Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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That Body Holds Its First Meeting and
Effects an Organization ,
A. Mldnlftiit Tlnld Mntlo Dy tlic Iiln-
coln I'ollco on.n Well Knowii
Gninbfliig House Cnp-
Hal City New * .
frnoii TIIK nr.E'8 u.vcot.x nunnxu. ]
The now board of transportation met in
the ollloc itt the capitol ycstortlay morning
nnd organized under the now law. As
now constituted the board U as follows :
'Wiiliam Loose , chairman ; G. L. Laws ,
secretary ; A. II. IJabcock , C. II. Willnrd ,
nnd Joseph Scott , commissioners ; O. P.
Allison , Lincoln ; J. H. Acer , Ord ; and
W. 11. Mungor , Fremont , secretaries ; II.
M. Warring , secretary and chief clerk.
It may bo mentioned tlfat the name of
the board changes under the now law
Which wont Into cfl'uct yesterday from
commissioners to board of transportation ,
and the number is Increased from three to
ftvo by tlio addition of the state
treasurer , C. H. Willard , and
commissioner of public lands and
buildings , Joseph Scott. Considerable
time was spent by the board arranging
tlio details of the business nnd familiariz
ing themselves with the row provisions ,
It follows rather closely the intor-stato
law , and was championed by Senator
Conger In the senate and J. C. Watson
In the house. The board is requested to
make a report to the governor on the 1st
of December , and thu secretary will com-
i on that report at once and add to
it the reports made by the companies as
jthoy como in. 11. M. Warring was ro-
clccted stenographer and secretary with
out opposition. A now seal , an required
, t > y law , has been ordered , by which acts
of Hjc board shall bo authenticated.
Petitions signed by from ton to fifty
persona have been received from Cn-s-
rton , llowolls , Leigh , Nickcrson , Sorib-
ncr , Stanton , Clarkson , Wisnor , Lind
say , Newman's Grove and Pil/or , In re
gard to lumber rates in this portion of
'tlio Btato and on thu Union I'neilic and
"Northwestern. The petitions are as fol
lows , all being alike :
To the Honorable lioard of Hallway Com
missioners ot thu State of Nebraska Gentle
men : Wo would respectfully call your hon
orable boay'.s attention to tlio rules on lum
ber and building material from the western
market ) to nearly nil iwlnta In northern Ne
braska , which wo most assuredly belove !
to bo unjust and certainly from
20 to 83 % per cent higher than
before the enactment of the Intnr-fltato pom-
merco law.Vo have been liRhtliiK these
rates until wo linil it utterly useless and un
less wo have relief soon , we will bo com-
veiled to advance the price of lumber from
fe'J to S3 per 1,000 , which would serlnn ly
Jilfect every consumer In northern Nebraska.
"Wo would , therefore , petition your honor
able body to Investigate this matter and If
found as stated , do your utmost towards
fleeting n reduction of the rates on this com
modity , which is one of the most necessary
to the people of this state.
Judge Mason has taken these peti
tions for examination and will
nrrungo to act upon them or
lilo u complaint with the
national commission. There seems to bo
eonio trouble with the express companies
nnd their charges , and u complaint is
likely to bo tiled in regard to discrimina
tion. Ono member of the board inti
mated that express companies would be
lioht to be common carriers und subject
to the provisions of the law.
The police niwlaiiniidnightraidThurs
day night on the gambling rooms over the
old Quick saloon , ( lommonly supposed to
1)0 owned and managed through John
Bhoedy. The police lirst guarded cvory
nvonuo of escape , including the street
adjacent to the windows , und then de
manded admission , which was re
fused. After a scigo of an
hour' the doors wcro opened
and only n solitary man found in the ele
gant apartment. But there wus a second
room dark , and the door locked and
bolted. An axe was secured to chop
down the door , but Policeman Mituhol
thought his brogans were good enough ,
nnd began to kick with such effect tliat
the door was broken open , and striking
n light six sad-oyod mnn wcro discovered ,
who cave the names ot Frank Uoolson ,
It. W. Johnson , llarry Wilson , John
Uoniion , C. E. lligginsi , 1)Vlutnoy nnd
\V. II. Booh. The chips , tables und
covers were hustled down to the sidewalk -
walk , and wcro to bo carried away , when
a deputy sheriff arrived with u replevin
for tbo goods , issued by that great and
{ rood justice , J. II. Drown. The marshal
delivered the property to the ollieer
nil except the chips , which could not bo
found. The replevin was sued out by
nnothor gambler and is u mere ruse to
provnnt the property from being de
stroyed. John Sheetly gave his personal
recognizance for the appearance of the
arrested parties. This morning they all
appeared in police court mid plead
piulty to the charge of gambling ami
keeping a gambling house , and paid out.
JJodson and Book , us keepers of the place ,
wore lined $25 and costs , and the others
$10 and costs each. What the people
are now anxious to know is whether or
not the replevin of the paraphernalia will
IM > allowed to go by delimit , and the
Bluff converted back to the gamblers.
The law und order people would like to
BOO the matter followed up , especially us
" thi-ro is now u more stringent law on the
r subject.
The contract for the new C street
school building has been let to 1) . li.
