THE OMAttA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY , JULY 3 , ' Q o Who They Wcro , What They Were anil What Became of Thorn , An Interesting Ijcttcr From Grncrnl nrlsbln-Tho West 1'olnt Class efFORT FORT McKiNNBY , Wyo. , July l. To the Kdltor of the BEE : It is said that a man's companions in early youth often exert a powerful influence over his after life , and if his fortunes be great , are sure to share with him his honors and authority. If this bo true wo ought , perhaps , in making up our estimate of the character of General Grant to carefully consider who wcro his early companions , and what kind of men they wcro. Alost of them are now dead , but it will bo Interesting to note them all , whether living or ilcad. The names of the men who raduatcd with Grant at the Military academy in 1818 , and with whom ho was most inti mately associated , wcro : 1. William B. Franklin. 2. George Deshon. 8. Thomas Brorcton , 4 * John II. Greland. 5. W. P. KaynoldH. 0. Isaac F. Oiiimby. 7. Boswoll S. Hipley. 8. John J. Peck. 0. John P. Johnstono. 10. Joseph J. Reynolds. 11. James A. Hardic. 12. Henry F. Clarke. 13. W. H. Booker. 14. Samuel G. French. IB. Thcodoro L. Chadbourne. 10. Christopher C. Auger. 17. Franklin Gardner. 18. George Stevens. 10. Edward B. Hollaway , 20. Louis Ncill. 21. Ulyses S. Grant. 22. Joseph H. Potter. 23. Robert Hazlitt. 21. Boyer Wood. 25. William K. Van Bokolcn. The next graduates In Grant's class do not appear in any of the class records I can lind.but their names will bo reported in the list of what became of Grant's companions further on. 80. Frederick Steolo. 82. Henry H. Soldon. 83. Hufuslngalls. 83. Frederick T. Dent. / 84. John < } . MoFerran. 85. Henry AI. Judah. 80. Nonron Kiting. 87. Cave J. Couts. 88. George G. Alorchant. 89. George C. AlcClplland. What became of all thcso men ? Gcorgo Deshon was assistant professor In the militarylacademyfortwo yoars.and then resigned in 1851. Ho was subse quently ordinance ollleor at Allegheny arsenal , Pennsylvania. Ho was some what noted for having resigned his com mission in the regular army to become a Roman Catholic priest. William B. Franklin entered the Topographical graphical Engineers , fought through Slexico , became major general in the civil war under Grant , and is still living in civil life in Connecticut , in charge of the great Colts Arms works. Broroton remained in the army until 1858 , when ho resigned as captain and is now dead. Greland remained in the service until ho attained the rank of captain in the Fourth artillery , when ho died August 17.1857. Rayiiolds was in the engineer corps , and served through the war. He was with Grant as an additional aide do camp with the rank of colonel , and mustered out of .service Alarch 13 , 1805. lie was retired as colonel of engineers Alarch 17 , 1884 , and is still living. Quinby resigned in 1853 , and is now dead. Riploy remained in service until 1853 , when ho resigned as n lirst lieutenant ami is now dead , I think. Ho wrote a book to injure General Scott , and at the beginning of the civil war deserted his country as such a man might bo ex pected to do , and joined the robols. Pock was the noted General Peck of tic union army during our war. Ho was out of the army for a long time , but reentered - entered in 1801 , rose to a major general and fought under Grant in the army ol the Potomac as a corps commander. I think he is still living in civil life some where. Johnstono was n gallant officer of the Forty-ninth artillery and fell in Aloxica nt Contreras August 10 , Io47. Reynold's ( Joe ) resigned in 1857 but re-entered the sorvtco in 1801 as colonel of the ! Tenth Indiana infantry. Ho was a brigadier and major-gcnoral during the war and held high commands. Many a day I served with old Joe and there never was better olllcer in our army. At the close of the war ho was appointed colonel ol 'the ' Twenty-uixth infantry in the rcgulai service and for a long tiino commanded the department of Texas. Ho served in the west at Fort Russell and other posts * 8 colonel of the Third cavalry was ro .tired as colonel in 1877 , and is , I an happy to state , still living , an honor to his country and the delight of his friends , Ho was a professor before the war and noted for his scientific knowledge. There are few abler men in this country than ' old Joseph J. Reynolds. Hardio , the eleventh man in Grant's class Is well known. Ho entered the artillery < tillory became assistant adjutant and served in the war department with the Jtrcat Secretary Stanton. His familial figure and face in the room next to Stan > ton will still bo remembered by hundreds 'Of ' your readers. Ho was retired I think , > as n colonel and died a few years ago. Clarke entered the artillery , servei ! 'with distinction in the Aloxican war served through the war of the robollior In the army of the Potomac as commis eary , was retired as a colonel of the sub eistenco department , and died only the .other day. Booker , who stood thirteenth in Grant' : class on the list of graduates , died whili i& lieutenant , nt San Antonia , Texas , Jum 80 , 1819. French , though a native of New Jer sey , deserted our army at the war , jomci 'the rebels and became a major general Ho is now dead. Chadbourno was a gallant ofliccr an < was killed at Resaca do la Palma , Ma' 1840. Augur ( C. C. ) I need not mention , as hi Is well known to every reader of the BKE He , for a long time commanded the department partmont of the Platte , and is still livini in Washington , D. C. , being retired as i brigadier general. Ho stood soventoentl in the list of graduates in Grant's class Gardner ( Frank ) a native of Now York deserted our army In 1801 to join the rebel bol army. Ho became a major genera In the rebel army and commanded a Fort Hudson , whore ho was whipped am obliged to surrender to General Banks n 1803. After the war ho became a drunk nrd and died at Now Orleans , man ; years ago. Ho was in early life a bngh young follow , served in the Seventh in fantry as second lieutenant and fin lieutenant , and was a captain in th Tenth infantry at the beginning of th war when ha deserted to the robots. H fought in Mexico and was brovottcd fa gallant and meritorious conduct at Alor tery and Corro Gordo. Stevens , Gcorgo , entered the Rifles i 1848was second lieutenant of the Secon dragoons , ana was drowned May If 1840 ; Holloway of Kentucky fought gallantl in the Mexican war and distinguishe himself at Contreras and Chumbusco , fa which ho was brcvcttcd. At the bcgir ning of our war he