V' ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .WEDNESDAY. JULY 6. 1887. MM HBIM HMH BMM HMI BH HHM H BMM aM HM HM MMflBflB BBi H HM BMM M M H I BB BBMH Bl BMM HMH taa HMHM H H B MHMMi DOINGS IN SUPREME ( ML Ih B. ft Mi Mandamus Against State Offi cers to Bo Heard. NEW COMPANIES INCORPORATED Ilio Old anil New Htrnet nall Lines Conic Into Oonnict Gam blers Moving Out Utbcr Lincoln Ncwfl , [ rnoit TUB BKK'S uxcor.x ncnK.vu.1 The Judges of the supreme court met in regular semi-annual term yesterday morning. A large number of important cases are to coma up. Ono of the first will bo the mandamus case of the B. & M. railroad company ognlnat the land commissioner and governor. When the toad was lirst constructed , into Lincoln it occupied a largo number of lota on the banks of Salt crock , supposed to bo of little value to anyone. As the interest ot the road increased still moro land was necessary and nil state lots were occu pied without leave or hindrance. At tlio late session of the legislature a bill passed providing that all state lots in Lincoln should bo sold a'ut tJio proceeds applied to the improvc'iiont of the cap ital grounds. The lots occupied by the railroad had in tlio meantime jrreatly in < cruased iu price anil would now readily sell for a largo sum. Acting under the supposed J w thcso lota were ap praised at their value when occupied , and not now. On this plan the state of ficials refused to soil them to the railroad company , insisting that thcso lots must bo sold ut publlo auction to the highest bidder , just &s the other lots havoucon bold. The company then brought a mandamus in the supreme court to com pel the land commissioner to make the transfer. This case will come up in the near future for disposition , Attorney- General Lccso feels confident that ho can win for the stntu , and in any event means to put the case in the best light for the stato. The total value of the property involved is now no inconsiderable sura , and would add much to thn fund already secured by the sale of state lots. iNCOKrOKATKD. The Nebraska Real Estate and Trust company has filed articles of incorpora tion with the secretary of stato. The corporation shall bo perpetual. The business shall be the buying , selling and improving of real estate and borrowing thereon in any county in the state or Nebraska. The capital stock shall be fSO.OOO , and may bo increased ut any time to 9400,000. The indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of tbo capital stock , unless secured by lirst mortgage on real estate. The principal place of business is Columbus , Platte county. The busi ness of the company shall be managed by a board of ifvo directors elected by the stockholders , a president , treasurer and secretary. The mcorporators are David T. Martyn. ( Jcorge Lehman , An drew Anderson , Israel Ulttck , Marcus II. White. STREET RAILWAY TROUBLES. The street railway companies are com ing into collison in their effort to secure uosscsslon of certain doslrablo streets. The old company has long contemplated the Tenth street line north to the univer sity grounds and Missouri Pacific and Klkliom depot. Monday the Rapid Transit company began laying track on B street with tlio evident view of coming down Tenth.Vhon all was silent after midnight the old coimmny put on a gang of men and put down some very tempo rary track. While at work the other company ( Rapid Transit ) appeared on the scene with men and material ready to steal a march. But the Lincoln com pany had outgeneraled them and they 'Withdrew for the present. Yesterday morning the Rapid Transit , with John KiUgorald at the liead. began work by tearing up tlto truck put down. This lea to a collision and the old company went to the courts and had a wai rant issued for Fit/gornld who was iined f 10 and costs. Tlio