Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Opens Firm But Closes at a Decline
in Prices.
Another Sharp Break. In Corn Occurs ,
AVlUi Transact lorn Very Active
Ont Hympnllitxo With Corn
General Quotations.
CiitCAao , July 6. [ Special Teleerniit to
the HKK.I Speculation In wheat h drifting ,
shifty and cliarncterluss , tlioiifili It Has ( no
ticed to-day that a larger business In tlio
OKfjrcgato Avas transacted In the pit tlmn nny
day since the Fidelity bank cyclone swept
over ItTbo statistics are rather bullish In
the main , thotiuh the crop prospects iflvo the
bears Rood material out of which to construct
theories to fit their views. The visible sup
ply of wheat Is down to 'H.UOO.OOO bushels , as
compared with JW.000,000 bushels a jcar aio
nnd 10,000,000 bushels two years ago. New
winter wheat Is not coining forward with
anything lllto the freedom It did last year ,
and accumulated stocks continue to melt
rapidly. The clearances from tliuAtlantTc
ports yratcnlay , according to returns posted
this morning , footed up 1,11.0,000 bushels , or
with 110,000 bushulH of the a rogato receipts
of the three days preceding. Grain hardly
stopping lout , ' enough to KCt ai-
< iu.ilnted with thu land&capu. Wliun
such an onoiiiious fjiiantlty of wheat
IsIn motion at this juncture , It
Is unsafe to base estimates on the dally re
turns , but unless they nroocftilly out or
whack next week'H visible statement will
show another tremendous decrease. The
local features of the market are not especially
Interesting. Tin ; Initial trades were at about
last nlKht'R closing range , and the tone was
one of steadiness. Itapld and heavy selllntc
by llutchltiBon turned prices down , however ,
and ( calper.s went the sauio way lor a turn.
The market settled fully M@'iC , Aui-uit
to Clt ; < C. July closed nt6lc , August at
71Vc , boptcmber at TSJfc. Trailing tor future
delivery was talrly active throughout thu day
nnd a good dual was doing In ashlppliiK way.
Uineral export orders for round lots were In ,
but the market did not recede quite low
enough to enable them to bo lilted. lhe
tiado mav be described as In a healthy state ,
with local stocks lower by nearly 5,000,000
bushels thnn they were three weeks ago , and
eettlnir smaller uvory day.
Corn ngnin absorbed a large share of spccu
latlve Interest on the Moor to-day. A further
sharp break iu prices occurred , lending
futures selling down JfOJiTc below yester
day's closing hgures. Hut toward noon there
was a rally , and most of the decline was re
covered. Trading was active iiiul c.Rgre-
gated a largo amount , the lending feature ,
as well as the principal factor ot weakness ,
being the frui unloading of the lonirs. The
opening range was about at justerday's clos-
Inu figures , but almost Immediately the
market began to sair under the excessive
offerings. August sold down with but teeblo
i ( 'actions from 'M o to Wffe , September from
37Xe to 'Mc , October from : iiKG to % % c ,
and May from 40i'c to ! 5 ! > c. Dining the last
hour a miner and better tone prevailed as
the pressmu of long corn subsided , and
prices at tlm close hud climbed hack to vvlth-
< n % @ } lu of thu opening rates for all futures
this side of May. heller August rested ut
.fOJ/c , September nt : t7 4@i7lB/c : , nnd October
atf7j ! c. The late stiength was dim In a
measure to hugochnrteis by lake shippers ,
room having been taken tor nearly tlueo
quarters of n million bitshcK
Outs on future delivery BiilTcrud n decline
In sympathy with corn , nnd as a result of
continued liberal otlerlngs of long property
Seller the month held pretty sternly , but in
A intuit nnd September there wasnshrlnKngo
of ; > f'fclXc a * compared with yesterday's latcsl
bids. August sold down tiom 2.Wc to 23c
nml rested at HVtfc , September closing nt
ZHJic after belling elf from ' . ' 0'4' ( < j > ( iijc at the
opening teX \ > Xc. A liberal buiiuet < s was
In the provision pit there \\asnu unusual
stir. Laid nnd shoulders the trading lines
received nbout the sanio attention ns on
ycstcrjay , but them was no special feature
In the dny'n speculative business. Traders ,
if anything , showed nil indisposition to
branch out and the demand that was wit
nessed came mainly fiom turtles who were
Induced by an easier turn In prices to cover
some of their shoit contracts. Hoth snort
ribs and lard leaned toward n lower range ,
r.nd the former suflcrcd n decllim of 7Ko nnc
lard 7K@10c. The closings lor these articles
however , were n trillo better than thu Inside
tigurts. Pork was iicalu neglected , the onlv
qiuitntlon madu public being 17.00 for cash
delivery. _
CHICAGO , July 0. [ Special Telcgiam
lo the UKE.J ( JATTi.r. The cattle tr.ido
was slow and rather unsatisfactory for sales
men. Hern and there n lot ot desirable
steers may h.we sold equally as high ns yes
terday , jet the grout Imllc of ordinary fat
steers sold a shade loner , nnd weiu slow nt
that. The onstorn nnd British markets nre
lower , with dull trade. Tlio stocker and
feeder tmde shows no signs of improvement.
i.Ulit little things are belling at S1.50@aw.
There Is some Inquiry concerning the htock
cnlf trude. Fancy , 54.70f j4M ) ; shipping
Btcors. li.v : ) to l.MX ) Ibs , SWWC'W.rO ; I.BOO tote
to 1'JOU
H.70 ; cows , bulls nml mixed , H.50 < 33.iw.
