THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! SUNDAY , JTJLY a. 1887. TWELVE PAGES. MERRIMENT IN MARKETS. How the Lack of Water in South Omaha Affects Chicago. GOULD AND SAQEFINANCIAL SEA Condition of Metropolitan Stocks llg Interests nnd Dividends Xho Money Soitro Deemed to Do Over. CHICAGO MVK BTOOK. CIIICAOO , July 2. [ Special Telegram to tlio LIE.J ) : Fowler liros. ot Omalia have shipped a lot of . ' 1,500 hogs to the Anglo-American Packing company licrc. The reason for this action is stated to bo a scarcity ot water , the artesian well which supplies the works having run dry. The cat- tie receipts were ! i > ,000. Tlio market for na tives was steady. There was a good supply of Texans In the market , and the demand was steady at fair prices. The. price was 5c hlglier than yesterday. Packers were not very ready to take hold on tlm advance , but Homo thought most of them would bo sold nt the figures asked before tlio c nd ot the day. Boino hogs will probably go over Into specu lators hands. This won a big day for men at . Chicago banks , as It was the result of July deliveries of grain and the seuil-an- nual settlements at bauks generally. Currency orders were lighter thnn usual , but counter business was quite Itrone. New fork exchange was at par anil quite strong. Bank clearings were S 16,514,3U , with total clearings for the week of 8G3.- (77,430 against 830,909.00 ! . the corresponding week lust year. The llghtust day of the week was on Thursday , when the clearings tell below 99,000,000. The business demand for money , present and prospective , keeps rates tlrm at 0,7 and8 per cent. The amount needed to carry grain , together with the de sire of the banks to run with better surplus. Will probably hold rates firm until the fall domandlcomcs. Chicago bankers are divided In their views on Comptroller Trenholm's suggestion that extra supervising examiners. to be paid by the government , be appointed to visit banks ottenur and verify the work ot' the district examiner. One of the objects of the extra examiners would betn prevent such schemes as are ouoned up by the Investiga tion of the Fidelity bank. FlNANOIA.Ii. NEW VOIIK , July 3. | Special Telegram to the URIC. I STOCKS The stock maiket the past week has been undur the control of Gould and Sage. Trading was active , and the market at times showed increased breadth , although the feeling was Intensely nervous , owing to tlio continued manipula tion ot rates for money , the bidding being up to rates ot > { to > i per cent per diem , and the Interest forced weak holders to liquidate , and enabled the manipulators to absorb largo lines of cheap stocks. The boars went In too heavy , and as the "aJIg 2" ( Gould and Sago ) held the reins , they pulled them up tight and forced the bears to cover , and the result was that prices closed yesterday at nearly the outside of the week , 127 active. Only six ptoclcs showed a decline Irom tha closing figures of ono week ago. Manhattan had the lead with n loss of 17K ; I'acllic Mull lost U % , cotton oil } , Louisville & Nashville % and Lackawonua 1 point. The tains ranged f rom K to& % , HfiM Heading standing at the bond , Western Union second \\lth W , Now Knelaud 8 Other roads gained % to IK points. The earnings of the railroads continue good but unless crop prospects Improve they are not likely to keep up. One trouble with the market at present Is that there is too many securities. The now securities listed on the New York Stock exchange tbn past six mouths exceed Si : ,00o,000 bonds. Gold has bean shipped qulto freely from London but exchange advanced the past two das and Is liable to reducu shipments. Tliu dis tribution ot $75,000,000 in Ink'iest. and dlvl- eletuts and iu-tllo cancellation of the United { States will tend to make the market foi money easier , and the Impression is that I ho money scare for the present is over. lilVK STOCK. Chlantto. July 3. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts. 2,500 ; steady for natives there was a irood supply ot Texans on the market nnd the demand was steady at fair prices ; shipping steers , S3.2034.50 : stockere nnd feeders $ l.85U5 ( ! ; cows , bulls uud mixed , SLWXaxou j Texans , S1.50@05. Hogs Receipts , 13.OX ) : actlvu on specula tors' account and closed 5o higher than yes terday ; rough aud mixed , $4.85@3.1 X ; packing and shipping , S4.y5fe5.15 ; light , 84.bOCijO.30 ; skips , $8.001 4.70. Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; market was nom inally steady , with an average supply and a fair demand : natives , V'.00j(3.35 ! ( ; western , 83.XK < tt.70 : Texans , 82.C5G3.70 ; lambs , per b d1.00@4.00. Nutionnl Htoclc Yard * . East Br , LioulN. III. . July U. Cattle Receipts , 200 : shipments , 1,100 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers. S4.0 : ! < 34.50 ; fair to good ship- Rlnjr steers 8S.'JO$4.2.1 ( > ; butchers' steers , fair > choice. 83.70 ( < 4.15 : feeders , fair to peed , l3.lOfe3.1X > : stackers , fair to good , 32.80(3(3.00. ( ( Ileus Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 700 ; I tron g ; cholre heavy and butchers' selec tions , S5.10@5.iO ; packers and Yorkers , me dium to choice. 84.S5&5.15 ; pigs , common to good , & 4.SOQ4.60. Kan nn City , -July 3. Cattle Receipts , 100 ; shipments , none ; values about same is on Friday. Common to choice , corn- fed , $3.40(34.15 ( ; stackers. 