Howard ut $24,1)05. )
The railway clerks in the olllcos are
vo'ry busy making up the pay-rolls for
the month of Juno. The force is con
stantly increasing.
The county commissioners are absent
in Ohio looking at court houses , in view
of the new ono so soon to bo erected In
Lancaster county.
Will Grant , thu colored man who really
cuused the arrest of Iko Trusty for
poisoning a family some days sinno , was
in police court yesterday morning nnd
lined for carrying concealed weapons. Ho
* said Trusty threatened his lifo.
V d br the United States Government.
! ndnr od br tha be Uiot the Gr.'at Universities
4Dd i'ubllc Food AnalriitaasTba StruQRvrtl > urp l ,
n'l mo tlIeaUUIil. | lr. l'rlc 'n tuo oullliilc
wi3 r that doe * not contain Ammonia , l.lrae or
Dr. I'rlco' * Extract * . Vanilla , Lemon , * tc
I , ' ? .
I'rojjrrtmine of the Procession nnd
The following Is the programme for the
coining grand celebration of the Fourth
of July by the Knights of Labors
i.ixn or H.U'.CIT.
The line will form at i.xi ! > o3ltlon bullJlnp ,
moving south on I'lltccntli street to Doug-
l.iv east on to Ninth ; south on
Mnth street to Kiirunm ; west on Fnrnnm to
Fifteenth ; south on Klttccntli street to How-
nril ; west on llownnl to Sixteenth ; nortli on
Sixteenth street ; countermarch on
.Sixteenth to Jefferson S'timrc ' , wliero the Dec
laration of Independence will bn read by
Itev. W , K. Copuland , niter which the dlfTt'r-
unt orcnnlzatlons forming thu procession will
be d'smisjcd. '
( Irani ! Marshal \\ni. Uoburn.
Aids John Jenkins , J. 11. Standeven , J.
E. Wleiiinn , Philip Anilres , C. M. O'Uono-
van , b. S. Audi Cloudy , 0. Cheney , J. 11 ,
Younc. A. V. Trott , 'I'hns. Kalconor.
Spi'iiknrs Key. W. K. Uopelnnil will road
tlio Declaration of Independence. A. S.
llltchlo will deliver thu Uratlon of the Day.
Detail ol Mounted 1'ullcu.
Marshal and Aids.
Chief of 1'ollco nnd City I'ollro Force.
U.S.2(1 ( Infantry Hand.
Hntnllion of U. H. Troops.
Durant Kuglno Company.
Chief and Cltv Kirn Department.
Mayor of the City , City Council , County and
City Ofllclah In Carriages.
Orators of the l ) . y In Carriages.
Llbcrtv Car , with ( toddcss aurt Tlilrty-eleht
Young LailiuB ic'proicntliib' the
tala\y ! ot States.
Gate City Dium Conn.
Grand Army of the Hepubllc nnd War Vet-
riaiis , J. H. ijawhlll , Marshal.
Typographical Union , 11.V. . J'lnuey , Mar
Pressmen , Ktoreotypers' and Klectrotvcers'
Union , Tress tYcdcra , Matt lleiner ,
Cigar Makers' Union , Tnnv U. Uunkomp ,
Tailors' Union , A. Jensen , Marshal.
SKroxn invisio.v.
Union Pacific Hand.
llricklayors' Union , Samuel Stover , Marshal.
UricUmoulders' Union , Frank Kammer ,
1'lastereis' Union.
Lathers' Union , D. jC. llurnett , Matshal.
Hlauliiss Hand.
Stonecutters and Masons Union.
deoryo T. ThomiHon , MniMiiil.
Bricklayers and Pla teien Tendei.s Union ,
Con Lynch , Marshal.
Iron Moulders Union.
P. J. Dillon , Marshal.
Ashland Hand ,
C.trpi-nters Union.
M. T. UlocK. Marshal.
Painters Union ,
lift try La Brunch , Marshal.
Tinners Union ,
Lno Hart , Marshal.
Plumbers Union.
Omaha llorseshoer.s Union.
O. S. Watson , Marshal.
A. U. II. Hand.
A. O. 11. Society.
Patrick O'Toolo , Marshal
Danish Club , North Star.
L. .Icns'jti , Marshal.
Danish Association.
P. S. Sowen , Marshal.
Danish Hrotherhood , No. 1.
L. llanscn , Mni.shal.
Hohemlan Hind. :
Omaha Turnvereln.
Ilenry Kummerow , Marshal.
Uohemlau Turnvereln.
Visiting Aasemollcs K. of L.
Composed ol local assemblies K. of L.
Musical Union Hand.
Assembly No. 0442 , I. Frank , Marshal.
Assembly Iso , 7. ' > " . ' > , A. lloben. Marshal.
Assembly . Ki.JO , Chas. Posplsll , Maibhal.
Assembly No. 5111 , Dorsey 13. llouck , Mar
Asiouibly No.T > J3 , John Gorman , Marshal.
North Omaha Hand.
Assembly N.O. 40ss , Fritz Wlllnhn , Marshal.
Assembly JSoy'J14 , E. P. Swerney , Marshal.
Absembly No. : it' , A. 11. Willis , Marshal.
Assembly No. 'JS45 , Thos. Vlckroy , Maishal.