Texas cattle 10a locr ; bteeis , SiOOjfi.uj ;
cows , ss. oo 2.a. :
HOOH Trade was active with little or no
change In prices ns compared with the open
ing of yesterday. Hulk , cither lUht , mixed
or heavy , bold nround about S.Vi5. and select -
lect d butrhur vxelgldH ut S5.iO : , with a few
fancv assented light at S.ViK ) . About all \vero
Bold at an early hour , the pcnerul ruaiket
closing steady. _
Nnw VOKK , July 0. jSpcclM Telegram
to the UKIC.I-STOCKS The Now York stock
market was heavy during most of the day ,
but the business transacted was larger , not
withstanding the apparent dullness. The
big tritden , and the public are conspicuously
absent , unit the room traders have every
thing their own \\ay. The recent manipula
tion of money docs much towaid keeping thu
public out , and although much has boon said
and written about thu easiness that was to
occur after July 1 , there Is still a lurking sus
picion In the minds of many that there Is too
much one-man power in the market to make
It absolutely afl' . But rates tiday were 4 teD
D per cent , lariro loans being made at the
latter. The market opened heavy , with
room trmleis and London boiling freely , the
latter being duo to better prices abroad. Cot
ton oil and New England weru the principal
featmes. The former dropped 5 points to 85 ,
and thu latter 1J to 40. The rest of the
active llbt w ont off } { ( $ X per cent. Tim feel
ing on thu bo.nd Is docidully fovuribh , and
reports were trecly circulsted that suvcial
large operators \MIU In trouble. It was bald
thatOould hadtaUeiiriO.WOsharesof Western
Union trom Field to help him out , and It
was isiisplcloned that a good deal of liquida
tion must follow before any good can come
of the market , althoiuh thu best operators
admitted that the situation warranted higher
price ? . The market remained weak until
after midday , when the liberal declines In
duced Blurts to cover , and rallies of K < 31. * {
percent were regained , but the last sales
bbo\\i d declines of 'iQJ/ per cent from yes
terday's sales. Uuslncss with Chicago houses
wiu light and of llltlo consequence. Read
ing and Jersey Central were the only Mocks
that shotted decided Independence , and they ,
after declining slightly , closed about the
same as yesterday. Corbln predicts that
Heading will earn 0 per cuit thts year and
Jersej Ontral co to pnr. Tbo recent RUta
ment of the cotton oil trust is regarded by In-
tUorsas favorable , but the street docs nol
ceo It In the gatno llcht , and hammers II
down. The totaU to-day were 2C'3U35 slurca
KalD8t 1W.M7 shares yesterday.
UpVERNMRNia bovvtnincut bouOi wen
ABii and heavy.
Moxnr ON OAM , Kiisler , ranglne from l
to T per cunt , last loan U ; closed offered at 1
per cunt
I'uiMB MKncAJixiLE Pxrjcn 5(45 } < per
STKHMNO EXCIIANOK Dull and steady at
? 4.Wjf for sixty day bills , and f 4.BUX for de
Chlcarzo. July 0. Following quotations
are the uiucloslnir : : ticures :
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Opened firmer and closed J < c be
low yesterday ; cash , 09 liMCc ; August , 7I o ;
September , " ? a'c.
Corn Active , unsettled and weak , closing
' < Ci'fc ' below yestorduy : cash , S5 5-lCc ; Au-
Kiist , : ! C5/c ; September , 37 ; < c.
Oats Moderately active ; cash and Auuust ,
85 o ; September , i > 18-lCc.
Kyo-Uull at 48c.
Hariey Oull at OdXc for September.
Flax Seed-3 1.11.
Timothy Seed Prime , 52.15.
1'ork-Qulet and steady ; cash , 815.00 ®'d Moderately active and weaker : cash ,
IJulk Meats-Short clear , S7.02K@7.M ;
short ribs , 87.oOcSi7.ri5.
iliitter Steady ; creamery , 15@10o ; dairy ,
. ,
CUecse-Qulot ; full cream Cheddars , 8X
sffc ; Hats , bfi } .SXe ; youug Americas ,
c ; skims , 5lic. ( (
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy green salted 7Jc ;
llu'htdo , 79iJ8c ( ; salted bull hides , Oc ; green ; dry Hint , 12ftlic ( ; dry calf ,
KifaHc ; deacons , 40ccach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tnllovv-Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at 4c ; No. 3 , ! ! c ; cake , 4c.
Itecelnti. Sblpuicnts.
Flour , bbls 4J.OOO 20,000 , bu 18.000 231.000
Corn , bu 2.5,000 12bOOO
OatS , bu 159,000 224,000
Kje , bu 2.000 10,000
Ifarley , bu 7,000
Now If or * . July 0. Wheat Receipts ,
203,000 ; exports , 023,000 ; spot lots W * J c
lower , with an active business ; options
I heavy and soon dollned % (34lc. ( later ruled
stronger and closed steady , showing a recov
ery of KOKc. Ungraded red , KJ < fF Mc ; No.
H red , bJ'ic ; No. 1 red , nominnl ; No. a red ,
U7c In elevntor , SS c delivered , 87o for spe
cial laUi delivery , S7@b7c fiee on board ;
August closing at b-l c.
Corn lleceipts , 30,000 ; exports , 45,000 ;
spot lots Kc and options 'f < a > ? < o lower , clos
ing steady. Ungraded. 45if4iJ4'c ( ( ; No.2 , 45c
In elevator , 45@45 > < o afloat ; August closing
at 40'n'c. '
Oats Receipts , 50,000exports ; , nonesimile ;
better ; mixed western , 34 ( < 3Gc ; white west
ern , 8 < ( $41 } c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 00c.
Pork Steady with moderate dcmntid.
I.ard 10@12 points lower with the market
dull ; western steam spot , 50.87K-
Ilutter firm ; demand fnlr ; western ,
lOc ; western creamery , 15@10c.
Cheese Firmer and in fnlr Inquiry ;
western. Gl4U7c. (
EggsStu.uly. . with the demand fair ; west
ern , Iri'sh , l4X@lc.
Milwaukee. July 0. Wheat Dull ;
cash , 7ojc ; August , Wyc ; September , 7.T'
Coin Quiet ; No. 'J , tiuc.
Oats-Dull ; No. ! 3 white , SlJ c.
Jtvo Easier ; No. 1 , S r.
Hnrluy Steadv : September. We.
Provisions-Quiet Pork-July , 314.SO.
MiitncnpoiU , July 0. Wheat Steady ,
with a good demand for milling wheat.
No. 1 hard , cash. 13 > c ; August , 74c ; Sep
tember , 7i ! ] c ; No. l northern , cash , W c ;
August , 73c ; September , 74J ; No. 2 northern ,
c.ish , 71c ; August , 7lHo ; ; September 73u.
On truck : No. lhard.7r > c ; No. 1 uoithein ,
74c ; No. 2 northern , TJ c-
Flour Firm ; patents , S 1.104.25 ; bakers' ,
IteceiDts Wheat , fpl.OOO bu ; flour 150 bbls.
