If- THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr SATURDAY , JULY 2 ; 1B87. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. DftHy ( Momlai ? Edition ) Including Bandrty Iltr , Onci Yunr . $10 ( XI Tor Six Month * . i . & < > j-'tirThrpn Month * . 260 tTlie Onmlia Sunday llf.K , inalloJ to nuy , One Ycnr. . . . 2 00 orrtrr. No. Pll AND tr FintfAM fr.w vonif. cirrtci , ROOM . . TIUIII'NF. HUII.MNO. NVASIII.NUTUX orrifs , .No. 5ti : FUI'IITIEXTII STHCET. oannr.s PON DE scs : All commnnlontioni relntln ? to no < rs nndc-ll- torlnl matter chnuld bo tuMtuiscxl to tlie KM- Ion or TDK IJr.n. All bu'lncis loiters and rumlttnncos chould bo ildrossod to Tint IIKK I'uiiMsiiiNd Co i-ANr , OMUIA , Drufli , cliprkg and pculofflcn onion to bo nindo pBjrablo to the ordir of tliu cotupuny. HE BEE POBLISHInTSPAHy , PBOPHIEIOBS , E. ROSEWATER. KniTOtt. THIS JPAILY BKE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska. 1 . County of Douglas , f8l " Oeo. H. TzschucK , secretary of The Uno FubllihlnR company , it oca solemnly swear that the octu.il circulation of the Dally Bee for the wc'-k ending Juno 24 , 18S7 , was as follows : Baturday.Juno IS 14.2-0 Sunday , Juno 10 H.200 Monday , Juno 20 ! , Tuesday , Juno 21 14.U50 Wptlncsduy , Juno22 1MB" Thursday , Juno JSJ Ufl > * trldayJuno84 .14.040 Averacc 14.173 Ono. U. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this C5lh day of JunolW7. ! N. P. FKU , . fSKAL.1 Notary 1'ubllc. Gco. 11. Tzschuck , being CrM duly sworn , deposes nml says that he Is secretary of The Ueo PuhllBhliiL' company , that the actual average dally circulation of the Dally llro for the month of tor June. 1880 , 12.293 copies ; for July , 1830 , 12,314 copies ; for AiiKiist , IbSfl , 12,404 copies : for Septem ber , 18hO , 13,030 conies ; for October , 18SO , 12.W9 copies ; for November. 1SSO , 13,343 copies ; for December , ISSfl. 13'i'n copies ; for January 18S7. 10.UCO copies ; for Fobruarv , lb 7 , 14,198 copies ; for March. 1887 , 14.400 copies : for April. 1&)7 ) , 14,310copies ; for May , 1W7 , l4,827 copies. Gio. : H. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo tills 4th dnyot Juno A. 1) . , lb 7. IBEAL.I N. 1' . KBIT. . Notary Public. TUB SUNDAY UEE to-morrow will , as usual , be an intorostmg paper. "ANCIKNT history is mighty interestIng - Ing , " as Mr. Popploton would remark. Mm. GOUOAII is in Ireland. She will llnd all kinds of suffering there , with but little suffrage. Mn. CKAWKOHD'S oratory has not been secured for the Fourth of July. Thus is genius rewarded. IT is to bo deeply regretted that Prof. 1'ostor , the weather prevaricator , pre dicts n clour day for July 4. The proba bilities are that it will rain. THE Now Yorft Siar's Grant monument ment fund , up to Wednesday , had passed the $ } , OUO mark. The Star scorns hope ful of raising the f 123,000. TWENTY divorces wore recently gran ted in ono day at Atlanta , Georgia. The announcement of this fact has made the great pork centre green with envy. THE cable railway will soon bo com pleted , and the streets , now in such wild disorder , wjll bo paved again , at least in time to bo torn up by the next company ! < = , securing a franchise. CHAUNCEY M. DEI-EAV sails for Europe next week. Mr. Dopow is evidently troubling himself by believing that ho is being chased by a presidential boom. It is feared , however , that his boom and Kea serpents belong in the same catalogue of myths. THE northwestern roads have boon holding meetings to fix a grain rate. The custom of the western roads hao been to wait until the crop , could bo fairly es- , timutod. If it was large , then the rate , was raised. If small , a slight reduction ITVO.S generally made , in order to show the 'farmor how deeply they wcro interested un his affairs. IN spite of the notorious irregularity of the paving repair bill of the Murphy company , the council has allowed the bill in full for f3,4-19.03. The greater portion of this bill was for repairing "pavements destroyed by laying of gas and water mains , and street railroad track. The question now is , why should the taxpayers of Omaha bo compelled to pay such rcpaving bills ? Does the council propose to ignore the fact that the expense for rcpaving was nearly all incurred by the gas , water , street rail way and cable companies ? Docs the council represent the taxpayers or the privuto corporations ? THE camp mooting season is approach ing , when a portion of the Christian world will bctako itself to pleasant places and mingle worship with the en joyment of nature. This method of re ligious service , which iits the idea of finding "tongues in trees , books in the running brooks , sermons in stones , and good in everything , " has its merits , and U has been growing in favor of late years. There are few of the states in which the camp mooting is not now an nmuiat event , attracting n great many peoplo. Nowhere has this method of religious service had a more vigorous growth than in Nebraska , and the annual meeting of the State Holiness associa tion , announced to commence August 3 , is expected to bo the largest over held. THERE have boon abundant rains in the west during the past'two days , which have undoubtedly done great good , but it is feared they came too late to repair the damage in scvoral directions result ing from the previous dry weather. Oats in most localities have suffered seriously from lacK of rain , and it is hardly possi ble that the late showers can bo of much good to this crop , which is at the point of maturing. There is H chance for improvement in the condition of corn , which to reach an average yield will require favorable conditions during the present month and in August. The bay crop is certain to bo short , though perhaps not so much short as the specu lators in timothy seed predict. Potatoes have not fared well generally , having in Borao sections ripened so rapidly that they are