Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    7 . i *
, U >
I IHa Wife la
Our new arrivals of Mens' , Boys' and Ohildrens' clothing , just
bought at less than manufacturer's cost , which I will offer this
week to the public at such prices as will make competition out of
reachof large and small clothing stores. The deepest cut of all
which will make every department in the three floors of Polack's
mammoth establishment like a bee hive from early dawn until late
at night. Be sure to see our stock and prices before investing your
Mens' wool suits , $4.9S ; boys' union cassimere suits , $1.25 ; boys'
blue flannel suits , $3.25 ; mens' all wool pants , $1.95 ; summer gauze
undershirts. lOc ; jean drawers , 25c ; boys' pants , 25c , 35c , 50c , 75c :
mens' straw hats , 40c ; mens' summer coats , 25c ; boys' summer
coats , 20c , mens' blue flannel suits color , warranted , $7,50 ; mens'
fine dress cassimere pants , $3.50 ; seersucker coats and vests$1. 50 ;
mens' imported net undershirts , 50c ; mens' dress calico shirts , 35c.
All the above goods are worth 65 per cent , more than we are sell
ing them for , you will find the largest stock of Summer Clothing for
men and boys , such as seersuckers , mohair , Pongee , silk and alpac-
cas , at
( Old Reliable Clothing House , 1316 Farnam Street
Harris Real Estat
320 ± Btlx ST.
The most desirable residence property now on the mar
'ket ' is Stewart Place , One block from the Metropolitan ca
ble road. We have 26 lots left. Call and see us , Owners
and sole agents.
We have property in every part of the city. "We have a complete
set of abstracts of title , ot Omaha and Douglas County.
Harris Real Estate and Loan Co , , 320 S , I5tli-st
, , ,
Carriage Builders
And- Sole Agent for F. A.
Babcock d Go's.
New York & Omaha Clothing Co
Wo dculre to call special attention to our great reduction on Summer Sulti which we cunpronv
lie are , at their present prlcei , tlio cheapest Roods In the market , Our $ U , 98 , 910 and Sliisnits ,
we now sell for 94 , $5 , 90 nud 97 * Also a splendid line of all wool Caisluicro and Wonted Suits
thut were sclllne for 913,50 , 915 , 918 and 930 , are now selling at 91O , S13.5O and * 15. i > urllno
or summer Cents and Vest * has been rcplcnlihcd , and now we can again show the largest assort-
ncHtofthcic coodi , In Flannel , Serge , Seersucker , and all manner of Summer Goods and put-
term , Have you seen our 75c Underwear } Ifnot. come and see the same quality of gooda yon
have been paying 91.35 and 91. 5O for. In the Children * ' und Boys' department have had the
knife at work , and now we show our enormous line at extremely low prices. Think ! A good
ult for 91. SO , 91.75 and 93. Our entire line of9 and 97.50 suits have been reduced to 81 and
$4.50. Straw Hats at 40c , 50c and 75c. Grey § tlfl flats at 91. SO , 9l ! and 93.50 , and for other
tylcsjust look at our hat show IB the window and you will see the cheapest Hue you have ever
lind the good Tor tune to look upon.
Do not forget that each purchaser of goods to the amount or3,5O will receive a ticket on the
Pony and Cart , which Is to be given nwny on the 41h of July.
. isos
A * r
Mr * Brooks lleijpntii llor Talc of liu-
OAIIO , Mich. , July"4f' [ Special Telegram
to the DEE. ] Mrs. JUrQbks , whoso peculiar
disappearance trom JEorj homo nt Junlatn ,
near here , and whosf et national letter from
lierulnceof hnurlsotthiefat In Colorado was
given wldo publicity , has returned home.
