TRE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .FjRlBAY , JULY 1. 1887. IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , t Wheat Very Qniot With Ent Very Little I . Change in Prices , . , NO IMPORTANT NEWS RECEIVED. Com Quite Active nnil Shippers IJny- Ing Krocly--OntH Continue t i At- trnot Attention With ill XrndhiK Quotation * . CHICAGO I'UomJCK MAUKHT. CmcAfio , June 30. [ Special Telegram to the HKK. | Tlia wheat market was \c to-aay , nnd price changes were The limit of Iliictiiatlous w.isfc \ , the range of prices at 1 o'clock was with the 2iO : ! figures > csteiday. Trading was almost fcntutclcss. Orders for now busi ness wore inrltles and ttatmctlous were conflned wholly , or nearly M > , to changing Ouly contracts over Inlo later months. Au gust averaged 2'fc ' tiremlutn over July , and the most of the changing was done on that basis. July wheat opened at fiOJi'c , sold down to G'Jc , and at 1 o'clock was quoted nt 69J < c. August ranged 7'J'iOlT2 ' c , nnd left offat72yc. Thorango for September was 747l , ? < c1 nnd the 1 o'clock quotation was 74c. The market uows was exceedingly ecarco. Cables were uninteresting , and no price changes were rioted. Now York had nothing now to report except that the Juno corner In winter wheat was being run to a successful conclusion. An Item WAS also made ot the fact that foreigners mid exporters - porters were In the field as buyers. The northwest reported heavy rains , hut from central Dakota the Information was wired that under the most lav- orablo conditions tliero would not bo to exceed two-thirds ot a crop Farmers re \esnio unquestionably running very low , and nt all the primary nurkets , ex cepting Minneapolis and sU Louis , the re ceipts are very light even for the season. The arrivals at Minneapolis merely represent millers' wheat transferred from back country elevators to warehouses nearer the homo base. St. Louis Is getting little now , but fanners are not breaking t their necks Belling their grain nt the ruling pi Ices. Corn was quite aetl\o to-day , though large percentage of the business transacted was In the way ot changes' , the shipping crowd bujlng freelv of July and selling longer futures , while outside orders were generally for makinz changes right tlio other way. The speculative market w.v weak early nnd there weio fractional do dines on reports ot rain , July stilling off to HVs'c , Au.'iist to ! J7Ko nnd September to BS c. This was % c under yesterday's clos ing In an hour or so it was claimed thai there had but little rain fallen as a matter of fact where It was mostly needed , and the mntket firmed up again to nearly outside figures , the closlnc quotations nt 1 o'clock standing nt 80KfiM ? , fc for July , 37c fo August , yu\c lor September. Oats continue to attract more than the usual amount of attention among specula tors , and there was avraln quite largo trading to-day. Considerable of It , however , as ii corn , was In the way of change ? . There \va B weak nnd K@l/c opening , but u very bull ish feellni ; was developed later and prices were advanced * < @Jfc. At 1 o'clock Aliens was quoted at ! # V < c and September at 27 c being § c above yesterday's latest bids. The crop is now so fni advanced that the so.tking mlns , such ns nro needed by corn In maul places , 'would do oats more harm than good The oats harvest is close at hand , nnd It i now goneinllv conceded that over largo nreai the crop Is Irretrievably Injured. In the provision pit there was more than ordinary interest shown. In pork tor June a number of settlements weie. made aulto tiring the session at 8'Jl.M ) , but just nt the close it wns offered and sold tor the same de livery nt S''O.W ) . For the year pork w as of fered nt 8W.OO , while the best made was Sll.OO. In short ribs and lard the real ttadlng lines the nc- tlvitv developed surpilscd the trade. For both the speculative demand was Rome- tliliiR unusual , though the principal buyers , It was claimed , were parties on thu short side and anxious to cover or pi otect their trndes on account of the prolonged holiday vaca tion. Lard wns relatively .stioncer than short ribs , though the latter averngcd for tlio day higher than yesterday. The 1 o'clock clos ings for short ribs , however , were the same an last night's final quotations. In lard this advance established amounted to l-Kc. AFTKUNOON SKRSION. Wheat wns quiet ; July 6iyi'09J8'c , August 72 > . ( c , September 74fc. Corn was steady ; July 3flX@0 ; ! > < 'c , August 87K037KC , September 89 } e. Oats were easier ; Jnly < 5Xc old , August Mc bid , September , c asked. 1'orlt was inactive. There was some wild talk but no market for July and subsequent delivery. Lard was ad vanced 5c. Short ribs closed BJaigKc higher. CHICAGO ljlV13 STOCK. CincAoo , Juno 80. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J OATTI.K The demand was rather bettor than yesterday , with lieio nnd there lend of fnncy and choice steers sell ing u Rhaao stronger than for some days past. Hut the ereat bulk of fat stock sold no better than for the past two weeks. Grass stock was slow even at former prices. The chances now are that the run will bo considerably below that of last week. Again chances are that next week's run will be heavy , as there re , It Is said , larice numbers hold near by awaiting the slightest favorable turn in the market. Low grade and common native stock Is no better than last weok. For the past three days nearly one-half of the re ceipts of cattle were Texans , about all of which were good , and among them many droves of excellent quality , the best Bcn here tor many seasons. Texans are about 25o lower than last weok. The atockcr and feeder grade lias been quite actlvo for a day or two , nnd should prlcoi remain low and patronaee turn out plentiful active business Is likely to