Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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or sunsciurrio ! t
Dttlr ( Morning Edition ) Including aundur
IKI , Ono Year . $10 04
for Bin Months . 6 Ml
Tttt Three Months . 260
Th Omahn Sunday lit * , mailed to nnr
Ono Year. . . Z 00
mfw vonK nrricK. UIMI I IB. THIIHINK n
All communications relating to news find edi
torial matter uliould bo nMrossod to tbo EDI
All btulnou lottorn nnd remittance * should be
MdroMod to TnK HER PunustiiNU CoMHAxr ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks ana po tolBto orders
to bo made pay nblo to the ordir of the company ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
State nt Nebraska. I. .
Douglas. 8 > B-
County of {
Oeo. 13. TzscluicK , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
that the actual circulation of the Dally Bee
for the week ending July 1 , 1887 , was as
follows :
8aturdayJ tine 25 14,200
Hunday. Juno 20 14,200
Monday. J "no 27 14Oil
-Tuesday , June 28 14OTi
Wednesday , Juno29 11.0(0 (
I * Thursday , Jimn SO 14,020
t. Friday , July -1 lil.tfri
1 Average .14.150
oworn to and subscribed In my presence
this 2d day of July , A. D. 1837.
N. P. FEU , .
tBKAL.1 Notary Public.
Btato of Nebraska , I ,
Doiurlas County. (
Geo. B. Tzscliuck , bclnc ; Iirst duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho la secretary ot The
Bee Publishing company , that the actual
' verajro dnlly circulation of the Dally Bee for
the month of .luly , 1SSO , 12.IH4 copies ;
for August , issfl , 12,40-1 conies ; for Septem
ber , 18SO , 18.W50 cotiles ; for October , IBSfi ,
13,8 9 copies ; for November. IbSO , 13U1 , :
copies ; for December , 1880.13,237 conies ; for
January 18 7. 10,20(1 ( copies ; for February.
1887 , 14,108 copies ; for March. 1&S7 , 14,400
conies ; for April , 1887,14,310copies ; for May.
1887 , 14,227 copies ; for Juno 1837,14,147
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st
* yotJulyA. D. , 1887.
[ SEAL. | N. 1' . FF.IT. . Notary Public.
ContontH of the Sunday Dee.
Paeo 1. New Fork Herald Cablegrams
Birtclals to the BEE. General Telegraphic
Telegraphic JS ews.-
Fngo 3. Special Advertisements.
Pave 4. Editorials. Press Comments.
Page 6. Lincoln News Miscellany Ad
l' Ke6. Council Bluff * News. Miscellany.
" -Advertisements.
Page 7. Local Markets. Miscellany. Ad
Page 8. General City News. Local Adver
Paijo 9. Society In Omaha. Careless Bank
Page 10. He Was With Grant-A Pleasant
Tragedy. Peppermint Drops. Impieties.
'Money for the Ladles. Educational. Mu-
Mai and Dramatic. Singularities. Connu-
Ulltles. Religious. Advertisements.
Page 11. Progressive Nineteenth , bv Rich-
fd Owen. Can a Man Open Ills'Wife's
ixtteroV-Ttie Footprints of Timo. Trades
JJBIons in Franco. Law In Arizona. A
Land Itlch In Kosrs. Advertisements.
Page 13. Grant's Early Associates , by
General James 8. Brisbin. Perplexed Sa-
Monkflopers. Blalne Abroad. The Cruise
f the Alv , by Clara Bolle. In The Electric
fluid. Fifty Years of ( Science.
FUOM all appearances the proud bird of
'freedom will be Justified in screaming
loudly to-morrow.
RING out the old.ring in the now board
Of education , but lot us have done witli
rings in school management.
TUB crimes bill has been postponed
The difference in this and Buffalo BH
te that the latter shows every day.
\i \ THE Mormons want a statehood. 1
would appear that a man who has a hal
iF dozen wives should bo satisfied with the
F I state of matrimony.
DOCTOB HASCAL'S prescription ot a
tarvation diet for the police and fire de
partment is an experiment that may not
' it well on the popular stomach.
.MINNEAPOLIS no sooner gets through
% Uh Sam Jones than uho bids for the na
tional convention In 1888. Minneapolis
Tidontly imagines that she is a great art
COLONKT , COLBY makes m speech at
Mnniboldt the Fourth. Considering the
fMt that the Hon. Mr. Linn , of the late
legislature , resides at Huiuboldt , this ap
pointment is suggestive.
> THE emperor of China is soon to bo
Mrrlcd. His intention is to blow in
fl.eoo.OOO in appropriately celebrating
HM event , which is not alloo sameo as
If ellcan man , so far a ? has been reported.
UK. VAMDKBBILT , In his steam yacht
tit/ Alta , will start for a trip around the
world in R few days to bo gone thirty-six
IMMths. The billionaire buccaneer ol
r day * takes to the sea as naturally ns
Captain Kidd and bis piratical crow.
CHICAGO is going still deeper into the
rtuntion clustering round about. It is
mow proposed that after the countj
boodlers are all safely ensconscd in the
I , jpeaitoutlary j- at Joliet , the boodlers of the
| ky and it is said there are many ol
" thMn shall bo attended to. Those whc
kffte labored so hard to get in on th (
ground floor of municipal rascality , wil
' regret their rashness.
is in a state of great ox-
KHemont Just now. The new nigh license
taw , passed by the Minnesota legislature
WMt into effect July 1 , and there is mucl
rlbulation and resentment among thi
Huor dealers who do not take kindly t (
< PMM now departure. Several hnndrcc
aloons will close altogether bocausi
, they are unable to raise the fl.OO
license money. The decrease in thi
amber of saloons will , however , no
likely produce a whisky and beer drough
in Minneapolis , as 64 applications foi
Xwnse have already been iilud.
