Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1887, Image 1

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Blno and Gray Meet as Friends Where
They Fonght as Foes ,
Surviving Victor * and Vanquished
ltcc.ilIncidents ) , of tt > c ntoody
flattta Without Ono Tin Re of
Beet tonal Bitterness.
The GcttynlHirR Celebration.
( lETTYsiiuiio , Pa. , July 3. Very little
more sleep visited the oycs of the people of
Gettysburg last night than on the night of
July 2 , IbffJ. This morning dawned clear
and beautiful , a perfect counterpart of the
memorial day It commemorates. In the place
of cannon shots , however , the shrill shrieks
of a locomotive broke the Sabbath stillness as
excursion alter excursion reinforced the
crowds In tlio streets. The morning was
spent In sight seolng and going over the
Held At 1X : ! ) p. in. the procession
lu. formed at the E.iglo hotel , and led
. by Adjutant Whltecar and fol
lowed by a band. took up
Its march to the place where twenty-four
years before the Philadelphia men had held
their position against the famous Plckctt's
division of Longstrcet's corps of the army of
Northern Virginia. At length they reached
the "Bloody Anglo , " the band strikes up
"lially Uound the Flag , Hoys , " and the old
Philadelphia brigade Is once more on the
ground they nobly defended against such
overwhelming odds. The stone
fence Is still standing behind
which the Philadelphia brigade made Its he
roic stand , and the two monuments of the
Sixty-ninth nnd Seventy-first are located
within a few feet of It , A few minutes after
2 o'clock the Sixty-ninth marched to a stand
erected for the purpose and there the as
semblage was called to order by Colonel W.
C. McUcrmott , who read the list of killed
and mortally wounded of the Sixty-ninth
regiment Ho then presented Gen
eral Joshua T. Owen , who delivered
thu oration. During his speech the
said that the commander of the Philadelphia
brigade , when ho placed them at the stone
wall In such an advanced position , knew
they would stay there and hold that position
till death. Ho referred to the manner In
which they got the name ot "Paddy Owon's
Itcirulars , " and pointed out General Drown
as the man who so called them. He said ho
Imrdly know what to say to the men who
twenty-four years ago to-day emerged from
the woods 100 : ! yards away ana made the
terrible assault on the union line. "Let them
place their monument where they wish. " Ho
continued : 'Ariulstead and several others
pierced our line , and here , within a few feet
of this spot , no fell wounded unto death.
The renowned phalanxses of Alexander
would not have dared to make the charge
Pickott's made. " In closing he called for
three cheers for PIckett's division as proof of
their friendship. They were given with a
will , as were three cheers for General Owens.
Colonel Hellly then presented the monument
ment to the care and keeping of the battle-
Held memorial association. It was received
In tholr name by Colonel J. D. Batchpldcr.
As soon as Colonel Datchelder had finished
Colonel liollly arose , and , In the name of the
Sixty-ninth regiment presented him with a
handsome told watch , appropriately In
scribed. The colonel was much surprised ,
nnd In a few words thanked the regiment for
Its kind remembrance of him.
Before the ceremonies bexan Mrs. PIckett ,
escorted by General Hums , took her seat on
the platform nnd the crowd nt
once cheered her. Now Adjutant Gen
eral McDermott stepped forward and
presented her with a beautiful
floral cross which had been given the brigade
by MIH. Itccd , of Philadelphia , and which
thev now wished to present to her.
This finished the ceremonies of the Sixty-
ninth , and now the Seventy-first took the
platform and Captain Stockton Introduced
General Hums , who succeeded General
Baker In command , as orator. When he
finished General Daldv Smith was presented ,
and spoke for only a few minutes.
It fell upon General Winter to turn the
monument over to the llattlodeld Memorial
association , and ho was so much affected by
the sight of the small number of the brigade
remaining that It took him some moments to
luaster his feelings , and occasionally during
his speech his voice would choke and he with
dlfllciilty continued , The monument was
accepted In the name of the association by
Colonel John M. Vandersllce. of Philadel
phia. Colonel U. Penn Smith then , In a
very Interesting speech , turned over to the
Memorial association the tablet to Cusning's
battery , which was also received by Coloue"
The crowd then moved near the famous
clump of trees where Gowan's battery nionii'
ment Is erected. When all was ready. Col
onel Andrew Cowan Introduced Key. James
K. Dlxson , who offered prayer. Mrs. PIckett
was there , ascuuded the platform , aud Col
onel Cowan , arising , thanked her for nor
presence and also welcomed the wife of the
commander of the Philadelphia brlcado
whose husband twenty-four years ago began
the raid on Webb's staff who brought him the
order to place tils guns where the monument
now Is , and whom he had not seen again til'
last night. Ho then presented Scrlno E.
Payne as orator , who spokn about twenty
minutes. Then Colonel Cowan transferred
the monument to the memorial asso
ciation , In whose behalf It was
accepted by Captain D. C. Wagnar.
Lieutenant William Savage , on behalf of the
battery , then thanked Cowan for his efforts
to bring about this dedication and make it
Perhaps the most Interesting Incident o
the whole dedication was the presentation by
Colonel Cowan to the PIckett division a so-
elation of the sword which no took during
PIckett's famous charge. The party thei :
broke up aud returned to town.
A Nebraska ! ! Takes the Veil.
CHICAGO , July 3. [ Special Telegram to
the UKE.J The ceremony of the reception of
the religious habit was performed In the
chapel of St Patrick's academy yesterday
afternoon. The ceremony began at 4 o'clock
and lasted about one aud three quarters
hours. Among the live novices who took the
white veil of the Sisters ot Mercy was Miss
Mary Kelson , of Nebraska. The young ladles
have served their novitiate of six months re
quired before being allowed to take the
White veil , and at the expiration of eighteen
month * more , or two years' from the date ot
tholr entry Into the convent they will be
permitted to take the lost step that will make
them nuns Irrevocably. The ceremony was
performed by Archblshou Fcohan , assisted
by Vicar-General Conway and Fathers Hod-
nett. Galilean and Byrne. The future name
of Miss Nelson will be Sister Mary Clare.
One Storehouse Roti | r Dead.
