Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Bccelpts Away Below Expectations On
Everything Except Wheat.
A Very Noticeable Absence of nijr
Local Trndc Mlcl-Hunimnr Dull
ness IJYO | Block Hluw ana
CincAfio. July 7. [ Special Telegram to
iho UKK.I Kucclpts this morning \\ero way
below expectations on e\or > thlnj { except
wheat Twenty cars of this came ID , eleven
ot them belnz winter. Corn was llfty-slx
cars , or thirty less than the estimate. Oats
were forty-six earn , about sixteen less than
WRH figured on. Curb prices on wheat were
with jesterday's closing , 71c. The regular
board , however , opened at "IJtfc , out quickly
went up to Xc , it was generally coiiBldured
ninniiK speculative Interests that the very stc-
tlvo shipping Inquiry for corn ycbterday
would be continued to n more or less greater
extent this morning and would make this pit
an attractive onu for speculators , but thu
ODonliiK did not bear them out. August corn
started at % } < c , sold at .V > % c sparingly , then
dropped to 'Mc nnd recovered toijCXc.
Local Hiieculatlon had quite a uutiked elTcct
on prices during the first hour of the session ,
putting wheat up to ? Jc nnd corn back to the
opening prices , 'M @ 'V % . Whlluo\erjthlng
was lirnicr , there was no .special rush to buy ,
nnd more operators devoted themselves to
corn than to wheat As the day advanced ,
It became evident that a sort of mid-summer
lethargy had settled over the wheat pit. An indisposition -
disposition to do more than a modulate scalp
ing business was very marked. Uuylnt :
noted earlier put August tin to WJf betoru
noon , but was not quite biilliclcnt to hold it
there. Market uo.islp ot the kind Usually
started on the lloor , or received irom eastern
points , and to bo had of almost anybody for
the asking , was utmost wholly nilssiiiir. Such
RS was In rhculatlon was of MI poor a quality
as not to bo worth repenting. Kxporters
at the sea board appear to be. moving
wheat with a good deal ot freedom ,
nnd to this fact Is attilbnted n large share of
what seems to bo the inherent strength In
tlmtiuain. But the one thing against it is
nn entire absence of big Iscal trade which is
usually a prominent feature nnd which glvc.s
a distinctive character to the whole market.
The leaders seem to have either uono down
with the corner or to have been freightened
out of their usual tactics. Thu bcalpini ; trade ,
while of considerable volume In the aggre
gate ] Is In nil other respects n light and su
perficial trade , moving with the market in
stead of making It and canying little or no
weight or Influence. To-day's session closed
with wheat at 72 c.
A bearish tendency In corn only assesrtcd
itself on the early drop to : 'Wjc. At that
point thu sentiment changed com
pletely , values responding by a reaction
of k'c , carrying August up to Mi'fc '
but It couldn't quite bo held there. The
volume of business was considerable , but
widely distributed. Thu prevalent Idea In
the pit Is that corn Is cheap , and that some
body will take advantage of the price and
put the market up aiounaUGc. The market
was very steady.
Provisions were dull and easier , but de
clines were small.
Hogs were lower nnd the packing crowd
were bearish on lard and short ribs , lint thu
trade was too light for them to do nn > thing
remarkable In the way of changing the gen
eral course of values. Severn ! heavy opera
tors were anxious to sell short ribs , but lind-
Ing no bujers , turned In and endenvoied to
bid thu maikct up to bell on , but the last
sales were 'JJ c below yesterday's close.
Auu'iist opened at S7.5.r > , sold at ST.IWJtf up to
SfT.OO , and closed with sellers at that price.
Lard for August sold at S0.4bK0 , and
'closed at S0.4 ! > ® 0 , ? } { , a decline ot liTKc from
CiilCAno , July 7. [ Special Telegram
to the UIIK.J OATTI.K Trndn again slow
and unsatisfactory , with prices as low as at
flany time on big fat cattle ; how much lower
than last week it Is not easy to get ( it , as
values are so Irregular and unsettled it Is
next to Impossible to make Intelligent com
parisons. A load of very fat steers , averag
ing 1,500 , sola to nn exporter nt 84.20 , and
several loads sold to nn exporter of dressed
beef ns low as S4.UO to SI to , out of which
quarters will ho selected for British markets.
Late yesterday S4 GO@4.M ) was paid for a few
loads ot so-railed fancy steers , yet equally ns
useful could have been had at SI.U5. Very
peed fat steers , such ns will suit the dressed
beef trade , sold down to SH.75rM.b5 ( , nnd
when buyers for that trade paid lifgher than
S4.CO the quality had to bo excellent. Na
live butchers' stock continues to go out nt
very low figures , with no show for Im
provement. Texans were plentiful and
sold about the name as yesterday , or
way lOc to 15c lower than last week.
Texas cows , hulls and yearlings bollliu : at
SiOOtj'J.M. bteers 8S 40i2.lKi ( , Indians 8'J. ) @
53..W , htoekers and feeders celling substan
tially higher than hist week. Veiil calves ,
when of the right quality , make good
prices. Shipping teors , l&VJ to IfOJ ins.
S3.UOC4t.45 ; 1'JOO to 1 ! 0 Ibs , S3.fiO ( < i > 4.10 ; UuO
to 11MX ) Ibs. : vAX < * : ' .Ti : btockeis xnd feeders ,
8'J.OO@'Jo : ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.40. ? . < Z >
a.00 ; steers. 83 40@a.40 ; Indians. 3.00fcjii.7j' ;
cows , Sioo@ > . : ! o.
lloos There was a shorn down turn of
6(3Ute In this market , vet at the dropbusiness
was active with considerable of a stronger
tone at the close than nt the opecint : . ( , ieat
bulk sold between 85.15 and S.VJO lor either
light mixed or heavy. A lew tnucy nt 55.25
and n tew loads of fair mixed at 13.10. York
ers 85.15gS.UO. (
Chicago. July 7. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Kcoe'.pw , 10,000 : slow nnd a shade
lower ; shipping Htet-rs. * 3.2&54.45 ; stockers
and feeders , V2.00C43.20 ; COVTH , bulls and
inlxrd , (1.403i.OO : ; Texas cattle , S2.0ft33.40.
Hogs Keceipts , IK.OOO : market heavy ;
rough and mixed. 54.WXit5.10 ; packlnc and
Shipping , * 5.10 ( 5.25 J light , 54.U55.25 ;
Bklps , S3.00@4.bO.
Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; market strong ;
natives , lvi.MfC4.t5 ) ( : ; wcsteru , 33.OWfJl.70 ;
Tuxans , > 2.CO < 4.00 ; lambs , per head , S4. : < 0@
National Htock Yard * . Kant Ht.
IJOUIB , III. , July 7. Cattle KecelpU ,
1.000 ; shipments. 2,100 ; steady ; choice na
tive steers. 84.'i'4.40 ; fair to good ship
ping StflfTM ! lSOrrf-l.Qf ) * hntnhnra' unnr rnv
to cnoli
, . . .
b Receipts , 2.NX ) ; shipments , none ;
steady ; choice heavy nd butchers' Milec-
tlons. SS.15Q5.25 ; packers and Yorkers. 85.00
(35.15 ( ; pigs , common to good , $4.r > o < ff5.ou.
Kama * City. July 7. Cattlti Uecelpts ,
1,800 ; shipments. 1,500 ; best corn-fed cattle
steady ; common and grassers weak nnd n
shade lower ; good tocholco corn-ted , S3.'JO ( < $
4.10 ; common to medium , S3.iiVa3.bO : ; stock-
rrs , 8'i40in75 ( ; feeding steers , SibO < 7 < 3.lO ;
cows , 5i.MKii3.oo.
HOCJ Uecelpts , 8,400 ; shipments , ' . ' .100 ;
weak and a shade lower ; common to choice ,
I4.00i35.00 ; sklpH and pigs , 53.00(04.40. (
NEW VOIIK , July 7. ( Special Telegram
to the URK.I STOCKS There y\ero no
especially startling developments In the
stork market to-day. The opening was slow
but stmuly. tuid on principal stocks fraction
ally higher , some advances extending to X
per cent. London was the buyer of Heading ,
lAjulsville A Nashville nnd St. Paul , nnd the
Utter was reported - percent higher. West
ern Union was strong on expectations that
the llaltlmoro A Ohio deal will surely gc
through within a few days ; also on advices
from London that prices on American cable
stocks had advanced 5 points since yesterday
noon. Slaybnck was n largo purchaser ol
Northwestern , and his purchases were ssltl
to bo for Gould. The short interest In the
cenerul list Is largo , but dcspltu the cheap-
mine of money and large ofTeti of loans ai
Bfl X P r cent by Sage and Wcnnsor , the
absence of a leader and the dlslntcrettcdnes !
of the public prevented the bull * fiom taklnc
them with any degree of life , and the boari
by frequently hammering the market pre
vented any marked advances , tit. 1'aul broki
W l > r cunt on the Bulling of Durand am
Slayback. Insiders are supporting stocks
until after thoQOth , as Iho new rights expire
on that date , and they do not care to hnvo a
decline , ns It might prevent subscriptions
Irotn coming In freely. Jlnnj ot tbn stocks
were bid up to sell , nnd that prevented many
of the best traders from taking hold. The
bears wcrn nfter bull pools In Omaha nnd
New ISncland. Their raids only forced
pilccs down l } { t > er cent on New England
nnd X per cent on Omaha , but rallies of K@
$ i per cent quickly followed , Cotton oil
trusts which were the weakest yesterday
were the reverse to-day , nnd advanced 3'/ '
per cent , but broke { per cent. They were
evidently forced too low , and the raldeis
paid the penalty. The market remained
quiet during the Inst hours. Grangers u ere
\\eak under the belief that their earnings In
the near future will not show such large In
creases as for some tlmo past , owing to n
lighter crop movement. Heading nnd cotton
oil wcte linn , and closed nt almost outside
figures. The market on the whole was a dls-
appointment to the boars. Coal stocks ,
Union 1'ncltic , Now Kngland , Western
Union , Louisville & Nashville and Pacific
Mall closed > \ @ > .i per cent hleher , cotton oil
% per cent higher , St. Paul closed % per
cent lower , Noithwestern ff per cent lower ,
Missouri 1'ncilic. > { percent lower. The total
sales weie UO : > , T'J4 shares , against UUIV335
shares yesterday.
UovEii.VMn.VTS Government bonds were
dull and heavy.
U. H. 4'n coupon .127KC. it N. W . 117/ }
U. S. 4X'scnup..lOS do preferred. . . 14 ?
1'acllie 1 ( Vs ot " .n..liit : N. Y. 0 . HW
CanadnSoulli'n. . 57 ! . , ' < ) . U. &N
Ontial Paciliu. . 31 O. T
Chicago * Alton.150 I'.iclhcMnil
do preferred..HJO p. , i ) . & i :
C. , 11. A O 144 PiilImanPuI.Uar.150
O. , L. & W 13'tX Heading 57
I ) . &H.O US' . ; Rock Island . . . .129
Krio 81 Bt. L. AH. K. . . .
rti preferred. . . . 70 do nrelcrrnd. . . . 75J
Illinois Ontial. . 122 U. , M. & St. 1' . . . ! J !
I. , II. .t W 21J < do preferred. . 121
K. it T 2SJ < St. P. .te O M }
LakisShmo U7 do prefened..ll2
L. it N. G2J ( Tcxns 1'acllic. . . . 2J ! )
Michigan O"1' ' S7H Union 1'aollic. . . . 57
Mo. Pacific JOJ ? < SV. . St.' . . . 18 }
No. Paclllc 4'f do jircforrcd. . 'ta'
do preferred. . . . \V. U. Telegraph
MONKY ON CALL Wns t'asy at 4 ( < ? ( lpcr
cunt , last loan 4 ; closed ollered ut 2 per
53TK.iu.iNO KXCIIANOE Dull and steady at
Si.b-iX for sixty day bills , and f lor du-
iiiund. _
Chlcaeo. July 7. Following quotations
nrnthu 2:30clot > lui ; lieures ;
Flour Quiet and steady.
Wheat Quiet early , later became stroni ?
and closed KG above yesterday ; cash , 7U > ; c ;
August , 723-lOn ; September , 74'4c.
L Corn 1'ulrly active hut unsettled , closing
KKc ahovo yesterday ; cash , PpOS-iCc ;
August , HGll-lCc ; Seotenibor , 37 0-lfic.
Oats Stronger , closlnc J < c ahovo ytstor-
ay ; cash. 25ijc ; ; August , 25 ii-10c ; ; Septein-
jer , 20 > | c.
Uyu Dull at 4Sc.
Jiarley-'Dull at OOc for September.
Klnx Seed-51.12.
Timothy Seen Prime , 82.20.
