THE OMAHA DAILY lt TUESDAY , JULY 5. 1887. STOCK. Chicago , July 2. Tha Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 2,500 ; sternly for natives ; there was n good supply of Tcxans on thu market and the demand was steady at fair prices ; shlpplnir strcrH , S3.2004.50 ; stackers and feeders ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.Mxa'i.OO ; I'oxang. Sl.W/ia.O. ) . llog Kccutpts , 12.0UO ; nctlvfl on specula tors' account and closed Gc higher than yes terday ; rough and mixed , S4.8.X45.12) ) < ; packing and shlnulnir , S4.U5@5.1& ; llKhl , 54.80g5.20 ; sklpi , e3.00di4.70. ahccD Hfcclpts. 1,000 ; market was nom inally steady , with an average nupplv and n fair demand ; native" . S2.00&3.35 ; western , 83.00@t.70 : ; Texans , S'i05Q3,70 ; lambs , per head , 31.00@-l.00. Nation ? ! Htook Yards. Kast Bt. iKiuli , III. , July a Cattle Ui'celnts , 200 : shipments , 1,100 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers. 34.x : > ( < 44.MJ ; fair to oed shl | > - plilK steers S3.lH ) ( < i4.2. ' > ; Imtchers' steers , f lr to rliolco , 83.70a4.I5 ; feeders , fair to gooil , e3.10&3.'JO ; stockers , fnlr to uood , 52.20@J.OO. : Hogs Hecelpts , IKK ) ; shipment * , 700 ; strong : cholro heavy and butchers' Beleo- tions , S5.10 5.J ! ( ; packers and Vorkers , me dium to choice. SI.boS5.15 ; pigs , cotntnou to good , l. > (34.bO. ( KntiNan City , July 2. Cattle Receipts , SCO ; shipments , none ; values about sumo ns on Friday. Common to choice , corn- fed , ? : Ml'M4.l5 ; stockcrs. 52.40 < R'-.80 ; feed- in * steers. S2.KK3.2i ! : ! : cows , Sl.r < o2.bO. lloifs Jtccelpts. 0,000 : slilpnients , none : plrotiK to fin hlgfier ; common to choice , 5I,40 1.75 ; skips and pigs , S.00@l.2.r : ! . Liverpooluly2. ) Wheat Uemitnd poor ; holders offer ficcly. Corn Quiet ; holders offers freely. OMAHA i ; 8TOUK. Saturday , Julys. Cattlr. The receipts were llirht even fur the list day of the work , nnd there wete hnrtlly cuoucli cattle In to maku a market. Thcru wns nn Incllnntlnn amoiii ; the buyers to tnko oven what worn In and there wns very llttlo done nn the market. The receipts of cnttlo linvo been Ilulit nil the \srek , but for nil that tlicie has been no quotable Improvement In the prices. The only grade of cattle , for which there has been nny Inquiry , Is Rood fnt steers of medium weight. Conrsu , heavv and gnissy cattle of all kliula nrc not wanted. The run of hois was liberal for tlio close of the week. The market opened strong and active at nn advance of 5@10c. Tlio buyers were all represented on the market nnd everything wns sold and weighed up before mid-day. The water supply Is now In such shape that the packing-houses can run full force , which will have a tendency to keep the rnniket up. 8litup. There were none In and nothing dolnj. llocelpts. Cattle . 800 llogs . - . . . . 3,600 Prevailing Price * . Showing the prevailing orlees paid for II va stock on this marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.00(3)4.10 ( ) Choice steers , 1100 to 13.VJ IbJ. . . H.00@4.00 Knt little stners 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.50i ( : i.B5 Kxtrnchoicocowsand heifers. . . Oootl to choice corii-ffid cows . . . . a.7V900 Common to medium cows . 2.2.X22.05 Uood to choice bulls . 3.7Mi.OO : Light and medium hoes . 4 CO M470. Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.75@J.i < 5 Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.70(44.75 Block Sold. Showlnethu number of head of stock sold on llio market to-day CATTLE. O. U. Hammond < & Co . Oi Local . i ! Shipper * . T Total . 21 IIOOS. Anglo-American Packing Co . 3,44 ( } . U. Hammond & Co . 0 Ilae Uros. . . . . , . 13 Total Shipment * . the number ot cattle , hoes ant sheep shipped from tlio yards liurlnethoday CATTLR. No. cars. lit. Dcst 0 . N. W . CulcaK noes. 90 . C. . U. &Q . Chlcajr. 10 . N. W . Ch ca All sales ot stock ID this market are modi per cwU live woliclit unless otherwise stated. . Dead hoRs sell at Kc per Ib. for all woUhta "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs no valua. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS and states 80 Ibs. br the oubllo Insyoctor. Mootbly Btatoment. Stiowlntf tlio receipts and shipments f < the mouth endlnn June SO. blsM'MKXTS. & Live Stock : Note * . Hogs all sold. WOKS jo up 5310C , A dull cattle market , Few native cattle In. No market on the Fourth. An active hog market for Saturday. A. Latterly , Ashland , with Breen , was here. The receipts were madd up for the mi part ot western cattle. J. B. Ulanchard EOCS to Sioux City night , to spend the Fourth It Is reported that there nre 8,000 horses Oregon to be shipped east this season. Onorgo lloetcl , Mlllard. a frequent ship ] to these yard * , was In with a load of hoics i ThoiDHS McUrldo , Klngsley , Is , , a w koown stock man , was a visitor at the yar < Mr. Walker , k well known shipper Orelghton , was among tUe visitors at I yards. Mr. Wilier of the firm ot UI fiord * W ler , Coules. Neb. , was In and marketed load of hogs. * " l& W , Weynat , Jr. , GerwutonUi came with a load of