Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Clearing Up the Wheat Wreck and a New
Start Taken ,
A Tninc nutl Uneventful Dny It Trncl *
IIIR Corn nntl OntH Decidedly
Hlloydit nnd I-'Irin Gen
eral Quotations.
CiUCA.00. July 1. [ Special Telegram to
the IIK. ) : | This was the first grand fettle-
in u nt day after the collapse of thn Harper
, wheat deal. This morning somewhere be
tween 3,500,000 and 0,000,000 bushel * of cash
wheat were delivered on 'change In satisfac
tion of July contract' , and after the close of
the regular board this afternoon a lot more
Btartcd out. it Is supposed that considerable
banK wheat was transferred ' 'cross loLs" to
Armour , Allcrton , lltituhinson and other big
carriers. Hlsijuilo certain that neatly the
whole cash protierty was shifted In ono way
or another , ami it does not appear that more
than half of It was clicnlated through the
regular channels , several parties who had
large lines coining to them , not getting any
where near as much as they were prepared
to take care of. There lias probably never
been a time when the receipts were as care
fully assorted as they were to-day , with a
view to the shipment orretentlon of the grain
represented , as the case mav be. Sonieieoolpts
were afloat on which two or three juais
charges Imd accumulated. Against ono lot
of 6,000 bushels there were charges agcrc-
gating 57 > < c per bushel. Tlio dav was of
more Importance from a sentimental point
of view than from any other standpoint.
Historically It must bo regarded asset apart
for a cleaning up of the wreck and lor taking
n fresh start. The day passed oil tamely
and uneventfully. Only a light business
was done In the wheat uit. Everybody
scorned possessed of an iiuuulso to hold oil
until after the Fourth or to go homo oven
with the market There was no Inducement
to branch out. July opened at r/.i = 4'c , ad
vanced Yc. sold down to GUKji.G'J ( ? c , and
closed at take. August ranged hum Tiifc
high to 71 % ( < i7.Jc , and closed at tlio bottom.
September ranged at 74Vuii4c ( aud closed at
The shortage In the hav crop and the pros
pectlvo nigh prices for that staple , together
with the undisputed falling off In the yield
In oats this season , Is giving to the snecu-
latlvo maiket for both corn and oats a de
cidedly buoyant and linn undertone. Al
though corn futures beyond July closed
fractionally lower at 1 o'clock than last
nluht , all montliB wore a little higher at onetime
time , August touching 3c and September
MW&t'-'Mo ' on tlio spilt. While there was
not much urgency to demand In view of the
approaching holiday ! * , there was a good gen
eral and miscellaneous tiado all through.
The majority of room traders aio
now leaning to the bull sldo of corn on the
"legitimate Hltuatlon. " The 1 o'clock closings
were July 'JfiVc , August y7 % ( < W7Jfe , September -
ber ! KiVc , October ! W V. Oats lor July delivery
livery rested at 1 o'clock at IBjfo for August
at 2C > < c , and for September at itfGS'-T c. This
was Just a shade lower than vestorday'tf
latest bids , but during most of the session the
fooling was stronger. Speculative trading
was ou a generous scale and the llucttiatlon
lu values within a narrower range than for
-'f several dajs past. July opened with a strong
In the provision pit , In tlio active lines-
lard and short ribs the bull Interests were
in the majority , and In short ribs there was
another inward turn to prices which closet
7)4 ( < ( lOc blither than last night's range. Lan
oxpeiicnccd no change , though held lirmly
at yostonlaj'H outside quotations. Tills
article. It is claimed , is largely held by a tow
parties and Is being "worked" to the discom
lortof n couple of heavy shorts. In shoi
ribs tbo general speculation was more active
than In lard. Pork was entirely nominal , In
the absence of any disposition to trade. Deliveries
liveries on July contracts were moderate o
lard i nd heavy of short ribs , which won
chanced from July to August at tlio differ
enceof 12 ;
CIIICAOO , July 1. [ Special Telegran
to tlio Bun. ] OATTLK The market wa :
fairly active , with a slight up-turn on sue
native stock as the dressed beef trade an
Shippers wanted that Is , the best dressed
cattlo. Anything not up to that standard , or
anything snowing grass or part grassy feed
ing , was about as low as at any tlaio this
week or last. Home salesmen were of the
opinion that the best corn-fed cattle were
from lOc to 15c hlicuor than a week ago , but
this opinion Is not general , as many good
Judges deny that there was any substantial
advance. The run Is less than last week.
The quality of the stock Is not as good
nnd the number of useful natives
Is much less than avcok ago. Then
shipping orders are equally as heavy
as last week. Texans were scarce and
higher. Native butchers' stoclc was un
changed and prices very low. Sh loping
steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. S3.70@4.50 ; 1BUO to
1850 Ibs , 83.5004.10 ; U50 to 1200 Ibs , 83.20 ®
8.75 : stockersand feeders , 81.85(33.15 ( ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , SW.50M3.00 ; Texas steers ,
S2.60O3.50 ; cows , $2.15(32.70 ( ; bulls SI. 50 ©
3,00.lions Trade was active with Htllo or no
change In prices as compared with yester
day. tbo great bulk of stock selling between
85.05 and 85.10 for mixed , and 85,1 05.15
for either light or heavy assorted. Yorkers
V * ? cost $5.12 ( 5.15 , andthat was also the range
on good butcher weights.
Onloftgo , July 1. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Itocelpts. 7,000 : strong , except for
heavy ; shipping steera. ya204.50 ; tttockcrH
and tneders > 1.N5$3.15 ( ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 8l.50ffl3.00 ; Texans. 81.50(33.05. (
Hogs Heceipts , U'.OOO ' ; strong ; rough nnd
mixed , C4.s54tf5.l2X ; packing and shipping ,
S4.U5&6.15 ; light , 94.MKg5.20 ; skips , 3.00g (
4.70.Sheer > Keclpts , 5,000 ; weaker ; natives ,
2.00Q3.85 ; wesUirn , S3.00C 3.70 ; Texans ,
12.65 ( 3.70 ; lambs , per head , S1.00@4.oo.
National Htook Yards. Kaat 8t ,
lioulB. III. . July 1. Cattle Uecelpt * .
1,100 ; shipments , 1.000 ; stfndy ; cholco heavy
native steers. $4.SO 4.50 ; fair to good ship
ping steers S3.tK4.25 ) ; butchers' sttMirs , fair
to good. Si.flO@4.10 ; ; feeders , fair to good ,
* 3. o&3.00 : stockerg , fair to good , 83.20 3.00.
llogs Receipts , 1,300 ; shipments. 1,100 ;
strong ; choice heavy and butchers' selec
tions , S5.05Q5.15 ; Vorkors and packers , me
dium to prime. S4.b5g5,09 ( ; pigs , common to
good , S4.LOvJ4.SO.
