THE OMAHA DAILY BEI > : SATURDAY , JOTY 2. 1S87. tlcwctt , battery H , .Second artillery , four months from.Iuly W ! Sorcnnt John Davis battery 0 , Second artillery , sixty days Irom July fli t'antaln Jacoh H. Howies , Fifth nrtllte.ry , Mid First Lieutenant William II. Coflln ( laino reiritnetit ) nro respcrtlsely president nnil Jiidno mlvuci\to of it punt-mi court martini convened this morning at Fort Hamilton , JNewiiort Harhor. Tlio Documents All Illfiht , WASHINGTONJuly 1. [ Sncclal Telegram to the UKI : . | Senator Manderson.chiilrinaii of the senate printing committee , has re turned from n vlill to the residence of the late Uoa : I'crlcy 1'oore. The senator easily found all the rations , book1) ) , niiuiuscrlpts , rtc. , liolonyliiR to the imbllc which Major 1'oore had. nnd all of them liavo beoii re turned to Washington. Tlio Ycnr'n Icl > t Drcronsc. WASHINGTON , July l. DuihiK thn fiscal year Just ended the principal of the bonded debt of the United States decreased 812- 011,030 , and tlieamotint of accrued but unpaid Interest on diich debts decreased $504,011. * The docronsn of certificates of deposit amounted to S9,4t < 0,000 , nnd In demand notes nnd fractional currency to S7-)33. ) Gohl nnd Hilvcr Circulation. WASHINGTON , July 1. During the month of Juno the circulation of standard silver dollars Increased S34GS7 , nnd thn cold hold ings ot the treasury Increased S207'J ( < 5. The Increase of silver circulation durinu the year was S1IWOCO ) , and the Increase In fold hold ings durlnt ; the snino time was 2 , 'J-ICOOU. West Point Cnilctn Appointed. WASHINGTON , July 1. The president has nppolntcd Julius T. Conrad , of Washington , Bon of Colonel Conrad , of the army , and John 21.1'almcr , grandson of Uovernnr Palmer , of Illinois to ho cadets nt largo at West Point military academy. Itcvcniio OillucK CoiiHolldntod. WASHINGTON , July 1. The consolidation of Internal rovenueillstrlcts , whereby twenty- two districts are mortreil Into others , wascon- Biinimatfd to-day. Telegrams were received ) > y Commissioner Miller announcine that nil collectors had tiled their bonds and had com pleted thu traiihlors of olllces. Coltitnblii'H Debt. WASHINGTON , July 1. The statement Is- Biied by Mio United Slates treasurer shows that the Indebtedness of the Djstrlct of Co lumbia Is g'-0 > Sl,000 , allowing n net reduc tion of $1HO000 | ! | alnco July 1,1873 , , Colnnuo For June. WASHINGTON , July 1. The coinage of the mints tliirlnc June nsKreeatcd S4 , : 7,502. of which 5J'JOMoyo waa In standard silver dollars. THE UNION PACIFIC'S DEBT. How Jny Gould Thinks it Outfit to He Settled. Nnw YOIIK , July 1. The World to-morrow will publish a long lutrrvlow with Jay Gould , from which the following extracts are taken : "How , In your estimation , otiht ( ; the gov ernment to settle the claim against the Union Pacific ? " Mr. Uould said ho tlioucht the government .ought only to exact the principal of the JTInlon Pacific debt to It and ought to eivo 'the company Its own time In which -o pay. Then the company could watch the money market , nnd when that wns In n tnvurnblo state , .could llnat bonds to pay otf the Indebtedness. Thu Union Pacilic , ho said , must have relief from its largo debt. There must be u cutting down of Interest nnd principal to put the property nearer to n level with roads built at modern cost , Gould flnld in making railroad Investments It wns Ills habit to make them individually , llo uas not in "cahoots" with Itusscll Sage , though they had had dealings together. Dakota Crop Statistics. OunwAV , Dak. , July 1. The Juno crop reports of the territorial statistician is loss favorable than that for Way. Hot winds have Injured crops In places. Fourteen counties report the average cut down to CO Tier cent. There Is much damage along the Bllssourl and Ited rivers , and plenty of rain In the James river vnllov. The acreage of corn Is ono-thlrd greater than last year , con dition 100 per cent. The average condition of spring wheat will bo 0 per cent. The wheat harvest begins about July 25. To Close Down. UEADINO , Pa. , July 1. Two thousand employes of the Reading iron works this afternoon Informed the management tfmt they would not accept the reduction of 10 per cent madn recently , and the proprietors decided to close down nil establishments. All the men will bo thrown out of employ- aient. Refused to Hcruli Oat. Couons , If. Y. , July 1. The weavers In the Harmony vvoolon mills were to-day re quested , according to semi-annual custom , to scrub the floors around their looms. Thov tefused nnd quit work. The mills shut down , throwing 3,000 operators out of em ployment. The Texas Style. GAINESVILLE Tux. , July 1. Iho Houghton - ton brothers to-day became Involved hi n quarrel with the Pains , father and son. Shooting began , and resulted In the death of 3'nln senior nnd ono of the Houchtou broth ers , and the fatal wounding of young Pain. The ether lloughton brother Is In jail. HltchollTllla Unilly Scorched. DBS MOIKKS , la. . July Q , 2 a. m. The mayor of Hltchellvllle , sixteen miles east , telegraphed at midnight that his town WAS burning IIP , nnd asked for help. A chemical nil cine ana hook and ladder trucks were sent from hero by special train. Fire business bouses were burned , and the lire la under tontrol. Wonthcr Indication ! ) . For Nebraska : Variable winds , fair weather , stationary temperature. For Iowa : Variable winds , local rains In tastern portion , fair wnnthcr In western per tion , stationary tempuratiiro. For Eastern Dakota : Fair weather , vorl- kble winds , stationary temperature. Roynllsts Visit the Count. PATHS , July 1. A party of 200 royalists wont to St Mnlo to-day to visit the count of Paris , and another party of 200 , Including Uenernl l.nCharette , will follow tomorrow. The radical newspapers hero dec ounce the .proceeding as n conspiracy. The Fidelity Crowd. CINCINNATI , July 1. Amml Baldwin , late cashier of the Fidelity National bank , was surrendered by ono of bis bondsmen to-day , but another surety was secured , nud ho dlU not have to go to jail. The Doss Hood lor. NKW YOIIK , July 1. Jacob Sharp's condi tion Is unchanged to-day. Ho Is still weak , nnd lies bank In an Invalid chnlr at hU loom At the Ludlow street jail. MorrlU'8 Condition. AUGUSTA , Me. , July l.