Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HE OMAHA DAILY BEES WEDNESDAYI mLYC. 1887. . _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
. C.AI . .
: uier tii , l1CH1 10 eent
inti for the lIr8t jnertion , ccnti [ or citeli jtiti
cfiueflt Inerttofl , nI ( II.tO i ilno per
No iidvortIomeut taken for Ia tflun 2S coflt
for the flrt hiert1nn. ovcn wortI wil 11 , . ,
Counted to the Iir ; ttmy must run eoriecu
Uvoly n4 ifluit lie paid In alvance. All AIver
tIerncnti4 lritlt Iii' lIqflel In 1)efore I : J ) oclneit
1) . tfl. , ttt tuitler no crCUtfltanCeq will they be
tski'n or dlcontInur4 by telephone.
P.m I'.rtIe dvrting In these column Pod brtV.
Ing the * nwirp nhrA.4 In care oT TiiP III
will plenee k forft check to cnithle thPni 10 got
their none will be delivereht excont
on ) re.ntRtIon of check. All answtr to RdVer.
t1Mmoflt hni,1iI , t , , nIootI In rflvelop ( ! .
MI nIvcrtI.enent In theo eoIumn flTO pub
JIenti in both morning thlt evening edtOfl of
The I3rr , the clrOillatlofl Of which
gregr mote then 14JO ) papers
dilly. uin ( R1v the i3yertIsnr the
bencflt , iot ofl)7 ) of the city circuintlon of The
flir but Io of Cotiticil D1uff. Ltiooln. ftfll
other cIt1 med towna thougho'jt thl put of
! he wct.
, ; ; ; ; ; ;
LIONIY to anil city prop'rty
.INI tt etirrent rnto. Large Ioen on Iltiigo0
btiinos prnpr'rty. et tie. MnrhftI ) & LO. .
' - , beck , 1tO Irnasn. Tioihonu 73. JI
fONEY to loan , no coiiitri1loII. Cole , 3I S
rth. .
' to 1flfl to TnrtIO wishing to butJ. }
1' 1N' CftrnpbeIi , : iio S lab bt. , CIiniibor of
Commerce. ri
1IONtY TO LOAN cn iniprovit city prop
.1L erty in itirn of $ l,000to 1bQ at clx vet
cent 1ntorot. ShOleB& Crntiib. 167
property In
.iv um of * 600 foil npwnr1 at 1oet ritts.
, ' I'Ttinoy i1wnyr ( 'n hnn4 S. 8. Camp1nI : tie
Ioutti Sixtcotith street.
: : ; bipx TO IAAN-O. P. flitvI ; Co , teat
.J , etste ai1 loan agent , lt.05 Earnaunt.
r.000 , ( ) to loan au real eMtRto. No dolay.
q 1larr $ & Sauiponl5l6 flougiM At. 2b3
Ooloanon ; ( ) tniht * city property nt6
per cent. U. W. flay , e. 0. cor. Ex. Bid.
flIONEVTO , LOAN-On city nTut farm prop.
.4 , .iu. erty , low ratea , Stewart & Co. Itonin 3
Iron bank. 171
ONRY to loan. cash on nantlno delay.
.M J. sv. and E. Ii. Squire , 1413 Farnatn st. ,
Faxton lintel btilldIiii. 1 3
W. TO LOAN on IrnOroyot reni .atate ;
no cotnntteIott charged. Leavltt [ turn-
barn , Itoom I CroightOn lilock. 173
: M ONi' to loon ott ImproVed city property
nnl ( fnrtfl from 1.OO ( ) uj ) , at iowet ratp.
APPlY to SYIn. B. Leach , ItoiiI latate Agent , IO9
Fartiam ,
LOAN-Money-toaiis placed on on-
pmved real estate In city or county tot
2 ow England Loan .t Trtmt Co. , by DOtIflIa
County bnk.ltth and Chfrago t1. I ii
FIPTIrhouRan(1 ! dollare to loan to partica
wiahing to butid.
$110,000 to loan on unimproved city property.
* 100.000 to lOan nfl lTflprOVO(1 city proporty.
Special rte for the next 30 dtya.
Odell Hro6 & Co. , cot } 'arnarn and
:4-ri to loan on unproved city property at
.LU 6 per cent. Money on hand : do not have
to wait. 1Iae a Complete .et of abetract buoki
of Douglas county. I. N. Waton.abitrRcter
HrriaReal Xetato and Loin Co. . 'O 5. 15th at.
I ° TO IAdtN-bytbo fltidontgtiea , who
.Lv baa the only properly organl7oi loan
sg.noy In Omaha. Loana of 110 to $100 made
on Xurnlttlro Idanna. organa , horio. wagons ,
machinery , cwIthout removal. No delays.
All btiIneS strictly confldentiel. Loans so
made that any part can bopaid at any lme.eoh
payment reduclni the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flne watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who theyare dealing
with , sa many new concerns are daily commit
tzito existence. Should you ticed money call
and ceo me. W. It. Croft , Iloom I WIthnel !
Building 15th and llnrnuy. 177
IliE OMAHA Finuncini Exolinuge.
N. v. corner of Ilarney and 15th sta. ,
ever State NatIonal bank.
It' prepared to make ahort time loans on any
yliIiibie security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loanatnadeon lmnroyed real estate
atcurrent rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Scotireil notes bought , oid or exchanged.
Bbort tIme loans mftltS onsecOnd mnrtgags.
according to marginal , t collateral
lid eltall to exohagi for good interest
b.arina paper.
General flnanctal business of all Ziuds trans.
Peted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub.
lioity. Corbett.Manaitor. 17
73OiiTOLOANat6 per cent. Linahan &
'p shoney , lfiOO Farnam. 179
k : ; 1-EY LOANED at C. F. hoed & Co.'s Loan
.IIL 0db. , on furnhturepianoa , horo5wagoni.
personal property of all kinds. nnd all other ar
tIdes of value without removal. 919 S. 13th.
over fliegham s ( 'ommisiion Store. All bust-
neu itrtctly confld.'ntIal. 180
PER CENT 5lnney.
U L C. l'attoreon. 15th at.d Harney. 181
111011 H , L1-fleneral inorchnndlo store.
.5. 000tI trado. Will soIl lot cash. ilIllItilur
16x20. good staulo , room lot 81x horSeS. Henry
Veiu , postmaster Iloltan , Cheyenne county ,
Iioit : HA1.l-A ; tock of genorni ! nerohnnt lee.
.1. jIso house and lot In town and lfAl acrol
land for saic , cheap , or wiU trode for real
estate near good towi , ire eastern Nebrasks.
w. H. Ileald , Lotchor , Inkota. 8tti tiJ
JANTED-Harber as partner , must be a
V V good workman , with or without capital.
Rave a good established trails. Apply. A. L
Tlndoland .t Co. . Brbors' 5uj'ply house , 1301
Doilgifti at. 300 7J
B Aitl biiilnoss chance : for aale , the stock
flxtures and good will of s llrst-clsu cloth.
ing store dong a good tiIsIneas , centrally
located , only reasons for selling the owner tIM
tber and more Important business. Partlot
nieanliig busIness may addreaa U. 18 , flrIeolflco ,
, ' - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- iO14 SAI4-1O barc of stook in the Omahu
.1. 1.rntn and fluUdlng association. Addres ,
U 17. flue offico. 086 11J
volt MALE-Flrst.class roetCurant maklnt
.5. $ .100 a month ; best of reasons for lolling ,
Address M 14. tloo. Iii&6j
IJ'OR.8AhE-A No. 1 .aloon , leo box obep&i
_ J _ No. 11 Parnam at. * 79
B USlNlS' Chanco-Ezoeflont ! hotel in H
v. Iowa , for sale or exchange ; 200 acr
farm In Dickson county. Ia. ; (5 $ ) acres of psi
ture land in Mo..tor sale or ezcbanito. lleeor
' . &dv. Co. 1513 Farnatn , 3O6
: opportunity. Inforinatior
en Stoek8oi&lt telt.grillhed unthr code tc
ally uubscrtbir , E. Shertuan uitch , in % Vall at.
N , ' . 712Jy 2'
.v ANTEL-To trade for improved or Unlin
' prov.d land. stock of yott'I nidae , atioti
I4'i0 ; stock of hardware. about $2.MO0. Mua
have 14 cash. 11. It , , Box 1MB Shanantiosli , in
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i215
] olt S.LE-Or rent , hotel. A choic iji
log. Particulars , addre'ee , H. II. % Vllae
OsceolilNebratks. _ .3 1 , lii
IoIt SALE-First class leO cream parlor am
confeetlonary store. EnquIreOli B. 13th
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 102
I BALl-lloot : and eho stock ItieltidIni
5 years lcaeo of Story , ht location Ii
state anti city. addresa T 10 Hoe ofliee.
4Th jy 17
I'oit A1.H-Th. hut bargain Uroceryii
.1 centrally located (10 PaVed llroet. Old as
tabllittd trade. Call on Fearan , Cole lOon
ertaon.3108. l5tb it. 211
:14 : 01t HAL-A flrst ciass hotel property. tw
story brick In uxcclieiit locatiOn and dole1
t an extenilva Dullness. ) 'iir PItrtICtilIIr $ ad
dross It. H. Lilly , real estate dealer , LirOkel
how , Nob. 1f * 81
titi AL1-Mcat market iiflxtur.s wit
.5. good trade. Stephen ftwllton k Co.