KoiiHaH City , July L Cattle Koceipts
1,800 ; shipments. 700 ; corn-fed lOc higher
grasHors stroouer ; common to choice , corn-
ted. * 3.40 4.15 ; stockers. S2.40@2.bO ; Jeed-
Init steers , S2.00J.2.5 ; cows. Sl.SOuJ'J.N ) .
llocs - - Urcelpts , 0,000 ; shipment * , 4,800 ;
opened steady , closini : strong ; common to
choice , 84.40 r4.tt5 ; skips aud pigs , 3.0J < 3
KBW Vonic , July 1. 1 Special Telegratr
to tbo UKK.I STOCKS The New YorV
stock market opened ragged , n few ot the ac
tlve stocks being fractionally low r , while
the others were better. This being the lasi
trading day until Tuesday , there was a dls
position to go slow and oven up trades.
Many of the best traders gave the marke
little attention and the room presented a de
serted appearance. Hews was scarce , eid
gossip factories failed to keep up their suppl lire ]
of bcnsatlonal stories. The tight money re
Is not over aud the market still id
signs ot stringency , as loans had to be madi
to carry from to-day until Tuesday , but in
rnto higher than 15 per cent was reported in
to 1 o'clock. A new pool was said to havi
been formed witn 20,000 shares ot Mauhattat
at ISO the same price that Gould paid Fieli
for 50.COO shares. The report , however , hai
no effect Gould was reported selling Mis
sonrl Pacific and had bis broxers buying 16-
curltiea of his other roads. Missouri Paelfl
opened .V per cent higher , but declined
point Kansas A Texas broke K , but Tesa
I'aeltte remained steady. The feeling 01
Northwestern and Lake Shore was sironu
Mil prlco changes were unimportant 1'aclti
Mall advanced ; , but dropped l.V per cent.
Lackaw.iuna advanced ? , but broke J < and
rallied to the opening llgure. Western Union
was qulto freely traded In and broke ! / .
New Kngland appreciated IV per centt but
reacted one point. A lanro short Interest
was reported In St. Paul , hut the stoclc only
tno\rd % . There was an azreeable surprise
to theholdeis of cotton tend oil tiusts to see
the earnings for the year crullni : May 31
S''JTO.OOO , and the declaration of a 4 per cent
dividend , parable quarterly. The report ,
however , failed to stimulate tmylnir. , and the
market broke 2Jf per cont. During the last
hour the market was dull , but the fooling
unsettled. Western Union nnd Now Kug-
land dlspla\ed consldeiablo strength and ntl-
vanced % nnd closed linn , the former being
; i and the latter l' ' < per cent bettor than yes
terday. Cotton oils \\oro weak and sold to
10 } nnd closed tame. The total sales were
14' ,2I1 shares.
UoVKUJfMK.VTS Government bonds were
dull , but steady to ( inn.
YisiiillIA\'S : : QUOTATION'S.
tVntial I'.tcltie. . ! W O. T.
Chicago ik Alton. 14S IMclllcMall 4P ( < f
tlo preferred..KiO 1' . , I ) . & K
C. , H. it o )4 ) I'ullmanl'al.Car.lW
I ) . , Iit W istitftHeading 5Ci
I ) . * H.O WX Hock Island . . . .lUfl
Krio St. L. its. F. . .
d < > profened. . . . . _ , do preferred. . . ,
Illinois C" 0. , M. & St. P. . . t *
I. , H. A W 23 do pieferred.22
J St. P. , fc O. . . ,
Lake Shoio do preferred..112J4
L. &N ( M Tex.ts I'acllic. . . . B0' <
Michigan Ceiit'l. . ' . > ofiUnion ! 1'acllia. . . .
Mo. 1'iieilio lOJV. * ; \ . , ou UiV I . . . . jo-v
No. I'.tcliic s : do preferred. . ! W >
do preferred. . . . G ( \V. U. Telcgrap h 77) ) (
* n\tialnterert'st.
tSecond assessment paid.
MONKY o.v CAM. Loaned from 0 per cent
per annum to } $ percent Interest per diem ;
closed nt S per cent bid.
HrKm.T.vo ExoirANon Dull but steady at
34.W foi sixty day bills , and JN.bU tor du-
Chlcnito. July 1. Following quotations
are the a : : Jcloslni ; inures : ;
Flour Oult't ami steady.
Wheat Weaker , averaged lower ; opened
about yesterday's closing , and alter some
fluctuations closed J4'c lower ; cash , CU cj
August , 71 15-inn ; ijuptembor , 74J c.
Corn Moduratdy active and steady :
opened at yesterday's olost , tluctuated within
a ; tfo ratine , and closed k@'fo ' lower for
futures ; cash , KG l-10c ; Au ubt , U7 11-lOc ;
Sentembor , u'Jc ,
Oats Weaker , lower and dull ; cash , 25 > < c ;
Amuist , SOJic ; September , 27 1-lOc.
Kyo-lull at ) c.
Barley Firm at r > 8c for September.
Timothy Mooa Prime , S'-MSQ.J.K ) .
Whisky S1.10.
I'ork Notlqunted.
hard ModeraUily active and firmer ; cash ,
SO.r,7K@J.60 ; August. S0.07 > ia < 3.70 ; Septem
ber , SI.J7K@0.5'I. ) ! '
Bulk Meats-Shoulders. 8).40GIi.50 ; short
clear , S7.U5frtS.OO ; short ribs , 87.W@7.5o.
ButtiT SU-ady and linn ; creamery , 13 ®
lb - . ; dairy , 110 < il3c.
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
Hats , 7 } ( , ( bc ; younj ; Americas ,
Steady at
Hidea-UnchaiiKHd ; heavy green salted 7
lluht do , 7Ji@bc ; salted bull hides , Co ; reen
salted call , 8c ; dry Hint , I2 < 3ite : : dry calf ,
iift6l4c : ; doanona , 40ceach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable ut-lc ; No. Z , ; Jc ; cake , -lc.
UocoUits. Shlpmenta.
Flour , bbls . 17,1,00 UJ.OOO
Wheat , bn . ll.coo 33 , ooo
Corn , bu . laa.ouo
Oats , bu .
llyo , bu . a.OOO 3,000
Barley , bu . 2,000 -
Now Vorlc. July 1. Wheat Receipts.
514.2.V ) ; exports , 'J65.500 ; spot lots of sprin
steady , winter grades more or less nominal ,
options very Irregular ; July opened linn am
advanced l&c , closing with a reaction of % c
later months closing a trille lower , after
opening 'f@ ? e better. Ungraded red , 87(3 (
( We ; No.J ; red. tGc ; No. 1 red , nominal ; No.a
red , S5X@SOc in elevator for car lots ; Au
gust closing at B4oc
Corn Spot steady and only moderately ac
tive ; options & @ &c lower , closing steady ;
receipts , 05.000 ; exports , 10,000. Ungraded ,
45K@47c ; No. 2 , 45c lu elevator , 4ii # @
40 , < 8'e delivered ; August closini ; at 4Gc.
