Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    - - " ' - " ° - . t . .
r"rrr TT
* r An Unexciting Day of Trading In the
f Wheat Pit.
i , Ucneral Halna Throughout tlio Went
* > -jjj Cauac the Corn Mnrkrt to Take
! T"a tjuclilen Drop Ucneral
, ' Quotations.
, . CIIICAOO , July S. [ Special Telegram to
; the UKK.I There was nothing very exciting
in wheat speculation to record to-day , The
\ " market opened ( rather active and a shade
lower , ana nold off X@c. The weather
was a prime factor of the depression and this
proved to be theKovcrnlng Influence through *
out the day. Shortly after the noon hour
the secretary announced that the visible sup
ply showed a decrease ot 4,200,000 bushels
and a little while afterwards tlio exports for
the week were posted showing that the
clearances of wheat and Hour from Atlantic
ports aggregated 3,487,000 bushels. These
statistics gave the bulls some courage nnd
caused the covering of shorts , as a result of
which August wheat advnnced from 71B'c
to 71J @ 7.Jc , September from 7c to 74c , nnd
December from 7bX < ! to 78J c. In a little
while the market lost Its hrmncss of tone
and a moderate sntialdcnco of values fol
lowed. The feeling was weak at the close
nnd the range of quotations was 7 :
for August , TUJfc tor September , and
for JJucember. This Is a little cheaper
all around than Friday. July wheat
participated In thu Improvement nnd held
the ground gained. The top ortlcial quota
tion was C'JKc , though 70c was paid for tally
60,000 bushels just before the close. Thu of'
. flclal record makes C'J c the Inst price. Trad-
. Ing. was very light in the pit taking the ses
sion through , though tliero were periods of
activity now and then. Thuro was no
grand swell and no decisive Indication of a
genuine governing force In any direction to
guide Investors while the board was nu-
Journcd over for the Fourth.
The general rains throughout the westgave
the grain Ilnld such a thorough soaking that
all fenrs of Injury to crops by much dry
weather were dissipated. It Is therefore not
surprising that heavy liquidation nnd soiling
out bv Ionics In corn wns witnessed to-day ,
and thnt prices took n shn.'p down turn.
There was nothing to hold the market up or
Bteady. The whole crowd of speculators ,
Including even the bulls , could picture noth
ing In their mind's eye but acres ot waving
corn , and were as conlident. apparently , of
"tho biggest crop on record" as though it wns
already in the crib nnd the covcrnuicut re
turns nil In. The market opened # @ * rfc
under last Friday's closing hguren ,
with October { c elf , the start-
In ! ; sales being at 37c for August ,
8 Kc for September and 3'Jc for October.
Tlio largo offerlnus by Ionics nnd more or
less short belling caused a tuillier shrinkage
In values of l@lc , nud tliero was little erne
no recovery during the regular session , the 1
o'clock quotation standing atTWc for July.
Bfic ( ( for August , 'i'J c for September , and
87Xc for October. The latter future wns the
weakest In the list , showing a break ol ' "a'c.
In August and September property there was
a decline ot l'l ( < 41)c.
Oats sympathized with corn , nnd In lend
ing futures tliero wns n decline of Ji@c.
The shorts were the principal buyers nml the
lonirs were Belling out. trndo aggregating n
fair volume. The llnlsh wns not ns weak
tinder tills hcnd ns In corn , July property
doling tlio snino as Friday last , nt > ! tC.
August rested nt ' > ) iQ > J4Q together , and
September at'JfiVc.
In the provision pit the extended holiday
recess failed to stimulate business. Operators
wore in nboutthcusiuil attendance , but the
interest shown wns only moderate , nnd the
day passed In a rather featureless manner.
Outsldo orders of nil descriptions were ap
parently limited. Tlio speculation Indulged
in , which was purely local and barely fnlr In
volume , was confined wholly to lard nnd
short rib.In ) these articles August nnd
( September were thu most active deliveries.
Pork WHS Inactive , not oven mentioned nnd
entirely nominal. Lard nnd short ribs worn
well supported , though thu tormur eased elf
a little and the close was dOe. lower than Fri
day's last quotation. Short i Ibs closed for
July 7Jic higher , and for later deliveries un
changed. _
CHICAGO , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK.J Trade was active , with a turn
in prices considerably stronger than Friday
last , slnco which time tliero has not been a
sufficient amount of business transacted to
mnke a market. Taking the lot of stlllers
that sold at S M'J for comparison , values lire
0@25c higher tlmn during the recent donros-
elon. This advance , however , Is In only the
very best corn-fml stock. Grassy nnd com
mon stock has not yet begun to mnko much
of an advance over the low prlco of the past
three weeks. There were liberal shipping
orders , nnd Crawford , the Canadian exporter ,
was on thu market. The great bulk of fresh
receipts were natives , hence Texans
were scarce and bold substantially
higher than last week. Common cow
stock Is away down and In likely to remain
there for some months. There were not
halt a doien loads of stockers. Shipping
steers. 1W : ) to l.MW Ibs , S3.M > < tf4.r > 0 ; l.UOO to
1,850 Ibs , SU50@4.00 : ; UBO to l.'JOObf \ , Sil.HS ®
8.75 ; stackers and feeders , 8'J.OO@i.40 : ; cows
bulls and mixed. Sl.7U@ii.oo ; steers , S'iV > ( S
f C.Si ; Indians , S3.0.y : i.GOcows , ja.i.'OQ'.a * .
llociR Trudoopenod brisk , with the "plung
ers" In the front , paying an advance ol
tcover Friday's clotting prices. The grcal
bulk sold at tfi.UOGl.VlO , a few fancy butchoi
weights at fbl\ and n fmv scalawags nl
t3.lW35.20. Light sorts were worth 85.20Q
6.80 and sold largely ut 55/25.
NEW VOIIK , July 5. jSpeclal Talcgrarr
D to the HICK.I STOCKS The block markoi
opened very tamely to-day. The few opera
tors who remained In the city over the Kourtl
were Inclined at first to bu bullish , bnt bofon
lone traders took advantage of the absence01
the leaders to raid the market. There ap
peared to bo no amount of long stock foi
ale , but there was r off ort to resist the ham
inorlng. The active Intluence In depressing
blocks wns thu manipulation of the loat
market from 8 per cent up to 10 < 313 , whllt
bank loans on tlrua were steady nt 0 percent
The latest cables from London 6:20 : p , m.-
quoted American securities weak. Louis
Tlllo A Nashville declined } { c , und St. Pan
declined X Per cent The g routes t drop wa :
In Louisville & Nashville. European house :
Bold It down to fiJKc , aud local houses forcet
a It toffle. Tlio market closed In an exceeding ! ;
unsettled state , the only bright outlook belui
an easier money prospect. The total sale
for the day were 110,187 shares.
