THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUESDAY. .TUM 7. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisement * under this bend.10 cents po ina for the llr t Insertion , " cents for each sub tpqiicnt insertion , anil 11.U ) a line per month * Ifo iKlvoitlfoment taken for loss tnnn 25 cent * Jor the first Infertlon. Buvrn words wll , bo counted to tlio line ; they must run connect- tlToly and must bo pnl < l In advance. All adver- tlsemcntH tnu > t bo bunded In before 1 : HO o'clocit J > . in. , and under no circumstance irlll they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone , Parties advertising In HUM- column nnd bar- Injr tbo answorn addrcpsnl In euro of TUB llr will plcnio ask fora cheek to ennblo them to ( ret tholr letters , as none will lie delivered oicont on presentation of checV. All answer' ! to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns are pub. Jlsiicd In both morning and evening editions of aim ilr.B , tbo circulation of which BBKrcRntcs moro than H.ono papers Only , nnil ( rlvos the iidvortl'cr tbo benefit , not enl of the cllr circulation of Tbo Jlr.r. but also of Courieii nluffa. Lincoln , and ether cities nnd towns throughout this part of the west. . MONEY TO LOAM. to lonn on farm nnd city property MONEY rates. Largo loans on gilt edged business property. Fee us. Marshall k Lo- beck , 1509 1 arnam. Telephone 73. 23 iY" ? foTbanTiio com m lesion. Coto.nifl H itli. W0 _ _ rONI'.V to lonn to parties wlhlnir to bull. ! . - L B. 8. Campbell , 310 8 ICth St. , Chamber of Commerce. 750 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of J 1.000to 15,000 nt sit per cent Interest. BliolegA , Crumb. 187 MONEY" ( iXAN-On clTy pinperTy In sums of $50) anil upwnrds at lowest rates. Money hlways on band. K. B. Campbell U10 Bouth Sixteenth street. 168 ONEY 'JO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1&05 Fnrnnm et 5(10,000 ( to loan on real eitnto. No delay. 1 HarriB.V Bnmpson , 15111 Douglas Bt. 25J , To loan on Omahn city property at8 $600,000 percent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. 170 , f"1 OOI ) paper taken for first payment on first- * \J class Omiiha property. Money to loin on Improved property , A line lot In Plalnvlow. only $ I'IOO. II. W. HuntreBt , IMI'J Farnnm st 429 9j TONRY TO IXAN-On cltv and farm prop. JXL erty , law latos. Stewart It. Co. , llootu 3 Iron bank. 171 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and I1' . Squire , 11U Furmim st , Put on hotel bnlldlnp. 172 MONKY TO LOAN on improved real state ; no commission charged. Leavltt llurn- bam , Iloom 1 CrolKbton Block. 173 MONEY to loan ou Improved city property and farms from H.liOO lit ) , nt lowest rate. i Win. 11. Loach , lloaf istnt : Agent , 1509 _ LOAN Money lxiais placed on improved - proved real estate In city or county for Hen Enitlaml I/onn & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chloago sU. _ 175 TH I Ft Y Thousand dollars to loan to parties f wishing to build. 150,000 to lonn on unimproved city property. f 100,1)00 ) to loan on Improved elty property. Hpcnlnl rates for the next 30 duys. Odoll Hros A : Co. , cor Knrnam nnd "V'1.- "JITONKY to loan on Improved city property at J.TJL 8 prr cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have a complete set of abstract buoki of Douglai county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Hoiil Estate and IxianCo. , 3208.15th st. 1 78 MONKY 10 LOAN-bytbonmlorslirnod , who has the only properly organized loan Mtency InOmuhn. Loans off 10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , ic , without removal. NodclnjH. .All builnons strictly confldentliil. Loam so made that any part can hopnlit nt any Imo.each payment reducing the cost pro ratn Advances inadn on flno watches nnd diamonds. 1'ersons bould carefully consider who they arc dealing With , as many new coneornH are dally comlnir Into existence. Bhould you need money call ml see mo. W. II. Croft , Itoora 4 W'thnoll ' , Bulldlnjf IMh nd Hnrnoy. _ 177 fflUK OMAHA Kuiancral Exehntige ; JN. . W. corner of Ilnrnoy nnd 15th sts. , ever Btato National bank. Ii > prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loan * made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long mo loans modoon Improved real citato lit currant rafei. 1'urchaso money mortgages negotiated. Hnourod notes botifrht. aoldor ezcbnn cd. Bhort tlmo loans iimno on second tnortiraffe. according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. llcnl estate to exchange for Rood interest bearln * paper. Clenornl financial business of all kind * trant- . acted promptly , quietly and fairly. V Money always on bund for approved loans of ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity CoMiett. * MajUKor. US 5750.000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent Llnaban l > Mnlionoy , 15011 Fnrnam. 17 _ M rONKY LOANUDut C. V. Hood & Co. ' 8 Loan Ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horsos.waKons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. BID 8. 1.1th. over Illnfrham s Commission store. All busl- lie s strictly confidential. 18(1 ( ftPRH CENT Money. V K. O. 1'attcrson , IRlh nt.d Harney. 131 BUSINESS CHANCES. ICOH SALE One ot tbo best paring saloons J In city. Parties inennlng business ad. dross at once , U , S > , lloo ollloo. 413 10J "IJ1OH SALK The whole or half Interest Ir Jono of tbo host paving restaurants In tin City. If wo Roll ball Interest would prefer n party onpablo of taking charge of the books ami imsh. For particulars address O. H. Moore , Kl ! Furnam Bt. 404 7j TTtOll hALK Stock of groceries nnd fixtures JL' splendid locution , cheap rent , ( rood rcasoE < or selling. Address C27 , llee olllce. 399 I2J A FINE business chance for ayounir man with flomo get-up about nlm to take half Interest In a ttrst-oliiRB bakery , must bo willing to drlTO delivery wagon. Address 1124 , Iiu < . . . cilice. 407 8J "C10H SALE-Qenoral merchandise store. . J-A Good trado. Will soil for cash. Huildlni 18x20. good stunlo , room lor six horses. Ilenrj > 'OHO | , postmsstor lloltan , Chejcuuo county 3Neb. 358 6J "I71OH SALE A stock of general merchandise , r * Also liouso and lot In town and Ifcl ucro land for sale , ohonp , or will trade for ion ontato near good town In eastern Nebraska AY. H. Hcnld , l.otcber , Diihota. 