throw up his commif lion , joined the south , and is now dead I ; JNeill , who stood just above Grant 1 his class , died while In service at Fort Crogham , Texas , January 13 , 1850. Grant was tiio twenty-first lilo In the class of 1813. and became the greatest general of his day. far outstripping all competitors for military honors. Joseph ( H. Potter ) stood next below Grant. Ho served through the war and since. It was ho who was retired the other day as brigadier general in the regular army. Hazlitt , who stood twonty-throo in the class , was killed at the storming of Monterey , Scptcniujr 21 , 1810. Wood entered service as second non tenant of the Eighth Infantry , and died as captain in 1858. Ho fought well in the Mexican war , and was twice brovotted for gallant conduct. Van ( not Von ) Bokclcna native of New York , was cashiered for cmbe/.7.1lng225 , the property of the United States. Ho quit the army Alay 8 , 1801 , went south , and is now dead. A St. Armand Crozct , although not shown in the list of graduates , I think was the twenty-sixth graduate in Grant's class. Ho was a native of New York , ap pointed at largo , and graduated as Al fred Crozct. Ho entered the Seventh in fantry as second lieutenant and was afterwards transferred to the Eighth In fantry. He died as first lieutenant of the Eighth infantry April 23. l&W. at the Spencer house in Cincinnati , Ohio. Howe ( Edwin ) , although not men tioned , was probably the twenty-seventh graduate In Grant's class. Ho died at Fort Leavcnworth In 1855 as second lieu tenant of the Sixth infantry. Hamilton ( Charles S. ) was probably the twenty-eighth graduate. Ho re signed in 1853 , at which time ho was first lieutenant of the Fifth Infantry. James ( Charles E. ) is nut down as the twenty-ninth graduate , out I can't find him. There was a Charles E. James of the army who died in California at Sonoro , Juno 8 , 1819 , and ho was prob ably the man who was Grant's class mate in 1813 and stood twcutv-nlnUi on the list. Steele ( Fred ) . This officer is so well known 1 need hardly mention him Ho was a general during the war under Grant and commanded in Arkansas , lie was with Grant at Vicksburg and on the Alississippi. After the war ho was ap pointed colonel of the Twentieth in fantry in the regular army. He is now dead. Sol-Jen ( Henry R. ) entered the First infantry in 1843 , rose to the grade of captain in the Fifth infantry , ami major Thirteenth infantry 1803. Ho died Feb ruary 12 , 18C5. Ingalls ( Ruftis ) . This man was Grant's intimate associate. At ono time ho undoubtedly had moro influence over Grant than any ether man living. Ho was admitted to the closest intimacy with Grant and the great soldier often asked his advice , which Ingalls was always ready to give. General Ingalls was quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac during the war , and after the war General Grant made him quartermaster general of the United States army. He is now on the retired jist , living atPortland , Ore. , and engaged in the banking business. He stood No. 33 in Grant's class. Dent. ( Fred ) . This was Grant's inti mate friend at West Point and after wards his brother-in-law , Grant marry ing Julia Dent , the sister of Fred , which which was undoubtedly a very good thing for the Dents , though they did not think so for a long time afterward. Fred D. Grant is called after his undo , Colonel Fred Dent , who is still living on the re tired lis.t of the army. AIoForran ( John C. ) cntcrcil the Third infantry and was a quartermaster during the war. After the war ho was a lieu tenant colonel and deputy quartermaster general at Washington , D. C. , and died April 25 , 1872. Judah ( Henry AI. ) entered the infantry , was a general during the war and com manded a division of the Twenty- third army corps for a time in Kentucky. Ho was not confirmed by the senate and his appointment expired in 1803. Ho died Janunry 14,1806. Ho stood thirty-fifth in Grant's class. Eltiug ( Norman ) entered the Sixth in fantry as second lieutenant 1843. Ho only stayed in the army three years and resigned as second lieutenant of the Fourth infantry October 29 , 1810. Couts ( Cave J. ) entered the Rifles as second lieutenant , transferred to the Frist dragoons in 1848 and resigned as first lieutenant in 1851. Ho is , I believe , now dead. Ho stood No. 87 m Grant's class of thirtv-nino graduates. Alorchant ( Charles G. ) the thirty-eighth graduate , entered the Third artillery and became first lieutenant , captain , major , lieutenant colonel and colonol. Ho re tired August 1 , 1803 , and died in Now York about the time Grant died. AlcClollacd ( Gcorgo C. , not George B. , as some put it ) entered the Third infan try as second lieutenant July , 1843 , re signed in 1840 , was rcappointcd to the Eleventh infantry. 1817 , and cashiered from the army the same year. Ho was thirty-ninth on the list of graduates and at the bottom of the list in Grant's class and most unfortunate. Those were Grant's early associates , and about an average lot of follows. No great name appears in Grant's class ex cept his own. Auger , Peck , Reynolds , Stool and Ingalls were distinguished men but they cannot bo called great. With the exception of Auger and Ingalls Grant seems to have done very little for ills classmates. Possibly it ho had done moro and given them a better chance they might have shown up better. None of them had such opportunities to achieve greatness as Grant had. Grant shared his greatness with none of them not even Rufo Ingalls. Grant was pre-eminently a selfish man and did little for any ono beyond his immediate family and a few friends ho picked up late in lifo like Babcock - cock , Porter and Badoau , who did more to injure the old man than help him. JAMES S. Buisuix. Perplexed Saloonkeopore. Now York Alail and Express : "Let mo show you ono of the new-fashioned places , " is a phrase that now very often accompanies an invitation to take a drink in New York. These new-stylo places have not in vaded tbo residence districts , but are quite numerous down town. The stylish names for them is "bullets ; " a title ob tained from the controlling article ol furniture with which each place is em bellished in plain English , a sideboard. These take the places of the bars in the old'Stylo saloons , and are mere tiers oi shelving rising above closets , topped by a broad marble counter , on which there is a central well for water faucets and a water trough. In each place the side board is against the wall and the room is all open , with perhaps a