cows which lopped the market and with n load nf boss. Visitors fit the yards hardly recognize the place from one week to another , there are so many Improvements being made. Mr. West , Dorchester , came In with n load of IIOKS which old on the market. He has cattle which will soon bo ready for market. W. C. it. Allen , the oopular stock agent of the OrcKon Short Line , was In. Ho says the great bulk of the stock from the northwest Is bound to come this way Instead of going over the Northern I'ncltlc. The pumps ha VD been put in operation and are lound to be fully adequate to the require ments of the packtnc-houscs. This will obviate the necessity nf closing down the packing-houses for the want of water. M. Hurku & Sons purchased of the well known thoroughbred cnttlo breeders , Sotham A Stlcknuy of i'ontlac , Mich. , twenty-four he.ul of their thoroughbred Hereford bulls , to lie used on thplr western cattle ranges. Th following petition was presented to the stock yards company and will explain Itself : Itself"o \\"o , the undersigned commission men , doluK business nt thti Union stock yards , South OmMia , desire a holiday on the b'ouith 01 .lul } , Ib.-i7 , antl request you to lock both scale hmiics from Saturday night to Tuesday mnrnliiK. and allow no business to bo done other than taking care of what stock may come. N , PAIIKIIUUST & Co. , . . , M. JtUKKK &So.S > , HoitlNE , WAflOO.NKIt it Co. , AIcCi.ouu , LOVK Jt Co. , Cijo. ADAMS & Duitiu : , Foi.KV it CllITTKNli.V : , Hvr.ns , fe J'ATTunso.v , WOOD Hitos. , ItosiiMiAtisi Li vi : STOCK COMMISSION Co , , Ci.r , HoniNso.v it Co. , McC'ov linoa. AiAllTI.V lillOH. , A. I ) . IJOYKIl & Hl0. ! , , WisTiitKiiin : : : it Co. , MAIIONKV , FIHIIALI. : &Co. , A. K. OKIY k Co. According to the desire of the commission men doing business at the Union stock yards nt South Omaha , the scales will bo locked from Saturday nlcht until Tuesday morning , July 5. J. 1 . Do vi > , Superintendent. OMAHA WaoLKHALE MAnilETS. General 1'roducc. Saturday. July 3. flic following nre the prices nt which round lull tif produce are solil In this war- Act. 1'hc iiitotnUons on fruits and other coimiioilltlet nnii ] > id in from < r dlstnncr. nrc the price * nt which outride orders nre lilted : Koos ' 1 ho receipts are fairly and fully equal to the demand , stocks nre moving for the most part at lie. BUTTKH The receipts are heavy ana stocks huvo to bo moved quickly to prevent accumulations. There Is very llttlo of even the best dairy butter that ROCS at more than 12 > c. Fuir to good butter Is selling at 9g ( lOc. lOc.CiiKKsr : . Full cream Cheddars , single , 9) ) c ; lull cream flats , wins , lOc ; Young Americas , lie ; fancy Swiss , QOc ; Swiss , Imported , 2. > cLlinbuner , I2c : brick. 13@10c. POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are going at 90981.00 , accord ing to quality. Now potatoes at 22c per Ib. ( } A Mr. There Is very little game Ir. season at the present time and while the weather Is NO warm It has to bo handled with a great deal of care. I'lover sells at 81.25 per doz. and curlew at SI.50 per doz. I'OUI.TIIV There are a good many chick ens coming In , both old fowls and spring chickens and the market is a llttlo unstable , there belli ) ; a good demand one day and a very light demand the next. Old fowls are moving at $3.25(33.00 ( with an occasional coop of fancy at S3.2. > , good spring chickens are sold at 82.i.00. : There is no other kind of poultry coming In , at least not enough to make a nmiket. KASTKKN AND SOUTHKBN FIIUITS. The suoDlv of raspboirie.s and blackberries is very limited. Blueberries are more plenti ful. Stiawberrles about played out. Cher ries scarce and wanted. 1'eaches from the south arriving mostly In had condition ; Cali fornia stock more desirable. Some box np- plarrlvng. OB I Black raspberries , per 24 qt cato 140 ; red raspberries , cer 24 pt case , 83.0003.25 ; blackberries , per 24 qt case , 15.00 ; blueberries , per 1 bu stand , 83.00@4.00 ; blueberries , ber 12 qt box , 81.Mil.75 ) ( ; plums , per one-third bu box , bl.25 ; peaches , southern , per halt bu box , 81.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box , 75 ; apples , per bbl , S5.CO. - VEOF.TAHLES The market Is now well supplied with a large variety of choice home grown stock. New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib , 2@2Jfc ; new onions , per bbl , 33.50. per bu box , 91.50 ; tomatoes , per K bu. box , $1.25 ; toma toes , per crate box , 82.80 ; cabbage per crate , 84.00. LEMONS Extra fancy , per box , 87.00 ; 5 box lots. 16.50 ; fancy. 86.50 ; choice , 85,00 ; choice , 5 box lots , 84.50. BANANAS Choice stock , 83.0004,00. Oi.iFOHNtA FIIUITS Bartlett pears have anlved on the market. Apricots , perSOlb box , 81.75 ; plums , per SO Ib box , 51.75 : prunes , per 20 Ib box , 81.75 ; peaches , prr201bp r box , 81.73 ; Bartlett pears , per 40 Ib box. $3.50 ; red Astrachan apples , per box , $2.50. w ATKIIMF.LONS Watermelons , Georn la , per 100. 