Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1887, Image 1

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    ' w wy1' * . jDiM * " "E 't ' yrn i
The Government Side Outvoted on the Irish
Laud Bill ,
Irish Tcnnntfi Barricading Their
House * In Anticipation ofCocrclon
i tnpcror William Arrived at
Kins Oilier Foreign.
The Government Defeated.
LONDON , July ft. In the commons to-night
Campbell Bannennan , formerly chief secre
tary for Ireland , gave notice that hi ) .would
introthico on the second reading of the Irish
land bill a motion that no land measuio be
satisfactory which lacked such revision ot
judicial tents as would meet the result ? of the
fall In prices. An animated discussion took
place over the conduct of the police In ar
resting a young woman named Cass , who is
of pure repute , as an improper character.
The debate resulted In the uefeat of the gov
ernment by a vote of 15.1 to 118. The criti
cisms of the members were directed less
agaiust the peace authorities than against
Mathovvs , liomesecretary , who was accused
of stlcldlng the officials. A number of lib
eral unionists voted with the nmjoilty. It Is
cxDcctwl that the defeat of tlio govoinmunt
will lead to the resignation of Matthews.
It Canard a Noimatlon.
ICnpuHuM 11X7 by Jaw * fJonlon Ilcnnct' . ]
LONDON , July 5. | New York Herald
Cable Special to tlm BKK.J Great has been
the jubilation In the commons lobby and
liberal clubs over the distinct defeat of thu
government. It conies strongly after the
recent defeat nt the polls. Oddly enough ,
the now Gladstone members' lirst vote was
against the cabinet. Homo Secretary
Mathevvs must resign. His defeat Is not
only severe , per BO , but it distinctly im
peaches his candor and his want of
manliness , neccssailly also that of the gov
ernment which stood by his blunder
with tory obstinacy , even tlio attorney
gencnil backing up the homo secietary.
Lord Randolph Churchill , his political god-
lather , had the good scnso to keep out of the
division. The morning papers are unani
mously stvaijo on him. The Telegranh ,
hitherto friendly to the government , using
such strong language as that "the vote was a
deserved robuku to Mathevvs , " aud charac
terized what the attorney general urged as a
general special pleading. The liberal
unionists deserted tlio government. The
cheer which went up from the homo rule
benches on the result was said , by the Irish
members , to be the overture to tlio coming
opera of Irish success.
Outrage * In Irnlund The Poor Ten-
nut's Unhappy Lot.
[ Co/r/M ) ) [ / ( ; 1SS7 liu Juwot Gordon Ilennctt. ]
DUIII.I.V , July 5. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BIK. ] The prepara
tions to-day began on Brook estate at the
Coal Granuoy nearAiklow and In the ex
treme north ot Woxford county. Seventy
eviction writs are out and 700 soldiers with
wagons conveying reinforcements of police
were to-day dratted Into AiKlow and from
thence to the sccno of evictions where a
regular encampment is formed. The tenants
have determined they shall not go without
resistance. Wherever circumstances would
allow they are barricading and fortify Ing thwlr
little homesteads. Thopieparatiousoii both
Bides bear more the appearance of actual
warfare than the more execution of legal
decrees. Willing hands havu been
engaged a couple of dnjs foiling trees. Trunks
have been placed behind the windows , doors
nailed ahd fastened together vv 1th iron spikes
in a wny which transforms the cottages Into
a fortress. In the two-storied Iiouso of Pat
rick Kavanrueh ho madoairangements to cut
away nttaitcaso and no will resist until ho
and his family are driven out through the bed
room windows. 'Ihe ssmo spirit appears to
animate all tenants. It is likely this eviction
campaign In Coal Granney will bo as mem
orable as those ot Gleulelgh or liodjko.
Mr. Brock , wine mcichaut , Dublin , Is
landlord nnd Captain Hamilton , secretary
of the Lindlords Defense association , is
agent of the projioity. It covers a vvldo area
and lies on the slopes of hills not far from
the beautiful vale of Glcnmaluru. Uents are
exacted from UO to 40 per cent hlghoi than
the Grlfliths valuation. This Is the complaint
of the tenants that induced them to plan the
campaign which was put In operation on the
estate months aeo by John Dillon , M. P. ,
when the claim for a reduction of M ) per cent
ws made. For lustanco , Laurence
Keogh holds thirty-eight acres the
valuation of which Is WC and the rout JC.K5.
Patrick Kavanagh 50 acres valuation , 30
rent , 8J , etc. , etc. There are other tenan
cies , the estate on which most of them have
fettled has been tor generations , a fact
which makes the proceedings all the harder.
One estate belonged originally to a Colonel
Ford , and his nephew acted as agent and
was engaged on ono occasion In carrying out
eighteen evictions. The last person thrown
out on the roadside was an old woman , who'
falling on her knees , Invouod curses on the
agent "may you never see your owu home
cg ln , " bite shrieked and Ford returning from
the evictions was thrown otf his horse and
killed , A genera < reduction was made and
matters went on voic ° nhly when the prop
erty was sold to a Mr. Brook , who at once
raised the rent over the original ligure. It Is
very possible the cerclon act will take effect
before these evictions , and then they may
become pioneer list cases. The scene of the
contest Is In the boiouch , in which J. 1' .
lUrtmond M. U. , who Is n prudent but plucky
campaigner , resides.
Great Interest Is felt about the matter hi
nationalist circles.
Gorman ) ' * lialHor U Iteoolved With
EnthiiRlnBtlo Demonstrations.
[ Cnpi/ifu'it ' tS87 liv Jiime.1 Onnlnnlomcft.l
EMS , July 5 , INovT York Illerald
Cable Special to the BKI1 | stood within
n few feet of the emperor ab he stcpi > ed from
the sleeping car of his special train this
morning. Ha looked weak from past llhu'ss
ml exhausted by the journey , but still had
etrenuth enough to respond repeatedly to the
cheering. Ho stood several minutes bowing
to the crowd which waited patiently bolovv
Kurliai" ' ? window at the depot. The
crowd willingly dropped back out of
eight of the platform at an olllcer's
suggestion that It wounded the cmparor's
pride to have his subjects see. he had been
bolpfldnutof thorad\vay As the kaiser
stepped ou the crimson footclotb a urilllnnt
officer advanced nud almost knelt as be
leased his hand. Within ( ho station tno em-
p or received a few Intimates. Ihey went
out to thf carriage to drive under the shadow
Of hundreds of lUga to Kurharas. Mu&t of
the distune * tall poles covered with ever
greens vrera roetod every few foot
on both slclts of the street , Hetuevn
the poles youi esters six to ten years
old from the Fan school ) wor utatlonod
sarh with a uou4U l to Ibrow * t the euipciot
All & nr including eveu
the bridge over the Lohn was lined with
a dense crowd. Finally the tired emperor
came to the window. Four times he ac-
< novvledged the greeting of the people out
side. The people of Ems who had not seen
ihocmperor since his recent Illness were a
eood deal shocked at his appearance
but have entire faith that ho
only needs Kins to ensure absolute
recovery. I am told the kaiser decided , con
trary to the fidvise of his physicians , to leave
Kms on the llth for Coblenetz , Baden-
Baden , Constance and Gasteln , stopping ono
or moro days at each Intermediate point
His general health will decide this matter.
