THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. JTIMDAY MOKNING. JULY 8 ; 1887. NUMBER 20 ; CROVER'S ' CARD OF REGRETS. The President Explains Why He Will Not Be Present at Bt , Louis. HE REVIEWS THE SITUATION. f'eolliiKH Hurt Ily tlio Attacks ol * tin ; VctcrniiH , Hut the Trip AUniidoncil Without A Touch or llcHontiiicnt * Olovolnnil niul the Grand Army. ST. Louis , July 7. [ Special Telegram to tlio HKI : . ] Thu following letter , addressed to the major of this city , who was chairman of tlio committee of representative citl/ena of St. Louis who verbally Invited the president to visit this city during the holding of the en campment of the Grand Army of the ( . { ( 'pub lic next September , Is printed this morning , and explains itself without further comment : KXKOUTIVK MANSION , WASHIMITC N. July 4 , ItW The Hon. bavld It. Francis. Mayor and Chairman My Dear Sir : When 1 received the extremely cordial and gmtl1- ! ing Invitation from citizens of St. Louis ten dered by a number of her representative-men to visit that city during the national encamp ment of tliti G. A. It. , 1 had been contitiuplat- ing for some time tlio acceptance of the Invi tation from that organisation to the same e licet , and had considered the pleasures which It would alford mo If it should be. possible ro tncU nut only tlie members of the G. A. It. , but the people of St , Louis and other cities In the west which the occasion would give me opportunity to visit. 'Ihe ex actions of my public duties I felt to bo so un certain. however , that when first confronted by the delegation of which you were the head 1 expected to do no more at that time than to promise the consideration of the double In vitation tendered me and express the pleas ure It would give mo to accept the same thereafter , If possible. But the cordiality and sincerity of jour piesentation , re-en forced by the heartiness of the people who mirround you , so Impressed me that I could not resist the feeling which prompted me to assure you on tlio spot that I would b with vou nnd the Grand Army of the Kepubllc at the time designated If nothing happened in the wean 11 mo to absolutely prevent my leav ing Washington. Immediately upon the public announce ment of his conclusion , expressions emanat ing Irom certain Important members of tlie Grand Army of the Republic , nnd Increasing In volume nnd virulence constrained me to review my acceptnnce of these Invitations The expressions referred to go to the extent of declaring that 1 would bean unwelcome guest at the time and place of the national encampment. This statement is based. us well as i can judge , upon certain otliclal acts of tnlno In volving Important public Interests , done under the restraints and obligations ot my oath of ofllso , which do not appear to accord with the wishes ot some memliors of the Grand Army ot tbo Republic. I refuse to believe that tins organl/itlon ! , founded upon patriotic Ideas , composed very larccly ot men entitled to lasting honor and considera tion , niul whose crowning glory It should bo that they are American citizens as well as veteran soldiers , deems It a part of its mis sion to compass any object or purpose by ut- temptlng to Intimidate the executive or co erce those charged with making and execut ing the laws , but the expic&slons to which I have referred Indicate such n prevalence of unfriendly leellng , and such a menace to an occasion which should bo harmonious , peace ful and cordial , tlmt they cannot be Ignored. 1 beg you to understand that 1 am not con scious of any act of mine which should make mo fear to meet the Grand Army of the Republic or any other assem blage of my fellow citizens. The account of my official stewardship Is always ready for presentation to my fellow countrymen. I should not bo frank If 1 failed to confess , while disclaiming all resentment , that I have been hurt by the unworthy and wanton attacks upon mo growing out of this matter and the icckless manner In which my actions nud motives have been misrepresented , both pnbllclj and privately , for which , however , the Grand Army of the n body , Is by no means responsible. The threats of personal violence and harm In case 1 under take tlio trip In question , which scores of misguided , unbalanced men , nndei the stimulation of excited feeling , hiivu made , are not oven considered. Katlier than aban don my visit to the west nnd disappoint your citizens , 1 might , If 1 alone were concerned , Hubmlt to thn insult to which It Is quite openly asserted 1 would bo helplessly sub jected If present nt the encampment ; but 1 should boar with mo there thn people's highest office , tlio dignity of which 1 must protect , nnd 1 believe that neither the Grand Army of thu HupubliniiH nn organization , noi anything like n majority of its members would evei encourage anv .scandalous attack upon It. If , howev er , among the membership of this body tliero are some , ns certainly seems to bo the case , determined to denounce mo and my olllclnl nets at the national en campment , I believe they .should bo premit- teu to ito so unrestrained by my presence as a guest of their oiganiiatlon , or as a guest of tlio hospitable city In which their meeting Is held. A number of Grand Army posts hav o BlRnlflcd their Intention , 1 mil Informed , to remain away from the encampment In case 1 visit the city at that time. Without consid ering the merit of such nn excuse , I feel that 1 ought not to bo the cause of such non- nttendanco. The time nnd plnco of the en campment were fixed long before my invita tions were received. Those desiring to par ticipate in its proceedings should be nrst regarded , and nothing should bo permitted to Interfere with their intentions. Another consideration ot more Importance than all others remains to be noticed In tact was referre I to by vou , when you verbally presented the Invitation ot tha citizens of St. Louis- that the coming encampment of Ihe Grand Army of the Republic would be tlio hist held In n southern Mate. I suppose this fact was mentioned as a pleasing indica tion of tlio fraternal feeling fast gaining ground thioughout the entire land , and hailed bv every patilotlc cltlvonnsnn earnest that the union has really and in tact been saved In sentiment nnd spirit , with all the benefit * it vouchsafes to a united people. 