small and defective in quality , Fruits have been unfavorably atfccted by the dry weather and the aggregate yjcld will not bo largo. The wheat crop o'f the northwest , however , will prollt by the rams , and on all accounts they have been every where-most welcome , The Cftio of 9Ir. Field. The financial event which for , the mo ment dwarfs all others is the sensational deal by which Jay Gould and Russell Sage have got possession , chiefly it wonld flccin in the interest of the former , of the entire block of Manhattan Hlovatcd rail road , amounting to about 70,000 shares , which a few days ago was hold by Cyrus W. Field. Thcro have been many stories nnd a great variety of dc.tails chronicled regarding this remarkable transaction , but the exact facts will probably not bo known until Mr. Field relates them over his own signature , which ho promises to do as soon a the newspapers got through with their gossip about the matter. This promised statement will bo awaited with curious interest. Meanwhile there appears to bo no room for a doubt that Gould and Sago have succeeded in securing all the Manhattan slock of which Mr. Field was possessed , and that they got It at their own figures. It has been known or understood for years that Gould & Field were both per sonally and in business affairs the closest friends , but it would Eccm that in this transaction friendship was not permitted to play a very prominent part. Notwith standing the statements of Sago that Gould really did a great and bravo thing , saving Field from ruin and the country from a panic , for which every body , including Field , should bo grateful , the fact that the seller o' the siock was compelled to lese several millions of dollars lars in disposing of It , and it is estimated that the buyers , or more correctly Gould , will make this amount and something more , at least shows that there was no recklessness on the part of Mr. Gould in performing this important service to his friend and the country. Ho unquestion ably Know that bo was entirely safe in buying stock at 120 which ruled as high as 170 , and which ho can very likely again advance to that figure , and while it is just possible that Mr. Field may have a reason to feel grate ful to Mr. Gould for having taken a quan tity of sloelc off his hands for a good deal loss than it was worth in the market , it is incredible that any reason exists why the country should thank Mr. Gould for a transaction that has added .several mill ions to his great fortune and brought ab solutely no good to another living soul. It is obviously ridiculous to imply that the transfer of this slock from Field to Gould averted a panic. It is conceivable that if Field had boon compelled to throw his stock on the market the re sult might have boon damaging to these who wcro carrying it for him , and doubtless the added shock to the market at that time , being in a somewhat sensitive condition , would have aggra vated the feeling of distrust , but it would not have caused a panic. Looking at the situation as a speculator , Mr. Sago took the only view ho was capable of taking , but it is an erroneous view. The only credit that belongs to Gould is that of a shrewd speculator who took full ad vantage of the opportunity to at once in crease and protect his own interests , for which alone ho was concerned. The most notable disclosure matte by this transaction is the tact that Cyrus W. Field's Iwealth was very greatly overestimated. Ho was believed to bo one of the very rich men of the couniry , ranking below not more than half n dozen others in the value of his possessions. Estimates of his wealth have placed it as hich as $50,000,000 , whereas it turns out that he was really not worth at any time above one-tenth of that amount , if so much. The Manhattan stock of which he has just disposed had boon carried largely on borrowed money , and when this resource was exhausted ho was farced to sell at a loss price than the average cost of the stock to him. Ho still has what the great majority of people will regard as a very comfortable fortune , but ho has tumbled far below the list of con spicuously wealty men with whom the general opinion associated him a week airo. It would also appear that ho has received a great deal more credit as a sagacious financecr than lie dcservca. The misfortune of Mr. Field in this matter , if misfortune it bo , will not bring him any great amount of sympathy. Ho has boon a speculator willing to profit by speculation , and there are not many that will regret that ho has met discomfiture. Whatever regret there may bo will como from the fact that his loss is the gain of a speculator far more unscrupulous and dangerous than ho ever was or could be. In other rcspecta Cyrus W. F.ield has been .1 most useful man , and this episode in his career will not detract from the honor that ho won in other fields than that of more money getting. The IJottor Way. Wo noted some time ago that the citj of Now York had sold two street railroat franchises for which it will receive re spectively 40 and 34 per cent of the gross receipts annually of the roads. It was a striking illustration of the value placet upon such franchises in that city , and suggested that the corporations seeking them might have been willing to pay for the votes of aldermen and councilmen , and the inlluenco of officials , had the franchises been obtainable in the wav prevalent elsewhere. The corporations bidding for thcso privileges could wcl have afforded to expend tons of thousands of dollars as a cor ruption fund , and until the present plan of disposing of franchises in Now YorK was adopted , such funds wcro expended there to an untoli amount. Now these valuable privileges cannot bo secured through corruption and are made a source of proper revenue to the public treasury. A principle so entirely practical am just could not fail to commend itself to imitation , and w observe that a propo sition is pending in St. Louis to ndop the Now York plan. It is safe to assume that it will bo successful , since oppo sition to such a plan , in cities whore publiic franchises are certain to yield immediate profits whore they are eagerly sought , am where they are not directly essential to the upbuilding of the community , wil only como from these who are prcparci to trade in them for their personal ad vantage , or such as are under corpora tioti direction. There is absolutely noth ing sound to bo said in opposition to sell ing franchises publicly to the highest bidder dor , in cities where the conditions are such as wo have described , and whiel exist in such cities as St. Louis , Chicago and some others not so largo , but when there is assured safety and generous re turns for public enterprises depend cut , upon franchises. . New cities must of course enqourago suoh enter prises by n liberal policy , but ; ' -Ing 'away these prlvilcccs should not > e continued beyond the time when there s no further risk to those who ask them nnd profitable returns from them are as sured to their possessors , A contcmpo- ary observes that it Is an entirely rea sonable belief that the power of bcstow- ng privileges and franchises for public enterprises has been more corruptly used him almost any other entrusted to mu nicipal corporations in America. In deed , it would hardly be extravagant to say that a very largo proportion of the corruption whloh has tainted every de- ail of the administration of cities is di- cctly traceable to the introduction of jrlbery in the procurement of special u'lvllogos. A i.or.u. paper which has uphold the 'actions ' and Illegal course pursued by the council toward the police commis sion , gives as an excuse for the refusal of the council to approve the bonds of the commissioners , that Mayor llroatch has failed to file his bond as member of the commission. This is a very flimsy pre text. J. W. Uroatch is not a member of Lho commission. The mayor of Omaha is ex-ollicio chairman of the commission , i'ho bonds of Mayor Broatch have boon duly approved , and they cover his entire olllcial responsibility in the discharge of every function imposed on him by the charter or by ordinance. The council has just passed an ordinance making the oily engineer cx-olh'cio member of the board of public works , but nobody will contend that Tilson's bond as engineer does not cover his ollicial acts in connec tion with the board of public works. The refusal of the council to approve the bonds ol the police and lire commission is frivolous and unjustifiable. It is noth ing more nor loss than an attempt to coerce and bulldoze a co-ordinate branch of government. Tin : Now York Commercial Advertiser attempts to belittle the legislator from the "rural districts" by saying he blows out the gas and the cuticle of his "scalp is ir rigated to such an extent by hay germs that he has never been able to discover whether a telephone wire is barbed or not. " Yet it has been discovered that such Is not the case. The ordinary farmer may not "bo on" to the latest fash ion fads ; ho may not bo dishonest enough to associate with and bo controlled by the dissolute lobby ; he may not have the capacity for the seductive lluid possessed by his city brother , but as a general rule it has been observed that ho can readily discern the difference between honesty and bribery ; he knows that honor is not betrayal , and ho votes from a. conscien tious principle and docs not measure his devotion to a cause or his patriotism to a man by the amount of boodle to bo secured. The farmer or business man who achieves legislative honors , because he is not a politician , nine times out of ten makes a record for honesty , while the demagogue and politician become little in the sight of all men. tAte the present we have not seen any returns made to the state or county board of equalization of the U. & M. short line. That road was in operation from Omaha to Lincoln before the end of 183'j ' , but the managers evidently propose to beat the state and counties through which it runs out of their taxes. Even if the road had not been in full operation , the road bed was thcro , and the culverts and bridges wore built , and the tics and rails laid , and the station houses had been erected. Why , then , should that branch of the Uurlington sytem go unas- scsscd for the years 1830-87 ? WE cheerfully retract the charge that the fraudulent printing contract was the first attempt of the Rounds & Taylor gang to dive into the municipal treasury. They have tried their hand before in smuggling through tint order for pub lishing Mayor Uoyd's election proclama tion For this neat little job they have presented a bill to Comptroller Goodrich for over ? 150. Any patent medicine man could get the same amount of advertising in the Itepublican for loss than f 50 , and yet this is only a beginning of genteel tax-eating at which Rounds & Taylor are experts. AccnitniNG to Mr. Popploton , every body that comphiins about Union Pacific mismanagement is either an anarchist , communist , drunkardperjurer , rebel spy , or a common enemy of all the railroads. It is only the oil room gang that are loyal , honest , sober , veracious and relia ble. _ Other TjnnilM Thnn Ours. The watchword of the ministerial party in the British parliament is understood to bo "no concession , " and certainly the course of that party during thu past week plainly indicates that such is the case. Every ctfort of the opponents of the crimes bill to amend that measure has been promptly defeated , the proposal of Mr. Morley to limit its operation to three years faring no bettor than any of the others proceeding from the opposition. What has been for some time feared as n foregone conclusion is now regarded as assured. The measure will pass as the coalition desire it , without yielding anything which