Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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\7here the OapltoHno Folk nro Spending
the Heated Season ,
Movements of the I/Ivo Stock Coin-
mission A Scrloun Accident
CoinplnltitR Against Street
Itnllronda City NC\VH.
frnoM THE iir.K's MXCOT.N nuniuu. ]
The way-tip society people of Lincoln
pjavo matters in their line n now turn this
spring. The old fashioned sot party with
folded hands , nnd even the neighbor
hood or select dance or euchre party
gave plnco to n more stylish , extensive
nnd elaborate gathering called recep
tions. Homo hold I hem in the early
evening from 5 to 7 , nnd others from 8:30 :
to 11:00. : At the "afternoons" the house
was darkened , the gas lighted and every
appearance of night secured. At nil of
these gatherings the dresses of the ladles
were especially elaborate , costing in
Bomo oases hundreds of dollars , and in
others much moro than sorao husbands
could aflbrd. These dresses followed the
latest fashion to the letter , nnd some of
them fell a little short of material. The
manner of construction seemed to bo a
start on the train and skirt , nnd by the
time the waist was reached the material
was exhausted. Street cars , though pass
ing the door worn discarded and & hack
called into requisition. There Is a vague
Etory afloat to the effect that at some of
these receptions something stronger than
water was ofl'cred ns a beverage , and
even some of the members of the W. C.
N T. U. in their innocence indulged In n
little mild milk punch , but no
cases of intoxication have been reported.
But when the warm weather actually sot
in all these things were abandoned as
entirely too exhaustive , and the exodus
to summer resorts and supposed cool
places began. Now Lincoln people maybe
bo found cast nnd west at watering
places. It would seem that few cities of
its size distribute visitors and sightseers
moro widely than Lincoln. In winter
southern California and Florida always
secure a good delegation , and , too , they
remain for months. In the summer they
scatter even moro widoly. Several well
known families are now on the Atlantic
sea shore or up in the Now England
woods or village near their native haunts.
Others are north on the great lakes or in
the groves of Wisconsin nnd Minnesota
while a delegation has started for Fugoi
Bound and the unknown territory of
Alaska , intending to return through the
National park. Nor arc the mountains
nf Colorado without their share , which is
nlways a largo one. Nor is this all. The
old world comes in for some attention ,
and quite a number are cither on the con
tinent or cnroutn. Chancellor Mennatt ,
of the Rtato university , nnd MrsJ. . 11.
Blair , well known in business circles ,
started yesterday , and ono of the charm
ing things about nil this going is
thnt it is not confined to the
rich nlono , many in ordi
nary , nnd some even in humble circum
stances , have found the means to indulge
their taste for travel and recreation.
A. J. Cropsey has gene to Denver , G.
A. Mullay to Omaha. Ex-Governor
David Uutlcr , the great anti-monopolist ,
is at the Capital hotel. Dr. Rouse , Airs.
B. C. Ontcault and Mrs. G. W. Ballon-
tine nave gene to Denver and the moun
tains. W. S. Hamistou and family have
gene to St. Paul. Minn. , and the northern
Fakes. A. S. Itaynioud , the wholesale
grocer , nnd his family nro summering at
ppirit Lake , la. Miss May Potvin has
gone to Detroit and other Michigan cities.
Miss Fhohe Elliott , member of the Lincoln
school board , with friends , will visit
Chautauqua , N. Y. , the Thousand islands ,
nnd other summer resorts.
The BEG correspondent met a gentle-
nian to-day who has boon over most of
Kansas and western Nebraska nnd the
tale ho brings about crops is a woful ono.
In much of Kansas ana part of Nebraska
the long continued dry weather tins out
the wheat and oats crop very short , and
what damage the drought could not do
the chinch bug has stepped in to com
plete , lie reports many fields of wheat
ns abandoned nnd only waiting for the i
torch to destroy as many bugs as possi
ble. So numerous have these pests be
come in some places ns to not only at
tack the corn but oven the prairie grass ,
something hitherto unknown. lie re
ports Holds of corn that gave every prom
ise , littcrallv folding up and disappear
ing in the blighting inlluenco ot those
pes.s. Ho oven wont so far ns to predict
that if the dry weather continued ton
days longer not moro than enough corn
[ for homo consumption would be raised.
SVhilo it is doubtless true that crops have
been moro or less damaged as suggested ,
yet his opinions , though arrived at from
observation , are to be taken with sorao
allowance , and plenteous rain which now
is promised , may oven kill the chinch
bug and assure an excellent corn crop.
It F free from damage in this vicinity
and never promised better.