MINDEV , La. , July S. Information has
reached here that three of the negroes en
gaged In the Morchouse riot had passed
across four parishes on foot on their way to
Texas. The sheriff quickly organized a
posse and In an hour or two overhauled
them on tha railroad truck and ordered them
to surrender. They cave him pistol shots In
answer and he and his posse returned the
fire. After the smoke had cleared away ono
of the necroos was found dead. Parties from
Morehouse report that no political signifi
cance can bo attached to the Morehouso kill
ing. The whltn citizens had determined to
Ive a negro 100 lashes and force htm to leave
the country and to this the negro consented ,
but while the citizens were administering
the punishment they wore tired upon by a
party In auibush , who proved to be friends of
the negro , and some half dozen of the party
were more or less seriously wounded.
A Peculiar Accident.
ST. JosKi'ir , July 3. James B. Genzer , a
fireman in the employ of the St Joseph K lot-
trie Light company , lost his life last evening
In a very peculiar manner. Geuger has been
- In the employ of the company for some time
and Invited a friend to look over the ma-
WUIle ecsaged la inspecting the
workings of the machinery of the Edison
dynamo , Gcngcr pointed to what is known
as thoconvocater and In some manner lost
his balance and fell against the machinery ,
his hand striking the generator , and death
resulted Instantly. Ills hand was held so
firmly to the machine that the engine had to
bo stopped mid the circuit disconnected In
order to release him. His friend , who was
standing near him , attempted to sclzo him ,
but w s prevented by the engineer , who
shouted at him just In tlir.c. After the ma
chinery was stopped , Genger wns carried out
and medical aid summoned. A iralvanlc bat
tery was applied but life was extinct , rho
wounds on the dead man are of the most
peculiar character , the places where the
knuckles came In contact with the machinery
beliu burned to tlio bono. There was also a
bad burn on the breast and In a few moments
the body had turned black. Grncor Is a sin-
irlo man , but has several relatives In the city
who are prominent In business and social
General AVoluely niul the Shorinnti-
Ilnvln CrltlolsniH.
Nr.wYoiiK , July a. [ Special Telegram
to the HEI : . | Lord Wolscly has sent to Gen
eral Charles Dahlgron a letter declining to
answer the severe criticism by General Sher
man and Jeff Davis ou his review ot General
Long's history ot Leo. Lord Wolsoly says :
"An > thing coming from the pen of a dis
tinguished soldier llko General Sherman will
always bo of interest and weight. I have so
much sincere respect for his military char
acter and his great achievements , that were
ho to differ from mo In opinion upon any
campaign In which ho , llko myself , had
taken no part , and of which , therefore , ho
was llko myself , merely an unprejudiced
commentator , I should hesitate before -
fore 1 expressed any view at
variance with his. In the present Instance ,
however , I think the outsldo world , who
must bo the great jury to finally settle all
such contested matters of opinion , will at
tach moro welclit to the opinions ot Euro
pean students of war upon the events of the
great confederate struggle than even to these
of the most eminent American generals llko
General Sherman , the reason being that men
who , like him , played a most distinguished
part In that war , can scarcely bo regarded as
impartial Judges. I have read his remarks
upon me with ileop Interest , for he writes
like a soldier and a gentleman. Of poor Mr.
Davis' letter I prefer saying little.
When I remember his career and
his present position , I can sympa
thize with his dislike to all outside *
criticism upon the events In which General
Lee achieved such Immortal renown. I am
sorry that a man who had the privilege of
being a friend of that highbred Virginian
gentleman aud soldier should write as ho has
done of ono who Is a complete stranger to
him of ono who has committed , what In Air.
Davis' eyes Is evidently the unpardouabln
lault ot presuming to criticize the policy and
acts of the ox-confedcrato president. Mr.
Davis' self appreciation caused him to think
himself a greater man than these who
with him historically are prepared to admit. "
.Monetary Transactions lit the Coun
try During the Past AVoek.
BOSTON , July 3. [ SpecialTelegram to thn
BEE.I The following table compiled from
dispatches to the Post from managers leading
clearing houses of the United States shows
gross exchanges for week ending July 3 to
gether witU rates per cent of Increase or de
crease , as compared with gross exchanges for
corresponding week In 1880 :
New Vork
Hoston 08,700,400 o.e
Philadelphia 70,800,020 ! 17.5
Chicago 03,377,4 : * 12.7
San Francisco 18,873,353 ] 41.0
St Louis 10,474.074 7 o
Baltimore 15,047,378 22.7
Pittsburg 10,370,733 112.2
Cincinnati 0,901,200 '
Kansas City 8,121.737 t/J
Louisville 6,034,94' ; 8.2
Milwaukee 5,1'J7,000 2U.O
Providence 5.HlN)0 ( : ) 13.4
New Orleans 4,027,313 ,
* St Paul ails
Detroit 8.502,0. 9 , ' 1.5
Minneapolis 8 408.700 40'.6
Cleveland 37.7
Omaha : i , oor .or 4 < is. : : {
Hartford 2.807,945 24 7
Columbus 2,150,000 18.4
Indianapolis 4'J
Denver 1,828,801 10.2
New Haven 1.391,173 2.3
St Joseph 1.201,0.24
Pcorla 1,018.83-2
Memphis 1,004,82 : ! 19.7
{ Springfield 1,000,000 7.7
Galveston 000,000 5.3
Worcester. 900,501 ' i-ils
Portland 000.000 's ! 6
Wichita 700:85 ! 53.0
Lowell 534,112 2 5
Syracuse 520,047 1.0
Grand Kaplds 472,530 23.4
Total 51,851,154,814 23.0
Outsldo Now Vork 377,510,2bO 14.0
Crazed By Love.
OTTAWA , Kan. , July 3. Yesterday morn
ing Ella Trembly , a domestic In thoShaner
house , called a colored woman to her room
and aaked her assistance In dressing , saying
that she was In a hurry , as she had taken
poison , and wanted to get to Detwllor's res
taurant before It took effect , as she Intended
to shoot John Detwllor and die upon his body.
Heforo the horrified colored girl could give
the alarm , R.U.Dotwller , the father of John
was admitted to the loom , and to him the
girl admitted that she had taken two doses
of poison nnd Intended to shoot his son. Th *
old man summoned Dr. Davis and they sue
cecdcd In administering an antidote. A
search of the girl's effects resulted In the dls
covery of a revolver. The elrl had been a
domestic In the Detwllcr restaurant , and had
become greatly enamored ot young Detwller ,
who until recently had apparently recipro
cated her affections. She had been hysteri
cal tor the past few week * , and for several
days had remained In her room , refusing all
food. She Is of good character , qulto pretty
and about twenty-live.