table for free lunch opposite the wall , or a few tables and chairs scattered ever the carpet. The bartenders , in white starched linen coats ( without any display of dla mends , which are now considered vulgar ) , move up and down in front of the sideboards which are usiiallj towering tiers of polished hard wood , paneled with hoveled mirror glass and having the shelves upheld by slondoi carved or turned plllai . Often these shelves are mere ribbons of wood seal loped so that the glassware can bo lilted into them as on shipboard , but whethct they are racks nr shelves it is the fashion to load them with delicate cut glass , very little of which is ever used , ami which ono place on Church street more than half as much as the ornate bullet itself , or $1GOO. Those now drink ing rooms are of course elaborately iittet in all respects , usually with hoavj carpet or marble tiling on the Hoers , am the most oxpcnilvo metal surfaced papci on the walls and colling. It is a question whether these buffet ! are going to bo permanent or numerous The comment of a Yankee friend of mm < a * I ) ' . * htpcxi la fsnnt of one of these pall A " r1 ! 'J-- ' -J . < ° ijBA. . . - - . sndes of glass Is the verbal expression of what occurs to most tipplers : "I don't think I like It , " said hcj "a man docs not merely want a drink. Ho wants to hold up the bar to rest it a liUlp , SP to sjieak " The bartenders do not like them at nil , They feel helpless. They can't nrolcct their wares or feel that mastery of posi tion whicfi they had behind the old fas hioned counters. Gorgeous as the now places appear , they do not cost as much bar-iind-back-bar establishment as the - - - upon which the Germans led the way a few years ago in a craze for prodigal expenditure. You hear from some of these double drinking counters that cost f 7,500 , but figures really furnished to the public are always to bo taken with a number of grains of allowance whether they represent the cost of putting a now play upon the stage or of procuring the latest freaks the gentleman who lost his head in the recent Rhode Island accident and gets along finally with a mere stump of his nock. The probability is that no saloonkeeper has spent moro than $5,000 on a bar and back bar in this city yet , and that some of the Showiest cost only 91l > 00 to § 2,500. The same exaggeration exists with regard to our "art galleries , " as wo have slangly named the places that copy the lloll'man house bar room by ex hibiting cosily paintings. Take that noblest exhibition as a representative in stance. It is customary to estimate the value of the art treasures in this drinking placoat $100OCO to $120.030 , and this sum is made up by putting the Corrcggio canvas ( Narcissus ) at ? 50,000tho Gobelin tapestry at * 3,000 and certain carvings in wood and marble at $8,000 and $5,000. The fact Is that the full list of such figures contains items often nonsensical and often conditional. For instance , it is not proven that the Narcissus is a Corrogjrio. If It Is , there is doubt of its worth , but its value until that is proven is conjectural. Some of thcso ornaments were bought at prices and under conditions that would cause the sale of all at oven $75,000 to bring a great piolit. No one cost moro than one-half the princely sum that the hotel keepers expended in building and fitting the great saloon in which they are ex hibited , that is to say $20,000 , though Bougtiereau's "Nymphs and Satyr" would probably fetcli moro than that. This is not said to depreoiato the collec tion , but to show how the public lias exaggerated tiio cost of tins method of attracting a bar tratlo. The collection speaks for itself , and many of its parts not only cannot be lessened by a criti cism which would have to bo ignorant to condemn them , but would bring great prices if sold. Benjamin Constant's great paintings in Alildoy's saloon doubt less cost $20,000but when $ : ' 5,000is added by correspondents to cover agents' com mission , the custom tax and the mount ings of the picture , the calm and philo- sopoical listener has a right to suspect that the figures are exaggerated or that tlte owner parted too lightly with his money. When you have passed the really valuable art treasures of the Hofl'man houso. Wildey's and , perhaps , ono other place , and como to coldly investigate the claims of other saloon keepers who pretend tend to have galleries or museums valued at from $50,000 to $20,000 , it will bo with ditliculty that you can comprehend that any ono could hope to impose on the public with such nonsense. There isn't any greater poppycock talked or written about New York than the tales about these so-called drinking places. There are only six or eight art gallery saloons in all , and certainly half of that number boast collections which are in the main either cheap or fraudulent. Artists of unquestionable knowledge tell me that some of thcso aggregations are collec tions ot trash , full ot "copies" or works by men cither unknown or occupying a 'ow rank in their profession. Elegan Tames , the presence of two or three real masterpieces of small size and moderate cost , and the surroundings of a beauti fully fitted saloon impress the mass of visitors and make them imagine them selves in the presence of Monte Cristan treasures of art. It has been estimated that in the half dozen saloons that wo call art galleries there are triumphs of paint ing or carving worth $350,000 , but , if it were proper to do so , I would not foe ! unwilling to wager money that no export would value that wnole lot at much ever $100,000. Far more princely is the sum repre sented by the cost of those drinking places that do not boast of paintings , statues or curios. It is estimated that on the Bowery and the Third'and Sixth ave nues there are at least 200 bars that cost about ? V'00 , 400 that cost $1,000 and thirty that cost $4.000 or over. Ono sees in t'aeso reasonable figures , repeated ever and over airain , on scores of thorough fares and through the list of 10,000 sa loons , what a formidable amount of cap ital is locked up in the liquor traffic. Ono pciceivc.s how natural it is that dealers should interest themselves in politics in a community like this , whcro the laws are all aimed toward restricting the business , and ono is able to imagine what a force the trade can exert if stirred as at pres ent , when its management is under dis cussion in the state legislature , under iron restraint by the local olh'clals and threatened by a powerful uprising of the temperance clement