UOVKKXMKCTS Uorotnuient bonds wen
ctull aud heavy.
U. S. 4'8couponl28"tfC. " AN.V 1
Li ,
MONKT ox CAM. Loaned at from 3 to 1
per cent ; closed oflen'd at 4 per cent.
PltlVIK MtllCAXTIt.K PAl'Klt StrfSK P
cent ,
STKKI.INO KXCIIANOE Dull and steady a fur sixty day bills , and I4.KJX for dc
OtilosiKo , July S. Following quotation
UtUio 'JUUcloiilDK ;
Flour Dull , steady and unchanged.
Wheat Moderately active , ana lower all
nround ; opened at Friday's to Vo
lower and closed about tfVc ; below Friday ;
cash , 09 @ 70o ; August , 71 ll-10c ; Septem
ber , 73 { c.
Corn Active , weak and unsettled , and
trading of larger volume thtin for some days ;
nmrkvt closed considerably lower all around ;
cash , 85Vc ; August , ao 6-lGc ; September ,
Oats Weaker ; -prices declined , but recov
ered ; cash , 25Yc ; August , 25fc ; September ,
llyc Dull at 50c.
Harley-'Dull at CGc for September.
Flax Seed-81.11.
Timothy Seea-Priuie , 82.11.
Whisky 81.10.
Pork-Quiet and steady ; cash , 814.00 ®
Lard Quiet , steady mid more or less favor-
nblo to buyers ; cash , SO.52WQfl.B5 , August.
S0.rx0.6jSeptember ( ; , Sii.TK30.T2Ji.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders. S. ' > .40 ( < t.1 > .H ) ; nhort
clear , S7.ttX38.00 ; short ribs , 7.fiO@7.C2K.
Butti-r Firm ; creamery , lC@20c ; < tnlry ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 7J {
ftSc ; Hats , 7Jf < vi8i < c ; young Americas , 8Jf
( U'.ic ! skims , 4ift5ic.
Kt'gs ll@ll > < c.
Hidei-Uiictiaugcd ; heavy green salted 7 ! c ;
Unlit do , TJ OJSc ; salted bull hides , Cc ; green
salted calf , Be ; dry Hint. I2$13c ( ; dry calf ,
13rtl to ; deacons , 40u each ; dry salted , lOe.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at4c ; No. 2,3c ; cake , 4c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 1 , CO ( ) Cooo
Wheat , bu 17tiOO 333.000
Corn , bu 104.000 fcOS.OOO
Onts , bll Ul.OOO 124,000
Itje. bu 0.000 1,000
Unrloy , bu 4,000 1,000
Now Vorlc. July S. Wheat Hccolpts ,
137.3.W ; exports , MH.OOO ; spot lots of spring
rather easy , winter J@Kc higher , closlne
tlriu ; options advanced iifHc most marked
on . ( lib/closing linn at near the best. Un-
Kradeir red , 7bwsu c ; No. : red. K3fc ! : No. 1
red , nominal ; No. ii rud , August , cluslng at
Corn Spot lots declined KW < c and op
tions % @Xc , closing lu-avy ; receipts , ItH-
200 : exports , 90.000. Ungraded. 45M40c ; No.
2 , ViMdSMXc In elevator , 40c delivered ;
AugiiHt closing , _ _ .
Oats M@Kc higher ; receipts , 134,000 ; ex
ports , 071 ; mixed western , a4 < < i3Gc ; white
western , 3S@41c.
Petroleum Steady ; United , Clc.
Eggs Dull nnd heavy ; western , 14 } < @
Pork Steady nnd moderately active.
Lard Opened a. trille better , closing weak
and lower : western steam soot. 57.00.
Butter Firm ; demand fair ; western , NXyl
1'Je ; western creamery , lS@l'Jc.
Cheese Firmer and in lair demand ;
western , GJfC'Wfc.
Minneapolis , July C. Wheat Strong ;
AUKU31 , IUU , OUPICU1UUI , * T4 . Vf. Hf 1IVJ1 LIIVA II ,
July , riUJfc ; August , 71c ; Jsoptombcr72) c.
On track : No. 1 hard , 74 ,74Hc ; No. 1 north-
em , 7.S < 37Htfc ! ; No. 2 northern , 71 < W71 ! e.
Flour Quiet ; patents , 4.10@4.25 ; bakers' ,
lloceiDts Wheat. 40,000 bu ; flour 12.5 bbls.
SUipments-Wlmat , 2'J,000 bu ; Hour , 20,500
Milwaukee , July 5. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 7i/fc ; / ; August , T2\c ; September , 74 } c.
Com Quiet ; No. 2 , 'Me.
Oats Firm ; No. 3 white. Sic.
Hyo Easier ; No. 1 , 55J c.
liarley Irregular ; Supteinlior , C4c.
Provisions Steady. Pork near S14.50.
Cincinnati , July 5. Wneat In fnlr de
mand , but lower ; No. 2 red , 73@74'j'c.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , iilc.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 89 > c.
Hio-Dull : No. 2 , COc.
Pork Dull at Slfi.OO.
Lnrd-Firm at S0.20@fl.25.
WUlsKy Firm at 51.05.
St. Louis , July 5.--Wheat Higher ; cash ,
W 7JWc : Anifust. 74c.
Corn L'ower ; cash. 32 } ( a lc ; AtiRtistooc.
Oats Dull ; cash , 26Jfii20xl ( ' c ; Augtibt , 24c.
Wlilskv hteady at S1.03.
Pork Firm at 815.00.
Lard Firm at S0.45.
Butter In good demand for best grades ;
creamery , irxglSc ; dnlry , 10$15c. (
KanHaH City , July ! > . Wheat DullNo.3 ;
red , cash , Julv nnd August , no trnnsactlons ;
September , COc bid.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 2Stfc ;
Site bid ; .September , ! ! lonsked.
Oats No. B , cash , 27Kc asked.
New Orlcutm , July 5. Corn Dull
nnd lower ; mixed , 4Sc ; yellow , 4SX ; whlto ,
Oats Quiet but steady nt SOJnrHc. (
Cornmenl-Quiet and linn at S2.:5U@2.35. :
Hog Products Unsettled , but m-nernlly
higher ; potk , Siri.oO ; Inrd , retincd , tierce ,
iiuik Meats Shoulders , S5.87K' long clear
nnd clear libs , S7.75.
IjlTp liool.JulyS. Wheat Demand poor ;
holdt'rs offer freely.
Corn Quiet ; holders offers freely.
