Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1887, Image 1

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LfLif.U . UK o
' Cleveland's War Eeprcsentativo Writes an
Interesting Letter.
Iowa Veterans Again Klclc on the
1'rnildotit and fit. Louis , Hut
Finally Conclude to Attend
the Bncanipiuctit.
Orovcr's Bubstltuto llcnrd From.
Dr.s MOINES. la. , July L ( Special Tele-
ram to the lihi : . ] A few weeks ago
Crocker post , G. A. It. , of this city , passed
resolutions protestlnir against having Presi
dent Cleveland review tlio old soldiers at tlio
St. Louis encampment. It was suggested In
conclusion that If Cleveland insisted on
being represented that ho should send a sub
stitute , and , if possible , the same substitute
who served for him during the war. Now
comes the sequel. Commander Hounds , of
Crocker post , has received thu following let
ter , which purports to como from Cleveland's
own substitute referred to :
BATH , N. Y. , Juno 17 , 13S7.-Cuin-
nmnder Des Molnes ( ) . A. It. post :
Seeing tlio resolutions passed by
your nest In the Buffalo Evening News ,
President Cleveland's organ , allow mo to say
lam the man who was his substitute. He
has never lullilled his promise tome In regard
to payini ; mo what ho agreed to for going as
his substitute. He has let me , after being
asked tor assistance. 4llvo In different poor
houses , and 1 am now an Inmate
of tlio soldiers' homo at Bath ,
totally unable to do anything.
I have asked hlH assistance In procuring a
pension , but It has never been granted. 1
lost my health as substitute for him. Can
you people of the west render any assistance !
I can establish my identity as his substitute.
The writer ot this , Richard Burke , has known
ine and knows that 1 am the man. Yours ,
Iowa Soldiers Again Kick.
Dr.s MOINKS , la. , July 1. ( Special Tele
gram to the Bun. ] The council of admin
istration for the Grand Army department of
Iowa division mot hero to-day to consider
tlio position that should bu taken by low.i
posts with reference to the St. Louis encamp
ment There was a very strong feeling thai
the encampment should bo changed from St.
Louis since an attempt had boon m ado tc
use the encampment by Cleveland's friends
for his partisan advantage. Accordingly ,
after a long discussion , a resolution was
adopted asking the national council of ad
ministration to change the place ol
holding the encampment fiom St. Louis
This was subsequently reconsidered altei
healing a letter road from General Grier , o :
St. Louis , who pledged that it the onramp
inent were held there Mr. Cleveland should
not be mixed up with It In any way , ami thai
old soldiers would not have to pass him li
review. On this consideration It was decided
that the Iowa post should attend the encamp
ment In full force , and there will doubtlos <
be a largo representation , now that it Is
known that the president Is to have nothing
to do with It.
The Irish National
NKW YOIIK , July 1 , ( Special Telegram tf
the BEI : ] The Tribune prints the following
"The lilsh National League of America will
hold a convention this year at St. Louis a :
Boon as possible after the passage of the co
erclon bill. It Is said that the leaders of thi
organization in Chicago are engineering tht
matter and hope to bo able to carry the da ]
as they did during the convention last year
It was believed that after the Chicago con
ventlou , and the bitter contest which wai
fought there , no other convention would t > <
hold for at least two years. Notvilthstandlni
that John Fitzgerald , the Nebraska banker
was chosen president at that time , It is wcl
known that Patrick Egan Is still ono of tin
moving forces with Alexander Sullivan
Although tholr triumph In the conveutloi
was unquestioned , they lost Influence com
plctcly In this state. In the coming convcu
tlon another effort will bo made by Nev
Yorkers with antl-admlnlstration people al
over the country to defeat the Chicago am
Nebraska men and place tholr own men a
the head of affairs. So completely have th
friends of President PlUgcrald and Alexander
dor Sullivan In this city lost heart that the
won't even make n show of contest at th'
coming election of officers of the munlclpa
council of tills city , when last year they uiad
such a bitter and protracted light.
Senator Sherman's Opinion.
NEW YOIK : , July L Senator John Slier
man Is In the city for the purpose of attoni
Ing the meeting of thn board of directory o
the Fort Wayne Uoad. Several Interview
with him are published. Among other thing
ho said ho docs not know whether the pres
dent's battle flag episode will hurt bli
or not , but thinks ho will bo nominated an
adds : "Governor Hill Is unknown. Ho 1
known as a New lork politician , of coursi
but 1 mean as n candidate tor president.
Of tlio criticism of theallegcd Inconsistent
In his Nashville , Tenn. , and Springfield , 111
Hpeecties he wws : "There are no Inconsli
tnnsies In the two speeches. I simply too
different subjects and different lines c
thought. "
The Nnrthwcnt
CHICAGO , July L The Journal's Freopo
(111. ) special says the parade of the northwe
sangcrfcst through the principal ntroets
Hie paik where the picnic Is In progress.toc
- place at noon to-day. The festivities wl
-rr wind up to-night with a summer ulgtit fcsl
Val and display of fireworks.
FIIKKPOUT , 111. . July 1. After three da-
of hilarity mingled with melody , the th !
temith annual sicngerfest of the Nortlnves
urn Saingorbund was brought to a most sn
cessful close this evening , with a sumni
night festival and display of lireworkH. i
the business meeting thU morning. Minn
apolis was chosen as the place of holding tl
lest two years from this time.
A Friday Choke.
LoTjisvn.i.E , July 1. Albert Tuurner , cc
ored , ono of the murderers of Jennie lei !
\vashancedatOSJ : this morning. On
llfty people were admitted to the yard , b
about 1.000 assembled in the vicinity
the place as early as 4:30. : Di :
Ing the praver which Immediately pi
ceded the tall of the trap , Turner gazed
the crowd unconcernedly and wont to t
( leatb without evidence of fear. Ills dylt
statement exculpates Patterson , his acco
pllce , In the murder , who in also sentonc
to hang. The condemned man made
speech on the gallows. In which lie says
vas the only ono who committed the dot
and asked for the release ot Patterson , wl
tie said , was not with hliu at the time t
murder was committed.
Lynched For Murder.
ST. Louis , July 1. A dispatch from Lit
Hock says word comes from Bradley cour
that Harry Hamilton , a wealthy planter a
stockman of that caunty , was lynched li
nltfht. It appears that Hamilton and a m
named Dcberry recently murdered t
brothers named Morris. Efforts were th
matte to lynch the murderers , but thov i
capcd. Later Hamilton was recaptured a
released on ball. The ropoit l.s now that
mob took vengeance on him last eight.
More Hemp lu Kentucky.