matter will probably go into the higher courts. OAMDLKKS. The IKK ) had an interview with an ob serving gentleman , an old newspaper man , who has traveled over much of Nebraska within the past month. His taste for news is still sueh that little of interest escapes him. At McCook hemet mot some of the gentry who have followed - lowed gambling for years m Nebraska. They are wry much discouraged at tha prospect. They now admit that the now law nas too much danger in it , and that they cannot afford to take the clrinces of n term in tbo pen for all Unit could bo made out of running a faro bank. Amore moro salubrious climate will be sought out anil an exodus at once coninumcotl. The same story conic nj > from other parts of the stntu , and in Lincoln , while they hang around it is with fear and tremb ling. Marshal Cooper warned them all to leave under penalty of the law and not a few of them have gone. Others uro simply waiting to sco whether or not an honest effort will ho made to cnforco the law. A fmv iiuo-hnired gamblers with striped clothes on and their illy white hands begrimed with honest toil , would bo a sight to behold. IIKIEK 1TKM8. George Estes , an employe of the Lin < coin street railway , sustained painful , and possibly dangerous , Injuries at tin cur barn Monday night. Ilo stouped or u passing car to deliver u message to the driver. Ilo did not notice as ho stepped from the car a passing team , and UK v buggy pole struck him iu the breast fracturing his breast bo-no anil several ribs. IIo is resting quietly , but his iu juries are very serious. The Gospel army had a row Momlaj night , and some o ! the attendants found themselves before the police judge James Thorton and Grant Uovel wen the principal participants , and they received coived $20 nnd costs each , and in dofaul of payment were committed to the bas tile. tile.C. C. II. Uutlor , a telegraph operator a the H , & M. , hail M ? iprm broken iu tw < places by a heavy window falling upon it Charles II , Hioliimls was received a the penitentiary yesterday. Ho oami from Honklenmn in churiro of Shot II Torwllllger and goes lit for life. W. Hi Munj.'or , the now railroad secro tsiry , tiled his olVcial bond and qualified I'rof. Lane , superintendent of puhli instruction , will attend the Nallonn Teachers convention in Chicago. The board of public lands and building hold a regular mooting yesterday. Rou Una business was transacted , The niulil ing of the bills of various institution requiring considerable time. Dr. Ann strong , of tlio lleatrioo Feeble Minded in stitutti is in Lincoln looking over th plans for the now building to be orectet It is to bo separate and in the cottnt ! form , with suitable accoinmodMioiii There are nt present in this Instltutio forty-ono unfortunates , ranging in tig from liv to eighteen years. - Remarkable Cum of Lumbago. DKNVJCK , COL. , Feb. 13. IBS * . For nearly nix years 1 suffered great ! with what the doctors called lumbago. was unable to walk in that interval moi than a taw stops at a time , or to rise froi u ohalr after once sitting down wlthoi Assistance. A friend urged mo to giv ALLVOQK'S fouous PLASTKKS a tria and ho wont nnd got some for me an put them on my back. 1 felt easier wit them on than anything 1 had over triet and continued their use for nearly thru months , changing them every week , unt I was absolutely cured cured so tin from that day to thU , nearly six mouth I bare boou able to work. work.O. O. M. > VEEK3. SHE BOUGHTHIM OFF , ' A Hunbnnil Sells Ilia Personnl Effects nnd Position For $5O. St. Louis Republican : An interesting and peculiar commercial transaction was per/ormcd In Justice Spauldmg's court yesterday. It was the selling by a real live man of his position as a husband , to gether with his personal ellecU , for the sum of fT o. He was a tall