Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertisements under tills head,10 cents po
Inn for the first Insertion , T cents for ench sub
sequent Insertion , andtl.fiOa line per month-
No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents
for the Hrst Insertion. Fovcn words wll Jbo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu.
tlrclr mil ) must be nnld In advance. All adver
tisements must lie handed In licforo 1 : ! o'clocx
p , m. , nnd under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlcs advertising Inthese column ( mdhnv-
In ? the answers addressed In care of THBUEB
will plertfo a k fern chock to enable them to Rot
their letters , fin none will ho delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All nilve'rtl ements In those columns are pub
lished In both morning and cvonini ? editions of
She DEE , the clrculntlon of which
Rpprcpntcs more than H.OOO papers
flatly , and < rlvcs the advertiser the
benefit , nol onlj of the city clrculntlon of The
llRK but also nf Council IllulTi. Llacoln , and
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the we t. .
MONKY to lonn on fnrm and city property
at current rates. Largo loans on Bill edged
business property. Fco us. Marshall & i.o-
beck , IM9 Kitrunm. Tclcphono 73. 291
MONF.V to loan , no commission. Cole , .110 a
16th. 03
MUNhY to lonn to parties wlthlnir to bullJ.
B. 8. Campbell , 310 8 10th St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 7W
TV1 ONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop-
J'lcrty In sums of ? 1,000to { 5,000 at six per
cent interest. SholcsX Crumb. 187
LOAN-On city property In
sums of (500 nnd upwards . . lowest rates.
Money nlways on hand. 8. 8. Campbell. 310
Bouth Sixteenth street. 103
M ONEV TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st.
$5110,000 to loan on rent estato. st.No delay.
Harris tc Sampson , 1510 Douglas st. 262
$500/100 To loan on Omaha city property nt
per cent. 0. W. Day , t. e. cor. Bx. Old.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop
erty , low latcs. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 171
M ONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
hotel building. 172
MONEY TO LOAN on improved rent ( State ;
no commission charged. Leavltt llurn-
bam , Room 1 Crolghton Illock. 173
MONEY to loan on Improved olty property
and farms from $1,000 up , at lowest rate.
_ Apply to Wm. B. Loach , Real Estate Agent , 1U19
* Farnam. 6U4Jyl9
LOAM Money Loans placed on improved -
proved real estate in city or county for
Mew England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. Uth and Chicago sts. 175
T7II FT Y Thousand dollars to loan to parties
J ? wishing to build.
950,000 to loan on unimproved city property ,
1100,000 to lonn on Improved city property.
Special rates for the next 30 days. . .
Odoll llros & Co. , oar Farnatn and l n.
to loan on Improved city property at
ML e per cent Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Have a complete let of abstract books
of Dourl&i county. I. N. WaUon , abstractor
Harrli Real B tat and Loan Co. , 820 8.16th it.
1 < 0
TO LOAN-bytho nnderslffned , who
all has the only properly organized loan
tenor In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , 4c , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loan * so
Bade that any part can bo paid at any ime.eaoh
payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advance *
Biad on flnewatuhes and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call
andieeme. w. It Croft , Hoora 4 WUhnel
Building 15th and Harnoy. 177
niHE NolirnikiiLonn and Real Estate Com-
JL pany , rooms V and 10 Hcllman blk , do n
Ronernl loan business. Will lend money on
real cetitto , mortgages , and buy collaterals.
TUB OMAHA Financial Rzchange ,
N. W. corner of Harney and IBth sts. ,
over State National bank.
Is Prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or rea
Long time loans made on Improved real estate
at current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
Oenernl financial business of all kind ! trans
acted promptly , quietly and falny.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub-
llcfty. Oorbett. Manager. 178
$750.000 TO LOAN ate per cent. Llnahan
Mahoney , 1609 Farnam. 179
MONEY LOANED at C. P. Hood * Co.'S Loan
Office , on furnlturo , pianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. B19 8. 13th.
over Dlngham's Commtiilon mtf\ * All busl-
ness itrlctlv confldentlal. 180
fiPRH CENT Money.
V B. 0. Patterson. 15th and Harney. is :
T71OR SALE First-class restaurant makinn
A' $300 a month ; best of reasons for soiling ,
Address M14 , Uco. S15 OJ
F ° It BALE A No. 1 saloon , Ice box cheap , a1
No. 1120 Farnam st. 270
SPECULATORS opportunity. Informal
on stocks onlr telegraphed under code
ny subscriber , K , Sheriuun Fitch , 10 Wall st
7l Jy 22
WANTED To trade for Improved or unim
proved land , stock of gon'l mdso , about
4,600 ; stock of hardware , about $2,800. Must
hove 1-4 cosh. U. i U. , Ilex ( MX ) Bhanandoah , la.
131 6 *
WANTED General agent for Nebraska for
World Type Writer $10 Rapid , simple ,
easy to use. writing equal to 1100 machines.
A good business for live roan. Address Day &
Lester 3ft Bt. New York.
, Murray , 85-2-9-18
'ytOR BALK Or rent , hotel. A choice open-
JC ing. Particulars , address , B. H. Wilde ,
Osoeola. Nebraska , DM Jy 11J
UR ) BALK First class too cream parlor and
confectionary store. Enquire 817 B. 18th st
UCVH BALK Boot and shoe stock Including
-av B years lease of store , best location In
State and olty. Address T10 Bee office.
476 jy IT
FOR BALE The best bargain Grocery store
centrally located on pared street. Old es
tablished trade. Call on Fearan , Cole * ROD-
erUon.310 S. Uth st. 841
" | j > OR BALE A first -class hotel property , two
-a ? story brick In excellent location and doing
an extensive business. For particulars address -
dross H. B. Lilly , real estate dealer , Uroken
How , Neb. 16881
FOU SALE Moat rn arket and fixtures with
good trade. Stephen Hamilton & Co. ,
Third and Williams. ' 115 4J
* I7HR BALK A good hotel in tbo live town of
Jj Chadron doing a good business on very
easy terms. Full particulars by addressing H.
K Langworthy. L sk , Wyoming. 713Jy22J
FOR BALK-A good business ; small capita L
required ; good reasons for selling. Ad
dress T 44 Ileo office. 716
F OR BALE Law library , cheap. Wheeler
Wheeler , Douglas aim 15th it. U41
FOR SALE A boarding house and furniture ,
doing good business , 40 boarders , good
reaion for selling. Call at Currle * VoUura , ,
16tb and Capitol ave , Exposlton Uulldlng. 839
PERSONAL If you want a deilrable , cen
trally located oflloe you ean nnd it at 318
B Uth st W8
_ _
PIRSONAI Mrs. Or Nannie T. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and builnsss Medlu
BOCK Me. $ , Ul MorU Uth st .Omaha , Nek.