all over the coun try. BLAINE "ABROAD. Hia Declination of L/orcl Salisbury ! * Invitation fho Jubilee. ' - A foreign correspondent says that James G. Biaino has been the recipient of the most remarkable social attentions ever shown to any unollicial American visitor. Air. Blaine was asked by Prime Minister - tor Salisbury to attend a reception given by him during the week at the foreign ollico in honor of the visiting royalties. Mr. Blaiuc declined the invitation. It was of a social character and , lr. Blame's reasons for declining the invitation are not known ; but , doubtless , he felt that his presence there after his controversy with Lord Salisbury ever the Irish ques tion would have boon subject to miscon struction. Lord Salisbury's pourso in the past shows also that ho is anything but a f riond of the United States. Under the circumstances various attempts have been made by prominent liberal leaders to got Air. Blame to take part in the political complications on this side , but hn has steadily refused , and has maintained a discreet reserve. Mr. Biaino was little disposed to criti cise the jubilee performers , as ho was oc cupying the dohcato position of a guest in England , but ho said that it did scorn strange that out of fifty years of progress made by England in the arts and sciences , in the growth of manufactures and industries which has resulted in the increased employment of millions of workingmeu , that there should bo so- looted for the street parade representa tives of the ono institution which had not made a single stop in advance for fifty years , viz. royalty. It was therefore in his judgment a door show , on account of its utter lack of the roprcscntatiuo qual ity. Tiio parade of a nominal sovereign , with a long escort of petty princes ami small rulers , did not , in his judgment , make a.pagcant of an impressive char acter. It did not not deserve for one moment to bo mentioned in comparison with the Bunker Hill centennial celebra tion parade in 1875. There every form of human industry and progress during the century had its representation in this splendidly emblematical line. I asked Mr. Biaino to give mo his reasons for declining Lord Salisbury's invitation. Ho refused to talk on so delicate icato a subject. DuniNO winter the blood gets thick anil sluggish ; now is the time to purify it , tc build up your system and fit yourself foi hard work , by using Dr. J. H. AlcLean'f Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purl' tier , f 1 per bottle. THE CRUISE OF I1IE AHA , William K , Vnnderbilt's -Beautiful Yacht Blarts on Itt Voyage. A UNIQUE GROUP AT THE RACES lU-hcnrslnR For the-Fall of Ilftlint A Sly Old Gentleman Who lctuno Ilia Son's Tenant Clara Hello's Letter. NKW YORKJuno , 80. [ Correspondence of the IIK. ! : ] About the tiino that this letter is being read the. steam yaclit Alva will got out of sight of land from the Day of New York. She is the biggest ami costliest private vessel afloatami she will carry William K. Vanderbilt antl Ills family on a tour clear around the world. The cxtrnmo limiry of this yacht could hardly bo made comprehensible by a column of description. She is lltted out with everything that the owner and his advisors could think of to render life abroad enjoyable. She is ascaprcious us the city residence of his family , as com pletely equipped with em-ltors , and in all devisable ways an abode of such mag- miicent extravagance as no monarch of a century ago dreamed of. The journey is to last a year or more , but will bo broken by stops at principal cities. Nothing approaching tills in the way of luxurious travel has before - fore been achieved. Airs. William K. Vanderbilt is the beauty anil daslmr of all the Vandurbilt.s. Her social doings have ever had a vim and style undesired , or at least unattaincd , by any other lady among them. Her toilets her equipages , her diversions have been always now and sometimes strange , while the others have seemed to to strive for privacy , se clusion , and quietude. To her is duo tha of this round-tho world conception - splen dor. The route of the Alva will be lirst to London , and next to Paris , with the east to follow. Dinners and balls will bo given on board , and it is unlikely that Cleopatra in her barge created the stir that the Vandcrbilts will make in the old world with the Alva. Don't sot Airs Willie Vanderbilt down for a creature too light hearted to feel for less fortunate fellow women. She does a great deal in charitable and helpful ways and 1 happen to know that her last act of benevolence was to give lifty dollars to a poor sewing girl who had been swindled. Not only that , butshn ; referred the Mib- ject to a lawyer with instructions to use all the money and time necessary to prevent - vent other women from being victimized. The sufferer in this case received a printed circular from the Aid Supply company , 4J ! Kliot street , Boston. It said Unit she could get plenty of easy , light needlework to do at homo by send ing a dollar , as security for the materials which would bo for warded by mail. She mailed the dollar , believing the glowing assurances that the Aid company was rich and benevo lent. If the swindle had consisted of merely stealing the dollar it would not have been as bad as it was. Instead , flic promptly received some pieces of stamped plush with the materials to embroider them. She went at itelaledlyand in three days had earned , according to the promise of the circular , about $4. She returned the work , and never afterward could get H word irom the rascals. In vestigation has shown thousands of women throughout the country have been fooled in the samo'manncr , being led to contribute not only § 1 apiece but the labor , by means of which some scoundrelly dealer in fancy goods has obtained a'stocK without cost. Anything more ingeniously devilish can luirdlv bo imagined , and Airs. Willie Vaude.fbilt made up her mind to stop it. It is a mistake to accuse women of in dulging in all the follies of fashion that arc provided for them. Inventive men devise things which they imagine will bo eagerly accepted by women , but which for a fact never got into use at all. Of that order , no doubt , is the contrivance on exhibition in a certain Now York hop for toilet goods. It consists of an India rubber neck and bust , and is ex hibited adjusted to an oldish woman em ploye. It conies up close about the neck and has a velvet ribbon that conceals the meetine , with ends of velvet depending in the roar to hide the opening where it is buttoned or