continue.Heports , however , are coming In from various parts that grass is short and rain much needed. lloos The feature of the market was a sharp and surprising drop of lOc on all sorts The decline came unannounced and was ai unwelcome and unlocked for as wns the ad' vance reported yesterday , a welc > me aud t surprise to all. About all good mixed soli around > 5.0S@5.1U , and best heavy * 5.12 } < j ( < j .15. Light sorts were scarce and only a fuw wanted , hence but few transactions , a loatl or two of Yorkers making S5.1VK(2S.15. ! ( FINANCIAL. NEW i'oitit , Juno 80. ( Special Telegran to the HEK.J STOCKS The Xew Yorl stock market was unsettled and the feellni < very nervous. The Impression is that Uouh boa It unit or his thumb , and as ho and Itus soil Sago are the largest operators In It a present makes others cautious about taklni risks , aud there being only ono more tradliij day this week , operators were disposed t. even up. A largo majority ot the trader were bulls aud had too much proilt In the ) holdings to stand on them , and there was general desire to secure them , but In so doln they found It a dlfllcult task owing to th free elimination of the short Interest and th apathy of the general public , who were rt ceutly shaken out by the tight mono squeeze , and Mere Inclined to let the profc : slonals , who were preying upon one anothei run "patter , patter , patter. " The mono market acted as a menace to a good bn market , but rates during the morning di not get above 10 per cent. The stnngenc was produced by the calling in of stm ! loans by railroads aud other corporations t pay July dividends , but It will bo Immed Ud ately disbursed , and the uneasiness regart Ing very high rates after this week Is dlsaj pearlng. Manhattan was the chief dlsturbe and broke 7 points to ISO. This produced "chopping" market for the remainder of tli Met. Sage and Warner's names were give upon sales of Western Union yesterday an the "tallers. " Tl ' caused free Belling by : deal has not gone through , but Is expected I go very noon. Should It fall another brea will ensue. Prices dropped IK and reactt : M per cent. There Is said to be a new do. In New England and prices fluctuated ner ously , advnticlng V { and then dropping 1 < per cent , rcallrlng percent. The rest of the actlvo list was Inactive with changes of K to IK PM cent. 'Hie market was weakened In ( ho closing hour by the bidding ot money to 25 per cent and lntere t. Stocks c-iiuo out mote fieely and prices declined 4j to 1 point , nud the close wns weak at almost Inside lie- virus and lecorded net declines of V to IV per cent , the latter being on Western Union. Manhattan closed 8 points lower , Omnlii' { per cent higher. Business with Chicago houses was moderate , the market being too nervous for outsiders. Sal < 's were 300,703 shares , against 117,917 , shares yesterday. GoVKUX I : : TS Government bonds were dull but linn. VKSir.IIDAY'S CJUOTATtOXS. U. 8. 4'scoupon.120''C. ' &N. W 119 U. H. 4J < 'scoup..lOTi do preferred..US PaclnctVsot'tn..raX . . . Y. 0 * lll J { ( ' .tnadaSnuth'n. . U ) O. R.&N , W Cential IVclllu . H'J' O. T. 806 Clilc.tgo&\lton. Ill I'nclhoMall 4ft'f ' do preferred..HiO ! ' . , . . . iVK. . . C. , IJ. to 1 } i'"i ,1'ullmanl' , 1) \ W. . . . IIH'H ' Heading ' " I ) , tK.G 'JUX Hock Ishnd . . . . ! ! Krie Hl'iSt. L.&S. F. . . . IWV do preferred. . . . 705 { do preferred. . , . 7fi } < Illinois CViHral. .122 0. , M. & St. I L , 1 ? . & W do preferred. K. to'C . tfi' ' St. r. to o ra LakoHhoio . 03 do prefoircd.HUJ { L. , tN . WJJ Texas i'acllle. . . . 30 Michigan Cetifl. . HI UnionI'Hclllc. . . . Mo. I'ncllio 10I'V. \ . , St , L.fel' . . . . 10 No. 1'acilio . . . . : V do pioterred. . ! U do preferred. . . . & % W. U. Teiegr.iph 77 Mo.vr.v o.v CAi.r. Was tight , Miiglug from ( i per cent per annum to Jf per cent Inteiest per diem ; last loan nt la per cent ; closed at j < fi5't ' per cent per diem. 1'IIIMH .MEItCANTim I'Al'KU 5QO per cent. SrKKM.vo IJxritAVOK Pull but stcadv nt SI.HJtoi sixty day bills , nud Sl.bJ for do- maud. riionucio MAHKUTS. Chicago , .lime CO. Follow-In * quota lions nic the 'J"o : closing llgures ; I'loiir Steady and firm , Wheat Dull nnd btu.idv , fluctuations being conlined to 'ic ' , closing out 'fco helnw yestenlay ; cash , 09 Ui-lOo ; August , 7'iJ c ; Suiitembcr , 74 7-10c. Corn Quiet and moderately nctlvo ; opened about Vu below jeiteidaj's close and closed about the same as yesterday ; cash , IM c ; August , : )7 ) IS-lOc ; Seutember , ii'J' ' c. Oati Flimer with ad\.tucf , but closed with the advance lost ; cish , iloj < c ; August , ! 2i ( ll-lCio : September , ! i7'fce. IJyc Dull .il O'Jc. Barley Finn. Timothy Seed 1'rlme , S2.25. Flax Sued 51.15. Whisky 81.10. Pork Unchanged at S2U.75. Lard Firmer ; cash , S6.61) ; August , 50.071J : September , SG.72H- Hulk Meats-Shoulders. Sj.fOa-i.SO ; short Clem , S7.b0 7. ! 0 ; short ribs , 87.4' . . Butter Firm ; creamery , 18@15j ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 7 tSc ; Hats , 7V@xj ! ; joung Americas , b > i 'Jo ; skims , 8 > i'Q5c. Kirgs-ll@ll'ic. Hides-Unchanged ; hcavv green salted 7'f ' c llu'htdo , 7 ( f4sc ; salted bull hides , Co ; green ; dry flint , lJ ( < ? ic : ! ; dry calf , laiciHc ; deacons , 40ceaclt ; dry stlted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid , quotable at4e ; No. 2 , lie ; c.ike , 4c. Kecelots. Shipments , Flour , bbls 17,100 11,000 Wheat , bu ll.