THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. JTpLY 3 : 1887.-TWELYE PAGES. NUMBER 15 : AMERICANS ABROAD. A Good Week at Berlin lor Visitors From the United States. SAYINGS OF SOME OF THEM. Senator Spooner , of Wisconsin , Talks on the Battle Flag Incident. BISMARCK REGAINING HEALTH. More Incidents of the Deep Hatred Between the French and Qermana , FRENCH EXILES IN JERSEY. Gladstone Still Htlcka to Homo Rule For Ireland and Criticises Hart- Ington True Statements About Wagner's Operas. Americana In Berlin. { Copyright IB87 by Jama Gordon Ilennet'.l . BEKLIN , July 2. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. | As the hotel keepers say , this has been a good week for Americans. They have crowded Into Berlin from many quarters , but chiefly from the English jubilee. Senator Spooner and fam ily ot Wisconsin are among this week's ar- rlvsls , coming from Vonlco and Florence and bound In a lew days for the American headquarters In Europe , namely , Switzer land. The senator laughingly told mo after an Incidental allusion had been made to the good effects ot traveling , that his newspaper name was the "kid" of the senate. Speaking of the Intense American feeling aroused In his children by the summer abroad , the senator seemed to echo most heartily the answer - * swer given by him In the English hotel to the question , "Aro you an American ? " " 1 am , thank God , " was the deep reply , given with such emphasis as to startle the English porters. Interest In Florence art , Dresden music and Berlin's affectionate loyalty to the emperor seemed to most strlko thn senator during the trip. Even in three or four days he noticed the Intense admiration for Prince William. The general expectation Is that the prince will bo a great leader , perhaps even another Frederick the Great. This popu larity , the senator thought. Is duo In a largo measure to the German feeling that some one Is needed who will stay further anxiety by crushing Franco , and the German belief that the prince's disposition and ability warranted this. THE FLAO INCIDENT. American politics are of llttlo Interest to Americans abroad. The senator know llttlo of the controversy regarding the confederate flags but thought it largely political rather than sentimental. The feeling aroused Is not hurting the president so much as his ve toes of small pension bills in which by con sent of both houses some old soldier would Otherwise have got 813 per month. Colonel Yatcs , who sat talking with us , took a different view of the fla ? matter , and as a soldlorota Wisconsin regiment during the war thought the project of returning tthoso Hags would prove to be a serious matter to all concerned. OENBttAL CHHTELAIN'B MISSION. Major General Chutolatn , foreign com missioner ot the International military en campment at Chicago , left hero Wednesday. Ue had a pleasant reception by military men , but failed. I think , to obtain the promise of German troops being present In Chicago. Members fjpm the German band sent to Bos- jfedn some years airo will effectually prevent the success ot Clietelalno's errand In Europe. Borne officers are likely to represent Germany at Chicago's seml-contennlal , but no body of German troops. AMKHICAN8 COMING HOME. Among the American students returning home are several who have completed their musical education under Prof. Kllnsworth. Emma Kahy of Alabama , Benjamin Jareckl of Colorado , and Virginia Bollloot Wyoming are those graduating this week. The first begins concert work soon after reaching borne. Prof. Mason , of the Troy Polytechnic , has been In Berlin some days , as has also Prof. Merrinara of New York , and F. C. Roberta , of the Ft Madison ( la. ) Democrat CIIEEUINO TUB KMPEBOK , w We have had fine weather , the Kaiser was at the window each day. so the average Ber- lltters passed a contented week In spite of a little shakluoss on the bourse and some rum blings In higher politics. The crowd In front of the Kaiser's window when the guard marches past has been all the week one of th6 main sights of the city. The police keep the "roadway nearest the paloco clear until the guard passed with flying colors , the band * playing. As the Emperor appears the cheering begins. When the guard nas marched past the crowd makes a wild rush for the Emperor's window and disappears for a moment under a cloud ot waving hats and caps. It Is a llttlo amusing to see a considerable pro portion of Americans In this crowd as en thusiastic as the most Prussian of Germans. Generally the enthusiasm carries thorn oil their feet and theyrush with the crowd to cheer as loudly as any ono before the win dow. For Instance , Senator Spooner was not the least enthusiastic member ot Wednesday's crush. The French 8.COJ.OOO franc mobilization budget Is responsible for the weakness on the Berlin bourse. It was a weakness with nothing panicky about It , ? " . and so the financial magnates say nothing aerlous will happen for a while yet TWO I'USASINO INCIDENTS Two Americans attracted some attention during the week. Prof. Arthur Classmen , of the New York maunerchor , has been wined , or iwrnar * ratter , beered , by leading musi cal lights of Berlin , In which It was also aided by largo choruses of the lesser vocal lights. There was a little speech making , much chorus singing and endless beer , until the early morning hours. A Berlin paper delicately put It toward the middle night Director Moher was given a parchment diploma from the mannercuor , oud Director Xalloor a golden leading baton from the New York Elchenkrany verelu. Tha other New Yorker , an Importer ol considerable wealth , hod , so it Is stated , i tag controversy about some goods sent him froat Berlin. After much letter writing he was forced to accept the goods. Being baatei , he wanted to see the person clover enough to beat him. lie found on arrival kra that his antagonist Is a Klrl of twenty , si t > pretty as well as clever. - Being a man of atase he saw his opportunity and the en- tafevent was announced with buslpess-llke BISUAHCK'S HEALTH BBTTKK. JtUHaarck Is better. Me walks andrMw tolly la Sachsea waid near his sumtnei IMM , raada BO state papers , and sleeps well lUaaaUy he talegrapbed Buryamastei -Hlf * * , f yraakHft : " 1 Uamk you bcanllj and can tell you of already noticeably Im provement In my health. " OTIlKIt LITTLE ITEMS. A now German dialect has been discovered In Kaiser William's land. The natives speak German , but F becomes B and U and