stuck to gether. These ends of velvet are scarcely fastened so they will not Hop , and as the boys say , "Gjvc the whole snap away. " It Is painted in llesh colorand has every blue vein carefully mapped out on it , and the wearer , who was painfully thin , made up her figure head to match it as nearly ; as possible. But there was a ghastly composure about this mask for the torso that was unnatural. And how she must have been with that clinging rubber over her neck and shoulders. I studied her alter I was told what she Had on , and it nearly stilled mo to contem plate her slowly frying in her own fat. It is safe to say that nosalo of the appara tus will ever be made ; but it serves to advertise - vertiso the shop , because its sets the wo men to talking about it. One of the most unique groups I over saw was at the races. It consisted of live persons in a box at the front of the grandstand and now and then one or two others who stood on the turf in front. In the front row was a colored woman and two young Irish women. Back of them were a husband and wife of middle ago , neither of thorn Irish or colored. All were intent upon the races and had como down to bet. A young Irishman was the messenger and head of the party. Ho remained on the turf in front , except when ho went to the betting pavillion to learn about the odds or to place money. They were all quiet and unobtrusive , and for this reason prob ably escaped my notice until after the lirst raco. Then a tall , powerfully built negro passed along the turf from the pavillion , and as ho wont before the box ho looked up at the group , and in a tone which was at once politely familiar and business like , said : ' 'Well , did you make a good thing ? " It wasonoof the Irish girls who replied : "Yes. five for one : " And the colored woman added : "I got there , too. " Their tones indicated satifaction , but , it was of the kind in which enthusiasm was iup- presscd , in which long experience had driven out excitement. It' was ns clear as the hot sunlight that they were regu lar attendants that bolting partook with thorn of a business character. They wcro typical Now Yorkers in dross , but there was none of that Hash that would lead tea a suspicion of irregularity. The negro wont his way , but duringtho afternoon frequently returned and engaged the girls in conversation. I never saw a blacker man anywhere. His grave face was lighted only bv the red of his lips and the whites of his eyes , and when ho smiled by a deep dinplo , in which the sunbeams played and lost themselves. He were a narrow rimmed brown derby on the sldo of his head , a dark green di agonal coat , mixed trousers , a white spotted vcit , a largo blue to ! , , and ho car ried an umbrella in his hand. I'havo said that this party gambled as a matter of business ; I should make ono exception. Ono of the Irish girls in the front row shrunk back into her chair and never said a word during the entire after noon. And nobody addressed a word to her. She watched the young man who did the placing ot the money , and when thonegro was present she watched him , and during the race she looked shyly at the Hying racers ; but she hardly moved from her chair and never smiled. Her companions were not so lucky on the next two races as they had bien on the lirst. The horses were started opposite the grand stand , ami when the starter dropped his Hag and Air. J. B. Hacrgfn "Kirouzi" w'e'nt ' off snoro. Ul3H n length ahead of the rest , the party in the box joined vigorously in the hissing ami groaning tliat wont up In criticism of tho' manifest bad judgment of the official. ' They looked bitterly . our. for they had not backed Flronzl , and when that horse crowed the line a winner they shut their teeth together and declared that they had not been given a chance for their monoy. Then they consulted their programmes and the young man wont oil to fmd how the odds were on the third race. There were eight starters and at least four favorites. When the young man returned all the racers were on the track taking their preliminary excrciso. Ho reported that ho could get a bet llftcon to ono against Belinda , ono of the August Uol- niont horses. The betting was nearly oven on the favorites. The party looked at the track. " 1 think it had better bo Belinda , " said the white girl. "bho'fl a good one , " acquiesced the colored mrl. And the young man evidently had a tip on Belinda , for ho also favored plac ing the money on her. Such was the ro- suit. When the start was made Belinda wont oil'a good third , and there was much excitement in the party at the prospect of getting sevonty-fivb dollars for overv live they had wagered. But laek-a-dayl before an eighth of a mile had boon run Belinda dropped to within hailing distance of the rear. Then the excitement was turned to disappoint ment , and the young white girl ox- churned : "There s my Belinda , and she can't ' cot through ! " which mixture of feminine and horse talk meant that Belinda was doing well , but that the horses in front of her were in the way and so prevented her from getting the load. Tlioy lost , but consolation was ready in the fact that Belinda had done well , and had it not been that she did not have time to got around the competi tors , she might have won. Then some thing occurred to the white girl. Hastily she leaned over the rail of the box and looked down at her feot. A shade of an noyance crossed her face , and she set tled back and smoothed out her skirts ami .shook thorn down , after which she loaned carefully over again to see what the ellect of her action had been. Not all the girls in the grandstand were so thoughtful. 