5BSWF 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 3. 1887.-TWELVE .1 * farm three miles from town Is burning up bis entire wheat Held , consisting of thirty acres. Another ono cut his wheat yesterday and will use ) t for stock feed. The bugs are also Injuring corn nnd oats somewhat , but there will still bo a largo crop ot these Co reals. - FAinrinr.n. Neb. , July 2. | Special Tele- Brain to the DKE.I A heavy rain will save corn , Chinch bugs have destroyed most of the small grain In the southern part of the i county , XHK JKWELIty TItADK. " A Fair Outlook For a Good Fall Busi ness. NKW Yonic , July 2.-lSppdal to the BEE. | The Jewelry trade Is well adapted by reason of its nature and necessities to servo as an ' Index to the general prosperity of the whole country. No trade Is more affected by good crops and an easy money market , and none - > reflects more quickly the depressing Influence of hard times. During recent years retail \ ( Jewelers have displayed more conservatism f In purchasing their supplies than formerly. Instead of laying In largo stocks , some of Which they would bo obliged to carry over from ono season to another , they have alined more to carry only such quantities as the needs of their customers would seem to war rant. The result of this policy was apparent In last spring's trade. Stocks throughout the . United States had become pretty well de pleted and as a consequence the sales by 1 manufacturers and Jobbers exceeded those of ' one year ago tor the same period. A quickened demand has tended to create a . , feeling ot confidence all round. This , too , In the face of the fact that retail trade In the BDrln | season Is of a trifling and ephemeral Character , seldom lasting long -than five ' or six weeks. Two Important failures at - Chicago , one the Clapp & Davles affair , the other the Webcr-Kosenkranz , shattered con \f \ fidence for a time , but the elfect was not far- ' . 'reaching nor lasting. Both failures were pretty bad ones , the Clapp & Davles espe cially. Now England manufacturers were bit the hardest , but while the aigrogate loss was large , It was so divided up among many firms that the shock was not as serious as ft otherwise would have been. No trade In the country Is more prone to give long credits and take chances on doubtful customers. Juno 20 usually marks the opening of the fall and holiday season on the part of manu facturers and Jobbers. Then the cheap Jewelry manufacturers from Providence , the Attleboros and other parts ot Now England , and the gold poods manufacture-is from New ark ana elsewhere begin to drop Into New York with completed stocks of now designs. to moot tbo Jobbers and agents and place or ders for July and August delivery. It Is fully a month earlier than there Is any ne cessity for , but the custom Is ono that has been observed for years , and Is likely to con tinue Indefinitely. The jobber ? , almost without exception , Insist that tlio season * opens fully thirty days or even forty days r 'earlier than It should by good rights. > f " Maiden Lane Is the center of the Jewelry trade of the United Statos. A careful can vass of the leading jobbers and agents reveals the fact that stocks on hand are smaller than usual at this season and the leaders of the ( "market almost unanimously look forward tea a fall trade that will exceed In volume that tor any like period for five years past , and propose at the outset to place orders accord ingly with the manufacturers. This will be ' 'the case especially In the cheaper grades of Jewelry. Importers ot fine watch movements are also placing larger orders. It Is a noteworthy fact that the low class plated goods como chiefly from New Eng land. The home ot the shrewd , bargain- driving Yankee Is also the home of brass Jewelry. Before and during the civil war . .colossal fortunes wore coined there In this branch ot the trade. Goods , so cheap that the cost of production was a mere trifle when con trasted with the selling price nnd profit , a.jaargln , were dlrposod ofln enormous nuan- i titles. Of late years all this Is changed. A f -freer play of the competitive principle v together with Improved and cheapened methods ot manufacture have altered the conditions and reduced profits to the bed- rook basis , until the manufacturers of cheap tj.Jewelry has come to mean meagre profits at tended by a deal of uncertainty and consequent quent rlbk. Many ot the wealthiest houses gv I o-this line in Providence and the Attleboros' i nave made little of late. fl/J Newark and New York City manufacture ' the greater part of the gold Jewelry. Only last week the plant of a noted manufacturing concern engaged in'Uils branch was removed from Providence to New York , for the rea- /Dtflon as stated by the owners that some 'dlfll- .culty was experienced at Providence In pro curing the proper complement of skilled . operators accustomed to making up fine gold < ' "work. At New STork this trouble will bo eliminated. / / T It would seem as though bod-rock prices I for cheap watches have yet to bo readied. A * new company backed by bin capital will Soon place a cheap time-piece on the market In competition with the present low erade movements and an already established New England watch and clock company threaten i If competlon Is carried too far , to retaliate by Offering the Jewelry trade of the United States nlckle watch that will retail at S3 , with M fair margin of profit for the manufacturer , jobber and retailer. Like nearly all the new ' i Ideas In jewelry and time-pieces the idea for . the first low priced watch manufactured In America was stolen from the French. II , ; would appear as though the superstition [ . about the need of high priced watches was .f st disappearing. . , ; t VJ The diamond market Is dull and feature- > { st less. Of late the preference of the wealthy d v ? in Europe for precious fancy stones , and ne rubies , sapphires , emeralds and cat'a-eyee , 4 i * " over diamonds has been fotlowed In this V. o' country by persons of wealth , purchases ol j .course being confined to veritable corns , A ( Ttie'rfect , fine pigeon blood ruby Is In fact more : ! t jaluablo than a diamond ot the samn weight. ? Allot the fancy gems In fact are riding a , bull market Star sapphires , distinctly lint > * * ' * * tt extremely rare ; so also Egyptian tur- - .i.quolse. Fancy stones generally fine and , ! ; ; well proportioned are by uo moans abun- "V itTdant New York Is tlio great diamond con- * i im.tre of the country and receives the great bulk 1 , i-ot Importations. A moderate number ol J"sXa.Tongh stones ore Imported , and as these escape all duty and the services ot expert " f cutters are now obtainable here. The ° y mounting of diamonds brings them .within Jhe classification of Jewelry , entails % 'duty , aud so prevents the Importation . .of Jewelry in which diamonds are set , except for patterns. The chief retail trade Is thai of New York , which Is followed In the ordei 4imampd by Boston , Philadelphia , Chicago , St _ mils and San Francisco. The leading de- 1 mand in the west Is for large , fine diamonds , /The wear of diamonds by ladles In tht : , ' -"United mates Is not confined , as In Europe , no.to' dress occasions. The American trade limits Its purchases to well-cut stones , and nthe retail diamond dealers abroad and al homo agree that of all purchasers Americans re most appreciative and critical. A clr cumslunco that facilitates assessment * ol tevTalues In this line is that when the eyes be come familiarized to a fine diamond , any ln < f "ferlor grade as to form and brilliancy can at * V rmi * * HA ffitA/ tJ ( an English paper the dla , question at Cope Colony Is be „ ( ieomine a Kouroe ot some anxiety , ItUbolnt DVurgfxl that at present the prosperity of al ttftJouth Afrlcn Is mainly dependent on thi " diamond Industry. Kvery week at Klmborl ] < > about 100,000 Is paid away In wages alone fl i&d this sum. It Is said , Is probably not fa ? JTJshort of the amount paid in the same w : , * S/Jfcroughout all the resVof thn Colony. ' i. BOJi W1U. DIAMONDS LAST ? f s > i , lithe question which excites attention ev i > ivon the diamond field themselves. A Klin t - > ! 