Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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National Financial
WAfliiixoTo , July 5. The ono hundred
and t forty-ninth call for 510,716,000 , 3 per
cent bonds matured on the 1st Inntant. Since
then $15r2rxXot ) bonds have been redeemed
by the treasury department , leaving 54,201,000
of that call still outstanding. Ot the bonds
redeemed 511,000 , ( OJ have been deposited
with tlio United States tremxiior to secure
national bank clrrulatlnn. The 3 per cent
loan amounts to S 02,20'J,000 , all ot which has
been called. The amount redeemed to date
Is 8 H.019yoo , so there Is still outstanding
89 2 * ' JO O.V )
i'ayinents from the treasury on account of
pensions Hlnce the 1st Instant amount to
nearly 812,000.000.
The expenditures so far this month exceed
the receipts by over S ,000,000 , and there is
every Indication that this excess will be
maintained. At the treasury department It
Is said that the largo expenditiirus to be
inado between now and the 1st of September
will reduce tlio treasury surplus to about
83(5,000,000 ( by the lixft named date.
Now Money Order Ofllcoa.
WASIIINOTON , July 5. Three hundred and
llfty-flvo new money order ollices were es
tablished to-day b.T the postmaster general.
Tim following nro among them :
In Illinois Alto Pass , Andovcr , Arthur ,
Boecher City , Claytonvillo , Dtinlap , Klvas-
ton , Gross Park , Manhattan , Mound Station ,
New Saleia , North Kvanston. North Hen-
doioort , 1'ralrlt ) ilu Hoclier , Uulgway , Sailor
iirinRH , Stone's Prairie , Thawvllle , "Vera ,
W nshiiiirn ,
In Iowa Atnlsli , Brooks , Olarkcsvllle ,
Clenrlield. Dontiellgnn , Klnm , ( Irani City ,
_ Hedrick. llolsteln , Lehlgh , I.nvllla , Maurice ,
| North Washington , Sumner , Troy. Waylancl.
S In Nebraska Anseliiu > , ( 'odar BlulTn , Donl-
plinn , Klweod , ( Irani , llartsvell , Homer ,
LodKcnoItt , O'Connor. Ravenna , South
( . ( main , SiirliiKVlew , Trenton , Wllsonvllle.
In AVLsconsIn Holtonvllle. Cushion. Or-
tnnvlllf , 1'erley , Marion , Plttsvllle , West
One hundred and nlnetv additional postal
note ollices were also established to-day.
Military Matte .
'WASHINGTON ; July S. Teloeram
to the UKK.J Major Terrell ot the pay de
partment has been ordered to Fort Russell ,
\Vyoin\ng. \
Major Sanford , First cavalry , has been
cranted ono month's leave of absence by
General Terry.
Lieutenant Colonel Closson lias succeeded
Colonel John Hamilton In command of the
Fifth artillery.
The r ! Ilu competition of the Department of
Dakota has been et for August 1 at Fort
Snelling , Minnesota.
General SchofiHd has ordered Major
Wlldrlck , Fifth artillery , to Creeduiore , New
York , to establish a rifle camp.
ColoneJ Nathan Dudley , at Fort Ouster.
Montana , h ns been granted two months'
lenve of abtenco on account of Illness.
Thomas U. Drew , a military prisoner at
Lravcinrorth , has been declared Insane and
ordered to the liisano asylum near this city.
General Sheridan has diterttxl that the last
month of target practice at Vancouver bar
racks no from July 20 to August ' * > .
Lieutenant Day , Ninth cavalry , and Lieu
tenant Humphrey , Ninth cavalry , have been
dntnllod. K * Inspectors of Indian supplies.
First Lieutenant A. 1) ) . Johnson has been
relieved from duty as an aide-do-camp to
General Terry and ordered to jolu his refl
uent. the Seventh Infantry.
.Major Hail , Twenty-second infantry , has
been ordered to inspect lurts DiiChesne ,
Douglas , BridRt-r , Waslwkle , Uussell , Lara-
111 1 o , Sidney , Camp Pilot , Buttaand Uhyenne
depot in the department ot thu I'latte.
Army orders : Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
F. Barr , deputy Judiro advocate general ,
crnnted lifteen days' extension of leave ; First
Lieutenant John LJiKolow , ordered to re
port to the adjutant Konoral for duty in tills
city i Captain Charles 0. Hood , Fourth In-
fantrv , recrtiitlnKofrleer.icranted ono month's
leave ; First LleutenantFrancIs Woodurldge ,
Keventh infantry , granted four months' leave
lor disability ; Captain Al. W. Lyon , ord
nance department , relieved from duty at
Watertown arsenal , Massachusetts , and
ordarcd to duty as ordnance ofllcer depart
ment of the I'latte , relieving Captain Wil
liam 8. Starring , who Is ordered as ordnance
olIlcM of the department of the Columbia ;
First Lieutenant W. L. Kneedlock , assistant
surgeon , ordered H a member ot the army
retiring board at St Paul ,
Patents to Western Inventors.
\VABIHNOT N , JulyS. [ Special Telojtram
to the BKK. ] The following patents were
issued to Nebraskaus and lowans to-day ;
Nathaniel Sandrenrt and 11. V. Burmah ,
Uubuque , In , , olkinp hinge ; William Beard-
lee , Beacon , la. , bottle stopper ; John 11.
Ilenton , Ilurk. Ia. , end gate ; Clmrlos A.
For nh am , Amiubon , In. , obstotrlcal Instru
ment ; Francis M. Franklin andJ. (1. Uyer-
nee , Jefferson , Ia. , harrow couipl ing ; William
11. Got ) . Council llltitrs , In. , windmill i
( ieorse W. Pelton , Huscatlne , la. , weather
boardlne tool ; Abraham Price , assignor of
one-half to K. Ilnll , Indlanoln. Ia. , ditching
machine : Chns. 1 , . 1'rltchani , in. ,
carman top : William J. I'yle , Osccoln , Neb. ,
ento ; 11 MI a 11. Bator. Dubiuiue , In. , plow ;
John F. Knnpp , Oinahn , cat-step ; Dudley B.
dillespte , Falls City , fence.
Nebraska and Iowa i'nnalonfi.