F are totally dropped. Molko therefore becomes Motsekl and Kaiser Wllhelm Kaitsor Well- lulm. lulm.Tho The German papers , I notice , nay consid erable attention to the details ot Karl Schurz' recovery. The emperor's ninetieth birthday present has been placed on exhibition In llohlcnzol- Icrn museum. _ French Hatred For German * . [ Copy ; fuMSS7 MKcw York Atnctiittd I'mi.l UEIII.IN , July 2. The North German Gazette reprints an article fiom the National Xeltung , of which the following is an ab stract : "What will seemingly justify the Eutopran governments In refusing to enter thn Paris exhibition Is a persecution ot foreigners. Not only Germans but German speaking people , Swiss and Austrlans , oven Englishmen , are objects of rude and In cessant attacks by the French press , and In numerous cases they are molested and mal treated. It Is absurd to Invite the people they hate to participate in tlio exhibition , and unless aclianco occurs ( ho absurdity will bo icllected In the fate of the exhibition. " HOULANOKll'S COt'l'-D-UTAT. The Cologne Gazette asserts that General Boulanger , before his deposition from the war ministry , really Intended a coup-d-'etat , and was only prevented from carrying out ils designs by General Saussler. MAUD LUCK FOIl OEItMANP. The Mulnouso Correctional tribunal has just sentenced a German domestic , who orig inally belonged In Hesse , to nine months Im prisonment and a small line for crying "Vivo La France" In a tavern at Saushlne. The heaviness of the sentence was duo to the fart that the culprit was a German. The relations beetwcen Germany and liussla are becoming Incomprehensible. While there Is seeming concord between the two courts , the war ot extermination against everything German Is over Increasing In Itussla. This action on the part of Kussla results In In tense bitterness against that country In Ber lin , where the leading journals talk of reprisals and self-defense. These articles showing the growing distrust of Itussla have already had their effect In the falling prices of Ilusslan securities. THREE DISAPrOINTF.ES. The unceasing efforts ot Prince Ilohon- lohe , Count Uenckel and llerr Kramer , the largest Germen land owners In the Ilusslan provinces , to have themselves exempted from the effects ot the czar's ukase , failed of the desired result , the St. Petersburg government refusing to make any exception In favor ot anj body. body.IN IN WOHKINOMEH'S PA von. The plan of the government to provide for workmen In their old ago will bo applied at lirst only to industrial workmen , of which It Is estimated the number is 725,000. The minimum pension to bo allowed Is 120 marks yearly , the state employes and workmen each contributing one-third of the pension fund , which will be a tax on each individual of three marks yearly. WAGXEIl'8 Correct Statements About Two of Them In Dispute. 18S7 liy Jamet Gordon Bennett. ] BEULIX , July 8. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] So many mis leading statements regarding two of Wag ner's early operas "Tho Fairies" and "For bidden Love" have recently gene the rounds of the American and English press , tiiat I am glad to bo able to give Prof. Clend- worth's authoritative statement ro ardlni ; these operas. Clendworth has transcripted all Wagner's operas , and Is a well-known orchestral leader and composer , as well as an expert In musical matters , lie said : "When the king of Bavaria took Wagner Into tils service ho paid his debts and otherwise placed him In a position to work to the best advantage. Wagner , out of gratltudu presented the king with all his scores. Af terwards there came a difference of views as regards the production ot his operas. Wag ner wished all the operas to be brought out at Baircuth , while the king desired the first performance at Munich. There was an es pecially stiona feeling regarding "Parcnlfal , " but finally Wagner obtained the king's per mission that thn production ot "Parcelfal" be confined to Balreuth. After imdwlg Second's death the prince rczent wished to produce "Parcolfal" at Munich. " To prevent this Wagner's heirs reluctantly agreed to the production of The Fairies at Munich. It was sung lost winter , but attracted little attention and added nothing to Wagner's reputation , In fact quite the con trary. It is Interesting historically as showIng - Ing the growth of a great musician's mind , It Is otherwise of no Importance whatever. My impression la that Wagner never In tended to have all this youthful work pro duced. At any rate Its production was con trary to the wishes of the heirs , who regard It a great sacrifice made to save "Parcelfal" Neumann , who had a ten years' right to pro duce the Nibelungen series , has also bought the right for "The Farles" and will soon mount It As regards "Forbidden Love , " I do not know that over a score existed. Certainly It has not been produced yet , nor Is It likely to be very soon. You see , therefore , there Is very little truth In the clippings you have shown. " Clendworth goes to America In the fall to spend the winter studying American musical resources. 1 found the professor strongly of the opinion that the coming musical center ot the United States will be In thu west rather than In the east , Chicago , In his opin ion , offering the best opportunity for great success , and a leader with energy and time to cultivate an audience up to high musical standard. FRENCH EXILES .IN 3ERSEY. Arrival and Reception of the Count de Paris. lOopur(0fttiBS7 byJanuiOord'in Dennett , ] ST. HELIEKS Island of Jersey , July 1. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BERij The royalists of Verde * , Britany Normandy , have been excited at the ex pected consequences of the visit to Jersey by the head of the Malson de France. Conite de Netra. A legitimist overflowing with the chivalrous convictions of the days ot St Louis , said to me : "Now Is the time for ou prince to throw himself on his horse and with drawn sabre , appear and conquer hli own again. Frenchmen are ready to follow him from Granvllle to San Molo. " Delega tions of royalists are embarking on a pil grimage to Jersey under the belief that the Count do Paris' trip to Saint Aubin mark an epoch in the annals of French royalty fa surpassing the prince's recent visits to San llemor , Geneva. The population of Jersey I also stirred and hundreds of Jtrsey' prettiest women and brawncst men thronged the red granite rocks of Victoria pier which forms the entrance to St. tleller harbor and gazed seaward at an early hou to-day. Among the spectators noticed was dear Lo Breton. Mrs. Langtry'a father whoso duo Greek head and firm , sensua mouth were pointed out by knots of curloui lalers. Jersey's fashionable maidens am young married women looked their very tove Itofc They wort waltf or cm * dresses , and delicious llttlo straw hats' It * was the lilies ot Jersey paying homajo to ho lilies of France. The wcathrr was su perb , the sky absolutely cloudless , the feoa was beautiful , the turquolso blue Jersey oasts fringed with myriads ot llttlo Islands nd inlets In reality that of southern taly and Saint Aubln'sjbay Incompasslng , Iko horses , Leo Island. The fortresses of Elizabeth's castle and St. Aubln'scastlo rival he Bay ot Naples. At 12:15 : thn steamer Clla with the Count do Paris on board , ounded Novlmont point and steamed Into St. Aubln's bay. Faint murmurs , "Hero comes tbo prince , " rose from the coral lips ot levies of Jersey lilies , An ambiguous pho-- ographcr leveled a camera at the two masted steamers bringing the exllo prince. The Ella catno quickly alongside , but the prlnco was nvlslbte. Tlio first passenger to jumpashoro rom the Ella was a wiry little jockey with a saddle on his arm. A crowd of passengers followed. At last came the prince , lloworo a dark colored traveling suit All present incovercd and shouted , "Vivo Mol. " rho prlnco raised his hat , bowed , and ink-red a barouche In waiting , followed by Due Trovenovllle , with a long ( lowing redlsh beard and a dtiplsli secretary. Then . 'ortcn , grand royalist chief of 11 vo royalist lepartments , arrived from Itcnncs to re ceive the prince. Half an hour's drive along the road fringed with meadows tilled with ga/etto colored Jersey cows , tied by the lorns to stakes , brought the prlnco to Som- mervlllo hotel , a llttlo three-story villa with a peaked roof , hired by the prlnco for the visit. I called on the prinro in the afternoon and was received In a small library flouting ho sea. The prince seems In splendid lealth , slightly stouter since last Juno when I crossed the channel with him In the Ill- fated \ ictorla , when ho went In exllo to Dover. I said to the prlnco the Impression jalncd ground that the pilgrimage to Jersey will assume the form of n manifestation , and a zealous nobleman from Brittany says the tlmo Is near when the royalists should appear mounted with drawn sabres. The prince Interrupted me."All that Is perfect nonsense. I came hero in a quiet and the most unostentatious manner possible. 1 take a modest llttlo cottage. My only object Is to have the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a few conservative lead ers and the Normandy Brittany deputies who care to come to see me. Owing to my exllo it Is impossible for mo to meet them In Franco. Nothing approaching a manifesta tion was ever thought of or even dreamed of. " I asked : "i our eldest son , duke of Or leans , does not accompany you , slrcV" The prince replied : "Oh , oh , not now. Hols hard at work at Sandhurst studying for examination. You sen I came here very quietly , merely tomako a personal acquaintance and fete political friends. Nothing more. " I took leave of the prince just as Porten De la Martlnleve and drillers , deputies , and M. Do Masan arrived. Numerous steamers especially hired for the occasion , will bring General De Chailtte and the papal zouaves from St. Mclo and Granvlllo. The Jersey pilgrims will not exceed SOO and the prlnco will not receive them as a body , but a few at a time , and In the quieti-st manner possible , The weather continues superb. 'I ho sea Is as calm as a mirror. Bevies of dellclously beautiful young Jersey lilies walk by the cot tage in the vain hope of getting a glance of the prince. The only inhabitants not excited by royalty are the little fawn-like Jersey cows , who continue chewing their cud as if French politics never existed In the channel Island. Thus has the most distinguished exllo since Victor Hugo been received. Gladstone's Talk. LONDON , July 2. Sir Joseph Peasogavoa banquet to-night , In honor of Mr. Gladstone. The ex-prlmo minister made a long speech , it being chiefly an elaborate criticism ot the speeches of Lord llartlngton at Manchester and BlacKburn. "Ireland , " ho said , "was stronger now on the homo rule question than ever before. There is a crisis in Ireland , where , after giving her largo representation , we trampled under foot the whole wishes and convictions ot her peopio as expressed by five-sixth of their members. The second crisis is the reduc tion of parliament to paralysis and Impa tience. I predicted that unless the Irish question was settled parliament would find creator difficulty In performing Its duty toward England and Scotland. That pre diction has been more than verified. We have reached such a point that not only does Ireland monopolize the tlmo of parliament , but parliament is incapable of dealing with the whole Irish question. We are forbtdnen to say a word on the most vital point in the question , and are confined to the most inlsci- able corner by the framing ot the coercion bill to put down the liberties of Ireland. " Franco Will Fight , ICopt/rioht 1837 In Jama Gordon Dennett. ' ] PAIUS , July a. [ New York Herald Cable- Special to the BKE.I Your corresponded has Interviewed M. DeLesscps on Egypt affairs. The veteran's views on the subject are gloomy. "It England docs not clear oul Egypt" he said , "sooner or later It will have to fight France. I don't say France will go to war at once , as at present she has not funds enough , but kowover low her finances may bo she Is sure to rise , and when she does rise England will have to settle accounts with her. It Is a life and death question with Franco. She can never consent to England's capture of Egypt If this Anglo-Turkish convention Is signed the sultan will lose his throne. I have letters hero announcing that a religious chief In Arabia Is preparing a revolution. _ The Thistle Gats Thcro. [ Copi/rtjht 1831 l > j Jrtmei OonJia OennetM KIUK , Scotland , July 3. [ New York Her ald Cable-Special to the BIE. : ] At the lioyal Clyde regetta to-day the wind was moderate from the northwest. The Thistle got three minutes' start and finished at 7:1 : ( p. m. , the Irex being ono hour behind. After Dynamiters. LowDoy , July 9. The Globe says that do tectlves ore watching a number of persons suspected of belouglnir. to a sworn band ol