'b ly paper points to some facts which havi f V * ' * wrlous aspect. There are signs that tin ? 5raluo of the diamond Is declining , Tin , - ' ' ' 'TdllowliiK comparative table of figures I : ' 'if. published in Illustration of this statement. ! * " > Y Production Value for Value per , * ; „ Kovpmbor. lncnr ti. export. carat ' ' " " ' ' ' \ MM ! ! , ! ; . . maw 'SMMOU K 7 3-41 ' , - > < | iM 812,098 248,854 la 3 l-li < r - . | N6 1W.MJ 191.9M UsSS-f Thus , though the out-put has tended to in r. , , - crease , the gross value and the value pe : ear&t have apparently declined In a create * V ratio. Meanwhile the cost of mlnlnir lias In * ' - ; weased and the margin of profit for mln it , WRerS'nnd thn shareholders has continue * v to diminish. The Increased depth of th mines and the dlillcuUlos connected with th \ . tend to Increase expenses , and t ; A : atMdy maintenance of a large out-put ad tc 1 1 .dine to the bulkof an article In consuinptloi 3j'fhlch Is practically Indestructable. inua " " - ( lend equally to bring about the further de ? " latlon of prices. > IF" ' . ' . k * > r Waived Examlnntlou. .f OutcnrxATi- July 2. E. L. .Harper an Vl ' J iB'K. Hopkins , of the FIdellt bank , did not appear before th Mer this atturnoon , but byihel M they waived examination , and 1 * ' < tell w ro committed to answer i 9t WTt. it. IN THE FIELD OF SPORTS , low the Western League Olubs Stand for the Championship , OMAHA AND DENVER TO-DAY , llastlnaa Drops Another Game at Lincoln Shoot of the licfevro Gun Clnb The Prlnce- Whlttnkcr Itacc. tWostcrn League Standing. The following table shows the records ot amcs lost and won , and the averages of the clubs of thn Western league up to and in cluding yesterday's game : Omaha-Denver To-Day. There will bo a tremendous crowd at the ball park this afternoon to seethe Omahas and Denvors do battle. The Omahas feel excessively nettled at their overwhelming reception at the base of the Rockies , and will lay themselves out to-day to retrieve themselves. It will be a treat game and no mistake. Subjoined will bo found the posi tions and batting order ot the two teams : DKNVKII. OMAUA. McSorloy 2b Swift 2b Sllch If Walsh ss Smith Ib Dwyer Ib Lebeau ub Harter c Gorman cf Itourko Sb Phillips ssMcssItt .rf rf Hader If Hurley c Genius cf Lettenberg p Hartson p McLaughlln will umpire tbo game this afternoon , The Old Story of Defeat. LINCOLN. Neb. , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J The sluggers again defeated the Hastings for the fifth consecutive time by a score of 10 to 4. Score by innings : Lincoln 0 2331210 5-10 Hastings 0 00021001 4 Vase hits Lincoln 17 , Hastings 0. Two base bits Lincoln 3 , Hastings : ! . Three base hits Lincoln 4 , Hastings I. Bases stolen Lincoln 12 , Hastings 4. Home runs Beck- ley. Struck out by Swartzel G , Daniels 2. Batteries Lincoln , Swartzel and Hoover ; Uastlngs , Daniels and Turner. Time of game 2 hours. Umpire Hart. St. Joe Defeats Ijoavenirorth. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 2. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. I St. Joseph had a walk- may to-day , Leavenworth being outplayed at every point. Score by Innings : St. Joseph 4 3002200 0-11 Leaven worth..0 10100000 2 Error St. Joseph ! ) , Loavenworth 4. Base hits St. Joseph 18 , Leavenworth 12. Runs earned St. Josephs , Leavenworth 1. Home runs Levls of Leavenworth. Batteries Fitzslmmons and Sttuove for St. Joseph , L'rosler and Welch for Lcavonworth. York Defeats Vtlca. WACO , Nob. , July 2. | Special Telegram to the BEE. I The ball game between the Utlca and 1'ork teams resulted In an easy victory by the latter. Score. IS , to 1. Northwestern league Games. DKS MOINES , July 2. Northwestern leazuo games to-day : At LaCrosse Milwaukee 3 , LaCrosse 13. At Minneapolis St. Paul 2. Minneapolis 0. National Licaguo Games. PITTSIIURO , July 2. Thegame' between the Pittaburg and -JJoston teams to-day resulted as follows : Pittsburg 0 0 TTO 01000-1 Boston 0 0000811 B Base hits Pittsburg 10 , Boston 8 , Errors Pittsburg 8 , Boston L Pitchers Morris and Conway. Umpire Valentine. DETBOIT , July 2. The pamo between the Detroit and Philadelphia teams to-day re sulted as follows : Detroit 6 31001 0-11 Philadelphia 0 0 l l o 0 l 3 Seven Innings , rain. Base hits Detroit 15. Philadelphia 13. Errors-Detroit3 , Phila delphia 2. Pitchers-Woldmau and Bullin- ton. Umpire Doescher. ' INDIANAPOLIS. July 2. The game be tween the Indlanauolls aud New York teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 0 000000 0 0 NmvYorlc 0 1100103-5 Base hits Indianapolis 8 , New York 13. Errors New York 4. Indianapolis 6 , Pitch ers Boyle and Mattlmore Umpire Pcarce. CHICAGO , July 3. The game between the Chicago and Washington teauis to-day result ed as follows : Chicago 63000030 * 10 Washington 0 00000300 3 Pitchers Vanhaltren and Whitney. Base UlU-ChtcagolS , Washington G. Errors Chicago cage 3 , Washington B. Umpire Powers. The American Association. NEwYoiw : , July 2. The game between the Metropolitan and Biooklyn teams to-day resulted as follows : Metropolitans..0 0023510 0 11 Brooklyn 0 0333810 0 10 Base hits Metropolitans 18. Brooklyn 10. Errors Metropolitans 4 , Brooklyn . Pitch ers McMillan and Porter. Umpire Parsch. CINCINNATI , July 3. The , game be tween Cleveland and Cincinnati teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 0 0330181 1 la Cleveland 0 30020031 7 Base hits Cincinnati 23 , Cleveland 14 , Errors Cincinnati 5. Cleveland 4. PlU-h- ers tien d aud Crowoll. Umpire McQuadc. PHILADELPHIA. July a. The game be tween the Athletics and Baltimore to-day resulted as follows : Athletic . . . .0 10100033-0 Baltimore .0 3000033 * 7 Base hits Athletics 0 , Baltimore 10. Errors Athletics 5 , Baltimore 7. Pitchers Atklson and KHrey. Umpire Ferguson. LOUISVILLE , July 3. The game between the St. Louis and Louisville teauis to-day resulted as follows : Louisville. 