( JOHN M. TiiunsroN still lingers noa
MM nchanting falls of Minnohaha , when
VM silvery spray of the laughing water
hi BttfatfaU's shimmering or noon-day'
- rtiiri revives the spirits of those who an
KMvy-ladon or sick at heart , and where
* M upon a time a vague and somewha
'tadlous tradition Informs us that Ilia
! trMka washed her scanty wardrobe am
' toMwd her female form divine. Bu
. Mtewatha has gone , John , and BO has th
l T tlgati g committee. You might a
home and soak your travc
fett ia tha munky waters of th
American Colonies In Europe.
Americans do not colonize in Europe
as numerously as Europeans como to
his country to make homes , but there is
a steady growth of the number of Ameri
cans who go to Europe with the purpose
of remaining. There are largo Ameri
can colonies in London and Paris , n
smaller ono in Berlin , and nil over
Europe where there exist any object of
ntorcst to attract the traveler , thcro are
'ound ' representatives of the United
States. Most of those who drift outside
of the capital above named are tourists
who go abroad to dispose of their surplus
cosh , see the sights in which many of
ihoin can take only the most casual in
terest , and get a certain social distinc
tion , becoming Jess important each
year , for having -been abroad.
This class do not part with
their American feeling and sentiments ,
butqulto generally , on the contrary , have
them intensified. Intending to comeback
back to their native land , they have no
dllliculty in convincing themselves that
there is no place like homo. Tneso loyal
citizens will tell you , amid their glowing
accounts of the wonders and beauties of
the old world , that after all thcro is no
land like their native land. And they
will tell the truth , whether they are al
ways sincere or not.
Hut there is another class who remain
in Europe from a variety of motives ,
affecting European manners and customs
and gradually losing all regard for their
own country. These are largely an
order of moneyed aristocrats , to whom
American uutitlcd society is not satisfac
tory. Having the means , in many cases
inherited from hard-working ancestors ,
these people use them liberally in
entertaining the titled nobodys whoalon
will accept their hospitality and in aping
the ways and the extravagance of those
whoso social station is beyond their at
tainment. One of the conditions all such
must comply with , and particularly those
who make their homo in the English cap
ital , is to depreciate their own country
to the advantage of that of their adop
tion. A great many of them arc quite
contemptible enough to do this ns the
price of a little social consideration
from the aristocracy , and indulgence in
detraction of their native land in a brief
time eliminates whatever feeling of pa
triotism they went abroad with. Thus ,
in numerous cases they become thn most
relentless revilers of the country to which
they owe all they possess , chiming in
eagerly with the foreign critics
of American institutions , and doing their
best to belittle everything that is Amer
ican. These people chase after the social
dignitaries and the nobility with an earn
estness that has made their ambitions
the by-word of European social circles.
There is nothing in the life of these
people that any sensible person can envy.
They are rather to bo pitied for follow
ing a vain and shallow illusion. Their
whole existence is ono of abject toady
ism , in which all self-respect is buried.
At their boat they are but a sham imita
tion , and if not themselves aware of it
everybody else knows them to bo base
metal whoso gilded plating is thinner
than the finest membrane. Those who
would deplore the loss to this country of
such people are mistaken. Not only can
they bo spared , but the country is
better for not having thorn. People
who have so little of the real American
spirit could be of no good hero , and
neither their presence nor their money is
necessary to the happiness or prosperity
of this country. Lot thorn remain where
they are and find what pleasure they
may in bidding for such society in Eu
rope ns puts a price upon its favor.
Education of the Colored People
At the late commencement exorcises
at HamptoB college , Virginia , an institu
tion devoted to the education of colored
students , much interesting information
was elicited showing that not only is the
average colored pupil as capable of ac
quiring knowledge as is the average
white pupil , but equally as eager , earnest
and oarotul in the pursuit of it. The
record of the college bore ample testi
mony to this , and it was strongly sup
plemented by the experience of those
who are engaged in the work of educat
ing the colored people of the south.
Some of the testimony of those people
was of the most encouraging and reassur
ing character. Nevertheless it is not un
common to hoar southern men , who are
still under the influence of the sentiment
and spirit of the old regime , proclaim
that the negro Is incapable ns
a race of any largo de
gree of intellectual development ,
and that the efforts to give them any
thing beyond an elementary education
must bo a failure , consuming uselessly
time and moans. Happily the number
who entertain this view is steadily decreasing -
creasing , and still more gratifying is the
fact that the influence of those is ex
tremely limited and does not seriously
interfere with the labors of the philan
thropists and practical workers who have
faith in the capacity of the negro race foi
advancement and elevation , both intel
lectually and morally.