slender min , wearing a broad-brimmed slouch hat , \Yhich covered an abundances of black hair , with deep-set , piercing eyes , and tanned features. Ho entered the justice's ' orllco accompanied by a large , handsome woman. Approaching the fudge ho re quested him to retire to the roar room , as ho had business to perform which de served senresy. When the trio wcro In the star chamber the man looked about him to sco that no man was secreted behind - hind the dusks or doors. Then ho took from his pocket a slip of paper , or docu ment as ho termed it and handed it to the justice. The justice road the docu ment , stared at the man and then at his companion. The man finally broKe the sllenco by asking the judge if there was anything the matter with the paper. The justice explained to him that it was no moro than an agreement , at which the woman broke In with : 'Ain't it capable of making him stay away from moT" The justice informed her that it de pended on whether or not tno person drawing up the agreement was man enough to stand by it. To that the man stated , slapping his hand on the table , that ho was a man and would continue to bo ono. Iho justice then read the agreement to them , which read as follows : "For and in eonsidcratlon of $50 cash , paid mo this 85th day of , fune , 1837 , by , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , I do hereby rcloaso and sell all of my rights , titles , goods and chattels of every description now in pos session of . at my residence in the city of St. Louis , state of Missouri , and I agree at the sumo time ( for my part ) , for the payment to mo of the said ISO , that I will never appear as against the said now or at any future time , in any of the courts , eta. , ot the United States to oppose her or raise any objection to her securing a bill of divorce from mo , but will allow her to get such bill at her own pleasure and will withdraw uny opposi tion on my part whatever. " When the justice had read the docu ment both very readily signed their names to it , after which the man put out his hand and demanded the money. The woman , with apparent great satisfaction , opened her purse and counted ont | 50 in bills , which she handed to the justice , who turned it over to the man. He no sooner got possession of the money than he darted out the door and buried him self in a neighboring saloon. The ladv , after paying the justice for his trouble , Mated that they came from Texas a short time ago , but could not live together in peace. Then she made him the above proposition , which was accepted. Pleasure seekers and tourists visiting the White Mountains , the Maine coast , Nantuckct and other seaside resorts , should stop at the United States hotel in passing through Boston. Hero they will tind cvory comfort , cureful attention and moderate charges , while its convenient location to the Western nnd Southern railway stations saves all carriage hire. Returning Actora. Messrs. liaureis , Fuls , Ulig , Koch , Tcichman and Mcsdamcs liaurcis and Puls of the German Theatre company returned yesterday morning from blair where they played Monday night to an en thusiastic nudlonco , which iilledthe tlicrv tro , the pieces being the "Draught of Lovo" and the "Little SingingISirrt. " The company was mot at the depot by a band and escorted to the hotel. During their btuy they were royally entertained and their playing was warmly appreciated. Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns , cuts , sprains and bruises , for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years boon the con stant favorite family remedy. Ihomas Dugan , of Springfield , O. , one of the le.iding , genial and expeiienccd hosts in that p.irt of the country , is in town. This is his second visit , the first having impressed him so favorably that there Is now strong probability that ho has come to locate hero. His aim is to add another hotel to the list now in ex istence , a demand for which ho knows exists from the nightly crowded condi tion of our liostelnes. Safety From Malaria. The most Mgorous constitution , nnd the strongest phj.siquo , are not proof against a disease , the germs of which im pregnate the air wo breathe and the water wo drink. The true preparative , the surest defense , is to fortify the sys tem witli a medicine which possesses specific virtues as a safeguard and rem edy. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is pre cisely this article proved by conclusive tests to be so. Not only on this continent , wherever miasma fiives biith to malarial infection , but in the tropics , where fovcr and ague assumes its most malignant types , this incomparable , popular and deserving medicine has , for over a third of a century , shown its efficacy. Chills nnd fever , dumb ague , billious remittent nliko yield to its influence and are pre vented by it. The word "fail" has no place in the lexicon of possibilities when this peerless article is used. It tones the stomach , arouses the liver when slug- msh , and promotes healthful activity of the kidneys and bladder. Knocked Out by a Train. HUHI.INOTON , la. , July 4. [ S to the UKK. ] Wui. Gallaeeer , a young lellow who has worked about hotels in this city Mid Oninrm for some time got under tlio wheels of a Chicago , Uurltnicton As Qulney freight train ut 4 o'clock this afternoon , and Kind both fuel bmlly mangled. IIo had been drinking hard nil ilay.ancl by the hour named was about half crazy , and wanted to fulit e\ery ono ho saw. He inudu a vild , dasli at a passing train , \\ai.stiuck ami knocked down and In some manner got both feet nrrim tlio rail , lie \\as taUon to the hospital , and the limb \\as amputated below tlio knee. The doctois hope to FH\O the other one. lie Is nineteen or twenty jcars old , and unmar ried. MOST PERFECT MADE Dttd t > y th Unlud fitaUi Oo > rnm nt BndorMd br th * htadtot th * Or.at Unlier ltl i and 1'ubllc Food AnalTitaaaTh * Btronj tl'ureit , aud mo ( Healthful. Ir. I'rlc1 * th * only Baking l * nil rthat diM * not contain Ammonia , Mm * or Dr. I'rlcs'B KitracU. Vaullla , L mon , * tc UcIoajlf. PBICfi OA&IMU POWDKECO. J YOU CAN SAVE ENOUGH TO PROFIT YOU 25 PER CENT. And wear the best clothing produced by the most skilled workmen in the country , by making your purchases this week at The Misfit Parlors. The recent arrivals of garments for summer wear , consist of everything intended for man's wear , Seersuckers , Alpacas , Pongees , Silks Worsteds , and Flannel Coats and Vests , In an endless variety , ut prices which wo can safely defy competition. No trash. You can also , without fear or doubt , hare your every desire gratified in your wear for any season of the year , you can have a stock of 800 pairs of PANTALOONS ! To select from at prices to suit your pocket-book , and in any style of cut you may desire. A full force of skilled tailors always ready to alter your garment to fit you to your taste when required , without extra charge. Wo also make a specialty of GENTS' FURNISHINGS INCLUDING HATS. When you think of buying anything in the above mentioned andwi h something equally as nice as man's money will buy.you' . will find it to your interest to pay a visit to THE MISFIT PARLORS 1119 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. " \Vodohnrolircertlfytlintwo stiporvlse tlio nrrniiKomontB for nil the Monthly mid Seiul-An- iiiml Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Comrmnynntl In person mnnaire nnd control the lr wlnfstliom9olvc8 ( , nndthiittho name are conducted with honnaty , fulrneis and In Kood faith toward nil pnrtlo * . nnd wo authorl/o the Company to ua this certificate with