
rolled down.
" ( Jreat ohl , nothing at all ! " howled
the man as ho leaped over into the other
side of the cellar ; "try and bo calm ,
ladies. This wind will purify the atmos
phere. You aren't scared much , I hope ! "
"Oh , no , not much. "
' 'That's right ; keep up 5'our courage
ladies arc usually so easily frightened.
Say , " as ho tried to dig the sand , which
was blowing in , out of his eyes , and
topped in a crock of butter , "say , would
jno of you mind going around and shut-
ing that outside door. "
"Wo will when it stops blowing a little. "
Then an empty box tipped over and
'oiled ' down the stairway , ihe wind roared
ouder than ever , and there was a sharp
lap of thunder.
"Bo calm , ladies ; try nnd bo calm for
your own sakcsl Oh , great heavens ! it's
going , it's going ! " ho groaned , as Ito
irouched in one corner in a box of glass
ruit cans and thought ho saw one corner
f the house raise n little. "Oh , good
ordt I'm lost ! it's going sure. Keep
cool , ladies , there is no danger ! For
heaven's sake see that corner Hop up ! Becalm
calm , Indies ; simply n little Hurry of the
wind ! Oh , I'd give a thousand dollars to
bo out of this"and ! he dug his feet into the
box and broke two cans of strawberries.
'Try and bear up , ladies ! It will soon bo
over ! Oh , if I ever get out alive I'll leave
this blasted country ! Good gracious , la
dies , when are vou going to shut that
door ? Bo calm ! Becalm ! but shut that
door ! "
"Mollio has gone out to shut it now
, ho wind is all over , " replied one of the
"Yes , it's all over , I know , " replied the
man , cautiously coming to the foot of the
stairs. " 1 told you it soon would be.
You see there was no reason for becom-
ng alarmed. But you ladies always will
you always will , " ho added , as he came
on ui > and peered out of the corner of a.
In making tlio assertion tiiat
Dedicated complexion powder is entire
y free rom injurious or deadly poisons
wo do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is onu of tlie oldest
face powders in American market , and
! s used in tlio famalies of some of our
most prominent medical num who have
icrsonallv acknowledged to the proprio-
or that they not only considered it harm-
ess , but esteemed it highly beiiolicial in
very respect. Sold by all druggists.
Trnnafcrs Filed July 0 , 1887.
No Is V Lumln.ulst nnd wife to Augus
tus T. Kllker , west K south , lot
10 , and west H ot noitli 12K feet lot
11 , block 7 , Kotintze & Ruth's , w d 5 2,200
John 12 Summons jr. ( slug ) , to II II
IJrown , lot 13 , block 8 , Patrick's 2nd ,
wtl 2,100
Win T 1'ixrcel and wife to ( Jlmrlea nnd
Mnry Bauer , north iKfeucol' south
12J feet of west 120 feet of lot 4 ,
Hiigan's tuUlitlon , n , c d 1
Marcus 1' Mason nnd wife to .lolin 11
and llurclianl U Mnrmiarilt , lot a and
, block 1 , Kilby Place , w d 2.0CO
Mary J Hoatty , ( single ) , to Kll It llal-
lanl , Warner L Welsh and Franklin
I Smith , the northeast , northwest ,
northeast , 2T , 15,12 , wd 8,000
William U 1' Schistodt and wife to
Charles T 1'arrotto undivided ) tf lots
25 , nnd 2 < 3 , W A Itudiuk'snddltlon , w
d 1,730
Thomas U llalleynnd wlfn to John
U'Uonahoc , parts or lots 2 and 3 ,
blocks 25 end 2C , Onmlia , w d 3,000
MiiU'iirot Lane , widow , to Robert M
Korbi' : ' , 1 nuro beginning 12 chains
12 stakes east of southwest corner
lot tin 14,15itwa : 400
Rnlph K Uaylord and wife , John 1C
Kclwan's nnd wife to , ) / Forbes , lot
SI , Korbcs' sub of s A31 , in , 13 qcd. . 100
Doimlns county to llonry Ulltor , lot C ,
block 10 , Douulas add , wd 1.015
MnKKlo U Shortlln and Husband to
Mrs ( ioorco W Richardson , lot 0 blk
7 , Myers , Richard & Tilden's , wd. . 000
Douclas conntv to Miss Katie 1'lerco
and Miss Olllu IJnruion , lot 1G blk 5 ,
Dmik'lns add , wd 050
City of Otnntin to Robert A Harris nnd
Conrad A Fisher , part of Nicolas st ,
south of bile 1WK. deed 83.CO
Albert > Meats ( slnule ) Robert J
Urny ( simile ) , JnniesThompson and
wife and David W Mealer ( sini-Ie )
to A C Huston , lot 11 blk 7 , \ mi
Camp's add , wd COO
Same as above to same , lots U and 12 ,
bile 0. May no's add , wd 1,000
CJco U HOICKS nnd wlfu to .loan M Mc
Coy , lot 10 , blk 17 , Omaha View , wd 1,61)0 )
Low W Hill ( slnRlo ) to Samuel . )
llcfikett , lots 11 and 12 , blk 7 , 1'ark
Koiest , wd 352.33
Margaret lloyd ( single ) to Georco W
lloerstler. lot 10 , blk 15 , Highland
place , wd 3,000
Michael Donnelly ( single ) to Mariratet
V. Shaelfer , lot 37 , blk 5 , Jcromo
park , wd 3,000
Itjion Rood and wtfo , John Campbell
and wife to Lewis A Gruff , lot 9 ,
ReedVAl , wd 1,200
Ueorue M Ludwlclc and wlfu to James
A Smith , lot 5 , Uanc & ( iritllu , and
USxOlK feet adloluliiK. w d 6.COO
W J Council and wile to Miss J Peter
son , lot 20 , Hickory place , wd 00
Jennie K Stevens and Richard Stevens
to Alma K Keith , lots. Stevens' sub
ot 13 and U , blk 10 , Parker's , w d. . . 3UO
Jennie K Stevens and husband to
Athrosu Rice , lot 3 , Steven's sub as
above , w d 3,000
Ueoruo McRlnzIa jr , guardian to ( Ico.
