Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Foreign Money and Easy Baying Ootoblne
to Stimulate Gonfidenca.
Corn Suffers n Decline In 1'rlces on
llcporm of Italni Oats Lower
In Sympathy Ucncrnl
CHICAGO , Jute 29. [ Special Telegram tc
theUEK.-Whiat | wasdull to-uay , but nol
altogether ferturcless. 1'osterday carriers
and bears wer < predicting that July would
bo selling At a discount of 3c undei
August. Instead of the difference widening
as anticipated , it narrowed , and what chart ;
ing over was done to-day was doiio our
basis of 2 Q2J c , most of the business belnj
done at the inside. 1'artles who were In
tending to earn wheat , but wlio wanted tt
make 18@20 per cent. , were to-day unable tc
get In on terms as advantageous as thoj
could have made yesterday. The compel !
tlon amone carriers kept July wheat linn to
day and advanci-d the prlco after the lirs
Imltliour. llutclilnson was by all meani
the largest buyer of July , and the sttongtl
developed lu that month buoyed up the whol <
market. It Is now cleaily seen tlm' '
there will bo no laclc of fund !
to care for wheat that wll
be delivered out on July contracts. Tin
same is also true with regard to corn am
provisions. Itarcly has it been possible o
Into years to plnce midsummer loauabli
funds so advantageously as now. This fact
coupled with the information that foreigner :
were again In New York as buyers , served
to Impart a better tone to the general mnrUc
and to stimulate public confidence. Jnlj
ranged from G9c at the opening up to 70 } c
and at 1 o'clock rested at 70c , with Au us
quoted at 72 > c , September at 7 ! ? < c , and De
cember at 70 > f@TO c. The range on Avians
was 72 < a7'Jc , on September 74 jfe274'c < lov
and 74c high. At no time during tin
rooming was there special excitement in tin
pit. The foreign markets were quoted a
quiet and steady.
Corn futures reacted sharply to-day , then
being a decline during the regular besslon o
X5io upon the whole list. The openlni
prices were lower on reports of rain eve
largo ureas of the corn belt. At the first lu
dlcatlon of weakness parties who had bough
rather trcely early in the week on ilr ;
weather news unloaded their holdings. Thi
added to the depression and the closing ligurn
were practically at the bottom , the local teui
per being quite bearish at 1 o'clock. Jul
broKO from 30c to 3f } ( c , August Iron
SSJfc to J7Jfe , September fiom
to SOXfaSUkc , and October fror ,
40 > 4C to 3ajf@3'jffe , There WPIO largo olfui
ings by the July longs , Irwin , Green & Cr
being among the heaviest sellers In that ft
ture.Oats were offered more freely for forwan
delivery to-dny , and as most of the short
Lad already tilled there was less demaii
from that quarter. For tills reason , and ii
sympathy with the dealers in corn , price
were lower. Up to 1 o'clock the actua
shrinkage was W@c , July closing at 20 (
August at ' 0 ( s'JOic , and September at 2GJ !
1'rovislon traders experienced rather a sioi
day. General trading was considerabl
smaller than yesterday , and In the activ
lines lard nnd short ilbs the bulk of bus !
ness transacted consisted , aside from a littl
scalping trading , of changes from near t
later months or settlements , preparatory in
the proposed holiday recess. In Inid Jul
contracts were changed to seller August at
difference of 12X@15c. and in short ribs ger
eraliy at 15e. The difference between late
tionths In both articles was lOc as a rult
Pork was nominal at S22.UO for cash am
June and S11.0011.50 for the year. Slioi
ribs received more attention from trader
than lard , and the favorite deliveries for bat
were again Auguit and September. Trice
showed an easier tendency , and In short rib
a decline amounting to 15c was sulTered , an
AFTEIINOO.N SESSION. Wheat wasa'shad
easier ; June closed atG'JJfc , July at G9j c blc
August at 72 } @ 72c , September at 74 } <
Corn was quiet. Oats were fairly active an
Urmer : June about 25c , July 25Kc bid. Ai
gust WiXc asked. Pork sold for June cUli\
ery ono 250 barrel lot-at 520.75. The hous
In control , however , quoted the market t
823.00 , with other deliveries nominal. Lnr
wss strong , closing at 80.S7K bid for Jul ]
8o.60@ .KJf for AiiKust , S(5.GOfl.G2 ( } $ fc
September. Short ribs were 5c higher ; Jul
closed at S7.40 , August at C'-55 and Soptcu
bor at 87.65.