fno-slm- lles of our signatures attached , iu lt odvortlw meats. " COMMISSIONERS. We the undersigned nnnk nml Bankers will j all Prizes drawn In The I/oulelaim State ES tterios which may bo presented ut our coun ters. J. If. OGI.KSIIV , Proi Louisiana KattonaTllk. l-IKKHK I.AXAU.V , I'ns Slatu National lllc ESu MAMHVIX , Pros. Now Orleans Nnflili\nk CAUL KUI1X , Prrs. Union National llnnk. Xl'IlKCEDENTElTATRTACTION ! u OVER AJILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisania State Lottery Comi > an Incorpoiiitel In B S , forrijvnrs by tlio for eiliicntloiml nnil clmrltiiblo imrpoi" rnpltnl of JI. < KWOI-to ) whirl ! it reserve fun" "fa Oft ) lull hlnce been added , Hrnnovcrwlu'lmlnu poptilur Tote It" fmnclilie WM maile u part of tlie pr "oiit8tiito cunitltiitluu uilopted Uccomliur 'ml , A. 1) IS7J. llioonly lottery o\orTotcd oa and endorsed by tbo people of nny etutu. It timer BCiilot or poatpohoa. Its G rand Single Number Draw Ings take place monthly , and the Semi-Annum Drawings regularly every x months ( Juno nnd Decein- " ' b"'SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOHTUNU. Seventh Grand DrnirlDfr , oliwa O , In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans. Tues day , July 13,1847 SlMth Monlhl } Drawing. CAPITAL PKIKB , * 15O.OOO. tyNotice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , 53. Fifths , $2. Tenths , $ ' . I CAPITAL Pltl'/.B OF J150.000. . . . lUKANUl'Hl/.UOF 5t ) ' ( > ' ? ' " 60.0J ) lOKANDFIil/KOV 20,000. . . BIjAHUK PKIS5K8OF 10.0110. . i'O.OOO 4I.A1U1BPUI2E3O1 ? 6.01W. . . J-UOOO 20 PH1/.E3 OF 1. < HJ. . LM.OOI 60 " W. . - juo ' : 'iw. ' . . : i < ) .ooo 200 " WO . 40,0(10 ( no mo . sainw l.uoo " HI > WHJO lOOAlipioxImfttlonrrlJcsot IW. . . . | 30WO 100 " " 100. . ' . lOJOOO -,179 Prlzoi nmoimtlng to . , . . f.'hWOtO Ai'pHciitlon ' forrluh rnto nhould lie inuaBOuljr o tin-nmro of Ihoonipmir In New Orlmiin Forrurtnor lnfnrnnitl n "rile ilenrly , eUlnir full ddrnti rOSrAI < MlKSeipre nioni'T or.l r or uwor KiLlmniiolnnrdlnnrr letter. Currency bj ciprcsi Iutouroipoii ealde < fei1 * II. A. IIAHI III. ' , NKW OIU.KANS , Iu , , Or M. A. DAUrillX , WASHINOTOV , D. C. Atltlresa ItegMered letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK P V Af T ? M Tl V 1 ? That th prsienca of K , til JU Kt Oi JJ fj II uenervli lleniireif.nl nd Xtrlr , who r In ohnruo of the ilrnwlnas , it auar- ot * ot Kb < olutB fulrneii nd InUrrur , that tbt cbucci tro ll eiiiml , ami that na one a ponlblr taat nuroli r will draw a 1'rtie. UKMKMIIKIl thm the payment of U Priiei If ( H'AKASTEKl ) II V Klllllt NjkrIIISAI. HANKHOf New Orleann , and Iho Tickets are signed 117 thoproildent of an Institution , whose chnrtercnl rlfihtt are rocog- nlied In lh blithest cmirta ) therefore , beware of an ? Imitations ornnoarmom schemat I > l > t taH < ltai * . . lndl.cretlc.ni or nu ui , mild , othlnf cumnu of tctlIkntitk allwttk rirtrnito [ B nr U/cur ijJallir i onUil ThattadiaCUctrleC * . INSTALMENT DEALERS Will tindjuitwotltbejrneed A FULLLlNt RF iNSTALMENTjiOODS kuM only to elNSTALMENTTR DE. brttdIn-sslng IMTALMKNT UCIIKIU' bUl-fLV Co. . ICrle. J l GOLDEN SEAL for iiieu. curea In 3 days vend ( or partlculara , JLUCH AL CO , WLocuitit SULoul * THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOC3 IB THI LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THC It produces Practical Beinlti in Baking and Boasting never before attained in any Cooling Apparatui , and will Itaolulionizs ItoPmenltoMs of Cooking ITS I * , that nil Food Bund or KonsUd. should b 8oo lnfnwbnirfre.lymlinltt d to tkcimn. Tlil.l.dono bidlK rdin th ole > oTondoor htreloronim * 1. iinl ubiUtallnalor Itadoor containing o iliMtot Wlrn Gauze nmrljro" large n the door tutlr. Through th ! Gauze Door the air freely Circulate ! , ( ncllltatlnn tboprocemof cooklux.nml producing