HRNDKUSON , Ky. , July 1. Jim McElr
c lorrd , was hanged at noon to-day. ' 1
crlnw for which he was convicted was I
murder of William Mart , one ot the m
prominent farmers ot southwestern Kc
tuuky ,
Keeping Out orTiMuptntlon.
CHICAGO , July l.-F. W. Hipper , com
meat contractor , who agreed to turn stn
evidence In the boodle cases , has disappear
It Is thoiiEht he has been taken on a junl
y the prosecution to Keep him av ' .
It Creates Discussion In the House of
LONDON , July 1. In the house of lords this
evening , In the report of the Irish land bill ,
the Earl of Dunravpii said there were SOO
amendments waiting , which almost recast
the bill , many provisions of which derogated
from the main object of the measure. Earl
hpcncer declared that the bill would fall to
bring a.settlement of the Irish question , and
was not vvoith considering , as It would not
relieve the tenants. Ho did not think the
government understood some ol the clauses ,
because In some cases the clauses would In-
lure the tenants , anil in otheis It wonld Injure -
juro the landlords. The tenants might bo
ordered to pay aiiears In small Installments ,
but tliu pavment of rent was not provided
for. Therefore the tenants might continue
paying Installments anil allow rent to accum
ulate. Directly the bill parsed the courts
would IKJ ciowded with applicants Avhosn
cases could not bo settled for years. Lord
Ashboiirne. lotd chancellor of Ireland ,
said after the bill passes the necessary evic
tions would not be open to harsh criticisms.
Lord Salisbury s.ild it was because it tried to
apply nn Impossible system to the relation
between landlord and tenant that tlio gov-
einmont obliged to introduce thn pres
ent bill. It was a pity that the liberals had
not foreseen these evils so that the eovern-
incut would not have had to undertake the
Impossible task ot Introducing sanity Into
the landed pollcv , which was absolutely In
sane , lie did not regard the bill as a final
measure , but believed It would bo an element
In restoring pence and good will. The Earl
ol Klmberly asset led that the bill of IbSl
violated the rights ot contract less than the
present bill , which broke the contracts of
l.Vl.OOO leasers.
Lord Salisbury moved the omission of the
purchase clauses on the ground that thev
were li relevant to the main object of the bill
and likely to lead to extended discussion In
thu commons and prove Inimical to the passage -
ago ot the bill. Lord Spencer said he hoped
that the government would not persist In
omitting the clauses. Ho believed the clauses
to bo welcomed rather than opposed. Eirl
Cadocan Intimated that the irovernment
would not press the motion to omit the pur
chase clause. The report of tlio bill was then
agreed to and the third reading fixed for
The Crimea HIM Postponed.
LONDON , July J. In the commons this
evenln. , Smith , replying to Fowler , said he
would promptly meet the wishes of the
members of the house It they thought It ad
visable to delay still further the third readIng -
Ing of the crimes bill.
Smith will announce In the commons
Mondav that the third leadini : ot the cilmes
bill will bo postponed until Thursday , in
detercnce to tlio wishes ot thn opposition ,
who are desirous of considering the land
On Fire nt Soa.
LONDON , July 1. A fire was discovered
Juno 20 in the cargo ot the North Got man
Ijloyd steamer Fulda , for Bremen from Now
York. The discovery was made after the
vessel loft Southampton. It required twelve
hours' hard work to quench tno flames , and
it was necessary to jettison twenty-two
chests of tobacco and fortv bales of cotton
from between tlio decKS. The other cargo In
couipaitmeuts was damaged by the tiro.
Vlrchow'B Satisfactory Report.
LONDON , July 1. A section of the growth
last removed from the throat ot the German
crown prince was sent to Trot. Virchow ,
Berlin , for examination. The latter has just
made a thoroughly satisfactory report , which
has delimited the emperor and prince.
The niilRanan Candidate.
LONDON , July L Prince Ferdinand of
Saxe-Coburg leaves Vienna for London to
morrow to consult Lord Salisbury and the
queen on the subject of.his caudidacy for the
Bulgarian throne.
Parnell Issues a Whip.
LONDON , July 1. Parnell has Issued an
urgent whip calling upon all the nationalist
members to be present In the commons ou
China's Emperor to Marry.
LONDON , July 1. The foithcoming mar
rlage of the emperor of China is officially an
nounced. His wife has been selected. Tht
festivities will cost 1,000,000. Numeroii'
changes are expected In the Imperial govern'
meut. _
A French Kink.
PAIIIS , July L Franco has protestet
against the conduct of Italy In mlnlmUliu
Ftench rights In Zellah , on the Red sea , neai
the Abyssinian frontier.
Abolishing Monopoly.
TAKIS , July 1. The government presentee
In the chamber of deputies a bill to abolisl
the state monopoly of the manutactuic am
sale of gunpowder.
How the Country and Cyrus An
Vndnr Obligation * to Gotild.
NKW YORK , July 1. ( Special Telegram t
the BEE. ( The World says : There wen
stories of all sorts In circulation In Wai
street yesterday about Cyrus W. Field. I
was said that the disaster which had ovei
taken him had oven deprived him of hi
homo. Ho has saved his real estate am
stock which gives him control of the Unite :
States bank , doing business In the big Was !
Ington building. Pretty much all ot hi
other securities , Including nearly his eutlr
holding of Western Union stock , It was sail' '
was parted with some time ago to obtal
money for use in sustaining Manhattan
The estimate that a loss of S200,000 was er
tailed altogether by his transactions In Mar
hattan was considered very near a lac' '
Field's wealth has alwavs been very nine
overestimated. Ills fortune is Inslgnilic.ui
co rapared with those ot Jay Gould and Kti'
hell sage. Gould Is worth nearly SIOO.OOO.OC
and Mr. Sago Is woith SM.000,000. Befoi
mlsfortuut ) overtook him Field was wort
84,500,000. Field said yesterday : "Who
the newspapers get through all their talk an
mlsstatoments I shall tell what 1 have to sa ;
over my own signature. "
To a Times reporter Russell Sage said
"Gould saved Mr. Field from teetotal rulr
and In his broad minded , open hearted wa
he put himself In the Dreach and saved Wa !
street and the whole country from an eve
whelming panic. It was a bravo and greii
thing , too. There Isn't another man In th
world that would have done It. There wasn
any other man that could do It. But wlm
docs ho get as a reward for his good work
Why the newspapers pitch Into him , Wa
street reviles him , and he tains no credl
anvwhere. And Cyrus Field , what does h
Ao'f Why ho sits stupidly by aud doesn
even raise his voice to defend tbo renerou
man who rushed to his rescue. He ls ur
grateful. I tell you there Is cause ( or Indlc
Ulltllfllj Gould Is being treated shabbily a
arounu. Field , If ho had one single lota c
gratitude In him , would Issue a plain stnti
ment and tell the public all about this Mai
hattan transaction. Instead of llconsin
abuse by tllence , he should be man
to come out and put an end to It by.
admitting that Gould has put him under e
erla.stlng obliga . "
Logan 0. U'irray ' , who Is president <
FUl'V.s ' United fttatos National bank , bi
lleves that If Field was r.blo to settle up n
arouud at once , he would still have $3,000,01
A Dynamite Sensation Spoiled.
