Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    ( uu
Advertisements under this head , 10 cents po
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and SI.CO n line per month'
No Advertisement taken for less than 26 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Ibo
counted to the I'm ; they must run consecu
tively nnd must tc paid In advance. All adver
tisements munt bo handed In bcforel : DO o'clock
p. m. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these column andhaf-
Inr the answer ! addressed In cure of Tit lliB
will plcnso iwk for n check to enable them to get
their letters , as none will be delivered exccot
on presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
. All advertisements In these columns arc pub-
llsticd In both morning nnd evening editions of
The llr.B , the circulation of which
Bgrcgntes more than 14,000 papers !
daily , find gives the advertiser the
tienuflt , not only of the city circulation of The
DEB but nlK ) of Council Bluffs. Llicoln , and
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the went. .
MONEY to lonn on fnrm and city property
at current rates. Largo lonns on gilt edged
business property. Pea us. Marshall k l-o-
bcck , 1509 Farnam. Telephone 73. 281
to loan , no commission , Cole , 310 a
f ONKY to lonn to parties wishing to build.
L 8. S. Campbell , 310 8 10th St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 750
MONEY TO LOAN on Improrad city prop
erty In sums of f 1,000to 15,000 at sU per
cent Interest. BholcsA Crumb. U7
'rVfONKY TO LOAN-On city property In
J.'A sums of tSOO and upwards at lowest rates.
Money klwnys on hand. 8. 8. Campbell. 310
South Sixteenth street. 168
ONKY TO LOAN-O. F. Dnvls Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1506 Farnam st.
$ ; 600,000 to loan on real estate. No delay.
Harris & Sampson , 1510 Douglas st 253
$500,000 To loan on Omnha city property at 9
per cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bid.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop-
orty , low iates. Stewart & Co , , Boom 3
Iron bank. 171
ONEY to loan , cnsh on delay.
3. w. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
raxton hotel building. I
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Lenvltt liuru-
ham , Koom 1 Crolghton lllock. _ 173
MONKY to lonn on Improved city property
und farms from $1,000 up. nt lowest rato.
Apply to Win. O. Loach , Kent Estate Agent 1C09
Fnrnnm. _ fa)4Jyl9 )
FTH ) LOAN Money lxBiis ) placed on im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago sU. _ 175
ICl/FTY / Thousand dollars to loan to parties
JC wishing to build.
$51,000 to loan on unimproved city property.
f 100,000 to loon on Improved city property.
Special rates for the next 30 days.
Odell Ilros & Co , , cor Furnarn and loth.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
B per cent Money on hand ; do not have
to watt Have a complete set of abstract booki
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 820 8. 15th st.
TVf ONhY TO LOAN by tno nndorslgned , who
A" , hns the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to 1100 made
on furulturo , plnnos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , &o. without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loam so
ado that any part cnn bopatd at nny imo.each
payment reducing the cost Pro rnta. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , sis many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
smdseome. W. R. Croft , Kooro i Wnhnoll
Building 15th and Hnrnuy. 177
riMlK OMAHA Fmancml Kxchnnge ,
JL N. W. corner of Ilnrney and 15tb its. ,
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on any
vallnblo security.
Loam made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans mode on Jmorored real en t
at current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , fold or exchanged.
Bhort tlmo loans maoe on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Kent estate to exchange for good Interest
Clenernl financial business of all Kinds trans-
Beted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loan * of
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbctt. Manager. 178
$760.000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnnhan ft
Mnhoney , 1609 Fnrnam. 179
MONEY LOANED at 0. F. Hcod & Co8 Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horsoswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Bl 8.13th.
over ningham s Commission atore. All busi
ness strlctlr confidential. 180
ftFKK CENT Money.
O B. 0. Patterson. 15th acd Hamey. 181
THOfl BALE First-class restaurant making
JL' ( SOU a month ; best of reasons for soiling.
Address M14 , Hoo. 815 flj
TTlon BALi : ir Trade Butcher shop , now
A ! town.coiinty ( eat , also line farm adjoining
town. Address J. PIctcber , Bartlett , Nob.
305 8J
FOK BALK A No. 1 saloon , Ice box cheap , at
No. 1130 Farnam st. 270
ill SALE Itestnurnnt cheap ; best location
In the city. Address U. B Bee office.
2833 *
"ITKMl BALE Laundry very cheap ; first-class
J-1 business : only $600. Address P. a box
gBcity. 2843 *
SPECULATORS opportunity. Information
on stocks onlr telegraphed under code to
nny subscriber , E , Sherman Fitch , 10 Wall st ,
N. Y. 7UJy 22 *
WANTED To trade for Improved or unim
proved land , stock of gen'l mdso , about
4,500 ; stock of hardware , ubout $2H)0. ( ) Must
have 1-4 cash. II. St R , , Box V03 Bhanandoah.Ia ,
[ 121 6
W ANIED-Gcneral agent for Nebraska for
World Type Writer $10. Itapld , simple ,
easy to use. Writing equal to $100 machines.
A good business for Hyp Address Day ft
Lester. U5 Murray St. . Now York. 25-S-9-1B
THOlt 8ALK Or rent , hotel. A choice open-
JO ing. Particulars , address , B. II. Wilde ,
Osceola. Nebraska. _ 853 Jy 111
SALE Drug store in a lively central
Nebraska lown. Splendid location. Entire
rtr stock fresh. Invoice about $1,000. Brisk trade.
Promising future. For particulars address
lock box No. 452 , Seward , Neb. 054 jy3 *
BVJK SALE First class Ice cream parlor and
confectionary store. Enquire317 8.13th st
XT\OH \ BALK-Boot and shoe stock Including
-I ? C years loaio of store , best location In
Elate and city. Address T10 Bee office.
475 jy IT
FOU BALE The best bargain Grocery store
centrally located on pared stroot. Old es
tablished trade. Call on Fearnn , Cole * Kor >
ertson.810 a. 15th st. Zll
FOU SALE A first -clans hotel property , two
story brick In excellent location and doing
nn extensive business. For particulars ad
dress IL S. Lilly , real estate dealer. Broken
Mow , Neb. 15821
\V ANTElPartner with SI.SOO to pwrchaso
TV ouo-half Interest In Hour n.111. Tbo money
to be used in purchasing additional machinery ,
abundant vratrr power. Hare opportunity.
Addrets L. D. Qrooin , Cedar Rapids , Neb.
OU 8A LK Ono of the best paying saloons
in the city , addrets at once , U1 Boo olllce.
EHR SALE-Muat market and fixtures with
JL1 good irHdo. Stdphon Hamilton It Co. ,
Third and Williams. ' 115 4J
TTMJlt SAM ! -A good hotel In the live town of
X ? Chadron doing a good business on very
eaiyterms. Full particulars by addiesilni ; M.