-No material change has been noted in ex-Governor Mor- rill's condition , lie seems to bo ncnring his end. An Appointment by Hewitt. NKW YnitK , July 1. Mayor Hewitt to-day appointed Morgan J. O'Drlon corpora tion counsel , and ho was a\\orn Iu. Illds Opened. Yesterday afternoon Louis Hclmrod , Chnrlcs MuU and Kdward K. llruco , the committee ou privileges for the Soldiers' reunion , mot and opened bids for privi leges durinc the coming reunion. Tour bids wora received. The award was nuitlu to J. U. CaniRill , who oflered f3luO for the privileges , which was tLo Llghest bid. OPCUN To-nlgnt. The Oliiupla theatre , formerly the old Ituokinghnni , will bo opened to-night as H first-class vnudcrlllo theatre , by Cole & ParishIt is the intontlou of the pro prietors to make this Place of amuse ment ono of the best of its kind , nud the oeet of variety talent will bo enip'ored. A Jlrl-clii : hlli will bo given to-ul ht. RATTLING AMONG DRY BONES Skeletons in Union Pacifid Closets tire Brought to Light , PERSECUTION OF AUG. ARNDT , air. Ilntcwntcr Ituiicnts fioino More JlUlorjlor the invcsticntlnR Cofiimlttoo--jnwycr I'ojiplo- tnn Confesses nncl TJoforc the Commission. Mr. Rose-water , who wns llio lirst wit ness called by the Union Pucllic investi gating conimlllco yesterday morning , submitted the telegram referred to in lits testimony of Tuesday. The telegram 13 as follows : OM.utA. Oct. M. 1873. To 8. 11. II. Clixrk or T.i. \ . Kimball , Denver : The vote of the shops will probably decide the election nid ) It Is said it will go solid against Grebe for Bhcrlir. Jlo tma served the road bettor tlmn nny sliTilf we over had. Can't you glvo this vote ? I think voti should If possible. If you ngreo Instruct proper parties to glvo him the vote and M-nd niu a copy ot your telegram. A. J. Poppujrojf. TIic chairman askctl Mr. Kosewator to give nny information concerning entries of land by the Union 1'acilio company other tliuti lands granted by the govern ment. Mr. Hosowater said ho had no personal information directly as to such lands being entered by the company ; they had acquired lands hero at dillbront times , as they told him ( Mr. Itosowater ) , under con demnation prices for the bridge and rijrht of way in the city. The chairman asked whether Mr. Hose water recalled the fact of it decision of Secretary richurz , during his administra tion of the interior department , with ref erence to the lands of the Union Pacilic. Mr. Hosowater said ho recalled u case made in Kansas , the Dudymot claim , brought into the land department of the government and ruled upon by Secretary Schiuv. in 1879. The charter of the Union Pacilic made their lands disposed of within three or live years after the com pletion of the road subject to preemption tion at $2.50 per aero. In 1877 the time expired in which the Union Pacific land grant was to have been sold and the sec retary ruled iu the Dudymot case iu 1378. that these lands came under that act , "and that the lands in Kansas , as well as Nebraska , were subject to pre-emption entry. Shortly after that William Platt , an attorney and ajrent for the Union Pacilic road at Grand Island , took possession of a quarter section of land under this order of pro-omption granted by Schurz. Thereupon the Union Pa cilic made a legal process to eject him from the land and the case was carried into Judge Dnndy's court , Mr. Popplo- ton appearing for the Union Pacific and Mr. Wakoly , who was an assistant attor ney for the Union Pacilic , appearing for Platt. The jndgo ruled that Platt had no right to pro-ompt the land and the case was carried up and finally the supreme court allirmcd the ( Incision , although as Mr. Kosowatcr had often charged , the case was made up hero by the Union Pacilic and its attorneys. After that case had been decided the order of the secretary of the interior had to bo revoked and the lands were made only subject to sale by the Union Pacific , on the ruling that the land grant bond was a disposal of the land. Mr. Rosewater - water did not know until last winter that the case made up by the railroad company's attorneys was not upon an unpatcntcd piece of land or had boon made upon a picco of land for which a patent had boon is sued ; so that the decision did not involve unpatcnted land.butlaudthathad already passed from the control of the govern ment. This fact was stated to Mr. Rosn- water by Commissioner Sparks himself. At the time the Platt case was pending in the courts thcro were other cases that did touch the right of the railroad to ex clusively control the sale of the unpat cnted part of the land. Mr. Popploton asked Mr. Rosewater to name any case that involved that ques tion. Mr. Uoscwnter replied that the case of August Arndt was one. Arndt was a citizen of Saundcrs county , and took a quarter section of Union Pacific land that was not patented and made a pre-emption entry for that land. Litiga tion began in the United States court , in the winter or fall of ' 81 ; the case was nbout to bo tried in Omaha , when August Arudt was arrested on the charge of as sassinating the clcrK of the district court , Watson U. Smith. Arndt was taken to jail and no person , not oven his wife , al lowed to see or communicate with him. Ho was kept in jail for some time , until the grand jury made an investigation. and they failing to find any proof that he was the assassin , discharged luna. At the time of his ar rest , Arndt told Mr. Rosewater that ho had the documents and papers relating to his land claims in a trunk in the hotel in which ho was stopping in this city ; that the trunk was taken and broken open by some officers preforming to look after evidence in the assassination case , and the documents bearing upon this railroad land suit were stolen and carried away ; but that was not the end of tlio caso. Arndt was rearrested in January , 1883 , on the charge of baring threatened the lifo of Judge Dundy on account of this treatment , llo was taken to Lincoln and tried and convi9tcd of this charge , although the judge himself testified that ho had no fear and did not believe that Arndt intended to murder him. The Tanner's Alliance of this state hold a meeting and denounced that treatment and asked Senator Van \ \ yck to present a petition to the president for his pardon. Arndt told Mr. Rosewater