I'ork Quiet and steady ; cash , S15.00 ®
(1 ( .00.
l.ard-Qulot ; declined "X ( 10c , and closed
t iiu'diuin liL'uros : c.ish , SU. 10 ; Anmibt , $0.45
tHi.47H' ; September , so.5. > ti.57 .
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 55.50@5.CO ; short
ilrar , S7.b5Ctt7.yO ; short rihs , 87.43cJ7.47 ( .
Butter b'lrm tor choice ; medium steady ;
creamery , 15@19 > s dairy , HJfOHr c.
Cheese Finn ; full cream uhcddarH , S >
lints. bXfe''c ' ; jouug Americas , 9 o
Kirgs-Firin at i2(313c. (
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy grren salted 7J-.fc ;
icht do , 7 ( rjbc ; salted bull hides , Oc ; green
alted calf. : * ! ; dry Hint , 12iJo : ; dry calf ,
"itfJHc ; deacons , 40oeach ; dry salted , 10i\
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
liiotablu at4c ; No. 3 , Ue ; cake , 4c.
Rocoints. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 130,000 lb.000
Vheat , hu 7.tOO 122.000
; orn , hn 20.000 2S52.000
Oats , bu 10U.OOO 100,000
tye. bu ' . ' ,000
Uailoy. bn 2,000 1,000
New York. July 7. Wheat Receipts.
_ TO.W)0 ) ; exports , 101,000 ; _ spot generally firm
and In some cases 'iKcliuher , closing
itront ; ; options opened steady , later declined
, GJ c but subseiiiiently ruled stroiiKcrand
advancud J@Ufe ( { , closini : lit near the best
rates. Ungraded red. 7 ( utbSKc ; No.3 red ,
! ? 4fni > c ; No. 1 red , nominal ; No. 2 red ,
JMf ! > 7c in elevator , hS @bbKo alloat , 7l {
s7 > jo fue on boaul ; August closing at
' "c.
Corn-Kceolpts , 59,000 ; exports , 15,000 ;
.pot lots quiet and generally steady ; options
, 'i@Kc ' lower , closing heavy. Ungraded , 45
e ; No. 2 , 45@45 > < o In elevator , 45 > @
tliillveied , the Litter next week ; August
closing 4c. ( !
U.iLs Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , 875 ; K'OXo
ilizher ; mixed western , y.5u,3Ce ( ; white webt-
ern. 8 > > ( fi4UXc.
Petroleiim Klrm ; United closed at GlJi'c.
I'ork tjteaily wltli moderate demand.
Lard Lower but moderately active ; west
ern steam spot , SO.bO@l.is5. (
Uutter Klrm ; demand fair : western , 10@
10 > o ; western creameiy. 15@lUV c.
Cheese Quiet and rather weak ; western ,
'IcggsStu.uly , with moderate demand ;
western , Iru.sli ,
Minneapolis , July 7. Wheat Finn ,
No. 1 hard , cash , T c ; August , 71'fc ; tiep-
tember , "Gc ; No. 1 northern , cash , 724c ;
August , 73 > < e ; September , 75c ; No. 2 north
ern , cash , 71c : August , 72c ; September ,
7bHc. On truck : No. 1 haul , 75c ; No. 1
northern , 74o ; No. 2 northern. T.'c.
Flour-Firm ; patents. 54.20S4.GO ; bakers' ,
S4.XXu4.40. :
Receipts Wheat , 31,400 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 1,400 bu ; Hour , 17,000
Milwaukee. July 7. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2. 71'fc ; August , 72Xc ; September ,
6orii Steady : No. 3,3Gc.
Outa Quiet ; No. 2 white , 31c.
Rye fcusier ; No. 1 , 55c.
Hat ley Low ei ; September , 03c.
Provlslons-Steitdy. Pork July , 814.50.
Olnotnnatl. July 7. Wheat Active and
stronger : No.'J red , 7i : > fiS74Kc. (
Corn in good demand , lirm and higher ;
No. a mixed , 40 > fi41c. (
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SOc.
Rye In good demand ; No. 2 , GOgGlc ( ;
new , 50c.
Pork-Oulet at 815.00.
Lanl-Weaker at SO.15CtO.20.
Whbsy Steady at
St. Iiouls , July 7. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
7 Jh@74 ; c ; August. 74ilc. ;
Coin Strong and higher ; cash. SSJ iitfKic :
August , : cio.
Oats Jlctter but quiet ; cash , 20Jfc ; August
Pork-Slow at 815.50.
Lard-Dull at iO.25.
Whisky Steady at S1.03.
Uutter Firm and slightly higher ; cream
ery , 10@ll > c ; dairy , 12 < vjlGc.
Kanuati City , July 7. Wheat No trans
Corn Strong ; No. 2 cash , SVc ; August
29Hc bid : September,30 t ! nskod.
Oils August , 202c bid , 2lc asked.
N w OrleuiiN , July 7. Corn Dull
weak nnd lower : mixed , 47@47Kc ; yellow
47Kif4bc ( ; white , M ( 55o.
Oats Quiet but steady at SO Vlk'c.
Cornmeal-Qulet and linn at S2.IXXg2.33.
Hog 1'roducts Unsettled , but generall' '
higher ; pork , 15,00 ; lard , retiiicd , tlorce
Hulk Moats Shoulders , 55.S7K ; Ipng cleai
and clear ribs , $7.75 ,
Liverpool , July 7. Wheat Quiet hu
steady , with the demand poor ; holders otic
Corn Dull and lower ; mixed western , 3
lO.'td per cental.
Thursday , July 7.
The run of cattle continues light and tlier
were only about half as many in to-day a
ycsterdny. Thtmi was a llttlo letter demain
tor good dressed beef steers and the marke
WKsinom active. Seveial bunches chancei
hands , both native and wwtcin steers. Yal
ueb remain about steady at preyiout nuot
The rccnlpt * ot hogs were fairly heavy an
at compared with yesterday there was n gall
ol 200 head , Vlig market opened iUonu an
actlrr at yesterday's prices One load of
good heavy hogs reached 84.15. * Taking the
quality of the hoes Into confederation , which
was good , the market was about steady. The
bulk of the hogs were sold out early but a
few , mostly Into arrivals , were not sold until
In the afternoon. The market closed at about
the opening prices with everything sold.
Theie were none In and nothing dolnz ,
Cattle 400
Hogs 4,000
Horses 43
Prevailing Price * .