The facts and experiences elicited al
the Hampton commencement are now
supplemented by those furnished at the
recent commencements of the universi
ties and colleges of Nashville , Tonn. Ol
the 8,000 college students attending
the various institutions there arc
about 1,300 colored , divided about cquall.v
between Fislc university , Roger Will
iams university and Central Tenncs
see college , respectively Congregational
Baptist and Methodist. These institu
tions have collegiate departments foi
English and classical education and de
partmenta ollaw , medicine and theology
The curriculum in the collegiate depart
ments of each is about the same. A cor
respondent who attended the commence
rnont exorcises at Fitk university , whos <
faculty includes colored teachers , malt
and female , writes that ho saw there
abundant evidences of hope and encour
agement for its students and graduates ,
Aside from African features , more 01
less pronounced , and some soutbornisiu !
in voice and expression , you mighl
imagine , ho says , you were listening to
classes in a now northwestern college
The four hundred young men and womer
of African descent at Flak uni
verslty "appearedu intelligent ,
as soy-respectful , as well-man
ncrod , w , welt dressed , and as promismj
as the sume number of student * in any o
the best colleges of similar rank in Nov
England. In no respect , save color am
features , did they differ at all from th
best educated and most carefully tralne <
white students m the bait institutions o
the northern states. " It was made evi
dent that the instruction had boon radical
and thorough In the lines of study pur
sued , and that those leaving the institu
tion with acomploted | course would carry
with them n mental discipline and a com
prehensive command of the acquirements
they had received equal to that supplied
by anv other like institution anywhere.
The correspondent warmly commends
the productions of the graduates , which ,
ho says , ' 'had they been listened to by
the most prejudiced upholders
of caste would surely have
shamo'.l them out of all further talk about
the Intellectual inferiority of the African
race and brought them to n candid con
fession that there is nothing in the men
tal organization of the colored American ,
nothing in his capacities , that indicates
decadence or should preclude higher in
tellectual achievements. " Such facts are
a complete answer to all the detractors
of the colored people and should bo sufll-
cient to dispo ! the doubts of those who
are skeptical regarding tholr mental as
pirations. They are also Important as
nn encouragement to those who are
vorking for the intellectual development
f the colored race.
A Good Appointment.
Governor Thayer has made another
very creditable appointment. Mr. John
cnklns , whom the governor has commissioned -
missioned as secretary ot the state labor
ureau , is in every respect qualified for
ho duties which will devolve upon him.
Mr. Jenkins is a representative working-
nan , a skilled mechanic who has for
uoro than twenty years been closely ass
ociated with men who toil for their live-
Ihood in workshops and factories. He
ivill bring to his task nn inti
mate knowledge of the wants and
\spirations of the working olasscss.
ntelligcnt , clear-headed , steady and
ober Mr. Jenkins has always enjoyed
ho respect of working men and confi-
cuco of employers. Ho was in no sense
in applicant for the position and accepts
t only because it affords him an oppor-
unity to elevate the standard of labor
: ind contribute toward improving the
onditlon of working men.
Knlnknun's Peril.
The troubles and difficulties which
lave beset King Kalakaua , of the
lawailan Islands , for a vcar or more
past , scorn to have become at last very
lorious , and a crisis is threatened that
naytumblo him off his rickety throne
and send him into penniless exile , if ho
liould succeed in getting away alive.
The present state of affairs is duo wholly
; o the conduct of the king , who is
irovorbiaily corrupt , immoral and
iuioiH. By the use of his revenue and
ntluence ho has a parliament subservi-
jut to his wishes which will support his
oolish schemes , and his prime minister
s regarded as an adventurer of a low
ypc. Kalakaua has lately been seized
with the ambition of having a navy , and
ho has titled up a single gunboat for that
end. He is also ambitious to cre
ate a standing army , and would
make the Marshall islands , 3,500
miles away , tributary to him or in
some way allied to the Hawaiian king
dom. His revenue comes largely from
the export sugar duties , which are main-
aincd under the reciprocity treaty with
the United.States , so it is not on account
of the burdens of taxation that there is
so much dissatisfaction with him. It is
rather a moral protest against his im
moralities and political corruption , and
what is considered to bo his generally
disgraceful record.
It may yet become necessary for the
United States to take un active part in
putting the affairs of Hawaii into better
shape. Among the natives of the islands
there is a decided preference
for annexation to the United
States. It is not $ " sentiment
strong enough to precipitate a revolution ,
but there is the feeling th.U it would be
bettor if they were an integral part of a
grout country rather th n a separate do
minion by themselves. Were they u part
of us , tholr sugar industry would be safe
from any danger of a repeal of the reci
procity treaty , and that industry is an
important element in the business and
politics of the kingdom. It is believed
that the islands are hereafter to bo of
great consequence as un international
factor. Honolulu is the only port in that
quarter of the globe for thousands of
miles. It is about equidistant from the
United States , China , and Russia , and is
nn important station on trans-Pacific
voyages. In the future , when ships from
Now York go over or through the Isth
mus of Panama on their westward voy
ages , Honolulu will bo a port of general
rendezvous. The question is raised
whether , in view of the policy of this
country not to acquire foreign posses
sions , England will not pursue her his
toric course and seize the islands as ono
of the most valuable strategic points in
the world.
THE most tragic incident of recent
record resulting from railroad persecu
tion is that of the suicide of E. L. Log
wood , a settler on land m California that
had been withdrawn for the Atlantic &
Pacific railroad. The commissioner of
the land ofllco allowed the homestead
entry , rejected the appeal of the railroad ,
and ordered a patent to isauo to the set
tlor. Thereupon tuo Southern Pacific
presented a claim that the land was
within the indemnity limits of that road ,
and Logwood was famished with the ap
peal and printed argument. This claim
was of course rejected by the commis
sioner , but a good deal of time was con-
sSimed , and when finally a patent was
issued to the settler and forwarded to
California it was found that justice had
been too slow , for the unfortunate man
bad taken his life. Uarrassod by what
seemed a hopeless fight against
two railroad corporations the settler
became deranged and committed suicide.