CHICAGO , July l. A sensation wascaus1
this afternoon by Information that a dya
mlto bomb , with the fnso burned to within
quarter of an Inch ot the shell , had be <
found by Judge Baker under his desk In tl
criminal court building. Judge liaker PI
sides in the room where the anarchists we
condemned. Believing there had bren r
attempt to destroy the building and those
It , he glvo the mltsile to his bailiff vvlthstrl
Injunctions of secret1Tonicht the sto
was disrobed "f Its sensational features I
tno announcement that the bomb Is only
relic of the llaymarker , and has been lyli
around the court ever sliico tUc great til ;
Itlsuof "
The Third Oamo of the DanvorTSorioa EeC -
C _ suits in a Blank For the Visitors.
The llafltlngs Club FnlU to
It * I nick On the Lincoln
Grounds Vnlo Uittrowa the
Harvard Crew.
Omaha's Nine
Kii , July 1. [ Special Telegram to
the BIK. : ] The Omaha and Denver clubs
closed the second series of Western league
games hero to-day. About 1,500 people wit
nessed the contest , which was well played ,
there being but few scattering eirois on
either side. The Omaha battery did very
eood work , but her playeis failed to hit
llogan , and succeeded tn making but seven
actual hits during the game. The plavlng of
the homo club at every point , especially her
battery , was excellent , Deaglo's umpiring
was a decided Improvement upon yestoiday.
Both clubs leave for Omaha to-night , where
they play Sunday. The seoro :
Denver 3 ! )
Oliullh 0 00000000 0
Earned runs Denver f , Omaha 0.
Two base hitsMeSorley , Phillips , To
ienu , Mcssitt.
Three base hits Gorman.
Home runs Brlirgs , Tebeau.
Double plays Messltt to Handle , Phillips
o McSorley to Smith , Bandle to Kourke.
Bases on balls Honan 2 , llealey 1.
Hit by pitcher-bitch.
Passed balls Handle 3.
Struck out By llogan 1 , llealey 2.
Left on bases Denver r > , Omaha G.
Wild pitchci-Healoy 2.
Time of game 2 hours.
Umpire Deaglo.
Lincoln Wins at Home.
LINCOLN. Neb. , July 1. ( .Special Telegram
o the BEK.J To-day the postponed game
Between Hastings and Lincoln was pl.iyed ,
n which the sluggers were the victims. The
'ollowlng Is the score :
.Incoln 4 0 U
lastings o ooioooio-- ; :
Base hits Lincoln 18 , Hastings 8. Home
uns Dolan. Batteries Lincoln , Hart ami
) olan ; Hastings , Wehrloand Ueoves. Timi
it game 2 Hours. Umpire McLaugliliu.
Osceoln. Defeats York.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , July 1. ( Special to tht
; { EE. ] In a game of ball between York anil
Osceola the home team won by n score of K
o 13. The home club played poorly am
same very nearly being be.iten by thinking
hey had a walkaway , which is a wrong lde
'or any club to form upon entering a game.
National LcaKiio Games.
PITTSIIUBQ , July L The game bctweei
ho Pittsimrg and Boston teams to-daj
esulted as follows :
Ittsburg 3 10100000
Boston 2 1208100 # I
Pitchers Galvln and Madden. Base hits-
Pittsburg 9 , Hoston l . Errors Plttsburg 0
Boston b. Umpire Valentino.
July 1. The game bo
ween tlio Indianapolis and New Yorl
earns to-day resulted as follows :
ndianapolis 1 0100130 * f
Nt'vvYiirk 3 4300004 * li
Pitchers Healy and Keofo. Base hlts-
Indlanaiiolls 11. Now York 20. Errors In
dianapolis 5 , New York 1. Umpire Pearce
CHICAGO , July I. Tlio game between tin
hlcauoand Washington teams to-day result
ed as follows :
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .T * !
Washington . . . . 130000000 :
Pitchers Rlarkson and Shaw. Base nit
Chicago 11 , Washington 12. Errors Chi
caeoS , Washington 2. Umpire Powers.
Dr.Tnoir , July 1. The game between tin
Detroit and Philadelphia teams to-day re
suited as follows :
Detroit 3 0 1 4 2 3 0 S 3-1
Philadelphia 1 13018122-1
Pitchers Getzein and Ferguson. Bas
hits-Detroit 81 , Philadelphia 17. En orb-
Detroit 0 , Philadelphia it. Umpire Docschoi
The American Association.
CINCINNATI , July 1. The game br
tvveen Cleveland and Cincinnati teams to-da
resulted as follows :
Cincinnati 0 31300311-1
Cleveland 0 02020010
Pitchers Mullano and Monlson. Bas
hits Cincinnati 17. Cleveland 15. Etrors-
Cincinuatl 4 , Cleveland 4. Umplio M <
LOUISVILLE , July 1. The game betwee
the St. Louis and Louisville teams to-da
resulted as tollows :
LonNvUle. I 03033260-1
St. Louis 0 0100000 ! !
Pitchers Chamberlain and Font/ . Has
hits Louisvlllo 1 % bt , Louis 8. Errors-
Louisvlllo U , St. Louis 4. Umpire Youin
Pnii.ADni.riiiA July 1. The game hi
tweon the Athletics and Baltimore to-da
resulted as follows :
Athletic 0 03000000
Baltimore. 0
Pitchers Weyhlntr and Smith. Base hll
Athletics 11 , Baltimore 10. Errors All
IctlcsO , Baltimore t ) . Umpire Ferguson.
NEwYowr , July 1. The game betwee
the Metropolitan and Brooklyn teams to-da
resulted as follows :
Metropolitans. . . . ! 00500001
BrooKlyn 0 0101188 *
Pitchers Mays and Green. Base hits-
Metropolitans 13 , Brooklyn 15. Errors Me
ropolitansT , Brooklyn ! 5. Umpire Burdoc
of Boston club.
Northwestern Loacuo Games.
DES MOINES , la. , July 1. Northwester
league games to-day : Des Molnes fl , Ost
kosh 4 , at Oshkosh. Kau Clidro 0. St. Pai
4 , at Eau Claire. Minneapolis 6 , Duluth i
at Duluth.