dynamiters and "skirmisher ? . " whose exist ence has oeeu discovered In an Englith provincial town. _ In Favor of Boston. DUBLIN , July 2. A meeting will bo heh In Phoenix park to-morrow to protest agalns the exclusion of Sexton from the lord may orally. Sexton and several members of par ( lament will bo present. FooPa Errand. LONDON , July a The united socialists clubs of London , comprising five German and Sweedish organizations are arranging a big excursion to Epplng forest July 10 , and will send the proceeds to Chicago to relieve the anarchists under sentence of death. O'Uonnelt and the Times. LONDON , July 2. O'Donnell , In bis sui against the London Times for libel , on ac count of Its charges against him and otlie Irish leaders , In Its articles entitled 'Tar nelllsm and Crime , " will summon as wil nesses Parnell , Dillon and Sexton. T rkey Snubbed. LONDON , July a. England has refused to grant Turkey any further time for signing the Anglo-Turkish convention. Lake P. Holland Ucfid. ST. JOIINSIIURT , V * , , July 9. Uoa. , Lnke P. Holland Hied at his residence IB Water- viU t Mftajr M ayepiexj- PIPING' PEACE"PAE&NS. . A Conflict of Eloquenoa between "Blue and Graj" at Gettysburg. ' * WORTHY WORDS Orj AFTER-WAR. -f A Characteristic Letter From the 'President The Press Compli mented The Proposed Monument ment A Grand Anniversary. Ttvcnty-Fonr Yoara ARO. QKTTYSIIUIIO , Pa. , 'July ' a. The city is hronged and jammed } with peopio to-niclit and the streets and houses brilliantly Illuml * latcd and decorated In honor ot the meeting ot the blue and greys. Tlio Philadelphia brigade arrived this evening , and after se curing quarters marched to the depot to ro- celvo the guests. At , 8:35 : nrlng'ne ' cheer from the Philadelphia brigade was answered > y a well-known rebel yell , which announced hat the visitors had arrived , and 200 of ? lckett's veterans marched out and surrendered to the hospitality of their fiends. A grand procession formed and narched up town surrounded by thousands of enthusiastic and excited people , yelling themselves hoarse. A camp-fire was held at the court house , which was crowded to suffo cation. When all was ready , General Burns assisted Mrs. General Pjckctt to the stand amid tremendous cheers which shook the building , and introduced her and her son to the audience. She was ; visibly affected by , ho reception accorded her. At 9 o'clock thn meeting was called to order by John W. Frazler , who welcomed the visitors to the first fraternal meeting of .ho blue and gray which has taken place on .hcso historic grounds , and ho presented Joinrado Stockton , the presiding officer , who ,11 turn presented Colonel Charles II. Kane , of the Philadelphia Brlcftdo association. Thn latter addressed himself particularly to the members of Pickett's division of the army of Northern Virginia present , saying that the old Issues were all now dead , and welcoming the visitor. } with a soldierly greeting and extending to them a cordial invitation to bo the guests ot the Philadelphia brigade , which had met them In hostile array In the old days. "May our stay here. " said ho , "be ono of pleasure to each of us , and of fraternal greeting that shall guide us to higher re solves for the perpetuity of the union and the constitution. " 1 On behalf of Picketts' veterans. Captain C. 1 * . Keeve. of Richmond , responded , tenderIng - . Ing the sincere thanks of himself and com rades for the cordial and heaaty welcome. He said that If In the remarks ho was about to make he should say Something that better bo left unsaid , bear In mind ho was solely re sponsible for the sentiments ho might utter. He referred to the proposed project of erectIng - Ing a monument on Oru.tfyjburK field , not to any particular army or state , but national In Its character and to .the memory of both armies , a monument to Atuerlcan valor and magnanimitywhich should stand as a plcugo of perpetual union. He referred feelingly to thu deeds of valor In .the war. He said : "Leave to time the touchstone which tries human action questions of right and wrong involved , let the futurehistoiIan probably yet unborn try the cause , and posterity will rendei a verdict which li apt to bo jiut. Td them let us leave It . Its deeds have been done , Its drama closed , .nut for our country there remains a future ; It this occasion , being In the interest of peace and reconcilia tion , will fill a bright vaco In that history , with what lustre would flint ono shine which would record similar -reunion , national In Its character , In .which. iiUouId bo buried ull rancor and hatred , from which wo could go , forth not merely as .citizen * but as irientw- and brotheis , animatedt.DKOne great aim the gteutncss nd glory of our common" country. Adopt in its'-'true spirit the union monument suggested , and with a magnanim ity broad enough to embrace all good feel ings and deep enough to bury in oblivion the bitterness and Iiate of the past strife , and to fill on the spot , the suggested monument ment to immortalized1 American valor , and demonstrate American mannanlmlty. Let the whole country join with the national government and every state In the union for this work. Let It be completed , if possible , by the twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle. Sand out i your invitations and Gettysburg will witness such a gathering as the world has seldom seen. Let us , my countrymenembrace the opportunity and make ono pave In American history which shall shlno with a lustro unsurpassed by any recorded since the world began. Colonel A. K. McClure. of Philadelphia , then extended a welcome fromtho citizens of Philadelphia , particularly , and from the state of Pennsylvania generally to the Vir ginians. Colonel William Raylett , who sue * ceeded General Armstead and was command er of the bilgadoupon the death of Armstead , responded on behalfof , the state of Virginia to Pennsylvania's welcome. He said : "Not only do wo receive and shall ever treasure the noble sentiments of Colonel Me- Ciure as a veteran of Pennsylvania and her chlct city , but also of those brave men who met us hero twenty-four years ago with a valor that wo could not overcome and who meet us here to-night with a lov ing welcome so dear to us and to our people. Remembering the avocation and profession of the gifted speaker , wo hear in loud tones the voice ot the great Ameri can press that power that is mightier than armies or navies , mightier