Shipiuonts Wliuat , 2-l.OUO bu ; Hour , 1UUOU
Cincinnati , July 0. Wheat Quiet No.
2 rod , 7v : 74c.
Corn Stronger ; No. S mixed , 89H@40c.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 2 !
Ilyo Firmer ; No. 2 , Glc.
Pork-Quiet at 315.00.
Lard .Steady ut 80.20.
Whlsity-Quietat 51.05.
Mvcrponl , July 6. Wheat Quiet but
stuady , with the demand poor ; holders oiler
Corn Dull and lower ; mixed western , 3s
per cental.
St. ijoulH. . I ulrC. Wheat-Steady ; cash ,
J5foJuly. ; T.l > 4'c.
Coin Irregular ; cash , 32JfOi33c ; August ,
Oats Steady ; cash , SGJfc ; Ancust , 23
Pork-Steady at 15.50.
Jar < l-Stoady at SO.S5.
WUihky Steady at Sl.Uo.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 15@lSc ;
tlairy , lOfinoc.
Kaunas City. July 0. Wheat-Weak ;
No. 2 red. cash , Clc bid. MHM
Corn -Steady ; No. 2 cash , 27 fc bid , 2S # c
asked ; August , 29c bid , " 'JJ c asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 37c asked.
Now Orleans , July 0. Corn Dull ,
weak and lower ; mixed , 47 < U7Xc ; yellow ,
47 > @lSc ; white , 54fe55c.
Oaf Quiet hut steady at 3CrtZ > 30Kc.
Cornnif al-Qulet and linn at S2.3U@2.35.
Hog Products Unsettled , but generally
higher ; pork , 815,00 ; laid , relined , tierce ,
Uulk Meats Shoulders , S5.S7K ; long clear
ud cluar ribs , 87.75.
Chicago , July 6. The Drovers' Jour-
Dai reports as follows :
Cattle llecelpts. 0,000 ; veek ; common lOo
lowi > r ; fancy , 34.70i4.bO ; shipping ,
: i.SO4.50 ; stockers and tnede ? 2.003.15 ;
COUTH , bulls and mixed , JL50Q3.W ; Texas
cattlo. 82.00@i. ; : .
Hogs Uccelpti , 14.000 ; about steady : rough
and mixed , 55.00 5. 0 ; packing and ship
ping , S5.15&5.UO ; light , 35.UOuiS.30 ; skips ,
S3.00Q1.W ) .
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natUes ,
' .20 ; wcotern , 83.40i33..xJ ' ; Toxant. ,
.00 ; lambs , pur head , 81.50@4.00. sto < : k Vnrdu , Kn t ,
1/ouls. III. , Julv 0. Cattle Receipts ,
2,500 ; shipments , l.COO ; steady ; choice heavy
native steers. . 4.UOot4.6il ; fair to good iddp
ping steers SUKJit4.-i5 ; ; butchers' steers , fair
to good , 1.70 4,15 ; feeders , fair to good ,
J .1C&4.00 ; stockcis , fair to good , 82.10rf3.00. (
HoKb Hrceipts , 3.500 : sblpnieilts , 200 ; ac
tive nnd strong ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , S5.SO(25.iO ( : : packers , and
Voikert , mi"llum to choice , Sn.OOfgS.lS ; pigs ;
common to good , 84.40ia. ' .0 < J.
KitniKs City , July G. Cattlft Hocclpts ,
1MX ) ; stiliinnius ] , 70(1 ; good tirni and active ;
common cattle were not wanted ; good to
choice , corn-tt'd , J3.1C > (34.10 ( ; common to
good SIMOCgbto ; steers , ' -.SuJ3.20 ) ; cows ,
51.50 3.00 *
Hoes Urcelpts , 0,500 ; slilpmpnts , 500 ;
active and UV higher ; common to choice ,
8140'S5.05j stlin nnd pigs , 53.00(24.25. (
Wt-duesasy , July C.
Cat He.
The run ot cattle was heavier to-day by 300
head The Icullng on the market was a little
belter , but rices rem.Un about steady. There
is verr little inquiry for the poorer grades of
butclier stock such as thin cr.ia y cows , lint
good h'liidv fat stecfs of Medium weight
\vern In lair request.
Hog * .
The receipts of hogs showed a laree gain
over yesterday , but nt Ihe same time were
lU-lit for thA middle of the \ ek. The mar
ket opened strong at ? e Urday'a prices ,
Ttu'ie vtas n good demand and all the buyers
eru lepreieutcd on the mnrktt. 1 few very
good ln-vvy boirs reRChod $ < . .93Verylhlug
wai sold by midday.
[ Tneie were nouo In ail nothing -lolnj.
Cattle. , 600
ProralllnK Price * ,
. - . - r the prevailing prlooi paid for llv *
stock on this market i
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.00(34.10 (
Cholco steers , lioo to 130J Ibs. . . 3.bOgi.oo (
ltlittle steers ouo to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.50Mi.75 :
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 ii-mHos
Oood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75M3.00
Common to medium cows 2.25M2.05
Good to cholco bulls 2.75ra3.00
LlKht nnd medium ho rs 4.70a4.bO (
Oood to choice heavy hogs 4bO@4.90
Oood to choice mixed hogs 4.75M4.M
Representative Hales.
No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr.