Killed by Aconite.
BEATRICE , July 3. [ Special Telegram to
the BKE. ] Barrett's circus arrived here to
day and will show hero to-morrow. When
they unloaded hero they found one of their
candy peddlers dead on a flat car. No one
knew his name as ho had only been with
them since last Friday. He joined them at
Clay Center , Kan. , and was nlckamed "Cy
clone. " The cause of his death
was drinking aconite for whisky
by mistake. The circus Is all the cel
ebration we have hero to-morrow
but this will draw a crowd. They have many
attractions and moro pretty women than any
show that was ever here. The circus will ar
rive In Omaha next Sunday end show Mon
day. _
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , variable
winds , becoming southerly ; slight changes
In temperature.
For Iowa : Fair weather , nearly stationary
teni | > eiatiire , westerly winds becoming vari
able.For Eastern Dakota : Fair weather , nearly
stationary temperature , westerly winds be
coming variable.
Doodlcr Jailed.
CIIICAOO , Julys. Another boodler , War
den Varnnll of the Insane asylum , has been
compelled to go to jail on account ot the In
sufficiency ot his ball bonds. His frlcBds
have been actively working In his behalf all
day , but have not yet secured a uow bonds
man ,
Seine Jtcinnrknlilo KvcntH In Moucy
Circles-Gould's Work.
Nr.w YOHK , July 3. [ Special Tclo.gram
to tlio Br.i : . | The great vibrations In money
between stlncency and ea e , the suddenness
and sharu rallies In stocks , largo transfers tn
Manhattan , the re-cntranco of Gould Into the
market as a heavy buyer ot his own proper
ties , the shifting to the bull side of many
who have been bears for some time previous ,
and tlioMi'Cllne In exchange form a group of
remarkable events that are seldom crowded
Into the short space of ono week. All thesu
occurrences are stilt so fresh In the readers'
mind and have been dilated upon so freely
and extensively that It Is needless to expa
tiate upon thrrn further. The share list took
a further tumble during the earlier days and
the feeling at ono time was very despondent ,
but there was a change to positive buoyancy
later on , and the highest prices of the week
wcto made In many cases when
London ai.d Messrs. Gould , Sae , Cammack
and others bought liberally , and when there
was a scamper among the shorts to cover.
The money question was a leading factor
and twice during the week call loans were
made at 5 per cent per annum and Jf per
diem and Interest on the simo day. Prob
ably no better Illustration than this could bo
given of the scvoro strain put upon borrowers
during the week. The Immediate future and
values on stock exchange hlngo to a large ex
tent upon the financial situation , and al
though money was exceedingly close on Fri
day , a hopeful view was taken of the pros
pects for next week. This was based largely
upon heavy treasury disbursements , which
add just so much new cap
ital to the street , and the advance
In domestic exchange on Now -York to par
at St Louis and Chicago , which means the
stoppage of the drain of money from this
point with a possibility of a return flow
later on. There are other contingencies
likely to affect stocks , prominent among
them belli : : telegraph and the Baltimore &
Ohio deals , developments In regard to which
are awaited with anxiety. The market for
railway mortgages was quiet throughout the
week. Some Issues declined at the opening ,
but a firmer feeling set In , when
the stocks Improved and an advance
of K to 4 } points ensued. Governments
showed but slight variations and were in the
main firm. Foreign exchanges until near
the close weie gieatly depressed by the
stringency in money and offerings of bills
against purchasers of securities for forcien
account. Both posted and actual rates were
reduced and this started some gold shipment
to this side , but In late transactions the rates
made some recovery and the tone of the mar
ket was firmer.
Weekly Crop Hoport.
CIIICAOO , July 3. The following crop sum
mary will appear In this week's Issue of the
Farmers' Itevlew : Hoports on the yield of
the winter wheat crop are nuw coming In
and thus far corroborate our previous state
ments as to the shortage that might bo ex
pected. Missouri leads In her average and
Is followed by Illinois , while the other states
have the following relative position : Ken
tucky , Michigan. Indiana , Ohio and last
Kansas , where the chinch bugs have done
very serious damage. As yet reports ou the
average yield of the winter wheat crop are
Just beginning to como in , b'lt the following
from different states probably furnishes a
correct indication of tlio final icsults of the
harvest : Twelve counties In Illinois report
an average of seventeen bushels and lour
counties place the average condition
at 78 per cent. Nltio counties In
Indiana place the average at
fourteen bushels , and three counties average
their condition at 70 percent Seven coun
ties in Michigan report un average yield of
fifteen bushels. Eleven counties in Ohio
report a yield of thirteen bushels , while live
counties report their condition at 85 per
cent. The yield In twelve Missouri counties
Is eighteen bushels , and the condition In
three Is 103 percent. Five counties In Ken
tucky place the yield at sixteen bushels. In
Kansas nine counties report an average yield
of eleven bushels , and live an average condi
tion of 55percent. Seventeen counties in
Illinois complain of damagu to crops by
drought. Llfco complaints como fiom six
counties In Indiana , and thirteen Kansas
counties report damage from Insects and
drought Haiti Is needed In Kentucky and
Wisconsin , and six Missouri counties com
plain of damage by drought.
The condition of spring wheat In the differ
ent states is as follows : Seventeen counties In
Iowa report an average condition of 74 per
cent , while thirteen counties In Minnesota
place It at 75 per cent. Eleven counties In
Nebraska report an average of 70 per cent ,
and that same number In Dakota place it at
89 per cent. As was expected the hay crop
tuins out light , and pastures wore nearly
everywhere dry. Thn prospects for a good
crop of apples In the west are fair to mid
dling , lii many places fruit Is dropping
from the trees.
Favored With Ualn.
WASHINGTON , July 3. The following is
the weekly weather crop bulletin issued by
the signal oillco to-day for the week ending
July 2,1887 :
Temperature During the week ending
July2,1S37 , the weather has been slightly
warmer than usual In the northern states ,
the average dally excess being generally less
than 2 degrees , while throughout the south
ern states It was cooler than usual , the average -
ago daily temperature ranging from 3 to 7
degrees below normal. Throughout the cot-
ten belt during the week the dally average
was about 5 degrees cooler than usual. The
average dally temperature tor the season
from January 1 to July 2 , 1S87 , differs less
than one decree from normal In all agricul
tural districts except in the southern states ,
where the thermal excess previously re
ported In the cotton region has been sILjIitly
reduced and the deficiency on tlio south At
lantic coast slightly augmented.
