ITHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JULY 7. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , JNU. 12 , PEARL STBEET. Delivered by carrier In itny part of the city at twenty cents per week. D. W.TILTOIC , . . . Manator. TKM5PHONE3 : BT7PIHIPB Omct. No. 43. MIUBT KniTQit No. S3. MINOU MENTION. N. Y.Plumbing Co. Ituitcr. tailor. Summer goods chcno. Tlio city council is to meet iMonday night. llcmlqtinrtcrs for tickets of admission to tlio ractjs at thu driving park at Moore & Klplinuor's , No. 410 Broadway. Justice Schiirzycstunlnyfidit six tramps to the county jail , llo ( javo them one month's board on bread and water , and bade the month to bo divided up equally among them. The old Coy house Is being patched up. This coiner is too valuable and sightly a one to bo longer occupied by any such crn/.y work carpentering. It ought to give way to n permanent block. Chief Templeton , of the lire depart ment. Is on the war path. ' Ho objects to inc ignoring 01 the lire limits ordinance , and ia preparing ; to put a stop to some of the frame building , which is going on in- Bide the limits. The i city has enough lire : traps now. The credit for the tine trombone solo given at thu driving park should have been given to Carl Wilder , ono ot tiio best musicians in tlio Dow City band. The bund lias won many admirers during its stay hero. It certainly merits praise for its excellent music. Two insulin women were yesterday taken to Mt. Pleasant forcaro and treat ment. Ono was Catharine Urbuhns , of Mirulcn ; the other Florence Davis , of whoso history little is known , she having been for several days confined m the county jail hnrc , liliving been tauun in from the streets. The row raised at a dunce on Sixteenth and Hroadway on the night of the Fourth has not been adjusted yet. Theodore Drown , wliot seems to have got the worst of it , is going around with : i well band- agea head , crying for satisfaction. Ho hashad to pay a fine for being drunk and disturbing tlio peace , and it seems hard to him to have the others go free , lie has therefore liled an information in Jus tice Uarnctt's court charging Samuel Williams , ( Snorgo Rockwell , George Stilon ana William Stilen with assaulting and buttering him. Their cases arc to bo heard Saturday morning. The funeral of B.irnoy Donahue , the engineer killed by his own engine on the night of the 1-ourth , took place .yester day. It was held under the auspices of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engi neers , of which ho was a member. There was a very lanro attendance , there being nearly n hundred carriages in the pro cession. Tlio Fifth regiment band fur nished the music. The sadness anil sud denness of tlio death has called forth gen eral and very tender svuipathy for the family thus bereaved , llo has been for a long time on the road , and among rail way mon and fellow employes he was very highly esteemed. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate oDices in thu city ; 2 per day. Pools sold every dav on all the races by Al Swennngen , at Sherlock's , No.101 Droadway. Court House Collins ; ! ) . The county board was in session yester day afternoon to consider the bids for frescoing the court houso. There were three bidders. P. C. Miller , of tins city , presented pleasing designs , and proposed to linish the two court rooms , according to the moro elaborate designs for $800 , nnd according to the plainer designs for $1500. T. Nelson & Son , of Chicago , pro posed to linish the two court rooms for $1,80U , and in a more elaborate manner for $2,200. K. A. Norling , who is doing the painting on the court house now , ollored to trosco the two court rooms for $800 , and in a morn elaborate manner for $1.400. llo proposed to decorate the other rooms , the rotunda , etc. , for $1.150. Ho presented very full designs in colors , showing just how the interior would ap pear when thus finished. There were also u number of bids to be considered in regard to shelving , book cases , pigeon holes , etc. Numerous devices were exhibited by the agents , and the supervisors found tlte selection of these articles by no means au easy one to mako. For rupture or hernia , call and get Or. Rice's new invention. It makes a man of you in live minutes. No. paiu. No , 11 Pearl