ft vi t * ft n THE DAILY BEE , HJ SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA.JTIttDAY MOKNING , JULY 1 : 1887. NUMBER TURNOVER A NEW LEAF , The Government Preparing to Start in On the Now Fiscal Ydar , UNCLE SAM'S RED LETTER DAY. Hie Event larked Ily i Niimlier of I'romotlotiH , Itoductlons nnd Dismissals In the Various * - Dcpartiucnts. Beginning A New Fiscal IToar. "WASHINOTON , Juno 30. ISpeclal Tele KM' gram to the Bni : . ] To-morrow will be the first day of the now fiscal jear nnd the most Important day In tlio olllclal calendar. The now appropriations become available and a new leaf Is turned over In many ways. The last month of the year will show revenues slightly In excess of 81,000,000 per day , nnd small expenditures. The debt reduction for the month will be large , nnd there will bo n Blight contraction of ttio circulation and con sequent Increase of the treasury surplus. Tlio customs receipts for the fiscal year will ag gregate nearly S21S.OOO.OOO , an amount exceeded only once In the his tory of the government In tlio year If * ' . ! . The Internal revenue receipts Will aggregate about 811H,000,000 , an Increase of about S2,000OCO over the preceding year. The treasury surplus will bo less than halfwhat , it was aycar ago. On Friday , new ' appropriations becoming available , largo ex penditures will commence ; Sl ,700oou of 3 per cent bonds will become papable on that day , as well as about 812,000,000 of pensions nnd other large expenditures. There are eonio Indications of a slight decline of reve nue from this time , with an Increase of ex penditures. A number of clerical changes will be made under the now appropriations In the way of promotions , removals , und transfers. The greatest number are in tlio treasury department , where between twenty and thirty removals will bo made. The complete list will not be made until to-morrow. Seventeen dismis sals have already been announced nnd the others will be known to-morrow. Tlio second comptroller and secretary's offices me being completely reonran od. In the so licitor's olllco U. J. Malvenny and K. B. Elli ott are promoted from Sl,20a to 81,400. In the burcauof engr.ivlngand prlntlngsalarics take tlio place of per diem waircs. In the post- ollice department eighteen change's wore made to-day , Including ono removal , H. K. Stevens , of Ohio , a S 1.200 cleric in tlio dead letter olllco. The others were promotions , reductions nnd transfers. John K. Meyer , ot Michigan , was promoted from 81.0JU to 81,200 in the second assistant's oflico. A few changes took place In the war derailment. The new appropriation bill authorised the appointment e > f n private secretary at 81,000 for the retired general of the army , and on General Sherman's recommendation .lames Madison Barrett wns to-day appointed. In the surgeon general's office a number ot clerical changes necessitated by bills wejo made , based on the results of the recent ex- ti'iilnatlnns. Four quartet master's agents , t.vo copyists and ono clerk were dismissed , Five clerks were advanced to copyists. There were two promotions and eight trnusfers. No reduction or Increase In the force of the V-TtVty department occur , but e > wlng to tlio new system of keeping accounts , which goes Into effect to-morrow , clerks in fie va rious nnvy yards liavo been transferred to tl j new bureau of accounts. In the Inte rior department there will bo very few changes. Only reductions and dismissals occur in the patent olticc , where there will be six removals nnd twelve reductions. The commissioner of patents would not give out the names of those persons affected by the change without nn order from the secretary , who could not be seen this afternoon. In .the state department no changes whatever occurred , but In the foreign service some sal nrles were changed and in some eases sala ries are substituted for fees. No clerical chances are mndo In thu department of jus tice. The salaries of assistant district at torneys throughout the country will bo re duced 20 per cent to-morrow. Counterfeiter liallarel I'arelonoel. WASHINGTON , Juno SO , The president has nctod upon the application for pardon ot a number of convicted criminals. The most Important case Is that of Thomas Ballard , tlio notorious countorfoltar , who was sen- tencoeUanuary 1,1873 , to thirty years Im prisonment In the Albany penitentiary. The president grants him a pardon. In cndois Ins the application , ho says the prisoner was supposed to be ono of the most experienced counterfeiters In the country. He hns bcoi : In prison equal to moro than fifteen years , allowing n deduction for good behavior. Hi has grown an old man , broken down physieally and mentally. Ills conduct ha ; been such ns to cause much Interest In hi ; case by many gooel citizens and ofllclals. Ill : wife , who has clung to him with a tuu woman's devotion all these years , and win lias almost worn herself out ii her efforts to support and educate her dauph tor , just now reaching womanhood , plcadi for the erring nnd pentlnent husband's ro lease. There Is a universal belief on th < part of those acquainted with the case tha the prisoner's reformation Is complete , am that In no circumstance could this broker down man , whoso mind Is fast giving avvaj with His body , bo u menace to society If lib erated. "I am of the opinion that in thl case the law lias been fully vindicated. " Several pardons were granted to person convicted of violating the revenue laws am ono to Jacob Helkle , convicted of bigamy li Utah. A pardon has been refused In th case of John Irvine , sentenced In Wyoming February 20 , U > 70.to Imprisonment for life to mail robbery. Tills seems to bo a bad time savs the president , to pardon such otTense when they aio quite lu vogue and their com mission frequent. Postal WASHINGTON , Juno IX ) . | Speclal Tele gram to the Br.n. | Tlio following change In star schedules In Iowa have been mad from July 1 : Franklin Mills to Sperry : Leave Frnnkll ft Mills Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays n 11:80 : n. m. ; arrlvo at Sperry by 1:80 : p. n Leave Sperry Tuesdays , Thursdays and Sa unlays at 9:00 : a. m. ; arrlvo at Franklin Mill by 11:00 : a.m. Wlntorsot to Kasson : Leave Wlntersc Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8.00 a. m , arrive at Kasson by 1:00 : p. m. Leave KASSO Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:00 : p. in. ; a rive at Winters * ! by 7:00 : p. m. Elkaderto Osborne : Leave Elkader dall except Sundays at 7:30 : a. m. nnd 3:30 : p. m , arrlvo at Othorne by 0:20 : a. m. nnd 0:30 : \ in. Leave