Third ftflil WIllIams. us
'L'tolt hotel In the liv. towj
.1. Chsuiron doIng a good bliSineMon var
easyterins. Full a4ldIc'ssIng
It.Lanrworthy.1iek. Wyoiulnit. 713 jy 22J
: Foit H'1d-.A ; : good btiIneli ; smstiThtli
teqUir.d ; rood reasons for selling. A
' ! ! ! . ! ! . 116
rI:1olt : library. cheap.
.1. Whelet. IJougla. ana 15th at. 0141
POit StLo-A boarding house and fiirnlturi
: - ' doing good business. 40 boarders goo
.I reason for selliag. Call at Currl. A ' oUun
1Mb and Capltol aye , zpuslton liulidinit. 0
) ESONAl.-I.adIes or wentlezn.n wantlo
.L goodboard.wlth or without rooms. Ic
short or long time , can find good IccoininOill
by callIng at M)4 ) S 16th. 0d1 10
) I1tSUSAL-1f you want a iirabt , eel
.L truly tucst.d olos you San ud it at 3
J ± th St.
pEHSONAL-MIss J nnl. Morel. . tosaber C
.1. musIc. terms Iow.r thkn any oth rteach
Itithe city. Call at 410 N. 218 * 51. O'JT TJ
LRlt flNAL.-Mri. jt taunis V. Ws
_ I cIrqoyss ) $ Medk'.I sad M dkii
. - , * .ea.Il. . S. 33 ksrtii 11th sa.
. ' . , . .
. ia ; rovx'1.
rIlACP.N UP-Large Ted cow at llrownolifiltll.
.1. t ) 'wnercan hitsesame by paying ezpetises.
ljtOUNfl-l'ocketbook with small amount of
.L money. Call 131 $ Iouglaa st. 341 5j
'FlOAYED-BmaIl bltwkmero , ears clipped.
L Itoturn to 20th and CutninglI , rsnd get ro
ward. , 230
OST-A bay horse , about I .40) ) pounds nod a
_ 4 black bare. $10 reward to [ ho Stider. (1.
Watidell. 1119 totiglasst. 342 6j
1 US'i'-3nturd't afternoon. one hI ; bay
.5A horse. A. 11. Msyn , Orchard 11111. Ho.
.urn to N. 1 % ' . COD. lHh and Ilarney. 879
9iVlNTY-VlV3doIlarsro'eard. Strayed or
k hobo from rvnr of Ill N 17th St. a larito
roan borsp , abotit 17 linmie high , weli.qiltig . ) lh.
tween liO0ond 1,101) pounds , redleli brown
mona find tall , tilnd ankle somewhat iiwollcn.
123 wIll tte paid fi'r return of nnlinnl to owners.
itt Ill ) S 14th StRfll It tn1ofl the sherlilofliotig-
ls Co. will pay a reward iif for the arrest
and couvlction of the thiof. 010
os'r-.July itt , between Hurt Street and
. _ 4 lilirli i.chool on 21st trect a lady8 gold
wntch wIth fob. l'lio flhliler vlll iilcasu rettirti
it to owner at 2q08 Ilurt streut aflhl receive ro
Varil. a-4 6
OST-l'ockot book 000tainlur Pallors. No
_ 4 money. llotutii to I'liuiltera botal. and got
reward. . ; i.7 ! !
TOJST-On Eighteenth , ltierman ve or ( iraco
_ IJ Pt. , "lo'CltiCfttlfl5. ) ' l'ieaee return to
111W North 16th at. , or I' . J. Croydon , ttrchltect ,
oprn huueo. M. T. ltirpliy , contractor and
btiildcr. 348
JjlIftST.CLASS tornoat 110 N 13th st. 1I4
' 1TOlAUE-glr5t.cIass storage for nice fur-
nlturo or boxed good. , at 1513
: iu1t3. flu ltSNT-Clarlroysnt from Iloston , is
.1 : , , icilable In iill alTalrsof life. unItes separated
lovere. a : . N. intt si. room 1 001 jy28
N eastern gentleman ( losirPS the neqiiaint.
once Of It holy posolng itiusical eblllty
a iiil v Ill oct abllch h or itt it liriltitatilo III isI rices It
found worthy. .Addrets J. It. Stc.vart , Pttxin
! .2so. 357 7j
1LElRS. ( ItCCItifltftflts , saleinen. correspond.
ent out or otnploynient ehotild Pi1ico iheir
tininos on our books. Ittoord .Adv. Co. 1513
rho FXCllANfll-Oinahri real ostnto for a
.5. cohilile ( it flue drl'itig horos. It. C. l'iit.
tereon. 15th antI llarney 293
" 010 TltAflI'-l"ai'rns : , CitY liit , eick of : ncr
chandisa , etc. I'arrott & WillIamson 14th
Doiigla. 25
T F. WILLLTTS-Trnlned male llck.nurao.
5) 'relepliono 376 , Y. M. C. A. rooms.
260 31
1jAY-Otlurs for liUtting up ooo tons hay
_ I wanted. Address A. C. JenkIns , liurlin.
game , Ndb. 062 4J
r AKlC NOTICE-W. C } lng & Co. . Iioiiiio
Moving and liaising , address 1320 PIerce St.
749.j3 21
O ESS pools ant vaults cleaned and dead
animals removed by Jobti Nelson , garbage
collector for 4th ward south of 1)ouglas sO. 1415
Ilarney St. Telephone f.3J. n91jy22
1J'IORRIN'l-Squuire Piano $ J monthly. A
1. Rospe.1613 floIiitaL 187
, .iO parties havIng houses for rent. itental
.L Agency. Itenawa .t Co. . l5st. . opposite post
omce ' We have turned over to them our rental
lIst. 'We recommend thoiii } fcCague 1Iro.
1OttItENT-Organs , * * par month. t1OPe ,
.L ] ll3Iiouiziaz. 187
' t 1. C. - Ilotiso furnishing goods. all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowot priceS at J.
Ilonnor , 1815 louglas ) St. 1139
Llolt R1ONT-t4quare flano , * 1 monthlY. A
- IIloipe. . IM3 Dourlas. 187
I 11 you want to buy or oIi furnlttire , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N 16th. 190
.pol1 BALE-Several piocesof furniturea
.1. parlor sot and Stoves , a1209 North 11th et. ,
city. 377 l0
F 011 SALE-Furnltflro for housekeeping
51.000 ; ono.fourtti cash , rest in niontnly
payments of $50 or p75. Flat can lie re.nted for
* 55 par mo. Itocord AdY. Co. , 11113 Farnam.
1361) ) 0
O lb PAINTINUS-"Worka ot Art" for sale.
cheap. ( iolng cast reason for sellIng.
CaIl8Il North 17th street , basement. 0455J
11OR SALIIFurniture for a 0.rooin house ,
L cheep for cash ; also now piano. Addre
a 44 , Iieo olilco. 3036J
4 oR SAIjE-lllcycle-76 buys a 84 inch expert
port Columbia full nlckie. usd 3 seasons ,
in good condItion. Address A. N. S. 1219 N at. .
Lincoln , Nob. 396 6J
tiolt SALP.-Car load of horses and mares at
_ I _ the corner of 28th antI Leavenworth , itt
the C. It. Webster barn. 301 7
.polt SAII-.Now cherry curtain 1105k. otily
.J _ $45. It. ( . Patterson , 15th end Barney.
.poIt SAL-Siitn of nice young hoi'see. For
.L 'jab on time payments. M. F. Nartlo.
FOR SAIE-Furnlture of Orooma with privi-
lege of losan of boUo , 707 S. 14th St.
1 ? 011 SALH-Dry goods boxes. all sizes. L.O
1. Joel'S & Co. , 1309 Farnam. 224 iS
.poIt SALI4-A ceolee Jersey cow and calf
.1. also light lumbcr wagon nearly now , ap :
ply 15016 'arnam at. 1:38 :
FOR SALE-Furniture and Ions. of six rootni
In flat , Mi ? H. 13th It. Itooiii No. 3. 382jy15
'tO1t SALE-One six.foot uprIght blaca wal. '
.L nut show cue , Milton Itogers & Son. 909
SALE-Span flne inatetiod bay drivln *
' .5. bore C. F. Harrison. 418 B 11th it.
.U Studebaker buggies at Sasmaifs.
Studebaker phaetons at Seamang.
Studebakeroarrlages at eoamaiss.
r Studebaker spring wagons at Seaman's
Sludebakordraft wagoni at Selman's
Corner of Farnaw and 11th its.
FIt. osi loads just received. 8Z y 24
F01t SALE-4.000,000 Hard 11:10g. T. Murray
L'iOLL SALE-Ilrick. T. Murray.
'ATANTEI-15 laborers corner 15th antI how
V S artS ; wages $2 per day of 9 hours. WIth
nell Hrou. 395 6J
UTANTED-aood whIte brhot. $15 guaran
y y tee per week. Apply at once. John 0
11orgiuan , ( irand lalinti , Nob. 3139 13
I. 7ANTFDlO laborers at corn.r 13th an
VT flodgests. ; wages2por day of 9 houri
ltochctortl .t Uould. all 6 ?