1 00020000 3 St. Louis 4 3000103 * 10 Base blta Louisville 10 , bt , Louis 20. Errors Louisville 3 , St. Louis 3. Pitchers Nealand Caruthcra. Umpire " oung. Bohnyler Races. SCHUYI.ER , Meb. , July 2. [ Special Telo- itrara to Uie BEE , I The second day's races drew a much larger attendance than the first There was considerable betting on the side and quite a little money changed hnnd.s. There were two races to-day. The first , trotting , 2:40 : class. The first money , SCO. was won by Graham's Mambrlno , owned at Scrlbner. Time , 3:45. : The second was the novelty free-for-all runnliiit race , mile and a quarter dash , the horsu ahead at each quar ter to receive S20. The lirst two quartets were won by Rosallud , owned at York , thn last two by Madison , owned at Springfield , The track was slow owing to the sand , which was judged ten seconds slow. Having had a fine rain this evening , tne track will be in much better shape for the races on Monday , and a much larger attendance Is looked for then , as well as the beat races , Wasblnttton Park Itaccs. WASHINGTON PARK , N. Y. , July a There was an attendance of 10,000 , the weather was pleasant , and the track fast and dry. The following Is the summary : Three-year olds , one mile : Jacobin won , Cory second , Poteen third. Time 1:42. All nee * . Blx furlongs : Pearl Jennlnca fron , Little Mlnck second. Colonel Owens third , Tlrae-UU. Two-year-olds , live furlongs : Emperor ot Norfolk won. King Idle second , Colonel Zeb Ward third. Tlmo 1 : af ! All ages , one mile and quarter : Jim Gore won , Darllna second , Miss Motley third , Time 2:05. : Steeple rha.se , full course : Tennessee won , Wellington sioond. Warfellow refused the jecond water Jump. Time 3:07. : Faateit Tlate OB Keoord. * Br , PAUI , July S3 , The second day of tiu Twin City Drivl a d Jockey club new had an atUadance trf t , W , TJutnok WM cst , the tlmo made in the 3:00 : trotbolngcon- Idercd unusual. ' * 3:24 : trot , purse 1,000 : John R. Wlso web , tlambrlnotto second , Wallace third , Banner Bay fourth. Best tlmo-2'J3 : . 3:30 : trot , purse 83,000 : Condo won , Class veatlor second , Problem third , Smuggler fourth. Best lime 2S4)/ : ) . 2:20 : trot , purse Sl.OOO : Patsy Clinker won , Country Girl second , Hoppln third , Lillian fourth. Besttluio 2 : ! jf. In the running race between Miss Master- man riding Golden Arrow nnd Miss Morse riding Frank Gallatln and Belle Plant the former won the lirst mile heat In 1:5S : % and he second In 1:60 : , , thn latter being the faslcst time ever made by equestriennes. Coney Island's Lnst Races. Nr.w YOUK , July 2. The spring"mcetlnB of the Coney Island Jockey club ended to day with lovely weather , a fast track and a and a very heavy attendance. The follow- ni : Is the summary : Three-year-olds and upwards , one mile : I3urch won , Tlllo Dee second , , FIageolette third. Time 1:40 : . Two-year-olds , threo-ouarters mile : Sea- 'oam won , Teatray second , Satan third , rime l:14Jf. : Three-year-olds , one and one-quarter mile : llanovar won , Stockton second , Reveller third. Time 2:11. One and three-eighths mlle : Tonbooker won , Hidalgo second , Richmond third. Tlmo 2-23. One mile : Ovid won , Margie J. second , Stonebuck third. TImo-l:41. : Three-quarters milo : Choctaw won , Bess second. Vounit Luke third. Tlmo 1:14J : Ono mlle , on turf : Lackawana won , ( tren- adlcr second , Ernest third. Time 1:44. : Lefovro Gun Club Shoot. The weekly shoot of the Lofevro gun club took place yesterday afternoon at the club grcundi back of Shaw Jk Field's warehouse- Owing to the near approach of the Fourth the attendance was unusually light , but not withstanding this fact the shooting was of more than average interest and some uncom monly good scores were made. The first event of the afternoon was the weekly club shoot for the medal , twenty-live snipe , eighteen yards risewhich resulted as follows : Ketchum 011111101100010.1110110101 10 Chrystler 10110 Hill 01100 mil 11111-20 Abercromblo. .0000011010 01100 11110 00100 11 Burgess lioiu Hill 10010 ooill oiooo 1 : < Nason 1111111010110111101111110-20 Fitchett lOOOt 0111111001 OIWX ) 11101 14 Townsend..111111111111110 0001111110-20 Messrs. Nason and Chrlstler tioing , they bho , elf , six birds each , with the following scores : Nason l llii i o Chrystler l 0011 1-4 In consebuenco Mr Nason will sport the club badge for the current week. The second event was a team nhoot , 20 snlite. 18 yards rise , for the payment of birds and sheila , Messrs. Christler , Fitchett and Bureoss constituting one team ana Nason , Ambercrombo ana Townsoud the other. Be low will be found the score : Chrystler 00101 lllll 1110111111-15 Fitchett 1010011101 10110 11111 12 Burgess 00101 01010 11010 11111-12 Total 39 Nasou lllll 11011 01101 10111 10 Abtirorombio 10011 01100 1010111011 12 Townsend lioio liooi 10111 lllll 10 Total JJ The third event on the afternoon's card was a double blid match , six pairs , 10 yards rise , for shells and birds. Scoie : Townsend 1 OlOloilioio 7 Burgess 1 00010010010 4 Aberciomble 1 011101-10020 7 Chrystler 1 11111-10111 l 10 Fitchett I 00011101011 7 Nason 1 10000011010 5 This ended the day's sport , but on the Foulth a grand piogramme has been prepared - pared for these grounds. There will bo shooting all day , commencing with 0 o'clock In the morning , tuid some fine sport is as sured. Fifteen hundred live pig- cons have been engaged for the. dif ferent events , in addition to which several thousand clay birds , Peorla black birds , and snlpo will be used. During the day the match between Parmaleo nnd Har- dln , 100 pigeons for S100 a side , will too shot , In addition to three or four otlior interesting extra matches. Mcllonry Johnson Is putting himself In shane to go up against any and all coiners In his class. He Is anxious to get on with a match , Wilson , or Woodson preferred.-for any amount. > " * - i * < < > ' < < < l ' A game of base ball , live Jnnlncs..hptweon- ' the Omaha Business college club and'tho Union Pacific shop , No. 9 team , yesterday aftcrnoon.-resulted In the close score of 5 to 4 In favor of the college boys. Prince and AVhlttnkcr. J. Shilllngton Prince last night deposited 50 as an earnest of his willingness- meet Whittaker In bicycle race. If the race takes place It will be for S2TX ) a side , and will oc cur at the base ball grounds two weeks f roln to-day. The distance will be ten miles and the race will no doubt bo a close' and excit ing one. Tommy \Varren C'rawIlsliCJi. Mr. Herb Rothery Is in receipt of the fol lowing epistle from Tommy Warren , the Minneapolis featherweUht , In which ho "crawfishes" with much eclat. But here it is : MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , June so. Dear Sir : Just received your letter and hasten to an swer. If you will guarantee me S350 to spar fifteen rounds with two-ounce cloves at 118 pounds weight twelve hours before the lighter or at rlne side , match to come otf In three or four weeks under your solo management , I will be on band. If you guaiunteo mo S" SO , win or lose , send on articles of agreement im mediately and I will deposit $200 with some responsible party to be on hand at proper weight. Answer at your earliest conveni ence. I must have made a mistake if I said I would fight Miller for S300 a side. I meant * nothing less than 8500. light to take place halt way between hero and Omaha , winner to take all the gate monoy. Either will suit me S350 for fifteen rounds or S500 and the gate , to the winner of a fight to a finish , light to take plnco half way between hero and Omaha. 