street. Alnnnwa Hreczcs. Prof. Thayer's orchestra will entertain the euests at Hotel Manawa with afternoon - noon nnd evening concerts every day during the season. The orchestra will also furnish some excellent music for the Tuesday nnd Saturday night hops to beheld held there through the summer. Hotel Mauawa displayed its patriotism with numerous Hugs and a variety of lire works. Frank Clark is putting up au extension to Hotel Manawa for the help employed , ns the hotel is nearly full of transient people nnd boarders. Mr. Dachwach nud family are settled nt Hotel Manawa. Dave D. Ktuboru , the popular steward nt Hotel Mnnawa , is doing the proud thing for the proprietor. Henry Kitchen , the efh'clcnt cook al the hotel , says that thnv como too fast foi the short time hu tins been there. Ira P. Hinby , the head clerk nt lloto Manawa , entertained n largo party o Omaha friends at the lunch parlors las evening. Weleli's hacks will be located nt tin Hotel Manawa stables for the season Ueasonable rates will be made for all pa trous. Pools sold every day on all the race by Al Swoaringon , nt Sherlock's , No. 40 Ifroadway. Fixing For Fires. The new hose ordered for the ftro dc vartmont , 1,000 font in nlij is to be exhib itcd nt the Nebraska stuto tournamenl which opens on tlio 16th , nnd after tli tournament will be sent to this city. Th now hook nnd ladder truck will not b ready short of sixty days. It is to be on ot the best to hu had for the money. I is the latest improved turntable , nnd t those who are not up in such matters i is well to explain that this new truck ca stand in the middle of the street und sen n ladder * > kyward seventy-live feet. Wit this apparatus no combination of he Humes can prevent the men climblu high into tlio nlr. Witli the improve appliances , with a wall disciplined cU partmcnt , und with such waterworks 11 the city possesses , there is not much to b feared from fires. This city has bee wonderfully fortunate ; almost too muc BO. While ( ires nre not to bo wished foi still there are hardly enough to keep tli lada well exercised. There , are n goo many old rookeries which , if they shoul happen to burn , would bo missed wit pleasure , especially if their places coul bo tilled with buildings in keeping wit the growth and prosperity of the city. Pools sold every day on nil the rac < by Al Swoariugou , at Sherlock's , No. 41 Droadway. THE TRACKS ON THE TRACK , They Are Made Very Bpeedily and Great Enthusiasm Caused , TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. A Frightful Ilnnnwajr The Post- innstcrH Moving For Hotter Pay The Foilco lltiHy During Itaco Week Illuff Mown. The Uncos. Yesterday was the third day of the races. The day was a line ono , the track being a little faster than on Tuesday. There were double the number in attend- nnco over that of Tuesday , the great at traction being the 2:83 : free-for-all race. II. G. Cllly , of lilcnwood , attended the races holding the ribbons over four , two bays ana two sorrels. Mr. Smith announced that the judges' watches diHerod in the 2:13 trot on Mon day and that they were satisfied that an injustice had been done to Nettie i'ine , and changed the time from 2:2U : to 2:2UJ. : The judges having tested their watches anil linding ti diHercnco consequently changed the timo. The Dow City band again discoursed line music between the ( I i lie rent , heats , The day fireworks attracted much at tention , especially the turtle nnd the horse. Tin : 2:33 : THOT. In the pools Tribune sold as choice nt $1'J against thu Hold for $10. The starters were : General F. , ( Jrorgo W. Farrier , Minneapolis ; Pawnee , N. 15. Wttdu , Kdin- burg , lud. ; l5obM. , Murphy Uros. , Iowa City ; Tribune , Graham stock farm , Uiggsville , HI. ; Lucy Alonahan , W. A. MclCinney , Kansas City ; Iowa Mam- brine , Robert T. Given , De Soto , la . and Pilot , J. 1J. Martin , Minneapolis. Mucli scoring was done , but linally ( hey getaway away in a good start. At tlio quarter post Pawnee was first with Irilmno good second , General I ) , third. At the half Tribune was the lirst to arrive , Paw nee second and Lucy Monahan third. Tim others wore rather bunched , with Deb M. oil' his feet. At the three-quarter polo they held about the same positions , Lucy Monahan and Pilot working hnrd for third place. Tlio