can bo regarded as a concession. It is not therefore surprising to read that the op position is being conducted with less vigor and heart than formerly. The minority will continue to do its duty to the end , but it will bo simply to satisfy their own conscience and not with any hope of achieving a single result beyond that of recording in imperishable history their persistent protest against this in justice. A motion to carry the bill to third reading will bo made on next Tues day and will undoubtedly prevail. On Monday the land bill will como up in the house of commons , and will undoubtedly bo vigorously pushed by the government. In a word the programme of the major ity has boon fully arranged and will bo aggressively carried out. * Ono of the most interesting European events of the week was the postpone ment of the signing of the Anglo-.l.'urkiah treaty relating to Egypt. The sultan was to have signed the agreement last Monday , but owing to opposition from France and Russia the porto appealed to England for a week'a delay , which was granted. Lord Salisbury stated that the postponement had been allowed with the express understanding that the treaty should bo signed at the expiration of the week , next Monday , but wjiotber this u'n- derstandlng will be kept depends a good deal upon the ablHty of Turkey mean while to satisfy | th6 objecting powers. 1'he treaty provides for the neutraliza tion of the Suez canal iu time of peace and war ; some change m the laws by which Europeans living in Egypt are now exempt from trial before Egyptian In- jtinals ; the withdrawal of Uritish troops from the country In three year from this time , "provided there is no risk of danger to the security of Egypt in tuo withdrawal ; " the combination of English with Turkish ofilccrs in the superintend ence of the Egyptian army and the mili tary arrangements of the country for five years ; and the1 right of the Uritish government , after iS'JO ' , to reoccupy the country , cither alone or In conjunction with Turkey , in case of threatened disorder within , or of interventions from abroad. In return for thcso im- nortant concessions which virtually turn Egypt ever to the Uritish whenever In their discretion they see fie to take pos session ot it , the sultan cots the aid of thu Uritish government in borrowing the ? 'J5,000,000 , which ho sorely needs to re- planish his his barren Exchequer. It may be that the reported menaces of Russia nnd France have been somewhat exag gerated , but the opposition of thcjo powers has not been made without a well-defined purpose in which they are undoubtedly mutually agreed , and it is therefore very significant. Nations do not interpose obstruction in a matter of this nature simply upon a whim or caprice , and those powers having taken a position in this matter of open hostility to the agreement will not be likely to recede without being fully satisfied that its consummation can work no injury to their interests , however small these may bo. The inllucncc of Russia has doubt less boon mo-it active in this matter , and it remains to bo soon what the real aim of that power is. The issue may be set tled without further hindrance or ditll- culty , but there are certainly other possi bilities. The predicament is a painful ono for unfortunate Turkey. * * French affairs exhibit no new features of great interest. The appointment of General Hurlangor to the command of an army corpse stationed remote from Pans , showing the strong desire of the government to get him away from that city and lessen his opportunities 1'or al leged political intrigues , is the most in teresting fact of the week in the domes tic all'aira of Franco. The efl'ect , how ever , will not be to diminish the popu larity of Uoulanger , but rather the con trary. His enemies could maKe no worse mistake than to take any action which his friends could construe as an attempt to degrade or persecute him. If the gov ernment sees any terror iu the pro posed Uoulangor demonstration on the 14th of this month they will not lesson the danger by sending him away. Such a proceeding is an acknowledgment of Iloulnngor's inlluenco and popular strength that will only serve to stimulate his supporters to greater zeal and earn estness. % The now emancipation bill which has bo'jn introduced into the Brazilian par liament at the present session is a very radical measure , since it proposes the in stant abolition of slavery , with the single condition that those relieved from bondage - ago under its provisions shall beheld held to labor at fair wages , under their existing masters for the space of two years. And even this con dition is not to apply to sl-ives who are over fifty years old , or may become so within the two years , or to those who shall buy exemption from this additional service for a sum of money , which is iu no case to exceed $200. The object of this single modification of the project , of im mediate emancipation is obviously to avoid the agricultural ruin that might follow a sudden and unqualified release of all farm hands from obligation to labor. It is not to bo expected that this extreme measure will pass , especially after the elaborate legislation for grad ual , compensated emancipation , enacted two years ago. Hut oven its introduc tion shows the intensity of the desire in some quarters to bring nearer the day when slavery shall no longer exist in Ura/.il. There have been during the last fifteen years notable instances of provin cial emancipation , parish by parish ; and two years ago the government supple mented the 1'reo birth statute of 1871 by an act liberating all slaves ever sixty years of ago , and making provision by a great increase in the emancipation fund and otherwise for the gradual compen sated manumission of all slaves born be fore the passage of the free birth statute. This act would have insured complete emancipation before the und