WTO-WH-MW' ' . ' . " 'P1'1 ' ' I- ' " l ' " " , . " ' " TTTT 'Vt'r ' + * + f * t * * mrr * * $ * ti ' > FVPH Mr * ) M J ' TJ ? Wvr f r * "N. ' * * TP' i-p * i tp * F. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JULY 7 , 1887. ' THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Dflflr fMornlnif Edition ) Including Sunday BEE , Uno Year . flOOU ForBlx Months . fi ( ForThroo Month * . W Tlie Omnlm Hutnlny DEK , mulled to nnr ddrew , Ono VOM- . 203 OMAHA Omc . NO. 014 AND Bid FAIlfAM NKWT TURK orricr. IIOOM , TmmrNK Utiii.nixo. WASUIMUTON omce , No. M3 FOUHTII.ITU arum. OonntspONDiscs : All coramunloiUions rotating to news nnd edi torial mnttor should bo od'lrotsod to tuo KOI- Ton or THE ORR. HCSINMS Limns t All bmlnefls ( intern nndremltuncoi should 1)O MdrcMod to Tn Fi B POIIUSIIIHO Coiii'Axr , OMUIA. Drnftfl , chocks mid postofflco orders to be tnado payable to the onltr of tliu company , THE BEE POBLISBIS15PMT , PROPRIETORS , E. HOSEWATER. Entron. THE DAILY BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. BtMo of Nebraska. I . . Dotulas.B < B < . County of Dotulas. ( Oeo. 15. Tzschucif , secretary of The Bco Publishing company , docs solemnly swc.ir Mint tlio actual circulation of tlio Dally Uco for the week ending July 1 , 1837 , was as follows : , Haturdny..1iinp 25 . 14.200 Sunday , Juno 20 . . Monday , Juno 27 . . . UG8. Tupsdny.JunoM . H" Wednesday , JunoSO . 14.010 Thursday. JimuSO . 11,020 Friday , July I . .13tttt I Averatto . 14.150 GKO. it. T/SCIIUCK. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence lhl 2d day of July , A. 1) . 1837. 1837.N. N. P. Knir. , [ SEAL. I Notary Public. State of Nebraska , I . Douelns County. [ a3 Oco. Jl. T/.scliuck , being first duly sworn , dejx > irs nnd bays that ho Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual nvcrntro dally circulation of tlio Dally Uco for the month of July , 1880 , 13,314 copies ; for August , 1880 , l'J,4M copies ; for SeptPin- ber , llton , 1S.030 copies ; for October , 1SWV , 12,9h9 coplps ; for November , 1880 , 13Wa copies ; for Decembor. ISfirt. lil.OT . copies ; for January 1887 , 10.SCO copies ; for Kebruarv , 1887 , M,15)o ) copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,400 copies ; for April , 1887 , 14,810eopies ; for May , 1W7 , 14,227 , copies ; for June 1837 , 14,147 copies. OKO. H. TZSCIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day ot July A. J > . , 1SST. [ SEAL. | N. P. Km. , Notary Public. CINCINNATI is fast becoming one of the grout cities ol the central states. It has just built a fashioimblo crematory and two of its bankers arc on the road to the penitentiary. The Ohio idea still lives. SINCE prohibition has taken possession of Atchison , and the people are leaving the city in train loads , the few remaining will at the next legislature petition that the name bo changed to St. Johnsvillo. IN the state of Pennsylvania there are pending ton breach of promise suits , the defendants in each case being u minister of the gospel. This would indicate that the idea of protection has got such a hold there that the next step is to put a duty on the clergy. THE enemies of the late Judco Tolhvcr , the eminent desperado of Kentucky , arc industriously circulating the report that the judge , when in the full possession of his mental faculties , had killed three niggers. No real Kentucky gentleman was ever known to kill a nigger except when in liquor. AT last accounts President Cleveland It is Eaid is considering seriously the question of calling a special session ol congress. lie is said to harbor the bcliel that by doing something to reduce tixi : tion it may pave the way 10 his rc-nouii nation. Of course there is nothing selfish fish in Mr. Cleveland's motives. Is there any wonder that Jacob Sharp' ; health la growing rapidly worse ? Will a ten years' sentence to the penitentiary staring u man in the face is it not calcu lated to produce anything other than i lightness of heart and buoyancy of spir its ? Though the gretii purchaser o men's votes fed from a bottle of con doused milk for a number of .years , hi present sickness is not milk sickness. IT is authoritatively stated nt Washing ton that Co'onol William Hansom Morri Eon , the Waterloo statesman , is fast tirin of 'Ills position as a member of the intci state commission , and longs for his ol seat in congress again , lie has stated ths he will next year be a candidate and feel sanguine he can secure an election. Co onol Morrison , however , is not so tire ° f his present position that ho contcn plates resigning previous to * his nomiui tion , and possibly not until after tl ; election. That ho is not tired of drawin a salary of $7,000 a year and traveling o : peuses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE uble editor of the San Diego ( Cal Sun , which shines for u iew , stops tti press long enough to shout : "What th state wants at Washington is howler man who will ask lor everything in sigli nud get what ho asks for. " What is th matter with Lcland Stanford ? Docs li not cot about everything in sight whotlu lie asks for it or not ? The Pacific rai road investigation shows that ho h : boon very biis > y for a great many yeai in getting a great deal of money out < the United States treasury which ho wi not entitled to. Hut Stanford does nc turn anything over to the state. UKU Majesty Queen Kapiolana shoul lose no time in returning to her wild an reckle.