that ho and his lawyers had full confidence in their ability to establish his rights to the pre emption , and that ho had a clear case in which this question might have been tested. lly Commissioner Littler How do you connect the Union Pacilic or any ot its olHcers with thcso criminal proceedings ? Mr. Roaewatcr They have managed in some way to have a great deal of infiu- enco upon the court otllcers in this city. The United States marshal and his depu ties have had annual passes and charged the government ten cents a railo for every milo they liavo travelled on those passes , these passes come to thousands and thousands of dollars. Hy Commissioner Dn you know that In making up tlio milcago account , the marshal is compelled to swear that ho traveled no part of the way on frco passes ? Mr. Roscwator I don't know that , but 1 do know that the marshal and his dep uty traveled on n frco pass. I saw ono deputy myself travel that way ; ho told mo that ho had to divide his mileage fees for travel with the marshal. Commissioner Littler Ho ought to bo prosecuted before the grand jury. Mr. Kosewatcr I have nothing to do with that. Commissioner LSttlor How long has that practice been in force hero ? Mr. Rosewater I believe it has been in force hero over since the railroads have run politics in this stato. Commissioner LiUler How long has that been ? Mr. Rosewater Twolvn or fifteen years it lias been done under all the marshals , and all the maistial.s harn shown n Tory actiro subservience to the railroads. lly Mr. Poppleton. Has the prao- . tico of the Union Paciiio in respect to the issuing to public olHcjnl of pii ยง ei in this state been dillcrcnl from tu t of ether railroadir A.I. . don't know what the pr/ictico of other railroad ! ! hai been , but 1 claim that all the railroads are wrong. Tfeej liavo all been operated against the public's in terests in that policy. Q. Do you know whether the United States marshals ever had passes On other roadsf A. Yes , I saw th6 passes. Q. Have you any doubt but what they have been treated substantially alike by the dillbrcnt roads ? A.---No , sir. Q. Don't you know that the tract of ground involved m the Platt case was actually occupied by Platt , and had been actually occupied by him prior to any other person who over settled on it , and that that was the reason why ho set up his claim of pre-emption , and was en abled to sot it UP ? A. 1 don't know of my own knowl edge anything of the kind. 1 only understood that at the time ho took pos session ( J. You say ho took possession ? A. Yes , sir. Q. Now don't you know that ho had been in the occupancy of it for years ? A. That is possible. I did not know it at the time it was pending in the courts. I know simply that it was a test case brought for the purpose. Q. What you said and what you have testified to was , that he went into posses sion of this tract of land after Schurz made this decision ; now _ 1 ask you if you do not know that that is untrue , and that ho had been in the occupancy of it for ten or fifteen vear.s ? A. I don't know that. Hut if ho had Leon in possession of it for ten or fifteen years , it was his ground. 1 don't f-ee what the road had to do with it. It certainly was his , if the government cave him a patent for it. It tlio government had issued a patent after these thrco years had ex pired , ami Mr. Schur/'s decision was correct , that patent was a nullity. Q. The August Arndt case Don't .you know that Judge Miller decided that Arndt had no title whatever to that land ? A. It was decided after the papers that wore made to him had been stolen. Q. That is about as true as auvthing else you have testified to , is it ? A. It is true yes , sir. Q. Then if it should turn out that Arndt's arrest was after that decision , then you would have testified to what would bo false , would you not ? A. Not necessarily. Q. If it should turn out that that was decided before Arndt was arrested for killing Watson B , Smith , than your testi mony wouldn't ' bo true on that subject ? A. There I might bo mistaken , but there was a case pending and it was about to bo tried when ho was arrested. Q. Do you know anything about this except what Arndt has told you ? A. Nothing more than what his law yers liavo said. Q. Don'tyou know that Arndt has been repeatedly impeached in court by swarms of witnesses who said they wouldn't believe him under oalli ? A. 1 don't know anything about it. Q. Don't you know ho is an avowed anarchist and assassinator that isto say , ho believes in assassination as a remedy for civil wrong and avows it ? A. 1 don't know nny thing of the kind. Q. Now , isn't it a fact that since you started the Hun you have been individu ally in a chronic state of hostility to the railroad , and tiiat that has boon your stock in trade and the stock in trade of your newspaper ? A. 1 will deny that in toto. I have simply been opposed to the methods which the railroads of this state have pursued , and the policies which they liavo carried on , that have bcon oppressive to tlio people ple interfering with tlio political aliairs of the state in violation of their charter obligations. Q. You admit that yon have been in opposition to them ? A. I have boon not in opposition to the railroads , but in opposition to the men who managed the railroads. Q. Haven't you assailed almost every manager of the H. & M. and of the Union Pacilic railroad company , who has had charge hero , up to the time that Mr. Calluway came into oflico ? A. No sir , I don't remember that I assailed Mr. Touxalin. Ho was manager of the U. & M. before Mr. Callaway came into the Union Pacific. I haven't assailed thorn oxeopt when their own conduct and that of their subordinates were criminally dishonest and dangerous to public safety. Q. la Mr. Touialm tlio only man you can think of that you have not assailed ? A. There are numbcr.s of other men whom I could mention. Q. Mention all you can. A. You spoke of managers of rail roads. I have not assailed tlio managers on the other side of the river , cxcopt the Northwestern , who have robbed our people by favoritism anil discrimination Q. You were professionally a tele graph operator , originally ? A. Yes ; for thirteen years. Q. Where wcro you employed in that business whou the war broke out ? A. When the war broke out I was