Of course the managers and attorneys of
these corporations will suffer no qualms
of conscience at this unhappy consequence
quence of their persecution , nor will it
deter them from accepting any other op
portunity that may offer for a similar
attempt at robbery. But they are none
the less morally responsible for this man's
self-murder , and it is only just that they
should bo declared so.
TUB care of very young children is n
matter about which mothers should fool
especially concerned at this season of
the year. The Philadelphia board ol
health deemed the matter of sufficient
importance to publish a dozen rules ,
with accompanying explanations , foi
the management of young children ,
wulQhare of general application. Tiu
most essential requirements are cleanli
ness , plenty of frcshcair in the cool of the
morning and early evening , and a plain ,
wholesome dint.The. . experience and
common snnso of most1 mothers would
serve to render unrtt/colsiiry / such ixdvlco ,
and yet a great dcafo ! fho mortality of
children is duo to tbo neglect of those
simple rulcf , and particularly the not
least Important ono regarding diet ,
CiiAimox's land office'has bconoponod ,
and the traditional Viand ollico business"
was transacted the flrstday.
When n Ulrl Iicioks 1'rottjr.
Drtiwon , Oft. , JbHniol.
A girl looks prettier in a nlca lawn dress
than she does rigged out llko a show window
ot a millinery establishment. But , then ,
nlnooutof ten girls would rather bo the
"show window. "
Thn nest Known.
Ufarlbornuoht 3/iuu. , Times.
The best and most potent anti-poverty so
ciety that wo know anything about Is the ono
formed by the close alllanca of hoaltli , Indus
try and temperance. That association
knocks poverty out every time.
rtituho Will llotltc.
Chlcaao lleraM
Miss Plucbo Cotulns , of St. Louis , re
marks that she Is tired of the inhumanity of
politics and longs to return to literary life.
Pnrcbo has devoted herself for two years to
the task of porsuaillui ! Mr. Cleveland to re
tain her fnthur , a republican , In ollico in Mis
souri , and she has succeeded thus far. The
Inhumanity In this case has boon exhibited
wards to the democrats who wanted the
'Us the Ijiuly Wasp that Stings.
Science Gotttp.
The male wasp never stlnRS. But so Ion ?
as ho ana his sister are twins and dress cx-
nctlv alike this bit of knowledge avalleth
nothing to the careless man who doois not
know ft is the Ir.dy wlio is approachne ! him ,
until it bo that she siulteth him with her
bustle. Whatluuiunlty dcunniU of sclonco
In the case of the wasp Is the Invention ot
some prompter method of illstiiiRiilslilng be
tween monsieur and iiiailuuio wazzlo at
forty yards.
An IiigRiilniis Device.
New Ymlt Commercial Advertiser.
A bald headed St. Louis man who has been
troubled by Hies , has devised a scheme to cot
rid of the troublesome insects. Ho noticed
that a lly always walks upward. Put a fly
on a window and hu gnsis toward the top ; ho
can't bo made to walk downward. Forthwith
lie made a window screno divided in half.
The upper halt lappud over the lower , with
an inch ot space between. As soon as a fly
would llctit on the scrono It would proceed to
travel upward , and would thus walk straight
out doors. On ro.xchtns the top ot the lower
half he would bo outside. Not being able to
walk down ho had no wav to return to the
com. '
Fourth of Jily > , ln lown.
Fur the Sunday UtetlntLu I ) . Cake ,
Twas the Fourthdf July ,
And the boys wcremll dry ,
And never a place whore atman could buy ;
For at twelve , night before ,
Ev'ry green-bllndVd U6or ,
Was shut by the lawj to 6ipn ? no more.
Where the red faces bnmod ,
And the decanters gleamed ,
And' men with thjj ' , 'n6se full" happily
dreamed , : s
Were some posters which read
"No , the devil's nth dead ,
But'sleopelh. " That's w/mtj / the notices said.
The old crowd mov dtJiaVway ; lf
Some were ragged andr gray , r
And some of them "line-haired , " boy-llko
and gay ;
And from habit they'd think
Of their favorite drink ,
And wipe the dry lips , and tip the old wink
When some buggies wont by
The old horses would try
To stop at the old place , and couldn't tell
why ,
When they smelted the old smell ,
The sad driver would yell ,
G'lang , you old fooll It's closed up a
spell. "
And some dugs ran ahead
In the old way that led
To where , by the door , they found a cool bed.
When their masters went ou
They'd awaku with a groan
And skip with alook of "I'll be * dog
gone. "
When the people got In.
As their custom had been ,
The Fourth of July they thought they'd
With a ' 'schooner" or two ,
For the lied , White and Blue ,
Then drink the old heroes and battles alt
When they reached the old door ,
Goigeous grins they all wore ,
But "caught on" th1 posters , and spitefully
swore ;
"tie the Devil's not dead I
The Devil can go to the devil , " they said.
The old patriot fire.
In the blood nf the sire ,
Would Hash up , sizzle , and feebly expire.
The old Bunker Hill shout
Was still In 'em , no doubt
They needed the corK-screws to draw them
all out.
And 'twas so all the day ,
Why , the baud couldn't play I
The speaker , somehow , didn't have much to
say ;
And the toasts were all dry ,
And the fireworks not nigh
So good as they were ttie last Fourth of July.
Baieball on the Hahliath.