- husband , King Kalakaua. Th chances are tliat unless she returns at a early date she will live to see her re throne which she has hold down for number of years carted oil'to the busmcs house of an enterprising pawn broker t satisfy the demands of a hungry horde t her husband's creditors. The gay an degenerate king has grown even mor reckless than the average Chicago when gambler , and at last accounts the yotin. . Siindwloli Island Napoleon of Financ was upon the verge of throwing hinisel into the sea. TIIK circus managers of the countr will take notice that Omaha is dispose to bo luoro liberal with them in th future. Tlio cost of a license harln been reduced from $000 to f 300 , it is coi fidently expected that this liberal coi cession will be duly appreciated by tli proprietors of "graud aggregations , nnd that Omaha will speedily bcconi one of their favorite stopping places. / nn Institution for which the young yean of which older people uovergrow wear nnd at which red lemonade attains ii highest development , the circus "shoul be encouraged. The Ijnto Jltdeo Poland. The death of Judge Luke P , Poland of Vermont has removed ono of the pictu resque figure * in national politics. Judge Poland was not a great man in the sense the phrase Is often applied o men of genius. Ho became a public figure at the national capital from his peculiar style of dress nnd eccentric manners. Ho wore a swallow-tail coat with brass * buttons nnd a deep blue waist coat , which naturally attracted attention from the visitors in the galleries. Like Ben Butler ho was extremely sensitive of newspaper criticism. True to the traditions nnd prejudices of his state , Judge Poland made himself conspicuous in the extreme In n move ment calculated to gag the press of the country nnd restrict it from the freedom of criticism as to men and measures. If Judge Poland could have had his way the press of this country would have been controlled nnd edited by the authorities of the government. With all his ox- contrlcities and narrow mlndedncss ho was an honestand , generally a well moaning mnu. In the Credit Mobilicr investigations he was very prominent aud did perhaps more than nny other member of congress to make life a bur den to a number of very pious Christian statesmen. In 1805 Judge Poland was appointed to fill the vacancy in the United slates senate , caused by the death of Senator Collamer , whoso term would have expired in 1807. Ills senatorial career was not marked with brilliancy , though ho doubtless would have made a reputation had bis term there been of longer duration. At the expiration of his senatorial term ho was elected to the Forty-first congress and served for three consecutive terms , lie was again elected to congress in 1882 , serving through the Forty-eighth congress , this completing his public career. Judge Poland was chairman of the in vestigation committee scut out by the house of representatives in 1874 to Arkan sas at the time of the existence of the dual government under Brooks , and Baxter during the period of reconstruc tion. The Poland report , which was an exhaustive and caustic review of the Ar kansas troubles , was a very able docu ment , and gave Judge Poland a wider reputation than any previous act oi his public career. A Modest Demand. As we supposed would bo the case , the branch of the American shipping and industrial league which last week held its convention in Chicago , echoed the bounty or subsidy nppctil which was voiced n few weeks earlier by the pacilic coast branch of the league. It passed a resolution demanding of congress thai every vessel built and owned in the United States shall receive a bounty o : 80 cents per ton for every 1,000 miles sailed for the next ton years. There car be no question that a policy of this kint would have n most invigorating cfl'ec upon the shipping interest of the conn try. It might reasonably be expected that as soon as congress passed an aci granting this modest demand shipbulld ing would experience n marvelon vitality , aud a year or two would lim American built and owned ships sail ing the seas in all directions , cage to cover as many thousand miles a possible. They would bo enable * to offer formidable competition to tin ships of other countries in cutting frcigh rates , since the bounty would of itsel constitute- pretty fair freight rale 01 most Kinds of goods and commodities Bur who can compute what such scheme would cost the public treasury The European countries that give subsi dies grant , as we understand it , statin amounts to designated lines for a specili service. They know from year to yea what this expenditure is to be , and ca make accurate provision fur it. But th : would not bo practicable under the po icy proposed by the shipping leaguo. ; is certain that every year would find th sum to bo expended in this way steadil growing , and at the end of the ten ycai we should have created another va money power which would assail coi gross for the continuance of governmci help , with a strong probabili : of being successful. It will n < require any elaborate argumoi to convince the American people that shipping interest built up by a policy this kind might be n much more cost investment than they can wisely or safe enter into. But tills subsidy question seems not u likely to become of serious public into est and consideration. A San Francis , paper says it is certain to do so on th coast. The Canadian Pacific line steamers , which is now , or soou will L in the enjoyment of an enormous subsii from the two governments of Ore Britain and Canada , has already bcgi to compete with the Pacific Mail line ai has compelled the latter to reduce i rates. It lias the further ndvautage 111 it may carry coolies on payment of $ head money , while the Anicric ; line can only carry them on r turn certificates. It is the undcrstoi intention of the Pacific Mail to ask co grcss for a subsidy equivalent to the 01 which its competitor enjoys. The Pacii coast representatives will undoubted bo found earnestly supporting such : appeal , and thus the whole subject subsidies will be presented to the aUentic of the country in perhaps u more urge way than has thus far been done. Pri in this practical form , the resu will go far to dehnltoly determine t ! future policy of the government , for great many years at least , regarding tli question. Tlio Correct Holutlon. Major Stanton , chairman of the coi mission appointed by the president la December to investigate tlio operation i tlio severally law among the Indians the northwest , is quoted as saying th tha law is bound to bo the correct Isol tioii of