Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by farrier In nnr pnrt of tlio cltr at
twenty cents PIT week.
II. Wt TILTOX , Mamifcr ,
ntPiwrPR Omcf . No. 44.
N. Y.l'luniblng Co7
Now spring goods atHoltor's , tailor.
The Northwestern orchestra , of Dos
Molncs , hai arrived here and taken up
quarters nt Lake Manawa.
( J. Voss , tlio lower Uroadway jnwclor ,
will to-day niovo Into the htmiling. 715
Hroadway , formerly oceuplcd by Thuo
The cliariot races will bo every day
next week. These will bo to ninny one
of the most Interesting features of the
Kdwin , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dekay ,
tiled at his homo Thursday evening of
diphtheria. The funeral will take place
this afternoon.
The funeral of the little child of i\lr. \
Voight. on Main struct , occurred yester
day. The child died of scarlet fevur ,
nnd another of the children is reported
as quite low.
The amu.sing legal contest between C.
llaldenu , the attorney , and J. Keller , the
tailor , came to an end yesterday , the lut-
ter giving up possession of the pantaloons
in contioversy.
I'crmlt to wed was yesterday Riven to
Harry .J. lloll'ma.yer and Maprgie S.
Corbaly , the former u well known voting
man of this city , and the young lady's
homo being in Crescent.
M. 1 * . liansen has opened the St. Louis
house on Hroadway , bulwcnn Seventh
mill Eighth streets. Mr. Hanson has for
the past two years been connected with
Mr. Thee Lund , and has many friends in
this city.
Taylor U'oolsey's "Lady of the Lako"
Will begin its season at Manawa to-day.
She carries casilv from lit'tv to sixty passengers -
sengors , and lays claim to bo the finest
boat on the lake. She will bo plying
backwards and forwards every day dur
ing the season ,
Died , in this city at 2 o'clock p. m. ,
Friday , .Inly 1. of inllammation of the
bowels , LeUI'iirc , infant son of James L.
Wesley , aged six months. The funeral
will be at 10 o'clock a. in. , from the fam
ily residence on Graham avenue. Omaha
papers please copy.
The Infant son of John McGinnis died
.Yesterday , aged six months. The mother
died last winter , and thus a double bur
den of sorrow is placed upon the be
reaved husband. The funeral will take
place to-morrow afternoon at a o'clock
from the residence of Mrs. J. W. John
son , No. 10 9 Tenth avenue.
Munis will bo served to-morrow at
Hotel Mauawa from a to 12 o'clock p. in.
Frank Clark , the proprietor , has had the
help nt work for several days , and the
waiters have boon arranging things since
yesterday morning. The musicians have
arrived and tlio entire hotel will bo open
Arrangements are completed by which
those attending the great auction sale of
lots this afternoon will have arido on tlio
new motor railway. A goodly number
arc expected from Umalia , and there
never was a bettor chance presented for
men to make small investments , with
every assurance of getting a big relit in
the near fcturo. The buyers will have a
chance to got the lots at their own prices ,
as they will bo sold to the highest bidder.
Miss Lizzie Hull' , daughter of Mr. IlnIT ,
agent of the lloos manufacturing com
pany , has just completed n large oil
painting , which has much merit. It is
now nt W. W. Chapman's art store , and
calls forth much pra so from those who
have seen it. It represents the charac
ters in the fifth act , second scene of Hamlet -
let , and is entitled "Shakespeare at the
court of James 1. " The namting is 'M by
BO inches , and it is handsomely framed.
The painting shows Miss Hull' to have the
true touch of an artist.
Fireworks , Hags , lanterns , etc. , can be
had at the Mueller Music company's
to-day , at lowest wholesale prices.
Captain L. H. Hakcr , of Sioux City , is
at liochtelo's hotol.
O. M. Miller , of Topcka , arrived al
Bechtolo'a yesterday.
Jndgo Aylosworth is quite ill with in
Humiliation of the bowels.
Mrs. J. F. Meyer , of Buffalo , N. Y. , i :
In the city visiting her brother , George
Kudio and his wife.
Isaac Holey , of Schleutcr & Holey , lof
last evening for Kansas City , where thii
lirm have a branch establishment.