CHICAGO , June 29. [ Special Telegrai
to the BEK.J CATTLE The supply to-da
was large and the run for the week thus ft
show's an Increase of about 8C03 , over la :
week. So long as the run continues at th
rate It will be hard for salesmen to got muc
satisfaction out ot the market. So far th
week there has not been much change I
values. Prices have not been able to recovi
from the Into depression on account of tt
excessive supplies. The receipts to-day li
eluded about 4,500. There was some lltt
export demand for extra fancy dry-fe
beercs of 14CO to 1COO Ibs , and sue
being very scarce the values were lirme
All other kinds of cattle sold badl
and grass and lough cattle sold lu son
eases lOo lower. Many big , fat western en
tie , not line enough. Hold at S3.00@4.00. an
exports at S4.00@4.oo. Shipping steers , is :
to 1,500 Ibs , ji.70@4.40 : ; 1200 to 1S50 lb <
83.6004.15 ; DM to 1200 Ibs. . 83.30@3.00 ; stocl
era and feeders. 81.80@3.i5 ; cows , bulls an
mixed. 81.40@a25 : Texas steers , 82.GO@3.7i
cows , 82.20(3)2.60. ( )
Hoes The market opened strong , a fe
tales a good So higher than the opening <
vesterday , but no higher than the close c
this bulge. Speculators bought freely. Con
nilulon men nave all they had at the price :
JiSXbr on , however , speculators found U :
regular buyers were not climbing over fenc <
tor stock , and then they in tarn cut lees
forcing stock on the market a second tin
and .down went values fully 5c , in son
cases lOc. This state of affairs makes matte
decidedly unpleasant for regular buyer
The great bulk of best hogs , either light i
mixed , tiold between a range of 85.15@5.20 ,
r w at f 5.10 , and also a few fancy heavy ar
fancy light at 85.25. and ono or two lots <
Phllai'.olplilns at 85.30.
NEW VOUK , Juno 20. | Special Telcgra
to the BEK.J-STocifs-Tho Gould-Flol
Manhattan deal'was the chief gossip I
„ stock circles. In circles where Mr. Field
actions aru well known It was said that tl
60,000 shares of Manhattan sold yosterdi
were not his Individual holdings , but the
belonging to the pool of which Field was tl
, f head. This may or may not be true. Gou
" i Is said to have acquired 200.03 ( shares of h
different properties since Friday last , ar
the fact that he Is actively In the market hi
v marked a complete change tn tbe sentlmei
y of a large percentage of traders from bea
X Ish to bullish. The news all favored the It
v ter side. The earnings , which have be <
< lost sight of since the recent Hurry , contlui
to show up big. The money market w
eas'.er , and 81,500,000 in gold , It Is said , won
be shipped from London this wetk. She
Interest wax largely Increased by the rece
decline and the discontinuation of the poi
ingoflontr stocks on the markets , and tl
fact I hot Gould had got fairly under the m
ket and could do as ho pleaded with It , scan
the bears Into covering , and the manner
which thfy scrambled over each other so
prices rapidly upward and many of tl
tock sold at the same prices 84 befof * il
truuk lln < n , also Heading ai
Union. The belief that the Dal
sitnrn * Ohio telegraph deal bad been tettli
tAte tend'd to Inercaie confidence and I
dused ( . bulic to take hold. Westei
Union nn slrrng favorite and repoi
M fiom U r air-.fM said that Its earnings we
equal to 0 per eont oa Its stock , Prices a
Tancod 3 points. Heartlic and Lake She
mtl up 1ft and Ux Grant ri A point. T
rcs't of the list sympathized and advanced
J4 to lf per cent. The market remained
firm until the close , when the last sales were
at almost the outsldu prices of the day and
recorded advances of * { to 4 > for the day ,
Western Union being being In the lead , and
has gained 7Jf points from the lowest prlco
yesterday. New Kngland gained 3J $ , Omaha
2j $ , Pacific Mall 2 , Union Pacific and North
western 1 # , St Paul 1V per cent. Total
sales were 447,047 shares , against 478,437
sLares yesterday.
GOVKIINMHNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4'scoupon. 139MC. AN. W 110H
U. S. 4K'scotip..loy > ( ; do preferred. . . 14SJi
Pacilictrsot 'in..l2iU : N. Y. 0 U01i
CanadaSouth'n. . CO' . , O. II. ANTO
Central Paclllo. . 37 % O. T. 31
Chicago & Alton. 14S PncllicMall 47
do preferred..1W I' . , U. As K 85J
C. , 11. b O 145 Pullman Pal.Car.lKl
J ) . , 1 * A ; W MVn Heading W
1) . &H.O SO'ntock ' Island . . . .ino
Krio * * ( ttt aijf St. L. AS. F. . . . S ?
do preferred. . . . do preferred.c
- . , 0. , M. AStP. . . 8 ! )
I. , H. tt W 2 X do preferred. . 122
K. < te T 2'J St , P. & : O W
1-okeShoio 08 } | do preferred..115U
' ' ' ' ' '
Michigan CeiiY'lY. ljj u'nionPacille. . . .
Mo. Pacific 10IV. \ . , St. LA ; ! ' . . . .
No. Pacllic in do prefencd. . y4 , '
do preferred. . . . 00 W. U. Telegraph 7SJ *
MOXEY ON CAM , Loaned from 3 per cenl
per annum to 12 per cent and Interest pei
diem ; last loan at 3 per cent ; closed ottered
1 per cent.
STKIU.INO KXCIIANOK Dull hut steady al
8I.SJJ4 for sixty day bills , and S4.fc3. ! { for'dis.
Chlonco. June 29. Following quota'
tlons are the U:3U closing figures ;
Flour tsteady and linn.
Wheat Quiet ; opened a shade weaker , Im
proved , then advanced , and after fluctuating
closed about JldJ o above yesterday ; cash
W ) 11-lGc. ; July. VJ 15-ir.c ; Aueuit , 72 6-10c.
Corn Moderately active and easier ; openut
X@'fe ' below yesterday's and elosec
auout J ftfi e below yesterday ; cash , ! ! 5Jfo
July , JJOjfc ; August , a" iricc. .
Oats Active but and unsettled
cash and July , 25c ; August , 2 > e.
Kyo 51c.
IJarley Firm.
Timothy Seen-Prlme , S2.22CZ2.23.
Flax Seud-81.18.
Whisky 81.10.
B , Pork Lower at S20.73.
Lard Steady ; cash and July , SO.STKii !
6.40 ; August. Sfl.rx ) .
Bulk Meats Shoulders. S5.0il5.50 ! ( ; Bhoi
ribs , 87.CO ; short clear , S7.80@7.b5
Butter Steady ; creamery , 1
dairy , 12@15Jfc.
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars ,
@ < Kc ; flats , 8Vg8H'c ( ; young Americas.
( ! ! ) % ; skims , 4KCi5Xc.
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy green salted 7 , ' e
Kht do , 7'f8e : salted bull hides , Oc ; greet
salted ; dry Hint. ia13c ; dry calf
13 < $14c ; deacons , 40c each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid
quotable at4c ; No. 2 , Sc ; cake , 4c.
ItocctDts. Shipments
Flour , bbls 20.C03 n.ooi
Wheat , bu IS.fOO 20SOOi
Corn , bu 174,000 69.00
Oats , bu 133,000 03,00
Kye , bu 1,001
Barley , bu 2,000 4,00
New York. Juno 23. Wheat Receipt a
3Sr,000 ; exports,200,000 ; prices show an ad
vance of about 1'Jc on No. tt red In elevator
Juno advanced lully ic : ! on covering b1
"hhorts. " Ungraded red , 81SSc ; No. 3 red
f > 2c ; No. 1 red , nominal : No. U red , 94ci (
51.00 in elevator carlots , S1.04 bUl for boat
loads , SG Srflio for special delivery , Jutii
closed at 1.05H , July closed at 8-l ? c.