8 5. OHANQK.S The market Is bare to-day Riverside Mediterranean Sweets , per box , 85.00 ; 5 box lots , 54.75 ; Santa Ana , 84.50 ; 5 box lots , 84.25. General Markets. VAisisiiE8 ; Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; usphaltum , extra , 83c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tinlsh , 81.50. UUY PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 2Xc ; whiting , uildfTS , 2Jfc ; whiting , conrl , l/c ! ; lampblack , Our- mantown , 12c : lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , 8c : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt , 4c : slnnna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 22o ; chrome green , N. Jf , 20o ; vermillioti , American. 18c ; Indian , raw aud burnt umber , Mb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna 12c ; vandyke brown. 13c ; relined lamp black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black ICc ; drop blacK , ICc ; ultramarine black , 18c : chrome green , L. , M. A D. , ICc ; blind anil shutter eremi , L. . M. A D. , ICc ; Paris green , 20c ; Indian rea. i5c ; Venetian red 9c ; Tus can , 22c ; American vermllllon. L. A D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M.&O. ! > . , 18c ; good ochre , 16c ; patent dryer , 8c : graining color lltrht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , ISc , DittTos AND CHEMICALS. Acid carbolic GOc ; acid tartarlc , 62c ; bakmtn copaiba , per Ib COc ; bark sasiifrass , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , p i ) b , 78cchluchonldla ; , per oz,25c ; chloroform p > r Ib , 60c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25 epsom salts , per Ib , "Kc ; glycerine , pure , pei lb-80c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , QOc ; oil , castor No. 1 , per gal , 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , pei gal , 81.40 : oil , olive , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , orle annum , fiOo ; opium , 84.50 ; quinine , P. A W and U. & S. per or , 70c ; potosslum , iodide per Ib. 83.25 ; sallcln , cer oz. 40o ; sulphaU morphine , per oz. 83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c strychnine , per oz , 81.10. PAISTTS IN Oil. White lead , Omaha , P P C''i ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7o ; Mai seilles , green , 1 Ib cans , ICc ; French zlm green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , He French zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; Frencl zinc. 75c ; veruiilllon , English , In oil. 75c red. lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook sonvs , 2vc : Venetian red , American , l ! c red lead , 7He ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c chromeyellow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , Sc oohre , French , 2 c ; ochre , American IHc Winter's mineral , 2c : Lehlgh brown , 2c Spanish brown,2 0 : Prince's mineral , 3c. SriiiiTS-rCologne spirits , 183 proof , 81.10 do 101 proof , 31.13 ; spirits , second quality 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 168 proof,51.09. Alchohol 188 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Uedistillei whiskies , 81.00(91.50. ( Oln blended * 1.50 < i 3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52.00 < < W.OO ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 83.0030.50 Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whfskl * : 81.5033.00. Brandies , Imported 85.006S.M1 domestic , 81.8oQ3.00. Gins , Imported , 84.5 (36.00 ( : domestic , ei.23.01) . Champagne Imported , per rase , 323.0o@S3.00 ; America per case , 810.00dl6.00. BHiDKS Green butchers' , 5W@6c ; gree cured , 7Ko ; dry flint , ll@12c : ry salt , V@lOc ) creon calf skins , Sc ; damaged hides , tw thirds price. Tallow So. Grease Prim white , Sc ; yellow , 2o : brown , Ike. Shee pelts , 25@7i5c. st llAituwABE Iron , rate 82.7C plow steel , special cast , 4 } c ; crucible stee 0- OKo ; cast tools , do , IMilSc ; wagon spoke per set , 82.00@3.0 ; hubs , per set , 8US5 ; fel In Iocs , sawed , dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each , 80 < Iner axles , each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , 61(371 ( cell chain , per Ib. OK@lBo ; malleable , 6@10 < er Iron wedges , Cc : crowbars , Be ; harrow teet 4 steel. ( Burden's hors 311 , c ; spring 4(35c ; Is. shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's muln shoes , 85.7 Is.Ot Barbed wire. In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ib Ot lie Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , 82.00 ; steel nail 12.75. _ _ _ Grooer'si Ijiat. a Corrr.R Ordinary grades , HWJOXc ( : fal yjic ; prime. tlif ( : choice , J 24 ; fane In greeu and yellow , 23 < 3JSo ; old goveino > ei Java,23(32Sc ( ; Interior Java , 34@20c ; Media , 2 > Kg80cs Arbuckle's , roasted 2 { e ; Mc- LauihllnlsXXXX,24 Xci Dllworth's , 2-lc ; lied Cross , 24 Xc. Svnur No. 70 , 4-galIon kcRR , 81.RO@1.82 ! New Orleans , per gallon. &J < 34Gc ; maple syrup , halt bbl9 , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gaflon cans , per doz , 810.10 ; halt gallon cans , per do7 , S5.50 ; quart cans , S3.00. CA.NDY-illxed , S fihlc ; stick. b Q9Kc. CitACKKits Garneau's soita , butter and picnic , 4 } c : creams , 7 > < c ; ginger snaps'Kc ; city soda , 7kc. PICKKLS Jledlum , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half obis , S4 00 ; small , In bbls. 5s.00 ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; cherklns , In bbls , 31).00 ) ; do , In half bbls , 85.00. SUOAII Granulated , 6X 4Kc ; conf. AG < $ fi' ' < c ; white extra C , SMa.Sjfc ; extra C. fik ® 5Kc ; yellow U.5W@5Jjcs cut loaf , C'fCgO c ; powdered , 6K@7c. CANNIID ( ioois Oysters , standard , per caso. ? 