employed in tlio state of Alabama. Q. You were operator within the lines of the southern confederacy , then , at the time when the war broke out ? A. 1 os , I was operator , working for the SouthwosternJTiilograph company. Q. Isn't it a fact you have boon re peatedly charged with being a member of a committee who received Joll'Davis , at Montgomery , when ho wont there to take possession of the southern confed eracy ? A. 1 have not only boon charged with it , but it is true. Now J want to answer tliis question fully. The Chairman Lot the witness explain , judgo. Mr. Poppleton After ho gota through answering my question ho can explain. The Witness I want to explain it now , because it is a matter that has boon charged frequently ami there are parties who have boon convicted here in the courts for charging mo with being a rebel. Mr. Poppleton Who are they ? A. Casper E. Yost is ono and Krod Nye is another both of thorn were pro prietors of the Republican. The Chairman The war is over , judge. Mr. Popploton Well , I don't know ; there is some talk about the return of the tlags. The Chairman Well , if you bring up that issue you had bettor lot us know whether you are going to wave the bloodv blurt. The Witness The facts are thcso : I was located in Stevenson , Alabama , from July , 1859 , until March , 1801. When Joti'creon Davis was United States sena tor representing the state of Mississippi , ho stopped over at Stevenson twice , ami called at the telegraph ulliro and sent dispatches. It was in that way that I made his acquaintance. When ho was elected president of the southern con federacy ho was on his way to Mont gomery. Stevenson , Ala. , nt that time was a very email place , with only perhaps four or live hundred people. It su happened that no person in the place had over met Davis , nor could point him out. He arrived at night at 10 o'clock on the train. A com mittee was appointed by the citi zens , who wanted him to make a speech. They added inn to the committee , simply to go and introduce him , or point him out. i went into the car and pointed him out. That was my whole connection with the matter. If that was any crime , you can make the most of it. Q. From there , after you got through the rebel lines , where did you go to work then ? A. For Uncle Sam. I enlisted at Wheeling , W. Va. , took the oath , and en tered the U , S. army , and went with ( jonur l Fremont through the entire cam paign of West Virginia. After that I was assigned to the navyyardat Washington , with Commodore Danlgren , and in the latter part of July , 1863,1 made an appli cation to General Pope , to accompany him on the way to Ulctiraond , and was assigned to his stall' . 1 accompanied General Pope through the entire cam paign from Warrenton to the Rapldan , and back to Hull Run. 1 was at the battle of Hull Run. After that 1 was as signed to the w\r : \ department , and re mained thcro until 1 came to this < . So that you were the confidential operator of II a flock , Stauton and Lincoln during the Virginia campaign , were you not ? A.-Yos , sir. Q. Now can you toll why it was aad how it happened that' ' Leo had such com plete ami oxhanstlvp ; information of the plans of those three men ? Do you know anything about that ? A. That may not enter into this in vestigation , but I will answer it. It was notorious when I was in the war depart ment , that thcro were leaks in that de partment , and that there were dispatches sent ; sub-marina wires had been laid across the Potomoc. For instance , at the time that Fredencksburg was stormed by Hurnsldo , that information was smuggled across to tlio rebels through the lines by wire In some way. Suspicion rested upon the wives of certain army olllcers who were southern women , and who , in con nection with southern people , managed to transmit information through the liuc.s. Q. Do you not know us a matter of fact , and haven't the robcl archives dis closed tlio fact , that telegrams have passed from tlio war department , and wcro in tlio possession of Leo ? A That is possible. I haven't ex amined the archives. Q. How long did you stay in the war department ? A. Until tlio summer of 1863 , when I came out hero. After the battle of Hull Run in 1803 I took my place in the war department and remained there until I came out hero. Q. You were not there , then , previous to the battle of Gettysburg ? A. No , sir , I was in Omaha when the battle of Gettysburg took place no , como to think of it , I didn't get here until a few weeks later. 1 was in Cleve land at that time. ( J. General Longstrect thought that when ho got ready to move towards Gettysburg ho sent his spy towards Washington , and that ho came back with tlio complete plans of the disposition of Mead's army in its advance on Gettys burg. Do you know anything about how that information got to him ? A. No , i would not , certainly. I know 1 was charged hero with being a rebel spy , and 1 brought suit and had it tried in this county two jcars ago , and at that trial I produced tlio deposition of General Ansou Stager , the head of the military telegraph corps , stating that lie had the fullest confidence in my loyalty and integrity. My people all have lived in Ohio , ami I went south as n freesoilor I don't think , therefore , that anybody can attach any sympathy with the rebellion to mo. The fact is , the whole story orig inated in this building , just us all schemes of persecution and falsehood that have circulated against mo have originated in this building , and thcs'o men , who wanted to crush mo , sought to trample mo under their feet and uosmltch my reputation through their organ. Q. Hut you ad mi i , these facts to bo true ? A. I admit that I was in the army and risked my lite for my country , which is more than can bo f > : iid of many men about hero like Tlulrston and others whom 1 could name. Q. Do you know the name of the oper- orator who sent that telegram that you produced hero ? A. I know what bacame of him , but I do not remember his name. Q. What did become of him ? A. Ho was discharged by tlio Western Union people. ' He enlisted in the regular army and served about live years. Ho linafly became a vagabond and passed through here and went down to St. Louis in a dissipated condition. This is all 1 know about him. Q. Now what did you