American Military Encampments
Tidier Than the Kn llsh.
IkSTl > v.tiiinti dniiton Hsmiett.l
LONDON , July G. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK. [ In support of
the popular English supposition that the
queen alvvavs h is line weather for journeys
and appearance , It Is ccrtilnly an odd cir
cumstance that no sooner were her dally
jubilee duties yesterday ended than rain
began to fall , after three weeks' cessation ,
with bright dajs and draught. The latter
vvab hard upon the 10,000 volunteers who
were employing the jubilee time In encamp
ment , their chaplains joining last Sunday in
universal prayers over the kingdom for rain ,
a raioly used chinch service In misty , molsty
England. The Standard , which Is
rarely complimentary to anything
Amerlan , thus compares the current v ohm-
teer encampments hero and tlio one near
New York. I quote It as Interesting to the
Immense volunteer armies of America : "Our
volunteers flatter themselves that their camps
are models of military neatness. They would
bo iibtonlslied , however , wore they subjected
to the discipline which the Seventh volun
teer regiment of Now York Is undergoing at
the htato camp at Peekskill. So ligld is
Colonel Phlbtou that not only are rags , easy
chahs , mlirois and the nicknacks which
embellish tlio tents of our volunteers
at Wimbledon stilctly prohibited , but It Is
rigidly forbidden , on pain of military pun
ishment , to throw down a htlf burnt matcher
or the stump of a cigar. It may bo doubted
whether rules ? o ligld were over laid ( town
In thoctmp ot regular soldiers at Oldershot ,
which must bu admitted as an untidy and
disorderly encampment In comparison with
reeksklll. "
The general idea Is that tlio discipline In
thoAmerican army is tar less strict than Eu
rope , but it Is evident there are exceptions ,
and the Jmv York regiment can fairly claim
that their camp in tidiness is ab
solutely unrivalled by those men
In service In the eflete monarchy of Euiope ,
It may bo that , however good fighters the
English volunteers maybe , they possess In
comparison with many American militiamen
In large cities n slouch bearing and dress.
Many volunteer otllcers from Boston , New
York and Philadelphia are now In Lonilo- ,
specially Invited by the ancient and honor
able artillery regiment heie to eujoy its
Closed n DaiiRorons Theater.
nmcn Onnl /JeiinclM
July 5. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UFE. ] The borgor-
master and aldermen ot Brussels dreaded to
day to order the closing fonwei of the The
atre les Galerled , Shubert , where they con
sider the danger of fire Irreparable. This
was one of the oldest theatres in Brussels ,
where the famous Dusler Wadebar made his
hrst appearance , where Julio Coquclln and
many others were often heard , and where
Thackeray as related In his recent Scrlbner
Magazine letteis witnessed the performance
of "Gentle Bernard" by Digauon thirty
j ears ago. The closing is the result of the
Opera Conilquo scaie.
Djnamilo Explosion In France.
PAIUS , July 5. A bomb which had been
secretly placed outside the uremises of a
property owner at Mont Martro exploded
to-day , doing considerable damage. All the
windows In the vicinity were smashed , and
a great hole made In the vv all surrounding the
pioperty An Italian tenant was boutenced
to four months'Imprisonment lately for as
saulting landlords , and suspicion rests upon
the man's comrades. Three members of tlm
an.uchlst anti-landlord league hove been ar-
Celebrated In a Kort-icn hand.
Pu VGUF , July 5. Two hundred American
C/hects on their way to their native lana cel
ebrated the Fourth of July by a banquet In
this city. Consul Jones uroposed the welfare
of America. Ltska offered a toast to Presi
dent Cleveland , and Diobuck , of Milwaukee ,
toisted the emperor of Austria. The coin-
pan } telegraphed greetings to Cleveland and
the emperor.
Portugal Oivox Up.
ZANZIBAR , July 5. The Portugese have
surrendered to the British and German con-
mils the sultan's steamer Kltwa. seized
during the dispute between Xanzibar and
Portugal concerning the claims ot the latter
to Capo Delgado. 1'oitusal will also pay
Zanzibar Indemnity.
Doings or thu Deputies.
PAIIIS , July 0. The chamber of deputies
to-day 107 to 41 adopted the clause of the
military bill providing for three jear's ser
vice. Suspending discussion on the bill , the
chamber voted 557 to S urgency for the
proposal to raise to seventy fumes per liecto-
litiu duti on foreign alcohol.
A Wild AVext Nuisance.
LONDON- , July 5. Action has been Insti
tuted aualtibt the managers of the. American
exhibition to restrain rifle shooting done by
the Wild West combination during their per
formances the complainants alleging that
thu shooting Is n nuisance.
The Aiiulo-Turkinh Row.
LONDON , July 5. In the house of lords this
afternoon Salisbury announced that the
Anglo-Turkish convention In rofeienco to
Egypt had not been mtliied bTurUey ami
that tlio special British cummissioner had
been Instructed to leave Constantinople.
Killed by Dynamite.
FKSTU , July 5. During thu drill of the
sappers nt Jau Bereuy , capital of Jaxjgla ,
Hungary , je tcrday , a dvnaunto caitrid.-e
exploded prcmatuielv , killine twonty-stnen
men and Injuring torty-aiht others. Of the
Killed lour men wore oflU-ers.
Th Count' * Ucceptinn.
LONDON , July 5.'Iho Count of Paris held
another reception on the Island of Jersey to
day , ills visitors numbered 700 Including
the Ducdc Droglic , General l.llle , General
La Charlotte and otliur distinguished vis
itor.- .
To Celebrate Columbus' Discovery.
GKNOA , July S. A committee Is being or
ganized here to ariaugo for the calcination
o ! the four hundredth attulver ary ni tlio
discovery of A mei lea by Columbus. All the
states of America will be Invited to tend
reprcscntcUws to the celebration ,
Big French Sn\lns .
PAWS , July B. The premier and minister
of rinnnce hrvs prepared a budget for pre
sentation in the chfuubor of deputies showIng -
Ing a saving of IS.OW.ow franca over the last
bJdnet , _
Itlot Suppressed.