2.fKrt3.10 ) ; strawberries , S Ib. per case , 2.80 ; raspberries , 21b. per case , 82.v ; > @ 2.45 ; caseS3.40@3.50blueberrlesperca ; e,81.8.eirg ; plums , 2 In. per case ; 82.00 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. itercase , 83.80@ . " > .7."i ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz , 81.33 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , S1.50@1.55 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , Sl.OJ ; 2 Ib. string beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per case , j 1.60 ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , 82.40H2.50 ( ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , per case , 2-75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 10. corn , 82.50. Dry Iiiiiubcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMUKltN. 1IOA11DS. No. 1 , com , R Is No. 8 , com , 8 I s . 17.50 No. 4 , com , B 1 8 . 13.50 FENCING. Xo. 1 , 4&0ln , 12 it 14 ft. rouch . S19JX ) No. 2 , . " . 18.00 sinixa. A , 12. Hand 10ft. . S22.00 li , t { " " . ! 20.r > 0 C , " " " . 15.00 L > , " " " . lli.OO CK1MNO AND 1'AItTITION. 1st com , % in Whltu I'inu Cuilinc . 9"4.0U Clear , % In. Xorwixy Pine Coiling . 10.00 FI.OUIIINU. A 6 Inch white pine . S'11.50 C" " " " . ! ! 0.)0 ( ) E" " " " ( SclFen'g ) . 1U.50 STOCK BOAHDS. A 12 Inch s. Is . 840.00 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. I s. , 12 & 11 . 20.00 " " " " llift . 1U.OO No. 2 " " " 12&24U . 18.00 " " " " 10ft . 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clonr. l > f Incli. s. 2s . 850.00 8d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 8. , $45 ; I'1H , 2 In 47.00 13 select , 1 inch , s.2 s. , BO ; 1/4 / , 1 % , a In U7.00 I'OSTf. White cedar , 0 in. , KS- , ; 0 In. qra. , lie. Dr. Haiiglinwout : Omr ha Dental Assn.- elation Dental operations rendered pain less by the use ot compound oxygen. Teeth without plate , britlgo work and crowns of every approved kind , inserted by the most satisfactory method. Roll- man block , cor. 13th and Farnam streets. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE. IND. 1 A School ol Engineering. Well endowed , well equipped departments of Mrch. aiilral and Cml Kntdnrrriue , Electricity , Chcmlctry and Drawinc. KxtenhorihoiiH and [ .rtborHtuilcfl. Kor Catalogueadilre , T. U. MKNIIDNIIALL , l'rc . L. J. MARKS&CO. Grain and Provision Commis sion Merchants , 1O and 12 Pacific Avenue. Oraln and Provisions bought and sold on margin- the Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondence sos elted. Dallr or weeklj market letter sent om appll- atlon. lleference Corm Kzcbange Uank , Chlcavo. EICHAKD EBB1TT , M. R. C. V. S. , Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Royal College of Veter nary Surgeons , London , England. Offlce , Benham's Stable , 118 North IGth Street , Omaha. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS ld a Tad different from all othen , it eut > shaw. with Self- aUjuitintf Hall In ci nteradai > te Itself to all MSltiuus of tbo bodrwfclle the ball In the cup 9RSOB UacK the Intea- dO6B with the fil erVVllts " ( flit pressure the Her nia UTicld securely dor imJ nltrbt. and a radical enra ccruln Itlaeair.clnmblxinJrhean. RcntliTmall Ctr- culan trco. I.UULWKU TUL'si Co. , CkUaco , UU U. H. B'JUKET. Funeral Director < fc Embalmei 111 N. 16thSt. Telephone No. 90 DREXEL 4to MAUL Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UX DEBT AIL EE& AND EMBALMEKS. At the oklatand 1407 Karnum st. Orders bytolegrapli solicited and promptly at Undedto. Telephone No. 235. EVERY LADY A A H O I ? Y who desires a perfect I ! Q R S " T FORM AND FIT * * * should wear one. will t r > k * k klt wt > tw n OtCUTU MUST C . , til ui ! M lukit It. , Cklcif * TAR DID " " nd ) ! kln'dlaefe . AnewmeUiodof torn poaDaiDg Tar. A Cura cnarantoed , or moue ] refundod. Bold nrdrucinrti. ami attbeotficao TAM-OID CO. . 