Corn Heculpts , 01,000 ; expoits , 22,000
snot steady and active ; options @ ) c lower
closing steady. Ungraded , 40ii4ic ( ; No. 2
< W@4C > Kc in store and in elevator ; 40f
40c afloat ; 40KQ0 c c. , f. and 1 ; Jul :
closed at 40c. .
Oats KiK ( lower and fairly active ; re
celpts , U.UOO ; exports , 3,000 ; mixed westeiu
SX < 33o : white western , B7@41c.
Petroleum Firm ; United , Olc.
Pork Dull and uiialinimeil.
Lard Less active and lower ; wosteri
steam , spot , 80.75.
Butter Quiet but linn ; western , lOtaiUtc
western creamery , 15@lic. )
Cheese Firm but rather quiet ; western
Eggs Firm , western , '
Mtnneapoili , June 29. Wheat Firii
_ _ . . . . . , . , _ Jr , 73K ; . . _ .
northern , cash , C9e ; August. 70J c. Ontrnck
No. I hard , T3c ; No. 1 noithern , Tic ; No.
northern , 70c.
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.20@4.30 ; bakers' '
Kece'iptfl Wheat , t)5,000 ) bu.
Shipments Wheat , 8,500 bu ; flour , 17,00
City , June 29. Wheat Dul
and weak ; No. 2 red. cash and June , no quc
tatlons ; July. C3c bid , 71c asked.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 cash , 28 c blc
29 } < fc asked ; Juno , 29c bid.
Oats No quotations.
Milwaukee. Juuo 29. Wheat Strong
cash , 71Kc ; Aujrust , 7JJ < c ; September ,
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , U7c.
Oats Steady : No. 2 white. 81s"c.
Kyo-EasIerNo. ; 1 , Gfi c.
Barley Stronger ; September , 63c.
Provisions Stioug. Pork July , S14.50.
Olmotnnatl. June 29. Wheat Flrmei
No. li rod , TJc ,
Corn Quiet and llrra ; No. 3 mixed , 09c.
Oats Stronger. ; No. a mixed , 2'JKc.
lire-Easy ; No. 2 , COgClc.
Pork-Quiet at 815.00.
Lard Easy nt 80.15.
WulsKy-Steady at 1.05.
St. Lonta , Juno 29. Wheat Dull ; cast
78K@74cJuly ; , T3 > fc.
Corn Lower ; cash. 83(334c ; July , H
Oats Dull ; cash , 28 > c ; August , 24 } c.
Fork-Dull at 9U.UO.
Whisky-Steady at 81.03.
Butter Cre mery,16 < ai8c ; dairy. 10C < 2ll5c.
Afternoon Board Wheat steady ; Juni
74c ; July , 73Kc ; August , 74c. Corn easj
July , si&c ; August , 34J c , Oats nominal.
Liverpool , June 89. Wheat Quiet an
steady ; holders offer moderately ; rrd wes
ern , sprlnir. 6s UdfiWs lOd per cental ; d
winter , Os lOd Gs lid percental.
Corn Quiet and steady ; new mixed wcs
ern , 4s per cental.
New Orleans , June 29. Corn Unsettle
cult generally lower ; mixed , 4Sc ; yellov
4Uc ; white , .M@55c. Business retarded b
rain.OatsUnch nged at86@3CUc.
Cornmeal Unclmnsed at S .il ,
Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , 815,0 (
lard , reiineil , tierce , 80.W.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , SD.87K ; long cle :
and clear rib , S7.50.
CbluBKo , June 29. The Drovers' Jour
nai reiRirts as follows :
Cattle Hecelpis. 10000 ; market weak an
prices considerably lower ; shipping steer
$3.30(34.40 ( ; stockers nud feeders , Sl.fiOl
3.15 ; cows , bulls and mixed , SMOQ3.1 !
Texas cattle , 8'.20@3.75. !