1 cannot rid mvself of the belief tlmt the least discord on this propitious occasion might retard tlie progress of the sentiment of common brotherhood which tlio Grand Army ol tlie Republic has so good an oppmtunlty to IncreiihO and foster. I certainly ought not to bo the cause of such discord In any ov ut or UIHIII anv pretext. It seems to mo that vou and the citizens of St. Louis u ro entitled to this unreserved statement of the conditions which have con strained me to forego my contemplated visit and to withdraw my acceptance of your In- \ llatlon. My presence In your city at the ttmo jou have Indicated can be of but little moment compared with the Importance of Ilia cordial and harmonious cnurtatument of jour other ituesU. 1 ngum you that I abandon my plan without the least personal finding , except regret , constrained tlieicto by u sense of duty , actuated by a destro tosivt ; any embarrassment to tlm people of St , l < nnls or their expected euests , and with n heart full of giateful appreciation of the hlncero nnd unatteitcd kindness of your citi zens. Hoping the encampment may bo an occasion of much metnltiiMs , and that If proceedings may Illustrate thn nlehos ! patriotism of American citizenship , 1 am jours % .cry sincerely , GKOVhll Cl.EVKf.ANP. I Press , ] The president's letter to Mayoi Francis withdrawing his acceptance of the people of St. I.ouls'inv Italian to visit this city during the Grand Army encampment has htlried up hot and diversified expression ol opinion. The committed that took the Invi tation to the president teel that their laboi has been In vain and are troin in their d > > - lumelatlon ot the men who were Instrumon Ul in the defeat of their plan. The chngrlr vrasitagieat with many that they wished tt organize Immediately to in\U the Granf Army to find another place for their encamp iimnt , and some promised n very Icy rccop lion to the gnllant soldiers. There \vrr < luanj othern , however , who saw the vvlsdon tif the president's course mid were tile.vsei that the city had Ntm relieved 01 what prom Ued to bo an unpleasant nffatr. Mam frol that the city hat been humlllati-i and are Indignant about it , but agree tha the Grand Arm ) 's encampment shall bu : clorlous success and that at some other linn Ino president shall have a reception In keep ing with the high oltlce ho holds. A com ulltto ntu appolutcd to ntaw up resolution to bo submitted to a'mass meeting of citl/cns to-morrow afternoon. Theseo resolutions will embody an Invitation to the president to visit tills city during fair week , early In October , or nt some other time that may suit bis convenience , nnd will promise him an enthusiastic recept'on. A clti/ens' com mittee will then be appointed to again visit tlm president und endeavor to Induce him to come. _ p Thin la Altogether Different. WASUINOTOX , July 7. General Landes' 1'ost No. 5 , Grand Army of the Ilopublle , of Lynn , Mass. , which arrived hero last night from Virginia , called on the president this evening and were received In tlie east room , When the president came down stairs to re ceive them I'ost Commander Walker stepped forward and said : "Comrades ot General Landes Post , No. 5 , I propose three cheers for Grover Cleveland , president af the United States. " Tlie veterans ga\i > three cheers nnd a tiger with a vigor nnd earnestness that made tlio air ring. As the echoes died iiwnv , tint presi dent , with a smile , addressed the visitors as follows : . . , . "I can only siv to you , gentlemen , that I am glad to mcot > on hero. I have extended to you tills courtesy , as I have lately with intich plnasute , to other posts of tlio Grand Army ot the licpublie. on their way homo from vlsifs to their southern friends. 1 want you to understand that I hafo lost no confidence In the Grand Army of the Uepnl- llcasnti orgaiil/itinn , notwithstanding tlio recent occurrences low Inch Ills not necessary further to allude. It Is Incomprehensible tome mo tlmt men who have risked their lives to save the government should telurn homo to abate one jot or title of tlio respect nnd sup port which ev ory good citizen owes to the government and constituted authorities. I greet 3011. then , as citizens as well ns veter ans , and I shall bo pleased to take you all by the hand. " _ Another Grand Army 1'rotc-st. UTIPA , N. Y. , July 7-'lhe four Grand Army posts of this city resolved not to pa rade as they had Intended , nt the Clinton centennial on the 13th , If President Cleve land Is present _ Ilofueod to Kxprcflfl IIIniHclf. MADISON , Wls , , July 7. When approached by n representative of the Associated press to-night relative to the letter of President Cleveland to Mayor Francis , of St. Louis , declining to visit that city on account of the G. A. It. difficulty , Conimandor-lii-chlef Kaireliild declined to express his views either olllclallv 01 otherwise logardlng It ns It was inconsistent for him as coinniatuler-ln-chlef to do so , Kxcpcdcd His Authority. WAsMiiNnTox , July 7. The secretary of the Interior to-day rendered a decision In tlio Fort Boise , Idaho , military reservation case , ivhich Is Important as Involving the right of ho president to put In reservation public anils not autl.orl/od by the act ot congress .f April 9 , 1S72. The president made a eservatlon of MO acres for Kort Holso , and in September 18 , 1874 , added 587 acres ndjoln- ng. In Ib8l the military authorities trans erred the latter reservation to the inteiior ilopartment for disposal. In lbS > 5 settlers .vent . on the tract and applied to take nn tlio and. but the commissioner of the land ollico tiled them oil on the ground that tlie land , vas held In reservation. Secretary l.utnar reverses tills ruling and holds that tlio presi- ; lent had no right to put In reservation more 'and for the fort than that fixed by congress u IbSJ , namely 040 acres. Will Not Como West. WASHINGTON , July 7. It is practically sot- .led that the president -vlll not visit the west nt all during the present year. The abandon ment of ills proposed visit to St. Louis lias resulted In wholly changing whatever plans 10 had made for visiting western cities. It s stated nt tlio white house this afternoon hat the onlv plans the president has made 'or leaving Washington during the summer nnd autumn are those tor his visit to Clinton , N. Y. , on tlio 15th lust. , which will probably not consume altogether more thin a week's : ime and for his visit to Atlanta in October text on thu occasion of the Georgia state "air. _ Prehistoric Helios. WASHINGTON , July 7. A valuable collec- .lon , mimberine more than 10.00J objects , IHwtiatlng the habits and accomplishments of pre-hlstorlc man in western Euiopo was niiened to the public in the Smlthsonl in in stitute to-day. I'liey were gathered during his five years residence unio.ul by Thomas Wilson , ex-consul at Nice , and by his wife. Civil .Service Hxnminntlon Day. WASHINGTON , July 7. The civil service examination of classes two aud three , fel,4UO and Sl.COO , for promotions In the surgeon : eneral'a ollico in tlio war department , have been ordered tor Wednesday , July IU next. There nro ninety-three cleiks of thcdo grades to bo examined. _ 1'oRtnlotcn. . WASIIINOTON , July 7. ( Special Telegram to the HHK.J A postolHco wns established at Levvellen , Keith county , to-day , and Vir ginia 11. Lewollen appointed postmistress. The postolllces at Kugene , Ulnggold coun ty , la. , and Patterson , Cumlng county , Xeb , were discontinued to-day. RrcolptH and Kxpcmllturcs. WASHINGTON , July 7. Government re ceipts since July t amount to SVi70.ri34 and expenditures to sr .507,437 or SlO.OsO OJ in excess of receipts. _ Cholnrn. WABIIINOTON. July 7. The United States consul nt Palermo has telegraphed the do partmontof state that the deaths which op- eurred theresterdav are believed to have been caused by cholera. Htlll KANSAS CITV , July 7. Uefore the Paclfir commission to-day William II. Garnett , ill Mslnn freight ngout of the Missouri Pacilh nnd central branch of the Union Pncllie , tes tilled as to the arrangements about rates bo tvveen the latter roads and others. J. S Tibnotts , assist int general freleht agent ir charge of the Ktnsas division , to tllied as ti rates etc. on his division. Ho expressed tin opinion that \vrro It not for the blanch llne < the main line of the Union Pacific might as well shut up. Judge JamM Humphrey , ono of the com mUsloners for railroads for Missouri , bah that during the Adams administration hi had heard of no complaints of Union Pafitii Interference In politics. Witness thought I very Important for the covcrnmcnt am country tlmt tlm Union I'ncllic should ho preserved served In n solvent condition. Unless It lint the power to ndd to its farllltlus by Imildlni the branch lines necessary tor its preiiviva tlon , and unless it had ; h power to borrov money at rensonnblo rates of. interest , tin road must decline. The payment of the KOV eminent debt depended upon the prospotlt ] of tbo road , and U should have time. Com mlssloner Littler Inquired how fur the wit ness represented the feollnt , of tlie people li Kansas with regard to the extension of tlm for tlie pajment of thedttbt. Witness be llevod the opinion w as general throughout th < state that tl.o road should have an extension of Musi cm IIP. IsniANAi-ous , July 7. To tlajs session of the Music Teachers National assoclatloi were devote Ho the reading and illscussiot of papers nnd bearing instrumental musk Max LecKiier , of Indianapolis , was olectoi president , and 11. S. Perkins , of Chicago secretary anil tteas'urer. A vice preslden was also elucted ior each state lopro'ented 'lh next uittetinih will be held in Chlcng uuxtJuly , _ Domtly Klosion. | . Ar.i.txoTON , N. .1. , July 7. An explosloi occurred In t.' * manuUcturlni : con : rally's works this mornln ; . A Swede nnmei Aiuuotandn younr ; lady were in tantl killed iiml itnint twenty others seriously In jurrd . liMf'tione fatally. The woiUb wer , tnuUiuc tlm lossS O.GOO , , ' ! I'rorogun tlm Trrnty. . I M.VUK J.July7. Tb commercial treM I between Spilu and the Unltrd States VNlllb i * pure < uoJ aftfttbf Jlis1. of thu jev. PLEADINGFORPOSTPOJJEMENT Gladstone Opposes the Third Reading of the Coercion Bill , HE DENOUNCES THE MEASURE Ami Inquires What the Tories Can yc to Warrant Sucli an Invasion of the Pee ple's Liberties , GlaclRtono'H Great 1'lon. LONDON. July 7. In tha commons to night on the motion being made lor the third reading of the crimes bill , Gladstone , nmld prolonged cheers , made a counter motion tlmt the bill bo rend a third time this day three months. Gladstone said the bill was a conservatUo alternative to home rule , and therefore bore a dllTeront aspect from and ordinary coercion bill. The old coercion measure ! ] had been aimed at crlmo only , but this new ono , passing beyond crime , was aimed at societies. | Ciles of "HearI" Hear 1" I Further , the bill had been brought in without any foundation , such asunder- laid all former coercion bills , based on tlio existence of exceptional crime. Balfour had disregarded all precedents requiring that tlio Introduction of coercion measures be prefaced by a statement of exceptional crime. Gladstone maintained that tlie Increase of crime In IbSO over 18 5 , In view of the agricultural dlbtrcss In Ireland , was exceedingly small. Comparing the olllcl.ils ot the tory government In power In Ireland in lbS.j with those In power the first live months In lbS7 , there was a marked decrease ! Iu the amount of agrarian crime , jctln lt&5 they had refrained from Introducing a coercion measure from motives of policy. A comparison ot past and present statistics afforded no shadow of justification for the present measure. Another contrast was that past parliaments had been nearly unanimous In assenting to coercion , while tills bill was opposed by a large minority In the house and by a majority ot the people ot the country a majority that not likely to diminish. ICheers.l If paili.uiieut retained any regatd for the traditions of libetty or of > arty usages , the measure would bo ibandoned. AVIiat could they uigo o warrant such an invasion of thu people's IbertlesV While resenting the imputation the llbernis had done the same tiling , hu vould admit that pist measures li.ul been : alliues. Among the differences of tha pist mid present was the oxtr.ioidlnary making the vlceioy master of the wliolo law mil the right of association. In the present century such a mouosal was an outrage on every principle of public duty. Moreover , new officers were created under the measute. The attorney general tor Ireland had ad mitted , and it was too late to deny , tlie bill was aimed nt the buppiession ol e\clu- sUe dealings. Tint was far more paidonablo In the weak and poor than In the rich and powerful , but it was the c.xcliisl\o [ ( eatings ot the poor against the strong it which tlie bill was aimed. It now crimes were created , a measure for their suppression should opeiato impartially. | Cnecr . | Thego\ernment did not dare lift a linger in defense ot the suggestion that it apply to England a piovisiou such as it was forcing upon Ireland. He contended that the government was bound to extend tlio oc cupiers ot land in Ireland perfect equality with English trades unions ns regards tlie rights and practices enjo\ed by tlie latter , among which combination and exclusive te.iilng were sanrtioncd. As the bill stood , it an Irishman joined an association , it was Jor lialtour to b.iy whether or not he became a criminal by the