B. Lnngworthy. J , k , Wyoming. 713 Jy22J _ _
FOU HALE-'A need buslnoii ; mail capita
required ; ( rnoi icasous forsclllpp , Ad
dross T 44 HOB office. 7iO
OU SALE-Lnw library , cheap. Wheeler A
Whnilcr. Douglas ana 15th st. 41
THOU SALE A boarding house and furniture ,
f doing good business , 40 boarders , irood
reason for srlllng. Call at Currlo ft Vellum ,
UtU and Canltol avr , Cxpullton Building. 333
pEllSONAL-Fomi'ly leaving Tor the east will
sell a bran new upright piano , Il ll t A
I'avls , for halfofroit , $250. $50 cmh , bnlanco
on monthly puymentt. Address U Bos. IM 8J
PKIlSONAli If you want a desirable , cen
trally located o&ce you can find it at yic
th : . 78
PKI'.S ( > NA L-Private home for Indies"during'
cunnnement , strictly confidential. Infants
irtopted. sdiirott EC. Ifee olHc * . 8 JyJ *
UtrV SAL Mrs. Or Nannie T. warren
E jlalnroyant.Medlcal Bd business Mjilu.
CTItAYED-Bmnll blnok mare , oars , clipped.
Keturn to 20th and Cummgs , and get ro-
ward. 259
LOST Snturdiy nftornoon , one big bay'
hbrie. A. If. Mayne , Orchard Hill. He-
turn to N. W. cor , lith and Uarnuy. 878
EVENTV-FIVE dollars'rowant Btraybd or
stolen from renr of Ml N 17th st , a largo
roan horse , about IT hnnds high , welshing be
tween 1,300ond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
mnno nnd tnll , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
125 will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
nt 110 8 nth et.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug *
Ian Co. will pay a rownrd of f60 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. C fl
LOST On Eighteenth , Rhcrmnn aye or Uraco
St. , "Specifications. " Please return to
118 < { .North Idth st-.or P. J. Crcodon , architect ,
opera houseit. . T. Murphy , contractor and
builder. ! U8
LT1RST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th L
STOHAQF. First-class storage for nice furni
ture and boxed goods. Ferguson Furnt-
ture Co. , 71.1717-721 North 16th street. ItB
First-class storage for nice lur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodee-Bt.
Mild. DDHANT Clarivoyant from
reliable In oil affairs ot life , unites separated
lovers. 822 N. 10th st. room 1 591 J > 28 |
\\fANTED To trade Nebraska farms for
TV mcrchandlso. Address C. D. Boudoe ,
AtklnBOU. Nuo. 804 3
TO EXCIIANOE-Omnha real estate for n
couple of flno driving horses. U. C. Pat
terson , 15th nnd Harnoy 295
[ jlOIt TKAIlE Farms , city lots , stock of mcr-
JO chandlso , etc. Pnrrott & Williamson , 14th
Douglas. 2i5
SITUATlONS-We can furnish beat of book-
keeper * , Monographers , clerks , corre
spondents , on short notlco. Itocord Adv. Co ,
I51U Farnam. 244 3
TF. W1LLETT8 Trained male slck-nurso.
Tclcphono 370 , Y. M. C. A. rooms.
20031 *
HAY Offers for putting up BOO tons hay
wanted. Address A. C. Jenkins , Ilurliu-
gnmo , Nib. BO.J 4j
rPAKE NOTICE-W. 0. King & Co. , llou o
JL Moving nnd Kalslng , address 1320 Plorco st
ICSS pools and vaults cleaned and dead
_ unlmnls removed by John Nelson , gnrbngo
collector for 4thwnrd south of Douglas st 1415
llnrncy St. Telephone 539. CUljy23
POKKBNl yq-.mro Hmno 94 mommy. A
Uospe.lBlSDouirias. 187
TO parties having house ? tor rent , Kontal
Agency , nonawa ft Co. . 15st. , opposite post-
ofllco. Wo bare turned over to them our rental
list we recommend them. McCngue llros.
TTloKitKNT Organs , $3 per month , ilofpe.
J ? 1613 Douglas. 187
Ol. C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prlcef at J.
Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 189
Poll RENT Square Mono , ft montnlv. A
Home. 1513 Douglas. 1ST
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N 10th. 190
FOK BALE At n bargain ; complete eot
Household furnlturo , prlco $325 , and house
for rent at $30. Inquire at 203 8.9th st.
TT10K SALE Now cherry curtain desk , only
Jj $15. It C. Patterson , 15th and Ilarnoy.
FOR SALE Span of nlco young horses. For
sale on tlmo payments. M. F. Martin.
TTIOK 8ALI > Now upright ilallot ft Dnvis
ja piano , $25 ( ) . $50 cash , balance on monthly
payments. Address , U 6 , Hoe olllco. 257 U *
FOR BALE Good driving horse , medium
size , sound and gentle. Suitable for fam
ily driving. Goo. N. Hicks , 210 8.15th st.
859 3.
TJ1OK SALE Furniture of 8 rooms with prlvl-
J3 lego of lease of bouso , 7078.14th Su
FOK HALE Dry goods boxes , all sizes. L. O.
Jones ft Co. , 1IW3 Farnam. 224 5
FOR BALK A cnolce Jersey cow and calf ,
also light lumber wagon nearly now , ap
ply 1505 Furnatn st. 133
FOR SALE Furnlturo nnd lease of six rooms
In Hat , 507 8.13th 8t. Room No. a SSiJylS
FOK SALE Ono six-foot upright black wal
nut show case , Milton Rogers & Son. 909
TT10U SALE Span flno mntchod bay driving
-C horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st.
Studebaker buggies at Seaman's.
Studebaker phnotons nt Seaman's.
Btudebaker carriages at Seaman's.
Htudebaker spring wagons at Seaman s.
Studebaker draft wagons at Seaman's.
Corner of Farnam and 1Kb sta.
Fly o car loads just received. 823jy24
pIOK BALE-4,000,000 Hard Brlcit. T. Murray.
FOKSALE-Drlok. T.Murray.
WANTED 50 men for Wyoming ; wages $2 ,
$2.25 and $2.611 per day. Free fare. E. S.
Albright Labor Agonoy , 1180 Farnam St.
WANTED Shoemaker for general work ,
unmarried Gorman preferred. W. A.
Moldenliaucr , Norfolk , Neb. 320 3 *
\T7ANTED-3 gardeners , near city ; 2 farm
IT hands , and a few laborers In otty. Mrs.
Brega ft Son , 318 B. 15th. Upstairs. 293 13
WANTED Boss carpenter , to handle small
gang and build cottages. T. II. 'Noblo U
& 15th st 277 3 *
WANTED-Cook ImmedlntcU at old
Brownull nail , 618 8 lUth. 287 8
WANTED Laborers of all kmds.mechnnlos ,
clerks , etc. , to fill vacancies. City Labor
Agency , northwest corner ICth and Farnam ,
ground floor. 267
W ANTED Agents-World Typo Writer $10.
. . Itapld , simple , easy to use. Writing equal
to $100 machines. Ulir profits. Bend for circu
lars. Day & Loiter , 35 Hurray 6k , Now York.
WANTED Prescription clerk , ono speak
ing German preferred. Address 1 * . O.
box go. olty. 985
WANTED-A boy to carry advertising ban
ner , apply to 017 B 13th. V13
WAN ED Four roung men of business
qualifications. J. M , Fronoh ft Co. , Room
in ] Bushman blk. 00ljy3
WANTED Agents to send for our terms for
free samples and 20 per cent discount
Prices for hot weather. Nothing sells so fast
as our now door plates , belli , street numbers ,
Ac. , 100 per cent profit Michigan Door 1'lato
Co.Grand Rapids , Mich. (98Jy3j
WANTED Stone cutters. Apply to W. II.