food that It unniimlle I In flcror iu > I nu trition , and iictuallr cooled with lei ยง cou.umptioii ot fuel than in ao oven with ft closed door. It makes impnormoin saving In the welsnt orment. It alao produces larger Loaves of Bread , reaulrei lesn attention from the cook , and promote ! th health of the fnmllj br tbo HJITKIOU QUALITY or Tii roan cooKro in IT. OPINION OF AN EXPERT. MBH. Minr \\itcn \ , TeachrrDoraOTtioKfono'ny. low * State Unlv r ity. par * : "Mr deliberate JudKimnt ti that thooven of tha Kancn , an compared with oilier * , it not onlj more eauallr heatPd i n * Tori i art-front ft i well rear tmtainrusultof ito tuperior ventilation thefood placid therein li bettercooked. hllntnln < fn > a iwMtr flavor , and larxer proponlonof 'lubmt ' i'lffoi. I Hnd. l o , that tbeconnuniinlon ot fuel In tUu 1UOBO U much lo = tbaa nj other lor Bitua work. " IENB FOR IlLUSTMTED CIRCULARS AMD PUCE LIST EXCELSIOR MAKF'C CO. . ST. LOUIS. CHABTZB OAK STOVES and BAN OES are BOLD IN NEBRASKA 81 follow * MILTON ROGERS & SONS . OMM . P , KENNEY , . , . GORDON. DALLAS & LKTSON , . HASTINGS. E C. BREWER , . HAY SPRINGS. H.AtRD&CO . NEMAiK * CITV. W. F. TEMPLPION , . NELSON. I. n STURDEVANT & SON , . ATKINSON. J.KASS&CO . CIIADRON. KRAUSE , LUBKER& WELCH , . . . COLUMBUS. OLDS BROS . EofiAt TANNLLL&SWEKNEY . rAinBUKV. GE1TLR& FACER , . FRAi.kU . N. 1. JOHNSON , . . . NORTH BRNO. I J McCAFfERTY . , . O'NEILL CITY. K HAZLEWOOD. . . . OS OLA. l.S DUKE . PLATTSMOUTH. A. PEAUSON. . STKIILING. I G. GREEN. . STPOMSBURG. J.A PADOENS.SON , . bLMRIot. T1MMLKMAN & 1-KAKER . VBRDON- The Best and Safe s Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , bead of St. Marys' Av enue. James & Smith South , Omaha. OMAHA DEPOT Base-Hall Supplies , Lawn X. Tennis & Athletic Uonds. . A PORTING GOODU COLLINS GUN Co. , 1312 DM las Street DRS.S.&D.DAVIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo , University College Hospital - tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Haiing devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES , More especially thse arising from impiu- dence , in\ite all so suffering to correspond \\itliout delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and \\ithotit the use of dangerous drugs. I'a- ticntshose cases ha\e been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning thcfr symptoms All letttrs receive immediate attention JTJST PUBLISHED. And uill be mailed I'RIIE to any addrets on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and 1'hvMCil Exhaustion , " tohich is added an ' CbS.xy on Mariiage , ' with important chap ters on Diseases ot" the Reproductive Or gans , the \\hole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address , DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St .St. Louis. Mo. EDUCATIONAL- AN AN C'olleKO. Den Molnes. Iowa. A CALL School for ( ilrls. I'ull Course * of Utility , fpeclttl alvnntiiKos In Music , Art , Mod ern LiiiiRUH dS unil Klocntlon. Fall tmm bo * King Hopt. l-tli. Addruss tha prvsldont , C. 1 < - ' . I'oinoroy. _ Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young I.ndle ? icopoiu Sept 1. Cello o I'lOparntoij.CliiSblcnl and SeU'iitlOc Orndiint- liiu'coiiiM.'i. KOI cltculnrs ndilre KM VIA O. CONIU ) , I'rliiLlpnl.of 11.11. IIUWAIU ) , Bccro- turyVebt Uriclifowator , Mius. JyUttiw ilt ALBANY LAW SCHO OU Tlilrtj-sovcnth year beting Sept. Cth , 18S7. For clrculmo or spoulitl infniuiiiUon addr ; B Hoincoi : Smith. I , Ij. I ) . Doiui. Albany , N. V. SOMERViLLt SCHOOL ST. CIiAlK , MICH. rdt"of - Unly. Tiorouuhn < HHln orcry rte pnrtnicnt. llull > llni. > il"K'aiitlr lurnl hcil lli'itol "Illirleun l.Ulitel nllli KII Wutfr from 81 t'lrilt Ulvtr Hitporlor iul\nntui04 In muftlo nnd itrt. Ad * Urtbs for tlrculHr. 