She ic-pi-ats the story itbat shu luhcrltcd
gyoo.OOO trom Marcta jV'niuterc , a former
lo\er , which was held'fiM herby Anna Van-
doro for many j earsj'tntt In St. Louis Law
yer Shoeinan , pit A Indiana , who
drew Vandoro's ' & % \ \ \ , gave her
n draft for gOO.OWr'land ' S'JO.OOO In
cash ; that at Pueblo , Col. , Lawyer Shoe-
iiian Informed her that Miss Vandore was
dying ; that she ( Mrs. Itrooks ) fainted , and
that when she revived she found hprself a
prisoner ; that a baby was born to her whllo
Imprisoned , and tlmt It was killed before her
eyes ; that her captors took her money from
her , and that In three weeks she was re
leased. After her release Mrs. Urooks says
she went to Sau Frunclsoo ,
where she met Anna liutteriield.
her cousin , and that they started
eait together ; that , fearing that Miss liutter
iield was plotting against her , she ( Mrs.
Jirooks ) derailed hercompanlon one night ,
taking Miss lluttcrllclil'ti hat , dress , pocket-
boot : and ticket. Mrs. Brooks exhibits mrfrks
on her wrists and hands to substantiate the
statement that during her Imprisonment .she
was brutally tied up and that an attempt wns
made with pinchers to pull oil her linger
A Student Killed.
Ono of.tho most promising students of
Crolghtou college was Eddlo linwloy , of
Uinghamton , N. Y. Ho distinguished
himself at thu late commencement , nnd
vas beloved by his professors as ho was
xdniired by all those who witnessed tlio
inlllant manner in which he took his as-
igned part in tlio programme. While
u this city ho made his homo with Pat-
ick Unfly , the well known
Sixteenth street grocer. Another
mclo is Professor W. K. O'Siiaugh-
nessj' . ono of the teachers at
Jroigliton college. On Thursday last
'piing Hawlcy started for home to'sjiend
lib stimmur vacation. Yesterday the sad
news was received hero that ho was
killed by the cars ot Preston , Ohio. The
larticulars arc not yet definitely known
) ut it is supposed that the young lad fell
rum tlio train or was Killed
vhileG attempting to "board" it
it the station aforesaid. Mr. Duffy
las sent several telegrams to Preston ,
nit as yet has received no satisfactory an
swer. As the deceased was well known
lure and appreciated for his noticeable
tightness of intellect , this sad accident
las cast a gloom over a large circle o'
Arrival of Judge Anderson Work
Thnt lias Been IJono.
Hon. E. Ellory Anderson , ono of New
York's loading lawy rft und a member of
the Pacilic cornnitsslorfrnow investigating
railroads in which tho- government has
"nterest , arrived nt tGoUuillard hotel yes
terday. Ho was accompanied by his
family who left Instvnljfht for Mauitou ,
Colorado , while he wont to Concordia ,
Kan. , to join his epsfreres there. Mr.
Anderson has not btcn'prcsont at any of
the examinations in the west being de
tained in New York-tby ; the commission
work there. With Mum is Mr. C. P.
Young who holds the , double and ex
tremely onerous position of secretary
and stenographer of the commission. Mr.
Young's family is with'him at thoMillard
and will accompany Mrs. Anderson and
daughters to Coloradohilc he goes to
Concordia. Mr. Young , although a re
publican , has held most-important steno
graphic positions under prominent dem
ocrats and in leading democratic places.
The last political convention that the late
Samuel J. Tilden attended had its pro
ceedings taken down by Mr. Young and
in fact all important work of that kind
was given to his charge.
The present commission commenced
its labors April 27,1887 , when C.P. Huntington -
ington was the first witness. In all prob
ability its public session will not close
until December 1. The work
on Mr. Young and his assistant
Mr.Davis , is extremely hard and so press
ing that the notes taken in short hand at
the different places whore testimony is
taken are sent to Now York City every
evening for transformation into long
Messrs. Anderson and Young loft for
Concordin , Kan. , at 9:15 : last night via
the Missouri Pacific. The balance of Iho
commission has just finished taking tcs
timoiiy at Atchison.
A Roaring Town at the Gateway to
the ninck Mills.
San Francisco Examiner : The first
man who has struck California from the
unique frontier town of Rapid City , in
the last six months , is 8. J. Parsons , a
lawyer of that place. He arrived yester
day , and is at the Pacific hotel.