0..1074 S'l.2.1 38..1093 J3.75
M..1108 8..W Wi.yia \ 8.80
30..1WI a. 75 18. . . . 1174 3.85
7..1177 3.75 17 . . .1110 3.85
l..llfiO 175 fi0..12ftU 4.00
IS..1101 3.75 18..1411 4.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10. . . . b03 52.00 0. . . . 959 52.75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8. . . 1856 82.50 2..1515 J2.G5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
bS..174 40 84.75 01..202 120 84.85
78..109 120 4.75 64..238 4.85
73 . . .209 120 4.bO 73..833 120 4.85
74..23.5 120 4.80 04..233 40 4.M
02..257 200 4.80 75. . . S4'2 80 4.85
64. . . . 225 120 4.80 71..270 200 4.85
60 . . .1M3 80 4.80 C7..U712 * 0 4.S5
82. . . .2.,0 Kl 4.80 CO 284 240 4.85
75..211 200 4.80 G8..22 i bO 4.85
70..203 2bO 4.80 74 . . .2:17 :
73..208 4.1:0 G5..135 ! bO 4.85
72..222 120 4.80 80..205 200 4b5
AS..245 2-10 4.SO G8.240 40 4S"
59..200 40 4.80 K1..278 240 4 85
04..272 I'M 4.bO 83..225 100 4.85
0,2i'J ! ) 80 4bO 5'2..290 120 .85
03. . . . 251 100 4.80 05..259 4.85
7t . . .25J 2bO 4.bO G0..24J 40 4.85
OS..252 120 4.b2 57..271 4.85
71..212 120 4.b5 b2.2o9 120 4.87J4
04. . . .25M ICO 4.8Ti fil.40 ! 40 4.1)0 )
Ml..291 bO 4.83 02..250 4.'JO
60..279 80 4.8.1. G3..2r2 bO 4.90
5S..270 ' . ' 00 4.b"i 51.m ; 4..K )
05..251 120 4.Sr 71..28'2 100 4.90
72..2 5 40 4.5" 79..249 120 4 ! H )
70..210 100 4.8."i 02..255 bO 4.90
WJ..258 2-10 4.8.J 68..314 40 4.U2K
71..229 120 4.S5 03..200 4.03 > f
Ijivo Stock Sold.
Shovvlngthn number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
0.11. Hammond i : Co R50
Swift 104
Local G'2
Shlpp.-rs 2-2
Total 434
nons ,
Anglo-American Packing Co 1,944
G. It. Hammond & Co 7.14
Squires tie Co 654
T. J. Lipton 651
Harris it Fisher 70
Total 3,959
Shipment * .
Showing the mimbar of cattle , hozs and
sheep shipped from the yards during thu day.
No. cars. Kt. Desk
7 N. W Chicago
11 C. 13. & Q darks
2 U. P. Clarks
1 U. I' Madison
13 . .U.I. Joliet
AH sales of stock in this market are made
per cwt. live wok-lit unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoga sell atio \ per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welching loss than lee Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are ducked 40 lUi ,
nnd btagsSOlbs , by thouubllc Inspector.
Iiivc Stock Notcw.
Cattle steady. *
Hogs active.
No hogs loft over.
liogs reached S1.92J .
John Jack , Dorchester , was in with n load
of cattle.
Henry Shlnstock.Wcst Point , sold a load of
2.:9-Ib : hogs at S4.b7X.
N. P. Saclcett , Bancroft was In and mar
keted two loads of cattle.
Cows are selllne very low , while good
steers can be hail at such low prices.
W. M. Wldte , Tekamah , came In with six
loads ot cattle which bold on the i aiket.
K J. Tiernoy. Alnslie , was here and mar
keted a ] on < < ot hogs of his own feeding.
J. K. Thompson , Council llhilfh , was over
with two lends of hogb whleu sold on the
T. West , Dorchester , was amonc these In
to-ilav and bold ono load ot cattle of his own
K. A. Tompleton , TcKamah. cami > In with
ten loads of 12.50-lb cattlu which sold on the
market at $ : uu.
J. nreneman. Ponder , Neb. , was nt the
yards and marketed two loads of cattle. D.
N. Wheeler camii in with him.
Amoni ; those in was Charles L. Jones ,
Hastings , who had nine loads of cattle aud
one load of hogs on the market ,
( leorge WHIInrd , a well-known shipper of
Cohm'biis , was In nnd sold a load of U33-lb
hogs ot tils own feeding at $4.90.
General I'rnducc.
Wednesday , July C.
. /Vic following arc the prices ut ivhlch
round lots oj iirodttce tire f > oM Id tills iniir-
J.rf. flic unotntlotut on fruits < tnd other
coi/imo < / lictmintul ( in from a distance arc
the vrlces at which outhldc orders arc tilled :
BUGS The receipts nro fully equal to the
demand. Stocks were moving to-day at 11 ®
ilUTTcn The receipts nro heavy and
stocks have to be moved quickly to prevent
accumulations. There is very little of even
the best dairy butter that goes at more than
12Mc. Fair to good butter Is selling ntOuj
CHEKSE. Full cream cheddan , single ,
9 } < c ; full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Young
Americas , He ; fancy Swiss. 20c ; Swiss ,
imported , av * . Llinburger , 13c ; brick , 13@iOc.
POTATOES. Stock of all kinds is scarce.
Old potatoes are going at OOQS1.00. nccord-
Inif to quality. Now potatoes at 2@2)'c
per Ib.
GAME There Is very little game lr. season
at the present time and while the weather Is
bo warm it has to bo handled with a great
deal of care. Plover sells at 81.25 per doz.
nml curlew at f 1.50 per doz.
POUI.TKY There aru a good many chick
ens comlnif hi , both old fowls and spring
chickens and the market Is n little unstable ,
there being a good demand one day and a
very light demand the next. Old fowls are
moving at $ ' 2.2SSi.oo ( : wltli an occasional
coop of fancy at S.VA eoixl spring chickens
aid sold at $2. . ' < C@.00. : ; There is no other kind
of poultry coming In , at least not enough to
make a market.
surtplv ot raspberries and blackberries is
very limited. Uluehrrrlrs nre more plenti
ful. Strawlierrles about played out. Cher
ries scarce aud wanted. Peaches from the
Kouth arriving mostly in bad condition ; Cali
fornia stock more desirable. Some box ap-
nlarrivng. os I Utack raspberries , per
24 qt ease 4.40 : red raspberries , per
24 nt case , S3.00 ( < J3.25 : blackbenles ,
per 4 qt c so , 15.00 ; blueberries , per
1 bu stand , 5.00(34.00 ( ; blueberries , her 12
qt box. 81.50(31.75 ( ; plums , per one-third bu
box , $1.25 ; peaches , southern , per half bu
box , St.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box ,
75 : apples , per bbl. 85.00. The market Is now well
supplied with a lurtte variety of choice home
gtown stock. New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
2 < g2 c ; new onions , per bbl , JM.50.per bubox ,
( 81.50 ; tomatoes , per H'bu. box , 31.25 ; toma
toes , per crate box , 32.W ; cabbage per crate ,
Lruo.N1Kxtrn fancy , per box , 17.00 ;
5 box lots , Stv.50 ; fancy. SO.&O ; choice , S5.00 ;
cholco , S box lots. S4.60.