The members of the State Live Stock
il commission have returnetl after a couple
of weeks journey through the stnto. The
business in that department is rapidly in
creasing and the entire time of the state
veterinarian nnd commissioners is em
ployed. There are constant complaints
in regard to glnndorcd horses. The pros-
pool of securing from the state pay foi
nn old broken down horse is so alluring
that many reports of glanders nro madti
that have in fact no real foundation. So
frequent are those reports indeed that il
lias been found impossible to make an
investigation in all of them , nnd onlj
those receive attention which seem tc
have real merit in them. The disease o (
glanders is not on the increase in the
Between 1 and 3 o'clock this inorninc
&s a policeman was passing along C
Btroct fa front of Kelly's saloon ho heard
what ho supposed to be burglars. As
elstnuco WHS called and upon investlga
tion in a narrow hall they found n mat
lying in a pool ot blood. Dr. Kueb was
called nnd the wounded man carried oui
to the light and examined , ilo had evidently
dently gone up the stairs and in a drunk
en stupor fallen asleep and upon wakinf
had fallen down the arua way ueai
by. Ho has several cuts and bruisci
' about the head , especially ono long cut
Examination shows the wound not s
ppccinlly dangerous ono , but painful
; Th skull was not fractured , and his re
povory is quite curtain , Ills name i :
Brooks Quiglcy , a laborer.
About the same time burglars tried t <
effect an entrance into the Cundy Kilchei
on South Twelfth street , but were dis
Covered nnd tied before the police coult
catch on to them.
THE "GI.OUIOUS" rouirrii.
The preparations for the celebration a
the ' 'pen" nro moro elaborate than win
t iirst supposed. The convicts huvo ilxei
up a stage with lings and national color
decorated with plctimsof ilUinguUhci
Americans dead txiui : ihvo An claborad
dinner will be burvcd to llio convicts um
invited fdoutts. Saturday night the base
Went was pill d full of broiti ; , and over i
bun U rod spring chickens had bcei
1 for the iiatnl day dinner. Tin
convicts will.themselves participate in
the exercises with songs and speeches.
Hie Lincoln street railway company is
on the make , regardless of whether or
not It accommodates tlio people on the
Tenth strqct lino. The custom has been
to run a car every ton minutes , but when
it comes base ball time ono car is delib
erately hauled oflf and the regular pat
rons allowed to wait the convenience of n
slow coach and have their plans cut
into by a fall nro to got a car at the de
sired time ! . The city will soon realize
that it has given away many valuable
franchises for nothing , and that the
people huvo no rights which the street
car companies nro required to respect.
There should be some restrictions re
quiring the companies to do the fair
thing by the people. There is another
just cause for comnlalnt. During the
assembly nt Crete the rail road runs nn
excursion train leaving Crete nt 0:30 :
each evening nnd arriving in Lin
coln a few minutes after 10 ,
nnd there is no street car in
sight the camper-out must either walk
n longdistance homo or hire n hack ,
which is expensive after 10 o'clock at
night. It would pay the car company to
give sonic attention to this matter.
The fuss made some months since
about closing stores on Sunday has all
died out nnd to-day every store that can
niako any money is open nnd running on
Sunday time , even grocery stores keep
ing on as usual. But no saloons offer to
open their doors anil Sunday is really a
quiet day on the streets of Lincoln.
.From tlio Landing N. V. Florist.
C. F. Klunder , of No. 007 Broadway ,
New York , is ono of the best known
llorists in America. Florists , like other
persons , are subject to the ills of life ,
notwithstanding the fragrance surround
ing their calling , but like other persons
they can be cured of their ills. Mr.
Klunder writes :
I cordially recommend Allcock's Po
rous Plasters. I have found them , after
10 years' constnntuse , wonderfully eflica-
cious in coughs , colds , pains in side ,
back and chest. As chest protectors ana
shields against changes in the weather
they nro invaluable. My hothouse men
use n great many , nnd 1 and family are
never without this never failing external
Transfers Filed July 2. 1887.
Francis 1 McKenna nnd wlfo to H
C Patterson , undivided K of lota
4 10 20 2124 S3 2027 and 30 blk 1.