Tyler , Lincoln. Neb. 835jyl6j
WANTED-Lady cook. 1604 CMS.
nr ANTED Women for family sewing at 1019
TV Cathrlnest Apply at once. 3143
ANTED-A girl tor Dousowork , 110 S. 25th
it 881
\\7ANTED-Olrll2 to 15 years old to take care
> > of caby.tlg3Northllrth t. KU-3J
WANTED- dicing room slriTfor Vocatullo :
1 for BtHrllng , Col. ; dlshwntber for Grand i
Island ; 4 waitresses , 2 Inuunreisoa and 1 cham
bermaid for Idaho Tor. , nil $20 nnd fares paid ;
cook and Dishwasher for Central City ; 10 wait *
reeses. dishwashers. Kitchen helpers nnd lots of
&lrls for general houeonork m city. Mrs.
ruga Afon.aiCgoUth. 2M3
WANTED A competent toucher for the
ticrman-Aroerlcnn school for English
branches. AclJroM L. Helmrnd , 1.1th and Jnck-
son , Prr ldnt , Mid E. O. Qrube , Secretary
German Society , euro li. & M. headquarters.
" 71S
ANTRD-Dlnlng girl at Planters Home
Ph2 9 *
\\rASTRD-AtOS ; ! North S2d. a girl lor gen
T T ersl hootework. Mutt bo a good plain
cook nnd Inundron. 111 Jy4J
ANTKD-A good girl for dlnlniTrooni
work , by Mrs. H. Kountzo South lotb
street isa .
WANTKD-Two girls ut Dornn house. 423 S
l th St. , riear St. Mary's ave. vu
\tANTF.D V5 girls for rnncrftl housework.
' * APPly st City Labor Agncy , northw st
c iu r UtU ana JTaroaa , ou urouaJ toor/JM
WANTED-OIrl for general housework ,
1523 Jackson. 803 5J
W ANTKD-A lady pinna player. Call be
tween 12 and S o'clock. 1513 Capitol ave.
2037 *
W ANTKD-A girl to do houspwork In n small
family nt 1112 8 13tb st 898
WANTED A younir girl for general houso-
. work , In a small family. Apply at KM
Park ave. 587
WANTIU-llrl for general housework In
small family , 2113 Douglas st. 4CO
U'ANTf.D A woman to do general house
work , none need apply unless n first-
cluncook , good wages to right party , 1818
Webster. 16S
WANTED A good Herman girl for general
housework , 71 > N 10th st 1Z8
"f TANTED A young lady , peed penman ,
v v with some experience In ofllco workapply
at Goo. Hoyn , lloa Farnam st , upstairs. 03
WANTED-A lady stonorraphcr accustomed
to Romlngton machine. A Munson
writer preferred. Address U. 10 , Bco ofllcn. u
533 3J
WANTED Young lady grnduato from the
'Enst In music , wishes position an teacher
and organist in school or church. Addrn < R M.
V.W.,818 North 17th st . 325-9J
TirANTED Position by stenographer , best of
' ' city nnd outside roforcnfesownsmBchlno.
U 11 Bee ofllco S976 *
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlons for 10 girls for general
v housework. City Labor Agency , n w
cor. IGth and Fnrnnm. Ground floor. 63
TO CONTRACTOHB-Wo nre prepared to fur-
nith nny kind of laborers you want. City
Labor Agency , n w cor , )0th nnd Farnam.
Ground floor. 209
WANTED Situation by a registered drug
gist of 15 yonrs experience. Temperate ,
flood references. Competent to tnko etitlro
charge. Address , P. O. Box 11 , Franklin , Nob.
ian it *
WANl'ED-Eldorly lady desires nice fur
nished room with board. Private family.
Prlco not to exceed $ -5 per month. Addrou
U. 13 , Bco olllco. 329 3 *
WANTED-NIcoly furnished front room ,
prefer first lloor , with bonrd , by gontlo-
mnn and wlfo. Call 0. F , Pattorjon , 123.1 N.
10th. ai2 5J
WANTED Nlco room nnd board In first-class
private fnmlly , between 18th nnd M nnd
Farnam nnd Chicago , by two Young gentlemen.
References exchanged. Address U 15 , llco
o'Hco. '
WANTEO-To trndo , city lots for stock of
drugs , mcrchandlso or farming Innd.
Cone le Johnson , 724 , North Sixteenth street.
_ _
WANTED-Ludy room mnto. Large , nlco
front room ; nome comforts to right party
with good rcforenco. M. S. , lice office. 321-3"
WANTED-Houso of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally
locatednnd modern Improvements. Ad-
drcss J. O. Floyd. B & M K K. 810 S *
WANTED-Party to put In stock of mor-
chnndiso In Jansen on C. K. & N. Ry ;
will rent good building with privilege of pur-
chaso. W. W. Watson , Fnlrbury , Nub. 300 3
WANTED Partner with $160 in good pay
ing , well established nlcoly furnished
ofllco business. J. S. Johnson , 310 S 15th , room
4. 8U 6J
WANTED Furnished room for man and
wIfe In private fnmlly. Board for lady.
Near car lino. Address , U 6 , Bee. 873 3 *
W 'ANT ED To let contract for brick work
/ and plastering of three houses , to take
lot In part payment. Inquire 1010 S. Center st ,
205 3
WANTED -Day boarders nt private bonrd-
Ing bouse. 1313 Capitol nvonuo , 050 30J
ANTED Itoom nnd board for gentleman
and wife In private fnmlly , who keep no
other boarders. Address U 4 Boo ottlco ,
8153 *
\X7ANTED-To buy t houses which can bo re
TV moved. A. F , JIayne , 1408 Dodge st
FOR RENT IB-room bonrdlng houto ; rent
$65.00 per month ; a blocks from P.O.
$2,00J.00 worth of furnlturo for $1,400.00. 18.
room bonrdlng house , rent $83.03 ; furniture
for sale. 7-room cottage In good location , near
P. O. 7-room brick flat , furnlturo for eule on
time , $100 cash , balance In monthly payment' ' .
Itcstaurnnt in good location. Co-opcratlvo
Lnnd & Lot Co. , 205 N. loth st. 3.6-4
FOU HENT Furnished house of 0 rooms 1
mile from P. O.l block from cars ; rent
reasonable. C. F. Patterson , 1223 N. 19th at.
OH 6j
FOK KENT 5-roora house on llth St. , $15.
Furnlturo for sale $223.
2,8-room boarding housos.lii blocks from P.
O. Furniture for sale $450.
10 room boarding house , furnlturo for sale
on tltno. Thlj is a bargain. Co-Oporntlvo
Lnnd & Lot Co. , 205 N 16th st ; 1470
"I7IOR RENT 4-room house , N. E. cor. 15th
J ? and Hurt sta. 8175 *
RENT-NIco lot , fiOxl27tf , half block
fromstcnrs , $150 , $50 cash , balance $53
soml-annually. Inquire at private house , 401
N 15th st. 801 3J
TTlOll RENT A new 7-roomod house with
X ; porch , well , etc. , treeson 9.17th street ,
near street car lino. Apply to Mrs. Julia Stein ,
1111 Douglas st. 307 8J
TOOK RENT 5-room house in flno location.
C Inquire , Kaufman Bros. , 1009 Farnam st.
27 ! !
FOR RENT Now house , ten rooms , steam
beat , nil imprvemcnts. C , W. and G. B.