8'ilOJ.80 ; teed- Inir steers , S'J.OO < S3.H : : cows. 31.SO@3.bO. Hoes Receipts , 5,000 : slilpmnnts , none : Itrong to So higher ; common to choice , I4.40&4.79 ; skips and pigs , Sa.00@4.25. JjlTcrpool.July2.-Wheat Demand poor ; holders offer freely. Corn Quiet ; holders offers freely. OMAHA. IjIVB STOCK. Saturday , July 2. Cattlo. The receipts were Ikht oven for the last day ot the week , and there were hardly enough cattle In to make n market. There was no Inclination among the buyers to take iwn what were In aud there was very little done on the market. The receipts of cattle have been light all the week , but for all that there has been no quotable Improvement In the prices. The ouly grade of cattle , for which there has been any Inquiry , Is good tat steers of medium weight Coan-f , heavy and grassy cattle of all kinds are not wanted. The run of hogs was liberal for the close Of the week. The market opened strong- and Active at an advance of 5@10c. The buyers were all represented on the market and everything was sold and weighed up before mid-day. The water supply is now in such thape tlmt the packlne-nouses can run full force , which . . . have a tendency to keep lit * market up Blutep. There were none In and nothing doing. Receipts. Cattle . 300 Uoics . . . 3.GOO Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing urlcaj paid , for llvo Mock on this market : Choice steers. 1800 to 1500 lbs..SJ.OOUO Choice steers. 1 100 to 13 vi Ibi. . . 8.Wi.oo Fat little steers WO to 1050 lln. . . 3..WCi : i.85 Extra choicecows nnd hoi ( CM. . . H.l.Vi'l..i5 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . 2.75dii.OO : Common to medium cowsa'iV Good to cholcn bulls . 3.7.VitUX : ) l.lpht and medium how . 4GOM470. Uooil to choice heavy hogs . 4.754.OT Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.70Cce4,75 , Representative Halo * . cows. No. Ar. Pr Ho. Av. ' 1-r. { * . . . . hSl 82.00 0..11UO S2.70 3. , . .1040 2.50 -13. . . .1021 a.00 IDAHO IUNGK STEtJ'.S. V ° ' No , Av. I'r. 7T..1051 13.00. ! > > . So. Av. 8hk. Av. Hhk. Pr. 75. . . . 815 SO (4.60 7A..SH1 SOU | 4.75 6.w.lSai20 4.60 67 . .3S5 bO 4.75 4. . . .814 100 4.65 60. . . .SIS . . 4,75- . . . , M4 IJQ 4,05 5..A200 4.75 Live Slouk Sola. Sliowlngthu nnnibar ot head ot stock sold on tlm market to-day CATTLE. O. 11. Hammond & Co 05 Local 42 Shippers 77 Total 214 110(18 ( , Anclo-Amorlcan Parkin * Co 3.441 ( } . II. Hnmmomi & Co C9 HaoUros v , 137 Total. .3,047 Shipment * . Sliowlne the number ot cattle , hoes nnd shet'p alilpp-Kt Irom the yards during the day. CATTLK. No. cars , nt. Dest C N.V Chicago noos. SO C. . H. &Q Chicago 10 N. \\.7. Chicago All s les ot stock in tins market are made WIT cwt. Uvo wolzht unless otlierwiso stated. Dead hoijs sell at c pur 11) . for all weights. Jklna/'orrio s wuUhln * loss than 1W ( IDS. no value. I'ro nitnt HOWS are docked 40 IDS. and BtansSOIbi by Uio oubllo iaspuutoc. MonUiljr Statement. Showing tlio receipts and shipments for the month euUInc June SO. ItECKIITS. FlIIl'MKNTS. liorfos and Railroads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mules. TJ. P. 11. H 20J 88 C.M.AStP 1,311 0,33'J 97 07 OStPM.tO 21V " ' 27 O & NV 2,113.1 "ij',330 133 U * M 6.100 1,131 C..H14P' J.77. ) w.aS 8.2J3 Wttbnsh 108 llld nvcirJun. 30 281 Bold to Omaha packers. . . . 6,855 1,408 248 Total. 19,705 8.045 690 Iiivc Stock NotCM. Hogs all sold. Hogs go up G@10c. A dull cattle market , Few native cattle In. No market on the Fourth. An active hog market for Saturday. A. Latterly. Ashland , with Savage Green , was here. The receipts were made up for the most part of western cattle. J. B. Blaiichard goes to Sioux City to night , to spend the Fourth It Is reported that there are 8,000 horses In Oregon to bo shipped east this season. George Route ) , Millard , a frequent shipper to thcso yards , was In with a load of hogs. Thomas McUrldo , Klncsley , la. , a well known stock man , was a visitor at the yards. Mr. Walker , a > well known shipper of Orelghtou , was among the visitors at the yards. Mr. Waller of the firm of Gilford & Wai ler , Cowles , Neb. , was in and marketed a load of hogs. W. Woyant , Jr. , Germantown , came In with a load of cows which topped the market and with a load of hogs. Visitors nt the yards hardly recognize the place from one week to another , there are so many Improvements being made. Mr. West , Dorchester , came In with H load of hogs which sold on the market. He has cattlu which will soon bo ready for market W. C. 1) . Allen , the uopular stock agent of the Oregon Short Line , wns In. He says the great bulk ot the stock from the northwest Is bound to come this way instead ot going over the Northern I'acllic. The pumps havn been put in operation and are louiul to be fully adequate to the require ments of the packing-houses. This wll obviate the necessity of closing down the packing-houses for the want of water. M. Uurke & Sons purchased ot the wel known thorouclibretJ cattle breeders , Sothan & Stickney of Pontiac , Mich. , twenty-four head of their thoroughbred Hereford bulls , to bo used on their western cattle ranges. The following petition was presented to the stock yards company and will explain itself : We , the undersigned commission men , doing business at tlie Union stock yards , South Ouiaba , deslro n