7ANTEfl-5 laboreris.cornor27th atid Cuir
V V lug It. ; Wfti5 * 2 ver day ot P hour
James K. Patty. 393 6J
% TAN'rIcu-lo laborers corner 20th and hisi
V ney ; wages $ per day or * bourn. It. [
Llt'cssj' . 894 6j
JANTEU-Cook , 0112 Douglaa it.
TV 371
1 TANTED-Men to sell our goods in Dougla
and adjoinliig counties WIil pay goo
- salary and all expeusas. WrIt. for terms an
a state saiar' wanted. Sican &Co , , lnftflufi
turors , 2.1l ( .aeorgu St. , Cincinnati , I ) . 3t 6j
TTANTELi-Colorod portsr.ona Walter. 3m :
V V medIately 107 N 12th street. 343 6
% XJANTE-Actlve and reliable manthat ca
V produce large versonal ropri
Sent the mo8t popular life insurance compan
Llt'.ral compensation. Addresi .tgeneies. :
r 0. llox 347 , hartford. Coon. 3ttj 5j
4 T/tNTEfl-Thrce psrsons to instrunti
- , , bookkeepIng pity when sltutlons at
k furnished. J. Li. mitb , 11313 Chicago Stree
876 7'
% tTANTEH- & ) inca for Wyoming ; wages I
ci ' ' $ .25 Intl $2.60 PUt day. Free fare. h. I
Albrlght Labor Agency , 1l , ) Farnam it.
% jANTED-4gardeners. near city : 2 Intl
' V hands , anti a few laborirs in city. Mr
l3rega . Son , ale s. 15th. Upstairs , 3 12
7ANT1-1'roacriptlon clerk , ono shea ]
I. ing German preferred. Address 1' . 1 .
- -
iANTEOAn , by a hang. anfw ;
18 known l'hlladoiphls Publishing Coil ]
pany to obtain subscriptioni nd advertlelti '
- [ Or a new sud popular SUtI rapidly selling iii : I
It . of Commercial Pubilostloni required by at :
Ii. esienttl to bustnsa cososras throughout it
country , I'rolltabI and p.rnian.nt niplo ;
inset given to 1 * .zperloncid. reltabi. parse *
familiar with the book and sverttstng bue I
fleas. AddroustMlng Ciplrtesos , reference
* 0. , Lbs 0132 , Philadslpais , a 338 6J
1'7AN1'P.fl-Pastry cook , P,0 ; 3 second ccnks
V V 3 , $ $5 $ cmi $50 : restatirailt cotik. $401
flremnn for hotel , 12.3 : 4 di.hwashcra ( men ) ,
$ : steward for hotel atiti toil waiters. Mrs.
Son , 816 So. 15th , .
'JANTl'.1)-Lahorereof all kinlemechanlce ,
V V cleri , etc. , to fill ttCaticii'5. City Labor
Agency , northwest corner 10th and Farnam ,
gr3tindiloor. 2117
1TAN'rEn-1lnti1ware man 8 yrs. experictice
V V 2 cooks , Ito atid 150 jet month , 1 dIsh-
, vnhor , I pauwnellIr , $25 per month , SO
teamsters for Ii. It. work. Omaha thnp.
Bureau , 119 7I ltl si. 379 0
VANThI-A boyto carry sdvcrtleiiig ban-
V V flr , apply to 1317 S lltti. Y1'J
IATANTRD-Stono cutters. Apply to W. H.
V V Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. 135Jyi5J
- - - .
7ANTEi-A girl br housework , 110 5. 25th
1 it. 3358'
% ITAN'rID-A : lady etenol'rnlhor accuitomed
V V 8(1 RemIngton maclime. A MUn'ton
writer preferred. Addrue 11. 10 , flee office.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IB8
' ( T/tNTEi-Ilnlng ) room girl , Union restau
TV rant,1217 lhrnoy street. 3037J
TTANTHD-At oncocook at old llrowlioil
, y Iiall,6l8l6tht 0520'
\ANTEh-Wot ntirse. Dr. I'arker , roomS ,
V ! Croighton 1iIoc. 342 lii
7ANTEb-A good nurse girl at l0 So. 25th
TV t. Soil lii
- ' \TANTEI- 2 iilulng room girls for Pocatello ;
I for Sterling , Col. ; dlshwnslior for ( ilitriti
Islanti ; 4 waltre.scs , 2 launitroasee and 1 Ctiiiiii.
liormahi br Idaho 'I'or. , till $20 itnd farci paId ;
cook anti lishwitticr ) for Central CIty ; 10 walt.
Tosses. tiletiwastiors. kltchon helpers atitl lute ot
girls fur giieriti liousowork in city. Mrs.
liregit c Son , 3P3 So 15th. :211 : ; r , '
% % 'ANTlt-3 good lris at cnco. At the l'ax.
1 ! toil hotel. Inquire for the etonartl. 3138 6J
1TANTlO1)-AtO5 North 221 , a girl Icr gen
V V oral bousiwork. Must be a good Plalit
cook and litUiidit" . ill Jy 4J
\AN'Flt-A good girl for diiilnit room
work. by Mrs. hi , Kotintro South 10th
Street. 128
' % TANTIOO-Cook itt F.nimot liotiso.
V i173
' V AN'l'Ei-2 chamborinald for South
Omahit , 3 in the cIty ; Il room glrl
for Idaho. 120 ; cook tinti iliatiwaslier for U ( fl
tm ! City , till fares laid : 10 ( linlnw room riris itt
the city , ittii.1 bO girls for general housework.
Sirs. lirog k Son3i6 o. 55th. 3715'
VASTED-1)hiilng girl itt Piatiters iloit'e.
TANTtI-A cotnpetont teacher for the
V C ( ermari.Ainoricatt school for 1ngIisb
branches. Addros I. . Ilelturod , 13th and .Jack.
son , lrcaldetit , and H. (1 . Orubo , Sucrotitry
herman Society , care LI. & M. headquarters.
A7AN'FF.D-2 dining room glrle for Norfolk ;
V C 0 wonien COOKS br cIty , 0 tunIng rooiii
girls. 4 dIshwnslior , 54) gIrls general liouaowork.
Omaha Emp. Bhireitu , 119 N 14th St. 380 5
7ANTBD-Tivo girls at Dorisnhouso,4223
V V 18th st. , near hr. 1ilarys ave. 1124
A'AN'FHD-25glrI5 for general housework.
v , APPlY at CIty Lobor Agonoy , northwest
corner 16th ttfl(1 ( lnruatn , on ground door. 201 *
TAN'rE1)-wrl for general housework ,
_ ! Y ' ' Jackson. 003 0J
7ANTEfl-A lady platin player. Call be.
V V twcen 12 anti 2 O'clock. 1513 CapItol aye.
1133 7'
t'TAN'1'Ei girl to do housework In a small
V V family at 1112 S 13th at.
' ITAN1'D-A ! young gui for general tiotiso.
V work , in a small uitiully. Apply itt 1130
l'ark aye.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' \7'ANTlT-Sklrt \ and baik I1nis1ier. also
sty alIlitOlitiCeS to ohm dress tutiklng.
1513 1)oughtt sO. , room S antiS ) . 378 tiJ
1TANTll-llri for general housework in
VT sniall faintly , 2112 Douglas St. 400
' , 'AN'I'lt-A woman to do general house
I work , none heed apply hub'S it lirst.
elate cook , gooil wages to right party , 1818
Webster. 1115
h'I'LJATI ONS-Etnployors in need of clerks.
1.7 travelIng alt'snieii , uccountatitS supplied
on Short notice , ttccortt Acly. Co. , 1513 Farnain.
hiM 7
TANTED Young lady graduate from the
V V in music , wishes position as teacher
and organist In school orchurch. Addrens M.
V. SY. , 6111 North 37th at. 1320.gj
IXTtNTED-Situalion 55 baker : city or ooun
try. AdOreM Bakery , 1622 Burt at. 839-4J
17ANTEI3-Posltion by stenographer , best of
V 1 city and outside references , owns roach iue.
U It lice 081cc 20175'
'UT ANTE [ ) -Situations for 10 girls for general
V V housework. City Labor Agency. ii w
cor. 16th cud Farnam. ( lrouni hoot. 263
r io CONTI1ACTOIIS-We are tirepared to fur.
titeb any kind of laborers you want. City
LaborAgency , fl W cor , 16th antI Farnamn.
( JlOUfli door. 269
11TAN'J'ED-i1oard in city or near by for
V V gentleman , vito tuid two children , young.
set two years. Auttiross John M. (1111 , Mer.
chants hotol. 35) 0J
' TANT1'1D- gentleman having nIcely furnished -
nished 0111cc vlll aseociuto with Persln
knowing paying busttios.ddrese 12. 18. thIs
office. :168 : 7J
1T AN'l'ED-ltnmediatoly. a competent party
VT tofurnish eookiiig anti eating touts and
board for about tifty men for sovorul months ,
on lines being constructed tor the N. 1. itall.
way Co , In Nebraska. Hood board must he
furnished t $ : l50 tier week. All bIlls
giiarnnted. At1dres 1. L. Overton , Hupt. of
Construction , NebraskaClry , Neb. 3687
ITANTFUNIi furnished front room ,
V V prefer Orat tioor. with bOltri , by gciitln.