Thompson. 314 B 15th st 733
TjKlK RENT-Occidental hotel corner store
J ? room. Apply to John L Paynter. on
N. U. The hotel Is st 11 running ; the entrnnco
being on the south side. 703
FOR RENT Nine (91 ( room house , 14th and
Pierce. Apply to 617 Souta 13th st. U57
TOOK RENT-Hulf of store. Inquire at 121 $
J Douglas St. 913
FOR RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlng st near Snunders st Apply Har
ris Real Estate & Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 889
"C1OR RENT 0 room house nnd barn , 17th and
* ? Center sts. , house heated by hot water and
all modern Improvemots , $05. Also a 7 room
house as above $40. J. L. Wolshans , 319 8. 15th
street 467
fjlOR HENT A basement , good place for
X : barber shop , s w corner 16th and Leaven-
worth sts. 818
FOK RENT Small office in excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co. ,
B. 15th. 227
TmOBKENT-Three room house , 1108H 8 7th
J ? 345
TJ1O K RENT 3-room house on Uth und
-C Pierce sts. Inquire at 617 South 12th st.
FOU UBNT Two large new stores nnd two
Hats of live rooms each. City witter and gus.
On Saunders st. 0. W. Cain , 2210 Ohio st. 813
* | 7K > R RENT Two brick stores with base-
-I ? merits 24th and Hamilton streets. Desir
able location for dry goods and drug store.
Flats above If desired. Loavltt Burnham ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. 074
FOR KENT Thrre room house , 70914 Pacific.
For Kent Six room bouse. I10J S 7th ,
For Kent Three room house , 1015 N2Jth 683
HOICE Lot for Loaso. Southeast corner
48x8W Leavenwortkand Park nva.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Bros. itt'j
17KR KENT A ntw 10-room house. No. 2218
-I- Chicago street ; modern conveniences. In-
quirtof A. II. Comstock , 152U Farnam et. 837
POK KENT One now seven-room bouso sit
uated on northeast oor of King and Coif-
man st. Patrick Bros. , Koom 2 Arlington block.
U38 Jy U
T OH 11KNT > roora house , 703 P cino.
TOU UKNT Window , good locality for low
clcr or Apply to 3 1 n 16th. . '
TT1OH IlR.NT-Furnished room In Oreunlg blk.
-L Cor 13th and Dodge st. Inquire of Davis &
Hothorlngton , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 201
17(011 ( KENT-Klegant furnished rooms with
JL1 board. 1821 Farnam sU 313
OU HEXT-Newly furnished front and back
parlors , slnglu or suites , ( las , bath , mod
ern conveniences ; private family ; near busi-
ness. 1015 Cap ave. 607 10J
OU KENT Suite of furnished rooms for 4
gentlemen. $10 each , 1MI Farnam. 311 3t
FOK RENT-2 furnlshea rooms and front
parlor unfurnished or furnished , to suit ,
allconvloncnccs , 207 a. 24th st. 310 6 *
11011 KENT S furnished rooms for man and
-L1 wife or a gentlemen , bath , 821 s. Uth su
FOR HKNT-ItocAn 'for two. with board for
the summer. 'W\3 Capitol avo. 827-8J
FOU BENT A flat of > 4 rooms , suitable for
hou oKeeiln j Second floor , over dry
goods store , Itfltf Howard. All modtrn im
provements. Apn y In storo. 8303
TjlOll UENT Froht pnrlor nnd bedroom , with
JD nrst-clstsboard.brJuly 15th ; 1U3 ( Capitol
avo. Itcfcrcncos required. 822-6J
F Oil BENT-ltcasottHblo , largo , cool , newly
. furnished room vflth south bay window.
References. 609 8,17th , st. _ SV3 a
TjlOIl HUNT Nicely 'furnished parlor , sult-
JJ able for man and wlfo or two gentlemen ,
in a nth st. . is ; 6 *
F Oil HENT-Furhlsbed room. O ) Dodge.
, ) 300 5J
F 1011 KENT FurnlsTied front rooms ; gas ,
bnth and board. 6J1 Pleasant. 83ljyu *
f\01t \ UENT-Furnlshod rooms , 181ft Dodge.
j 877augl
F OU KENT Largo front bedroom with fl rst-
class board. 1513 Howard. 278
F 1011 HKNT-Fufnlslicd rooms , 1613 Chicago
st , . 27 3 *
JOll KENT Desirable rooms , ono unfur
nished ; will furnish to suit the taste. 318
N. 16lh st. 283 6 *
T71O1J HEN Store room for butcher , 10th and
J Mason. 269
Troll KENT Furnished room on car line ,
J1 suitable for two gentlemen , or man utid
wlfo. S13 8. Zklet. . 203
F 1011 KENT Nicely furnished room , close to
business , st car. Cheap. 2J 0 Douglas it.
271 4
F IOU BENT Hooms on principal streets , $8
to $35. All rooms listed with us cnn soo.i
be filled. Record Advertising Co , 1513 Fnrnnm.
245 B
C\OH \ IlENT-2 nloely furnished rooms , nnd
JD elegantly furnished front parlor , mod
ern conveniences , C03 N. 17th St. 131
TjiOtlHENT--Flno suite of unfurnished rooms.
JJ Kefcroncesroxulrod , 1710 Chicago.
118 30J
F ( Oil IlENT-'l'wo unfurnished rooms , 403
South 18th St. , Hamilton Ilros. 211 nj
F OK KENT Deilrablo rooms at 2227
FOK KENT Nicely furnished front anJ back
parlor , folding doors , with nil modern Im
provements , 413 8 15th st Fowler Ilros. & Co.
F 10It KENT-Kooms. furnished , 1811 Cnpltol
nvo. 217 6J
F I OK. lir.NT-Nlccly furnished rooms 2029
Fnrnnm st. 125 5j
F I OK KENT 2 newly nnd elcgnntly turnishod
rooms nt 1708 Douglas et. Oil js *
T71OK aKNT-Deefc room. Enquire Young &
JJ Blackman , 214 815th st. 540
F OK KENT Elegant rooms , furnlturo nnd
hotiso now , every modern convenience ,
1709 Dodge street References required.
FOU RENT Furnished front room , near car
line nt corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstock 152J Farnnm st.
Ill HENT Two well furnished rooms with
F first class board if desired , pleasant loca
tion , private family. 8 E cor 20th ami Farnam.
CM jylPJ
ilOU 1 BENT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cnss.
FOK HENT Nicely furnished room. 1921
Dodge St. 199
( OR RENT Purt ofioffice room .Inquire
ISJSDpuKlai st 013
F IOK KENT ElCgant newly furnished rooms ,
now houRo , nil modern improvements , to
first-class parties only , 1707 Dodge St. 827
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , 1U13 Farnam
st 13il 4 *
_ _ _
FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms suita
ble for 3 or i gentlemen , 1011 Howard st
Sdlloor. , , 141 4 *
FOR KENT-A furnished parlor bedroom. 1715
Davenport St . 145 3J
F IOK KENT 3 rooms In a llat cor 20th and
Nlcholes st. i 112
T710R KENT-Waro room cor. J4th nnd Call-
JJ ifornla on Bolt Line. For particulars en
quire ut Union Nat. bank. 184
F1 KENT-OIBco 2nd floor , 318 S 15th , st.
price $10 , , 113
F RENT Large -furnished front room ,
suitable for 2 gentleman , 1708 California ,
lot Jy 4 *
F1 RENT Two furnished rooms , pleasant
ly located. 2440 Cnpltol avo. 104 Jy 4 *
F I OR RENT Furnished front room with
bonid nt 2210 Farnam st. 124 3
FOR RENT-2 clcgnnt rooms , nicely fur
nished on street cnr line ; modern con
veniences. Gentlemen only. Excellent loca
tion. 1917 Cnss. 971
OR KENT Putte of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr.ll5N. ! 17th.