McKluzle b.-sK so sw no 4 15 13 nnd
03 acres of n , { nonw no 4 15 I3guar-
dlan's deed 12,000
UeoV McKlnzie and wife to Ellenore
McKlnzle , name property as above ,
wd 13,000
Thos J McLean and tteo R Crandnll ,
slnule , to llonry W Yatcs , lot'J blk
1 , Hawthorne , wd 1,550
Jehu 11 llmiKato trustee , to Lincoln R
Scott , lot 10 blk Bedford place , w d 050
Douglas county to Henry 1'uudt , lot 8
blkO. Douglas add , w d 1,350
Albert J Van' Arnmn. slnclo , to Gee
R Crnmlall , lot y blk 1 , Hawthorne ,
wd „ 518
DavhlJamieJon.W 1) Mcact and wires
( o Clifton K Mayno , lot U blk 0 ,
Kountzu't 4th , qcd 1
J C Luke nnd wife to W J Huohanan ,
lot 2 blk 2 , Dcllonesadd. wd 81 !
Douirlas county to Alvln Saunden
and J K Gardiner , lot 7 blk 3 , Doug
las add , wd , 2,0i3
The Monster Air Bbip With.Whlcn . He
Hopes to Navigate to tbo Fold
How tlio Inventor of the Vnouuin
System or Acrontntlou Looks
nna Tnlks When In His
"My great nir-ship , 'Do Arctic Ex-
plorcr , ' vlll start to travel to de nort'
polo naix Suno , posseteef , " said Dr. Do
Baussct to a reporter for the Mall who
called to sec him about his grand scheme
of aerostation.
"lie vill go 120 miles do hour in alti
tude live miles above do airt' , or do
locmcct of resplrablo air. Look at him , "
and the inventor pointed to n big chart
on the wall , where n long cylinder with
conical ends was painted in bright red.
Along the side was a faithful representa
tion of a woodshed roof gaudily painted
blue. "Oat ecs do vceng of do aero-
piano. Dat vill keep do ship in one
plane , also prevent him to fall to
do ground. Along de aigc of do
vecng is a gutter to catch do rain and
prcvont him to fall on do passengers.
Below is suspended de car , vicli will con
tain 200 vuyngcurs , fret nnd mail mat-
talre. As to the dimansiongs of do air'
ship , he is 031 feed in langcc , 141 foot in
high , and mail of laminated steel 1-11 of
an conch tecck. Trco force of do air
vitin dees cylinder isoxhowst and do ma
chine rise grandly into /.o atmosphere.
To propel do ship in de car arc air-pumps
of immangse power , driven by electric
dynamos. Deso dynamos are supplied
by electricity from storage batteries ,
which 1 have invent. Ket ecs not like
do storage batteries vich are now in use.
Ah , no. So soon as 0110 is emptied 1
take anoder and leave the first to recup
erate. Ho recover hees own electricity. "
"Why don't you patent that ? "
"Von ting at a tune. Von do nir-ship
is complete dain it vill bo tune to get out
a patent for dat. "
The doctor went on to explain , his little
( lumpy form swelling with enthusiasm
and his black eyes flashing , how the
pump would suck in thu air from in front
of tint ship and expel it from the rear ,
thus realizing the "Rime of the Ancient
Mariner , " whore to the question of what
makes the ship go on so fast , the answer
u returned :
"Tho air is cut away in front and
driven on behind. "
"But will a cylinder of steel as think ns
n common pin , as long as the exposition
building , and as high as the Pullman
stand the pressure of lifteen pounds to
the square inch ? " asked the reporter.