Usborno dally except Sundays i 10:40 : a. m. and 6:15 : p. in. ; arrive at Elkad < by 12:00 : m and 8:00 : p. m. Cumberland lo Grlswold : Lcavo Cuuibe land dally except Sunday * at 1:30 : p. m. ; ai I rive at Grlswold by C : 0 p. m. Leave GrI weld dally except Sundays at 7SO : a. ui. ; n rive nt Cumberland by 12U : ) p. m. Olympus to Woodbine : Leave Olyuipi Tuesdays and Saturdays at 13:30 : p. m. ; ai rive at Woodbine by 9:30 : p. m. Lenv Woodbine Tuesdays nnd Saturdays at 0 : ( H. m. ; arrive at Olympus by 12.00 in. Oldlield to Mingo : Leave Oldlield Wc < nohdnys and Saturdays at 1 p. in. Lea\ Mlngo Wednesdays and .Saturdays at4p. m arrlvo at Oldlield by C p. m. Clyde to Mlnto : Leave Clyde Tuesday : Thursdays and Saturdays at 13:30 : p. ni at rive at Mlneo by tt p.m. Leave Minn Tuesdays , Thursdays and tiRturdaj s nt 3i : p. m. ; arrive at Clyde by 4 p. in , Lowmoor to Elvirla : Leave Lowmoor dall except Sundnjs atU:13a. : m. ; nirlvent K Viraliy ll:4Sa.ra. : Leave Elvira dully c : eept Sundays at 11:45 : p. m. ; arrive at Lo\ hioor by 12:45 : p. m. UyMtrtto Mooicivllle : Leave Dysartdall xcepi Sunday * M li ui.1 trl\uat Moore vlllnhy 2Mp. : m. Leave Moorcsvlllo dally exceptSunilajsat 8p.m. ; arrive at D > sart by 4:15 : p. m. Markov to Gilbert Station : Leave Mac- key Wednesdays and Saturdays nt3Kp.m. : : ) ; arrive at Gilbert Station Wednesdays nnd Saturdays at 12:30 : p. in. ; arrive at Mackey by ! J p. m. F.aglo Center to Waterloo : Leave Laclo Center Tuesday , Thursdays and Saturdays nt 1p.m. ; nirivo at Waterloo by 4 p.m. Leave Waterloo Tuosdavs , Thursdays ami Saturdaysntiin.il ] . ; arrlvo at Eagle Center by 11 n. in. KlngtoDulmquo : Leave King Saturdays at & a.m. ; arrive nt Duhuquo by b a.m. Leave Dubuqtic hntiudays at 4 p.m. ; arrive nt King by 7 p. m. Ceres to Garnavillo : Leave Cere ? Tues day" , Thursdays and Saturdays ntSn. m. ; arrlvo at Garnnvllle by 4u : : ) p.m. Leave Garnavillo Tueadnj s , Thursdays and Satur days nt 1 p. m. : arri\e at Ceres by 2"fl ; p. in. Communlato Llllleport : Leave Commu- nla Wednesdays and S.itnrd.ijs at 11:30 : a. m. ; arrhu at Llttlcport by l'Jxp. : : m. Lea\o Llttleport Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 u. m. : arrive at Communla bv 11 a. in. Sheffield to Coldw.iter : Leave Sheffield Wedne.-.dn\s . and Saturdays nt 7 p. m. ; nr- riveat Coldw.iter bv 11a.m. Leave Cold \\aterWedtfcsd.ivs and Saturdays nt 12:15 : p. m. : arrive nt Sheffield by : s:10 : p. in. Algona to Soneei : Leave AIgona Tues days , Thursdays nnd Saturdays at 1 p.m. ; arrlvo at Fenton by 0 p. m. Leave Fonton Mondays , Wednesdajs and Fridays nt 8 n. m. ; arrive at Seneca by 12 in. Leave Seneca Mondavs , Wednesdijs and Frldnvs nt 1 p. m. ; arrive nt Fenton nt 0 p. m. Leave Fen- ton Tuesdays , Thursdajs and Satuidnys at 8 a. m. ; arrlvo at Algona by 12 m. Peterson to Spencer : Leave Peterson Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a. m. ; nrrlvo nt Spencer by4 p. m. Leave Spencer Tuesdays , Thutsdnys and Saturdays at I ) a. m. ; urrho at Peterson by 2 p. m , Bcthleham to Charlton : Lcavo Bethlchnm dally , except Sundajs , at 8 a.m. ; nrilve nt Charlton bv UtO : : n. m. Lcavo Cliariton dallv , except Sunda\s , at 1 p. m. ; nrrlvo at Bethlehnm at7 p. m. A new postolllco has been established nt Hornlck , Woodbury county , Iowa , special from Holly Springs , Benjamin F. Jennings postmaster. Thomas B. Scott has buen commissioned a fourth class postmaster at Alexander , la. Star service changes have been made In Nebraska ns follows : Garner to O.ikd.uo : From July 1. 1SS7 , for change of site ot Garner , Increase distance one in lie. A new postofllcc hns been established at Dunning , Blalno county , Nebraska , special from Lena , Kussell DiiiinltiL' . postmaster. Tlio name of Iho postoftico nt Munson. Madison county , Nebraska , has tit-en changed to Wnrnurvjllo , Mitchell K. Moirls , post master. _ _ _ _ _ Military Matters. WASHINGTON , JunoBO. [ Special Telegram to the HIM : , | Captain E. W. Stone , Twenty- first Infantty , nnd JMist Lieutenant F. B. Taylor , Ninth cavalry , have been granted two months extension of lca\o ; Captain Charles llobart , Thitd infantry , icturned to Columbus barracks , Ohio , Monday morning from his trip to St. Paul with a detachment of recruits ; First Lieutenant J. Itosicr Ciagitt , quartermaster Twenty-third In fantry , has been granted n month's leave from Fort Wayne , Detroit. Ills homo Is In this city ; Acting Hospital Stewart John L. Henderson has been detailed for duty with n bnttalllon of the First infantry dining Its summer march to S.inta Cruz , Cnln. , from San Francisco nnd back : C.iptain Uohert G. Hclnorand Flist Lieutenant Frank H. Ed munds , adjutant FirstInfantiy , lm\ebcen 10- lieved ns rccrnltinc olliceis nt Bculcln bar racks and Angel Island , Cala. , respectively. Captain John J. Cochrau , assistant sur geon , came east from San Francisco In charge of Captain James F. Simpson , Third cavalry. Ho was recently adjudged Insane and is now nt St. Elizabeth's asylum hero. Lieutenant John A. To\\crs , First artil lery , is oidored to report at Benlclu borracks , California , to-morrow ( July 1) ) , to temporarily relieve First Lieutenant James S. Pettlt , Fiist infantry , ns post quartermaster and couimls- saiy. saiy.Lieutennnt Colonel Richard F. Oberne , Fifteenth Infantry , who becomes superin tendent of the gencrnl recruiting service October 1 , Is well known here In Washing ton , where , prior to Ids appointment as captain tainin IfcOl , ho was private secietary to General Lewis Cass , of Michigan , uhilo tlmt statesman was secretary of state under Picsl- dent Buchanan. Sergeant Chailes Fox , company K , Ninth Infantry , wns the non-commlssloned officer in charge of the escort last Match when Major Daniel N. Ba h , paymaster , was robbed at Antelope Springs , Wyo. , ot § 7,350. Sergeant Fox lias just been tried tor neglect of duty on that occasion and Is dishonorably discharged from tlio service. Tlio sentence has been lenient by the court In consideia- tlon of previous good service. Army leaves : Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F. Barry , deputy Judge advocate general , one month , with permission to apply for fifteen days extension ; First lieutenant Joint M. Davis , First artillery , fifteen davs tiomJuly 5 ; First Lieutenant Henry L. Ilnrri ? , adju tant First artillery , ono month trom July 5 ; Lieutenant Hurry C. Benson , Sixth cavalry , two months. The contest for places on the rifle team ol the Division of the P.icllio will be held till ; year nt the Presidio of San Fiancisco , undei charge