3JHOJ ANU'ED-llaTbor as partner , must be i good workman , with or without capital Jpi\vo a good established trudo. Apply , A. L fCndolaud & Co. , Harbors' Supply Homo , 1JO Douglas st. 890 7j BARK business chance : for xale , the stock futures and good will of n first-class cloth Jnir store doing a good business , eontrnllj ncntod , only reasons for selling the owner hni other and more Important business Parllei rnetuilng business may nddreas U. 1C , Uee olllco 349 FOR SALK 10 pharos of stook In the Oninln Loan ami llulldlng association. .Addrei ti IT , Hue olllco. 310 llj T71OH SALE First-clans restaurant maklni Jfrwo a month ; best of reasons for soiling Address M 14 , lleo. 315 6J F OR SALIJ-A No. 1 saloon , ice box cheapa No. 1U ) Farnum Bt. 271) ) SPKCULATOHS opportunity. Informatloi on stocks onlr telegraphed under code ti nny subhcrlbor. K , BUurmun Fitch , \Vallst y. V. 7UJy 22 * fjAOH SAIr.-Or _ rent , hotrU A choice oner O-1 Ing. Partloulars , address , JJ. II. Wlldc Osccolu , Nebraska. 8.V ) Jy llj 'IjlOH BALK First clau ice cream purler an J.1 confcvtionary Btoro. Enquire 317 & 13th e _ _ , _ _ M _ UH ) BALU Hoe ( and shoe stock Includlni & years Uaie of store , best location li Rate and city. Address T 10 llee oltlco. _ _ 475 Jy IT _ _ 1OK BALE A first 'Class betel puipcrty , tw .C Btory brlcit In excellent location and doln an oxtonslrj business. For paitlculars ad dress It. a Lilly , real estate dealer , llroku llowj " eli _ . _ 1M SI _ "JTIOlTSALK good hotel In the HveTowiTo J. Cbadron doing a good business on ver easy terms. Full particulars by addressing M . l.ungworthy. " Ljiak , Wyoming. _ 713 jy 22J * -iJ OU BALE"-A good business ; small ciiplii " " l * required ; gooa reasons for selling , A dress T 4 lleo office. _ 716 TCWH HALlT Law library , cheap. Wbeoler i Jwheelfr , Douylas aim 15th st. 841 * 17 OR SALls A boanllng bouso and furnlturt - ' dolnr good business , 10 boarders , goo rtitfton for telling- . Call at Currle A Vollnn Uth and Capitol ave , Kxposlton Dulldlng. 33 PERSONAL. I > ijlBONAL : Indies or gentlemen wantln good board , with or without rooms , f o short or long time , enn find good accomniodi tion by calling at & 0 818th. S31 I vMvil > EHSONAI'-A younr lady would like t i. * . _ ! * * . make tbo aoqualntanco of some nlc 'roung maa. Address , Miss Nellie Watsoi klir. iuio * PEIIPONAL If you wnnt ft deslrab'e , cen trally located olllce you can find It nt 018 B Uth Bt 78 liEHSONAL-I'rivato home for ludlcB.during J confinement , strictly confldentlal , Infanta a-ionled. nddrc s K 42. lice olllce. 4aio5 HSONAI MIsi Jennie MorrK toaebor of JL muilc , terras lower than nny other teacher n the city. Call ut 410 N. 21st st. 307 7J FSHS'INAL Mriil Dr Nannie V. Warren clairvoyant , Mrdlrnl and business Medium Boom tto. B , 121 North ICta st ,0maha , Neb. rou D. FOUND-Pug dog. Call room 11 , old city hall. 4370' LOST. 10ST A bay horse , about 1,401 pounds nnd n J black m are. $10 reward to tbe Under. O. VadduJUJUJJ Douglas M. 1H3 CJ reST SatiirdHy afternoon , ono bis ; bay home. A. H. Mujno. Orchard Hill. Ho- MinUo N.W. _ cor.15th _ and Harney. 879 SI.\'iNTV-Fl\'i : ; dollars'"reward. Ktrnyed or stolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , n largo roan horse , about 17 Imndi high , weighing bfc ween 1,300oml 1,100 pounds , rcdlcb brown nimo nnd tnll , hind ankle Fomeulmt Bwollen- 25 will br paid for return of nnlmal to owners , it 110 S 14th Bt.nnd If Btolcn the shcrllf of Doug- _ m Co. will pay a reward of J50 for the arrest and ronvlctlon of the thief. C9 LOST July 4th between Hurt strcot nnd high school on 21st street n lady's gold watch with fob. The Under will pltnso return t to owner nt 2003 Hurt sttoot nnd rotolu ) ro- , rard. : 4 0 ] ' OST Pocket bonk containing papers No -J money. Return to 1'Untcrs' hotel , nnd got e nrd. JJ870J f OST On Eighteenth , Mierman nvo or ( Irnco JJ . , "Spoclllcntlons. " I'lcarni return to I ( HI North 16th et. , or I' . J. Creedon , nrchltoct , ipcrn house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and milder. 348 STO11AOE. T/UHST-CLASS Storage nt 110 N Uth Pt L Flrst-rhflR Ktornpo for nice fur niture or boxed trooUs. at5U CLAIRVOYANT. MUrf. DOIIANT Clarlvoyant from Hoston.ii rollablo In allaffalrf of life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. If.thsU room 1 591 Jj28 | IfflSOELLANEOTTS. 1 000 piieka ca Riven away to Intro- dtieo the Kront Uuarantecd Illooa , Liver , Kidney , bcrofula and Djspopslii Mcdlclno. Fend i tamp for postaifo onduarantco London Modlcluo Agency , 811 North 17th St. , Omaha , * ' 400 OJ AN eastern Kentleman desires the acquaint ance of u lady possessing musical ability mil w III establish her in n profitable 11115111013 It found worthy. Address J. It Stewart , 1'nxtou housu. 337 7j I.Kit KS. accountants , salesmen , correspond C ents out of employment should plnco their names on our books. Itcoord Adv. Co. , 1513 'nrniim 351 7 po nxCHANaiJ-Omaha real estate for n , . couple of flno driving horses. 11. C. Pat terson , 15th anil Harney 205 F'OK TKADi : ratms , city lots , sto-ek of mer chandise , oto. Parrott & Williamson. 14tb Douglas. 2K5 J F. WILI.KT'IS-Trained mnlo Bick-nurso. T'clophono 370 , Y. M. C. A. rooms. ICO 31 * fPAlCE NOlim-W. C Klnc & Co. , llouso -L Moving nnd liaising , address 132(11'ioreo ( st 749JJSJ * Cl.SS pools and vaults cleaned nnd dead nnlmnls removed by John Nelon , t'lirbnjro collector lor 4th ward south of Douglas st 1415 Hartley pt. Telephone ran. Hiano J montnlr. A Hoape.151) DoiiL'iai. Ib7 O parties hnvlnjf houses tor rent. Itoutnl ARpncy. Itennwa & Co. . 15st , opposite post- ollleo , Wn have turned over to them our rental llet We recommend them. MeCoKU * llros. 18S "Cion ICENT Organs , $ per month , rioapo , X ) H13 Douclas. 187 Ol. C.-House furnishlni ; Roods , all kinds ; cash or iDstallmonti lowest prices at J , Ilonnor , 1315 DoiiRlasst 18'J F Ion KENT Hqnaro montnlr. Iloipe. 1513 Douirlaa , 187 F yon wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N 18th. 190 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. F OH BALK Pair ponies , bugiry and hnrnoR s , $150. C. H. Spray , 819 N 18th. 410 BJ F I OH BALK Good safety blcyclo. A bargain. 1015 Uraco , near Urocn car. 4100 * FOH SALE Several pieces of furniture , a parlor sot and stoves , at209 North llth Bt. , city. U77 10 FOH SALE rurnltnre for housekeeping. $1,000 : one-fourth cash , rest in montnly payments of $50 or $75. riatcan bo rented for $55 per mo. llocord Ady. Co. , 1513 Furmim. M 0 TCTOH SALK--l\irnlturo for n 0-room houto , Jcheap for cash ; also now piano. Address O 44 , lleo olllco. ! i3 | llj FOH 8ALIJ-Hlcyolo-f75 buys n 51 mob ox- port Columbia full nlcklo , need 3 seasons , in good condition. Address A. M. S 1221 N St. , Lincoln , Nob. U'.fl ' llj 71OH SAM' Car load of horses and mnros at - the corner of 2hth and Leavonnorth , at no C. It Webster burn. ii'Jl 7 Poll SAI.K New cherry curtain dook , only $45. It C. Pattomon , 15th und Harney. 