(03 ( fifio.OOO Corn , 1m 12(1,000 ( ! > .i7.00f Oats , bu Ss.OOU b'J.OOC ' Kje , bu Bailoj , bu 1,000 7,000 Now Vorlc. Juno 30. Wheat Receipts 2VJ.OOO ; export ? , 201,000 ; spot lots otUite unsettled and feverish , owing to manlpui.x tlon in June , spring 'iXSJ.iO bettei , red Juno opened weak , declined fie , latei slrenptlicnet nnd on the second call bold at 31 07 , thtou l oliicial bujlng hy the grain committee to short account , otlici months opened linn am adv.tueed Jd@J < o , closing stead v. Unjradct red , bCWvHJ4c ) ; No. a red , S1.03 ( 1.0"i m elevator tor , bOJie delivery late In July , July closing Corn Spot Vc and options VQ' ' c lower , closing heavy ; receipts , G'J.OtK ) ; oxpoitc W.OOO. Ungraded , i47/c ! ; No. 2 , 40 < aiOJii In elevator , 4(1 ( > . @ lO c alloat ; July closed n 4iJ < c. Oats Generally steady ; receipts , 15,000 ; exports , 100 ; mixed western , 3333c ; white westnrn , 3742c. Petroleum Steady ; United , Kggs Film ; western , l5@lCc. Pork U nshaiKcd. Lard Hiu'herestorn ; steam , spot , clos ing at SG.SJKG10.83. Butter Finn : western , 10@iyc ; western creamery , 15@lic. ! Choose firm aud in fair demand ; west ern. OtfiR ( { c. Mlnuoapoils , Juno 30. Wheat Strong and actlvo for milling grades ; No. 1 hard , cash , 71J o ; August , ; % ; September , 75' ' c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 7lJ c ; August , 7J fc ; September , 74JNo. ; . 2 northern , cash , G'JcJf ; August , 71o ; Septomber. On track : No. I hard , 74c ; No. 1 noi them , 73c ; No. 2 north ern. 71o. Flour Dull and lower to sell ; patents , S4.10$4.25 ( ; bakers' . 83.203.i5. : Keceiuts Wheat. ns , : o bu. Shipments Wheat , 10,000 bu ; Hour , 20,410 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Juno SO. Wheat Firm ; cash , 71 > 'n'c ' ; August , 7tjbc : ; September , 74c. Corn Strong ; No. ! ! , : i7c. Oats Firm : No. 2 white , 31J < c. Jtvo-Duli ; No. 1 , 50140. Harley llinlier ; No. 2 , GOc Provisions-Finn. Pork-July , S14. : > 0. Cincinnati. Juno 30. Wheat Fair de mand but lower ; No. 2 red , 7.X$7Ce. Com Easier ; No. 2 mixed , H'.i ' $ < 3U Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 80)ic. Ujo-Dull ; No. 2. fflo. Pork Quiet at S15.00. Lard Firmer at S0.20. Whisky Steady at 81.05. St. Liouls , Juno SO. Wheat Dull but steady ; cash , 73 > f@73Vio ; July , 75.tfc ; Au- . ' . Corn Easy and lower ; cash , 33X@34c ; Oats-Nominal ; cash , 28J c ; August , 24Kc. Pork-Steady at 815.00. Iard-5G.05@G.lO. Whlskv Steady at 81.05. Butter Quiet ; creamery , 15@lSc ; dairy , Afternoon board Wheat easy ; July 73V , August 74c , September 7.r > Xc. Corn lower ; August 84Vc , September 5Jic. Oats dull ana uomluul. , IjUerpool , June 30. Wheat Quiet and steady ; holders offer moderately ; red west ' ern , spring , Rs OdWOs lOd per cental ; do ! winter , 6s lOdGiCs lid percental. Kansas City. Juno 30. Wheat Dull No. 2 ml , cash and June , no bid or oilers July , 05c asked. Corn-Steady ; No.2 c.tbh , no bid or offers June , 2Jsac ( ) ; July , sac. Corn Steady , demnud fair ; new mixed western , 4s per cental. Oats No quotations. New Orleans , Juno 30. Continued rainy weather checks business. Corn Unchanged g mixed , 4Sc ; yellow , 49o ; white , 54 ( < f55c. Oats Unchanged at UG(33 ( < lXc. Unchaneed at S2.2.5. Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , Slfi.UO laid , reliued , tierce , SO.SO. Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.87K ; long clcai and clear rib , 87.50. to . rs lavrc STOCK. Crikmco. Juno 30. 'I'he Drovers' Jour a nal reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpts. 9,500 ; beat natives 5 < I ho lOc higher ; shipping steers , S .50C i.70 < ho stockers nnd feeders stronger at S2.00d ( re- 3.40 ; eciws , bulls und mixed , Sl.40@S.2.i reey bulk , S1.7.V32.50 ; slop-led steers , 84.10 4 : ; o ey throiuh 'lexas cnttle unchanged , sales a S1.U032.50 for bulls and cows , and S2.50c ( 3.60 tor700-lb Hleeis. ev Hogs Receipts , iy,500 ; 5@10o lower ; tradi .ill fairly active ; rough and mixed , S4.tK)0 5.123 ? ; packing and shlpnlug , 55.00 . ol lid light , 84.VK5.10 ) ; hktps , 8i75@4.00. cy Sheen Hecolpts. 4,500 ; st'-ady ; natives ' 0t S2.75S4.80 ; bulk , 815004.10 ; western , S3.0 to ( < H.75To\ans ; , 82.75 3.00 ; lambs , per head U- 81.0034.00. National Btouk Yards , East Ht d- Ijouli. III. , Jnno 30. Cattle Hecelpti ip- 1,200 ; shipments , 1,000 ; steady ; choice heav ; icr native steers. S4.H5ft4.65i fair to good ship icra ping steers $4.ouxjiH.30 : ; hutehein1 steers , fal ho to choke. 83.eOiifr4.15 ; feeders fair to good SJ.SO&4.00 : stockers , fair to good , S2.2033.0C onml lions Hpceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 000 ml strong ; choice heavy and butchers' selec ! 'he tlons.5J5.05S5.15 ; packers and Yorkers , fal teak to prime. 84.b5vg5.05 : pigs , common to good S4.S034.bO. . ak K n s City , June 30. Cattle Ilecelpti edMl 800 ; shipments , none ; , corn-fed shlpnln Ml steady ; corn-fed butchers a shade hlgnei rv1 1 common to cUolcc , coru-ted , 10 fllockers. 2.00 ' 2.75 ; fccdlnj steers , S2.M3 3.25 ; cows , ? 1.5532.00. HOKS Hcrnlpts , 0.000 ; shipments , U.OOO : light and medium \\clghU5clo\\er ; heavy and mixed 5QilOc lower : common to choice , Sl.SOiii4.8o ; skips and pigs , § 3.0034.23. OMAHA LIVI3 STOCK. Thursday , Juno so. Cntlc. The receipts of cittlo were the same to-day as jpstcrday. There was not much lilo to the market and H was dull all day. The few cattle sold went at about steady prices. I Iocs. There wis a falling oil In tlio receipts of hogs of l.WW head. The market opened \\eak and nt a decline of a stron53. . There was an actho demand and everything sold lead- ily , the pens being cleared befoto noon. .Sheep. There were a few In and sold. KecelpH. Cattle 500 llo s 4,500 Sheep 200 Prcvnllliur 1'rictH. Showing the piovallltii ; urlcjs pilil for llva stock on this unrkiit : Cholrosteers. 13ft ) to 1500 Ibs..3l.00fal.l0 Cholco steers , 1100 to lTt ) ibs. . . H.Wiil.OO Kat llttlo steers UOO to 1050 Ibl. . . . 3.5X' 3 Vi Kxtiachtucoeowsand heifers. . . . 