Assembly No. Sl'-'S , F. 8. Lewis , Marshal.
Excelsior Hand.
Carriages and Wagons of the Different
Trades Unions with Uannnrs.
Wacons Arrnnued nnd Eiiulppoil Represent-
liig the Arts , Sciences , and Different
Hranclios ot Trade and
Carriages with Citizens.
At Fair Grounds.
Grand Balloon Ascension ( iras ) by Prof.
Oscar 11 tint , of Cleveland , O.
Chariot lince.
Trottlni ; Unco.
KunnliiK Uace.
Foot Ilaco famatour ) Ono Hundred Yards.
llunnini ; UlKh Jump.
Running Fancy Jump.
fbck Uaco , One Hundred Yards.
Japanese Day Fireworks.
Slow Mule Uace , Ono Mile Heat Entries
will close at Fair Grounds at 'J p. in.
_ Chariot Uace.
Trotting Unco.
Hunuliit , ' Itaoe.
Foot Kaco ( professional ) One-half Milo.
Polo Vaulting.
Throwing the Shot ( amateur ) .
Blcyclo Unco , Flvo Milo Straight Heat , by
John S. Prince , Against the Fastest
riiorouchbrod Trotter in the
State of Nebraska.
Catching Greased Pic.
Climbing Greased Polo.
Final Heats ot Tiottlng and Running Races.
A New Dancing Platform has been erected
The Famous Musical Union Orchestra
will fiunlsh music.
musics AND I'liixns.
Chariot Uace. SDOO.
Trotting Itace , Putse SHW. First horse , 550 ;
second horse , ± 'Mthhd \ horse S20.
Entrance 85.00 eaoli , added
to purso.
llunnlne Hace , Purse Slot ) . First horse S50 ;
second horse , ? i0 ! ; third horse , S O.
Entrance 55.00 each , added
to purso.
Bicycle Uace , Purse S100.
liunnlng High Jump , Pri/.o Gold Medal ,
Kunning Fancy Jump , Pri/.o Gold Modal.
Sack Kaco : Prize , first , S.VUO ; second , S3.00 ;
third , 81.00.
Foot Kaco ( amateur ) , Prl/a Gold Medal.
Foot Ilaco ( professional ) : Prize , lirst ,
510:00 : ; second , 35.00.
Slow Mule Uaco , last mule S15.00 ; second
inst mule , S10.0J ; third la t. S5.00.
Throwing the shot , prUo gold medal ,
All trotting ; races to bo mlle heats , bet two
In three In harness nnd will bo conducted
under the rules of the National Trotilni : as
sociation. Uunnlug races \\lll bo governed
byAmnrican Jockey Club rules.
B'l'ho committee leservo the right to trot or
run races between heats , and to postpone for
stitlielent cati o. The < -l'at ! H also claimed to
ehanu'o the order of any of these events
should It be to thnlr convenience and for the
best Interests of the. contestants , but no
change will be made In cases where an In
justice would be done to any of the parties
making eutrie-s.
Executive JuliiH Mover , chairman ; U.
Tizard , secretary ; It. O'Keefe , John Jenk
ins , J. K. Wigman , 1) . Kelieher , C. Cheenoy.
Athletic Sports Philip An dies , chairman ;
Jerome Penuel , George Anthes , P. P. Poiue-
roy , 11. Knuieiow. Thomas Falconer.
Harbecue I. Frank , chairman ; J. Huttor-
lleld , F. U. Hoy. Goorno U. StrycKer.
Speed D. T. Mount , chairman ; J. H. llun-
ate , J. 11. Uutler , C. L , Yancanip , George U.
§ tryker.
Printing W. 0. Hoyer , chairman ; \V. P.
Coe , C. Abernathy , F. J. Mc.Vrdle , Leo Hart
1. Uuunliik' Uljh ; Jump Albert Hointze ,
Conrad Giomme , J. J. Groinmo , Jacob
Anthos , C. Huehner , D. E. Fletcher.
U. Kunning Hop , Stop and Jump Albert
Helntze , Conrad Gromme. J.J. Gromme , C.
Huehner , D. K. Fletcher , llalbertHenderson ,
U. One Hundred Yard Unco J.J. Gromme ,
Conrad Gromme , D. E. Fletcher , E. Wash-
burn. J. Kane.
4. Pole Vaulting Albert Helntze , Jacob
Anthos , D. . Fletcher , J. J. Gromiue.
5. Putting Thirty-three Pounds Stone
Jacob Anthes , Albert Helnt/e.
0. Sack Itace Thomas llyuerf , U. G.Franco ,
C. \ \ Idle. Entries close ( or this race at fair
( . rounds. July 4 , at 2 p , in.
7 , Professional Uaco George Kendall. En
tries close tor this race at fair grounds , July
4 , at U p. m.
Trains \\ll | leave depot corner of Webster
and Fifteenth streets at 11 . 'JO a. in. , and run
every twenty minutes thereafter to and from
the lair grounds. Single fare , 10 cents.
Kound trip , 15 cents.