1 ours Respectfully. TOMMY WAHHEN. Mr. Hothery Is determined that a go shall be brought about between Miller and Warren at any cost or hazard. Warren In his last ef fusion maintains his reputation as a schemer and a "crab , " as In a former communication ho distinctly specified his willingness to come to Omaha ana do battle with Miller for SBOOasldoand the gate receipts. However , notwithstanding his parsimonious actions , ho Is game to the core , and Miller would do well , exceedingly well , if he should be able to even make a draw with him. Local Sporting Tips. . The Denvers. thirteen men with Manager McClintock , are at the Merchants. f Everybody go out and see Die game this afternoon it will bo a great one. The Omaha toboggan slide Is to bo materi ally overhauled and Improved for next winter. George K. Barnes , the Nebraska giant , goes down to Kansas City next month for sparring exhibitions at the coliseum. The Council Bluffs races will begin the fourth , and the Indications are that the meet will be highly successful In all details. little Bsder Is worth his weight In scrap iron to the Omahas. He can give them all cards and spades aud beat them hands down at base running. One of the novel attractions at the fair on the Fourth will be the race of 5rounds Prince against ono of the fastest thoroughbred trotters In the state , five miles straightaway. The mere fact tiiat the Denvers beat the Omahas three straights on their own grounds will attract an immense crowd at association park this afternoon. Everybody Is anxious to see It they can make It four. The chances are that they can't do It. Prof. Hunt , who makes the balloon ascen sion from the fair grounds on the Fourth , gets 8400 for the trip. He expects to teach an altitude of three and a naif miles and travel not loss than fifty miles. The con tract provides that ho must ito out of sight. At the Omaha Rifle club shoot next Wed nesday three prizes will be shot for. with an entrance fee of SI for ten shots. The first , one-thirtieth of entrance fees ; second , one- twentieth , and third , one-tenth. Forty per cent ot the receipts goes to the club. Budd. the great Des Molnes wing shot , shot a magnificent match with Slice , of Peorla , Wednesday , killing nlnety-soreA pigeons out of one hundred , to Slice's nlnety-flve. Three ot Budii's misses fell dead out of bounds ; and In reality he killed ninety-nine. A famous record. Visitors at the ball park to-morrow will oilce the new Improvements , the reporters' standhuee bulletin board and reamnce- neatot we western open Mate. The bicycle tnck * M tUe bwa iwMMMt w4 lap * * * , an additional foot ot clay having been put on , packed and leveled. Tommy Miller Is In active training at tbo lake In the hands of Tkfcllcnry Johnson , the black star. In thq evejit that the prospective litrht with Warren , is no go , a match will bo made for a purse between Miller And an un known local bintan Die tight to take place within fifty miles o * Omaha during the pres ent month. < ' Prince and WlllJtakor are booked for a match 'cycle chasoiJit-Asaoclatlon park two weeks from to-dayijuiduy , July 17th , It Is to be a Jog ot ten .miles for S200 a side. Tiiero will also on this occasion bo several professional and nhiatcur races open to all comers , nnd a hall mlle amateur foot raco. Among the events will bu a 25 sweepstakes , open to all comer ? . AshliiKcr , Kuaup and Eck will go In tMsi Oh no , there wont bo any fun at the fair grounds to-morrow , with the balloon ascen sion , chariot , trotting , rnnnlne. sack nnd foot races , jumptngr wrestjlng , lifting and Knowing , mule KjcQji , bicycle races , polo vaulting , and agitating the fantastic toe. There will also be nn oleaginous pig , a greased pole , and all sorts of dtvortlsoments lor the multitude , and whoever stavs away will be after kicking himself to death the next day. To Illustrate the glorious uncertainties of base ball. It Is but necessary to mention that the Hastings team went to Denver and took three straight games from the Denvers ; then the Omahas go to Hastings and win three straights from the conquerors of the Den vers ; then the Omahas run down to Denver , nnd , contrary to all scleutllic deductions , dump throe straights to the Donvers. Thus It will be seen that Hastings Is Rtiongcrthan Denver , Omaha stronger than Hastings , and Denver stronger than Omaha. In other words the strongest club is the weakest , nnd the weakest the strongest. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , June 30. Sporting Ed. BEE : Having sent on my entry to Mr. Prince for the bicycle races that took plnco In your city Sunday inst , 1 suppose I wvs ex pected to be on hand. However , at the last moment business prevented my attending. 1 would now say 1 am willing to come to Omaha once more and try conclusions with cither Mr PrincoorMr.Knapp , any distance from ten up to twenty miles for not less than $50 or more than S100. Kaco lo take place- on the association track , Omaha , any thin during ; second week In Julv. Hoping Prlnof andKnappwlt give this their Immediate at tontlou , lam respectfully , T.W. Ecif , Champion of Canada. A Snort Talk With Sherman. PiTTsiiuno , July 2. Senator Sherman passed through this city this morning en- route from the east to his home in Ohio. In nn interview ho emphatically denied the statements about Blnlnc , ciedltcd to him In a New York interview , published In this morning's paper. Said ho : "I was not In terviewed In Now York. What appears In the morning papers was manufactured. I was In a room in the hotel where n number ot gentlemen were talkIng - Ing , but I was not interviewed. I never said Blalne wnsnota candidate for the presidency. 1 don't know whether he Is a candidate or not , and certalnlv would not make such a statement unless I did know. Nor did I sav anything about his giving him self np to literature. Blalne and I are the best of friends , and It Is unkind to put words In mv mouth th.i t I never utteied. Some politicians sav that lie may not have the same element of support In New York that ho had during the Inst campaign. As regards Interviewing all I nsk is to bo let nlone. " "If the rebel flag question likely to be re vived during the next presidential cam paign ? " "It will not be forgotten. It will rise up during the next campaign , nnd will likely piny nn Important parti in it. I can't say what were the niolyei ( .Of President Cleve land In Issuing tlig-oixver for the return of the Hags. It mlghttinve been carelessness , but it was a serious question that should have been handled very fcftutldlisly. " Mormons MovlpKifior Statehood. SALT LAKE , July' ' 2. J. B. Itoseborough , chairman of the democratic lot rltorlal com mittee of Utah , and William H. James , chair man ot the republican territorial committee , Issued a public aditrcssrln reference to tlio movement for statehood In Utah. The ad dress refers to the fapt that both the republi can and deniocratlqnpaHies in Utah refused