of LloutenantColonel Isaac D. Dorns sov , Fourteenth Infantry. The prellmlnnrj practice will bo on August 31 and Septcmbei i and 2 , the competition September 4 o 10 the department team reporting there i > j August 27. The contest for placcn on tin Department of California team will taki place August 10 to 27 , including practice , am will be conducted by Captain Lowell A Chambcrlln , First artilloiy. Contestants- must teport by August 15. A. Naval Guulncer's Death. WASHINGTON , Juno 80. ( Special Tel cpram to the BKE. | Chief Engineer Henr ; Leo Snyder , U. S. N. , died suddenly thl : morning nt his apartments at the Portland where no has resided for several months past Since July 5,1B8.5 , he has been on duty hen continuously as superintendent ot tlio nev state .war nnd navy department building nm hns also had charge of the Winder and othc outlying buildings occupied by these depart incuts. Mr. Snydcr'sphvslclans attribute hi deatli to sewer gas Inhaled while superin tending repairs of plumbing of the Wlnde building. Ho wns born nt Pottstown , Pn , September 11,1S30 , nnd was a grandson o Governor Snjder , of that state. He entcrei the navy from New Jersey In March , 1S.V and became a clilet engineer December 1 IbtVi , reaching the grade of commander li the fall of IbVi. His last cruise at sea was 01 the Pacllfc station , which ho completed li Aucust , 18SJ. Ho was twice nmriied am leaves a widow and Infant child , besides crown son by lila lirst marriage. Mri Snyuer Is a nutlv ? and resilient ot Mead vilfe , Pa. Altofcctcd Protest. WASHINGTON , June SO. The secretary o the treasury recently rccelvr-d a petltlo : signed by leading Importers of railroad tie * telegraph ] > oles , etc. , nt the port of Chlcagc protesting against thu establishment of a agency ut Gore Bay , Mnnltoulln Island , nn he refeited It to the secretary of state. H lias been Informed by Secretary Bayard tha the objections ur fad aauist the propose' ' agency are not considered sufficient to wai rant ( lib loconsideintion of tlio declsln heretofore nmde thereto , and saying that th consular oflieor for Gore Hay will be at pointed In due course ot time. Cleveland's Hummer Arrangement ! WASHINGTON , Juno 0. It Is stated at th 1e white house that the prc&ldent has decided t e attend tlio centennial celebration nt Cllntor > t N. Y. , the Wli flu * . but bevond that he hn ! not jet completed his nrinuuvuieuts for th summer. a Government Telegraph lift ten. < J WASHINGTON , Juno 80. The postmastc general has Issued an order fixing the rate of government tele-priuii for the comln iyear. . The rates nro tlio same as last yea { but tha basis of computation lias buo changed , Insle-nd of paying rates , on tli V exact distance from tilti place vvheio the. te ' ' rurutu la Uliid to tlio uolut ol UeatluaUoi the distance from the state or territory cap ital and to the state or territorial capital , Is computed and tolls paid thereon. A nutter lOxport. WASHINGTON , Juno 80. Secretary Fairchild - child to-day appointed Edgar Hlchards of Now York , to ko microscoplst In the Internal revenue depaitment , under the provisions ot the oleomargarine law.vlco Wnlll ? , resigned. Dos Slolnca Laud Ofllce HcRlntcr. WASHINGTON , Juno 0. The president to day appointed William Porter , of DCS Molncs , la. , register of the land office at DCS Molncs. Government 1'rliitors Discharged. WASHINGTON , June so. Forty employes of the government printing office , princi pally In theblndlngntidfoldlngdepartments , were discharged to day. UA1LKOA1) STAXIJ.n Xlio Vnndorbllt lloadn Dootnro Divi dends Their KarnliiK * ) . NBW YOIIK , Juno 30. The directors of the roads In the Vanderbllt system mot to-day and declared the following dividends : New Vork Central , 1 per cent tor the quarter ; Lake Shore , 2 per cent for tlio half ; Michi gan Central , 2 per cent for tlio half , and Canada Southern UC per cent for a half > oar. The Michigan Cential statement presented at the meeting of the directors for six months ending June > : : o , I8b7 , shows the gross earnings to bo O.Wl.OOO ; opeinllng ex penses and taxes , 81,511.000 ; net earuincs , bl,8WOUO : interest ami rental81,270,000 ) ; surplus , s.VN.OOO ; proportion to Canada Southern , 3170,000. leaving n surplus for the Michigan Central of 401,000. From this surplus , after deducting'n 2 per cent divi dend , there will bo a Dalauco of § 20UOO on hand. The statement of tlio Lake Shore road , pre sented at the semi-annual meeting to-day for six mouths ending Juno 30,1SR7 , shows the gross cainlngs to De33X ( > l,000 : operating ex penses and taxes , S5,02JOUO ; net earnings , SMO,000 ! ; Interest and rentals and divi dends on guaranteed stock , 51,630,000 ; sur plus , SI ,750,000. Tlio statement of the Now York Central railroad for the tlirco months ending June 30 , It87 , shows n surplus ot § lCO't)00 , ) , alter paying the dividend. The statement of the Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati & Indianapolis i.illroad lor the sl\ mouths ending June 80 , isvr. shows a surplus of S7,000 , against ix deficiency of Slfy.OOO last year. An Kdlturlnl Scrap. AUOUSTA , Ga , Juno 30. [ Special Tole- Kram to the Bii : : . | A personal encounter Is looked for between Major J. W. Greene , general manager of the Georgia railroad , and James Hairett , editor of the Globe and Lance , a Kniglits ot Labor paper. Hlght Davl ? , conductor on the Georgia road , was Indicted on the charge of criminal assault on n lady committed to his care. Pending liti gation Greene suspended him. Davis was acquitted , but Greene refused to restore him to his place. Tlio Globe and Lance , which paper Is owned by Davis , on Satuulay last madoa fniious personal attack on Greene. The major , Ignoring Davis , soiiL'ht James Barrett , the editor. Bsriett dented responsi bility and then Greene called upon him under the code. Barrett refused any hint of a challenge , merely remaiking that ho w.is ready to defend himself wiieiievor attacked. Giceno then branded Barrett as a coward. To this Barrett replies to-day as toliows : "Personal abuse can accomplish nothing. I do not retort by charging cowardice on Major Gieetio. lie can test my courugo nt any time nnd in any way tlmt ho may think proper. " Whenever nny ol the tiuce went out on the street to-day ho went prepared tor vvaratidsuiiounded by friends. When they meet they will light. lake Sharp'H Condition. Nr.w Yor.ic , Juno 30. Sharp moaned nnd tossed about restlessly nil night. Every "precaution was taken so as to doubly secure the safety of the prisoner. Ono keeper remained in the ollico all night and two in tlio corridor of the jail , while the warden occupied the adjoining room to Sharp , with the door wide open. Up to noon Sharp had no visitors , ami up to that time scarcely SPOKO a do/on words. The warden savs hn does not eat onousrh to keep butterfly alive , except the milk he drinks. The Fidelity Hiiuk. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno no. The bond of E. L. Harper , late vice president of the Fidelity bank , has been Increased to S-00,000 and that ot 15. E. Hopkins , late assistant cashier , to S100ri09. The district attorney to-dav filed proceedings bromrht by the comptiollor of currency to poilect the charter ot the Fidel ity national bank and wind up the affairs ot the corporation. The I'lircoll Kutato. CINCINNATI- : . , Juno 30. Isaac J. Mil ler and Gustavo Tefel , trustee of the Purcell estate creditors , filed their report In tlio pio- bate court yesterday. It shows total receipts nnd disbursements since January 4 , IbSO , namely : Receipts S'JO.OOO ; paid creditors , S50- 000paid ; for expenses and Incidentals , 817,000 ; leaving a balance on hand of SH'r ' > 00. Tlio entire debt of the two estates of Aieliblshop John li. nnd Father Edward Purecll Is re ported at S3,72' . > ,000. Clnturo to Ho Applied. LONDON , Juno 30. In the commons to- nlcht , W. 11. Smith moved that If the icnort on the eilmes bill bo not reached by Monday , the cloture bo applied. Tlio Parnellltes op posed the motion , which , hovrovor , was car ried bj n vote of 220 to 12. The siwakcr then called upon the Piunellites to move the amendments standing their names on the no tice paper. Tlio Parnellltes , who were watching tlio proceedings from tlio mem hers side ot the gallery , made no reply. Tlif amendments Introduced by Bnlfour wen agreed to without debate and the bill was reported. Balfour announced U'r.t ' the third ic.vllng of the bill would be moved on Tues day next , Church and Stnto In Franco. PAins , Juno 30. A majority of the com mltteo of tlio chambers of deputies appointee to study the question of separation 01 church and state , approve Boyset's projeci for abrogation of the concordat. The malt articles of the scheme provide that the renuh lie shall respect all religions , but will gran subsidies or special privileges to none. Seamen Condemned. LONDON , Juno 30. The captain and three seamen of the British bark Lady Douvlas which arrived hero May HI , from Glascoyne West Afilca , have been sentenced to deatt fdr tlio uiuider of n Malay sailor on the voy- ngo. llonlnnecr's Intrigues. FAHIS , Juno 30. Thp Republlquo Francalst nccuses General Boulanger of political intrl cuing. It says General Ferion was wise t < shorten his maneuvers by appointing him t < active command. Steamship Arrivals. SOUTHAMPTON , Juno SO. [ Special Telo cram to the BKE.J Arrived The Saale from Now York lor Bremen. PLYMOUTH , Juno 30. Arrived The Tenn land , tiom Now York for Antwerp. Uaso Tarty Purposes. , DUHT.IX , JiinoSO. Unl.ed Ireland charjfci that Lord Salisbury Is using the sons of tin prince of Wales , who are now In Ireland , fo the basest party purposes. AddrcMB to tlio Quoon. LONDON , June CO. A'number of loyn Irish Catholics , who attended the Jubilee cer emenles In London have sent to the nueei an aildrccs of loyalty and devotion. Blo.uhnlm'8 Hlaze. AVICKLAND , N. 2 . , Juno 80. Tho' Nov Zealand hotel , bank and twenty-two sliop tunica at Blenheim , Loss , & 3QOQO , DEAGLE DOWNS THE OMAHAS , Hiu Bank Decisions at Denver Contribute to Another Defeat O'LEARY POUNDED VERY HARD. Suffers Its Sixth Consecu tive Defeat A Gigantic Hippo drome Trotting Hacft Dotwccn Hurry Wllkca nnd Gossip , Jr. Denver Wins the Second. DKXVCU , Juno CO. [ Special Toleeram to the UKK.J The Denvers won their second game from the Omahas to-day by their free batting , assisted by soi 10 very rank decisions of Umpire Donglo , who seemed to have it Infer for the Omaha boys and did not lot an oppor tunlty escape to dccldo against them. The Delivers did some verj coed playinc , hitting the lett bander for twenty-live bases and playing the field without an error. The two mndo woto charged to Meyers. Omaha played n very good game , considering the heavy batting and what they had to contend with , When they learned they were handi capped by Deaglo they seemed to lose In terest In the game nnd O'Leary played list lessly. The brilliant playing upon their side was confined to Dvvycr at fiist base and Genius in center field. The score Is IH\VKR. pos. AU. it. In. TU. ro. A. K. McSorley 2b Sllch If Smith Ib 0 3 a 1 10 a 0 Tebean ah O'Neill rf Uornuui cf C 1 1 0 0 0 0 I'hllllps ss 6 B 3 B 1 4 0 Voss p G 1 B 0 0 7 0 Meyers c 0 3 4 1 0 3 B Total 67 Ib 24 5 27 24 3 OMAHA. I'OS. All. It. .111. Til. I'O. A. E. Swift 2biVrf : 5 1 < 2 0 0 0 B Walsh ss n 1 1 0 1 3 S Dwyer. Ib 5 1 4 1 12 0 0 Krelimoyer o liourko lib 4 0 1 0 B 3 0 Mcssltt..rf & 2b 4 1 3 1 3 0 Hader If ( Jonins et O'Leary p "Total 3 ! > 0 17 4 27 18 0 Denver 4 2 18 ) mahf B 00300300 0 Karned runs Denver 11 , Omaha 5. Two Iw-e lilts- Welsh , Meyers , McSoiley , imlth , Tebeau , Silch , Krchmeyer , Uourkc. Homo inns Slleh. Double plays Voss to Smith to Aleyeis. JSases on halls Voss 3 , O'Loary 7. Hit by pitcher Uormnn , Smith , liader , 1'assed balls Kronmever 1. Struck out Voss 2 , O'Leary 3. Left on bases Denver 10 , Omaha 5. Wild pitches-O'Leary 2. Time of game 2 hours and 15 minutes. Umpire Deaule. Hastings Drops Another. llAbTi.vosi , Neb. , Juno HO , [ Special Tolo- ram to the UEE.J Hastings suffered Us Ktli defeat to-day , Lincoln winning by he following score : , lncoln 2 1140000 * 8 tastings 0 0001000 0 1 Huns earned Lincoln 3. Kriors linst- ngs4. Lincoln 7. B.ise hits Hastings 3 , Lincoln 11. U.Utodes Hwr.rtzcl and Hooker , Daniels and Turner. * Ijcavomvorth U loatu St."Joc. LKAVK.VWOKTH , Kan./ / June .TO. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. ' | Loavenworth won he game to-day by the following score : , eaveuvorth..4 1030103 1 13 St. Joe 0 10030004 7 Two ba ohits Curtis , Whitehead , Hughes , Khret. Homo runs Welch. iStruck outjby Jnmos 4 , Lhret 5. Batteries James and Whitelio.id , Khiet andl3 lltnan. Umpire "Jaldiou. National Iji'nguo Games. PITTSIUJUO , Juno 30. The game between the Pittsuurg and Uoston teams to-day resulted as follows : 1'ittsburg 4 1000030 8-10 Boston 3 00410000 8 1'itchers MeCormick and Uadbourne. Base ills Plttsbutg 17 , Boston 13. Errors I'ltts- burg 5 , Boston 0. Umpire Valentino. iNDiAXAi-oi.is. Juno ! ! 