To the Editor of the BEE : Will you
permit ono who has carefully road Rev.
Savidgo's sermon on 'f'Baseball ' playing
on Sunday , " as reportod'in your issue ol
June 27 , to say a few > wards to the read
ers of the BEE on this Walter.
After reading the sermb'n as reported ,
I then looked up all tU references to the
bible , which ho uavo. tan4 they are the
following , 1 belioveic Exodus xx , R11 ;
Psalms ii , 8 ; Noh. xiiipttMU ; Isaiah Ivlii'
13. Bov. SavldKocatlSSahday the Sab
bath , and then says ; ' 'Tn'o Sunday base
ball is played in direct opposition to the
law of God. See Ex.'Xxrfl. "
Now , I always thofyjht that Sunday
was the first day of tha weak , the day ol
Christ's resurrection aud do not all
Christendom teach that1' ' Sunday is the
first day of the week l 1"-turned to the
gospels and found that'Christ rose on the
Jirst day of the week. Mark xvi. 0. Bui
what puzzles mo is this , that the law of
God snys that "tho seventh day is the Sab
bath of tbo Lord thy God.-Ex. xx. 8-11.
Gen. ii. 3 , says God rested on the seventh
day and blessed and sanctified the sev
enth day on which he rested ,
Now , Sunday is not the seventh day
on which God rested , but the first
day of the week on which Christ rose
and bow that can bo the Sabbath mentioned
tioned in the law of God to which llov.
Savldge referred , I don't understand
Now as I believe that tbo gospels of the
new testtiuont are for us Christians , ]
took the bible to find if Christ might not
have changed the Sabbath at the crucifix
ion ; but after looking up the following
texts , Matt. 28:1 : , Mark 10:1,3 : ; Luke
38 ; S4l : , I saw that Utt day on which
Christ arose was called the first day of the
vcok and the disciples of Christ wont to
anoint him on that day , a work which they
would not do on the day before Sunday ;
or the disciples unit the holy women
routed on the day preceding Christ's res-
irrcetioii , according to the command-
nent. Sco Luke 23.50. Hence these
Christians kept the seventh day or Satur
day and not Sunday , if thocospol of Luke
s true. I also learned by Luke 21th
chapter that Jesus went many miles Into
ho country to visit and talk with some
oi his frionds.nud that the other disciples
ipont Sunday in traveling about the city.
Now if Christ and the disciples spent Sun
day in traveling about the city and coun-
ry , and doing other work which they
would not do on Saturday , then 1 cannot
see why Rev. Savidtro should criticise and
hid so much fault with the boys if they
> lay base ball on Sunday , if tliero Is no
sin in the game itself. Mr. Savidgo is re-
tortcd us saying that "the ten command-
nents are thu ten foundation stones of
our holy religion and the Sabbath is ono
of these great foundation stones ; " and
'that divine law has never been re-
> culed. " If God had never repealed the
Sabbath law , which says the seventh day
s the Sabbath , then how is it that Mr ,
savldgo dares to say that the first day of
: hc week , or Sunday , is now the Sabbath ?
If God has never repealed the law. then
the seventh day must be the Sabbath still
md not Sunday. If , as Mr. Savidgo says ,
the Sabbath law is not repealed , then I
would ask : Does ho keen the seventh
day , or Saturday , which God commands
man to keep , or does ho work on God's ,
seventh day , Sabbath ? God worked ou
: ho first day , and so did the angels when
: lioy came on Sunday and rolled away
.ho stone , und raised Christ , and so did
Jhrist when ho walked several miles into
.he country to Emanaus and back again
to Jerusalem , where lie took supper
with the disciples ; and so did
: ho disciples when they went on Sunday
.o anoint Christ , and afterwards spent
the day going about the city. | Sco Luke
\xvi.J In view of these facts how can
Itev. Savldgc make out that Sunday is
God's holy Sabbath ? and how can lie
nakc out that the boys pin by playing
jail on Sunday ? 1 want to see fair ,
lonest play. If the bible is the Christians'
guide , then why not follow it ? If the ton
commandments arc not repealed , then
why not teach them as they are ? Which
s the greater sin , for a minister to say
; ! iat thu iirst day , or Sunday ,
is the Sabbath according to the
law , when God says that the
seventh day is the Sabalh day , or for the
boys to play ball on Sunday , which is not
called the Sabbath by the Lord ?
It is a query to mo how a minister can
say that Sunday is the Sabbath , and that
i is sin to play ball on it , when the law
of God ho refers to. calls the seventh day
or Suturdav the Sabbath. I don't under
stand it. If God's law is true , then Rev.
Savidgu is wronp , and thu boys are doing
no sin to play ball or work on Sunday ;
but if Savid o is right , then the law ho
refers to is wrong. I think it sate to
stand by the law if that is not repealed.
The Street Hallways of Now York.
llinmnl'is Letter < n 11 ; foti nlolic.
NEW YOIIK , Junu 23. Such a day as
wo have had , and all the clergy away at
that ! The sun shone bright enough , but
the heavens were in the shadow of deep
clouds , and a gentle breeze siirrcd all the
trees from early morn till night. Nearly
all our churches nro closed , and the over
worked dominies arc off on a vacation :
but the mill wheels hum along ull the
sanio , and a good million of people rode
up and down and across town all day
long. Do you doubt it ? Why , In 1880
several roads carried nearly 320,000,000 of
men nnd women , grossing not far from
f 10,000,000 , and it is estimated that this
year tlVoy will'carry 400,000,000 people at
n press cost of $20,000,000.