Hogs Hecelpts , 17.000 ; opened steady an
closed lOc lower ; rough and mixed , S4.1KX
5.15 ; packing and shipping , * 5.10@5.S
light , S4.WS5.20 : skips , SaOdg4.S5. (
Sheep Hecalpts , 5,000 ; slow and lOc lowoi
natives , 3.00fi4.35 ; western , S3.00@3.7 (
Texans , I2.75Q3.TO ; lambs , per bead , 31. !
Nationnl Stock Yards , Bait SI
Louli , 111. , Juno 29. Cattle Kecelpti
2,400 ; ohlpments , none ; easier ; choice heav
native steers. C4.3034.60 ; fair to good slilj
pine steers S4.00@4.25 ! ; butchers' steers , fate
to choice , S3.CO < ji-1.15 ; feeders , fair to coo <
S3.SO&3.00 ; stockers , fair to good , 82.10&3.Q
Hois Hecelpts , 3,000 ; shipments , Six
active and strong : choice heavy and butcl
erft' selections , t5.lto5.20 ; packers and Vorl
era , medium to prime , 14. 5 5.05 ; pig
common to good ,
Kantat City , June 29. Cattle Re < " .rt
3,000 ; shipments , 1200 : corn-fed 6aK and H
lower ; grasps 8)ow ) hd a shad , lower ; con
Inon to choice , J3.8ftHi.iiI ; etockers. 8'A !
® S.OO ; feeding steers , 13.0093.25 ; cows , 81. !
ilocs Rfcelpts , 1,000 ; shipments. 201
slronir , closed weak ; common to cholo
| i.4X ( 4.U5 ; iklus and plgg. 33.00@4.30.
Wednesday , June 29.
The nn of cattle to-day was light ar
there were only about half as many as ye
IcnUy. Tnnre was r ry little doing on tl
market Dut tUe few cattle that were sol
went at about steady prices. There wro a.
few loads of corn-Tort steers sold and a few
odds and ends of butchers' stock.
The receipts of hogs were fairly hravy
there being 100 head inoro than yesterday.
The market opened nt an advance ot 5c over
yesterday. Thcro was a good demand- and
1 everything sold out early In the day. There
were buyers for both the light and heavy
There were no fresh receipts and nothing
dolug on the market
Cattle 500
llozs G..VX )
Sheep 400
Prevailing I'rloos.
She wing the provallln. ; prlcoj paid for II vo
fllockon this market :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 1U3..S4.00CTUO
Choice steers , 1100 to 13VI IN. . . 3.W ) { .09
Fat little steers DOO to 1050 Ibs. . . . fl.Wj ) ( tt.M
Kxtra clioicecows and heifers. . . . 8.1.V < t3.25
Good to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.V < l3.oo
Common to medium cows 2.25M2.05
Good to choice bulls 2.7.VtH.OO
Light nnd medium hogt 4.HIM ( 1.70
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.7 ( ) ( < | I.H )
Good to cholco mixed hogs 4C.jv.n , ! . ? , " >
Representative Sale * .
Ijivo Stock Sold.
Showing tlw number of head of stock sold
on thu market to-day
CA.TTU : .
G. II. Hammond < ! e Co 12 (
Local K
Shippers 10 (
Total 201
nous ,
Anglo-American Packing Co 3,03 ?
. U. Hammond it Co 2 < K
T. j. Liptnn 38. '
Harris A : Fisher 71
Squires &Co 1,77 (
Total 5,47'
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped Irom the yards during thu day.
No. cars. Ht. Dest.
C. H. & Q Chicace
U. 1 Chlcagt
S3 U. 1 Jollo
15 .Mil Chlcag (
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at o per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins. " or hogs weighing loss than 10J Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sowsaro ducked 40 IDS.
and stagsSOIbs. by thouublia Inspactor.
Iiive Block Noted.
Cattle steady.
Hoes 5c higher.
No hdgs lett ovnr.
Light run of cattlo.
Liberal receipts of hogs.
No market on the Fourth.
M. Lesley , Belvidere , was In and sold i
load of hogs.
J. W. Conn , Plattsmouth , was In with i
load of hogs.
F. Sehrader , Berlin , was in and markctci
a load of cattle.
J. P. Mordeu , Tekamah , was In and sol <
three loads ot hogs.