BANANAS -Clioleo stock , 53.00(31.00. (
C > i.uxMt.Mi KiiL'irs llartlett penrshave
( xrrlxL-d on tba m rkut. Apricot1) ,
por20lb box , 31.75 : plums , per 20 Ib box ,
51.75 ; prunes per 20 Ib box , SI. 75 ; pvaclies ,
per 20 Jb imr box , 51.75 ; Dartlett pears , per
40 Ib box. | 3.50 ; red Astraclian apples , per
box. 18.60.
WATBKMKLOMS Watermelons , Georgia ,
per 100. $35.
The market Is bare to-day
Illrenlde Mediterranean Sweets , per box ,
\00S ; box lots , 84.75 ; HanU Ana , 84.50 ; 2
box lots , 14.29. _
Oroonr'a taut.
CartK * . Ordlnnry grides , JO.VfQaiXc ; fair , ,
x Qle ; prime. 2J(3'JS ( : choice , 'tXtfU ; fancy
cretn and > ellovf , aJvaftSc ; old govern p > enl
oj intoner Java , 24' JOc ; Mocht
Arbucklo's , roiitetl 3l , e ; Mo
Lntuhlln's XXXX , vM { c ; llworlh' * , 3lc ;
Ked Cross. 24' c.
SYBHI No. 7t ) , 4-c llpn kegs.
New Orleans , per gallon. U f4Gc ; i
srut ) , hall bbls , "old time , " per L'.illoii , 70c ;
- Knflon cans , per doz , ilOlxi ; hnlf
cans , per do ? , 55..W ; quart cann , SAOO.
CANDY Mixed , KMUo ; stick. SW
CnxcKEits Unrnpati'H fodn , butter and
picnic , 4c : creams , 7'c ; ginger snaps,7Xc ;
city sodn , 7Kc.
ricKKt.s Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do I
half bbK S4 00 ; small , In bbls , SS.OO ; do , I
ImIC bbl" . 4.50 ; gherkins , iu bbls , 89. 00 ; Uo
In hnlf bbls , 3.1.00.
SUOAII Granulated , WfWXc ; conf. A.M
CVcjvfblto extra C , SVC c ; extra 0. U # $
5Kc ; yellow C.n ® 5 ? o ; cut loaf , O'iQO ct
powdered , OX7c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
. . . ' . strawberries 'i Ib. per ca'-e ,
S3.30 ; rnspberrlffl , alb. per case ,
California pears.percnseS4 80(34.40 ( ; apricots ,
per case. 8J.500t3.00 ; peaches , t er case. S4.7564
4.85 ; white cherries , pur case , S5.M3 ; plums , per
caseS3.40 3.50blue'berrlt ; slpercaseSl.boeiK ;
" " " " 'us , 2 Ib.
do/ ,
2 Ib.
gooseberries , per 'case , Sl.OO ; 2 lb. siring
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
case , 81.00 ; a Ib. marrowfat pens , per case ,
52.40Q2.50 ; 2 Ib. early June peas , per case ,
i'2-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , 32.50 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
General Markets ,
VAIINISHKS Harrcls , per gallon , rurnl-
ture , extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , Sl.oo ;
coach , extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnhaltum ,
extra , 85c ; shellac , $3.50 ; hard oil finish ,
Dnv PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French 7lnc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 2' < c ; whllliic , " '
wliltlnir , conrl , l'c ' ; lampblack , tier-
nmntown , I''c ; lampblack , ordinary , fc ;
Prussian bluc,55c ; ultratnarlne , lbcvand ; > kp
brown , tic : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ;
slenua , burnt , 4c ; sliMina , raw , 4c ; I'ltrls
irrcen , Rcnulnc , 35c ; I'aris croon , common ,
'JJc ; chrome green. N. V , Me ; vcrintlllon ,
American , ISc ; Indian , raw and burnt
umber , 1-lbcan.s , 12c ; raw nnd burnt sienna
T.'c ; vantlyke brown , lite ; relint'd lamp
black , lUc ; coach black and ivory black Ifx : ;
drop blacK , Kic : ultraiimrine ulnck , 18c ;
chrome green. L. , M. & ! > . , IGu ; blind nnd
shutter urven , L , , 1. A : U. , lOc ; I'aris KIUUII ,
UUo ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red PC ; Tus
can , ' . " 'c ; American vermtlllon , L. & L ) . , 20c ;
yellow oclne , 2c ; L. M. it 0. D. , ISc ; irood
ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , be : Krninlni ; color ,
lleht oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut nnd
usli , 13c.
Dntios AND CnnMicAi.s. Acid cnrbolic ;
We ; acid tartarlc , fv 'c ; baKim copaiba , per Ib ,
COu ; bark sas.tfrass , pur Ib , lOc ; calumul , pur
Ib , 78ocliliiclionklhi ; , pur oz,2os ; chloroform ,
per Ib , Me ; Do\cr's powders , per Ib , sl. Tj ;
epsom salts , per Ib , B > c ; tlyccrlne , pure , per
II ) , BOc ; lead , aretato , per Ib , "Oc ; oil , castor ,
No. 1. per gal , Sl.W ) ; oil , castor , No. B , per
gal , S1.40
annuin , we ; opum , & . . ; qunne , . w.
niidU. < VS. per 07 , 70c ; potosMum , iodide.
per Ib. SiLSTi ; sallcln , tier oOc ; sulnlmte
morphine , per oS3.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
strychnine , per oz , 81.10.
PAINTS IN On. White le ad , Omnha , t' P.
GXc : white lead , St. ly ls , pure , 7c ;
seillcs , green , l Ib cans , ICc ; French zinc
green seal. 1'Jc ; French zinc , led xeal , lie ;
French zinc , in Mirnlsli asst. , 'JOc ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , flugllsh , in oil , 75c ;
red , lOc ; rose jiink , 14c ; Arenctlan red , Cook-
son's , 2 4'c : Venetian red , American , l } c ;
red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , iJOc ;
cbiomu yellow , K. , 1-c ; ochre , rochelle , ! ! c ;
oehre , French , 3/c ; oyhie , American lsc } ;
Winter's mineral , 'J > < c : LcldKli brown , 2 > ic ;
Spanish brown , 3 > < c : Prince's mineral , : te.
Si'iniTS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 31.10 ;
do 101 proof , Sl.l'-i ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.10 ; do IbS proof.Sl.OU. Alcholiol.