11150 and wife. Call C. F. Patterson , 1223 N.
19th. 33251
7ANTF.l-Nico room and board in ttrst.olais
V V private family. between 18th amh 220 and
Faruam timid Chicago , by two voting gentlotnon.
lielorencee excluauigod. Address U 15 , lice
0111cc. J35.iSJ
W AN'I'ED-liouso of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally
locateul anti modern imnproveinunos. A'l.
dress .1. (1. Floyd , It & lit ft It , till 5'
W ANTED-I'srtner with $150 in good pay.
lug. well ostuiblustied nicely flirnishad
office bualnoss. J. S. Johnson , 310 S 15th , room
4. 2S95j
7ANTEDDay boarderi at private hoard.
S V lug house , 1313 CapItol avenue , 5O 3OJ
VANTEl-To buy B hollIes which can be re
V V moved. A. F , Mayne. 1408 Dodge st
ijiOlt boarding houseTit
. ' - $85.90 vor month ; 2 blocKs from 1 , 0.
$2,0iJJ , ® worth of furniture for $1,400.00. 10.
room boardIng house , rent $81.00 ; furnitur.
for sale. 7.rootn Cottage in good location , near
S 1' . 0. 7.roomn brick flat , furniture for sale on
tIme , 111k ) cash , balance in monthly payments.
ilestluirant in good location. Co.operative
- 1.and k Lot Co. , 20 , i'i. 16th at. 326.6
ijit ltlNTNew hmotuo , 80100 tOifls , city
watorand tith,27tb anti Parker at. In.
- quite 1709 Jackson st. 340 lOj
N .p IIRNT-Furnushed house of 6 rooms I
.5 mile from P. 0. , I block from cars ; rent
reasonable. (3. F. I'attorson , 1223 N. 19th st.
- 3315J
Felt ltENT--5.roomn hous on 11th it. , $55 ,
- Furniture for sale 1295.
C . boarding houeea,14 blocks froni P.
d 0. FurnIture br sale $450
d 10 room boarding house , furniture for sale
on tuuia , This Is a bargain , Co.Oporatlvr
Land & Lot Co.O5 N 16th et ; 147 Ii
: 1lOlt house. N. E. cot. IStI
.1. andllurrsts. 3176'
; ; OR bouso in fine location ,
a. Inquire , hsufaianilroalod9Farnamst.
' , 0H ltINT-Now house , ten rooms , steani
- .1 heat , all iniprvemeuti. C. It' . mid ( I. P. ,
0 Thomllno.014 S I5ttiet , 733
0. a 1'i0lt RENT-NIne tOt room house , 14th an
j I'lerce. Apply to6l7 South 13th fl 0157
; 1tOR 1tlNT--IIa1f of store. InquIre st'tli
; : Iougiasst. 0113
10it BENT-New store snd living rooms or
.5. Cuming at near Saunders it. Apply Bar
; ris Real Estate .t Loan Co. , 330 5 , 16th st. bsu
S. I10It hENT.-A basement good place foi r
.L barber shop , a w corner 1th end Leaven
Worth ste. ale
) . VOlt IIRNT-A Itoto room , 22xf0 and base
. macnt of the same site. In a brick biitldltiiz
ii stiitbl. for general mercantile business , k
1' ' 3't.jfl.Mlaing , Nab. 5ktTL _
it 1Olt llENr-A boupo of 7 rooms , bard ant
. .5. . iife water , 1 % a month. Apply to 1. Bug
1112 South lath it.
tiog 11NT-room houss , 7013 PacI6c ,
11 . 412
I. 'OB ILENT-Window , good locality for Ici
I , .11 eli , or reel caists. Apply to 3i1
.T,0n IUINT-Two large n w stores and two
.1. tlals of live rooms cc hi ity water uid gas.
On C. W. ,20fJOhIo St. 812
} 10Il mONT-a room ho Jnn barn , 17th and
Center sta. , house hosted by hot water etid
all tnodorn improvcmet ! , V. Also a 7 root
house as above $40. J. I. . Woishans , 319 13. lOt
street. I 411 ;
IOENT-Two brIck stores with base.
J1Olt 24th antI hamilton streets. Ieelr.
able location for dry goods and drug store.
Flats above If disired. Leaviti llurnham ,
room 1 , Crolghton blck.1 674
1Ol1 BENT-Three rootVtlotio , 7I)9I [ 'aciflO.
For Ilont-Six room botito 11013 11 7th ,
For ltent-'fbreo room honso , lots N 29th iS3
lIOICl Lot for Lcnao.-Bouthtnt cortiar
O 4Sx85I i.eavenworttrtnd I'ark avo.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Drol. 853
; "it 1tENT-A naw j0.ronm house , No. 2218
Chicago Street I moilern conveniences. I ii.
quite of A. hi. Comstock , 1523 Farnamn at. 1137
islolt I1EST-Small office in excelhant , loon-
1 lion. EtiqUiro of F. Ilutrrott & Co. , 3I4t4
S. 15th. 227
] 1OR1tENT-Threo room house , 1i06i S 7th
.IOIt house on 14th and
.1. l'ierco SOS. Inquire at 017 South 13th It.
ltF.NT-In' ( new svenroom 1101150 sit.
FOIL on northeast cor of King anti CoOT.
osan si. I'atrlck Bros. , Itoom 2 ArlIngton block ,
013,3 Jy 11
] i0RBFNT-Vli rntiuetl room in 0 rotmnlg lulk.
eor 13th anti folo ) sO. lniliulrIu o r Iavi' , &
lletherlngton , Millard Hotel liiillmtrdroomn. 291
I ' nicely furnished rooms over
Bloro , 1715 S. 16th St. llottt ItO per iiiootlu.
Itiqulre I.oe , Nichol & Co. , room 23 , Vittutici
tilock , 8114 ii
IjiOlt ltflNT-liooms cmi principal strrets.IS tel
_ l _ I. itootui listed n Itli us 081)11113' tIlled.
liecottlAdv. Co. , 1513 Imirtiutin st. 351 7
T Oil IIENT- essonublo , larre , cool , tiowly
I fiurnisheul mom with south liii window.
Betet etices. loll S 11th et. 229 ii'
] 1Olt lF.NT-Nlcely { furnished l'nrlor suItable -
able for man and wife or two genlh'moii ,
111 5. lth St. 133 5'
OIORHI'T-Furnislicd room , 2209 Iothgo. )
OlI IIENT Slegant fiiruiiheti rooms with
boarti.1021 Furnain at. 312
F OIU4lNT-NuwIy fuirotelted front nod back
larlOrS , single or iiite8. ( hii , bath , iuititI-
ore convouilen't's ; private utuimily : near busi-
floss. 1615 Cal ) ave. 8417 Wj
-l.IOit htF.1'-2 turnishod rooms for itian and
.l _ wife or 3 geutlunien , bath , 821 a. 19th at.
313 6'
ItlNT-llooiii for two , with boru1 toi
the summoner. 11113 CapItol nsa. ; o.ej
] 3Olt IOINT-Front nrlnr tmnui botiroom , with
flrst.class boaid , by July 15th' ; 1112i capitol
itve. iloferoncos required.
1'Olt RENT-2 furnushee rooms an'l front
1. parlor tmnfuirnisheil or furiilshed , to stilt ,
nil convionenc'es , 207 mu.24tb St. 3105'
F 011 IIEN3'-Furiulslted iront rOonis S gas ,
bath and board. 1121 i'Ieasant. BOIJyS'
T1Oit ltlN'r-Furnishod rooms , 181(5 lodgo. )
FOR ItlN'r-Largo furnished rooms , gas.
. tietit and all iuiodern iniprovoments. 7eW
house , now furniture , 17t)7 ) Joiigo street. 5353
bl0ht ItENT-lesirablo rooms , ono unfurL -
L nlsitoti ; will furnish i.oault the taSte. 3111
N. 15th st. 2813 5'
VOlt IIION-Store room for butcher , 19th and
Musoii. 289
ViTh : I1ENT-Furuiehietl room on car line ,
suitable for two gentlemen , or nimuui and
wife. 243 S. 230 at. 262
' ,0lt ItEN'r--Nlcoly furnufilied room , close to
bimslnesa , et. car. Clioitp , 230 1)oiigltus st.
271 4
10lt ltlNT-ltooin on ulneipai streets , 18
.5. to $35. All roonis listed with us can soon
lie Liiletl. Record Advertising Ca , 1513 Farnituui.
u 2(58 (
.fllOlt RENT- niceir ftiislied rooms , and
.1 _ elegantly furnlshed..tfront parlor , mod
em conveniences , 6013 N. 7jlu sO. 131
L1Olt IOENT..iiine suIte o'hofii rnlsliea rooms.
.L ltefcrcncosrexulred , iflI ChIcago.
' & , 118 30J
Walt RlNT-Ooe small 4i4 one large room
_ L j91) Capitol are. $ 1139 3
ANTEI-3 ) tinfuirnlh''i rooms in ilcslrablo
V V location. Address ( I 111 , lIce 0111cc. 518116j
010 ItINT-0fficn room on Dodge street , an
elegant window and other space for ro at.