"Ah ! dat ces de groun" queshong , " re-
.tiled the doctor , wagging his grey ,
pointed beard and glaring over his eye-
; lasses while he readied lor a f rush cigar-
tie."Unless it was braced strongly it could
not hold up his own weight. "
"Of course not , " declared M. de Bans-
sot ; "but it vill bo braced vit r-rings nnd
armatures and stavs. "
"Of what sort ? "
"Oho ! Dat cos nawn of your bees-
ness , " tartly rejoined the inventor.
"But , " ho continued , "ven do air isex-
houst one-fourth vijl be left to relieve de
pressure of de air , vich at dees level is
only twelve pounds to do square couch.
Dat would leave nine pounds to bo sus
tained on every square eenah. "
While the doctor was talking the re
porter did a little liguring. which showed
that on every square yard of steel left
unbraced there would bo an air pressure
of 11,001 pounds , or nearly six tons. Mr.
Do Baiissot claims , however , that Fair-
burn's forn. 'a proves that the cylinder
can stand Hit strain. This formula reads :
l L equal the length , D the diameter ,
nnd T the thickness of the tube , and I'
the collapsing pressure ; then I * equals
0,072,000 into T over L D. This settles
the question conclusively.
The cylinder is to bo divided into nir-
tight compartments so that if the navi
gator wants to point the ship's nose up
ward to ascend on an incline plane , the
air is pumped out of a forward compart
ment. If he wishes to descend on an in
cline plane all he has to do is to pull the
cork out of the compartment and grace
fully float earthward. Tlia doctor ex
pects to have the machine icadv long
before next Juno and promised the re
porter a free ride , if the "head editor' ,
was willing and could spare him.
The programme announces in its own
straightforward style : "Tho starting
point will bo from New York City , and
the route will bo as follows : l-'roni New
York to Philadelphia , Washington , To
ledo , Chicago , Omaha , San Francisco ,
Yeddo , Canton , I'ekin , Constantinople ,
Turkey ; Rome , Italy ; Paris , Franco ;
Berlin ( icrmanyCopenhagen ; , Denmark ;
Stockholm , Sweden , and St. Petersburg ,
Russia. From this last city directly via
Greenland to the Arctic regions. The
timo-tablo allows one hour's stop at each
The prospectus is adorned witli a beau
tiful cut of this immense cylinder , float
ing iu the nir ( jirectly over Black Jack's
bum-boat , while Chicago lies stretched
out below. Goose island is plainly discernable -
cernablo and away over in Du Page
county , two vigorously erupting volca
noes are pegging away for dear life. The
foothills of wild and mountainous coun
try diversify the landscape about Wicket
Park , rising to grander heights in Jell'er-
.son , while lofty peaks crowned with ever
lasting snows rear aloft their hoary heads
where Commissioner Klehm now hoes
his corn.
Dr. Do Unussct claims entire original
ity for his scheme , on which ho has been
at work for the last twenty years , but a
man , shortly after the air pump was in
vented , tried the same thing with a globe
of thin copper with the result of a col
lapse. The doctor was naked if he ha'1 '
made any experiments , but ho "hemmed1
and "hawed" and linally admitted that
ho had made two. One was with a thin
glass globe which shivered into bits the
moment the air was exhausted , and the
other was with thu globe of an incandes
cent electric lamp.
"See how ligjit it is.1 exclaimed the
doctor , and tried to make it stand 01
end. But the little pear-shaped bull
would topple ever just as clumsily as i
it had been "ohuck" full of air.
Thu high-sounding appellation of the
company of which M. de Dausset isprcsl
dent , ami which is to build this air-.slup
is the Transcontinental Acriel Naviga
tlon company , nnd was incorporate *
with u capital stock of if 100,000 , at f 100 i
An effort was made to find out how
man'shares had boon taken , but M. do
Baussot was very shy about saying any
thing on that score , and declared that ho
was talking science just then. If his
visitor had come to talk business tha
would bo "dcellerong. " Ho said , how
ever , that if a person gave $100 or 410,000
he would only get one seat in the air
ship , From what he said it was learnei
that neither of the Farwella , Marshal
Field , "Old Hutch , " Phil Armour or any
other of the prominent scientists of Chicago
cage had laid their little all nt his feet to
nld iu the grand cause of conquering for
man the untrodden empire of the uir.