6UMKUVILI.K M'HOOI , . Pt.Cliir , Midi. "EVELYN COLLEGET For oung women , 1'r'iicelon , N. J. Prospectus , fullparticulars , sent on ap- plicatonto I. II. M Klvaine. _ PH1LADKLIMIIABKMINAUV 10KYUNlLAIIi.SlU5Noith ( ( : HroaiHt I'hlladolphla. 17lh } oar bnirlns Sept. 21st , 18iT. Addruxs MU < It. K. JUDKINH , I'nnolpnl , who r > ifcrs 1 > ) spuolnl purmlsslon to Mr. and Mi * , John N , Jowutt , ) Mr. mid .Mrti. I'hlllp 1) ) . Armour , /Chicago. Mr and Mrs Iliirnce I * . Wmto , ) ON 30 DAYS1 TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS llu a 1 ltd different from all ibtrc , U run ihat > * . with K lf. iljuftfnc lull In centernl pt .jtlf to all ( MMllluu of Uiu body whll * lh tMlll In th.cup " k. IVPresaea back w lnts- i tlnen Just on a parson do with the finger. wnhnentt > rfnurBih t.ir. Bl T h lI wuriJT rtuj und niahl , ud a rullr&l etira cert.li-lt culanircc. ( U taj , d'iStL".Md.c.h.fPS tOtlLbTUl ! . , nt Catai lir mall > , W Cir , ' afcE , pSf.lI UvrM * ftKIr tr-M Bnt-ll nli > 1 ruM.combined. Oua.rani fdtb j ontOM In tli * world ( r0h ratlnir - kcaoopnaoufcrtf < * A/ornla ( . . ' . , * - rvrrmt. SoUntlBe.I'owcrful. Durable 7 ( > imfort hl uA IffMilri , ATOM fr ud * . kAL 0 riJtOTHIO JIELT * FOh .nb L * . It. HORNE. UVINTOI. 181 WAIASJ1 AVL. CHICACO- MEN/ / WOMEN AND- MIflAIXJVITCHS HUNGARIAN EFFICIENT REMEDY DIARRHOEA , DYSENTERY f CHOLERA MORBUS t 1 ItnporteJ and Uottled \ > y Mihalovitch Fletcher & Co. , Cincinnati , O. For sale i/y the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Ulake , Bruce & Co. , Adler & lief- ler , M. Woolstein , Gladstone Bros. & Co , Frank Dellone , R. R. Grotte. Sample bottle Free. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware 'I he largest stock. 1'riccj the lowest. Rejiairing a iptcialtv. Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 16lh streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Unigji 1'acific Railroad Company. PILES , SALT RHEUH and oil akin dlsensen. A nsii inathodof fora- llnR 'Jar. A Cure cuninnttrd , 01 inouiiy roliiixloil. tvild by dmucliti , and Ht tbn nUlo * of TAR-OID CO. , 73 lANDOtPHST. CHIC1DO. IV : * , l , WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE ntitTerltitr fnm , < i , < of juuiivT 01 Old cuitd ) > y fnn um t littro AS BRIGHT'S ' DISEASE , DROPSY & Diabetes ate Cured by the Usahel Mineral Spring Water Deathi frim them are lacrltlcei , DlicliarKei , itrlc- tures. | rontiilu ( .Iniul , rirlrcirale , lilu.nlcr . unit rhronleUlinutei c uie them anil niurt ho ( tired by Ilia AiHhnl Meillral Murei < uKurop aii aoil Ainurlcim tpfdallit plirilPlan'a locxland Internt pa fprtrom. rdlmorlhniuiTrrari Hniloit Old | IIT ICU'I | ilric undbouk. with iiiinlculiiri and euro , Ir OHi" 291 UroinlTriiy.Jfow York. PENNYROYAL PILLS " ' ENGLISH. " "CHICHESTER'S . The Orltfliml anil Only Ofii l I ViUtlil * R.u ' worthUa * I u LADIES. * > k ' " ) " Ml" V " ' , , tiltk t r r il l O fcj .U e .rrwk r. - * ' * ' " " < - ' ' ' jffcjj * " r ir fal FUla , TaXMXtW MLSIIMlll FLOUR Miulo ( mm nuuul whom il' l ( Join Klour nmdu MHkoi UOIIM itud imtftclu , lnvUoralui th0 Ijniln , liuniilliuiiii tin ) IHTVI-V viiriQlici the hlooj. Riitrurcriirriim dnp iiillii , luillsoillon , ron > tl | < * tlon dlulK'tc's llrlnlil i dlmM'a , i'tn , will rind U luntlun- bin ( . ( XIII I Dll U'Kf , ! , I'KUIM.K Onlttrllnf yoiir dealer Kiilnu'c ' [ HCUiiKO f ran to ! ilir U-liiiil w hci will pay rxi'r- * * ( lmrui'1 l ruular nUliuIiill ptrtlo > i- Iir rn applientlnn. 'WclHliaiis , J'iatt & IIiiinoH , Oiualia.NcI ) Curtiul Sp03lnltles. DR.OTTERBOUBG Cor.13th IL Dodge St ) . Omaha , Neb. CURES All V # * ntii l h/ Iinpriilcne * , tfit\f \ AbuM ) , t ir M ( Uti- Inrlnwk t mil klirnn for/nn Infhrmitlon. Contu jiertonaUy rr t > / Pl'il rt * nil ( 'rtifl VnlUL iMTtm llauri 9 in II in,2tufc iwl tolum SCIENTIFIC WoodbridgeBrothers STATK AGKNTS TOK THL Decker Brothers OMAHA , KIJIIASKA.