S W * 1' * ' - - ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JULY 7. 1887 , WORK OF FIERCE FLAMS , The Quebec Citadel on Fire and the Maga zine in Danger. CITIZENS FLEE FROM FEAR. A Destructive Conflnctntlon nt Chey cnno llio Town of Clarendon , 1'n. , Acitln Devastated With Katnl KiTcct. At Quebec Clltulcl. QUF.nr.c , July C. Hetwccn 11 and 12 o'clock to-nluht a flro broke out In tlio bur- racks nt tlio citadel anil It Ims extended COD yards , enveloping nearly nil tlio buildings facing thu entrance. There Is great consternation - nation among the residents In tlto neighbor hood. 112:30 : a. m. All the available forces In the battery nre olowlnt , no buildings to prnv cut the lire from reaching the mngnzmo and a trumpeter Is sounding the signal of danger for all hamlfttn keep clear. The llro originated In the cavalry sta blca on the northeast corner of the citadel , ahd all the horses , twenty-six In number , worn either burned or suffocated. The lire from thli point spread to the western portion of the frontage , nnd speedily inudo Its way toward the tnain entrance. The , fire made Its way across the main entrance V nnd Is now burning to the western extremity 1 of the block. IJombs are exploding nnd the \ % vor. t fears are entertained. Many timid I citizens are leaving the city fearing the Xinaga/lr.es will explode surely. Ono man la reported missing. _ At Glicyciiinc , AVy > . CHKYK.VXE , Wyo. , July 0. ( Special Melo- pram to the UKK. ] A destructive lire oc curred hero at 2 o'clock this morning , result ing In the total destruction of the stock of dry jroods and clothing ol Cowhlck & Whit- comb , and the damaglnc of their building to Iho extent of 310,000. The cause ot the fire Is a mystery , there being no lights or llros In the building. The llamcs spread so lapidly to all parts of the building that attempts tn two tliu stock were futile , and the lircmen direct thelrcd efforts toward savinqsiirtouinl- Ing proportv. The loss on the building nnd fixtures is 816,000 , coveied by an Insurance ol fci'i.OOO. The stock' was valued r.t SliH.OOO nnd was Insured for S'JC.OOo , the insurance btilng divided between thirty eastern and foreign companies. Clnromlon Again DovnHtntml. KIIIE , I'n. , July 0. The terrible Ore which fiwrpt the little town of Clarendon on Mon day was supplemented to-day by another Visitation which threatened to wipe out what Remained of the village. A strong wind fanned the smoldering pllos Into flame and turned them toward the town again. The oil well of Patrick Connors was first seized upon and the flames lapidly communicated to the buildings of others until live derricks tend fixtures wcro a solid mass of llamcs. Assistance came from Warren and succeeded , after a terrible Unlit , In gaining the mastery over the lire , tlio burning oil which covered the ground making the strug gle a severe ono. A count of the buildings destroyed Monday foots up 281. There are tut sixteen lumsrs left In town. Ono liun- ured tents , which were sent by tlio governor , flro being used by some of the homeless. It is now known that ono child perished In the llamas and two or three grown persons were .badly burned. _ At Grnftnn . Vn. , GHAFTON . Va. , July C.-A flro broke out yesterday in a building on Latrobe street Bnd before it was checked It consumed with Almost all their contents twonty-elght build ings , Including two of the largest hotels , two furniture stores , two drug stores , two millin ery htorcs , the Standard-Enterprise newspa per oftlco , several small stores and private UwollmgB. No lire department xhts hero , nnd only by the hardest work on tlio part of Iho citizens was the lire Anally controlled. 1 he total loss will reach nearly Sjino.ooo , with Insurance about $13,000. The tire Is eupposcd . to be of Incendiary orlcln. At Rupld Uity , Dakota. RAPID CITY , Dak. , July f > . [ Special felegram to the BKK. ] Fire broke out this fliornlng In thn building occupied by W. II. iloyd's grocery ami Murray & Dnndon , butchers , near tne depot and outside the fire limits. The tire department turned out but could not reach the building. Loss , Hoyd , E2XX ( > ; Munny & Dundon , S")00. Insurance , Uoyd , 81,200 ; Murray & Dmidon , none , Bwnllowcd ny n Tinkc. UEUNH , July 0. A portion of land borderIng - Ing on the lake nt Zug , capital of the canton of that name , subsided to-day nnd twenty houses were engulfed in the lake. Later advices from Y.up state that twenty- Bovcn nouses were engulfed and twenty per sons are missing. UEUNI : , July 6. Half the now quays at Zug fell Into the lako. Forty houses , a : rowded Inn and the Hotel Xurlch a four- Herr structure full of visitors vanished on- .Irely. The occupants of the buildings wcro engulfed while they slept , and nt least 100 HTished , Including M. Collln , president of ho Canton. Men are now at work trying to .recover the bodies of the victims. An Infant Tras found alive In a floating cradle. How Gould Helped Field. NKW YOIIK , July 0. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ) The Wall Street News says : 'From the best Information obtainable Mr. Could has not bought the 60,000 shares of Manhattan at all. Ho merely advanced the money on them. The stock was bold In orms from Institutions and firms at 81.30. When the crash came Sir. Kioto could not ake up bis loans. He then went to Mr. Jould , who did take up the loan , but Insisted hat Mr. Field innrgin the stock down to DOe o enable Mr. Field to get inoro money. Mr. lould lent him iron Mountain lives and Mis- eourl 1'ncilic consols , and took In exchange tils United States bank stock , a mortgage on Iho Mall and Kxpress propurty , and on his real estate to convert unavailable into quick The Ijclpsto Trial. Lr.irsic , July o.