2U4 FOH SALK Span of nice young hordes. For sale on tlmo payments. H. tMartin. . 274 POH BALI' Furniture of 8 rooms with privi lege of lease of bouso , 707 S. 14th St 209 FOIt SALE A cnolca Jersey cow and calf , also liirht lumber wagon nearly now , ap ply 1505 Frtrimm at. 138 F I OH SALE Furniture and lease of six rooms lnflat.K078.13tbst HoomNo.a. 382Jyl5 FOIt BALE Ono six-foot upright black wal nut show cine , Milton Hogers ic Son. 909 FOH SALE Span flno matched bay driving horses. C , F. Harrison , 418S 15th st. 670 8ALE- FOH Htudotmkor buggies at Seaman's. Sludebakor phuotonsat Soaman'B. Btud'ibakorcnrrlagos at Seaman's , tudebakor spring wagons at Senman's. Bttidobakerdraft wagons at Seaman's. Corner of Furnam and llth sts. I''l\v car loads just received. 22 Jy 24 Fou HALU-4,000,000 Hard Urick. T. Murray. 191 71011 SALE-Drlok. T. Murray. I ? 183 WANTED MALE HELP. TVTANTKD-AtLeavenworth nnd Parkavo. , i T tlftoen men with shovels. Uolaney A Co. 451 7J WANTED Ten flrst-cla cornlco men. Ap < ply at now court house , Council Blurts' ' \\7ANTKD-15 laborurs corner Ifith and How. T T nrd ; wages $ -i per day of 9 boura. Witu- nell Ilros. 395 8J ANTED 45o per hour for good stone cut ters. Apply toV , H. TylorLlncoln. Nob. 335jyI5J \\7ANTED-Partnor ; live businessman with T T H.iOJ to $5.000 cash , to take Interest in No , 1 paying manufacturing business located In Omaha. J. L. Hieu \ Co. , over Commercial Hank. 441 8 \\7ANTED Experienced young man to drlv TT ( frocory delivery wagon and take orders a Gorman preferred , Address ut once with ref ere nee. Dill , lleo , 4387 \WANTED-Good white barber. $15 guaran T tee per week. Apply at once. John 0. Ilorguinn , Grand Island , Nob. 389 H \\7ANTED-10 laborers at corner llth ! nnil T T Dodge sts. ; wages $ j per day of 9 hours. Hocheford A Gould. 3.U Of \VANTF.D-5 laborers , corner 27th and Cum TT tng st : wuges $ J per day of U hours , James K. Petty. - B93 flj \\7 ANTKD-10 laliorcrs corner 20th nnd Har TV noy ; wages $2 per day of 9 hours. It E. _ Llvosoy. ll-.U 6j I ANTED-Cook , 812 Douglus 8t. 371 \VANTED Acooketonce , 1007 Furnnm st TT 43J 6J \\7ANTED-Mon to sell ourgoo < ls In Douglas T T and adjoining counties. Will pay goo < ! salary and all expenses. Write for terms anO state salary wanted. Sloan 4 Co. , manufao tururs , a)4 ) Oeorge St , Cincinnati. O. E54 BJ \\fANTED-Three persons to Instruct it TT when situations art furnished. J , 11. Smith , 1013 Chicago street WANTFO-r. laborcrg , 3 per day. Tirst National Hank. Omaha. 43)10 ) * WANTED 2. ' , Inbororc , f2 per day , corner lltn and Howard. 421 10 * \\7ANTED-Colorod porter , ono waiter Itn- T T niodlntely 107 N I2ln street , 343 0 \\T ANfiTD "f7rmelTfor W > oinlnif ! wages * . ' , T _ $ . ! 23 and t'iUi per day. Free fare. U tf. Albright Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm Et. 819 \\7ANTF.O-2Rt\rdonors.ncar city ; Z farm 'T hands , and a few laborers In city. .Mis. llrcrn j-on. 13 3. 16th. Upstairs , 233 U " | VTANTED-Prescription clerk , ono speak- T T inp ( lorniRii preferred. Addregs P. 0. box 223 , city. 0 5 "llf ANTED All ntront , by a Inrce and well TT known Philadelphia Pubbshlnir Com pany to obtain subscriptions nnd for anew nnd popular and rapidly selling line ot Commercial Publications required by nnd essential to business concerns throiiKhout the country. Prolltahlo and permanent employ ment Riven to an experienced , reliable poison fnmlllnr with the booh nnd advertising bus ! * no9. Addres , Rtatltiff f xporlence , roinroncci , & .C. , llox W ? , Pliilndclphla , Piv , ' m Cj " \\rANTED-Lnboreroof all kindstnechanlc < , TT clerks , etc. , to (111 ( vacancies. City Labor Agency , northM est corner Ifith nnd Fnrnuui , ground floor. 2C7 WANTED A boy to cnrry ndvortlsliifr ban- nor , apply to 0178 13th. H13 WANTED FEMALE HELP. W ANTKD-OIrl lor pcncraliiouEcwork. In- qulro nt bUG a mil st , 4 3 Sj T\rANTED LnOy to learn sowlnp nmchlno T t nnd make \ c t8. Apply 000 N ICtli st. 4 U Oj _ _ _ " \\rANTED-A Ocrman or Bcandlnnvlnn plrl. > CnllHtll. Toft , 12th nud rurnain , or 518 rntrrlowst. 410 7J W ANT KD A Klrl to do ( tenernl hounowork In private family. Apply 11)15 ) Capitol nvo. 415 7J WANTP.D ( ilrl who housework nnd can cook. 1' homo and good pay to ritcht ono. lloferonces required. No. 8003. Dccnturtt. Tnlo red ear lino. 4t.'l 8 WANTIJD A Rlrl for jronornl housework except wnshinK. Apply nt largo bouse In front of Crelgliton college 43i ! " ' ANTRD-2 polishers , $12 ; 2 plain Ironers , J10 ; 1 vnsherwoman , f'J ' ; G dining loom pirls und 2 * for west , * 20. Cool ! and dishwasher for ( "ontrnl City , nil fares paid Tortile city , dinlntr room Klrli , Inundresses , ehambormalds , nurses , nnd M vlrls for Konoral housework ut good wages. Mrs. Hrcga A. Son , 318 bo. IDtll. 449 ( j * \VANTiD-Oirl : for Bcnornl housework , 1415 North 18th , between Clark and draco. 450 WANTKD Mldrtlo-nirod or old woman , Irish or Herman , for help In kitchen : easy work ! ( food \Miges. 107 North 13th. 411 7 * WANTED A competent Klrl for general housework at lUJt S 30th avcnuo. Good wages paid , 401 U vv I ANTED A Klrl tor housework , 110 S. 23th St. WANTED-A lady stcnocraphoraccuitomod to Itomlngton machine. A Munson writer preferred. Address U. HI , Ceo ofllcn. 8J35J IfASTED-A peed girl for general housc- T work at 10SS 25th St. 428 12J \\TANTnD-Glrl for general housuwork. 1904 Fnrnam. 427 TyANTEO-niiilng room girl , Union rcitnu- T T rant , 1217 Ilarnoy street 30" > 7J \\MNTEO-At once cook nt old flrownoll TI linll , 018 s. 10th st 35J ( > TI'ANTKD Wet nurse. Dr. Parker , room 5 , T > Crolghton blocit. 302 oj WANTEDAgood nurse girl nt las 80. 25th st yflj : llj \VANTED-3 good ( flrls nt once , At the Pax- tan hotel. Inquire fortho steward. 338 OJ \VTANTKD-A eood girl for dining room ' ' work , by Mrs. II. Kountze South loth street. 128 \ ANTED ' Cook txt Emmet house. 373 I'ANTED Dhilngr girl at Planters House. " \\7ANTKD-A competent teacher for the > v ( Icrman-Amerlcun school for Untrhih branches. Addrchi I. . Ucimrod , IHth and Jack- Fou , President , and i : . ( i. Qrube. Secretary Uerinan Hoclety , euro n. A M. headquarters. 715 WANTED Two girls at Do run bouso , 423 S Ibth st. , near Bt .Mary's nve. 92t \\'ANTKD 25glrl for general housework. Apply at City Labor Agency , northwest corner 16th and rarnnni , on ground lloor. Mil WANTED-A lady piano plxyer. Cull be tween 12 and o'clock. 