1 wont into a theatre when a detach ment of the enormous ballet now per forming in the outdoor spectacle on Statcn island were practicing. Ono of the younger Kiralfy's led them. They were naming for grasshoppers , 1 believe. The agile luralfy would anathematize them in French.Gorman , Polish and Ital ian , and so his opinion was not lost on ono of them. Then ho would go to the second entrance and como down the stage with as many logs in the air and if ho had beena , centipede. A windmill in a blizzard couldn't have mote aerial ac tion. Up would rush the whole gang and try to reproduce that llying entrance. Then the eagle eyed Kiralfy would select a particulirly still'and tall girl , and a fat girl who bounced , and put the pair through their paces. Then altogether ; and the shouting and tramping , the tit tering and whispering , in more lan guages than the hod carriers of Babel used. A carpenter with a voice like a resonant steam eagle converged with a painter in the Hies. A violinist scraped at a signal from Kiralfy. In ono wing two men fought a combat under the supervision of a third , who knocked a lager boor mug on the bottom of his chair. "Two down thrust up ono , " and the perspiring combatants chuhcd. A woman looked on and never ceased her work. With ono hand she held to the flat , as she squatted suddenly until she was a bow-legged dwarf three feet high , and tlion sprang back to her full height and Hung her right leg into the air , until her pointed too was even witli her noso. She squatted , rose , and and kicked her left leg in like manner , and this she did continuously for an hour , while a dozen moro girls in short calico skirts did the same thing. But the el derly woman in the wing was the pre miere dttiiseauBo limbering up for her pas. Her "grand pas" they call it on the bill , thougn her grandpa perished in the battle of Bunker Hill. The builders of apartment houses arc certainly aware of the number of dudes with long purses who inhabit this island. There a quantity of shammily built houses with pretty names , such as the Oleander , the Gladiola and the Esmo- ralda. Those places are roared for trans itory birds of passage , like the comic opera choristers or the ballot corypecs. for a dude is not really a full Hedged dude unless ho has a latch key in his pocket that admits the lossco to a Hat oc cupied by seine stage fairy. She usually has stunning feet , big hands , bleached hair , and utter inability to capture the letter II on its own ground , along with an overpowering partiality for its pres ence in improper places. Little Tommy Little wit , jr. , took n lirst Hoer of the Onoanua , and substituted wood carved mantles for , the cheap marble , put in stained windows and an old English fire place , and decorated the ceilings with winged cherubs and gilded stars. In this blissful retreat. Little Tommy passed weeks of delightful retirement with Natilio Race , a coryphee ; but , fast as our Tommy was , ho found the Race was not always to the swift , and tit the end of a few months Tommy was desertedand ho took'hiB ' troubled heart to Newport , to look after his yachting interest. But be fore ho wont ho put his gorgeous flat in the hands of nn agent , and for certain reasons , ( having used his middle name with his landlord ) , ho called himself 'lliomas Wcakand. "I will find * you a tenant in no time , Air. Woakand " said the " , agent ; "i have a host of applications for such prom ises. " Tommy loft the city , and was gone until Juno , when ho accidontly met the real estate man. ' ' " 1'vo such a good tenant for you , Air. SVcakand. " said ho ; "an elderly gentle man and his niece have taken the Hat for the summer. I have his check for a quarter's rent in my pocket now. " The agent pulled out the document , and the heart of Thomas Littlowit , jr. , bounded in his bosom to the edge of nis collar as ho saw the revered name of Thomas Littlowit , senior , at the bottom. His own dad , his revered governor , was in the son's premises with a niece. There wag a caucus in Aladison avenue that night. The father upbraided the son for id iotic extravagance. Tommy brought coun ter charges , darkly hinted about his maj and the tide was very high. However , the father having been very much such a youth as Tommy , know how to manage him. There was a check book brought in to act us meditator. Conlidonco was restored. But Tommy was heard in his club yesterday to howl out as ho road an advertisement : "All the splendid furniture - turo of the elegantly decorated Hat in the Oricanna , lately occupied by Ald'llo. ' Fauxpas , will bo sold at a saorilico , in consequence of the departure of the dis- tinguibhcd dansmiso for Paris. " The old man is ahead of his son ; but , just wa < t. CLAUA BIXLK. Brought Out tlin Hooks. Wall Street News : The agent of a Cincinnati grocery house who wont over to a Kentucky town to inquire into the failure of a grocer asked to see the books. The grocer raised his voice and called tea a negro in the back end of the store : "HI ! you boy , bring out thorn books. Got those two lives of Daniel Boone , and if there's n bible around bring that. This chap wants to sco our books , and wo want him to know that our books are ullus to bo sawn , " SICK headache is the bane of many lives. To euro and prevent this annoy ing complaint use Dr. J. II. AIoLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pilleta. They are agrcoablo to titko and gantle in their action. 25 cents a vial. IN. THE. ELECTRICFIELD. . Dho ifany Achievements of Nature's Ma jestio Wonder , SUMMER'S PLEASING PROPHECY Buttles by Electric URhts by the Wire Improved Hnll- way Cnr-IjIgtitlnR Ulectrlo Matches Flashes , Rtcctrto IjlRtitft for War Ships. Electric lights have become a part of the outfit of a war ship , and it will bo curious to observe the part they play in naval engagements. With their aid night mav bo almost turned into ( lav in the vicinity of a vessel , so that lighting inaj' bo carried on in ( lie darkest night. The glare of ono of these lights thrown against a hostile ship will bring her aides , her ports , her rigging and even her crow into plain view , so that broadsides may bo aimed at her as accurately as in midday. Thcro is ono dillk'iilty. how- over. Both vessels will have these' lights , and the glare on thn eyes of gunners might lead to mutual bewilderment and confusion. A half-dozen big war ships on a side banging away at ono another in a dark night in the blaze of a con stellation of electric lamps would bo a ghostly sort of spectacle. Elcotrlo .Mntohc . Buffalo Express : The subject of gas- lighting by electricity was well hand led by Air. FrankKitton of the Western Union before the Electrical society last evening. It was , ho said , ono of considerable in terest and importance as illustn.ting a most useful and convenient application if the electric current to methods of lighting and extinguishing gas jots from a distance. The principle involved in electric gas-lighting consists simply in making and breaking an electric circuit , cither mechanically or electrically , in the immediate neighborhood of the escaping gas , which was ignited by the spark which followed the breaking of contact. The spark was the result of an xtra current set up at the moment of in-caking the circuit , the latter of which included the burner with two electrodes , .i spark coil , and two or three open cir cuit coils. The spark coil was best con structed