-ln tlio trial of Kloln and pthers to-day , tno prosecution demanded line years at hard labor for Klein , live years orGrebcrt , nnd an acquittal for Krhardt. ilo declared It was necessary that the trial jhoulrt be public , as on ly publicity weld re- 'ute the aspersions and exngceratlons of the French iirvss over the Sclinaeboles Incident. I'he trial , he said , had brought to light the act that the Kronen frontier police not only iountonnnced treason , but Incited It JudK- iieut will bu pronounced Friday. Kebclllon In Clilnn. LONDON , July a Advices from China ttato that a rebellion took place recently at phallic Chow , near Shanghai. The uprising trad suppressed by the authorities , and ninety tif the conspirators were executed. A num ber of secret societies also rebelled In the province of Kland. A military officer and eleven soldiers Implicated in the rebellion Were captured and beheaded. Chlnean Outrages In Idaho. ST. PAUL , July 0. A special from Port' fund , Ore. , says : It Is reported from Idaho | hkt a number of Chinese niiulnif camps Along the Snake river have boon raided eltliei by Indians or whites. Numer ous mutilated bodies of Chinamen have come down the stream , four nr live luting found together a fuw days since. Jt I : thought to bo the work ofliltn men , wbc rtibtibd ttiti Chinese of their told dust. It It nld the Chlne o mlnbter at Washington ha ; tieeu lufmmed of tlie outrage. Hold Tor Alnnstnimliter. NEW Yoitic , July 0. Attendants McUugh nd Cleary , who ere lately placed In ens tody by the verdict of the cotonnN Jury \\liu Hcusod them of beating nil innmto ot \ \ ard' < Jslaiul Insane ns\ turn iiiimrd lieoruo Tan Nil po thnt hu tiled , havi luwi Iniili'U-d tor mun laughter by the iriuinl jury. Tin pilsonur : Mrvre arraigned In cuul unit jiloaib.it nui fcuUty. fcuUty.Thn Thn Auylo- Tin Uif.li ( ( invention. CoNSTANTiNon.K , July 0. hullsuury hai | iu extended Sir IK'iiry Driiininoiui Wolll" : Uy Jure uutll Sunday next. ' \ , * JUDGE liYXOII IX 1NLIANA. A Mob Taken n Murderer From Jail and Jianjcn Him. PEIIU , Ind , , July 0. Dr. North , a promi nent physician , was shot and killed yester day aftcrnnoon without cause by John ChrUtlan.sou. The murderer was placed In jail last evenln ? and at thin hour (11:4.p.m. ( : . ) a mob i.SKatherlnz around the building. It Is thought Christiansen will be lynched. At 12l.r a. m. a band of masked men ap peared at the jail and demanded the keys. Not petting lliem , they ballere-d the Iron door down and In fifteen minutes had Chrlittan * Hon tn their possession. Ho was taken on n dead run down Uroadway to the brldgw crossing the Walwh liver , wheie ho was twice striine up , the tlrst time with out the desired result , but thu second time 111 * life was extinguished , the man dyine at 12-IO. ! : The lynching was witnessed by 1,000 people. Dr. North Is not dctid.but Is In a very critical condition. Honvy Storm In Now York. PouoiiKunrsiK , N. Y. , July 0. Tcrrlflo thunder stoiins raged alone the Hudson this afternoon. Basements and cellars were In undated , trees and houses were slruck by lightning and washouts are reported both on the Hudson Hlver ami West Shore roads , though not of a serious character. Thn storms were very heavy between hero and New York , but light between hero and Al bany. Thu mercury has fallen twenty-three dciriees In three hours. Honored Uy the Kmpcror. Ihm.i.v : , July 0. Emperor William has conferred upon Count llolientlml , plenipo tentiary from Saxony in the bundcsrath , thu order of the Grand Cross of Prussia. The emperor says lhat after the last successful session of tlia luichstac , to thu results of which the yrattfyiiiK elections in Saxony greatly contributed , he ft-lt a lively desire to give Ills satisfaction visible expression by conferring upon tlio delegate from Haxouy this hluh honor. Tlio Coke Workers' Strike. Pirrsnuitn , July 0. This was Iho day set by the coke operators for resumption of work by those of llielr old employers who bad expressed themselves as willing to en back at the old rate of WIIKPS. The works generally thiouuhout the legion were open to all who desired to leturn. At a number ot them strikers leported and were put to work. J-'verythlni ; Is quiet nnd so far the Plnkerton men nave had nolhlni ; to do. MUtnkcn In the Man. CHICAGO , July C. An Kvenlnn Journal special from Lansing , Mich. , says : The prisoner arrested here last nlitht as Henry MeMunn , or Matt Kennedy , who was Impli cated in the Cleveland tnr robbcrry , claims to be Jesse II. Lamb and to have had no con- neetion with the murder of llulllgan. The olllelnls hero do not believe the Sandusky de tective has seemed tne rlirht man. Cranberry Oojm Kiilncd. MILWAUKKR , July-0. A telegram from Berlin to the Evening Wisconsin says worms are destroying the cranberry vines In that section. It Is feared that the vines will bo permanently injined. One Krowor. who ex pected to harvest 15,000 bushels , will not got any. Call for n I H'R Urntii Stock * . SAN FitANcibco , July 0. According to the ofllclal estimates of the San Francisco pro duce exchange , ihe