1SS proof , S2.10 per wine callon. Uedistlllod
whiskies , 81.00@1.50. Gin blended Sl.fiO ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.0006.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , g-.OOf G.SO ;
( ! olaen Sheaf bouibon nnd r\o whiskies ,
S1.SO@J.OO. Uiandles , importnd S300ar)0 ;
domestic , Sl.u@i.OO. : ; : Clim , Imnorted , S4.50
ffiO.OO ; domestic , 81.2.va3.H ( ) . Chninp.iKnes
Imported , per case. SS8.00@a3.00 ; American
per case. 810.00@1G.OO.
Cireen butchers' , 5U@Cc : green
cured , 7) < c ; dry flint , HC12c : dry bait , 0@lOc :
crenn calf sklni. Sc ; ( l-tinacetl hides , two
thirds price. Tallow ! ic. Clrenso Prime
white , iir : yellow , 2c : brown , lc. Sheep
pelts , 2673c
-linAVY llAitmvAitB Iron , rate 52.70 ;
plow btc'pl , special cast , 4 } c ; crucible steel.
O c ; cast tooli. do , 12 ( < J15c ; wagon spokes ,
imr set , S'J.OufjUjO ( : ; hubs , per set , $1.85 ; tul-
lees , sawed , dry , 51.00 ; tongues , each , bOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; siiaro | nuts , per Ib , fiji7c. (
coil chain , per Ib. 0 > @ic : ! ; malleable , 8@lOc ;
lion wedges , fie ; crowbars , Op ; harrow teeth ,
4j < c ; sprint ; steel. 4ff5c ; Uurden's hoiso ,
shoes , M.75 ; liurden's mule shoes. Sri.7r ) .
Darbed wire , in car lots S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates 10 to fiO , S3. 00 ; steel nails ,
52.75. _
_ Jry lAimber.
12 ft H ft 10 rt w n 20 ft 21 ft
4\fi 17.50 17.60 17.80 lb.GO 19.60 O..rjO - ' .
! Jx2 17.50 17.50 17.59 18.60 IV MfS.rafS.SO
'jtH i ? . -n117. . MI 17.W 18.50 lii.MI.S3.fiO * 2.6
I7.ra 17.BO 17.50 18.50 19.Wl' ' 2 5'J 50
If 00 laoo i ) < on 10.00 Wl.OO.KlfiO 2t.60
IS 50 18.50 I8.M ) 1V.M 'M M ) tUOO MOO
. noAiius.
No. 1 , com , sis . SlO.Og
No.2 , com , s Is . 17.5U
No. 4 , com , s 1 a
No. 1,4 AC In , 12&14 ft , rourrh . 810.00
No.2 , " " " " . . 18.00
A , 12 , 14 and 10ft . S23.00
IJ , . . 20.M )
C. " " " . 15.00
D , " " " . W.OO
1st com , Jfln Whlto Pine Colling . 854.00
Clear , % in. Norway PineCeilint' . 16.00
A Cinch white pine . 331.50
C" " " " . : w.oo
E" " " " ( SelFen'B ) . 10.50
A 12 Inch s. Is . 840.00
No. 1 , com. 12 In s. I s. , 12 & 14 . 20.00
' " 10ft . 10.00
No.2 " " " 12.t34ft . 18.00
" " " " 10 ft . 17.00
White cedar , G In. , Xs. , 12Xc ; 0 In. qrs. , lie.
Of House Furniture , every Wednesday
und Saturday at 50 ? S. mh St. ,
at 10 a. m.
Bought and sold. Furniture sold on time
payments. Cheapest place to buy f urni-
luruaud household poods in the city.
A.V. . COWAN & CO.
& Diabetes are Cured bj the Aiahel Mineral Spring Water
Deaths from them are narrlllcra.H UlicIinrKen , stric
tures prootntu gland , .ynrlrorelc , Wurtcler and
chronlodl > eH > esc u > u Ilium ind mint bo cured by
the Aniihcl Medical llureHiiKuroiivimunillAiiiurloin
speolullst physician's locnl nnd Interim
edli'odrlhUBUfforori Mrulont. Old pliyslclii ' iidvica
und book , with ) 'urtlciilnt3 unJcurn , frcumn
SJ'JJ Urnae-Tay.New York.
R ; Dr. Snedlker's method. No operation : No
fi'o Detention from bu lni'5 . Aduutvd to children
us well n grtwn people. Hundreds of uutgjripa
tc tlnionl l on Hie. All business strlclljr contlderf
tlal. CONfaULTATION ritEB.
puon. \ . o. COOK ,
Room C , 1014 Uointlas St. . Omaha , Neb.
Union TrustCo
itOSS. 15tli St. , Omaha , Nuh.
Capital , - $300,000
Loaui Itluile on Heal I tatu.
School , County and Alnnluipnl lionda No-
1'ruaiUcnt. Vlc 1'reii ,
ItOllT. L. GAHUCIIi , F , II , JOIl.SbON ,
becreWrj Tieasurur.
nillKOTOltB !
w. o. MAUL , U U. U'iLjiAMa ,
Bon ? . L. QABucns. B. U. Jounbou.
I V. a. Jon > < so r
Veterinary Surgeon
Graduate of the Roval College of Voter
nary Surgeons , London , England.
Offlce , Denham's Stable , 118 North IClh
Street , Omaha.
end all akin Ulscnsea. A n wmethcxlof om-
poimiuni : U r. A Cur * Runranteeil , or money
rufunilml. Bold by ilnicclnH. ami nt tbn ollic of
Slado from sound wlipat Host Oem Flour
raado Mukei bonii und iniiKClo. InvlKoratOD ttm
liraln , Blrciik'tlien the nerve' , enrkhes thu tiloot.
8utrcrer froru dysiupsln , lmlUe II'ii constiputlon
illubetes Mrluht's ( ll" > in . etc , will tlnd It l"vnliin-
hle. (1OOI ( ) Kilt U'KI.l. I'hOI'I.K Order II of > our
denier. Sample puc < uie free to physicians oho will
tar express clmrgei Circular litvliu : full particu
lars nrmppllcatlon.
Wclshaua , I'ratt & Unities , OniahaXuli
Miiiiufncturc'rs of Cvrcul Spcclnltlv * .