Apply to Mitchell & f.cuyonniarcklf,16 Doduzo St.
F 1t1NT-Desirnble rooms at 2137 fledge.
222 6
L3O1t RIIST-htooms. furnIshed , 1811 Catdtol
.L _ ave. 217 53
Felt IOF.NT-Niccly furnished rooms 20t )
Fiurnamn st. I2i5j
: it IIENT-2 newly amid eioguuitly lurnislied
.L monte at 1708 1)ouiglas et. 514 iS'
FOlt OENT-Ieskronm. Enquire Young &
Blnckiiian. 214 S 15th at. 540
F ltlNT-Elegmtnt rooms , turnituro timid
hiouso new , every iuiodern couivenieuco ,
1700 Dodge streot. iteferences required.
Foit ltr.Nr-Fuirnhshei front room , near cur
line no corner of Dodge nuii 24th streets.
luquiro of A. H. Coiiist&ek 1523 Farneun so.
T'Olt IIHNr-'rwo well fuirnushed rootniiti
.1. first class hoard ii desIred , pleasant Inca.
tion. lrlvtite family. S 1 cot 20th mind I'artittumi.
516 JylPJ
F OIL ItENr-Furnished rooms. 1307 ( 'ass. 615
1"tt 311NT-Nloeiy furulhed room , 1921
.1. Dodge it. 198
F OIL IIENT-Part of oflice too m .lnqulro
iOi2Uou gins St. 1113
F Olt HINT-FurnIshed rooms , 11113 Farnain
At. 136 4'
01t ILINT-2 nicely furnlshsl rooms suilta-
ide for U or 4 gentlemen , 1611 Iloward at
3d floor. 141 4'
Felt IIENT-3 rooms in a flat cot 20th nutI
Nicholas at. 112
fOR htl'NT-Ware room cot. 14th and Call.
ifornta on Ilelt Line. } or itartioulars en.
qulre at Union Nat. bank. 188
TuiOIt ltlON'r-Ofltce 2nd door , 5310 S 15th. at ,
.1 _ vrlce$10 , 113
FOR IIENT-Largo furnishiemi front room
suitable for 2 gentletnin , 1708 CalIfornia ,
101 jy 4'
O1t itlNT-Two furnished roome , pleasant '
ly iocated. 2440 CapItol eve. 104 Jy 4'
FOR IIENT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur.
nisbod on street ear line ; modern con :
veniences. Gentlemen only. Excellent loca.
Hon. 1917 Case. P71
F 015 IIENT-Sulte of furnished rooms lot
. gentletiucn. A. IloepoJr,5315 N. 37th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 963
.l:3O1t : _ Iw.NT-Elogant suite of rooms , reforen'
.1 _ Cs requilred , 1007 Douglas St. 197
IiOII BENT-Futnlshod rvome,7l4 N. 10th st
.5. 1 466jy17 *
FOR - . - . - .
A enulne bargsi.
L Ouso s addition , a 1iw blocks west 0 ]
K0Untz 1'lce , $1,230 eadk
Acres. 'fhroe taut ncr& tracts idattod. wit )
two troesplanteti ( in each lot. adjoins an nil
dition where lots are sehll4mg for $350 each wil
sell for $0 an acre. This is a good invest
toe no.
Idiowild addition on 22d atroet near Like at.
new It rooiu Louse in first ass slyle.all inooori
improvements , lirlce , 15 , , no lImier recitlenci
proptrty in tbe city. In igato this.
A. b. l'atrlcks Cdii a good 0Iithi front 10
SOxilO on Corby Street , a gain at 11,1100.
II room bouseon Ctilca ueet , all tootler :
iniprovements , barn , c a liaved Street. ]
minutes' walk from post tee , a decided limit
gala at$7,000 , * : l,0onsh.
a room housoon hamilton ttgooil lot , iSdichhi
south front , aiplendid home for 13,0)0 ) ; take
I800 cah1 hal to suit.
l'atrick 5 2nd adda , 2 good lots , price 52,3 * )
and$2,400 esehi.
Saunders & Itlmetaugh's addnbeatotln ) tb
addition for 5575 , a Siiap ,
Prugn Park , it sold quick will takoIC'O ' for mu
elegant lot.
Orohiard 1111i.a good lot half block from lIan
ilton 53reet for $150 ,
Ilarney street near 27th street , lot 5ixl3.
price ItIt)0 ) , 12.500 cash.
Mitchell a Layonniak , Heal Estate , 151
: D ° dge 51. 3847
I'Olt SALE-Cornar lot on Virginia aye wit
A two good houses , cheap at 17,00) . 'Torah
CII , , llouses remit for $70 per month. H. S
Camnpbeii,310 S. 16th it. , Chamber of Coin
mnerci , 27J
12011 BAI.E-A iiv.ry barn wltastable root
.1 for aboutalxty liorcs.eltuated lii I , . dash
able location , and now doing a gouid btiilnost
S flood reasons given for selling. Enquire of ii
address A. It , Coiustok , isal 551516 brokei
1&Z3Farnamal. . . . 202
- - .
- - - - - -
1 F' you want to buy , sell or trade , cmli on L. V.
.1. Crum , l204
100 lots 14 of a tulle of U. P. depot
for sale or tiads.
11 room house for rent. Two 10-room houea
for rent , ttleor trade. Idlewilde. lly
815 ij , V. Crumn , 120 N 13th 51.
A cholco south front lot on Mayno street In
Orchinrut 11111 6850.
A hiauidsomo east front in lianscom l'Iacc
sl&i0 , 11110 it"s than value. Snap. A potitbemost
corner emi 20th street In l'lalnsiew , 51,5 0. A six
room lIouse on N. 19th tret , 53Js53 , Sir cast
front lots joist iiorth of the poor ( mirth , only
$ l.3 for miii ,
lift- feat on Lonvcnworth near alsO street ,
I4fl ) . Ten rooiii lbilS oil South 10th Street ,
80,0050. Choice corner lot , with hotiso' , on Ilotig-
ins and 211thi. Investigate this 22 tC'Otih tuousp
antI Irro lot , Dodge Street , near the 111gb
school , $14,000.
1.argo corner on CalIfornia , near Creighton
college. 60 ft svithi hou.e , on So , 10th street.
$87 vor foot. A pletidid lot on California Street
at ii bargain. 100 ft. elegant emust front in
Ilitnseom l'iec , with Iioittc , 17,500 ,
A f1io : lot cii Itoward th'ar 116th street-for
12,0(81. $ . ' , OO cash , hialtinco easy. Extra ISrgo flute
front iii Wt Ciumnilig , 5710. 120 ft. 2 * ) foot trout
in Icliawood , 12,84) . Suian , South front on
hltimnhlton street neat' 30th street , on grade ,
List your property with T , J , Hook , 1509 Far.
flaw. 833-5
Fob S4\I.E-f0 No , I larnis wIthin a radius of
20 tnIle of Otnmuiin , 4lsa a jew good busl.
ness chances in two live towns. J. Ii. Sllvi ,
heal Estnto nuid Loan Agent , iIkhnrn , ? ob ,
579 . % tir. 8
. ' ! Olt HA T.I1-Cotte , 7 tennis and bath room ,
tlro hilttce , oak mantel , cisterii , city water ,
etc. , 31 feet of grouuid. Ohl at. north of St
Mary's tivo. $1,500. V.W. & (3. 111. Thomnhisoti ,
2145. 15th at. 210
i'hChiIa : bargains If soul soon. 5 high ,
8 sightly . south front lots in Crclgimton
heights , \.lli sell togetimer or separate hart's
Cleat Vestcrmi lteal ltato s\gtticy , Ctoigliton
o-ir SA LE-OmIe liii Ii it ) ti itCil'S of lmui iii lui NO.
braka. SpectllittOr's imtmithsrnulromei lantiS ,
ranchos , atiul farumus in all Parts of the
State. Setiul fOrlamflpliltlt centmtlnlmig dccci ip-
tloii and ihilet ) 01 over nun : thmouamintl fiiriui. A
tlio ttlogrnphmiettl ) miunp ( if tht : state s'nt free
it rot : impplicatliui , , F. II. Antirus , for 10 years
( ieii'i I.ituiI * Agemut II. & N. it. 10. Eighth and 1'
streets , LinZ't.lmi , Net'rnslcmt. . 211)
I ' l' Citmi SlI for ii lOW timt)5 only
I Lot 104 ( iis&s mutilttmiin for 50,433.
1.0 t7l ( use's ithtittiomi , * 6:100. :
Jilock I lloyd's ndlltIon , , $8,012.
tjie-thlrti ) cash , bmtlminco I , 2 and 3 yemire.
lltimiuigtoti & McCorimilck , 220 SOUth 15th 51.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tot ;
Polo SLh-A great bargain , a botuttliul lot
nm:2Otim : anti Sirhng , at 51,00) . Iutihlir' . for
itrtlcuimirs itt thu idk Horn \'nlloy hiot'l bmtrber
S hop. I I ( Ii utmid I ) odiz. 51 It Sj
i : isi lENCI iiargtiitisllOxlOll , east front
_ J.s. llauisconi Plmice , ciegatit l.roomett house
0-er ) ' voittenlcuict' , lot nic'ly motitloti , good
hiurmi , city water , etc if you mire looking lur a
buirgamn , hike ito hour to Investigate thIs
btlxhlO , east front , flnmiscomn h'lacu , imtntlctn
lO-noomned hotmF , bmrn mind alley at roar , 57,0110.