pay that fellow for that dispatch ? A. I never paid him ono dollar for the dispatcli or anything connected with it , and after ho was discharged a collection was made up among the republicans here for him. I contributed my part to scud him away from Omaha. lly Commissioner Littler Is it true that you at any time betrayed your olli- cial trust when you were connected with the government telegraph works at Wash ington , or betrayed the government in any respect whatever during tlio whole Duriod of your connection with the pub lic service ? A , Why , of course , it is not true. If I had been disposed to make use of the information I got there , I could have been a millionaire. It may bo a little interesting to some of you. During the war quotations were sent into tlio war department daily of stocks and gold to Edward S. Sanford , who was the gov ernment censor of dispatches. Every batllo changed the value of stocks and gold , and very often information about battles wore hold back , and there is not any doubt in my mind but that an im mense amount of stock gambling was carried on by the censors. 1 have the cortilicato of General Eckert , who is now general manager of the Western Union lines , accepting my resignation from the army military telegraph corps , and not only that , but the National Society of the United States mili tary corps , of which I am a member , elected mo as its vice president two sue- scssivo tnrms , and I have for six years boon a member of its congressional com mittee looking after legislation to recog nize its services. Q. Then it is not true ? A. It is not true. 1 have two volumes of the history of thu United States mili tary telegraph corps , in which my name is frequently mentioned for service in the Hold and in the war department. Q. You were not discharge' ' from the service , but resigned ? A. I resigned. Q. Voluntarily ? A. Voluntarily. By the Chairman What knowledge have yon of the coaL dealings of the Union Pacilic compafay in thuir ship ments from the Rock3Spring.s coal mines ? A. Well , I have a gouoral knowledge , only , such as has boom published from time to time and given'to mo by parties residing along the road-and people horo. The coal supply S6f Nebraska has been principally Wyoming coal. The company has chargcl a's high a rate nt Sidney and North i'latto as Omaha where it is much farther away. I have also been informed that at times , in order to break down all competition , the company has in some cases tattuh possession , by force , of mines and operated thorn , and in other oases , by discrimination , have destroyed tin ; hnsinefsjof parties who have attempted to ilollfii mining. There is Jake Morrow , for loflo , and Wardoll , for aqother , who hadMnlncs in the neigh borhood of Rock Spring. I have been told that Wyoming coal was bouirht at almost nothing , and carried out there In order to break up these parties clear across to the neighborhood of Cheyenne and delivered there at a much lower price than the parties who wora mining coal In Wyoming could deliver It at. There is another thing that was partic ularly wrong to my mind , and that is that the government has paid $14 per ton , if 1 remember riuht. for carrying coal from Reek Spring ) ) to Omaha , when coal could bo bought for $7.50 in Omaha. This I had from the quartermaster's clerk , who kept the accounts between thu govern ment and the roads. The government consumes an enormous amount of coal hero. This coal was all from a contractor out there , who was really an employe of the Union Pacific , of a firm called Heck- worth < & Quinn , out at the mines , and then brought In here , to that it cost more than double. Hut the record will show what that is. Hy Commisslbncr Littler What is his name ? A. His name Is Patrick. Ho is now in Washington City. Ho is n democrat , and has been trying to got a position In the de partments siuco Cleveland came into power. Hv the Chairman Who were Heck- worth & Quinn ? A. 1 think that is a sham firm. 1 think the firm itself is simply made up of men who got so much for the mining of coal from the company In Wyoming. I think they are nothing moio than cm- ploys of tlie Union Paeillc. Mr. Popploton Wasn't this man hab itually drunk when not on duty ? Was he not a common loafer ? A I know ho was not a loafer. Ho was in the government employ for a good many Jyears but ho was addicted to drinking. Mr. 1'ntor A. Doy , the chairman of the Iowa railroad commission , who was next called , said ho had bcon sent out by Mr. Fartiam , of the Union Pacific road in 1SC.J . , in order to find a practical route for tlio Union Pacific road. Ho wont as far west as Salt Lake City. In ISO'J , shortly after the Union Pacific company was organ ized , Mr. Doy surveyed a portion of the route for the road. Ho was afterward appointed chief engineer ot the road , and remained In tlio service of the company until 180 , " ) , when ho resigned. When asked why ho had resigned tlio witness said ho had made a survey through the Platte Valley and sent an estimate of the cost of building the road through it to the Union Pacilic company. Stockholders of the road iu New York Jclty objected to the estimate as entirely too low. The lirst estimate placed the cost of tlio con struction of the road and its equipment at $30,000 per mile. A contract drawn ui by Mr. llovio was sent to witness , at which the cost of constructing the. road was placed at ? 