7 UHMNST. OKICABO. fttoti , l pUBtBt Tlw SUSM ClMtrla WIRE GAUZt OVEII LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THC It produces Practical Beinlti in Baklnjand Eoaeting never before attained in any Cooking Apparatus , and will IiOiKtnll Foofl IlnkKl or Ko ited. lioaltl KB cooke.i In fr h Mr freely nilrulttcd toth o n. TliUUUonj bTdl.cJirtldB the clou * of on door heretofore u cj. und mtiittStttinBfor It B door coutnlnlnii a huatoMra Oauta ncarljin Urge the doorlnelf. Through this Qanze Door the ftlr froolj Circulate * , tiutllutlni therroc s of cooklni.nna rrodaclnj foivl that U une < iniU | < l la flnvor BI nu trition , ind nctunlli cooked willi ! < coniumpUoa o ( fuel thin In en o en with n clowd door. It makes an enormous ravine In tha weight or neat. It also produce * larger Loavoa of Bread , reaulrn le * > attention from the rook , nnd rromote * the lioalth of the famllr br tha suritUOB tiCAUIX Ot IUE fOOD COOKED IX IT. _ OPINION OP AN EXPERT , Sins. lUnv 11. W zlcit.Te ch r Inin tlc FCOHOTIT. Ion State Dnlveri Itr. HHJB : "Mr dulllKirntB JuJcmcnt 1 > that tha o en of the Hanjo , n compared with othor" . l < not only more equally heatnd In ererr fort front m ell rcnr hut a n result of Us runerlorTentllatloik the food placed therein libettercookeil , whllorvtntn * "nBB we"ter flavor , and a lamer proportion of Usl t ulcon. o , that thocon'umrtlon of fuel In this lionce Is caucll le.s tlian BUT other lor euuia noik. " SEND FOB Illl'sTRATEaCIRGULARSAHD PdlCE USf EXCELSIOR MAKF'G CO. . ST , LOUIS. OHAETEB OAK STOVK3 and EANOES are GOLD IN NLBRASK& as follcwi : M1I.TON ROGERS & SONS . OMAHA. P. KENNEV . GORDON. PALLAS & l.KTSON , . HASTINGS. n. C. RRKWER . HAV SrmNGS. II. AIR1) ft CO. , . NEBRASKA CITY. W. F. TIIMPI.KION , . NFUSON. J. H. STUKOEVANT & SON. . ATKINSON. 1. KASS& CO . CiiAnRON. KKAUSE , LUUKER & WELCH , . . . . COLUMOUS. OLDS 11ROS . EDGA. TANNE1.L& SWEENEY , . FAIRIIUKV. OETTLE& PAGEU . FRANKLIN. N.J.JOHNSON . NORTH BIND. J. J. McCAFFERTY , . O'Niat. CITV. R. HAZLEWOOD , . OscEOLA. 1. S. 1JUKE . . . rt-ATTSMOUTH. A. PEARSON , . STERLISG. 1 G. GREEN. . . STROMSUUI.G , 1. A. PADDEN&SON , . . TIMMERMAM ft FRAKER . VrKDON- The Best and Safes Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , heiuTof St. Marys' Av enue. J allies & Smith South , Omaha. ayibr .KlleUrU Truacorablned. Guaranteed the onljr one In tbo world centratlna acontlnnotm Klectrle Of Magnetic ? ? -'cttrrmt. Bcientinc , Powerful , Durable , Comfortaule nnd Effective. Avoid fraud * , OT rM)0icnrfd. BenlKt mpfnrpamrUlat _ ALSO KLECflMO 11KLTS FO11 lilaCAKCH. Da. HORNE. itiviNTOR. IBi WABMH AYE.CHICAGO. . U. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $5OO,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-Presldent , F , H. Djvis , Cashier , W , II. Mecrquier , Asst.-Cashier. WoodbridgeBrothera STATE AGENTS FOU THh Decker Brothers 0 > LVHA , NEBRASKA. DR. OTT1BODH& Cor.13th & Dodge Sts. Omaha , Neb. C U R E S AU IJ.UA.CI rnuMxl t j- Xraprudrnce , ( Sell Aluiw ) , Eictta , ( hri * tagion , ( lllooj Tol- ' dtW ttk. | nn ) . Rule your rate and MIU ! lor tarrn * . M * Icrnt tlamp for AU1 Infirmalhn. ContulUlion penonalljr or by mail I > M ami CoufUKntUl OflJM lloura. 9lo II i. m , 5 lo 5 nd * tifip. m. * tinprfnff frora r * t WEAK MEN Uvblllly. rruVlT u ? l > ev tlt pM Ml pr m l r n cll , ttc.tflulllB CXCfF * 4 , ur Mi vUti t ( VIoiMHrlt ) H * < 1lcl.m < * . > , brth9 GRKVT MAHSTON THEATAIKNT. e i4 fc lt " free. Should ha rrad by Fathers MADE STRONG > ? Rrnlel with Information of rahto to all men. MARSTONREMSDYCO.IVParkPltoi.NewVork. ( n 11 f J if' SCIENTIFIC URINQ I42O W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Styllih , Durable. Easy fitting. The liest $3 Shoe In the World. W. L. . DUUULAH $2.50 SHOE rquxUthe 3 fihooa iidircr.f Used br otuer Urcus. X Our FOIl HOYS r\vm Kreat Mtlsfactlon. Al e above are mib ( n Huttnn , Contacts and iJioe all ntjlea of too. Hold by 2.000 dealer * IhoiiRliout thi U. S. If your dealer doi < a not k rp them , send name on postal to W.L. DOUOLAS. llriirklonMa i ( " nafl corno ( ° n > pcti/iDc nc CDinn ! DtWAnc Ur rnAUU.vnowie.iCT that mm ; unEcrupulou * denlpra are oflerlnir other Roods HI mine , and when auk , d why my stamp la nut mi tin ahors , sute that I hare discontinued Its usa. Til II IS FAL.SK. Take none repreoentcd to IM th "W. L. Uouglaa hhos , " nnl * s mime , warrant , ' , ana price r tainin < . < l on iHittnin of eacl shoe.T. . L. DUUOLA8 , IlnMikton , Muss. For sale by Kelley , Stlgor & Dodgoand loth-atu. ; H ury Sararen er. Reward and Saunderri sis. > MIBTOIIKO. ATlctlmo Tunthfulwpraae9 rr ucir. < * . . or1 lrematun WKVT. < .vn Ultr , Lost ilauhoodtfd.haTtnif triad In ' eTerr known rcmedr. has dlacoTered a stmplt l , wifth h wljjjt ad W | to hla fellow sufferer * * _ _ uWliVuZ. . * k i j % X C VT : ; o. j. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $ .50,000. "Wodolirroby wo snpcrTl < o tlio orrnturciiu'iits for nil the Monthly ntul Soml-An- mill UrntrliiKs of The I.oillslHtm Stnte Ixittery omimny , anil In n reon mntm o nml control IliodrixwIiiKR thom olvoi , nnd that tlio jnmouro conilttclpil wltn lmtip ty , fnlrncts ami In RQod 'dllli toward nil imrtlo. , nml wo nmhorlto the Company to ti e tills tortlllonto with fac-slm- llosoCourslKtmttircsiUtnclieJ , in Its aJretUio- menu. " COMMISSIONRH9. Wo the underalRiipd iirmk' nml llnnkcrs will rmy nil Prizes tlniwn In The Loulllnnn Slnta lotteries which tuny bo presented nt our coun ters. J. H. oni.KSlir , J're . Louisiana Notional Ilk. I'IKUKi : I.ANAITX. 