net. ICheers.l In conclu sion Gladstone said Ireland , after seventy jeirsof oppression and wrong , was In a btato of misery and wretchedness , f'llear , liear."J In the wliolo Hritlsh cmplio there was not a square yard ot land which Ihigland hold by force alone , excepting In Ireland , wheio force was ciiiplo\L'd. [ Knthu- shistlc cheers from the Irish bencties.l Ire land was held bv mastery , but the giuprn- ment refusal to loam ; ihat ma t'iyu\olvid responsibility. Tlu , > know that tlie wliolo literature ot tlie world was against then : . [ Cries of "No. " | Ho challenged tlio gov ernment to mention any author who had re- vUnvcd the icl.itloiis between Kngland mid Ireland without arrhing at a homo rule solu tion. [ Cheers , ] The lories professed to lighting for union of empire , a tight In wiilcli tlio liberals joined. { Laughter and cheers. ] Thu liberals held that tlio charge of disunion was ridiculous. It was evident that tlie present st.Uu ot allaiis could not last long , as Gladstone believed that every dav tended to bring the lories nraier their doom. Gladstone then moved for tlio rejection ot tlie bill nmid clieeis liom the liberal and i'arnellito benches. lialtour , repljlng to Gladstone , first re ferred to tlio charge that tlio government h.ul brought tno bill as an alterniti\o to Glad stone's homo rule proposal. If that was the case , ho said , hu felt justilied In baying that It was sufficient to recommend tlm measuie to the acceptance of the houso. The govern ment was nuiinly justified iu introducing Its proposals by tlio stxte of social tyranny which had recently been created in Ireland a tyranny that attacked the rights and libeittes of minorities , and most ot tiiose elementary principles without which acountiy could never bo prosperous. He contended tint cilmo was worse now in Ire land than in IbSuhnn Gladstone promoted coercion. He taunted Gladstone with having Introduced In Ibbl , an arbitrary coeiclve niHasure which enaulcd the Irish chiot secre tary to imprison an > body at will. Ho ridi culed the comparison undo between trade's unions and societies where the object was the dismcmhei inent of the empire and which woie supported by loielgners. William O'lirien praised Gladstone's bravo opposition to tlio bill. Gladstone , lie said , was tlio greatest conquorei of Ireland. Hu conquered by mere generoslh of soul. Alter Major Sanderson and Attorney General - oral Webster replied on bnhalt ottno govein- ment the debate adjourned. ItlXO THU HKI.LS AHOAUD SHIP. Hir Josu | li Porter's Merry Maiden Weds n Tnr. [ ( Yipl/rfcM tSS ? bu James flonton IJemirff.1 LONDON , July 7. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the HKK. | London ns well us New York has -n William Henry Smith who concern * himself with the nowspapots. Ho conducts a great press agency , is thu practical publisher of the Times , and can make or roar any new ga/etto or book. He also concerns himself with the privy council , secretaryship of war , leadership of tbo com mons and Strund politics. To-day ho con cerned himself with bringing down the cur tain ot matrimony on Ills daughter , a3 at the end of tlie service hu cried , ' 'Bless you , my children. " scono-P.iddlngton station , London , with gnosta assembled to take the train to his rotmtn beat at Henley , on the Thames. On the platform WITO his cabinet brethren , beaded by Lord ami Lady Salisbury , accom panied by a bit ? deputation of those who "swim the swells and swell with the swim. " Second scene Weddlnft cucsts at the an cient ivy embowered church , filled with the echoes of marriage ceremonies ot many gcu orations. Scene third The improsiacname of Emllj Ann Smith met by Walter Acland , captalr Iu that navy which Giltert mid Sulllvat fotertml In FiuAfore. Smith was the oriclnal of Sir Joseph Per tcr when be wo * secretary of the adhilralt ; under Hoacoimiola. Lord Smith , as thi French call him , gave his child away t < Captain A'jiand war secretary's daughte vieddod to a prospective naval hero. Shi partially and traditionally hid her loving beamlnc face under the meshes of a rich lace veil , and wore a satin dress , its train fragran with froihly gathered buds , and at the throa necklace of diamond marguerites , th giU ( ot ho ; fattier * . ' 1'wo .ot ber sisters two nieces , two cousins , ono of whom had the poetic name of "Gwendoline , " the former her bridesmaids , daintily gowned In whlto nainsook lace'trimmed and em phasized with blue and whlto ribbons in tiny bows ; also muslin and toco hats In match with dresses , carried maid baskets tilled with alternating water lilies and forget-me- nots. The bridegroom wore his gorgeous uniform , which was well set off -by the pic turesque costume of the Turkish ambassador In a chancel pew near him. A group of vicars and denns gave the church blessing , Sccno Fourth IJujcunor In the large mar quee on the elegant grounds of the Smith estate , called "Greenland , " beside the Thames , Hero the bridal health was pro posed by the bridegroom's father , a K. C. 13. , honorary physician to the prince of Wales , with no end of medical alphabets to his knightly name of Sir llonry Wentworth - worth Acland. Scene J'ifth Woddlng presents In the house nrrnnged as If a museum of rich gems , brlc-a-brac , rate porcelain and antiquities in silver. A pair of sold bangles , edged with diamond sprajs , were the gltts of 1'remler Salisbury. Silver salt cellar , enough for a great dinner paity , were from Chancellor ot the Exchequer Goschen , all especially admired and especially watched by a cynical looking detective from Scotland Yard. The much abused Homo Secretary Mathcws was not In evidence , except by the gilt of a resplendant fan. When tlie rice in the rtnal scene was thrown , it bounded fiom agolnc-away bridal dress of whlto poplin , relieved with green velvet , or from a whlto straw hat , trimmed with whlto and green tulle to match the dresi. 1 ho huzzas of good luck were chor used at the gateway by the original Sir Joscpti Porter and his "sisters and his cousins and his aunts. " IMyaterloUH Death. ICnpiiHoM J&S7 by Jamtt Gordon nmieU,1 POOLE DOIISBT , July 7. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the UEI : . | The coroner here held an inquest on the body of Mary Mjers Mitchell , wife of Noah Mitcholl. ot Newark , M. J. The case Is remarkable for the tact that shortly before death she re ceived a tu > sterlous parcel from a chemist which g.'no the minds of tlio people an Idea that she committed suicide. Hut the con tents of tlio package , when opened , pnned to contain nothing injurious. Her ph > slclan refused to gi\o a certlllcato of death , as ho did not think she died from natural causes. The coroner ordered a post mortem examina tion with the result that thejuiy Is not satis fied and expressed their desiic to have an- othei by a independent surgeon , who , how ever , gave his opinion that the deceased died a natural death. Annul of Kn lnml. | Copi/r'/M ( / 13 ? " tin Jiimei ( lord /Je/mrfM LONDON , July 7. [ New 1'oik Herald Cable Special to the BEK. ] The morning upers devote much so ice to the Cass arrest nd to a meeting yesterday of shopkeepers vlio remonstrated acilnst the police and uaglstrnto. The Telegraph has the com- lent : "Ono or two references were niado , t the meeting to the contrast exhibited be- ween the condition of New York streets and hose of tlie English capital. In tlio Anier- cau city , Mr. .lay said , jvlth perfect truth , oune ladles who walked out In the streets n broad daj light were not Insulted and bad no suspicion cast u\tou \ them , and he attrlb ; ted this fact to their not being obliged to lniilo with illsiespcctful characters. Amor- ca. In this respect , Is a long way ahead of lie old country. " TIiHE JMsnster. E , July 7. Tno dlsasterat upt recalls n many respects the phenomena of the South iVmericaa earthquakes. For several da > s crevices had been observed In the new wiay it Xug. AtU50 : ! Tuesday afternoon tlie lake u front of the stone work began to bubble. The quay cracked and eighty feet of It fell 'nto ' HIM lake. A dozen persons who rushed TOIII nn adjoining cafe were precipitated nto the water and drowned. After a short ntcnal another slip dialed several houses into tlio watei. The landing stage followed and tlio steimer which had Just arrived was hurled a bundled y-uds forwaid. Furniture and cittle were bun iodiy removed Irom the threatened quatter. At 7 o'clock the land dips began again. Several cirts re- unvlng property sank into the lake. Fllti'on houses and ten huts dlsappeaied within a few minutes , including tlie Hotel /mich. The cate , In which were ten cus tomers , was next engulfed , and 150 metres of the neighboring street then slowly vanished , the teoplo jnmplnr from the windows ot the houses to esrape being drowned. Tlio third slip occuncd .it 11 o'clock p. in. , carrying live houses into tlio lake and damiging many otheis. Seventy persons are uiissln and COO homeless. _ _ Buljrnrla'H New Prince. TIUVOVA , July 7. The sobranjo to-day elected Prince Ferdinand , of Saxo-Coburg- Gotha , prince of Bulgaria , and If the powers refuse to rccogni/n this election , tlio sobranjc Intends to abrogate article three of thn Uerlin treat y , and pioclalm tlie independence of the country. The announcement of the election wns iccelvcd witli great enthusiasm. The president of tlie feobranln and the regent * have sent dispatches to Prince Fer dinand inviting him to rome to iiulgaria. [ Trinco Ferdinand Maximilian , ( liario ! Leopold .Marie , duke of haxo Coburg , who lias just been ulcctcd to the Bulgarian throne was born Febi nary a ) , Ibfll , being tlio hftli child and third son of the late Prince Angus tns , duke ot S.ixp-Coburg , I'liuress Ceuioiv tine , daughter of Louis Philllppc , king ol thu Trench. ] Campaign In I.tmlnnd. LONDON , July 7. James G. Hlalno lofi London for Edlnburg , accompanied by tin lord major of London and Senator Halo o Maine. The party occupied a royal saloi railroid car. which was decorated with Hag' ' and tlio Mainn coat of arms , lllalno will hi the guest at Edliitiurg ot Andraw Carucgit and ho is expected to upcak at the receptloi orgunl/rd by thn pooulo of I'dinburg to sbou their recognition ol Carnegie's generosity t ( the city. French PARIS , July 7. The cabinet has decldei that Kouvlor , prime minister , and Genera Frrron , minister of war , shall Inform th budget committee of the chamber dcputlei that the Government will carry out Its pro posed uxporiinantof. mobilizing' the Tinny Tlie cabinet also decided to dismiss Iron otlico all French majors who were In an : way concerned In royalist manifestation li honor of the Count of Paris , during his visl to the Isle of Jersey. Morloy's Bneeoh Causes Comment. LONDON , July 7. John Morlcy's speech a Manchester , yesterday , withdrawing oppos ] tinn to tlie exclusion of Irish members fron Westminster and assenting to the right a the Imperial parliament to veto Irish parllc mentiry decisions , has been the source ol excited discussion in the lobby of the house The liberal-unionists see iu it an open ro.u to a com promise , Catholic niMiopn Tor the West ItojiK. Julr 7. The following bishop have been appointed ; Itev. Jnmc ' O'HIelly. 'of Wichita , Kansas ; Ite' ' llichard Scanne ) , ot Concordia ; Ite' Thomas Itonacum , of Lincoln ; nud Kt" Maurice Uourke , of Choj untie. O'Rrlcn Hack In Parliament. LONDON , July 7 , William O'Brien reat peared In thOvcnmmons to-night and wa greeted wjth cbeeni. An Old Stagnr Diini ; . POIITIM ) , Ore. , July 7. Uou Hallida.v of the pony express ami overland stage train Is clj lag in tli\i \ cly ( ot .parai ) sis. ' * .t ' " , ' * * ? " f'i , " , ' . - ' , * ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , Lincoln Wins a Very Easy Victory From The Oaalm Olub , THE PLAYERS ALL REGULARS. Twenty Huns For tlio Vlotora and Seven Far the Vanquished Vnrloua Turf IJvonts Otlior Sporting Novvs. Omnliix Tnkpn In "fin-illy. LINCOLN , Neb. , July 7.-SpPcial | Tele gram to the BIK. : | Lincoln had little trou ble In taking another game from Omaha to day. Hcaley was hit for thirty-six bvics , and although the visitors hit the Lincoln pitchers freuuently , their hits , with ono ex ception , failed to enable the batter to reach more than first base. The scores were well distributed. TUB sror.K. I.INCOI.NS. I'OS. AH. It. III. Til. I'O. A. K. Hall m 7 a : t Ueckley Ib 6 3 'J 7 0 1 0 Lang Hb 0 1 2 3 4 ! ? SchalTcr rf Hoover 2b 0 3 It 6 3 8 0 Dolan c Hcrr ss Hart piVrt 0 1 3 n \ S 0 Selble. rf & p Totals 54 20 24 an 27 17 5 OMAHA. I'OS. Alt. IU III. Til. I'O. A. E. Walsh as 5 a 3 5 S 2 1 Dvvver. Ib . Krelnneycr.rf Messltt * H > Hartson Sb IJader If Genius cf Handle : . . . .c lli'aloy p Total : 7 14 17 2T HI 10 Tlio score by innings Is as follows : Lincoln 0 0500480 S-20 Omaha 1 00010032 7 Runs earned Lincoln 13 , Omaha 1. Homo runs lieckloy. Three-base hits Ueckloy. Hoover , Hart , Walsh. Two-base hits Lang , Herr 2. Struck out Hv Hart 2. Seiblo 1 , Healoy 3. Hasps on bills oil Seible U , Hqaloy 1. Umpire Deagle. Time of game 2 hours and 15 minutes. Dnfciitpd Ily Denver. HASTINGS , Neb. , July 7. [ Special Tole- Krain to the BEK.I The homo club wcs de feated by the Delivers to-day by the follow * Ing score : Denver 