lots 8 15 10232320273031 33 blk2
Patterson's sub w d 85,00000
John M Melun ( sine ) to Casslus A
Jackson , lot 10 blk 1 , Hawthorne
wd : . . . . 1,63009
James J McLaln and wife to Henry
F Cady , lot 8 and n 18 ft ot 0 blk
187KOmahawd 1MOO 00
WH Corey and wlfo to Wm Co-
burn , lots 1 and 2 blk 10 Isaacs &
Selden's add. w d 00000
O B Selden and wlfo to Wm Co-
burn , lots 1 and 2 blk 10 , Isaacs &
Belden's add , w d 40000
John J Solomon and wife to John
M Campbell nwne 011H , qcd. . . 1,00000
Thomas w Blackburn nnd * lfe to
Frank A Uobblus , lot 0 blk 2 ,
Fowler Place w d COO 00
Charles C Blnkley and wf to llans
Kohwer , se 17 IB 11 , w d 0,400 00
A U Dufreno and wf to Joshua O
Leo , lot 0 blk 1 Donnls' add , w d 2,100 00
C 11 Lyko nnd wf to Harris J Han-
sou , lot 0 blk H , Parker's ndd.w d 4,000 00
George E Barker and wf to John
Wallace , lot 13 Clifton Place , w d C50 00
Charlns Turner and wf to Anton
Pokorny , lot 13 blk 3 Summit
Plnco , w d 5,000 00
S S Curtis and wf to Gilbert J
Alboo. lot 0 blk 4 Belvidere , w d 400 00
Annie E Lewis to Victor G Lantry ,
lots a and 18 In w , lot 10 In 123 ,
lot 10 i n 105. Floren co , q c d 1 00
Frank W Way ( sine ) to Oco C
Thompson , lot 21 blk 3 Sauiiders
& Hernibaughs ndd , w d 2,490 00
John Jacobs and wf to Kiiiina K
Koblson , lot 10 blk 5 Klrkwood
wit 1,23000
John Jacobs una wf to Ada E Gard
ner , lot 11 blk 5 Klrkwood w d. . . 1,250 00
City of Omaha to Alice Porter ,
Helen Wilklus and Harry F Wll-
klns qcd , part of 23d st east of
blk 203 Omaha 1 &
John 11 Hungaw trustee to Knlph
E Gaylord lot 7 blk 5 Bedford
Place , deed 5,00000
John Hungnto trustee to Mary T
Gnylord , lot 8 blk 13 Badtord
Place , deed 5,00000
P C Ulinebaugh and Alvln Saunders -
dors , trustees , to Mary J SImonds ,
lots 7 nnd 8. bit C , Saunders &
HimcbauKh's ndd. deed 1,50000
Douglas County to Christian Hartman -
man , lots 15 and 10 blk 7 Douglas
add. deed 2,45000
Douirlaa county to James S Gibson ,
lot 0 blk 13 , Douglas add , deed. . . 1,000 00
Louis Schroeder nnd wlfo toAugtist
Bohne , lot 10 , Irvine place , w d. . 1,000 00
Sarah Gnrrlty and husband to F L
Cotton , lot 1 blk 2. Lake's add ,
Wd 4,00000
Douglas county to Wm Gyger , lot 3
blkl , Don.las add. deed 82500
Douglas county to Win Gyeerlot 17
blk7DouKlas ndd , deed 1,00000
Douglas county to Win Gyger , lot 3
blk 7 , Douglas ndd. deed : 1,020 00
Douglas County to William Gyp * ,
lot 1 block 3 Douclasadd deed. . . 3,000 00
Doublas county to Jeremiah A.
* Wlmlen , lot 4 block S Douglas add
deed 1,000 00
Jacob 11. Theobald nnd wlfo to L S
Berry , lot 7 block "E" Prospect
Placd wd - . 75000
Andrew J Poppleton to Harry D
Keed , north half sw-sw 20-15-13
nod 100
Martin W Unrtlgan nnd wlfo to
lllcliard S Hall , lot 8 block 37
Omaha qcd
L S Hurry nnd wife to James J Me-
Cnbo , lot 7 block "E" Prospect
Place wd 1,400 00
Douglas county to ST Petersonlots
1 and 2 In 10. lota 1 and 8 m 11 , lot
I In 13 Douglas add deed 5,070 00
Norman A Kuhn uustoe to Mary
Crmlleld. lots 4 5 and 0 blk "A,1'
Ue.servolr add. w d 1,05000
Douglas county to Thomas F Bren-
nan , lot 3 blk 11 Douglass add ,
deed M50 00
Douglas county to Thomas F Bren-
nan. lot 4 , blk 4 , Douglas add ,
deed 1,835 CO
Cliarlns A Brown and wife to U P
II U Co , lot 0 , blk SOS , Omaha ,
deed. . . . 0,000 00
Win F Sweesy nnd wife. Harriet ,
to U P H U , lot a , blk 815 , Oinalia ,
deed C.OOO 00
Herman C Stlcht. sing , to F E P
Mo V U U. rt ot way over 0 , 7 and
blk 1 Brighton 1,00000
hcubcn Ulchnrd and Jane Plcknrd
to F E nnd Mo V U It , rt of way
over n ne t-o 80-15-13 . l.COO CO
KeuU'ii 111'lckard nnd Hiram L
Plrknrd and wives toF ] E and Mo
V U It. right of way over s X s yt
lie : W-1.V12. 1,300 00
Joslnh W Day and wlto to Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
It R , rt of way over O. ' , > 0 a In 18-10
13. . . COO 00
Samuel Forcoy and wlfo to ( X , St
P. , M. & O. K. IL , right of way
nwnw 10-10-13 1,00000
Peter Bum and wife to F E and Mo
V Ky , right of way over nw uw
Mauds } * BWsw 11-10-11 2S5500
Filed Julyl.
Francis I McKenna nnd wife ot
George A Joslyo.lot fiblka.Iirjprove-
iiieut Association mtil , wd 7,500
George A Joslyn and wlfo to Francis
I McKeuna , undivided X Interest Inlets
lots 23 and 83 blk 1 , and lots 3 , 8 , 0.