Pockothook with small amount of
money. Call 1315 Douglas st 841 5J
L * " = = =
STKAYKD Bmall black marc , earTcllppedl
Return to 20th. and turnings , and get re
f V ward. 159
r LOST Saturday afternoon , one .big bay
borse. A. H. Mayne , Orchard Hill Us-
turn to N. W , cor. Uth and llaruuy. > 7
KVKNTV-FIVK dollars'reward. . Strayed or
Stolen from roar ot 111 N 17tu st , a Inr o
roan horse , about IT hands high , weighing fcb-
twe n 1 00 end 1.400 pounds , redlali brown
roane and tall , hind anile somewhat swollen-
15 will be paid for return of animal to ownurs ,
at llQSUthst.and If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Go. will pay a reward of $ DO for the arrest
and conviction of the tuUf. 6J8
T O8T On Klf htevnth , 8bermao ave or Urace
XJ st. , "epecincallons. " Please return to
116M North Idlh St. , or l3 , Cr doo. architect.
M. T. Murphy , contractor and
< m
Tf IRST-CLAS3 Storage at 110 N 13th Ft.
TOIIAOE Flr. t-elo s storaRO for nice furnt-
ture and boxed Koods. Ferguson iiirnl.
ture Co. . 71.V717-721 North Kith street. 18S
STORAaE-Klrst-class storatfo for nice tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Uodse-'t- ,
MIW. DOHANT-Clnrlvoynntfrom Boiton.u
rcllablo In nil affairs of life , unites separated
lovers. 82 ! N. 10th it , room 1 Mi J)28 |
EXCHANOE-Omnha real estate for a
TIO couple of flno driving horses. U. C. Pat
terson , 1Mb nnd Harnoy' 2D5
TItAUE Farms , city lots , stock of mor-
ehandlso , eto. Purrott & Williamson , 14th
Douglas. g5
JF. WILLKTTS-Trnlncd mnlo sick-nurse.
Telephone ! 170 , Y. M. C. A. rooms. .
HAY Offers for putting up MX ) tons hay
wanted. A ( Id ret 3 A , C. Jenkins , llurhn-
game. Ndb. COJ 4J
FOR RENT If you wish to rent n house enll
on Bomiwa 0. Co. , 16th St. , opposite jost-
offlco. 2-H 2
IF you want your houses rented nnd rents col
lected , leave them with tno Nebraska Loan
nnd llenl Estate Co. , rooms and 10 Hpllman
flMIRKI ! babies for adoption , two boys and
-L nglil , Ono Lay two > ears old. Enquire of
Dr. Williams , Room 17 , Arlington IllocK.
I'll ' Jy 3J
IK you want your houses rented and routs col
lected , leave thutn with the Nebraska Loan
nnd Real Estate Co. , rootnsO uud 10 llellmnn
bulldlug. ll'JJyU '
rnAKE NOTICE-W. o. King & Co. , MOIIFO
-L Moving nnd liaising , address 1320 1'lorce St.
74KJJ3J *
CESS pools and vaults cleaned and de-Mi
animals removed by John Nelson , gnihngo
collector for 4th ward south of Douglas st 1415
Uarney st. Telephone Kf ) . B'Jljy"2
FUKKMN7 Squnra Piano IJ montnlr. A
Hoapo.1613 Iloutcias. 187
TO parties having houses lor rent , Rental
Agency. Honawa k Co. . 15st. , opposite post-
office. Wo hnre turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCngu * llros.
TTIORUKNT Orifnns , 13 per month. Hospe.
JP 1(13 Douelas. 187
Ol. C.-Houso furnishing good ! , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest price * at J.
Bonnor , 1316 Douglas st U9
FOU RENT Square fjano , fi montnlT. A
Hoipa. 1613 Douglas. 187
[ F you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N 10th. 190
TplOU BALE Now cherry curtain desk , only
JL1 115. It C. Patterson , 15th and Harney.
FOR BALK Span of nlco young horses. For
tale on time payments. M. F. Martin.
TTIOlt BALE Furniture of 8 rooms with privl-
legeof lease of house , 7078.14th St.
FOR SALE Dry goods bozos , all Sizes. L. O.
Jones &Co. , 1309 Farnam. 224 5
FOR 8ALK A ooolce Jersey cow and cnlf ,
also light lumber wagon uoarly now , ap
ply 1505 Farnam st. 138
T71OR SALE Furniture nnd lease ot six rooms
-P In flat , 607 8.13th St. Boom No. 3. 383Jyl5
FOR BALE Ono six-foot upright black wnl
nut show ease , Milton Rogers & Son. 009
FOR BALE Spun fine matched bay driving
horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 16th it.
C Studebaker buggies at Seaman's.
Studebaker phaetons at Seaman's.
Btudobukorcarnages at Seaman's.
Btudobnker spring wagons at Seaman's.
Studebakordraft wagons at Seaman's.
Corner of Fnrnam and llth sis.
Five car loads just received. 823 Jy 24
TJ1 0R SALE-4,000,000 Hard IlrlcK. T. Murray.
FOUBALE-Urlck. T.Murray.
WANTEIJ-60 men for Wyoming ; wages (2
f2.25 and f 2.50 per day. Free fare E. S ,
Albright Labor Agency , 1120 Farnain St.
WANTED-Flvo traveling salesmen ; salary
and expenses ; no experience necessary.
Add. , with stamp , Palmer & Co.La Crosso.Wis.
WANTED 3 bread bakers at Garneai
Cracker Ca's. ZMZj
ANTED Partner to start a itcam laun-
dry. Large running Business already so- '
secured. Call at Omaha Laundry , 604 N. loth st.
2281 *
WANTED A young man who U a good pen
man and can make himself generally use
ful in the Furniture business , must bavo good
references , address T71 , IIoo office. 150 2.
WANTED A man who thoroughly under
stands the furniture business and well
acquainted in the olty. A good situation for
the right man. Address T. 71 Hoc oflloo. 15'J ' 8
WANTED A man with wife to cook for It
11. outfit , on F. E. & M. V. Ity , tour
miles from Fort Omaha. Oouldou & Maltby.
805 2J
$100 paid per month to men to sell our goods.
Address with stamps , D. W. McLnno & Co. ,
Burlington. Iowa. 90Jy2
"WANTED 3 gardeners , near city ; 3 farm
IT hands , and a few laborers in olty. Mrs.
Bregn 4 Son , 31fl S. 15th. Upstairs. 29312
TTITANTBD Laborers of all kmds.mechanlcs ,
TT clems , etc. , to nil vacancies. City Labor
Agency , northwest corner ICth and Farnam ,
ground floor. _ H07
ANTBD Agents- World Type Writer 10.
Rapid , simple , easy to use. Writing equal
to 1100 machines. Dig profits. Bond for circu
lar * . Day A Lester , 85 Murray St , Now York.
Z5'2-l > .10
ANTED Prescription clerk , ono sneak.
tntr German preferred. Address P. O.
box 93 , olty. 086
VANTBD A boy to carry advertising ban-
ner. apply to fllT B 18th. 18
A NTBD-Stone cutters. Apply to W. H.