MADMID , July S. Tlia rlotn In Valencia ,
which insulted from an attempt to collect
octroi tax , httvobcsn bupiiroise
U again quiet.
Another Busy and Interesting Day at the
Orete Assembly ,
To-day to Ho Devoted to Local
Two Desperadoes Corralled
In a Canyon Hall Storm
at Oakland.
The Day at Crete.
OIIKTK , Neb. , July 5. [ SpecialTelegram to
the UiK.j-To-day at the Chautauqua assembly
has been a worklug one , the full programme
beltiK carried out as though the day before
had not been enthusiastic enough to weary
anyone. The work has progressed excel-
lenth and the class badges flutter on every
baud that the enthusiastic workers were. In
tlio afternoon the lirst lecture by Colonel
Homer U. bpr.igue , of California , was given
at the pavillion , his subject being "Shake
speare's Youth. " The Twenty-first Infantry
bind gave an early evening concert on the
grounds that vvas greatly enjoved. P. S.
llensoii , 1) , U. , ot Chicago , arrived on the
grounds vesterday and will lemaln through
the lest of the assembly. In the evening ho
lectured to a very large audience on the
tonic "Gunnery , " nnd Thursday evening he
will again lecture upon "Our Governors , or
tlio People who Uoss Us. "
Wednesday is lawyers' day and Don. J.
M. Woolvvorth , of Omaha , lectures to them
at 2 p. in.
Thursday is editors' day on the grounds ,
and Judge C. 0. Goodwin , editor of the Salt
Lake Tribune , will arrive Wednesday , and
nt 8:30 : Thursday will address the editors of
the state and the assembly upon the topic ,
"Journalists nnd Journalism. " There are a
great many newspaper men in tlio state who
enjoy a perional acquaintance with
this eminent journalist , and the state press
association desires a laigo repiesentation ot
newspaper men , whether members of the as
sociation or not , that Mi. Cioodvviu maybe
loyally received. In the evening the mem
bers of the association will hold a business
and social meeting at the new press associa
tion building , and the Twenty-first infantry
band will tender Judge Goodwin a serenade
at the same place.
Ilnd Thieves Corralled.
BIIOKEN Bow , Neb. , July 5. [ Special
Telegram to the Bir. : . | For the last two
weeks a series of depredations have been
committed In the country west of here and
tracers have been put out. The pease suc
ceeded in tracking the outfit from the Union
Pacific , about fifty miles south of heie , up to
Anselmo , twenty miles northwest of here ,
where they lost track of the thieves and came
to Broken 15ow. In the meantime the thieves
went to Anselmo and last night broke Into
( several houses , securing about 8400 worth of
goods , among which were several guns. The
Anselme deputv gave chase this morning
and succeeded in covering them
in a can } on , about six miles
north of heie. The deimties Immediately
sent a man to inform tbo sheriff , and while
here the man sent with the Information mot
tlio posse that lost the scent tlm night before.
Alter informing them of the cornering of the
desperadoes , they set out alter them. The
sheriff has prepared hlnsclt ana deputies
with Winchester and proceeded to the can
yon where the men aie being held. 'Ihe
desperadoes are described as being hard
ca es , both being cowboys , ono a Mexican.
The excitement is hmh and another , possibly
two. Is expected to join Ciister county's list
of dead toughs ere morning , as they botli
doly the law and aio armed to the teeth.
nencvolent Amoolntion Orcnnlzrd.
UOLUMIIUS , Neb. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bhii.J The Stencei Jionevolent
association was Incorporated a few weeks ago
with a donation of 810,000 to DO Increased by
further donations until the sum of 3100,000
is secured , the Interest to be expended to re
lieve poor f tuners and their families , fur
nishing medicine , men leal advice and sur
gical appliances. A permanent organi/atlon
was made to-day and Chas. A. Spelco elected
president , S. A. Newman secretary , Jacob
Emst treasurer ; trustees , John Ilarney , Kd
Kuescher , Johu Staulfer , J. J. Sullivan , C.
A , Spelco. _
Thn Vctrraiis nt Kavennn.
KAVP.NVA , Neb , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE. [ To dav's county G. A.
H. encampment passed off pleasantly. A
nnsterly and scholarly address vvas delivered
by Judge Aaron Wall , of Loup City. Ad
dresses were also made by Department Com
mander Russell and J. P. ilartmau , of Kear
ney. There was a grand campuro to-night ,
when some twenty veterans told stories nnd
bad a grand good time , as usual. The indus
trial school band discoursed good music.
Damage By Hail.
OAKLAND , Julys- ( Special Telegram to
the HKK. I A severe hail and lain storm oc
curred hero this afternoon , the largest ball
measuring six and a halt Inches. lint little
damage vvas done In town. A few window
panes ) were broken. The skylight on the
photograph building was demolished. All
garden truck vvas greatly damaged as was
small grain , early corn and also the apple
Crops In Dad Shape
Ilt.vr. Tin. ! . , Neb. , July 5. [ Special Tele-
grim to the Bin. : ] Wheat , barley and oats
are consumed with drought and chinch bugs.
Only corn Is left now , and it will not be long
before that will be badly damaged , The
tanners hereabouts are dtbcouragcd.
Drmvnort AVhllo Intoxicated.
Nouroi.K , Neb. , July 5. [ Special to the
BKI : . | While two intoxicated Germans ,
Gustavus Barnicisterand Bunkey Conioxsen ,
were bathing In the North Folk to-daj , Bur-
melster was drowned. Ills father Is sup
posed to reside nt Walnnt , la.
nobbed Hy the Rlror.
UES MOINIS : , la. , July fi. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK.J Attorney Holme ? , of the
DlnEonal railroad , has presented a sad but
novel case to the notice of the council. It is
that of Mis. Mary Dlirnan , vvhoscvcial years
ago occupied a lot on the cast bank of the
rlvor. The spring Hoods or a change of the
river's course svv ampcd the widow's property
mid hid It from sight Shu applied to the
city forrollet and they moved her home to
property owned by Thomas Cranston. Mrs.
Diguan lemained there until Cranston sold
Ills piopertv to Philip Kechtol for brick mak
ing purposes and sh was compelled logo ,
'llio city then removed her to a piece of
giound south of the Haccon , which the city
was supposed to own. It now turns out
that tlm grouuii was owned by the South
J'arkcompany and was sold to the Diagonal.
In grading her garden was dlstrojod and In
addition to that the railroad company do-
blred her to vacate. She has called upon the
cltv to again give her a place to stay.