of the pres ent century iu all probability. * % The question as to what would bo the result of the success of the uresent re bellion in Afghanistan is ono upon which there is a dillerenco of opinion. The first thought must naturally bo that , since some opponent ot Abdurrahman would bo put upon the throne , Russian infill- once- would bo the gainer. Uut a con trary view is taken by some observers , who hold that the fall of the present ameer would give England an oppor tunity , which she would accept , to inter fere with her armies in Afghanistan and establish a protectorate there. Of course this would bring the dispute with Russia to a head ; but It is believed that no risk would be run of having a mere tool of Russia recognized as * ameer. This view supposes , therefore , that England must bo thn gainer , whether the present sov ereign , who is her friend , is successful , or whether ho is dethroned. Of late there are no special signs of progress in the re bellion , although it js admitted to bo formidable. f ' * % According to Intelligence received from the Transcaucasus , a uow market has been discovered Russian petro leum. A company consisting of. several owners of largo camel caravans has boon formed at liaku for the purpose of intro ducing petroleum into Persia by over land route , via Mugan. Several caravans have been sent , but on each > ocrasion the oil failed to reach its destination , being rapidly bought up at Mugan , and in con sequence it is now intended to increase the size of the caravans to GOO camels each. Generally speaking , Russian manufacturers have latterly found a ready market in Persia , especially since the Russian manufactures have com plied with the local demand , by pro ducing special wide cotton prints for Persia. V The recent mooting of the French pa- trioUc league , when angry -.protests were tnado ncatnst the action of the Lclgzlji court in sentencing Alsatian members to prison for treason to Germany , has caused the resignation of many members of that organization , including M. Mctl- vcr , ono of the founders and an intimate friend of Gambotta. Loiters have been received from various branches of the league , protesting against "throwing France at Uoulanger'a feet. " The affair threatened to break up the league , # % The German government has appointed Lieutenant Kund , who has done such good work in the Congo region , chief of the scientific station which has been es tablished at the Canieroonsj for when the Germans undertake the development of any region , they at once recognize the necessity for scientific observations in order to accomplish their object. A sur geon and botanist will also bo appointed , and the party will remain three years at the Camcroous. The surgeon and botan ist will have charge of the meteorolog ical station , while Lieutenant Kund will devote himself to the exploration of the interior lying to the east of the Came- roons. * # A bill has been prepared at Rome , to bo presented in the chamber of deputies , providing for the preservation of ancient Roman remains in the vicinity of the forum , the baths of Caracalla , and the Via Appia , by means of an aroluuologl- cal promenade enclosing them. The estimated co.st of the work Is $3,000,000 , , and the proposition is to pay it in annual rates out of the municipal treasury. Mr. Lemon Is running for ofllco out In Illi nois nnd hopes to squeeze in. Gcorpo Gould has bought the tltlo of "Prince of St. Louis" from the Italian gov- eminent. General Bucknor , who will prob.ibly be the next governor of Kentucky , was a t one time an editor a' Now Orleans. Queen Victoria's favorite dish Is tapioca pudding. She is a sturdy enter and a fair drinker of claret and red wines. Uret llarte was a book agent in 1&50 ! ! , and a Rood one when ho would work , which was seldom. In 1S05 ho was writing "con densed novels" for the S.in Francisco Golden Kra at 8.1 per column. Word comes of the death of Count Clam , lender ot the ultra-conservative Czechs In Austria ; a very grunt aristocrat , a uinn of great wealth , and a statesman with a notably lar e personal following In parliament. Vlllo Beaumont , an exiled French count whh claims to be nbla to trace his llneaze bnck to the time of William the Conqueror , Is now earning an honest living In the ofllce of a Pittsmin ; nrcldtect , where ho hns the reputation of possessing rare ability. Uuck Taylor , the cowboy , whose daring performances with the Br.tTalo 1)111 ) Wild West show recently resulted in a dislocated thigh , is having a high old time during his convalescence. Hois a London lion just now , nnd is getting nil sorts ot good things tonat and drink sent to him by his British admirers. Ex-Governor William SprAgun Is residing In retirement nt Cixnonchut , Ids palatial home near Narriisnusett pier , the solo rom- nnnt ot his once vnst fortune. . His financial circumstances are not such as to maintain tlm place in Its former grandeur , nnd its de serted corridors nnd silent hulls must bo a biiK.-cstivo wandering place for the moody and eccentric war governor. The only meat which Air. Edison , the In ventor , will oat is beefsteak , lie likes nil kinds o vegetables , nnd for dessert always takes fruit , strawberries belnp favorites. It only takes him n few minutes to cat dinner. Soups are omitted from his tnble. When Mr. Edison uses the telephone he fairly bhooks whouvor receives his 'message ' bv talcing very loudly. Being slightly deaf , he docs not appreciate the high pitch of bis own voice. Free UUcusslon. IJoaton ( llolic , Repressive measures against socialism and kindred systems are now being adopted , with more or less severity , in many countries of the civilized world. In Russia this policy of repression is car ried out in an extreme limit , and all of fences are punished by exile , imprison ment or death. Vigorous repressive measures have now been adopted in Germany , and all