" 'Tis all a ho , " said ho to a reporter ,
'about our turning out en masse not long
since and celebrating the arrival of our
lirst hearse. The mayor did not hoiul
the procession , and the occasion was not
made a gala time in view of the fact that
we were blossoming out as a city.
"All the sumo , the place is a rattling
live town , the 'Gateway to the Black
Hills,1 and is coming along at a very good
jog. Tlio town has 3500 inhabitants , a
board of trade , electric lights , street cars
and water-works. Tlio buildings are
pretty near all brick , and the biggest ono
is three stories high , 80 foot wide and 100
feet long. Rapid City is the terminus of
the Klkhorn Valley railroad , a branch of
the Chicago & Northwestern , and heavy
bull teams freight goods from the town
northward to Deadwood and other places.
Deadwood is forty-live miles away.
"Our railroad will bo extended there
eventually , and it will got as far as Stur-
) id City , Wyoming os \ \ estern
row-gaugo road , audJI iforco of men
began construction Julyil. It will run
from Rapid City wcstiujl south to the
tin mines of Hill Cityftlicnco to Green
wood , where the Smoals7gold mines are.
These mines are ownwlnby an English
company just organized fin a f 10,000,000
basis , with $3,000,000 cash to dovelopo
them with. There is a Uig'lot of tin there ,
but it has not been niiWoio pay yet.
The Narrow GaugOj.vHl eventually go
on , 1 think , to Load Cttj four miles west
of Dcadwood , where mofaindus Homo-
stake mines aro.owneqlargcly by Senator
Hearst. The llomesta-ke" people pay out
$200,009 a month thereurfU , get out 11,000
tons of ere per day , 8ot ; e superintend
ent told me not long since. The ore runs
from live to seven dollars per ton , and is
free milling. y. $
"As soon as we get Uio ioux Indians
reservation opened woIl get live or six
railroads right oil' . The reservation lies
out east of us , and is as big as a couple o :
states like Pennsplvania. It extends from
the Nebraska line to the Northern Pacilic
railroad , and from tlio Cheyenne river to
the Missouri. The railroads , you know
are not allowed to cross it.
'Rapid City used to bo a pretty rough
rousing town. It was , and is yet , the
head center for the cowboys , and tho1
gather in there from the ranges to speni
loir money. Wo have had a good don
of shooting ; the cowboys would ride into
the saloons and shoot out the lights and
all that. It was considerable of a place
for this. Recently wo lost one of our
town officers. Marshal Wilson. Ho go
into a difficulty with some , of thn boys
There were ( our of them , Including the
marshal , and thov all pulled revolvers a
the came time. The umranal shot one o
Ut boji through and through , and the
rounded boy killed him. Doth fired at
ho same tlruo , The other boys did not
ire. The boys were all acquitted on the
grounds of solf-dufcnso. "
Mr. Parsons is in California for the
irst time. Ho goes from hero to Santa
Barbara , and will spend some time in tlio
j old en State , whoso preen Melds and
iretty vineyards ho limls quite In contrast
u the country and towns out on thu
aggcii edge of the "rowdy west. "
A Coin finle Htoppoit.
New York Tribunot Tlio M\lo of Dr.
/mdenium' * collection of coins , advcr-
ised to take place at Hang's yesterday ,
cnmo to a Sudden end. Dr. Lindcrman
vas formerly inspector of the mint at
'hlladolpiiia , and his collection of coins
s a remarkably line one. Among tlio
especially valuable specimens are a com-
ileto set of the Issue of 1803 , from tlio ono
; cnt to the $ ? 0-piuco , struck in iilumi-
nnn ; a sot ot 18i7 , with the Goddess of
Liberty wearing a jeweled coronet : a
nodal of Cyrus W. Field , struck in alum-
nnm ; and * line specimen of the silver
dollar of 180-1 , struck from the original
dies , which were destroyed in 13(17. Only
wclvo other specimens of this dollar
ire known , and inferior ones have sold
for 11,000 and $1,200.