WABWINUTOJT , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK.J The following pensions were
granted Nubraskana to-day : John It. Koy-
kendall , Teeumwli ; John N. Mlley , Lonp
Iowa pensions : Matilda , widow of John C ,
Ollnecr , llopoville ; Mary A. , widow of John
Toothaker , lllllsboro ; Samuel S. , father of
Samuel Tennis , Lake Mills ; Levina , widow
of John M. Itnner , Ottmuwa ; Peter llarnell ,
South English ; John F. Puryear , Hancock ;
John H. Pitts , XaucRvillo : Thomas Hartman -
man , Tloga ; John M. Chatterton. Muut-
tiellor ; Lorenzo Hymins , east De.silolnes ;
Charles 11. Tovrnsend , Randolph ; Dave
Btelnmuller , Kookuk ; William B. Pelrce ,
Iowa Falls ; Joseph A. Roth , Sheldon ; Will-
inm O'ltourke , Clcarmont ; flobart Clark ,
Jturllngton ; Henry iferncr , Lovilla.
Fidelity Hank Affairs.
WAsniNOTOW , July 5. Comptroller Tren-
riolm to-dny received a statement from Bank
Examiner Snydcr In regard to the affairs of
the Fidelity bank of Juno 80 , the date of Its
Busponalon. Ho declined to malco It puWlo
to-day , as ho deslrod to hnvo It carefully con
sidered befoiti doing so. It wassubAebuently
stilted that tlio books of the bank were kept
go loosely that It was likely the examination
now IxMinr nwilu would sho-w them to bo
nearly ( SCO.OOO out of the way ,
riVmtoflflco Clerks Salaries.
WASHINOTOX. July 5. A commission 1ms
been appointed by the postmaster general to
visit the principal postofucus throughout the
country with a view of uathorinic Information
as to ft more equltnblu\djustmunt of the tmla-
rlim paid to postoflice clerka. It Is proposed
to establish sueh n system that the salaries
shall be n certain percentage of the expenses
of the ofllco , and also that thn fame salary
shall attach to the eama positions In all oi
the offices.
WASHINGTON , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to the Dr.K.J The following Iowa postmas
ters were appointed to-day i Samuel Adams ,
Belmona , Wright county , > lce , John \T ,
Adams , resigned ; Henry Kelselt , Blnehani ,
! > ae countr , vice , Alice M , Miller , rrilgned ;
William N. Lair man , Nassau , county ,
vice. John C. McSpudilen , resigned ; John J.
\Vnrley , Nordluwi , Wluneshlek county , vice
Edgar M. French , resigned , ; Sandy Shoemaker -
maker , Scotch Grove , Jones county , vice ,
George A. Davis , resigned ,
An Appraiser Appointed.
WASHINGTON , July 5. The president to
day appointed Thomas Carter , of Uzark ,
Ark. , appraiser , ot the rlght-of-waj
of the Kansas A Arkansas Valley lallroat
through thn Indian territory.
The Labor Idea In Ohio.
Cor.UMuua , O. , July 6. The state conveu
tlon of the union labor parly thlsmornlni
nominated the following ticket by acclama
tion ; For governor , John Xltz , of Tinin
lieutenant governor. J.F. McDonald , Spring
field ; supreme Judge for long term , Tlinothi
O'Connor , Cincinnati ; short term. Granvllli
H. Tuttle , palneavllle ; audltor-of stale. O , J
Sulion , Akron ; treasurer 6f state , F. N , liar
ter , Alliance ; attorney general , William
Daker , Kewaitc. A platform was adopted
\\lilch demand ! that the Uws against tu
employment of bribery , force or lutlmlda
ilou to secure nominations or elections t <
public oftlco be rigidly enforced , and th&t
free drinks or lunch nt saloons shall bo
declared bribery by the statutes ; that nil
banks-shall be required to give security to
the stale of the averaeo amount of their de
posits. Speculation In thn necessaries of life
Is ruinous to legitimate business , and . " .de
nounced bv the platform as a criminal
offense , The platform further declares that
all discrimination against the lawful asso
ciations of employes to secure their rights
violate thu constitutional rights of citizens
and should IMI declared n felony. The eon-
ventloti adjourned at noon after concluding
Its business.
Crop Outlook.
Toi'BKA..Kan , , July 5-Thc Kansas Fanner
prints a full review of the crop outlook this
week. Un the whole the wheat crop of the
state will not exceed 25 per cent of that har
vested three rears ago. Oats will thresh out
about one-half an averaeo crop. Corn Is re
ported good in every part Of the state. The
acreage exceeds that of any former year by
nt least 25 per cent , and If the season Is fa
vorable to theend Kansas will ralsoU50,000,000
bushels of corn ,
Twonty-Hvo on the Dollar.
CIIICAOO , July 5. At a meeting to-dny ot
the creditors of Maurice Kosenfeld & Co. ,
the failed brokers of thn late wheat clique ,
a motion to accept the firm's proposition to
pay ! i5 cents on the dollar , cash , was ac
cepted. Only four of the fifty creditors voted
no. The majority of the creditors did not
take kinilly to Itosenfeld's alternative 15
cents cosh , or whatever In addition could be
lealizcd from his claims against the clique.
Betrayed anil Mnrdercil.
SttMMMHiPi- : , July 5. A week ago Miss
Taylor , of this place , left homo for the pur
pose of inectltu her seducer , William Mill-
nian.iTo-day her body was found In the river
with two bullet holes In her head and neck
and a rope around her neck to which a stone
was attached. Mlllman and a man named
Byreutune have been arrested.
Rollnti Down an 13iiil ) < inkinont.
GAI/T , Out , July 5. The eastern express
train on the Canadian Pacific ran off thn
rack near this place this evening. Fho
basgago car and smoker rolled down an em
bankment thirty feet high and turned upsldo
down. Thu next coach , occupied principally
by ladles , went partly oil' the rails. No ono
Is thoiuht to be fntilly ; injured , though many
are Inttlseil and cut.
VlslMo Supply Statement.
CHICA.QO , July 5. The visible supply o
rain as compiled by the secretary of the
Chicago board of trade Is as follows :
Bushels. Bushels.
Wheat . 34.41.1,000 Com. . 10,180,000
Oats . 2,77J,000 IJye . 221,000
Barley . 130,000
Sharp's Condition Serious.
NEW YOHK , July 5. Jacob Sharp's health
has been gradually growing vfomc since he
has been lodged In Ludlow street jail to
await sentence for bribery. To-day his Ill
ness had Increased so much that ho was un
able to leave his bed and his ft lends have be
come alarmed.