On the back page of one of the pnm
uhlets which Dr. do Baussot goU out ho
has given to mankind gems of thought
of which the following tire the brightest
"Galileo found that the earth rotate
and translates"
"The word 'impossible' has been usci
by eminent authority iu regard to uiauj
nvontlons , cixch of which riovr Is n pro
nounced success. "
"Overcoming the nttrnctlon by the
vacuum instuuil of gun 1 drive nwny ixll
tic dilllcnltic.s experienced to travel in
ho nir , passing through thu sleet and
now regions where tliulowteiiiperaturo ;
> y contracting the gas , expose nurunauts
o be precipitated hnstily to the ground. "
Urcnklnc Down and lintltllna Up ,
When a man breaks down In the hut-
cr of physical strength , the question of
ts recovery depends in u great measure
ipon the length of time ho allows toclapsu
before adopting medicinal means to reeu *
lornto it. A tonio , vylticli gives n speedy
nd powerful impulse "to the process of
igcstlon nnd uss'.milation ' , is the best
uxillary ho can employ , nnd ho should
esort to It promptly. The most reliable
epetidonco of the feeble , the nged and
lie nervous , has ever proved to bo Hos-
otter's Stomach Hitters , an invigorant
of national reputation and proven worth ,
onimoiuicd by medical men of dlstinc-
ion , not only for building up a broken-
own system , but as a remedy for dys-
> epsia , constipation , liver complaint ,
t'.vei and ague , and kidney trouble.
Vhile not claimed to bo u panacea , it is
most useful and comprehensive house-
ioltl remedy. It is , morovcr , eminently
afe as wull as allVetivo.
/nu Spar nnd IMny Dilllnrdx , niut
liiinvvH Cheese Snnilwluliua.
Thomas Flynn sat dozing upon the top
> f the cashier's desk in Tim
'lynii's Nassau street parlors yesterday ,
ays the New York Sun , when the clinic
of a silver dollar that a customer throw
lown rudely disturbed liis repose.
Thomas Flynn is a black and white cat
> f heroic nun that has a reputation in the
lilliard world. Cornelius Flynn , the
champion slippery-polo climber of Alder-
nan Uivvor's coterie , ( hiding it necessary
o get at the cash drawer , hit the stalwart
L'homas Flynn a cull1 over his oil1 ear , and
en amateurs who leaned against thu bar
urncd around and gnzcil in amazement
is Thomas Flynn rose upon hind uuar-
era nnd promptly hit back with his left
jaw , catching the champion slippery-
lolo climber full on the shoulder.
"What , do you want to box ? " cried
'M-e-o-w I" the in unmistakable
- - - purred big cat
takable assent.
Cornelius Flynn squared ofl'.and so did
Thomas Flynn , and for the next three
minutes the billiard amateurs roared in
delight to watcli the two. The bi cat
parried Cornelius" tender blows deftly
with his left paw and returned them
promptly with his right , just as a dandy
sparrer would do. The sport kept up
until Cornelius pushed his elbow under
the cat's head and lifted him over. The
cat righted himself up , playfully bit Cor
nelius' elbow , and sprang oil1 the desk
with a graceful leap.
Half an hour later a fresh lot of custo
mers wore watching Thomas Flynn's
antics on a billiard table. Ho was pretending
tending to play billiards with Billy , "the
Dandy Bartender. " Billy made a carroin ,
and the cat immediately chased after the
cue ball , and rolled itwlth its pawairatnst
the other balls and .cflcctcd a ca'rrom
with comical haste. Round's of applause
greeted the performance.
"That cat"said Tirn Flynn afterward ,
"is worth his weight I'll but a
hundred that ho can box as well as a man
can , and he is the only eat I ever heard
of that can play billiards. He was reared
in a billiard atmosphere and seems to
know all about the game. "
Two hours after Tim Flynn passed
this encomium upon the feline mania
workman engaged in' trimming the bar
mirrors witii colored gnir/e , sprang from
a ladder , and dashing frantically across
the room , pounced in anger upon the
cat. Thomas was chawing away at a
chccsn sandwich. The cheese sandwich
originally reposed in ino pocket of the
workingman's coat that hung on a hook
on the wall. Thomas Flynn had scented
the sandwich , and sprung upon a high
billiard chair , had stood upon his hind
legs , and fished the sandwich out with
his sharp claws. Cornelius Flynn
doubled himself into a big semicircle
with laughter.
" 1 taught him that bad trick , " ho said.
'I used to stow away his dinner in my
pocket every day when I came back from
home , and , as 1 made it a point not to
pay any attention to his meowing , ho
linally jumped upon the chaii beside mo ,
stuck his paw iu my pocket , and pulled
out the pocket in which his dinner was
contained. It is as a boxer , though , that
Thomas takes the cake. "
Makes the lives of many people misera
ble , and often leads to self-destruction.
\Vo know of no remedy for dyspepsia
more successful than Hood's Sarsapanlla.
It acts gently , yet surely and cfliciontly ,
tones the stomach and other organs , re
moves the faint feeling , creates a good
appetite , cures headache and refreshes
the burdened mind , ( live Hood's Sar-
sap'irilla a fair trial. It will do you
l-'nnny ThiiiKi Uiiilortnkom Hoc.