the luduin question. His obse vations were confined principally to Or gen , Washington territory , Idaho at Montana , aud he found that the trib which have I'cou at peace nnd desire continue in that condition , take kindly the law , opposition coming chiefly fro the warlike tribes , though he boiler these will eventually accept It. The e perionco of Major Stanton is not co tinned by the action of those tribes whii mot in council a few weeks ago in t ! Indian territory and petitioned again pulling the law into effect. The deli orations and .final expression of th council showed that there is a very pr uounood opposition to the several plnn among peaceable tribes , but there can bo no question that solflsh influences within those tribes , operated upon by equally selfish influences from without , had much to do with moulding the senti ment of the council. It is not improbable that n few of the tribes to which the law will apply would make some sacrifice in conforming to it , but in this as In all other mailers upon which civilisation and progress dopcnd llio grcalcst good to the grcalest number is the result to bo sought. And wo do not think any disinterested or unpreju diced person , nt all familiar with the In dian question , can doubt that the great majority of the Indian population would bo vastly bcnoiillcd by the opportunllioa and privileges which the severally law would bring thorn , The Indian needs to bo taught self-rcllanco nnd this the law would accomplish with those who are cap able of acquiring this most Important quality. They would speedily come to understand that In order to obtain a live lihood nnd enjoy the advantages of civil ization industry and Ihefl are essential , and thus 11 has been prolty conclusively demonstrated most of them will not learn under present conditions. They would have incentives to develop and im prove , whereas now they have nono. The Indian has his full share of human nature , and so long as ho is maintained in idleness , with no responsibility nnd no care for the. future , ho will in the great majority of cases prefer that condition leone ono which imposes labor , obligations and cares. But these fast are indispen- siblo to his discipline and development , just as much as they are to every olhor branch of Ihe human family , and no wiser or belter service could bo pcrformc'l in behalf of the In dians than to bring them to this condition , assuring them of such advantages and rewards as will be an inducement and encouragement to them lo faithfully persevere in the scheme of themselves working out Ihcir own dcs- liny.Tho The assumption thnt the severally law is in any respect an unjust measure will not stand. It proposes to give to every Indian who desires it an ample farm , and when all are supplied to dispose of what remains to white settlers , tlio pro ceeds to go to the benefit of the Indians. Millions of acres now unused would thus become available for sctllcmenl and cultivation , adding largely to the annual products and wealth of the coun try. Those who comply with the law will be made citizens nnd their lands can not bo alienated within twenly-tivo years. In every way llio measure aims to bene fit nud protect those Indians who avail themselves of it and con form to its conditions , and it is not easy to see how it can be perverted from this purpose. It is altogether the most judicious and beneficent law that has been enacted by congress in relation to the Indians , and if properly carried into effect will undoubtedly prove , as Major Stanton has said , the correct solu tion of tiie Indian question. The S arvuioii 1'olicy. The atlcmpl to starve the fire department mont and police force , in revenge for its quarrel with tlio lire and police connnis sum , will not redound to the credit of Hit city council. Our firemen nnd police men should not be made to sutler on ac count of personal hostility to Chief o Police Seavoy or the dispute of authority between the council nnd police commis slon , nor should the pence and safety o the community bo purposely cndangcicc by the policy to starve the fire depart nient and polico. Men who are unpaii are not likely to render clliciont service The capricious course of the counci may be applauded by rowdy editors nn < ward bummers , but law abiding am respectable citi/.ens cannot approve of i The forbearance which has been showi up to this time by llio community , is 01 the verge of giving way. Like the stra\ that broke the camel's back , thi 3 slnrvatlon of the firemen and polic , , forcewill percipitatoa popular current c opposition which the council will be tin able to .stand. It seems to us that a second end sober thought would convince men t bers of the council that they cannr „ all'ord to pursue a course wnich is di t structivo of good government , and nc in accord with tlio sentiment of their coi stitucnis. Starving the lire department and pi lice by diverting appropriations , bodi no good to the communily and reducin Iho levy for Iho support of the polic force lo Iwo mills , when it is known thi double thnt amount will bo necessary f < the mainlancncc of a respectable polic force , will only lend to exasperate tl : publlo against the council. TIIEKE is more testimony from Man in proof of the proposition thai prolub tion does not prohibit. There is prob bly no belter or morn truslworth authority on a mailer of Ibis kind tlui that radical organ of prohibition , Ti Voice , which has recently published son damaging statements from people of n classes regarding the stale of affairs i Hangor. These show that the law is m t. enforced in that town , that it never h : 0 been thoroughly enforced there , and tin the public opinion is nol such as lo seen ; its enforcement. The simple truth thai while llio prohibitory law of Mali is very thoroughly enforced in the run districts , it is found impracticable to c so in the cities nnd larger towns , nlwai has been , anil doubtless always will b > It is unfortunate that this fael and i plain lesson should bo losl on those