slocks of wheat In Cali fornia July 1 were 2,790,000 centals , against li ! > 3,000 centals one year ago. Stocks of barley , 800.000 centals , against 115,000 centals ono year ago. Eviction ] Troulbns Threatened. PiTTPiiuita , July C. A special from Kver- son , Pa. , says : Throats are being made of bringing Plnkcrton's men here to evict the men from Iho company's houses who have signed the Iron-clad leases. They expect to commence operations to-morrow morning at Loslnrlng's , and as a majority are Huns It Is sale to predict there will be serious trouble. Convention of Engineers. KONDOUT , N , Y. , July 0. The annual con vention of the American Society of Civil Engineers , which has been in session at Hotel Kaatorsklll since Friday of last week , will conclude Its labors Thursday evening with a banquet. Between 800 and 400 mem bers of the society and their families are present The SlUMlolana' Convention. INDIANAPOLIS , July 0. The national con vention of music teachers continued to-day with the readlmr of several papers and prac tical Illustrations by means of musical In struments. The American collofo of musi cians Is also In session examining applicants fe < r membership. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather , slight changes In temperature , winds beoomlnc southerly. For Iowa : Fair weather , sllsht changes In temperature , winds becoming southerly. For Central and Eastern Dakota : Fair weather , winds generally southerly , no de cided changes in tempoiaturo. The Slndo Failure. NEW YOIIK , July 0. .The assignee of John Slade and Co. , dry goods commission mer chants , who suspended yesterday , has not vet ascertained the amount of assets and liabilities. The liabilities are believed to be about $775,000 , and the asseU Sl.UOO.OOO. It Is thought the firm can pay 75 to 100 cents on the dollar. Tolxioato Another Soldiers' Homo. HOSTON , July 0. The trustees of the volun teer soldiers' national homes held sessions yesterday and to-day. Routine business was transacted. The board voted to go to California In September to locate a situ for thu next homo to bo established In accord ance with the act ot congress. Blown Up Dy Oun Cotton. UOIIDKAUX , July G. An explosion of gun cotton occurred to-day in the powder mill at St. Modard on Jollo , eight miles west of Dor- deaux. Three persons wcro blown to atoms anil many others injured. Yan Ijee Marries nn Heiress. NKW HAVKN , Conn. , JulyC. 1'an Phon Lee. who graduated with high honors at Yale last commencement , was to-day united In marriage to Miss Elizabeth Maud Jo- roine , a New Haven heiress. A War Ship Launched. VIENNA , July 0. The now Austro-Ihm- garian turret ship , Kron Prinze Rudolph , was launched to-dav at Pola-on-the-Adrlatic , In the presence of the emperor and the arch duchess Murie Tlieruse. The latter christened the vessel. _ What Gladstone Will Move. LONDON , uuiytf. To-morrow night Glad stone will move In the commons that "the crimes bill bo read a third time this day throe moutlib. " Wholesale Liquor Denlor Falls. lIn.WAUKKK , July 0. Tlio wholesale liquor store of J. D. Olcott it Co. has been closed by the sheriff on attachments ne nega ting S'J.5.000. The liabilities will probably exceed S 00,000 , The assets are not known. Cnld-Itlooded AHHa nlnatlnn. LiTCHFiKi.i ) , Ky. , July 6. W. K. May , distiller and liquor seller , was called from bed early this morning and assa sliuted by unknown men. Jamm M. Lvneh. with whom May Ind had trouble , la tmapoctcd. Scntnnct'il r'or Ml'o. POUT AU PKI.VOK , .luiio i ! ) . liencral Lamaur , charred with att niptlng tn murder President Solomon , has been suntun'-cd to Impilbuiiineiit for lite at hard labui. Me-GI.Miii In Labor Politic * . NKW Yoisu. July 0.--AI meeting of the First usv-emMv district of the unlluil 'r.hor party last nlclit. Ken. Mr SlrOlynn was elected delegate ) U , tin n I'.l'inal couvx-nilon at Syracuse Augu l ' Sharp' * . CiJiiilltlnii Improved , NKW YOIIK , July 6. Jaec-b Sharp < pcut the afteinoon in bed. Dr. Loomlt prounti'a him Improved. It outrivals all Dr. Sajjfi'i Cutnrrh Itemed . ELEVENTH STREET VIADUCT , The Structure Found to Bo in a Verj Shabby Condition. WAS THERE A JOB IN IT1 Insufficient Police Protection In the City of Onmlm Ijoonl Notes Ticked Up Ity Llco Kcportcrs. The Rlcrnnth Street Viaduct No wonder people who cross the Eleventh street vlmluct tnuo the roadwnj in preference to the sldownlk. Anyone who will take the trouble to visit tiuil causeway will understand that they have the best of reasons for doing so. While not exactly dangerous , the condition ol tlio sidownlk is not only unsightly but such us to render it very Inconvenient ntul annoying to pedestrians. The specifications provide that tin walk shall bo made of oak plank sucurolj fastened to a layer of pine plank. In tin first place the pinu plank lack about r foot of uxtoiidliig to the inglilu hand-rail as. they should do , nnd the oak plant which cover the space are from a liulf noh to an inch and a half apart in main places and thorc is no part of the wall whore they nre lilted together in the smooth and workmanlike manner pro vidcd for by the contract with the city. Hut , perhaps Iho worst tuatnrc about the walk is that these oak plank nro warped so that thoj stick up along the entire length of tin viaduct , from a half Inch to an inch and thrcu-fourths. Small round nails were used to fa.stun these plank to the pine