ChluuKo , July 5. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cnttle Receipts. 8,000 : slow nnd steady ;
shipping steers , $ ! ) .3.'i@4.50 ; stockers nnd
feeders , $2.00 ( 3.40 ; cows , bulls und mixed ,
81.70 < ai.OU : ; Texaus , SiOO@3.GO.
Hogs Itecclpts. 10.000 ; Rtrong nnd 5c
higher onrlv , closing easier ; rough aud
mixed , . 'i.OOJ5.20 ( ; packing nnd shipping ,
S5.10C45.35 ; light , ? 5.00iJ5.27K ( ; skips , 53.00
@ 4.70.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives ,
8:1.00134.2:1 : ; western , 3.00 < S3.r)0 ; Toxnns ,
82.fiOaa.75 ; Inmbs , per head , Sl.W .OO.
The Drovers' Journal special cablegram
from London quotes the supplies of cattle
heavy ; trade terrible ; best statuscattlo , 10' c
peril ) , sinking ollal ; lowest prices in the
history of the American export trade.
National Stock Yard * . East St.
Liouli , 111. , July 5. Cattle Receipts ,
4,500 ; shipments , 800 ; steady ; choice heavy
nntlve steers , S4.30 ( < $4.50 ; fair to good .sliiji-
plng steers ; UK > 'r4.iV , butchers' steers , fair
to choice. 83.(104.15 ( ( ; feeders , fair to good ,
$3.10 < i\3.0 ; stockers , fair to good , 32.20C < { 3.uo.
Hogs Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments , 400 ; ac
tive and lOc hidier ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , > < g5..r ; packers and
Yorkers , medium to prime. 85.00 ( < j5.15 ; pigs ,
common to good , f4.40@4.90.
Kannao City , July S. Cattle Receipts ,
( Saturday ) ! > ,500 ; shipments.000 : good linn ;
common , weak and neclccted ; good tc
choice , corn-fed. fS.tWftt.lO ; common to
medium , 3.a > cit3.W ) ; stockers.
steers , S3.0or < * 3.25 ; cows , Sl.r > ,
lloes Receipts , 4,500 ; slilpiuonts , 2,500 ;
strong and 10c higher ; common to choice ,
84.40c (5.00 ; skips and pigs , J3.'X1.30. ' )
Tuesday , July 5.
Pursuant to the petition of tlie commission
men the scale houses weie closed all day ye
tunlay. No cixttlo weiu received and oulj
550 hogs and seventy horses.
The run of cattle to-day was not heavy. .
There was very little change In the markul
since Saturday. Them was not very mud
llto In the market , however about everything
The fresh receipts to-aav were light bui
taking thojo held over from Sunday nut
Monday , the otTorlngs were liberal. Tin
market opnned at an advance of 5@lOc. Tin
salesmen were holdlnc back , however , foi
stronger prices and thern was not inucl
done during the forenoon , as the buyers ant
salesmen worn too far apart. In thu alter
noon they cut loose and sola ut un ndvnnci
of .V < S10o. Kver > thing was sold bofoie tin
, market closed.
{ Thcie were none In and nothinc ilolnz.
llogs. .
ProvallliiK Prlooi.
ShowInKtheprovalllns prlcui p.tld for lira
stock on this markrt :
Choice steers , 1300 to l.VX ) lb3..84.00 J.10
Choice st < ers. IHW to 180J IN' . . . 8.00(34.00 (
Fat llttlH steers uoo to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.50 ( < : i.85
Extra dunce cows and heifers. . . . H.lvi3.'i5
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75i3.oo
Common to medium cows . 2.2.X ° C2.M
Uood to choice bulls . 2.75a3.00 (
LU-tit and medium IIOLM . 4.70M 4.SO
( ! oed to choice heavy hogs . 4.SOf34.90
Good to choice mixed hog's
nopreiciiiative dale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr.
59. . . .1371 : t.80 27. . . .1263 J3.WI
18. . . . 1201 8.W 81. . . . 1237 S.'JO
115. . . .1217 3.S3 24..1UX ) 4.00
No. Av. Pr. No.
a. . . .1285 < 2. rj 12. . . . per head 818
No. Ar. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
31. . . . tvty S2.00
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Hhk. Pr.
M..S15 U.-'O ' 84.70 75. . . . ' . ' 40 40 14.85
2:1. : . . . IS 4U 4.75 CO. . . . 242 40 4.85 <
07 . . .SSI 120 4.KO 57. . . . 278 120 4.S5
C1..2TO 200 4.K ) 75. . . .337 120 4.S5
73. . . . 214 120 .bO 02. . . , 281 40 4.85
G'J.,253 ' 100 4.H ) ri . . . .243 . . 4.85
M . . .108 100 4.N ) CO. . . . 251 100 4.00
07. . . . 2:17 : 120 4.S ) 57 304 240 4.1 > 0
74. . . . 229 120 4.J-0 t..2fa 129 4. ! > 0
B2..2."l 200 4.N ) rJ.B7 ! 120 4.W
04..23J K ) 4.W CC..2C3 bO 4.00
Live Stock Bold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
OD the market to-day
Anglo-American Parking Co . 519
O. II. Hammond ifc Co . * . . 500
Squires A Co . 423
Harris Fisher . 07
Shipment * .
Showing the number of c.ittlo. hogs and
ehcep shlpp.'d from the yards during the day.
No. cars. Rt. Dest
4 . N. W . Chicago
8 . R. I . Jollct
4 . N. W . Chicago
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per cwt llvo wol'ht unless otliorwlsostated.
Dead hogs sell at KG per Ib. for all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than lua Ibs.
no valuo. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDs.
and stags 80 lbby thuuubllo Inspector.
General Produce.
Tuesday. July 2.
flic folloivlnfi < h'C the prices t tt/ilc/t / /
round luts of jiiudiicc lire xulil In tlilsunir-
let. 1'lic < i\wttitlonis \ on fruits nnd other
cnmmo < ZIlc ( < sinpind in from tlMuncr. are
the prices at tc/ileh / oitfsWc orders arc tilled :
KGOS The receipts are fairly liberal and
fully equal to the demand. Mocks aie
moving for the most part at ll@HKc.
BWITKH The iccelpts are heavy ana
stocks have to be moved quickly to prevent
accumulations. There Is very little of even
the best dairy butter that goes at more than
12c. Fair to good butter Is selling at 'J ' ®
CIIP.KSK. Full cream Cheddars , single ,
OJtfc ; full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Young
Americas , lie ; fancy Swiss , 20c ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25cLlmturger , 12c : brick , KiiJilOo.
POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce.