Showing the prevailing urlcai paid for lira
stock on this market :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 ltH..S4.00UO
Choice steers , 1100 to l"OJ U > 3. . . 3.bO@4.00
Fat llttlo steers IKW to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3..W ( < : i.75
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.50ri : i.70
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75(33.00 (
Common to medium cows 2.25 < ii2.iV
Uond to choice bulls 2.7 < i3.00
Lltfht and medium hoes 4.70 ( < il.M )
Coed to choice heavy hogs 4.bO4.U5
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.7o(44.b5
Live Stock Solil.
Showlngthu number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
II. Hammond & Co . 343
Swift . 77
larrls & Fisher . 34
, oc l . 2S
Shippers . 47
Total . 529
Vnglo-Amerlcan Packing Co . 3.270
U. Hammond < k Co . 4il !
SqulieaitCo . K'3 '
Armour i\cCo . 0 , ' > 5
Total . 4012
leld over . , . 70
Showlnc the number of cittlo. ho s and
sheep .shipped Irom the vardd during thu day.
No. cars. Ut. Dcat
! ! . > T. W . Chicago
3 . C. U.A : Q . Chicago
4 . U.I . : . Chicago
3 . . .U. 1. . Joliet
All silos ot stock in this market are made
Mir ewt II vo wolelit unless othurwlsu stated.
Dead hogs sell at e per Ib. for all weights.
'Skins , " or ho' 3 welshing loss than 100 las ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 lUi.
and atagsSO His , by tlm oiiblio iuspeutor.
Ijivo UtouK Notes.
Hogs all sold.
Quality of hogs good.
Armour on the market.
Cattle market unchanged.
Cattle a llttlo nurj active.
Hogs averaged 01 to the car.
S. K. Kaciett , Solomon , was In nnd sold a
oad of cows.
J. M. Abraham , Valley , was hero and mar
keted a load of hogs.
A. P. Cox. iWeepinc Water , was at the
yards with a load oi cattle.
11. Ford , Marquette. was In with a load of
cattle and two loads of ho.-s.
D. S. Stowait , North Loup , was In and dis
posed of a load otahogs.
O. K. Paddock , Perclval , Ta. , was at the
yards and maiketed a load of hogs.
Court Ilorlnolshack again alter spending
n week in Chicago at his old home.
ir. Holstcln , Scriunor , was in and mar
keted a load ot 258 Ib. hogs ut 5 > 4..i2i .
J. F. Pumphrey. Friend , was among those
in with hogs , and marketed two loads.
J. P. Latta , Tekamaha , canto in with six
loads ot cattle which sold on the market.
Among those In with hogs was J. W.
James , Stromsburg , who marketed one load.
George Green , the well-known commission
man , has returned Irom a week's visit to Chi
cago.Mr. . Weir , of the North American Cattle
company , Nellgh , was in with two loads of
F. S. Trekel , Cortland , a frequent shipper
to thn yards , was in and disposed of a load
of hogs.
C. U. Churchill , David City , was In with
two loads of > ery good western cattle fed by
W. L. llarrett , a shipper from Weeping
Water , came in with n load of hogs which
sold on the market
W. M. Hurting , David City , came in with
three loads ot good nati\o catile that biought
thu top tor this week.
Mr. Underwood , of Underwood & Co. , the
well known poiK packer ot Chicago , was
among the visitors at the yards.
August Arrens , Howard , left a load of
hogs on his way to thu city to bell milling
btutl from his Crystal liolllng mills.
Robert Neill , ( manager , and J. M. Doud ,
hog buver for T. J. Llpton , will remain in
their old places under thu new management.
II. S. M. Spcllman , a well known feedei
of Tekamah , was In with a load of cattle and
a load ot hogs which sold at very satisfactory
Theodore Wtdaman , Aurora , Neb. , pamoln
with a load of hogs ot his own fmlmj ,
which averaged 34b Ibs. and sold at S4.'J5 , tin
ton of the market.
The regular meetlnc ; of the Nebraska
Livestock Shi pliers' association will he held
at the Kxchangti Hotel , South Omaha
Wednesday , July 18. lbb7 , at B p. m.
General Produce.
Tnursday. July 7.
flic Jollmctnij are the prices ( it tr/ilcJ /
round lota ufjtrmluce tire sold in this mar
Jiff , flic ( { notation * OH fruit * itnd atltc
cmimo < ; ilr ( > MHJIJIK ! nt/row it distance an
the iirlccn ut u'ltlcli ittitxhlc urdera nn : tilled
Ktins The receipts are fully equal to tht
demand. Stocks were moving to-day utllfe
l c *
HtiTTKH The receipts are heavy am
stocks have to be moved quickly to proven
accumulations. Thorn Is very llttlo of ever
thu best dairy butter that coes at more that
12'u. Fair to good butter is soiling at I'te '
CHEESE Full cream Cheddars , single
9Kc ; full cream Hats , wins , lOo ; Youut
Americas , llo ; fancy Swiss , 20c : Swiss 1m
ported , 25c ; LlmburKer. 12c ; brick , 13@16c.
POTATOES Stock of all kinds Is ? carco
Old potatoes ate golne at Wd(1.00 ( , necord
ing to quality. New potatoes at 2& . > Xc i > e
QAMEThcre Is very llttlo game In scasoi
at the present time and while the weather I
so warm it has to be handled with a irroa
deal of care. Plover sells at 81.25 per duz.
aud curlew at 81.00 per 4o&
POUI.TIIY There are a good many chick-
ns coming In. holh bid Yowls nnd spring
hlckcns , and the market Is a little unstable ,
hero beluga good demand one day and a
ery light demand the next. Old fowls are
moving at 52.85CW.OO , with an occasional coon
of fancv nt S3.25' ; conuV sprltnr chickens are
old at 'SS.fiOta3.oo. There is no other kind of
poultry coming In , nt least not enough to
nako a market. MM
upply of raspberries and blackberries Is
ery limited. Blueberries .nre more pleutl-
ill. Strawberries about played out. Cher-
les scarce and wanted. Peaches from the
otitli arriving mostly In'tmd condition ; Call-
ornla stock more de.slrhb6. | Some box ap-
> les arriving : black -raspberries , per
4 ( it case , SI.40 ; red raspberries , per
\ please. e.1.00@3.25) blackberries , per 21
it case , S5.00 ; blueberries , per 1 bu stand ,
S.00(34-00 ( ; blueberrle4 , per 12qtbox , 51.5004
.75 ; plums , per one-third bn box , 81.35 :
leaches , southern , per half bu box. S1.50 ;
apples , .southrcn , per half bu box , 75c ; apples ,
per bbi. S5.00.