Oats KQXo higher ; receipts , 78,000 ; ex
ports , none : mixed western , SU < a35c ; white
western , 87jj41c. (
Petroleum Steady ; United , ClJ/c.
Eggs Easier with moderate demand ; west
ern , i4XliHc.
Pork bull and nominal.
Lard Higher ; western steam closing at
Hutter Quiet : western , 10@l8c ; western
creamery , I5@19c.
Cheese Stronger and In fair demand ;
western , CJ TJic.
Minneapolis , July 1. Wheat Strong ;
No. 1 hard , July , WJic ; August , 74c ; Sep
tember. 75J c ; No. 1 northern , July , 71Jio ;
August , 7ac ; September , 74 ; No. S northern ,
July , COJfc ; August , Tie ; September T-'fc.
On track : No. 1 hard , 74ri74Kc ( ; No. 1 noith-
ern , T.i@7ikfc : ; No. a northern , 7l@71Ke.
Flour ( Julet ; patents , S4.10@4.Uo ; bakers' ,
Koceipts Wheat , 4C.OOO bu ; flour 125 bbls.
ShipmentJ Wheat , aa.000 bu ; llour , 80,500
Milwaukee. July 1. Wheat -Quiet ;
cash , 71c : August , 72 > < c : September , 71 > 4'c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , SOKc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 81c.
Hye Dull ; No. 1. 56Kc.
llarloy Strong ; September , 07c.
Provisions-Firm , Pork July , 814.50.
Cincinnati. July 1. Wheat Heavy ; No.
2 red , 75c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SOjfc.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 2U ) c.
Hje-Dull ; No. 2. 50c.
Pork-Quiet at 815.00.
Lard Good demand aud higher at SG.05.
WhlHlty-Klnn at 81.05.
St. Ixiuls , July 1. Wheat Dull and
lower ; cash , 73c ; AmruiU TO'fc.
Corn Steady ; catili. 8.5c ; Augustt4 ! , c.
Oat8-Ste dy ; cash. 2 % @a c ; August , 24c.
Pork StronK at 815.00.
Inrd-Strong at 50.30.
Whisky 81.05.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 15@18c ; dairy
Afternoon board Wheat dull and easy
July TC e. , August 73J c , September 75ic.
Corn dull ; July SJJ/c. August l > 4'c , Septem
ber ! \c. Oats nothing done.
K&titfaa City , July 1. Wheat No. 1 , red
O.5c bid.
Corn No.2 cash and July , 2S } c ; Augusl
Oata No transactions.
litvrrpool , July I. Wheat Flat , demand
, poor ; holders sell freely ; California , 7s IW < 3
; 7s lOd per cental : red western , spring. 6s 7ii
- dtfisSd per cental ; do winter , 6s tkltjGs 9d
Corn Dull ; demand poor ; now mixed
western , 3s HVid ccr cental.
Now Orlenim , July 1. Corn Unsettled
generally lower ; mixed , 4Se ; yellow , 4Sfs (
4Uc ; white. M < 55r.
Oats Qnlct and steady at
Cornmeal-Steady at S'i'JS.
Hog Products Klrmer , but not quotabl ' l )
higher ; pork , 815.00 ; lard , relined , tierce
Friday , July 1.
- Cat lc.
. . The receipts of cattle were liberal for thl
time of tlio week aud the Aame as yesterday
- There were diuto a good many western cattli
! In and some very good natives. One buncl
went at 1.10 , which la higher than anythlni
foi homo time.
The receipts of hogs were also liberal Idd
the same as yesterday. The nuirkrt openet
dull and the buyers were all homing back
IP A llttlu later In tlio morning It livened k.IP
and the pns were soon cleared. The mar
kct waabteady with yebtoj-day.
There were none lu and nothing doluz.
s- Kccelpta.
- Cattle. 00
Hogs . . 1,50
i Uo.-so.l . ' 20
ShonluK the prevailing price * paid for llvi
itockou tul * mirket :
CUolceateew , lW ' "X ) Ib3.4.00@110
Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . S.PO@J.OO
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.50M3.W
Kxtra choicocows and heifer ? . . . . 3.1VW3.23
(5ood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.Vil' > .00
Common to medium cows 2.2Vt2.W
( lood to choloo bulls. 2.7VUH.OO
lilghtand mediumhoKa 4. " > ( 4.fV >
( ! O < M ! to choice heavy hogs 4.,0 , 1.75
Oood to choice mixed hogs. , . 4.C5 ; < 41.70
Itcprcscntnttvo Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
21. . . 110 ! SH.IV ) ' . > 3..14r , ' . > S3.75
07. . . . HIM 3.r- U..U10 3.M
10..11iS 3.70 r.1410 4.DO
1..11W 3.70 55..1414 4.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..11S ) S..GO 0. . . 818 3.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
: ) . . . . HinHl.iVJ so1).32.1 ) WO SI.M
74..UN WXJ 4.Vi 05..3.K l.W
72..1UJm 4..5 73..2J.I 40 4.05
fiJ..2.Vl 240 4.lfl HI. . . ! M4 120 4.M
Ob..223 100 4.W 71..2.II N ) 4.tV >
0 . . .2.r > 5 4.00 G0..2UO 40 4.07
70..2.7J 200 4.00 r'J..SiS 210 4.nT'l '
O.i..2.2 ! 1CX ) 4.IM ) 04. . . 2W ( ICO 4.70
Ml..IWa ! ! 4.00 : ! . . . . 4.70
00..229 W 100 OI5..2SO 240 4.70
00.'ill 120 4.0 ( ! i..2IS ll-O 4.70
07..221 13) 4.CO 76. . .SOU W 4 TO
OS..2-J1 40 4/X ) 5'l..2ni : tx ) 4.70
7fi..250 : 0 4.iil ( 'JO..21C ' 40 4.70
M.'fi ) 2 0 4.O. . 70..2.V1 4.70
Kt , . . .200 bO 4.115 0l..25"i ! 4.70
fill . . .2J 2 tO 4 05 M. . . .217 120 4.70
04..Col M ) 4..5 ( C'J . . .271 40 4.70
70..22U 10 ! ) 4.05 00..2S2 bO 4.70
OS..210 80 4.05 01..Tit 120 4.70
OO..S53 N ) 4.M ( f,0..i0'J ; 100 4.70
78..2J7 100 4.0" C-i..yJi - 4.70
OH..2WI310 4(5 ( TJ..2.,9 120 4.70
5U . . .H03 120 4.05 03..27 ! ! bO 4.70
07. . . . 3V ) 120 4.05 Ci..37'i bO 4.70
70..2' > S 100 4.0.- I . . . .3. > 1 120 4.70
J..2.17 120 4.05 OJ..210 120 4.15
71..352 100 4.M ( 111..305300 4.75
71..350 UW 4.0,5 Ol.07'ill : ! ) 4.75
72..2.17 2 ) 4.05 57.'Jb7 120 4.75
OS..3.KI 100 4.05 r.l."N50 40 4.75
C2..247 UO 4.05 7S..25S 4.75
Ijivo Stuck Sold.