heat was won by Tribune , Pawnee coining in secondLucy Monahan third , Pilot fourth , General F. fifth nud Iowa Mnmbriuo .sixth , Deb M. being distanced. Time 2:25J. : In the second heat Tribune ; hold in the pools for $10 against $3 for tlio Held. It was discovered that a couple of nails in ono of Lucy Monahan's ' shoes wcro loose , which required seine little delay in start ing. A line start was made , all leaving the wire in a lino. Tribune niado the race and was never headed , winning by a length , Pawnee having n tight race for second with Iowa Mambriuo as third. At the quarter Iowa Mambrmo was third , Pilot fourth , Lucy Monahan lifth. Gen eral F. sixth. At tlio three-quarter post Iowa Mambrmo was third , Pilot fourth , General F , lifth und Lucy Mcnahan sixth. The heat was made in 2:25 : } , the bamo time as the lirst heat , by Tribune , followed in order by Pawnee , Iowa Mam- brmo , Pilot , General F and Lucy Moua- ban. ban.Tho The third heat was made in a little faster time than the previous one , Tribunu again winning easily. Pilot held second place nnd Pawnee third during the entire heat. Iowa Mambrmo came in fourth , General F. fifth und Luey Monuhan sixth. Time 2:201. : Till' SUMMAltV. Tribune 1 1 1 lownMambrino 0 3 5 I'awneo 2 2 ! ! 1'llot 4 4 2 ticiu-ral F 5 5 4 Lucy Mon.ihan 3 G G Bob M. distanced. Time : aao : > 4' , : & > } { , 2:20jf. : Tin : 2:33 : TKOT. In the pools Nellie G. sold as the favor ite against the Held. There were six en tries. The race was somewhat delayed as the shoes had to be changed on Klhan Allen. Put Qiunn being drawn the horses were placed as follo\vs : Harry M. K , P. Putan , Mankoto , Minn. ; Nellie G , G. Grimes , Guinon , Ind. ; Klhan Allen. A. Thomson , Omaha ; Senator's Maid , J. U , Henderson , Cedar Uupids ; William S , Price Smith , Minneapolis. In the lirst heat Harry M took the lead , Nellie G and Senator's Maid breaking badly ns soon as they started. Harry M held Ins lend closely followed by Sena tor's Mnid und Ethan Allen a good third. Tlio horses did not change positions dur ing the entire heat except Senator's Maid nnd came in as follows : Harry Al lirst , Senator's Maid second ; Ethan Allenthird : ; Mcllie G. , fourth , and William G. lifth. Time 2:311. : Harry M. sold in the pools at $10 against the field for $10. After calling Ktlian Allen's driver , Thompson , to time and saying that he was fioni Omaha and the judge liked Omaha people , a start was made. Just before the quarter was reached William S. broke nt the quarter. Harry G. was lirst , Melho G. was second , with Ihu others in the following order : Senator's Maul , Ethan Allen , nnd Will iam S. last. Mellie G. went to thu front before the half mile post was reached amid much excitement , Harry M. break ing ut the three-quarter. Mcllie G. was lirst , followed by Harry M. , Senator's Maid , Ethan Allen nnd William S. They came in under the wire as follows : Mel- lie G. , Senator's Maid , Harry M. , William S , . Ethan Allen. Timo. 2:32 : * . In the third heat Mellie G. sold ns the favorite in the pools. The heat was slower by 9 } seconds than the previous one , and quite exciting. At the quarter post Senator's Mnid was tirst , Mellie G. nuvir.g her nose a little behind , with Ethan Allen third. At the three- quarter polo Harry M. was lirot , Ethan -Allen second. Senator's Maid third. There was much seesawing during tills heat which created much ex citement , Mellio G working from fourth place at thu half mile post to second nt the linish. Thu heat was won by Harry M. Mellio G coming in n half length be hind , with William S tiiird. Senator's Maul fourth and Ethan Allen liifth. Time 2:41. : rouuTii HEAT. This was a very pretty bout it being a hard fought ono liotweon Senator's Maiil und Mellio G. First ono was ahead then the other until the three-quarter polo was reached , when Mellie ( I got the lead nml kept u half length ahead of Senator's Muid until they cnmo under the wire , Hurry M third. William S fourth , Ethan Allen fifth. Timo-2:33. : Thi ) lifth heat ended the race , Molllo G , being au easy victor of the heat witli Senator's Mnid second , Harry M. third , the only change in thu entire heat bem < j William S. gaining the fourth pluci uhuad of Ethan Allen. Time 2:351. : T1IK SUMJIAKV. Molllo ( J , 4 1 2 1 ] Htirry M i