Decker Brothers
% M SS sTftrrT iiSS i f\
flraafta JoMars' Director/ / ,
Agricultural Impttments.
UboUult Dcaltr In
Agricultural Iruplcinonts , Wneona ,
anil ISiifSlon. Jonci Mrt l , bftwon Mb
nJlOtli.Om b , M t > .
Agricultural Implements ,
i , Htf , , VVhottttlr , Om h * .
\VboIo lot > cnl r ln
AffrlruHnrnl Implement * ,
FVagonmml BugRUi. SOI.XX ! , TO unit DOT , Joneeftt
Artists' Material.
. . . . .
AA , . .AA'-D1 * w.fci.
A. JIOSPE , , TR.t
Artists' Materials , Pianos nml Organs ) ,
UI3 Potigl * * Street. Onmhft.
Builders' NardHan and Scales.
Mechanics1 Tooli nrt nuffklo Hr l i. It0i > UoujltKU ,
omnhj , N t > .
Boot * and Shots.
" ' '
W. "K'SfOJrWB'cT CO.
Jobbers of Itoots and Shoos.
1411 F ro ro H , Ornnlm. N b. Uauuftclorjr , Summot
> u et. llontiin.
Wholesale llubbor Boot * and Shoo *
Knhlior nml Oiled i'lutlilnir mul lolt llool *
* nd Shoes. outhe 8t Corner Ittta and
Laper Beer IJrowera ,
1S51 North l lh Plrcet , Omnha , Nab.
Butchers' Tools.
Uutchcrs' Tools and Supplies ,
iauugo C liKs ) of all kind * nlwnjilu stock. 1313
JontMit .Omnha
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha CofTeo nnd Spice Mills.
I'eax.OoffP8 , Rplce < . r.aklnx fonder , KlivorlnL .
trncts , Ijiunilrr nine. Ink , RIP. 1111 1C Ilaruer
Flrcct.Oninhs , Nab.
John Eponcter , Prop.
Maimfneturer of Onlvnnlieil Iron n-1 Cornice. 921
Dodfi ) and 1W and 1U& , 10th it. . Omaha , Neb.
KUEMl'lSG < 0 JiOLTE ,
Naniifactnreri of
Ornamental ( iiilvani/.cil Cornices ,
Dormer \Vlndowi , Klnikln , MetnllrHkjllKht , lc. 1108.
I21U tt , OniaUa.
C. Specht , Pro ] ) .
MTHnlrad Iron Cornice * , etc. Bnect'ilmprnTeU J'at-
ent Motallc Hkyllglit , UB anil 510 H l.'tli at , < ) mah .
Jo'obtM of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Mattlnga , Rtc. 1S1I Douglni atrfct.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'hi * Manufacturers and Importer ! of
( rockery , ( Jlnsswnrp ,
LnmpB , Chluinuyi , etc. Office , 317 South llth it ,
OtHHtin , Neb *
Matnmotlt ( Motliiii r llouso ,
Corner Fnrnum iul Tenth Blieets , Onnhn , Vch.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Hiitter , Kcf'nnil I'roiluco. ComUrmonu nollclted ,
liunilqunrt rii for Htnnewaro , Jlerrr llnxiK uud
Urni | llnukcu. 1414
"R n it ELL o
Stovauro and Coimnin-tion Morcliants ,
-i.lilUo ! - Uutlcr , Kk'iiJ , Clicoio. To Itry , Gumc ,
Oyttcr ? , oto , etc. ItZti. illh St.
Conimisaion Jforcbants.
Fruits. Froilnco Qinl troTU1nnB , Onmha , Nob.
Produce Commission llerclmntfl ,
Poultry , Ilutter , ( innio , Krulli , etc. 320 B. lUbit
Coal antf Lime.
Uiu. r.I.Ai.AOii ITCH. C. T. QnnnuAH , V. Piei.
J , A. Hl'MilMtl.ANI ) , Sue. und l'rc .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
V South Tlilrtoentli Street , Oinalin , Nub.
J. , / . JOllNSOX < f CO. ,
MannfitctnrorH of Illinois Whlto Limo.
And Shipper * of C'jnl nml Ciitt. Conient , I'tailir ,
UITIO , Hnlr. Uro Drlck , Drain , Tile nml Sewer I'lpo ,
Olllcc , 1'nitnn Ilnlol. Karnuiu > ! . , O.UAhn. N L ) .
TVlonnnne Kll
F. P. fAftC CO. ,
Mannfactiirintr Confectioners ,
Jobbcn of Krulli , Nutd und < ; ik-ui . Ull Kanmm BU
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quni anil Ammunition , M toZXK llth it. , ION to
1UJ Fnrnnm t.Omiha.V h
Hanufactnrers of Fine Ci
And Wholesale I ) l r In Leaf Totiacrni , No § . 108
anil 110 N. Uth strict , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH < tl CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods ( fe Notions
1102 anil 1104 Douylu , cor. Illh 8t , Umaba.Ncb.
DliUllen of l.lfinrirn , Alcobol nnfl Snlrlti. Importers
and Jobber"of \ \ Inciant ) Uquore ,
CO. nnd 1LER A : CO. ,
Importcrn and Jobbertof Kino Wlnfs and I.lqnorg.
Sole iiinnl ciutr of Kcnnedr'n Uait Incll * lilt-
tiTsunalhiiiii'itlcI Iquort. 1112 lUrnu ; M.
Wholesale Dealers Ju Fnniituro.
Karnam ft. Omahn , Neb.
CUA RLEH sin rni
Fttruitiire , Deddincf , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1XKV ) \ aat 11V ) t'nrnnm > t. . Omatiiu
Groceries ,
PA 'X'TON , a A i7rA c iTfitir'iG \ \ ,
Wlmlrsaln flrncuries und Provisions ,
Ko ; 7Q.'i. 7IB. 7118 ind 711 S Uth < - \ .OmibN. .Veb.
Aiccoiii ) , ' nuJuty < u co. ,
" \VhoIesulo \ Grocers ,
IStn nnd l.e TOrmorttirU. _ , Omaha.
" '
fKK F III KJ > . t'6
Jobbers of Hnrdwura and Nails ,
Tinware , uln ft Ircm , K'o A ; ni > for Hoe
and Mlnml Powder * ( i OmAltn fb.