Yale Walks Away With Harvard.
NEW LONDON , Conn. , July 1. Th
twelfth annual four-mile straight away rac
between the eight-oared crews represontln
Yal and Harvard universities was rowed th
evening over the Thames river course trot
Gales ferry to Wlthrop point , and was wo
by Yale by five and a half lengths. Otllch
time Yale 22:53 : ; Harvard 23:10 : } . The a
tendance was something unprecedented
The scenes along the course trom start t
finish were very striking. At 7:23 the vvor
was given , both crows catching water vei
quickly , Harvard gaining a slight advantaei
Both crews started at a 85 stroke , but afti
the tint minute dropi > ed to 83 and 34. Ha
vaid gradually drew away from Yale , and I
the first eighth of a mile led by half a leu ft
Both crews were pulling In pertect Ton
ane the excitement was Intense. Yale
powerful stroke noon scut her shell up tin'
at the half mile Hag both boats , as seen tie
the press boat , were bow andbo' '
though the official time glvea llarvai
a lead of two seconds. Harvard's 1lmo he
was 2:61 : and Yale's 3M. : Just after passii
the half mile lias Yale dropped her stroke
82 , Harvard pulling 34 and M. Yale's slo
stroke proved more elltftlve and her bo
crept slowly to the front , and as they passi
the'iullo In 5:20 : and S23 ; Yale was lust she
lug clear water ahead o Unrviua'3 t > o :
.The second half mile was the fastest ot
the race , Yale doing It In 2:21 :
and Harvard In 2"J. All throned the
third half Yale kept her stroke down
to 32 and S3 , while Harvard was pulling 31
and 85. As they nearcd the navyjard Yale
began to forgo ahead and showed twenty feet
of clear water between tlio boats , Up to this
point the race had been one of the most hotly
contested ever rowed batween crows from
these two colleges. Otf the navv yard Har
vard spurted and made : t grand effort toelo o
the gap , but Yale responded nobly , and at
the two-mile Yule Increased her lead to a
It'iiL'tli and a half , passing that point In
lliOU1 * , Harvard In ll:14 > < . At this point
the r.iea was practically settled. In the llfth
half Yale gained live seconds , and , having
the r Ci ) well In hand , dropped her stroke to
30 and 31 , Harvnid still rowing ! ! ! and 81. In
the sixth half Yale made an additional gain
of seven and one-half seconds and
pass"d the three-mile Hag in 14:14 : :
with a lead of four lengths , Harvard's time
14:2t. : : H began to look like a prece on , and
especially as In the seventh half Yale added
n fifth loneth to her credit , doinir the hall In
2ril : to Harvard's 3MK : , nnd passing tlio
tlned and a half mild tlag In 20 mliiutes to
HIII vard's 20U : > if. In the last half mile Har
vard made a desperate effort to lesson Yalu's
lead , but It was of little avail. When the
Yale men stopped rowing , GUI , who pulled
number two , fell back In his seat exhausted ,
being oveicomu by the strain and excitement.
Nr.w HAVKN , Conn. , July 1. There is
great rejoicing here to-night over Yale vic
tory In the boat race. Such excitement and
jollification has never beet , seen hero. The
lown is brilliantly Illuminated , and the vic
tors on their return vveie escorted In triumph
through the streets.
llaolng at Schuylcr
Scituvi.Eii , Niib. , July 1. ( Special Tclo-
gram to the Bni : . | Tlio first of the ( list
series of races given bvtho Schuyler Driving
and Trotting association were commenced
totay and will continue to-morrow and
Monday. There are already about twenty
entries In each of the trotting and running
classes. Though tlio track was heavy to-day ,
, ho time made was veiy good , as follows :
Green trotting race , 8iiO. : Time made by
ome horses 3 : i > 7.
Pony race , half-mllo dash. Tlmo BV-f.
The prospects for Saturday and Monday
re very Haltering and the management are
cry well satisfied. A number of prominent
oises are hcie Irom abioad , and we expect
i see seine Interesting speed contests before
ho races close. _
Washington i nrk Races.
CHICAGO , July 1. This was the first extra
ay of \\ashington park races. The
, veathcr was line , the track good and the at-
cndanco large , Tlio following is the sum-
mry :
All ages , ono mile : Rosalind won , Spald-
_ ng second. Dartina third. Time 1 :42f. :
Two-year-olds , live furlongs : Ulta K. won ,
Bertha second , Fleuretto third. Tlmo 1:0 : , %
Two-year-olds , live furlongs : Flitter won ,
: iinir.i second , Cleopatra third. Time
:0i4' : : | .
Match race , live furlongs , heats , between
Kddare and Ladv Parrlsh , irom Kansas
Uity , for SO.OOO : First heat Lady Vanish
.von . bv a length in liOiiJ . Second lieat
Nady 1'arrKh broke down on the stable turn ,
Ktldaio winning. Time 1:07. :
Selling , ono and one-sixteenth miles :
Jlddy Bowling won , Jim N.IVO second , Tiix
hlrd. Timo-lJ.IO .
Selling , one and one-sixteenth : Cleonec
ivon , llettv b. second , Cheatlellow third.
ime-l:50W. :
Maidens , tliree-yoir-olds , seven ftirlonss :
Valuable won , Carus second , Clay Sexton
Racine at Kliocnshcad Hay.
nuEi'siiEAD BAV/.N. Y. , July L The
weather was fine , the track fast , the attend
ance good. The following Is the summary :
Five-eighths mile : Patiocles won , Flageo-
letta second , Pericles third. Time l:01kf. :
Tvvo-yeir-olds , three-quarters mile : Slum
ber won , Ballston second , Billy Brown third ,
Time 1:10. :
Tlnee-year-olds , seven furloncs : Romv.
won , Fiuroy second , Maggie Mitchell third ,
Ivcs stakes , handicap , ono and one-quarter
nlles : Dry Monoplo won. Elkwood second ,
lilclunoml third. Time 2:07h' : .
Mile and furlonir on turf : Gonfallon won ,
riiomasia second , Wonderment third. Tlmi
Racing In Kit eland.
LONDON , July L At Windsor the Julj
meeting to-day for the Athens plate , live
Vurlongs , for two-year-olds , was won by E ,
.Tones' . colt Admiral Bonbovv , Woover'.s fillj
Varloy second , J. Porter's lillv Mondroil
ilrd. Lotd Calthorpo's colt Toscauo aud
Jhlldvvlck's colt Craven also ran.
Trottlnjr Stock Sold.