8.1WVJ5 ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75iW.oo Common to medium cows 2.2"Gi2.ri ) Hood to choice bulls 2,75W'f.OO Llu'htand medium hoza 4.0iKi 4.0Vi ( ! oed to choice heavy hogs 4.70ijZ > l.75 Good to choice mixejl hogs 4.C3M 1.70 Ilcprcscntntivo STILUS. No. Av. Pr. Nn. Av. I'r. 18. . . Ilia S.J.75 10..Kill Sl ! M ) 20..1150 3.fcO 20..1103 I5UII.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1V,0 , ,2 < > 0 0..1IMO 52.00 2..1300 2.01) ) AND rrniin ) : . No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. fi. . . . syi s-ioi "f , . . . . r-i 5325 10. . . . 040 8.'J"i 25 . . . 505 3.23 YIAIUNO : : nnirnns. No. Av. Pr. 0. . . . 573 5:2.50 siiEir. : No. Av. Pr. 201. . . . bl S3.35 no os. No. Av. Shir. Pr. No. Av. Khlc. Pr. 7J..221 240 SI.00 5'I..20'J 200 31 CM 02. . . 21 ! ) 16) ) 4.0 ' O7..2'ri SO 4,07'4 JO . . .240 120IO 73..2V. 200 4.07' < j G3..22S200 i.,0 ( 05..27J 100 4.TO 71..2,7) ) 120 400 0'J..2.i5 40 470 71..210 120 4.00 71..219 bO 4.70 73 . . .2U 40 400 O0..2,3 , SO 4.70 70..245 161 4.00 57..278 40 4.7J b..210 ! 240 4.00 71 . . .211 10 1.70 73 . . .221 70 400 OS..2" 50 4.70 03..2.11 ! K ) 4.00 5j..2 ( ( > 8 40 4.70 GI..2.S1 1.00 OI..2S1 1 ( > 0 1.70 ri7..220 40 1.0 JM 57..2M ) 120 4.70 03..22 ! 70 lO'i W . . .2(12 ( 210 1.70 73..205 10 4M ( nci.27l ! 120 4.70 G4.i7 ! ! 41 4.i" ( > 5).315 80 4.70 OU..2I5 120 4.or3 ( .0..3Jfl . : : oo 4.70 73..2'.7 4.05 5-.2S7200 4.70 0.1..278 300 1.05 70..207 240 4.70 5'.281 ) 210 4.03 201..2.Y ! 440 4.70 00..247 100 4.i"i ( 07..200 bO 4.70 70..S21 120 405 G0..24J 120 4.70 GO.'JJ bO 4.05 00..204 4.70 00..211 4.05 55..251 4.70 67 . . .2.11 100 4.01 bl..28-J 80 4.70 7S..8J5 40 4.05 72..251 4.70 0.1..247 120 4.01 01..2V ! 40 470 01..21' ' ) 200 40' ) 73..2V 240 4.70 57..252 120 4.05 57..315 bO 4.75 7C..21S 120 4.05 03.m : 120 4.75 7G..214 fcO 4.0'5 ' 51 . . .333250 4,75 Tiivo Htook Sold. Showing thi ) number othead of stock sold on the maiket to-day CATTI.I : . ( } . II. Hammond A : Co 103 Shippers 177 Total lions , Anglo-American Packing Co ( i. H. Hammond to Co Squires to Co Shippers Total Showing the number ot cittle. liozs anil sheep slilppjd from the yards durlug tlio day. c.vrn.R. No. cars. lit. West 3 . X. W . Chlcac 4 . U.I . Clilcne 2 . H. itM . Wac IK'CH. ' . , , W ) . K. L . Jolic X > . Mil All silesof stock in this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead 'Xc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hos weighing ! e s than 10J 10s. no value. Proliant BOWS are docked 40 IDs. and sUgsSJlb-j. by thooublio inspector. Tjivc Stuck Note * . Hogs 5c off. Cattle unchanged. No market the Fourth. .Receipts ot liogs not so heavy. Charley Welch , Papillioii , was in and mar keted a lo.ul ot hogs. H. F. Stllloy , Tobias , was at tlio > nuts and sola two loads of hogs. John Wiggins , Columbus , was in and sold a load of 2J2-lb hogs at 84.70. Kemplor to Hiiinning , Hreda , la. , were on tlia market with a load of cattle , K. M. 'Yeaton , Lyons , Neb. , was at the jnrd.s and maiketed a ot cattle , P. Murphy , Hogers , Neb. , was In and mar keted a load ot 334-lb hogs at 84.75. 11. T. Cl.irk was hero and boimht 70 head of feeders lor his Iced lots at Uellevue. M. II. Jeffrey , Osceola , came in with a load ot hogs , which sold ou the market. William Townseml. Rock River , was In and marketed a load of HID-lb cattle at S3.75. A. Uerger , Overton , came In with two loads of b4-lb bheei ) , which sold on the market at Amnne thosa in with cattle was J. Mor row , S wanton , Neb. , who had one load on the market. Among the visitors at the yards was George H. McPhcrbon , breeder ot Hereford ilenlo , la. C. Penn , Noligh. was in again and sold two loads of cattlo. Twenty head of HG5-lb cattle brought 83.b5. ; The stock yaids company have got their ; wells in running older , and it is now hoped that there will bo no necessity lor the pack ; ing houses to close down. The stock men at the yards have given up aiiuklng watei on account ot the scarcity of that most usetul uitide. Beer will run a man , but It Is a failure when it comes to run ning a packing house. : The low aud dull cattle market which has been prevailing for some time past was felt at Sotlmm to btickney's sale of Hereford bulls. The animals were In line condition aud were all that they had boon represented to be , but the buyers were very backwaid. Among those sold were the following : Gros- vonor. sold to W. K. McCIomi , 855 ; Ilaile- nut , to William Reynolds , of Fremont , 8W ) , Auchln , fclt'O ' , and Uurlov , S7r . 11. Willott , of Albion , was the buyer ot HnxatSlOO. Soveielcu was sold to H , Killers , of iVlinden , la. , at Sb5. The follow Ing pollution was presented to the stock yards company , and will explain itself : We , the undersigned commission men doing business at tlio Union stock yards , South Omaha , de ire a holiday on the Fourth of July , 1667 , and request jou to lock both scale houses trom Satin day nicht to Tuesday moinlnir , and allow no business to bo done other than taking care of what stock may come. UltOWX , I'AnKIIl'BST & CO. , , SA.VAOK & GIIKE.V , M. Hi KiiiSONS : , , HoitiNK , WAOOO.NKU & Co. , McCi.oun , I.OVB t Co. , tiKO. AllAMH to HUBKK , KOI.KV ClIITTKNDKN , Uvr.Hs & I'ATTKHSON , WOOD HltOS. , ItOSKMlAUM 1,1 VK STOCK COMMISSIOX CO , CLA v , HoniNBON & Co. , MAIITIN Uittis. , ; A. 1) . UOYKII & nno. , C- ioiiiviB. WESTKIIKIKI.D ft Co. , ilr MAUONRV. KKHIIAI.I , to Co. , A. F. OKKY& Co. According to the desire of thn commission , men dolinz business at the Union stock yardf ng at South Omaha , the seal PS will be locked ; from Saturday nleht until Tuesday morning , ; July 5 , J. F , IJovD , buperlntuudeut. OMAHA WHOLESAIjR MAUKCTS. General t'roilncc. Tluirsd.iv , Juno CO. flic followlno arc tlif ; > rfcc < ( it uhlch fouml f M produce ( lie ol < / l > i tltls iiuir- hct. J'lie ruwtntlon * on fruit * nndoilier riiHimiilltlc * slilvind In from a tUitttncruii } the jirlcin itt uhhli ontuMcunlcrs > ne tilled : ' 1 he market Is about Mcndy nt Ut'iTKit The receipts nro liberal and In excess of the local demand : creamery , 158 ' itc ; dairy , choice , lOQl''c ) dairy , good , 0uj ( 10(3 10( . Full cream Cheddars , siturle , Wtfc : full cream ll.tts. wins , lOc ; Youtu ; AmerlcAi , lie : fancy Swiss. 