boards beneath and the result has been that by the warping of thu oak plank these nails have been pnllud out. A man with but moderate exertion can pull the boards entirely loose. The pine plank ; beneath instuml of being fastened to the girders with iron clamps are fastened with very small rounet nails. Those ) were driven through the boards and clamped over the umrlus of the sidewalk btringors , The boards huvo since shrunk anil the nails , in most instances , do not touch the stringurs at all. The inside hnnd rails have no braces ol Any kind to keep thorn steaely and can be shaken back and forth for n distance ol tour or live inches on either side , without scarcely any exertion at all. The fasten ing of these inside railings to thu buttoi posts is very clumsy and imperfect In fact , about half of the plates by which these rails are intended to bo fastened nre not screwed up ai all. all.Tho The painting of the viaduct has boor done in a most hasty and slovenly way In mnny places , there nro spots whore the iron has no more paint on it thai : when it came from the foundry where it was cast. The under parts of the blgtoi chords of the middle span are not painted at all. The lattice work makci the job of painting this part of this structure turo somuwhat tedious , nnd then the chords aru so high up thu painters proba bly thought it would nuver bo noticet anyhow. Hut a UEI : reporter who visitor thu bridge the othur day not only found this to bo the case , nut on very super liuisil ox ami nation discovered the most shameful botch work throughout thu en tire structure. In most cases no attempt had beer made to conceal these defects from the public eye. Where the stair wnys are fastened to the iron girders however , in several instances , thu hole ; originally drilled for the rivets were found to bo in the wrong place , and uo rows were drilled near them , thus ma terially weakening the structure. The stairs have been so fastened as to covei up these defects , and they are oifly no lined when one's attention is called tc them. The painling of the viaduct is not onlj incomplete , but shows evidence of haste nnd carelessness throughout tlio entire Blructure. This is especially true of these parts which would not ordinarily bo noticed by people driving or walking across the viaduct. The angles of tin portals which join tlio bailer posts at 11 distance of from forty to fifty loot from the floor of the viaduct are tilled with sanel to the depth of from nn incli nnd n half to two inches. This ha1 been painted over and no attempt made to cluan it out. The ends of thu knee braces supporting these porials are in some instances hanging loose by the screws and not lightened up at all. Thu main end posts of Iho hand rail way nro very insecurely fastened , the bolls u ed to fasten them being much smaller than the holes into which they should tit. Thu big gas lamp posts which arc bolted to the loose boards arc so insecure that any ono nan .shako thorn hard enough lo break oyery pane of glass in the lamps. The iron shoos on the abutments in which the sidewallc stringers work have not been fastened so us to allow the stringers snUicioiit play. As a result the lateral motion eiven to the stringers by loads passing over the brielge and the expansion produced bj the Dheat have itriven the slringers against the shoes with such force as tc crack the joints in the stones of the north abutment , and where cast-iron shoot should have been used lo fasten the longitudinal girders lo the facing of the south abutment , pieces of scrap iron have been pressed into Iho service These are a few of Iho defects in the structure. Many more coulu bo meiv tioned. On the whole , if it were not for the newness of tlio mosl of the material used the Kid von th street viaduct would loot more like a dilapidated rcjicof ihu middle ages than n structure winch woa bcgui only a year ago. THE COUHTS. What Was Done itafore the Jndgci To-Day. UNITED STATUS. The trial of Peter Gross and his on James Gross , for subornation of perjury has been set for this morning at II o'clock , in this court. Kennedy nne llitchiu have been appointed to defcnt them. The case of Samuel P. McConnell vs Otoo County , a suit on some warrants cnmtt up yesterday morning and is stil in progress. T 13TRICT. Nellie Russell was j'osterday mornlnt snot to the reform school. Augustus Pralt the administrator 'in the estate of X. P. Isaacs , potllioncd tc bu permitted to soil real estate bcloimiiu to the same tn liquidate claims umount ing to # 1.707. The suit of Samuel Valentino for $15 , 000 , mentionudsomc time ago in tiiesi columns , was lilctl yesterday morning The petitioner was injured for life on : defective sidewalk on West Furnan street. The jury in the case of Snyder vs Charles Nctier ivturncd a verdict in favoi of the defendant for $1M. JUST1CK UKAD. Thomas Hand will to-day appear bofon Judge A. C. Head , al his oture in Cun tfmgham block , South Thirteen ! ! Klrcot , on thu unargc , of obtaininj good ; to .lie value of | ISO from M. II. Ish of N street , .South Omaha. The chargi ! * bas'Mt on alleged false vtatimiunts b ; the defendant as to his ability to pay hi rlubtn unil that his buildings wcro frci from iucnmbranr.e.i. J'OLICT. CeJUKT. Them wai nothing of especial Intcrcs in the pol'co ' court yesterday morning Judgn Hcr'ta , Clerk Woods , Jalloi Ormsby and Court Olliccr Whhlcn were in their customary