socialistic literature , as soon as it is discovered , is seized by the authorities and burned ; and all so cialistic gatherings are disbanded by po lice or military authority. There are not wanting men in America who advocate this Gorman policy in this country. Such measures would not only prove futile in America , but would produce a reactionary effect , the exact opposite of the result desired. The inalienable right of free speech is not yet fully accepted oven in this country. Uut it has been fairly proven by experience that no dan gerous consequences whatever can result from any system of thought that is freely proclaimed and unreservedly dis missed. It a system is wrong it need only be stated to the people , and the keen eye of public opinion will in duo time pierce its fallacies and discover its absurdities. If there is anything right in socialism of course all unoigotod lovers of truth want to find it , and it ean bo quickest brought to light by unimpeded discussion. If there is much that is wrong in it- ami we fool sure there is its champions will let it out the moment they open their mouths. To urge that this or that system of thought is dangerous and therefore its champions ( should bo re pressed , is unworthy of the present ago , and an impeachment of our institutions. Whoever , from mcdiiuval conservatism , rofiHos the fullest dihcus.sion of any question from fear that it is dangerous is timid from intellectual cowardice. He is not yet a full developed American , but lias inherited from some old ancestor a taint of European intolerance. Ho has not reached that perfect love of knowl edge which castolli out fear. The Territorial Ijoan Agent. Dakota Doll : "You are acoused of holding up a man at the depot , shoving a six-shooter under his nose and making him give you | ar , " said a justice of the peace to a Dakota Loan agent who had been brought before him. "Those are about the facts in the case , " replied the loan agent. "Then 1 shall bo obliged to hold you for robbery. " "Just lot mo explain how It was. You FOO ho was leaving the country the train was already in sight. I know ho had S . " > and there wasn't time to got it any other way. The busmcns method may bo just slightly irregular , but the time was so bhort that it was the best I could do and that's all there is about it. if I hud known ho wa.s going sooner I should have got him to sign a chattel mortgage und then everything would have boon regular. " "Well , " replied the judge , "if that's the case I suppose it's all right. Try and get the mortgage , though , when you can it's more business like. PAINS in the small of the back indicate a diseased condition of the Liver or Kid neys , which may bo easily removed by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver und Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle. IDE AMERICAN BEVERAGE , How Soda 'Water Is Prepared Tor the Slz- diug Fountains * SOME GORGEOUS STRUCTURES. The Ilcnlth GIvlnB Qualities of the Ilcvcrnno A sertotl Ciinsc of rountnln IC.\i > lonlois Jumbo Generntors-Cnpltnl The CnitRO or IC.xplostotis. JJoslon 'rrarcllpri A soda fountain manufactory is a busy place In this season - son of the year , anil yet this is but the attermatti of a still nioro busy period. The reporter was aware that this branch of business was a very extensive ono in this city , but had no idea ot its real mag- nltudo until ho visited a big establish ment. As the result of this visit a lot of interesting statisties and general information mation regarding the extent of the busi ness was obtained. Said a manufacturer : Few people outside of the trade itself are nwnro of the importance which the busi ness lias assumed. Those who have an idea that the habit of drinking soda has fallen oil' among the American people are greatly mistaken , for instead of this it is growing more anil more popular every year. As the demand for this carbonated water Increases , so also dons the manu facture of dispensing apparatus increase in importance , improvements are being made in this respect each year , and the character of the apparatus grows nioro mid inoro elaborate. At the present time the number of soda fountains in Boston cannot be less than 0.700. The average cost of these will bo about $ COO , and they range in price from $1,000 to $0,000 , each. One of thu most expensive in the city is worth between $3,000 nn(1 $6,000. KXPKNS1VK FOUNTAINS. There are two others on Washington street that could bo mentioned that cost $ ' , ' ,000 and $3,000 each respectively.Ve have orders for fountains of all grades , not only from every part of the United States , nut all over the world. Last year was the busiest wo over experienced , but this season's business has been nearly double that , and up to date wo Lave sent out about -l.WO fountains. Ot late a prejudice In favor of glass for containing syrups has grown up , although a croat many still prefer the pure block-tin. Sovcral attempts have been made from time to time to throw soda water into disrepute on account of its alleged uuhealtlifulness , but they have been unsuccessful , for it has boon proved beyond all question that there Is absolutely nothing deleterious in it , and that It cannot possibly bo hartuf ulc.xcept when kept in improper vessels. This block-tin which is used is not the common tinned sheet iron , but the pure metal , absolutely non-corrosive. It re sembles lead a great deal , but has noth ing in common with that mntal. It is the only substance through which soda water can bo safely drawn , and all soda pipes are either made of or lined with it. In former days tlio soda fountains in use were nil no'mparativoly small ones , placed across the counter , but they are now almost exclusively placed next the wall. This gives a chance for a much nioro elaborate fountain. Formerly the syrup jars of a soda fountain were all placed in an upright position ; now they