1'ris. Stnto Natlonnl Ilk A , HAMiWlN , Pros. Now Qrlenni Nat'lllank CAUL K01IN , I'ros. Union Ntttlounl llnnk. Xl'RECKDENTIJlTATRTACTION ! OVER AJJILLION DISTRIBUTED. Lonisnnla Btnte Lottery Coniimu Incoriior.tteil In IVrt , forJSy'ars lir ] tholoel'lsture for oducitlunil Mini clmiltiiblo purt > o c < with a mpltnl of fl.uojex l-to wh'ili it rcsorvo fund of orcr JWO.tmo hn ulnce boon ndcleil. llynn o > ertrlnilmlni : iiojiulur veto in fnnchlio ns ninclonpnrtof the t > re cntstnlo constitutionnaopted Deccralprjnd , A. I ) . IJJ' ' . The only loitiny over voted on nnd endorsed tiytho pcoplaof iiuy ditto. It timer ecnlps or postpones. HsCrnnd Slnglo Ntiinbcr DrnwItiRS taltoplnco monthly , und tlio Seiiil-Anmml Drnwinirs regularly every x months ( Juno nml Dcceni- ' ' ' , ) OIM'OIITUSITV TO WIN A roKTUNi ; . Seventh Grnnd Dntwlntr , cliiss O , In tie ! Acntloniy of. MuMu , Nnw Orlrnns. Tues day , July IS , 1M7 20ltli ( Monthly Drawing. C ! A I'IT A I , I'llli'.i : , 1 , ' 0OOO. tsr'Notice.'Tickots are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , $ ' . MM" OF I'll 1 CAPITAL Pltl/.E Of SIM/WO lOltANDl'Hty.r.Or' . W.OOJ IUUANU l'ItI7.r OK SO.UOO. . 20,00 J 8I.AHOI ] I'llt/.KS Of lo.aio. . 20,000 4IAttr > Rl > ltlZi:30li : > 20.0J3 or I.IKKI. . . . 20,003 M " CK ( ) . . . . l'6.dlO ( 100 ' ! i(1J. ( . . . JtO.OOO son " ! .MO. . . . 40,0'W ' 600 " 100. . . . 60,000 1,0J3 " BU. . . . 60.000 ATTHOXIMTION Pni7F. . 100 ApproxliuntlouPrUesof JoOO. . . . { 30,000 100 " " STO . . . 20WO ( 100 " " 100. . . . 10,000 2,17 ! ) Prl/cs amounting to . 1535.000 Appllpntlnn for club rntpn hould bo mudoonlr o HID iifrlpe of the company In Now Orlennv V'or further Inrnrmitlon wrlto clpnrlf. Klvlnn full niUlr < " > 8. 1'ObTAl. Norns , oxi ci < monpy orilorH.or New York UvchnniP In ordltiniy letter. Currency b/ express t oar " > ii'"A1 ; | ° , JAU1,1IIN , New OKUI\KS , LA. , OrM. A. DAIIIMIIN' , WASIIINOTON , D. 0. AtWrcs * letters to KE\V OUL.EANS NATIONAL HANK NEWOllI.KANS It Mt 1U Vf H ill It j ooncnils Thut the lleuurorird prosonc and of Burly , who nre In chnrito ot the Jrmriius , | j aifiiar- BCtce of nU'oliitn fnlrncss and Integrity , that th3 chances are nil cqitiil. and that 110 one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a I'rlio. HKMKMIIint that the piymcnt of all prizes Is OlIAIIAVTl'RIl II V TOITII .NATIIIVAI , \SKSOf NOW Orlpnni , nnd tha Tickets nro signed by tlio president - > in Inrtltutlon , whoio chirterod rlzhts are recog- nlrod In the hlK > ie < t rmiris ! therefore , beware of liny mlt.itlonj or anonymous mhcuiHt t LUlim , U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid wp Capital $250,000 Surplus 42,600 II. W. Yules , President. A. E. TouKiilin , Vice-President. W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier , DirtECTOKS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Heed , A. . Touzalm. BANKJNtToFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 1'Jtli and Furnam Sts. A General Bimkinf Business Transacts CHICAGO NORTH 1 mmxpBifl Thtonlroftdtotoko for Don Molnen Mar Bhalltow , Otxlar Raplda.CllsOn , Dlxon , Chlca go , MUwaukeo and all points cunt. To thopco > lo of Hebruikn , Colorado , Wyomlnir , Utah. Idaho , Narad * , Oregon , Wushlniftnn and Cnll fornla , M oT ( rg superior advantages not pout bio bj any other lino. A mo OB few of tha numerous polnU of au perlorltf njoyed br Ilia patron * of thli rend between Omaha and ciiioavo , are ) Its two tralni adnr of DAYOOACHKS. which are th fines that human art and Ingenuity ctn aroato. Ib PALACBBLBKVINHUAItS , which are model nf comfort and leanc . Its I'AIUXJIl DllAW IMG UOUM OAH8 , unsurpassed by any. aud III widely celebrated PALATIAL 1)1 NINO CARS the equal of which cannot be found eliowhyrn At Council Bluffs the troltti of the Union Paclfli Hy. oonneot In Union Depot with those of thi Chicago U Northwestern Ity. In Cblcago thi trains of this line mnke close connection wltl those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columtmn , Indianapolis , Clncln nati , Niagara /alls , Buffalo , PlttsburK/Toronto Montreal. Boston. Now Yoru. Philadelphia Baltlmor * . WMhUston nnd all points la thi east , ask fer a ticket rla the "HOIlTHWnSTHBtf. " If you wtih the beet accommodation. All tlcke BtrenU Mil Mcketi rla thid lino. B. nUOHiTT. K. P. WILSON , UenL Manatrer , Heal. Pan'r Acent Chicago , III. W. H. BABOOOK , L. R. BOLLK3. Westers Agent. City Pasa'r Atenl , Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LIN ! OF THE Chicap , MilwaucefiSt ! : , Paul R TJic Best Route from Omaha ant Council Bluff * foj THE E.A.ST : Two Trains Dnilv Between Omaha an Council Blull's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapid Rock Island , Trceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubu'me , Davenport , Elgin , Madibon , Janesvjlle , Iteioit , Winona , La Crosce , And nil other Important points Kast , Northca : , und Southeiist. ForthrouBh tickets cull on tlio ticket niroi at HOI l-'arimn. gt , In Pnxton hotel , or at Unlo rucltto depot. 