20c ; Swiss , Imnortud , 2. " > c : Mmbuwr , 12o : brick , la iOc. POTA TOKS Stock ot all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are Rolne nt ( HXMS1.00 , nccnrd- Ine to quality. Now potatoes nt ' . ' ( it''iic per Ib. I'oui/riti The receipts are fairly llberag There mo a good many very small sprin : chickens coming In winch nro slow hale ; chickens , old , SJ. 75(33.00 ( ; spring , latge , 5'J.GO OJ2.75 ; spring , small , Sl.7&(22.'J5 ( ; pigeons 7Gal.OO. , KASIKIIX AND SouriitMi.v FnriTs. The . sunulv ot rnsjil'eiries nnd blackberries is ' \cry limited. Itlueberrics nro mete plciiti- tul. Stiawberrlos about plajed out. Cher ries scniro and wanted , reaches fiom the .south arriving mostly in had condition ; Cali fornia Mock more ( leilr.iblc. Some box ni > pies ai riving. Hlack insphi-nles , per 'J4 ( it case 4.40 ; led lastjberrlos per J pt case , ? 3.00ft.2j ( : : ; iilackberiles , per 24 ( it case , S'i.00 ; blncl'crtles , per 1 bu stand , S'.00@4.00 ) ; blueberries , ber 1'J qt box , frl.fOi > ( H.73 ; plums , pel one-third bu box , 31. ' i ; iieache.s , southern , per half bu box , 51. GO ; apples , southern , per half bu box , 75 : apple' , per bhl , VriirAin.r.s : New potatoes , Cal. , per lt , 2iI'J1fe ( ; now onions , pel bbl , ? .J.Wper ) bubox , 81. GO ; cabbauo per crate , fcl.OO ; tomatoes , per } ji bu. Lox , Sl. ' S ; tomatoes , per crate box , yJ.80. LI-MONS i\tra : fancy , per box. 87.00 ; f > box lots. SO.GU ; lancv. iO.&O ; choice , to.oo ; chdlce , 5 box lots , S-1.50. JJASAXAS Kir. Choice Stock , S3.000JJ.OO. FiiUtrs U.trtlett peais aio expected to arrho about Jub UI. Apricots , pel 20 Hi hov , 81.T5 ; plum . per 20 Ib box , S51.71 ; in line" , per 2011) box , 81.75 ; penehei , per 20 Ih per hex , SM.75 ; liartlett pi-ais , per 40 Ib ho\ . $ .3.50 ; red Astrach.ui apples , per box , S2.50. WAIiiiMii.o.N8 : : Thn first car load of Gcoiciu wntteimelons is due on the 27th inst. Watermelons , Georcla , per 100. 835. OKAXOI- ' The market Is baio to-day. Riverside Mrdlterianean Sweets , per hex , S5.005 ; hex lots , 84.75 ; Santa Ana , 84.50 ; 5 box lots , 84.25. General .UnrUcts. YAiixisiir.i linuels , per gallon. Purni- turo , extra , 81.10 ; iuinlture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; co.icii. extra , SU ; coach , No. 1,81.20 ; Da- mai , e.xtr.t , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum , exti.t , 85c ; shellac , 83.5'J ' ; hard oil finish , 81.50. DIIY PAINTS White lead , 7c ; ricnchinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 2Mc ; whltlnc , gilders , 2e ; whiting , com'l , I'/o ' ; lampblack , Her- mnutown , 12u ; lampblack , oidlnary , be ; Prussian blue , 5 > c ; ultramaiine , Ibe ; vandjke brown , 80 ; umber , buiiir , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , but lit , 4e : sleuua , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Purls gieen. common , 2'e ; cliromo green. N. Y , Utc ; vermillion , American , ISc ; Indian , law nnd burnt umber , 1-lbcnns , I'-'o ; i aw and burnt sienna 12candyko ; brown. 13c ; retmed lamp black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black lOc ; drop tilacK , lOc ; ultramariue black , Ibc ; cliromo green , L. , M. &D.,10c ; blind nud shutter creen , U. M. it I ) . , IGc ; Paris gieeu , 20c ; Indian red , r > c ; Venetian red ! ) c ; Tus can , 'Me ; American vormlilion , L. it D. , 20c : jellow ochre , 2c ; \ , . M. it 0. U. , Ibc ; coed ochre , lOc ; patent dr > cr , fcc ; graining color , liL'ht oak , dark oak , wa.nut , cliestnut and ash , 12 < - . DiiiHis A\I > Cnr.MicAis. Acid caroollc ; 50c ; acid tnit.irlc , 52c ; bilsim copaiba , pel Ib , bnik sas.ifui'-s. jier Ib , lOc ; calomel , per ecliiiu'linnldia ; , pero/.SAsicliloioform , per Ib , GOc ; Dover's powders , pel Ib , 81.35 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3&c ; ulycurlne , pure , per Ib , 30c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal , Sl.OO ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , olhe , pur gal , 81.40 ; oil , orlit- annum , 50o ; opium , 4,50 ; iiuiniue , P , to W. and R. it S. per oz , 70a ; potos'-ium , iodide , per Ib. 83.2V salicin. per o40c ; sulphate morphine , per o83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4e ; stiydimue , perez , Si.10. I'AIMS i.On. . White lead , a , P. P OKe : white lead. St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Aim seilles , ureun , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; French zinc gieeu seal , 12c ; Fiench zinc , led seal , lie ; Fiench ? inc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc , 75ocnnillion ; , Kngllsh , in oil , 75e ; md , lOc ; rose pink , I4c ; Venetian led , Cook- son's , 2 0 ; Venetian red , American , lj < c ; red lead , 1tfccliromo \ yellow , genuine , 20o ; chiomo jellow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochellc , 3e ; oi'hre , French , 23fc ; ochie , American l c ; Winter's mineral , 2 > e : Leliigh brown , 2 > < c ; Spanish brownii ! < c : Prince's mineral , 3c. Si-iitiih Cologne spirits , 188 proof , S1.10 ; do 101 proof , SI.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof. SI.10 ; do 18S proof.Sl.OO. Alohohol. Ib8 proof , 82.10 per wine Kallon. Redistilled whiskies , 81.00@1.50. Gin blended 81.50 ® 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , SiOOWO.OO ; Ken tucky aud Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(30.50 ( ; Golden Shoat bourbon and rye whiskies , 81.50@3.00. Urandies. imiwrtod S5.00rtjb.50 : domestic , 81.30(53.00. ( ( Jins , Imported , 84.50 WO.00 ; domestic , 81.2.V28.00. Champagnes imported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American per case , tlO.OO@10.00. IgHiDr.s Green butchers' , 5V ( gGc : green cured , 7Kc ; div Hint , HClic ! ; dry salt , 0@lOo : creen calf skins , be ; il.tmagetl hides , two thirds prico. Tallow 3c. Gienso Prime white , fie ; yellow , So : brown , \c. Sheep pelts , 2575c. HKAVY HAIIDWARE--Iron , rate SJ.