The collection includes "
many "pat-
.cm" pieces , or experimental casts , made
during Dr. Lindorman's connection with
.lie mint , and from these arose all the
trouble. It has been the custom of pre
vious directors of the mint to sell or give
iway thcso patterns , as they chose , but
on Monday , Lyman 11. Low , agent for
.he Linderman estate , received n letter
from Dr. Kimball , stating that ho re
garded thu patterns and experimental
ilcces us the property of thu govein-
iient. Similar letters were received by
United States District Attorney \Vnlker \ ,
and by Bangs & Co. At 2 p. in. yester
day , the hour of the sale , Inspector
Drummoud , of the secret service , called
ntthe office of Bangs & Co. with author
ity to sci/o the coins , but as Mr. Low had
anticipated' some such action the coins
were not on hand. United Status District
Attorney Walker allowed Mr. Low to
ccep Iho collection till the matter should
; > c settled. The salt ) was postponed till
September. A decision Unit the coins
belong to the government will bo of
great importance to collectors , it is said ,
as there is no reason why the rule should
not extend to all such specimens in priv
ate collections.
Large Map or Omaha , $2.
Gco. E. Gibson & Co. ,
Board of Trade Bulding.
A nice cottage 8 rooms and kitchen ,
only 1 mile from the postollicc , 1 block
trom street car line , $3,000.
PAUL , 1G09 Farnnru at.
Auction Salo.
Closing out the entire stock of furniture
etc. of a lirst class restaurant at 1018
1'arnam st , Tuesday. July 5,1887 , at 10
a. m. A. W. Co WAN & Co.
Bpoclnl Fund , $5OOOO.
To loan on city real estate at Oper cent
in sums $500 and upwards.
Fifteenth and Harney.
Gco. J. Paul , real estate , removed to
1000 Fiii-nam fat.
Arrive I.tinre
Omaha Omaha
Depot Wtli and .Pierce sts.
1'ncilic Express 7:50 : am 8:20 : pm
Denver Express , 6:20pm 10 : W am
* Local Express , 11:00 : am 5:05 : pin
Except Sunday.
B. & M. R. It R.
Depot loth and I'acilic sts.
Mall and Express fitHOpm 10:05 : nin
Nleht Express 10:00 : am 7:49 pm
O. H. & Q. It It
Depot 10th and I'acilic sto.
Mall and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express . .
K. C. St. J. A O. B. :
Depot 10th and PaclUcst
Express , . 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. & O.
DcpotlStli and Webster st
Sioux City Express * 4:45pm : :15 : am
Banurolt Express 10UOam4:45pm
lilalr 1'assenner 7:40pm : 6:35puj :
* Excout Sunday
Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Exim-si fl.25amillo : am
M Iglit Express 5.0pm : ! 9:10 : piu
Lincoln Express lllo : am 0:10 : pm
Runnlnc between Council BlutTsand South
Omnhn. In addition to the station * mon-
tlonwl , trains stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-
lourtli streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
Hroad- TransOmaha. . Sheol'ys Stock
way. fer. Yards.
6:15 : 0:27 : 6:35 :
0:40 : 0:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:47 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:25 :
8-10 8:47 : 0:05 : :17 : 0:35 :
0:40 : 9:47 : 10:05 : 10:1" 10:25 :
IOMO 10:47 : lloa : 11:17 : 11 : !
11:40 : 11:47 13:05 : 12:17 12:25
is:40 : 12:47 : 1:05 : 1:17 : 1:35 :
1:40 : 1:47 : 2:0.- : ) 2:17 : 2' ° 5
" 40 B:47 : 3:05 : 3:17 :
3:40 : 3:47 : 4:05 : 4:17 : 4:2.5 :
4 : ' > o 4:57 : 6:15 : 5:23 : 6u : :
6:45 : B:5J : GV : > 0:23 : 0B : !
nw : 6:37 : 7:00 : .7:11 : V:18 :
7:25 : 7:33 : .10:13 : 10:20 :
0:03 : 0:15 :
10'i" : 10:33 : ll:2u : 11:40 :
11:15 : 11:53 : 13:05 :
r Leave i r
u I dwpot depot
O. It. L & P. : nt&Qam 9lfla : m
All Trains run Dally. OHO am 5slip m
0.4fi p ui 7:00 : p m
C. & N.V. .
AlHrtlnsrun dally. . . . . {
6:40 : pm 7oo : p m
c. o. A q.