0 4121000-8 Hastings 1 00010101 4 Huns earned Denver 4 , Hastings 4. llase hits-Denver 14 , Hastings 15. Krrors Hast ings 0. Muses on balls Hy VossO , by Nichol son 4. Home runs Whitehead. llatterles Voss and Brlggs , Nicholson and Reynolds , Topcka DOWHH Lieavenworth. LuAvn.vwoiiTir , Kan. , July 7. jSpeclal Telegram to tlio ( JuK.J The game to-day was a regular walk-away for the Topekas. The following Is the score : Loavenvvorth 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 (1 ( Topeka 1 02588 6-20 Two base hits Prosser. Three base lilts- Smith. Stiuck out IJy Haffner 9. Hatter- les Presser and Loire , HnfTner end Gunson. Umpire Young. Time 2:00. : Western League Mooting. LINCOLN , Neb. , July 7. fSoecial Telegram to the UEK. I No meeting of the Western league was hail to-day , as all the clubs except Omaha failed to report. President Threw has notified nil clubs to report here to morrow. Northwestern lionguo Gnincs. DrsMoiNtts , la. , July 7. ( Special Tele- eram to the I3hE. ] The icsult of the lo AIoines-Lacrosso game to-day was as follows ; DCS Molnes 0 0120403 0-1C Lacrosse 0 00000001 1 Base hits los Moiiics , 17 ; Lacrosse , 7 , Knots De.s Moines , 1 ; Licrossi > , ft. B.itteries Dos Moines , Well nnd Sigo ; Lacrosse , Pv lo and Hanlle. Umpiio Naylor. OIKOSII , July 7. Milwaukee 11 , Oknsh I , MI.VNKAPOI.IS , July 7 , St. PaulC , Minneapolis apolis- . EAU CI.AIIH : , July 7. Duluth 11 , Uau Claire 3 , The American Association. CINCINNATI. July 7. The game between the Cincinnati- ! and Metropolitans to-day re suited as follows : Cincinnati 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0- ; Metropolitan 0 00010000-1 Pitchers Smith nnd Mays , iiaso hits- Cincinnati ! * , Metropolitan t > . Knors Cin ciunatl 0 , Metropolitan 3. Umpire Me Quade. Si. Louis , July 7. The game between the St , Louis and Haltlmoies to-day was post poned on account ot ruin. LOUISVII.I.I : , July 7. Tlio game between the Louisville and Brooklyns to-day rcsullei ns follows : Louisville 0 1000000 2-i Brooklyn 1 0000003 0-- Pitchers Hamsov and Toolo. Hase hits- Loulsvillo 1ft. lirooklyn 0. Krrors Louis vllo7 ! , Brooklyn 0. Umpire Curry. CI.KVKI.AND , July 7. ' 1 ho game hi the Cleveland and Athletics to-day resultei as follows : Cleveland..1 0400100000- Atlihtllca..O Klevon lunlnzs. Pltchnrs Ciowoll nmJ Soward. Haso hits Cleveland l.r > . Athletic : 17. hrrors Cloveand 4 , Athletics 3. Uuirdr Hurley. National Leasuo GanicN. WAMIIVOION , July 7. The pamo be tvveon the Washington nnd indlanapoli teams to-day resulted as follows : Washington 0 00020000 Indianapolis 4 0000100 * Pitchers Gilinore nnd Hoylo. Haso hlts- WHshinpton 5 , ludinapolis li. l.nors- Wnslilngton 2 , Indianapolis 2. Umpire- Gatlno ) . Pim.Ai > ii.rmA : , July 7. The game be tvveen Philadelphia and Chicago to-day n fii'lted as follows : Chicago 0 02101010 Philadelphia 0 10020000 Pitchers Clatkson and Casey. Base hit Chicago 12 , Philadelphia U. Errors-Chl caio8. Philadclplitn2. Umpire Connell. BOSTON , July 7. The game between th Boston and Plttsburg teams to-day resulte as follows : Boston 4 20234020-1 Pittsbnrg 210001110- Pltchers Kadbourn and McCormlck. Has hits Boston 24 , Plttsburg 13. Errors-Hoi ton6 , PittsimrgO. Umpire Powers. NKW VOJJK , July 7. Tlio game betvvee the New York and Detiolt teams to-day r suited as follows : New York 0 41001202-1 Detroit 3 Pitchers Krefe and Get/oln. llase hits- New York 13 , Detroltll. Krrors New Yoi 5 , Detroit 0. Umpire Doescher. Walino'ft Co nil n > i Hhoot. WAAOO , Neb. , July 7. [ Special to tli IlEK.l The following Is the programme o the shooting tournament to be held on tl fair grounds \Vahoo , July 15 and 16 , undi the auspices of the Wahoo Gun club : rniiiXY , JULY 15. Shoot No.L Twelve blue rocks , 18 yan mo ; entrance , S3 , birds included. Prize 50 , 30 and 20 per cent. Shoot No. i Seven live pigeons. 2. * > yart rise ; entrance , S\ birds Included. PrUos. ! > SO and 20 per cent. Shoot iNo , 3. Two pairs live pigeons an five biiitKi birds , Ul yurds rise ; eutranc 53.80 , birds IncluQCd. Prizes , W , 80 and ! per cent. Shoot No. 4. Four pairs snipe birds , yards rise- entrance , S2. Prizes , CO and per cent RATunruv , JULY 10. Shoot No. ft. Nine blue rocks , 18 yan rise ; entrance , 8J.50 , birds Included. I'rut oa.riOumiao per cent. ' Shoot No. G.-SIx live pigeons , SO yan tl e. use both barrels , entrance , S * > , blida i , eluded. Prizes , ftO , 30 and ' 0 per cent. J Shoot No. 7.-FUteen blue rocks , Ib yan rise : entrance , 83.50 , birds Included. Prizes , 50. : < o mid 20 per cent. Shoot No. & Ten snipe birds , IS yards rise ; enUance , 8'J.W , birds included. Prizes , 50 , 30 and 20 per cent. National rules to govern all contests. The Kncoii nt Mtmmoutti Inrk. MONMOUTH J'Anit , N. nj. , July 7. The weather was Intensely hot and sultry. The attendance was largo. The following Is the summary. Seven furlongs : Laggard won , Chlckhom- Ing second , 1'urona third. Time line Two-.v oar-old Ithroe-auarter nnlo : iMailcn won , Torchlight second , Maghctezer third. Time 1:18. : Ono and ono-qn.irtor miles : Hidalgo won , Dry Manopole becoud , Stonebuck third. Time 2:12. : In the Lnrillard stakes for tluco vear olds , with SfiXX ( ) udded , ono mile and alialf : There were two starters. Hanover won , Almv second , Tlio value of tlio stake was about $11.000. One mile : Chlckhomlny won , Monocrat second. Gicnadier third. Time IM1) . Steeple chase , short course : Mlllarney won , Mamonist second , Jim McGovvan third , 'lime 3:00. : _ Wnnlilncton 1'nrk Uncos. CIIICAOO , July 7. At Washington pirk the weather was warm , the track in good con dition , tlio attendance about 4,000. Two-year olds , six furlongs : Leo 11 won , Artistl second , Vattell third. Time 1:17. : One mile and sixteenth , all ages : Rosalind won , Poteen second , Lewis Clark third. Washington park cup , two miles and quar ter : Lucky D. won , Volanto second , Monte Crlsto third. Tlmo-4:0t. : Three-year-olds , one and ono eighth inllns : Sailor Hey won but was dlsqual ! lied bv the judges for an alleged foul against St. Valen tine who was awarded the race , Couiedio second. Dannall third. Time l-IWtf. All ages , thiee-quartcrs mile heats : Kirk- tin won the hrst and second heats. Colonel Owens second , Glonhall thiid. Time 1:10 : > 4 andl:17X. : All ages , six furlongs : Hello Taw won , Archbishop second , Enchantress third. Time Trotting In New York. NKW YOHK , July 7. There was a larga at tendance at the New York diivlng park. In th < ) 2:18 : class J. D. Thomas won In three straight heats. Uest time 2MOW. In the 2:25 : class Perplexity and Sir Wi won two heats and Western Hello and Dan ono earh. Host time 3:2. : % . The event will bo finished. The Ncwninrlcet Hnccn. LONDON , July 7. The Chesterlield stakes foi two-year-olds , live lurlongs , was won nt New Market to-day by the Duke of Portland' colt Avrshiie by a halt-leugtli , A. Benholm's colt Courtlraii second , Lord llartingtou's colt , by liarcaUtinu out ol Clmplct , third. 