Nahdlzaz Starts For Prison.
TUMA , Cala. . July 5. Nahdlzaz , the
Apache , found guilty of murder In the first
degree for Killing Little Mott at Sancarles
reservation last March , and sentenced to Im
prisonment for life , was turned over to the
prison authorities to be taken to prison at
Chester , 111.
Shalt-r Appeals.
NEW i'oiiK , July 5. General Shaler has
appealed to the supreme court against the
action of the mayor In removing him from
the presidency of the board of health because
of the charges preferred against him and his
Indictment and trial for bribery as a member
of the armory board.
Drowned in Niagara River.
OAitA. FALLS , July G. Illchard Cronan ,
while attempting to swim across the Niagara
river to-day , starting from "Maid of the
Mist" lauding , was caught In the current
and carried down through the whirlpool
Iqjured In ft Collision.
BESSKMKH , Mich. , July G. A collision oc
curred on the Milwaukee , Lake Shore A
Western railway two miles west last night
byrhlcU Daniel Tangrey , a passenger , and
several of tha road were seriously
Bondlara Htlll in the Ring.
CIIICAOO , July 5. Charles W. Adams ,
nominated some time since for warden of
thn county hospital to succeed convicted
Warden McCarigle , did not accept. To-day
the indicted , commissioners succeeded in
electing their candidate , John Stephens.
A Lost Ship.
NKW Tonic , July 5. It Is feared that the
British gulu Muskok has been lost at sea
with all on board. She left Sournbaya , J ava ,
December 15 , 1SSO , and called at Banjouanjie
on New Tear's day. Her destination was
Queenstown , She carried a crew of twenty-
uvo men.
Dcatb of Comedian Lamb.
NEW YOIIK , July 5. Edward Lamb , the
comedian , died at his Brooklyn residence
to-night of cancer of the stomach. He was
11 tty-el glit years old and had been an actor
for thlrty-nvo years.
England's Cuban Imports.
LONDON , July S. England has obtained
for her Imports into Cuba and Porto Ulco the
same treatment as that accorded to American
Imports by the Spanish-American conven
tion. This arrangement only operates till the
end of the year.
Terrible Naptha Explosion.
ANTT'EKP , July 6. A terrible explosion of
naptha took place to-day In a drug store on
the rue Large. Ten persons were burled be
neath the burning ruins. Three were res
cued badly Injured.
New York Dry Goods Market ,
NEW Si OKK , July 5 The general demand
was lickt In all departments , but on matur
ing and previous engagements , the move
ment was very free.
I'arnell at Carlsbad.
CAIUSHAD , July 5. Dr. Sprudlo an
nounces that Parnell Is staying thereand
suffering from diabetes.
Condensed Telegrams.
M. Knlkotf of Moscow is dying.
John 1'aulet , premier marquis of England ,
Is dead.
The Irish land bill passed , third reading In
the house of lord.
The IJiirnsltlo monument was unveiled at
Providence , H. I. , Monday.
Sexton has been unanimously nominated
by the nationalists tor lotd mayor of Dublin.
Ilenton Mtllor , treasurer of Perry county ,
I ml , , disappeared with 970,000 of Uiecouuty
Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone
of the Imperial Institute building In London ,
Monday ,
Kngland and Hussla have made mutual
concessions regarding the Afghan boundary
questions , which It Is expected will result In
an early agreement.
Martial law has been proclaimed In Val
encia , Spain. Twenty-one persons have
been arrested for complicity In voting
against collectors of taxes.
l olly Robinson , colored , killed Chi iVlll-
iamsat Caperton , W. V.i. , Sunday , forbolim
to promiscuous with Kobinson' * wife. The
murderer was captured by a mob and Ids ca
reer suddenly cut short with a rope. Tht
Kobinson woman took to the woods and es
caped the fate of her paramour.
John JirUht lias written letter In whlcti
be says Ireland is not neglected , but good
measures In relation to that country , passed
slncoisxo , have been obstructed by n conspir
acy deriving Its funds nod Inspiration fron
American enemies of Kngland. But f.Vrcon
splraev. be says , the great Und bill of 18S1
would have inids Ireland tranquil.
An Old Offender.
Charles Tracj was arrested yesterdaj
for robbing a colored man named llearj
Turner , of 940. Tracy baa been out ol
the penitentiary but a few days , Laving
finished M term for the same offense
lo is suiil to bare served several termi
for robberies.
They Badly Use Up Sheriff Bampaon of
Chaidron , Neb ,
A Fall Fledged flow In the llnnks
oftho Omaha Bnse Unit Club
Which Tlirc.itcns DIs-
Desperate Hurglara.
Sheriff J. T. Sampson , of Chadron ,
Neb. , lies in his room ut the Can field
house , a badly used up man , and thereby
hangs a tain , or a romance , of no incon
siderable interest.
Sometime last January the general
store of John Jones , at Henery is. , was
burglarized anil $16,000 , which had been
kept in an old dilapidated safe , was
carried off.
Suspicion fell upon one Frank Hall , a
man of unsavory record , who mysteri
ously disappeared from his wonted haunts
about this time , and af tor assiduous work
of months by skilled detectives , a sort of
n clew was obtained locating him near
Chadron , Neb.
John Jones and Sheriff Sampson had
been quondam friends , and knowing that
Sampson was sheriff of the county in
which Chadron is situate , wrote to him
acquainting him with the facts of the
burglary , and also sending him a descrip
tion of the alleged burglar , together with
the information that a $1,600 reward was
upon his head.
This was eight weeks ago , and Sheriff
Sampson at once commenced a search
for the man , and on Sunday lost traced
Hall to Omaha. He lost no time and
came down hero Monday , und soon got
onto the fact that his man was In the city ,
but industrious search failed to find him.
-ater - in the day , however , through some
agency or other , ho learned that a man
answering Hall's ' description had been
seen during the afternoon in the vicinity
of tlio saw mill at Florence , four miles up
ho river , and yesterday morning ho went
iio there.
Inquiry at the mill developed the fact
hat two men , ono of them tallying with
Hall's description , had been seen to enter
the brush an hour before a short distance
above the mill.