are made of glass in the shape of wedges. and lie horizontally , being pulled in and out like draws. The new H.ystom is by far the best , giving a better How and less chance for the collection of sediment , as well as affording room for a very much larger cooler. This cooler consists of a system of inverted saucers of copper covered with block tin , ana containing little Y-shaped pipes , which regulate tlm flow of water and gas. A coil of block- tin pipe underlies this cell system , and the result is that an intense anil equitable coolness is given to the soda passing through. All the outward metallic fix tures of the fountain are of brass or block tin silver plated. HKAUTIKUL ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES. Some of the pieces of apparatus sent out nowadays are beautiful architectural structures , combining the skill of the ar tist and the very best of mechanics. They are made of almost every conceivable kind of marble , and in sonic cases are lit- ted with massive French plate-glass mir ror panels and gas jets otton four or tivc of them. All sorts of scriptural orna mentations are indulged in , and even torra-cotta friezes are inserted in some of them. There are many different varie ties of marble in use , both domestic and imported , and most of them lire very ex pensive. The white Italian is the com monest kind used , but white is rather goimr out of fashion now , and colored marbles are becoming more popular. The most widely used is the Tennessee marble , which is very beautiful stone and as expensive as many of the imported varieties. The most popular foreign mar ble is the Formosa ( "tho beautiful" ) a stone of pretty purple-brown huoslightly marked and clouded , no two shades being alike. The Mexican onyx is the most beautiful and most expensive of all , and is worth twenty-five cents a pound in the block. Jasper is also popular , perhaps because it is suggestive of the New Jerusalem , and coral marble.from the Pacific islands , is also much in favor. Wo also get a good nianv line varieties from Algeria , but most of the foreign marbles come from Italy. America , I should add , also produces' excellent black marble. MAKING THE nEVKHAOE. Now , if you will come down to the basement with mo I will show you how wo manufacture the soda water. The big cylindrical machines you see here are what aru called the generators. They are made of cast iron , and consist of three compartments or chambers. The largest of the three contain marble dust and water , from which the carbonic acid is obtained. The next chamber contains sulphuric acid , the purpose of which is to liberate the carbon in the marble dn t. The third chamber is what wo call the purifying one , and is tilled with water. This removes all the sulphuric acid from the carbon and gas , and makes it abso lutely pure and harmless. Neither marble blo ( fust nor sulphuric acid enter into the so-called soda , but only wholesome and bonolicial carbonic acid gas , which oc curs in largo quantities in various car bonates , limestone and marble being the most common form. One linn in tin city have several "Jumbo" gmiorators , which are capable of filling 100 fountains in a time , or a quantity equal to UO.GOO glasses of soda. After beinir generated , the carbonic acid gas is taken through flexible rubber pipes to the portable foun tains , These are made either of steel or cop per , and are familiar objects to all , whether soda dnnkors or not. Those ves sels have boon previously filled two- thirds full of water , which is violently agitatcit to compel the water to take up the carbonic acid gas. In the process of manufacturing the gas In the generator , a very heavy pressure is developed , which accounts for the necessity of the strong metal of which the fountains are made , Under this enormous pressure the water will take up a great many times its volume in gas , and when the process of filling is completed the fountain , is charged with n pressure of 180 pounds to the square inch. These fountains are all lined with block tin , and are connected by pint's of the same material with the marble . dispensing apparatus. It re quires a large number ot men and tea ma to transport tlieso fountains to .thp differ ent soda water dispensaries each dnv. CAl'SB OF FOUNTAIN T.Xl'l.OSIOXsT The mam requirement in this business is the strength and purity of the sodii water and the strict purity of the syrups used. Explosions of fountains are so rare that wo seldom toke any notice of. them , Defective material is generally the reason of suoh explosions. Tlio-ohiof danger lies from letting the fountains ho in the sun , which will cause a tremen dous. pressure and result in the bursting of the fountain. For this reason copper fountains are the best , for t > 'ey will sim ply rend under such a pressure , while a sti-cl vessel will lly Into a thousand pieces. The amount of capital Invested in the business all around Is enormous , as you will readily see when you rolled that the smallest apparatus in use represents ijwJBO. The popularity of the article is increas ing in a remarkable degree. It enters Into nearly all the popular drinks , such a phosphate , limo juiio , lemonade , etc. Of course , Ihoro is a largo prollt to the retailers , and it Is not less than 100 per cent , but you wouldn't care to drink their concoction. Soda fountains are now to bo found not only in all the drug stores , but in most of the confectionery stores , restaurants and largo retail mer cantile establishments. Northwestern Iron IntcrmtH. St. Paul Globe : The extent and value of the iron deposits of Michigan , Wiscon sin and Minnesota has never been over stated , oven in the most enthusiastic ac counts. Hut the reali/.ation of the latent wealth that is buried in a mineral region requires a longer time and a greater ex penditure of energy and capital than ar dent "boomers" are likely to consider. Some