Detroit Free I'ress : "One doesn't usu
ally come to an undertaker to be amused , "
said one of that craft to a reporter yes
terday , "but we could tell you no end of
funny things winch we see and are not
permitted to laugh at. "
"As for exampleV"
"O I couldn't begin to give you an idea
of them in a week ; they come in all lorms
and at the most unexpected times and
Places. Last week 1 luut a job in a small
town not far from the city. There was a
-hurt service at the house , and later a
public ceremony at the church.
The building was packed with people
ple , anil after the service was
over the colliu was opened that those
pre.sent might have an opportunity to
see the face of the dead. As the crowd
moved up the center aisle I stood beside
tlie casket In front of the pulpit. Two
women came along talking a blue streak
in very audible whispers. Their conver
sation was on domestic matters , and they
noted as if they were bosom friends and
had been separated for ten years. As
they reached the casket they glanced at
the remains , and one of them exclaimed :
" 'My , how yallor she is ! Have you
put u ) ) any strawberries yet , Mips.lonesv'
"Last year an undertaker in Kalama-
7.00 only it wasn't Kalamazoo placed
an order with a Rochester house for a
hamUome hearse. Itli appcned that an
other Kalamazoo man had business in
Rochester after the hearse was ( hushed
and before it was delivered , and curiosity
led him to the factory. . _
" 'I came to see if 'I could get a look at
Mr. Blank's hearse , ' ho said.
"The manager expressed a willingness
to accommodate him , nnd personally led
the way to the greatMiow rooms. Thu hearse they carue to the visitor
iiskod : i
" 'la that Blank's1 J '
" 'No , sir'was the unswi'r.
" 'Is his as good as tlint ! '
" 'Much liner. '
" 'She must bo a daisy. '
"This sort of thing went on with every
vehicle of the kind that was passed until
finally , in the farthest corner thej
found Blank's hearse.
11 'Is that it ? ' asked the man.
"Yen , sir. '
"Ho toolr a long , critical look ntit.then
turning to his guide , said solemnly :
" 'You mark my word , there'll bo sui
cides in Kalamazoo.1 "
In rheumatism , to rub with , thn gen
uine Brown's Ginger. Frederick Brown ,
I'hiladolpnia , IStv' . Brown's Ginger 1 :
the best ,
The ladies of St. I'hillips church wil
give an entertainment at St. Barnabas
guild rooms , a o cor of Ittth and Culifor
niajits , this eye , July 7 , ' 87. . The public
St. Louis Controls the Only Property of tlie
Kind in this Country.
V Traveling Man Discovers Wtmt nn
Army of Henrclicrs Failed to
Find I'rouaulo LCfTcct of
( .the Discovery.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : In the ex
citement of mining for the precious me
als but few people heard of the orgnnlza >
Ion of tlie North American Asphalt com-
tany almost n year ago , and as a result its
irojcctors nnd ollicors hnvo gone ahead
inobsorved and unknown until now its
riends feel that they are almost on the
ivo of making public a venture so sue-
ostittil that it will be as valuable proba-
> ly as almost any silver mine in the
country. Those interested In It are
imong the most prominent business men
n the city , and for the reason that they
lave not yet fully demonstrated what
hey can do they are very reticent in
[ peaking of their expectations. The
iroporty is known as a mine , and con
sists of thirty claims nt Thistle station ,
Jtnh , about two hours' ride from Salt
, ako City. By right of location , if
lot original discovery , it belongs to
St. Vrain Lesieur , a clti/.on of Mis-
iouri. and formerly a traveling salesman
. 'or ' a St. Louis house. His attention was
called to the strange rock by the Mor-
nous , and examining it he concluded
hat It had some value , nnd taking spool-
nens he brought thorn here , where they
, vere pronounced asphalt. In the mean-
Jmu he located several claims , and later
Mr. A. Krieckhaus located several others
[ idjoimng , together making thirty , and
.ncluding all the land bearing the rock.
The company was then organized and
the claims turned over to it , and money
was at once advanced anil preparations
made to develop the purchase. Those
lirst in it were Messrs. Adolphus Btiseii ,
Uliarles Nagei , the Taussigs , Charles O.
linxter , A. Krieckhaus , the Orthwoins ,
Jharles Khlerman and August Nedder-
liur , with St. Vrain Lesieur , Mr. Busoh
joing president and with Messrs. H. P.
J'aussig and Charles Nagcl constituting
the executive committee. Prol. Klein-
sehmidt , the geologist , was employed to
examine the property , nnd he and his
chemists , to wnom samples had been
submitted , pronouncing it asphalt , com
munications were nt once opened up
with men in that business.
Among other samples were sent to the
Barber company , of Boston , the loading
asphaltum establishment in the country ,
and they pronounced it to bo a very val
uable discovery , and oll'ered , if given the
location of the property , to examine it
free of cost , and if it gave promise of
anything to take charge of its develop
ment and management , and take its en
tire product at the best market price.