places nnd the re served seats Were , all tilled up with the same old clicstiiutS'jlrnnks , ; disorderlies , and vagrants. Tnls\nggrefiatlon of rags , bleared eyes , bloated countenances and filth , was a sorry ) I bight , and thu able judge nnd his adoptlAssistnnts ran them oft" at the rate of nbout four a minulo. Mrs. llill , a reglifr , got thirty days foi drunkenness. Shu was in the day before but her palhcttOf.tajtrs secured her re lease , but it didn'lfwork that way yester day morning. Ed. HurleyVrdl Phclps nnd Low Meyer , charged wfthvvlolatlng the gam bling law , wcro he'ld-until the 10th in the Bum of $50 each. . , - . . J. Gibson , for passing a counterfoil $10 gold piece , was also continued unelot a like bond , to the same day. Jack Kiloy , who shol Hilly Nugent on the morning of the Gth'nnd who wn < placed under bond in the sum of $150 , if still in hock , as the friends of Nugcnl complained to Chief Soavov that the bonds were insulllcieut considering the magnitudes of the crime and thu uncur lain condition of thu wounded man. A new complaint , that of shooting wltli intent to kill , was filed against Jack Kiloy yesterday afternoon. 1IIU COUNTY COUllT. In Judge McUiilloch's court John nnd Mary Dolak began suit against John Simanok nnd Albert Kuca for $1100 claimed to bo due on a contract for the sale of twenty acres of land in Butler county. Francis Tunica , the architect , brought suit against Iho Omaha Fair and Exposi- lion association for $350 for furnishing n survey nnd map of Hie exposition grounds. "Judgo" Cooley was made defendant in a suit brought byG. U. Davis nnd John llclhuringlon to obtain possession ol room C in the Grueuig block. The judge , according lo the petition , is again in ar rears for his rent bill. Suit was begun by G. W. Mason against Charles' 1J. Suhroth on a promis sory note for $103.00. I'rcderick W. Perkins brought suit against Edwnrd Lccdor and Morris Mor risen on four promissory notes aggregat ing $1'JO ' on which $30 had been paid. TOO tiTJTtiE 1'HOTKOTION. Trio Councltmcu Militating Agnlnsi the City's Wolfnre. The opposition of the council to Chief Seavoy and Iho board of police commls sioncrs is militating greatly against the interests of the city. The aldurmcn re > fuse to pay Ihu police and lire depart mcnts , and also refuse lo increase Hie number of policemen. Not content witli this they hamper the pe > lice chief as mucl as possible. Omaha has a population ol nt least 110,000 souls , with a torrilory six miles long by foursquare. To patrol this territory there are thirty-flvo po licemen , including ollicors. The usual estimate in big cities is ono policemar for every 800 or 1.000 population , Thi < should 21 vo Omaha fit leasl ninety patrol men. Instead of tuift number , Om-iht had but twelve po Gjumcm on duty lasi night. For all Iho vuit turritory only i dozen ollicors were detailed. Ono police man , Ollicer liloom , had all the territory to cove ? ' between Twelfti and Ninth streets ori Fnrnam and llar- ney , and between ' 'Karanm and Jonc. < streets on Te-nth. 'J'l\is , \ territory Miouli ! take at least four uoJicomon. The turri tory includes the most ; important beat- in Iho cily , and if a'big ' burglary or anj oilier aflair had happened in the soclion Iho ollicer could not have been blamed il he had heard nothing 9f it until next day , Uusiuess men are beginning lo feel that their interests are not sufficiently cuardeel , and are beginning to place the blame whuro it bolonfts on the city council. Looks I > lko Spite Work. Charles Cmning was arrested yesterday on a complaint sworn out by a man named Lingivon on a charge of dcslroy- ing properly. Cuming rented a house out near the slock yards from hingivon and vacated it a wcuk ago. A good-sized piece of the plastering is knocked olFone- of thu ceilings and Lmgiven accused Cuming ot maliciously doing the work , The police arc of Iho opinion that lh charge Is fepilo work. Cuming says the plastering fell souio time ago of its owe accord. The 1'alntors. There continues to bo a largo influx ol man from Iowa to take tlio nlaco of tin strikers and a considerable number oi the latler are leaving town to seek work elsewhere. Most of these mem are arti- zaus of the hotter class whilst il is gener ally conceded by the masters that the ; now comers are for the most part incom- potent. Good traelcsn.cn , who can al ways obtain work , are brooming tired ol the prolonged dispute with the maslers , and bunco Iho oxodus. A Cann For Itlnmarck. William Alslndt , better known as "His- marok , " who has been employed as one of tlio clerks in County Clerk NccdhamV office for some time past , was made Ihc subject of an agreeable surprise last night. His follow employes presented linn wilh a gold-headed cane at his resi dence No. 8-0 South Sixteenth street aa a testimonial of their friendship nnd es teem. A Pronounced Success. Tlio Olympla theatre has boon nlghtlj crowded since its opening , The success of the enterprise is assured , and Messrs. Parish if Cole have demonstrated that n strictly first-class variety theatre ) prop erly conducted would receive the hc.irty support of tlio amusement-loving public. The entertainment at the Olympia is meritorious , and that it is appreciated is amply proven by Ihe fact that people are lurncd away almost nightly. Dwelling Ilurncd. Al 10 o'clock yeslcrday morning the fire department was ciillcd to the corner of