30,000 per mile. Ho felt that an attempt was being made to use him for somebody who wanted to make an exorbitant contract and accordingly resigned. Heing asked what suggestions ho had to oiler based on the supposition that the Union Pacific road was mortgaged for more than it was worth , ho replied that the government ought to extend tlio time for the payment of the indebtedness duo to it as long as possible. Mr. Dey also thought tlio Union Pacilic road could bo paralleled ' . ' 00 miles Irom Omaha at $20- 000 per mile. When asked what efl'ect the pooling system had on business the witness said that pooling was principally beneficial to railroads. The only benefit the people ple derived from it was u uniformity of rates. Tlio pooling system nlaccd ship pers at the mercy of any rates the rail roads chose to fix. On being asked about the constructive mileage system , Mr. Dey thought that roads could afford to carry freight at a lower rate between points on the branches and largo cities on the main line , than between points on the branch line , because of the greater opportunity ottered in shipments to larso cities on the main line , of load- inir tlio cars back. The next witness called was Hon. John A. McShanc. lie said in answer to questions that ho had had business rela tions with the Union Pacific road since 1872 in the shipment of cattle , llo had never received any preferences in rates at thu hands of the company. Ho re ceived special rates , but they wcro pub lished rates and all shippers of cattle , so far as he know , had received them. There had been rumors , however , of discrima- lions against certain persons and locali ties. These rumors were the most com mon during legislatures. When asked what part , so far as ho know , the Union Pacilic road had taken in influencing legislation , he said lie presumed that the road had representatives in the legisla tures to prevent bad legislation , "That is " added Mr. AlcShano " , smiling , "legis lation again t their interests. " When asked what plan the government should adopt with reference to the Union Pacilic road , Mr. McShanc said that as ho might bo obliged to pass on the ques tion ollieially he would prefer not to commit himself. Anton Grantor , who was next called , said he had lived in Omaha twenty-one years and hnd been employed as draught- man In the U. P. shops. When asked if his name had bcon used by the Union Pa cilic company in the purchase of huul ho said Mr. Gordon told him the company wanted all the odd sections in Utah and had him sign a paper.Vhon \ asked how ho know that the paper related to the land , ho said ho wanted to know where his name went to.and asked Mr. Gordon. That gentleman hail then told him what the paper was. Auditor Young next produced state ments showing the gross receipts of the Kansas Paciiio road from September 23 , 1870 to 18SO ; the Union Pacific system from 1803 to January 3 , 1830. also Feb ruary 1 , 1830 to January 23 , 1887. "I want to say to j'ou , " said Governor Pattison , "that these state ments only show the cash receipts of the Union Pacific company. It should show all receipts of every kind and form what soever , and I call for a statement show ing such receipts. " "I told you m my testimony , " said Auditor Young , "that the gross receipts had no connection with tlio gross earn ings. " After some discussion Mr. Young said the receipts of the company from all sources were included in the statement submitted. Freight Manager Kimball was next asked what calls no had ready , and sub mitted the balance of his statement in answer to the interrogations in regard to rebates. Ho also submitted a state ment , giving the population of the coun ties through which the Union Pacilic road and its brachcs passed ; also the rates charged on the return of tank cars of the Standard and Continental Oil com panies from 1878 to 1880 ; the not special rates allowed to Murphy , Grant As Co. 1) . O. Clark , superintendent of tlio Union Pacilic coal department Since 1871 , was next called. Hoforo that , from 1803 until 1874 , ho was connected with the Wyoming coal com pany. Ho didn't know who were the members of the Wyoming coal company. As superintendent of the coal department ho had nothing to do with the acquire ment of coal lands by the company. The lauds were acquired by pur chase. Many of the mines were opened before the lands wcro sureyovd. Lands were not opened by the company until : i title had been acquired by the company. There was ono case , witness remembered , where a mine was opened on indemnity land. Witness had control , to a certain extent - tent , of the price of coal. It was sup posed to bo furnished to the coinpanv at what it cost to put it on the cars. When asked if all dealers in Union Pacific coal along tlio line had received the same rates on coal shipment * , the witness re plied that they did ; no rebates or prefer ential rates were allowed to anybody except - copt during Juno , July ami ; August , to pay dealers for carrying tlio coal over whoa there are few grain shipments and tlio company can employ its cars in haul ing this coal. Being asked whether Rock Springs coal was hauled at. a higher rate to Sidney than to Omaha , Mr. Clark said this was not true so far as ho know. A. J. Popploton was next called. Ho stated that ho was the general solicitor of the road. Up to July 1,180'J. ho had sim ply bcon paid for what ho did and was not expected to sign vouchers. .Sinco January 1,1830 , his conucclbii with the road had been closer , and ho had been in the habit of nlgnlng vouchers. The witness was shown a voucher in favor of N. H. Hoxio for services at Lin coln during the session of the legislature in January 1809J for | 1,000. The voucher , witness admitted , was In Mi hand writ- nig , and was signed by General Malinger Suyder of the Union Pacific road. Wit ness couldn't remember , however , the facts iu the case and was Unable to ex plain the voucher. A voucher for fl.COO iu favor of Wells Brewer of IXMIO Tree , for .services rendered in Merrick county on March ll,18S ( ) . The voucher was cer tified by Mr. Poppleton by S. H. II. Clark as general superintendent of tlio road. Mr. Popploton was also unable to explain this voucher. A voucher in favor M. II. Sessions of Lincoln , Neb. , for ser vices rendered in August,1875 , In defend ing agents charged with inlluencing an election in Mornek county on the subject of aiding the Midland Pacific road with | ? 