A growing luloco of itiiproverl property , lY
ing 10 per cciii Oil Over $24,003 citmi be soil 'ery
chucap if taken mit once.
ShOAlS ) with .lilOIi1i1ti 11 rootned cottage 1l4 story
large hail , loty window. city water , .o , hits
slated roof , a chimti'mtng home , 53,100 , very easy
torah s.
532xll5 with S roomnod house , I 1-2 story , nice
locality. $ i,200 , cash $5410.
tioxt5 ( ) Walnut hill S ronmncil house , south
front. nicely sodded ana fenced , 53,500 , onsy
bOxl50 Orchard hill , with 8 roomed hiouenico
hiittIo trees , barn , &e , can ho botiglit for 52,500.
OOxhbO , somith Irtumit on Hamilton : at , iS.t'otncd
house. ii simtp mit * 3,001) ) , 01117 I&J0 cash.
10x12 $ . with mnotlern ton.roometi house ,
South miiid east front , $3,500. easy termS.
We have s3vmirai houses mmii Iota In good
locality which we can sell on terms to suit Put.
cli user.
Wo imtvo : some good tunproced ProPerty to
trntle for farmmhe : ai.o city lroporty totrmido for
any kind ( If imioretmittitilso.
ltumslncss I'roporty.
60N1532 , 13th atuul 1)itvenport ) , a great bargain
at 1h7,1hu10 : easy terms.
4x112 , i2lmiil mmii Izmtr.l , only * 11.000.
208 feet front , Dolt Line trackage , for 15.500
Vacant lots iii miii lhnrts of ohty. Call timid see
us. EiittiittimViiiatamiley , 120 N 15th : sO.
298 5.
S PltINO VALLEY-SprIng Valley joins the
city on ttm south , two ilitles west fruiui
South Outimiha Stock \'ards , half a tomb somithi
of the 1)lerks tiianufzictory. Tue Fronhont ,
Elkborui & Missouri Valley 1)itICeS through [ tie
adilhtion. ligiity acres of it tue sold. 5'e
otTer tIme reuuitining 40 acres east or the Sils.
sumirl l'aeiiic railroad , thio tiniest gnrdou latiu1 ,
itt frotn 5500 to 1550 per acre , in lotS of from
one and omio.fourtti to tomi acres , on long tIme ,
nitly omio ilfth cmtslm.
Nearest the Stock Yards we have Lobeck's
uibdmyision of Spmltig Valley. eIghty-four lois ,
50x1:12 : at $200 to 1250. Termiis , 101 per oont oait
amid 510 per tiiotithm. or one-fourth cash mtncl bai.
tuico in one anti two years. Notlilmig as good
anti chmeitp in neighborhood.
ltomeniler more than 100 per cent baa been
ioathe emi every addition platted and sold by us.
Get in on tIme ground Ooor.
Marshall & Lobeck ,
Telephone 'S'J , 1509 1"arnamn.
251 7
II ElIlO is a bargain. l.ots 2 mind 4 , In blocs 4 ,
South Oniiuna , $900. 'reruns halt eash amid
balance easy. Marshall dc lobeck , 1509 Far.
tinunTolephono 73. 2132
llAItGAIN--tluie hitindred feet front on
B South l11lovomitb at , corner lot , only $5,000.
Parton time. V. L. Vodieka , 62) South 13th 51.
1"Olt SALF-Iiew house , 7 rooms , city water
I amid hmath , 117th mind I'ar5er. Imitluiro 1709
ick.nst. ! _ 5102 8j
) AIIGAINS-We hayu for sub at reasonable
. , prices and easy term ! two new ( lweilhmmg
anuses wmthm all iuoiiern hiiiproyouuiontS. NIce
lots ; p001 * locatIons. Also recant lots In various
parts of the city. Jackton & Nusomi , 11115 Far-
mum St. 5117 6
r o wnoM it may comicorn.-l'o parties who
build houses costIng from $1 .200 to * 1,5'S ) ,
vo furnish boummtlfui buiiiilng lots in ltciicIc (
9rk requirIng no payment of principal for 5
Itedlck i'ark has city water , 350 maple and
eiiii trees,45 residences uintler contract to build ,
11.ole to cost loss than 11,21)0 ) , its streets are
icr mied atmd tumrnplked It is within the city
Ilmuits , opposite Kountzo l'laco , and Secessibie
trOmhI tither Satintlora or State. Price of lots
until July 1st , $1,000.
Ve also oiler-
100 It trontlng Ilsuiscoin Park , 58.000 , } to 4
; 100x150. Oeorglit ate , 15,000. 12,000 cash.
Full lot mmii house iii excelietit comB-
tion , Parker's atid , 13,5.00.
Cot 66x129 , improved , S 11th near Viaduct
1)9,0(10. ) l'lend & Jamnieson , Solo Agents , 318
15th sO. 718
-I1O1o SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
.1. hiaTt of Otnmthimi near the ihenson cur lmtie ,
price 1400 each , $250 tlueon contracts payable
In S quarterly hitmytnents , will trade interest in
contracts for Nebrnsitmt mod. NeCulloch & Co. ,
1600) ) Putnam st. 1000
11OR SALII-At a bargain 640 soreS of drst
.1. 011155 tmirmmiing humid iii howard county , this
state ; first dust soil : cleat' to two lines of rail
road , mind surrotinded by well Improved farms.
Cmiii divide to suit purchaser , and vill mtitike
thu a bargain It olii quick. Small cash uay.
ment ; vCt3' Cull terms. Address ( leorge N.
hicks , 215 South Fiftecitthi street. 8011 j14
131010 5AL1-A tine farm of 150 acres , en.
closed with Si wire fence , 38 force under
cimitivutiorm , 11 acrems of ash trees in thrilty
grotvltig condition , prIce 110 per sore , terms
easy. This offer good for thirty days only.
AddreSs Chat. It. IS'iigon , Oxford , Furns'u ( moun.
ty.Neti. lTSijyil'
(11101017 LANDS-$5. tioracre. $50 makes 1st
. _ , year's laymcnton , Ilk ) ncres. Write for in.
furmnmttlon. W. P i'mtlne , Plidnoy , Neb. 0tSJy22
JMMEDIATE sale wllltako h-i lots or less only
5 or I blocks from Kscbange bid and
Umiion Stock yrd on favorahihe tortes. Sixteen
houSeS tintler contract In sauce block. Iwant
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prIces
f i want to sell quickly , 11. ii , hirnch. 201) )
Taken Up.
A black horse ishili white Star 00 forohmoa.J :
3 mIio below Port Rodinund's iiortbiwet
August ? .luskutt , jSi0tIew
, Br. itriedikor. m.Lhtid. Nooporationu No plnu
140 ietsntlon frame busIe.j , Adatiled te childrcti
3 5s , , cil as grwa people , hundreds 01 uutogrpmi
teitiuuontaie cit 6le. AhlbusIs.i strictly cutmfldeui.
tiah. cc)4mul.'rATioN FlUtlt .
Ibitol . 1. 0. COO1& ,
0 Room 0 , 15I t ItU11AS St. , Olilalma , Neb.
. Veterinary Surgeon
Graduate ottlie Royal College of Veter
6 nary Surgeons , Londoi , En2land ,
0111cc , llenliain's Stable , 118 North lOti
h Street , Omaha.
a Anisiand on the Soiithorncoast of Mmissachu
r. Sells. ( loud thahimi smut boacim for bathing. hi
cated In time best Summer Cllinat In Iii wont
r For full pnIlckrs addres
r , IDWAIOD. 11. MEflltILt.
Mutual LIt. liLtildi ngTJ Na2tstit.f.Y
; : r . . .
A Llychj' Fourth or July in the flrlt-
Isli l'ariinmnont.
LONPOX , July 4-Itt tliocotnmon W' . II ,
Sitilil. , lIt-st lent of the treasury , moved thu
goverumni.'Ht bills be giveii priorIty during tIn ,
tetualnt1r of the session , lb also Ilitormoed
the hiotmso that owing to tIme lrestlro of tiutsi.
ness It would be ltiiposslbleto ahiPolhit a coin'
mittee on p111)110 giants , as hati been lroln'
sod. 'rho measures viielm ) were neeesssry to
push forward vero tics ? crlmnes bill , the Irish
lanil bill , tue bill tran8tu3trhli cortaimi cases
froimi Irish juries to Judges of cotirts lit which
time cases 'ero lieartl ai8o bills reiatlng to
tithe tent charges , pros'Itllng for better reu
latlon of Imhines atid reform of chititch ihatron.
age , incrcliaimdlse inmtrks or bratmds and lmind
trauisfer. 'I'lie roverninent had annottticcd
its liiteutlou to Jrolumoto a large ineasotro of
local goveriimmmetmt (11:0 ( : opposition teeoivctl
this stateliemit ; lIlm roars of Intietmter , while
f'arimelliti's kept liii the cry of ' 'Ilonie fOlio , "
but Was lreenteiI ( tout carryIiq otmt its In.
telitiOll by iresstiro of other business. In
order , however , to facilitate consideration of
a bIll alseatly tlrawn , the gnveritiient would
ask tue luttse to be Iuyesteit with power
necessary for tIme appointment of a boundary
CiUiuilSSlOii to detornilto ; local areas under
time bIll.