than the swords and scepters of klnes-on whose supporting arm the goddess of liberty leans , and whose daily utterances proclaim that peace , friend ship and love once more binds the American people with gold bands of indlsolublo and perpetual union. The press and bravo and generous soldiers of our land have brought this night and these scones to pass. All honor and love to both. 1 utter it as the sentiment that comes swelling up from everv bosom or Virginia and the south. That man whowould rekindle again thai , feeling which filled our land with death and tears and grief and mourning , with graves and suffering , IK not only unwoithy ot the high title of American citizen , ' but even that of a human being , and should find no homo or friends on earth or In heaven. There is not a true man at heart In the south to-day but who feels as It ho would llko to stand at the tombs of Lincoln and Grant , to plant a flower there , and water it with a manly tear In the presence of a feeling llko this , too sacred and deep for utterance. What matters it who shall keep the battle flagi ? They passed Into your hands In bravo and manly combat , untouched by dishonor after bap tism In blood that mate the gray jacket a mantle of glory , andi' are as willing your people should Keep $ itiras ours. Tltey are In the hands of our ; ) < n trnment , and breth ren to whom our hoiia : B ould be as dear as their own. Never ; < l i will our old battle fiags wave In VM ife. They have gone down but they went down in gl . honor. They are < * v. un * BH * .tV * * A..VJ MIW dead , and we love anc follow alone now the llvinit. Hag which' iW&from Key West to Behrlng stralts-fioffTtoUcr 11111 to San Francisco. " f , \ \ * Speeches were ak WM by General W. F. ( Baldy ) Smith , Geaettl' ' J eehua To wen. Gen eral Isaac P. WltUvCblonel John T. Tag- cart , and others. _ "blue. " and by Colonel Charles T. ' secretary of the Pickett's division a w : Colonel J. F. Crocker. Colonel lie * f. Slribllog , Dr. J. A. Marshal , Colonel 3 jium Smith. Colonel Kirk Otey. and ot ; on behalf of the "gray. " John W. r , secretary of the committee of arrau , nts , stated thai letters of rogrrt > ad been received from the president and his cablnei from Senator Sherrafcn , Governor Fitzhuzh Lee , Hon. George WJ. Chllds , George Will iam Curtis , Chsrlesr A. Dana and others. The president's letter was read and was ai follows : * EXECUTIVE MANSION , WASHINGTON , Juno 28 , lb87. I aava received your Invita tion to attend , as a guest o | tbe Philadelphia brigade , a reunion oX tbe ex-confederate sol dlers , of PIclceU's fivlslori" , who survived their terrible charet a * Gettysburg , and those of the union army still llvlag , oy whom It was heroically rasKad. This meeting o ! soldiers upon the baUi neId , > where , twenty years ago In deadly hay tlwyjlereeiy fought each others' lines.- where they saw their cona- ratfM fall , tad whtn all 4licTr tUougbU wart of vengeance and destruction , illustrate the general Impulse ot bravo men , and their lonest deslrofor pcnco and reconciliation. The trlendly assault thcro to bo made will bo resistless , because Inspired by American chivalry : and Us results will bo glorious , be cause conquered hearts will bo Its trophies ot success thereafter. This battlefield will > e consecrated by a victory which shall ircsniro the end ot the bitterness of strife , ho exposure of that sinceilty which con ceals hatred by the professions ot kindness , ho condemnation of ficnzled appcaU to lassion ! for unworthy purposes , and the icatlng l down of all that stands In the wav of he destiny of our united country. While hose who fought , and who have so much to 'orgivolcad In the pliimntvas of peace , tow wicked appear the tralllc In sectional latrcd and the betrayal of patriotic sentiment t surelv cannot bo wrongtodcslre the settled quiet which lights for the entire country the iath to prosperity and greatness ; nor need .he lessons of war bo forgotten and Its re sults jeopardized In the wish forthaU'cnuluo fraternity which Inspires national prldo and glory. 1 should bo very glad to accept your nvltation and bo with you at this ng reunion , but other arrangements already nado and my official duties h ° ro will prevent uy doing so. Hoping that the occasion mav bo as successful nml useful as Its piomoters desire , 1 am yours very truly , GHOVEH CI.KVEI.AND. Senator Sherman's letter , which has already been published , was also read. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed during the whole proceedings , and after the reading of the piesident's letter was finished three cheers were given for thn president of the United StaU-s. The festivities lasted till a ate hour and then the first campHro ever icld between blue and gray was over. HUNRV GKOHOE TALKS. McGlynn's Case and the Now Political Party. PiTxsnuno , July 2. Henry George , pass- ng through the city to-day , was Interviewed briefly. "The present status of the McGlynn affair can bo briefly summarized , " ho said , "It Is reaching its most Interesting phase now. Either to-morrow or Monday his forty days expire. Then the question as to whether ho will bo excommunicated will be definitely settled. " "What are the prospects ot the new pollt- "Our party Is strong and It showing In creased strength every day. We will bo able to prove this when wo hold our state conven tion in New Yoik on the 17th of August. " "Our candidates lor the presidency ? Wo are not thinking so much which of our own people shall be our standard bearer as we are how the alms of the party shall bo obtained. " Geoue wore an elegant new suit of clothes nnd high hat , giving him quite a distin guished appearance. Arch Bishop Ryan , of Philadelphia , who was passing throusrh the city also , said to a reporter that McGlynn'a story of a Roman Ambassador at Washington is mere talk. He had nothing to say on the subject of McGIynti's excommunication. The affair , ho said , would create no broach In the church , as peopio only followed McGlynn in a political way. Chicago Current Events. CHICAGO , July 2. Judge Tulley has been selected to act as arbitrator in the work of settling the building trades lockout expected to commence Monday. Tno Chicago Cracker company was closed by the sheriff this evening. Liabilities , 310- 000 , nssetts , $21,000. Chairman George L. Carman , who was re lieved of occupation by the abolition ot the Iowa. Minnesota & Dakota Railway associa tion Wednesday , lias been