T V Tyler , Lincoln. Neb. 335jyl6j
vy ANTBD-A girl tor nouBework , 110 S. ath
ANTED A competent toucher for the
German-American school for Entlish
branches. Address L. Helmrod , 13th and Jack.
son , President , and E. G. Qrube , Secretary
German Society , care O. St M. headquarters.
WANTBD-i girls or women. 1510 Capitol
avenue , lllg wages. 286 2j
TtfANTED-Oood kitchen gtlrl at 415 N IS
TIT ANTED Competent girl for ho sework In
T T u small family at n w cor Capitol avenue
and Jefferson l'-4th ) et recta. 150 2J
'IXTANTKD Qlrl for general housework ,
good one only need apply , 1416 n. loth
nearcfarK. 22fl 2J
VVANTED Dining girl at Planteri House.
ANTBD At 308 North Kid , a girl lor iren-
oral housework. Must be a good plain
cook and laundress. llljy4J
W ANTED A rood girl for dining room
work , by Mrs. H. Kountze South luth
street. 128
W ANTBD Two Kirls at Poran house , 422 S
16th st. , near BL Mary's ave. 134
\v , 'ANTED 26tflrli for general bousenrork.
Apply at City Labor Agency , northwest
corner IBth and Farnam , on ground Moor. 268
for general housework ,
TO 5j
W ANTED-A lady plnno plnror. Call be
tween U and 2 o'clock. I.M.I Capitol ave.
W ANTED A girl to do housework lu n small
family at 111 ! a Uth st. few
WANTED A yountr Rlrl for guneral lious -
work , in a small family. Apply nt t'M
Park .
w > ANTiU-Glil : for general houiewoik In
small family , 2113 Douglas St. 4fiO
\\'ANTKP A woman to do general boils *
' * work , none need apply union n tlrst-
clues cook , food waves to rlht party , 1818
Webster. . 1C8
WANTED A rood Ocrman girl for itcnoral
houiowork. 714 N tCtti St. 1M
\\TA > ITKD A younir lady. ooa penman ,
T f with some exportence In office work.appljr
atUeo.ll8ynUWi-ain iasU , untun. iOJ
ANTEDYounir lady graduate from the
East In music , wishes position as teacher
nnd orrranlnt In school or church. Address M.
'V.W. , 618 North 17th St. 325-DJ
W ANTED Situation as baker : city or coun-
try. Address Rakcry , 1C22 Hurt t. 319-1 j
\\'ANTED Position by stenographer , best of
TV city nnd outside references , owns machine.
U 11 llco ofllco a)75 ) *
\\7ANTED-Sltuntlons for 10 girli for general
i housework. City Lnbor Agency , n w
cor. ICth nnd Farnam. Ground lloor. , K3
WANTED Situation as coachman by younir
mnnot good address ; no bad habits.
Omaha Emp. Bureau. IllNinth ) st. 255 t !
TIO CONTllACTOHS-Wo are prepared to fur
nish any kind of laborers you want. City
Labor Agency , n w cor , 16th nnd Fnrnam ,
U round lloor. 2U.I
ANTr.D-NicoIy furnished front room ,
prefer first tloor , with board , bypentlo-
mnn and wifo. Call C. F , Patterson , 1iJ3 ! N.
liith. SI3 fij
WANTED-Well furnished room with boaid
in private fniully , by single lady who
works In wholesale house. Must not bo over
10 blocks from P. O. Address , Mrs. A. O. Har
ris , care lllchnrd > on Drug Co.TO 2
" \\TANTIJU Tlirco persons to Instruct in
TT bookkccplnu1 , pin- when situations nro
furnished. J. II. Smith , 1013 Chicago street.
l762 ! *
"WANTED To exchange n double Carroll
T T breach-londluirfihotgun for u gold wntch.
Address , U 7 , llco. " 270 2
W AMLD-To buy counter nnd shelving for
a cigar store. Enquire , COOS Ibth.
233 2 *
7ANTED Parties wishing to exchange elty
T property , farms or inorch'indl o , call nt
ray ofliee. 1 can suit you , J , S. Johnson , 310
S. 16th , room 4. 228 ! J
\\rANTEIl-To rent a small cottagnor thrco
i iinttirnlshod rooms on ground lloor. Ad
dress IT3 llco o 111 ce. 221 2j
WANTED Nlco room and board In
private family , between 18th und ' M and
Farnntn and Chicago , by two voting ccutlcmen.
Rolcrcnccs oxclmnged. Address U 13 , HOD
ofnco. .135-fij
WANTED House of 0 or 7 room , centrally
located , nnd modern Improvements. Ad-
dresn.l. 0. l'lo > il , II X M It U. SI I ft *
WANTHD-Partnor with fltO m good pay
ing , well established nicely furnished
ofllco business. J. S. Johnson , 310 315th , room
4. ! ! M r.J
\ \ 7ANTEIDay boarders at private boardIng -
Ing house. 1313 Capitol avenue , 850 3JJ
W ANTED To buy 8 houses which con bo ro
moved. A. K Mayne , 1408 Dodge st
FOR RENT 18-rrom bonrdlng liouso ; rent
$05.00 per month ; 3 blocks from P.O.
$2OOJ.00 worth of furniture for $1.4(10.00. ( 10-
rooni boarding house , rout S8. i.00 ; furniture
for sale. 7-room eottago In good location , near
P. O. 7-room brick flat , furnlturo for f tile on
tlmo , $100 cash , balance In monthly payment * .
Restaurant m good location. Co-opera'.lvo
Land & Lot Co. , SO' N. 16th st. 3S-0 ( !
FOB RENT New house , sovoa rooms , city
water and bath , 27th and Parker 8t. In
quire 1709 Jackson St. 340 10J
rOR RENT 8 room house. Inquire J. P.
Ilarton,2518Cnpitol nvo. K > 7 jy2J
F OR RENT A now 7 roomed house.Voll ,
cistern , porch , Sclosete , double doors , col
lar , sink and pantry. Kent { - - ! per month.
12th st. near Martha , 11-Jy-J
FOH RENT Furnished house of 0 rooms 1
mile from P. O. , 1 block from cars ; rent
reasonable. C. F. Patterson , l--J N. luth ot.
331 5j
FOR HRNT-5-room hou o on llth St. , $15.
Furnlturo for sale $ 25.
2 , 8-room boarding housesli ! blocks from P.
O. Furniture for sale f I5U.
10 room boarding liouso , furnlturo for snlo
on time. This Is u bargain. Co-Oporatlvo
Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 18th st ; 147 0
F I OR RENT-4-rOom IioUbO , N. E. cor. l.ltli
and IJurt sts. 3175 *
F OR HUNT 5-room hoiiso in flno locatlo.i.
Inquire , Kaufman llros. , 10i.ll ) Farnam st
FOR RENT New house , ten rooms , stonm
heat , all Imprvcinents. C. W. and ( t. E.