of a bundle of iron wires to servo as n core around which a few layers of thick insulated wire should bo wrap- lied. Air. Kitten described and fully illustrated by experiments the several systems in ordinary iibo for domestic purposes , including the pendent rachct , and automatic burners , as also the sys tems employed for lighting theatres largo lialls , etc. , which wcro usually furnished with the necessary power by moans of the induction coil or fractional machine. Timing an Orsan Ity Telephone. Electrician : A Birmingham paper says that a novel experiment was tried there last week with the telephone. A letter was received by Alessrs. Rogers & Priestly , musical caterers in that town , asking thorn to suit a pianaforte to a room at Alosoloy , wlioro a concert waste to take place that night. The lirm was totally at a loss to know thn precise tone of the piano , and consequently despaired of being able to comply with the demand in time. However , much to their sur prise , they found that they could com municate with the people at Aloselcy through the telephone. Forthwith the lirm asked that one of the notes of the piano should bo struck. When tins was done the sound could bo heard in Col- inorc row , and by reducing the pitch pipe the tones of both instruments were made to correspond. Electric Lights for Cnra. The now vestibule Pullman palace cars recently put on between Chicago and New York city are brilliantly lighted by electricity from a current supplied by storage batteries. The light permits the finest typo to be read , and is , therefore , a great boon to travelers , and there is an entire absence of heat and unpleasant odors. A fully charged battery is cap able of lighting a single car for fifteen hours with twenty-two sixteen candle power lamps. This is the lirst positively accomplished feat In lighting railroad trams by storage batteries in this country. Among its recognized and great advan tages is the immunity it furnishes from lire in case of accident. tip.ttoiB by Electricity. In ono of his speeches on the subject of a postal telegraph , Hon. Charles A. Sumner - ner , ox-congrcssman-at-largo for the state of California , prophesied that be fore many years telegraphic wires would do most of the carrying of the ocople's letters , and that even in the present state of electrical development , messages could bo sent throughout the length and breadth ot this country for a penny a word with profit. Mr. Sumner is a practical telegraph operator , and has studied the elements of cost in teleeraphic correspondence per haps as closely as any man in the coun try. His statement is not moro wild as sertion , but is the result of an intimate knowledge of thn cost of constructing and operating telegraph lines. The Postal Telegraph bill introduced by him contemplated the construction of a telegraph system with the proceeds of a government loan , which would bo re paid from tbo earnings of the loin- graph , and at the same time give the nubile much lower rates than are charged by existing telegraph lines Thus at the end of , say twenty years , the people would have a complete telegraph system connecting every postoflico of the coun try , with every ether postollloo and built practically without cost to the public , for without this the money would go to pay dividends on the watered stock of the Western Union and other telegraph com panics. That the United States should over per mit the most improved method of con voying intelligence to got into private hands is one of the greatest shames in the world. Tno people paid the entire cost of constructing the first line of tele graph for Prof. Morse , between Balti more and Washington ; and this great airency for the transmission of intelli gence should not have boon allowed to pass into the hands of corporations and made a machinery for taxation , as it has bcou. However , no time should bo lost in retrieving this false stop. Ex isting companies have had no charter or ether guarantee against government competition. They have so shamefully abused their powers by watering their stocks and forcing excessive tarifl's of charges that they have forfoilod every moral right to protection. Air. Sumuer estimates that a system of lines could bo constructed of equal capacity with the Western Union for twelve millions of dollars lars , as against the hundred millions at which the Western Union and 'alllliatod1 lines are capitall/.ed. Filly Yearn of Holcnce. Fortnightly Review : Fifty years ago science was .still inchoate. Much hail already been done by the early pionwrrf. The ground had been cleared , the build ing materials had boon in part provided ; the foundations had been duly and ably laid' but the superstructure as yet had hardly boon raised a poor foot or two above the original level. The work ol the last half century has boon twofold , On ono side it boon accumulative merely : now stocks of organi/.ablo ma terial the raw bricks of seiunco have been laid up , as buforo , ready to the call of the mabtor muson , but in greater pro fusion than by any previous ago. On the other side it has been directive and iirchitectonio ; the endless stores of fact and inference , thus dug out and .shaped to the hand by the brlpk'mak'cfs of knowledge in a thousand fields , haver' been assiduously built up by a compact ? body of higher and broader Intelligences into a single grand harmonious wholo. This last task forms indeed the great sclontilio triumph of our epoch , Uur.1 has been r.n ago of firm grasp and of wide vision. It has scon the downfall of the anthropoccntrlo fallacy. Cosmos has taken the place of chao.s. Isolated facs ( ; have been fitted and dovetailed into their proper niche in the vast mosaic. Tha particular has ( slowly merged Into thd general , the general Into still higher and deeper rosmical concepts. Wo llvo iu an epoch of unification , simplification , correlation , and universality. When af ter ages look back upon our own , they will rccogni/o that In science its xoy-uoto has boon the idea of unity. ' In I Sit 7 , the science of man and the sciences that gather round the personal ity of man , had scarcely begun to ba dreamt of. But evolutionism and geological logical investigation have revolutionized our conception of our own species ami of the place which it holds in the hierarchy of the universe. At the very beginning' of our fifty years , Boucher do Perthcg was already or.thusiastlcAlly engaged Irf grubbing among the drift of Abbeville for those rudely chipped masses of raw Hint which wo know as pohvollthlo