to participate In thot convention , and adds : "The whole affair Is- church party move ment , conducted -solely "Ay members of tlio ; Mormon church to obtain statehood. Tlio earnest private solicitation ot many of them failed to Induce a single non-Mormon to bo- tome a delegate. All non-Mormons In Utah oppose the movement as Insincere and fraught with serious consequences , if suc cessful. " lu the Utah Constitutional convention the constitution adopted In 1S8J has been made tbo basis of the now constitution , The most important changes so far reported at o pro visions in the bill of rights , declaring the en tire separation of church nnd state nnd es tablishing a minority representation. It i ? declared there shall bo no union of church and state , nor shall any church dominate the state. The right to worship God according to the dictates of consciences shall never bo infringed , or any preferenco.be given by law to any religious establishment or mode of worship. The rights of minorities are to be preserved inviolate , and the legislature Is tu enact laws and secure them. Pine's Militia. LONO PINE. Neb. , July 2. [ Special to the BKK.J The military company of this place has been mustered into service by Colonel Sweet. There are about fifty-one in the company. Including officers. Accompanying Colonel Sweet was a gentlembn from Chica go who took the measures of the members of the company preparatory to making -suits of clothing for the boys. .SJnco the appropria tion made by the legislature last wlntpr , the different companies of 'Nebraska ate assum ing an active inteiest in themselves and will , no doubt , trv to receive the approval and good will of all persons in this stato. Here tofore the companies did not take that Inter est that is expected ot them , but this was duo to the fact ihat there was no money to help them alone. There Is going to bo quite a a competition between the old regiment and the new one , as the latter claim they nro co in * to maUtf It the pride of Nebraska. The citizens of Long Pine aie desirous of making this company a good one , are lending their aid for that purpose and going to continue to do so , _ As Hot as Hhcol. NKW I OKK , July 2 , To-day has been the hottest day of the year , to date , the thermom eter amounting to 00 degrees at 3:30 : p. in. 1 he average for the day was , 83 degrees as against 71 for the corresponding day last year. About thirty cases ot sunstroke oc curred in this city and Vicinity. Of these , six proved fatal. The dispatches to the As sociated press Inulcato that the hot wave Is general in the east. At Troy the foundries were obllgcrt to stint down and a number of parsons were prostrated. At Boston three persons died at sunstroke and a number of others are in a critical condition. Norfolk \yl * r Works. NORFOLK , Neb. , U fS. [ Special to the BEK. I The city counbU.iat a meeting last nleht canvassed the question of establishing waterworks. The ne bersof , the commit tee who bad vlsIted\iC01umbus , Kearney , Grand Island , LIncotjjP < &eatrlco and Omaha , submitted a reportjoi.jthelr Investigations ' and observations. Tfie'yinyoredtlie granting of a franchise. The icouscil thereupon b resolution directed City Clerk Gerecke to ad vertise In the dally IffiR atad dally News for bids for the construction of waterworks , the bids to be submitted. W-Jtiiy 12. There is a prospect now that tloclX ( ; | may secure a sys- COLUMDUS , Neb , , J lji8.-Tlie ; Pacific rail way Investigating coWJhmteo heard a num ber of witnesses here Mils morning. The sub stance of the testimony V s that there had been some complaint as to the management of the Union Pacific railroad , but much of it had risen because of passes and privileges given to politicians , and that since Adams had been in charge , things have improved. Dullness Failures. BOSTON , July 2. Stearns Bros. , f prnlture manufacturers , have failed and are. peering creditors 20 cents on the dollar. Liabilities. $48,000. < No New * or tbe Defaulter. ' ' UONTBEAI July 'J. Nothing further has been learned ot the whereabouts of missing Secretary Whitney , of the' harbor board of couBlMioaett , , HALF-HOLIDAY HAPPINESS , A Learned Lawyer Bays It la a Stupeml- uous Fraud. FRIENDLY FLAG FLAGELLATION , Discussing the President Over Iiomon Souro Now York's Kotrospcot A Female Mnnto Crlsto Gen eral National Capital News. 'WorklnRincn nt Leisure. WASHINGTON , July 2. | Special to the HEI : . | A politician engaged In tlio banking business In New York state was asked the general opinion of his confreres upon the Saturday halt-holiday law which has just gene Into effect In Now York , lie replied : "Tho opinion , as far as I can judge , Is unan imous In condemnation of the act. It Is the biggest fraud over perpetrated on the Amer ican people , from a llnanclal standpoint. " "flow do you make that out ? " "Tho law was made ostensibly in behalf of the laboring people. Now what Is the result ? There Is not a fanner In tun state who gives his "help" a half-holiday on Saturday , sim ply because his work cannot bo neglected In order that the law may bo obeyed. Then , too , manufacturers who close up at noon on Saturday do not pay their em ployes for the lost half day. If laborers fall to work they lose just so much. " "Yes , but how does It affect the banks ? " "It Is beneficial to banks and bankers , because it Increases their receipts , or will do so just as soon as It goes into full effect. The law provides that when a piece of commercial paper falls duo on Sunday , it must be paid on Monday , provided It was made after May 25th. It Monday happens to be a local holiday It will not become duo until Tuesday. In other words a note or acceptance falling duo on Sunday may , In certain cases have five , Instead of tlueo clays of grace. Now a banker thinks tune too precious to spend in the examination of almanacs to see whether throe , four or live days are to bo added to a note , consequently he compromises on live days , In oidur that he may not lese Interest for a day by Inad- vcrunco. It is plain therefore that the banker comes out ahead , for hereafter all paper offered 'or discount is figured at five days grace and although it may be duo In three ( lavs from its face maturity , the bor- lower will certainly have to pay the discount for the lull period. The law does the bor rower no good , but It increases the earnings of the 'bloated' capitalist every time. " Flnfjs and Flagellation , WASHINGTON , July 2. [ Special to the DEB. ] Although the fcellnz which followed the order of Adjutant General Drum for the restoration of the captured Hags to their original owners has subsided In a measure , there still exists a belief among the most trusted advisors of the president that ho has sounded his political death knell by his haste to approve the order which excited so much commotion among the men who fought on the union side during the conflict which preceded the capture of the flags. Within the past few days your correspondent has talked with a great many ot the warmest 'supporters of the president upon the sub ject of the flairs , and he has found that they are of the opinion , almost