Ono thousand head of ono , two am
throe-year-old steers for salo. Will givi
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A
J. Greenamayer , Creston House.
The lots in Lake View addition arc al
large , high mm dry. The buyers ol
those lots at the auction sale to-day
nt 3:30 p. m. , will double their money ir
n short time. They command a beauti
ful view of Lake Munawa.
Regular meeting Fidelity Council No
150 , Koyal Arcanum , at 8 p. m. Initia
tion and other important business.
NY. A , GHONKWEQ , Secretary.
At the Pacilic house vou will savo'fron
BOo to f 1 per day. Try it and bo con
Latest unproved gasoline stoves nt N
604 Main street. W. A. Wood.
The Union PaclOo Cottngen.
The Union Pacific Is planning 01
putting up a largo number of now cot
tagcs for the nso of their employes. Tin
cottages are to be located near the trans
fer. Mr. Monroe has the contract am
commences work on the first ono to-day
It is claimed that sixty will bo put u |
within the coming year.
J. W. & E. L. Sqniro make bcantifu
abstracts of title ami deserve the succos
they are enjoying.
For rupture or hernia , call and got Di
llico's now invention. It makes a mai
of you In five minutes. No. pain. Nc
11 Pearl street.
When you are in the city stop at th
Pacific house. Street cars pass the doc
every fifteen minutes for all the depot !
Mt-rUE 00 cents cnch.
A Farmer itobbcil.
W P. Rogers , n farmer , came to tow
yesterday morning with fifty odd dollar
in his jeans , and proceeded to fill up o
"prohibition. " After becoming too fa
for utterance ho fell Into the companv c
two men who it is alleged robbed hit
and took him up ono of the glens. La ;
evening Mike Uavy was nrrested on sn ;
piciou of being ouo of the men to th
We have just received a c r of watt
melons. Swan & Harmon , No. 11 Mai
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to th
majority of real estate olllccs in the cit ;
3 per day.
For female diseases and chronic ill
cases of all kinds , call on Dr. llico , Ni
U Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
A Fair of Children Bun Away and Are
Wedded ,
The DimcultlcH or the Motor Mno to
15 c Hpccdlly Adjusted The Work
of the i'ollco Tlio Cliy Coun
cil I
Too Voting to Wed.
Cup'ul often Induces youthful minds to
plot and scheme In all sorts of ways to
outwit the opposition of the old folks.
Uno youthful pair In this city have just
been Indulging in bitch pranks. Tlio
bridegroom in the case is a mere boy ,
only seventeen , and drives a delivery
waL'on for one of the retail houses. The
br'ulii is still younger by a year. This
pair of children skipped over to Omaha
a few days ago , aim were quietly mar
ried. The parents have just discovered
the fact , and have been investigating.
It hits been learned that the records in
Omaha show that the boy's father
appeared and gave his approval
to tlio issuing of the license.
As the father was sick in bei4 at the time ,
it is evident that some ono must have
personated him or used his 11:11110 : in vain.
A move is on foot to ascertain who this
wus , anil when ho is brought to light , an
attempt is to bo made to make him smart
for thus fal = ely representing himself as
the father of the boy. The paronls have
not decided what other moves they will
make , but it is hinted that steps will betaken
taken to have the young couple divorcrd
and the marriage declared illegal. In
the meantime , Cupid smiles rather
saucily , as if daring the irate parents to
go ahead anil try it.
Wedded at OiMilson.
Last Thursday afternoon at Deni'on
there was a happy wedding which inter
ests a largo circle of friends. The bride
groom was Mr. Charles A. Ilamling , and
tliii bride Miss Hainet R. Clousor. The
ceremony occurred at the homo of the
bride's sister , Mrs. Gabcl , in the presence
of a gathering of friends , llov. Mr.
Hanker , of the Presbyterian church , of-
liuiatitifr. Mr. Ilamling is the conductor
of the Sioux City train between here and
Missouri Valley. Ho has been running
on the road into this city for nmo years
past , and is a favorite with the public as
well as with his follow employes. The
worthy woman whom ho has wedded has
) eon living in Denison for three years
last , and lias man v friends , whoso best
vislies are hers. Air. and .Sirs. Ilamling
vill bo at homo at No. 1118 Fifth avenue ,
n this city , after August 1.