holiday on the Fonith of July , 1BS7 , and request you to lock both scald houses from Saturday night to Tuesday uiorutug. and allow no business to be done other than taking care ot what stock may come. BROWN , I'AitKiiuRST &Co. , M. RllltKK & SON8 , HOHI.SK , WAQOONF.K & Co. , McCi.oi'1) ' , LOVK & Co. , GKO. ADAMS & liuitKK , Foi.KV it ClIlTTK.NDKN , RYKIIS & PATTKUSO.V , WOOD Biios. , ROSINIIAUM : LIVESTOCK COMMISSION Co. , CLAY , ROIIINSON it Co. , JicCov RKOB. MAUTIN line * . , A. D. & Buo. , LOUIMIMI , WKSTKHKIKI.H A Co. , MAHONKY , FKHICAI.I. & Co. , A. K. OKEY & Co. According to the desire of the commission men doing business at the Union stock yards nt South Omaha , the scales will bo locked from Saturday night until Tuesday morning , July 5. J , F. llovi ) , Superintendent. OMAHA IVHOtiESALiE MARKETS. General Produce. Saturday. July 3. J7ic following arc the prices at which round loin of produce aremldin thlsinnr- kef. 'flie quo/at Ion * on fruit * nnd otficr cainiiw.lltlci snipped in from a dlxtanrf are Uie prices ut tcftlo7 outside orders are tilled : Kocfl The receipts are fairly liberal and. fully equal to the demand. Blocks are moving for the most part at lie. BUTTKK The receipts are heavy and stocks have to bfl moved quickly to prevent accumulations. There Is very little of even the bust dairy butter that goes at more than 12 > jc. Fair to good buiter Is selling at 'JO We. We.UifKKSE. . Full cro-nn Cheddars , single , 0o ; full cieam flats , wins , lOc ; Young Americas , lie : fancy Swiss. 20c ; Swiss , Imported , 25c : LImuurger , 12c : brick , 13@10c. 1'oTATOKS , Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are going at W951.00 , accord ing to quality. Now potatoes at 3@3o perIb. GAME There Is very little game \z \ season at the present time and whiln tno weather Is so warm It has to bo handled with a great deal of care. I'lover sells at SU'5 per doz. and curluw at f 1.50 per doz. POULTRY There are a geol many chick ens coming In , both old towls aud spring chickens and the market Is a little unstable , there being a good demand one day and a very light demand the next. Old fowls are movliiK at 8Am < 33.oo with an occasional coop of fancy at 83.25 , seed spring chickens are sold at 32.5CQJ.00. There is no other kind ot poultry coming In , at least not enough to wake a rusiket. KASTKHN AMD BOUTHBKM FRUITS. The , tuoDlv of raspberries and blackberries I * very limited. Blueberries are luoce plenti ful. Strawberr | About played out Cher ries scares nd wanted. l ches from the eontn arriving mostly la bad condition ; Cali fornia Stock nor * desirable. Bone boxtp * pics fwtlTlnjr. Btack. mpbe.rrle , per 24 qt case 4,40 * red taspbefrlds. per 2J nt case , 83.0003.23 ; blackberries , 24 qt case , 83.00 ; blueberries , per m stand , 83.oo@4.0o ; blueberrlm , ber M nttox. 81.50(31.75 ( ; plums , perone-third bu box , 51.23 ; peaches , southern , per half , bu box , SI.50 ; apples , southern , per bait bu box , 75 : apples , per bbl. 55.CO. „ VKJIKTAIILES The market Is now well supplied with a largo variety ot choice homo crown stock. New potatoes , Cal. , per lt > , 2-JKc ; new onions , per bbl , Sa.60.per bu box , 81.50 ; tomatoes , per X bu. box , 81.25 ; toma toes , per cratobox , 82.80 ; cabbage per crate , 84.00. LKMOSS Extra fancy , per box , 87.00 ; 5 box lots , SO.50 ; fancy , 50.50 ; choice , 55.00 ; choice , 5 box lots , 54.50. BANANAS Cholco stock , 58.oo < < r4.00. CALIFORNIA FRUITS Bartlett pears have arrived on the market. Apricots per tiO Ib box , SI.75 : plums , per 20 Ib box , 81.75 ; prunes , per 2010 box , 81.76 ; peaches , per 20 Ib per box , SI.75 ; Bartlett pears , per 40 Ib box , 8 .50 ; red Astrachan apples , per box , 82.50. WATKKMKI.OXS Watermelons , Georgia , per 100. 535. ORANOKS The market Is bnro to-day Riverside Mediterranean Sweets , per box , S5.005 ; box lots , S4.78 ; Santa Anv 4.50 ; 5 box lots , 81.25. Gcnornl Markets. YAIHHSHKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , SI.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 8L20 ; Da- mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c.asiilialtum ; , extra , 85c ; shellac , 53.00 ; bard oil finish , 51.50. DRY PAINTS Whlto lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c ; 1'nris whiting. BKc ; whitlnir , " ' , whiting , com'l , l/c ; Jamptilack , Uer- nmutown. I'-c : lampblack , ordinary , c ; 1'russlan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18cvandykc ; brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c : sienna , bunit , 4c ; elonna , mw , Ic ; Paris green , genuine , 85c ; Parln grren. common , 'J.'c ; chrome green , N. X" , Ute ; vermlllion , American. ltx > ( Indhtn , raw and burnt umber , Mb can ? , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna 1'Jc ; vandyke brown. 