to a man , that thousands of votes have been lost to the democratic party through the failure of Mr. Cleveland to see the sentiment which under lies the feeling ot resentment towards him. One of the men who has been foremost in aiding him to reach the pinnacle upon which ho stands said to-day : "It Is my opinion that the president could have recovered from the blunder If ho had gone the right way about it. But ho neglected his opportunity and now 1 fear that he must suffer tin ) consequences. If he had rescinded ttio order with the explanation that he had ruadUrA mistake in not looking morocare- fully.Jnto the effect of the suggestion ot the secretary ot war ho would havit been all rlcht. Hut Instead of that he very unwisely stated that the law alone prevented him from carrvlng out his original intention and to cap the climax he , for the lirst time In the history of the country , recognl/cd the con federacy ofllclally by referring to the 'con federate states. ' The wnole affair is exceed ingly unfortunate for the party , and the republicans will doubtless be great gainers by the Incident. " _ Illc Political Talk. WASHINGTON , July 2. ( Special to the BKK.J The Hoffman House cafe in New York Is the Mecca to which ail politicians seek to journey whenever they visit the me tropolis. Hero you may find at any hour of the day parties of prominent nion who sit arouna a small table discussing men and events. Now York politicians naturally predominate. A day or two ago your corre spondent found there half a dozen men who are prominent in the affairs ot the state and nation. Among them was the Hon. "Dan" Lockwood of Buffalo. Dan used to bo known as the "great nominator. " 1I it was who presented the name of 0 rover Cleveland to the democrats of Erie county as their candidate for sheriff. Again , about ton years later , when the same party was casting about for A suitable candidate for mayor ot Buffalo , Lock- wood sprung to the breach , mounted the 103- truin and called attention to the merits of Giover Cleveland as a candidate for the may oralty. Once more In 18S3 , in the Syracuse convention of the democracy , the fame and character of Grover Cleveland was set forth to the democrats of the empire state , and lockwood was the man who filled the bill. The following year in Chicago his party was looking about lor a leader , when Lock wood's handsome face attracted the attention of the multitude and every ear In that vast assem bly was strained to catch every word as ho eloquently touched upon tno life and public services of ( trover Cleveland just as ho uro- sented his name as the candidate ot the dem ocratic party for the presidency. Dan Lockwood's advocacy of Grover Cleveland In four different campaigns un doubtedly aided him materially in winnlnu' every one of them. Dan Lockwood has been regarded as Cleveland's mascot and without Lockwood In the van the paity In Now York would bo disheartened and sad. Of course Dun lias been 'rocognUed" for his services Oil , yes. Ho was appointed about a year ago to the position of United States district attorney for the northern district of New York. If ho works hard and Is economical In his expenses he can perhaps make 83,000 or 33,500 out of this office. Ho has never been seen in Washington since tholnaugura- tlon proceedings in IfeS1 ; . The party in the Hoffman housn had been discussing politics , and the opinion had been freely expressed that Cleveland was anxious for a ronominatlon. I asked Lock wood If ho would again play the role ot "nominator. " His reply was terse and emphatic. Ho said simply : "Young man , 1 am not In that business at It was the way he said It that carried the force of tbo words right home. His tone surprised everyone present , and for n mo ment no one spoke. Then one of his best friends rang the boll for cigars , or something of that kind , and another reached over In my direction and whispered , "Mr. Lockwood believes that thn piesldentgave him his pres ent appointment because be know that Dan would not disobey his order , and would not mix In national politics while holding a federal office. " . A Femal Monte Chriato. WASHINGTON , July 2. ( Special to the BKK. ] "No one who has not had prac tical experience has any idea of the various duties which n consul representing his coun try abroad Is required to perform , " said Dr- St. Clalr , the able chief of the consular bu reau of ( ho state department , to your corre spondent yesterday. "Not only have they to look after the commercial Interests of tliolr country but they have to attend to some of the queerest kind ot requests from their countrymen at home. It has more than once been the case that a consul has been applied to purchase peculiar' animals found In tbo country.to which U ) y are accredited all the way fioa Elephant * to rot kind * of llurcU. } f Very frequently they are asked to collect a number of specimens of sea shells peculiar to their part ot the world. Only a short time ago wo received a request from n gentleman In Kentucky asking that the consul at Barcelona - lena , In Sushi , procure tor him n flno speci men of the native as * , for breed ing purposes , the gentleman being under the Impression that that animal attained to a largo size In Spain. The request was forwarded and the Kentucklan has since received a very fine animal of the donkey kind. Hut the more frequent requests outside of the purely commercial duties of tlio consul are of a purely private r.nd family kind , It a son , daughter , husband or wife goes astray , or if information Is required ot the whereabouts ot a person of any decree ot relationship to the Inquirer In a foreign country , application Is at once made to the representative ot this countrj nearest to the place whore the missing person Is supposed to bo and the consul Is asked to look him up. Some very .startling romances have been un earthed In this way through the consular agencies. That was n strange case which was unearthed some time ago In Florence , Italy , by Mr. A. Schnylor Crosby , who was then United States consul at that place. Ono day ho was conducting a party of Americans through the principal places of Interest In the city and among the places visited was the Insane asylum. As the party was going through the wards one of the Inmates of the Institution suddenly called out toMr.Crosby : "Oh , sir , you are an American , are you not ? For God's sake come here and listen to my story. " Mr. Crosby wont to the cell from whence the piteous appeal came and saw behind the bars a woman much emaciated but apparently sane. He listened to her story and after making In quiries set himself to work to procure her ro- loase.ln which he succeeded after a great deal of trouble. The woman's story was as fol lows : She was born In Mobile , Ala. , of wealthy parents , and being attractive In ap pearance she hail a number of suitors for her hand In marilago. Ono day an Italian came to the city. He was handsome and wrote the prefix "count" befoiehls name. Ho soon got hlmsolt Introduced Into the best circles of Mobile society , and by his pleasant and courteous bearing became a great favorite among the ladles of the