appointed com missioner of the Western Railway Weighing association. Ho-wlll also Uko charge of the Northwestern Inspection bureau row pre sided over by Chaliman Falthorn. Mexican Earthquakes. .EI.PABO , July 2. Jleavy earthquakes con- JiBMiiitt ttvlspe. to tno Mexican state of Sonoro , twenty-flvo miles southwest of El Mbi1 J ? J. Ddaver amliBer one of half "a dozen Americans there , has just arrived here and brings the first detailed and authentic report. He says -over three hundred shocks have occurred since May 3. On the day ho left Bavispe , June 25 , two shocks were felt , one heavy enough to crack walls. Ho says ho has thoroughly explored the country and there Is no volcano within sixty miles of Bavispe. "Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains followed by fair weather , warmer , northerly winds , becoming variable. For Iowa : Local rains , variable winds , be coming easterly , lower followed by higher temperature. For Central and Eastern Dakota : Winds generally northeasterly , fair weather in northern portion , local rains In southern , higher temperature. Sensible Canadians. DBAYTON , Out. , July 3. A largo meeting was held hero to-day to endorse a commercial union with the United States. Addresscss In favor thereof were made by Professor Goldwln Smith. Erastus Wlnman , Congress man Butterwortu , of Ohio , General Maul , of Texas , and others. Cantnrcd With a Gat ling Gun. SAN FRANCISCO , July a Four convicts at work oulslde the walls of Falsom prison made a dash for liberty to-day. The guard fired at them with a rlilo without effect , and then , fearing a serious attempt would bo made by the other convicts to get away , opened on the lleelnc men with a Galling gun. Ono convict was instantly killed and another fatally wounded. The other two surrendered immediately. Funeral of A. A. Talmadgc. ST. Louis , July 2. The funeral of Archi bald A. Talmadgc , general manager of the Wabash railway system , was attended by immense throngs. The remains were lying in state at the residence for two hours this morning and were viewed by thousands of friends and employes who had come on special trulps from nearly all points of the system. Rov. D. C. Marquis , of Chicago , delivered the funeral address. The remains were Interred atfBellefontalne cemetery. Die Railroad Earning * . MILWAUKEE , July a. The semi-annual financial , statement of the Milwaukee & Northern railroad was issued to-day. It shows that the gross earnings during the past six months amounted to S-ill,4Ui , an In crease of 3149,713 over the corresponding period last year. The net earnings are 8108,919. Poisoned By Chnrnh lee Cream. CLEVELAND , July 2. Nearly 200 people were poisoned last night at Ambey , O. , by eating Icecream at a church sociable. None of them are dangerously 111. The physicians are unable to explain the presence ot poison In the cream. Two Children Murdered. BELMA , Ala. , July U. At noon to-day , two negro children , six and eight years old , were killed four mllea from Selma. One was she and the other's neck was broken. Suspicion rests on two negro boys , thirteen uud seven teen years old. A More Solid Union. PHILADELPHIA , July 2.-Delegates from all assemblies to the Textile Workers' Pro gresslve union , holding a convention here , propose forming a more universal onuulza lion to govern the Interests of the trade. Heaven's Joyous Tears. BiSMAncK , DAK. , July ? . The heavies rain since June , 1986 , has been falling almos without Intermission since lost midnight doing untold good to crops , which now prom Ise alieavy yield. v , ftallroad fatality. KNOBNOSTSB , Ma , July 2. Two freight trtlns'colllded'ieTOR miles from here at o'eJeck.UU ocalngr Xa lnr Bam WmHt wsa kJMet aMMTaral wta badly laJureO. r-ATAL FIUKWOltHS FIKK. Condensed Fourth of July Dora Dam age In Now York. NEW TOIIK , July 2. A fatal and cxcccd- iiRly obstinate fire broke out late this nftor- 10011 In the middle of the dry coeds district , nd for a tlmo threatened destruction to iiuch of the adjacent property , caused by iio unaccountable explosion ot fireworks toicd In the cellar of a six-story building at 43 Broadway , occupied by P. J. Koat y & Jio. Two lives were lost , a fireman was vcrcomo by heat nnd smoke , and nearly 140,000 damage was done. The woik of the lay was practically ended when a snapping n the cellar among ROIIHI goods packed for hlimiont was heard. Onoo started , the ox- iloslvos spread tapldlv and Increased In In- onslty , and with an amount and character of noise such as only a laigo amount of con- lensed Fourth of July could make. The em- iloves were warned to lleo for their lives , and the tire department was summoned , and arrived within three minutes. Thcro veto twenty per ons in the building and they came streaming out on Broadwav n very short order. Many left their street clothing and so mo their salaries , which had > cen paid to-day and placed In their hand tags. The continued explosions Inthoecl- ar rent the flooring and the ( lames had a clear duct to the second floor through which hey ate their way In quick succession hrough the upper lloor , and then it hecame a kht against cnnimous odds , for every lott n the str.icturo was stored with toys of all soils , they being as tinder to the flumes. The iiemen , Inch by Inch , had foiiuht back the lames to the third floor , when , Hearing the stairway , they stumbled over the body ot Al bert A. KIN , a stock clerk In the Leonard street part ot the store. Halt an hour later , n the first story , the firemen found another corpse , which was Identified as thai of Gus- ave Hassler , another stock clerk. Ono lire- nan was overcome by the heat ; another was somewhat burned , and another lucelvcd se vere cuts from broken glass. Horrible Fireworks Accident. KINGSTON , Onl. , July 2. In connection .ho celebration of Canadian federation a 'rightful accident occuricd while the fire works display was in progress hero last oven- ng. A hugn rocket was being set off , when he stick broke , and the missile , with terrific 'orce , shooting downward otruck Joseph Thompson ot the Whig onice and president of the Limestone Typographical union , and almost decapitated him. His whole neck was torn away , and , from the explosion which 'allowed , his breast was frightfully mangled. Ten thousand spectators were horror stricken and Immediately dispersed. Sev eral other persons had narrow escapes. Rob ert McFaul , a merchant , had his face mangled by the same