a i a : Senator's Malil 3 3 4 13 ' . WilllamS 5 434- Ktlian Allen a 5551 j Tliuo-2:3W : , 2:3-4 : , ,3:41 : , 2:33 : , 2 : The third raca was a FKKE VOlt AU. PACK. Tommy Linn was the favorite la tin pools against the Held. The starters won Tommy Linn , K. C. Henson , Peoria , 111. with n record of 2:10 : } ; Jordan , J. D.Mar tin , Minneapolis , record 2:17 : } ; Messiiu Dav , Price Smith , Minneapolis , re cord. 2:1(1 : ( } ; Honesty , I , J. Star buck , McCook , Neb. , record 2:20 : Dun O. , C. E. Mayno , record U:15j : Litth Era , G. Grimes , record 2:181 : ; Toledo Girl J. W. Voglcsong , Elvria , O. , record 2:15 : In the tirst hcnt Toledo Girl got tin loadbut before she reached the half-mill post she was overtaken by Tommy Linn who gained the loud , wLich be held , To ledo Girl having to remain In second place. Dan D. held third place through out , Honesty fourth , Little Em fifth , Mes sina Doy and Jordan distanced. Time 2:10 : } . It took much scoring in the second heat before a start was1 made. Finally n start was had and until after the quarter was reached it was neck-and-ncck with Tommy Linn and Toledo Girl , but the former forged ahead , keeping his place until the linish , witli the latter close be hind , Dan D. lost third plnco between the half-mile and the three-quarter polo nnd gave way to Honesty nnd nlso al lowed Little Em to got ahead of him. The race was won by Tommy Linn in 2:101 : , Toledo Girl second , Honesty third , Little Em fourth , Dan D. lifth. In the third heat Tommy Linn got the lend which ho held throughout. Toledo Girl held second place , as did all the others. Coming in third was Dan D. , Little Em. fourth , nnd Honesty lifth. Time , 2:11)1. ) THE SUMMAHY. Tommy Linn . Ill Toledo ( llrl . 222 Honesty . 433 Dan 1 > . 854 Little Km . 546 Time , 2tO : > i : , 2ll ; % 2:1 : P. As Told by the Stars. There was a long row of victims to meet Justice Sehurz , who presided in Judge Aylcsworth's place in the police court yesterday. Most of them had been brought in on charges of being drunk , or of being disorderly , or being gentlemen who had been long on leisure and shorten on gold. Among the crowd was ono German , a good , honest carpenter , who had taken u day oil' to go and see tlio races , and who had taken something stronger , so that ho got decidedly oil. llo could not tulk very good English , and it was amusing to note that Justice Schtir/ required tin interpreter. The justice could , of course , understand the man a * well as the interpreter could , and probably better , as ho is him self a German , thoroughly ed ucated. "Although I'm Gorman , " remarked Sehurz , "yet this court is an American court , and the business must bo in English. I propose to have every body understand what is said und done , or ut least given a chance to do so. " So the German prisoner to .1 German judge through n German interpreter , but the court was kept as an American court , with tlio olliciul lungtiugu English. Thomas Jess was urrestivl for being drunk und asleep on thu sidewalk. Hu denied that he was drunk , but when told that ho would have to wait until to-day to have the witnesses brought in , lie con cluded hu would rather plead guilty. He preferred to pay $7.00 rather than stay in that hole for twenty-fours and miss the races. Two dusky youths , John nnrt Charles Gordon , hailing from Kansas City , were up for being drunk and disturbing the peace. John pleaded guilty on the half shell that is , ho had been drinking Komo but did not think he was doing any harm when ariestcd. He was promptly lined. Charles denied everything and de manded the proof. As the witnesses could not bo got in before this morning tlio case went over and Charles went in again. C. S. Wheeler was arrested for insult ing some ladies in a bakery on lower Main street. Wheeler claimed to bo a school teacher from Atlantic , and denied that ho had insulted any ono knowingly. Ho was put back in to await further in vestigation and thu afternoon concluded that ho hnd better plead guilty , pay his Hue and reform. Badly Hurt In a Kunnwny , A frightful runaway occurred yester day afternoon , which may yet result fatally to one of the victims , George Gerspacher , and which injured quite seriously the two others , Tony Gerspacher and John White. The three wcro m a