hatchets. Lyell and others meanwhile were gradually extending their ideas of our race on earth ; and accumulations of evi dence , from bone-caves and loess , were forcing upon the minds of both anil quarles and geologists the fact that man , instead of dating back a mere trillo of 0,000 years or so , was really contemporary with the mammoth , the cave-bearer , and other extinct quaternary animals. The mass of proofs thus slowly gathered together in all narts of the world culminated at last in Lyell's epoch-making "Antiquity of Alan , " published three years after "Dar win's Origin of Species. " Colenso's once famous work on the Pentateuch hail already dealt a serious blow from the critical side at the authenticity and lit eral truth of the Mosaic cosmogony. It was the task of Lyoll and his coadjutors , Jiko Evans , Keller , and Christy ami Lartet , to throw back the origin ot our race from the narrow limits once assigned it Into a dim past of immeasur able antiquity. Boyd Dawklna , James Geikio , Huxley , Lubbock. Do Alortillett , and Bourgeois have udided in elucidat ing , confirming and extending this view , which now ranks as a proved truth of paliL'ontological and his historical science. Darwin's "Descent of Alan , " published some years later , was an equally epoch- making book. Lubbook's "Prohi.storio Times , " sent forth in 1805 , and "Origin of Civilization" in 18TO. had fainihari/.ed men's minds with the idea that man , in stead of being "an arch-angel ruined" had really started from the savage con dition , and had gradually raised himself to tiio higher levels of art and learning. Tylor's "Early History of Mankind , " fol lowed a little later by his still moro im portant work on "Primitive Culture , " struck the lirst note of the now revolution as applied to the genesis of religious con cepts. McLonnan's "Primitive Alar- riago" directed tention to the early nature - turo and relations of the tribe and family. Wallace's essay on' the "Origin of Human Races" and Huxley's valuable work on "Alan's Place in Na ture" helped forward this tide of natural istic explanation. And by the time that Darwin published his judicial summing up on the entire question of man's origin , the jury of scientific opinion throughout the world had pretty well considered its Verdict on all the chief questions at issue. The impetus thus given to the sciences which specially deals with man , has boon simply incalculable. Philology has been revolutionized. Language has told us anew now story. Words , like . fossils , have been made to yield up their implicit secrets. Prehistoric archeology has as sumed a fresh and unexpected import ance. The history of oar race , ever since tertiary times , and throughout the long secul ar winters of the glacial epoch , has becnrccoustructcd for us from drift and bonq-cavo. from barrow and picture- writing , with singular ingenuity. An thropology and sociology have acquired the rank of distinct sciences. Tim study of institutions lias reached a sudden development under the hands of Spencer , Taylor , AlcLon- nan , Alaino , Freeman. Lang and Bagohot. Comparative mythology and folk-loro have assorted their right to a full hear ing. Evolutionism has penetrated all the studies which boar upon the divisions of human ilfo. Language , ethnography , history , law , ethics , and politics , have all felt the widening wave of its influ ence. The idea of development and allll- iation has been applied to speech , to writing , to arts , to literature , nay , even to such a detail as numismatics. Our entire view of man and his nature has been reversed , and a totally fresh moan ing has boon given to the btudy of savage ago manners , arts , and ideas , as well as to the results of antiquarian and arclucol- ical inquiry. In osycholegy , the evolutionary im- Silso has mainly manifested itself In orlwrt Spencer , and to a less dcgroo in Bain , Sully , Romanes , Croont Robertson and others of their school. The develop ment of mind in man and animal has been traced pan passu with the development of the material organism. Instinct has been clcarh separated from reason ; thu working of intelligence and of moral feeling has been recognized in horse and dog , in elephant and parrot , in boo and ant , in snail and spider. The gcnosis and differentiation of nervous systems have been fully worked out. Hero Alaudfdoy has carried the practical im plications of the now psychology into the domain of mental pathology , and Forrlor has thrown a first ray of light upon the specific functions of portions of the brliln. Gallon's "Hereditary Genius" and oteor works have also profoundly inllucncda the thought of the epoch ; while Bastlan , Clifford , Jcvons and others have carried the same impulse with marked success into allied lines of pyschological re search. But the evolutionary movement as a whole sums itself up most fully of all in the person and writings of Herbert Spencer , whoso active lifo almost exactly covers and coincides with our half cen tury. It is to him that wo owe the word evolution itself , and the general concept of evolution as n single all-prevailing natural process. Ho , too , has traced it out alone through all its modes , from sun and star , to plant and animal and human product , In his "First Principles" ho has dcvolopod the system in its widest and most abstract trcneral aspects. In the "Principles of Biology" he has applied it to organic lifo ; in the "Principles of Sociology" to societies , to politics , to religion - ligion , and to human activities and products generally. In Spencer , evolu tionism finds its personal avatar ; ho has boon at once Its prophet , its , its architect and its builder. Tbo Detroit Musical Detroit Tribune : A largo audience , including many loading musicians , met in the Church of Our Father last evening to hoar Blanche Vol. nine years of ago , a daughter of Air. C. AI. Yotjr.who displays a rrmiarkahlo proficiency for so young a child in both piano and violin playing. Tim programme last evening included Von Wobur'H rondo brilliant op. 0.2 ; "L'Escarpolotto" ' ( swing song ) on thn piano , and "II Trovatoro" on the violin , all of Which were played with consider able dash , although her feet could hardly touch the pedal or her lingers span an octavo. The numbers were inmnorl/ed and rendered without a mistake. The little lady was , during the entire per formance , miBtre.'s of herself , retaining the utmost composure. ' Shu was assibteiJ by her parents and grandfather , Mr. and' Airs. C. AI. Vet , Jr. , and C. M. Vet , Sr,4