Thompson. 314 S 15th Bt. 733
FOR RENT Occidental hotel corner store
room. Apply to John I. Puyutor. on
N. U. The hotel Is st 11 running ; the entrance
being on the uouth side. 7 < > 3
fJIOK RENT Nine (91 ( room house , 14th and
J ? Plorco. Apply to 017 Soutn 13th st. 57
TIIOR HENT-Hulf of store. Inquire nt 1212
J ? Douglas St. D13
FOR KENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlng st nenr Snundcra st. Apply Rnr
rls Real Estate & Loan Co. , 33) ) S. 16th st. 889
TT1OH RENT 9 room house nnd barn , 17th and
X ? Center sts. , house heated by hot water nnd
all modern Improvenr.ots , $ rt5. Also a 7 room
house as nbove $40. J. L. Welshnns , 310 H. 16th
street. 467
"C1OR HUNT A bnsomcnt , good place for
barber shop , s w corner 10th and Leaven
worth sts. 810
FOR RENT Small ofllco In excellent locn
lion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co. , 314V !
B. Uth. 227
TpOBRENT Throe room houio , llOfltf S 7th
F I OR RENT 3-rootn house on Uth nni
Piorcests. Inquire at 017 South 13th st.
FOR RENT Two large now stores nnd tw
flats of tlvo rooms ouch. City water and gas.
On Saunders st. C. W. Culn , 2230 Ohio st. 812
FOR RENT Two brick stores with bnso-
rocnts24th and Hamilton streets. Desir
able locution for dry goods nnd drug storo.
Flats above If desired. Loavltt llurnhatn ,
room 1 , Crolghton block. U74
TTK1R RENT Tnroe room house , 1n'Paultto. ( .
J ? For Rent Six room house , 1108 S 71 b ,
For Rent-Threo room house , 1015 N 2Jth 083
Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
48x81H Leavpnworth and Park aveor will
build to suit tenant llobbio Uros. 35'J '
17KH KENT A new 10-room house. No. 2218
J ? Chicago street ; modern conveniences. In-
quire Ot A. II. Comstock , 1523 Furnara St. 937
FOR RENT Ono new seven-room house sit
uated on northeast oor of King and Calf-
nan st. Patrick llros. , Room 2 Arlington block.
WW jy 11
F I OR RENT-3-roora uouge , 703 Paclflo.
FOB RENT Window , good locality for Jov
eler or real estate. Apply to 303 n Kit li.
5'IJ '
FOR RUNT Furnished room In Greunlg blk ,
cor 13th anil Dodiro st. Innulro of Davis &
llotherlntrton , Millard Hotel llilllurd room. 'J1
F RENT Nlcoly furnished room for 1 or
3 gentlemen , Inquire 0 N 19th et.
2'JI ( 2
FOR HKNT-Ono largo furnished room. G01
n. 17th st. 2.14 2J
F I OR RENT Two handsomely furnished
rooms , Apply at 1718 Cass st ,
F I OR RENT Suite of rooms with board at
2402 St. Mary's ave , , corner Pleasant st.
2072 *
FOR RENT Front room furnished , with pri
vate family. 2U19 Charles Bt. , near tiuun-
ders. 204 2'
R RENT Furnished room , s w cor. 8tn
and Harnoy st , 25 < ) 2 *
F I OR RENT Newly furnished front and baot
parlors , single or together , from July 1st.
All modern conveniences ; private family ; near
business , 1615 Cap. uvo. Mil 2
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room ,
1621 Dodge. WO Jy2
dlfRENT-Furnlshod room cheap. 1318
Farnam st 2272 *
I IVOR ' HKNT-Front room with board , 1724
Douglas st. Blii 2j
F I Oil RUNT Nicely furnished front room
with or without board , oOJ N 17th n. 144 2j
FOR RENT Reasonable , lariro , cool , newly
furnished room with south bay window.
References. 608 B 17th bt. SV3 B
TjKU ) RENT Nlcoly furnished parlor , sult-
J-1 able for man and wife or two gentlemen ,
111 6. nth it. 132 6
T : > OBl EM-rurnl8hcd roomS209 Dodge.
il 300 6 ]
RENT Rlegant furnished rooms With
board. 1(121 ( Fxraam eU 312
T7IOR RENT-Newly furnished front and buck
-U parlors , ilnylo or suites. Gas , batb , mod
ern conveniences : private family ; near busi-
- lt15 ! Cap ave. , M7 10J
jjWH RENT 2 lurnlshi'iTVooina for man and
E wife or t geutleineu , batb , 521 . 19th t ,
91 < i t *
FOR RKNT-Koom liir Iwo.wlth board for
the summer.IM Cn llol ave. SC7-9J
RENT Front parlor and be < lroom , with
Hrst-clats board , by July 16th ; 1023 Cnultol
ave. References required. 022-BJ
FOR HKNT 2 fiirnlslicrt room and front
parlor unfurnl'licxl or furnished , to suit ,
allconvloncuces , M7 s.4tli st , 310 5 *
R RI'.NT Furnlsiicd Iront room ! pas ,
bath and board. Ul Pleasant. t)2ljy8 ) *
TfUNT Purn iTh od fee ras , Tsin
_ _
FOR RENT llcllrnlilo room * , ono unfur-
nlshrd ; will furiitill to suit the taste. II 10
N. 15th ft. 2v"iJ 6 *
_ _
FOR RKN Store room for butcher , 10th and
Mason. \ 2t9
RINT ; Furnished room on car line ,
FOR for two gentlemen , or man and
wife. 313 S. 2.idst. 2tti
"I70R HKNT Nicely furnished room , close to
JP business , St. car. Cheap , i-'J.'O Douglas St.
271 4
T7M.1H RENT Rooms on principal streets , $8
JO to { 35. All rooms listed with us ean soon
be tilled. Record AiUortialng Co , 1513 Farnam.
245 8
E10R.RiNT2 \ \ . ; nlcoljr furnished rooms , and
1 rlewantly furnished front parlor , mod
crn conveniences , G03 N. I7th st. 131
"ITIOIt RiNTrinosulto ; of unfurnhhcd rooms.
JL1 References io.xulrcd , 17 in Chicago.
118 30J
' 'OR RUNT Desirable rooms at 2227 Dodgo.
222 ti
F OR HKNT-ltoome. furnished , 1811 Capitol
ave. 217 fij
OR RKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms 'W.3
Fiirimm st. 12."i j
" 171011 Iir.NT 2 newly nud elegantly lurmMied
JD rooms at 170S Douglas st. fill Jb
T71OR .ir.NT-Dc ! croom. Cnqulro Young *
-IJ Blackmail. 214 S 15th st. 640
FOR RUNT Klegant rooms , furnlturo and
house now , every modem convenience ,
" 00 IJodgostioot. Roforoiices required.
FOU RENT VurnUhail front room , near car
line at corner of Doduo and 24th streets ,
urjulro ot A , H. ComstocK 152J Farnam st.