Old potatoes are going at 00331.00 , accord
ing to quality. New potatoes at 2g2Xc (
per Ib. .
GAME There Is very little game Is season
at tliu present time nnd while the weather Is
ho warm it has to be handled with n great
deal of caro. Plover sells at 31.25 per doz.
and curlew at Sl.Ml per doz.
I'oui.THY There are a good many chick
ens coming In , both old fowls aud spring
chickens and the market Is a little unstable ,
there being a good demand one day and a
very light demand the next. Old fowls are
moving nt S2.25W5.00 with an occasional
coop of fanny nt SM/Jo , eood spring chickens
are sold at S2.W@,00. : There is no other kind
of poultry coming in , at least not enough to
inakon nun ket.
supply of raspheines and blackberries is
very limited. Blueberries nro moro plontl-
tul. Strawberries about played out. Cher
ries scarce and wanted. Peaches from the
south arriving mostly in bad condition ; Cali
fornia stock more desirable. Some box ap-
plairlvng. us i Black raspberries , per
24 qt case 4.40 ; red raspberries , nor
24 tit case , S3.00 ( < i3.25 : blackberries ,
24 qt case , S5.00 : blueberries , per
rer stand , S3.00@4.00 ; blueberries , her IB
qt box , S1.50@1.75 ; plums , per one-third bit
box , 81.25 ; peaches , southern , per half bu
box , SI.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box ,
75 : apples , per bbl , S5.CO.
VKUKTAIII.KS The market Is now well
supplied with a lauu variety of choice home
giown stock. New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
2'ilfo ; no wonloiiH , per bbl , $ : i.50per bubox ,
81.50 ; tomatoes , per Kbit , box , $1.2.r > ; toma
toes , per crate box , S2.feO ; cabbage per crate ,
LKMONS Kxtra fancy , per box , 17.00 ;
S box lots , fu.50 ; fancy , S0.50 ; choice , 85.00 ;
choice , 5 box lots , 84.50.
BANANAS Choice stock , 88.00(3:4.00. ( :
OAI.IFOIIMA FnuiTS Jiattlett pears have
arrived on the market. Apricots ,
perUOlb box , SI.75 ; plums , iier 20 Ib box ,
51.75 ; prunes , per 20 Ib box , 51.75 ; peaches ,
per 20 Ib per box , 51.75 ; Bartlett pears , per
40 Ib box , $3.50 ; red Astrnchan apples , per
box. S2.50.
WATr.iiMKi.ONB Watermelons , Georgia ,
per 100. SX > .
OKANOKS The market Is bare to-day
Riverside Mediterranean Sweets , per box ,
85.00 ; ir box lots , S4.75 ; Santa Ann , S4.50 ; 5
box lots , 54.25.
General Markets.
YAIINISHKR Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ;
conch , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , § 1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70e ; a nhaltum ,
extra , 85c ; shellac , S3.50 ; hnrd oil finish ,
DHY PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12e ; Paris whiting. 8Ko ; whllinir , gilders ,
24c ; whiting , coui'I , life ; lampblack , Ger-
mnntown , I2c : lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian blue , Me ; ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke
brown , tic : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c :
sienna , blunt , -tc ; hlenna , raw , 4c ; Paris
greeu , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
2Jo ; chrome green , N. V , aOc ; vermilllon ,
American. 18c ; Indian , raw nnd burnt
umber , 1-lb cans , 12c ; rnw nnd mirnt sienna
1-c ; Vandyke brown , lic ! ; rohned Inmp-
black , 12e ; coach black nnd ivory black lOc ;
drop DlaeK , lUc ; ultrnmarine black , 18c ;
chrome green , L. , M. & I ) . , Ific ; blind and
shutter croon , I * . M. .V D. , lOc ; Paris green ,
liOc ; Indian reu , 15c ; Venetian red 9e ; Tus
can , ' . ' -c ; American vermilllon , L. A D. , 20c :
yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. it O. D. , 18c ; good
ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , 8c : graining color ,
light onk , dailc oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , I2c.
Ultras ANH CiinMicAT.s. Acid carbolic ;
50c ; acid tartnrlc , 62c ; baHam copaiba , per Ib ,
We : bark sasnfras.s. pur Ib , lOc ; calomel , per
Ib , Tttiv.chlncbonidiu , peroz,25Bchloroform ; ,
per Ib , COc ; Dover's powders , per Ib , S1.25 ;
cpsom salts , per Ib , 8fe ; glycerine , imro , per
Ib , SOe ; lead , acetate , per Ib , Sc ) ; oil , castor ,
No. 1 , per gal , Sl.fiO ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per
gal , S1.40 ; oil. olive , per gal , $1.40 ; oil , orlg-
annuui , ftOn ; opium , S4.50 ; quinine , P. A ; W.
nnd U. A. S. ) > er oz , 70c ; potosslum , iodide ,
per Ib. SII.2.J ; sallcln , ucr oz. lOc ; sulphate
morphine , per oc , S3.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
strychnine , per oz , St.10.
PAINTS IN OIL Whit * lead , Onuha , P P.
OJfc : white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mur
nellies , uree.ii , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; French zinc
green seal , lie ; Frcuch zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zlne , In varnfsh nsst. , SXJc ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , Kngllsh , in oil , 75c ;
red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , ajfc : Venetian red , American , l } c ;
red lend , 7Wc ; clnoine yellow , genuine , 2oc ;
chrome yellow , K. , 12c ; ochru , rochelle , 3c :
oelire , rrench , 2 fc ; ochie , American 1"
Winter's mineral , "Xci Lehlgh brown , 2
Spanish brown,2&e : Prince's mineral , Sc.
Si-iitiTs Cologne spirits , 183 proof , S1.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.10 ; do 188 proof.Sl.09. Alchohol ,
IhK proof. S2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 51.00(31.W. ( Gin blended S1.503
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.006.00 ; Ken
tucky ami Pennsylvania ryes , e2.oo@fl.50 ;
Goltirn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.MXKS.OU. lirandies , Imported 55.00(4S..Vj ( )
domesile , Ginn , imported , 84.50
f O.OO ; domestic , 81.2-Va3.UO. Chnmpagne.i
imported , per case , S-8.00@33.00 ; American
iii'r case. J10.lX > aiO.OO.
KIunR : ( ireeii butchers' , 5Wg6c ( ; green
cured , 75fc ; rtryfllnt , ll12cdry ( ; salt , OQtOc :
erpflii calf skins. 80 ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow 8c. Grease Prime
white. He : yellow , 2c : brown , IHc. Sheer
pelts , 25ffl75c.