Greatly elated over the prospect of
shortly overhauling his man , Sheriff
Sampson hurried on to the point indica
ted where the two strangers had penetra
ted the woods , and followed in. Ho had
hardly gene ono hundred yards until he
came right on to ilall , whom ho instantly
iccognizod , and his companion , a small
man , sitting on a log.
They both arose , and Hall said : "I
know you Sampson , and I want you to
understand that you can't take me unless
you take mo dead. "
Sampson replied , tolling him not to got
excited until ho knew what ho wanted ,
but just here he received a crushing blow
from behind from some kind of u weapon
In the hands of the smaller man , which
knocked him headlong and unconscious
into the bushes.
How long he remained insensible he
had no menni of ascertaining , but it
could only have been for a brief period ,
for upon reviving , he saw the two men
pulling across thu river in a skiff well on
to the opposite shore.
Upon gaining his feet the sheriff real
ized that ho had not only boon knocked
in the head but had been subjected to
other injuries , as there wore terrible
pains in his chest and sides , and on * ) leg
was so badly crippled as to hardly sus
tain his weight. He made his way back
to the saw mill aa expeditiously as his
hurts would permit of , whore ho gave
two of the hands $20 to follow the fugi
tives across the river in u boat and mark
them down if possible , informing them
that they might expect additional com
pensation if they.learned any thing , by re
porting to him at the Camield house ,
Omnha. Aa yet , no intelligence has ar
rived from these two men.
The whole affair on its face , it must bo
acknowledged , has a rather ( nicer IOOH ,
and the story is of a decided ichthyologi-
cal ilovor. But Sheriff Sampson , as a
dead square man is vouched for by numcr >
pus acquaintances hero in Omaha , and
it is only due that his story be accepted.
But why an old experienced sheriff
should follow a couple of desperate
burglars like this man Hall and his com
panion unquestionably are , into a lonely
wood , single handed and unarmed , save
with a pair of handcuffs , is one of these
things uo follow can iind out.
Several Alleged I'layera Kick Up a
Huni | > u8.
Yesterday was salary day for the mem
bers of the Omaha base ball club. It
also developed the reason why the club
has been so unsuccessful an interne-
cone war. The trouble came to an out
and out break while the members wore
drawing their pay. It will be recollected
that O'Lcary was fined by Manager
Philbin , ostensibly for not playing ball.
As n matter of fact the fine wan for uainfc
obscene language to the manager. Walsh ,
wbo was formerly captain of the nine ,
assessed a line of | 5 against Biulei
for refusing to coach in Deuvei
when so ordered. Yesterday O'Leary'f
$50 fine was deducted , and so was Bader'i
$5. Each expected that the flue would
not be enforced. WJion O'Lcury fount
that it went , ho grew abusive and cursed
Walsh in the foulest manner. Walsh re
plied after the same kind and Badoi
joined in with O'Lcary. Finally the twc
latter included Mcssett and Dwyer , whc
were standing near , in the general tirade
of abuse. Atlairs became more mixed
when Kreymeyor and others sided IE
against Walsh , Dwycr and Messett. II
almost reached the point of a free fight ,
and showed that there lias been ill feuint
between the club mombcrs for some time
Manager Philbin is reticent , but it i ;
stated on good authority that the clul
will bo entirely reorganixcd.
Reorganisation should have been car
ried out sonic time ago. The manage
ment of Philbin has been generally good
and the only point upon which he hai
laid himself open to criticism is in the
fact that he has been too lenient. O'Lcary
who is supposed to be the crack pitcher
has cost the club more games than ain
other player in the nine. He is ill
natured. and it is dawning upon the pub
Ho mind that he is not nearly the playei
that either Bartson or Henly la. Theii
work is generally good O'Leary's ' is ex
ccrablo. Rourko was released Monday
He made a good record with Uuluth las
year , but lie hr.s been playing ver.i
poorly. If his work on third has boon s <
poor that tie deserved release , that o
Swift on second lias been so rottei
that ho should have been chased from tin
position with a bat. It is due to him t <
say , lur.YiTvur , that ho had no part in tin
dibjirace-ful rupture yesterday afternoon
In fact , Dwycr has been the only redeem
ing feature of the inllold. The ouUlolil
1ms been good. Mossott in right am
Genins in middle have playml ball at al
times. Bader has worked excellently
and at all times played ball for all then
w&s in it. Ilia playing has been market
by brilliancy. Krchmoyer has dom
poorly on the whole in hi
work bordnd the bat. If tin
result of yesterday's ruction ia to causi
tbu reloasj of the llstliss players and i
strengthening of.tiTo nine in those points
wherein it is * } } . Alnfully wonk , it will
have proved a goog thing. Thou Man
ager Philbin < * liotild draw the reins
tightly and compfll ; oyerv man to play
ball when ho goes Into the field or abide
the consequences1. Then Omaha may
take an occasianal game leastwise if it
doesn't it will nol bo through want of
ContriMtj > ri ! Consult.
At a meeting of the contractors hold
yesterday the fojtowing resolutions wore
adopted : j" " , '
Resolved , That Sveilo not p.iv to laborers
more than $2.00 foe rilno hours' work , and
further : 3iPi-
Tliat wo do not recnenlzo any laborers'
union and we reserve the rhht ; to hire and
dlicharKe whom we please.
Slcued this day , flalley * Olson , Henry
Llve er , Arthur Johnson , K. Kreft , H. 0.
McMillan , Manila Flixcg. RE. . Uvesey , P.
M. 1'ouieroy , Deverell Bros. , UocliRforil A ;
( Sould , Shaw Field , \V. F. Wilson. James K.
Pettr , Clisis. Itnolnne. Nicholas Ittner. J. 1 .
Kookeiilield , Younccnnnn Bros. , John F.
Coots , Joseph Uclss. Witlinell Bros. , aud
others. _ _
Jowinh Notes.
Rabbi Benson returned Monday morn
ing ; from Camden , Arkansas , whore
ho leaves his family for several months.
Persons desirous to sco him will call at
his ollico in the synagogue , corner of
Harnoy and Twenty-third streets , from
10 a. m. to IS m. aud from U to 6 p. in.
daily , Saturday excepto I.
Every arrangement has been perfected
by the school board of the Hebrew Sab
bath school to give a gala day to the
children of that institution on Wednes
day , the Oth inst , at Hanscom park. The
children will meet at the .synagogue , at
lUO : o'clock a. in. on the day above
specified. _ . _
MldHiiiiiinnr Matrimony.