ShowIngtliH number of head of block sold
on the maiket to-day
O. II. Hammond it Co 2J2
Local 10
Total 252
lions ,
Anglo-American Packing Co 3.4S7
( J. II. Hammond < te Co .WJ
Squires Ac Co 1145
Llpton GU5
Total 5,740
Showing tlio number o ( cattle. 11021 and
sheep shipped Irom the yards dunug thu diy.
No. cars. Ht. Dest.
17 C. , B. itQ Chicago
SO .K. 1. Joliet
All sales ot stoclc in tins mirkot are made
per cwt live weight unless otliurwiso stated.
Dead hogssullat lie per ll > . for all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Proliant sows are dockoJ 10 lot
and stagsSOlbs. by thouablle luspoctor.
Iilvo Stock. Notes * .
Hogs steady.
Hogs all sold.
Cattle stronger.
James Skerring came in aud sold a load of
J. M. Craig , Plattsmoiith , was at the yards
and sold two loads of cattle.
C. C. Clifton , Wahoo , was hero and mar
keted a car of c.ittlo and ono of hogs.
J. E. Thompson , Council Ululfs , was over
with two loads of hogs which bold on the
Among those In was J. F. Kosiler , O.iK-
laud , Neb. , who marketed lour loads ot eat
tie and ono of hogs.
Mr. Tomson , of the linn of Tomson S
Cook , was in and maiketed two loads of
lies , trom Wakelield.
Michael Ctulahav , of Armour & Co. , Chicago
cage , manager of Ai mom's ' packing houses ,
was among the visitors at the j arils.
Mr. Scnnr. | of the linn of Spenser &
Capo , Foil Collins , well known cattle men ,
was lu with four loads of cattle. Ho reports
the feed on the range all dried up.
Tlio following petition was presented to
the stock yards company and will explain
itself :
\Ve , the undersigned commission men ,
doing business at tlio Union stock yards ,
South Omaha , desire a holiday on the Fouith
of July , 18S7 , and request you to look both
Bcalo houses from Saturday night to Tuesday
morning , and allow no business to be done
other than taking care of what stock may
UIIOWN , PAUKirunsT & Co. ,
SAVAOIStkllltKhN ,
Hom.NK , WAOUONUH & Co. ,
McCi.oui ) , LOVK & Co. ,
JiYKltB & P All lllt&OX : ,
WOOD Uitos. ,
CLVY , KoniNboN & Co. ,
A. D. UOYRII te Bio. : ,
LoidMKit , it Co. ,
A. F. OKKY & Co.
According to the desire of the commission
men doing ouslness nt the Union stock yard
at South Omaha , the scales will bo locket
from Saturday night until Tuesday uioruln
July 0. J. F. liovn , Superintendent.
General I'rodttoe.
Friday. July 1.
JVic foUowInu arc the prices at which
round Intaofpiinluce nrc soM In tnit jinir-
ttet.fie / quotatlonx < ni fruits nntl titlier
cotnmmUtlct / ; > pc < l In f rum n dlslimcr nra
tlie iwlcfviut which outftblc onlcrx iiro tillctl :
Euos 'Iho market is about steady at 110
ISc.BUTTEU The receipts are liberal and In
excess of the local demand : creamery , 15 ®
I7c ; dairy , choice , 10@l-c ; dairy , good , Wit
lOc CIIKKSK. Full cream eheddars , single ,
0) ) < c ; full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Young
Americas , lie : fancy Swiss , -"Oc ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25cLlmburger , 12o ; brick , lliglGc.
POTATOES , Stock of all kinds Is scarce.
Old potatoes are going at 90@S1.00 , accord
ing to quality. New potatoes at&lc
per Ib.
, POULTIIY The receipts are fairly llbcrag
There are a good many very small sprin :
; chickens coming In which are slow sale ;
. chickens , old , $2.75(33.00 ( ; spring , large , & 2.50
32.75 ; spring , small , 91.75 ( 2.35 ; pigeons
75(31.00. (
sunolv of raspbeines and blackberries Is
very limited , liluoberrles are more plenti
ful. Stiawberrles about played out. Cher
ries scarce and wanted. Peaches from the
south arriving mostly in bad condition ; Call
fornia stock more desirable. Some box ap
it ples arriving. Black laspuerrlcs , jwr
24 qt cane 4.40 ; red raspberries , per
24 nt case , S3.00aa25 ( : blackberries ,
t per 24 qt case , 85.00 ; blueberries , per
i bu stand , S3.o6@4.00 ; blueberries , ber 12
qt box , S1.50@1.75 ; plums , per one-third bu
' box , 1.25 ; peaches , southern , per half bu
* box , 81.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box ,
75 ; apples , per bbl , S.T.CO.
VKOKTAIII.KS Now potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
3 ® J fo ; now onions , per bbl , S3.50per bu box ,
81.50 ; cabbage per crate , 54.00 ; tomatoes ,
per X bu. box , S1.25 ; tomatoes , per crate
box , S2.SO.
LEMONS Extra fancy , per box , $7.00 ;
5 boxlots , SG.50 ; fancy. gO.rX ) ; choice , iS.OO ;
Choice , 5 boxlots , St.50.
UANANAS , ETC. Choice stock , SS.OO M.OO.
C > i.iKoii.MA FIIUITS llartlett iwars are
expected to arrive about J uly 1st. Apricots ,
, per'20 11) box , SI.75 : plums , per 20 Ib box ,
lo 81.75 ; prunes , per 20 Ib box , S1.75 ; peaches ,
per 20 Ib per box , 81.75 ; Uartlott ptars , per
40 Ib box , $3.50 ; red Astrachan apples , per
box , S2.50.
WATRIIUELOXS The first car load of
Georgia wattermelons Is due on the 27th
inst Watermelons , Georgia , per 100. § 35.
d OIIANOKS The market Is bare to-day.
. Itlverslde Mediterranean Sweets , per box ,
S.\005 ; box lots , 84.75 ; Santa Ana , 84.50 ; 6
- box lots , 54.25.
Gonernl Markets. > * OMC
VAUNISJIKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.OO ;
coaeb , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan. 70c ; aspiialtum ,
00 extra , 85o ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil tinsh | ,
wo 9i.oO
DRY PAINTS White lead.Tc : French zinc ,
12e ; Paris whiting. 205 whftlng , ullders ,
We ; whltlne , eom'l ' , l > < c ; lampblack , Uer >
mantown , V.'c : lampblack , ordinary , he ;
Prussian blue , ( So ; ultramarine , Ibc ; Vandyke
brown , tic ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , ic ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : slpptia , raw , 4c ; ParU
preen , genuine. 25c ; Paris green , common ,
2Jc ; chrome green. , N. 1 , 20c ; vetmllllon ,
American , Ibc ; Indhtn , raw and burnt
umber , 1-lbcaii' , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna
12c : Vandyke brnwn. 13c ; relined lanii- )
black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black lOc ;
drop blacx , lOc : ultramarine blnck , P-c ;
chrome green , li. , M. A I ) . , ICc ; blind and
shuttercreon , I , . , \I , A : ! ) . , lOo ; Paris green ,
BOc ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red IHj ; Tus
can , 22c ; American vermllllun , L. A ; 1) . , 20c :
yellow ochre , 2c ; I > . M. A : O. I ) . , IS : ; good
ochre , lOc ; patent tlrjcr , 8c : graining color ,
light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , 12c.