10 , IS , 25 , SO , 31 and 3j blk U , and
any lots unsold In Patterson's sub
div , wd 3,500
W A L Gibbous and wife to Francis
1 McKenna , lots 7 uinl 10 , north , blk
8 , Cote Brlllianto ndd , w d 1,300
Union Stock Yards Company to
Charles * Fans , lot 12 blk 7 , 1st add
to South Omaha , w d COO
A UeiiHon nndvllt > to James L
Sherman , 1 ot 12 blk 5 , Brlvss Place ,
W d 3,000
Samuel 1) Mercer and wlto to John L
Mills et al. , b5 lots in Walnut Hill ,
w d 33,723
Lee It Horn to 1) .1 Hutclilnson et al ,
lots M and ' "J blk 4. Cunningham &
Bruunan's ndd. w d 1,200
City of Omaha to Mary E Jordou. 10
. by 40 feet beginning 40 teet south of
the northwest comer of blk 81 , Om-
nhn.qe . . . IK )
Lovl K Dodd and wife to Aunlo O
Scltz , lot 1 blk 1 , Paddock Place ,
wd . , . 5,080
Lcvl N Dodd nnd wife to Chas S Soltz ,
lot 8 blk 1 , Paddock PI arc , w d. . . . ' . C.030
Wm T Paiccl nnd wlfo to Frederick U
Davis , lots 2 , 3 , and C , llagau's add ,
qc . i . . . . . . 1
City of Omaha to holrs ot John F Folsom -
som , deceased , undivided of 5 , 10
by 44 fcot boglnnliiB nt northwest
coiner lot 8blK ; 101 , Omaha , q c . 1,100
City of Omaha to heirs of Benjamin F
Folsoni , undivided Jf ° f 5,03 by 44
feet , bozlnnlng nt tlio northwest
corner of lot 50 blk 191 } . Omaha ,
nlso r , 65 by 41 feet , beginning at
northwest corner of lot 7 blk IMK ,
Omaha , qc . 0
City of Omaha to helM of John B Fol-
8om , undivided K of 5 , JO by 41 feet
beginning at northwest corner ot
lotOblkSUlX , aNo 5 , 65 by 44 feet
beginning at northwest coin or lot ?
blk MIX , Omaha , q c . 23
Cltv of Omaha to uelrs of Benjamin H
Folsom. undivided K of 5.10x44 feet ,
Devlimlng nt n w corner of lot S , blk
1U1K , qc . 14
Gerhard S Benewn nnd wife to Clmi
Blackwcl ) , lot 11 , blk 5 , Heed's 3d add .
wd . . . . . . 1,400
C F Harrison to Ett.i Harrison , lots 1
and 2 , blk K ) , Hanscom Place , w d. . 5,000
D C Patterson and wltci to T W Hob-
inson , lot as , blk "A , " Saunders &
Hlmrbaugh's add , wd . . 523
1) C Patterson and wlfo to J A Hob-
Inson , lot 24 , blk "A. " Saunders &
Hlmebaui'h's add , w d . C25
Jeremiah C Wilcox and wlfo to Kll/a
J Lorlng , lot 3 , blk S3 , Wllcox's 3d
ndd.wd. . . . . 000
John P Hawkins and wlfo to G Ed
mund Peyeke , w H of lot 3 , blk 47 ,
wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . QOCO
Catherine Haydeii and husband to
Hugh ( ! Clark , lot 10 , blk 2 , Pruyn's
subdlvof blk 3 , Hj do nark , wd. . . > 200
John Campbell et al to Patrick Land
company , 35-100ths of an aero In 19 ,
15 , 13. rj c . 200
Ellas. P Dovrles nnd wlfo to llenry
O Devrios , undivided * % of lots 10
nnd 17 , block 10 , Patrick's second
addition , wd . 2,000
IrankW Mays to John W Grinith ,
lot 4 block 3 llenry and Shclton's
addition , wd . 18,750 ,
John I Kcdlck nnd wlfo to Gcorgo
Heyn , lot 16 block 3 subdiv of J I
Hedlck's addition , w d . 1,000
Guorgo Heyn and wife to John L
McCacuc , lot 13 block 3 subdiv of
Johu 1 Hedlck's addition , w d . 1,000 ,
Byron Heed et nl to Albertlna W Ole-
son and husband , lot 7 Head's second
end addition , w d . 1,000
City of Omaha to John J Hardln , 10
leet of ground lying n of and ad
joining lot 13 , Johnson's addition ,
q c . 3
August Sourd and wito to Victor J
Hoard , lots 5 nnd C blk F , Lowo's 1st
add , lot 5 blk D.Prospect place , lots 1
nnd 2 blk 3 , Creston add , deed . 1
Douglas county to John Simmons , lots
7 nnd 8 blk 5. Douglas add.w d . 8.375
EdwinS Hood and wlto to Sophia
Hocsner. lot 7 blk 4 , Albrights aunox
to South Omaha , w d . 157
Jeunlu Mclntoflh to James Adams , lot
20 , Mclntoshs subdlv.w d . 1,500
BornardMaglnnls to Anthony J Ho-
bon ot al , w 2. ! feet of e 115 feet of
lots 10 and 30 , Terrace addw d . 3,650
Bernard Mucinni.s to Anthony J Ho-
bon ct al , w 33 feet of o 85 feet of
lots 1 and 20. Terrace add.w d . 3,850
John M McMahon to C J Smythc , s 72
leet of lotO. Hosolnnd place , wd. . . . 1
Gcorgo P Stobblus to Francis A Coon ,
lot 3. blk - . Hanscom place , w d . S 600
City of Omaha to Muttlo C Connell , 10
ft of ground lying north of and ad
jacent to lot 11 , Johnson's add , q c. . 2
Max Meyer and wlfo et al to Otto A
.Schneider , lots M , 14 , 15 and 10 , blk
0 , Manhattan add , w d . 1,050
Augustus Koimt/.o et al to John C
Cowin , lots 7. 8 and 9 , blk 0 , Forest
llilladd. wd . 0,000
Norman A Kuhn , trustee , to S G
Brock , lotO , blk A , subdivision Ucs-
crvolradd , wd . 750
Thomas Brennau and C J Smyth to
John W Lacourse , Iot22 , blk 1 , Bren-
nan place add , wd . 2,000
Joseph Mannlero to HobcrtV Cowan ,
lot 7. 1 k 2. ) , Florence , q c . 1
C H Sllkworth and w'lto to Fred John
son , lots 1 and 3 , blk U , Kilby place ,
w il . ,750
E L MusKrif to Mrs M A Fretwell , lots
83 , 33 and 34 , blk 0 , Bull's Isle add
wd . 3,730
E S Hood.aml wlfo to Nettle Sullivan.