HKA.VV HArmwAnr. Iron , rate S3.70 ;
plow bted , fipccml cast , 4Hc ; crucible steel ,
il ) < c ; cast tools , do , 12Sljc ( ! ; wagon spokes ,
per set , S2.uOa3.M ( ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel
lees , sawed , dry , Sl.fX ) ; tomjiie1 ! , each , bOc ;
axles , each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , Clii71c ( ,
cell chain , per Ib , uXM13c ; nmlluable , b lOc
Iron wudges , Oc ; crowbars , OR ; harrow tuolli
4 > , 'c ; spring Htoel. 4&t5c ; liunleu's hors'n
shoes , 54.75 ; liunleu's mule shoes , S. ' > .75
Barbed M Ire , In car lots , 14.00 per 100 lb
Iron n ils , rates 10 to 50 , 82.60 ; steel nails
Urncor'i Ijint ,
CoKKUK-Ordinarv grade * , 19KMKc : fair
20 < c21o { ; prime. 21 ( 2J ; choice , 22 < ! { 24 ; tanci
green and yellow , 23@25c ; old givernt mi
Java , 23 ( < J2c ; Interior Java , 2l@2tV ; Mocha
SS ® : ! Arhuclcht'R , roasted 'H'fai Me
LaiiKhlin'i XXXX , Vfc ; Wlworth's , E4c
Red Cross , 24 fc.
SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. Sl.SOgl.n-3 (
Now Orleans , per Kllon , 3b.Z4flc ( ; maph
yrup , half bblB , "old time , " per gallon , ? oc
l.gallon cans , per doz , 110.00 ; half gallon
cans , per doz. &v > 0 ; quart cah , J3.00.
CAKtiv-Mlxeil , 8i < aiM ! t-tlck. .
CRACKKUS ( Jarneau's BOda , butter and
picnic , 4j-fc ; creams , 7'fc ; ganger sn p-S 'He ;
city soda , 7 | < c. i .
PICKKI.S Medium. In bbln , 17.00) ) do I
half Dbls , S4 00 ; unmll. lnbbl , , SdOO ; dn , I
half bbls. 94.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 8U.OO ; do.
In halt bbl.s 95.00.
Uttri i tt. _ M * > Anllln
powdered ,
CANNKH ( ioot ) Oysters , standard , per
rx p. SiliOit.l.lO ; strawberries , a Ib. per cax ,
a.30 ; rnsplierrlon , t Ib. per ca e , 2. . 'X32.45 ;
California | H'argpercase,84 ; 8004.40 ; apricots ,
per case. 83.50(33.fX ( ) ; vcachcsi per case. S4.7XS
4.8o\vhlteclierrlcs ; , percale , 55.M ; plums , per
caset3.40@n.SOblueDerrlespercasc.Sl.S5eirK ; ;
plums , 2Io. per case , 82.60 ; pineapples , a Ib.
per case , ; 1 Ib. mcckrrel , per dor ,
* ! . : ; 1 Ib. salmon , per dor. , Sl.&o l.W ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , | > er cnxe , Sl.W : a Ib. Etrlmc
benns , per case , 81.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , per
case , ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case ,
$ 'J.40ga.ftO ( ; 2 Ib. early June peas , per case ,
i-2-75 ; 8 Ib. tomatoes , Ca.50 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
Dry Iminbcr.
12 ftlH ft'18 ' ft'l ' * fl20 | ft'w ' ft'24 ' ft
I7.IHI 17.B0.17.H ) > .M > IB.M 0 .50 'I'iBO '
17.5U17.5U | | 7.M 18.W IU 0 -.60 , .60
17.70 17. I M I7.M 18 , WJ \VM \ S2.W 22.W
I7.M ) I7.fi0 I n.fx ) IP.W ) l .KISJ.8n , .ri3
4-M2. . . IS.60I 18.M
No. 1 , com , sis 519.0g
No. 2 , com , sis 17.50.
No. 4 , com , s 1 s U50
No. 1,4 AO In , 12&14tt. rough 510.00
No. 2 , " " " 18.00
A , 12 , 14 and 16ft. S22.00
U , " " 20.50
0. " " " 15.00
D , " " " 13.UO
1st com , 4 in AVhlte Pine Ceiling S34.00
Clear , ? , ' In. Norway PlnoCclllng 10.00
A Cinch white pine fM.M |
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
E" " " " ( SeVFu'n'p ) . . . . . . . . iuioo
A121no.hs. l.s 840.00
No. 1 , com. 12 In a. I s. , 12 fc 14 20.00
" " i n I'J.oo
No. 2 " " " 12&24H 18.00
" " " 10ft 17.00
1st and 2d , clonr. 1JInch. . s.2s 850.00
3d , clear , 1 Incti , s. U s. , 845 ; Itf , \ % , 2 In 47.00
B select , 1 Inch , s.2 s.,8tO ; ; l > i , l < t , 2 In 8T.OO
White cedar , 0 In. , HS. , 12 > tfc ; 0 in. qra. , lie.
Roailj fur ui In ono minute : TOI l her , time nnd
troublu ; contain ! Hit the InKivdlvntii u ert br laiinrtrj-
men ! lT hanilwiraer inll ) htliiii an ; other St i h
tor miinufiicturcd ! It If put up In KlU.t , POtlMJ
1'ACKAOES. no thort wel ht . One pound equal
two pountli of any other Sturch. Sold br ll l Brrt
clutt Ktoaet ! . who muplj SAMI'LK PACKAGE
TK flsooiurirT or rmi
Il/rcaionof Itt central posltlonclo e latlontollon
Kaat of Chicago , and continuous line * at ttrmln&l
points West , Morthvuot and Bouthorit , l the true
middle link In that tranii'ontlncntil y tnn which
linltos ou.l fiollHitea travel anil traH ! between the
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Jlock IiUnd main line and tranches Include Chicago
cage , Joliet , Ottawa , L . hallo , JVorla , Orneseo , Mollne
ar.d Hock If land. In Illinois ; Vutrnport , Muscatlno ,
Washington , Falrfleld , OttumwnOskaloo a , Weit
erty.Io * a CltyIfiMoln , lndlanolaWlnUr ct , Atlan
tic , KnoxTllle , Audubcn , Harlau , Gnthrlo Ctntro and
Council Illurts , In Iowa : Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. Jostnn ,
Camerun nnd Kansas City , In Missouri ! Learcnworth
and Atchlson , In Kansas 11 t I-ea , Minneapolis and
fit , I'aul.lnUlnnmotat watertown and Blom Falli , In
Dakota , and hundrrds of cities and towns.