Judge McCulloch yesterday issued
marriage licenses as follows :
Name. Residence. Ago.
j Charles J. Wilson . Lincoln . 23
j Ada Hunt . Lincoln . 'J2
5 Charles Hammer . I'lattsmoulh , , . . . .80
tosaM. O. Kohrell . Plattsmouth . S5
( John B. Kronycr . Omaha . : )7 )
Lillian A. Small . Omaha . 'J7
j I'eter Rasmusen . Council Bluns.-15
( AnnaC. Nelson . Council Bluffs. . .34
I John L. Brimnstall . Omaha . 2(5 (
asrclo Butler . Omaha . 22
Frederick W. Dahlman Omaha. . . . . . S3
I Mrs. Anna Tiechsel. . . . Omaha . o9
Itall Notes.
Mr. Potter , manager of the Union
Pacilio. arrived yesterday morning from a
trip west to Grand Island with the Pacific
railway commission.
John K. Alannhester , right-of-way
agent of thu Union Pacific , Is moving his
ollects from the old division headquarters
on TtmUi strcut near the ilopot , to the
room formerly occupied by Mr. Thomp
son. This will leave the division hoail-
nuartorrf where tliore wore about two
dozen clerks , vacilnt , and save just so
much rent , bcsidwpitho decrease in ex
penditure ! for hejfo which has been dis
pensed with. Tf
N. Cronshixw , traveling passenger agent
of the Missouri Paciiic , of Everett , Ivan. ,
. the Paxton. '
.s at \ a
Another move i * Die direction of re
form and retrenchiifent was made yester-
lay in the Union Pacific headquarters , by
Manager i'ottor. , t Heretofore there has
joon a head janilorrwith four assistants ,
together with some , girls who swept some
of the otlicus ut. night. All of those , with
; ho exception of tnaf chief , it is stated ,
: mvo been discharge ! ! , a ) d hereafter the
swooping of the ollices will have to bo
lone by the boys who do tlio copying in
; ho several ollices
A few days agoMr. [ Potter was asked
'o what extent ho'nrbposed ' to carry on
'iis ' reduction of tho. force and replied
that ho had been placed over the Union
Pacilio road to pull H out of the tire nnd
iio proposed to do it no matter whom or
what the reduction struck.
The bank clearings yesterday were
August UtofF , a saloonkeeper on Doug
las street , near Tenth , has boon closed
up for keeping opeu after 13 ] o'clock at
night in violation of tbo law.
The case of Byron Heed vs. Fred
Seadow was on trial bctoro Judge Me-
Cullough yesterday atternoon. The
plamtUV brought suit to remove Seadow ,
who , tin alleges , is a sqattor on his lands
on the bottoms.
The entertainment of the Musical Nu
cleus of St. Philip's church , which \vaa
postponed from last Tuesday evening on
account of the rain , will take place to
morrow ( Thursday ) evening at St. Bar
nabas' guild rooms , Nineteenth and Cal
ifornia streets. An interesting pro
gramme of musical and literary exorcises
will be rendered by the young people ol
the society. Messrs. Henry Scroggins
and W. K. Gamble have promised tt
make brief addresses. A cordial wel
come to all. A special invitation to al
colored people lately arrived in the city
Personal ParaGraph * .
Captain Worth , U , S. A. , is at the Pax
Prof. Hunt , the wronaut , leaves for th <
cast to-day.
VV. Konvono , of Butte , Mont. , ia i
guest at the Faxton.
J. H. McShano was in attendance a
the Council Ulufl's races yesterday.
Major Broatch will probably spend tin
greater portion of his summer vacatioi
at Atlantic City.
S. S. Folker , representing Paul O
Burns' ' wine company of Sau Jose , Cal.
arrived yesterday.
General Henry A. Morrow , of Sidney
and wife wore at the Paxton on their wa ;
homo from the celebration at Cretu.
Frank A. Hobbins left on last evening'
train for Los Angeles , to speculate ii
real estate m that wonderful country o
Hon. J. C. Watson , K. F. Warren , B
F. Hayilcn and F. T. Kansoruroprescntei
Nebraska City in the metropolis ycsier
W. P. Campbell , f 'Chicago , nsslstan
superintendent of the. sixteenth divisioi
railway mail service & in the city on otli
cial business. i j
County Treasurer Tnggert , of Otoi
county , and the ho rd of county com
missloncrs are m < fhu city attending tin
federal court. n < r
I. T. Barnes , apfornincnt , , itlzon o
Binghamton , N. Y. , U in the city. Lik <
all residents of that thriving place h
protests against thot'p. | "
Hon. Guy C. Barton , of this city , wa
in Chicago yesterday on his way t
Europe. The kindesl wishes of all Omi :
bans are for a pleasant voyage for it
honorable citizen , 'j '
Ex-Senator Van \Vy0k WRS in the cit' '
yesterday on his way houio from Wake
lield , where he delivered the Fourth o
Julv oration , whlcli'ls ' < aid to have boei
tho'ablest effort of the kind over heard n
Colonel Morrow , ftationcd al Siduoj
was in the city last evening. Uo ! H 01
bis way to Fort Russell where he is t
preside over a court martial that con
vencs on the 7th Instant. This gonla
and gallant soldier's ' visit to Omaha 1
always a signal for a lending citizens
handshake , _
DIKI ) .
NICKSOK-In this city. July 8 , Mrs. An
Nlckaon , aged jixty-si years.
Funeral to-day at 4 p. m. from her lat
residence , 513 Division street. Friends Ir
Sl.ACK-In this city , July K , at 3:16 : p. in
Florence Slaclc.step-ilaui'liter of J. U. Uacli
man , jed twelve years.
Funeral to-day at i p. m , from the fainll
residence , SOi SoutU TUUte uUi Unwt ,
The Oonncll 'Polico Oomrnltteo Returns Seo-
latnry Smith's ' Oointuunicatiou ,
Petition * nml Communication ! ) Ity llio
Score Disposed of lly the City
KnthcrH At liiist Night's
Tlio Cltr Council ,
All the members of the city council
nswored to roll call hvst night except
Mr. Cheney , Petitions and coininuiilcx- :
Ions were disposed of us follows :
From the Mayor Approving ordi-
unncus passed at the last session. Oa
Saino AppolntiiiR S. A. Goldsmith :
arbago collector for the Third ward ,
vloo Henry Coombs resigned. Uon-
Sumo Appointing J. J. Savlllo.Charlcs
E. Hrunnnr and Daniel P. Anjiell ap
praisers of damiiKO to property owners
by the extension of Twenty-second street
rein K. V Smith's addition south to the
old city limits. Confirmed.