But this does not represent all the
money expended for daily travel by Now
Yorkers. Thousands upon thousands of
them reside in Brooklyn , Jersey City ,
and Hobokcn , on S'taten Island aud
beyond the Harlem river. Without en
deavoring to ascertain the exact number
of passengers who cross the ferries or
pass to Brooklyn by the bridge , it is safe
to say that there are fully half as many
as those carried by the Now York rail
ways , und they pay car faro besides on
the other side of the two rivers. This
gives us the enormous number of
000,000,000 passengers during the cur
rent your , at a cost of 80,000,0000 , or a
daily average of nearly 2,000,000 passen
gers , who pay nearly $100,000 for the ser
Is it any wonder that so strong and
determined uu effort is made from time
to"time to secure rights for mory rail
ways ? The wonder is that wo have not
hau ruoi'o of thorn to share in this great
According to the reports of the street
railroads it appears that the number of
horse cars now run daily in this city is
2,000. Of those about 5500 are ouc-horso
vehicles , needing but ono man to attend
them , thus leaving 1,700 two-horso earn ,
having a driver and a conductor to each.
This gives us n total of 3,700 mon em
ployed aud earning n livelihood on the
car platforms. Besides these , the roads
employ starters , timekeepers , stablemen ,
clerks and others , which brings the total
number of surface road employes up to
about 0,000 mon. Every car has to have
four teams to enable it to make the
scheduled number of round trips , so that
wo find that over 14,000 horses are em
ployed in this service. It will bo remembered -
bored that when the Bolt line stables
were recently destroyed by lire , universal
surprise was expressed when it was an
nounced that 1,800 horses had perished in
the ilames.
The four lines of elevated roads oper
ate COO cars , one-third of them being idle
during the night and the middle of the
day. The average number of trains on
all the roads is aoout 5.500 , or nearly ono
every minute during the entire twenty-
four hours. Each train carries on an
average 100 persons every trip , or a total
of 550,000 , the vcarly aggregate being
200,000,000. The total number of elevated
road employes , consisting of superintend
ents , civil engineers , ticket-sellersclerks ,
inspectors , locomotive engineers , lire-
mon , gatekeepers , porters , lampmon ,
painters , machinists , coal passers and
laborers , is fully 5,009 , making in nil
10,000 mon in Now York city whoso daily
wages is defrayed out of the iivo cent car
fares paid so cheerfully by passengers.
Taking the same ratio in Brooklyn , Jer
sey City , etc. , wo find at least 0,000 more
dependent upon car and ferry travel for
a livelihood , or an army of 10,000 men
employed within a radius of ten miles
around city hall.
How to Take Oare of Your Kye .
Keep a shade on your lamp or gas
Never read by twilight , moonlight oren
on cloudy days.
Avoid all sudden changes between light
and darkness.
Never read or sew directly in front of
the light window or door.
It is best to lot the light fall from above
obliquely over the loft shoulder.
Do not use the eyesight by light so
scant that it requires an cltort to discrim
Never sleep so that on first awakening
the eye shall open on the light of a win
dow.Never begin to read , wrlto or sew for
several minutes after coming from dark
ness to light.
The moment you are instinctively
prompted to rub your eyes that moment
stop using them.
If the eyelids are clued together ou
waking up do not forcibly open thorn ,
but apply saliva with the linger ; it is the
speediest dilutant in the world ; th n wash
your tfyes and face in warm water.
The System of Stealing Farea Explained
by a Veteran Conductor.
Foiling a Spotter What Dishonest
Conductors Blionld Know DIs *
honest Conductor * the
Detroit Letter to Now York Herald :
"In ttio opinion of soiuo rnllroiul comluo-
tors the worst feature nhout tills Inter
state commerce law is that it prevents
them from 'knocking down' as much as
they did. "
The speaker , n passenger conductor no
n well known road , spoke jokingly , but
lie was in earnest.
"Tho public will bo Interested in knowIng -
Ing how tlio law prevents 'knocking
down.1" said the Herald reporter.
"I dare say , and so will the railroad
companies , " replied the conductor.
"However , as I not ono of the complain
ing ones I don't know what harm will
result by onlightnlng the dear , or , as
Vanderbilt didn't say , the d n public.1 '
"The best " said ho "to
way , , ruako you
understand what the new law cuts the
'knock downs' out of is to toll you what
was formerly done by them. I can do
this with better grace , because , while 1
know nil about it , I never took but $3
company money in my life , and that 1
paid back. The taking and repaying ,
were , of conrso , unknown to the com
pany or 1 shouldn't bo hero now.
"Tho impression the public has , that
all passenger conductors steal , is very
unjust , and it his made a thief of more
than ono good man. 'Might as well have
the game as the name , ' they argued , and
they soon got the game. The idea that
conductors .steal themselves rich is also
absurd. They can ( or could ) feather
their nests fairly H ell , but when anyone
of them attempts to take largo amounts
ho is sure to gut : v blue envelope and a
private posting which prevents his en
gaging with any other railroad comuany
in a responsible capacity. To steal any
consider able sum in the course of a con
ductor's running time by which 1 mean ,
say , twenty years ho must have n fat
run and a long ono. The sums knocked
down vary from a quarter of a dollar to
$10. If a man cant 'salt' two TV a trip ,
and if ho makes three trips a week , he is
doing about $1,500 a year. Conductors
are paid an average of $100 u month.