Niw : YOKIC , July L At the Coney Island
jockey club course at Slieepshead bay to-day ,
Ixteen two-year-olds and three-year-olds
from Dvvyer Bios , sti.bles were sold. Ben-
digo was the star of the sale and brought the
toil pi Ice of the day , Sii.OOO. Lociiit , bj
Virgil , alao a two-year-old , brought -.lOO.
The AIui-dcrpTH ol'
CLEVELAND , July L The three murder
era of Detective Hulllgan arrived this mornIng -
Ing and aio now In tun county jail under f
strong guard and In heavy chains. Tlio po
llco had hard work to keep the crowd bad-
while landin ? tlio pilsoneis from the De
tioit boat. Everybody wanted to see thodes
puratu. ciimlnals and the police were compelled
polled to llouilsh their clubs and shout nt tin
top ot their voices In order to keep a passag <
way clear lor thorn. Tlio prisoners wen
taken to the central police station in a pa
trol wagon and locked together in a cell
Their shackles were not removed.
Later ou tlio murderers were n > movc <
from the central and given scperato cells litho
the jail. _
Nr.w HAVEN , July 1. [ Special Telcgran
to the ltii.J : : Mr. Yan Phon Leo.theChlnesi
student who giaduated hero Wednesday , i
repoitcd to bo engaged to many Mis
Jerome , an American young lady of thi
city , July 0. Yan Phou evidently has an oy
on the class cup awarded to the class boy
The leportcd niarriai-n Is cieating a gooi
deal ot comment in social circles. Th
Chinaman sajs ho Is going to take the pos
graduate course , and then study for a yea
with special icfcrencoto journalism.
Frightful Hollar Kvnloslon.
ST. Louis , July L The boiler of an en
gine driving a threshing machine on th
farm of John Bark , near Mascautahvlllo.
few miles east of this city , exploded thi
morning. John Plod , the engineer , wa
blown seventy-live feet In the air and In
stantly killed. Ono of his legs was toum
BOO feet from the engine. His brother , Will
lam , had both lezs broken. Herman I.cnla
meucr had his arm blown off , Edward Schul
ter had a leg broken , the thresher and tw
wftzons were burned , and two line horse
_ _
Shutting Off Oil Production.
CLEVELAND , O. , July 1. A special frou
Lima says that the oil producers ot the Llrm
Flndlay and North Baltimore fields to da
signed an agreement .with the Standard O
company to cease production for * nin
months In order to glvo the Standard
chance to liud a market for Ohio crude o
Children Iturnnd to Death.
, July L During the temporar
absence of Mrs. August Belder , of Moun
Washington , this city , to-day , three of he
children were fatally burned by an exploslo
of a can of oil which they placed near th
Death of lllshnp Shorter.
XENIA , Ohio , July 1. Bishop James J
Shorter , of the African Methodist Episeopi
church , having charge ot work In Soul
Carolina , died suddenly this morning , c
heart disease , at his homo in Wllbcrforc
this county. Ho was seventy years old.
Dom podro'H Trip.
Rio JAXEIUO , July 1. Emperor.Do
Pedro sailed for Europe ou the sti-am
Glconde. . > .
Both tbo Forenoon and Afternoon Lectures
Attended By Largo Audiences ,
An Immense Amount of rtnslncss
Done On the Opening Dixy of
Clnulron's Land OHlcc
Nubi-aHkn News.
Chautnuqu.i'B Third Dny.
CiiinNeb. : : , July L ( Special Telegram
to tlio I5ii.j : : The two lectures by Geoigo W.
H.iln were tlio attrnctlnns nt tlio assembly In
tlio lecture line , tlio afternoon lecture being
nttondod by an audience enormous In mini-
bur. The leclurowas Introduced by music
trom tlio Schubert quartotte. I'rof. Frank
Heard arrlv cd ontho grounds and immediately
opens his special wotk , conducting a diavv-
Ing class , which nlre.uly numbers well up In
tlio hundreds. 1'iof. Beaid gives a public
Illustrated lecture at thn Central Pavilllon
on Monday , .Inly 4 , and It Is well to mention
In ndvnnco that he delights his audience ,
both old and young , as few men of the assem
bly can do. The Illustrated lecture theFourth
will bo an e\ent tooirood tomlss. To-night
tlio Schubert quaitotto completed Its throe
daysengagemcnt at this assembly In a con
cert that excelled all their former ellorts to
please. Tim Schubert quartette Is inagiull-
cent , and tlio audience o 5,000 people en
cored and re-echoed the encore to every
person. The piogrammo In itself Is
evidence that the management se
cured music of moro than ordinary
meilt In these celebrated singers. But while
the Schubert songsters depart for another
engagement , the Twenty-tirst Infantry band
from Kort Sidney , which Is regarded as tlio
finest band organisation In tlio west , Is to
artlvo to-morrow and remain as the nunago-
mcnt may desire. This band Is ono of the
special attractions lor national day , but they
l lemain through the closing day and
will be more than appreciated by the dwell-
rson the tented Hold. Una of the popular
iicetlngsof the assembly IB the morning
irayer and piaiso meeting held every inorn-
ngi :30 : a. 111. and conducted by Dr. Pontl-
! 0it , of Drooklyn , ono o the most emlnnnt
Iv'lncs. lie conducts tt'o irathoilngs with
: nuch success , and over n thousand people
imulato the lark to attend them. Dr.
lolmes' lectures on English history
ontlnuo dally nnd the bright and favorable
weather of the day has greatly
ncieased attendance at all the classes and
ecturcs. Saturuay is children's day on the
ground , and there are hundreds of them to
njoy It and take part In the exercises , which
; ire largely conducted by Mrs. Kennedy. The
children's meeting is at 2 p. in.non a
nind round of t-ongs , stories and short ad
dresses will bo the work of the hour. In the
evening Dr. Penticost delivers at the pavil
ion , the first of his lectures before the assem
bly , entitled "What Answer. " It will be one
of the most enjoyable events of the entire
assembly. The complete programme for
July 4th and the attractions of the day
will bo announced In the SUNDAY Br.E.
joncral Morrow , of Koit Sidney , and J.
J. Cowln , of Omaha , are the orators.
TheBrownvlllo Tragedy.
Bitow.vvii.M2 , Neb. , Juno 30. To the
Editor ot thoBm : : Some person devoid of
truth and tco cowardly to acknowledge the
authorship of Ids article , wrote a special
loin this city which was published In thu
dally Bcc of the 20th Inst. concerning the
tabbing of our city marshal by one Allen.