Si whoso instruction alone it is noted. The country is now gelling moi money out of the national treasury ths il is paying in. Thus far in Ihe curroi fiscal year the disbursements have c ccoded the receipts to the amount of f ( 000,000 , and this situation is expected continue until the lasl of August , ; which time the treasury officials thin the surplus will be down lo $80,000,00 Afler Hint time the accumulation will I ronowcd , and It is likely the surplus wl have reached f GO.000,000 , by the Umo coi gross assemble * ; . How impressive th fact will bo on congress , with no rnoi bonds subject to present redemption , r „ mains to bo soon. Meanwhile llioro ! S nothing in the immediate outlook tt. should cause any distrust in financial ci clcs. It seems certain that the count ! will have nil the money required ft legitimate business. THK now manager of the Union Poclfl Lt is inaugurating the policy of retronol Lty incut that was oxpccled as ono of tl y conditions of his selection , lie will nee o do a good deal ol lopping pfT in order to practically snvo to the corporation his town generous f\nlary \ of $50,930 n year , but ho could easily do it if ho woulu apply the pruning kulfo freely to the top branches. Cutting away the under brush will not fully accomplish Iho ob ject. But Mr. Potter promises to cut wide and deep , and his ability to do this constitutes no inconsiderable part of his reputation as a railroad manager. GEOUOE FnXxcis THAIS lays much stress on the fact tiat ( the Omaha papers are all as silent as n grave yard about the cloud whichthh , psycho visionary im agines lo bo hanging over a largo sccllou of this city by reason of the interest which ho claims to still retain in the title to the traol formerly known as Tram town. This cloud is * invisible to the naked eye at this point and that chiclly accounts for the silence of the Omaha papers. Omaha owes a debt of gratitude to licorgo Francis Train for his efforts to boom this city in Iho early days , but debts of gratitude are not negotiable as collateral on Wall street or nt any other mercantile oxehango. THE sp ccch delivered by ox-Senator VnnWyckon the Fourth of July , at Wakefiold , and printed in another col umn , shows that Mr. Van Wyck yet re mains the foe of corporations has bonsi- bio Ideas and possesses the courage to maintain them. It can no longer bo claimed thai his utlcranccs are the va- porings of a demagogue. Tried and not found wanting in his high position of trust and honor , for six years ho battled for the people fearlessly and courageous ly waging his war upon the moniod kings and monopoly power. As strong in de feat as in success , ho continuses his good work in favor of the toiling masses. A IMTKON of the Br.E wants to know what its editor had in mind when ho de clared before Iho Pacific railroad com mission Ihnl from llio Omaha standpoint it might bo of advantage to let inflation and extravagance continue 111 Union Pa cific management indefinitely. Wo will cheerfully explain. The editor had in mind an item of $293 for a burial casket which appears on Ihe Union Pacilic ledger as paid lo an Omaha undertaking firm , whose senior partner is also coroner of Douglas county. Thnt was a rather gorgeous casket , r some poor follow who had been mangled by the cars. INASMUCH as the power of the courts has been invoked to set aside the adver- lising conlract which Cadet Taylor pulled through the council by Sharp practice , the BEE , \vill not pursue the controversy beyond repenting that the job was conceived in iniquity and brought forth by fraud. THE board of public works deserves credit for refusing to approve claims for street sweeping trumped up by the con- traclors without pioof ; that the work had been done. The street-sweeping extras allowed by the last boaul were an impo sition. MK. BLACKISUUN gets off with n very mild reprimand. But the public will still continue to believe that somehow he had his fingers in Ihe unexplained half of that $1,000 pie. STATIC AND TKllltlTORY. Nebraska Jottings. A § 10,000 holel is going up at Randolph , Cedar county. Kearney lias contraclcd for n 2,000 fool prospecl hole , hoping lo slrike nnlural gas. gas.Tho Hastings bas ball club has pur chased the Leavenworth nine and f i an- chi.se , and expect , to play ball in the neai future. Grand Island has nn off-color case ot hand. A laundry girl gave birth to c babe whoso father is a mulatto porter it : a livery stable. Neither had Iho ncce.S' sary legal permit , and the authorities propose to enforce a wedding. A circus lemonade peddler suddenly came to grief and death near Beatrice last Sunday. The coroner's- jury wen unable to determine whether ho dranl lemonade of his own vintage or dosci himself with aconite. A Fremont doctor captured a burglai in his house , compelled him te unloat the boodle in his pocket , and puni&hei. the Intruder by lilling him with sprin < chicken pie. Hopes are entertained o his recovery. Andrew Frost nnd his nephew Heir Frost were crossing a bridge spanning Ihu Klkhorn north of Hooper , when tin structure fell under them , precipitatin < them i into the current twenty feet below Neither was badly injured. The Scribne News says : "The bridge is a new one having been completed but a few months and Is another evidence ot the maiii mcasley impositions imposed upon tin taxpayers of Dodge county by the honn of bloated sharks thai infest her capital. ' Saturday's storm in Grand Island wn : a furious ono. Lightning struck tin residence of W. 11. Qulllan and per formed some queer capers. Airs. Quillai and her two children , being frightonci : by the fury of the storm , bat down on th' ' lloor in the middle of Iho room. The bol Q > struck the house and made the circuit o ' the walls , scattered splinters and plnsto ii on the family group , dishes in the side 1 board were shattered , nnd pictures in th 1t 1s adjoining room riddled. 