'OR RENT Two well furnished rooms with
I llrsf class board if doslrod. plonsnnt loca
tion , pilvato family. S EcorEOth nnd Farnam.
Mrt jy9j !
FOR RENT I'llrnishcd rooms. 1707 Cnss.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , I9JI
Dodge st. 163
7011 KENT Part of olllco roe m .Inquire
J 12l2Iou glas st. 013
FOR RENT Elcirant newly furnished rooms ,
new house , nil modern improvements , to
rst-clnss parties only , 1707 Dodge St. 8J7
ilOR 1 RUNT Furnlehod rooms , KH3 Fnrnam
at. 130 4 *
T710R RENT 2 nicely fnrnlsliod rooms sultn-
-L blefor3or 4Kcntlcmon , 1011 Howard st
3d lloor. 141 4 *
F I OR RENT 3 rooms in a Ilat cor SOth and
Nlcholes st. 112
RENT TV are room cor. 14th nnd Call-
ifornln on Belt Line , lor particulars on-
julro nt Union Nat. bank. ISA
FOR RENT-Onico 2nd lloor , 310 S 16tb , st.
prlco$10. , 1U
FOR RENT Largo furnished front room ,
suitable for 2 gcntlem-u , 1708 California.
101 Jy 4 *
rOR RENT Two furnished rooms , pleasant
ly located. 2440 Capitol nvo. 104 Jy 4 *
FOR RENT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur
nished on Ftreot car line ; modern con
veniences , ( icntlumcn only. Excellent loca
tion. VJUCass. 971
OR RENT Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. llospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th.
F 10R RENT Elegant gulto of rooms , references /
cos required , lt.07 Douglas st , 107
[ 7 > OR RENT-Furnlahod rooms. 714 N. inth 6t
D 401 Jy 17 *
A choice south front lot on Mnyno street In
Orchard Mill SSoO.
A hand.sorao east front In Hanscom Place
51,00 ! ) , 1400 lesthnn vnluo. Snnp. A southenet
cornoron20th street In Plalnvluw , f 1,5.0. A six
room house qn N. IDth street , 13,500. Six cast
front lots just north ot the poor farm , only
{ 4,500 for all.
Fifty feet on Loavcnworth nenr 31st street ,
S4WK ) . Toil room house on South 10th street ,
< JiUOO. Choice corner lot , with house , on Doug
las and 2 < Hh. Investigate this 12 room house
and largo lot , Dodge street , near the High
school , $14.000.
Lnrgo corner on California , near Crclghton
college , tiBft. with hou e , on So. ICth street.
SS7 per foot. A splendid lot on California stioet
nt u bargain. 100 It. elegant east front in
llnnscora Place , with house , $7,500.
A flno lot on Howard near iMIth street for
-VXW , ? .r.OO . cash , balnnco easy. Extra large line
front In WestCnmlng , $7W ) . 120 ft. 20 foot front
in KlrKWood , W.S.'iO. Bnao. South front on
lluiullton street near 30th street , on grade
List your property with T , J. Hook , 1509 Fnr-
nhra. 3J3-5
NOW Is your tlmo.3.500buys5 ncrcsn1 miles
southwest of I' . O. , high nnd sightly. Pat
terson llros , , lloom 21 , Fronzcr block. 8102
FOR SALE A bargnln ; 150 ft Eouthoast cor
of block , (3) ( ) cast front. Ambler pinto lor
f2WX ) . Tornis easy. Enquire 111) ) N 14th st.
130 jy 2 *
OR SALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo with
two good houfcos , cheap nt $7OOJ. Terms
cn y. Houses rent for S70 per month. S. S
Campbell , 310 S. 10th st , Chamber of Com
merce. 273
TJ1OH SALE Cottage , 7 rooms nnd bath room
X' tire plnco , oak mantel , cistern , olty water
etc. , Ill feet of ground. < 1 st. north of St
Mary's nvo. { 1,500. C. W. & G. E. Thompson
314S. 15th St. 210
F OK BALE A livery barn with stable room
lor about sixty horses , situated In a dcslr
nblo location , and now doing n good business
Good reasons given for nolllng. Enquire of or
address A. II. Comstock , real estate broker
152.1 Farnam St. 207
IF you want to buy , sell or tiado , call on L. V
Crura , l.'ON 15th st.
100 lots U of a mile of U. P. dope
for sale or trade.
U-raom house for rent. TwolO-room houses
for rent , solo or trade. Idlewlldn. Uy
815 L. V. Cm in , 120 N 15th st.
FOR SALE-50 No , 1 farms within a radius o
20 miles of Omaha , ANr. a lew good bust
ness cbanccA In two live towni. J. H. SHvlg
Koal Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Nob.
57 Aug. 8
RESIDENCE Bargains-60x150 , cast front
llanscom Place , elegant It-roomed house
every convenience' , lot nicely Bedded , good
barn , city water , etc If you are looking for t
bargain , tiikoun hour to Investigate this
ril.\142 ( , oi6t front , Hanscom Place , modcri
10-roomod house , turn nnd alloy nt roar , $7,000.
A growing ploco ot Improved property , pay
Ing 10 per cent on over J.'iyiO ) can bo sold vcrj
cheap if taken at onco.
iio.xiio with splendid ( Proomod eottago I'.i story
large hall , bay wlnilijwi. city water , Ac , liu
elated roof , a ohiu-ming homo , J3loo , very easy
3 < cH ! with 8 roomed house , 11-2 story , nc !
locality. W.200 , cash sfco. ,
fi'JxI.W Walnut hill v'roomed house , south
front , nlculy soddod Una fenced , $3,500 , easy
50x150 Orchard hill , with 8 roomed house.nice
shade trees , barn , &u , can bo bought for JNO.
50x150 , south fronton Hamilton xt , A-roomcd
houso. n snap at t3 , ( > UJ , only ? tW ) cusli.
10dxl2g , with modern ton-roomed house ,
south mid east front. t > 3riOJ , easy fermi.
Wo have sjveral houses nud lots In peed
locality which wo can sell on terms to suit pur
Wo have some gooil Improved property to
trade for farms : nl--o nty property to trade for
uiy kind of merchandise.
lluslnta * yropcrty.
68x13) , 15th and Davctuort , a great bargain
at 817,000 : easy torms-.rf
74xlT. ,2. ndund Uunl.bnly $ (1.000. (
0i ( fcot trout , licit Line trnckago. for $5,500
Vacant lots in all parts of city. Call nnd sea
us. Eastman & Winstuuley , 120N 15th st.
SPECIAL bargains If sold soon. 5 high ,
sightly south front lots In Crelghton
Heights. Will sell together or separate. Hurt's
( Estate AgencyCrolRhton
block. 2bO.