F I OR RENT Elcgant sulto of rooms , roferen-
CBS required , 1007 Douglas st 107
171 OR RENT-Furnlshod rooms , 714 N. 19th et.
b 406Jyl7
T 10 EXCHANGE For Omaha rcsldtnco prop
erty , good fnrm of 100 acres , In Wayne
county , Nebraska , all Improved and In crop ,
good buildings , etc. Address U 10 , Boo oflico.
XJ A choice south front lot on Mayne street In
Orchard Hill $860.
A handoomo east front In Hnnscom Plooo
$1,600 , $100 loss than value. Snap. A southeast
corner on 20th street In Plalnvlow , $1,5:0. A six
room house on N. 19th struct , $3.V)0. ) BIX east
froqt lots Just north of the poor farm , only
$1.500 for nil.
Fifty foot un Leavenworth near Diet street ,
$4,000. Ten room house on South 10th street ,
$ T > , tiOO. Choice corner lot , with house , on Doug
las and 20th. Investigate this 12 room bouso
nnd largo lot. Dodge street , near the High
school , $14.000.
Largo corner on California , near Crelghton
college. (18 ( ft. with houso. on So. lath street.
$87 per foot. A splendid lot on California street
at u burpnln. 100 ft. elegant east front in
Hnnscora Place , with house , $7.500.
A flno lot on Howard near 36th street for
$2,000. $ .100 cash , balance easy. Extra large flno
front In WestCumtug , $790. 130 ft 20 foot front
InKliKwood , $2,850. Snan. South front on
Hamilton street near 30th street , on grade ,
( u
List your property with T , J. Hook , 1509 Far
nam. 333-5
RESIDENCE Bargains-60x150 , east front
Hanscom Place , elegant fl-roomed house
every convenience , lot nicely sodded , good
barn , city water , eto. If you nro looking lor a
bargain , takonn hour to Investigate this
Mint ! , east front , Hanscom Place , modern
10-rooinod house , barn nnd alloy at roar , $7,000.
A growing plooo of Improved property , pay
ing 10 per cent on over $20,00) can bo cold very
cheap If taken at once.
30x1)0 ) with splendid 6 roomed cottage 1J ! story
large hall , bay window , city wnter , &o , has
slated roof , a charming home , $3,100 , very easy
SJxttt with 8 roomed house , 11-2 story , nlco
locality. $3,200. cash $500.
60x150 Wnlout hill 8 roomed house , south
front , nicely sodded1 ana fenced , $3,503 , easy
terms. , >
60x150 Orchard , hillwith , 8 roomed house.nice
shade trees , barn , &c , can bo bought for $2,800.
60x150 , south front on Hamilton st , 8-roouied
house , u nuap at$3 , < pO , only $000 cash.
l)8xlij ( ) , with modern ton-roomed house ,
south and east front ; f3,503 , easy terms.
Wo have aavMral 'houses and lots In good
locality which we can sell on terms to luit pur
chaser , i i
Wo have some ' good improved property to
trade for f arras ( 'also city property to trade for
any kind of merchandise.
Business Property.
66x132,15th and Davenport , a great bargain
at $17.000 ; easy terms.
74x1 e , 22nd and Izard. only $11.000.
208 feet f rent , OolfLlne trackage , for $5.500
Vacant lots In all ports of city. Call und see
us. Eastman & jWltuuanlcy , 120 N 15th st.
FOR SALE J ew house , 7 rooms , city water
and bath , 27th and Parker. Inquire 1703
Jackson et. IKK 8J
SPECIAL bargains If sold soon. 6 high ,
, sightly south front lots In Crelghton
Heights. Will ell together or separate. Hart's
(1 rent Western Itoal Estate Agency , Crofghton
block. sta ,
TQIOU SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne-
JL braska. Speculator's landsrailroad lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of the
state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and prlco of over ono thousand farms. A
flno topographical map of tno state sent free
upon application. K. II. Andrus , for 10 years
( Jcn'l Land Agent B. & M. K. It Eighth and P
streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. 240
II7E Can sell for a few days only
TV Lot 106 Qiao's addition for $8,43X
Lo 171 Qlse's addition , $8,300.
fUockl Boyd's addition , $8.503.
One-third cash , balance 1 , S and 3 years.
Remington * MoCormlck , Z30 Souta 15th st
rpHACKAOK 3,1x132 ft. Fronts on good bu ! nos.
JL street and runs , back to railroad track
Good five room cottage on same , With good
barn , city water , and everything in good shape.
Prlco 18WO. fi,500cash , balance to suit.
Ton room double house on Franklin street ,
full lot , line shade trees , small barn , l.vory-
thing good Bhnpo. Homo will rent for $ W per
month. Prlco $4,500 , one-third cash , balnnco
easy ,
Small cottngo nnd good lot , corner 13th and
Ccstollar. Hnc shade trees , collar , eta $ . ' ,000
takes It on jour own terms.
Six room new house In Pope Place , modern
improvements , only one blooic from twn car
lines and ten minutes rldo to heart of the city.
Price $3,030 , $ HW cash , balance easy.
Snap for small Investment , ( lood three room
cottage with six year loose of 20x60 fact of
ground , corner of luth and Izard streets , for
only $375 cnsh. This cottage will rent for $15
per month. Come In quick before It goes.
Cone & .Tohn on'B suit-division lays high nnd
Rightly and jolncs the city on the north. The
C. * N. W. Ity. runs along tide of these lots
nnd they will build n depot near them soon ,
Ihls addition wns put on the nmrkot ten days
ago nt the reasonable rnto of f 300 to $375 per
lot$10 cash payment , balnnco $10 per month.
One-halt of the lots nro gone , and prices will
be advanced soon. Come In nnd buy before
the advance Is made.
\Vo have a largo list of lots In nil parts of the
city on reasonable terms. Also Bomo good Im
proved nnd unimproved farming lands within
ono hundred miles of Omaha for sale cheap.
Call nnd wo will show nny of the above prop
erty with pleasure. Cone It Johnson , 724 North
Sixteenth street. 32,1 3
/1LAUKSON & Boatly's special bargntns-
\J lloyd'fl add. , 2 lots In block 5 , nt $200 bulow
value , it cold at once.
Brings Place , lot G" , block 4 , lot 4 , block 6 ,
both on Dodgn street , each $1,150 , $350cssh re
quired on each. Ail other lota are held at
$1.500. If you wnntngnod bargain hero It Is.
South 10th fit. Elegant lot 60x200. ( lood cot
tage , paved streets , shade , etc. , for $5,000 ,
Very easy terms.
South 10th st. , 13260 , corner Pierce. Splendid
corner to Improve with tenements. Can bo
bought cheap. C3
Choice corner , 18th- and Spruce , lOBiUO , one
of the best corners In the city to Improve ,
$7,000. Part cnn run 2 or 5 ycnrs ,
Biutndorsst , 3 flno lots in Oak Chatham , frontIng -
Ing ' ' on this great street.