. "The Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and nafety. Its
permanent wuy Is dlsUntruuhcd f or Itscicollcnce. Its
IrMtffS are of stone nnd Iron. Ita track Is of solid
Utl , Its rolllni ; stock perfect. Its paiaenuer equipment
hss nil the afcty appliance * that ciperkncehairrortd
nieful , anil for luxurious accomraodatlona Is uuiur-
nassed. Its Tiprcss Tralmi consist of superior Day
Coaches , elepant Pullman Palace rarlorand Bleeping
Can , auperb Dining Care , prorldlng delicious meals ,
and ( betwova Chicago and St. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kansas City ) reitful Hfcllnlng Chair Cars. Its man-
Kf mcnt Is conserratlre , IU discipline exacting.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Itstween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul Is the
faTorito. OTor this line Build Fut Eipress Trains run
dally to attractive reports for tourUta in Iowa and
Minnesota , and , vlaWnt Ttn nand8lotrx Tails , to the
rich wheat and rrailni lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca anil Kankaher , tlinltock Island orTrra superior
Inducemrnta to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis , Lafayette and Council Illuirs.Kt. Joseph , Atcht-
ton , Lrurenworth , Kanuis City , ft. 1'aut , and Interme
diate polnta. All patrbui ( especially lailles and clill-
drtn ) recelre pro t ctlon , rourtcsjr and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , f oltlern. copies ( Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal offices In
the United StaUa and Canada , or addrr , at Chicago ,
I. R , CAItl , E. ST. JOHII , I. A. HOLIPKI ,
Mui | < r. en.nvarHi.iti
Notice ,
Sealed proposals will l > o rccolrocl until Batur
day , July llitli , 1887. t K o'clocu , noun , at tlx
ofllco ot the nmliTslK-ncil , for the purchatu ol
thui'Hst 4i fci-t of lot II , Inlilook 116 , city , kno\n
niUlii anil 1115 llnrnoy etreut , with tlio litilld
Urns thetoon. The owner imerve.i tlio rl lit tc
reject any or nil bid * , Full piirtlo.ilnm upot
npplicutlon t tlio olllce of 0 W. MOUNT ,
DID South IMIi rHreet , Otnnhn.
Notice to Coiitrnctors.
SKAl.EO propocalg will bo rocolrotl at tin
olflco of tlio county eommlsslonon up t (
nnon of .Inly l nd , A , 1) . JtfHT , for bulldliiR (
county iioepltal la Omulitl , Douifliia county , Ne-
bruskit , iiceor.llntr to thb plans and fiiocl.lcii
tlons on fllo In thu county commissioner' )
oftlce. ,
Citcb bid inuitbo accoraimnleil by ucurtldet
check In the ninouiit of five hiiliOrud ilnllHr .
The rlKht IHri'Sf rvcxl to rejuatnnrnnd allbldi
Hy order of tlie liimnl , ,
ISKAL ] C. P. MEhbiiAu , County Cork.
MATTElt of uppllcatlon of John lloJoll to
llitior | licencu , I
Notlcu is nrroby given thnt John Ilodol
did upon the JJbth ilny of.hinc , A , I ) . IS-S7 , Illchl
appllcntlon to the innynr nnd city council o
UiiiHlni , for license to gull limit , spirituous HIM
vinous llciuors , at No. "urt , Boutn loth ptrocl
First waril , Omiibtu Nob. , from the lltb day o
April , IHtT , to the lUth day of April , 1889.
11 there be no objection , rninon lranco o
protoet tiled wltbln two weeks Iroin .luno'Jt'tl :
A. 1) . 1837 , thu tulU lIcciiBit will bo K'riuileJ
JOHN llonti.i , , , Applicant.
J II. SOUTHAIW Cltj Clerk. Jc2sjy
M.TTF.R of nppllciition of Qulnn ic I.ear ,
for llijuor ) lf n o
Notlcu is hereby Riven Unit Qulnn tc I.ear
illd upon the U'nd dny of July A.I ) . IMT , tlio ttiel
nppliL'ittlon to thu nmynr nd city ooiinoll o
( Jninha , for license to sull mult , spirituous an
vinous lliuors ; , at No. KCI XortU SUtuent
ttrt'ot. Kit III wurd , Oinithn , NeD , from the lit
day ofAurll , ! > ; , to the lUlli ihiy ot April , 1 &
If there bo no objection. H.'immstr.uice n
protest Hied within two weeks from July Sin
A. U.US * , the enld license will he pnintoj.
J. II. Sot'THAnn.Cily Clerk ,
of the body enlarged tnd ttreoftbtncd , full parlli
W mmmfm
Tb If tXMUI to takn for DCS Molnei M ar-
ihalltowB , Cd r Rapldn , ai&f > n , I ) I TOM , Chlca-
tro , Milwaukee and all points ea t. To the people
ple of Kebratka , Colon do , Wyomlnir , Utah
Idaho , NeTada , Oreiron , Wajhlnifton and Cali
fornia , H offswi BUierlor | adrantavei not potil-
ble by any other line.
AnoBf few of the nQtaerou * point * ot u-
perlorlty enjoyed by tbe palroni of thU rend
between Omaha and Chleairo , are It * two tralni
a dor of DAY COACHES , which arc the finest
that human an and liirenultr can ereate. It *
PALACE SI.BIF1NQ CAltS , wbloh are model *
of comfort and eleianco. IU 1'AUr.OR DHAW-
IMU BOOM CARS , unanrpuieed br any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHfi
tbe e < iual nf which cannot bo found eltawher *
At Council Bluffa the trnlni of the Union Pacino
Hy. oonnect in Union Depot with the e of tba
Chicago & Northweetern Ity. In Chicago the
traini ofthlillne uake clous eonneotlen with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buf.ilo. PltUburir.Toronto.
Montreal. Bocton. New VOI-K , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points m the
eatt , aek fr a tloket via thn
If yeu wWa the best acoinmodattoa. AH ticket
axentt MB ttoketi Tla this line.
H. Hcaain , . F. WILBON.
Oenl Maaater. O nU PaM'r A nk
Chicago , III.
Weeters Agent. City PaM'r Agent.
Omaha , Kebratka.
The Rest Route from Ointiltii nnd
Council Bluffs foj
Two Trains Daily Retvrccn Omalia and
Council Dlullb
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapidi
Rock Island , Frceport , RockforJ ,
Clinton , Dnbuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , lanesville ,
Ileloit , Winona , L\Crosie : ,
And oil other important polntn r.att , Northcn l
und Houtlu'Hit.
Irortbrouah tickets call on tlio ticket HKOIH
at 1411 rarmin , tt , Iti 1'axton hotel , or ut t'uloc
ruclQo depot ,
rullmnn BIccperH and tbo (1 lost Dlnlinr Car >
In the world urn 11111 on the main line of the
Chlcuiro , MII ttUkc & St. I'ttul and < > T
cry iitti-nllon In paid to imsioii by courto
ouxemplojpfg of thocompnny.