'I I inn 1:0 : . Summer cup race , two miles , was won Dy Loid Ellsmoio'b tlireo-yo.ii-olu colt. Close of tlio Tournament. lliiAnwooi ) , Dak. , July 7. ( Special Tele gram to the llr.K. I The hub race , free-for- all , that was to come on" to-diy , was decided off. as the companies could not agree. The tournament is now closed. Had to Give Up. NKW YOIIK , July 7. Tlio i.ico between the yachts Shamrock and Titan ! tor the gold cup was started this morning at 11 o'clock. The Shamrock soon took tlie load. At 11:50 : , however , the wind carried away her topmast and she had to give up. Ijocal Sport IMS : NotrH. Whtttakor , the blojclist returns from Min neapolis Saturday ovcuiuir. -The Omaha Gun club will hold their roim- lar monthly meeting at Ponrobo it lUrdlti's next Tuesday evening. Tlie regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Wheel club will tm held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In tlio club rooms at the Gruunlg block. The likelihood is that Omaha base ball ad- mlrcis will bo gieeted by homo new faces on tlio local diamond before the lap c of many days. Several releases arc bound to be made. The Omalias wore again tnasincrcd at Lin coln yesterday to the ttinti ol twenty to hoven but as the result was expected no ono was disappointed. The j'11 have revenge all In good time. Messrs. F. T. Mlttauer. S. O. Scribner , "Cjclone" Lvtle , T. S. Ulackmoro , K. N. Clarke , ( K W. Howard and other members of tlie Omaha 'Cjclo club will make the run to Lincoln Sunday. Gill , tlio famous Now York pigeon shot , is In tlie city , and called at Ponroso A : Haritln's sporting headquarters hist evening , GUI has a record ot 103 str.ilght plguoiis and is in tha front rank with tlio best trapbhots ot the world. Ho comes here as a representative of the Brush elect tic light and will remain heio throughout the summer. A member of tlie Chicago firm which Whlt- taker , thu bicycle rider , lepresents , was Intro to-day and covered the S.J5 forfeit in tlio hands of the Chioiiiclo fern n ten mile 'cycle chase between Whittakeraud Asliinger , Whlttaker to give "Ash" a half a mile in tlie ten. The Chicago man wanted to make the race for 51,000 and Hashed a big roll in support of his announced desire. This has had tlio clfect to make "Ash's" backers timorous ; still the race will come off on the 17th tor S'0 ! a bide. Tommy Miller received another letter Irom Tommy Warren jesterday evening , and War ren m.i lies still another proposition , the third since the two men have been net'otlating lor a tight. The sum total ot the whole alUlr is that Warren has no Intention ot risking his reputation bv going up against a man whom ho knows nothing about unless he is assuied of \eryhaudsoniopurse.ovcntuateastho meet may. Hobavblf Miller knows of anv reliable sporting man In Omaha who will take the sole management of a tight to a finish within htty miles of this city and put up a bona lute purse of S5UO , no litsb , for u light to a finish , tlio winner to take all , he'll run do\vn heie Irom Minneapolis ami sign articles of agreement and put himself in shape for the so. He adds that under no circumstanced would ho pull oil his coat tor less than a halt century , and If tlie meet is arranged fur , tlio nmmgiMiient is to take nil that is loalizcd by the s.ile of ticket ) and do witli it as ho sees proper. Hu asks Miller to telegraph him to-day whether he shall como or not. The base ball Imbroglio remains pietly much as it was vesterilay , only tlmt two of the rebellions members , llealy and Genius , packed their little grips and left to join the team at Lincoln. O'Lcary and Swift are btlll here suspended at the hooks. O'Leary considers himself a much abused man , and nays It would bo Impossible tor him to play ball when ho know nil thn time that his en tire salary was to to to piy hut's wrongfully assessed. Ho thinks It a shame that a man who has plaved such bum ball as Walsh IMS the power to line men for unavoidable poor play. And there U a good deal of method in O'Lcary's madness. Walsh has plajed " > el- low" ball ; Htill every plavm has his off npells and flumps errors by tlie cartload came alter game , O'Leary is perhaps a good man in the points , and his bad showing tor n few weeks back Is attributable to the , 'ory Oemoiali/nd condi tion In which the whole nine is. The man agement may as well maVo up their minds , hrst as last , that If tlii-y are going to allow any player or clique of players to run the club or dictate the conduct of It9 affairs , hey can never make a showing in the fiold. The reins must be drawn , nnd draw n tightly , Instanter , or Its good-bvuto the great na tional sport hero. KulegaUt one or two of the players who have been exercising an arbitrary and undce power over the other men and all this inl crarjo | mobs will it.ach a Aiidden and satisfactory termination. Thn board of directors have held no nicctluir and no action has as yet been taken with refer ence to thn Into insurrection anil Its InstUa- tors and nbuttorn. There hax bean no blai k- listing , no suspensions , no lines. On tin return of tlm Hub a mcetlnz will be held ami the matter thoroughly siltfcd ana attended to 10 . Murdered thu Jailor. . . . , . -A'IM.K , Ala. , July 7. ThU morning when Tim Anderson , colored , nssli > tanl Jailer , wejit Into the cell of lUod Towucem IsIs torarry him ill" breakfast , Townfond sprain. to the door , secured an iron used an : listener and beat Tlni'.s head into c jelly Is The convict had a Krudg.d f > alni > t his ke , i'or ' DOttSEY ANDJIS DOINGS , The Great Ei-Star Eonter Preparing tq Ke-ontor National Politics. TIRED OF HIS RETIRED LIFE. Ho Will Work Jinn ! Tor Sherman. ' * Nomination and FKht | lllnino < to clio Knllo-\Vliiu Ho Steve DorHpy'n IMnn * . July 7.