13c ; rclined lamp black , r.'c ; coach black nnd Ivory black lOc ; drop blacK , lOc ; ultmmarlnp black , 18c ; chrome green , L. , M. &U. , ICc ; blind and shutter ereen , L. , M. & 1) . , I6c ; Parts green , 20c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian redOc ; Tus can , ! ! c ; American vermlllion. L. Ac L ) . , 20o : yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. < k O. D. , l c ; eood ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , Sc : graining color , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 13c. DRUOR AND CIIF.MICAI.S. Aclrl carbolic ; 50c ; acid tartarlc , 5"c ; copaiba , per Ib , GOc ; bark snsafras.i. | wr Ib , lOo ; calomel , per 'b , 78cclilnctionllin ; , per ozv35 ; ; chloroform , icr Ib , 50c ; Dover's twwders , per Ib , 51.25 ; psom salts , per Ib , > c ; tilycerine , imrn , per b , 'Me ; lend , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil , castor , S'o. l , per gal , Sl.fx ) ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per ; al , S1.40 : oil. olive , per gal , S1.4U ; oil , orlir- nnum , rxc ) ; opium , $4.50 ; quinine , P. & W. nd 11. & S. per oz , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide. xr ; Ib. S3.25 ; sallcln , uer oz. 40c ; sulphate norphino , per oz , $3.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4e ; trychnine , per oz , Si. 10. PAINTS IN OIL Wlilta lead , Omaha , P.P e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7e ; Mar leillcs , green , 1 Ib cans , ICc ; French zinc : reen seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; touch zinc. In vnrulsh asst. , liOc ; French inc. 75c ; vcrmllllon , English , in oil.7.r > c ; ucl , lOc : rose i > Ink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- on's , 2fc ; Venetian red , American , ed lead , 7kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , aoc ; hromu Voifow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochclle , 3c ; dire , French , 2c ; ochre , American Ike ; Vlntur's mineral , 2 > c : Lehlgh brown , 2 > c ; Spanish brown,2 > fc : Prince's mineral , 3c. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.10 ; 0 101 proof , { 1,12 ; spirits , second quality , 01 proof. 81.10 ; do 1S3 proof,81.0i > . Alchohol , SB proof , 82.10 per wlue gallon. Redistilled vliiskics , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended S1.50 ® .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52.0000.00 ; Ken- ucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@0.50 ; iokien Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 31.50@3.00. Brandies , imported 85.00S.r > 0 ; lomestlc , S1.3o@3.0 ( ) . Gins , imported , 54.50 010.00 : domestic , 81.25tS.OO. ( ; Champagnes m ported , per ense , F28.00@33.00 ; Ainerlcau uer case. 510.0010.00. llliin'.a Green butchers' , 6K@6c : green urcd , 7Kc ; dry flint , ll@12c : dry salt , 0@10c : refin calf skins , Sc ; damaged hides , two hlrds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime vbite , So : yellow. 2e : brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 255c. ' HICAVV HARDWAIIK Iron , rate S2.70 ; ilow steel , special cast , 4 } jc ; crucible steel , ytc\ \ cast tools , do , 12 ( < aUic ; wagon spokes , > ur set , S2.00@3.50 ; hubs , per sot , 61.25 ; tel- oes , sawed , diy , 81.00 ; tongues , each , SOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , GlT$71c. ( oil chain , per lt > . ( > K@13c ; malleable , B@lOo ; ron wedges , ( ic ; crowbars , Gc : liarrow teet h Xc ; sprinif steel. 4@9rrBnrdrjn'B"rioTHli ( ) lioes , S4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , S" > .75. inrbed wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. ron nails , rates 10 to 59 , 52.00 ; steel nails , 12.75. _ _ _ Grocer's List. COFFKE Ordinary grades , 10K@20J c ; fair , ! 0ft2lc ( ; prime , 31@23 ; elioico , ! @ 24 ; fancy preim and yellow , 25@25c ! ; old government Java.SKis'.JSc . ; Interior Java , 24 < a30c ; Mocha , ) @ 30c ; ArbucklH's , roasted 2l fc ; Mc- jauehlln's XXXX , 24 c ; Dilworth's , 24c ; led Cross , 2 5fc. SYBUINo. . 70 , 4-galIon kegs. 81.3001.82 ; Sew Orleans , per gallon , SS Oc ; mnplo syrup , half bbts , "old time , " per gallon , ,70o ; l-gallon cans , IKT doz , S 10.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz , $5.50 ; quart can * * , S3.00. CANDY Mixed , 8X@no ; stick. H@9Kc. CiiACKKits Garnuau's soda , butter and picnic , 4J c : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps.TXc ; city soda , 7ic. PICKKI.H Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half bbls , S4 00 ; small , In bbs. ] SS.OO ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins. In bbls , 89.00 ; do. In halt bbls , 85.00. SUOAU GranulatedCXfttXe ; conf. AC@ CVc ; white extra C. 5Xf ( 5 > { o ; extra C. 5 c ; yellow C.5if@5 B'c ; cut loaf , 0 powdered , 07c. CANNKD ( ioons Oysters , standard , per case. $2.90tf ? > 3.10 ; strawberries , a Ib. per case , 82.80 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , 82.3.Vs2.45 ; California pears.per case,84 80Q4.40 ; apricots , per case , 83.50 < ! i' ; peaches , per casp , 84.75 ® 4.85 ; white cherries , percale , 85.50 ; plums , per case,83.40@3.5Ublueberrlespercase.S1.85eKg ; ; plums , 21u. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. per case. 83.2035.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , nor doz , 81.35 ; l Ib. salmon , per doz , S1.501.55 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , SUK ) : 3 Ib , itrln ? beans , per case , 81,70 ; 2 Ib. limn beans , per case , SI.CO ; B Ib , marrowfat pens , per case , 82.40(33.50 ( : a Ib , early Juna ppaa , per case , S2-75 ; , S ID. tomatoes , S2.50 2 Ib. corn , DryLumber. . AND T1MBKHH. K ft U ft 16 ft 10 ft 30 ft Si ft'31 ' ft IT.fiO 17.60 17.BO . lb.nO 19.60 03.80,2.W , 17.60 17.50 17.50 18.50 ID 50 22.50 22.60 17.70 17.50 17,50 no. . . 17.50 17.60 17.50 1H.50 19.5Hn.fiU J-.I.50 J2 IK.OO 18.00 IB 01) ) 1U.OO ' 'U.OO.ZI.U1 24.50 4-8x8 . 