15U Capitol nve. 203 7 * _ W - girl to ( foTiousowork ln n small family at 1112 S 13th st. 899 YV"ANTiD : A yoiinir glil for general housework - > work , In a small family. Apply nt RJ8 Park nve. 6S7 WANTP.D Skirt nnd ba < k nnlshers. also six apprentices to lonrn dress making. 1513 Douglass st , room 8 and I ) . 378 llj W IANTP.D flirl for general housework In email family , 2112 Douglas st. 4GO \\TANTiO : A woman to do general house ' work , none need upply unlo B n mst- class cook , good wages to right party , 1818 Webster. 115 SITUATION WANTED. W ANTED Situation ns eashler in restaur nut or nurse girt Address U 29 , lino. 424 7J \17ANTED-A first clais dressmaker would T T llko a few engagements In private fnmll' Ics. Address U Zt > , Hoe. 431 llj \\rANTED-Work by an able-bodied younR TI married man. Net particular , but clerk ship or carpenter work preferred. Address U. 31 , lloo olllce. 317 6 * WANTRD-Sltuntion as prescription clerk by young man of four years cxperlenco , fleet of city references. ( No ollleo foe. ) Mrs. Ilroga&Son,318 So. 15th. 4186 * \\7ANTED Poiltlon by stenographer , best ol ' t city and outside rofoicnco8owQsmnchlnu. U 11 lies ollico 2979 * l\7ANTED Position by stenographer , com ' potent Ilndoratands bookkeeping. Ad dress U 2J Uco olllco. 414 8j T\rANTEI-Fltuntlon by a steady man m general work In a wholesale orrotnl liouso. Address 'U 30" lleo ofllce. 412 7J U ANTED-Sltuatlon by a young man it dry goods store , olllco or bookkeeping I'lvo years' oxporlonco. No objection to go 0111 of city. U. 22 , lice onico. 415 8j SIl'UATIONS Employers in need of clerks traveling salesmen , accountants xuppllet on short notice , Hecord Adv. Co. , 1513 Knrnani Ml 7 " \\fANTIJD- Young lady graduate from tin TT East In music , wUhes pot It lor. as toaehoi and organist In school or church. Addro < s M V. W. . 018 North Ktlist 325-9J \\7ANTED-Situntlons for 10 glrli for genera i housework. City Labor Agency , n * cor. 16th and Furnum. Oround floor. 283 O CONTHACrOHS We are prepared to fur niRh any kind of laborers you want. Clt ; Lubor Agency , n w cor , 16tb and Farnnm , Ground lloor. 2iM MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WA NTED-noard in city or near by fo gentleman , wife nnd two children , young est two years. Address John M. GUI , Mcr chanU hotel. 3'JO CJ \\fANTiD : To sell furnlturo of board I nj TT bouso centrally locutod Good trade Ilcason for selling , address U. 21 , Uco office , 410 'X " \I7ANTKD--A gentleman baring nicely fur TT nlshed olllee will nsioclale with persoi knowing paying busmobg. Address U. 18. thli olllce. 368 7J ANTED-Fldorly Indy desires nice fur nlsbed room with boitrd. Private family I'rlconotto exceed $ JO p r month. Addrcn U. 13 , lice oilco. ) 504 0 * WANTED Immediately , n competent pnrt ] to furnish cooking and oatluir tent ] am board for about tlfty men for several inontbi on lines being constructed for the M.P. Hall way Co , In Nebraska. Good board must 1 > < furnished at $ .150 per week. All bill guaranted. Address 1. U\crton , Supt. o Construction , Nebraska City , Neb , 368 7 \\7ANTKO-Pay boarders at private board ' ' Ingnouse , 131J Capitol avenue , P50 ) J TIT ANTED Furnished room and board li T T private family for man nnd wlfc.botwoci Cags nil Fnrnam and 13tb and 1MB in. , not ti exceed 110 per month. U 22 , Uee olllce 4ttl CJ \VANTED-A few dsr boarders nt 2402 Et TT Mary's ara. 43i t-J WANTED-To buy I bouies whlcti can be r BOT4K1. A. f , slayne , 1103 Codfe st l"\r ANTED 3 unfurnished rooms In dcslrnblo location. Address UN , lloo otlico. asacj . . _ _ 4 | . _ * M \\rANTED-Purtlcs wlsblniiito nxchanRo city T T property , farms or tnerwUni'liso cull , 1 can sultjou. J , S. Johnson , 31U.B,15th , Room 4 , . . , 8) ) nnd LOTS. TT'OH HENT A new7root jhou o. well , ois- -L1 tern , 2 closets , double d or , sink nnd pun * try , $2. . lithst uoarMarll ; 412 g "ITIOH HEST 7 room , tnod i'/i / now house , gns , Jcity water , bath , sewer (4 ( > nncctlons , on car line , l > i mile from P. 0. $40 per tnontb. J , L. lllce & Co , , over Cooimorclal Hank. | > 413 PJ _ _ _ "T7U1II BALE Six room coJiAijo , PatindoTS * -L1 HlniLbiiuuh add to WulMjf Hill , $1,000 00 , ono thousand chsh , bnlcusy. ' II ItO lloo o'ttlce . 4(0 8 "IT1OH HINT : n-roora hoti e , f urnlttirp almost Jnow , tor sale at tf root sncrlncu , Address U 25 , IlcO olllco , 495 flj FOH HENT 18-roora boarding house ; rent $05.00 per month ; S blocss from P.O. AOOJ. 00 worth of furnlturo for $1,410 ( JO. 18- room boarding IIOIIPO , rent J81.IW ; furnlturo "or sale. 7-room cottage In good location , near ' . O. 7-rootn brick Hat , furniture for sale on line , f 100 cn h , balance In monthly pnymnnK tcftnurant m good locntlon. Co-opora'.lvo .nnd ft Lot Co. , .O N. Ifith at. 3iC NeTv house , FOVOM rooms , city watcrnnd tmth,2itb and Parker st. lu- ulro 17U9 Jackson st. 310 10J _ [ T'OH lll'.NT-STOotn hoiiao on llth st , $15. L1 Fu rn Itu ro fo r sale $225. 2rootn boarding houses , 11J blocks from P. 0. Furniture for sain $4W. 10 room boarding house , furnlturo for snle n time. This Is a b.irgaln. Co-Oporatlvo .and \ Lot Co. , 20'i N 10th St ; 147 0 T1OH KENT Vroom houfo in line location. - Inquire , Kaufman llros. , 100U Farnatn st. IT1 OH HKNT New home , ten room" , stenm 1 beat , all Imprvcmcnts. C. W , mid (1. K. Thompson. 314 S 15th st. 73.1 1J1OH HEM' Nine ( l room house , 14tb nnd J Pierce Apply to017 South 13th st. U57 71OH lliNT-Half : of Btoro. Inquire nt 1218 - Doimlasst. U FOll HI'.NT New store and living rooms on Uumlnir at near Snunders st. Apply Har ris Heal l > tnte & Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 8S9 FOK HENT A bnsomcnt. good place for barber shop , s w corner 16th nnd Leaven- worth bts. 818 "filOH HUNT A store room , 22xW and bnso- - 1mcnt of the same sire , In n brick bnllillnir , miltnblc for general mercantile business , U , abelcn , Hlglng , Nob. I i7 11 FOIl RENT A house of 7 roomshard and soft water , $30 a month. Apply to L Dug- gnn , 1113 South Illtlist. i.61 Fc HENT 3-room bouso , 70J Paclflo. 512 FOIl HKNT Two largo now stores and two Hals of live rooms each. Cltv water and gns. On Saunders Bt. C. W. Cain , 22. > 0 Ohio Bt. 812 Foil HUNT 0 room bou o uuct barn. 17th nnd Center sts. . bouse heated by hot water and nil modern Improvcmots , $ i ! " > . Also n7 room bouse ns above $40. J. L. Wclshans , 319 S. IDth Btreet. 407 OK KENT Two brick stores with base- tnonts24th and llnmllton streets. Desir able location for dry goods nnd drnp store. Flats above If desired. Leavltt Uurnham , room 1 , Crclghton block. 074 FOH HUNT Three room bouso , 7ftT < Pacldc. For Kent Six room house , llOi ! S 71 h. For Itont Throe roomhousor ( H ) N2Jth 61 CHOIOK Lot for Lcaso.