This , with ono'sstealing , gives him about
$ 'J,500 a year only a good living. So
you sec this talk about a conducting the
road , 'stealing a brown stouo front , etc. ,
is gross exaggeration. "
"Well , let the public have it. "
"In the iirst place , then , every conduc
tor who steals regularly has a method.
The principle of every method is about
alike , but the methods differ in detail.
For instance , the general principle is , or
was , not to steal all money , but part cash
and part ticket. Since the gate system
has been so universally adopted , and
comparatively few people get aboard
without tickets , the principle has boon
reversed. 'Don't steal ull tickets. '
There are on this train ( the conversation
was being carried on in n smoking car )
181 passengers. About 100 of these
are through passengers that is , going to
the end of niy run. As they get off their
places will most likely be taken by others
so that at the end ot the trip there will bo
aboard about thu same number that
started. This is not always the case , but
it usually is on this train ( the express ) .
Let us suppose , then that of these 181
passengers all but three have tickets.
The three pay their fares. The conduc
tor who would knock down all three
fares would soon bo discharged , lie
might hold ono of the fares and
report the other two , but ho
would bo more likely to hold ono
faro und two tickets. The faro is $8,50.
The ticket ho must dispose of to scalpers
at a discount , so his account would
stand :
Knocked down.
Ono cash faro 38.50
Two ticket fares , 817 , loss $5 13.00
Total 821.50
"Now , if the conductor has set the sum
ho wants to knock down per trip on an
average , and that sum should happen to
bo f30 , his 'account' would full short
$8.00 or ono through faro.
"It is essential to successful knocking
down that the conductor should study
the seasons of travol. There are months
when the bullc of traffic is west and other
times when the bulk is east , and then
again it is about thu same both ways. Ho
must know when thusn seasons begin
and ho must know , if Ihev don't begin ,
when it is nainral to expect them , lie
must read the newspapers and keep
posted on what is going on in the pria-
cipal cities on his run whether the com
pany has any reason lo expect an unus
ual number of passenger * on a certain
day nt a certain station. And he must
also know his passengers. Yes , sir , know
them. I don't moan that ho must bo
acquainted with thorn , or even their
names or business , but he must know
whether there Is any person aboard
whoso presence makes it rnsafo for him
to operate. How is ho to know that ?
Why , barring an occasional mistake , it
is very simple , but I can't ex
plain it. buppoping , then , that
the conductor , whoso little account we
have just made out , is a veteran and
knows ull those things , bo sits down in
some car an hour before his run's con
cluded and figures that other fS.OO from
the company's pocket into his own. For
certain reasons ho doesn't want to steal
another through ticket , and ho doesn't
want to pinch that other tempting faro.
Ho has picked up en route $40 or $30 in
way fares , but ho always makes a point
of turning this in , as it gives him a good
reputation with the company. Then
what is lie to do ? Ho looks over his
packages of collected tickets and finds
three for one town , the aggregate value
of the tickets being $8.50. These ho lays
aside and forgets to include thorn in his
report. The next trip ho mnkes over the
run , ho will manage to crib four ( in
stead of two ) through tickets and ono
cash fare. This , you sec , overages ono
thing and makes each trip pan out $30.
Hu turns in the three tickets he kept back
the previous trip , which makes good the
number of passengers ho started with ,
so that a spotter at the depot or on the
tram will be unable to catch him shorten
on thu number.
"Hut ho was short on the number the
previous trip if ho took two through and
three way tickets , besides a cash fare. "
"No , lie wasn't , " dryly answered the
conductor , us hu took u fresh cigar. "I
forgot to say that ho turned in u short
ride cash faro , layover check or the num
ber an annual pees to take the place of
tlioso fares hu had absorbed. That ia
why the intor-stato law has knocked the
business higher than a kite. Under
the law the roads hare almost
entirely ceased Issuing passes and
it is that that makes .stealing a
risky businessIt's llko this. The con
ductor who is up to snuff knows the
prominent pcoplo Jivlni : along the line
to whom the company has granted an
nual passes. Many are public men
whoso goings and comings are chronicled
in thn dally papers. Others travel on the
road on certain days ; othcra seldom imo
their passes ; some Joan theirs to friends.
Thuhabits , of the so-culled chronic 'pa * -
ors1 are thoroughly well known to tto
conductors , and after having ouco see *
the pass and taken in Its number they
carefully preserve that.
"How are the spotters headed offr"
"loneo know a conductor on a railroad
rtinnine out of Chicago who was caught
in a bad predicament. The spotter saw
him collect a faro from a passenger , and
the chump pocketed it nil and made no
cash returns whatever for the trip. He
was asked to explain , and coolly told thu
general superintendent that the passen
ger who paid his faro was n friend whom
hu deadheaded over the line , and , fear
ing Homo ollleer or spy of the company
might bo aboard and see him pass the
.man without collecting n ticket , ho had
the friend pay him his faro llko anybody
else , and nn hour afterward had his
money returned to him bv tha
conductor. The conductor's ready
lie saved him. The superintendent.
however , was uot convinced , and asked
the conductor to have his dead-head
friend call and bear out his statement.