lot 21 , blk 8 , Albright's annex , to So
Omaha , wd . 105
George A Joslyn and wife to Francis
1 McKenna , undivided % Interest Inlets
lots 4 , 17 , 18 , 10. 20 , 21 , 24 , 35 , 20 , 37 and
80 , blk 1 ; and lots 23 nnd 2J In blk 3 ,
Patterson's sub div , wd . 500
Thomas Hronnaii to C J Smyth , lot
8 , blk "X. " Shlnn's 3d add , w d . . . . 5,500
Charles 11 Dewey and wlto to E L
Stone , undivided X Interest In n % ,
n , nutf , swK , sec 33-10-13 , w d. . . . 000
Douglas county , Neb. , to John A
Grandcu , lot 10 , blk 8 , Douglas aud ,
wd . . . 1,335
Martin Wilbur and wlto to William
Wade. oU lot C , blk 18 , w d . 2
William AVade to Mary Wilbur , lot 0 ,
blk4q c .
Silas H II Clark and wlfo to A F and
Mary J Shenll w 44 ft of lots 5 and 0 ,
and w CO feet of s 40 feet ot lot 4 all
In blk 83 , w d . 1,000
Will of Muro M L Heed. lots. 5 In 30 ,
15 In 08 , 10 In IbS , 15 in 139 , 29 III 131 , 1 ,
G and 14 In 134 , 1 In 137 , 7 In 131) , 7 in
J33 , 0 and 8 in 140 , 11 , 14 nnd 15 in 147
and 18 In 150 , and undlv In in outlet
John E Summers and wlfo toVm
L.atoy , nnd Wm W Benson e 13 feet
of lot 0 blk 204 > < , w d 10,030
John L McCazue ot al , referees to Jno
D Crelghton , iiiiihllu 83 feet of s of
lot 1 blk 51 , referees deed 1,000
Knth'crlne Urlau and husband to Wm
Latoy.-aud Benson , w 33 leot of lot 0
blk204. w d 8.500
J nines J McLaln nnd wlfo to Hy F
Cady.lot 8 , n 18 feet of lota blk 157K ,
wd 11,400
John A Horbach nnd wife to Jas E
Stephens , w X ot lots 13 and 14 blk 0
Parkersndd , w d -00
It outrivals all Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Remedy. _
Not Fashionable Now For Society 1'co-
plo to Go In liathliitr.
Chicago News : Surf bathing is no
longer a fashionable diversion. Swim
ming schools , therefore , are less fre
quented by women than they were two
or three years ago. Those who disport
themselves in the nittalorlum pools
during the hours sacred to the feminine
sex are generally school girls and small
lassies. A few seasons ago the natatoriums -
riums of Mio city wore con
ducted with * extreme oxclusivcness.
When a lady unknown to the
management applied for n season's tui
tion she was not admitted as n pupil until
her standing was looked up. Aristocratic )
nnd dainty women Hooked to the swim
ming school every morning. Intense ,
often bitter , rivalry sprang up between
the fair nymphs of the basin. Certain
women attained local celebrity for their
skill in the water. The cold and treach
erous waves of Lake Michigan oiler
little encouragement to the swim
mers , nnd natatonums afforded tlio
enthusiasts their only opportunity
for indulging in this recreation.
They vied with each other in the beauty
mill variety of their bathing suits. These
wore of nil colors , but palo blue , palo
rose color nud pure white , through which
tbo pink skin could faintly gleam , wore
voted the most effective. They were ex
ceedingly abbreviated garments. When
exhibitions were given toward the end of
the season spectators were only ad
mitted by invitation ol the ladies ,
and the number of invitations was
limited at that. The show was
hedged in with oxclusivoucss. It was es
teemed a privilege to bo admitted to nnd
behold the exhibition of loveliness in the
tub. Pure-minded women , with unsul
lied reputations , displayed their charms
in the water with innocent abandon.