Third and Walnut sruets | for a fire in residence of a manoiuamcd Johnson , Children had been exploding fire crackers nnd had thus set lire to thu house , The blazu was well started bof pro it was dis covered , nnd before the' ' ( ire department had quenched the HamcalSGOO worth ol damage had been done. . .The loss is par tially covered by iusuraufce. Hound Over. The case of Charles Grbves , familiarly known as "ShoJty , " was palled in police court yesterday afternoon. Groves waf charged with mayhem' ib. biting oil'n portion of Larry CasoyJ.scar in n street light. Casey is the man -who was with vonng Nugent when th * Jailer was shot Tuesday morning. The judge bound Graves over lo the district court in the sum of $500. Uail was promutly fur nished , with Pal Ford and J. H. Stand- ever I'.s Fined. Dr. Uuthorford , who had a falling out with II. A. Tlmkin about the placing of t sign , was up before Judge Uerka yostur day afternoon ou a charge ot assault The complaint was disniis&ed , and n now one filed charging him with disturbing the peace. On this count he wus liuue ! f 10 and costs. Assumed His Unties. Dud' Green , appointed to the junioi captaincy on the police force made racaut by the promotion of Captalr CormicK , assumed his new duties at 7 o'clock hist night. Captain Green will have charge at night. ' Ho Stopped tlin Team. Oflicer Carroll ycsterdoy stopped n runaway horse belonging to Calm Hros , which was tearing down Fnrnam street In checking thu animal Carroll's rlglil knee was hurt and hu Is lliuroby incapac ilated for duty. _ AVrtntcel In Snri > y County. Deputy Sheriff hinyard. of Sarpj county , was in Omaha yesterday and re turned homo last night with Patrick Oil Ion , who is wanted in Sarpy on a charge of seduction. _ An Old llcnldcnt Oonc. Mrs. Annie Hynn , wife of Thomai Kyan , ellod at the family residence ir South Omaha at 10 o'clock ycstordaj morning. Mrs. Kyan hail lived in Ihfi cily for llilrty years' , and was the inothei of Mosdatucs Thomas anil John Garnoy Nugent' ) * Condition , Hilly Nugent , the young man shol bj Jack Kiloy , was pronounced much worse yesterday , and last night it was thought ho could not possibly recover. Kiloj was not admitted to bail yesterday am will not bo inilil Ihc result of Nugcnl1 ! injury is known. Hilly Keilh was arrested last night bj Olliccr O'Grady for stealing clothus fron n boarder at thn Kniinctt house , am James Robinson was arrested by Ollieei O'Hoylo for going through Tom'Gabbcl'i room ou Sixteenth streel. Uiielup exposure lo cola winds' , rain bright lighl or malaria , may bring on liv llamatiem and sorne.ss of tlio eyes. Dr. J ' II. McLean's Strengthening 'Eye Salve will subdue th inllaiumntion , cool ami soothu thu nerves , and strengthen weal and failing eye sight. 25 cunts a box. I'orsonnl Thomas Duggan , of Springfield , Ohio has returned homo. George Lehman , of the Pacific hotel Columbus , is in the city. A. II. Peidham , of Hcndard llagstoni quarries , Hcdtiold , Kas. , is at the Paxton M. W. liruco , of Niobrara , formerly reglslcrcr of Iho land ollice is in Ihu cily J. II. Holhwull , of KHOX Center , tin future county sual of Knox county , is ii Omaha. General Frederick leaves to-night foi Now York , and will return wilh his wif < Who has been visiting there. Superintendent II. M. James will Icavi this ovonine for Chicago lo altend tin National Educational convention , whicl convenes in that city to-morrow morn ing. Mr. James will return in about let days. Ex-Postmaster Contain returned yeller elay morning from Ulslor , N. Y. , where hi attended tlio funeral of his oldest sister He succeeded in reaching her denlh bee a day or so before she died , and , thougl weak , she was able to recognize both Mr Coulant and his brother , who wcro sum inoned at Iho same time. Dr. Schwenk. of Norfolk , was in towr to-day anil says lhat Dr. E. A. Kelley formerly ol this city , the superintend ent of the new insane asylum , has suttlei down lo work in an o ccllenl mannci anil has made hosts of friends. The steward of the institution is Mr. Nichol , who was chairman of tlio appropriutioi : committee of Ihe la&t legislature. Brevities. The hank clearings yesterday amounted to s5jiCU.4G. ( ! ; Collections at the internal revenue ofliue yesterday amounted lo $7,385.04. < Tliuro is perhaps no happier man in the cily than John E. Newman. The reason Ihereof is a bouncing leu-pounei boy. boy.Judgo Judge McCulloch ycslerday issued r license authorizing Ihu marriage ol Julius Sclmutt and Lena Lump , both ol Douglas county. The merchant tailoring firm of W. II Gibson & Co. yesterday gave a chattel mortgage for $2(55 ; ( on the contenls ol Iheir store nt 817 South Fifteenth street , to Frank S. Gibson. The entertainment ol the Musical Nu cleus of St. Philip's church , which was postponed from last Tuusdav evening on neeount of Iho rain , will take place this evening at St. Harnabas1 guild rooms , Nineteenth and Cal ifornia streets. An interesting pro- gramme of musical and literary exercises will bo rendered by the young pooplu ol the societv. Messrs. Henry Scroggins and W. K. Gamble have promised to make brief adelrusses. A cordial wel come to all. A special invitation to all colored people lately arrived in the cily , Hello of Hourbon ten-vcar-old whisky. " ' Wiiat ? No appetite ? The Iroublo 'if lhat your stoniaoh don't digest thu food you cat. A wino-glass of "H. of H. " be fore meals will