Had the writer confined himself to n simple
statement of the tacts and not untruthfully
rellected on mo and mv business , no atten
tion would bo given him. In referring to
iVllenhosays : "And after getting so full
.hat even the proprietor of the saloon could
: io longer endure him , asked the city mar
shal , John Dougherty , to take him away. "
This man Allen has never received a drink
of any kind of liquor In my saloon since I
liavo had charge ot it. The first ttmu I met
liim I thought him unsafe to receive intox
icating liquors , and I gave strict orders to
my bai tenders not to sell him adrinkof any
thing an injunction that has always beun
obojcd. The writer adds turther : "The
saloon hero Is ono of the lowebt character ,
being itin nt all times , Sundays not ex-
centcd. " This Is n moro outrageous
falsehood than the first one. It the audacious
scribe who penned tills lie believes
It and is a respectable citi/en ot our city ,
why does ho not lilo his information In a
criminal court and prosecute such a II ig rant
violation of thulavv ? Holssomecheapsentl-
mental 1st whose writing has foico only be
cause of the uncertainty of Its authorship.
Wore his true Identity known he and his ar
ticle woulu receive no other consideration
than ridicule. 1 am licensed by the city to
Keep a saloon and I try to obey the law In
every respect In order that I may reecho the
protection duo me , and I challenge any one
to prove the contrary. 1 am a subscriber tr
the dally UIK : , which Is more than tlio anthot
of that slanderous article can say , and I do-
slro this article published as a matter of sell
defense. Very Truly , T. A. BAILEV.
( Jhadron'n Ijand Olllcc Opened.
CHADKON , Neb. , July 1. | Special Tele-
cram to tlio UKI : . | The United States land
olllce was formally opened at this place to
day and a largo amount of business was
transacted. A largo number of people won
In the city transacting business at the olllcc
and some little excitement occurred at th (
openinc to see who should be first in to tians
act business , but happily theio was no dem
oiibtratlvo actions. Dullness of all kind !
was very lively In the city and n number o :
Impoitant real estate transtois occiured
which would seem to Indlc.ite that some cast
cm capitalists now In town are negotiating
tor tlio tiauchisoof tlio waterworks ut thii
Another Company Organized.
CiiAimoN , Nob. , Only 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J A state military com
pany was organized at this place to-day , am
mustered in by Colonel Sweet , of Lincoln
A full company was organized. The com
missioned oftlcers are : F. N. Dorrcnton
captain ; W. G. Burke , first Lieutenant ; N
Smith , second lieutenant ; U. L. Thomson
first sergeant. Advice has been rcoelvei
from Governor Thayer that full equipment
and uniforms will he forwarded to this plac
about July 15. The company Is composed o
soiiio of the loading citizens , and will be i
great credit to Clmdron.
Oft * For the Uhaiitaiiqun.
SIDNEY , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Telegrar
to the BEE. | General 11. A. Morrow an
Lieutenant 0.11. lionsteel , accompanied b
the full band of the Twenty-first Infantij
departed to-day for Greta to attend the Ciu ! ;
John Jenkins Appointed.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 1 tSpeclal to th
BEE. | Governor Thayer to-day appoint ? '
John Jenkins as secretary of the board c
state labor commissioners. Mr. Jenkins I
at present boiler Inspector for thu city c
Copious Rains tn thn Ulnok Hills.
RAPID CITY , Date. , July 1. [ Spech
Telegram to the HIK. ] During the last thrc
days the whole Black 111113 region has bee
\isitedbycoplousBhnwers. Crops are no
ensured and promise the ereatest yield en
known In the history of the country. Tr
rain to-night was accompanied by torrlf
thunder and lightning. Lightning ntruc
the electric Jlglit wires , cutting oil the clrcu
and setting lire tn llayward Solps saloon.
The tire \\iis extinguished , doing but little
damage. The air \v as tilled with electricity
foi some minutes. A number of peeplo were
severely shocked , Dr. I ) . W. Flick was
knocked son i > le < s , and Tank Kee , n Chinese
lectuier , badly burned about the he.ul and
face. _
KT'Onvcrnor ( Dllpln Divorced ,
DHNVKII , July 1. | Special Telcxram to
the IJuK.I The case of ox-dovernor Gllpln
against his wlfo on the grounds of cruelty ,
which has been on trial tn the superior couit
for two weeks , w.xs concluded late this afier-
noon. The jury at It o'clock to-ulghtbrought
In a veidld for the plaintiff. Mrs. Glipln's
maiden name was Julia 1'ratt , Her lather
was u prominent cltl/en of St. Louis. Her
llrst husband was Colonel Dlekerson , of the
United States army , also a citizen of St.
Louis. _
Hold Tor Murder.
Ki.non.vno , Kan. , July 1. The coroner's
juiy In the ease of Dr. Key Nance , clnrgod
with killing \Villlam Forney. In Sjcamoro
township Wednesday , brought In a verdict
that Nance , who Is a brother of ex-Governor
Nance , of Nebraska , should bo held tor mur
der. Nanco was man led last January , and
his young wife Is nearly distracted. Governor
Nance , of Nebraska , arrived to-day.
A Victory For the Finn In an Attach
ment Suit.
CiinvKNNr. , Wvo. , July 1. [ Special Tel
egram to the Bni : . ] A decision was rendered
to-day In an attachment suit against Swan
Bios , favorable to the collapsed tirni. The
case , which has been befoic the court for the
past week , Is on a motion made on behalf of
Swan liios. to dissolve the attachments
served upon the property of the firm In a
suit brought against It by the First National
bank of Cheyenne for tlio sum of $25,000
due on n note against the firm. The
questions Involved In the proceedings were
whcthei the debt for which the Milt was
brourht was contracted fraudulently and also
whether the llrm , after contracting the debt ,
disposed of portions of Us property with In
tent to defraud the creditors. The principal
evidence of the banks In support ot their
charges was that when the note in question
was renewed by F. W. Lafrcnt/ , book keeper
of the firm , he stated that the firm was worth
SSOO.OOij. which subsequent development
demonstrated not to bo correct ; also that
transfers of propel ly wuro made by
Swan Bros , with Intent to defraud
creditors. On the part ot Swan Bros. It
was contended that at the time of tholr as
signment their Indebtedness to the First Na
tional bank was not as laigo as at a short
line previous , when It was nearly 5100,000 ,
md that the general condition of the linn
ivas uch that at no time prior to Its assign
ment would It lead any ono to consider It In-
solvent. In regaul to the repiesentatlons
made at the time the -J5.000 was
given It was contended that , as
thn bank held collaterals of the firm to the
amount of $08,000 , It was on the sticngth ot
iheso collaterals and not the statement of the
: > ookkccper that the bank renewed the paper.
Tlio ruling of the judge was as follows : 1.