1SO,000 in bonds in building to Central City. Mr. Poppleton said that the bonds were defeated and that an agent of the Union Pacilic road was charged with using illegitimate means In bring ing about this result. Mr. Sessions de fended him and the bill was for this .ser vice. The witness was shown a voucher in favor of J. M. Thurston for legal sor- vlees rendered at the supreme court , while in session at Lincoln , but had no recollection as to the circumstances of the case. A number of other vouchers were shown to ( ho witness in favor of J. M. Thurston , but ho had no recollec tion of the facts in llio cases referred to. to.Mr. Mr. Popplotan was asked who William R. Steele was. Ho replied that ho had boon an attorney of theroadinClicyonno. from 1809 to 1870. Ho was then elected delegate to the territorial legislature , llo was then asked to explain a voucher iu favor of Mr. Stcolo for sjT.OO . , dated Janu ary 31.1871) ) . Mr. Poppleton then said that Mr. Steele had probably at that time resumed his place as attorney tor the company , as witness believed ho had been defeated as a candidate for reelection tion to tlio legislature. The witness de clared emphatically that this money had not been paid him while a member of tlio legislature. Anr.Kxoo.v SKSSIOX. John J. Diekey , the superintendent of thu Pacilic Telegraph company and of the Western Union telegraph lines along tlio Union Pacilic road , was the lirst witness called nt the afternoon session , lie also stated that he was vice president , of the Nebraska Telephone company. Mr. Kimball - ball and himself were the only olllcers of the Union Pacific who had stock in the telephone company so far as he know. There was no contract between the Pa cific telegraph company and tlio telephone - phone company. When asked now the profits wore di vided between the Pacilic and Western Union Telegraph companies , Mr. Dickey said each company cccgivcd 00 ] jcr cunt of the profits , llio gross receipts last year amounted to $1'0,000. The Union Pacific's share of the not profits was $57,000.00. For 18SH they amounted to $03.031.8Mr. . Dickey was asked to pro duce a statement showing llio not yearly receipts of the Union Pacific company from its telegraph lines since he had been superintendent. Auditor Voting , at the end of Mr. Dick ey's examination , submitted a statement showing the svstom of bookkeeping in tlie land department and also a statement of the gross receipts of the Union Pacilic company for the year 1835. Governor Pattison then called for statements showing tlie gross receipts of the. . company from the beginning. This called forth quite an argument on the part of Mr. Popploton as to the meaning of the terms "gross re- coipte. " Governor Pattieonsaid"he could make himself no clearer if ho explained until the crack of doom. After some further talk Mr. Poppleton questioned the authority of the commission under the act of congress , to ask for the gross receipts. Judge Littler read the section of the act on this point and found that tlio word "gross earnings" was used. D"l don't see what authority this com mission has to infer that the act don't mean what it savs when it says "gross earnings , " said Mr. Poppleton. "Wo have discovered in tlio course of this investigation , " said Governor Patti son , with an emphatic gesture , "that 'gross receipts' and 'gross earnings' arc not synonymous ; that there are thou sands of dollars' difference between the two , and wo want the .statement called for so that wo can find the difierenco. " "I have all the light I want on the sub ject , " continued the governor , his voice risinir as ho spoke , "and if the company don't choose to furnish this information , 1 , as a commissioner , will report my sen timents on the subject. 1 simply ask for these statements in justice to the coin- pan v. " "Well , " said Mr. Poppleton , "if tlie statement for 1835 Is what the I'ommis- sion wants , the only thing to do is to go through the books and make out similar statements for the other years , as nearly as it can be done. They can then go on the record and it won't'bo necessary for the commission to report its sentiments. " Mr. Poppleton was then placed on the stand and asked to explain a scries of vouchers for legal expenses of the Union Pacific road. Ono of those vouchers was in favor of the lawyers on both sides ot the Platte case referred to in Mr. Rosewator's testimony. Mr. Popplotou said ho had gone to Platte after Mr. Sehurt/'s decision and told him that if the company was not entitled to the land he occupied that the company would prefer that ho should have it in prefer ence to anybody else , and the mit was accordingly brought as a test ease to determine the rights of the Union Pacilic road with respect to land grants. The witness was shown a num ber of vouchers in favor of John M. Thurston and oilier attorneys for "special" service , and asked to explain. "Tho salary of an attorney in the legit imate legal business of the road wouldn't bo charged as 'special services , ' would It ? " said Governor I'attison. The witness said ho wouldn't have so charged up a salary , but couldn't explain the vouchers. One was dated January 31 , 1881 , and was for special services from "October 31 to date. " Governor Pattison showed Mr. Popplo ton a statement from J. G. Mclntiro , proprietor of the Arlington hotel at Lin coln , charging the Union Pacific com pany with board and roomsj ! and 10 for thirty-one days , preceding January 31 , 1883 , $180.00 ; rooms 31 and 32 , thirtv-ono days from said date , f333.50 ; also board and rooms 9 and 10 twenty and a half days , from February 37 , 1833 , $13 ! ) . 15 ; also hrcs $10.35. Tlio bill was accom panied by a voucher signed by John M. Thur.ston. "for hotel bill of self and em ployes of comoany at Lincoln for Jan uary and February , $099. " Mr. Popplo- ton said ho could not explain this as Ins name was not signed to it and ho knew nothing about it. The witness was shown a large number of vouchers in favor ( if John M. Thur-s- ton for special services as attorney. Ho was unable to explain thcso , but thought they represented his salary during the months given. "Ho don't seum to have received any regular salary , " observed Judge Littler. "Ho anly seems to have performed special services' " While on the stand Mr. Popploton said tlm telegram produced by Mr. Rosewater was sent solely with rofercnc.i to Mr. Grebo. Witness in sending the ttilegram was solely influenced by the motive of securing a man who would carry out the law. The road at that time waa infested with three-card mouto men , and Mr. Grcbo had been more successful than any one else in dealing with them. The suc cessful management of the road said Mr. Poppleton , depended on the ollioioncy of these charged with carrying out the Jaw , mid the sending of that telegram was not in pursuance of a general attempt to con trol elections in the intorant of the Union Paoifio road. Ho supposed that the em ployes would bo willing to vnto fer Mr. Grebe for the reasons ho liad stated. "My