give you a keen appetite. Dr. A. S. Hillings wishes to announce to his friends and patrons lhat after n vacation of three months ho is now in his ollioe again prepared to do all Kinds of dental work. II. K. KUItltET. Funeral Director fe Embalnier 111 K. IGlliSt. Telephone No. 93 OLD IRON , Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc Willpay good prices. Also bottles bought anil sold. KRETSC1I & SONNENSCI1EIN , 114 S. llth Street. First National M U.S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kounlze , President. John A. Creighlon , Vice-Prejident. F. H ! Davis , Cashier. W. H. Me < rauiert Asst.Cashier. . MERCHANTS' National Bank , OP OMAHA. Northwest Corner Farnnin nutl 13th Sts Paid up Capital , - - $400,000 SurplutFund , . - - BO.OOO . Frank Murphy , President. Samuel K. Honors , Vice-'Prcsidcnl Uen 15. Wood , Cusliiur. Luther Drake , Assl-Cnshloi Accounts solicited nnd prompt ntten lion paid to all business entrusted to Its ur . r > 1 33 9 , Tills LOVELY COJIPLEXlOJf 13 TUB nnsuLT or DSIXU HACAN'S Balm. It M ndrllKhtful MiJI'll ) fr tlio I'ACE , MX'li , AIOIS niitl HANDS. Onrwinci Unit , Sunburn , Nil I cm HONK , Kcclni-pn , niolli.riiiL-lu.n and c > cry Und of bKIN DlNllmirfiiirnt. AipUoitluanuniipnt. | Cnn- not bu Drlpctt-il , I'Ultr. anil IIAltMLUSSt TaUo It vlth jou to tlio Ccasldf , Jlnuntalut nnd nil Kurnl Itosotls ; It Is p < > clinuly , ro- frc liliiB ami rustful nftcr a hot ilrlM.loug ratnblo or sea bath. TRY THE BALM I Mexican far Veteran. Tlio wonderful cClcncjr of Bwlfl'a Specific u ft roincdj nnd euro for rlicunuttlsni nnd nil blood dli- easts , hnt neverlind n morocomrlcunus Illustration than this case nfTords. The candid , uni > ollclted nnd emphatic testimony ghcn by the vonoroblo gontlo- n > n must bo accepted M convincing and conclusive. The writer Is n , prominent citizen of Mississippi. The gentleman to horn Sir. Martin refer * , nnj \\liom liols Indebted for the nilvlco to nhlch bo owes his final relief from years of Buffering , Is Jlr. King , for many years the popular ult.-'jt clerk of the Lawrtnoo Ilotuie , at Jaclcson. JACKSON , JIlsi. , April 29 , 1S37. Tnt Swirr Bncmo CoarAirr , Atlanta , On. i Oentltmcn I hao IHJCU on Invalid pensioner for forty y cam , having contracted pulmonary and other diseases In the Mexican War. but not till thu lit of March , ] 33 , did I feel any Bvmptcms of rheumatism. On that day I wns luJdcnlr stricken with that dts- eaeo la both hips nnd tinkle * . For twenty days I walked on crutches. Then the pain v. as less > lolent , but It shifted from Joint to Joint , For n rcks I would be totally disabled , oltlu r on nne Dido or my body or tlio other. The palu novtr loft ma a uiomcut for eleven ycamand seven months thnt It from March 1 , 1873 , when I was Hint attacked , to October 1 , l SS , when I was cured. Durlim these cloven year * of lu te nso FiiITcrlng I trltd Innumerable prt-tcrliitloni from various physician * , nnd trio I everything puj. pested by frlomls , bat If I ever rppctreil the least benellt from any tncdlclno token lntirnilly or er- trrnally , I nm not awnreof It. Finally , about the flrpt of September. I mntlo arrangeinpntfl to go to the Hot Sirings of Arknmna , ImvliiK cleupnlnd of every other remedy , v > hcn Incclilpntally met an old ac quaintance , ilr. KiliK , now of tlio Lan-rrnce Ilnuso of this city , lie had once t ccn n trrent BUnTercr from rheumatism , and , as I supposed , had bpen cunnl by mlsllto Hot BprlnK * . tiutulion I met him ho told mo that his visit to the } Int BprlnRswai UiMiln ho round no rpllef. On his return from lint Siirlncs lie hoard , for the first tlmo , of the H. 8. B. nt n remedy fur rheumatism. Ho tried It and nlz bottles inndon oiiiiili'te | ( urc. Several \enrshaxj passtdslncc , but lie lias had no rptum of t no disease. I Immediately ictnrnpd totrjr It. In September I took four bottles , and by tlio first of Qctoherl was \velt as Turaa the rheumatism nat conccriud. All pain had dlsupixuired , uud I IU > E .VOT FELT AIHIVUI : CF IT BINGE. Ihiu'iiii ) Interest In making this statement other than the hope that it may dlitct SOIIIB other stiUcrer to a euro source of relief , and If It has tills result I am well rewarded for my troublo. I am > ery re- ( IM-ctfullynud truly yourfrloud. yourfrloud.J. J. M. B. llAtmit. For sale by all drupgtsti. Treatise on DIood and Skill Ulsc'aocs lualltdfitc. Tut Bnirr SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta , Oa , HOUSEKEEPERS'I ' DEAL KETTLE SnmotliliiK entirely new und sells nt slKlit. liar- -ton's StoHinlL'ss , Oilor- floss , Non-Iloil-Uvor-Kdt- Mlu. Has iloi'ii ralsod cover nnd wntur Joint , anil nn outlet which fiir- ilosall Htoiira nnd odor of Iho chimney. I'litont ; -toainer uitnolnnont nlonu worth thn prluo. AKi'iits Muntod , inulo or foiiniloln every town InNoliinsku I'rollts J.'i to f 10 per day. Liberal terms nnd o\clu. lo terri tory KIVOD. Scud Btiimp for circular midterms. I'llrr-s , flft | , ? 1.7' > : H nt.fl.s5 ( ; lOfiU , J3 ; Uiit. , 122' . Moclolhy innll.aic. W. S. COOMIIS. fienornl Airont , Omuhil , Nub. , 1 * . U. HOY 4S3. ai. Embody the highest excllcncics in Shape lincssComfort and Durability and arc the Reigning Favorites n fashionable circles Our name is on eve ry sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York U. S. Mail Chutes In oflice buildings , enables ten ants to mail their own letters without leaving the floor on which their oflices are located. In iiso in sixteen oities. AVrite the OUTMSII MAXUFAO- TUUIXO Co. , llochestor , N. Y. , sole makers. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St , St , Louis Mo. Or the Missouri State Museum of Anatomv , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Chronic and DISEASES , More especially thse arlhinjrom impru dence , invite all soeuffenni ; to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured fcafcly nnd speedily with out detention ( torn business , and without the use of dangerous .rugs. I'a- tienta whose cases Ime 1'cen ' neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms All letters receive immediate atlenUon JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FKKB to ar.v address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. ' 'Practical ' Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " tb which is added an ' E ay on Marriaj-e , ' with Important chap ters on Disease * of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise -which khould be read by all young men. Address. DRB. S. & D. DAVIESOK. 1707 Olive St.St. Louis , Mo. DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL CARDS , 1 A. S. CHURCHILL , \ . -A-11 - - 20 South 15th street , Omaha SLABAUOH & LANK , Room 25 , Paxton Hlock , Omaha. W. J. CONNELL , 813 South 14th Street. L. D. HOLMES , -A-ttomoy ext Ijaxv , ItoomS , rrunzor Hlook.OppoRllo 1'ostonioo. PHYSICIANS. I > K. C. ItO.SIiWATPJl , Physician and Surgeon , 2US. l.'tli fct.i'or. Viunani. Iron Hank llinld- IIIK Telephone f > OI. DK. EMMA J. DAVIES , Room 322 N. Kith st. , Omaha. Office hours 0 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m. _ 1)11. ) laEANOU STALLAltDDAILKY , IJcslilcncp , OO. ) } N' . 17tlt St. O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. , F2a.yoJ.cian. and. Office , N-W Cor. llth nnd Douglas. Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 48 JOS. W. HAHNSDALL , A. M , , 3L D. Surgeon aminircologisl > > Office llmr , lOto ! 3-2to4-7 to9. Onicc.liOilIownnl lr > ol , Onmlm. W. J. GALBBAITH , ctn.d. Fliyoiclan. , Office , N-W Cor 14th nnd Douglas st , Office Telephone , 4C5 ; Res Telephone , 808. JAS. H. PEABODV , M. D. IPliyeician. llcsldenco. No 140" .Tonea street. Olllco , With- ncll lllueK. Tclophono , rcsidoiico l J , olllco 6I'J. B. W. CONNELL , M. D. Z2om.oosi5atlj.iot , OfTicc , 818 S. 14th st. Telephone , 680. J. V. CORNISH , M. D. , PHYSICIAN * SURGEON Cor. 20th nnd Lake Sis. FINE JOB PRINTING. KKIS nci.vriNtt co. , Printers , Book Binders And Blank book Manufacturer * . Nog. 108 nnd IDt&Uth street , Omnlm.Nob. .1.1' . Falrllo , Supor- Intomlniit UlnJorr. Tulophono No. OJ. KO. .1. AKMUItUST , Hardware Nails Tools , , , Cutlery , Stoves , Tinware and Window Screens. Lawn Mowers , Screen Doors , Gasoline Stoves , Tin Roofing , Gutter. ins. Spouting and general Job Tinning- 2208 Ginning Street , Omaha , Nch , OMAHA DEPOT Itasc-Hnll Supplies , Lawn X. Toiinls * Athletic KooiN. _ X PORTING GOODU COLLINS GUN COMPANT , Agenta liM'2 Doiiglua Street. _ _ FOR SALE. All Island on thoijou thorn conRt of Miisanclm Hulls. Good llehliih und bunch lor liutliitxr. IM catcd In thu best Suiumnr Climute In tliooiia For full iiurllt'liirs nd.lross . , KDWAIIU. II MRUHII.L , Mutual Ufa llulhll n , : U Niissuu St. , N. V DOCTOR JONES. Olllvc , 1411 1-2 rai-iiiun. Uoildcncc. iiOtli nndCulll'urnluSt F. Veterinary Surgeon Olllcu117 M. Mill fcT OMAHA. NKHUASKA. FRANK D. MEAD , Carpenter and Builder , F1NECAHINKT WORK A. SPECIALTY Tulophono 000. SOD S Mllll SUIccillli Street. HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. CAUTION-PC , ! " * Ifl ollietl lt > l yuu nto huvlni northlot Inilta * lln.al : iMlUthcOKKil. HAL COILED WIIIK iruiMi Fi A nc Sue- TI ( M COUSKT infl monty wllb , itfuntled tuweirer in i four eln' "tH.il nut jxifeclly tMUhciuiy. Mf > l l.y DRV Room niALPlU or If not ululniU * nil ! mill , l llnjr ml ] , IlKAl.TII HHISIIBVINtl. tilt PNI.I ISH SAITIIN , fi.y , NuiiiiMOJi jo , AIUOUINAI. t , oil MlSSB , tr rkhlllluf Rorttt ComptiT. Detroit , MIcU w. L.'DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. StylUh , Duralil * . ] U r Flltlne Thu b.ktJSJ Minv In IhuuUil W. I. . IIOIMM.AH $2.50 SHOE niuulu tTio .l ShiMit mlur- tl a bjr oth t Unu . KIlOi : roll IIOVH KIVM * ' Mtlsfurtlon All Hie aliovflAr.i nudw In Ituttmi , ( % iiiuit'tM mm I.JNV. all IjrlcK of ton. Hold by 'IjUtft tlpalort lliuiiKlmtit lh U. H II > ur ( liMtler d < 'H not ktt-l > Ilium , rinl iiKine ' ' ' ' RCUf/IDE fic'cDBIin'r1' ' ' . " " r" ' 8'1" ' " ' DtVYAnt Ur rrtftUU.l > iiimled .i tlmt iiiiiio unicrtipuloiK itcnlitrii am ufTrrliiE other K " < U n mills , ami Hli n mknl whj in } nUiiip In nut nn tin tli n , l t that I luvu dlncontliiiifil It * ii > . THIS IS I'Al.si : . THku hiino n | > rr > i nil U to b III * "Vf. li : liouglai hlmn , " unli' niiiiif , warrant ) ' * nni ) | iilc ) urn BtninpiMl IMI hottfiiu < t f i fli Blioc. W. I. . DOIKlf.AS , Jlr < ickti > ii , Jlji . For alu by Kelley , Htlijor A Co.cor Dodjro and ifitli-stH. ; Vfiiiry .Surffout eor. uwurtl and Saundor ? sts. PEMNYROY&LPILLT" "CHICHESTEB'S ENGLISH. " The Orliflnnl and Only llvtinlnc. &f. ft&4ftlwtri R.UfcSU Ptwuf of Mortkle * ! ImlutlbitA u"lTii.\i. \ w LADIE.S. JJji'i\ flirtl J > i K ditapilui f itrUitUii I * imw kr r l ni " "U. UAMC PAPER. ilkl < b * tcr f % mliil ( i" . N A NIK r * ' j JfV K 'll < l r , rkll < l > - , l' - UrucifiU < UrucifiUJr