First Day of iJio Hli-unls.
As he reached the corner of the park ,
10 lifted the corner of his umbrella , anil
rlanccd up at the weather signals , anil
hrotigh the pouring rain discovered tin
vlnto flag. Ho stopped long enough tc
mil out of his pocketbook a clipping
rom the BIB : explaining the signal flags ,
aw that tint white flag meant fail
vuathcr , and as the drops trickled down
us buck from the dripping umbrella , rc-
narki-d that it was "dod blasted fail
veather , " and wont on the shortest route
o a gossamer store , lie feels better
incp learning that the Hags are not tc
ignify what the weather is , but what i !
s going to be.
Teachers' Kevinw.
A summer term ol eight weeks , com
noticing July S , at Western Iowa college ,
vill bo devoted especially to the Inter
ests of teachers , and these desiring to
each. The entire course may bo taken ,
or select branches. The county super
ntendent will hold a two days1 examin-
itiou at the end of the term. This op
lortnnity , rightly improved , may give
, 'ou first class grade , entitling yon to fl
) or month more salary , returning yoi
more than cost in a single term.
Special attention will bo given to di
ilactics , and to physiology under the now
law ; penmanship , book-keeping , shor
hand , typewriting and higher branches
A Horrible Record.
Fremont county is considerably stirrei
up over .mother dastardly attack upon :
child by a tiendisli fellow who has al
ready suffered two short terms of impris
oninent for similar oftonscs. ills uamo i
David Fountain , but ho has been calling
himself Fairchild. About a year niro hi
was sent to jail for thirty days in Shenan
doah for an indecent exposure. Ho hai
been out but a few days when ho wa
caught repeating the offense , and wa
given sixty days in jail. Some time ago a
Clarlnda ho made an assault upon Mrs
Monzingo , wife of the county treasurer
and was sent to the county jail for sixt ,
days. His time was out Saturday lasi
and ho started on foot for Shenandoali
About half way over ho met a little gn
in the road , nnd made a brutal assaul
upon her , tearing her clothing and chob
ing her. Ho was only driven away b
the timely arrival of another and large
girl , who gave tlio alarm. The neighbor
followed him with shot guns , capture' '
him , and had him locked up at Clarind ;
again. The greatest wonder is that th
citizens hero so patiently submitted t <
the course of law , und have not take :
advantage ot the bcmp process. Th
only possible excuse for saving him fror
Mich an end , a rope's end , is that ho ma
bo insane. In any event ho should uc
bo allowed to go free again.
Police Pickups.
Officer Rose made the first arrest of th
month , it being a simple drunk , W. I
Hogors , a farmer , who was a staggorin ;
proof that whisky is still to be had in prt
lubition Iowa.
In pohco court yesterday Judge Aylc ;
worth's place on the bench was filled b
Justice Scluirz , the judge being confine
to his homo by illness. Justice Schur
ground out the usual grist , but in sum
ing the vagrants to jail prescribed simp ]
a bread and water diet. Among thos
who are thus doomed to light feed ft
ten days was one woman , Nora Fitz
gerald , who has been making her horn
in rotten row.
II. Johnson was up for assault , but h
case was continued until to-day. It
claimed that he tried to borrow a quartc
from young Hemingway , who drives a
oil wagon , and on the loan being refuse
got mad and thumped the ono froi
whom ho asked the favor. When a
rested and brought into the station Join
son improved his opportunity while tli
deputy marshal was unlocking the insul
door to put him in the cell room an
turning suddenly lle.l. Ollicor Heudric !
took a lively run after him , rccauturiu "
him , and making his custody sure"
There was another escape from the cil
jail yesterday. While the gang of vf
grants were being got ready to I
marched to court two of thorn broke an
run. They made good their escape an
the otlicers felt relieved. The city hi
just two less to board.
Joe Jcrrard was lined for being driini
John Peterson and Annlo Heck wei
lined for disturbing the peace.