Tickets of admission are on sale at Max
Mojer&Ca'A , 10-MFarnain : D. Sllbersteln's
liarana clear store , 1400Farnam ; N. Kuan's
Uuz store , northwest corner Fifteenth and
lonelas ) nnd at the fairgrounds , Tickets ,
W cents ; children , K coats ,
The dav's enjoyment will close with a
monster display of Hreworks and concert by
the bands on the high school grounds In the
Mnyor liroatcli'n Proclamation.
The city of Omaha , Nebraka , cxmitlvo
department. To the people of the city of
Omaha : Whereas Monday , tun 4th day of
Jtilv. Is the anniversary of the Declaration
ot Independence of the United States of
America and a national holiday ; and ,
Whereas , extensive and elaborate prepara
tions have been made in the city of Omaha
for the celebration of cald anniversary by a
parade and other appropriate ceictnouies ;
Therefore , In order that said cclcbtatlon
may be conducted In a flttlne and orderly
manner , I , W. J. Hroatch , mayor of the city
ot Omaha. Issue this my proclamation , com
manding that the Dollce nt said city during
, ald Fourth of July , exercise minimal caio
and vigilance In the performance of their
duties ; that during the passing of the pro
cession , ail vehicles of every sou not parti
cipating In the parade , shall keep off the
streets tlirouirh which the procession shall
l > a ? * ; that during the passhnr of the proces
sion , all street car companies shall suspend
the running of cars upon the streets through
which Urn procession simii pass.
And recommending and requesting the
citizens ot the city of Omaha to decorate
their residences and places of business by
dlsolaylngtho American Hair , and with other
appropriate decorations ; that railroad com-
paulos cause their trains ot cars arriving in
and departing from the city of Omaha to be
appropriately decorated ; that all church
bells be rung at 0 o'clock In the mornlnir , 12
o'clock at noon , and 0 o'clock In the evening.
Thus dotio and pioclalmcd this 2nd day of
July , 1337. W. J. 111IOATCII ,
Notice ,
All thn committees and assistant marshals
iue requested to meet this evening at 7 : . " > 0 at
southeast comer of Twelfth and Farnam.
The marshals will ierei\e their sashes.
Chairman Executive Committee Knights of
Labor Fourth of July Celebration.
All parties particiunting in the parade
arc requested to he in their places at 8:30 :
n. m. , sharp , as the procession will move
at U o'clock promptly.
A Grand Production of thn heather
Patch Imst Night.
Mr. IMward Harrlpan's appearance
last night nt the Hoyd , drew n full house.
It also druw nn enthusiastic house , n
house which laughed at tuid applauded
almost every not which wus introduced
upon the statra.
"Tho Leather Patch" Is what may bo
termed a picture of lifo among the lowly
in the great cities. It Is a hoturogenous
combination of Irish , Germans , Hebrews ,
Americans , Africans , Hack drivers , bar
risters und unaortukers. The hero is nn
undertaker , and the other characters tire
of almost cvory calling under the sun
The plot is simplicity itself , and too
ridiculous to be oven probable. But no
auditor looks for probability in llarri-
gan's nlaya. They entertain' , convulse
with laughter , and but seldom ele-
vuto. They deal with the lower
classes and all'ord glimpses of lifo
which is soldom.oxcopt lor n momentvis
ible on the melodramatic stage. At times
they iibouud in exaggeration , but the ex
aggeration only conduces to hourly
laughter , which is the mainspring of the
In their own way the actors who sur
round Mr. Harngan arc admirably qinil-
lied for their work. This is especially
true of John Wild and Dan Collycr. re
spectively as JolFer.-ion Putnam and Caro-
ino Hyor. Mrs. Anuio Ycaman's was
ncconled a liberal reception , and her de
molition of Madeline McCarthy was ex
cellent in every respect. Mr. Harrigan
natlo a demure undertaker , illustrating
.ho sombro and uninviting character
with Hashes ol wit , humor , exceeding
ijraco and occasional evidences that'a
Higher walK of the drama might not un
aptly have been chosen by him.
To-night Mr. ilarrigan's great success ,
"Cordelia's Aspirations , " will bo pre
sented. There will boamatiuco this af
ternoon. _
1'ernonnl Paragraphs.
George E. Dcrrington , of Tails City , L
at the Millard.
A. C. Joliilb , the bicyclist , is resting at
the Merchants.
C. W. Moulton , of Council Bluffs , is at
thu Merchants.
S. Montague Landon , of Now York
City , is at the Millard.
The lion. C.H.Van Wyck , of Nebraska
City , is nt the Paxton.
G. M. Gates and H. 1) . Allen , of Chicago
cage , nro at the Arcado.
Judge N. S. llarwood , of Lincoln ,
stopped at , the Paxton yesterday ,
Mr. and Mrs. William Wadsworth , oi
Davenport , are guests at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mint/.a , of Salon :
City. Idaho , are guests at the Paxton.
Twenty-six members of the llarrigar
Comedy company are at the Merchants.
Job Stout , a prominent cattle man of
Barrott's Station , is at the Metropolitan
Will S. Jay , the "Topics" man of the
Lincoln Journal , was at the Arcade yes
M. Cudahy , n. prominent member o
thy Chicago board of trade , is at tin
Mr. and Mrs. William Pore and Mis
Reefer , of Pittsburg , are guests at the
K. B. Armour , of the firm of Armour
& Co. , of Kansas City , was at the Paxton
Dr. W. C. Spa'ultling.has returned from
Chicago , where ho has boon spending
two months with the eminent surgeon
Dr. C. 1-onger ,
Mrs. II. L. Llngafplt and children lof
on thu Missouri Pacihc train on Tliurs
day to spend the summer in and abou
llollingsburg , Blair county , Pa.