But the craze ran its course like all fash
ionable crazes. Slowly , at first , the ox-
elusive dames began to drop out of the
coterlo of swimmers. In a little while
there wore but few left.
'A peculiarity of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
that while it purifies the blood , it imparts
DOW vigor to every function of the body.
Nobrnftka Jot tine * .
Iho nation's big 4-7 give her hall.
The gamblers have ; shaken Pnpllhon.
Beatrice dogs nro preparing to muzzle
or do. !
Valparaiso has voted bonds for water
The Clcarwatcr Headlight has been
suud'cd out.
The Kiiox county sent fight Is booked
for the 10th. i ,
Burglars made a haul of ? 100 worth of
goods in Columbus Friday night.
J. E. House of Omaha will prepare the
plans and sitccillcatlbns for the water
works at Falls city.
A painless dentist nnd dcadbont has
taken several molars and unliquidated
bills from Hastings.
The assessed valuation of property in
Otoo county isl,04SWl ( , und incrca o
over last year of18,510. ! ) .
The Aurora Republican has swallowed
the News and will dole it out in di
gested doses to the community.
Tommy Chalmers of Fullerton , is in
love with his shape , and exhibits it too ,
unadorned , on slight provocation ,
iiohannon escaped the gallows in Ne
braska City to meet a worse fite. : The
homo papers butcher him with cuts.
The Standard cattle company at Ames
has contracted for 8.000 tons of hay. C.
W. Wallingford , of Fremont , has the job.
Towns m Thnyer county nro working
up bond elections to secure the south
west extension of the Klkhorn Yallov
The small boy and the toy pistol will
have their annual struggle for supremacy
to-day. The undertaker and bexton will
take the btakus.
The McDonald paper folder factory
of Des Molnes will locate in Flnttsmouth
if proper inducements in current coin
are shelled out.
A Scotia school nia'nm , who funned a
pupil with n ruler , and drew blood , host
her situation and cortillcnto. The gallant
residuals resisted the pleasure of tarring
"Cowboy Jack" Is the titlp of n tomih
who is torrorii'.ing the residents of Ar
lington and tiring his artillery promiscu
ously. The prospect of an early job
keeps the coroner awake.
Samuel Grangers of Beatrice , n late re
cruit of the gospel army , attempted to
take a short cut to salvation by plunging
a knife into his breast. Ilo still lingers
on this aide of the Stix.
Bloomington enthusiastically shouts ,
"Moro light a chouse factory to bo es
tablished if our merchants guarantee
their patronage. " The brilliancy of n
live cnceso need not bo soon to bo ap
"Wo are glad to note , " says the Hast
ings Independent , "that Omaha is the
headquarters for the Fremont , Klkhorn
& Missouri Valley railroad. Next to
Hastings , Omaha Is the best place for
these headquarters. "
Will Bill , a familiar lunatic in O'Neill ,
lourishod a revolver too eloquently to
suit tlio moderate tastes of a muscular
resident , but before the * popper-box was
shaken Bill had a IcntUor patch planted
on his anatomy and his sand kicked out.
The lusty , long earned poet of the Pret
tiest has unfurled his fans nnd tibsuiltcd :
the bettor half of creation with : "Oh ,
maidens fair , from eastern towns , take
off your wire bustles nud come to Fre
mont , live nnd die , where everybody hus
tles. "
Dr. J. L. Unndy , the three ball fakir of
Richardson county , has boon arrested for
horse stealing nnd perjury. The victims
of the wily doctor have hnally cornered
him , with n gjood prospect ot shipping
him to Ilyursville. Sim : Powell , ono of
the doctoVa partners , has confessed. The
trial is sot for the 14th.
A sad misfortune bofcl the family of
Mr. John Murphy , of'Rulo ' , last week.
Their thirteen your old daughter , while
asleep , left her home and walked into the
Missouri river. The bodv of the unfor
tunate girl was discovered last Thursday
near Nodaway station , rind sent homo to
the heartbroken parents.
The oll'ioinl" of the Otoo county jail
have placed David Hoffman , the con
demned train lobber , in the iron cage ,
nnd placed the death watch over him.
He is sentenced to bo hanged July 23and
seems to realize thnt life is not worth liv
ing. He sits and moans like ono in great
agony , with both oyus pooled for a chance
to follow the spoiling professor.
A couple of tramps who lilted upon the
donations of the charitable in West Point ,
attempted to "hold up" Marshal Sims.
A furious fight followed and the marshal
proved his qualities as n pugilistic archi
tect by erecting a dormer window on the
brow of ono nnd aciipaloontho poll of the
other. They are now sweating a | 15 line
mowing weeds.
The quality and quantity of snake root
in Hastings had not improved materially
at labt accounts. Mr. Ackurman , living
three miles from town , pulled nn oven
hundred slimy , squirming .snakes from
his well one tiny last week , nnd did not
exert himself either. This puts prohibi
tion several rattles ahead of the rum
power and furnishes u cheerful collection
of the wonderful products of Adams
county. Duke Thompson eortilies to the
voracious voracity of Mr. Ackerinan.