-fSpcolat Telegram to the UEK.J A gentleman who has boonproin-n inent In Now Mexico politics unit business * affairs for llftoon > ears past nrrlv od hero to * day irom bnnta Ko on his way east. llo waa seen by your representative , niul anionif other things his opinion was asked upon the recent statement umdo by thu New \orkt press that ev-Sonator Doisoy would dlsposo or his ranch and eattlo Interests In Xovv Mexico and go to NV.v York , where ho would open an olllco with ox-Senatots Clinn- dlor and 1'latt. At Hrst liu sootued reluctant to speak upon the subject , bul lliwlly said : "For sometlmo It has been secretly wills- 1 pcred In ccitaln circles In our territory that I Uorsoy wastiylug to soil , not because htfj wanted to do so , but because ho was being ciowded by his money creditors both In Col orado and Now Mexico , and was obllirod to do sonii'thlng to secure ready cash. . Dorsoy lives at his lliinio Moun- lain Springs In princely btylo , and Is reported to bo Immensely wealthy , but the truth Is ho would have comparatively llttloi loft If alibis obligations were paid. Tho' ' public was given to understand that his last trip to Europe was made because of his fall ing health , while really It was an attempt to unload his herds and ranches upon thu Eng lish at fabulous figures. Failing in this , ho conceived the scheme to purchase the Max well land grant of the Dutch , stocic the samq nt a good iigino In connection with his own property , which adjoins the grant , and then dispose of tlio same to American capitalists * Ho had nearly completed tlio purchase of thrt grant when tlm supreme court confirmed tlio little grant , 'fills decMon bo Increased the value of the 2,000,000 acres of land in the eje-j of the foreign owners ns to make Its purchase by Mr. Dorsey unprofitable - ' profitable If not tmpossihlc. Anntlierthlni' Iu connection with tills once-famous man. Dor- sey never has nor never will bo without po litical aspirations. When at home he pub * Holy denies that ho desires to have New Mexico admitted into the union as n state , ) but among his lew Intimate friends it is no' ' secret that his ambition was to have her be come nstito nnd lie might represent hoc in the United States senate. Ills polltlft management of the lepubllcan campilgn 111 , New Mexico since his lesldenco there , although - ' though they have been falluies , will substaiK Mate this assertion. The deleat of Colonel ! tiderston for delegate to congress threw ears n o , followed lost tall by the ovciv vholmlnit defeat of Colonel J.V. \ . Dwyer ) loth of whom Uorsey ardently supported as against Anthony Joseph , the democratic canJ lld.ite and a man whom Dorsoy despises Mth all his heart , has politically ; laraly/ed the ex-star router in New Mexico. Seeing that ho ha obt all chances here , ho naturally seeks ithcr lit'lds. He Is now in Now York , and one of his most intimate New Mexico irlonds ess than a week ago told mo that Dorse would remain there and devote his time ex.-1 ' cliislvcly to the management or manipulation1 of the next presidential campaign , and that 10 will bo for Sherman , or at any rate ho will It'ht Hlaino to the l < n If o , and endeavor to nakohlmselt solid with thn nominee of the convention in tlie event of Blalne's defeat. In the event that ho is successful In the plan , ' vc may possibly again hear of Steve Doisoy' ' is a leader In republican politics. " MAXMX MUST PAY. ' Jnilge ( inchfl of the Cincinnati Pro * hate Com t So Decide * . CINCINNATI , July 7. Judge Goebel , of the irobato court , to-day announced the lesulq > f his Investigations Into the liability of J.j li. Mannlxand his bondsmen as nssUneo o * : hu estates of Arch-Bishop Puicell and hltfj irother , Father Edward Puicell. Ho founts hat Mannlx' investment in bonds anil ) stocks wore for his private benollt and not ( 01 tlio benefit of the estate ; tlmt he wan entitled itled to no compensation for his services as ns- lignoo and Hint ho and his bondsmen. Messrs. John Holland , Chailes Stewart- and MlclniPl Walsh , owe to the Edward Purcell - cell estate 87S.OOO and that Mannlxand hl-d bondsmen , .M. Clemens and II. A. Hoffman. ! nvo to the J. 11. Pmoell estate SAl'J.MO.j Judge lloidloy , out ) of thosiiieties. h.xs boon.1 released by the payment ot SO'J.'iOU. The Chlcaco Hoodie Jury. CiHCAtio , July 7. In the boodle trial' ' case the live jurors suspected of having been , tampered with bv the defense , came IID for decision tills moinlng , and the court ordered they should be examined as to their relations with the defense. The ex amination of Juror Ostiandor developed the fnct that he and the defendant Yarpellveie members of the sumo Mason I a , lodge , and tlmt lie always knew that bin. brother nnd Vnrnell weie great irienda. JuiorT.ite , who WHH ni-xt examined , said Im hid oxpreosed the hope that Vainell would , not be lonvlelfd , and that within tiie last toitnlght he had met Viunell and diankn. glass of lemonade with him. Itlvor UnvngPi nt AtclilHOn. ATCIIISO.V , Kan. , July 7. Since > esterday , noon about liltv acres ot land In East AtchU son , Mo. , hos been washed away by thc > river. The river has been rising steadily lor torly-elglit hours , nnd the high winds of yesterday drove the current against the bank with great violence , washing out lingo sectionof land. All the residents In that section havn been , forced to hastily remove their houses OR abandon them to the mercy of the waves. Tlio liver Is steadily nnd MinMy cutting Its way through the imriow neck of land which Alfords an appioaeh to the east end ot thn , Atchlson bridge , and unless the government ; authorities taUe speedy steps to stop it th < v hiIdgo will bo hashed out. j ' Rlr-ctlon KixeiV IMntiH. 7. Slmnon Coy , a local political boss und one of tlio men In dicted by the fedeial grand jury In connect , tlon with t'ic tally slwot fiaud at thn Iati > election , wns to-day surrendered by hls > bondsmen nnd phceil In jail. This action understood to IIP a p in of the plan adoptodij by the tndlntrd mini , it being the Intention ta apply to Jnairi' for release on a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Woods , the federal distrk't jndKt' , has held these liidlctinontf\ good , and the practical effect of grunting n. writ ot hnbcns corpus wdiild be to nullify urn Indictments , to liir ns the icdeul courts are concerned. ilnko Klinrp'H CnnilUlon. Niw YORK , July 7. Jacob Sharp said ho ( felt much brttei this innriiiim than ho hail for the last thiuo days. This afternoon .Sharp suiroied freatiy from Tiof. l.ootnirt railed and said his patient was itrnwinij , weaker. Hharp has lost alt thu liu/ gained iluriug the pan few < la > . Snlrcd Ilv tlm Slu-rlfT. MH.WAI.KI.K. , July 7. Tim worl s of the Wnltr. Hili hf lnn.Mirhliio : eompar.y wcro , ] bv the thorlir to-day to satisfy cblui'iJ ' -vtliiC 5W.I2' upon ronfes'fu Judf. ' rncntH. I'l.o prl'.iuipal crcdltOfH M y.H'.vau- Uco parti ? * } _ _ _ StuatitHlilp Arrlvulw. Niw ; VOUK. Jnij 7. 'Special Telenram. , , toihcllcf. -AiiUGil I ThnUhlni'hPd. hoi XIIAHI-JOV July -.irhwd " Af ! ! f , from i-vt > ork.