The police are watching strange
closely ; expecting that more or le
crooks will como hither in anticipatic
of this being a good field for w6i
during the races and the celobratic
next \ye k. Tha oiUcera do not intci
. . L"
" - fc M.MWW. ril * * *
to give- those fellowsl any show , nnd if
vigilance will prevent the1 crooks will bo
disappointed in their expectation ? .
Como Down With the Stninpa.
, The cigar manufacturers of tills'city
have had numerous ditllcultlcs in the
past In regard to revenue stamps. Thcso
dllllcultics are increasing rapidly and
prove a discouraging and annoying feat-
turo to this branch of manufacture. It
booms that about the only way to avoid
the dlfllciiltlcs is to lay In a big supply of
stamps , and lock up the capital in that
form. Some time ago the revenue agent
hero kept a supply of stamp' ! , nnd the
manufacturers could get them as they
wanted. Then this convenience was
removed to DCS Moincs. Very often
delays in niaiU , or other dlflicnltms , prevented -
vented getting stamps hero in time to
allow orders for cigars to bo "hipped
promptly. Now a fresh visltanco of the
bungling manner of handling the reve
nue stamps arises.
On the asth of Juno T. I ) . King & Co. .
having a large number of cigars to send
out , in view of increased orders for
the Fourth of July week , sent to DCS
Moincs , as usual , for a supply
of stamps. They were surprised to re
ceive , in&tead of stamps , a communica
tion under date of June ISO stating that
"stamps have gone to Davenport to bo
transferred to the now collector , and as
soon as they are returned , your order
will bo filled. * '
Last evening they were still further
surprised to receive another communica
tion notifying thorn that "all special tax
payers , manufacturers of cigars , and
brewers , must send their applications for
stamps and make all money orders pay
able to the collector at liurliugton , la. "
No stamps came , and 10,001) cigar- ?
which ought to bo on the road , to lill
orders , are obliged to remain here.
It seems that if these in authority de
liberately planned to harass and discour
age cigar manufacturing in Council
lilnll's and western Iowa , they could not
succeed better. The patience of the local
manufacturer is nearly exhausted , anil
no wonder , as they are obliged to spend
their time chasing all over the state for
revenue stamps.
Denth of Alro. Kulil.
Mrs. Marguerite Kuhl died at 3 o'clock
p. in. on Thursday , June ! 50 , at her home
in the Plainer vicinity , Mills county.aged
sixty-seven years , her ailment being
cancer of the stomach. Mr. and Mrs ,
Kuhl came from Germany in 1810 , located
in Wisconsin , and moved to their Mill ?
county homo , ten miles southox
Council Bluffs , in IS.'iO , where they have
since resided and reared a family. The
deceased leaves her husband , Matthias
H. Kuhl , to mourn her ; also eight chil-
ilren , besides numerous other relatives.
The surviving sons mid daughters arc as
follows : Joseph II. Kuhl , the postmaster
of Karling , Shelby county ; Peter , who
has a hardware store at "Karling ; Mrs.
Maggie Heitman , landlady of the St.
Joseph house , and wife of Mr. H. licit-
man , in this city ; Mrs. Lrnazontcr. ol
"larlmg ; Michael , employed at Mr.
eiso's brewery ; Mrs. Mary H. Martin ,
living at the parental home ; M. G. Kuhl ,
.n the hardware business at Earlmgj anil
Miss Mpllie , residing at home.
The funeral service of Mrs. Kuhl will
be observed at 10 o'clock a. m. to-day , af
her late place of residence in Mills
: ouiity.
AVhnt Atxmt the ; Bridge ?
This was asked repeatedly yesterday , a. '
t was understood that Secretary Kudicotl
would announce his decision formally b }
.he 1st of July. There was little to be
earned yesterday beyond the fact of r
telegram from Washington , stating tha :
the cabinet was having a meeting , am
his was so occupying Secretary End- !
colt's attention that he had not thought o :
the brldgo. The announcement of tin
lecision was therefore not to bo expectei
until to-day. As it is pretty well settlei
that the decision is in favor of a wager
bridge , and that all that is needed is tin
formal signing of the papers , there is noise
so much uneasiness felt as before. Tin
rumor prevailed yesterday that a roper
had been received from Washington , bn
that the local bridge men dirt not want tc
make a public announcement of it unti
they could quietly arrange some othe ;
details of their great enterprise. Then
are no doubts expressed but that the decision
cision will be as predicted , and that tin
bridge work will go right along. Tin
enterprise is looked upon , however , a
ono of such vital interest to Counci
Bluffs that every detail is watched will
_ _
The Motor Ijlnc.