"Kly Killrr" Dutcnor'a LiiRhtnini ; .
The most successful exterminator. Kv-
cry wheel will kill a quart. Quick work.
Persistent use will konp ahead of repro
duction. Dutchor's Dead Shot for bed
bugs ,
The regular meeting of the board of
education will bo held next Tuesday
Secretary Gibbs says the prospects for
the fair this fall grow brighter and
brighter every day.
The board of examiners will submit
their report of cortilicatos granted to
teach during the past three days , to the
board of education to-morrow.
Dr. P. S. Lcesouring , ox-clerk of the
board of health , will complete his
monthly record Monday , and turn over
his books and papers to Dr. J. B. Ralph ,
his successor.
The tddowalk in front of the Ramgo
building was finished yesterday It
will bo n continuation of the Grant's
slagolithic which now forms a beautiful
walk from Farnam to Howard streets.
D. W. Carpcntor received a telegram
yesterday afternoon convoying the sad
intollijronco of the death of his daughter ,
Mrs. Kato 'A. Cunningham , which oc
curred in the niorniiig at Kdgerton , Col.
The many warm friends of Mrs. C. will
learn this with sadness. Shu was well
known hero and at Council Ulufl's.
Belle of Itourbon ton-yoar-ojd 'vhU' y
is a hand-mado sour mash absolutely
pure whisky , for medicinal and family
uso. For druggists , wlno mer
chants , groccrymou. $1.33 per quart
bottlo. _
nun ) .
DOIlEHTY-At' UrownslI Hall , on Friday
ovonlne at 8:30. : . Fell asleep In Jesus , Guy
Worthlngton , fourth son and sixth child
of Kobert and Kmma Uoherty.
Funeral notice later.
And All Ilchliis : mid SvnlySkln
anil Scalp DUvmus Cured
by CMitlonrn.
P3011tABI8.Kc7emn.Tottor , ItlnRWorm. Li
chen , I'lurltus. ScaM Heal. .Milk Crust
JlintlrulT , llntborV , linkers' , urocora' nml
W.inliprH Oman's Itch , niut erory spoclos of
Itching , llurnliiff , Scaly , Pimply Humors or the
skin nnd Sculpulth I.oMof Iliilr , are t > Oi > ltlrcly
cured by Ct'TiiTuv. the irrcitt skin Oiirr , niul
CiTicfiiA SoAi1 , nn .xiUl | lto Pkn ! neiuitlMi-r
externally , nnd CUTICUIIA Ko oUont , the now
llluod 1'iirillur intoriiiilly , whcu iitiyaleluus and
all other remedies fall.
T. Johh J. Case , D. 1 > . 8. , Imvlnif practlc < l
dciitlMry In this country for thlrty-lho ycura
niul nulnir known to thousands liuronbnntB , with
n view to help nny who lire ntlllctod as I Imvo
boon for the pint twelve years , testify that the
CUTICIWA llKMit : > ir..s cured of I'sorliuls , or
Soiily Skin , in olphtdiiys , nfter the doctors with
whom I Itmt consulted IWVP mono help or on ,
courufctiK'tit. JUlIN'J.CABi : , ! ) . DS.
nisTiirssiNo ERDPTIOX.
Your CUTICBIU Jlr.McntKS p rformed n
wonderful emu Inst summer on ano of our cus
tomer * , on old ircntloiiian of seventy years of
IIRO. who HiHTerril with n fearfully diBtros liiK
eruption on lili hend nnd fncp , nnd who find
tried nil remedies und doctors to no purpose.
J. K. SMITH \ CO. ,
It , K. Carpcntor , Honderion , N. Y. ciiroil of
Voi liisls or leprosy , of twenty yours stnndltitf ,
) y CucirunA Hr.Mr.DiKS. The most wondorfnl
iiruon record' Adu tpftnfulofpcnlo fell from
Im dally. Physicians and bis Irlonds thought
oniust Ulo.
Tor the nidlcnl euro of nn obstlnato case of
Ic/omaol lonir ftniiillnir , I giro cntlro credit to
ho rimctriM IlKMrniiH.
U. 1) ) . HIOHAltUSON , Now Haven , Conn ,
Sold by nil dmpfrMs. I'rlco ; Ctmcunt , M
outs ; ItKSoLvr.vr , Jl.tO ; Sou1 , Si cents. I'OT-
bll DllUfl AND ClIEMICAtj CO. , lloatOll.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases-
TIKY the romploxlon and Skin by
u ltii ; tlio CuricuiiASoAi1.