light democrat wagon , drawn by a team belonging to Jack Green. They wcro on their way from the driving park , and Tony Gerspacher was driving. On the bridge , near where the street cars turn into Droadway , the horses becoming unmanageable , the wheels of the vehicle wont into a the wagon i sudden jump , and pitching Tony Gers- : > achcr oil' the scut. White was the next : o bo thrown out , and George Gcrs- jacher last. The lirst two named were uiully bruised and suffered flesh wounds , but no bones were broken , and their in- uries are not deemed of a nature so so- nous as to prevent speedy recovery. eorj'o Gorspachcr was thrown under .he wheels and ho was dragged. When picked up ho was unconscious and the jlood was flowing freely from his cars and nose and from several scalp wounds. He was laid upon thu platform of the dummy depot , nnd from thence removed later to his homo. The surgeons were called in to dress the wounds , but the full extent of his injuries could not bo fully determined. At Inst reports his condition was deemed more favorable than was at lirst supposed and it was thought that unless there were internal injuries not now apparent or complica tions should set in his life m'.ght be spared him. The wagon was smashed into pieces and the horses wore stopped near thu dummy depot. Postmasters Pa ; . The postmasters of this congressional district met in convention here yester day forenoon to consider several matters of interest and financial importance to them. The chief business was the start- inir of some move by which Uncle Samuel might bo induced to change some of the provisions in regard to the revenues or the expenses of the postollicca. The al lowances for clerk hire , rent , etc. , are confined to postmasters os the lirst und second class , und in these cases is not deemed at all times sullicient. With the postmasters of the third und fourth class the complaint is made that nothing is allowed for rent or expenses , and the salaries are not largo enough. One post master explained his cuso to the DEK yes terday. "You see I get $800 salary , but I have to furnish everything out of that. I have to provide a place for a postotlice in other words , pay the rent , pay for fuej , for lights , for furniture and for clerk hiro. If i really had to pay out for tlicso expenses what they aru rually worth , I would bo really losing big money every year by beinjj postmaster , The only way I got along ia by using a part of my own store for thu postollice and by employing my son aa my assistant , and thus keeping it in thu family. If the government hud to pay for what the services and expensed arc really worth , the salary would he largely inci eased , or else something should be allowed for rent mid expenses. " The meeting yesterday was for the purpose of organi/.ing "for action to secure - cure relief on these und other points. A permanent organization was ellected by choosing Jumes Laing , of Persia , presi dent , und T.V. . Ivory , of Glonwood secretary. T. O. Carlisle , of Missour Valley , was chosen as a delegate to the national convention , to bo held in Wash iugton nuxt December. An executive committee was chosen consisting of the following , ono fron each county : John Wagner , of Audubon E. Cato , of Cuss ; T. J. McCormick , ol Harrison ; W. 11. Graff , of Pottawuttamio P. J. North , of Shelby. J. D. Lewis , o : Mills ; J , L. Dlaku , of Montgomery ; J. A McLaughlln , ot Guthrio. The following resolutions wore ndoptet as reported from the committee : Whereas , Third-class postmasters uniloi the present laws are compelled to furnlst Ixjxes for the use of thn patrons of the ofllc. . nnd turn over the whole of the proceeds t < the postofllco department , also furnish Unlit fuel , and pay rent from their salaries , and , Wacreu , Tlio salaries at f ourtU-clui office : depends upon the ( luantity of mall deposited In their ollices , nnd Whereni , Abofitt three years neo posraee on lirst-cluss matter \vns reduced from three cents to two cent' , and at thu ssmo tlmo the standard \velgtit > va doubled , thereby re ducing their salaries at least one-third , there- Kesolvcd , 1st , That we nro In favor of the department paying lor all the necessary clerk hire , paying rent , furnishing fuel aiidllghts , and where the postmasters nt third-class