The difficulty about the motor liiv
crossing the other railway tracks seem
in a fair way of being adjusted , althougl
not so satisfactorily as was at h'rst antic !
pated. It now appears that the railway
concerned will agree to allow the mete
line to cross Eighth street , nnd the lin
can then turn back into Eighth street , bu
it is probable that the line will go aronni
by Seventh street , that being the origina
route. The conflict can thus bo amicabl ;
settled. The chief inconveniences thii
caused the motor line are that the lin
will necessarily bo a little longer am
less direct , and the cost will bo con
sidcrablo more. It is cstimatci
that the putting in of sue
crossings as arc required , and whie
are very expensive , and the othe
additional expenses will foot up fr,0X
The work will proceed , however , and th
delay will not bo great. It is cxpecUi- -
that most of the crossings needed can b
found in stock , and the others ruanu
faotured quickly , so that at the outsiti
there need bo nothing loft incomplete b
the end of three weeks. The details c
the adjustment and change o ! plans nr
not definitely determined ; and ready fo
public announcement , but the main fac
is assured that the enterprise will b
pushed right along , and in the mean
time temporary arrangements will b
made by which the public will bo give
needed accommodations.
At cost ! We will sell refrigerators fn
the next thirty days to make room fc
fall goods. Cole & Cole , 41 Main streo
The Gltv Council.
The city council mot last night in rcgi
lar session. The larger portion of th
session was occupied by the allowance <
the regular monthly bills.
The committee on iiro and gas rcportc
on the gas ordinance. The report say :
The present charter does not expire unt
in 18'JO , nearly Ihreo years hence , an
they think it premature and improper s
this time lo grant a renewal. Anion
other reasons they give that most likel
improvements will bo made before tli
present charter expires in the manner i
lighting the city , and that the granlin
would tie the hands of the city at the e :
piration of the present charter , which , i
their judgment , would bo the propi
time for the council to consider tli
matter nnd investigate other methods i
lighting the city. The council coucurrc
in the report.
A Terrible Flro
arouses the apprehensions of n whole cit
And yet the wild havoc ot disease startli
no one. Sad to relate , women sum
from year to year with chronic discasi
and weaknesses peculiar to their so :
knowing that they are growing won
with every day , and still take no men
ures for their own relief. Dr. Pierce
"Favorite Prescription" is the result t
life-long and learned study of fcma
complaints. It itujuarantced to euro.
How Jim Iltirki , , the Terror of the
IJInck' , KniiKO , Died.
A duel occurred ! hero a day dr two ago
between Colonel tfRyan'and Jlui Htirko ,
says the New Mcxf < } oTinie ? . The latter has
been known for several years as th terror
of Iho'lHack Kango. He gave himself the
title. Hyan and Hnrko were on the main
street together , when tlio latter said :
"Come , now , let Ais light this thing out
like men.oti anil 1 have carried blow
ing far enough. Either you'll drop , or I
will. I'll give you two minutes to draw. "
Hyan responded by saying that ho was
willing to light.but that he had no gun ,
and that Hurko know it. Hurko's reply
to this was that Hyan was a liar , "llut
come on , " ho yelled , "and 1 will got you
a gun. "
When the mob arrived at Hnrk's hoti o
that worthy entered alouo and presently
came out with Iwo -13-ealibro revolvers ,
one in each hand. As ho approached
the crowd ho throw onn weapon on the
ground at Ryan's feet and said , savagely :
"There's your gun. "
Hyan looked at the revolver and at
Hnrke , and , throwing out both hands by
way of expostulation , said ; "That's no
way to do. You can shoot mo while I
am nicking up the gun. Hosides that , I
don't know that it is loaded. "
Much disputation followed , but It was
finally settled by Hurko agreeing to put
his gun on the ground also. Hoth were
then to pick up their weapons and go at
it. Ryan accepted the conditions just as
the sun was coming up and the crowd
fell back to give the shooters full play.