.J , iiROA'cir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd See ( ) ,
Bprliigs , Wajnn Moc . lUrdvinro I.uinbjr , tc. IMS
imrt Ull llnrnrr it , , PDMIV |
WlinlGsnlo Iron and St
axonunrt Carrtr Wood "tcct , Ileary Hardware ,
* ! tc. 17 mul II'J l.tiit nworlb tr. , < iruilia. Neb.
vim , Jtaiipes , FurnoecH , Tiles ,
M&ntU , GrRt . Hra s Goods. 1O1 and 1323 K rt
0/nafia / Jotters' Directory.
Iron Works.
Irou Works ,
W.MtiiM nrt C t Iron H lldlnTort. . Iron
lUIITuf. Benmi mid ( llrderi , Mt n Kailnci , H
yrork.Unufril ffoumlrr , Miublw nd llUtei
1' .
auufacttirln K Dealer In Smoke Stack * ,
HrltcMtiKt , Tank * , mul ( U-iicml Holler
Uts Iou l i iti .
llantifiirliinin ot
ire nnd Iron Raillnr's , Desk lUIlt ,
WHidoif ( Iu rdii , Flower Bl n3 , Wlrt Slfns. IM
17JN. tftth. Onlrr by r MI uromptly tt nd ( at i.
UenlorU AIIKIndiof
fiuildingr Material at ,
18th Itrfot ted Union P otno Track , Omthk.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Llmo , Saib ,
Doors , KM. Tanls-Corner'th anil DouUi | Coriw
HthnnJ DouiUi ,
Wholcsivlo Lumber ,
811 B.lUh street , Ore hn. ? < b. f.Colpcttcr ,
C. JV. tilETZ ,
13th Mid California Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Lnrn ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rto.
Cor.Ctti anil Donjlmti. , Omnba. N x
Lumber ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , tiff ! Farnam itre t , Pmshn.
Hnrdvvood Lumber ,
VToodCnrpttiand rtrqnet Floorluc. tlband DouiIM
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported anil Amcrlrnn rortlnnd Onifct , 6tiit4
Aueot forMUwmikpn llrdrnullr Comunt mm lleit
tjulncy WlillBLIine.
_ _
Life Stock.
Of Omnha.
Limited. John K. Botd , SupcrlntcmlioU
Lire Stock Commission.
M. HUKKE ,1) ) .SO AW ,
Live Stock Cotnniisaloiu
. Ilurko ,
Union Stock Vnrdi,8. Omaliu. Tolflphono lei.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bblpmont * of nr and Ml klmla of Stock lolloltcd.
_ L'nlou Stock T rd . Oiiixlm , Nt > .
Millinery and Actions.
Imporiors and Jobbom ot
Millinery and Notlong ,
1913 and U1S Harrier Pt.out , OmabH , Nob.
t + * * V + * * t + * * fr
T. T.
WlioUialo le lon lu
Notions and Knriiishiiifi : Goods ,
40lnnil 401 B Ttnth Ht , Omnhn.
MamifncturerH of Ovornlln ,
leant I'nnti , SlilrU , Fto. 1103 on 11101 ltil"lni ) StrcoC
Umnru , Nob.
WJiolosalc L'npcr
rarry a nice Hoik of Printing , Wr.i > i'1iK nud Writ.
Inil liHper. H | > e < lul ntlonllcin IVLMI to cur load or
onion , wlilrli will lie lili > peil direct rroii nillln All
orilers will rrolvi ! pcr < nniil nticntlon. Wotfiiitr"
? j"if < l il'5l > l1 BC > 01' ' * * "rt low llrt < % 0" . > "l mid 11111
Job Printers , niank Hook Mnkcra.
And Hook OlndGm. ! ( > > nnd 1OT FoutU KourtvouUt
troet.Oiaulm , Noli.
Auxiliary rubliwliors.
, I'n'3tHl and Prlntcri' hupplloi. 1C
llaiinfnrtiircrii nnd Deiilprn In
M. Hollers ft ; ( icncral
I run work , Btonm I'uiuiiHuw Ullli , Aoio *
bhaftlnr , Dolge Woodnpltt Pullafi , Uniting , oio ,
Aliowaioni , aerapen.nnda l tla . IJlMJti L * <
CHURCHILL rrrnip co. ,
AVholcHalo Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ! * ,
BtO'tnand Water Hupnllen } IrHilnuartcrn It r iti
JooitCo'n Uoo < lf. 1111 kornniu i-t. , ( liniihn , NcU.
U. .S. WIXJ > ENGINE anil PVM1 *
ITntlndity Wind Mllit : rteam nnd VVfiMr f < iinllei. |
nblng ( .00-ln , lloltlnK , llnm. W nnd M ) ftf
uam ! . , Uninlm. H. K. helton , Uuimvvr ,
lelcphfineNo. JIO.
f. X. STRANG CO. ,
PlllUllH , J'ipCH Illlll
Steam , Wntor. Kallwaf and Milling Siippll t. Elo ,
tariaia at.tnjr | t , Ncl > .
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hull's Safe A Lock CO.B'
fire and llitrvlar Proof Hafts , Tlma Ixicks , Vault *
_ andJVlork. . 10U Mfanm ilruft Omaba , N ti.
Omaha Safe Works.
Uanufncturersof t Ire nnd Ititrtrlar I'rouf Hnfra , Vnull
luor , J \Vurk , Hliutimi Hint Wlru Work , Cor.
UlUitiiilJnckiuii iti , ( , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M.A. IJtiJSIt01l' & CO. ,
Wliolctale .Mnnufacturcr > of
Sash , Doors , I'.linds and Mouldlngfe ,
llrnnclioSic , ntii Hud lisrd stJ , < ) : r.-hr. , Hh.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
M"uld'rK ' "tnlr Work and Interior Mini Wo'u1 Hnl h
Juttuvcnud. N. K cur Hli mid 1.04- > invfi.rUiHt .
Uinuhii , Nob.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The hefct accommodation Tor traxclcra ,
The best hotel in town.
F. G. FRITH , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn lx t kii'i\Mt Hii'l moM potniliir Imul In
the fluid r/inetl < iiriiiiitr liipiiilnlMiciils | IHst
( luiij. lleml | iliiriiii-H for coimnoicml lufii and
ull pulitkal uiid ixilillu rxtli' 11'ifH '
i : . 1' . itUUOUN.l'iOiirlutor.
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