place. Ho became a constant visitor at the house of Miss , the subject ot this story , aud Intimacy began to ripen Into love on the part of tlio joung girl. Her parents did not approve of tlio match , but the handsome Italian portrayed In Lowing ! ing terms the wealth of his affection for her and the beauties of the lovely Florentine home which he wished her to become the mistress of. At last his entreaties wore suc cessful and the young girl was married to the "count" secretly. When the girl's parents heard of it they were enraged. Her father refused to have anything to do with her , and instead of giving her the fortune ho had In tended to bo hers , settled on her the sum of 2,000 a year. The young couple started for Kuropo , but It soon became apparent to the wife that her husband was not only not In love with her but that his only object In marrying her was to procure her fortune , and having failed in that , through the anger ot her father , had no more use for her. Shortly after reaching Floienco. the "count" had three physicians called In and they made an examination ot the young gill , much to her surprise and terror. On the following day n covered wacon came to the house and she was told to get Inside. When she refused she was seized trom behind and rudely bound and bandaged. She fainted and when she rccoveied she found herself In the insane asylum. There she remained for over two years until she was found by Mr. Crosby. Meanwhile the husband who had caused her incarceration , wrote homo to her patents that she was very sick and described the ex pense she was putting himself to , In order to take proper care of the girl ho loved so well. The father was too proud to allow him to boar the full expense of his daughter's Ill ness under the circumstances , and the an nual remittances continued to como along. The "count" paid S500 to the asylum , tor the keeping of his wife , nnd lived in good style upon the remaining $1,500. As soon as the news reached Mobile , of the true state ot affairs , however , the remittances suddenly stopped and the young girl wait iccelved homo with open arms. "Tho "count is still living In Florence but has had to resort to other means of earning a living. A Queer Case. WASHINGTON , July 2. ( Special to the BEK. ] A peculiar case under the naturaliza tion laws came under the notice of the state department a few days ago. It is a question yet to bo decided whether the person most Interested can be punished for obtaining American citizenship under false pretenses. Some live years ago a man who was born In Jlorrocco came to this country and has lived here the greater portion of the tlmo since. When the period of live years' residence had been accomplished he applied for and ob tained tull admission as an American citizen. Seven days after he procured a passport from the state department , setting forth the fact of his cltUonshlp , and then sailed for his old homo In Morocco , where It Is his Intention to remain , An American citizens In a non-chrlstlan country is of course not entitled to taxation by any for eign power. Neither can he be taxed by the United States so long as ho remains abroad and holds his property abroad Thciefore this man , by Ills residence of five years here , during which tlmo he Is receiving his educa tion In Ins profession , acquired a paper which will save him a sum equal to many thousands of dollars in taxation , for himself and his family and servants , which Is alto gether a very profitable Investment for him , so long as the naturalization laws remain as they now are. _ _ _ _ A Model Police. WASHINGTON , July a. ( Special to the BEE.I If the new police regulations which the commissioners of the district have pre pared are duly enforced , life will be worth the living In Washington. They will tund to make this city a model one In every re spect , where the weary may come nnd bo at rest Everybody has at one time or another bad the misfortune of living near a neighbor with on Insane doslro for amateur poultry keeping , and has had his early morning slumbers disturbed by the vociferous cack ling and crowlne of the hens and roosters. Such sounds will bo heard no more within the district's precincts , nor will the melodi ous tinkling of the milk-wagon's boll arouse the echoes of the 4-o'clock-ln-tbe-mornIng air. The S. P. C. A. should protest against the provision which makes the doc liable to Instant decapitation if It speaks to a fellow dog on the streets. Such a rule will tend to prevent ttio dissemination of knowledgu among the canlno race and should be promptly discountenanced. Horns and whistles of every size and degree re ceive their quietus by this now code and the peanut vendors and other street purveyors must , if they cry their wares at all , do bo In a subdued whisper. Even Mm newsboys-are restricted In the ainonnt of lung powur they will bo entitled to use In disposing of their papers. Unfortunately there is no clause In the iodp , as at present advertised , authoriz ing thu killing off of the young man next door who persists In practicing on the violin at the most unearthly hours of the day and night , nor of mu/.zllng the young ladj who thinks she has a tine voice. The citizens arc , however , living In hopes that these over sights will be shortly remedied by their pa ternal commissioners , who bid fair to become somewhat popular thiough these regulations , although some ot thorn are ludeod proper subjects for mirth. Senator niamlcrson Talko. WAfiniNOToK , July 2. fbpeclal Telegram to the MUK.J Senator Mandursun Is at the Arlington on his way home from a visit to Hen : Perley I'ooro's old Now England homestead "Indian 11111" farm. The sena tor said lo your correspondent : "Tho object of my visit WAS to find Rome papers that Major Pooro had In his possession. 1 thoueht ho might hav sent tlium up thcru to work at this summer and found them there. The old fellow was a constant worker and had sent his work on before him. " "What do you think of the tall : of an extra session ? " "I don't think there will be one , " was the reply. "I don't believe that our friends , tho' the enemy can afford to call an extra ses sion. " This next congress will have an. un usually largo amount Of entirely new ma terial among Its members and It would Make seine litre to t down to work , It Is not likely anything could bo done bo tore tin time for calling the regular session , and tin administration would have to go before the the country with the ropord of having In curred the expense of nn extra session with out having accomplished any results. " The conversation then turned to the Pnclfio railroad Investigation and the Inlcr-stato commerce law. . . "Do you think , " the senator was asked , "that the Interstate commerce law will stand substantially as It Is ? " " 1 won't say as to that , but I do not bo- llovotlmt the government having once com * monced to legislate for railroad contortions will relinquish their control. Of course there w 111 be changes In the law from time to time. It Is largely experimental now , but It may bo that congress will enlarge the com mission and extend Its power .so that It shall