olllccs furnish boxes , that the entire proceeds thereof bolonz to tbo postmaster , and further , Unsolved , That the basis of fourth-class postmasters' galarloH should be changed from commissions on cancellation to a rertaln amount on the < uiautlty of mall handled on both Incoming"nnd outgoing mall , be cause , as the law now U , the pa trons of the ofllco can compel a man to stand beblnd the case nnd receive no com pensation. They can refuse to rent boxes and mall their letters on the train. The postmasters nt country oftlccs should not re ceive less than 8100 per year , because under the present law they are compelled to de liver a letter or sell a stamp at any hour of the day , yet under the present law they only receive the paltrjr sum ot 818 or iO a year. And that postmasters at terminal or star routes should receive a reasonable compen sation for the labor performed. The following were the postmasters present : J. C. Christy. Silver City. J.D. Lewis'Ilillsdalo. Thco. W. Ivory , Glonwood. J. L. Dako , Hod Oak. Annie Drennock , Dunlap. T. Massey , Logan. W. M. Sharpnoclc , Modalc. A. P. Cramer , Avocn. A. W. Minturn , Little Sioux. J. F. Minturn , Magnolia. P. J. Kooth , Portsmouth. Win. H. Mytmger , Panama. James Laing , Persia. T. O. Carlisle , Missouri Valley. George L. Wright , Denison. Samuel Wood , Unionburg. A. S. Habcr , Wlota. C. M. Dlukcslcv , Anita. L. W. Whitu , Woodbinn. George Underbill , Onawa. J. A. AlcLnughlin , Guthrie Center. James llawes , Kecdcr's Mills. T. J. McCormick , Stanton. John Wagner , Uoss , Audubon county. J. A. T. Dates , Oakland. Latest improved gasoline stoves at N C04 Main street. W. A. Wood. J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title and deserve the success they are enjoying. To-day's Programme- . This is the closing day of the races , and an excellent programme js provided , consisting of the :48 : trootting , and 2:43 : trotting. There will bo chariot races also. All children under fifteen years of age will be admitted free. When you are in the city stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents each. One thousand head of ono , two nnd three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable-parlies. Enquire of A. J. Greenamayer.'Creston ' House. ' 1 ho Pleasant Valley Sunday school held n delightfuli picnic in Henry llish- ton's grove as a patriotic celebration. The exercises consisted of prayer by Mr. John Carlyle , singing by the younjj ladies , reading of the .declaration by Mrs. A. Kibhton and comic hinging by the gentle men. Mr. Van Davis was master of ceremonies. For female diseases and chronic dis eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Hicc , No. 11 Pearl street , Council Dlull's , Iowa. At the Pacific house you will save from fiOc to $1 per day. Try it and bo con vinced. Lust evening the Fifth regiment band and the visiting Dow City band joined in a pleasant musical social , playing to gether numerous selections. They after wards serenaded the press and others. The band ? played together grandly. Personal Paragraphs. T. Hosford , of Missouri Valley , was at tending the races. Sylvester Dye and Willoughby Dye , of Macedonia , visited the city yesterday. W. Miller , of Glonwood , the well known contractor , was iu the city yes- erday. Mrs. Mnxfield , sister of Henry Rishton , has been dangerously ill , but is now re- lorted as imp/oving. G. F. C. Smart , D. A. Sharp. H. H. Ilcstou and George Kudolf , of Oakland , dined at the Creston yesterday. Mrs. J. Chase , of Weeping Water , bet- cr known by her maiden name , Lena $ arnutt , is here visiting her old home. Judge Conner , of Denison , was in the : ity yesterday , and improving the oppor- .unity of looking over the real estate narkct. C. W. Vance and wife , and H. Tipton and wife , of Cre.ston , were hero yester day to attend the funeral of Engineer Donahue. J. A. Drainard , Frank Lyon , S. M. Child , E. L. COOK , J. M. Tamer and W. II. Sylke , all of Dunlap , were at the Pa cific yesterday. Mrs. Ycnawinc is slowly but surely re covering from her long and dangerous illness. Her permanent recovery now seems assured. Judge Aylesworth is rapidly recover ing from his severe illness and is able to bo out , but not strong enough to attend to his judicial duties. J. Sicht and Peter Frees , of