FatalltlrH at Dubnque.
DUIIUQUK , la. , July fi. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ubi' . ] Tom Dodge , ono of tne
oldest engineers on the river , vvas drowned
yesterday by falling from the steamer Emma
as she w at passing through the ; bridge , lie
bad been on the river forty yoars.
Near Mast Dubuque jestorday George
Leotrelholt * . with his eicht-vear-olu boy , was
fehootlnx at a mark with his revolver. It
missed tire , and as he was examining It the
weapon vvas discharged , killing the boy In-
stantly. The father U nearly crazed with
An Uutrniicr Arrested.
Cj.i.vrotf , la , , .July 5. [ Special Telegram
to thu BKK.I Sunday a farm laborer named
Jake Whitman assaulted aglrl named Meyers
vmlkluE along the road two
miles west of this city. After the brute left
icrlnn falutlu' { condition she recovered
and was able to get home. An officer was
secured , w lie arrested the man and brought
him to jail. Popular recline against the
wretch r.ns very high , and If be could be
taken from the jail the1 crowd would maice
short work of him.
Drowned While Itathlne.
CIIKSTON , la. , July 5. [ Special Telcaram
to the BLE.I Harry Smith , sixteen years
old , of Cromwell , was drowned vvhllo bath-
ng In the lake heie yesterday.
Drowned In the Mlmisslppi.
KEOKUK , la. , July 5. ( Special Telegram
to the BEH. I Patrick McFalls , aged ten , was
drowned last night while bathlnz In the
Mississippi. The body was recovered.
William Palvo , missing since Juno 23 , Is
near Fort Madibon , where he bought a faun.
Killed By a Drunken Alan.
PnoiUA , July 5. A special to the Tran-
rlpt says : J. K. Louan , city marshal of
Lew Iston , was shot and killed this morning
by George Wcklo , who was intoxicated. The
murder was without provocation. The ex
citement at Levviston over the affair Is at
fever heat , and threats ot lynching Weklo
aie fieely made.
A Panic on it Street Hallway Kosnlts
FtTciimnin , Mass. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the linn. | A terrible accident oc
curred yesterday afteinoon on the Fltchburg
horse railroad In which ono woman was
killed and two more passengers received In
juries which will probably prove fatal , while
several others were badly hurt The car left
Fltchburg soon after noon for the fair
grounds and had ninety people on board on
their way to see a ball game. Many persons
were hanging to the front and rear platforms
and sides of the car. When a short distance
out of the city the horses became frightened
and the driver lost control of the animals.
They ran along at a rapid pace and some ono
shouted fiom the rear platform : "Jump for
your life. " In an Instant the passengers ,
who were crowded together and could not
see the horses or the driver , became panic
stricken. They rose from their setts , forc
ing those who were standing in the aisles
between the seats and the platforms. These
weiealreadv full and thoRuddcn rush pushed
elf several of them , A tew jumped from the
car and escaped unhurt. Tlio casualty list Is
as follows : Marlon O'Bnen was
pushed trom a plat f mm and fell
head foremost upon the rocks
alongside the track. Her neck was broken
and her skull fractured. Mary O'Hara , who
was sitting near the side of the car , was
forced out of her seat and Jell from the cat ,
striking on her head. She remained un
conscious foi some hours. Mr. Cahlll leaped
elf and fell to the ciound , breaking his leg
at the thlsh. Biidget Dunne was pushed
fiom the platform and dragged along , scrapIng -
Ing her lace. Injuring one eve and badly
bruising her body. Allen McCarthy leaped
and fell , breaking his collar bone and both
ankles. Uobert Maltland was forced over
the dashboard of tlio roar platform and was
cut nnd bruised and sustained probablv fatal
internal Injuries. Thomas Conroy fell elf
the car anil was thrown Into an alley. Sev
eral others in leaping or being pushed oil
were moro or less Injured , but were nblo to
go homo without assistance.
HluinlnatliiKMt. Hood.
PORTLAND , Ore. , Julv5. For the Fourth
of July celebration yesterday Portland un
dertook and successfully carried out an un
precedented feat In the way of fireworks , it
was no less than the illumination of the
summit of Mount Hood , the tallest snow-
covered pwak In Oregon , 12,720 feet In
height , lids was done at exactly half past
eleven last night and the light was plainly
seen In this city , a distance of fifty-one miles.
The illuminating agent was one hundred
pounds of ordinary red fire. The task was
accomplished by a local explorer of some
note , Nelson W. Durham , of the Oregonlan
statf and five others. The party
left here Friday morning last and
camped Saturday night at the snow line.
Fiom there to tlio summit thu journey was
made on foot over soft snow In some pi ices
and Ice In others , where steps were cut with
hatchets and two dangerous crevices crossed.
The party had each to carry twenty pounds
of redhro In addition to blankets. The ar
rangement VN hen the ) left here was for two
of the party to remain on the summit all
night in order to touch off the lire. This is
the first time a human being spent a night on
the summit of the mountain. The Illumina
tion was also seen In eastern Oregon , a dis
tance of seventv-livo miles. The paity began
the descent of the mountain this inomlng.
An Important Bond Doclslon.
CHICAGO , July 5. Judge Blodgett , of the
United States district court , to-day decided
the cases of the . /Etna Life Insurance com
pany against the town of Mlddleport and
others. In June , lbG3 , the town voted $ r ,000
In aid of the construction of the Chicago ,
Danville & "Vincennes road. In 1870 , the
town being unable to pay , voted to Issue in
terest bearing bonds in payment. The In
surance company bought the bonds , but the
supiemo court of Illinois decided that they
were void because the law only authorizes
an appropriation of money. The Insuiance
company hied a bill In the federal court ts
compel the town to levy a tax to pay. Judge
Blodsett holds that the money WHS rm ) able
when the road was completed In Ib71 , and
that the debt was barred by the statute of
limitation , no action being brought within
live years from the time of ritrht of action ,
Similar decisions were rendered In the cases ,
of the towns ol Belmont and Milfoid.
A Crash at a Base Ball Game.
SUSQUKUANNA , Pa. , July 5. At St.
John's Catholic church picnic held yester
day at Beebe's park an Immense crowd had
assembled In the afternoon to witness a
game of base ball. Before the game com
menced a large number of boys crowded to
til o roof of the dining hall , when It suddenly
collapsed , burvlng those on the roof and
those inside. The ruins were promptly re
moved and nlno persons removed who were
seriously iujuicd.
Steamship Arrivals.
NE.vYouiv , July 5. | Special Telegram to-
the BKK. ] Arrived The , Nevada from Liv
SouritAMpTox.July 5 , Arrived-TheKlbe ,
from New York for Bremen.