Iuro ) AND Cur.MirAi.e. Acid cartxillc ;
Wc ) ; acid tartarlc , r > 'c ; copaiba , per ll > , i
dOcj balk sasafraS' * , per Ib , lOo ; calomel , ) ier
Ib , 7bcchlnchonldia ; , perez , 2. ' > 3chlorotoim ; ,
per Ib , 50c ; Dover's powdery , per Ib , 51.25 ;
p | ) , om salts , per Ib , "Kc ; glycerine , piuc , per
Ib , 0o ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 30ej oil , castoi ,
No. 1. per gal , il.OO ; oil , castor , No. 3 , per
gal. S1.40 ; nil , oll\e , per gal , S1.4U ; oil , nrg. |
annum , wc\ \ opium , ? < .fiO ; ( | iiliiiiie , 1' . AV. .
illldH. AS. per n70c ; | ioto-suiu | , iodide ,
pel Ib. ? 3.35 ; sillcln. tier nr. 40c ; suinhato
morphine , 1'i'foyM.rj ; sulphur , per lb,4p ;
strychniiii' , i > ero31.10. .
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P
Gi c : white luad , St. l.oitls pure. 7c ; .Mar
seilles , green , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; Freueh 7lnc
gieen seal , 12c ; Fieneh 7lne , red seal , lie ;
Freneh zinc , In varnish as > < * t. , 20o ; Fieneh
/Inc. 75oermlllloii ; , Kngllsh , In oil. 75e ;
led , lOo ; ro oiilnk , ! * ; Venetian red , Cook
son's , 2j4'c : Venetian red , Amcrlcin , IKe ;
red lead , 7l c ; chiome > ellow. genuine , 20e ;
cluoum yellow , 1C. , I2c ; ochre , rochelle , ! ! e :
ot-liro , Trench , 2'4c ; ochie , American l c ;
Winter's mineral , 2Kc : Lrhigh blown , 2 > c ;
Spanish brown , " c : Prluco'.s mineral , I'c.
SIMIIITS Cologne spirits , ibS pioof , 5:1.10 ;
do 101 ptoof , il.U ; smrlts , second ( malicy ,
101 proof , St.10 ; do Ib'j ptoot.Sl.O'J. Alcliohol ,
iss proof , & 2.10 iwr wine gallon , lleilist lleil
whiskies , S1.00@I.BU. din blended Sl.WGS
2.00 ; Kentupkj bourbons , S2.OOdtO.00 ; Ken-
tuekv and Pennsylvania ryes , jJ.nociTn.fiO ;
( ioldi'ii Slient bouillon niul rye whiskies ,
SLOW-CO. Branille.s. importt-d SJOOa8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.Aaa.oo. ! ( im < . Imported , SI.50
OtO.UO ; domcMle , fcl.2.X 3.uO. Champngtics
Imported , per eate , S2S.OU@3).00 ) ; American
jier ease , S10.UO@10.00.
KHnir.s Gieen hutcheis' , O' ' tlOa ; green
cured , 7'c ' ; dtvlllnt , lir > ? J2cdiy : salt , 0@lOe :
crcen calf hkins. be ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow 3 ; . Gre.i o Pilmo
white , 'ic : jellow. 2c : brown , 1'fc. Sheep
pelts , 25'it,7..o.
HIAVI : llAittiwAUK--Iron , rate 52.79 ;
plow steel , special cast , I' c ; crucible stei'l ,
OJijc ; ca-.l tools. < lo , 12t7)l1-c ( ) ; wagon spokes ,
JKT set , SilKKga.SO ; hubs , per set , S1.25 ; lel-
lees , sawed , itiy , Sl.OO ; tongiius , each , b9c ;
a\les. each , 75e : sijuaio nuti , pel Ib , 01J71c. (
coil chain , per Ib. oKrfiic ( : ; malleable. b@lOc ;
iron wedgi-s , ( lc ; crowlnrs , Oe : harrow teet h
4c ; spring steel. 4f 5c ; Btitden's dors' ?
shoes , Si.75 ; Biiulen's initln shoes , ? r > .75.
Barbed wire. In ear lots , Sl.OO per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , S2.00 ; steel nails
Grucer'H lisf.
CorKi.i : Ordinary grades , liiSfC-O' c ; lair ,
20 21e ; prime. 21(323 ( ; choice , 2Jfe2l ; taucy
gieen and yellow , 23@35c ; old government
lied Cross , 2 > ; 4e.
SVRUi' No. 70 , 4-sallon kegs , S1.2SQJ1.80 ;
Now Orleans , per gallon , 35glOe ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time. " pi'r gallon , 70c ;
1'gnllon cans , per doSlO.tO ; halt gallon
cansper tlo7 , $5.00 ; quart cans SH 00.
CANDY Mixed , 8) < ; < 3 > iic ; stick. HM@'J ) e.
CitACKiits : Oiarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4 e : cieams , S c ; ginger s > naiisSMc ;
city soda , 7Hc.
Pici < ir. : . Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do in
halt ) ! ) ! , 00 ; sm-tll , in bbb , SS.OO ; do , in
liall bbls , SI..10 ; gherkins , in bbls , ,1'J.O'J ' ; do ,
in halt bbls S"-00.
Si'OAii-Craniilated.OV OMc ; conf. A,05i
O'c ; wlilte extra C. 'iX'.t.e . ; extra C. 5k@
5 c ; yellow ( ' .5'4Ci50t ; ; cut loat , 0 @OKc ;
powdered , CM&ie.
CANNP.II IOODS Oysters , staudaid , per
caso. S2.KM'J,10 ! ) ; btiawbeitles , 2 Ib. per case ,
S2.30 ; laspberrlos , 2 Ib. per case , SJ.25@2.ri ;
Calltornia jieais , per case , S4.W ; apricots ,
per case , g..50 ! ( : ! .00 ; peaches pereis , SI.'O ' ;
white chenies , pel case , S" > M ; plums , per
c.ise , S:1.50 : ; blueberries , per case , 81.H" > ; egg
plums , 2 hi. pci case , S2.5U ; pineapples , 2 Ib.
pel ease , ii.20 : ( 5.75 ; 1 Ib. mnekei.'l , per do/ ,
Sl.t5 ; ; 1 Ib. salmon , perdue , Sl.5' ' ) ( < ri.55 : 2 Ib.