Sumo Appointing W. J. Kennedy ,
William P. Mumaimh and Thos. Swift to
assess damages by reason of changing
the grade ot Twentieth street from Cass
street to Davenport street. Confirmed.
Same Appointing C. V. Goodman , C.
J. Thrano und A. P. Nicholas to assess
lamage by reason of changing the crado
of Davenport street from Ninth street to
Tenth street ; also to assess damage by
'eason of changing grade of BIoiulo
street from Twenty-seventh street to
Twonty-niutn street. Confirmed.
Samo-Appointing J. S. GibsonW.A.L.
Gibbon and Kdward Whitehorii to assess
damage by reason of the change of grade
of Popploton avenue from Thirty-lirat
street to Thirty-third street. Continued.
Same Appointing W. J. Kennedy , VV.
. Munmugli and W. A. L. Gibbon to as
sess the damage sustained bv reason of
changing the grade of California street
from Nineteenth street to the west curb
of Twenty-second street. Confirmed.
From John Jenkins , resigning the of-
lice of boiler inspector. Accopted.
From the mayor appointing Josopli II.
Standeven inspector of boilers. Con
From President licchcl appointing
John II. Butler sergeant at arms of the
city council. On file.
From the mayor appointing the follow
ing judges and clerks of e'ection ' on July
13 , at which date the question of grant-
inir a franchise to the Omaha Motor and
Northwestern street railway companies
will be voted upon :
First Ward , First District Judges ,
John Hunnan , William S. iiatos , John
Daviesj clerks , J. P. Duffy , Frank Sul
livan ; Second district , judges , Alfred
Vinney , L. H. Webster. E. C.
Cooper ; clerks. Ebcner K. Long , C.
Uertelson ; Third district. judges ,
Henry Kbrenpfort , W. A. Kelly , O. P.
Goodman : clerks , John Mathicson ,
llimry Van Duson.
Second ward First district , judges ,
Julius Kudosky , Venzel Nistil , A. L. Ma-
ginnis ; clerks , O. It. Patrick , 11. C. Hut-
lor ; second district , judges , It , Uasmus-
sen , John Sproel , Frank Swehy ; clerks ,
John M. Arnout , John Audrit.
Third ward First district , judges ,
Thomas Cummings , Philip Hortzman. T.
W. Solon ; clerks , C. E. Hurke , Matt
Hoover ; second district , judges , W. A.
Gwyer , John J. Payntor , A. 1 * . Alanscn ;
clerks , Isaac Rubin , A. C. Head.
Fourth ward First district , judge. ? ,
Bruno T/.sclmck , Richard Tizard , A. P.
Nicholas , clerk , A. Atkinson ; second dis
trict , , judges , George Parr , S. Jacobs , J.
Jacobs , f. A. Van Alstyno ; clerks , E. L.
Eaton , C. K. Cralle.
Fifth ward First district , judges , John
Wallace , 11. B. Whitruore , Lavui ) T.
Scott ; clerks , 11. K. Bittingor , J. M. Ken
nedy ; second district , judges , Charles
Wil'kms , Ed A. Taylor. 8. Wakeliold ;
clerks , John C. McUcrmott , II. Dunn.
Sixth ward Second district , judges ,
John T. Paige , Geoogo McKcn/.ie , Will
iam Bishop ; clerks , John J. Mackedon ,
William Durkee.
Sovtnth Ward First district judgPH ,
George L. Dennis , N. H. Wilson , A. P.
Thomuson ; clerks , William Vander-
yoort , H. E. Pierce. Second district
judges. S. N. Warlters , C. H. Sehlemm ,
A. C. Kulp ; clerks , T. A. Megealh , Frank
Eighth Ward First district judges ,
John Cane , Aaron Hoel. J. J. McLain ;
clerks , J. N. Phillips , Charles Holhvte.
Second district Unices , T. D. Brown , P.
H. Horan , D. P. Anscll ; clerks , J. J.
Carey. Thomas H. Dovle.
Ninth Ward First district judges ,
Charles J. Johnson , Hamilton Martin ,
Robert Stein ; clerks , Andrew Anderson ,
Frank Babcr. Second district judges , C.
J. Kyan , Lewis Larson , George Hammond
mend ; clerks , 11. L. Seward , Thomas
Leddy. Confirmed.
From St. A. D. Baicombo recommend
ing payment of 5 per cent reserve on
Jones fctreet sewer to J. E. Riloy. Al
Same Monthly estimate for construct
ing the south branch of tbp North Omaha
sewer in favor of P. FOK & Co. , amount'
ing to $3,141.70. Approved.
Same Submitting bill of C. E. Fanning -
ning & Co. for sweeping streets for live
weeks to July 1. amounting to $3,01i.18 ) ,
and recommending payment. Allowed ,
Same- Reporting iiaviuu and curbing
of approaches to the Eleventh street
viaduct. Delegation from the First ward ,
From C. T. Taylor , agent of the New
York Life Inbtiraneo company , asking
for the enlargement of the newer in tbu
alley between Fiirnam and Douglas
streets. Sewerage.
From St. A. D. Baleombo. subinittinc
final estimate for curbing Cuming strecl
from Thirty-second to Thirty-sixth streets
in faior of Murphy , Croighton & Co. ,
amounting to $13OH0.1G. Approved.
Snnio Submitting monthly estimate in
favor of J. Ryan & Co. for grading Lea
voaworth street amounting to f 3 , 05.08 ,
trom Georga C. Wlutlock , reporting
2.'i8 building permits aggregatingH,87C ! ! )
granted during the month ending July 1 ,
On file.
From Louis Berka , submitting roper
of police court business for the month o
June. On lilo.
From Fred Hickstein and William Fnrr
reporting 8J75 , ! pounds of meat and 15 , '
pounds of fish condemned during th <
month of Juno.
Heport of appraisers on change ol
grade of Chicago street from Twenty1
second to Twenty-fourth streets. Grade ;
and grading.