During the week the rainfall has been
slightly in excess in a greater portion of the
cotton region , and generally from the Mis
slsslppt river westward , over the eastern
slope of the Hocky mountains. Largo ex
cesses for the week , ranging from 3 to 10
Inches , are reported from southern Georgia
and thence westward to Texas , and almost
dally rains occurred In the Mississippi val
ley from the Gulf states northward to Wis
consin and Minnesota , thus ending the
drought previously existing In portions of
the upper Mississippi valley. Heavy rains
are reported this morning from states In the
Mississippi valley , and are Indicated for the
cotton region , and the corn , tobacco and
wheat regions west ot the Allcghenles.
From Michigan and the Ohio val
ley eastward to the Atlantic coast
there was less rain than usual for the week ,
the deficiency amounting to about an inch.
Koports from the cotton regions indicate
that the weather during the week , owing to
abundant and well distributed showers , has
been favorable to cotton although Its growth
may have been slightly retarded by cool
weather. The weather has been favorable for
the harvesting of wheat and hay from the
lake region and Ohio valley eastward to the
Atlantic coast , while' In the ; Missouri and
Mississippi valleys showers have delayed
harvesting In these sections. The weather
has been especially favorable In the corn re
gion and recent rains have extended over
a greater portion of the corn belt. Excellent
growing weather Is reported from Now Eng
land and the Mlddla states whore the hay
crop lias been secured.
nic Storm at Wichita.
WICHITA , Kan. , July 3. One of the worst
storms ever experienced struck hero at 0:30 :
o'clock last evening. The heavens seemed
ono lurid Hash of lightning , looking llko a
prairie lire , while the clouds seemed to open
and pour down water. The streets were a
moving Mieot of water and Impassable fora
time. Water entered the roofs ot bouses as
If the shlnzlcs were paper , and the Main
struct theater with a heavy canvas roof was
wrecked , the water having poured through
the covering and down on the seats and
aisles In torrents.
Nothing like It has been seen for years.
It seamed to have been an electric storm of
awful grandeur and .magnitude , lasting over
u hour a&a ft haU ,
Omaha Defeated by Donvar When They
Should Have Been Victorious ,
The Gainri Ono or the Most Exciting
IMnyud Ilcro.t'i ) to tlio Klulith
Inning Otlior Sport
ing Mows.
The First n Defeat.
It a great crowd.
Some said there were n.OOO pcoplo there.
Others said there WITO more than that.
Others were probably nearer correct.
Anyway , It was the boss congregation of
he season.
Oh , why couldn't thoOinaliaa havowon ! ? "
petulantly Inquired n fair enthusiast , with
! yes of heaven's blue and n complexion like
M\ \ apple blossom , as she arose troin her seat
n the grand stand and gazed ivgrotiully otf
iver the field just after Itourk's last expiring
That's so , why couldn't they have won bo-
'oro such a splendid audience'/
It would have been a feather In their cap
as big as a horse's tail.
Everybody seemed to bo there lawyers ,
doctors , capitalists , politicians , merchants ,
clerks and all.
Ladles ?
Indeed there were any quantity of them.
And they all saw McCllntock's Indians
Kuln knock out the Oamlias tholr fourth
consecutive victory.
Hut they had hard work doing It , for the
Omahas fought the operation at every step.
Aided by Lettenborg's wild pitching , the
loiuo team made n good start.
Swift was given his base on balls , but
Walsh Immediately forced him out at second.
Walsh then stele second and went to third
on a p.isscd ball.
All Omaha was on tin-toe. A run was al-
uost assmed , but It wasn't scored.
Dwyer hit u lazy one toshort and was out at llarter , though , waited , and , llko Swift ,
ot his ba e on balls.
Now for u hit I
And Kourko was rlislit there with It. but It
was a foul , and It fell right Into Mr. Hurley's
capacious fins and the side was out.
The audlcncu heaved a long sigh , while a
ookot beautifuldlsgjistsettled over Itourko's
jherublc countenance , as he sadly started oil
for third.
The Indians from the llocklesmado a tally ,
and there was a line openlni : tor a galling
gun. About one thousand people In a single
breath ejaculated :
"I told yon so. "
McSorley , he of the musical chin , stepped
up to the plate , and al'terhavliigthieostrikes
called on him caught the lull right on the
nose and knocked out a lovely threo-baicgcr.
Silch tonled out to Hartcr , then Smith , of
Pocahontas fame , drove a hot one to Walsh ,
who , instead of cutting oil McSorlny , who
had slatted tor home , threw the batter out at
hrst. Tubean died from third to first.
Omaha , however , to everybody's extreme
elation , came right In , saw their one and
went them one better. Messltt took his base
on balls , Itadcr funned out , but Genius lined
a beauty out to loft , Mossltt going to third
and home , amidst tremendous applause
on a throw of llarley's to head
off Genius at second. Hartson ,
profiting by the enthusiasm , drove a
hery one to McSorloy , who threw home to
catch Genlns , but It was no go.for , by a good
slide , ho scored. Swift then received the
ball In the small of his back and was sent to
first , Har.ston movIngTip to second. Walsh
sent a bounder to JjCttonbcrg , which ho
handled slowly , and the bailer made tirst ,
Barston third and Swift second , Tlio Indians
were considerably rattled rlu'ht hero , but
Dwyer's puny hit to second retired the side.
For the Delivers Gorman , Philips and
Bri.'gs went out In order.
The crowd was very happv , and when the
Omahas came waltzing tn and added another
tally to their side , thov became uproarious.
This is how they did It.
Hartcr expired at lirst/Hotirko fractured the
circumambient atmosphere four straits nnd
sought the bench. Messltt was luckier. Ho
got to fitst on balls.'made ' a dandy steal to
second , and homo on lucky Jiadcr'a clean
drive to left , Uader himself going to second
on the throw in , and every man and boy on
the grounds yelled "Hoi ho 1 ho I"
Then Genlns hit a lightning line fly , and It
looked llko a homer , but Tebean made a
great Jump and trozo to it as it was cleaving
the air over third.
Hero every man and boy on the grounds
said "all I"
For McCllntock's aborigines , Ilarley
cot Ills base on balls , and stole bccond. Lit-
tenbere died at first , and it looked like a
run. Hut McSorlcy's hot drive was taken In
superb style by Swift , who doubled up liar-
ley at third.