O'Neill Tribune : "Omaha papers are
jubilant over tlio announcement that the
Northwestern intends planing its head
quarters for lines in Nebraska and in the
west in thnt city. The pr.oplo along the
line ought nlso to rejoice when the thing
is consummated , for it will place us in amore
moro d.rcct communication with the
metropolis of Nebraska ; and they would
rejoice with exceeding great joy could wo
secure bettor rates along with the in
creased facilities for communication with
the city. "
A Celestial , robed In a bobtailcd duster
and a faded tile , has been pawing the
atmosphere on the hill overlooking the
shops nt Plnttsmouth the past few days.
The yardmen thought ho was amusing
himself keeping the Hies off tlio town.
Others were confident a lunatic had
broke loose and was exorcising his lungs.
A number of herders surrounded the
Mongol Saturday , ant } demanded the
namennd nature of his''business. "Mo
'Molican coollo ; whoopee eagle ilourth
nnd shootno mouth off mucheo , " was the
prompt response of John , while his arms
hurled emphasis at eaoli word. It is bo
Jioved the police will take' him in to-day
If ho attempts an assault' ' on the proud
bird. Private advices from Plattsmoiith
give positive assurances that the coolie Is
not the distinguished Omaha jedgo in
disguise. ,
Inwa Iteiiif.
It is claimed that natural gas has been
discovered ata point bufaoven miles from
; , i
The Dubuque and Dunlolth railroad
bridge is about to bo soldi the consider
ation being $1.500.000. , f.
The city engineer of Davenport has
recommended the use of hard brick for
street paying purposes ,
Hart E. Linehan sold to the Burlington
& Northern railway company forty acres
of Dubuque property on which will be
placed n depot and roundhouse.
At the November election Harrison
county will vote on a proposition to re
locate the county seat at Magnolia. The
county seat went to Logan ten or cloven
years ago.
A white boy named Willie Mooney got
into a fight with a colored boy at Bur-
lintrton , and the result was disastrous to
the Caucasian. A broken foot , un in
jured spine and concussion of the brain
are n part of the inconveniences from
Which Mooney is now suffering. ,
The history of Rnv. George C. Had
docktho prohibitionist murdered in Sioux
City , bos' created a sniuiu of indignation
among the stalwart organs of rcpublif
chnlsm m the stnto. The book was writ-
en by a sou of the dead minister , and
iocs not give sulllclont credit and glory
o the republican's for pushing prohibi-
ion. The Stnto Register denounces the
jook as a spcclnl plea for n third party ,
a false record of temperance legislation
and a disgrace to the memory of the
Dnkntn ,
TJnlcss hailstorms prevail the wheat
crop In central Dakota will bo unusually
An Odd Fellows' building , ono of the
Inest in the west , is soon to bo erected at
A gonlloimiii named yoskctt , proposes
o start a largo pinning mill at Sioux
. 'alls if proper assistance- given.
Great preparations nro being made at
iVoonsocket in anticipation of the sol
diers' and sailors' reunion to take place
there in August.
The Kingsbury county agricultural so
ciety held its annual meeting n short
imo ngo and decided to hold .1 fair this
all. It Is proposed to erect permanent
buildings and to that end an effort hns
nln-utly been made to raise the necessary
The Klevonth infantry , which hns boon
stationed nt Fort Sully for twelve years
last has received orders to pack up anil
ro east , and will bo stationed at Bodloo's
sland , Sackott's harbor and Plattsburg ,
L'ho officers nnd men are well pleased
with the change.
M. E. B. Chapman , president nnd mali
nger of the Rapid City , Wyoming &
iVestcrn Railroad company , will go cast
his week to complete negotiations for
ails , locomotives and other things neces-
bary to tlio equipment nnd operation of
he narrow gauge forsomo distance from
Rapid City into the Black Hills.
Tlio rnulflc Const.
About 70,000 sjioop are being driven
'rom various points in Oregon to Ne
braska this year.
The salmon pack on the Sacramento
his year is pronounced a failure. The
ivcr has boon ovurlishod.
Work still continues on the repairs to
ho old flagship Hartford , no orders to
stop it having been received n Muro
slaud from Washington.
San Dipgo is represented as the Camb
er's paradise of the coast , but Santa
Monica's bunko nchitivcmcnts entitle her
o bo classed a good ticcond.
Fifteen ostriches have just been hatched
rom a nest of seventeen fertile eggs at
dount I'.iirviow ostrich farm , near San
) icgo , This is the best record over made
n America. There are eighty birds at the
arm now.
An enterprising San Francisco saloon-
( ceppr purchased a lot and started n gin
nill in the cemetery nt Henltlsburg , close
to the militia camp. The mingling of the
spirits was brief , howovcr. The vigul-
intes invited him to move or got under
In recognition of the services rendered
y the Sisters of Charity during the re
sent smallpox epidemic in Los Angeles ,
: he prominent ctti/.ons of that place have
presented the sisters with $30,000. This
Him , in addition to the $30,000 donated
ly banker Helmnn , gives this religious
community ! ? 40,000 , with which they will
commence ) the building of a handsome
school nnd orphan asylum.