Same Change of grade of Capitol avenue
nuo from a point 214 feet west of the
west curb of Twenty-second street to thi
east curb of Twenty-sixth street
From property owners asking tha
Twentieth street uo graded to thoproson
established grade from Cummin" stree
to Grace street. Grades anil grauing.
Same Asking that Mercer avenue hi
curbed and paved from the east line o
Thirty-sixth street to the east line of In
stitutd boulevard. Grades und grading
Snme Protesting against change o
grade of California street between Nine
teenth and Twenty-second streets. Grade
and grading.
Same Asking that Twonty-fourtl
street from Patrick uvenuo to Em me
street bo paved with cedar blocks on con
crete foundation. Paving , curbing uni
"Same Asking that Sixteenth etreu
from Ohio to Emmet street bo paved with
cedar blocks. Same.
Same Asking for the establishment of
n sewer district for ti-.o accommodation
of residents on Thirty-sixth street from
l-arnam street south to the first street of
West Omaha. Sewerage.
Fron judges and clerks of the Metro
politan Cable railway election asking for
payment for their services. Finance.
Resolutions were introduced anil re
ferred as follows :
By Mr. Lowry Ordering the immedl-
ivto paving of the south approach to the
Eleventh street viaduct. Adopted.
By Mr. Mnnvlllo Instructing the city
engineer to report to the council the
number of miles of railway now in
operation within the city limits , so that
a proper tax levy can bo made. Viaducts
und railways.
By Mr. Leo Directing the board of
; > ublic works to advertise for bids for
grading Twenty-ninth street from Hick
ory street south to Ed Croighton avenue ,
By Mr. Alexander Instructing the city
oncinccr to establish the grade of Twenty-
fourth street , from St. Mary's avenue to
Woolworth avenue. Adopted.
Reports of committees wore received
ns follows :
Police Recommending that the com
munication of the secretary of the board
of tire and police commissioners rulativo
to the resignation of John McDonald as
senior captain of police and the promo
tion of A. F. Green to fill his place , bo
returned to the writer. Adopted.
An oulinancc was passed appropriat
ing money for municipal expenses in
curred during the month of Juno ,
amounting to ? ! ! ; ; (
The following oulinanccs were road
twice and referred to appropriate com
mittees :
Making A levy of tax for the six months
beginning July 1 , as follows : General
fund , 7 mills , sinking fund , 4 mills ;
witcr rent tund , S mills ; judgment fund ,
2 mills ; school siukiiiir fund , 1 mill ; li
brary fund , J mill , police fund , li mills :
lire fund , 2J mills ! : curbing , guttering
and pavement fund , Ij mills. The ordi
nance was laid over.
Ordering the paving of Jackson street
from Seventh to Ninth street with Colorado
rado sandstone. Paving , curbing and
Changing grade of Pierce street from
Twenty-seventh street to Twenty-fifth
avenue , iirado and grading.
Levying tax to cover tlui ono-half cost
of curbing and guttering California street
from Seventeenth street to Twenty-sec
end street. Laid over.
The following ordinances were read a
third time by title and passed :
Prescribing the duties of the board of
public works and fixing their salaries.
The chairman's salary wns fixed at $3,500
per annum , and that of the other two
members $1,000 each per annum , paya
ble monthly. The chairman is required
to give bond in the sum of $15,000 , and
the other two members $10,000 each.
Ordering the paving of Leavcnworth
Street from Seventh street to P ighth
street , and Nicholas street from Sixteenth
street to Twenty-fourth street with Col
orado sandstone.
An ordinance to amend the ordinance
regulating theatres and shows. The most
important provision of this ordinance
was that reducing the license to circuses
from $000 to 500.
Levying special tax to cover the ono-
half cost of grading Sixteenth street from
Lcavenworth to Howard.
Ordering the crading of Twenty-iifth
street from Cuming street to Grace
Establishing the grade of Fifteenth
street from Vinton street to Valley street.
Levying a special tax to cover the one-
half cost of grading Harney street from
Fifteenth street to Twentieth street.
Opening Twenty-first street from the
center line of section 15 nortli to Lake
Ordering the paving of Jones street
from tbo Missouri river to Ninth street.
Board of Education. * ,
The board of education met in regular
session last night with a full attendance.
The report of City Treasurer Rush , show
ing a balance in sinking fund of $7,403.40
and bonds on deposit of $11,100 , was re
ceived and placed on file. A number of
applications for positions as teachers
were received and ref erred toacommitteo.
The secretary of the board of directors
of St. Peter's church , corner of Lcaven
worth street and Virginia avenue , asking
for 100 scats for the use of the parochial
school , was referred to the committee on
supplies. The principals of the several
schools reported faithful service on the
part of janitors , and recommended
the continuance in service of
the present employes. A communi
cation was recived from C. M. Streight
accepting $4,500 lor lot 4 block 5 , in
Lake's addition , was received and placed
on file. The committee on claims re
ported f3M3.27 ; expenses for the month
of Juno. The secretary was instructed
to draw a warrant for the amount. The
examining committee , before whom
come the candidates for positions as
touchers , reported an expense of $ UO.
The amount was allowed. Mr. Ballou ,
member of a real estate firm , was heard
by llio board in reference to H lot which
had been sold by his firm to the board.
The price was $34,000 , and $5,000 had
been paid. Mr. Ballou wanted his
money , and asked for n warrant which
could bo negotiated. Although out
of order , the board discussed the
question briefly and decided to issue n
warrant for $29,000 with the understand1
ing that the warrant should not bo nre-
scntsd for twenty days , by which time
the amounts would be received from
ouartorly licenses and the board would
then have F'lHioiont money on hand to
pay the warrant and also the salaries ol
teachers. The committee on supplies
asked further time to report on what was
needed for the coming year , the board
in the meantime 10 advertise for bids.
The architects to whom was granted thu
contract for building an eight-room
school in Omaha View wore instructed to
present a contract for signature by the
time of the nnxt meeting ol
the board. The committee on
Investigation , appointed to examine
into the charges against T. W. Black
burn , reported that the evidence was in-
suflicicnt to warrant the belief that Mr.