The entire audience stood right up on Its
hind Ictrs hero and yelled as U they were
drawing a big salary for It.
In the fourth Uartson hit clean to center
and stele second with Impunity. Swift lilt
to pitch , who threw Itarlsnn out at third , and
on Walsh'odrlvo to second Swift'was doub
led up , Walsh going out at first on a very
questionable decision.
FortheDcnvcrsSIIch went out to left , Smith
made a one bageer , Tebeau retired on a high
tlv to Walsh , and Gorham cot Ills base on
live bad balls. On Philips' hit to short , the
side should have been out. but Dwyer made a
miserable muff of the throw , and Smith
came home and Gorham wp.ut to second.
Philips stole second , but the agony ended on
Brlggs out at llrst.
The game now became a see-saw. First
Omaha went up , then she came down ; then
the Delivers wont up , then the Omahas
soared again , and so on until the last tnninz ,
when the Omahas went down and stayed
It was one , two. three for the Omahas In
the fifth , but alas 1 three more scored for the
red men.
On Hourko's wild throw of his simple
grounder , Harley took second ; Lettcnberg
struck out , and McSorloy drove a gay one to
left for three bags , Harley scoring , ot course.
Sllch , not to bo outdone , lined a clean one to
center , McSorley In. and on Harter's wild
throw to second , Sllch went to third , and
home aflor Smith's long fly had settled in
Messltt'u hands. Tobeau lined another two-
bagger to left , but got left on Gorliam's fly
to Mesidtt.
The ere now stood Denver 5 , Omaha S ,
and enthusiasm was slowly and lugubriously
In the sixth. Messltt fell an easy victim
from pitch to first but liader lilt for one sack
a genuine sealskin to deep center , stele
second , as a matter of course , and right on
top of this , just to Inaugurate a little pan do
monlum. he actually steals third am
maybe his three thousand admirers didn't
All the gloom had been dissipated , like
dew In the morning's sun. That sentence
tenco came from Haggard's last novel.
Genlns now takeH a base on balls , steals
second , and on Uartson's out to left , iJader
gallops homn and Genius to third. Then Mr
Swift lilts for a couple of bags , and Gonlns
scampers home , the game Is tied , and no
being hogs , Walsh condescendingly knocks
an easy pop-up to center field.
Lo , the poor Indians , don't no more than
get In than they are out again , Philips , after
getting first on Walsh's fumble , Is cangh
napping by Hartson. lirlggs fouls out to
Hartcr , and Ilarley dies at the hands of shor
to first
In the seventh , the Omahas accompllshec
nothing , although Itourlc cot to tirst on balls
and the Delivers did no more , notwithstand
ing they , too , succeeded In getting a man to
Bailer opened the following Inning with a
hit to Tebeau , and on his fumble , made first
The next ball pitched saw him en route to
second , but ho was caught between bases
nnd notwithstanding half the Denver team
essayed to run him down , ho got safely back
to first by one of his famous slides.
The vast audience cheered him heartily
Yet curious to relate , they did not diet *
the next moment , when Ilarley , by a qulcl
and accurate throw , caught the daring little
player In another attempt to purloin second
'I heir sympathies lay the other way.
T Genlns followed with a neat hit to left am
quickly steals second , ami on Tebeau's fumbl
ol Ear.tsgu'8 hit gues to third , Uartsyu a
first. Swift then hits to Lcttenberg , and on
ils jUL'glltiR the ball , Gouins runs homo and
lartson takes third. Walsh then goes out
rom pitcher to first , who also catches Dart-
on , who foolishly attempted to steal lu ou
he hit , at the plate.
The Indians now came In for business , and
ho way they shook up things for a few inln-
itcs , llko hope deferred , makcth the heart
Ick. On four hits , a base on balls , a half-
> ass , ana three errors , they scored four runs ,
uul the lining was knocked out ot the gutuu
horoughly , Incontinently and overlast-
In the ninth the Omahas. Dwycr , Ilartor
mil Kourkc , went out so quick that It almost
ook the people's breath away.
Hut It was a good 1:111110 , one replete with
sharp and thrilling work.
The only objection to U was that Denver
von It.
It was a hard game to lese and the Omahas
vero very quiet.
Hut hero Is the score t _ _ _ .jt
OMAHA. I'lH. All. II. 111. Til. I'O. A. B.
Swltt ub 4 o u : i i a i
Walsh ss 6 o o o U 3 l
Dwyer. Ib f > 0 0 0 10 0 1
larter o 4 0 I 1 4 0 S
ioutko Kb 4 0 1 1 1 3 a
Vcssltt rt 4 U B 2 2 0 0
Julor If
taiilna cf 4 a a 3 2 0 0
liartsun p .4 0 2
Total : ' , S 0 is 15 it 11
ro . AH. it. in. TII. io. A. r. .
McSorley 2b
Sllch If
Smith Ib 5 1 1 1 13 1 1
I'ebeau 3b
iorman cf
Phillips ss
Iriggs rf
larley o
L.ettonbiirg p 4 U 1 1 1 4 2
Total ! W VJ 17 27 17 5
Omaha 0 21002010-0
Denver 1 0013004 U
Earned runs Omaha 4 , Denver 2.
Two base hits-Swift , Tebeau ,
Three base hits McSorloy 2.
Double plays Swift to Kourko , Tobeau to
McSorley to Smith.
liases on balls IJy Hartson 8 , LottcnburgC.
Hases on hit by pitcher Lettenburg 1.
Passed balls Ilartor 1 , Ilarley 1.
Wild pitches Letteiiburg 1.
Lnft on bases Om.iha 8 , Denver 0.
Struck out B.utson 1 , Lcttunburg 2.
Time of gamis 2:15. :
Umpire McLaiuhlln.
The following are the positions in the
morning's ' game :
) matia. Positions. Denver.
Crchmcrcr catcher Hrlggs
3'Leary pitcher Voss
iValsli ss Phillips
Dwycr 1 b Smith
Swltt 2 b McSorloy
Courko 3 b Tebeau
Jailer If Sllch
Messltt rf Ilarley
.lull I us c f Goruuin
In the afternoon the men will bo placed as
'allows :
( malm. Positions. Denver.