0. Th game be tween the ludlannpolis and New York teams to-day lesulted as follows : Indianapolis 3 U 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 10 Nnw York 0 2-11 Pitcheis Boyle for Indianapolis , Tlernnn and Welch tor Now "Vloik. Base lilts In dianapolis 20. New York 12. Euors Indlau- nrtolls 0 , New Vork 3. Umplio 1'earce. Dnntoir , June HO. Tlio name between the Detroit and i'hihulelpliia teams to-day re sulted as t allows : Dctioit 4 10000000-5 Philadelphia.2 0" 3 0 5 0 0 010 Pitehors Baldwin and Casoy. Base lilts-Detroit IB , Philadelphia 11. Errors- Detioitfi , Philadelphia4. umpire Docschcr , CHICAGO , Juno no. The game between the Chicaconnd Washington teams to-day result ed as follows : Chicago 1011000000 3 Washington . 4 Ten inuhiL'fl. Pitchers Baldwin and O'Day. Base litts-Chieago 0. Washington 8. errors Chicago 5'Washington 3. Um pire Po\\eis. The American Association. < ST. Loui , Juno " 0 , The game between the St. hcmis and Louisvlllo teams to-day re.sulted as follous : St. Louis 0 00103000 4 Louisville. 8 0 , 0 0 U 6 3 0 * 11 Pitchers Hudson and Kamsey. Base hits St.Louls7 , Louisville 'M. Krrors-St. Louis 2 , Louisville 5. Umpire McQuade. Nr.w Yoitic. J line SO. Tlio game between Brooklyn and Athletics to-day icsultod as toliows : BrooKlyn 1 200000000000 f Athletics 0 000001030001 A Thlitcen Innings. Pitchers Poiter nml Atklsson. Basehits-vBrooklyn U , Athletics 1' ' . Errors Brooklyn 7 , Athletics 5. Um plre Ferguson. Niw : VOIIK , Junoi.J. The game between the Metropolitans arU Baltimore teams to day resulted as follows : Metropolitans..0 33000000 - ; Baltimore I 0371400 1 ! Pitchers Shatler and Kilroy. Base hits- Metropolitans 10. Baltimore 1 ! ' . Errors Met ropoliians 0 , Baltimore 3. Umplio Curry , CIEVKIANI > , JUIIH 80. The game be tween Cleveland aim Cincinnati teams to-da > resulted as follows : ' Cleveland C 0 0 1 0 0 C 0 1 K Cincinnati 0 0300000 l- < Pitcheis Dally ana Smith. Base hit ! Cincinnati 15. Clevtland 15 , Eirors Cliv clnnatl 4 , Cleveland 1 , Umpire Toung. Northwestern Leaftno Games. DES MOI.VKS , Ju'io 30. Northwestern league games to-da. ' : Milwaukee 3 , La crosse 0 , at Lacrosse , ) St Paul 9 , EnnClali , fourteen Inulupg * nt EauClair. Allnn& apolis 5 , Duluth 7 , at.Duluth. A Hippodrome Knee. PIIIIADIIPIIIA : , Juno ! . Threethousapc peisons went to the I'oint Breeze course thl afternoon to witnes { the races between Harr ; Wllkes and Gossip. Jr. It was nnnouncei that the purse WAS § 1,0.03 , with an additlona Sl.OOO for the horss breaking the record o ailStf , The affair proved a gigantic failure and the spectators tq a man pronounced It i hippodrome. Gosj-tp , Jr. , was in no condi tion for the race and was drawn after twi heats , both of w hWi were easily won b ; sent one heat again A tlio best time over tin Point Breeze tracUMSt. Jullen's , 2:17) : ) , am and easily trotted a { till mile In 3il6 # . Shoepaheacl Bay Races. Nnw YOIIK , June20. At Sheepshead Ha ; the 'weather was Uric , the attendance larci and the track fast. The following Is th tummary : TWO-Joar-olds , threo-nuarters mile : Tea tray won. Bay Hldgo second , 1'ocatcllo third. Three-year-olds and upwards , ono mile : Troubadour won , Gonfalon second , Duplex third. Time-IMS. Mlle and three-sixteenths : Selogos won , Klkwood second , Frank Waid tuirel. Tlmo 2:03. : 2:03.Thrceycnrold" , mlle nnd a half : linn- over won , Duuboyne second , Oneko third , Time UiUUf. Mlle niul a furlong : Brown Duke won , Unnl second , Boaz third. Time 1 : . ' ' ! ? Mlle on the turf : Choctnw won. Wonder ment second , Grenadier third. Time 1:41. : Haclnjj nt Washington I'ark , CHICAGO , June 30. This was the fourth day of the Washington Park club races. The weather was warm , the track fast nnd the attendance latgc. The fellow Ing Is the sum mary : Two-year-olds , three-quarters mile : Dnn- lella won , Aiistl second , Mlrlti third. Time 1:10. : 1:10.All agc . ono mile : Amelia won , Carnegie second. Time 1:44. : Only iwo starters. Threo.vear-old lillles , mlle : Miss Ford won , Wary second , Hindoo Hose , third. Tlmo-lMI. Ono mlle and quarter : Irish Pat won , Gold Flee second , Wnhoo third. Tlmo-'J:10. : One milo and qtiatter : Urookfull won , Gre v Cloud second , Kensington third. Time JilOK. Jluidles , mlle heats : First heat Tennessee won , Ascot secondothers distanced. Time lMJf. : ) Second heat Tennessee won. Time 1:55. : The Twin City Trot. ST. PAUL , Juno 30. The Twin City Driv ing club races opened at the state fair grounds this afternoon. Tlio track was fast , tlio weather threatening , and the attendance small. Tlio following Is the summary : a:80 : trot , nurse Sl.OOO : Frank Champ won , David S. second. Bud Crook third , Ella P. fourth. Best tlmo-U:17K : > 2:3:5 : : pace.pur.se S5UO : Pennant won , Sharper second , Daisy Wllkcs third , Sierra Lasallo fourth. Columbia Frpshmcn Beat Harvard. Nnw LoNDON.Conn. , Juiie30.-The Colum bia-Harvard freshmeniaco | was rowed this af ternoon over the two mile course on the first of ttie ebb. It was a slow course with head wind against the boats. The start was at 0:80-31) : ) , and the Columbia light weights leaped awav with a quarter second lead from tlio young" plants troin Harvard , and thU lead was being constantly Incieased at every siroke , Columbia pulling thirty-eight to Har- vaul thlity-live. At the halt mlle the New 'ork oarsmen wcie seven seconds ahead nnd ropped to thltty-livo. At the mlle lie lead wns Increased to thirteen econds. or three boat lengths , and near ills point Sanborn. who pulled number hrecinthu Harvard's shell kicked over his lide ana sat nnd rowcil on the bare irons or the rest of the race , which , however , vas virtually won before this accident. At ho milo and a half there were four boat Mights between tiio crews , nnd when olumbia pulled over the line in 11 minutes 1 seconds sue had live open lengths between ici mid HIM yard's shell. Harvard's time was 1:34 : > . Sanborn dropped in a swoon In the lottom of the boat as they crossed the line , ml ho did not recover for nearly half an lour. Ho wns cut considerably , and his vork for the last mlle of the race was as > lucky a specimen of grit as was over shown u aboat I'.ilno'fl New Yacht Launched. I'HU.A.DKMMiiA , Juno 30. The new yacht ulll tor General Paine , of Boston , was suc- jessfully launched this evening. Designer Jurgess expressed himself welt pleased , nl- hough the general opinion was that the craft presented anything but n beautiful np- learnnce , owing to her peculiar construction , ihe looks In the water like n floating sword- Ish , lull In the body , but line nt the end and cecn at the provv as a razor. She is 107 feet over all. but only eighty-six on the water Inc. The striking features