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4Xc ; crucible steel , f > Kc ; cast tools , do , 12pilbc ; wagon spokes , iier set , S2.00 2'.50 ! ; hubs , per sot , bl.25 ; tel- lees , sawed , dry , Sl.CO ; tongues , each , bOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , Gl < JD71c. coil chain , ] ) er Ib. 0 > @ 13c ; malleable , 8@10c ; Iron wedires , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teutl : 4 > < Cc ; siuing stool. 4@5c ; Uurden's horsj slioes , 4.75 ; Huruen's mule shoes , 8r > .75 liarbcd wlie , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs , Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , 82.00 ; steel nails. . 82.75. ( irocur'H List. COFKIIE Ordinary grades , 19 < < 320 > c ; lair 30ic2lc ( ; prime. Sl@23 ; choice , ! JJ@J4 ; fancy green and yellow , 23@25c ; old itovernmen Java , aifcii'iHc ' ; interior Java , 24@26c ; Mocha , a-i@Mc ; ) ; Arbucklo's , rousted 2 Wc ; Jlc J.aiiihlln's XXXX , 25c ; Uilwortli's , 35Kc ; Ked Cross , 25Jfc. SvBUi1 No. 70 , 4-pillon kegs. 81.28@1.30 New Orleans , per gallon , : t8@40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c 1-galloii cans , IH.T doz , 10.X ( ) ; half gallon cans , per doz , S.150 ; quart cans , SH.UO. CANDY Mixed , 8 > < @iic ; stick. 8KQ Kc CnvciCKita Carneau's soda , butter am picnic , 4 } e : creams , 8 > { c ; ginrer snapsSXc city soda , 7 c. PICKKI.S Medium , In bbls , 37.00 ; do In half bbls , 84 00 ; small , In bbls. fb.OO ; do , In halt bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , gu.OO ; do , In half bbN , $5.00. Sue AH Granulated , 6Js'fa6Xc ; conf. f > Xc ; whlto extra 0 , S MStfc ; extra C. ; yellow ( J. 5 @ 58'c ; cut loaf , powdered , CAN.vr.D ( loons Oysters , standard , per case. SS.90Q3.10 ; straw hurries , S Ib. per case , 82.80 ; raspberries , 2lb. per case , S2.35@3.45 ; California poais , i > er case , 84.50 ; apricots , per case , 83.50(63.00 ( ; peaches , percas * . 84.00 ; \vhito cherries , per casp , 85.50 ; plums , per case , 83.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81. b5 ; eig ; plums , 2 In. per case , 82. W ; pineapples , " Ib , per case , 83.20(31.75 ( ; lib. mackerel , per doz , 81.35 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per do/ , 81.50@1.,15 ; B Ib. gooseberries , per nise , 81.75 : 2 Ib. striu ? beans , per case , 81.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , per case , Sl.CO ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , 82.40(32.50 ( ; 2 Ib. early Juno pees , per case , 82-75 ; 3 Ib. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn , tf-.oO. _ Dry Immlicr. _ _ DIMENSIONS AND T1MIIKHS. 12ft 14 ft IS ft Id ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft * 4x0 1750 17.5017 SO lb.50 1U.50 02.60 32.60 17.50 17.5UITf)0 , ) 18.H ) 1860S2.G01 32.50 17.70 17.60 I7.V ) 18.50 22.60 2x10 17.50 17.60 7.50 1S.5919.NI 23.60 ! 22.50 4x1 ' ' ' IhOO IK.W Ih 00 iu.ooho ; ( fl.HI \ \ 24.60 2jc4x8' ; . | w.6o'ao ' rol2aoo ilOO 11OAIIDS. No.lcomsls SlO.Og No. a , com , s Is 17.50 No. 4 , comsis 13.50 TE.VCINO. No. 1,4 & 0 In , 1214 ft , rough S10.00 No.2 , " " " 1B.OO SIDING. A , 12.14 and 10 ft 822.00 H , " ' " 20.50 C. " ' " 15.00 D , " " " 13.00 CIIIUNO AND PAUTIT1OX. 1st com , % in White Pine Celling SHl.OU Clear , & in. Norway PinoCelllnt' 10.00 FI.OOIIINO. A flinch white pine 331.50 C" " " 80.00 E" " " " ( SelFeu'g ) 10.5C STOCK BOAHDS. A 12 Inc.h 8.1 s J46.0C No. 1 , com. 13 In s. I s. , 12 to 14 20.0C " M " .10ft 19.0t No. 3 " " ' ' 12 to 24 ft. . . ' . . . . 18.0C THE RA1LWAI TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive . li'.i\e Uinnlia , Omaha ONION PACtl'IO. Depot lOlh nnd 1'lerco sK 1'nciati Kxpress 7.Vftm' : ' 8:00 : pm Denver Express i r > :50im : [ 10.v : , nm Local Exjiro UoOum : C:03 : pm Except Suntlay. . . % M. K. U. 11. Depot 10th nntt 1'ftclllc s Mnllntul Express 5Opm : ! 10:01 : nm Klclit Express llMUOam 7:45 : pm J. H.A Q. It. H. Depot 10th stm VivA&o st * . Mall nnd 0:20nm : 0:00 : pm Express U : 6 cm K. C. St. J. A 0. H. : Depot 10th andl'ftelltcst Mai ! r > : * s pm Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm C. St. 1' . M. A O. ) cpotl5tlian < l Webster st. louxCity Kxpii'S ! ) * 4:4'5pm : ' lill am : mi croft Expiess 10:10 : am * 4:45 : pm { lair I'nssiMijjer 7:40 : pm 5:36 : pm * E\ecit ) SuiuUy MISSOUKI 1'ACIKIC. ) epot 15th and Webster st ) ay J ' s'lplit r > : \u \ pm 0:10 : pm 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm DUMMY TUA1NS. llunnlni ; between Council UlulTsaiul South ) malm. In addition to tlio stations mmi- loiicd , tr.\lns htop nlT\\eulleth and'1enty - ourtli btieets , mid at Summit , In Uumlin. Wostunnl. Th OBljr road to take for DCS Molnea Mnr- halttowa , Cedar Haptds , Cllatin , Dlxom , Chlca- tfo , Milwaukee and all point * oast. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomln * , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wimhlniclon and Cali fornia , R otrura euperior advantage ! not posit- bla by any otber line. Among a few of the numerous point * of su periority enjoyed by tlie patron * of this road between OmaJia and ChloSRo. are Ha two trains a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest Hint human art and lirenulty ecu create. Its PALACE BI.KKPINO DAKS , which are models of oomfort and elegance. Its PAKLOR DRAW- INO KOOM OARS , unsurpflssed by any , and lt widely oelebrntod PALATIAL niNINO OAKS the equal of which cannot to found elaewhere At Council Bluffs the trains of the Onion Puclfln Uy. connect tn Union Depot with those of ttia "nlcafo li Northwestern Ry. In Cblcago tli * trains eft his line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara /alls , Buffalo. PlttsburK.Toronto , Montreal , Ootton , hew Yarn. Philadelphia , Baltimore ) . Washington and all points ta the [ f you wtah the best accommodation. All ticket wonts atfl tlckvts Tia this lino. H. HUQH11T , P. WILSON. QeaL Maaarw , P.enlPaM'r At nl W. M. BABOOCK.L. - . B. BOLLKS. Welters Agent. City PaWr Ageat. Omaha , Kebrnska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee fiSt , Paul Ry The Jtest Route from Omaha and Council 1 , T\\o Tiains Daily Between Omaha and Council Blufl's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Da\enport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And nil other Important points Knst , Northeast mid Soutlieiist. Tor through tickets cull on the ticket npqnt at 1401 Furimn. et , in 1'axton hotel , or at Union 1'uclfio ( loixit. I'lillmna Sleepers and trio finest Dlnlnir Cars In the workl nro iun on the main line of the Chlcairn. Milwaukee li fet. I'Htil HtillwHy anil ev- err uttontlon Is jmld to pns-enstrs by couitO' ousomplojcos of thocoinpunr. Jl. MII.I.KII. ( lenornl.MiuiHKCr. J. F. TticKFit. AsilstanUienornl Mnnngcr. A. V. H. , Goncrul 1'iissenjfur anil Ticket Agont. _ GEO. E. IlKArrnnn , AeEUtantOonoral I'ai8ea < ger and Ticket Atfont. J.'i'.CLAHK , QeuorulSuperlntODd .Ornate Mien' Directory. Agricultural Implements , " CUL'RVlirLL VA UKEIi , Wholemle tH'tlrr la Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cr.rrl.iccs ntu ) IHict'lnr. Jone Mreet , tielnuou 6th aniUOtliiOiinhii. _ Mb. _ _ LINING E it A SIUTCA LF co. , Implements , e . lluggtcs Hte. . Wholmtlc , Om Ji . MARTIN \Vholoislo Dcnlcru In Agricultural Iniplptncnts , ninl llucelonot , ' . ' 11. WJ nrut ! O7 , Jonr st Artists' Material. A. nospE , < TR. , Artlsis * Materials , I'innoa nnd Organs , 1511 Pouclm Street , Omnrm. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bnildpra'Hnrdwaro&ScaloUppiilfShop Slpchnulca' Tootaan J llulhlo Sfilot. 1(06 ( Douglas t. , Omnhfl , Ncti , Boots and Shoes , ir. r. MOUSE ii ) co. Jobbers of Hoots and Slioef. Ull Kiriitm tt , Onmhn , Neb. Manufactory , Summot Wholesale Rubber Boot * and Shoes Utititior niui 01 Uii uiuiiiiiiK " "a roit iiuoti mid Shoi'g. Southeast Corner Uth mid Beer , Lager Uoor Uvowers , 1571 North 1'lh Street , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Sausage Cailims of nil kind * Always In "lock. 121 ! Jonunxt Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha CofTvo and Spice Mills. Tea , OolTpc , fiplriM Ilnklne rowdir. FlirorlniE tracts. l.nundiy llluo , Ink. Klc. ItU-IC Uurnojr Strict , Oimbn. Nab Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epouetcr , Prop. Manufacturer of nnl\nnltMl Iron mil Cornice. 923 and 103 and 1J5 N , lOtll it. . Omabii , Neb. KUEMPING ili ItOLTE , llHnufacturers of Ornnmciital Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnn > < , MetallcSkyllRhtetc. .110S. 12t'i st , omnba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spec-lit , Prop. Onlvanlrcd Iron Cornlceii , etc. 8i > ect' Improterl Pat ent M tllc ! < kyll bt. M * anil 510 H Uth m Omaha. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Hugs , I.lnolcunn , Mattings , Kto. 1611 Douglas direct. Crockery and Notions. 'WRIGHT , Agent for 'lio Manufacturers and Importonol Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , Cblmuujs , vlr. Office , S17 South Uth tt , Ouinhn , Seh. CLOTHING M. ELGU1 T'Elt > S Mammoth Clothing House , Corner I irniira ami Tenth Streets , Oniali > , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Butter. EpKsnncI Produce. Consignments solicited , lleadqnnrlcra for Hliinuwarr. Kerry Horcs and Urnpo lliiBkun. Kit Dodge Btrcct , Omauti * RIDltELL ,15 UIDDKLL , Storage nnd Commission Merchants , Ppecliiltloa lluttor. IC B' . Cln'oi > c , ronltr ) , Oamo , Oysters , etc , etc. II''S llth St. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fnittii , Protlucn find ProTUlonl , Ontnha , Nob. dt CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Ponltrr , lutt ! r , Gnoio , Prultt , etc. 2 % 8. Ittb it Omnlin Ncli , Coal ancf Lime. UKU. M.LMiMiti. I'm. C. F. GOODMAN , v. Prei. J. A. HUNDKHI.AND , Beo. nod Treas. OMAI1A COAL , COKE , C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and | ! oft Coal. 309 South Thirteenth Street , Omuhn , Nob. , T. , r. JOHNSON .t1 co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Limp. And Shipper * of Coil and Coke. Cement , Planter , Umo.Hilr.Mre Brick , Ilniln , Tile nnil Suwerl'ipu , ( imco. Piiton llotfll. Knrnum > t. , Onixha , Nub. Ti'leimciMHNH. Confectionery. Maniifacturinjf Confectioners , Jobber * of Krulll.NulB Hurt Clean. 1211 harn m St. UnnbR. Cigart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER cC CO. , Johbcrs of Cigars , Tobacco , Quo * nnd Ammunition , 215 torn P llth it. , 1010 to Itfu Fnnmui t .Ou bt.Nali. WEST tf FRITSC1IER , Manufacturers of Fine Cicrara , And \Tboleialo Dealer * In Leaf Tobaecoi , Noi.109 ana 110 M. 'Uth strict , Oraab * . Dry Coeds. JtL E. SMITlf C CO , , DryGoodR , FiirulshlnsT Goods & Notions 11IR and 1104 l > ouel , cor. 11 tb Ht , Omaba. Neb. Distillers. DlitllUra of I < lquor . Alcohol end Rplrlti. Importer * aort JobbemofVlne n > i l.ltU | rs. WILLO W SPRINGS DIST1LLE' CO. and ILEK ,0 CO. , Importer * and Jobberf of Flno Wlne nnd Mquori. Bolem nuf Cturwr of Kennedf'n Kast India lilt- ter § and Domeitlc I Iquors. 111 ? llarna ; t. furniture. STONE , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. Farnam ft. . Omaha. Neb. _ ' CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Iloddlnff , Upholstery , Mlrrori , etc 12ft'.12Q3 and 1210 Fnrnam nt. . Otnaba. Groceries , f'AXTON , Wholesale Groceries and I'rovisions , Noc 7Ui,7 r,7IWand7118. 