U. .Mu.i.Kii , deimnil MBIIIIKCJ.
J. K. TucKKit , AsiUtuiiKicncral
A. V. 1L C\uri.NTiii : , ( jenerul
Ticket AjL-nt. (
OED. K- HtAFroitiB3lstuiitOcnonil I'asicn
Ker and Ticket Axont.
J. T , CI AIIK , auueml Superlntouil
( Ma Joiliars1 Directary.
Agricultural Impltmtntt.
Wbot al t ) alfrln
Agricultural Implements , Wacom ? ,
OurUf ( ami llua-flei. Jontt ( tr t , t > twn Mb N b. _
AgricnltnrAl Implements ,
, rttictlm. Bte. . Wholtaalf.Om'ha.
WholeialeDealeri IB
Agricultural Implements ,
If Mom anil Bo tei. HOI , 901 , 04 and SO" , Jonm ft
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos find Organs ,
; M.1 PoncUi rnrert.Omihii.
Builders' //arc/ware and Scales.
Buililers'Hardwrtre A Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Too In nml Kuffalo 9eal . 1(00 lloujlti at ,
jimaha , Ntb. _
Boots and Shoes ,
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
111 Farnam it , Omaha , N b. Mnuufnclorj , Bnmmet
Hrf ! . Hoston
Wholesale Rubber BooU ami Shuei
Huhlior nnil Olli'il tllotliltitf turn Foil llooti
and Shoes , Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas.
Lajjer Hccr Brewers ,
1M1 North Hth Street , Onmho , Neb.
Butchtrt' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
! BUI > I Cailngs of all klnrii alwrnyiln tock. HIS
Jonn tt.Oniibi ! <
Coffee , Spites , Etc.
Omaha Cotreo and Spice Mills
ai.Ooffees , Pplcm. Bikini I'owdor. KI Torln
tr cu , Lauudrr Blue , Ink , Rtc. 1111-15 llarcer
Btrcet , OniHba , N b.
Cornice. .
John Epenctcr , Prop.
Uannracturer of Oilvanlrert Iron an I Cornice. V3t
Dndf and It * and 11)6 ) N , 10th U. Onalia , Nob.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Klnnln.MeullcPkyllKht.etc. 3108.
Illli it , Omaha.
C. Speeht , Prop.
Oalranlttd Iron Cornlcm. etc. flnect'tlmproTed Pat"
ent Mctallc SkrllKht. U and 510 H mint .Omalm.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rnia ,
Linoleum * , MnttliiK > , ICtc. 1(11 Dou ln gtrcct.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'he Manufacturers and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Chimneys , etc. OHce , 117 South lltb it.
Omaha , Neb.
M. ELG try TEH > S
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner rnrimmutid Tenth HticciK , um.ilm , N'oli.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and .lobbing.
IliitKr , Kggaand Produce. ( ) on l nmonl unllcltod.
Ilaadqunrtcra for blimonnra , llfrry Dozen and
Lirnpo llnflktiti. 1414 ItodKG street , Omaba.
nnd Coinniis idii Merchants ,
Fpvclultlai Butter , Km * , Clivutu , Poiltry , Uamu ,
O > sti'r , etc. , etc. ll..s. lltli St.
CoinniisHion llerchants.
Frnltf , I'roduco and I'raTlilonf. Oniftha , Neb.
e co. ,
Produce Commission Merchant ) * ,
Poultry , HtiUer , ( Jnme , Kitilti. etc. SJO 3. lull at
Omaha. Neti ,
Coal ana" Lime.
Uau. K. l.AiiAOii , } 'TFS. r . r. noon MAX , T. Pint.
J. A. SUNliEHI.AND , tc. t . and TrtHi.
Johhora of Hard and Soft Coal.
3W South Thlrteonth Street , Oronlm , Ni'li.
' '
. / . , /OHNSOX , r t ' < . ,
Hannfacturcrs of Illinois White Limu.
And tSUIpporn of Co ill and CoWv. reu.ent. Planter ,
IJrne , liilr , Klro Ilrlck , Dniln , Tile nn < l Svtri'r I'ipn.
onirn , IMzton Hntrl. rarn m n. , Omaha , Neb.
Mannfacturlnjf Confectioners ,
Jobbert of Kniltt.Nuts nnd Clicuii. 1211 1'aruam St.
Umali * .
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobhcrs of CigrarH , Tobacco ,
Quo * end Ammunition , J15 to223 6. lltb H. , 1010 to
1R ( Karnam ft.nnha.N h.
Manufacturers of Fine
And Wholeial * Uealera In L af Tobaecut , Nos. 1(16 (
and HON. Mlh etrect , Oiuiuc.
Dry Goods.
' ' '
M. E'SMITH' . * co , ,
Dry Goodd , FurniHliin CioortH & Notions
nd 1104 Dou lm , cor. lltb St. . Omaha , Nub.
Distiller * of Uqunri.Alcnhoi and Splrltt. Importer !
and Jobbmof Wlnetatul Liquors.
CO. and ILER .6 CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber * of rlne Wlcci tnd I.l < ] uorf.
bole manulxeturtri of Kennvdr'n Fint India nit-
turi untl Ihiiuctllo I.tquum. llli llnrny ? Mt.
'VVholcHale Dealers in Furniture.
l urnam ft. . Onuha. Neb.
Furniture , Hediliiifi : , UpliolHtery ,
Ulrrorf , etc. 1306.1203 u d H10 Karnain it. . Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wliolcsalo Groceries and J'roviHions ,
ND ; 700.707.70B and 711 8. IQtli ft. . Omaha. .Neb.
McVORJ > , 'Jt.KAI > Y < 0 CO. ,
AVholeaule Groccrx ,
l.'tn anil I.tarenirorlli ft . , Ora ti.i.
Johhcry of Hartlwitro and Naila ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , K'.c. A ' nt < ( or HOKI iicalet ,
and Miami Titwdert o. Omnlm-M-l * .
H' . J. BROATC1I ,
Houvy Hardware , Iron and Stool ,
Wtirnu M < ick. Uar < l < tnr Lumber , utt. 1301
uJ 1211 llaruejr n. , Omuliu.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
\T uon4ni1 t' nl K Woixl .stocn , Heitvy HarJwtre
Etu. KIT niul l.'i'J I.cnrrnwonh H.UI ( | IK , Nell.