mlssle. Dnrkee'M Will Sustained. RACINE , Wls. , July 2. Judge Grcsham rendered a decision In the contest over the will of Charles Durkee , who died while holdIng - Ing the office of governor of Utah. Previous to his appointment to the Utah governorship Durkee had been a very prominent public figure In Wisconsin. Ho was In the house of representatives for two vears and repres ented Wisconsin In the United States senate from 1S55 to 1801. At his death ho conveyed all his property , valued at between S400,0/iO and S600.000 , to Harvey Durkeo and franklin II. Head , as executors in trust , ami directed them to expend - pond for educational purposes all the prop erty left after the satisfaction of certain minor legacies. The complainants held that the county court of Kenosha , Wis. , where the executors named in tho. will took out letters testamentary , had no jurisdiction in the matter , and that the estate should bo set tled In Utah. The educational clause of the will was also held to bo void. Judge Grosham's decisions are in favor of the ex ecutors , Durkeo and Head , and sustain their demurrer , to the bill of the plaintiff. - i * i The Mltohellvlllo Fire. DES/MOINES , la , , . July 3. ( Special Tele gram to tho' BEE. ] Fire broke out at Mitchell vllle , 'In the eastern edge of this county , about midnight last night It threat ened to sweep the town and tbo mayor tele graphed to this city for help. A special left here soon after 1 a. m. with a chemical en gine and other appliances , but the tire was gotten under control and the outsldo help was not needed. ' The flames- were confined to five principal store rooms with the following losses : W. 11. DrLonir , hardware , loss 85,000 , Insurance S2.GGO ; S. W. Jooth. pmptv buildIng - Ing , loss 1,500 , insurance 81,000 ; Dr. Xccms , loss 82,000 , insurance 551.100 : Braden tin shop , loss 34.000 , Insurance 551,800 ; G. D. Moore , dry goods , loss S'J,000 , Insurance 8700 ; F. A. Dunham , furnltuin , loss 81,200 , Insurance SfiOO. Total loss 815,700 ; insurance 87,800. The places were all wet from a recent heavy shower was the chief reason that saved the entire town from being burned. National Opera Trouble * . NKW YOHK , July 2. The directors of the National Opera company , who were to meet a committee representing the unpaid mem bers ot the company attue Academy of Music yesterday , failed to do as promised. Theodora Thomtis will publish a card tc- morrow'anuounclne that lie has seveiod all connection with the National Opera com pany. Ho has written the directors saying he would not attendlhp mooting which they asked him to comn to and adding tliat the company owes him 85,000 or 80,009. lie has put his claim In the hands of a lawyer. He adds that the company had all the elements forgood work and prosperity had the direc tors observed the first piluclplo in a business undertaking , namely , the prompt payment ot employes. _ Jewish Iluuula'to Meet. PiTTSiiuna , July 3. The coming conclave of rabbis of the Jewish church of America , which will begin Friday , July S , will be one of the most Important ever held In this country. It Is axpected that there will bo no less than 250 delegates present , rcpiescntlng every state in the union. There will bo rep resentatives of both the orthodox and re formed branches of that faith. The chief work of the convention will bo to endeavor to reconcile all existing differences between Jewish congregations and place them on the same level with regard to forms , ceremonies and observances. A Hobo's Horrible Death. JKIISEY CITT , N. J. , July 2. In a tene ment last night Thomas Hellly and Michael McGarran quarreled and after a fight sepa rated , About midnight Rellly entered Me- Garran's apartments , where Mrs. McGarran was alone with an Infant , and throwalightcd lamp at her. The lamp missed the woman and struck the bed , burning up the babe be fore It could bu baved. Patriotism Prevents liuslneii. ST. Louis , July 2. Members of the cham ber of commerce assembled as usual this morning to transact business , but as the first call was made , a shower of torpedoes , giant fire crackers and other fireworks landed among the operators. Pandemonlnm reigned until thn speculators gave way to the patriotic spirit. Very llttlo trading was done. The Suit Dismissed. CnicAoo , July . 2. The suit of Mrs. Bella S. P. Harvey against Do Forest V. Kolfo and Hon. J , Sterling Morton , tor an accounting as to certain business transactions between them , has been dismissed , the differences be tween the plaintiff and Rolfe having been settled and amicably adjusted , Mr. Morton was merely a co-defendant. County Offlciala Indicted. READING , Pa. , July 2. The grand Jury , which for two weeks has been Investigating charges of corruption and mismanagement against county officials , this morning re turned Indictments against tax collectors for retaining over SUi.OOO btilongtng to the county and using county funds for private gain. VanrterblU'a ni Trip. . NEW YoitK.'July 2.r-W. K. Vanderbiltand family sailed to-day on Vnnderbllt's yacht , Alva , for a cruise around the world. The trip will OCCUPY about eighteen- month * , and Will cos ; S15.WO per uouth. ON THE BANKS OF THE BLUE Pleasant Days and Pleasant Exorcises at tie Nebraska Ohautauqua , PROGRAMME FOR THE FOURTH , Jcite Ovcrton Killed nt Angelina , tha Fatal Shot Supposed to Have I3con Fired By Ills Wife Old IllcliartlB Convicted. Tito Ore to Assembly. CitETr , Nob. , J illy 2. ( Special to the BKK. | Monday , July 4 , promises to bo n gala day nt tlio assembly grounds , niul It is certain tliat tlio management has left nothing tin * clone that would tend to maku the day ono fittingly observed by all. Tlioro could bo no handsomer grounds found In the stnto for a celebration , and hero are 9,000 people form ing a town of their own as a nucleus of the throngs of people that will arrive on excur sion trains on that day that run from every part of the state. Last year 10,000 pcoplo celebrated the national day at the assembly , and the attendance ) will bo much larger this year. Ono good feature Is that thcro Is roonj In abundance for all , and no fuar need bo en tertained but that all will have room In which to enjoy themselves. The boating Is ( iterant lor a distance of thron or four miles' , and bcsldo the steamer there are tlfty td Bevonty-llvo row boats at the landing that are furnished at reasonable rates. | Swings , hammocks , croquet and law a tennis abound In