1S.50 16.60 18.50 19.50 20 MTiUOi ) 23.00 1IOAUDS. No. 1 , com , s 1 8 . S19.0g No. 2 , com , s Is No. 4 , com , a 1 s FENCING. No. 1 , 4 iO In , 12 & 14 ( t. roueh . $10.00 No. 2 , " " " " . . 1H.OO S1DINO. A , 12. 14 and 10 ft. . $23.00 13 , ' " " . 20.50 C. " " " . 15.00 D , " ' " . 13.UO CKIUNO AND VAUTITIOV. 1st com , 5f In White Pine Colling . $ .UOU Clear , lu. Norway Pine Celling . FLUOIUNO. A 0 Inch white pine. . 931.50 O" . , . so.a E" " " ' ( SelFen'g ) . 19.50 STOCK DOAIUS. A 13 Inch B. IB . 840.00 No. l , oom. 13 in s. I s. , 12 A U . 20.00 " " ' " 10ft. . 10.00 No. 3 " 12&24U . 18.00 " " " " 10 ft. . 17.00 FIHISUINO. 1st and 2d , clear , IX Inch. s. 2 g . § 50.00 : id. clear , 1 Incn , s. U s. , 815 ; IIK } , 2 In 47.00 U select , 1 inch , s. a s. , * SO ; l& , 1 , 2 In 37.00 White cedar , 0 in. , KBXC ; iB In. qri , lie TAR DID PILESVm'tlHEUH nd all akin dlaef . Anevmethodolcom. slarllnioeor Bfuuded. Hold or arncirl'U , end attba office o | M-OIO CO. . T * laHktWtt. IWUM. a > rim tt. M&.ffgniWC i 5-52-.J1 * * * & -t ! t< THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR M THS LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON TW Xtprtducei Fnetfm Xeinltt In Baking and Soaitlnv never before attained In as/ CooklnA-Apparatui , and will e al Mods of Cdin ; arrsB , th all TooA BakwJ or Koaited. thouM h fmh air tniil admitted toth oten. TkliUdann irdlKardlncthnelOMOren door heretofore iuwJ-nnd aubiUtatlBcfor Uadoor contalnlnit a abaci ot Wlrn jnoio ntarlr lant * ai th door Itwlf. Through thto Oaurn * Doer the air froel j Circulate * , faclUtatloa Uieprormof oooUnc.and irodoVlnx tiM that la pnMtiilltd la On for end nu. rlUoB , Sd actaallTcookcdwIlh Uaaconnnnnlon ot ! uel than In an own with a cloud door. Itaakaa antnomooa MTlaginthaweljhl efraMt. It alao produces lar * r Ixiavea of Bread , tcqatrat le attention ( rom tha cook , and pramotaa h hMlth of tha fanllr or tha aunaion QUAUXS Or TUB f OOD COOKKP IM IT. _ OPINION OF AN EXPER ; I. Mini B. V tcnaeocherlJpm tloI -o. iiteUnlter lnr. iT : "Mfdeliberate ! . . a that the onn ot tha R n r , aacomiiarad withi otham. la not onlf nun wwllr baal * ! In.tnn . part-front lu trail aa Jrafood lacd theraln iabettarocokml.whllrat ln. nc awmtor flaror , and p lanvr provortlon or Ita best nlcM. I flnd , alto , that tbaconfBinrtlon of ( ml IntaU iango fa ouch IBM thaa any other for aama work. " KMO FM tUOITMTEO CIEWUIIS AND PUCE LIST EXCELSIOR MAKF'C CO. . ST.LOUIS. CHABTEB OAK STOVES and BATTOES are BOLD IN NKBBA8KA u followi : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. P. KENNEY , . GOBOOH. DALLAS ft LETSON , HASTINGS. E. C. BREWER , HAV Sramos. H. AIRD & CO..J. NEBRASKA CITY. W. F. TEMPLETON NELSON. J. n. STURDEVANT & SON , ATKINIOH. J. KASS& CO. , CMAPROH. KRAUSE , LUBKER & WELCH.COLUMBUS. OLDS HROS Enr.Ai. TANNELL& SWEENEY FAIRBUIIV. GETTLE& KAGER , FRANKLIN. N. J. JOHNSON NORTH BUND. J. f. McCAFFERTY O'NEtiL CITY. R. HAZLEWOOO. OSCEOLA. I. S. DUKE , PLATTSMOUTII. A. PEARSON STERLING. I.G. GREEN : STROMSHURG. 1. A. PADDEN&SON. SfPfRIOR. T1MMEKMAN &FKAKKR VKRDOM- The Best and Safes ' Made. Vapor'Stove ; . C. W. Sleepoiyiead of St. Marya' Av enue. j James & Smith'South , Omaha. T.ruM.comL-lned. UuarautMdthe .ottljr one In tlie world frenaratliur taoontlnuoiM XltctHc .r ilaynttu . . . . .wit. Acientlflc , 1'owtrfn ] . Durable , CoraforiaMrf AuJ Kfrecilre. Arold frauda. OMrlPOOOwJPM. Mend htnrap frtrnatnphloti _ _ j r.LEOTUIC 1IEI.TS FOR ItlfcEABfcH. 'CG. ' HORNE. IUVtNTORl8l WABA&H AYE.PHICACO - fj. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus lOO.OpO Herman Kountze , President. John A. Creighton , Vice-Presldent , F , H. Davis , Cashier. W , H. Me ° tiuier , Asst-Cashier. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS FOU THE Decker Brothers OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OB. OTTERBOUBB Cor.13th & Dodge Sts. Omaha , Neb. CURES AU Dbea cuwdtt7 Inipnklvnco. ( Self Attwc ) , EKCCM , ( Sex. tulIudulfOM * ) , CoBUgiou , ( Ulood ToU on ) . 6 ( td your cue wul § f nd lor lerrot- S wtit Mmp fur fall Information * CoDtultaUon pcro 11or l < f mall Fro cod OoiOJeitlL Offlrn Hours , 9 to 11 * . la , 2 lo& antlto n. tn. mf * nnerlng from WfcAKnnerlng ORKA.T J1AKSTON TUEATMKMT. rated bank fra > . ShoulJ be rtid bFtthm * 'MADE STRONG JP9 * Repleta with lnrornMtlon of v lne to all mtn. MARSTONREM DYCO.I9ParkPUc .NtwYork. n 11 r J r r" SCIENTIFIC W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. S3.60SHOE | iuU tliu 3 Slioei aUtcr- tlacd br otter UrtoVr. - 0 $2 w FOB BOYS. Ire * rrent uttUfaetlon. An the above are ino4 , ' luttnn , CotiKrfKt aiul Liue. all stylra of too. N * S.OOO dealrra thougbnut tbe U.S. If your dealer * Bat k cn lliem. tciul tiaux on po Ul to W. ' 11 . 'UOLA.S. ' llrnckton , Muu. DCU/IDC nc CDlUn " I'1 * come to mj iJtnnilt Ur rfUtVUilcnnwIedte that some untcrupnloim dealeri ate offering other cooda'iu rntne , and nlien ankud why ray atamp la not nn the hora. atat that I hare dlaconUuueil Ita uao. THIS IS FALSE. Take'none represented to lw the * W. L. Douglaa bho i. " nulraa n nw , warranUw and prlre are atampeil on bottom of each hoe.V.L. . DOUGLAS. ISrocktun , MJUI. For Balety Kclloy , Ptlger & Co.cor Dedeeand isth'Stg. ; Hanry Sargent or. Se ward m < J Saunders sis. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "We Oohnrotir certify thot wo guporvlso the ftrrnnk-ciiicms for all the Monthly nmt foinl-An- nual Drnirlnen of The Ixmlsl'inn Stnlo Ix > ttorr Compttnrnnd tit p r on mnimjfi ) nnd control the clrnwlniro thom elvr , ami thnt the nmo nro conducted with linncntjfnlrn s iul In Rood faith toward all parties , nnd wo Authorize the Company to U9 tlil.i certlMouto with fdosliu- llos of our signatures attached , in Its Advertise ment" . " COMMISSIONERS. Wo the urMoralffiKMl nnnlo nnd Hankers will pay all Prized drawn In The Lnultlnna Stnta Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun ters. J. It. OULr.SllV.rro § . Louisiana National I ) * . riEKKt : IJtNAUX , ] > r s. Stntu National Ilk A. IIAMWIN , Pros.Now Orloixni Nnt'lHu nk CAKL , UOIIX , Pros. Union National liank. UNPRECE1)KNTED ATIITACTION ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED , Loulsnnia Stnto Lottery Conipan Incorporated In 1W , fiirlSy ri by tlielcxljluluro fur pducttlonnl and charitable purpnjot wltli n cnpltnl of II.UM ( > W to which u reiorro fund of orcr f.VO.iU ) ban alnco liocnndileil. liran overwhelmlnK iHipulnr Tots It * frnnelilu na > mmlu n piirt nf the | irevMit < lnto constitution adopted December 2nd. A. I > . 14M. The only lottery over rotod on and endorsed by the people of any state. H never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Urnwlngs takoplaco rconthly , and the Seml-Anntml Drr-winus regularly every i months ( Juno and Decora- ' ' 'SPLENDID OPPOBTUSITV TO WIN A FOUTUNK Seventh Grand Drnwlnif , class Q , In tbo Aemlomy of Music. Now Orleans. Tue - day , July 12,187SWth Monthly Drnwlnir. CAPITAL PltlKE , 8100,000. C6 Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , * 5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI. MST OF IMIUF. * . 1 CAPITA I , P1U7KOF ? 150,000. 1W,000 lORANDl'UIX.HOP 00,000. . . fiO.OOO 1R1IAND I'lll/.i : OK JO.OOO. . . JM.OO. ) 8LAKUR PKIZK80F 10.000. . . 80,000 4I.AUOBPK1ZESOP 6,000. . . 20,000 OF 1.000. . . 20,000 60 " 600. . . 2S.OOO 1(10 ( ' IOJ. . . WI.OOO 200 " 2 < . . . 40.000 600 " WO. . . 60,000 1,000 " 60. . . 60.000 APPItOXIM TIO f Pltl/ES. 100 Approximation Prizes of J300. . . . 130,000 lee " " . . . . a > , iwu 100 " " 100. . . . 10,000 3,179 Prlres amounting to f63r > .000 Applloiitlnn for club rules nhould lie ranooonlr o tbooWconrthurompaiiy In New Orlcui . Furfurther lifurmntlnn wrllo cleurly. elvlna full ddrrnn. IOSTA1 < NOTK9 , ezi > re money onlcr .or New Vork KitcliHntto In ordinary letter. Currency by NEW OltLEAKS , LA. , OrM. A. DAUPHIN. WASIIIMOTOK , D. C. Address Registered letters to MEW ORf.KANS NATIONAL BANK NEW OKLKANS P Tf V AT Tl i J That the _ proianca of it Ei M j M D Jli it oencruls lleauroxard and Karlr , who are In chnrire of the drawings. Is axuar- aotoe of abiolutn fairness and Integrltr , that ths chances are ull euiml , and that no one can possibly dlTlne what numbers will draw a Prise. IIKMEMUKK that the purmont of all prizes Is uAiiA.NTi.Ki ) iiv rouii NATIONAL DANISH of New Orleans , and the TicketsnrenUned hy tha president of an Institution , whose clinrtcrod riihts are recoi- nlzcd In tha highest courts : therefore , beware of any mitations or unonrmous schemes U. S. DEPOSITORY , Om.ala.0. , Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . 43,500 H.V. . Yntcs , President. A. E. Touzalin , Vice-Presldont. W. U. S. HuRhos. Cashier , W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , U. W. Yates , Lewis S. Keed. A. E. Tonzahu. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Furnarn Sts. A General Hanking JJuslncss Transacte NORTH- WESTERN W RAILWAY. A A1A&AW And Chicago Thconly rood to take for Do a Molnes Mar- alltewB , C dar Rapids , Cllttin , Dlxom , Chlcu- po , Milwaukee nnd all points cant. To thouoo- ilo of Hebraiku , Color& < lo , Wyomlnff , Utah. .daho , Nerada , Oregon , Wanhlnitton and Cali fornia , tt ofTura superior adrantagei not poul- ble hy any other lino. Among few of tlie numerous point * of su periority enjoyed by tbo patroni of this road between Omaha and Chicago , are its two tralni a day of DAVCOAOHK8 , which are tbe finest thnt human art and l onnlty can create. Itt PALACBSLBKHNOCAKS , which are modtlj of comfort and elegance. lu I'AKLOIl UltAW- INO HOOM OAKS , un > urrmssod by any , and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS the equal nf which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Blufft the trains of the Union Pacific Hv. connect In Union Uenot with thai * of the Cmoago IL Northweitern Hy. In Chloatro the trains of thii line make clou connection with those of kll eastern Ilnei. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Niagara /alls , Buffalo. PitUbunr/Toronto , Montreal , Boeton. Now Yorx. Philadelphia Baltimore. Waihlnjrton and all pointi IB thi . If yon wMi the beat acooinraodatton. AJl k > ke1 agent * MM ttnketl Tla th line. H.HCOHJTZ , .P.WILBK , ' W. M. BABOOOK , U . BOLLBB , Weetera Agent , City PaM'r Afemt. Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SIPaulRy , The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluff * to ] TKCES E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omalia and Council Dlufls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Nortlieait _ . . nod Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket agent at 1401 Fornmn. t , In Paxton hotel , or ut Union Peelflo depot. Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars In the world are run on the main line of the Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. Paul Itullwuy and or- ry attention U paid to paiuougera by caurto- ousorapjoyees of the company. 1C MIU.KB. Uoneral Manager. J. V.TucKEit , AMtstant General Manager. A. V.-K. OAunxzcit , Qeooral Pngjonger and Ttolirt Agent Qko.K. HcAnroRO , AiUt nt General PMBOO- ; § r anOTlCktt Agent , t. f.Oujnr , tralBup rtnt B4 Onufii JoUars * Director/ . Agricultural Implements. CHURCHtr.l , PARKER , Whuteralo Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Orrrlafne unit Ilucflra. Jont itreet , batwron Mb imd lOlh.Oinaha , hel > , LINING ER C 3fETVAL F CO. , Agricultural Implements , Wiuon .r rrlngo < , Pngf IPS. Bte. . WholnMc. Orniha. PAR L1NORENDORFM MA It TIN \Vliolcsnle Dcnlors In Agricultural Implements , Ifagoninnii Buggies. HI ) , Ml , Mi ami M7. Jnnpi lit Arlistt' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , UU Dnuiilm rUrett. Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Builders' Hardware and Scales , Bnililors'Hnrdwnro& Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tool and Fluffulo ? r lc . lift Douglas it * - Omaha. Nfli. Boots and Slices. W. r. MORSE tC CO. Jobbers of Hoots niul Shoes. lilt Farnaui it. , Ornurm , Neb. Manufactory , Summer itrret. Huston. Wholesale Rubber Boot * and Shoes Itubber nnd Oiled clotliliiK and Felt lloott Md Shoa.i. Southeast Corner Uth and DouglM. Betr. Lasrcr Beer lirewera , 1S11 North Hlh Street. Onuha , Heb. aMl MM-daMeMa HMvaWBI Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , lauaage Casings of all kinds always In stock. Ull Jonoaet.tUraaha Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE BROS. < C CO. , Omaha Coireo nnd Spice Mills. Tean.Coffooi.Bplce" , { taking 1'owder , naTorlngB tracts , Laundry Blue. Ink. Kte. HU-181Ianz r tnroot.omuna. Nab. Cornice. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponcter , 1'rop. Mannfaeturar of Galvanized Iron and Cornice. 8JJ I > od o and 101 and lei N , 10th at. . onmha.Meb. RUEMl'ING BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows. XlnaJs.MotnllcBkjIlgut.ttc. MOB. . 12th St. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Oalraolted Iron Cornices , etc. Spect'etmproTed Pa * ntMetalloSkrIUut. tM and 610 8. Uth * t.On > nn. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Bugs * Linoleums , Mattings , Etc. Ull Douglai street. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agentfor Mic Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cblnuiori. etc. Office , 317 Bouth ISth it Umalia , Neb. CLOTHING M. ELGU'JTJHl'S Mammoth Clothing House , Corner Kurnnm and Tenth Streets , Omulm , Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing1. Butter , EVES and Produce. Conslinmems solicited. Headquarters for Stoneware , Berry Dozes and Unpo Husked. UU I > edge street , Omaha. RIDDELL < C RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Alorclmnta , Specialties Uutter , Kc i. Cheese , Poiltry , Qama , Ojrslers , etc. , etc. 112 B. lllli St. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and IroTlslnns , Omaha , Nab. WlEDKMJtii & CO. , ' Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Gnnia , Kiuiti , etc. 520 B. lubtt Omaha. Nnl > , Coal antf Lime. UKO. * ' . IA JIAOH. Pres. C. r.OoonMAX , V.PIBS. J. A. HUNIUHI.AXD , Sac. nnd Trans. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and 'Soft ' Coal. 109 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. , r. j. JOHNSON < o co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of Co l JMII ! Coka. Cement , Planter , Urae , Hair , Fire Briek7Ilraln , Til * anit flower pipe. Office , I'azton Hotel. Varnam St. , Omaba , Neb. TelcnnnnnHII. Confectionery. F P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nats and t'Uai a. Ull Farnum BL , , Otnaha. Cigars and Tobacco , MAX arEYEIl < Q CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Ount and Ammunition , 215 to K3 8. llthst. , 1100 to farnam t.OmihaNeh. WEST .e FRITSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dralera In Leaf Tobacco * , Noa. IK andllflN.'Ulh struct. O-nnha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH < C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 Douvlaii. cor. llth 8k , Omalia , Neb. Distillers. Dictlllers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer ! and Jobbers of WlntsunaUquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'f CO. and ILER d > CO. , Importers and Jobbert of Fine Wines nnd Manor * . Bole n nuf etur m of Kennedr's Kast India lilt- ters ana Doucsilo Uqanrs. ill ] Ilarnej Ht. furniture. DEWEY tD STONE , Wholesale Dealers in FurultHre. Tarnam stOmaha. . Neb. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Redding , Upholstery , Mlnort.etc. 1W0.120B odU10 Varnam it. , Omaha. Grace ri i , PAXTON , GALLAGHER CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noc.705.70T. 709 amUll 8. IQtli St , Omalia. Neb. McVORD , BRADY d > CO. , "Wholesale Grocers , ltn nod I-earcnwortti Bti.Om lu , Hardware , Jobbers of Hartlwaro and Nails , Tlowue , Bbait Iron. Bte. Axouti ( nr Howe Sc l i , and lllainl Powderro.Oranhl > , N U. J ' . J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlogaV Ion Rlock , HaM are l.umbor , etc. IVH and 1211 Harm : ? it , , Otuaba. EDNEY d ) GIBBON Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wa onand CarrUir * Wood Stocti. HeoTf lUrdware. Kte. HIT and Ufa Liarenwortta it. , umulu. Neb. MILTON ROGERS C SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlet , arateh Urau Oooda. 