people seem to have forgot ten that there is a limit to the demand for iron ore , and that the magnifi cent veins of hematite around Lake Su perior are to minister rather to the ne cessities of the Twentieth century than ot the nineteenth. However , the cur rent demand justifies a much larger output - i put of northwestern ore than has yet V been attained in any year , and wo are to ( " see rapid increase in production from season to season. The mines are to be operated almost wholly by great syndi cates. On this pojnt the Ago of Steel remarks : "Tho consolidation oF northwestern iron mining Interests goes on apace. Im mediately following the Minnesota Iron company transaction , it is announced that Colby and Ashland properties , the largest and most valuable iron interests in the Gogcbic range , have boon united by the organization of the Consolidated Colby Iron mining company , with a cap ital stock of $10,000,000 , the stock shares of which arc issued to and hold by Charles L. Colby , Edwin H. Abbott and Colgate lloyt , as trustees. The manage ment of the consolidated interests will bo loft entirely to thcso gimtlemon. The mines and realty thus placed under a common head arc , as olsnwhoro indi cated , the Colby and Ashland ; thoTilden , also , which is located on the Colby vein , and 8,000 acres of laud in the 1'enokoo range. The output of iron ore from the three working min-is of the company is estimated at 500,00' ' ) ions for the present year , which will , it is expected , bo in creased to 700,000 tons next year. The Colbv mine now has 1,000,000 tons in sight , and the Ashland , since the - - purchase by the Colby syndicate a few mouths ago has developed to a point even beyond the expectation of these who had been taimlinr with the property. " The progress of these great mining interests is to bo a largo element in the prosperity of the northwest. In this connection it is interesting to note the very heavy importations of iron and steel thus far during the current year. Wo have figures for thn lirst four months , showing in that time the arrival at our ports of ( iOi,807 ! gross tons of iron and steel , valued according to the for eign invoices at $10,000,000. Wo have not the precise figures for May , but it is known that the rate of importation is in creasing from month to month. In March and April alone , nearly two hun dred thousand tons of pig iron , scrap iron and scrap stool were imported , the quantity being about equally divided be tween pig and scrap. These purchases from abroad indicate the present great activity of the American market for iron , and justify the interest that is now taken in the development of our best Ameri can ere deposits. The Army In 1702. From the Washington Star : Major R. II. Hall , Twenty-second infantry , sta tioned at Omaha , has compiled and had printed for private distribution a register of the United States army for January 1 , 1773. A copy of the register has been re ceived at the war department , and nx- cites considerable interest. Mnjor-Gon- cral St. Clair was then gonoral-in-chiof. The army then consisted of ono bat talion of artillery and two regiments ol infantry , and but eighty-two officers , ten of whom were artillery officers. The monthly pay to the major-general was ? tS ! > , with fc'O for forage and fifteen ra tions per day. An otlicor of that rank now receives a monthly salary of $ U25. For clothing each man WUK entitled to receive annually one hat or helmet , one coat , ono vest , two pairs woolen and linen overalls , four pairs shoes , four shirts , two pairs socks , ono blanket , ono' stock and clasp , and ono pair bucKles. The daily ration consisted of 1 pound ol beef or 4 pound of pork , 1 pound of bread or Hour , } gill of rum , brandy , or whisky , or its monev value. For evorj 100 rations a man was entitled to 1 quart of salt , tt quarts of vinegar , 3 pounds ol soap , and 1 pound of candles. In Oregon. ThoRt. Rov. William II. Gross , aroh- bishop of Oregon , in n recent let'.or to a friend in Augusta , ( ! a. , Bays : "I went down to southern Oregon and was within live miles of the boundary between Oregon gen and California. The country visited was pretty wild and thcro was some roughing to do , but it is a beautiful land , splendid range of mountains run through the section and mady of their snow-clad summits look proudly down on valley * of great verdure. The Koguo river and many other delightful streams loud an unspeakable charm to the landscape , Ami to this beautiful region God has given a delicious clliualo. I cannot but often get vexed at the mean names that people will persist in giving to locutions. Wo have here the 'Devil's Hock , ' the 'Devil's Backbone.1 the 'Devil's Pul- pit" and whatnot. It is customary to name favorite sites after a country's heroes what a hero , then , must the devil bo to the poop'.o of Oregon. Com pare these ugly names to the poetic ones given bv Catholics : 'Los Angeles,1 Mount Angel , ' Santa Clara , ' 'Vera Cruz , ' etc. The Jtuvlsod VcrHlnn. Dakota Hell : There was a Iittln occur * renee in Washington last week which KQ far has kept put ot the papers. It hap pened like this : There was a certain senator who sitloth in the high places led up of the spirit into the wilderness to bo tempted of the devil. And the devil took him up into an ex ceeding high mountain and showcth him the fullness thereof below. And ho pointed to many sacks tilled with pieces of silver and much stock , yea , railroad stock and Kteanishlp stock , and Pan.Eloctrio telephone stook , and likewise fat jobs for his family and friends and all the glory of them all. And saitli unto Him : "All these things- will 1 L'ivu tlieo if thou wilt vote aright on my Little Muasuro. " And the bcnator answered and said unto him : "For heaven's sake do not got' behind mo , Satan. And just watch my vote to-morrow and see if it isn't all right ! " \ * * * .