VEdiiTAiu.KS The market Is now well
upplied with a large variety of choice homo
: rown stock. New potatoes , Cal. . per Ib ,
! @ 2)c ) ; now onions , per bbl , S1.50 , per hu
> ox , SI.50 ; tomatoes , per } * bn box , S1.25 ;
omatoes , per crate box , S'.bO ; cabbage per
crate , S4.00.
LKMONS Kxtrn fancy , per box , 57.00 ; 5
mx lots. 80.50 ; fancv , 50.50 ; choice. S5.00 :
holce , 5 box lots , 5"s.50.
UANA.VAI. Choice stork , S3.00Q4.00.
CAMKOHNIA Fituns Kaitlett pears have
irrl\ednn the market Apricots , per20lb
) ox. 81.75 ; plums , per 20 Ib box , Sl.J.V
iruiies , per 20 Ib box , 51.75 ; peaches , nor 20
b per box , S1.7B ; llartlett pears.'per40lb box ,
53.51) ) ; icd Astradian apples , tier box , S2.)0.
WAiT.itMKi.ONS Watermelons , ( Jeorgla ,
per 100 , Si5. :
OBA.VOIIS The market Is bare to-day ,
tlverslilo Mediterranean Sweets , per I ox.
55.00 ; 5 box lots , 81.75 ; Santa Anna , 54.50 ; 5
lox lots , S 1.25.
General Markets.
VAIINISIIKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , e.xtia , St.10 ; fuinlture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , fcl.4 ( ) ; coach. No. 1,51.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 51.75 ; Jiiimn , 70c ; iisiihnltum ,
extra , S5c ; shellac , § 3.50 ; hard oil finish ,
Ditv PAINTS White load,7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 2K'c ; whiting , gilders ,
-5ie ; whltlnif , com'l , life ; lampblack , Her-
miutown , I'-'c : lampblack , oidlnary , be ;
Prussian blue,55c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; Vandyke
'HOWn , be : umbur , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c :
ieniiii , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; 1'aris
green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
J2c ; chrome green. N. V , 0c ; vcrmllllon ,
American. Ibc ; Indian , raw and burnt
imucr , 1-lbcans , l-'c ; raw and burnt sienna
2c ; vantlyKo brown , 13c ; lehned lamp
black , 12c ; coach black anil Ivory black lOc ;
drop blacK , lOc : ultramarine black , ISc ;
chrome gieeu , L. , M. & D. , ICc ; blind nnd
shutter trrccn , L. , M. > t D. , lOc ; Pails green ,
20c ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red Sc ) ; Tus
can , 22c ; American vermlllion. L. it 1) . , 20c :
vt'llow oelne , 2e ; L. M. AO. 1) . , Ibc ; good
> chre , ICc ; patent dryer , Sc ; graining color ,
icht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , 12o.
Duucm AND CHEMICALS. Acid carbolic ;
Kic ; acid tartaric , 52c ; bakam copaiba , per Ib ,
We ; bark sasafrass , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per
b , 7ticchlncliondla ; ! , per nt,25a ; chloroform ,
per Ib , 50c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 51.25 ;
jpsom salts , per Ib , 8 > fc ; glycerine , pure , per
b , HOe ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20e ; oil , castor ,
No. 1 , per gal , Sl.OO ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per
pal , SI.40 ; oil , olive , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , orlg-
nnnum , 50e ; opium. 54.50 ; quinine , P. & W.
and K. & S. per 07 , 70c ; potos.slum , iodide ,
per Ib. 53.25 ; salicin. nvr o . 40c ; sulphate
morphine , per o53.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
strychnine , per oz , Si.10 ,
PAINTS IN On , White le ad , Omr.ha.PP.
CJ c : white lead , St. louis , pure , 7c ; Mar
seillrs , green , 1 Ib cans , Kic ; French zinc
pieenseal , 12c ; Fiench xlnc , led seal , lie ;
French zinc , in varnish abst. , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermlllion , Kngllsh , in oil , 75o ;
red , lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2 > fo ; Venetian red , American , lj < fp ;
led lead , 7' ' < fc ; chiomu yellow , genuine , 20o ;
chiome yellow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , : ic :
ochre , Fiench , 2840 ; ochio , American U c ;
Winter's mineral , 2Kc : Lehigh brown , 2 c ;
Spanish brown.2' c : Prince's mineral , 3c.
Si'iitiTh Cologne spirits , Ibb proof , 51.10 ;
do 101 pioof , 51.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 51.10 ; do IbS proofS1.09. Alchohol.
IbS iiroof , S2.10 per wine cnllon. Uedist'Ilod '
whiskies , 81.OOQI.50. IJIn blended 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00WO.OO ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00g0.50 ( ;
Colden Sheaf bouibon nnd rye whiskies ,
S1.5C@3.00. Brandies , Imported S5.OOrtJS.50 :
domestic , 51.3u 3.00. Gins , Imported , 54.50
ftTO.OO : domestic , 81.2503.00. Champngnes
ImporM , per ease , S28.00@33.00 ; American
per cu'c. > io.00@10.00.
gHiiis ) Oreen butchers' , SJrffgOc : green
cured , 7' ' e ; dry flint , ll ( 12c : dry bait , 0@10c :
erenn calf skins. 8c ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tnllow 3c. Grease Prime
white-ic : jellow , 2e : brown , lVc. , Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.HAiinwAitB
HAiinwAitB Iron , rate 82.70 ;
lees , sawed , diy , Sl.OO ; tongues , each , bOc ;
axles each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , f > @ c.
coil chain , per Ib. G > f@13c ; malleable , 8@lOc ;
Iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth ,
4 > ifc ; spilng Bteol , 4@5c ; Hurden's horse ,
shoes , 84.75 ; liurden s mulH shoos , 85.75.
H.uhed wire , in car lots , 84.CO per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , S2.GO ; steel nails.
Grocer's List.
COFFHE Ordinary grades , 19.VS20) ( ) ct'alr ; ,
SO&aic ; prime. ai@23 ; choice , ! < g24 ; fancy
preen and yellow , 23@25c ; old goverui eut
Java , 23@'toe ; Interior Java , 2l@2fie ;
SVWP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.30@1.32 ;
iiew Orleans , per cation : ftjJ40c ( ; ninplo
syrup , halt hbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gnllon cans , per doz , S10.W ; halt gallon
cans , per doz , 8r > .50 ; quart cans S.'l.OO.