eventually become n tribunal for deciding : those questions relating to transportation. It may grow until with n ceniial commis sion , or court of appeals In Washington , there will be a number of subordinate or local commissions established in dlllereut parts of the country. " "Do you think the fourth clause will stand as It now Is ? " "That Is a difllcult question. It has never been given a fair trial yet. Tim commission ers , with , us 1 think , some stretch of their powers , have suspended it ; so its workings have never yet been demonstrated. " "What Is the news from Nebraska ? " "Nothing , except that there Is wonderful activity In business. In all my experience In the west , and 1 have n tolerably extensive acquaintance with that part ot the country. I never saw such activity as wo have at present , " "Hut is It a healthy activity ? " "Yes , I think It Is , for wo are getting such a rapid influx of good people from older states. In Omaha them was an Increase of 20,000 people last year. " Western I'cnslonn. WASHIOTON , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the BBE. ] The following Nebraskans re ceived pensions to-day : Patrick Murray , Klk Valley ; Charles W. Carpenter , Hurnott ; Henry A. Cottman , Crawford ; Aaron Scott , Kearney ; Merlty Hasmltty , Omaha ; Will- lam Tyler , Hluo Springs ; Calvin C. S. Tamaoad , So ward ; James S. Morton , Omaha ; Goidon A. May , Buatrlct. The following lowans received pensions : Cabarync , mother of Socrates Pylo , Latnonl ; Mary , mother of David ( iladfoldor , Mo- ravla ; Harriet , mother of Morrett L. Little- fluid ; Lowls Ebene/.cr , father of George W. Altmau , Elgin ; Klloii Osier , formerly widow of Henry 11. Palmer , Laporto City ; minor of Henry 11. Palmer , Laporto City ; Nancy A. Vance , formerly widow of Merrill P. Bash , Sheldon ; Nancy , widow of Ucorgo Osburn , Moravia. Original pensions Joseph Cramer , Clarlnda ; Morris Lawton , Davenport ; Uleliarcl 11. Shellleld , Gilford ; Samuel Thompson , Laniar ; John Wheeler , son , Cornlnir ; Samuel Burton , Boone : John Green , Menlo ; Henry II. Palmer , Laporto City ; F. Price , ottumwe. Court Mnrtlnl FlnctltiRii. WASHINGTON , July 2. The findings of the court of Inquiry Into the allegations of mal-admlnlstratlon and Irregularities on the part of Colonel Frank Whcaton , Second In fantry , late commanding officer , aud Lieu tenant L. E. Clark , late acting assistant quartermaster at Fort C < cur d'Alenc , Idaho , has oeen madn public. The court Is of the opinion that while the actions of thn accused may have had orlisin In a zealous desire to locate a military post for which no adequate appropriation had been made , thu methods and processes were de plorable and greatly to the detriment ot tno soi vice , and subversive of all discipline , that It greatly demoralized the onllbtcxl men and scandalized the army , The president ap proves the findings of the court , but says the fact that some of the most serious charges are baned by the statute of limitations , tno uncertainty and great expense attendant upon such trial as must bo had to constrain him to ndviso that the piocoodlngs be aban doned. nnrou'a Deficit * . WASHINGTON- , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J The committee which wns ap pointed by Secretary Lamar to settle np th accounts ol the late Colonel Bacon , llnancla clerk of the patent office , has practically com pleted Its labors , The statement made late this afternoon , shows that the examination of the committee covered a period from June 1 to 22 last , and that the balance unaccounted lor > s $11,525.60. The total receipt of Mr. Bacon was 8G790.'iO ; during that period and and the deficit of special deposits with Mr. Bacon by attorneys Is $4,555 of which 1.500 cannot bo collected. Thorn is also some 516- 000 In duebills from employes , clyks , etc. , which if collectable will reduce the total de ficit from over S33.000 to S17,5tiO.GO. The bondsmen , B. A. llubbnll and James S. Mor- rl.H , are on a bond for 910,000. Army NOWR. WASHINGTON , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the Biic.J Lieutenant George Frederick Cooke , Fifteenth InUntry , who has been la Europe for a long time , reported back thu week for duty at Fort Loavenworth. The young officers who have been at the Fort Leavenworth cavalry and Infantry school for the past two years will bo granted leave In n few days to give them a vacation before joining their respective regiments. Lieutenant Lloyd S. McCormlck , Seventh cavalry , was married yesterday at Leaven- worth , Kan. , to Miss Jennie Lowe , of that city. Mr. McCormick Is on duty at the Fort Leavenworth army school. Army orders : Second Lieutenant S. R. Rivers , Third cavalry , has been granted four months' leave ; Captain J. F. Simpson , Third cavalrv , has been ordered to examination for retirement. Postal Mattera. WASHINGTON , July 2 [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J The following mall mes senger service changes for Iowa : Ontario , Wright ] county from the Burlington , Cedar Kaplds & Northern railway to estab lish service to Mason City , and Ft Dodge rnllioad from July 11 , Star service changes In Nebraska : Cot ton wooil Springs to StockvllJo. Modify order of January 5,1SS7 , to Increase distance ono-half mile , also order May 17 , ltW7 , testate state distance as one-third uillcs. Georgn D. Merryman was commissioned fourth-class postmaster at Bordeaux , Neb. Depredation Claim. WASHINGTON , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J The following ilotiredatlon claim was passed on to-day by the secretary of the Interior : Frederick Smith , formerly of Kearney county , Nema&ka ( now deceased ) amounting to SWJ18.75 , occurred InlS&ibr the Cluiyunno and Sioux 1 nil Inns. The find ings were that the loss sustained was 31,000 , and that the rlnlm was not presented wltlilu the limitation fixed by law. Threatened to Kill Cleveland. WASHINGTON , July 2. The police have taken Into custody Benedict Krcbs , a crank who Is under tlio Impression that the presi dent has defrauded him out of a vast sura of money nnd who has been threatening to kill President Cleveland with a shotgun when ho attends church. Krebs is held at the station for medical examination of hlfl condition. Yellow Fcvnr's IlnvJiKOH. WASHINGTON , July 2. Tno marlno hos pital bureau has received a report from Past Assistant Surgeon Glennnn , at Wevwost , showing that up to Juno W > tlioie had been fit ty-ono cuse.s of yellow lover In that city and twenty deaths. Treasury StntlHilon For June. WASHINGTON , July 2. The statement pre pared at the treasury department allows that during the month of Juno there was an ln crcaso of 82.Gfll.tvlO In thn circulation and a decrease of 81) ) , 157WI1 In rash In the treasury. Whltnny Ulvcfl a 1'icnlc. WASHINGTON , July 2. Secretary Whitney has Invited all of the employes of the navy 'department to spend the Fourth of July at Grasslands , his country'scat near hero. flycrytlilnirQmet at Alaska. WASHINGTON , July 2. A report has been received nt the navy department from Lieu tenant Commander Newell , of the Plnta , statins that uwtteis aru quirt In Alaska , "