Nebraska City , were at the Creston house yester day. Thov bought several car loads of stock of Mr. Greenameyer. Matt Schncll , of Hock Island , the con tractor , is at the Creston house , with his right hand roan , Mr. Niesen , who has also been to Hock Island to spend the Fourth. J. E. Ellis and his father , S. J. Ellls.Iof Plum Hollow , were in the city yesterday. The young man intends remaining hero and engaging in business as a permanent resident. Ira P. Higby , formerly of the Paxton hotel , Omaha , and n well known hotel man of large experience and many friends , has beta secured ns clerk of Hotel Mannwn. HOW THE LITTLE ONES DO IMI TATE US. Verj true. Keep your home clran with 81 polio , * uii when they got old they will do the mine. " As the twig Is bent the branch grows. " Teach your children Low to us SAPOLIO nnd they will always bo neat. Try a ctxko of Itlnyournosthouso-clcanlnK. He. T , ICwjrigbt , lUrcfe , 1887.1 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Sped * ! ftdTertltemcnti , such M Lost , Found i'o Loan , For Bnlc , To Rent , Wants , Hoanllnr , etc.will bolntcrttd In thlt column At the low ratoof TEN CENTS 1'EK 1,1 NK fortheflrst inter- lonnnd i'lv CenUrorLln focBchiubio < itiont Insertion. LTKTO advertisements nt our offlco tin. 12 Vcarl iticct , ucar Uroktlwaj , Council Ulufls. WANTS. _ _ WANTED Slttmtlon In n dru * "lore. Two years experience. Good reference. 1) , 3. , Ileoolllce , FOH BAlK-Cow8 and horses for gale ; one year's tlmo ( riven. HOCK ] pasturage nonr city ( or rout. 100 acres iooil Innil l'or sulu Just east of Col onel Snpti'g fiinn. Apply to llornco Everett , Council lllnfTi. CIIKAP A4-htirncr coal oil Move , cooklnr Httachnicnt nuil oven , Heit coiil oil ptovo In innrxpti ha * tiecii usol one season. A , J Miunlcl , No. sa HroaJwity. _ WANTKD Fifty ritllrond tonras and fifty men truinetur , wheeler holders. Mush holders , irrubhora nnd ax men for railroad work on lirnncli of K , K. Ic Mo. Vitlloy , run- nlntrfrom Illir Ctit.fl miles northwest of Umohn , to C. St. P. , M. & O. It. 11. Waxes for tcann f.t.W per ilny , tenmstora 125 per month , Oar mon from f I.Hi to $ J per day. Apply at work. aotlldcn A Mnltby. _ W "ANTED A mnu HIKI wife Mnn to do chores und hla wife to do cooking nnd gen- ernl housework , Address Jl , Dee ollicc. FOR HUNT Coiil sheds , otllco und scale , ono live-room house. (1. Mityiie , KilOtli live. ' \XrANTKD A irood cook and irlrl for enotnl housework In a family of lour. Mrs. Thomaa onicer , No. KO Willow avenue. _ FOU SAI.E-Or Trade-Six section * of good land In Lincoln county , Neb. , on U. P. rnllway. Call on or address Odoll Ilros. * Co. , Itti Pearl 6t. . Counull lllutra. _ WANTED A Kood l/rlrl / for Ronornl houso- work. Apply ut 7'U ' Sixth avenue. OFFJVEll d ) PUUEX , Council IltilTsIo\vi. ! Established IsoT. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , Toi toiseShell etc.Hair On nrmiciits , as well aa the 5 $ . newest nov- " cities ia hair goods. Hair goods niailcto order Mrs.C. Ii. Gillette 29 Mniu St. , Council Hlufl'H , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , und all mail orders promptly attended to. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OrPICBS : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. If. SCIlUltZ , Justice of the Peace. OtUccover A u rrlcnu Kxprnss. Has a complete line of [ 1 ii ill' Lnrpo hats In whlto , blnok nml nil colors. Pat tern bonnets , hnu nnd tonnes , n specialty. No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. WIRE GAUZE OVEN UTHB LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THE Itj > rflduc f Practical Eeiulti In Baking aad Eoaiting never b fore attained In aay Cooking Apparatus and will Rivohtioda wFnuBUhUicis of Ccokg ITS iKnll Food B kw5 or noMted.shouMb * ; < n Jrwh .ir ( mlr lulniUtoJ t. > tlio oven. Till. ' " " . 