Plnlnvlow , 2 choice onst front lotsJl ,500 each ,
in block 4. Very easy terms.
Highland Place. Iots0 , 7 , nnd 8 , block 20 , ono
of the choicest building sites In the city , and
below market price.
Clnrkson It llcntty , 219 B. Uth st. 308 3
P1UNG VALLKY S prlng Vnlloy joins the
city on the south , two mllus west from
South Omnhn Stock Ynrds , half n mile south
of the Dlerks mnniifnctory. Tno Fiomont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Vnlloy pnsscs through the
addition , Elchty acres of it nro sold. We
offer the remaining 40 acres cast of the Mis
souri Pnclllo railroad , the llncst garden lands ,
nt from 8500 to $150 pcrncro , In lots of irom
one nnd one-fourth to ten acres , on long time ,
only ono-flfth cash.
Nearest the block Ynrda wo hnve Lobeok's
subdivision of Spring Vnlloy , eighty-four lots ,
60xltO ; at'Oa to $ . ' 5J. Terms , 10 pur cent cn h
nnd $10 per month , or one-fourth cnsh and bal
nnco In one nnd two years. Nothing as good
nnd cheap In neighborhood.
Uemomber moro than 100 per cent hns been
in ado on every addition platted nnd sold by us.
Oet In on the ground lloor.
Marshall & Lobock ,
Telephone 73. 1509 Fnrnam.
JOK BALE Or exchange : Seven farms In
Western Nebraska , trade for merchan
dise ; farm In Webster countv. In. , nnd bouse ,
barn nnd lot In Council Blulfs , trndo for hnrd-
wnro or Omnhii property ; tree claim In Keith
county , Nob. , chcnp for cnsh ; house nnd 14 lots
In Essex nnd Shbiuindonh , In. , for trade ;
20,000 noros of Wyoming oil lund nt $ } per nero ;
two stores with stocks of boots and shoos , gro
ceries , drugs and general merchandise In Now
London , Henry county , Not ) . , to exchange for
good land In lown and Nebraska ; house in
Melvin , la. , for land or merchandise ; 580 acres
In Frontier county , Neb , , for stock of mer
chandise : two elevators , cnsh or exchange : 200
acres In Montgomery county , In. ; dairy fnrm
In Ornngo county , N. Y. ; excellent rancho In
Merrick county. Neb. ; 200 acres In Page county ,
la. , for Omnhn property ; gents' furnishing
store in Omahn , cash ; house , barn and lot on
N. 16th st ; furniture , phaeton , etc. All bar-
Full'partleulars nt olllco of Record Advertis
ing Ca,1513Fariiam. 243 3
HiHK : Is n bargain. Lots 2 nnd 4 , In block 4 ,
South Omnhn , $900. Terms half cnsh nnd
balance easy. Marshall & Lobock , 1509 Fnr
nnm. Telephone 73. -83
liOR BALE-Cornor lot on Vlrgmln OTO with
J1 two good houses , uhosp nt S7.0IJJ. Terms
easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. 8 ,
Campbell , 310 S. 16th st , Chamber of Com
merce. 2id
W ANTED To exchange for good city prop-
. crty , 110 acres of No. 1 land In Minnesota ,
with good house , grnnery , good well , 00 acres
under cultivation , etc. For further Informa
tion apply to the owner , 113.1 No. 18th. This is
the only time it will bo advertised. SJ73J
FOK SALE Cottage , 7 rooms and bath room ,
lire- place , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , 31 foot of ground. 22d st. north of St
Mnr > 'snvo. 11,600. C. W. & G. E. Thompson ,
814 S. Uth st 210
'OK BALE A livery barn wltn stable room
for about sixty horses , situated In a desir
able location , and now doing a good business.
Good reasons given for soiling. Enquire of or
address A. II. Comstock , real estate broker ,
J5S3 Fnrnam St. 207
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Crum.lMN lothst.
100 lots U of a mile of U. F. depot
for sale or trado.
U-room housafor rent Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or ti ado. Idl wlldo. By
816 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th St.
FOK SALE- No , 1 farms within a radius of
20 miles of Omaha. Alnc. n low good busi
ness chances In two live towns. J. B. Slivls ,
Real Estate end Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Neb ,
579 Aug. 8
BIO BARGAIN Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st corner lot , only $5,000.
Futon time. V. L. Vodlcka , 5JJ South Uth st
rpOWHOMit may concern. To parties who
X build houses costing from $1,2UO to $1,500.
wo furnish beautiful building lots In Redlck
Park icqulrlng no payment of principal for 6
Redlck I'ark has city water , 850 maple and
elm trees,45 residences under contract to build ,
none to cost less than $1,200. Its streets are
grfdcaand turnplked It is within the city
limits , opposite Kountzo Place , and accessible
trom either Saunders or State. Price of lots
until July 1st , $1,000.
Wo nlbo otter
100 ft trontlng Hanscom Park , $0,000 , M to JJ
cash ,
Cor 100x150 , Georgia ave , $5,000 , $2,000 cash.
Full lot and 7-room house In excellent condi
tion , Pnrker's add , $3,500.
Cor WxIK , Improved , 8 llth near viaduct.
$10,000. Mead & Jamleson , Sole Agents , 318 B
15tb st 718
FOR 8ALE-Or trade , 25 lots in tbo western
part of Omahn near the Benson line ,
price $400 each , $250 due on contracts payublo
in 8 quarterly payments , will trndo Interest In
contracts for Nebraska land. MoCullocb .V Co. ,
1(09 Farnam st 1030
TOOK SALE At a bargain , 640 icres of first
X ? class farming laud In Howard county , tbls
state ; first class soil ; close to two lines of mil
road , and surrounded by well Improved farms.
Can divide to suit purchaser , and will make
this a bargain If sold quick. Small cash pay
ment ; very easy terms. Address Ooorgn N.
Hicks , 215 South Fifteenth street 808 J14
"LOU SALE A flno farm of ICO acres , on-
X ? closed with 3 wire fence , 33 acres under
cultivation , 11 acres of ash trees in thrifty
growing condition , prlco $10 per acre , terms
otsy. This offer good for thirty days only.
Address Cbas. IL Wilson , Oxford , Furnai coun
ty , Noo. 73Jy8
/-1HOICB LAND8-t per ncre. $ BO make * 1st
\J year's payment on ICO acres. Write for In-
formation. W. F. Paine. Sidney. Neb. B90Jy2a
IMMEDIATE sale will take A lots or loss only
6 or I blocks from Exchange bid and
Union Stock ynrds on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. I want
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prleu *
I want to sell quickly. E. R. Branch. 20) '
F IOR SALE Cheap , 8-room house on leased
ground. Price , fJOO. Inquire , 1918 Clark.
? . * U *
Proposals for District I'nvine llonrts.
Olty Treasurer's Ofllco , I
Omaha , Neb. , June 25 , 1X67. f
SEALED PROPOSALS will be rocoUed nt tills
olllce until July il , list , at 12 , noon , for the
purchase ot IIJJ.OOO of District Paving llomts
of tno city of Omaha. Said bonds are dated
July 1,1B87 , und will be due mono , t o , throu ,
four , five , six , seven , eight and nine yonrs
from their date , a s.mllar amount becoming
due each year ; are In sums ot IIvo bundled
and ono thousand dollars each , and boar Inter
est from their date ut the rate of six per cent
um per annum , payable annually. The princi
pal and Interest are both paynhlo at the oltico
of Kountro Bros. , In New York.