The big newspaper war in San Fran
cisco is ( inning treasure in the pockets
of the printers. They are rolling in phat
nnd wealth , sport plug hats , line clothes
and diamond pins , and lounge lUo mill
ionaires in the parks and the theaters. A
Nevada paper recently sent to 'Frisco for
a printer to take the plaoo of ono who
boat a lottery out of $1,000. A reply
was received from a printer , the only
ono who was willing to come at all , to
the effect that if ho would bo allowed to
work onlv two or thrco days per weokj
ns ho clfose , seeing as ho thought ho
might enjoy a chance of climate for a
few weeks , hevoiild not mind accepting
the position offered him. The foreman
telegraphed back that ho needed a
printer , not n tourist.
NOTICE All sufferers frcm liny Tovor who
will use tlio Smoke Hull nnd "Ucbollator"pnck-
ngoelx u-aoks prior to Anoint 1st , 1887and
have the Hist symptoms of tlio dlsougu npponr
utter thnt dnto , wo will HKFUNDTIIB MONEV
I.uhtBiimmor this remedy was used liy many
sufferers , and guve sntlalnctltm Inovory case.
"Cnrbollo Smoke" plvcs Immodlnto relief In
Cntarrh. AMlnna , llrunotilnl nnd ' 111rout AfToo
tknm , Hcmluche , Croup , Colds , LUMK Diseases
etc. , nn < l If tnkon In connccton with our lluhol-
Inter treatment Is warranted to euro every case
A I'roo Test at our nIHco parlors. Hunt by
mail on receipt ot price , (3. Smoke ilall , $ >
Ucbellator fl.
Room 11 Croiuuton lliock , Omului , Nob.
Jfmftorfy IheMghett exttllen *
cc * < /irijirti < - * , rom/V > rfaii < i
iltirnliilit/itinlnretttrelanhtg ]
fitrorltetlHfathionableclrcl ;
Our name i > I J.4.T.COUSINS ,
on every wle.l NEW YORK.
Sick Headache ,
Biliousness ,
- . Constipation.
Toe lore lr pcr lareoil fceU
UotfflTerlUht wur t ) tbelrni l ,
Should ne'er lie milfored toiapoie ,
Ani breed u train of u rarer woet ,
Wnen perfect licaltli llieriimyfecnre
TlirougUTABU Ak'l'b hKl.T/KltitJ and lure
Will IliiiTjustHTJattliernced-A FULL LlNt
tue INSTALMENT TRADE , by addreuiog
ItmT uucMT JJtuiB f tiurri.v Co. , Krie. i'
Prepared with strict regard to Purity , Strength , "I
and Healthftilness. Dr. Price's Baking Powder
contains no Ammonia , Lime , Alum or Phosphates.
Dr. Price's Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , Orange , etc. ,
flavor deliciously. PRICE BAKI NO POWDER Co.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Far n am Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
" * " * r * " *
v i 1V 1B ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
_ I3O5 * 1307 FARNAM 8TRI1V
For Medicinal and Family Use.
Is Death to Sure Cure for
Gold Only In Bottllt. for Quart Bottlt.
for Salt by Oroctrt
For Salt ty
ana Wlm Merchantt
Drugglttt Entry whtrt. Cetrywhtrt.
ThU U to certify that 1 hare exnmlncd the tainplo ot DF.I.LE OP BOURBON V.'IIISKEY recetro.1 frnra
Lawrence , Ottrom & Co , and foim.l tlio eani to bo perfectly free from fusel Oil anil all oilier deleterlout
lubetances and strlctl/ l > ure. I chturfully recommend the amt for family and Medicinal imrpo es.
J. 1 * . luusuv. U. 1) . , Analytical Cliomlit , Loulirllle. KT.
New Model Lawn Mower
FlveSlzcu. mil cut niyltcr yrasa than
any other. Jlannoeqiwlfor ttlmpUcUu ,
ilitrabtlltif and cane of operation.
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
J'rlccs. Send for circulars.
e Agents for 1'orter'a Haying Tool
* of Jllndlng Tin Inc.
Watchea , Diamond * , Fine Jewelry. Silverware
The largest stock. 1'ricej the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th itreets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker Tor ( he Union
PscificRallroad Company. " .
4Dhtetes ate CoteJtjItelSuhl Mineral Spring ffdler
Deatbi from tliou ruiacrltlo < . I cli'rpe * . ttrlc-
turei , ( iroitute lilnnd. vurlcocelf , uladdar "d
cnronlortlncaaet cuuie them and mint IMI cured br
the Amihel Medical HurouuKurcipciuund Amerlcun
potlullit | ) hj lclun' § local and Intorra no Jrctrum-
cnllri or tliu luKerert are loit. Old iilirklcluu'i udric *
audboot wltti partlcuUra and euro , frceai
JJ'JI ' Broad ay.NovYork. / .
Drain Layer I Sewer Builder
Sewer connections any part pi
tjie city . Satisfaction guaranteed.