The assignment of Swan Hros. not having
been perfected by the failure of the firm to
hie in the allotted time nn Inventory of Its
assets and liabilities was void ; that by Im
perfect assignment no fiaud was perpetrated
and the Interests ot the creditors not neces
sarily Injured. 2. That In the
transfers of property made by the
inn no fraud was perpetrated.
it. That the allowed representations of the
bookkeeper In regard to the financial standIng -
Ing of thn linn at the time of the renewing
ot the note did not constitute fraud as
charged In the affidavit In support of the at
tachment. Thu attachment was therefore
dissolved. Other attachment "suit * amount
ing to S100.000 against : Swan Bros , hinge
on this decision , and will probably be aban
The POSH Protectionist ! ) .
NKwYouic , July 1. The American Pro
tective Tariff league to-day announced
awards of prl/.es to college students for
essays on "The advantages of protective
tarltl to labor and Industries of the United
States. " The number of competitors
was forty-eight , representing eight
een states and tlility-live colleges.
She following are the awards :
first prize , S2.VJ , Crawford L. Honing , Uni
versity of Pennsylvania ; second prize , 3100 ,
James 11. Mcllrido , University of Michigan ;
third prize , S50,11. It. McKeiuie. University
of Minnesota. Fifteen silver medals were
awarded , am on : : tlio recipients being J.
Finle , Knox college , Illinois ; 1) . B. Smith ,
! ornell college , Iowa.
AVnrd'H Inland Ltrutallty.
Nr.w Tonic , July 1. In the investigation
at the Ward's Island Insane asylum to-day ,
.overal witnesses and ono ex-attendant tcsU-
led to instances of exticmo brutality on the
part of attendants , and instances of neglect
by the medical superintendent. One wit
ness said that In the ward where the hoys
wcio confined their morals were continually
being contaminated bv filthy expressions on
the part of the men. Another witness said
patients would not tell of tbo brutality ou ac
count ot threats of worse treatment.
LOUISVILLE , July 1. Dick Middle-ton &
Co. , proprietors of the Giant tobacco works
of this city , made an assignment to-day.
Liabilities estimated at 5100,000 , nominal
assets the same amount. The failure duo to
competition and close margins on pronK
NEW YOKK. July L .lames M. Edwards &
Co. , colleo dealers , assigned without prefer
ences. The firm some time ago was esti
mated to bo worth 8200,000. Xo statement
lias yet been made.
That Mexican Duel Fought ,
CITY OF MEXICO ( via Galveston ) , July L
A duel was lought yesterday between Eustace
Barren , n member of ono of the oldest Kng-
llsh families resident In this city , and Yin-
cento Garron , a member of the Spanish club ,
Harron received a slight bullet wound In the
side , and Garron had tils temple grazed by a
bullt-t from his adversaiy's pistol. The affair
gievv out ot the recent Incident at the Spanish
club's ball , In which a number of notable
persons were concerned ,
Fatal Labor Hint.
CHICAGO , June I. A gang of non-union
dock laborers engaged In loading a schoouoi
were set upon this afternoon by a number ol
members of the scamcns union and a pitched
battle ensued. The master of the vessel ,
John Gale , was beaten to Insensibility wltti
clubs , and maydlc. Several ot the uon-union-
Ists were badly cut and bruised.
Hervla'a Policy.
Bni.nnA.DE , July 1 , Hlstlcs , the now Ser
vlan prime minister , cent a circular to va
rlous representatives abroad stating that tin
chief point of his government was to Improvi
the financial condition of the country.teforn
the constitution , maintain an entente will
all powers Including Austria , and improve
the relations with Uussla.
Cotton Hood Oil Drop * .
NEW YOHK , July L At the annual meet'
Ing of the American Cotton Seed Oil Trusi
to-day It was voted to pay quarterly dlvl
donds ot 1 per cent. The declaration of till :
small dividend caused a drop ot 4 per reut it
the stock.
to tlio Imperial Ixtnn
July 1. Subscriptions for tin
UO,000OOJ , markb of the new Imperial loai
will bo opened July & at all the great bank
of the empire.
Thn Coke Strtko.
I'lTTsnuno , July 1. The coke operator
havodcplded to Btart woik next week wit
those ot their old etnployos'who desire t
abandon the strike. Ample protection wll
bo arranged. No new men will bo Imports
Arbitrating In Chfcncri.
CHICAGO , July 1. Arbitration In the b.ull (
Ing trades lockout began to-day , So ft
nothing has been accomplished.
Comptroller Tronhohn Declares the 'Westoflli
Banking Situation Sound ,
Public Printer Ilonodlct's Plans fet
the Summer Comfort < > r HI *
Employ C8 NUWH nr Interest
\Vestorn Hnnkn All Right.
WASIIIXOTON , July L ( Special Tclcjrntfl
to the Ur.K.J Comptroller Trenholm an
Solicitor MeCuo returned last evening from
Cincinnati. ComptrollcrTrenholm said that'
\\assatlslled that tlio banking situation' '
west as well as east has been sttongthonott )
lather than Imj-aliod by the wheat break and
Wall street Hurry. Ho was ratified to liiul
that the older Cincinnati baVs : had pursued *
a safe and conservative course , and had noj
been In the least demoralized by tholriogulaK
methods of the Fidelity. In both Cincinnati
and Chicago the banks uro thoroughly souud
nnd prosperous. _ '
A Dead Clerk's Deficiency.
WASIUNOTOX , July L The examination
which has been made of the accounts of tha
late Lovl Bacon , financial clerk of tha In ten
rlor department , who died on the ' .3d ult.j
reveals a deficiency of 8 ,000. The Inquiry '
Is said to show that for a long time prior tq'
his death ho either misappropriated publlo
inonoys or permitted loose methods of truusA
acting business In his olllce. Sixteen
thousand dollars Is represented by dua'
bills of employes of the olflcoto whom Bacon ;
advanced money. Some of these duq
bills run as far back as 187U It Is bellovf
that a considerable parLot tUe monpy rspre *
sentcd by these bills can be recovoFed. SecV
rctary Lnmar to-day Issued nn order direct ?
Ine the disbursing oftlccis to retain part ot
the salaries of employes whoso due bills arcj
hold , thus securing the government against
loss ns far as possible. As far as thq
Investigation has gone it does not prove tha
Bacon approproprlatcd the money to hi
own pilvate use , but Indicates that rather b
wished to accommodate his friends.
" " Publlo I'rliitlnjj 1'olnta.