Tlioio worn out with I'ulns , Aclics ,
niul wcakni'ssos llml nillof In nno
mlnuto In the Cittlcuni Anll-1'aln
At ilrugglsts. j coins.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
"WoJohnr ( hr certify thnt wo suporvlao tlio
nrranircinotita for nil the Monthly anil Soml-An-
mnl Drnwlnsrs of Tbo Loulslnna State Ix > ttory
uOinimny , nnd In p'rson manBRO nnd control
lioilrimliina theniflelves , and ttmt the same are
conducted with honesty , fnlrnoss and In Rood
' llh toward all pnrtlo" , nnd wo authorize the
> ) mp ny to list this certlflcnto with fao-slm-
Ic.t of our signatures attached , in its advertise'
mouts. "
Wo tlio tindorcIdled Unnki nnd Hankers will
i y all Prizes druwn In The Louisiana State
Lotteries wulcutnnyuo presented at our coun
ters ,
J. IT. OOLKSIIV , Pros. Louisiana Notional Ilk.
riKHHK I.ANAUX , Pri-s.SUto National Ilk
, \ . UAMMVIN , Pros. Now Orleans Nnt'lllunk
CAUL UO1IN , Pros. Union National Dunk.
Lo usnnia ! Stntc cry Coiupnn
Incorporated In IsiS , forJSyrsraby tliolil l lntnro
for iMiicnllonal nnd clmiltnUlu | iurpcnc ftllli H
cnpltnl of fl.GOWMI-to which u roJurvo fund of orcr
' .ViO.IKJI liui sliH'O uoenndded.
llynn oiorwlinlmlni ! pjpulnr vote Hi franchise w
ninuou part nt tlio pre pntstuto conslltiitlunailuptuu
Uecomlicr"ni1 , A. I ) . H7' ' . > .
The only lottery over voted on and endorsed
by the puoploofitny stnto.
It nnvor sciilo3 or jiostpoBos.
Its Grand Single Number Drawings takoplaco
monthly , and the Scml-Annual Druwmira
regularly every x months ( Juno nnd Uccom
) ' '
rOHTUNK. Seventh Grand Urnwlntr , class O ,
in the Academy of Music , Now Orleans. Tues
day , July 12 , IBS" SOrttli Monthly Drawing.
are Ten Dollars only ,
Halves , S5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI ,
1 CAPITAL PIM/B OF S.M.OOO. . . . . eiMjW.
1(1 HAND
. . .1(1 HANI ) 20,000. . . . EO.OOJ
"SLAHOK 10.000. . . . 20,001
4 I.AUliK I'HI/.ESUF 5,000. . . . 20.IKIO
20 1'UIXKS OF 1,000. . . . UUOO
60 " Mil ) . , . . 26,000
100 ' SO ) . . . . ItO.OOO
200 " ' - 00. . . . 40,000
500 " iro. . . . M.OOO
1,000 50. . . . W.OOO
100 Appro.xlniutlon Prices of jh)0. : ) . . .
' ' ' '
100 " " 100' . . . 10,000
' - ,179 Prlos omountlnif to M35.0CO
Api'llcntliin for club rules rliould lie mnnoonly o
tlinunirenf thocoinpuny In New Orlonna.
Korlurtlii'r Infdriuiitlnn write cleiirly , xlvlnic full
nildro s. POSTAL NOTKS , express money orders.or
New York Exclianirn In ordinary lottor. Currency by
NEW Oiti.KA.N3 , LA ,
Or at. A.
N , D. C.
Address Itcuistcred letters to
It Ji JS1 Ji ! Af Tl Sii It ueneraU 'rn t the UejureBard prosonc * and of
Early , who lire In cluirua of the drawings , U minr-
mntee of Hbtoluto fulrnesi and Integrity , that the
cbanccsaroullequnl , an 'I Uiat DO ona can pmilb'y
airlnt what numberi will Jraw a Trite.
UK.\li.MIIiil : : thai the payment of nil prl/ei , IB
( irlcnn'.iinil the Tickets uie tltnoil by the proddcnt
of an Institution , nhose ch'trtercil rlelits tire rococ *
nlied In thii hlirlieit niurts ; therefore , beware of any
Imitntlons or anonymous scliemiH
Cancer of the Tongue.
My wife , some tl-rco or tour years ago. was troo.
bled with an ulcer CD the nils or ber tongue ner
the lltroat. The pain raa Inceiiaul , causing loaa
ot deep and producing crest nervoui probtrutlon
Accompanying thin trouble was rtienmntlsm. I
fcaJ paited from the Uoulders and centered m tue
wrutof one hand , she almost losing tbeuseof it
Between tue Buffering ol the two , life had grown
burdensome , lij the nio ot a half dozen trnall
ilred botllcsot Bwlft'H Specific , she wa en JI rely
relisted nd reitored to heallh. ThH was three
jearr o , and there baa been no return or the uu-
uparta , Ga. , Juno 6,138C.
Tre tl o on niood nd Slin Diseases mailed free.
THI bwipr Hricirto CO. , Drawer 8 , Atlanta , ( tt ,
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says ;
o. N , v. . Kob. K.