GLASGOW , Julv 5. Arrived The State of
Nebraska , from New York.
QUEI.NSTOVV.V , July 0. Arrived The
QuHen , from New York.
Pi.TWOtnir , July 5. Arrived The Neder-
land , trom Philadelphia for Antwerp.
Arrented For Attempted llapa.
ItAi'ii ) Gil Y , Dak. , Jnly 5. [ Special Tele-
cram to the BCK.J Jennie O'Neal to-day
charged Michael F. MeCalviu and Thomas
Cosgiovo with assault with In ten. ' , to commit
rape. The men were arrested and arraigned
In pollen court and were held In $100 ball to
thu grand jury. Toe inun are cowboys and
were drunk. The woman Is of easy virtue.
The Strike of the Coker * .
PiTTsnur.o , July 5. About UO Plnkerton
men arrived from the east nnd west this
morning' and took the early trains to the
coke regions. Tr e cofco operators have de
termined to resume operations WCuKg'day ,
and detectives will be distributed throughout
the region to protect any of the old em
ployes who deslie to < < o back to work nt the
old wages.
Immigration HtntUHcs.
NEW YOHK , Julys. Statistics of the Im
migration of tlda port for the lirst six months
of the current year ahovv a larve Increase
over last. The lirst six months of ISyi there
were 141,607 , and the Unit six of 1$77 , 'J12t55. (
For the vvhqle year IhSC tliero landed at
Custlo Garden 200,019 immigrants.
Mualcnl Composer
Julj S. ijindsfiy bleeper the
inusl' a I composer and pianlb't , died today ,
y-one J ears of age.
A. Desperate Seventy-one Round Prize
Fight Near Wilkosbarre , Pa ,
The Second Day's Kactnn nt Wnhoo
Great SiiccciSB frlnco nndVhlt -
taker HlK" an Aitrooinant
Other Sports.
Honcnty-Ono Konnds
EsnAKUE , 1'a. , July 5. Ono of the
most brutal prlo lislits that ever occurred In
this county took place yesterday near Nantl-
coke. The contestants were Thomas Hoar ,
of this city , and Peter Hurley , of Nantlcoko.
The I'uht was to a finish. When time was
called for the seventy-second round Hoar
claimed ho could not sec , said he "had
enouicli" and the light vas awarded to
Hurley. _
Great KaoluK nt AVnhoo ,
\VAnoo , Neb , , July 5. [ Special Telegram
lo tlio UEE.J The following Is the result of
to-day's races , the second day of the tmcst
mci's In tlio history of the county :
24.J trot , purse 8100 : Frank 1' won llrst
money , Uutsy linker second , Lumber Boy
third. Time-3SC. : 3iO : , .2:4.5. :
In tlio county trot , nurse 312. ) ! Letta took
fust money , Wahoo Maid second , Uroucho
D.UI third. Time-3:54 : , 3:67 : , 8:00. :
In the three-fourths mile etash running
race , purse $100 : Hosallnd took mono ) ,
JooJluward second , Bay Dick third. Time
) : ! .
The attendance was fully as good as yes
terday , and to-morrow promises to bo the best
ot the three days' races.
Tlio Twin City Trot ,
Sr. Pxur. , July G. The last day of the
Twin City Driving club races had a fast
track and an attendance of 3503. The 3:27 :
trot , unfinished yesterday , was completed ,
Amy King , having ono heat last night , tak-
Ine two straight heats , Banner Hey second.
in the 3:18 : trot , unfinished yesterday , Pat
ron won the touith and deciding heat , one
length ahead of Arab. Time 3:30. :
a. .H trot , purse Slr > 00 : James C. won , A.
N. 1'antllud second , Ihitterhcotch tuhd ,
Voucher fourth. Uest thno-3:3JU. :
2 : 0 trot , purse 82,500 : Mel-end won , Pat
Quinn second , btuart third , Celvaua .Spi ue
fourth. Htstttmo-3:3 : i.
A. loam of pacers brlonelng to L. W. Sin
clair , of Salem , Ind. , made a mile without a
ipiii3lHK. :
Hi nno Huaupro drove his team of pacers tea
a road agon to beat the best state record of
K and paced a mile In 2:33 : .
Miss Masterson and Miss Moise , In double
tuam , mile running rate1 , to skeleton waion ,
the latter wlnnliiK in 1:55. : Tlio same ladies
hi a Homan standing race , with two hoises ,
eacli made a mile In 1 :5G. : Dead heat.
flrlglitnn lloach Haces.
nmoinoNflEAcu , July 5. The weather
was "oudy , with occasional gusts of rain.
Tlio following is the summary :
Three-fourths mile : llobcl Friend won ,
Mam'selle second , Kink third. Tlmo l:10Jf. :
Unomile : Billy Cock won. Epicure second
end , Chantllly tliird. 'lime 1:45 : % .
Thrce-fourttw mile : Young luke ) won ,
Ml lift second , Battledore third. Time
1:16 .
Ono and otic-foiuth miles : Ferg Kyle won ,
Treasurer second , Ernest third. Time
Savon-eights mile : Daly Oak won , Hickory
Jim second , Woodllower third. Times
1 W.
Uiiutle , ono and one-fourth miles : Sam
] ? ro\vn won , Little Fellow wjcond , Leopold
third , Time-3:3J : )
_ _
Exctor Dcfrata Gcnevn.
ExKTKn , Neb. , July 5. [ bpoolal to the
BEB. ] An Interesting and oxcltlne game of
ball- vas jilajed here yesterday between
Genoa's crack nlno and Kxctci's cham
pions resulting In a victory lor E\eter by
the following score :
( iene\a . 1 0021040 0 10
Exeter . 1 * 11
Northwestern I.P.IKIIC GnntOH.
Dis MOINES , la. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. | The home club won a
twelve inning game tiom Lacrosse to-day.
Score :
l > es Molncs . 0 00010011001 4
Lacrosse . 0 0100 ! i 00000 0-5
Base lilts DCS Molncs 17 , Lacrosse 13.
Errois Des Molnes 3 , Lacrosse 1. Batteries
Des Molnes , Wells and Sage ; Liciosse ,
Dwjer and McAnley. Uinnlio Xaylor.
Milwaukee 12 , Oslikosh 11 at Oshkosh.
Eu Olairo Srt , Duluth : i at Ku Cl.iirc.
St. 1'aul it ) , Minneapolis S nt St. Paul.
The American Association.