Ktov s , Ranges , Furnacfts , Tilcw ,
.i ( Joodi. lai na UU l'im
Mre U
Omaha Jobbers' Directory. .1
Iron Wtrki.
Iron Works ,
Wronaht and fail Iren | | IB | | TTerk , Iron Main ,
lUllmK , llpnmi and ( llrdtrn , Hteam * uulnpt. HriM
\TPrk , unoertl FpnudrT , Mnchlne and UlackiruiU )
Vork. OBra aa J Work > . U. p. nr. and 17lb alittu
JL K. SA n'
annfuctiirlnirDpHltir In ijmokoStackv ,
Brltchlngn , lMnk , and ( Irnaral nolli-r Rtualrlnt.
Ull Douilai tr lOmaba.
Maniifactiirxr * of
fro and Iron Kailinps , Desk Rails ,
Window ( luard * . Flower dtnmla , wire 8lfni ,
H.IN.l lh. Ordf r by mull prnmptlr alti > nil ( > dt .
lMle < - . All Kind * nf
Builtllnsr MiKorinl at Wholesnla.
Hth itrcot ind Dulon r tl e Track , Omaka.
Dealer in Ltimlior. Latli , Llnir , Sash ,
lK > or > , ICU. Yirji-CorntrTth nnd louglai | Corntr
9th ami Diiujlnn.
Wholesale Lumber ,
BtS.UthutreetUmnhi Nol > . _ ( . ( "nlprtior ,
C. N7llETX ,
13th find ColtrornM rMr etii , Oniihn , Krb.
turn ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rtc.
ir.Mh and Douilai ata. . Ouaba.Nei.
To Dealers Only.
Office , KM Karntni tre t , Onuha. 7
CJTAS. J { . LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpata and 1'arqnvt Floorlne. till and Dough *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
[ nportbrl anil American I'oitliinJ Cement. Rt t4
AgantlorMllwaukro Ilrdraullc ( Vmout and licit
( Julncy Willie Mine.
Lin Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John P. Boyd , R'iperlnterdftnt ,
Litt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
O o. lluikc , Manattpr
Union Ptoek Vard > , 8. Omnha. Telephone M7.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bhlpmcntaof Mir and all kind ! of Slock follolted.
Union 8Uick Ynrtl. . dn.Bhu. Nob.
Millinery and hotiona.
Iniporti'ri niitl Joliburs of
Millinery anil Notions ,
1i ; nrt 1115 llnrnej tcot , Omaha , Nob.
" '
j. T. JtojtrxsoN "xiTTJax' .
WI" > U'Mle Uealvri In
Notions ami Fnrnl liiiiR > Goods ,
nml 4IIA H. Trnlh Rt. , Ouinlm ,
'Mannfactnrors of Ovuralla ,
J anl I'tnts , blrti , Rtc. 110'J nnd 1IW Duu/lni
Omahn , Nell.
Wliolcsalo I'lippr Doalers.
rrn nlcolo < k of Prlntlnu , Wrn iplnx iin.1 Writ-
li\K \ i iipi-r Mmrhil iitli'iitlnn ulvi-ii to par loud or
onlora , which will lie > lilM | > od iliri-ct fiom nillla , All
niilvrt will ii'polvo ifr : > inil nt cntlnu.VoKiiir -
mci ! gmnKood \ an1 Inw prlcc . lilt nnd mill
Job Printers , Hlank Hook Makort ,
And Hook Hinder * . llXi nnd HH Koutli Kuurtuonth
ilroct. OnmliH.Nrh.
Auxiliary PiibliHhorH.
DealeralnTjpo , l'rc i and Printers' Suppllon. 609
JiJtOWNELI , ,0 CO. ,
Manufuctnror * and lrnlor In
, Itoilcrn * ( iciKM'al .Madilnnrv
Blicet I run work , HtiMru I'uiiipf.Siir Illl , Aom'a
Shaftlnjr , Dodx * Wood inllt Palle/i , Halting , da ,
Aliowaaon ; < , ioraperiaadn uUUea. UU-UU Ltv
T nworth t. Omaha
I'liiunN , i'ipe , Killing ,
Btoamund Watdr Suur > ll a. ItpaHquiiilrni fir Mart
' itni t.Ontuhit.Nelj.
OitlladirVlnd Mlliti rlcnm anil WMer Piippllet ,
JlumliliiUoiMl | , Uniting , lloio. PI8 BIK ! ! MJ Fur-
Dttra it. , Omnhn. S. K. rellon , Slaiunjur.
'JtlfpliiineNu. 211) ) .
rumps , I'ipeH nml Knciiies.
Btecm , Watrr , Il ll nr nn < l Milling FupiiLcr. KlO ,
930 , irrtimU ! thftrnam at. , Uruahii , Not. .
Safes , Etc.
j : tibYER < co. ,
Afrcnts for Hall's Safe & Lock CO.B *
fire and lliuv'ar ' Fruof KxfiM , Tlina Ixickt , Vanlta
_ _ and JMI NV'Tli. 1031 Karimra ilreet Onmlm , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufactiiremof Klrenud llorelar I'ruof Safci , Vault
IJouriJnll V > 'orkMiutUT und \ MrnSork , Cor.
14tlinnU Jarkton hl . , cim hu. N b ,
Sasfi , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DlSJiJlOir ' CO. ,
WlioUinio Mitniiraclurcrtnl
Sash , Doorn , lllliulH anil .Miiilliii3 ( ( ) ,
Ilrancb oiHce.Utli MIC ! I..ri h'.3.Oi-Mv-- ! ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'n ' | ! .Stalr\Vorkiuid Interior Hard Wood Flnlfli
Juil inmceU. K , K. cor ftli tind Lcarcii
OmnbH , Nub ,
Johnstown , Neb ,
The bed accouunoilationt. fur traveler * .
The best hotel in town ,
F. G. FRITX , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
The beet kmmn nnrl nm-,1 pOiiliir | lioti I In
thu Mate , I.oc tliinrriiU-nliiiiM | ] > | ntnioMH HIKC
class. llcHdrjuurU'rc lor roniinnrcln
all pulltlcHl nml publlo Knthoi IMITH
i : . ituinNi'i ( ( ;
nt ( Jlrmunt onlrl w M
* JiVkr Bfci fc4Jfc * -
\Volm\o hnmilod your cUura for moro Ihun
lAjt'iirH. V mr "TmmlU'H l'un"li" in lli heat
Foillniimd innn | xiinilHr iilckln < ; lwitr we havu
mill ami I * > . | III our li H'llnw ' fu IS\KHT. \
It. I'OUTKU \ Co. , Dnifc'k'IMN. . ( ockfincl , II
/ ? . W. TANSILL & CO./MM