At a word from Hurko both men sprang
forward. The terror of the Hhick H\ugo :
was noisy , swaggering , and defiant ,
while Hyan was pale , rather nervous , and
silent. Hyan got his gun first , but for
some reason did not lire until after Hurko
had sent two bullets whi//.ing past his
head. Everybody expected to see Hyan
drop. His antagoui&l had the reputation
of being a dead shot , and his failure to
hit his mark after two times surprised
the spectators. After the second shot
Htirko stood in silence lor a moment with
Ins weapon outstretched , evidently
making a desperate attempt to put the
iioxt shot where it would count.
While ho was thus surveying the
man who confronted him there
was a crack and a crash , followed like
lightning by another from the same
weapon that weapon being Ryan's , and
when the eyes ol the multitude could
move from "tho place whore ho stood to
the spot where Hurko should have been ,
they fell on the prostrate form of the
man who had provoked and suggested
the duel. The terror of the Hlack Hango
was stone dead. The tirst shot had fin
ished him in the Iwinkling of an eyeand
the second bullet , dispatched almost sim
ultaneously on the same course , did not
iind him there. Ho dropped like a log
nt the instant of the tirst shot , and when
examined was found with his revolver
clutched in his hand and with a bullet-
hole through his head , entering to the
left of the nose and coming out at the
rear on a straight line.
Got rid of that tired feeling as quick as
possible. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
which gives strength , a good appetite
and health.
Unique Mnrrlngc nr n Station House.
From the Atlanta Constitution : Tlio
event of tlio day in itation-hoiiso society
circles yesterday , was the civil welding
of the fiitherto informal lie exisling be
tween Cornelius Thompson , a colored
citi/.en , aged .seventy-two , and Nellie
Hrown , a dusky maiden of litty-eight
summers very long summers , too.
The cernmony was performed by a di
vine of Ihoir own color , who had kindly
left his dray for the occasion , and with
upron for vestment and the station-house
'icartii for altar ho tied them with the
egal tie that holds until death or tt di
vorce decree severs it.
When asked if ho would take the
woman to be his lawful wife under the
isnal conditions Thompson gladly and
quickly answered "yes , " and then held
his breath in painful expectancy to lcar |
the reply from Nellie. When the ques
tion was put , she hesitated for several
seconds , and then , in a dry voice that
boded no good for the wedped future of
Cornelius , she replied : "Well , I reckon
I'll have to. "
The ceremony concluded , the celebrant
commanded the groom to kiss his blush
ing bride , and he complied with a haste
and gusto which rather tended to pro
duce the impression that this would be
his last chance.
They then loft the station house tfe
gether , going toward the car shed , but
before they had passed out of sicht the
woman was seen to turn away from the
old man and walk rapidly in another di
rection. The aged husband looked sadly
after nor for a moment , as if paralyzed
by surprise , nnd then , bending his head ,
followed sorrowfully in her wako.
When in Hoston stop at the United
Stales hotel. The convenient location
and unequalled comfort of this house ,
combined with its moderate charges are
unsurpassed by any holel in the city.
Fashion's F'uita In Montnnn.
Montana Scrcccher : These arc a few
of the costumes at the May day ball :
Miss Sally McSnillin was rigged out as
pretty as a red and green wagon with two
spring scats , and made more mashes than
a tew. She had on a blue dress with a
red Hut at the side , and a puffy something
or other on the other side.
Miss Sue Sharp wore an en train rig ,
and could have knocked Mrs. Langtry
silly when it came to good looks. Her
hair was en curl and her face en powder.
She had sixteen rings on ono finger and
bracelets clean to her elbow.
KLittlo Hirdie Hloom was "tho daintiest
darling of all , " in white tocgery of some
sort , looped up In spots. She wore hand-
painted gloves and slippers aud passy-
mentry jewelry.
Miss Dorrity reminded one of a double
rainbow , and was the belle of the occa
sion. It's a cold day when Lizzie Ann
Dorrity gets left at u ball , and she was at
her best last night.