CAM > V Mixed , 8 > < @llo ; stick , i. . _ . .
CBACKKIIS Uarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4KC j creams , 7) ) c ; ginger snaps,7J < c ;
city soda , 7 > ic.
PICKKI.S Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do 1
half bbls , $4 ( K ) ; small , In hbls , S3 00 ; do , i
halt lilils , 84.51) ) ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.00 ; do
in half hbls , 85.00.
SuoAit Granulated , 8X186X0 ; conf. A,0 < c $
; white extra C , 5C < > 5c ; extra C. B } $ < a
. . ; yellow C. s @ 5 c ; cut loaf , C iQOc ;
powdered , OJi7c.
CA.v.vr.D UOODS Oysters , standard , per
case. 82.933.10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case ,
S2.30 ; raspberries , 2lb. per case , S2.35@2.45 ;
California pearsper caseS4 ! ! 0@4.40 ; apricots ,
per case , 83.50 8.00 ; peaches , t > ercas . 84.75 < y
4.b5 ; whitu churries , iiercaso , S5.50 ; plums , per
caseS3.40Q3.5Ublueberriespcrcase.81.b5eKg ; :
per case. ? 3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , ntir doz ,
81.B : ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , S1.50@1.55 ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , per case , 81.90 : 2 Ib. string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
CHUB. Si.fiO ; 2 Ih. marrowfat peas , per case ,
S'.40g2.50 ( ; 2 lu. early Junn peas , per case ,
S2-75 ; a ID. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
Dry Iminbcr.
110 AMDS.
No. 1 , com , B 1 8 . . . .1 . 819.0s
No. 2 , coin , a 1 s . 17.K !
No. i , coin , sis . ,
No. 1 , l&CIn , 12 & 14 ft , roiiKh . S19.00
No. 8 , . " 1 . " " . 1S.OC
A , 12 , 14 and 1C ft. . „ . 822.0C
H , . . . . . . . 1W.M
C. " " " . , . . ! . lf.OC
U1 * , ii . * . . , * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lu.Ul , )
lt coin , % In Whltu Pine CclliiiK..S4.X (
Clear , ? s in. Norway Piio | Celling . 10.0C
A Cinch white pine. , . . , . 3l.w
C" " " . , . SO.IK
E" " " " ( SBlFen'tt ) . 1U.
A 12 Inch 3. Is . S4G.O (
No. 1. com. 13lus. Is. , 12 & 14 . wo
. ' 10ft . .rf.tX
No. 2 " " ' i2A24tt . IS.OC
" " " 1C ft . 17.1X
1st anilSd. clear , ! > / Inch. H. 2s . S50.CX
il. clear , I incn.s. a B. , S45 : iw , lk,2 in 47.a
B t-elect , 1 inch , s. S s. , SIX ) ; 1)1 ) , IK , 2 in S7.CX
White cedar , t. in. , Ha13Kc ; 9 In. qrs. . lie
Successors to Jno , U. Jacobs ,
At the olilstand 1407 Furuum st. Orden
brtelecrapu solicited and promptlv at
Und U ; o , Telephone No. 2M.
And Chicago
Thtoaly rokdtotake for Cos Molnn Mnr-
halltowm. C d r RBptda.aitWn , Dlio . Chlc -
Kp , MUwMkM i nd * ll polnti east. To the poo-
ilo of Htbraikn , Colortdo , Wyomlni ; , Utah ,
daho , Neradn , Oregon , WsshlnRton Bad CnJfc
ornlR , tt oTri guperlor ad\ant e8 not poMt-
hie by any other line.
Amonir few of the numcrnui poInU of § u-
priority enjoyed by the patron * of thli roaj
letnoen Omaha And ( 'hloano , are III two train )
adiif of DAYOOACHK8 , which ( ire the HnMt
hKthumnn art nnd Imrunulty can create. It *
HALALBfll.KBPINU CAHS , which are modajte
of comfort ami pleirance. Its PAHtOH DHAW.
NU ItOOM OAKS , un iirrmi < d by any and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DIN1NH GAHS
ho eiiual nf which cannot bo found etaowhere
At Council Bluff i the trains of the Onion Piiclflo
y. connect In Union Depot with thow of the
Chloairo ft Northwi-itorn Hy. In Chtcnuo th *
ruins ofthlillne tnuke close connection with
liose of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indlannpolls , Clncln-
inti. Niagara /alls , BuffHlo , HIltsbnrir.Toronto ,
> 1ontral , Botton , Now Vot-K , Philadelphia ,
Daltlmor * . Washington nnd all points m tb
east , ask f r a Me Vet vlii the
f yon wtok the beat aconmraodablon. All ticket
aironU Mil ticket ! via this lino.
UenL Manager , OonL PaM'r A ent
OhloAKO , HI.
Welters Atrent. City 1'aM'r Axenk ,
Omaha , Nebrngka.
Chicago , Milwaukee &Sl.Paullty .
Tlie llcst Route from Omaha ami
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
it. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids
lock Island , Freeport , Rockforil ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Clgin , Madibon , Janesville ,
Jeloit , Winona , La Cros e ,
And till other Important points Kust , Northeast
Hiid Soutlicait.
For through tickets call on the ticket Bifont
it 1401 FKrnnih gt , in 1'uxton hotel , or nt Union
aciflo depot.
I'nllinnn Sleepers and tbo finest DlnhiK Cars
n the world iiro run on the nmln line of the
hleair" . Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway and ov-
ry ntiuntliin U pitld to pnsHctiKCra by courto-
ouHeinployeus of the coinptiny.
It. Mi 1. 1 , KII. ( icncrid Maniigor.
J. F. Tt'CKKli. AsMstiintdonrriil Mixnnffor.
A. V. U. CAIII'KKIEII , Generiil 1'nBsenger and
Ticket AKPIU.
Oi.d. K. llEAFFOitn , Assistant General 1'iiseon-
tf or and Ticket A Kent ,
J. T. Cr.AUK , Qeno r u1 H ] MiJi Kril
S20 South loth street , Omaha.
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omaha.
813 South 14th Street.
k-ttorsiey at
Hoom 8 , Frenzor I Hock , Opposite rostotHco.
Physician and Surgeon ,
8. Uthat.cor. Karnnm. lion llank lluild-
Ing. Telopliono 504.
Room 822 N. Kith st. , Omaha. Office hours
U to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , 603 } N. 17th St.