LOUISVILLE , July 5. The game between
the Louisville and Athletics to-day resulted
as follows :
Louisville. . 0 0010702 0-10
Atliletles . U 1210000 C 7
Pitchers Chamberlain for Louisville ,
Sovraid and Atkisson for Athletics. Base
hits Louisville , l > , Athletics 13. Errors-
Louisville , G ; Athletics 4. Umpire Hurley.
Cr.KVKLANi ) , July 5. The drawn game of
ycsteiday was not played to-day between
Cleveland and Brooklyn on account of rain.
National LJCHKUO Games.
iHDiAyAi' , July 5 , The game be-
Uv en the Indlananolls and Washington
tennis to-day resulted as follows :
Indianapolis . 0 0 5
Wasliinnton . 1 0-4
i'itchers Ilcaley and Whitney. Base hits
IndlnapoIlslO , Washington 13 Errors In
dianapolis 1 , Washington 3. Umpire Sulli
van.DI.THOIT , July 5. The came between the
Detroit and Boston teams to-day resulted
as follows :
Detroit . 0 2181000 5-10
Huston . 0 0-8
1'itchers Twitchell and Uetzcin for Do-
trolt , Conway for -Boston. Base hits Ie-
tioit 19 , Boston 18. Krrors-Detrolt 1 , Bos
ton 5. Umpire Doescher.
CHICAGO , July 5. The tramo between the
Chicaitoand Now i'ork teams
to-day result
ed as follows :
ChlcaKO . 0 5109000 * 15
New I'ork . 0 00000021 a
Fltchers VanhaltreiJ for Chicago , Keefe
and Tiernaufoi r e.wYork. Base hits Chicago
cage 17 , New JTork 10. Errors Chicago 3 ,
New York ' . . Umpire Pearco.
Piui.A.iEi.i'HiA , July 5. The Philadel-
phla-Pittsbuig game was postponed on ac
count of rain.
Cornell Wins the Chnniplonnhlp.
NVoucEtiTKn , Mass , July 5. Cornell won
the mile and a half straight awav race for
four-oared crows of the Inter-collegiato row
ing association at Lake Quliislgamond today.
The race was yery hotly contested , neither
crew liavinif at any one time an advantage
of more than half a length of Its boat , while
tor at a mllfi the shells were bow anil
bow. Uowdoin and Cornrll weio the only
starters. The boats crossed the Imlsh line so
near together that no one on the referee's
boat could tell which won. The judges on
shore said Cornell won by two feet. The
oflielal time was 0:3bjf. : Possibly this Is six
or seven seconds too last , Coinell thus wins
the Inter-colleglatu championship and bllver
cup. _
liocal Sporting News.
Itourke , the third baseman of thu Omalias ,
has been icea ! 'd.
'InoOmahasgoto llcoli ! this morning
for three games , returning here haitircisy for
a gaum with the Hastings , Saturday , Sunday
and Tuesday ,
Umpire McLiushlin fined P.itsey Tabpau
Slu for Insolence and unbecoming conduct
In the Held Monday afternoon. Twenty-UNO
cases would havu been the proper caper.
Mcssltt will permanently occupy thlr <
liuieaftcr , the change catchers and pitchers
alternating In right Held.
Itourke , It Is understood , h s several offers
from Topeka , Kansas City and Hastings
and will probably boldlo but atewda > s.
Whlttaker ami Prince ha\e finally come tea
a conclusion as to the terms of their uroposrd
t > Ic\o ) ! race , and this evening both uicu
> o < dtd a SM earnest w Ith 11. A. Pcnroso.
following will be found the articles of agree
ment :
OMAKA , Neb. , July C. Entered Into this
da > of July. ISb ? , between J. 8 , Prince , of
Jmalia , and S. G. WhlttaKcr , of Chicago.
They do hereby aerco to run n match race
on bicycles , a distance of ton tulles , for two
iiindrcd and titty dollars ( S' > 0) ) a side , said
race to taUn place on Sunday , July 17 , ISST ,
at the base bill park In the city of Omaha ,
j. A. W. rules to govern.
.1 , S. Pl ISCK ,
S. ( > Win i rA.
witness : Harry Canle , \ \ llbur F. Knapp ,
A. L. Clatlln , Albert Hood.
Kemp Outrn\\H Mattcrnon.
SVDNKY , N. S. W. , July 5.-ln the sculling
natch jcslerdav Kemp defeated Mattersou
by twenty lengths.
The ThlstlB Still Winning.
(5iAs < iow , July 5. In the western vicht
club regitta on the tJI > do to-day tlm Thlbtlo
ou easily , beating Trex and Lcuoro ,
Famous Stallion Dcnd.
OKKAT BA.nni.\tiTON , Mass. , Julyfl. Al-
cylon , the 820,000 , stallion belonglni : to Kllia
Smith's .stock larin , died yesterday from ln-
lammatlon of the liowels.
our nv nun.
A Liquor Man Arrosloit Kor
Up n Touii.
EiitE , Pa. , July fi. About PSO : last night
.wo tires btoke out almost simultaneously In
lie hotel and a saw mill In Clarendon , seven
iidloscastof Wan en , and a brisk wind swept
ilie ( lames over ihe frame buildings of the
. 'lllat'e like a whlrlmnd. Aid was procured
'loin Warren as soon as possible , but It was
oo late to stav the progress of the fno , and
ibout all that wtt > ttavod of the town wan the
railroad depot. The area burned o\er Is
about twenty acres and the value of the
} tiildlngs IB estimated at S.V 0,000 , exclusive
of contents. The insurance Is insignificant.
Glfeven handled people ate homeless to-night
and camping In the woods. Lumber In huge
quantities Is being shipped In and prepara
tions are being undo as rapidly as possible to
lirovlde shelter for the unfortunate Inhabi
tants who have lost their all. It is believed
that the lire was of incendiary origin and
the trouble Is alleged to have giown out of
the refusal of the county authorities to give
linuor licenses. ' 1 ho proprietor ot the hotel
where the tire was lirht discovered is chaigcd
with having titteied threats to bum the town
and tills mui nine lie tied to the woods. He
was soon eaptuied , however , and placed in
[ all. 'Ihroats of Ijnclilng are fieely made.
At Alfred Center , N. Y.
Ai.FitiiD CQMUK , N. Y. , July 6. Soveial
stores were dcstrojed by tire to day. Loss ,
540,000 ,
At St. Komi , Quo.
ST. HKMI , Que. , Jul } 5.A portion of this
\HlRKewabthisafternoonrcduced to ashes.
Thlrtj-tne awelllugs and places ot business
were destroved. Several families are lett
homeless.rlho loss is estimated at 5100,000.
Governor CSordon'n Mcssnjjo.