FOR 8ALE-Ono hillllon noros oflnnd in Ne
braska. Speculator's lnn.dsrallroad lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of tlio
state. .Mmd forpuraphlet containing descrip
tion and jlrlco of over ono thousand farms. A
fine topographical map of tno state sent frco
upon npphcutlon. K. H. Andrus , for 10 years
Gon'l Land Agent n. Ac M. R , 1C. Eighth " 3' ' P
streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. 240
\\TIS Can sell for a few 0ays only
TT Lot 100 GUo's addition for JC.4U
Lo t71 Glie' addition , $ a.30d.
JUnck I lloyd's addition , $3.500.
One-third oaih. balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Uemlngton ft MoCormlck , 220 Bouta 15th it.
CPIIINU VALLEY-Sprlnir Vnllcy Joins the
J city on the sotitb.two miles west from
outh Omaha Stock Yards , half n unlo south
r the Dlcrks manufactory. Tno Fremont ,
.Ikhorn A Missouri Valley jmsses through the
ddltlon , KlEhty acres of It nio sold. We
Her the remaining 40 ncrcs east of the Mis-
ourl 1'nclllo railroad , tlio finest garden lands ,
t from f'iOO to f MO per acre , In lots nf from
ne nnd one-fourth to ten acres , on long time ,
nly one-fifth cash.
Nearest the Stock Ynrds wo have Ixibeok s
iibdivlMon of Spring Valley , eighty-four lots ,
Otl.'fl at $ OJ to fu'W. Terms , 10 per cent cash
nd flu per month , or one-fourth cash nnd bill *
uco In one nnd two years. Nothing us good
nd cheap In neighborhood.
Komombor more thiin 100 per cent hns been
nndo on every nddltlon plattyd nad sold by us.
'et In on tlio ground lloor.
Marshall > V I.obock ,
Tclcphono "A 160'J ' rnrnam.
HiUK : Is n bnnrnln. Lots 2 and 4 , In blocx 4 ,
South Omalia. fW. Terms halt cash nnd
alnnco easy. Mnrstiull & Lobcck , 150J Fur-
am , Tulophono 7 ! ) . -83
BIO U.VHOAIN Olio hundred toot front on
South Kloventh st , eornor lot , only f5,000.
r rton time V. L. VoJIokn , 61) South Mth su
[ 7011 SALn > cw home , 7 rooms , city water
I1 nnd hath , " 7Ih nnd 1'nrkor. Imiiilro 1709
ackson st. oO ; 8j
TIOWHOMIt mny oonccrn. To parties who
build houses costing from ft'AM to f 1,54 ,
vo furnish beautiful biilidliiir lots In Kedlck
'nrk tcfiulrlna no payment of principal for 6
Iledlck I'ark 1ms city water , 350 mnplo and
liu treesl" > icsldencof under contract to build ,
rjno to cost Icfn than 11-OJ. Its streets nro
ir ded nml turnplkcd It U within the city
luill" , opposite Kotintro 1'lnce , and nccos lblo
rom idthcr Siiundois or Stnto. 1'rlco of lots
until July 1st , f 1,000.
Wo nlpo oiler
100 ft fronting llanscom Park , f0,000 , H to ! 5
" ixsh.
Cor 100.vl50 , Oeorpla ave. f.ri,000 , f2,000 c h.
Full lot and 7-room liouso In oxccllunt condl-
lon , Parker' : ) add , fiiOO. :
CorCflxllt ; , Improved , S 11th near viaduct.
$10,000. Mead & Jamlcson , Solo Agents , U1H
5th Bt , 718
FOU SAI.K-Or trnde , 25 lots m the westeri
part of Omalin near the Ilcnson car line ,
irlco TIW onch , f-.Oduoon contracts payabli
n 8 quarterly payments , will trndo Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lund. MuCulloch & Co. ,
609 Fnrnam st. 1000
IT1O11 SAIiK At n bargain , ( Sin ncros of Hrst
A ? clnss rurinlnjr hind in Howard county , this
state ; llrst class soil ; close to two lines nf rail
end , nnd surrounded by wull Improveil farms.
? an divide to suit purchaser , and will imiKO
his n bar atn If sold quick. Small cash pnv-
nont ; very cnsy terms. Address Ocoriro N.
llleks , LM5 South Flfteonth street. MO JU
710K SALr. A Hno farm of 100 ncroi. enclosed -
- closed with 3 wito fence , M ncrcs under
cultivation , 11 ncros of ash trees in thrifty
irrowlnir condition , price $10 per aero , terms
ousy. This ollor Kood for thirty days only.
Address Clms. H. Wllion , Oxford , Fur cms coun-
y , Nob. 87ajy8
CHO10B rANDS-f % per acre. 180 mnkos 1st
) ear's payment on 100 ncros. Write for In
formation. W. F I'Klne , Sidney , Neb. OUOJySJ
IMMEDIATHsnlowllUnkoBlots or los only
5 or A blocks from Kxchnngo bid nnd
Union Stock yards on favorable forms. Sixteen
houses under contract in lume block. Iwant
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices
1 want to sell quickly. E. H. Branch. 200
Proposals for District I'nvirnr Bonds.
City Treasurer's Ofllco , I
Omaha. Neb. , Juno 25,1N87. I
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this
olllcountil .luly 25,18S7 , atiz , noon , for the
purchnso ot S12II.OOO of District Pavlngr Bonds
of tno city of Omalm. Said bonds nro dated
July 1 , U > 87 , nnd will bo duo in one , two , three ,
four , five , six , seven , eight and nine years
fiom their date , H Similar amount becoming1
due each yeur ; aio In sums ot llvo hundred
and ono thousand dollars eneh , and boar Inter
est trom their date at the rate of six per cent
um per annum , payable annually. The princi
pal and Interest are both payable nt the ofllco
of KountzB llros. , In New York.
Said bonds nro issued under tlio charter pow
er of said city , nnd will bo delivered to pur
chasers , on payment thcrotor , at the city
treasury In Omalm on August 1,18b7.
lii'lH ' will bo addrcessd to Iho undorslsrnod and
marked "Pioposals for District Pavlnjr Hands , "
and must stnto the full name and address of the
bidder , tlio iimount of said bonds desired ( a
similar amount duo each year from ono to nlno
years ) , and the price proposed to bo | .ald , with
accrued Interest.
The right Is reserved to reject nny nnd all
bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer.
Tnkcn Up.
June 23. by E. A. Timnorly , four miles north
west of Irviiifrton , a llttlo bay pony with three
wlilto foot , hip shot , spavined in ono hind le
nnd bla/crt T.ico. Jo. 24 Jy. 1 , 6,16,2-'J
Notice ,
MATTER of application of Henry Rnnn
for liquor license.
Noticu Is hereby given that Henry Rann
did upon the 1st day of July , A. D. 1887 ,
lllo his application to the mnyor and city
council of Omalm , for license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vlnoim liquors , nt NW cor7tli
> V Wulnut street , 7th ward , Omaha , Nebraska ,
from the llth day of April , 18i > 7 , to the 10th
day of April , 1KKS.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from J'lly 1st ,
A. D. 1837 , the said license will bo granted.
HUNltY UANN , Applicant
J. B. SouTitAiin.Clty Clerk. Jy2-0
\rATTEItoraPI'licat'onof ' MoAdams & Kislo
I'J. for liquor licoiiito.