Said bonds are Issued under tno charter power - '
er of stld city , and will be delivered to pur
chasers , on payment tborelor , at the city
treasury In Omaha on August 1,1837.
Bids will bo addressed to the undersigned nnd
marked "Proposals for District Paving Bond * , "
and must state the full name and address of tbo
bidder , the amount of suld bonds desired ( a
similar amount duo esoh year from one to nine
years ) , und the prlco proposed to bo ( .aid , with
accrued Interest
The right Is reserved to reject any aud all
bids. JOHN RUSH , City Treasurer.
Taken Up.
Juno 23. by E. A. Tliupcrly , four miles north
west of Irvington , a little buy puiy : with three
white feet , hip shut , spavined in one bind leg
and blazed fact. J * . ti Jy. 1 , , li , 22J
Three years KO I contracted a blood polson.
1 applied to a physician at once and his treat
ment came near killing mo. 1 employed an
old physician nntl then wont to Kj > I then wont
to lint SprltiKsnnd rcinnlne < t two month * , but
notUlnir seemed to euro mo permanently , nl *
though temporary relief wni Riven mo. My
condition ffrow dcspsrato and I applied to n
noted quack , but 1 dla not linprovo. I then
used A preparation which was prescribe * !
"gratis , " but It contained too much alcohol find
flKffrnvatcd my sutrcrlnir * . I then placed my
self under thu treatment of n noted NaOivlllo
physician and for a time was bonoflttcd , but by
fall 1 returned home n ruined man physically
and financially , with but llttloptospectgof over
irettlriK wo'.L My money being oxlmuMcd , I
did not know what to do. In Mnr , lvV * > . mjr
mother persuaded mo to net a bottle of It. II. II.
( inndeln Atlanta ) nnd I did to to tr ratify her ,
but to my utter nstonlchmont I had not Mnlilied
the first bottle before every ulcer hnd been
To the present time I hnro used five bottles
and luivo received tnoro bcnellt than from nil
the rest combined i nnd I nra sathflod that H. II.
II , In the most wonderful blood purifier ever
before known , nnd I urno nil nllllctcd young
men to try one smirlo bottle nnd bo convinced.
1 cnn truly env 1 think It the brut medlclno In
the world. Z. T. HAU.KHTO.S.
Macon , 0 . , MayMSSO.
For mnny ycnrs I hnvo been nllllcted with rheu
mntlim combined with somokbinoy troubles. In
digestion llnnlly added to my misery and 1 soon
became feeble nnd very nervous , nnd my whole
Sstcm wnspiostniteit. Several physicians were
employed nnd numerous patent medicines resorted -
sorted to without benefit. After soolmr to
many testimonials ottolllnff the wonderful
merit of II. II. II. , I commenced Its use and the
effect wns llko maple. Ithoumatlo pnlnicensed ,
my Kldnejs were rollored nnd my constitution
Improved at once , nnd 1 cheerfully recommend
It to others who mny bo similarly allllctcd.
DaVot .Ga.Mny 4.1 M.
CHAIU.OTTE , N , 0. , April 21 , ISM.
After using II. II. II. I unhesitatingly state
that It did more rood for my kidney complnint
than nil other remedies combined. ItR notion H
speedy , nnd I cheerfully recommend It for kidney
noy derangements. T. II. CAI.I.AII .
All who desire full Information about the
cause and euro of lllood Poisons , Scrofula and
scrofulous Swellings , Ulcers. Sores , Hhoutna-
tlsm. Kidney Complaints , Catnrrh , etc. , cnn go-
euro oy rcsll , free , a copy of our IB pnzB Illilf-
trnto-1 Hook of Wonders , filled with the most
wonderful nnd startling pi oof ever before
known. Address ,
lir.OOD BAt.M CO. , Atlnntn , da.
Sold by J , A. Fuller & Co. , wholesale and re-
tall. Omnha Neb
U , S , Mail Chutes
In office buildings , en.ibles ten
ants to mail their own letters
without leaving the floor on
which their offices are located.
In use in sixteen cities.
TURING Co. , Rochester , N. Y. ,
sole makers.
Something entirely new
nnd Fells at sight llnr-
.ton's Stenmlcs' * . Odor-
' .iss , Non-Boll-Over-Kot-
tle. Has deep raised
cover nnd water joint ,
nnd an outlet which car
ries all Btcnm and odor
the chimney. Patent
Steamer attachment
nlono worth thn prlco.
Agents wanted , male or
femnlo In every town In Nebraska. Profits $5 to
$10 p Aday. . Liberal terms and exclusive terri
tory f.von. Bond stamp for circular nnd terms.
Prices , 6 qt. , $1.75 : 8 nt , $1.85 ; 10 qt , J8 ; 14 qt ,
J2.25. Model by mail , 2 'c.
W.8. COOM US. Gonornl Agent , .
Omnhn , Neb. , P. O. Bov483.
Mmlo from sound wheat. Beit Uora Hour
made. Make * bone and mnnclo. Invigorate * tbe
brnln , ( trenKthens the nerves , enrlchei tl > Dlnoil.
BuHorcrsfrom drsnspsla , Imllnesll m , conitlpatlon
illubctci , Brlvht'i dim no , etc. , will Unit It Invalua
ble. CUXUI Foil WKLIj PBOPLK. Onlerltof your
dealer. Bnmplapitokitge free tipbrilctnns who will
par cxprcm chargai. Circular lil'lntffull purtloa-
I nra on applicntloa.
Welshaus , Pratt & Ilnlncs , OmaliaNcb
Manufacturers of Cereal Specialties.
Office , 1411 l-'J Furnam.
Residence. UOth auUCullfornlaSt
An Island on the Sou thorn coast of Massacliu
soils. Good ilshink and bench for bathing. Lo
cated In the best Hummer Climate In the world
For full particulars address ,
Mutual Life It all 11 ng , JB Nassau St. , N. Y
Toe Origin * ! mnd Only Genuine.
I1 H . nt f rtfcl w Imlutloot
' h u * lw j K r w
I'a'.w'.ibl. w LADIES * Amk ' < " " * > ' < < * *
"cilche.Ur'i EiiTl.Tp'lIid Uk > oiLir , orT7 , .l n i
filftnib. ) u > ui for iirlie > lr tn Mttr by retttni MA11.
M/ufilEPAP : I'W li ' .tSR. ' l. ? -L
r&lit for "CfclrkS *
Veterinary Surgeon
Ofllcc , 417 S. Hill .STREET , )
Carpenter and Builder ,
'J'olopliono ( ) CO.
300 South Sixteenth Street.
Homupatliic Physici
Olhcennd residence , Koom 17 Arlington Bock
l524DodgoSt. 1st building West of Pontonict
Of House Furniture , every Wuilntiiilay
and Satunluy at 007 S. 13tlt St. ,
ut 10 n. in.
Nought nnd soU. Furnlturo Bold on tlmo
pii.ymenlK. Chcwiest | place to buy lurnl-
tureand household L'oods In tlui city.
KlIKl 0(1 (
Cor 18th and Douglas sta.