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
rPliysleian. ama. Sizrgreon ,
Oltice , N-W Cor. lith and Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42
Sj > eci < ttit.
Surgeon nnd fli/tuccoloyist.
Offlce llnurs lOto 12-2 to4 7 toll.
UWcc.lWlIuwHnt street , Omnha.
asid. Fh.ysiela-n ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 465 ; Res Telephone , SOS.
Residence , No 1107 Jones street. OlllooVlth -
nell lilocK. Telopliono , residence 123 , olttc *
01" .
B. W. CONNELL , M. D. ,
Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , 680.
J. V. COKNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sis.
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturer * . Noi. IMand
IO3.Mth street. Omaha.Nob. .I.K. Falrlle , Supor-
lutcudrut UlnJerr. Toluphono No. iJJ.
Hardware , Nails , Tools ,
Cutlery , Stoves , Tinware and Window
Screens. Lawn Mowers , Screen Doors
Gasoline Stoves , Tin Roofing , Gutter.
ing , Sponting and general Job Tinning-
_ 2203 Cutning Street , Omaha , Neh ,
HOTEL' ' "
AgricultureImphmtntt ,
Whol U pf ltr to
Affricnltnral Implements , Wnpons ,
nil lluiiilei. l Jon itrtot , l > ttwe n 9U )
- - - - - - -
nd lcth,0iu h .
Agricultural Implements ,
Va on .CarrlRte . rtugglfi , Hte. . WhoUolo , Omiha.
Wholetal * Dealon In
Agricultural Itnplcmcnls ,
'aeoni and Ouefln. Wl , 903 , IWi nnd UQ7 , Jonpa it
Artists' Material.
A. nOSPK , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Itaailni Ptrcet. Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
? ullderg'Hardware&ScaloHi'pairShop
lechaulcs' Toolt and Hnffaln f ftk'i. 1406 Douclai at ,
_ ) maha. Neb.
Boots and Shots.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
Ill Farnaiu it , Omaha , N b. Manufactory , Bummer
utreel. llortnn.
Wholesale Rubber Hooti and Shoes
Hulibur nml OIU > d Clntliltiir * u < l 1'elt lloott
ind Bhoeg. 8outhe t Corner 14th and
Lager Hcor Hrewcrs ,
1571 North 1Mb Street , Omaha , Nab.
Butchers' Tools and Supplice ,
lautnge Cailnas of ill klnili alvajiln itock. 1IU
Jniic si.Uuiiibi >
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
CLARKE jfifoSTTc coTT"
Omaha Corrco and Spice Millf.
Te .Oofft'W , Cnlreii. Iuiln 1'owdrr , FUrorlnitl
tracts , laundry llluo , Ink. Rtc. 11U-IC Uunaj
Street , UniHbi. N b.
Cornier. .
John Epencter , Prop.
dannfaetnrer of Oalvanlted Iron and Cornice. K ]
IKid o and 188 and 11)4 K , 10th at. Omaha. Neb.
Uanufactnrera of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Mnalu , Uelallc Skylight , ate. StOS.
_ mil it. Omaha. _
C. Specht , Prop.
aalranlt d Iron Cornlcei , * te. Bpoct'i Improved pat-
nt MrUlIc Skylight. 608 and 610 H , IVtli f UOnmha.
Jobbyri of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleum ! , Mattlnga , Rtc. 1(11 Doujlai atroc .
Crockery and Notians.
Agent for * hoUauufacturcr > and I nj porter * ol
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmpi , Chlmnv ; > , etc. Office , ilT South Itth et
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner turimm und Tcntli Struutt , Ouuilin , Npb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Ilntter , Ktfsnnil I'roducu. Conil nmeni solicited.
iicailquiirlara for tilnneware , Herry lloxi1 * mid
( rape liaikvti. Kll Dodge drec't , Uniaua.
llltoDELI tllIDD KLL ,
Storage nnd Commission Merchants ,
PiictlillloH llutter. KtU . t'licono , Poultry , U.imu ,
OystiTS , etc. , etc. II''S. lllli bt.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTlilnni. Ouiaha , Neb.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Ilutt r , Oiuuo , Krulti , lc. rjO S. luhst
_ Omaha. J < eg. _
Coal ana * Lime.
Uio. t.l.AriAan , I'rci. C. r. OOODHAH , V. Pioi.
J. A. HU.1DE1II.AND , H c. nnd Trtma.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
in South Thlrteonth Street , Omaha , Nob.
, r. j. jojixsox' co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shlppon of Con ! and Cok , C'emuut , I'lurUr ,
IJnie , llnlr. Fire Brick , Iirnln. Tile nnd Suwcr I'lpo.
Ofllco. I'.uton Hole ! . r niHm ft. , Oinntin , N < > b.
" ' ' '
tf'fT'FAT CS CO' ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts nnd Clicais. 1211 Karnam SU
Cigars and Tobacco.
"CO. ,
Jobbers of Cisrars , Tobacco ,
Onn and Ammunition , IIS to 223 H Illb it. , 1(00 ( to
llKi Farn&iu it .Omthft , Nab.
Manufacturers of Fine CisrarH ,
And Wbolciala Uvilen In Lnt TobMcoi , Noi.lM
tntl 111) ) N. Mth trt t. Qrn h .
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ft Notions
110 } and 1104 Douxln , cor. llth St. , OmnhaNub.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Fplrlti. Importer !
and Jobberso ( Wlnenun , ! l.lquori.
CO. anil ILER < C CO. ,
Importers and Jobbertof Fine Wines find I.lquon.
Solemanufaetursmnf Kennfdr > Km India lilt-
Mrs nnd Domestic I l < | urir . Ill ] llnrnuyHt.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Furnam t. . Onmha. Neb.
Furniture , liedding , Upholstery ,
Mlrrori , etc. 1900.1Haud 1)10 Farnamnt. Cm.b * .
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No3. TOO , 707 , TU and 711 H. 10th .St. Omaha. N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltu and I.earenworth sti.Oinah4.
" "
LEE , FRIED cC-"coT ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwara , Rhcet Iron , Kit. Af nti for Howe Bcalei
and Miami I'owdsrt o. OmHlia , ru U.
Heavy Hardware , Iron und SteelY ,
, \Y fen Stock , Ilirdwtr * I.uukmr , lc. I'M )
and 1311 lliriirr it. , Omn. !