-HSoutheast corner 4818 4 Lcavenworth anil 1'ark liveor lll build to suit tenant. Hobble Hros .t5j FOH HKNT-Small omce/in excellent loca tion. Enquire of F. ttirrctt * Co.iH'i : ' S. 15th. . . 227 FOH UENT-Throo room house , llOSii S 7th ly > 315 F1 1OIt Itr.NT 3-room hou o on 14th nnd Pierce bit. Inquire ut 617 South Utli st. I7AOH HUNT One now povon mom liouso Pit- L : uatnl onnoitheast cor of King nnd Coif- taan st. Patrick llros. , ItoomS Arlington block. W > ] Jy 11 FOB BENT ROOMS. FOH HCNT-Smnll store room. 309 N. 15th street. 444 Oj FOH IU3NT Furnished room In Greunlg blk , cor Uth and Doduo st. Inqultn of Davis & llotborlngton , Mlllard Hotel Hilllnrd room. 291 FOR IIRNT-B nicely furnished rooms over store , 1715 8. ICth et. Kent * -0 per month. Inquire Lee , Nlchol & Co. , room UJ , Wllhncl block , 3T411 FOH KENT Itooms on prlnclptil streets8 to $ .15. Rooms listed with us rapidly tilled , llccord Adv. Co. , 1.11. ) 1'arnam st. 351 7 FOH HUNTHcasonnblo , larro , cool , newly furnished room with south bay window. lloferonces. 60'J S 17tb st. 2M ' HUNTI'lcpant furnished rooms with L' board. 1U21 1'arnam st. 312 HTOIl linXTNewiy"furnlsbcd front nnd bock L' purlors , single or RUltca Cas , Imth , mod ern con\onlcnces ; private family : near busi ness. 1(515 ( Cup uve. fO ! 10J "IJUJlt HUNT 2 lurnishod rooniH for in n nnd Jwife or 2 gentlemen , bath , 821 3. 19th st U HKNT-ltoom for two , with board fet tbo summer , iniil Capitol u\u. ; > 27-'Jj "IjlOK HUNT Front parlor und bedroom , with -L flrst-cltiBsboaid , by July Uth ; 16--J Capitol uvo. ItofercncoB required. ifHJ FOH KENT 2 furnishca rooms nnd front parlor unfurnNhcd or furnished , to suit , all convlencnces , 207 a 24th st 310 5 * F OH HKNT Furnished trent rooms ; gns , bath and board. 5-l ! Pleasant b2ljy8 * H1OH HENI'-FurnHhed rooms , 181 Dodge. 877augl FOH HENT Largo furnished rooms , gas , heat and all modern Improvements. Now bouse , now furnlturo , 1707 Dodge street. 353 F 1OH HEN Store room for butcher , Iflth am' ' Mason. 209 FOIt HENT Furnished room on car line suitable for two gentlemen , or man ant wife. 2l3S.2dBt. ! 202 FOH HKNT llooms on principal streets , $ ' to $35 All rooniB listed with us can sooi bo filled. llocord Advertising Co , lull Farnatn , 2450 FOIl HF.NT 2 nicely furnished rooms , nnc elegantly furnished front parlor , modern orn conveniences , 103 N. 17th Bt Ul T7UH HKNT Kino suite of unfurnished rooms J-1 Hoforoncoaroxulrcd , 1710 Chicago. 118 30J FOH HENT-Furnlshed front room , n block from uoatolllco. 1720 Cass st. 4.WJ F 1011 HENT-Offlee room $10 per month , 2o < tloor. 310 8.15th Bt 4 F HBNT Furnished room , 1001 Fnrnam ; o BJ F I OK HENT Nlooly furnished room , I9JI Dodge st 198 FOR HENT-Pnrtof onioslroJin .Inquire 1SI2DOU glasst tl 013 FOH HKNT-3 rooms In a flat cor 20th am Nicholas st. 112 FOR HENT-Ware room cor. 14th and Call Ifornln on Belt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nat bank. A 184 FOH HENT-Offlce 2nd floow318 S 15th. Bt price $10 , ft IU FOIl HENT-2 clegantfrftms , nlcoly fin nlshod on street car nnoi modern con venlences. Gentlemen onlr. Excellent loca tlon. 1917 Cuss. I ' U71 FOH HENT-Deslrnblo roohfs at 2227 Dodge Vh -"il M FOR HENT-One email aub ono largo roor 17 20 Capitol avo. T" 3597' FOH HENT-Offlce room o TiDodgo etrcct ni elegant window , and otMr epiico for rent Appto ) Mitchell it I > yonmhjlck-,151 Dodvo st 382 7 FOH RENT Furnished rooms ; now house all modern conveniences , 2214 Farnati Blrcet. 419 11 * T7Kll HENT-Nico furnished room,022 N. 15th JD 418 fc E10R HENT-2 nlco furnished rooms will board in private family , 710 8 Kith at 40-i WJ FOR HUNT A very elegant largo front roon at 1711 Dodge Et 413 7J FOH HEST-A nice furnished room on 8 V corner of Vth and Harney. 400 7J TJ OR HENT Two well furnished rooms will -L' llrst class board if desired , pleasant loca tlon , prlvatn family. S E cur 20th ami rarnam 656 JylfJ FOH RENT-Front room , 1115N 17th streol | 411 nj FOR HENT-Elegant rooms , furnlturo am bouse new , every modern convenience KM Hedge street References required. [ 71011 RENT Furnished front room , near car L1 line at corner of Dodge nnd 21th streets , nqulro of A , H. Comstock 152J rurnain st.W3 W3 I710H RF.NT Nicely furnished parlor. Mllt- L' able for man nnd wife or two gentlemen 11 K Ibth St. 13. 10 * OR KENT-Furnlshed roomi 09 Hodge. 30J I'J ' [ 71011 KENT 2 noi\ly and elegantly lurnlMioit -L1 roomi at 1709 Dou 'lus it. All j $ F ( Oil HENT-De'kroom. Enquire Jllackman. ait 3 litli . ) FFc Fc RENT Furnisbed rooms. 1707 Cnsi. 615 F OK KENT Pulte of furnished rooms for RcntJomon. A. Hospc , Jr. ,315 tf. 17th. R HKNT EloKnnt sulto of rooms , references - L ces required , HOT Douglas st. 197 TI OR HUNT-Furnlshcd rooms. 714 N. loth st. J ItlOjyn * F OR SALE HOUSES LOTS. \TOTHI.\O out Imrualiu In tills ad. nml -L > lllnckburn & Kennedy have them. The 111 ft on this list will bo unimproved prop- rly- Two lotma double corner ) In HlKhlnnd > lnpe , south and oust front , for n few iliiys at .u.Oll ) ; 75 foot Iront In KcdlcK's cub , Jl.OOO . : no otln I'lnlnvlow , JI.'JOO ; two lots In Ambler ilnce , blooK 14 , north nnd east ( rout ( it double orner ) , $ lCUl ; one lot In block I ut too low n irlco to mention ; two lots In Hartley plnco for < MH ) ; one lot in Heed's first inldltlon , one lot In 'atrlck's addition , hair block from car line , * \ . < va40ir,1 \ feet In 1'nrk place cheap. . \ml now look nt the Improved li t : One tlvo- 'Oiiiu cottage mid 111 font Int. less than one nillo rom postolllro , on I'npltol hill , for J4,100ono ; if MrooMi for J5.DJO. Ono tun-ioom housu , full lot , one nnd one- mil clock from street cur JJ.WW. Snnpl Ihrco cottiiitct nnd lot , only hnlt block from Etruut nr , fA.'iKO. Wnvdown. Anil mnny other biuenlns In nil pnrt of the lly. This Is n small n.ut of ou.r ll t. Call nnd co us. IJlAckburn i Kennedy,31CS. 16th su 4i37 Al'I.W troiiultio bnrgntn1 ! . Oiso's ndilltlon , n few blocks west of voiint/o 1'lnco , ) flSVJ each. Acres. Three ton ncro tracts platted , with wo trceplante.i1 on each lot. ad loins nil ad dition hcto lots nro BOllliiK for fJ50 ench , will ell for UOO a n acre. This la a good Itu cat- ncnt. Idlewlld mldltIon on C-M street near Luke St. , now'j room hou < o In IIret rlnss Btleall modern mpro\oinonis , prJco , Fn/iOO ; no liner residence iropurty In the elty. Iinestljtulo this. A. S. 1'atrlck'a ndd n ( rood south trent lot xia ) on Corby street , u bargain nt 11,000. II room lion e.on Chicago street , nil modern mproveinents , bain , etc. , on pn\cd ( street,3 nlnutcs' \tilk fiom post olllce , u decided bar gain nt7WO , M.OOIcnsh , 8 room house on Hamilton st , ( rood lot , MillO , Fonth front , n splendid home for (3,000 ; tnkca KiOca'-h , bill to suit , I'ntrlck's - " lots $2,300 2n-l nddn , erood , price , nml,400 each Saunders & ! ! tmobaurh's ( addnbostlotln the ndilltlon for 575 , i fliuip 1'ruyn Park , If gold quick will take J400 for an elegant lot. Oreharil Hlll.n peed lot half block from Ham ilton street for $ VM. Ilarnoy strsot near 27th street , lot 61x130 , lirlco 0X ( > 0 , ? 