AlltrInarun dally , . . . ej35 m 0:15 : am
6:35p : m 700p ; m
C. 1C A St. P.
AlltntBJ run dally , . . . . j 0:15 : a m 0:15 : a m
0:40 : p us 7:00 : p u
K.O. St.I. fcO.B.
Except Saturday , 1000 ;
tExcept Monday. a:55piu : 5:30 : pm
TV * St L. A P.
All trains run daily . . 2i5pm ; 12:15 pm
8 0. A l\
All trams run dally- . . < 7:03 m : m
0 5 pu :50pm :
GOLDEN SEAL eurucur Snto and *
( or men , curei In I days genTor particular * ,
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St ; Lbuls Mo.
Df tlie Missouri Slate Muscilin of An.itoinv ,
5t. Lou it , Mo. , University College llo pl-
ial , London , Glcscn , Germany and New
York. Having dcxotcd their attention
Nervous , ' Chronic and
More especially thse nrliing from Impiu-
dencc , unite all so suffering to correspond
without delay , Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention ( rom business , and without
[ he use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been ncglectcdi
iiadly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms' All letters receive immediate
And will be nulled FREE to any addrcs *
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
I'liysical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Rcproductitc Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
DUS. 8. & D , DAVIESON ,
1707 Olive St .St. Lnuis. Mo.
of tlio bojjr enlarged and ttrcngtl.nied , Full r&'tlc-
ulati ( idled ) f e. BIB UU1 > . CO. , IloITalo , N. Y.
On * Accnt f < erfn iucnlT > nntM Inrn-rr town for
Wo have handled jo\iroltrars for rooro thnn
16)oiltg. Your "TatiRill'H I'uncli" Is tlio best
acilliitf niul inoft populnr ulcklo cl 'nr we have
fold and In Ftlll our londltii ; So olirnr.
JNO. It. I'oiiTBii If Co. , nruKplstn , yockford , II
1BDRESS , / ? . iV. TANSILL & CO. , CUICIE !
Omaha , Nebraska.
Absolutely perfect , No refrigerator
equals it. Guaranteed in every respect and
very reasonable in price.
Agent for thu Manufacturers.
13th St. but. I'aniuin nud Haruoy.
Tlilrty-Bovonth ycnrbejrlnR Sept. Cth , 1M7.
For clrculmsor special InfornmUou addiass
lloincui ; Smith. LL. 1) . DCMII , Albany , K. V.
rou voux < ; LADIUS.
Three course * of study. TtuiiouulinosOu ovty do *
punment. llulliUnm rlcijnnllr fnrnlnhcil. Hi < nU > t
ultliitoara I.luliUMl wllh cm. Wilier from St. Clalr
Hirer Superior udMintutn < In mvulp iiml urt , Ad
dress ( or circular. bOMliKVll.l.n HGI1OOU
_ St. Clalr. Mich.
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , fullparticularb , sent on ap-
plicatonto J. H , M Elvaine.
KO1I VOUNti I.ADI KS.lHil North IlrontlSt
I'hlhululpliln. lth lorn' bonliis Simt. tlst ! , 18H7.