Notlcols hereby irlvon that McAdam - & Elsie
did upon tlionl day of July A. D. 1887fllo tholr
application to the mnyor am ) city council of
Omaha , for license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , at No. 1013 Cumlntr street ,
Klgtli ward , Omaha , Neb , from the llth day
of April , 18t > 7 , to the 10th day of April , 1888.
H thorn be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from July 2d
A. D. 1837 , the snld llconRO will bo gran ted.
McADAMS & K1SLE , Applicant.
J. B. SouTHAitt ) , City Clerk. jyi-O
In the District Court of Douirlns Connty ,
In the mutter of the estate of Hans C. Larson ,
The cause oimo on for hcarinir upon the
petition of Amelia Larson , administratrix of
the ostatoof Hans C. Lnrecn , dccotucd , prnyinif
for llcenso to sell lot seventeen )17l ) in block
cloven (11) ( ) , In Hanscom Place , an addition to
the city of Omalm , lor the payment of the out
standing Indebtedness airalnst the aforesaid
estntc , the costs of administration , nnd for tba
support and education of the minor chlldrtm ,
thote not liehiK sufllclent personal property to
pay the paid debts , expenses , and to oducuto
and support the minor children. It is there
fore ordered that all persons Inteiestod In said
estate appear licforo ono of the judfros of the
district court nt the court house. In Oimilm on
the Mh day of Auirubt 1W , at 10 o'clock n. m.'o
show euuso why a license should not bo grunted
to tald administratrix to sell the above de
scribed real cstine of said deceased to puy said
debts , expenses , nnd for the snld support and
education of the minor children of paid Hans
C. Larson , deceased , nnd that this order bo
published ono day oaoh week for four succes
sive wcckh In the Omaha Dally I loo.
Dated thNJMth day of June , 1887.
By the Court : M. H. Hoi'KWELi , , Judge
Legal Notice ,
State of Nebraska , County of Doutflas-8. 8.
In the district court ot Douulus county , No-
To William E. Palmer ; You nro hereby notl-
fled that you have been sued in the nbovc
named court by Anna Pnlmor , the Kcnnral
nature or which is to obtain a divorce Irom
you on the grounds of adultery and extreme
cruelty towards s < ld plaintiff , and unless you
nnswur to snld petition heiein tiled against you
on this day on or before the 10th day of Auer <
ust , 1887 , the faino will bo taken as tiuo , an
judgment rendered against you according t
the petition heroin died against you this Juno
24,1687. AMJA PAI.MBII.
By J. W. LYONS , her Attv.
Sealed proposal * will bo received until Satur
day , July l-'th , 187. at 1-o'clooK , noon , at the
office of the nndersltfnod , for the purchase of
the east 41 lent of lot 'J , In block 148. city , known
ns4IU ] and 1415 Harney street , with the build-
lags thereon. The owner reserves the right to
reject nny or nil bids , Full particulars upon
application nt the olnro of 0. W. MOUNT ,
318 South 15th Street , Omaha.
Juno'ldlOt ?
Notice to Contractor.
SEALED propocali ) will be. received at the
olllco of thu county rommlssloncis up to
noon of July --'ml. A , D. 18 7 , for building a
county hospital In Omiihn , Douglas county , Nebraska -
braska , according to the plans and tpcclUcu.
tlons on nlo In the county commissioner's
Each bid must bo accompanied by n certified
cluck In tuo amount of live hundicd dollars.
The right Is reserved to reject any und all bldl.
By order of the board.
[ SEAL ! C , P. NitDiiAM , County Clerk.
_ 1nl6d6w
Steam Boiler & Sheet Ironworks
Cor. 13th and Can * Streets.
IlBTlDg leased the old itan. f or n term of yean 1
urn iireptred to make nnJ repair nil ktridiof bolleri
unil ibeet from work at ibort notice. Thirty rouri of
practical ezperlenceni a pructlcal bollor , cnukar la
the e § t , qy hn i me to compel * with all corners.
Work attended to In perion and utltUctlun
H4. VlTejueat-rldl. iLA.
Three years nno I eontrncted n blood poison.
1 applied to u physician atonco nnd his treat ,
nicnt came near kllllnir mo. I employed an
old physician nud then went to Ky. I then went
to Hot Springs and remained two month * , but
nothing seemed to euro tno purmnnently , ill *
though temporary relief was given mo. My
condition grow dcsperato and I applied to n
noted qinu'K , but I din tint Improve. 1 then
used a preparation which wus prescribed
"gratis , " but It contained ton much alcohol nnd
aggravated my sulforlttiri. I then phierd my-
poll under the trcAttncut of n noted Nashvlllo
tihyslclnn and fora tlmo win bonelltted , but by
full I returned homo n ruined man physically
ml financially , with but llttlopio prctsof over
trotting wo'.L .My money being xlmiKtcd , I
did not Know what to do. In Mnr. INO. my
mother persuaded tno to got n botVoof II. It. II.
( miido in Atlantn ) and 1 did tn to gratify her ,
but to my utter aftonl hmctit I had not finished
tlio first bottle before ovury ulcer bud been
To the present tlmo I have used flvo bottles
and have received moie bpncllt than from all
thi > rcAtcotiitlncdand : I nm xatHlod that It , II.
II.Is the most uomlorful blood purlllor over
before knoun.and I nil iilflleled younir
men to trv one single bottle and bo convinced.
1 cnn truly Eayl think It the boot mrdlclnu In
the world. 2. T , ilAM.KliiOS.
Mncon , Oa. , May l,18t.
For many years 1 have been nflllctcd with rheu
mutism combined with some kidney troubles. In
digestion tlnally ndilcd to my misery attil 1 soon
beenmo feeble nnd very nervous , nnd nty whole
) stcm waM'rostriito.l. ' Several phylclansworo
employed nnd numerous tiateiit medicines re
sorted to without bcni'lU. Alter seeing so
mnny testimonials extolling the wonderful
morlt of II. II. II. , I commenced Us use nnd the
effect WHS Ilko magic. Itheiinintlc piiln ceased ,
my kldnojs were lollrved and my constitution
Improved nt otico , and 1 el.corfuliy reeommciid
It to others who miiy bu similarly iillllcleil.
Dakota , Gn , May 4,1880.
CIIMU.OTTK. N. C. , April 21,1SS6.
After using H. H. II. I iinhe'-lttttlugly stnto
that It did more peed for my kidney complaint
than all other remedies combined. Its action Is
speedy , and I cheerfully recommend It for kidney
noy derangements. T. U. CAI.LAIIAN.