1 hey had had men out nil over the coun
try with roving commissions , to discover
an asphalt deposit large enough to be
worked profitably. They had discovered
several small deposits , one particularly
in California , but they were all too small
and unpromising to warrant any expend
iture , and they had about abandoned the
idea of lindmg anything in this country
to relieve them of the necessity of looking
for supplies to Egypt , South America and
Cuba. As it is the'Kgytian asphalt finds a
ready market at * 120 a ton , the Cuban
at § 50 , and the Trinidad , South America ,
at $35 to | l ( ) , nnd they desired to be re-
leived of the necessity of paying such
prices. The only relief they had been
able to secure , however , was from thu
South American mine the product of
which , being carried ns ballast by re
turning ships , sold more reasonably ,
though from being a dull dark color ,
without nuy luster , it could not be used
for paint or varnish , and could only bo
utli/.ed for paving and other coarse pur
poses. Tlie St. Louis parties , however ,
were determined on managing the prop
erty alone , and , with that end in view ,
and to prevent any stock trading organ
ized"a very strong pool , including all of
the stockholders. Since then they have
been working steadily , have taken out
considerable of thu rock , developed the
property completely , and erected several
buildings , having money still in the
treasury for the purchase of the neces
sary machinery. The development
has established the fact that the
deposit lays in ledges , some o
which crop out on ( he surface. One ot
the lodges is twelve feet thick , and cov
ers almost the entire thirty claims. The
rook is almost blacic , having the appear
ance of asphaltum paving and is very
hard , but when broken and taken ous be
comes .soft and pasty. A piece of it laid
on a table in n warm room becomes so
strongly cemented to thu wood in a
couple of days that it is necessary to
chop away the wood to remove it. This ,
is haul , is the feature that attracted
attention , and the one probably that led
to the discovery.
As superintendent of the property Mr.
St. Vrain Lesieur has give : ; the rock a
great deal of study , anil , aided by the1
geologist and chemists , has endeavored
to analyze it anil decide as to the method
of reduction. Like most of the most val
uable gold and silver mines , its product
threatened to bo so refractory that
its treatment would bo very d.Hi-
cult and probably unprofitable. The
Trinidad deposit is boiled nnd skimmed ,
it being necessary to add oil to the mass
in treating it , but it was early discovered
that this treatment would not answer for
the L'tah donosit. In the latter , nature
has provided too great a proportion of
naphtha and oil. and some of it must bo
removed. It was found that when the
rock was taken out it became soft , and
that when put through the crusher it be
came very pasty and clogged the ma
chinery. Mow designs lor the latter
were made , and tests in a small way have
given such satisfactory results that com
plete machinery is now being constructed
in this city to reduce ten to twenty tons
a day , and if that is htill satisfactory ,
then the capacity will be increased from
lifty to one hundred tons. In this the
rock is dissolved so as to eliminate the
tand , and it is then driven into another
basin , where the asphaltum and oil are
bcimrateil , leaving the former pure. It is
said that there is no doubt whatever as to
the substance or quality , one of the ledges
alone being twelve feel thick , nnd the
only thing to bo demonstrated id
whether they can save a sufficient per
centage to make it profitable. From the
quality and appearance of the rock thr
product will be much superior to that ol
the Trinidad mines nnd available for
many other purposes than paving. II
could , it is claimed , bo used for thu Fatter
purpose without any treatment what'
ever , the only question being that oi
transportation , as the weight in sand and
oil would be very great. A test of lt >
paving qualities is now being made nl
the Anheuser-Busch brewery , whore tin
pavement nt the main entrance , ovei
which all the heavy hauling is done , wili
bo relaid with this crude material , Mas
tie , n mixture of chalk and KHIKI , witi
this product , has also been prepared hen
nnd laid in thn brewery , nnd hns beer
perfectly satisfactory , becoming as han
us rock ,
The company , as it is now organized
has a capital stock of $1,000.000 in fj :
share * , but if the reduction of the rock i
satisfactory it probablethat it wjl
bo increased , nnd that as an industry i
will branch out. making St. Louis the
loadqunrtcrs for asphaltum In this Coun
try , air. Buscli has exhibited n great
leal of interest in the future of the prop- ,
crty , ami Messrs. llassett 'and II. P. Taus-
slg have ouch made two trips to Thlstlo
Station , and are prepared toforwnrcd the
enterprise in nny way necessary. The
use of asphaltum has always been more
or less restricted In this country , because
of the fact that it had to bo Imported , and
asphalt dealers and men interested in
t i hare ngrecd that if it could be
'omul in millicicnl quantity iu
this country the use to which it could bo
jut would bo almost without number.