10th St , Omaha , Neb. McVOltD , JtMAUY 0 CO. , Wholesulo Grocera , 'm and Learenwortli nti.Omaha. Hardware. I1 CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Klo. A ent ( or IIowo fcm'.ei ' , and Miami Puwderlo , Ouinh.i.Nflb , w. J. mtoATcn * Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlno , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209 kndlJIl llarner > t. , ( lamuti. EDNEY C Wholesale Iron and Steel , \V Ken and Carriage Wood Stock , Ilenvj Hardwares tic. UI7 und UU LetT'cworth it , < > m rm , Neb. MILTON ROGERS cC SOX'S , Stoves , Ranges , Funiace.s , Tiles , Mantle , CnUi , Uramaoodi. IM nua lai harnuM ll * Omaha Jokers' Directory. ' .1 u Iron Works , Iron Works , Wmncht and Cast Iron llnlMlnj Work. Iron Stair * llnllni ? , llcams and ( llrders , Pirnm Kni-lnn. llr Work , Uotioml Poumlrri Machlnd and lllsrksniltq Vorr. unicoanJ Wcitt , U. 1' . Hy.amlKtlistiMt. ' n. K.SAWYKK , a niifiictiiring Dealer in Smoke Stacks , i llrltcblnR , < T . tt nkiand . . . . . . . . , ( . lonei1 _ . . . . . Holler . . . _ . . _ Itoimlrlnir. l.lli Houeli * streetOninbit $ K. U. llrll INt'S. p. Sl'I.I.tVAV. OMAHA W1RK , P IROX WORKS , f MAntlfttCtlltPM Of x ire nnd Iron Hailing ? , Desk Hails , HI Window Ouardi , Klowor BlanJ" , Wire "Isn , nt I 17JN.llth. Urder < IIT nnll iimtnlitly nltendi-dln. Lumber. ? OMAITA TVMttEn CO. , Deile' . . AllKlndsof Huihllngr Material at Wholoanlo , 18tli Street nnd Union Pacific Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , I Dealer In Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sash , Peers , ICtc. Ynrdi-OornerTth nnd IOU ) | M | Corner tub ind Dounlns. _ CHICAGO LUMUKIi CO. , AVliolesalo Lumber , 814 P. 14th street , Omntm , Neb. f.Colpotier. Lumber. _ ltli nnd California street" . Onmhu , Neb. TrJiKlTw. ( Jit AY , Lnm ber , Llnio , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Clh tnd nnnglas sts , Omaba. No > . HO AG LAND , Lumber. 3' . W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Oinco , UC3 Fnrnntn street , Omnhn. _ Hard-ivood Lumber , Wood Cnrpcts nnd I'nrnnet FloorlnK. 61 li nnd Dounlnf Omaba. JOHX A. WA K E FIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd American I'orllnnd Cement , PtnU ' furMllnnukon llydruiillo Cuuvut nnd Host ( Julney Willie l.lmo Life Stock. VXIOX STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited , John P. Boyd , B'lpcrlntpwlent. _ Litre Stock Commission. M. JttSRKE , f NOXH , Live Stock Coinmissioiu _ Ooo. Ilnike , Mn iier nnlon Stock Vards.B. Oronlin. Telcpliono tin. SAVAGE C GREEX , Live Stock Commission MerdiantB , Shipments of nny nnd Ml klmls of Stock solicited. _ Union Stock Yards. Omitlin. Neli. Millinery and Notions. Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Not long , 1213 nnd 1215 Hnrnev St. oet , Omnhn , Ncli. Atof/ons. 2' . JiOJirNSON" "jVOr/tt.V CO. , Whotemlo Dcnlcrt In Nolions and Furiiisliiup ; Goods , < ( VI and 405 8 Tenth St , Omaha. Overalls. 1AXF1ELI ) MAXUFACTURIX& COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , , eans rants. Shirts , Htc. 110 ? nnd 1101 Dou-lan Strcety PAPER CARPEXTKR PA PER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. 'nrrjrii nkobtoiknf rrlntlnir. Win "I'lnjt " iind Writ- npaper. . Spin hi I HtK'iilloii iilvou to t r lend or riiern , wbleh will bo shlppo I direct fiu'n mills. All orderi will iiMolve pernonal iit'cntlnn.V niii i > men Rood uoods and low prle1114 and Mill jimslmst. _ _ Printing. REES PRINTING COl\IVAXYt \ Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Hook Hinders. 1M ( nnd 108 Poutb Fourtosntb atrtet. Omnlm.Nvti. WESTERNNEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers , Dollars In Tjpe , 1'ro'ins nnd Printers' Siippllos. COD houtli Twelfth fitreet. Pumps. ,0 CO. , Blnnufneturers nbd Dealers In ( toilers < ffc Oenornl Maelilnorv" Ihuut Iron work , Stojra l'ilinii > . 8 iv VII1H , Acm * HbaftlnK , Uoilge Wood split I'ullojs , Balttnz ( .y Alsowaitons , scrapersnndoaUtlat , Tcnnorth t. Omnhn CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , 1'ipc , Fittings , Stenmand Water Hupplles Hpa < lqmtil rn fir Matt ' iuylb. llll lariium rl. , Omnhn. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. DnlladirWInd Mllisi pteam and Water Snpnllei , lumblni Oord . Belting , llo . ! " | S nnd 1W ) Far- uamiit. , UiuHlin. U K. I fltoii , JlanuHcr. 'Jclephnnu No.'J10. 1. r. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Tipes and Enpines. Jteam , Water , Hallway and Mllllnc Supnllcj. EUX HO , V.'ianrt W > araani at .Oinali i , Nah. Safes , tc. P. JiOYER C CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and Iliirelar Proof Safai , Time lx > cki > , Vault * and Jail Work. 1U1) ) h'nnmm ntre ( Oraaba , Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. llannfacturersof Flroand Bariilar Proof Safes , Vault I JJoori , Jiill Work.BhuUris and \Vlro Work. Cor. l lUbamlJuckiou Kti , OotaliK , Nat ) , > Sash , Doors , Etc. M. AlSlROWV CO. , Wholeialo Manufiicturcr of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llrancli o91ce,12th aud In.rd its. , O .a'JS.Neb. BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MoMld'jiRHflalrWorkandlnterlorlliird ' Wood Hnlih , Jutt opened. N. K tor. etlmnd LouvuuwortliUU. Oinabu , Nul > . KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodation ? for travelers. The best hotel in town. F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor. TEL Lincoln , Neb. The best known nnil most popular hotel In the Plato. I.uoatloncontiKlni | | ! > uliitineiils rltb { class. Hvniliiuiirturs lor toinuiorulHl men aua ull political uud public ttHtlioilnifS. 1J. 1' . HUOCiUN.i'roprlotor. i School , County and City Wo will pi F hluhost prli-o for tln-jn. . Jluilo nt loiribt inttn. roirospoiilloncot-olioltoil. . STtJLL BROS. , ' . UINCOI.N .HH