ATLANTA , Julj 5. [ Special Tohgram to
the BIK. | There are reveral featuies of the
message which Governor Gordon \\iil Bond
to the legislature on Wednesday likely to
attract national attention , and none more so
than tlio attitude which lie oroposes to take
In regard to the Atlanta university. This
institution is for colored students , but is
taught by white profebsois who mix In their
own children with the noroes. Ooveinor
Gordon's Idea Is to give state aid of 88,000
ficY ffrinunVtcr'1 a purely negro university
taught by negro professors , thus cutting
off the otfendine whites. The governor re
news his plea tlatcon\let ! leases bo abolished
and that convicts be worked on public \vorks.
He declares the agltition for the payment ot
repudiated bonits to be mischievous in that
the barriers In the vvay nf payment aie insur
mountable. Ho will tall attention to the bar
barous condition of pii.sons throughout tlio
state , and will nrgn more humane treatment
of prisoners. Upon the question of prohibi
tion which now supplants democracy , he will
be stramrely silent. Theie 'R ' a htiong cflort
being made to-dar to get him to Insert a
recommendation for moio extended annui
ties to ex confederate soldiers undei the
guise of at Uncial limbs , the Idea being to
Klvn commutation for such nrticlus to the
soldiers direct.
The Commission at Alchiuon.
ATCIIISONKan , July 5. The Paellie In
vcstlgatinc committee to day examined K *
Governor Glyck. Pi lor to the appointment
of the state railroad commlbsion in 1 : ) there
had been much complaint against all the
railroads for discrimination , but since then
the complaints have begun to bo less tre-
quont. Prior to 1SSJ the railroad companies
managed politics nnd , as was believed , con
trolled the legislature , but complaints ru-
carding this had almost enthely ceased.
Witness did not believe the Central branch
of the Union Pacllic could pay its share of
the debt. He thought the countiy had re
ceived sufficient banclit from tlm 1'aclhe
roads by lenson of their development of the
reslou through which they pawed to
the cancellation of the debt.
Another Itottoii War Hello.
SAN TnANCifico , July 5. The wooden
man-of-war Iioquols , third rate , comnniided
by Iticlmrd P. Leary , was at Panama Miy
27 , and a communication was sent to the
navy department regarding tlm condition < I
the vessel. Commander y states that
the deck and deck beams have become so
rotten that the lit st Kim aft cannot be used ,
and tlio tot ward pivot cun cannot be hied.
It Is unsafe to lire from the poitslde. The
Iroquois lias been ordered to Mini IsKud to
bo inspected by tlio board of siirvojs , Tlio
opinion of tlio olllcers Is that she will bo
condemned , bhe carries seven guns and Is
a relic of the war.
Thrilling Italloon Trip.
.Axn , Me. , July S. Prof , Charles H.
Grlnelj , accompanied by a newspaper 10
porter , made a balloon ascension from Lin
coln park yesterday , At a height of ; iJO ( feel
the balloon struck a. westerly current ami
WHS carried swiftly out to Boa. An attempt
was made to land on ono of the Islands In tlio
harbor but without avail , and the balloon de
scended three miles Irom shorn in Ca ) > co bav.
The man were u raided through the water al
a rapid rate for two miles , when they were
rescued In an exhausted umdUion by the
ciew of a yacht.
Morriaon to Jtc-cntur Politico.
CittcAfio , July fi. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK.I A special from Washington r-nys
Colonel Morrison Is beginning to tire of his
Inter-state commission job. Ho Imds the
duties monotonous and not suited to his taste.
Ho misses the excitement and bustle o
politics and Intimate friends say
It Is his Intention to re enter politics next
year. Ho ha ? , bejond all iiucstiou , It Is said
decided to contest for his old seat In Ibb-V
He thinks ho can bo elected , as hn says II
was not his anti-protection principles , 'nit
the apithy ot the voters that defeated bin
last time ,
ttlack IIIIlH Flramcn'ii Tournament
LEV n CITY , Dak , , July C. ISpcoial 'lelo
grain to the Br.h.J 'Ilio llrst day of the
Black Hills liremun'u ' tournament. The hosn
race , 200 jards to lijdrant , reel oil 300 feet o
hose , atlacli a pi DO , three full turns : Leti
City , 4 ; Homebtnki ) , II ; Gate City ,
Central , 4G ; South Deadwood , 41.
Dcadwood , 05
Tlio r.-'jrtli ill
Or.snow , July r > . Ainercia ! : : ! In tnlu cltj
celebrated the Fourth of July by a muetini.
and luncheon In Cobdcn hotel. Dr. Klbk
presided. He salt all Americans wuie. In
sympathy with Gladstone and his Iris !
policy. Jk'ckman also undo an address ,
Frlehtful Mortality in Now York.
NMV lom ) , July n. The mortality in thi
city begins to exclta alarm. Tustordny
people died , and to-day the dnUis ; ! o ! Mr
were recorded ,
'ohn A , Witter's DoatU Thought to Ilava I
Boon. Caused By Poison ,
The I'liyntclan Kofilne * to Olvo 4
llurlnl Certificate , and tlio Coif
touts of the Stomach tit
llo Analyzed.
"Was It Murder ?
IKNVin : , July S. [ Special Telegram it
ho llnu.l The detth of John A. Wltten
iresldcMit ot the Porclieron-Norman hoisl
company and onu of the most promlnunl
citizens of the state , \vhleh was announced
Sunday as the result of catarrh of tli
itonuich , has caused n sensation hero to-day
ly the discovery of the relusal of the attend'
ng pli > slclan to give n certificate ot doatli ,
t is now charged that Mr. Wlttcr'b death
vas caused from arsenical poisoning , and It
hero has been a crime committed ,
iiisplclon points towards tlio wife of tlm
teceasud as the guilty person. Mi. and
Mis. Witter married nt South
lend , liul. , clgUtcon jears nco. but on ao
count ot Mrs. Witter's oxtictne jealousy they
tad had frequent quairels , and tor two jears
past , while living In the same house , had not
occupied towards each other thu iclatlons ot
nan and wife. Many suspicious Incidents
ire ( .onnccted with his death , ono of which
vas Ills removal liom his homo to the liouso
if a neighbor on the day before ho died. Mrs.
Witter's Jealousy vvas caused by her hus
jatid's fondness for his nleco , Mrs. 0. A
latton , nee llattio Witter , daughter ot
Mr. IXuilol Witter. Tlio story of tlio
icbtuvomunt of undo and nleeo Is told
hus : John Witter , lindlng his own homo
chceilessand companionlcss , sought society
nt his brothel's home , llo became attached
o Ills niece llattie , who was not living with
ler husband , in this attachment , lilends
sny there was nothing criminal. Ho soiuht
u-r tompiiiy because It was plea ant to him.
le took her to entertainments , to the theft-
er , took hut tiding , but nothing that ho did
was oilier than a loving relative mUht do.