are the great deptli ntt , long keel , sharply diminishing Torcfoot cutter-like rake nt the stern post , lengthy , angular overhang and sharp sheer 'ore and aft , She carries twenty-two tons n ore. ballast than the Mayflower. The cen ter board Is twenty bv twenty-two feet nnd will have a drop of about twenty feet. The yacht will draw about thirty feet with it down. None of the ballast Is below the feel , fifty tons having been put into the tiough-shaped keel. Iludel Does Great Shooting. DBS MoiNKs.'la. , Juno 30. fSpecial Tolo- _ ram to thoBEr ; : . J C. W. Budd.of Des Molnns , vnd J , H. Slice , of Illinois , phot hero to-day for the championship of America In pigeon trap shooting. The traps were arranged with a thirty yard ilse , and out of 100 birds , Slice shot Wand Budd shot 97 , winning the championship. Budd , in fact , hit every hi id [ nit one , but two tell outside the boundary nnd so were not counted. Slice shot the last forty-eight birds stright , without n miss. The Ownership of NI near a Falls. NKW XOIIK , Juno 80. ( Special Tclegiam to the BiuJ Lihby , proprietor of the Bre- voort house , Is suing Mrs. Frederlca Poiter Burial ! , n lady of largo wealth , for a board bill of S2-i07. She Is granddaughter of Au gustus H. Potter , who , early In the century , purchased from the state a piece of land a mile and u qiuutcr square on the Canada boundary line , nil In New York , halt or two- thirds of tnoNlngara ; river , nbovc , below and Including the falls , llils very valuable hold ing , which Includes the town of Niagara , was transmitted by old Juduo Porter to his heirs. It was proposed and desired , Mrs. Burrall savs , to sell part of the estate , tlio island In the river , including Goat Island , to tlio state for a park. All holders except her self agreed that If a certain bill before the legislature was nasscd by a certain time they would relinquish all claims on the state for payment for water power thus sacrificed. This Mrs. Burrall refused , as far as she was concerned.to do. She seems to legnrd tills claim aH a most Important onn , and when It Is remembered that the water power of tlieNIagara Is 275,0(10 ( cnble. feet per second or 700,000 horse power , \xhlch at ttio ruling rate of 240 per horse power is worth SS.OOO.OOO.the lady's pertinacity In clinging to her rk'hts , which David Dudley Field's opin ion says are clearly hers under the riparian law , is not to bo wondered at. The share ot herselt and her sister. If their claim were valid , would bo In the nelghboihood ol 00,000,000 , and thouch her claim lias been benlen In the courts , It appears none the less to have strone legal foundation. At present there is a contest between the helis over some undivided property which ties up her Income , and ho charges that Lihby Is acting In the Interest of her enemies , who hope tc starve her Into leg al submission. Utah's Constitutional Convention. SALT LAKE , Utah , June 80. The Utah constitutional convention met to-day. John T. Calno , congressional delegate , was chosen delegate. lie made speech outlining the work to be done In tbo matter ot a petition for statehood. The constitution must be broad and liberal , not sectional , and seeure the rights of the minority , Pre vious obstacles to the admission of Utah must be met franklv and with view to meet tlio charge that Utah IE not In harmony with the rest ot the nation After organization adjournment was taken until to-morrow. Earnest endeavors are tc bo made by conservative Mormons to gain the co-operation of all classes and parties In the proceedings. CHICAGO , Juno 30. Another dlspatcl from Salt Lake says none hut Mormons an taking part In the constitutional convention The Gentiles generally are opposed. 8iu ed the Scale. riTTSiiuiio , June 30. All the dltTeronccf between the manufacturers nnd Iron am steel workers were amicably adjusted attlx conference hold to-day and the strike ha : been averted. The Iron workers' scale WR slttncd by the joint committees of the Iroi manufacturers and Amalgamated this alter noon , Work hi the mills will now go on a usual. . Death or Mrs. Finn. , Nr.wYoiiK , Juno 30. Mrs. William Ham llton Flsli died thla morning after a loui iUUt'33. C1UM ) LAHOU. 1'owdcrly Considers It tlio Founda tion of Ignorance. I'liti.AiiKi.niiA , Juno oO. ( Special Tele gram to the HKIJ. | General Master Work man Powderly yesterday detailed the facts concerning child labor gleaned from his long residence In the coal regions. Ho showed how chlldien whoso education was neglected , as they grew Into manhood , would naturally gravitate Into Knights of Labor Illiterate , Ignorant and devoid of Intelligence. "Those are the men , " continued Mr. Powderly , "that the Knights of Labor have to deal with and If poslblo mold Into something better. Men who can't read when charges of corruption are mndo can bo led hither nnd thither by nny ono who may be iln enemy of ttio of- tlclals , simply because they cnn't add up n column of llgures. The Ignorance of many Knights Is what causes much of the trouble In locals , but It docs not end here. It makes the men ttio tools of unscrupulous dema- goeups and places themlunderlnlluenccs that about a state of affairs worse than . . . . < Jiy. " Powiicrly's face brightened with hope , but It darkened again us lie said : ' 'But thete Is one question that tlio American people must take up that locally concerns the workincmun. It is or will become the burnIng - Ing question of thedav , an issue which will excel all others in Importance , and that question is the problem of Hie great unceas ing tlood of linmigiation from old Etnope. I am utterly opposed to nil forms of pauper Immigration and to a great deal ot immigra tion pure and simple. 