: ! : xmllo catcher O'Neill
ilealey pitcher Snroat
Walsh ss Phillips
Dwyer 1 b Smith
Switt 2b McSorley
tourko 3 b Tebeau
Jador If Silch
Messltt rf Hrlggs
Genius cf Gorman
The Omaha infield isn't exactly a stone
The reporters' box Is a decided Improve
Bailer has surely caught on. lie Is a gen
eral favorite.
Hartar made several circus stops , and hit
i ant but unluckily.
The Omahas must have both games to-day.
They are out of
It was a magnificent turn-out and the Oma-
ias ou ht to have won.
McLau-rlilln had a hard game to umpire ,
but ho did it , anddid'it wolf.
McSorloy exhibits much vim and vinegar
n hlscaptainlng and coachlug.
Hastings will bo hero for throe games on
the Wli , 10th and I'-ith. Poor Hastings I
There was not a single error made by the
Omaha outfield , and some great catches were
made , too.
The diamond has been "skinned. " It Is
no improvement over sod , and doesn't look
half as pretty.
Tebeau Is the vorv prototype of his brother
George , with the Cincinnati , only ho lacks
thn latter's fulminatory jaw.
The Western league seems very deficient
In coachlug. The Omuhas , in this line , are
particularly and painfully weak.
Mclaughlin's second base decisions wcrn
of the highest order , and his judgment on
balls and strikes most excellent.
Denver left the field In high glee last even
ing for she wore Omaha's scalp at her belt-
yanked oft for the fourth consecutive time.
Barring ono muff and a bad throw , llarter
caught a superb gamo. He reminds ono
greatly of that famous old timer , Jonnuy
Iluss McKelvoy , of tlio old Allochenles.was
on the Held just before the game opened ,
knocking fly Dalls for the Delivers. Kuss
was a game one In his day.
Go out this morning and see the boys get
revenge. They have about dumped their
stock of bad luck , and are duo for a victory
or two. Stick a lyncu-pin here.
Dwycr and itourk , It seems , can't get their
glims on the ball. lint wait when they do ,
homo runs and three-baggers will bo thicker
than fleas on Canfield's monkey ,
Nobody has said any too much about Bad
er. He Is ono of the hardest working play-
ens In the country , and as u base runner , has
but few equals , and no superiors.
The Denver battery showed up finely , not
withstanding the Omahas' base hit column
foots up 13. Six of these were of the phan
tom order , and two others very questionable
hits , to say the least
Perhaps , if manager Phllbln would road
the declaration of independence to the bnys
this morning it would have a salutary effect
upon their play. Or , Is It too much inde
pendence what hurts them ?
Hartson , excepting the eighth Inning , had
the Denver sluggers at his mercy , llo
weakened prcceptlbly at this critical point
anil Tobeau , Philips , Lettenburg and Mc
Sorloy all hit him clean and safe.
The horse car company actually had eight
cars waiting for passengers when the game
was over yesterday. Generally there Is ono
car there to accommodate several hundred
people , and a good deal of rich and vigorous
language Is wasted.
The outfield was completely surrounde
with buegies and carriages , and the crowd
was undoubtedly the largest of the season.
There was no extra room In the grand stand
and the bleaching boards were packed llko
sardines In a box.
Heard that the Omahas wore negotiating
with the Cincinnati tor George McGlnlss ,
who Is at Hot Springs nursing a lame arm.
One old head , UKO that which surmounts
McUlnnlss' shoulders , would bo of Incalcula
ble benefit to the Omahas.
"Pa. " asked the small boy , "did that bal
that hit Mr. Hartcr on tlio head hurt him ? ?
, 'No. my sdti. "
"Why , paV"
"Hecauso it would take an ax to hurt Mr.
Harter's head , uiy son. "
"Hollol Bart , " said O'Leary , as Dartson
cauui In from the box yesterday.
"Well ? "
"Have you heard of the now gun ? "
"What now gun ? "
"Why the gamblers' must-clt 1"
liartson Is paralyzed from the hips down ,
Ijcnvonworth Duatn Ht , Joe.
ST. Josni'ii , Mo. , July 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI : . ] Tlio game hero to-day
was ono of the hottest contested games of the
season. The visitors , by a hard-fought battle
of eleven Innings , carried off the honors of
the day. The game was witnessed by fully
1.500 spectators , who crew verv enthusiastic
over the work of both teams. The following
Is the ofllclal score by Innings :
St. Joseph..O 120000000 0-3
Leavenw'th.O 1-4
Ituns earned St. Joseph 1 , Leaven worth
3. 13uses on balls Helnaglo 2 , Lawrence
aud Curtis. Jilt Py .pHcbor-
White 2. Base hits Koblnson , Joyce , Lovls.
Three-base lilt Ehrot Struck out by
Ehret4 , Hughes 1. Passed balls-Bellman
52 , Kuynolds 1. Loft on bases St jtiM'ph
10 , Leavonworth 0. Umpire Kane. Bat
teries For St. Jocp > > . Khiet and Bellman :
for Leavenworth , Whltaker , Hughes and
Kansas city Dofnnta Toprkn.
KANSAS CITY , July 3. [ SpeclalTolegnm
to the Bri : . ] The first of the Kansas City-
Topeka scries was won by the homo club to-
ay , both sides playing at their best Macul-
er , the captain of the Toppkas , entered a
irotest against playing a championship
: auic , alleging the grounds wore not
n fit condition owing to rains tn
ho morning. The game was practically won
jy Manning for Kansas City In the third
nnlng by ahomo run hit over the left field
enco when the bases \\ero full. This play ,
ho tine wotu of bncpd for Topeka In right
lold , and Lllllu's brilliant one-hand catch of
Jneod's llv weio the featutes of the game.
I'ho olllclal score of the game Is as follows :
CansasClty 0 00410000 5
1'opeka 1 00000000 1
I'.arncd runs Kansas City 4. Two base
lit llasamapar. Homo run Manning.
Struck out by Nichols 8 , Sullivan 1. Double
ilay Crane , McKoon and Manning , Macul-
er , Haidner and Stearnes. First base on
errors-Kansas City 1 , Topeka 2. Left on
bases Kansas City 7 , Topeka 7. Time of
game IhriVim. LliuplroUngan. Batteries
\ansasClty. Nichols and Graves ; Topeka ,
Sullivan and Kenyon.
A Loavcnworth-llnstliigfl Coinhlnc.