the groves and on the open lawns , and a multitude of ways for amusement abound with a total absence of Helen's Babies , shooting galleries , swingIng - Ing horses and like fakir amusements that help to make lite miserable at the averaga celebration. There Is a home-like atmosphere that adds to the pleasure upon the ground * , and the sociability of the beet classes of pco plo , such only as are found on the grounds , Is noticeable to all. No Intoxicated person la allowed to enter the grounds and cigars are not on mile within the In closure , consequently quently those adictcd to the wood wilt add to their enjoyment It these necessary supplies are brought with them. On Monday the usual programme of class exercises and class lectures will be continued as usual , the special feature of the day being the Illustrated lecture by Frank Heard , at If 1 a. m. To those who have heard Mr. Beard no word need bo said , and to those who have not heard only can appreciate what Is to be enjoyed by the hearing. The Twenty-first Infantry band , which arrived on the grounds to-day , will , with Prof. Shcrwln's chorus clans , furnish a musical programme that the announcement Is sutllclent to show what may bo expected. General 11. A. Morrow and John C. Cowin are thn orators for tha afternoon , and In the evening a programme of war songs , with addresses by Senators Maiulerson and Paddock , Congressmen Dor- s y ana Laird , Governor Thai er , Attorney General Lccso , Judge Morris and others , alj to conclude with a piocramme of ( ( reworks that , from the money expended , will un doubtedly bo very line. It Is In order to statrt tliat the dining hall will furnish good" substantial meals on that day , as On all others , at very reasonable rates. Mr. D. J. F. Reed , who runs the dining hall , is a man who will do thoroughly whatever he under takes , and the dining hall is managed right. Mr. Iteed was fortunate in securing Mr. Uartram , of Lincoln , to superintend the dlnlnir hall , Mr. Uartram being moat favor * ablv known at the capital city as the caterer at the llurlbut hotel. Mr. Uartram Is inval uable In the work of feeding the multitude. To-day's programme at the grounds was ' one busy In the thoroughly efficient class work and lectures , and 600 children were In attendance at the pavllllon at their meeting'1 In the afternoon. Among the many shore addresses to the children none were more , delightful than. Prof. Frank Beard's talk with his blackboard. To-night Dr. Pentecost of Urooklyn lectured before a magnificent audience at the pavllllon , taking for his topic , "What Answer. " It was one of the great la- tellectual treats of the assembly and greatly enjoyed. Sunday's programme Is as follows : 1 a. m. .Prayer meeting. 10:30. Sermon , U. F. Pentecost , D. D. 8 p. in. Ulble class and Sunday school. 5 p. m. C. L , S. ( J. vesper service. 7:30. : Service of praise. 8 p. m. Sermon by Dean Wright A Tragedy at Ansel mo. BROKEN Bow , Neb. , July 2. [ Special Telegram to the BKE. | Jesse Overtoil was shot and killed yesterday at Anselmo. It was reported at tirst that his wife did tha killing , but since a second report says thot ( t was suicide ; also that the gun was found ly Ing across his arm with a stick fastened to the trigger. The cSronor's Inquest was hold last night , but a verdict has not been received here yet. It Is generally conceded by the people ac quainted with the family that ho was mur dered. Already a son of tills family lan guishes in the reform school for various offences and the balance of the family are of the same stamp. Great excitement prevails and lynching is talked of. Sheriff Penn with deputies Is at the scene of action and will return to-day. ' ANOTHER ACCOUNT. NSEr.Mo , Neb. , July 2. This town was thrown Into a fever of excitement this morn * Ine by the report of n tragedy near town last night. Investigation proves the facts to bo as follows : A family by the name of Overton , formerly of Sarpv county , but which has been travel ing around gipsy fashion for the past two years , stopped near Anselmo some time ago. There has been trouble between Mr. and Mrs. Overton for some time , and It culmin ated last night In the death of Mr. Overton. According to the oldest boy , they quarreled during the fore part of the night. Towards morning he was awakened by the report of a gun and saw his father lying on his back on the lloor dead , and his mother by the door in a dead faint. A shotgun , which had been discharged , lay on the lloor between them. The family is now in custody and the sheriff Is holding an Inquest. Interesting develop ments are expected. Fuller particulars wll bo given as soon as obtainable. This is the lirst occurrence of tbo kind In this vicinity. Richards Convicted of Murder. BENKLKMAN , Xeb. , July 2. | Special Tele gram to the BEE. | Charles Richards was found guilty In the district court to-day on the charge of murdcrlngGeorgo McFarlan last February. Judge Cochron , the new judge In this district , was not qualllled to preside - ' side by reason of his connection with. the case before his appointment and Judge Gaslln presided. Colonel llugli Short the celebrated criminal lawyer of Texas , assisted by U. D. Pierce and S. J. blarbuck. appeared for the defence. W. S. Morton ana John Thompson , the talented young county attorney , conducted the prosecution. The evidence was straight for a case of murder In the first degree , but the jury gave a verdict In the second degree on account of Richard's extreme old age. ltlchardi > was sentenced to thi ! penitentiary for life. This was the fifty- third murder trial presided over by Judge Uaslln in Nebraska. Van Wyclc at Emerson. EMKRSO.V , Neb. , July 2 , [ Special to the UKK.J Ex-Senator Van Wyck arrived here at 13:30 : p. m. to-day and will remain the guest of General and Mrs. llollman over Sunday. The senator la in tine health and Is well pleased with the material progress of Northeastern Nebraska. The senator will address the people on the Fourth at Wake- lield , where great preparations have been made for the occasion. Chinch Dutfa at Work. CEXTIIAI , dry , Neb. , July 2. ( Special to the liKK. ] Within the last few days chinch bugs have appeared lii Immense numbers , and It now looks as If they would destroy the most of the wheat. A week ago it large wheat crop was expected , but since that time thq bugs ha\e appeared In almost every fluid , and If tht-ru Is one-third of an annual wHeat crop it will do well. Ono