Kooseberries , per ease , S1.75 : 2 Ib. strliu
beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
case , Sl.fiO ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case ,
S3.40tg2.50 ; 2 Hi. eaily Juno peas , per case ,
t2-J5 ; a ID. tomatoes , S2.50 ; 2 Ib. coin ,
Dry Ijiiiulicr.
rt'ii ' ft'io ' tt'id ' rt'so ' ft'22 ' ft'si ' ft
4x6 17.5U 17.BO 17.60 1S.SO 111 S0.02.60'2J.50 '
2x2 17.50 17.50 I7..W1H.5UIU 60 22.60.S3.50
17.70 17. M 17.5J
2x10 I7.M 17.M 17.60 18.50 1K.WI i.5U 22.60
IK.OU Iti.OU IV.OO U.UO&i.6U , -4.W
t8.iV ) I8.fi0 w.6o 20 no'M.oo ' : Zt 00
No. 1 , com , sis . SlO.Og
No. 3 , com , s Is . 17.50
No. 4 , com , s 1 s . ia.50
No. 1 , 4&Cin , 12 Ac 14 U , rough . 510.00
No. 2 , " " . is
A , 12 , 11 and 1C ft . 522.00
B , " " " . -'O.M
0 " ' " . . . . . . 15.00
] > , " " . W.UO
1st com , % lu White Pine Coiling . S-T4.00
Clear , ? in. Norway PmoCeillng . 10.00
A 0 Inch white pine . 5 1.50
0 " . ; w. ( > o
K" " " " ( SelFen'g ) . 1U.50
A 12 inch s. 1 s . S40.0C
No. 1 , com. 12 in s. I s. , 12 it 14 . 20.0C
" " in ft . i .o <
No. 2 " " " 12t24tt . 1SUK
" " 10 It . 17.0C
1st and 2d , clear , Itf Inch , s. 2 s . 550.CC
il , cleat , 1 lucli.s. 3 s. , S4V. l1 , IK , - In 47.0C
B select , l inch , s.3 .S.SK ; ) ; 1)4 ) , i > 4 , 2 lu : n.oc
resT .
White cedar , 0 In. , } $ s. , 12Kc ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ,
end oil akin diseases. A new method ol torn-
pouncllup Tar. A Cure Rtiarantpml , or money
rnfimdpii. Hold bydrncKlnts. and nt tue oQlcoof
TAR-OID CO. . 73 BANWIPHST. CUIUQO. 1'rlcc , 1 ,
RESTORED. Arlctlmo
T uuthful linirniIcD3rrauilnrt |
. vvj nuvrn remwiv , has dlncmrrcrt a ulmplu
Mlf-cura , which lie wttl ? n < l FKK E to hl follow sutTwpr' .
44 < tnm U J. 1C JLSON , Port Office Cbi S17 J. New York Cil >
oni or
_ * nnuuut.ini < ) , foottliscurrtnti of
kctnc--KYJI V Itrdlrecllr through all weak ptm.rettor *
ing thcm v Vr to health and Vlporuui Strength. blerUlo
Current 'VVJ f'UiniUiitlr or wcf rfeit 4tCO la cull.
Orchtett ImpryTf nunn ortt til other * ts. Wont raid per *
mintntly rurfcl In trir etnonibi. Heated jiamphlot4c. ttmp
The Sandon Electric Co. IC9 LaSalic t. Chiciy
Decker Brothers
\ \ 111 tlnd Just what they need A FU LL L | N E
iu > INSTALMENT TRADE , by udantiing
I.NSTALHK.M iTEiithb' ' . '
fcLU'LV Co. , We. 1'u
. IllailuujL ul < ( ii > itll.ain by lit Hixrulnm ,
fcYOM ' * " -
4HKAbVi | 02 UU'
Arrive I.WHO
Omaha Omaha
Depot 10th and Piereo sts.
I'ncllic Kxpress 7.Vam : ) SM : pm
Doiner Kxprcss 5:00 : pm 10.M : nm
* Local Krpre < j 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
n. * M. H. it. it.
Depot loth mill I'aoiUc sU.
Mall ami Kxpii-ss 10:05 : nin
10:00 : am 7:43 : pm
0. II. * Q. U. K.
Depot 10th and I'-t-lliosti.
JMiill and Kxpress I 0:20 : nm 0:00 : pm
Chicago UxpieiS | ( l5piu ;
K. r. st. j. & c. n. :
Dciot ) 10th and l'Acilic- t
Express UOnin 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. & O.
DepotlSthand Webster st.
Sioux City Express * 4:45pm : :15 : nm
Banerott Express 10lO : ui :45 : pm
llhilr Pas-eiiger :40pm : DIM pm
* E\cent Smithy
Depot iMIinnitVft > terst
1 ) .iy Kx nrrM f.2.-iamll:10 : am
Nlnht Kxpu'ss f'o : : pm :10 : pm
Lincoln E\wesis 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm
llunnlm : between Council Hltiffsaml South
Omaha. In addition to thu station * men
tioned , trains Mop , U Twentieth and ' \\enty- 1 -
fourth streets , and rvt Summit , In Omaha.
\ \ estiva rtl.
i Omntiu.lSliO.1iTrh (
Oils t' > :3 : >
7:05 : 7:17 : 7i :
8:05 : 8:17 :
UU"i : l':17 ' :
loo.-i : 10:17 :
HU : ) 11:17 :
rjin ; r > : i7
1:0' : . 1:17 :
a:0'i :
:05 :
4:0. : 4:17 :
I Leave I Aril\e
LINES Transfer Tntn.le
depot depot
c.n. i. &p.n 0-50 n m
All Trains am Dally. ! l : 10 a m 5:2.1 :
0 111 D m 7uo :
C. N. W.
fiir ; am 0ra :
Alltrainsrun daily. . . .
0:40 : p m 7:00 : p m
C. B. & Q.
All trains run dally. . . . ] ; *
C. M. A St. P.
All trains run dally. . . . . | 0:15 : n m 0:15 : a ra
0:40 : i > m 7:00o : m
K. C. St.I. AC. B. I
"Except Saturday. 10,00 mtO:35ara :
tExcept .Monday. * 3:55pm : 5:30 : p
W. St. It. & P. '
Alltrainsrun daily . . ' 215 ; pro 12:15 pm
s c. & P !
All trains run dally : 7:05 : a m : a m
0:25 : u m :50pm :
Th only road to tnfce for Dos Molnea Mnr-
rhnlltowa , C dar Rnnlds , HlBtin , Ulxoa , Chic *
RO , Milwaukee nnd all points rust. To the pec *
iilo of N hrn8kn , CVildrmlo , Wyomlnsr , Dt h
Iiinho , Nevadn , Orcpon , Wnshlnirton "nil Cull-
foriiln , it off * f > iiiorior | ndrantatres not possi
ble liy Any otbor lino.
Amonv a few of the numerous point * of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this rooi ;
lietweenOmt na nrt rhloapo , are Its two tritlni
ndnjr of DAY COACHK9 , which are the Hn .
Unit humnn art and In oniiity can oreato. It *
I'AI.ACJRBliRBPlNa CAltS , which are model !
of comfort and olecraiiee. Its I'AltLOIt I ) II AW.