2'iOO ciish. Mitchell & Lejonnmrck , Heal I'.stnte. 1518 Iodo | St. ! i 4 7 E ART front , lotiliK ft , ono mile f torn P. O. $12,200. Graham , Ci'olghton bit 8J8 9 Tj < OH 8ALK Corner lot on Virginia nvo with J1 two peed houses , cheap at | 7,00) . Terms easy. Ho.isoarent for 170 per month. H. S. Campbell , 310 S. 16th st , Chamber of Com merce. 1173 [ 7'OK BALE-A livorv barn wltB etablo room L for aboutsixty liorsts.sltuated In u desir able location , and now dome n good business. Oood re son Klvon for selling. Enquire of or nd.lrcRs A. H. Comstock , ieal estate broker , 16.M Fiunntn st. 207 G OOI ) lot 52 ft front on Military road Just across belt line fl.'iOJ , dtnhatn U'JS ' TF you want to buy , sell or ti ndo , calk on L. V. Crum , 120N 15th st. 10U lots > i of a mlle of U. P. depot for snle or trade. V room house for rent Two 10-room houses for lent , sale or trade. Idlewildo. Ilv 815 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th St. FOIt SALE- No , 1 tarms within a radius of lii miles of Omahn. Alsr. a lew good busi ness cbanccH In two live towns. .1. It. Sllvis , Kstato and Ixim Agent , Klkhorn , Neb. 579 Aug. 8 GOOD lot , Just north of CumiHK st on 2fith , 63 ft front , SJ.200 , $1,000 cash , Graham , Ciclghtonblk. 3JB 9 FOIl SAIjTt-Cottao,7 rooms and bath room , lire plnco , oak mantel , clstorn , city w.ttor , etc. , 31 feet of ground. 22d st. north of St Mary's nvo. $1,500. C. W. & O. U. Thompson , 814 S. 16th St. 210 SPKClAIi bargains If sold soon. 6 high , sightly south front lots In Crelnliton Heights. Will sell together or Bcpnrnto. Hart's ( Irent Western Heal Instate Agonoy , Cielghton block. 280. FOH SALE Ono million acres of land in Ne braska. Speculator's lands.rnllroad lands , ranches , and inrms In nil parts of the Btnto. Semi lor pamphlet containing descrip tion ana price of over one thousand farms. A line topographical map of tno gmto sent free upon application. F. II. Amlrus , for 10 jetir.s Oen'l Land Agent It. & M. H. It Klghth nad P streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. " 44 \\T. Can soil tor a few days only LoflOll ( Use's addition for JO.iO ) . I.o 171 Glso'i ) addition , Wm. : Jllpck I Iloyit's addition , S8V)0. ) Ono third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Hemlugton k McCormlck , 22U Soutti 15th st FOIl SAI.K A great biugaln , n beautiful lot onSOth and hprltur. lit Sl.OtVJ. Inquire for imrticulars nt the Klk Horn Valley hotel barber shop , lllh nnd Dodge. .144 HJ ONK hundred and twenty-Fix ft on Saunders rt , corner , $100 per front ft Graham , CrolKhton blk. otf j U S PllfNU VALfjEV-Ppring Valley Joins the city on the south , two miles west from Fouth Oinnba Stock Yards , half a mile south of the Dlerks manufactory. Tno I'romont , I.lkborn & Missouri Valley passes through the addition. Eighty neres of It nio sold. Wo oiler the remaining 40 acres oust of thn Mis souri Pacltloinllrond , the tlncst garden lands , at from J.'iOO to J'.M per aero. In lots of from one and one-fourth to ten acres , on long time , only one-fifth cash. Nearest the Stock Yards wo have Loheok's subdivision of Spring Vnlloy , eighty-four lots , ftOilJOat J20-JtoJ5) ) . Terms , 10 per cent cash ntid $10 per month , or one-fourth cash and bill- ttiico In ono and two years. Nothing as good und cheap In nelghbomood. Hemombor moro than 100 per cent lias been made on every addition platted nad Bold by us. Oot In on the giound lloor.Marshall Marshall & Lobock , Telephone 73. 150'J rarnam. 251 T H I'.ltr. la n bargain. Lots 2 nnd I , In blocK 4 , South Omiiliii. $900. Terms half uneh ami bnlance easy. Marshall & I.obeck , 1503 Fur- nnm. Telephone 73. 282 BianAHilAIN Ono hundred feet trent on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000. Parton time. V. L. VoJIcka , 5-J ! Bouth 13th st Ii OR SALE Now bo n HO , 7 rooms , cltv water ' und hath , 27tb and Parker , liiqinro 1709 Jackson st. iiu.1 hj "IJAHGAINS Wo have for sale at rensonablo -L prices and easy terms two now dwelling boiiEoawith all modern improvements. Nice lota ; gooil locations. Also vacant lots In various parts of tbo city. Jackson & Noson , 1015 Far- num Bt , 347 0 ELEGANT lot on Goorma aye , $2,600. Gra hum.Crclghton blk. 398 U G HOICK LANDS-r > per ncro. $10 makes Is j ear's payment on 10) acres. VVrlto for In formation. W. F I'ulno , Hidney , Neb. C90jy23 TIO WHOM It may concern. To parties who build bouses costing from $1.2UO to $ Ir o we furnish beautiful building lots in Iledluk Park requiring no payment of principal for 5 . Hedlck 1'ark has city water. 350 maple and elm trce9,4ri resiliences under contract to build noun to cost less than $1W. ( Its streets ore gr ilpu and turnplked It Is within the city llmltc , opposite KonnUo Place , and ucccRslblo from either Saunders or State. Prlco ot lots until July 1st , $1,000. We also olTer 100 ft fronting Hanecom Park , $0,000 , > { to K Cft'h. Cor 100x150 , Georgia ave , $ SOfO , $2nnO cash. Mill lot nnd 7-room house In excellent condi tion , Parker's ndd , MVX ) . Cor 66xlt ! : , Improved , S llth near viaduct $ ino l. Mead & Jamlcson , Bolo Agonta,3U t 1Mb st 718 FOH SALE At a bargain. 811 icros of firs cluM funning laud in Howard county , thl * tata ; llrst oluss Foil ; close to two lines of nil road , nnd surrounded by well lmpro\cd fnrm * Can divide to finlt purchaser , and will make this u bargain If sole ) quick. Small cash pay mentt very easy terms. Address flcorgn N lllcks1slj : SouthFmcnth _ ! Mroet _ J X ! J14 _ LOT 82. Nelson's add , $3,200. Graham , Crelt'n ton btk. am u _ FOIl SALE A flno farm of 1GO acres , en cloned with 3 wire fence , A3 acres under cultivation , 11 acres of.