7 bidlK.nilnittiM clou , oiea door h.rotofor ns < l. n.l utwtltitlniitor Itadoor contilnlne > ituMlal Will a > o : - < > rljM lari.uthadaoriucir , ThrcuTh this Qauza Door the air freely Circulate * , faclllUtlDK the piwe. of cooklne. ind prtxlDclnj feM that I. nnwiallod la 0 ' < " ' , " ' ; itltlon..Sd artuillr cook.d with 1 ; con aaiJ > Uon ot vrlth a clo ed i door , tuol than In aa o u It mtkn aa .normon. .urine In th. woliht of mo.t. It al o produces larger Loaves of Bread , I-eqalrw Its. .ttention from th cook , and promote. the health ol tli. farollr br Uaa lUrEUIOB qiUUTX or xac roon OOOKKD x IT. OPINION OF AN EXPERT , Mm. Mi T II. WiLCH.ToachfrI > om iitioKcnnom . low.HtaU Ualrcnlti.iija : " lrd.llb rataiudKment 1 that th.oven of th. Hanga , . .compared with oltii > r , Ii not only more equallr Utialod In erri'art Iront ai well a. rear tmtannreiuitof Its Mparlor yntll Upn . . . . the food placed therein lib.lUrccoked.whlljr.tain. tnir wo t rfla < l laruor iiroinirtlonof lti [ t iiTcfU. I flud , aUo.thatth.con.iinijillon ofnel In " till. lUuge ii much lue. than anr oth.r lor mo work. IEHO FOB IllUSmTED CIRCUlAtS AND PHICE HIT EXCELSIOR M AH F'C CO. , ST.LOUIS. CHABTEB OAK STOVES and BANOES are BOLD IN NEBRASKA at followi : MILTON ROGERS &SONS . OMMIA. P. KKN'NUV. . CO DOM. DALLAS & LKTSON , . HASTINGS. E C. IIRKWKK , . HAY Smnos. H AIKD&CO , . N * IIASKA CITV. W. -THMPLEION . NELSON. ST.UKDUVANT & iiON . ATKWOH. in & CO . CIIADMM. UAUSE. LUUKCR ft WELCH , . . .COLUMBUS. OLDS 1IROS . . I.DOAi TANNKLL& SWEENEY , . FAJBBUBV. GETTLEfe FAGL'R . . FRANKLIN. N I. JOHNSON . . . NORTH IleiD. McCAKFKRTY . . O'NmL CITV. R HAZLKWOOU , . _ . . .OSCEOLA. I. S.DUKK. . . . . . PLATTSMOUTII. X. I'EAKSdN , . . . .STfMiNG. , GREEN. . STUOMIBUKO. iO 1'ADDENtSON. " " 0 * IMMERMAtJ fcrKAKER ON DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS llu n l-ul dinrrtnt Iroro .11 otbrn. Ii cup wltb h ir- ulju ti ! > tf B lllnrfnter , < UpU It rlf t. > .11 pkilllou f tn kodr while the hall In thocup iroasoB hack tb. Intea- , , ln sji ) t as a on > B with the f Inner , witli ilghi L - ' - - ' .nd nlgbt.t" SPECIAL PRICES for 30 DAYS „ On Furniture , Household Goody , Stoves , etc. , to nmko room for Fall Stock. A. J. MANDEL , - - No , 325 Broadway - Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ASSOUTM12NT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , OT _ Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council UlullV Oltlc-o , Jlusonle Temple. Omalm OilUfo , 111 > orlli Itilli utrcct. Particular attention given to In- veNtltitf I'mul * 1'or 11011 resi dent * . Special bargain * In lot At aere properly In Onmlia fc Coun cil It Iu IU. Correspondence guile- itcd. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS nnfl ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : : Boaidcrs : : Reduced : : Rates. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. Instrument ! * Tuned nnd Kcpnlrcd. We never full to give * ntl racllon. Over ! 2O year * ' Uxperlciicc In Piano and Or an U'orli. Swanson Music Co. No. 327 Broadway , Council Ulufls Iow n IK I Till.I limp Ii f. r Ci > r.t YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owlnr tutlioDUtowi. Il.tSTIIITT of tlio cloth ( which fiur lutrntl cover i-icliulYelyl lll nt iK'rffi tlv llr t Umxwutn Itrriuliri no breaking In no'irr ' lint RMiD by roller aft r b lne1 Horn ton ila > rf ( flint found Ilin moil I'RKKravr FITTIM ) . II KA I/I'll PUI. nil rnnifnrlnlilc Corset ever worn. Hold by all Um-cluiiUeuliT. C'HOTI'T BltUM. , Cblcuieo. III. REAL ESTATE , Vacant f.nts , I.nn'13 ' , City HpsMmircs nncl I'm ins. Ai.'ni property lit western piirtof city. Allfcclllnjr tlit'iip. B. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Hoom fl , over Ofllcor A Piisoy's Dunk , Count ; ! lllulfB. OILS T , BTONK. JACOU UIVII STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law * cticc in the State anil KcclCrn Court ) Rooms 7 and S Shuyart-Ileno Block , CoUNCIl.Ul.UlT3 K. S. It A ItXETT , Justice o ± the Peace , 410 Uroadway , Council BlulTi. Refers to any bank or business lioutc in the city , Collections a specialty. C. B. ALLEN , Over A'o. 12 North Main St. county ranpi , of cities and counties CROCKERY , LAMPSLASSWAREf , A FINE POTTERY. I'rlces Very W. S. HOMER & Co. , A'O. XV MAIM ST. , COUXVIL 11 LUFFS , BEST LIGHT LIVERY Thu liui-it of ilrivin < { huraua always oil liand und for silo : by MASE WISE. _ _ _ Sfar Sa/e / Utab/es and Mule Yards lliotidwuy , Cutiuuil UluUn.Opp Dummy Depot . llori-ua mid niiiluh constantly linml , for Bulo ut retail or in cur lo Orclors promptly tilled by contract on iliurt notion. Stock sold on coinulin < > lon. . SnLOTKit < fe UuLKr. I'ropnutord.V Telephone No. 11 / Formerly of Kuil Sale. Stublea , coruar tit. aye , aud itu it