Aikiiees Miss It. K. JllnlCINrt , I'nnclpal ,
who rnfera by sprcinl permission to
Mr. uiul Mis.l lm N. Juvrott , )
Mr. und .Mrn. 1'lilllp I ) . Armour , V
Mr. unit Mis. HorncoF. Wulto , )
ca cs cured. No kudu , ilniiii or clumps uanu
Add. V. O. Supply Co llogfi M. I.onlB. Mo
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Graiton & Hash's
I'unlnen'n nflil , Lnlta st..O room home , city wntor Ambler's nil I , Pmrn . . Snxjm lieu o , well clstcra
cl lprni'nnrnucutc.l,5'HiHciKh ; , balnnce toiult bant. f.MXX ) ; ITDOfinh , bnl. f.'Opcrnioiitb
l.iko'a nild. Ijiko it. , 5 room hoa o. well , olstorn ; Ncl-onfndrt.ritmmlnifiit.M ft trontaKebf IM ,
tytit IS.V ) cn h , bal.JU | > cr month,7 per cent. room liou.r , 110. Ill ) , l , onrl citth.bal , 3 you ? > .
Uorliach's M aiM , IStli t. , 7 room liimse , bnrn , well , IluKt & IllU'R adl.MtUat-.Sroomhoute , b rn , well
cittern , ale. , WOi KM ) casli bulnnco to suit , rtc , HWU ; 11'iU ) ca'vli , V ) iU 1 , 2 and 3 yours.
Omulm View , tiliiinl ft. , 4 room house , barn , well , Fairmont ndil , iftth av . , 8 room homo , city watar ,
cl tcrnctc.f. , Mitl , TOcn h b l to arrange. Cittern , $ .1,110 , ta.0c.nli , bal. oii r.
Omaliii View , Mlnml > U,5 room house , burn , well , Kount/o A lluth unrtd 13tli it , nloo ho\i o , fruit ana
cistern , etc , (2.5(10 ( , H30 cnsll , bal 1,2,3 and 4 yours. thiilotrt-c ! < . etc , $1,00) , con ult for tcrm § .
Onmlm View , Miami ft , 7 room housa , oa ireit Konntio AHnth'anild. 17th ft. , 3 liunsel with Ira
elope , f-.CUO , J'OJ cuih , lul 1,2 , and 3 ycwn. I > rotomM7l > JU , IIMU uish , bil to nrrangt.
Walnut Hill. Nicholas it..J room liouio , barn , fruit City , proper , O.unst. , Ubousci , tor. onJJ , rcuuli
trees,2lots , f.101) ) , Jl.OWcj'li , bMIMpor moutb. t < Vi umoiitu , IViOO , tcrun cnijr.
Wn'nnt Hill , Nflnonit. . 7 room house , cltjr water , Cltjrproi > cr'u' 't.flrooinhoui ! ! , all modern Im-
nice location , fl.KO , UtXXctilibal ) Inftyenri. '
Walnut Hill , NlchoU t ,7roomhou ) , city water , Cltr.prupor , nouvlas it. , 10 room brlclc hou e , top
graded and noddiul yarj , M.UO , t2.20JcHSh.bnl3 jo r . of hill nesrHth , $11.00) , Mcish , bal. lo Hrrnngo.
Walnut 1IIII , ( lcorKOBl , , & room home.woll , onlrrn Clty.propur , Wobttar it. , 8 rojm hosso , ncnrcar
barn , etc , ti.VU , SSuOcusli , 1ml ! i per month. line , cltj walor.b-irn.H.iJW.Hcaili b l to urMBKH.
Hcdlclc't add , I'arlcuve. . S room hou-o , Inrso lot Clt/ , proper , Webilor t. , 1'J ' room hou a. UMB lot.
ttco30u2 > treoti30QOi KMJUona , Du wall , clitMiu , fruit tiees. , SJ.MO , .ljijtULjl. to arr.
Also a Large List of Acreage and Business Prop
erty , at 1421 Douglas street ,
212 North Sixteenth Street , Sp
tlc < tlern in Jf'tilchca , Diamonds , Jewelry tK fHlrenvare
fHeadquarters for Emblematic Pins and Charms
All goods warranted ,
( J. L. KJtJCJfSOy < CO. , Z12 JV' . Jfitji St.
ESTA11L1SI1EI ) 1858.
Kstimatcs Furnished on Application.
1400 and 1411 Dodge Street.
1213 Farnam Street.
* *
House Furnishing Goods ,