WASHINGTON , July 1. ( Special Tolograni
to the BKK. I Public 1'rlnter Benedict au
nounced to day that as It seemed to be tha
deslioof many of the employes of the govV
eminent printing ofllco that the olllco box
closed at 1 o'clock instead of 5 p. m. on Sat ,
urday's dining tlio heated term , ho woitld
submit the matter to a vote of thn employes
on the Oth of July. If It appears that a ma
jorlty want the change ho will grant It. llq
says that ho is notautliorl/ed by law to grand
them pay for the houis between 1 and 3
o'clock , but ho Is willing to let them make UD
tlio time dining the other live days of thq
week If they pieter It Mr. Benedict will ]
also Issue lequcsls to-morrow to the employes
that they take their ten day's vacation In thq
months of July , August and September , a&
the work is then light and will Increase u alo/
by October. _
Public Doht Statement.
WASHINGTON , July L The following Is *
recapitulation of tlio publlo debt Statement
Issued to-day : Interest bearing debt , prlncl *
pal , SlObfliin.SG2 : ; Interest , SlS.ail.OOU . ; total/ ;
31,008.007,40debt ; on which Interest M&
ceased since maturity , principal , Sllir ( > ,105ti
Interest , $ lito,75i : ; total , 0OSU1U : ! ; debt bear ?
Ine no Interest , & .VJ5,7U8fiU ( ; total debt. ,
S1,700,771H4S ; total debt , less available casts
Items. jl.SSO.asu'.loO ; net cash In treasury.
40awSOd , : debt , less cash In treasury July
, 1S.S7 , * ly < V > ' 5l,4iW ; decrease of debt durlnij
month , SKI.M-,7 : decrease of debt gluceri
June 30 , lixsc , S10tl,707WO ; cash In treasuri
available for reduction of public debt , $380,7)
4Sy,842 ; reserve fund , SIOO.OOO.OIO ; unavalflW
ble for i eduction of the debt , tf 101,0 14,073 ?
total cash In the treasury as shown by treasih
rer's general account , S483.433fll7.
Civil Scrvlcti K.xamlnatlona.
WASHINGTON , July L ( Special Telojrani
to the BEK.J Fifty-seven clerks of the quaih
termaster general's office thirty males and
twenty-seven females participated In tbefi
Inst examination tor promotion before the
civil service commission. Of that num. *
her six males and two females failed to at *
tain a minimum ot 7.1 out of a possible
100 and therefore did not paws. OC
those examined first for promotion to third ;
and fourth class clerkships tluee males failed ;
to pass , so that of all clerks In the quartermaster - )
master goneial's olllco nine males and twq
females have failed to pass. The females
who passed obtained the highest averages
The lady who tainted during the examlna- *
tion surpassed any of the class , obtaining aiy
average above 00. '
Tlui PrcHldoiifa Pinna.
WASHINGTON , July 1. ( Special Telegram
to the Bii : ! . | The president will continue to ,
drive out to Oak View every afternoon an < $
spend the night at his country seat until July
12 , when ho will leave the city to attend thq
centennial anniversary celebration of the In * '
corporation of the town of Clinton , N. Y. ,
with which his own early life , as well as thrvtt
of his parents , v as elosolv Identllied. Aftee
the celebration ho expects to retain dliect tq
Washington. _
Nnbraakn nnd IOWA Pcuifdnna.
WASHINGTON , July 1. ( Sncclal Telograni
to the BIK. | The follow-In ? Ncbraskana
were granted pensions to-day : Laura A. ,
widow of William Davidson , I'almyra
minors of Isaac O. Shelby. Omada ; Newton
W. Almsted , Waco ; William 11. Uovvell , Stv
James ; Hubert McCarthy , Oilmoro ; Charles ]
Ferry , Uulo ; William R. Kcfp , Middle ?
branch ; John M. Aiildlng.Trcumseh ; Henri-
He ! ! . Lebanon ; Henry Cole , Omaha ; Will
iam W. Lamphear , Long 1'lue ; John DOQO
van , Wilsonvillo.
Iowa pensions : Zczlah , widow of Ellatf
Barnes , Oskaloosa : Samuel K. Hanna , Bed
ford ; Thomas , I. Channer. ( irceno ; Samuel
Hewlett , Hi ay ton ; William J. Dorman ,
Perry ; Samuel T.McCune , Clarinda ; Walter
H. Goodrich , Peterson ; Kdwin D. Paitrldge ,
DmiiRon ; Gerhard SommerF , Ureda ; Uot-
fricd Lalim. Love ; Samuel L Gorman , Bat-v
via ; John N. KaiiiHworlh , Warsaw ; Alfred
Wan ) , deceased , Oxford Junction ; Darlna
A. Cudworth , Carroll City ; Benjamin T. '
VanCleve. Adel ; David U. Hugh , Bloom-
Held ; Hacharhh J. Vniitrees , Boone ; llonru
K. Kiiknatrlck , Klrkvlllo ; Henry \V.
Hobart , Iconlum ; Oliver 0. McCutchen ,
Stralmn ; Isaac llnbler , Marshalltovvn ,
Increase ; George W. Cleavenqeh , Truno :
Hiram D. Bryant. Decatur ; Kobert O ,
Crooks , Norwood ; Joseph 0. Journoyj
Shambangn. _
Postal Chaneoa.
WASIIINOTON , July L [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The following changes In stae
route schedules have been made In Nebraska :
Morsovlllo to Kcnnsaw : Leave Morscvllla
TuPfcdavn , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:4Q :
n. in. ; arrive at Konosaw by 0 p. in. Leave
Kcnesaw Tuesda > 6 , Thnrsdass and Hntur ,
days at 7:40 : a. in. ; arrive at Morsovlllo at
1'J m.
In Iowa : Blanclmrd to Holsnurg : Leave
Blnnchard Mondajs , Wednesdays nnd Krl >
day R at H a. m. ; arrive at Hamburg by 7 p.
in. Leavti Hamburg Tuesday , 'I'huisdays
and Saturdays at S a. m. ; arrive at Ulanclmrd
bj 7 p. m.
Otto lohmlthland : Leave Otto Mondays ; arrive at Smith-
land by uWia. : in. Leave Smlthland Mon
days Thursdays \ at 10 a. in. ; arrive at
Otto by lU.TOa. m. [
Smlthland to Maplrton : Leave Smlthlana
Tuesdays. Thursdaj.s and Saturdays at 1 p.
m. ; arrive at Mapluton by ! lJo : p. in. Leave
Mapleton Tuesda > s , Thursdays ami .Satur
day * at 7 a. in , ; arrive at Smlthlnnd bj
0BOa. : m. 1
Military . vtnttorn.
WASIIINOTON , July 1. [ Special Told
Kram to the lin. ! ; | Army orders Captalu
K. W.-Stone , Twenty-fhst infantry , and Firs !
Lieutenant K. ii. T > ivlor Ninth cavalry , two'
months' extension ut leave ,
Army furlout'lis : Sergcaut iloury