position on that occasion , " said Mr. I'opploton , "has bocn justified by the fact that Mr. Grebe has been kept In Hit olllce of deputy sherlu" over since until about two months ago when ho resigned. I wquld do tlio game thing again under the same circumstance. * . " Toward the end of Mr. Poppleton ' . < ex amination General Trnlllc Manager Kimball - ball entered mid look a seat. As Mr. Poptiluton was leaving tlio stand , Judge Littler turned to Gorornor Pattison and said with a Jiearty laugh. "Hero's Kimball in an opportune mo ment. He's a standing witness/ ' "Very well , ' said Governor' Pattison , directing his attention to Mr. Kimball , " ' " "we'll hear von , Mr. Kimball said ho had a statement showing the diversion of tralllo to other roads by the Union Pacific and from other roads to tlio Union Pacific under pools. llo also submitted .statement * showing tlm rebates and overcharges paid by the L'nion Pacific company to the Consolidated Oil company from 1883 Until Juno ' "J , 18S7 ; the amount paid the Continental Oil company tromlSSl untt 1887 ; tlio amounts paid the Standard Oil company from 1830 to 1887 ; and the amount paid by the Standard Oil com pany on returning tank cars , from 1831 to IfcS'J. ' A statement had been called for showing the amount charged other ship pers for hauling hack empty tank cars dining this period. Mr. Kimball said there was no record of any tank cars being hauled back for other oil compan ies during this period. Governor Pattison , holding n letter in his hand addressed to the commission , inquired if it wns true that if a ear load ot oats , lumber or coal is purchased at a certain price , It is invoiced to the com pany at a higher price. Mr. Young , of whom the question was linked , replied that purchases were charged up to ex penses at the original price plus the freight and the eost of handling. At the conclusion of Auditor Young's testimony , Judge Littler said if any of the ollicurs of tlio company desired to make any additional statements in re gard to the Lnion Pacific property they might do so. Mr. Kimball said ho had already sub-\ milled his views in writing. Mr. Pop pleton said that whilT ) ho had very de cided views in regard to the imfnago- meiit of tlio Union Pacific road and its disposition by congrcis ho was only a subordinate olllcer himself and pre ferred not to say anything. If ho should decide to express himself , however , ho would do so in writing and submit it to the commXsion. Gcortru Pattison declared the commis sion adjourned ami then said : "I want to thank the Union Paoifio olllclals at Omaha for thyir uniform kind ness and coilTlesy since the commission had been in session hero. 1 believe they have furnished the commission every facility in their power to aid them m their investigation. " This morning at 0 o'clock the com mission will start from Omaha in their private ear upon a personal inspec tion of tlie lines of the Union Pacific railway and to inquire into the relations of the railroads to the communities through which they pa.xs. They will take testimony at tlio following places , on the days and at the hours indicated : Saturday , July 2 , Columbus , at U a. m. ; Grand Island , at 8 p. m. Monday , July J , Lincoln , at ! ) a. m. Tuesday , July 5 , St. Joseph , Mo. , at 8 a. m. ; Marysvflle , at 2 p. m. ; Lawrence , at 8p.m. Wed nesday , Julv ( i , Leavoii worth , at 10 a. m. Thursday , Friday and .Saturday , July 7 , 8 and 1) ) , Kansas City , at 10 a. m. of each day. . _ Tiirriprs' I'lontr. F. Hermann and Louis lleimrod have selected the grounds' for the Turners' picnic , which will take place July 21. The place selected for the picnic is Rural u.irk , in Livingston Heights. The spot is a beautiful one , has a pretty lake , and a dancing pavilion for tlio accommoda tion of twelve sots. The Turners' pienlo promises to be one of the greatest aliairs of tlie kind given in this vicinity. An Hplilcmlc or MOXTKEAI. , .Inly 1. There Is an epidemic nf measles at Point St. Clinrles. At least fiOO cases have been reported. Hood's Sarsapar/lfa Combines , hi a manner peculiar to itself , the best blond-purifying and strengthcninR reme dies of the vcRutablu kingdom. You will find this wonderful lemcdy effective \\hcrootlicr medicines liavo failed. Try It now. It will imrlfy your blood , regulate the digestion , and give new life and vigor to the entire body. "Hood's Ilia did mo great good. I was tired out from overwork , nnd It toned mo up. " Mus. G. E. SIMMONS , Cuhocs , N. Y. "I suffered thrco jears fiom blood poison. I took Hood's SarsaparllU and think I am cured. " Mus. M. J. DA via , llrockport , N. Y. I'll rifles if to Blood Hood's S.irsnpnrllla Is characterized by three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ot remedial agents ; 2il , the proportion ; 3d , tlie proccfs ot seeming the ncllvo incdlcinul qualities. The result Is a medicine ot unusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send lor book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Sirsaparllla tonci up my system. purities my blood , sharpens invamictllR , and ttccms to innlco mo over. " .1. 1' . I'uoMl'dOH , ItcgiMcr of Ducds , Lou ell , Mass. "Hood's boats all others , and Is woi tli Uselglil In ( rold. " I. lUiuii.NUiUK , 133 li.uik Street , New Voile City. Hood's' Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. (1 ; six for $5. Made only by 0. 1. IIOUU A CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. Hf IH'.HOI.T ) , "Sire r I Elxtern. " wlio imp In the orilmrcl , IIVIT lh niPiulowi , rlUr * pn tlm filveai'li. raml > ! * * ovtrtlio m < Mitit&1uiiiiftU * jojruull ilni lh lr ninilimr kiini-iinnil | vrli" . yil IIIT 1'ncr , .Nrrli , Alinn uiiil IliiinU nrn inTli-i't iiicturctuf IKuuty , lilcliUu | > rv urvu ) by uslog uslogHACAN'S fv agnoSia Balm fi.r tin'Coniiilfxliin. Itmaliriia Inly nf'10 . tiiitvCU. , Tl n lliiiinlruK I.lqlilil , lied Inttiwtlr. I'nii I Im llaii-rmii ; AUu ilo III incc llut. Dry.Vlndy Wciiilirr , DoMHivnywIiliTim , hiinliiirii. I'rrrulnx , 'I'rllor innl ever ) Hlclu llli'inUh. WuniU-rrnlly Kvlrrbhlnir. lake U llh Sou in UioHiaihorouliil Mountain * . Embody the highest exellencles in Shape lincffc.Coinfort and Durability and are the- SLeigning Favorites n lashionable circlet- Our name is'tfn ve J. & .T. COUSINS , New York