The spotter was to bo placed in thu oillce
so that ho could sco the stranger and.
identify him or discover thu cheat if ono
was attempted by the conductor. But
the latter was too lly for the superintend
ent. Ho saw right through the little
scheme as quick as n Hash. The superin
tendent had not spoken the last word before -
fore the man of tiekuU said it would be
impossible to send his friend to the super
intendent because the friend was far a way
on the Pacific coast , where ho had gone
to seek his fortune , and the conductor
did not know wiiere ho was. The last 1
hoard of that conductor ho was still run
ning and stealing. "
"If spotters are so ineffectual , why do
the roads employ them ? "
They arc ineffectual only when they
work that way. When they go to work
right they can always ilnd out when a
conductor is dishonest , although they
cannot always catch him nt it or fasten
tliu crime with proof. The best way is
for the spotter to run over the line for a
couple of months as conductor. The
company can easily arrange that. There
are so many rules laid down for railroad
employes that some ono or more of them
is constantly infracted. The suspected
man is suddenly laid off for the violation
of some inconsequontal regulation fail
ure to wear his badge constantly , for in
stance and the spotter , who is usually
an employe of the company , known to
and by all the men ( but not as a spoiler )
is put on to take his place. Ho learns
after a few trips what the run ought to
average , and if this llguro is not mot in
the conductor's previous and subsequent
reports it is prlma facie that ho is pinch-
Mixed Herds Glvo Way to the Breed
er , Fattonorand Finisher.
"While the cattle business is nowhere
what it used to bo , and many have lost
very heavily , " said a well-known ranon-
man to a Ulobc-Dumocrat reporter ,
"there is much that is encouraging about
the situation , the unfortunate condition
of affairs at the present time beine
largely duo to mismanagement and to
moveable causes. Some of the cattle
men were wise and farsightcd enough to
recognize the changed conditions that
prevail in the cattle trade , and these
mon are now in no danger of incurring
loss. Hut those who thought that the old
system could continue forever have re /I
ceived u rudn awakening from
their delusion and have boon irretrievably
ruined. The cattle trade , like all other
branches of industry , has shown
steady progress toward isolation of inter
ests and division of labor. When the
plains ranches were first established on
the old buffalo grazing grounds , unit
ranges were practically unlimited , the
plan of running what nro known as
mixed herds , that is of combining the
business of breeder and fatteuor , was
found to answer very well. Hut as time
went on and free grass became scarce ,
this plan was found to bo n bad ono.
Some wore quick to pcrcoivo the coining
change , aim to prepare for it. These
men saw that the business of breeder and
fattcnor must bo separated. They ac
cordingly sold their cows and bulls and
bought only yearling steers , whicli'.wero
allowed to run on the range until matu
rity , and then were sold for beef , and a
trcsh stock bought. In this way the
grass eaten by unmarketable cows and
calves was saved , and thus turned into
good beef. The plains north of the Ar
kansas were found to bo more excellent
for fattening Texas yearlings , and it was
found more profitable to buy south
ern cattle and mature them on
the northern plains than to
run mixed herds. The Texas man saw *
this , and a largo number gave up raising
boot cattle , confining themselves to soiling -
ing yearlings to the northern maturors.
lly thus dividing the business , the profits
were largely increased , the breeder
avoiding tlo loss sustained during the
severe northern winters , and the fattcno'r
getting the advantage of the buffalo gross
of the nigh plains.
"The cattle trade was thus divided into
two distinct branches , the breeding and
the fattening. Within the last two or
three years still another subdivision has
been made , and the finisher has coma
into existence. As agriculture moved
westward , and as the plains of Nebraska
became covered with corn , U was most
profitable to so. this corn in the torui of
beef. Not wishing to throw it away on
immature cattle , the farmer bought two
and thrcujtvcar old steers of the cattle
men , fed thorn a year on corn and then
sold them , By this triple process a tar
liner beef steer was produced than under
the mixed herd svstem. where cows ,
steers , and calves all received like treat
ment. The breeder , maturor and finisher
all made money , while the owner of the
mixed herd , unable to moot this combin
ation of advantages , steadily lost , and is
still losing.
"Not the least of the advantages of this
division of labor in production is the
ease with which cither maturer or finisher
can quit the business without lossshould ,
circumstances arisu making such a course
advisable. 11 the maturur sees his range
encroached upon by advancing settle
ments , he can sell every head of stock at
a good price , and turn his atVention to
other matiors. The finisher can do the
same , but not the owner of the mixed
herd. This latter unfortunate is loaded
down with a lot of cows and calves that
cost him a large amount of money , but
which have little or no value an boof. Ho
sties his range encroached uponhis cattle
reduced in price by thu superiority of
these raised by his neighbors , and ho can
not soil except ut a ruinous
loss. The situation is fully recog
nized by all cattlemen , and those so un-
fortunata us tq possess mixed herds are
moving heaven and earth to get rid of
them. They can not do this by legiti
mate sale , and have , as a desperate rem
edy , adopcd the system ol founding cattle
tlo trusts , putting them cattle at high
ttguru , based on the value of the steer
herds , and then endeavoring to dispose
of the trust certificates in the east , where
the great diflurencu between the two
styles of herds is not yrt clearly under
stood. Tills plan of consolidation of poor
herds has not yet been fully carried into
nfl'rrt , but great efforts are now being
made to organize several gigantic com
panies , and a vury considerable amount
of trust certificates liavubcen disposed of
in the oast. A significant fuel is that the
members of the cattle It-tints are without
exception the owners of mixed herds , not
a single owner of steers alone bo Ing
found among them. "
A Kovlow of Volunteer * !
LONDOX , July 2. The queen to-day n -
vlowed nnX)0 ( ) volunteers In front ot
1mm palaiio. Thousands ot people
ilioroview and great enthusiasm w A
felted l > y tlioiu. .