ING ItOOM CAltS , UDStiri > ta $ < i by an * , and Its
widely oelebrBt < Kl 1'ALATIAr , DINJM. OAKS
tno < xiial ) ( if which cannot bu found oleoirhern
At Council niulTH the trulns of thelTnton I
Kr connect In Union Depot with thone of thu
ruk'Hiro& Northwi-itoin Iv ( In Chlcnjco th *
trnms of thli Unit innke clone connection with
thoae f all eastern llnoa.
For Dntrott , rnlumhiis , indlmmpolls , ClDcln-
nati , Niagara /alls , Buffnlo. Pltumirv.Toronto ,
Mnntreal , [ kxton , Now Vorx , I > hUadelphla ,
naltlmor * . Washington nnd all point ! m tin
east , a k for a ticket via thn
If you wish th bent aeooinmodation. All ticket
aponu Mil tickets via this line.
UenL Manarer. PaM'r Ay nt
Chicago , III.
Welters Apant , , City Pms'r Acat.
Oinaho , KobniBka.
Chicago , Milwaukee SSI , Paul By
The IScst llonte from Omaha and
Council Jtlnffn foj
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Blulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarUapids
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvii'e ,
He'oit , Winona , La Crosse ,
Antl all other importimt points E at , Nottliciiet
mid HoutliL'int.
1'or throilKh tickets call on the ticket niront
at II U I'tinum. et , In I'axlon hotel , or ut Union
1'uclflo ilopot.
I'lilliuHn Sleepers niul the finest D nlntr Cars
In thu world iiro run on the mil in limu" the
ChlcuRO , Milwiuikco A : St. 1'uul Itiillwuy and ev
ery ultuntlnii Is p ld to pu Miitfera by courtu-
otitiimploeos of tbo company ,
H. Mn.t.Kit. ( iencral Miinuncr.
J. F. TuCKi.ii , AHsletnntUunorul Manntror.
A. V. It. OMU'KNTtit , Conen\l ! I'aBScnk-ur and
Ticket Agent.
QEO. B. IlKArronn , Assistant Ocnurftl Tauuu-
Ber and Ticket AKCU | . .
J. I'.CutUK , ttuueral Suporlotond
Omaha Jours' fllrecfagy
Agricultural Implements.
Wholr l0to1erln
Agricultural Implements , VTneons ,
Crjrl iiP < niiJ lliiiKtm. Jnncn Urcot , t lwe n Mb
unit IOtbOiu liii , K b.
Ad'icultnrnl Implements ,
i' . Iliuelp * . Ete. , Wholesale , Om h .
Whole 1e Dolors In
Acrtruhnrnl Implements.
Artists' Material.
A. IIOSPE , , rn. ,
Artists' Material * . Pianos niul Organs ,
llt nouclm Street. Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ancf Scales.
g'Hnrd ware * SMloKi'pnh * Shop
Nechnnlcs'Tooliiuirt liufMo Smlo * . l vi Dougltit it. ,
( tninhn. Ncti.
foots and Shoes.
ir. r. MOJISE , c co.
Jobbers of Hoots nml Shoes.
Hit rarnannt.Oninhn. N b. Mnnufnctorj , Kumtnot
Hub bur HooH ami Shoes
Itulilior nnil HlltMl l KitliliiKuul HM llotiti
and Shoes , tfoutbeast Corner UtU unU
STO1M .1 * 1LEK ,
Lnjror Iteer llrowera ,
15JI North I'lh 'irppt. Omahn , Net * .
Butchers' Tools.
llutrliers' Tools and S
? Ufnio Cnilnn * of nil Mnd nltrnjrsln alock. 1215
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Corrvo and Spice SHUs.
TcisOorco ( ( , Pplre . Making I'owdnr , Flirorlne
IractB , 1 jiundrjr IIluo. Ink , Ittr. UU-lf. Hurro ?
htrt'CI.Oninha. > ob
* : AG L E
John Eponctcr , 1'rop.
llannfneturor of C.nlMtnlrprt Iron enl Cornice. R3
nd 10.1 nnil HIS N , lOtli t. . Omalm , Ncti.
ManufRrtitrert of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices.
Dormer Windows , Klna'n.MelallrSkjrllght.etc. ' 810S.
1211 tl.Onjithn.
C. Specht , Prop.
Qalvanlicd Iron Cornice * , etc. 8icct'iilmproTd | Pat
ent MeHillrHkrllKht. 'OS HiidSlfl S lilh n..Oninli .
Jobber * or
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , BUSTS ,
Linoleum * , Matting ! . Ktc. 1511 Donclai Itrert.
Crockery and Notions.
Jkgentlor 'hRMxinfncturcrsnnd Importcrnof
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmp > , Chimneys , etc. Office , 817 South 13th et.
Uuiulia , M b.
Mammoth Clothinp ; House ,
Corner 1 .iriinm and Tontli Sirecti , Oin.iliu , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Hatter. KUBS and I'roduco. Conslsnm n ( solicited.
llcuilqunrteri for HKinewaro , llerry lloxca nnil
( irnpu llniketi. 1411 Ilodge street , om hi.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
ppcclultlcs Huttcr. KiK , ChPcuc , Poillry , Game.
OjPtiTS , etc. , etc. 113 8. ilth Ht.
Commission Iferchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTliloni , Oniah * . Neb.
CO. ,
Frodnco Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Uame , Kmln. etc. HO B. lltbil
Draaha. Neb.
Coal ancf Lime.
. j./.iiAUM , I'rei" . C. F. QoonHAX , V. Pl l.
J. A. NUNDlKt.ANn , Sec. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3LTJ South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
jr. ,1. , roii\soA" aco. . ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Llmo.
And Shlpnora of Coal anil Coke , Cement , Platter ,
IJnio. lUIr , Hr nrlck , Ilrnln. Tile anil SewprPipe.
( inico. I'-irton Hotel. Karnnm ft. , Omitba , Nub.
Ti'lpnnoiK ) sll.
Confectioner/ .
Manufacturing : Confectioners ,
Jobber ! of KniltNutB and Clean. 1211 Karnam St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouni and Ammunition , 215 to 123 S. Ilth it. , 10)0 to
lull Karnam t..Om h , .Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Clears ,
And Wholesale Dealera In Irfaf Tobacco , Noa. 108
anil 110 N. Mth atrvet , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITJf < f > CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fumishinp ; Goods & Notions
110 ! and 1104 Duuslai , cor. Ilth St. , Omaha , Nab.
bliuMora of Mquon , AlcnhnI and Fplrltt. Importer *
aud Jobbers of Wlncauml l.lquort.
CO. and ILElt .K CO. ,
Importer * nnd Johberrof Fine Wlnra and I.lnunrB.
Bolu in nnf < eiur8r > or Kenned' ' * Kail India Ult-
terminU IXiiuit'lcUiuorB. | 1112 llarney M.