Drllorno , Chlcneo. 111.Da ir Sir : K li oomcthln ?
mi'iinl fur one of the mollcil profo'slanto Imlorsa
nmlvfrtUou itrtlclai jut 1 tnko plrtiuro la Inform
ne yuii thnioneof ro'ir Klnrtrlc licit * cured ma ot
licunintlntn , from which I iiittl surfcro. ! 2r rn. I
uro rccoiumoniloil rimrlnrrnUim to nt Itnit fnrtr
f mjr pilienu lutrerlnit with chronic ill , ' \jei of v -
Inn * kln < 1 , viti I'nlplttitlon of the part , nerroui
drbllltr , epilepsy , rln.imatl'm tmln In the buck niul
p , rto. , etc. , tic. All linro niirch uo.1 . "ml
worn them with mint arntlf jrln results. I eta bUhlr
i > cotnm < Mil ( your Klectrli Ik'lU pos OMla , < urimt
incriu rrntcrnnllj' jours ,
I , I ) . McMiritArr , M. D.CT Niagara-it
A Clilcaffo Phlsicitm Says ,
Tr IIorno-Deir Sirt I hsro used nororal klnili ot
raannpllcnnil Kloctrlo llulti on p.Mleiitsuiul inrtolf.
cnn lionc tlr nlvo tbe prdfornnct ) toyour * . vf nit
Hide. IlnDco I cananiltlo recommend fours overall
others. Vouri Iratcnmlly , J. II. JoiiuoS. M I' ,
JHD 14. IM ; . omcc J ; Stnlu-st. . ClllcaifO
A riiysiclau Snys. All of ily i'atioiit
are Satisfied.
_ ciEMVA.N : n..T n31. nn
Dr W.J.IIornp. Inventor lo ) r air : I rooomiupnt
our I'loclrlc Holts to < ill lie uiror wllhniivnervout
rauble , KIIJT rlironlcllroror kidney cli aii o . Allot
my pntlcnt * thut nrausla your Klactrla lleln are
ntlsfleil. 1'ratcriislly. M. I'lioi-sr. M I ) .
' nn.l Silrcoon
A Minister of the Gcrniaii
ICliurcli , Kays :
I.FiniiTii.v , AlloKim Co , Mich. , ,
Dr. W. J. II inio. ( 'liluugo , ill Diiir Mr : Tour
% loctrlc Holts < 1o nil Tmi rlnlin One of tlioin liplpol
noof ilr iii'pshi con'tlp itlon nml Renenil itobllllr.
I iTimld likii to Intniiluro Tour nooiH horu. Will
you lot mo hnvo the anoncy for tills townshlpH'loaso
: lvo yonrtermi. I ninthe inlnlitorof the ( lor nun
iiuiiKcllcal Cliurcliot LelKhton. Itrippctfullv ,
HKV. I.otns IliutMM ,
Itcsldencc , Sllildlovlllo. Harry county. Mien.
S'ottralffia of the Stomach Cured.
UlltSTNUT. Il.l. . . Jan. 19.HU
Dr. Horna Dear Sir : I WHS uffcrlnx with nuurM
R | i of the ptom.icii , niul mcillclne Deemed to Invo no
vflecttevcn morphlnoillil nntrollovii mo much. The
Httack wouKI bvulu urory vuiilnn nbout nlno o'clock
niul l.tit nboimlr houm. I rent for onoof your Kloc
rlilt ln , eit It nmlptit It on. nml hnvn't hurt til
m t Kyiuptom of imuraivla elnco. Mm wall plcn a
Yournruly , A-y. HAUCOUUT
Dr. W. J. HOUSR. 191 Wabash-avcnuo
olc Inventor , rrourlato. uuJ Jlanufaouror.
fend stain u for calluzuo.
D. S , Mail Chutes
[ n oflice buildings , enables ten
ants to mail their own letters
without leaving the lloor on
which their oflices are located.
In use in sixteen cities.
TuniNo Co. , Rochester , N. Y. ,
sole makers.
Ifif f * A I/ rron >
Wt All
t rrmniura Drrllnftetc.Tc ulllniriom Indigcietlonsor
* XGuk vrdMAIli'Oj !
S-ul * 4 book ft tit free. fihotiM he rend by I
7 * RfpTefo vllli Inrnrmntlnti orv&lnetontl mpn.
MARSTON REMEDY CO ! 9Park Place , New York.
Montlo Onu'.ii IliJ-
Ul liailUlKU Utt
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 42,500
H. W. Yntes , President.
A. E. Tou7.\lin : , Vico-1'residont.
\V. H. S. Hu lies. Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yntes , Lewis S. Keod.
A. E. Touzalm.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General ISniikinj. ' Business Trnnsacto
N.W. Harris & Go.
of CormtleB.Citiod , Towns.Wntcr ,
( las , Utrout. li. It. Co.'n a spec
ialty. CorrciixjuUeiico solicited.
Omaha , Nebraska.
One A cent 0 rrcn vryitM in nrirr town for
Wo hnvi ) Imndlod your clinrs for moro thnn
lf > oirs. : Your "Tiin ! H'i I'linch" Is the host
BCillnir mid iuo t poniilnr iilrkloclprur we Imvo
f-old nnd h still our leading ! > a ciK r.