'I ho bolt struel t within four feet of the mother and cliil dron , and they escaped unjurml. " The celebration at Blair _ was a gram success. The two very largo park e wilnin the city limits wcro complete ! ; 1 thronged from 0 o'clock in the mornlnj 1S 1o until U at night. It was estimated liter were 0,000 strangers or non-rcsidnnts o S the city present. All enjoyed thomsolvc to the utmost no convplaint.s. no lights and very little drunkenness. The oiil disappointment of the day was the fail tire of Indians to appear. They posi lively agreed lo comeand soul a lokci or pledge in llio way "of an unflnishei pipa lo that effect , nud their failure t appear was quite a disappointment. ; beautiful ling wrs presented to each o the Cumming City and Uichlaml prc cincls for largo delegations. Those win came from Iowa andf had never seoi Blair were delightcd vilh ils many beau liful parks and shade Irccs , and the general oral tidy and handsome appearance ot th place , covering as it doVs nearly two see lions of land , bounded by shade tree and parks , with it.s many beautiful resl donees. Blair is indeed a healthy place and is enjoying at this lime a good healthy growth. A prominent Bcllovuo college sludenl atllicted with dudish airs nud nnglo cockney drawl , slruck Iho nrmy barbe r l llio rillo range reccnlly mm called out "Ah , say-ah , cawn'l you give mo a rub I cawn't geow to Omoliow with thi nawsty beard , don't ye kneow. " Thoac commodating barber wheeled into lin atonco , perched Iho dude on a ricket ; stool , nilU craned hie neck on the stock n n rifle. A section of an army blauko was rammed inside hit collar , and lather of soap and tobacco juice spreai on thick. An ancient corn razor will teeth likoa hayrnko was brought out am bOned on a convenient tree stump. irist ) ling wllh suppressed delight the barber gripped his vlullm by the throat ami nostrils nnd with one might v swipe tore n smooth spot on his right check. Yells of pain nnd anguish instantly rose above Iho bus- lie of the camp and grew in strength as Iho job progressed. The barber hung on ns If promotion depended upon his sue- , cess. Ho lightened his grip on Iho jaw nnd colinredhls vlclim's feet between his knees. In this position ho snwcd with increased vigor , plowing huge furrows In the skin nnd tearing up the slender , downy fibres by the rools. The lob was completed to the satisfaction of Iho bar ber in eighteen minutes nnd Ihe dude permitted to depart in an almosphcro of painful profanity , Ho forgot to settle the bill. lawn IteniR. There are 27,1-13 head of catllo In Scolt county. All stale Institutions will hereafter bo required lo make monthly reports to the governor. * A wire nail factory , with n capacity of 25,000 kegs pur annum , is in expectancy at Dubuquo. The Young Men's Business nssocintlon has been formed in Keokuk , the object of which is the advancement and pro motion of the commercial and manu facturing intcresls of Keokuk. The niuRcoltu of the De.s Molncs base ball club gives half his salary to the heathen. Ho is n favorite of the secre tary and every time the club scores n game ho hits the till lor $3 and sends it to the missionaries. The DCS Moines Lender lias hcon Irans- forred lo n new stock company , repre senting about $16,000. of which Messrs. Oil-son , Xeigler and Watts , of that city , P. G. Hallingall , of Ottumwa. and Hon. Moses Bloom , of Iowa City , are the prin cipal stockholders. Wyoming. A chceso and butler factory is to bo stnrled at or near Buffalo. The assessed valuation of Cheyenne property is about 1,000,000. The Cheycnno & Northern railroad will strike Douglas before winter. The Cheycnno land olline turned into Ihe national treasury $ U < J,000 in Iho last three months. Crops in the vicinity of Douglas arc looking well. The experiment of farm ing without irrigation has proved n grcnt success thus far. Work nt the Union Pacific shops in Cheyenne has increased 80 per cent within the past month. About 120 men arc employed In and about Ihe shops. A school house is being creeled on the site of old Kort C. F. Smith , on the Big Horn , for the Crow Indians. Under the direction of Agent Williamson ICO dwell ings for Iho Indians are to bo built this season. Some of the ranchmen north of Chcy- eniio will very Keen commence culling their liny which will not bo very heavy on the uplands and plateaus. In the val leys and along llio creeks it will bo heavy , iowever , nnd of an excellent quality. Articles of Incorporation of the East ern Wvoming railroad company have been filed in Laramie county , with Ihe avowed purpose of building from an east ern connection westward through Carbon and Swcclwalor. The Boomerang says it is the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , and is going to Salt Lake , A remarkable phenomena was visible at Iron Mountain on Tuesday night , last ing several hours. Vivid flashes of lightning played continually about the mountain , in fact electricity cavorted around in a go-as-you-please fashion cal culated to make cacn particular hair stand on end. There is no doubt that the magnetic iron ore is tnc cause of llieso electrical displays in Ihnt vicinity. lha llobato Wrong. Denver llcinMtean. One very important fact to bear in mind in nil discussions of the rebate wrong is that rebates nro only made pos sible by extortionate railway rates. Neither the Union Pacific nor any other railway company would pay re bates to favored shippers , if it t'id not charge tlio general run of its patrons more than it .should. In ev cry case ot rebates that has come within our knowledge the rate charged Iho recipient of the rebate was fully as high as the open rate for all customers shbu Id , have been. The wrong was not in nl wing re bate lo a tow , bul in not making the se cretly cut rnte an open ono free to all comers. It is undoubtedly a fact that without rebates tlio great enterprises which con- trivcd lo get them could not have ren dered the piiuho service in the west , which they have rendered , but it is equally true that ho railway managers had no right either legal or moral to make fish of one and ileMi of another in this matter. A double wrong was