KANSAS CITV , July . [ Special Telegram
o the Br.K.J John Malone , of the Leaven-
worth bate ball team , has ibecn offcicd the
nanagement of the Hastings base ball team
> y the stockholders of that club , the stock
lolders agreeing to buy the Lpavenworth
raiichlse and allow Malone to pick n nlnri
'rom tlio two teams. Mr. Malone has made1
the Hastings people a counter proposition
and the matter will be settled Tuesday.
Rnln Htopn Gmites.
CINCINNATI , July 3. Unln prevented the
game after two Innings were played. The
score stood 14 to 0 In favor of Cincinnati.
Louisvit.uc , July 8. It began to rain dur-
ng the latter part of the second Inning , and
he umpire called the game and waited ten
ulniitcs. In the meantime ho decided that
ho game should continue , whereupon St.
.nuts refused to play , and the umpire gave
ho game to Louisville by a score ot 9 to 0.
Mark Twain nnd Hov. Boochcr ns
EI.MIHA , X. Y. , July 8. ISpeclal Tele-
Brain to the HKE.I A Lugo crowd erected
Mark Twain and other prominent men who
appeared at tl.o Maple Avenue grounds yes-
crday afternoon olther to take part in a
game of base ball or witness the sport. Mark
Twain meandered down East hill from his
quarry farm about 1 o'clock to be on hand , as
10 said , early to perform the arduous .duties
of umpire in an old fashioned base ball same.
lining asked some points about old fashioned
base ball , the humorist did not betray his
ack of knowledge of the rules by sayluir ho
lid not , but played the cleat act by saying :
'I'd like to play a game or two of bll-
lards. " Ho was attired in a white
duck suit , and although his collar
was wilted , stood the excessive
heat well under an umbrella or In the judges'
stand , 100 feet from the homo plate. Ilev.
Thomas K. Bcecher , the other umpire , ap
peared on his tricycle promptly at 4 o'clock ,
and after a hasty consultation In which a
book of rules was demanded by Mark Twain ,
and winch 'demand was strenuously ob
jected to by the committee , hostilities wore
begun. The old fashioned "wet or dry"
nothod ot choosing first Inning was ob
served , and marks of spittle on a flat stone
decided that the Alerts should go to the bat.
The contest was between the Alerts and
Unions , clubs which disbanded twenty years
ago. The members of these clubs are nearly
all prominent In various walks of life. Five
nnlngswero played , resulting In a victory
for the Unions by a score of 81 to 10. There
were many amusing featuios to
the game. Rules were made by Mark
Twain as the game advanced and decisions
wore sent by a boy from the umpires In the
judges' stand to the acting umpire , Coun
seller John It. Joslyn. Foul lines were gen
erally ignored. Several of the players are
portly men , and running bases whllo the
thermometer Indicated blood heat In the
shade afforded much pleasure to the audi
ence , but dlscomtort to the plavers. Several
of the men rolled in the dust In an cll'ort to
reach the bases and presented a ludicrous
appearance. The vanquished team will
furnish a banquet for the distinguished um
pires , the players and several prominent
gentlemen , guests of the players or the man
Genrue and McAlnckin Happy.
NEW 1'oiiK , July 3 , "What are the pros
pects ot the coming campaign ? " was asked
of Henry George.
' The prospects of the next campaign are
brilliant , " answered the editor and author.
'The united labor party is to-day the live
party of the country. Others arc decaying
It Is growing. The convention at Syracuse
will begin the organization of a party that
will sweep the whole country. The united
labor party has the advantage of a clear prin
ciple and a definite Idea. The land question ,
which Is another name for the labor question.
has got BO far into the discussion that It will
go forward now by Its owu inomemtum ,
gathering like a snowball. "
John McMackln , chairman of the county
general committee , says of his party : "The
united labor party has as perfect a political
organization as I have ever seen. There Is
nothing to prevent Its succeeding so far as 1
can sen If the men are watchful of their dis
tricts. We have lost none of the enthusiasm
of the last campaign , and will profit by ex
perience. "
dnko Sharp tn Jnll.
NEW ! out , July 3. Jacob Sharp sat this
warm day in his cool , well ventilated room
at Ludlow street jail , with his devoted wife
beside his easy chair slowly waving a largo
fan before his face. Once In a while the fan
became still , and Mrs. Sharp sank Into a
meditative position , evidently at such times
thinking of her approaching separation from
her husband. They do not talk of the case ,
however , excepting when Mr. Stlcknoy ,
Sharp's counsel , U present. He enters the
Jail promptly at 10 o'clock each day , and was
Sharp's only caller this morning. There Is
no change In Sharp's condition , excepting ,
perhaps , that he Is losing heart , notwith
standing the efforts of his wife to keep his
spirits up. He was uneasy all night and
rose very early. Warden Keating went In
to look at him two or three times during the
night , and found Mrs. Sharp fanning him.
A Young Preacher's
SCUANTOH , Pa. , July 8. The Hov. Peter
lloberts , pastor of the Plymouth Congrega
tional church hero , was arrested yesterday
on a charge of conspiracy to procure a abor
tion on a woman whom ho had deceived.
The woman Is Annie llusabel. She states
that she made the acquaintance of Roberts
while serving in the capacity of a domestic
In a Now Haven family , he at that time being
a student In the Yale theological Institute.
He olTured to settle the case by the payment
of 82,000 , but this was not accepted. Roberts
was held In $1,000 ball for his appearance at
the next term of the criminal court.
Heat Fatalities.
PiTTsnuno , Pa. , July 3 , A large number
of prostrations from heat and five fatal cases
of sunstroke are reported to-day.
MKW VOIIK , July 3. The duiths reported
to the health board to-day numbered 2M , the
argeat figure In one day since Ib70.
Struck fly Lightning.
STUART , Neli. , July 3.- [ Special Telegram
, to the Hr.K.J Word was brought to Stuart
t o-day that George Meyers , a farmer , wns
struck by' lightning during the storm yester
day lour miles west of here.
[ nterviow With a Famous Gorman Explore *
In the Dark Continent ,
llerr PfelPs Opinion of African Mftj
itcmmrcci of tlio Country
Warlike Tribes ItonofU *
of Industry.
An IntcrcHtlni ; Tnlk.
lfS7 Iiy Jitmr * (7c > nl < m
Br.iii.iN , July 3. [ Now Vork Hora'l *
Cable-Special to the HIK. : ] Joachim Oral ?