(1 hailstone said he delIberately 'obstah ned
froiii brlngimmg fortomird vitilotis mtiattm'rs of the
gromitt'st ititerest to tile tiotise 811(1 lmuIorttiuee
to tile country , bccatuse ho felt the house hind
1)0011 placed iii a llO5ltiOfl lii regard to the
proitreus of ttl5lfli'S absolutely dePlorable.
l'lie country wotmlol have to consider this immat-
tot. The busiiit's of leclslntion , esct'thtImig
iiieasures c'omulmig from the goverL-
thient , imuod boon ato1ute1y all.
' 1'li jrivli'ge of liiipiignhiig tim roeeeditigs
of tIme goverhimnomit line been quIte .tX
tlngtmlshivii. I Iti PrOteStt'tt nirniast these In
roads ompomi the freetiommi of parhirimneut.
Smith rnplled to ( ilatistotie nail in time
cottrse of his speech saul 'I'litmtsday next ho
' .otlltt take nh for thIrd reading the cr111108
bill. It was the liileiitlnn of the govern
imleilt to i'ress ' oiit'rgeticaliy upon time imotise
tim irmalu luau bill.
Joltti Merely saul lie wotmltl bout the 011-
posItion to iemmmetlinl imiensuit's. ( 'tiatistono cxcco'mht'iI [ hue libi'rai lalLY In oipositIoti
to the erhmmes : bill. ills opposition was mimic
( 'mlmbltteredl flth(1 less 011011 to Coilmhitoiiil8e.
'I'iit , liberals wiiolmave atiantlonoti their Prill-
CIhiles wotmltl have no.ull'cteti thmt'lr ( ttlt3 it
timity roiraitteit from tl2htliig coerclomi untIl
Overpoweri'lt 1) ) ' slicer force of time mmiaJnrlts' ,
Dillon ( l'arnelhmte ) said lie wished the
sin Ioiihst.ltbemals , who promIsed irelalitl
some jtistlce Irma the inlish parilaimient as
frommi a Itmhhlmi ) larhiaimient , would bear In
iimilld that iiieasures of hmmhportathco to Ohio
irish PehlhlO lmmttl been thmrtmitt aside , and rep-
resentatlves were sent back elmpty lmaiided ,
excelItImi is thu Is coercion 1)111 ,
On divisIon the motion 01 Smith wits car
nod , 85 to 0.5.
1)altoiir ) , chief secretary for irelahid , reity.
lag through lila sc'eietary to Itealy's cimargeio
of breach of faIth in connectIon with ohio
cr10109 1)111 , ahti time governmiiont was stilt In
favor of granting appeals fromn semitenecs in
all cases : that lie totind the law ox-
Istllimo fully adequate , and further legislation
was not needed.
Florida , "the limotid or Flowers , "
ill the iara dine for time hlls'nhit , anti time
IttifltiLifl ) of Yotithi" was once tihotighit
to be hid In otmu of its forest jlndes. it is
nosy the haven of inamiy consulnptives ,
who find beneflt Ill her toniutI warmth
: thid fragrant ho wcrs. 'l'ho cons utuptivo
imirshid itceil not ncct2sstr'lly ( ) SO far
fioin 110)1110 atid friends to get relief. For
if lint in the last stages of the ( liSeise : ,
1k. II. V. l'lerc&s 'Goltlemi Metitcal lis.
c'over.s" will restore to perfect health.
For all clirotilo throat , bronchial anti
Itihlg diseases it is a most rulimtblo spo.
clue. By druggists.
At Crete.
CIInTE , Nob. , July 4.-ISpeelal l'elegrani
to tIme IinaJ-'rwelvo thmotmsantt people passeit
the turn.sthle at ttme assembly grounds toiiay ,
anti a imore lnagnhticcnt audlcce of the ( lay
never gathered In any state. The day was
all that cotmid he desIred and the groulids
werocool and delightful , not crowded at all ,
notwithstanding time great attendance. 'rho
peollie caine from every direction ; ten
coaches from Llncolnand crowds froam other
directions east and we8t. Many yore visitors
to time grotinds for the lirst tIme , and time cx-
1)ressions oil every hmamiii were that the people
of the atate did not understand the mnagnill-
canoe of the asstimutbly and Its on-
tertalunments. At 11:30 : a , m. the
day was ushered in with an njcn
air conceit by the Twenty-llrst infantry
band that continued for a hiatt an hour ulmtll
tue grounds were alive with early risers. It
was it lireitida of Ohio niusicsi treat of tIme day
to come. Time regular progratnmne of exercises -
cises ocoupleiittie morning hmommrs and at 11
ii. in. tIme Illustrated lecture of Frank Beard's
t"as giveil to an ailthlulice of 5,000 PeoPle that
crowded the pavililon outsIde and In dot
12:510 : ( ; ovcrnor Thmayer arrlvt'ot from Lincoln
miiid ho was met at tue ( lepot 1)5' time 'i'Wtilit3'-
lirmit infantry band , by tue Coltipany of time
state militia that Is In camp nim flue grounds ,
and by several hulidreti (7 , A. It. men
who vero in lithe of mumrch.
'i'Iie governor tinder this escort reitcheti time
grlIiUtlS where at 2 P. m. 'J'lie orations vere
cit-en at. tue pavIhiot , at which ( Sovernur
Tliaycr presidemi. 'flm U. A. it. were fur-
nishmed reserved seats In th frotit of thin pa.
vhiion amid time mumdicnctt was only ilnulted by
time capacIty of this buIlding amid wlthuln hear-
log distance on the out.slde lIstened to time
exercises. 'i'hie 'I'wenty.tirst lmitaiitry band
vas time musical feattire of tIme programmmine
and ( eneral Henry A. Morrow. of the
Uniteil States ariuly , was hiitiotluced to time
himimuiense ntiIlerice. General Morrow spoke
froimi immatiuserlpt and the oration was one of
the general's very best efforts. It was his-
torleah , patriotic and eloquent. John C.
Cuwlu , of Outmatma. was the orator to limmmmmodi-
ately follow General Morrow mad
the audience , accelerated rather
than dhuninistmed listened to (1110
of tile mmiost thoughtful and finisimetl otis.
thonsi that Ceneral Cowla lime ever it * ,
ilvereI. 'rue adiiress was In particular to time
( irand Arimir of the republIc. ( ictiural Cowin
showed the Grand Army alitl Ills audience
the dangers of time lts'er whIch tlireatuuied
ruin anti revolutiotm to time country-tIme op
ihreSSlfl of corporations , tlle wrongs of cahuh.
tal and tim money powers. hiock 3mmn1)'rs ! ,
time corrtmptlon ill hmiehi places and timc venality
atiti Perjury of JurIes amid public ofliclals were
held up in startling distInctness , In the
cotmrso of lila oration he handled time Irish
otiestion SO [ lint it brought forth islIplitUsO
that would giadtten tIme heart vt Partiehi or
11ladstotie , tIme mzencral imoliling till iii a mocatli.
liii ; itianner tIme mtttemnpt ( if time British
govornlmii'nt to return time governinemht of ire-
mmmii to time chvlihzathon of time dark ages of
thiit J'iauitagailets 'I'udors.
'I'hie evening's ehitertallmiilelht at time assun
bly OihOtil with a camicert of war snugs at
the lOtYlihiohi imhterspcrstmd sshth ; short au-
dreses by Governor I'hmityer amid others , 'i'hmn
ctlicert ) was of time inmost uolnluir clmtrmtcterthmo ;
band of tweuity-si'veii leccs formiming time or-
clmestra , ; t chorus oh 2001 voIces amid ion atmoll.
euice of 0,000 to swell the clmouus. Froiii a
st.aiuit on time : iortimwest cormier of tIme grouiids
tim fireworks svei ti shot hiito miii'ahr , nail one
of the delightful events of time etitire
day follow iti lii tIm way of a serenumiti by the
'l'welhty-first reghmneuituui haimil tioiillhliilitiltflry
to ( lovernor 'I'haycr , 'I'hmls serenade on-
curred at time I4awyer' huliti-
ing. 'i'lIO band alto sereiiadei
General Norrow at time editors' bthihiing anti
( leuierai Cowimi at Olin cottage of Pre-.ttlemt ;
1"oss. 'lo these serenades the rcclplemits re-
spniided , 111111 thin Lincoln Ylauiilwaii club
gave a parade mind eximlbltloii emi time open
grounti. 'h'o-immorrosv the tmsual hirograinamo :
of wtrk will be lii order , timid titoct spit-
dm1 attractloiis wiliocctmr Ve(1nost1ay , "Law'
yers' dity , ' ' when lion. J. \Vonlwortii vhlI
bti I no am ator , and a Ti o'cl ock iiieet I ii g w' I I I Ia !
held wIth a reception atid rt'tiiiiomi at tii
lmauisotmhe Iasvyers' htmliiiing , Time Iawyert
mire greatly Indebted to Jutiro W , ii. Morrit
I I ) r I hi'l r ii a a dsoiiie hmeadti 03 ii (1f8 ( , 111(1 html hI
I mm p I a l ii g ccli St rticled mm mm ml or 1k' , I nm nu'i I limit ;
smmpervlshomi of the Jtmdgt' . wim iiam littiid It out
hanuisomely hot the reception of the legit
At ( .reeiuss'oiul.