-a.ih trees m thrifty growing condition , price 110 per aero , terms < > < isy , 'Ibis odor good for thirty days only Address Ctas. It Wilson , Oxford , Fiirnm eoun two lots , coiner Walnut hill , | 200 , 1-5 casli. Urnham , CrolKhtnn blk , 3MB O NR nero Olse's mitt , near Snundcrs t t7U . _ gratnin. Crelghton blk. ! ! . ' ? U lOHNEItlot on Ciimlnp st. o nnd * front , VJ Carthage addflo. ( Iratmm , CrclKhtoti blk. U9S U _ _ I7KK SALK-Or trade , 25 lot * in the western L' pnrt of Omaha noiir the llrnjon cnr line , irlco f400 each , JiV ) duo on contracts pnynblo n 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebrasitn lan-L leCullooh ACo. . , &OU Farnatn St. 10JO S Al'NDnilS st , 1M ft frontage. flOO per front foot , Orrtluitn , Crolffhton blk. 8W 9 IMJlEDIAT ialo wllltTkoft Ion or less only 6 or 6 blocks from F.xrhnnifo blJ ami Inlon Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen houses itndor contract In giiiio block. I want what they are worth. I don't wnnt fancy prices want to soil quickly. K. II , Hrrtnch. 00 ( ewer Proposals. proiiosnls will bo received by the uiiilorslKiicd until 11 o'clock a. m. Jul } I4lh , , for the construction of icwnrg , the sumo lnn the extniiolon of tbe north branch of the < 'ortli Omaha suwor troin Its presunt terminus nSvMh street , nottli and nest to K4th street , uet\r I'ntrlckiivenuo. AUo tlio eolith branch of the North Omahn owcr from near the Intersection of 23lh n\o- itlo to the south line of Dod o street , as per rdltmnco No Uc : , nnd In nccordnneo lth plans nnd spcclllcallons on Illo n tbo oltkB of the board of public works. 1'ropojiil * to bo made on printed blanks fur- ilshcil by the bonrd.nndto boiiccoinpunlod with i certllled check in tbo sum of $ . ' X ) , paynbto to ho cllvof Omnlia , s an ulenco of treed fnlth. The boiird rcBoi ves the rlKht to ieject , any or nil bids nnd to vrnlvo doTects. ST. A. 1) . lUt.coMnK , Clinlrmnn Ilourd of I'ubllo Works. _ Omaha1Neb..Jiino''iitli. U87 J.njyl-0 Notice to Property Owners and Lessees. IN pursuance ot Ordinance No 14DS , ordering certain gticots na\ud , to-ult : That part of ICtli slieet , from OliloanJVlrt ticet.lnl'nvlnif DIslilctNo. 114. That pint of "lib stiect from Patrick avenue o \Vlrt street. In District No. lir. . Tlmt part of Glli Rticct from 1'nolflo street to 'leiee street , lu District No. IIS : And that part of IStli street I rom Nicholas to Ohio , In Dlstiict No. Ifl ! , , nil In the city of ) mnha , you nro hereby notllled to miiKu all nixi'ssnry conncctlonHWithtewo irnsnnd wntor iiiilns , or hittoniN , and to complete such work on or bofoio Julj 30th , 18 7 , a ? it la the purpose onavo the streets In said clBHIets , No permltfi for excavations or connections vlll be Issued to any property o nor or lessees , many portion of said streets after cradlnif bus icon commenced by pnvlngcontiactora , to put ho streets In shape for paring nor until suah mylng Is completed and accepted by the elty. Sr. A. I ) . lUi.ctiMlif , Clinlimun Hoard of i'ubbo Works. O mnlm , Juno-'Utb. 1837 jnojyl-B-7 Notice , MATTEIl of application of Doty i Darst for liquor license. Notice Isboioby Klxnn Mint Doty & Darst did upon the 2Mb dny of Juno , A. D. 1887 , fllo their ipphcntlnn to the mayor and city council of Omahn , for license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , ut No. 1101 Dodee street , Third Mud , Omahn , Neb. , from the llth day of April , 8 7 , to the 10th day of April , 18 . It there bo no objection , remonstrance or irotrst filed within two weeks from .limo-3th A. D. 1H87 , tlio eald licence will be erantod. DOTY & UAKHT , Appllonnte. J. 1) ) . SouTilAitt ) , City Clerk. j-'JjO ' 3roposal for the Construction of the Superstruc ture of the City Hall Building. SEALED ptoposals will bo received by the un- deialpncd until 11 o'clock n. m , .Inly JtJIli , 18S7. lor the construction ( if tbo suporstriicturo it the I'ltli Hall HuildlnK , In accordance with : hoplans nnd speoltlrations on Illo in the of- tico of the board of public works. Ilidswill bomndo on printed blank * furnished tiy tbo board , nnd totio accompanied with acer- titled check In the Bum of { 10JO , as un evidence ot t-'ooil faltb. The bonid reserves the rliht to reject nny or all bids and to waive delects. St. A. D. I1AI.COMIIE , Chairman Honrd ol I'uDllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , July 24th , 18S7. J27d5w3tw Notice , Ronlcd propo nls will bo rccolrod until Satur- day. July I'-'th , 18 * < 7. at 12 o'clocx , noon , at the olllco or thu nndersltrnod , for tbo purchase of the east 41 tcct nt lot ! l. In block 1IH. city , knoun as 1113 and 1(15 Hnrnoy street , with the build- Inps thereon. The owner reserves the iljrht to reject nny or nil bids. Full particulars upon application nttho olllco or 0. W. MOUNT , 318 South ISth Street , Omaha. Notice to Contractors. SEAT.f.D proposals will be received nt the ofllcn ol tbo county commlsslonnis up to noon of July 22nd , A. D. Itwr. for building a county hospital In Omaha , Douehis county , Ne braska , iiccoidlnp to the plans and speclMcn- tlons on fllo In tlio county commissioner's olllce. Knch bid must bo accompanied by n certified check In the amount of flve hundred dolhirx. Tbo rlKht Is reserved to reject any and all bids. lly order of the boat d. [ SEAL ] C. 1' . NBKUIIAM , County Clerk. 1 < ilGU5w Proposals for District I'nvmir ItonrlH. City Treasurer's Ollloo , I Omahn , Neb. , Juno ! ! A , 1SS7. f SEALED 1'KOl'OSALS will bo received nt this olllco until July 25,1887 , at 12 , noon , for tbo purchase ot } 12JIOO ( of Dlstilct 1'avlne flonds of tbo city of Omaha. Said bonds inn dated July 1. IbS" , nnd will bo duo in one , two , three , four , live , six , seven , cUht and nine jears from tholr date , n s.mllnr amount becomlnir due each year ; are In sums of nvo hundred and ono thonpitnd dollnis oacb , and Lour Inler- cat from tholr dnto at tbo rate of nil per cent um per annum , payable annually. The princi pal and Interest aio both paynblo at the ollico of Konntzo llros , In Now VorK. Snld bonds nro issued under tlio charter pow er of said city , nnd will bo delivered to pur- ohusortf , on payment thorelor , nt tlio city treasiiiy In Omaha on August 1,1BS7 , Huls will bo addrcsssd to Ibo undortlKnod and marked "Proposals for District I'nvlnif llonds , " and must state the full mime and address of the bidder , tbe amount of said bonds doilred ( u similar nmoiintdue ouch year I rom ono to nine jears ) , and the price proposed to bo paid , with neerno.1 Interest. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer. JunJO-dSUt Sure ana GOLDENSEAL suiocurs for men , cuiciinS Ouys rend for ( imrttcuUim , UULUKN HEAL CO , 10 J.ocustut Bt.LouU The Best and Safes Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , head of St. Marys' Ar- eiiue. Jumea & Smith South , Omaha. At. Jt. JIISDOX , INSURANCE > = AGENT , Merchants' National Hank Dulldlng , Room 1 Up-Stnlis. Telephone No , 375 , Omaha , Nebraska. Pkoenlx. London , England FiremonV. Newurk. N J I,55lb5031 Glen'n Falls , ( lien's Falls , N , Y . . . . 