Blackburn had done anything irregular ,
> The committee , however , thought ho hail
committed an impropriety In permitting
his business partner to negotiate for the
halo of property with the board. The
committee recommended that hereafter
board should not purchase property fron :
the persons so intimately connected will
members of the board. The report cre
ated considerable discussion , but it was
finally adopted. Before thu adoption ,
and even after , the debate grew < | uiU
healed , every member had a
personal explanation to make
Mr. Connoyer , in his remarks ,
reflected on Mr. Blackburn , und Mild he
for one didn't know where the money re'
all/.cd from the sale had gone.
"It you did know , " said Mr , Blackburn -
burn , pointedly , "perhaps there wouldn'i
bo so much kicking. "
Mr. Connoyer wan finally called tf
order on a point of ordur raised by Mr
Blackburn and Mr. ( Jonulaml took tin
opportunity to introduce a resolution tc
empower the secretary to employ i
teacher to prepare the allairs of tin
school districts in order to turn every thlnj
over to the now board. After the dinpo
Hition of several minor matters the boart
adjourned. _
No onn should go Into the country fo
the .stimmor without a supply of Frci
Brown's Jamaica ( Singer. I'hiladulphta
* * r
Goo. J. Paul , real estate , reamed l (
1009 Furnain st.
The Itcpbrt Tlmt OOIUM nl Trnfllo iMnn-
i\Ror Klmlinll Will Kcslcn ,
A rumor was current on the streets
cstcrday to the ollcct that Thomns L.
Cimball , general tralllo manager of the
Jnlou Pacific railroad , had resigned and
hat his assistant P. P. Slielby was hw
uceessor. When the latter gentleman
viw asked by a reporter for the BKK if
ho report was true ho said there was
lothlng in It. lie had hoard thu rumor
ilinself but thought it hiid probably orlg-
niiled from a chance remark by Mr.
timball that he was tired of the railroad
business. Railroad men wore likely to
make such remarks Mr. Shelby said.
President ClovclnnU'H rrlvnto For
Indianapolis Journal : It hns been
stated tha ) Mr. Cleveland does not ex
it ; ml more than half his salary , if , indeed
lis expenses exceed 40 per cent of bis in
come , and he will doubtless have at
east $ KX.000 ) of his compensation M
( resident remaining when ho leaves the
vhito house on the 4th of March , 1889. A
rlund of his who is in a portion to speak
vlth force on thu subject says that when
10 was Inaugcrated the president had
Kti.OOO in hard His four political
campaigns in which lie was elected sun-
cesstully to the shrievalty of Erie
iininty to the position of mayor of
Uill'alo , governor of Now York
mil president of the United States , cost
lini , in all , in round figures , $20,000. It
: est a great deal more than this to elect
ilni to these various olllcos , of course ,
jut $20,000 covers the amount which
Cleveland himself paid out. With the
fM,000 ( , therefore that ho had when ho
entered the white house , the $100,000
which ho will save , and the fortune of
"us wife , President Cleveland will have
ill the neighborhood of $200,000 as a for-
lime upon which to bcirin life anew when
.10 leaves the white house. Carefully
nvested this would yield him tin income
sufficient to take care of him very com
fortably for the rest of his days.
"In what is this money invested ? " in
quired your correspondent.
" 1 don't think the president has any in
vestments other than bank deposits. Ho
was never of a speculative turn of mind ,
and never engaged in speculative enter
prise. 1 think the great portion of his
money , at least , is deposited in bunks at
Albany and Buffalo , with , perhaps , sonic
n New York , and 1 do not believe that
Jlevol.imi is likely to invest it anywhere
n the hope of securing big dividends ,
unless ho is absolutely satisfied that his
nvestment will bo safe. When ho dies
) is wife will have , perhaps , $20,000 from
life inbiiranco policies to add to his sav
ings. "
Causes its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , and depressed In mind , very Irrlta-
blo. languid , and diowsy. It Is a disease
which does not get well ot Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw on the causes and tone up the dlgo -
the organs till they perform thdr dullc *
willingly. Hood's Sarsaparllla has proven
just the requited remedy In hundreds of case * .
" I hare talccn Hood's S.irsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from \vhlch 1 have sudci cd two years.
I tried many other mct'Jclnes , but none proved
fo satisfactory as Hood'i Bawiparllla. "
THOMAS COOK , IJrush Klcctric Light Co. ,
New York City.
Sick Headache
"For tha rant two years 1 have been
afflicted with severe heailachcs anil dyspop-
sla. 1 was Induced to try Hood's Barsapa-
rllla , and have found great icllcf. Icucer-
lully recommend Itto all. " Mus. B. V.
ANN.UII.K , New Uaven , Conn.
Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambrldgoport , Mass. ,
was asuflerer fioui dyspepsia and Mck head
ache. She took Hood's Sarsaparllla aud
iouiul it the best remedy bho ever used.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. 1 ; six for $5. Mart *
only by C. 1.11OOD & CO. , Lowell , Mi .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.
For the Vacr , Nrrk , Arm * nnil nnoi
It u niatclilt-H * Liquid. UuaruntefMll'nreaiul
Ktrlctly Ilnrinli-Hi. Iiuttiittly Afl'litd ' > u <
Kcwrllttetted , Utvrrtnxniuli-rfully Huioulh ,
boll , I'lliiblu urid Ill-lit Hlo Mi In.
A 1'ourl Ilkii C'anipluxlou tlngotl with thu
bltub uf lli Uuao.
AlubUNtcr Nuck , Arum nnil Ilnndx.
11 ; IU use rimpleH , lllulckco , Sunburn ,
Wvlerlnu , Wnterbrnih , Koughnpijij ,
Knilncim , Mlllo vnr i , anil ul MKIN
HIjK.tllnllKS uriil amictlcmi ro remuvwl.
Ut'tiirnlDK from n tint walk or tlrlvu. ono H
linimillaltly li-ntrit ntul ntri bxl after U | U (
It , latUufclioul < lnuTer bo without It.
< ; | TO Ibo IIAI.N a Trlnl I
perfect IS II " K o t I
Bhould wi'iirnno. win ii' k k kii boi.t rm.
.K ( WIT CO. . 41 nd i'.O Itrkit St. , Clilugt.
: tOH S. mill St. , Oiimliucl > .
Capital , - ,
Komi * Wade on Itcitl ( Mates
SuliooI.C'ounty nnil Municipal Uonds No-
I'rotiilont Vlrn l'ro .
bccrotnrj U'rimsuror ,
IJUtl'.arpllB :
w.o , MAIM , . K H. WIU.IAUI.
Hour. U turn. ions. H.