There nrosevernl new inventions in its
use , it is tnid , which hnvo never become
iroinlnent or the inventors of which hnvo
: iever been nblo to utilize , because of the
material and its cost. A number of these
ire based on the fact that asphalt is an
absolute non-conductor. If the Utah
llscovery enables the utilization of these
nveutions , it is said to uo probable that
t will result in the establishment of sev
eral manufacturing establishments here ,
ns the property is. under no circum
stances , for sale , nnil the people inter
ested in it propose to hold it in St. Louis ,
nnd to dispose of thu product here , or
Trotn here , ns all that will bo done at the
nine will be to relieve the rock of Iho
sand nnd oil the useless weight ? o as to
nako Us economical transportation pos-
Mother' * Smiles ( lie Sunll M of Homo.
There would bo fewer clouds and
> nghter sunshine in many households
f every dispirited , sulVcrinjr woman re
alized what a boon Dr. Picrce's "Favor-
to Proscription" is for all weaknesses
mil maladies to which her sex is liable.
No lady who gives this wonderful rem
edy a trial will bo disappointed by the
result. It not only nets promptly upon
nil functional derangements , but by Its
rare nervine and tonic properties
strengthens and repairs the whole femi
nine .svstem. Prices reduced to one dol-
ar. By druggists.
r.tnboily tl > f tiighrtt
flr tnthaprHnr , torn fort u
favorltetinftifMonabtfttrel' ; ,
Our name U I J . &T.COUSI N9 ,
n every sole. 1 NCWVORK.
It llko great men who waste thennelvps to mafeetho
world brighter. Saiiolio la a Bolld cake of Bcour-
lug Boap UK I for all cleaning pnrpoeca.
Lost to ehame la that woman who takes DO prlda
In her reputation , who drwa notcare to own a good
name for thrift and cloaultncea. If love for others
did not prompt a wlfo and mother to keep a tidy
liouio and a bright , rleau kitchen a regard for lioi
social stauJlug In society ought to teach her to UM
Bapollo In all her home-cleaning work. At nil
groc r . No. 8. ( CopyrlRht. March , 1887 ]
The Best and Safes
Vapor Stove Made.
C. W. Sleeper , bead of St. Marys' Av
James & Smith South , Omaha.
iTOVnileTrcurufneffda hrUr !
Horn fi'iKlMlro-al U * n.tlr IUII'
JTr > , conitjlii > d. Guraule illlio
only one In tin * wurlilirenpnulmr
aconllnuoui XItctHff it" WQQmlti
"rvrrent. Bclvntlllc , rowt-rful , llurable ,
-jmforUblo and EtToctlre. Aroltl frauds.
( T r O.oi 10 curort. Ronrt Ht imp for rnniiihlot.
N.W. Harris & Co.
115-117 MONROEsr.CHlCACOn ft Ulf ETDC
nfCoiintlca.Cltiea , TownsWntor ,
( inn , htrxut. C'o.'n a MHJC-
laity. UurrcBiHiinlencu eolleltrd.
\ \ nter\VirkH
SKA I.HI ) proposals will to rccolvci ] tit my
oil I CD until n p. in. .luljr 1L' , 1M7 , for the
construction and intimtoimnco ot u cfunplotu
Byctom of wutnrworKH lor the city ot Norfolk ,
Nub. r.iich bid must bo uciompmiled with
l > ] uni nnil gpecltlctitlrins.
The franchise will lie Rivon for twonty-flvo
yenis to tlio lo e t itnd licist bidder with proper
11 ml oijiiliublo condition * . MS to thu nnrcluigu of
the system liy the city nt the und of thu tonn ,
or Biicli earlier dnte an may lie provided for.
I'ropotnls muni lie fcaU-d nnd undorood : " 1'ro-
popula lorconstiuctliiK waterworks. "
The city ruscrrcs thu rltrht to rojuct uny or
fill .
Hy order of th8 mayor and oltv council.
W , UliUKCKi : , City Clerk.
Notice to Architect ! * ,
mill ! Hoard of Public Lands and lluil.llnird .
.i. will recnlvo plnns and Hpeuillcntlons ill uny
timebuforo Aujrtmt 1st , 187 , Ht2 p in. for the
liospltiil for the Incnrntilu Insiuiu , ut Hantlnir ,
Nebritnkn. Bulldlnir to bo 11 thrco-htory brli'k ,
with strino basemnnt.and not to cost ovur ! ! > , '
000 , Ir.cluJIntc stoatn licutlntf and plumbing.
Itlxht rotervod to reject nny or all planHuub-
inltted. Hy order of 9iild bonrd. Jillyn , 185" ,
July 8 to AUK 1 (1. ( U 1.AW3 , bfurctnry.
Notion to Contractors.
SiAIF.I : > proposals will bo received until July
" 'J , 13 7. HI tnii < ollicu for thu iniitorlul uni
workmanship required in the nrcctlon unt
completion of a bunk , hotel and ttnre bnlldlriK
tn hu built In AMilknd. Mnxo bids on building
ntiovo Inundation. 1'lans and epcclncntlanu
run liu H < en ut the otlk-o of Henry voss. uichl
tuculnOrnnhn , or at tlio Farmer * 4 Merchants
bank , Aeliluml ,
Tlio rl lit U reserved to reject any or all tdds
K. A. WiiJ.MIOHN.- ( :
( > Hlcp of K. A. WigKt-nhorB , Alhluud , Neb ,
Jul/SJCl „ '
the United States norcrnmcnt.