'lEY S
Wholesale Ucalei a In Furniture.
Farnam ft. . Omaha , Neb.
Furniture , Hoddinff , Upholstery ,
Mlrrort , etc. 1200,1208 and lyiO Fnrnam t. , Dmnha.
f ' ' . . - . "
Groceries ,
, : ) ,
Wliolcsalo Groceries and 1'rovlsioiiH ,
NOJ. Mm. 7(0and711 ( S.lOth rit , Omnhii. Neb.
Wliolesalo Grocers ,
Kin and I.eavonirnrth nt . , Otnnhi.
Jobbers of Hnrdwaro and Nnils ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Am-nti for IIowo iJcal
ami Ularnl PuwJerCo. , Omaha , .Nub.
w. j
Ilcavy Hardware , Iron unil Steel ,
Bprlngi , W cnn Stock. } lardwarn Lumber , etc. VfR
anil 1211 lUrner ft. , Omalm.
KDNEY 0 ClltJiOX ,
Wliolcsalo Iron uml Steel.
Waion and Carrliizi ) Wood atork , HcHrr H rc1w ri
Ktc. HIT anil Ui l.euyc'uwortli > t. . tlmalm , Neo. l
Stoves , Ranerc , Furnarpa , Tllrs ,
Jlanll , Untta , liraii ( loodt. liM aud 13ZJ Farna
Vtrutt. .
Oma/ia / Jobbers' ' Directory.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cnit Iron Building WorV , Iron PIMM ,
Knllliitf , IICHIIH jMiil ( llnlorn , iitrnni Knuinot , llr > J
ITork.ithnuriil ( Toijiiilrjr. MKthln * nnil IIU > li TullU I
V | n . unice n > Wotii .ll. 1' . H.nn > liiliMifct. It
it. K. * M nTKii' '
nnnfartnrhiir Dealer in Sninko Slacks ,
llrltclilne * . l > inK , sni | ( Ipiimnl Holler llctmlrlnz.
l.lli IMiiKlm utroot.Oniiilm
r. H. VrM VS'tf. r. M'U.U'AV.
Ilimiificturir ot
Ire nntt Iron Unlllnsrs , Desk Rails ,
Wtulnw ( lunrd , Klowur Slinulu , Wlro Sl m , Kin
IMN. Vth. l ) ll ' v null promptly uttrmtpilto.
r.mmKJI co. ,
lciloAll Kinds of
JRtillillttjr Material at Wholcspl
Hth Hln'Ol nnd Union 1'nolilo Truck , Dunlin
Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Limp , Sash ,
Doori , Kto. Ynnl Oorner'th nn > t Douiilnsi Curn.t
Vthiinil Doiuln * .
UIlICAHiO LUArilElt CO. , '
Wholesale Lumber ,
8118.llll > ftroct.OnidhHNcl > . l.ColpPtrcr , Mnnnger.
a AT Jl'ETZ t '
rth i\nd Ollforrla Mreotn , Omnbo , Npti.
Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.fib and noiiitHi iti , Omntin. Mi .
To Dealers Onl } ' .
Oftlcp , (4VI ( ( Fnrnntn utrect.Omnlia.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpota and 1'arqnrt Flooring. Vth and Dotmlol
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. BtaM
Agent lurllllnaulieu llrdrnullc Ceiuuiiland Ue t
( , 'ulncy Wlilli'l.lmc.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Mmltoil. John F. Tloyd , Buptrlntrrl nt.
Lire Stock Commission.
'M. ItURKK , f SOXS ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ floo. llurkc , ilanager
Union Ptrck TnrdK.B. Omaha. ' 1'eltplione US.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nnj and all klmti of Stock ollallcd.
Union r < t < K'k Ynrrtn. Dmaha , Neb.
Millinery end Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notion- ? ,
HIS and 1215 llarney Ft , cot , Omaha , Neb.
\VliolcMilo Donlcri In
Nollon'3 nnd Furnishing Goods ,
< ninnd m S Tenth Ht , Omnlm.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
cans I'nnti , Stllrli , Ktc. 1102 and 11U4 Don { Ins Street
( luinhii , N li.
Wliolcsalo 1'apcr Dealers.
'nrry n nice stock of PrlntliiK , Wriipplnit and Writ-
nil paper , hixidul vtlriitloii RTOII | to fur loud or I- * I
nlerii , which will bn ( hipped illn-ct from mllli. All
ordurii will ret lT pcnonul ntlcntlim. Wo iiunr-
nteo ( > o < t ( foods and low prtccn. 1114 nml lltld
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers.
And Hook Binder * . 10D nnd 1W Huutb tourtujnttl
ilrott. Onmht , Neb.
Auxiliary PuliliHliers.
nnd Printer1 Supplies. Ml
Bouth Twelfth Street.
Mnnnrnrturers nnd lloiiler. In
nsrliici , Hollers A : ( ienoral .Mneiiinory
ihoct Iron work , Htoam I'umpr. 8 I\T Mllh , Aoras
Bhuftlne , Dod ( Vfont ipllt 1'ullayt , UjlUmj , etu ,
Aliowuroni , or peraail3i letl9j. lUJ-lUida * *
TenyrorlhDt. Omnhu
Wholesale PuiniiH , IMpc , Fittings ,
Steam and Wnter Kuppllei. Hendfnnrieri ( f r Mofl
. 11111-iinmni t.mahn. ) Neu.
DnllndiiT Wind MIIU ; plo ra BBd Wstor Hnpplli-S ,
J > luniMngaopdn. liuftlnit. Hoio. .MS Hrid I'JU tur-
ii a in it. , Oiunlin. 8. K. Kullfln , Maunger.
T lf phone No. 210.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btaam , Water , Hallwmr and Mllllni : Hupnlles. Eto ,
830 , tcuan * trti Krnnm > t. , Umalm , Neb.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYER td CO. ,
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' I
Fire mnd nnn. ' r Proof S f " , Time I < xik , V ult4
and J ll Work. IOM K rni > in iitraet Om h , N p.
Omaha Safe Works.
M nnfictur nof Hr nd B r l rProof Hnfe * . V ult
DOOM , JH | | Wnrk.Shutien and Wire Work. Cor.
lUhxriJ Jacknun Bt . , umaha. Nub ,
Sasfi , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulill
Brunch officemil mid Iiard sts. , Oronhs ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinifs ,
Mould'jiiia.SWIr ' Work nnd Interior llurd Wood Flnlrt
Just upt'UtU. N. K. car. 8th nnd l.cBTuiiworlU Sis.
Ouiaba , r Lb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The hest accommodations for travelers ,
Tlii ; best hotel in town.
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn best l > nowu nnd moht poiiulHr liolol la
tliOKtttto. Iicatloiici < iiliiilnpiolntiiioiit8 | Ilibl
claun. | | ciiiiUiirtu | | > H for loniiuurclHl ruvii
School , County and City
\Vi , will piiy hlirlicst price for them.
' *
. ' . . . . LlNCOLK'Nl