1,4'J. 3.04 Olrard , Phlladclpbla. Pa WuatcbbSter New York N. Y . . . . Sick Headache , Biliousness , Constipation , The nor * Dyipcptla people fuel. Iluwurur IUIU mar no tin lrme l , Khnulil no'ur bo nutrero I to repoie. And breed a truln of uruior noei , Wuen nurfect htilth ll.cj n , ) jcciirfl aiirouiiUTAHU AM'b tU.T/l.ll le and lure W uirDmiOPE'D PARTS of tbe botir euUrgcd and itrtDcthf ord. Full | rtle- Ur4u UJk r * . CBIB UKII. Cl. UuSalo. N. T. witu tin nroomriiT T tm * COCMtRT W1U. 8IH HI tliJIlNllIll IIII9 Sir THAT TIIS CHCAGOROCKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY ! , liyrtasonoC Iti central position , clogoifUtton to llncf Tait of Chicago , Aiirt contlnnMis IlnM * t terminal polnli Wet , hartlivrrit unit Nputlmrit , li ti ! tru niliMlo link In tluit truntoontlncntil system xlilch InMtK mid fncllltntii ) trnrol ntnl trafllo bvtTicca tlio Atlftnllo find rtclfle. The Itork Isliml main line nmttir/inchMi IncluJoCht- caffu , JollctOtttwa , l.AS llo , riorla , n < * n i ( > ( > , Uollntf and norle lilanil , In Illinois | liatruport , lluicatlnr , VaihlliKlon , Fnlrni 111 , Ottuinwn , O > kaloo > n , \ \ -'it Lib- rrtyIow cltylcii.Molne > , liullanolK.NVIntc-niot.Alltn. tic , KnotTllIc , Auttubon , Harlan , ( luthrli * Contra nud Council IiluITi , In limni Oaltnlln , Trrnton , Pt. Jofcfh , Cameron nnd Kan > A < CltjIn MUiouil ! LraTcnworllj anil Atehlpon , In KnntA * ! Albert IcaMlnnonviH * nnd ft. PaulInMlnnmutai Watrrtonn and Sioux falli.ln Dakota , and hundml of IntornifKllato cltlt and tuwnj * . ' , 'Tho Great Rock Island Routo" * ; Ouarant c < r"'d. comfort. rrrtAlnty nnd frty. Hi permanent nay lirilttlngufOiedforltinccllcnrn. In brldcc * are of ptono nnd Iron. It * track la of nolltl teellt rolllDt itocki 'rfoct. Itamt9f | > nf r fiuluu ] nt lias nil the cnfctjr appllnnrr > tlmt vipcrlcncv hai jirui 0,1 nrful , nnd for luturlout aroommixMtloiii li un > ap > passed. lt > Knprt'ifl Trnlnt * ronal5t of tui rlor DAJ Coactici , rlocnnl luMnivn ! I'Alaco Tarlor nnd Nlcrplnff CM , mi | > rib PlnlnKCara , rrorldlni ; dtllclo > luonli. nnd ( tutwocn Clilc'x o nnd SU Joseph , Atchlnon nna Kai ai Cltj ) restful UrcltnliiK Chair Can. ll man- ciFcnuntl coinonratlYilt ill. cli'Hnooii\c'tlnK. "The Famous Albert Lett Route" luiwctn Chlcacu nnil .Minneapolis and St. 1'aul Is thft f nrorltc. Ovrr this line t-olt.l VnH K > | irc Tralna ran dally to attrnctlvo ri'turt.i for tourloti In lovrft and UlnncFoU , nnd , \ U Wntertown and Sioux Fnlln , to tun rlchvhratnnd praitn lnndiiuf Interior ] > at.otA. Via Bonocft And KonknkiM ) , tlio ltKk Island often luperlor Iniluremcnta Iti trarolvra bntweon Cincinnati. Indlan- arolls , IAfaittu nml Council IllulTi.RU Jonrpli , Atdd- fon. L nrlnwott , Knnsas City , Ht. Paul , and Inttnne- dtato polnlii All patrons ( it > | Hclilt7 : lidlrs nnd chil dren ) rccelMiirotpctloncour1rsT | nnd kindly attintIon. 1'or tloVrts , muff , folcli'r' , rcploa f We ti rn Trail , or my dp lrcnl Inronnatlun , npply to pilnclpal otncws In thu United Stntof und Canmla , or nddrLan , nt Chicago , R. R. CaBU , E. ST , JUHN , E. A. HOIHOOI , Ais10u1 > lu > | . O.Q. T L fu . ijx CHICAGO 0 ADI ! Cliicago Thenly road to take for Dos Molnes Mar- I ihalltowa , Cedar Itnplila , ciUnn , DUon , Chloa- RO , Milwaukee and all points cunt. To the people ple of Nebraskn , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , WashlnKton and Cali fornia , It oir r iiuporlor ndvantaifOB not possi ble by any other lino. Amonir afewofthe numerous poInU of iu- enjoyed by the patroni of this rooil Eerlorlty Omaha iinil Thlciito. uiu Its two train * ndnjr of DAY COAIJIIK3. nblubnre the Hnest tlmthumnn art mnl Intfonulty cr.n create. Iti 1'ALAfB SI.KKI'I NO CAltH , which nro mndela of comfort and oleirunce. Its I'Altl.OU llta\V- ) 1NG ItOOM CARS , uimirpjiRKCcl by an ) , und It8 widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS thoeiiunl of which cannot bo found elsonhcra At Counoll DIulTs the trains of the Union I'aclflo Ky. connect In Union Depot with those of the Cnloago & Northwcilern tty In CblcnKO the trains of thli line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara /alls , Buffalo , I'ittsburp.Toronto , Montreal , IVotton , Now VOIK. Philadelphia , ll<lmor * . WMhlnKton and all point * IB tb eait , a k for a ticket via the "WOKTIIWKSTBHN " If yon wUk Ike best accommodation. All ticket BRentt eefl Meket rla this line. H. iiuonirr , m. p. WILSON , UenL MMMCVT , OenL PM'r Agent Cbtearo , 111. W. H. BABOOCK , L. R. DOLLBS , Weitera Agent. City Paw'r Agtat. Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK THE Chicago , Milwaukee & $ t , Paul fy The Ticut Jloiite from Omaha inul Council Illnlto\ \ THE H3Jk.ST Two Tiains Daily Between Oinnlm and Council li lulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'nul , Minneapolis , CeilarRnpldi Rock Island , Frceport , Rockfonl , Clinton , Dubuque , Ua > unport , Elgin , Maditon , Jancsvillc , licloit , Winona , La Crosee , And all other Important points Eust , Northcait and Southeait. For throujfh tickets call on the tlokot agent nt 1401 Farnuiii st , in Paxton hotel , or at Union 1'uclno depot. Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Carl In the world 1110 run on thu main line of the ChlcaKi ) . Milwaukee & Bt Paul Hallway and or- cry uttuntion Is puld to pussoiiBois by courte ous employees of the fompimj , H. ( lenorul MumiKor. J , K. TuuKKit , As < lHtnnt ( Jimornl Manniror. A. V. It C'Aiii'ii.vTUii , General Piisuciigur and Ticket Agfnt. Cio.i ) : : . 11 \rrnnn , Assistant Ocnoral I'aseen- ger and Ticket Avent J. T. CI.AUK , Uouo i nU v ] c i li ti i d Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital 6OOOOO W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RUDEFKK , Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care , Pay 5 per cent on time deposits , No 206 Masonic lUiilcling , cor.Capilol Av enue and Killi sU. Telephone No 8-12. THE BANK OF COMMERCE fiJO North Kith Mreet , Paid in Capital , $100,000 GF.O E. nAHKEII , President. KOUT. L. ( IARLICIIS , Vloo-Prosldont F. H JOIINbON.Caahlor. DIRECTORS : RAMlirtH. JOHNSO'4 , Oeo. R. , ROUT. L. OAKI.ICMH , WM. Hcivini F. II. JOIINKON. A general banking business trnnsactoL Interest allowed on Imo done Oiiialia Savings Bank , Cor lIUli und Doiijjlus sts. Capital Stock $160,000 Liability of Stockholders 300,000 'Ihe only rojfillur mtvlnira bank m the sliUo.l'nu per cent Interest puxl on deposits. Iionns Mndo on Heal Btato. OKXICKIVU UlivC. HAiiTOS , President ; J. J. IlliOffH. Vlc j President ; li. M. UKSNiir , Mannsrini Hi- ronlnr'.TfiliN It Wir.Bim. I