1'ullmaa Sleepers and too finest Dlnlntr Cn In the world uro run on the main line or tl CblcaKO. MM" uukco & Bt , 1'anl Itnllwny and o ery uttetitlon Is paid to piistenBcrs \ > y court ouscmplojccB of thu company. H. .Mn.l.htt , Oenoral .MiuiaKiir. J. K. TUCK EH , AMlhtant General Mnnnvcr. A. V. It. OAiii'ENTCii , Gencntl 1'aeseuuer ar Ticket Agent. OEO. III EArroRD , AsaUtnnt General Passe : ger and Ticket A ont. J. T. Cianic , Ocneral Superintend 0/nafia / Jours' Director/ / . Agricultural Implement * . CHURciifTL'PARKER ? AsTrlcuUnrnl Implements , Wnpong , OJTlmo mid lliicBti * * . Jones ft root , bftwven 9th snilViiri.OiniHis. Nob. ' " LINING ER A SlETVALF CO. , Agricultural Implement ? , \V KoniCarrlacr , HuMlcs , Hie. , Who1 l * . On ha. PARLINO It ENDOR I-.C MAKTISi VrholCMjoDcftlcriln Agricultural Implements , tTagon nnl Bu glc . Ml , Wn VU nnd WT , jonts st Artists' Material. A. nOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , IManoq and Organs , 1M.1 Donelas Street , Omnha . Builders' Hardwire and Scales. Bttilders'Hnrdware&SoaloKppali'Shop Mochanlcs' Tools anil Hiiffnlo Srslei. HOki DougUttt. , * - Onislin , Neli. Boots and Shoes , Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shops. till F rus.m it , Onmhn , N b. lt i.ufi ctorj , Siimmor trcet. Huston. z TTL INDSEY < K U. Wholesale Rubhor Boot * awl Shoei Uutibor nuil OlIiMl rinthliiir una Felt lluoti and abooi. Southeast Corner lUh and Douglas. KTOKZ tC ILKR , Lager fleer Brewers , JS71 North 13th ? tror/t , Omnlia , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Ittuengo Cmlrifti of nil klncli nlwnynln toc . 1111 Jonea fti.Ornnnft Coffee , Spiee $ , Etc. Omalia Co fit o and Spire Hills. Te , florf < > fltBnlce . lUklni ; I'owdpr. FlaTOrlnirlS * i tractil < aundrjr Illuo , Ink. Ktc. IllMGIInrror 1 Street , Oniubn , Nob. Cornice. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , 1'rop. Uannfncturcr of ( inlvnnltml Iron mil Cornice. m lloilH and 103 mid IQi N , 10th at , . Omaha , Nob. 11UEXLPING cC 110LTE , Manufacturer ) of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , MetnllcSkyllght , etc. 3108. Ut'j it , uiufihB. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , 1'rop. GalrnnUed Iron Cornlci-s. etc. Bpect'a Improved Pal. ent Hi-tallcykylliilit. MM nudiljH.Mth nt..Omah . Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Bugs , Linoleums. Mnttlngt , Kte. 1111 Uouglai street. Crockery and Notians. rt. . . , Agontfor lioMauufcturcr nd Importerof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South llth st. Oiuntin , Neb. CLOTHING 31. KLGU'lTER'S Mammoth Clothing House. Corner Knrnnm nnd Tenth Street * , Onmhn , Neb. Commission and Storage. jT JlURLEY , Commission and Jobbing1. Bntter , HcBflond 1'roduce. ContlptnmontB lollclted. UeaJquurters for Ktnneware. Kerry Iloxen und ( Jraiio llaikuts. 1114 luilxe street , Omaba. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , foeclaltles Uutter , Knit * . Chocno. I'oiltrr. Uaine. Oysters , etc. , etc. 11 ] B. Mb fat. FEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. mita. Produce and ProTliloni , Omaha , H b. < B CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , liutttr , Game , Pinlls. etc. 230 8 , 14th It Omaha. N b. Coal ana" Umt. Uio. f. LAHAUII. Prea. C. F. GOODMAN , V. PICI. J. A. HUNIIEHLAND , Sec. and Treas. OMA1IA COAlA COKE d5 LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 3W South Thirteenth Street , Omabn , Nob. , / , / . , /oiiysoir , o co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coal nnd Coke. Cemunt , Planter , Uine , llilr , Klru Brick , Drain. Tile nnit Sewer Pipe , omco. Pazton Ilotol. Farnum it. , Omaha , N \ > . Telpphono bit. Confectionery. jr ? Maniifactnrinsr Conrcctioners , Jobbera of fruits , Nuts and Cljuis. Ull Furnam St , Omaba. Cigart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER & CO. , Jobbers of Clears , Tobacco , Qant ftnd Ammunition , 115 to 723 8 llth at. , 10)0 to 11UI Farnaui it , OunbaNb. WEST cC fJtlTSCHEJK , Manufacturers of Fine Cigaro , And Wholciale Dealers In L af Tobaccos , Noi.lOS aud 11U N. Mth street. Om ah a. Dry Goods. M. E. fiMITJr Jb CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1IW and 1104 Doudas , cnr. llth Bt. , Otnaha , Nob. Distillers. Distiller ! of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer * and Jobbers of Wines ami Uquors. WILLOW SPJIINGfi DISTILLS' CO. find ILER C CO. , Importers and Jobbert of Kino Woea and I.lquon. 8olam nuf olurtriof Kennedr'a Kast ludlalilt- UTI and Dommlc Liquor * . Ill ) llarntjr ht. Furniture. 'EY"S Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. ranmm St. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstcvy , Mirrors , etc. 1MB. 12M and 1810 Farnnm St. , Omaha. Groceries. 1'AXTOX , GALLAGHER , C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Not. TOG , 707,709 and 711H. lOtti St. Omaha , Neb. McCORD , JtMADY t > CO. , Wholesale Grocera , ltn and I.earenworth sts.Omabu. Hardware. LEE , FRIED < K CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Hheet Iron , Kto. Anenti for Howe Sialei und Miami Powder Co. . Omaha. Neb. W. , T. ItROATCII , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 120 and lit ! llarner > t. , Omnlia. EDXEY c Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and CarrlaKO Wood Block , Hoary Hard wart Etc. 1217 and l'-'l'J Lcavrnwurlu it. , ( Jruaha , Neb , MILTON ROGERS ,0 SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Titos , tiajitlei , UruU , Until Ooodi. UU nnd 1333 Famai Omaha Jours' Directory. Iron Works. 