1 think a halt should bo called on Immigration t'litll ' this nation can consider what it Is doing in allowing these nationalities to enter here and become a burden on our county ) and n menace to American homes. As a ruling to decide who should bo excluded 1 would make It an al most Inflexible rule that u man or woiimn who could not sustain liimsolt or herself nnd their respective families for one year should not be allowed to land. " Powderly refined to sav any thing concerning the stalament that iMcOlynn Intends to join the Kniglits of Labor. The position of the general board would probably prevent such an addition to their membership. Powdorlv and all the conservative knights are opposed to using the order to fuithcr any s < | fc\IIMIc , communistic and land theories. fTiey hold , as has been clearly evident in recent utterances by Pow derly , that the mission of the knights Is to legislate for the best Interest of American workmen , freofiom all social nnd revolu- tlonaiy Ideas. While McGIynn will not bo refused admittance , li Is cleat ly underslood that It he should attempt to raise a puity within the party the geneial board would speak and act with decision and emphasis. FIELD'S SIISFOIITUNK. He Loses Two or Three MilllonH On Ills Manhattan Deal. Nr.w YOIIK , Juno ro. f Special Telegram to the BIE. : ] The World this morning says : "Cyrus Field turned o\er tlio remainder ot his Elevated rallwav stock to Jay Gould yes- teiday. The amount was 20,000 shares , which , with the 50,000 shares previously dis posed of by Field to Gould , shows the for mer's total holding to havebeou70,000 sliaies. The value of Field's big block of block at 5100 n share , which was the market price before - fore the downward movement began , was $11,200,000. Ho now has no Interest In Man- hallan and will retire from the heard of ell- cctors. Gould will keep tlio lirst lot of 0,000 shares to add to his own holding , mnk- uc his total interest in tlio stock of the coiu- mny about S10,000COO. Tlio second lot of 20,000 shares ho will split up. This stock was mbscribed for yesterday. The World has the wliola story of Mr. Field's retirement from oed authority. It was enforced. Ho was car- ylng his monstrous load on margins. Ho Had borrowed money from nearly every trust : ompany in the street on the stock as fast as lie required It In order to buy more. He finally cornered thn stock and ran the price up to 3170 , Tlio fate of his corner was , how ever , thn fate of nearly all corners. Disaster overtook It. After the collapse of the cotTeo and wheat corners nnd the breaking of the Fidelity bank the trust companies , bunks and other money lenders glow distrustful and began to call their loans. The market began to shrink and Field could not margin down Ills stock nny lower , as he hail no collateral on which to raise money. Thursday night lie and his son Edwardiwont to Gould's hoiuo nt Irvlnglon. Field told Gould the position lie was in. He could no lunger carry his Jorid. Gould was satislied of Fields solvency if given relief fiom his elevated stock burden and agreed to take the amount offered M,000 ) shares at the price It averaged Field , which was about S120. Gould came to Now York next moinlni ; to procure money nnd complete tlio transaction. It turned out , however , that Field was still unable to extrl- cnlo himself , and yesterday ho went to Gould and asked the latlcr to take the rest of Iho stock. Gould agreed to do so and furnished the money to margin it down. In the earlier p.iitof the dav Fields face had Indicated great mental dlstiess. After the deal with Gould was consummated lie was In most OK- jcllent spirits. Field , despite his great loss In Manhattan , Is still n wealthy man. Ho lias always been proud of the fact that his name is historical as the promoter of the At lantic eablo nnd Elevated railway svstem of New York. Kussell Sage was asked last nlulit if the statement of Mr.'Fiold's ' complete retirement from the Elevated railway was correct , and he replied that It was. "Field has disposed of all Ills stock , as stated , to Gould. " A Campaign ItcminlHCcncc. NEW Yonu , Juno SO. [ Special Telegram to the Bnic.J The Sun says : Mrs. Maria Hal- pin , the story of whoso relations with Cleveland - land In Buffalo was so widely published , dm- Ingtho presidential campaign of IbS-l , has been married. She ll\es with her husband Albert hecord , In New Uoehello. During the campaign referred to ho wnsoften mentioned as her uncle. He was In tact , It Is said , an uncle of her former husband. They were ac quainted , It Is.said , even betorohei lirst mar- ra'0. Secord Is beyond his slxty-hltli year , Ho Is n carpenter , bulho seldom does any woik. Ho owns tlio house ho lives In and i' in moderate good circumstances. Mrs. See ord Is a liaiiisom woman , ln iho prime ol life , with a verv pleasant expicuslon. Hoi hair is black and her eos largo and spark ling. Secoid said yesterday tltat they wen recently mariled and verv quietly. Neighbor.1 speak highly of both of them , ailhoimh It hai not been known generally that they wen married. The Cure Worse Than thrt Disease. HAVANA , Juno 30. A worklngman It Holquln , as a precaution against smallpox built n coal fire before retiring for the nigh and placed thereon several leaves of tobacco the fumes from which , he had been told , fur nlshed a safe guard against the disease Next morning the man nnd his wife am eight children wore all dead. Escaping ea from the coal in the stove had s utfociuei them , A New Road incorporated. SrniNQFiKi.i ) , III. , June 30. Articles o incorporation were recorded in the ollice o the secretary of state to-day of the Chlcagi A State Line railroad company , with n capl tal stock of 91,400 000. It Is proposed to nil the road Into or through the county of Coo ! from a point on the line between Indian and Illinois at the Intersection of the' N"\ Yoik , Chicago < fc St. Louis company to Chi cago. _ 'Tho Jubilee lit Canada. Tonoxro , Juno 80. The queen's Jubllc celebration commenced here this mornin with the parade of the public school child red. numbmlng over 10,000. The routr le to Queen's Dark" where the children sang th National anthem nnd other approprlat Bones. The afternoon was taken up with military and callbthenlc drill , Jubilee sc vices were given In the Metropolitan ehurcl an Immense crowd being present. A Louisiana Lynching- UiNsnono , La. , June 30. Lust night a ban ot disguised men took James Wullden , co ored. from the custody of a ' 'uard , who ha him In keeplru ; to auswera charge of larceu ; und uuiigcu uliu , CIIAUTAUgUA'S ' SECOND DAY < J a 1 Busy Times at the Sunday School Assombli * nt Orote , CROWDS STILL POURING itf , Interesting Ijoutttre > 4 , Solid luntruo tion nntt Delightful Muslo Hold tlio Attention ot'tho Visitors Other Stnto Novvs. . * - - The Crete Aflyeinlily. Cisr.Tr , Neb. , Juno 80. ISpecIal Tclcgranr to the Bir. : | 'I'ho.second day nt the assemC bly grounds was a duplicate of the Ilrst da/ In iictlso picpnrntlons. A score \\oikniuttj were stacking tents nil day. Largo delegsi lions nirlvcel dining tlio day fiom l'lntts < mouth , Hastings , Beatrice and oilier points , ; and the number of Lincoln people on thu giound is n host. The management hnvei had n long Megc , but all work has been hail- ' died satisfactorily and scarcely a growler Is to bo loiiiul on the ground , Charges fo * transportation are very reasonable , all coins modifies In the wav of provisions , etc , are furnished