13S1 and U& Farna Ornate Jotters1 Directory. Iron Works. . .c VIERLING Iron Works , Wro nt and Cast Iron Bulldlnu Work. Iron Slalrt , Halllim , llonrus and lllnlers , Stum Knclnes , Ilr i3 JTork , Oineral Founilrr , Maclilno ami lllaoksmlUl , \fork. umcoanl Works , U , P. llj.nnillTtli.tiikt. 11. K. SA WYElt , auu fuctiirliic Dealer in Smoke Stacks , ' , Tnn * , ! in < l Ocno nl llillor ; Uopftlrlnii , l.'ll ' IKiugliii itri'et.Oinalm , V. II. MrMANIW. ( SULLIVAN. OMAHA WIRE , C JltOX WORKS , Mnnufnrtiirnrs nt I ro nnd Iron Mailings , Desk Rails , Window ninirdm Flower Rlamls , Wire Slzn , Kta 17J N. OrdQM hr mull promptlr attondndta. Lumber. T.UMRER C'O. , * ' 'U All Kinds of Jlullillng Material at Wholesale. 13th Btroct and Union Pacific Truck , Omaha. LOUIS Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sash , Doors , Klo. Yardt-ComurHh nnd Doiuliwi Cornw . Vth and l > ouil . W CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , 4 Wholesale Lumber , ttl8.1Uhitr tOmaliaNb. r.Colpetier , Man I r. Lumber. Uth and California mreotn. Omaha. Neb. FRED W. GRAY , I/uin ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Ccr.Uh and nonglas its. , Omaha. Hex HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. H-dRVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlca , ! < 03 Fumam street , Omaha. " CffAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and I'arquet Flooring. 8th and DotvU * Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd American Portland Cement. RtaM Acent -"waukee llrdraullo | _ Car ' and Heel yulucr WhiteLtmo. Life Stock. UNION STOCK YA21DS CO. , Of Omaha. IJmltod. John F. Doyd , B'jperlntepdept. Li tie Stock Commission. M. BURKE C SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. nurkp , Manoxer Pnlon Stock Yards. B. Omaha. Telephone Ml SAVAGE C GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment ! of an ; and all kind ! of Stock solicited. Union Stock Yards. Omaha. Neb. Millinery and fmtions. I. OBERFELbER : fTco Importers and Jobber ! of Millinery and Motions , 1713 nnd HIS Hnrner flt.-oet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Wliolc lo Dealers In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , ltl ( nnd < iiS H. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , ; eans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1103 und 1101 Domini Street Omahit , Nob. PAPER CARPEXTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nlco stock of Printing Wrapping ami Writ- Inic paper. Special uttcntlon clrun to car load or orUom , which will bo slilppod direct fioni mills. All orders will recolro ponnnul attention. We guar antee goou goods and low pricus. 1111 and 1U13 Printing. BEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Hook Hinders. 1M and 10) ) South Fourteenth street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers InTrpe , Presses and Printers'Supplies. tM South Twelfth Street. PuiTipS. BROWNELL .0 CO. , Manufacturers and Heaters In ngincs , Boilers & General Machinery Sheet Iron work , Steam Pumpr. Saw illlls , Aom Bhaftlnir , Uodfa Woodiiillt Pullers , BelUoi. Mo , Alsowaxons , scrapors.onas aletlos. UH-UU L a > ten worth t. Omaha CHURCHILL PUMP CO , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ' Btoam and Water Supplies. ncaUqiiartom for Mad FoistCo'aUuo'ls. Ull irarunni si. , Oinab U. S. WIND ENGINE atul PUJff COMPANY. UnltacliT Wind MIlis ; t-team and Wftter flupplle * . ntiliiB Oocdn. llelUne. lima. VIS and TO Fap cam st Ouaba. ti. K. Kolton , Manavur. Telephone No. 210. ( ' A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes nnd Engines. Btcam. Watpr , rtallwur and Mllllnit Supplies. KM 92U. ! iaud VX Famam St. . Umnrm. Neb. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER C CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' tire and Huv'ar Proof Sntai. Tlina I < ocks , Vault * _ audJall Work , lot ) Karimm utruat Omaha , Ns > b. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Vanafactnrersof Flraand IlurglarProof Safos.VauU Doom , Jail Work , Shutters and Wlro Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Hta. , Umslm , tin b. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW * C CO. , Wholeinle Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , lirnncli office , IJlh and Izard sts. , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO , , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds } , 4 Houlnl.n2s.fttalr Work and Interior Hard Wood rinlafc Just vveued. K. B.cor. kth and L aT nwurtl > | HJ. Oniniia. Neb. ' ' KLEIN HOUSfe Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodations for traveler's. ' The bct hotel in town. " | hi F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor ; "WciPtm HOTEL" Lincoln , Neb. The best known und roost ) > oiiulHr liutcrla tlinetnlo. I catlonui | < utriiliippuli > t J ( > Ml * ( Iml c\uft. \ lli'mlijniirlfrf ) for coimmiruiitl tnon and all iiolltloiil unit iiulillu K'ltliorlnxs. K. I' . lt UEN ( , Proprietor , School , County and City Wo will pay hlirbest price for tbe in. JloJu atloiwiiratcK. Corrotpouiionca colicltetf 8TULL BROS.