inflicted by the ' rebalu policy. It gave secret and'great advantages to n few nnd it inndn leading business men who were benefited by it , _ less useful than they should have bei-n in 'moulding public opinion to compel the transportation companies to deal fairly by all their patrons. Under the inter- stale commerce law , which by tlio way is a great public blessing , the rebate sys tem is abolished but the great evil of ex cessive rates which made llio rebate sys tem possible is still ruinous in the wcsl and especially in Colorado. Wo defy any man lo show us why it should cost from two * o three times as much to move a c-ir load or train load of freight or passengers between Denver and Omaha as between Omaha and Chi- engo. Kxcessivo charges are main tained in the wesl simply be cause the railway managers doing business west of the Missouri river have ngreed and combined to pursue a hands up policy in this region and in pursuance " of that "corrupt conspiracy have issued wholesale bribery lo defeat honest legis lation designed to protect the public m- lerests. The Union Paeitic managers have been exposed by the commission rcrcalcd by law , but the managers of the Burlington are just as bad as the Union 1'ueilie men. The press ot the west should unite in educating public opinion to demand a change o ( policy on the part of the rail roads , and now thai Iho bribery of the pass system has been forbidden by the inter-state law , there is hope that this will bo done. Of course , newspapers which depend for a living on the job office pntrouage of the railroads will nol ( lore lo call their souls their own in tins matter , but the good work can bo done without their aid and in spilo of their corrupt opposition. CREMATION IN CINCINNATI. Flrbt Incineration nfnti Adult Auln- Cincinnati Commereinl-Ga/.etlo : The fir.it incineration of the body of an adult in this city took placeat the Cincinnati crematory yesterday afternoon. The subject was Dominick Stein brauer , whu died at the hospital on Tuesday of severe injuries received at Gerke'a brewery by being burned while painting the msldu of n largo vat. No one wus in the imme diate vicinity when Ihe accident oc curred , but the coroner's inquest devel oped the faat that tha fire which resulted in his donth was occasioned by having n burning lamp near a bucket of varnish which ho had been using , The crema tion took plucu ut the requcrit of his widow , who has decided lo return to Switzerland , where she and her husband wore born , nndjShb decided to take the ashes with her. The occasion was regarded as nn im portant one , especially by the bo..rd ol director * , of thu crematory , us it would give an indication of the capacities of the furnnco. Tha crematory is nt present far from being complete In details , and the directors regarded this cremations more as an experimental operation than as a public test as It Is their Intention to present a full exhibition of the mode to bo employed In consuming bodies when the crematory is finished. As it now Is , ho surroundings are crude , and the un- inished condition of things Is not attrac tive , bul Iho directors say all this will bo remedied in time , nnd Iho crematory will je the popular mode of disposing of Iho jodics of the dead. The fires wcro lighted In the furnace about 10 o'clock yesterday morning , nnd the heat registered 20Xa ( ) Fahrenheit when the body arrived , which was about 3 o'clock. It was brought out in a hoarse and In closed in a plain pine coflin , painted ilnck , nnd without any ornaments. The funeral attendants were the widow of the deceased nnd n few friends , who came in carriages. Quito number had col lected , including the board of directors nnd invited spectators , including two or three physicians. A special request had boon made by the widow that llio crema tion should bo conducted with the ut most privacy , nnd in deference to the re quest only a few wcro allowed in the fur nace room. The body was lakon from the hcnrso nnd borne down the impro vised platform which led to the furnace room , followed by the friends of the dead man and those who had received permis sion to enter. The body had been pre pared for burial in the ordinary manner , nnd was ncnlly dressed. The only reparation beyond this was wrapping ft in a largo sheet which had been thoroughly saturated with alum water. It was placed upon the ' , erib. " a sorl of bier made of iron lallicc work , and then the door of the furnace , which was red from the heat within , was thrown open and the crib bearing Iho dead body was pushed inlo Iho seething , quivering , while-hucd lire , and the furnace door was instantly closed. There was no other ceremony. The widow stood with her litllo group of friends around her , and bore the ordeal with litllo outward sign of emotion. Mr. Ben Pitlmnn addressed Iho small concourse in a few pertinent words , regarding this desirable mode of disposing of the bodies of the dead , which , he said , would soon become nn honored custom among an intelligent people. In about a half hour after the body had been placed in the retort , the friends of the dead man withdrew , and Ihn visit ors present were permitted to look through the mica-covered peep-hole In the end of the furnace. The form of the body was distinctly defined under Iho alum-saturated cloth , nrnid the flames that were fiercely lapping up whatever of human organism that remained. Mr. Pittmun explained that the form of the body would thus be preserved until the last paitlclo had been con sumed. The body cremated weighed 180 pounds , and as a test case , has proved satisfactory to Ihe directors of Ihe crema tory. About two hours were consumed in the incineration , and at the request of the widow Ihe ashes will bo delivered lo her this morning. To Ilrood Arabian Horses InlAmerlcn. New Orleans Times-Democrat : Mr. Robert Hicks Mondlay , of Suffolk , Eng land , who represents a syndicate of lead ing English capitalists , is on his way lo Texas and southern California to inspect lands there offered