> \ month or six vveeUs ngo Mis. ll.itton left
ot 1:1110110 : with her sister , Mis. i ; . I , . Kolllns.
At tills time John Witter was alieidv ailing ,
but had not taken to his bed. Ono
eport savs ho ptid Ids niece's
xpenses to Ihnope anil that ho vvas expect-
'ng to KO to Kuropo also this month , tliinK-
ng that tlm trip would benefit him. The
contents ol tlio stomach h ivo been given to
ichomisttoi amilvsis and It aisenlc is dis
covered the coioner w 111 hold ,111 Inquest and
,01110 htaitllng developments may bo e < -
> e < ted.
The business of tlio Noiman-Peicliornn
loise connmiiy will not be intuileied wltti by
tne death of Mr. John A. Wittei. Mr.
Stmleb.iKur , president of thciompnny. will
will bo In Denver and airangcments will ho
m.ulo lor Home one to take Mr. Wlttei's
place as niaiiaifei of tint companv.
Utah's Convention Against Polygamy.
SALTLAHK , July 5 , In the Utah consti
tutional convention to-day thu commlttco re-
[ i.uted a new srctlon statingthat bigamy and
polygamy belne cons'deied ' Incompatlbio
with a republican form of government , each
of thorn is hereby lorblddon and declared n
misdunieanor ; the punlslimcnt for violation
a line not exceeding $1,000 , , and Imptlson-
inent not less than BIX mouths nor moro than
tlircoycnis. The section shall bo construed
as operative without legislation and the offences -
fences prohibited not to bo birred bv any
statute-of limit itlnn ; nor shall the power ot
pardon extend theieto until such pardon bo
approved by the president of the United
States. Any amendment , provision or
change to the foregoing section shall not be
come a law until ratified bv congress nnd the
president ot the United States. These sec
tions lime been ngieed to In committee and.
caucus , nnd It is thought will undoubtedly bo
passed bv the convention. 'Hie Mormon ,
leaders think thev will piovo the settlement
ot the vexatious Moimon problem.
Murder In thn Army.
SAX Kuv > cisco , July fi.-Private Thomitl
N. Datrmaii , tioop A , Second United States
cavalry , shot anil killed First burgeaiit Sam
uel M. Sopher , ot the bamo troop , at Presidio
baiiacksthis morning. Both mon paraded ?
n this city with their tioopsesterday. . Tli
"erseint ropilmatidcd Batoman , whom ho
tound Intoxicated in a iiqnoi stoic at nlirlit.
When tiiuseiguant went into tlio soldiers'
bur.icks to avv.iKeii homo delinquents who
failed to report for reveille toll rill , llateimrti
stood hulilud him and dellbeiately shot him
in tlm huid. Sopher fell and Batum in coolv
roloiilcd tlio caibiue and shot thu burgoant a
SHcontl time.
nu's rnse.
Niw : YOHK , July fi. Arclibishop Corrlsan
to-day said ho had received no notice of tin
forwai dint ; of orders for the fornnl oxcoim
munlcatlon ot Ilov. Jr. McUl > nn , Jati
nnstor of St. Stephen's church.
The Catholic lloiald. which has supported
Dr. Mciljnn since his suspension , did not
appeal us usu il on Sunday. It Is Maid to-dny
that si nrc tlio paper bc an to support Mc <
Olynn nmnv Catholics have refused to Imj
It. ArchlilHhop Carilean w tuned lt odltofl
against Ills course , and , as the warnlntuns
not liredcd , tlm ndvuitlshiK of Cutholla
bclinols was withdrawn. Anothur Catholla
paper , Hie Kxamlnnr of Itiooklvn , whlclt
toidc Hides with McClynn , nlso chanui'il
hands rceentlv , In ordci. It Is said , to avoht
a fate slmilai t > that of the Herald. Tills 14
considered \eryfcorlous blow to the Ciiub9
of tlm Jcpostd pi lest.
Tfufliic St. Ijouis' Sunday linn ;
St. Louis , Juli 0. Tlm test ca o of Josopli
iSchnalder , proprietor of a popular resort 111
the city and an oxtonslvo brewer , who wn
miested a week as" last Sunday for vloliitlon
of the Sunday law , was taken under ad\lso-
int'iit to-day hyJudKoNoniiiin until Fildav *
It is nndci stood whichever w.iy that JIKIKD
Nnnnin decideis It , the case will bo appe iledl
until tlic hiipri'ine couU ) has passed upon tlio
locality ol tlio act of The leirlslatuio uniloc
which thei saloons ha\o been closed QO faun-
NHW VOIIK , July n. JoLn blade ife Co , ,
dry gonds merchants , made an assignment
this afternoon to Walter S. Warren , elvln : ;
prefr'roncfls to the amount of SitOO.OUO.
MnviUKAT. , July fi. A. liu.ulry it Oo ,
iiMM'ltT.s , made an assl iiiiicnt to-day. Thulr
liabilities are said to bti Inr o.
Wnnther IniUoatloim ,
Kor 'Nebraska : Fair weather , sllt'lit changes
In temperature , winds , becoming ( outhcrly.
Kor Iowa : Fair weather , PIt-lit ! clianues lit
tnmppiaturo , variable winds , becoming
Knr Ontral and F.astern Dnkott : Slfiflit
fhaiiRo ? In timipmatmc. wliids sblftlnt' ta
cast and south , fail wcnttiCJ.
Mimic Toaclirrs In Cnnvpntfnit. II
IM > \KAroLis , July fl. The National As-
.soci.Ulon of Music teachers opened tlm n-
niial session here to-ilay. The niemherslili *
ot thu asni'clatlon numbers more than 1OCK
and Inrhhles the highest talent In ( ho
muslcnl inofesslon. Most of tlio session will
bo eUivoled to the icadi K of papnra and the
Ci.iyjfAM > , Julj > > . \ dispatch from
ii : t Lansln ? , > rich. , to Chlof of I'ollro
ScUmitt pays that Matthew Kcnmdy , alias
MeMuiin , tlio fur rohutir who was rescued at
liavunua , Is In ciftody in that town. An
orilccr lias huen sent lor tlie reqtilsltiun
to l > rui him licit ! .
Strike Kmloil.
Wii.Ki.siiA.uite : , July fi. Thu Etilko nt
Warrior lain mliio that luv > \hted for tliu
Paat two months Is nnded. Tlio 400 uilnere ,
luboi'-ra ' .Hid ho\h rtturuM to work