Pfeil. to whoso energy Germany largely owci
Its last African colonies , hns recently 10-
turncd from Africa In consequence of un
pleasantness between himself and the col "
onlzatlon society. 1 found Giaf Pfell to-day
at his rooms on Ktirftirsten street. Ho Is n
tall , slim , dark , and rather young looking
man. Llko all successful African explorers' ,
ho Is fulll of energy , knowing his own mind ,
end knowing It quickly. What struck mo
most In him was that ho has worked out n'
clover original method of government , by"
which , If fully followed , It seems as though !
the German colony might bo made quickly
self stippoiting and the center of civilization !
for the natives. He said : "East
Africa Is not naturally a rich country , "
It Is a common error to sugpose sof
but really Africa has no natural resources
except ' natives at 85 per month for six hours
workaday. This labor costs moro than a1
similar quality ot European labor would *
nevertheless I am most certain of the suc
cess of our colonies. At present the natives'
are lazy. Tholr work Is of a poor quality.
Well , wo must train them to give thrm now
wants In order to Induce them to work. By *
my speech on the subject you can tell about
howl think this could bo done at present.
Africa Is constantly at war. Everv month
some trlbo Is attacked by some other. Many
negroes are kilted aud many more enslaved.
This makes an exhausting war tax con1
stantly levied by the strong upon the weak *
With German rule will como peace In ont
territory. We should therefore havotho right
to levy a tax to sustain this peace besides1/
as wo supplant tribal chiefs , wo absorb tholr'
rights. Suppose each negro , In our terri
tory , In return for peace , security and life/ ,
Is forced to pay a certain tax , either Iry
money or labor to the government. To earn <
this money ho must work. By his work tho' '
colony grows , but ho also benefits as ho grad-1
nallyjjccomes thrifty and less given to Idle
ness. No , slavery would not do. It would'
merely bo giving the the negro the object for ]
which to work whllo being trained to gooo >
habits , but the ono Idea would bo only slaves
work. It must bo remembered that the no-1
crocs are now moro lit to take suddenly a full' '
code of European laws than was northern'
Europe two hundred years ago. Such a tax *
would really bo a tax upon idleness , for no *
groes working regularly upon plantations ,
would bo exempt from rebellions ) i
There are always warlike tribes who would , " )
In consideration of exemption from this
tax make some small pay , the same as pollcoi
collect a tax to stop trouble. On the con1
trary the negroes would soon find that peace ,
with an opportunity to work , moro thaol
made up for the little work required of them. '
With war slavery ended , and everyone forced !
to do some work , there would soon como an
end to the slave-bred contempt for wor&j
These negroes are clever men with very little *
training. They made excellent engineers fo
our steam launches. They possess , ]
great adaptability to change with tool
llttlo reasoning power to object to thoj
elm nges made by others. They worked so
well around our statio ns that 1 know they
can bo trained to any agricultural work. The
wheat crops and cotton are as good there as
the finest Egyptian without the slightest-
trace of yellow. Coffee or any tropical pro
duct , Including excellent rubber , can bo
raised thero. Wo need only labor. Furtnn-
atolywocan got this labor , and at the same
time civilize our natives. The climate Ij not
so deadly as Is said. Wo now rough Ir , yet ;
survive with comforts. The regularity of
life Is no moro dangerous than In India.
There are even wldo plateaux where Gorman
emigrants may safely work , Of course , that
will como slowly , as the country must first $
bo explored. First will como big plantations' J
with negro labor. " I * *
"Why do wo want colonies ? " | |
"Because we want to keep our surplus < J
population within German sovereignty. ' l
Every Gorman emigrant to America draws < . -
so much ot our wealth and life-blood , foa ' 4
America's benefit. Even our worst socialists |
In German colonies soon become strong con- 3j
sorvatlves. Take the silver question alone. * j
Think how much our Idle silver In Africa ,1
could absorb. " -j
"Aro colonies a danger In case of war ? " '
"NotatolL What could England do but , t
bombard a few natl vo villages. If she sent k
big tloet there , wo would be in London before - *
the fleet got back to Africa. It Is not an Ideal ' '
place for a colony , but It was the best we j
could do. In almost twenty years those A -
rican colonies will bo self sustaining. "
Is there plenty of money to support this '
venture In the meanwhile. " \
"No , I think If the African colony Is OVOB i
Iragged Into war they will bo an aid , not a "
danger to the empire. Ilcmember I do not
advocate any form of slavery , but only a
gradual civilization of the negroes under *
conditions as much as possible llko these Hi
under which they lived so long. The sudden - '
den change to European laws would merely
demoralize , hopelessly , the whole race. "
Mr. Pfoll lived so much In Aftlca that he '
tells mo he must undergo acclimation when
lie returns to Europe. At present there Is a
prospectof his covering his connection with ,
the African society. If so he will probably ; .
visit America In the fall. f
Quarreling Corporation * . ,
ATCHISON , Julj 3. The row between thrf
B. & M. railroad and the Chicago and AtchU
son bridge company broke out afresh yester
day by the railroad company tearlnr up tha
culvert across Main street to the great detri
ment of the approach to tlio bridge. In tha
afternoon the bridge company Issued ao <
order prohibiting the passage of all teams
across the bridge and shutting off all trafrla
except pedestrians and trains. The feeling ;
the hero is that this '
among people petty boy's <
play between these two quarreling corporal
tlons should stop at once.
Husband and Wife Drowned.
PITTSIUWO , Pa. , July 3. Shortly attor 8 J
o'clock this evening a skiff containing flr < '
persons was capsized In the Ohio river by ;
swells from the passing tug boat. J W. Bow < ' ,
ell , and two of the occupants , lUchard Lane
and wife , were drowned. '
I'nnnr Wnreliouso Hiirncil. i
NKW YOHK , July 3. The paper hoimo of \
J.Q. Problo&Co. . 54 and 50 Franklin and \
77 White streets , burned to-day. Tha build * * r
Ings are damaged glO.ono and Preblo fc Co. ' '
IOMIt Is estimated , 8100,000 , mid their losi ;
is said to bo Insuied.
I'nclflo Hollollor.
July 3. A St. Louis special
says : From sourcci considered reliable your
conespondent has learned that Judge II. II
Trimble , of Keokuk. Ja. , Is to bo made KOU >
cral bullcltor of the Missouri Pucllic Bytjtepy