Oapitnl Stock $160,000
Liability of Stockholder * 800,000
The only regular saving * btnk in the stntoFirt
percent Interest paid ou deposit * .
Lonna Undo on Rual state.
o mcr. us :
UUYC. TUnTOx , President i J. J. BROWN. VIc
President ; lk M. UKXNr/rr , Mnnasrmx Di
rector ! JOHN B. Wiuitm , Cashier ,
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital 600,000
W. W. MARSH , President.
J. W. RODEFRR , Ckihler
Accounts solicited nnd prompt attention
given to nil business entrusted to its care.
Pay 6 per cent on time deposits.
No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capltol Av
enue and 16th sti.
Telephone No 842.
Union TrustCo
3OSS. lath M , , Onmlin , Neb.
Capital , $300,000
Loan * nntlo on llcnl Eitnto.
School , County nntl Muniolpnl Bonds No
President Vlen Prcl.
HOBT. L. GAnuciia , F. II. JOHNSON ,
Becrotur ? . Treasurer.
W. G. XlAtir. . I II. W1I.MAM8.
KOUT. L. OAni.icn ? . 8. K. JOHNSON.
filO jVbrt/t 16th Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,009
GF.O. E. BARKER , I'restdont.
ROUT. L. QARL1CHS , Vlco-Frcsldcnt
F. JOHNSON , CnsbltB
SAMDr.I'K. JOHNPOX , 0 tO. E. BAniCEIt ,
A goncrnl banking business transacted.
Interest allowed on imo deim
By Dr. gnedlker'i method. No operttloni No P lnj v
o Detention from business. AJuotod to children
,9 well a > grown people. Hundred ! of autogrupm
cstlmunUla on nlo. Allbutlncns strictly conndaa-
PltOF. IV. U. COOK ,
Room G , 1514 Douglna St. , Omaha , Nob.
OfflcciSouth Omnha IlpomS , nunUDulldlng.Nlntk
Omaba no jm 0 , over Cummorclal National Ilank.
JU. JR. 1118DOX ,
Merchants' National Bank Building , Roorat
Telephone No. 1375 , Omaha , Nebraska.
Phoenix. London. Eniflnnd $5,723,374.11
Firemen's. Newark , N. J 1,554M8.8 ]
Glen's Fulls , Olcn's Falls , N. Y l,4U2,2tt.tV
Girard , Philadelphia. Pn l eSfOVK
Wostchtster Now Vork N. Y . . . . 1.342,66 ,0n
Notice ,
ifATTER of application of Henry Rann
U. lor liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given that Henry RanA
did upon the 1st day of July , A. D. 1887. '
lie his application to the muyor and cltr
rounell ot Omaha , for license to sell malt ,
spirituous nnd vinous Illinois , nt NW cor 87th.
& Wnlniit Rtreot , 7th ward , Omahn , Nebraska ,
from the llth dny of April , 18S7 , to the 10tE <
day of April , 1888.
If there bo no objection , rcmonstrnnca or
protest Hied within two wcoks from J 'ily lst |
A. D. 1897 , the said license will bo granted. ,
I1ENKY HANN , Applicant
J. B. SouTnAnii.Cltv Clerk. Jyif-9
\fATTER of application of MoAdami
JM. for liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that MoAdams & Elsie
did upon the 3rd dny ot July A. D. 1887flle tbolr \ * ;
application to the mayor and city council ot
Omaha , for llcensn to sell malt , spirituous nnd 1
vinous liquors , at No. 1013 Cutnlng street ,
Elgth ward , Omaha , Neb , from the llth day
of April , 1887 , to the 10th dny of April , 1888.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance ot
protest tiled within two weeks from July id .
A. D. 183" , the said llconse will bo gran tod. t
MOADAMS & EISLE , Applicant.
J. B. BotiTHAitii , City Clerk. jyii-
Notice , *
Sealed proposals will lie received until Satur
day , July 1-tli , 1887 , nt 12 o'cloox , noon , at , th ,
ottico of tbo undersigned , for the purctiHSu of
the oust 41 feet ot lot a. In block 148. city , known
as 1413 and 1115 Ilarnoy street , with the build
ings thereon , The owner i cservos the right to
reject any or nil lildn. Full particulars upon
application nt the olflco of 0. W. MOCNT.
318 South 15tb Strott , Omnhn.
In the District Court of Douglas Connty ,
In the mnttor of the oblate of Huns C. Larson ,
deceased. . „
The cnuso oimo on forbearing upon the V
petition of Amelia Lauen , administratrix , or 1
the ostntoof linns C. Lnrecn , deceased , piny me ' ; '
for license to sell lot seventeen )17) ) ) In blocK i
cloven (11) ( ) , In Ilnnscoin Place , an addition to >
the city of Omnhn , for the payment of the outStanding -
Standing Indebtedness analnst the Hforosald i
estate , the costs of administration , and for tbo 3
suppoit nnd education of the minor children ,
them not being Rufllclwit personal property to
pny the snld debts , expenses , nnd to cducato
and support the minor childien. It Is therel
fore oiduiod that nil persons Interested in said
estate nppcnr before ono of the judges of tbo
district court nt the court hoiino In Omnhn on
the Hh dny of August lbS7. at 10 o'clock u.
show came why n license bhoiitd not bo granted
to taid administratrix to sell the above de
scribed real eslato of Mild decensod to pny raid ,
dehtf. expenses , nnd for the imtd auppirt and {
education of the minor children of MHld Hani '
C. Larson , deceased , nnd that thU eider bo ?
( lUbllshod on iliiy eneh vrook for four sucoot * ' 1
slvevcek In tlio Omaha Dally lieu. 'C
Dnled tlils-'llh dny ot June , 18i > 7. I
BytheCouit ; M. It. Horiirn.t. : , Judge.
Legal Notice ,
StHlo of Ncbrai'ict , County of Douclni-R. P.
In thiMtlstiict eo'.nt of Iiout'lus county , No * „
binskn , f
To William K. Pnltner : You uro hereby noti- ' '
Hi ) , ! that you hnvo been sued in the above ' .
niiinod court liv Anna I'ulmur. the Ktnnral
nature of whloh Is to obtnln n dlvono from
you nn the irrotiniJi ° r niinitury und extreme
cniolty totuirdx sild plnlnti.Y. nml miles * you
nn < orto said potltlnn lieicln tiled against you
tin tins day on or before the llith day of Aug.
list , Ihb7 , the rainuvtlll ho taken nn true , nnd
judKincnt rendered ngnlnst you ncronllntrto
Hie polltUm ! ioriin Died a > ; nlnil you this June
tl , 1SS7. . ANNvF
Nottoo to Conlrncjtorfl ,
SiAMI : : ) proposal ) will l > o received at the
oMco ! nf thn county eoini'iistiloners up to
noon of Julv 2.'inl , A. 1) ) . 1 > > * 7. for bulMIng *
ccunly iiosplml in Oinnha , Dunlins county , N -
Lrunka , accuiding to the plui-.s and fprclVu-
lions on lllo In the county commlitlonor'tf
olMce. ,
Kuril blil must bo accompanied by nccrtlatd
chrok In the amount of tlvohnndrcdtlolmro.
The right la ICUMTOU to r eject unv nud a.ll'lda ,
By outer of tlni lioitid ,
( Brui. ) C. 1 * . NRbiA.M ( , County Clerk ,