very low , and the only enormous expenses is In the furniture line. Thu chaigcs for u week's use of articles hi this line Is enough to make n Claude Duval blush at the sight of the price list. It rained through the afternoon , but the rain dampened the ardor of no ono nnd the nor mal hall and the two amphitheaters werd comfortably tilled for the different classes and lectures. Prof. Shervvln has a large class In advanced music under way , and at tendants nt the assembly last year will bo delighted to know that Miss Lillian Hamblen Is to bo with the assembly this year as the principle soIoKt In musical work. The lei * tines to-day were by Uev. A. U. Winshlp and George W. Bain , the former from Boston and the latter the well-known tcmpoianco lecturer from Kentucky. Filday's pro gramme Includes all the ninny class exer cises and lectures Irom such eminent work ers as Dr. PriitercHt , of Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Dean Wright , Prols. Holmes , Boyle , Sher- vvin and another concert by the Schubert quaitotto. In the evening the opening con ceit by tlio Schnberts was M dollghltul that it could only be nppteclated by the ho.irmir. No ono should miss thu hist concert on Filday evening. Tlio question of admission to the giounds Sun day lias boon settled that the gates will bo. opened , lint positively no tickets will bo sold on thatd.iy , nuuing it necessary that every person intending to vlsli the assembly Sun day , purchase their tickets on Friday or Sat urday. At the annual meeting of the stockhold ers to-day , the following dlieclois vveio > elected for tlnee yeais , comprising oni'-thlrdj of the board : Uev. T. E. Taylor , S. L. An drews , A. K. Fairchllds. G. W. Albright , Kev. A. C. Calkins , J. C. Kllner and A. G. Hastings. The number ot people on the grounds now Is nearly double the opening ) day , and vet n great many have yet to nr-jJ rive and enter the grounds liouily. There la j an abundance of tent loom and the maiiagj j nu'iit keeps the supply always sutliclent to' answer all demands. A visit to the giounds'1 Is necessary to comprehend the magnitude of the assembly. Munger O ( To reel n Secretaryship. FitcMu.sr , Nob. , Juno 30. [ Special to the BEE.J Hon. W. II. Mungor , of this city , today - , day received official notice from Attorney General Loeso of his appointment ai secro-1 tary of tlio state board of transportation. Ho has the appointment under consideration , nnd will not decide for n day or two whether ho will accept. Ills law practice amounts tea a much larger sum thtn the salnrv of the of fice. If ho ascertains that the olllclal duties would compel him to give up hU practice during his term ot appointment , he will not accept. He would lose tco much money bv doing so. However , if he can perform the duties of the ollice and at the same time at tend to a majority of his legal business ho will accept. It Is known that ho does not look with much favor upon the commission system of re'gnlatlng railways. Those who know him , however , will ngreo that his legal knowledge will be of bencnt to the commis sion , the people und nil involved. Nehr.iilcn Holiness Giiiniimeotlng , LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 80. [ Special to tlio BIK. : ] The Nebraska State Holiness association will hold their annual campmeot- ing this year on their ground at Bennett , Neb. , commencing August 3 nnd continuing ten days. These meetings have been grow ing inteiest every jear. Bev. G. W. Brln- dell , of Iowa , a member of tlio National Holi ness association , will be present diirinir tlio entire meeting , besides a elo cn other eminent workers. Tents can bo rented by applying early. Deductions on railroads vv ill no doubt be secured. Everthing will bo done lliat is , possible to make It pleasant and profitable to , those who nmv attend. A circular giving full particulars Is being printed which will ba sent on application. Address the committed of arinintemcnts furclicular or information. Uev. W. G. Miller , D. 1) . , president ; Pi of. J. M. McKcnzle , secretary. J. M. MeKon/le , York ; W. H. Piescott , Lincoln ; A. M. DnvU. ' Lincoln ; J. G. Southwlck , committee on ar rangements. i Sunday School Ghllelren'H Picnic. FHKMONT , Neb. , Juno 30. [ Special to thoj BIE. : | A largo Sunday school picnic vvna' ' held hero to-day In the beautiful city parka Many hundied young people were present' to enjoy the festivities of the occasion. All the Fremont schools turned out. Beside ? these there werelargoelele-gatlons fromNortli Bend , Hooper , Sciibner and Arlington. Thn , rain at ii o'clock biought thu celebration to/\ \ an abrupt close. Fnlluren ol' the Year. Nr.w i'ork , Juno CO. U. G. Dun &Co. re > polls for the lirst half of IStf failures In tlio , United State's are 4'Jl'J In number , against fi.ioo for the same period the piovious year , showing a decrease of U44. While there Is marked deeiease In the number ot falluies , thu liabilities show a slight Increase. For tM last half vear the liabilities weio SVilibUOOi ! against 50IS 1,000 lor the first hnlf of tha > ear ISs ) . The falluies In Canada during tlioj first half of lhS7 weiu 731 In number , against ( VJ9 eluritiB the same period in IfesO. Tliuj amount ol liabilities for the first half of 1HS1 were rUUV , , iX ( > , against t > , MiG'J7 lor the cor * i expending pcilod ot ISbfl. Ohio Prohibition Platform. DEi.AWAnK , O. , Juno 80.-ln the Ohio state prohibition convention to-day , the plat form was read. It says of the Dow liquol law that ample trial 'has shown that It wan designed as.a seomlnft'concesslon to temper * anre , while really putting the cause nt dls- < advaiitage. The labor phtiiK was opposed , and the convention finally udopad a pl.iln. dentinelatlnn of anarchy. * Womau suliragq was not endorsed. Jlallroad , Juno ! ! 0. The contract for tliQ conjunction of thu Hed hlver Valley rail road , fiom Wlnnepeg to Pcmblim , WAS signed yesterday evening , and work will commence to day. Government bonds foq SIIKKOOO have been negotiated through local In ok m H. Theie Is urcat enthusiasm in tha city over the event A Flood of Itnin. NKW OHI.EANH , Juno SO. There ws A soveui thunder storm , accompanied bv an tin- * usual heavy tnln fall here yesterday altcrt noon. The streets and sidewalks throughout the city were suimierged and stores on Cama Bticet , Charles , Canal nnd other falreeuhuoi tholrlloois covered wltlM\uter. . IlaliiH In Moxiao. CITV ox Mntttco , Juuo SO , Very hcnvy rains continue , and some of the outlying Eu4 buibs ate im'dly Inr.ntlatod. The strfiutudun In. ; heavy mlus are sc\ic , ly jmiaable ,