EV A ornnoN ,
Wliole iilo Iron and Steel ,
W f on nd ( 'urrln.'tj WooJ Ktock. HetTir U r"Jw re ,
Ktc. UUun.l U'J ! Leatenwotiu it.iu ( b , heb ,
Stovea , Raiif'cn , Furnaees , Tilea ,
i , gr t , Brtu Ooodi. 111 kua 1333 firui
Iron Workt.
PAXT02T ri
Irou Works ;
Troutht Rad r it Iron Building Wor . Iron Pl ! r .
lUlllnB. llonnn itiMl ( llrdrr * . SiMm Knelnm , llrtu
Jf omXJt.n riil IfouiMlrr , Mochlno und IllncHuai *
\yort. O ce n3Wut .P. P. Hy.mulKlli ilu' l.
n. K , SA irrr ,
nntifuctnrlnir Dcalop in Smoke Stacks ,
lrltclincpTnk , n < l Ofnornl IlKllxr
l Hr el ,
K. tt. McMANtlS. r Stll.UVAN.
OM.urA WIRE , c ntox ironies ,
ManufMclurero of
ire mid Iron KnilliiBrs , Desk Uallg ,
vlJlllS"J yuiir ? ' : Klim r i "ii . wire sitnt. Hiu
1MN. 16th , Unlfr bTnnll priimiitlT altfnJMto.
Dealer. All KlildK of
nildliifr Material at Wholesale.
Hlh Btrtu and Union Pnotflo Truck. Om h . 1
LOUIS JtltADfbjtlt , " 1
) oalcr in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Xx > r , Ktc. Y -Oiiriifnth and loujl t | Curnif
Vltinmt Iiouiclnii.
Wholesale Lumber ,
US. ntliftrool.Omilm.Ncb. f.Colprlicr. Mannger.
V. JV ; 'DfET'Z
13th and Callfonila 'tropliOraiha , Neb.
t nGit AY ,
Lunt brr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.ttb iind DougUi ill. . OnmUit.NdX i
" '
To Dealers Only.
Office. U03 I'nrnam > trcotdmalin.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpcti and 1'nrqcot Plourlng. Vtli nnd DouglU
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported anil American rortUtut Cement. fUt4
Agent forMllwnukeo Hrdrnullc remenlHnd licit
yulncj White J.lnu- .
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited , John V. Boyd , Bop rlntcr > l nt.
Lift Stock Commission.
Live Stock Coiinnlsslon.
O o. Iltirke , Manner
Union Stock Yards , B.Omnlia. Taliphonii tst.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an ? nnd nil klnrti of Stock rulloltod.
Union Stock Tanli. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery und notions.
Importoni and Jubliara or
Millliiory and Notions ,
HIS and 1215 Homer Hte tOra tiB , Neb.
Whnlcnalu Dealuri In
Notions and Fiirniahiutf Goods ,
IV1 mid 40i B. Tenth ( * t , Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Joann I'nnt , fclilrln , Etc. IllTJ and 11M Ltounlnn Htrcot ,
Wholesale 1'iipor Dcalora.
Carry n nloe tock of 1'rlntlng , Wnuiplnd and Writ-
limiaiier SjHHlnl ntlcntliin KYIMI ! to mr load or
onlurs , nhlrh will ho miliinj | | illn-ct from inllU All
cirderH will rccolfo pprsonnl t viitlnn.Viiiur | -
nntuu goo.l Bood n I low urlcgii. 1114 unit 11IIU
Job Fyititers , Rlaiik Book Makers ,
Aod liook Blndrrn. )0i ) < and 1W South i'ourtueuUl
troct. Omnha , Neb.
Auxiliary I'lihllnliorH.
Doalcra In Tjpe , I'rcmci nrvl PrlnH'r ' Huppllos. M8
L tC CO. ,
MninifiictnrrrH mid DrntoM In
s , lioilorN * ( iPiiernl Miiphinery
Bheot Iron work , Stonra rump' . Hair Mills , Acn' :
MbttftlnE.Dodi * Woodipllt Pallojt , BalUni. ,
Aiowao ! , oriiur | , umlaul Uot.
Tenrturth t. Onuihn
CO. ,
"Wholesale PiimiiH , I'ipe , Fittings ,
Stoain nntl Wfttor Kupiillet lIunitiiUHrtpra for Mud
Ko3itCo'tJoo'U. llllli'uriiiira l.niubu.Net ) ) .
tUll" < 1njr Wind Ullii : rteam nil Wnter Siirpllem , . ' }
VlumbnOoo ! | < 1ii. DeltlnK , Jlo . Pitt anil VM fur *
naui it.Ouiaha. H. K. F lton , Manager.
Tel phoneNo. 2I .
Pumps , Pipes and *
Steam , Water , Rnllwnr and Milling Huppticj. KM
t . gnand VH rarnam n , o.iiaka , Neb.
Books nnd Stationery.
A. / co. ,
Who emla nml lie all
liooksellers and Stullonern , 1
l.r2 DouflaH t. . Onmliii , Ncl ) , Telcphono 601. } *
( 'orrcHpoiiili'ticn follcitoJ.
Safes , Etc.
J' . JtOYER .Fe. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flro and llnre'ar Proof Suf.n , Time Ixirki , Vaulti
ork. 1UJI Farnam flruet OmiiUi , .Nnb.
Omaha Kafo Works.
Ilanufiicturcriiif Klrc and IlureUrl'ruuf Safc , Vault
ioor , Jiill Work.Miutitm uurtlrn Vtorl > . Cor.
Kill mill Jackrcn Htfl , OmMni , Ndb ,
, Doors , Etc.
P co. ,
Wboloiala Manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Itliuds and Mouldings ,
IlmnCh oSic , 121U and liarJ Fti.Oa- : ! , ! ? ' ,
Manufacturers , of SashDoors , Blinds ,
MonM'nrn.StnlrWorkanii ' Inlrrlnr Hard Wood Flo lib
Jail uiiuned. N. K.cor. 8th nd l.e vuui < ortnUta.
Ouitbu , N b.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The bet accoinmoclatioiib for travelers ,
The best hotel in town.
T. G. FKIT2 , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
The lifst known utiil most ponulnr liotol In
the state. I. < > ratlon'cuntrflllnipoliitnieiil ( < i first
clasi. HfH'lijimrtorfl ' for coiiunurulHl men aad
nil | iolltlc l uuil piilillu ifHtlierliiiti. '
K. 1' . HUJiN. ( ! ( : 1'roprletor.
\VIUllnilJmtwbutllicynred A FULLLlNB
l(3iitxju ( < i Otiiiits' tiurrLV Ou. . kilo.