( ; lllNwool : ) , Nob. , July 4.-Speclah ( Telo
grain to time iiF.v..J-A rousltig cehebratlor
was held hero to-tiny , participated In by 111113
3,000 i10lPiC. 'l'hi.2 . lion , J , I ; . Strode , of lila
eolii , ( heilvered the oration of tile tIty : , ant
was Cntiihhsiasttcally arpiatldetl. 'rime imsoia
h"ourth or .i uhy litgriSimmmuiu was varied by
- realistic shinto battle in the attornooli ; isbn
gunboat eliga.geiilelit in the cveiilng on Sal
creek. 'Fho , ( rnnd Aripy omen and Sotis o
Vetetaims , reprcsated the federal and rebe
forces ,
itt NOW 'h'iii'k ,
2 NEw YOltlO , July 4-'l'iie Fourili of Jlmh ]
hero was oppressively hut , limo tlmetiimoinete
dancing 01) among the nineties. BUSIUCS
-.s. . -
_ : i
SYM entIrely suspended , 'rimore were several
yacht rscos , the best beitig the regatta of tli
Latchitiohilt club on time 8001111 , to whIch no '
less tiiisn forty-eight vessels took paiL 'The
duet Ititorest conteretloli thocoiltesI between
tIm Simatiiroek anti the 'I'ltauia , ( ho hatter
ivhlhtllthg by minutes , 'I'ho veterans of '
lsh0celebratcd 1curtli by raising a hag on the
old foIl In Central Park , is retinton and a
( illirier , 1'Iioro mire emily three of the veterans
llvhiiit I n this vIcInIty , 'l'ho : are ( ' , elierah
Abram haly. ) aged ninety-omie years , ( icueral
Crigier , aged hhitioty , antI l'elitly Mtirris aged
ehgly-thrt'c. 'l'ammamiv hall lii its wiewani hmehtl
time ninety-nhiittl celebrathomi of tue day.
( ios'ernur [ "itz itomgli I.t'e , of Vhrgtnin , was
dowhi oIl tim progmnmnine for Ohio first bug
talk. lie s'iis recels'etl with n'piause tush
stmook I lie Litm II ti I ii g , an 0 hiti elm iy 1)eg tiP liii
sPeech with the words. , "Away down In old '
\'lrginla Wli'rO I hlvt'tl , " whiomi tin ssas Inter-
rmipt'tl by a call for tiiioo cheers for VirgInia ,
which ivoro iieaithty given. "Vlr2inis1 to.
ulay , " lie said , "clasps hiniiils with New \ ork
iii Intart ) ' celebratlomi of time day. 't'leir : citi'
7efl5 are sitiokhng the Pilto of venco to-
getlier , "
lie wIshed Joiiti Kelicty's eyes could hook '
lihion 11:0 : SColiho amid see how clu3Ior tumid closer
the sections arocomulng together , ' . -
" 1 hear the voice of tile great soldier who
sleeps at lilverliluli' saying from his th'athbed ,
( hInt lie feei9 that is grand era of PCmiCO is ap'
roachilng. hot us have h'eaco. "
Covernor Wilsoii , of West Vimginla , then
SPok o .
Letters of regret overe read from the presl-
dent , ( ' , ovenor 11111. ( leimernl Shiertuati , See-
reinrles lktyari , , BmidicnIt anil Fmtiroiiliii , At.
toriley ( elierah ( lariand , Slleaker Carlisle
antI imuotty others.
ClosinF short talk % vis : made by Congress.
111511 5 , S. Coy , who mantle tile late incitieni of
the battle 11mg time text forissareastle arraIgn'
itmelit of the rtptitllcafl luart ) ' . All , especially
( lovernor Forakor , svim wotihil , lie said , If
lie lint ! his-oil in the : days whemi to babe was
born iii iktimlelieiii , have edit oil to , Jertisa.
Iemii for mon order enjoining tlm hmens"lniy host
"J'eaco earth svlll to
from sIngIng , on , gooti
mali , " alitt a IiialiInmmitis coiiipchllimg tlmuui to -
si n i11 , ' ' 1 I ate oil earth , II I wi I I to iii cii. ' '
I'roshient ( Jlevolniud , lii lilt littler of regret
almi iii part : "VliiiO thmerti hIlls been Ohio
greatest lrolri't3' lii time aminumol celebratIon ,
.q4) long ColitIlhimetl , of this ( lay by a society
fou miil 1111(111 Pat t-lotlc ; irl miciphi's a ii ii do- .
s'ott't to a crec(1 most lii ctiiisomiamn'o with time
perlietmiatlomi and protectiiii of 4'1limcrlean
flistitutions. it semite to mmiii that at hue ( line
whmmi time 1)3115. ' wIth wimlchi this socIety i
nihillatm'tI , is so largely cimnrgi'd with time re
siOmislbllit ) of gtmardliie the course of time
governiiieiit , tiio coiiteuiipiiited celehiratioti of '
tue t'nsttlng Fourth of , Iuly , sliotihti in the
laurtiago ( :1 your Itivltatlon , revive with
hiiOfI ) tush t'Istial fervor tIme mtioiiiotl which
give thmo aignhileaiice 1(1-tiny . , "
io you aufl'er from scroulasalt ( rhmoum
or othittr humors ? 'I'itke ilooti's SaritapIts . '
rihhit , the gloat blood purider , 100 ( lOse . -
0110 dollar.
- _ -
British Graiti 'rrado.
LOSiON , July 4'I'lme Mark Lane lix-
says : Under titibroken drought the
wheat crop promises above an average yield -
and exceptionally line quality. All other
Cr0118 Oil good grounmi lool ; roitiarkably well.
SIhriiig SOWH crops on Iboor hands are wither-
ing. 'Trade in natIve wheat is itrowing worse ,
In Lonthon thicro is scarcely any olferlmig yet. ,
sales are only olTected at is decline. Sales
of Emiglisti wHeat during the past sveek 16,6017
tuarters at 2,53 , agaInst :10,213 : qearters at 31s
ttic correstondlng ss'eek last year.
Flour is weaker owing ti : plentiful supplies
of foreign. Trade imi foielcm : wheat Is slow ;
AustrIan am ! Auiumnican ItetI Ylntor is thown
is , LInseed Is Pit Lower , 'I'hiore wore seven
atrivals of s'imeat cargoes , three wIthdrawn ,
fiitir roinrthii. At to-day's inarku't wheat was
at a stantlitlll. if sales were lmrCSsed vaitmos
\i''iit Is lower. I"Iour Is Gd chlL'apt'th. Corn Is
miteatlv , btrloy ; litmit ; oats , ouvlmig to drought1
are Gd is iuigiier.
She has tim complexion of a Pouch ,
Po-zzoiii'a Medicated Complexion Ihowdor '
did it. Sold liv iou tlrmiggists. '
- - -
- - - - -
I '
I a4F " ' . ? t
I e-- p
I. _
I I 11
- ' 5 : ' : . . i : : .
'N : : -
Once Sn a while Mary loses a little time , but site . -
aIwa ) a 1ieps her Sah'ollo handy , and with Sa1oUo'l .
aid she readily catebea up.
"The best. assistaiico is that which is
quIck. " The speed with which
accomplishes alt cleaning is wonderfuL
It Is asolld cake of Scouring Soap. Try It.
No. 6. ioopyright , March , 1887.
_ 1titp1 ; -1
Zinbody flu. highest exerhI.s-
. 'bti , , ate. 4 , , alaupeliHeiI , romfcrh uuid
drabliitya..dare Ui.relgtitfl
( uv.rLte,4tiuahioeinblecirrt .
Ournameis IJ.4IT.COUSIN8.
on every sole. lICWYORIO ,
irr <
Nobaska Natiollal I1aiik ,
U , S. 1)EJ'OSI''OlIY ,
Crxkct1 ,
Paid up Capital.$250,000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
7j V , Yams , J'rt'sident.
A. K 'l'oiizuohin Vice'Presldcnt.
v. 11. 5. Jitighies , Cashier.
rlilLCTOiS { :
v , V. Morse , .loimn S. Collins ,
11.V. . Yati-os , Lcwis 5 , heed.
A. E. TOlIzOtlihi.
Cor , 12th and Farriam lBs.
A General Itanking iiuiiiness Tranatinto
: 4i t Sick Headache ,
Biliousness ,
' , Constipation1
t 'i'iie sore lyipepiift ) ptOii ( tel.
Itw.uvur , , tear tie iiieim'tniSat ,
t'tiouI'l to'ar lid suPsued tirap0Ie ,
' , iuttl brtte'i k [ main , of g4or sue. .
1Vin uenfsnt tuaiih tiiey my.seuiS
'i'timutti 'IA 11 * AWl It 8E1.JI.NiItt lCd ISIS
i : ( imiseictired. No kmmiiadrugaur tawps tused ,
S Add. Y.Ob1lp&lyC0.1IULI1.8).L0UlSM ) * ,
_ 1 1 . . - _