Indorsed liV tbo heiutnof the Ureit Unluirdttes
anil 1'nbllc Food An lfdt8 ii The StroDKep l'UMSl ,
and must lIosHM ul. lr. ) Price's ttio cnlj Unking
Powder that doca tint contain Ammonia , Urn * ot
i. Dr. J'rlco > KxtracU , Vanilla , ] , mnn , etc. .
ontollclouslj. P1UCK 11AKINU VOWDUUCO.
Sick Headache ,
Biliousness ,
Constipation ,
Tiio fore tiT iipp li ncoi'la fool ,
HnitvTvr Unlit mnr \ > u tlivlr nival ,
Mionli ! no'or IIP MifriMf d luropo'o ,
* ml lirueil Unln of nmvcr vuiu .
Wiicn pnrfprl licnltli Hiry 'VW.f"ro
IhruiiKliTAHIt AM'S fehl/fthlltnfc m.rteurc
Itjiroducoi Practical Remits In
Kea tlng never befor * attained la any
CooVlng Apparatus , and will
. Food HnVo < l or Routed. nhoaMlM
Infmhar fiMlf 4mllU.I toUi O7.o. ThliUdonn
LrdlwiirdlnatliaeloMonn door her tofor yypd n *
mbrtllutlnnfor It door containing k ah otot nlr i
Onun ourlr at lure * u Uiu d or lliaK.
Through thin Gauze Door the. air freely
circulate * , facilitating therrocoaiof eoualnii.an4
oroduclm fob-l Itmt ta nnjunall.d In flntor iiji nu ,
irlUon.and actually cooked fcittt l ia couaumoUou ot
fuel than In an oven with 8 elwed door.
Ittnakea anenormout enTinglnthaweUM otmeat.
It also produce * larffertoaves of Bread.
tvaulm l 3 attention from the cook , am ! protnewj
the li lth of the family br tna euriBioa QUAUTt
MBB. MART H. WrLcir.ToacliprUoraecitloEopnomr.
fonaSUte UnUer ttT.mril "Sly dellboratn Judgment
ii that theoTim of the lungs. n compared w Uh other ,
li not only more equally heated In evury rart-tront a4
well a > renr-IJUtimiroiultof Ita aiiwlor jentllatlcB .
the food placed thvraln ( ebetterrookcd. whllyretaln.
InBmwfotcrflovor.nnd a largvr proiiortlouof Iteheet
luicwi. 1 tlnd , aluo. Hint the con imintlonof fuel IntuU
ltauiu U much luta than any other for sumo notk.
BOLD IN NEBRASKA at follows :
P. KliNNIiY , . . COHUOM.
K. C. HREWBR . HAY biklNos.
W. F. TEMPI.KTOM , . Nutson.
N.J. JOHNSON , . _ N .HT" BEND ,
) . } . . .IcCAFFERTY , . O'NEItl. ClTV.
Veterinary Surgeon
Graduate of the Royal College of Voter
nary Surgeons , Lonilon , En huul.
Ofllcc , licnham's Stable , 118 North 10th
Street , Omaha.
thli p ciftertirixn , CimEor
. - il .1 U TIV VTlAKNKHfl , glf.
. _ - . inuoui , mllil , teething eurrrnu ef
Y llrdlrcclly tfcri'ujl. nil ncik | - in.rmor-
- - - „ . , - . - " 'to health n"dvl ornuB filrcnffih. Ehctrie
Cumiit VlAc-rcltlnittmlror vor rfcJIV' ' < i' > Incxh.
Orcftteit Improvement * oftt ft II othf r 1 > II * . Vrorrt rain t > r
munvntly rurtiltnthrremonUii. 6 < alnl | iamiilikt4r. tamp
The Sanden Electric Co. 109 LaSalic ! „ Chicago
Decker Brothers
* * "STREET. " - TilO
Uinihi : : , Nu bnirlui.
ilMl ( ( MtlUllll
Oraalia , JSTo'ta.
Paid up Capital . . . $850,000
Surplus . 42,600
II.V. . Yules , President.
A. K. Touzalin , Vice-President.
W. II. S. IJti huH , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
11. W. Yates , Lewis S. Keud.
A. K. Totr/.uhn.
1JAN K IN(77)FFrCK ( ;
Cor. 12th uml Furnam Uts.
A General Hunkinr HnsinusH Tninsiuitu
ciiHcariirftd. No knUc.ilruKHorcluiirpH uncdv
Add , V. 0. Supply Uo.lloiJii , fal. oulb , Mo.