All who desire full Information about the
cause nnd euro of lllood Poisons , Scrofula and
Pcrolulous Swellings , Ulcers , Pores , Khouma-
tlem. Kidney Complaints , Catarrh , etc. , cnn se
cure oy trail , free , n copy of our 32 pace Illus
trated Hook of Benders , tilled with the most
wonderful nnd startling proof ever before
known. Adrtre" ,
Ill.oon TJALM CO. , Atlanta. On.
Bold by J. A. Fuller & Co. , wholesale uud re
tail , OmiUiu Neb
U. S. Mail Chutes
In office buildings , enables ten
ants to mail their own letters
without leaving the floor on
which their offices are lociited.
In use in sixteen cities.
TURING Co. , Jlochester , N. Y. ,
ole makers.
Something entirely new
nnd sells at sight liar-
ton's Steumless , Odor-
' .css , Non-lloll-Ovor-Kct-
tlo. Has deep railed
cover nnd water joint ,
and an outlet which car
ries all steam and odor
the chimney. Patent
Steamer attachment
alone worth the price.
Agents wanted , muloor
female In every town In Nebraska. Profit * $5 to
$10 per day. Llbornl terms and exclusive terri
tory given. Send stamp for circular and forms.
Prices , II lit. , 11.75 : 8 ( it. , $ I.S5 ; lOqt , $8 ; 14qt ,
12 2X Model by mall , 2' .
W.S. COOMUS , General Agent ,
Omaha , Nub. , P. O. Ilex 483.
Mn < le from nound wheat. Dost Oem Flour
ranitn. Makes buno unit nuncio. InvlKoruto tlie
hrxln , stroiiKltiens tha ncrvei , cnrlchci llio blood ,
fiuncrumfrom dripi > p > lii , InUlxcmlon , conitlpntlon
illii'jotci. llrlght's dlienso. etc. , will tlacl It fnrulun-
tile. ( JOll ) ftlll WKLL rEOI'LK. OrJoritof your
dealer. Sample ivioiauo free ti > iihy lcliui who will
ti y expruis charges. Circular KlrlngfuU purlieu-
lir : ( in upplicutlou.
Wclshaus , Pratt & Huines , OmaliaNcb
Manufacturers of Cereal Specialties.
Office , 1411 I-'J Furnaiu.
An Island on the Southern coast of Mussachn
soils. Good QshlnK and beach for bathing. Lo
cated In the best Summer Climate in the world
For full part Iclars uddross ,
Mutual Llfo ! lall II ng , 32 Nassau St. , N. T
Tbe Original ad Only eeaoiae.
TI E4U W . Rtwtn of Hrtkl H I llUllo
? | tM dlMH mi
Bold fcj Dru < < l > u cTCirwhtr * . ' "chl. '
* > * Km + Uii" V UIBI rarat 1'UU. T > > > - ot
\VAC'li.I > KOW ,
Veterinary Surgeon
Olllco , ' 117 S. Mill
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone 000.
300 Son III Sixteenth street.
HomiBpathic Phjsician & Surgeon
Ofhcoand losIdotico.'Room 17 Arllnvlon flock
! D24DodKoSt. 1st tmlldlllir West of I'ostonico
Of House Furnitaro , orcry Woihiusdiiy
and Saturday nt 507 S. lath SU
at 10 n. in.
nought und sold. Furnlturo sold on time
payruouj-a. Cheapest place to buy furnl-
tureaud houseliokl trooits in the city ,
Onlia Savings Bank ,
Cor liltlrnmt Dousing ats.
CApitnl Stock . $180,000
Liability of Stockholders . 80O.OOO
The only regular savlmrs bunk m the state. Flvo
percent ItitoreM prtM on deposits ,
Loans Made on Koal tnto.
UuvC. IHnTOS. President : J. J. Rnowx , Vice
President ; I. . M. HUNSKTC , Mnnvinn.r : Di
rector ; JOHN K. Wii.iiuu , Cashier.
Union National Bank 1 ,
Paid Up Capital , . $100,000
Authorized Onpitnl . 600 , OOO
W. W. MARSH , President.
J. W. KonttFRR , Cashier
Accounts ( solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care ,
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits ,
No 200 Masonic UuiUUng , cor.Capitol Av
enue and lUtli sts.
Telephone No 84'J.
BOSS. 15lh .St. , Onuiliti , Neb.
Capital , - ,
iLnnnM Itladc on Heal Estate.
SchooJ/County / nnd Munlciptil Uoiuls Ne
Prosidenti Vlcn Profl ,
IlODT. L. OAnt.icna , F. 11. JOHNSON ,
Secretary. Treasurer.
ROUT. L , QAnuciii ) . s. R. JOHNSON.
G1O North Kith Street ,
'old ' in Capital , . . . . $100,000
CJKO. K. nAHKEH , President.
BOUT. L. UARLICHS , VIco-Prosldont
P. B JOHNSON.Cashlen
tour. L. OAitucim , WM. BKIVKKS
A general banking business transacted.
Interest allowed on line ilono
njr Dr. Hnedlker'a method. No operation ! No P.Uot
Nn Detention from butluoas. Adauted to ohlldreit
IF well w itrovrn pooplo. Hundreds of uulurfmpn
cstlnionlnlB on tile. All b uslncss strictly coiilldou *
I > HOIN. . U. COOK ,
Room G , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
Offlccs.Bouth Omaha IlooraS , Hunti Uulldlnn.Nlnta
Umaba HOxmO , over Cummorelal National liauk.
M. R. ItlSDOX ,
Merchants' National Rank Building , Room 1
Telephone No. 875 , Omaha , Nebraska.
'kosnlx , London , England 5,783 74.11
riremeu's. ' Newark. N. J 1.5M.HH.81
31en's Fulls , Glen's Falls , N. Y ] ,492iS3.
Jirard , I'htladclpnia. Pa 1,263,50S.7
Westchwtor New York N. Y . . . . l. 4i.60B.M !
820 South 15th itreet , Omaha.
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omaha.
813 South 14th Street.
A-ttomesr at
RoomS , Frcnzer IllockOpposite Postofllce.
Room 832 N. 16th st. , Omaha. OITice hours
0 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , 605) ) N. 17th St.
SPliyaiciarx and.
Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Office Telephone 465 ; Res Telephone , 42
Surgeon and Gynaecologist.
Office HonrK , 10 to 12-2 to 4-7 to 9.
OfficeIGOTIIowiird etreot , Omnha.
arxd. Fii rolclazi ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 405 ; Res Telephone , 6C8.
Residence , No. 1407 Jones street. Office , With-
nell IllocK. Telephone , resilience 1 J , Olllco
Horn.ooopatli.list ,
Office , 313 S. Hill st. Telephone , 589.
J. V. CORNISH , H. D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sts.
co. ,
Printers , Book Binders
AndBlADk book Manufacturers. Nol. JMnnd
1083.14th street. Omnbn.Nuh. J.K Falrlle ,
Intendent lllndorr. Telonhone Ma. '
Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Eti
Willpay prices. Also bottles bough/
and told ,
1U S. llth Street. '