for sale. In response lo questions propounded by the reporter , Mr. Mendlay said : "My present mission is to secureif possiblogrn/.iRg lands that will bo of the same temperature and character as those of northern Arnbia. Several English gentlemen desire to try the experiment on a Inrgo scale of rear ing the ] ) iiro Arabian horse on American hoiK It is said there are portions of Lower California , Arizona and Texas whore the same characteristics of soil nnd climate as obtained in Arabia may be found. With thoroughbred stallions and dams , it is believed a race of horses can bo developed that , under the judicious system of training now in vogue , would excel the original Arabians in power , endurance and speed. It stands to renson thnt starting with Iho samp pure blood , nnd given ad ditional nutrition in the way of varied grasses and vegetable food , with a more salubrious climate and a purer atmos phere , Ihe breed cannot but prove boiler than ils original. "I am nol deprecating our American stock , but it is the firm belief of some of the most experienced turfmen of Eng land that the world hasnovcryct been all the possibilities that lie in the heels of a true Arabian. Although there is some difficulty in securing the best Arabian blood now , yet money will place Iho finpsl of Arabia's herds at the disposition of those who can all'ord the price. Im provements in transportation in late years have been so great that there is HG trouble in having them brought over to America safely. " OVER THE DEVIL'S TRACK. A Terrible Rldo on u llronolio IS'onr Gold Mountain. "I have made n mile a minute on horse back , in the saddle. " As a grizzled stranger with a quarlzilc pin made this remark , a silence tell upon the little group ot turfmen who sat in the corridor of the Windsor hotel at Den ver , the other evening. The man who had just told of driving nn unrecorded mile in 2:11 : arose deliberately , brushed the ashes off his cigar , buttoned his over coat and walked nwny. "I'm a liar my self. " somebody began. "Hold on , " said the stranger , "this isn't a lie. It's a cold , clammy truth , and I'll back it with money. " "Have you the papers for it ? " "No , nor the judge's affidavits. In fact , nobody saw it except myself , but if you will permit me to tell you the cir cumstances , I'll li'avo U to yourself whether il isn't n fact. " "Bla/.o away. " The group drew closer. Even the man wiio had walked suspended his con versation with the hotel clerk and listened on Ihe quiet. The grlz/.led stranger re moved u section of tobacco from hh mouth and began : "This happened five years ago fast fall. I was living in Lcadville at the time , but had mining interests that took me fre quently into the outlying districts , for a radius of perhaps a do/.en miles. These trips I nearly always made on liorsunaek , on a tough little broncho , hard-mouthed , trained to mountain roads , and capable of keeping up a jog trot at a pinch for twenty hours at a stretch. On the occa sion in question I started very early one clear , cold morning for a claim 1 owned on the other side of tint divide , on the slope of whut is called Gold mountain you can find it by looking on any map. To reach il 1 had to first cross Tennessee park and then wind over a very crooked , tortuous trail thai gradually ascended Ic n pass somewhere above Timber Pine. II was not more than two miles as the crow Hies , but nine by the road , owing tc the frequent zigzagging or tacking made necessary by the steepness of the range. "I took things easy , and it was about noon when 1 reached the claim. 1 had a couple of men at work there , ate dinner at their cabin , and then went over to look at Ihe shaft One has no idea how rapidly lime passes under-ground , where every thing is dark , and when I came up 1 was surprised to find thai it was nearly o'clock , and the shadows of the pjtinon.s 100 yards off had crawled up to the wind lass. 1 wns annoyed , too , for there was n suggestion of snow in the mr , and ihu ride iteross Tennessee park In u storin ii well , the less said about It thu belter , ho I losl no time m getting into the sad die , npd pushed rapidly ahead toward the pass. I had to go quite n distance before I reached it , and all the Unu the hK.y grew grayer and grayer , and presently u few flakes bujjuu to full. I urged my broncho , and finally bcgnn the descent. 'Thn rend beyond tlio pass led down a long , straight Incline for about a quarter' of a mile. This took It to tlio fringes of timber pine , and then It made a dolour of pearly two miles to get around n spur of the rnngo. At thai point I paused. The Idea occurred lo mo that 1 could ninko a short cut by going directly over Ihe spur and striking the trnil on the other side. The range wns nol particu larly sleep at this place , but rather a suc cession of roMeh eminences , nnd llio un dertaking did not seem to bo accompa nied by danger. A sudden , raw wind decided mo. I turned the broncho off the road and stnrled. "Tho plan appeared the more feasible an I advanced. What looked like sleep ascents nt a distance proved to be gentle ones , nnd I wns soon pretty nonr across. The spur wns well wooded with old pine trees , some of which had rooted as they lay , and on the far side the docavity extended - tended down at an oven slope clear to the vnlloy. where bi rocks and boulders looked like grains of blasting pow der , .nnd the rend like a tiny streak. I remember yet how , between the tree tops I caught a glimpse of the park , with the Arkansas river wind ing through it , nnd the whole thing lookIng - Ing like some map in my geography. That was Iho last thing that impressed itself on 1113- mind before my horse sing- gored , stumbled , plunged a little , nnd then came down with a crash , first on his fore legs nnd then flal on his belly , his head down hill. I can't readily describe it , but ho fell in such a wny thnt my right log , without being crushed or even much bruised , was twisted in the stirrup strap and caught fast. "Right here let mo stop