1'AXToy Iron Works , \Vrontht and Cail Iron lUUdlng Wort , Iron 5tAlrss Itallliti ; . llpams and Ulrden , 8i am Knalnvs , l \Vorklt noral ITounilTT , Machine and lllackimtth \foik. Office aiJWorki.D. P. llr. anil lUh meet. H. K. SAirYRlt , anufncturliiir Dealer in Smokestacks , llillcblng * . Tanks , and Iloncrnl Holler I IJIN Douulfts Mrrrl , Ouinna. P. It. MrMANIKl. C. P11I.MVAH. OMAHA WIRE , r IROX WORKS , Manufacturers of ire and Iron Kallincrs , Desk Kailt , Window Ouard * , Plotter HtHntli , Wlr * Sl m. iiu 173N. . OrderthrmMI nnimrtlr mt iiJ .H w Lumber. OMAHA TUMltER CO. , Dpale'U All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , lath Street and Union Paelflfl Track , Omaha u LOUIS HRADFORD , Denier in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yard -0orn r7th nnd louglai | Corntt tflhand Dniulni. _ _ CHICAGO LUJUltER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BUS. 14th street , Omaha , Neb. r.Colpetter , Manager. Lumber. ISth Mid Cnllfcrnln Ulrcets , Omaha , Neb. VRED W. GRAY , Lum ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc , CV-r.Cth and noiiKlas its. , OmabiuNeX HOAGLAND , Lumber , T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office. 1403 ram mn trf Pl.Omnlm. CjrTAS. It. LEE , Hardwood .Lumber , Wood C rp ts and rarqnet Flooring. 9th and Dougttj * Omaha. " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wltolpsalo Lumber , Etc. Imrnrtcd and American PortUnd Crmcnt , Ft t4 Audit fur Milwaukee llrdraullc Cetuunt and ll sl ( Jiiliicr Whltcl.lmo. Live Stock. UXIOXSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. IJmlted. John K. Boyd , B'jptrlntecdant. Lift Stock Commission. M. BURKE 05 SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Hurke , Manaiter Union Stock rardn.H. Omaha. Telephone IK } . SAVAGE C GREEK , Live Stock Commiaflfon Mercliants , EblpmenU of any and all kinds of Stock sollelle * . Union Stock Yards. Omaha. Neb. Millinery and frotions. I. OBERFELDER ,0 CO. , Importers and Jobbera of Millinery and Notions , HIS and 1215 Hnrnny ( it.oct , Omnha , Neb. Notions. Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , < OJ and 406 B. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , Kte. 1102 and 11M Douglas Street. Omaha , Neb. PAPER CARPEXTElTpAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealer * ? . larry n nice stock of Printing , WrHiplnK [ und WrIU Inif paper. Special uttcntlon iilron ui car load or orders , which will bo shipped direct from mills. All orders will recelro personal at'cntlon. Wegu i antea Rood goods and low prices. 1114 nnd Hill Printing. KEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Frintora , Blank Book Maker * . And Book Binders. 106 and 106 South Fourteen * * street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOR Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Pretios and Printers'Supplies. ( M South Twelfth Street. Pumps. ItROWNELL fi CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers In . . _ _ . . , iioilors & Ciononil Mnchtnerv j > heet Iron work , Stonrn Pumjir. Sivr UIU , Ac-na > Bbaf tln , Dodce Wood split PuUaya ; BeUlnz. ataT AUowiigons , scrapersaudbalatlta. " - Tcnworthst. Omaha CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. Headquarters fur U toastCo'aGoods , lllltarnniu suOniiihnNob. U. S. WIND ENGINE und PUMP COAIPANY. UalladsT Wind tlllisi nteam and Water B pplle % IMumblngUoods. Beltlnv , lluie. tllR and VS ) I r- nam St. , Omahn. B. K. KHton , f Tclrphone No. 210. A.L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines. Bteam , Water , nallwar and MIllluK Hupullea. HO , lUiand KJi Karnam St. , Omalm , Neb. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER a $ CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' lire nd llnru'ar Proof Safes , Tim * Locks , Vault * and Jail Work. 1MI Kanmm street Omaha , Nab. _ G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Uanufactnrersef Fire and nontlarProof Safea , raull Uoors , Jnll WorkBhuteem und Wire Work. Cor. lUh and Jackson Hts. , uraaba , Neb , Saah , Boors , ftc. M. A. DISBROW < 8 CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Sftjh , Doors , BlindB and Mouldingrs , llrancb officeUlh fcud Iicrd > tc.OmahN t > , BO/JJV MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jigs ' BUlr Work und lntrrlor Hard Wood Klnlskt Juit oi"UKl. N. K. cor. 8th mid LeuTenworthBU. Uoiabu.Neb. KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodations for travelers. The best hotel In town. F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor. THE CAPITOL i Lincoln , Neb. Tlio le ) t known und most popular hotel In tlio ptato. Incatl < > nc ntral , appointments fir si HcHiIiiuurtors for coniinorclrtl men --id all iiolltlcnl BnapnblloK tlieiln 8. K.1' . ItoaUBNProprietor , School , County and City Wo will pity hlirhent j.rlco . for thorn. F k.2 = 13 < E XjOA.3STS Mode at lowet rate * . Corrcspondonco policltod , STULL BROS. Ll.MCOL ' \