J.vo. li. I'oiiTEH tt Co. , DrufrglstH , ; tookford , 11
'Has ' a IMii aiilrrent from all
olhern. la mip ntiaiN % ltu h ir-
ccuripir yr' odju tini ; llallluf < riUraila'ti ! | ' ,
" " "ir ) t elf to all pesltlonj of Ilia
TDUS3 m - AboJrwhllo thu ball Intliotup
_ J Qw presses book the Intea-
M-I T& fines ( uet oe a person
doea with the finger. 1w'tbA"1 VTlS,7irli1i0IiiCrrJ
nla linelil wcnroly dtty and nlirbt.and a riwllcal cur >
In. Illsfaay.ilnnMnanilchoiin Sent > .ymull Otf-
lirtV. ktCIXsTUN TtlBS CO. , Ctk o , IU.
Add V , O. Supply Co. Uoz JS5. St. l.ouls , Mo
1119 Farnam Street ,
Omaha , Neb
New Model Lam Mower
Five Sixes , irill cut IiltfJicr ( trass than
any other. JIns nocqnalfor simplicity ,
durability ami ease f operation ,
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
- rj. LOW Prices. Send for circulars ,
1 OMAHA , NEllllASItA.
state Aaent * for Porter's Haying Tool
n tIJobbrrs ofJtindiiig Twine ,
is the perfected form of portable Roofing , mnnufncturccl by u&
for the past twcmty-sovon years , and is now in use upon roofs of
Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Ohomicnl Works , Hnilroad Bridges ,
Cars , Steambont Decks , etc. , in all parts of the world.
Supplied ready for use , in rolls containing 200 square feet , nnd weighs
Tvith Asbestos Koof Coating , about 85 pounds to 100 equfiro feet.
Is adapted for all climates and can bo readily applied by unskilled
workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail.
H.W. Jolmi'FIre nil Water-l'roof Abbfxtoi Shenthltip , Hutlillng Felt ,
AsbGltos Steam Packing * , Holler Coverluzi , Liquid I'ulutx , riro-l'roof Pulnti , etc.
VULCABESTOHi Moulded l > l ton-no < l I'nuklnrr , Klngt , Gaskets , Bbvut Tacking , etc.
F.tflhikh d mss. 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO.wi < mK.imuiEmu. , .
For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co , , Omaha , Neb , , and Council I ! luffs , Iowa.
Thlrty-Boventh year bctrliiB Sept. ( Itli , 1887.
For circulars or special infornmtlon address
HoniooK. Smith. LL. 1) . Dunn , Albany , N. V.
Tlircnoounp of aluUy. TinroiiulinOKln every do.
ImrlniPnt. lliilldliiKi uli' .iiitly furnlnliuit. lluutud
nltlmtenm'litcil with KIH.Vcitor from St Ulnlr
HITLT Superior aUvunttt o In iniKlc HIH ! art. Ail-
clre s for circular. bOMlCUVlI.l.r ; SCHOOL.
tt , Clalr , illch.
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , fullparticulars , sent on ap-
plicatonto ] . H , M Elvaine.
X roll 1'OUNB I < AIIKSius : North ItronilSt
I'lilliulolplilii. ITth year buirlni Ho in. Ulsi , IrtiT ,
AUdro-s Miss It. B. JUpKINb , I'miolpul ,
who refers by special permission to
Mr. and Mrsloliii N. Juwutt , I
r. iiml.Mrs. i'hlllp D. Armour , VChicut'O.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloracu F.Vuito ,
TERRE HAUTE. IND. I A School ol Engineering.
Well eudottul. ell flilp | | 'rt ilcrnrlmi > ntii of Jlcch.
kiilcalundClillKnitliirrrliiK , Kli-rlllclty , CliemUIrr
Bitd Drawlnif , Kxtrnaive Hlmrx iinil I.ianr.tturluit ,
rort'ttt lee o , adilrewT , C. JIJ.NDKNllAlvL , 1'ioa.
L. J. MARKS& Co.
Grain and Provision Commis
sion Merchants , "
JO and 12 Pact/la Avenue.
OraliiHiul I'ravliloni Iwiiiilit sn > t ol < l on margin-
on trio Chlcnuo lluaril ot Truilu. Correi | > omlonce 101
llclteil , Dullynr weekly m rKet letter tent on itppll.
cutloo. llelerenco Corn Kxclianna lluuk , Chlcmo ; ,
B1UHAHI ) EBI1ITT , M. IL C. V. S. ,
Veterinary Surgeon
Graduate of the Royal College of Veter.
pary Surgeont , London , England.
Onice , .Denham's Stable. 118 North -ICth
Street , Omaha.
. . .
1707 Olive St , St. Louis Mo. .
Of the M isfouri Stale Mutcum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , UniveisUy College Hospi
tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic anil
, m
More especially thse arising from impru
dence , m\ite all so suffering to correspond
without ; lelay. Diseases of infection mid
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention lioni business , and \\itliout
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have hcen ncglectcJ , I
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their M
symptoms attention All letttr * teceive immediate i H
And will be mailed FREE to ar.y nddren
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility nnd
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1707 Olive St .St. LnuU , Mo.
Successors to Jim , ( J. Jacobs ,
A.M > 11.11 lt.VI.MiKM. :
At the olilatancl 1407 Fnriium st. Onlorsi
bytclo'Tnph oolicitad nnd iiroinptly at-
tendedto. Telephone No.
, - m r mm-m w T BUI O CUrO
ior moii , cuie41n3 days tciijl for imrtleulurfl ,
Uf UCHI HEAL CO. I i-ocu8tt.