to explain a circumstance that will enable yon to un derstand the silualion. Down in Iho val ley , al the base of ( Sold mountain , was a saw mill owned by ( Jcorgo Lacy , of Lead- villo , and extending up from its yard , al most to timber line , was what is called a log shoot.Tlus is simply aVshapcd trough , largo enough to hold a good sized pine I trunk , and built solidly against the face ' - of Ihe mountain. Of course , il has to bo straight , or nearly so , to permit the logs to slide down without obstruction , and use soon makes the inside as smooth as glass. Such a contrivance saved a good deal of hauling , for as the trees are cut they are dragged over aud dumped into the trough , and go down to the yard like a streak of lightning. In the course of time the pressure will drive the trough in pretty nearly to the level of the earth. This wns the case with the Lacy shoot. Moreover , It had not been used for about a year , and pine needles , dend boughs , and other rubbish had in places almost hidden it almost from sight. I was well enough acquainted with the mountains to know , the instant my broncho fell , thnt ho had walked into an old log shoot. I WIIB not aware of it at the time , but I think now that that headlong tumble broke his back then and there , and ho never know what hurl him. "It takes a moment for the coolest head to clear itself in times of unlooked- for peril , nud long before that moment hail elapsed the broncho and I worn on our way to the valley , going faster at every breath , nothing to stop us , death ahead nnd the devil's own railroad un derneath. I was sitting almost erect in the s.iddle. The leather Haps had twisted around and kept my legs from rubbin/r / against the sides of Iho trough , but held held me like bands of iron. Even had they not , jumping off would have been out of the question. 1 have never been on a toboggan , but I think people who have will understand why 1 bent all my energies to holding on. I did not faint and did nol get di//.y : there was a hid eous roaring in my ears , n furious wind seemed all of a sudden tear up themonn- lain nnd suck the buiath oul of my mouth , but everything was deadly clear and distinct. I could" sec blnck specks grow sud denly into big pines and then shoot past me. I could oven see the snow caught in their needles as they came whizzing tip. Every instant , through some clearing , I could see the valley , in n flash , and orcr it all wns a sickening A. feeling as though Iho mountain was fall ing away from mo , nnd I was plunging out inlo Immeasurable space , bo strong was this that even now , standing on the solid granite lloor , I can recall the qualm and nausea and all support seemed to give away. Ihe enrth tip up and let mo fall , fall , fall it felt as if forever. A muss of rock as largo as this hotel was beneath mo. As 1 looked il seemed lo leap Inlo the air like a balloon. There was a black line of foresl below. 1 shot through it , us through u tunnel , and out into llic lighl again. I tiled lo " shut my eyes. It was impossible. 1 tried to scroll m. The air had turned to stone. "I have read that when men are about to die their lives reel out before them like a panorama. Mine didn't. All I could think of wns Iho crash , Ihu bloody mass of man and horse lying some where in Ihe valley , and I remember I was glad , in a wild , cra/.y kind of way , that it would be all over In an instant , and that it wouldn't hurt me. 1 knew we must bo nearly there. The trees and reeks worn indistinguishable , when all of a sudden a black mass flow up in my face. 1 felt that I was being beaten. bruised , and hurled over and over , and w then everything was still. "When Iho moon was well un i came to myself. 1 was lying In a snow drift , rubbing at niy head and moaning. Aller a long lime 1 crawled n hltlu ways , and then loll down and cried for my very helplessness. I must have been a little flighty and heaven knows how I found my way lo Laey'n mill , a quarter of a mile bayond , but I did somehow , and they car- \j > ried mn in and sent tor help. You see , \ the old timber hhoot had fallen into de cay , and some distance above the yard wns a broken place that saved my lifo. When wo reached it the dead broncho jumped the trough nnd the two of us went sailing and tinning and cavorting over a field of fresli snow until we struck into a drift about fiOO yards away. Tlio broncho had the worst of it , even there , for ho kept on going until he struck solid earth. I brokn three ribs and this arm m so many different places thai thu doe- tor wanted to cut it off and be done with it. What ] Hi//.led the mill men most was that my legs escaped , but tlm saddle flaps were worn to fringe , and I suppose that explains It. From the point where I started to the break was over two miles , and the old hnnds there said logs used to make it lo = s than Iwo minutes. I had no stop-watch , but I'll bnuk' myself against any log that ever made the trip. " Visor ami Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the body by Hood's S.irsapariFla. Thai tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood . is puriliud , enriched and vituli/.ed , and carries health instead ot disease lo every oigan. The oloinach is toned and strengthened , tin1 appetite restored , Tim kidneys and liver are roused and invig orated. The brain is refreshed , the mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. Tim Only AVoiunn K ir llio Ooofislnn. Detroit Free I'ress : Only a girl who has * run a typo-writer at ? l per week and finally marries her employer , can enter n dry jroods store anil paraly/.im hidy clerk receiving ? ii per week. It's no use for a millionaire's wife to try it. Bourbon whisky. Hello of ten-year-old A v/iiio-glassfiil taken before muils will aid the weakest Momiieh to properly as similate food nnd build up the .strength. Sold c\crywhere 1'JO quart bottle , UY-AN MiB. Aiinlu lljun , wife of ftyaii. ill llio inuilly ittsidrnra in tiuutU Omaha , at 10 a. in. July 8. ' fuucnd uulicu uereatluu