Belle of lionrbon ten-year-old whiskj
is specially designed for family trade ,
On account of ils ago and line quality is
too expensive to by sold by the glass.
l Tallil tliHpU IB
luldt > f Unit.
OwlnctothoUllCOMI. tUSIIUTT of I ho clotll ( which
our patent * rorer eicluvlvelr ) will ( It irfiTtlv flrvt
tluiDoorn. Krqulrri no breaking In. 0\K BKtt Hill )
br * Hlrnftrb liif worn tttidayiirnutroimil ihimut
ami I'amrartalileCursDt eterworu. Kultl by all
. . CUe.,0. III.
The Orll | l Md Only eanlB .
i Uibl . B. M of wartklm Iulutlo
Finest Landaus
Conches and Hacks in City.
omens i
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na. C15 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
Attorneys at Law *
ctice in the State and Fed era Courti
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugtirt-Bcno Block.
.nrpoliiitaiii whlto , lilnck nnd all colors. ; PU- (
crn lininiuto , luiui nnd toiiuc' , n specially.
N'ulDU Douglas St. , Uuinlin.
Council Blufltijowa.
Establish oil lt5T.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nanicnts , as
as tlio
| newest nov-
cities iu liuir
Hair goods
' > madeto oj lcr
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 Mniii St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , ami all mail
orders promptly attended to.
The finest of driving horses always on
liand and for sale by
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAIS ST. ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oillceovor American JCxpress.
, C. B. ALLEN ,
Over 2Vb. 12 North Mu In St.
county mnps. of cities nnd couutloa
Star Safe Stabfes and Mule Yards
liroudWHy , Council Uluirs.Opp. Dummy Depot
( " 5.
_ e
Horses and mules kept constantly o
hand , lor sale at retail or in car load
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on comniission.
SnLUTEii & HOLEY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. aro. and 4th st
E. S.
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Speclnl idvcrtleomcnts , such RS Lost , round
' 40 Loan , For Bale , To Ilent , VSntiU , lionrJInir ,
etc. , will bolnBcrtixl in tills column nt tlio low
ratoof TEN CUNTS I'EK USE for ihoflrst Insor-
Ion and /ivo Cents Tor I.I no foi-cncliauljio-iuom
insertion. Leave ndvorlUomcnts nt our ollico
No. 12 I'ourl iticvt , uoar Uroatlwiir. Couuvll
UluO * .
_ WANTS. _
Housekeeper ; also mnn to tnko
WANTED horses , luuu and Hifo prolorrcd.
J. W. A K. L. Squire. _
TRiOU HUNT Eight-room house , in ( rood re-
E pair ; No. em Iliuir st. : * IW per month. .Mrs.
M. J. Cole , No. CiauiifU _
T710K KENT Caul shodi. office nnd eculcs , ono
-L live-room nouso. U. Muyne , Kiaeihiivo.
A Kood cook nnd irlrl for ironoiul
WANTED In u family ot tour. Mrs.
Thomas Ollicor , No. KU Willow nvonuo.
8ALK-Or Trade Six sections of ( rood
FOU In Lincoln countr. No'on. ' . U. R
railway. Call on or addruil Udell Ilroa. A Co. ,
103 Pearl tt. . Council lUurf * . _ _
'ANTED A good girl ( or ireneral house.
W work. Apply at 7UV SUth avenue.
Parasols at greatly reduced prices to close
the season's stock.
Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 25c < J
The present invoice of this splendid ' * * '
bargain is nearly sold ,
s Ii I i
Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at.
prices to clean the counters ,
Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dresa *
Goodsin a , very great variety.
We are headquarters for Carpets of all
kinds ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Bluffr Olltco , ftliiMoiiio
Temple. Omaha Olllceo , ill
North Kith street.
Particular attention given to Inventing -
venting I'liiicl * Tor iiou rc i-
tlciitt. Special bargains lit lots Ac
acre property in Omaliu iV Coun
cil ItlnlU. Correspondence solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates.
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchnio instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Iiutriiincnlk Tuned ami Ill-paired. We never fall to five NiilUI'acllo
Over O years' r.xpcricncc In I'iano and Organ % Vorlt.
Swanson Music Co.
No. . 327 Broadway , Council Uluffs , Iowa.