J. B. Lewis , Hiilsdalc , la. , marketed aloai
of 277-Ib hogs at S4bO.
Mr. O. Urccn , of Admab , Neb. , had a lou ;
of hogs on the market.
J. U. Hall was In with a load of cattle am
a load ot hogs from Glbbou.
M. Daniel , Inmau , made his lirst trip will
a load of hogs to the yards.
Hale & Way. Ord , marketed a load of 319
Ib hogs which topped the market.
Squires & Co. . the Boston packers , wen
heavy buyers of hogs on the market.
J. B. Holmes , Plattsmouth , was at tin
yards and marketed two loads of hoes.
Among tlioso In with hogs was C. Ptmu
Nellgb , Nob. , who marketed one load.
C. W. Zelgler , n well known feeder of Col
umbus , was liero looking over the yards.
Cap. C. J. Ames , an old live stock man o
Chicago , was amone the visitors at the yards
A. Jenkins , Manley , was In with a load ol
hogs , and made enough to celebrate th
William Miller , Wayne , was here and soli
two loads of hogs which brought a very satis
factory price.
Gco. Chlttenden , Pender , stopped here an <
marketed a load of hogs , whilu on his \va <
to visit Chicago.
Two loads of hogs were brought In by P. J
Files , of the well known linn of Files & Co.
of Cedar Hnplus.
D. A. Jones , Mllford , came In with a Ioa <
ot hogs , and C. C. Smith , of the same place
with two loads.
Mr. Young , of Nelson & Young , Oakland
ono of the heaviest shippers to these yards
was in with a load ot hogs.
W. U. Barstovr , Crete , was among th
visitors at the yards. Ho says the Chautaunu ;
society which commences next week will bi
by tar the largest meeting ever held.
Geo. F. and F. C. Dodge , Wood'Kiver , wor ,
botu here and sold ten loads of hogs. Si
loads were of their own feeding. They hav
the best part of their hogs yet to ship ,
Duriut ; the month of Juno from the 1st ti
the 26th the following number of cars of llv
stock have been shipped from the yards
Itock Island , : < 73 ; Northwestern , 211 ; Mil
waukce , 207 ; Chicago , Burlington & Qulucy
General Produce.
Wednesday , June SO.
rhc following arc the pr/cq / nt uMc ]
round lots of produce are koZil } n Pits mm
kct.fhc quotations on fruits and othe
CCUlmOuUlf WilMed in from a distance ar
the prices at trjilc/i outtlde order * are tilled
Boas The market Is about steady at 11G
12c.UUTTKR Thn recetpUaro liberal and li
excess ot the local demand : creamery , 15C
I7c ; dairy , choice , lOQUc ; dairy , good , 00
CHEESE. Full cream Cheddars , single
full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Youn
Old potatoes are going at OOQS1.00 , nccord
ina to quality. New potatoes at 2@2 } {
POULTBY Th receipt * are fairly liberal
Ihara are a good inany.very small sprin
cblcktu * C9wlnln whkb. ue slow tabj
clilckens , old , SJ.75i.a3.00 ; spring , hrge. 82.60
Xcj2.75 ; spring , small , Sl.5JQ2.23 ; pigeons
75(31.00. (
of rntjilici ncs and blnekbcrrics Is
very limited. Blueberries nro more plenti
ful. Strawberries about played out. Cher-
ties scarce and wanted. Poachc" * from the
iputh arriving mostly In bad condition ; Cali
fornia stock inoro desirable. Some box ap-
l > les arriving. Black raspberries , per
J4 qt case 4.40 : red raspberries , per
24 nt case , 53.00ri3.25 ( : blackberries ,
per 21 qt case , S5.00 ; tilucbcrric.i , per
1 bu stand , S3.00@4.0J ; blueberrlp.s her 12
qt box , 81.501.75 ; plums , \ > er one-third bu
box , S1.23 ; peaches , southern , per half bu
box , 31.60 ; apples , southern , per half bu box ,
75 : apples , per bill. S5.CO.
VIMITAJJI.IS : : : New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
2@2' c ; new onions , per bbl , S3.r > oper bu box ,
81.50 ; cabbnco per crate , S4.00 ; tomatoen ,
iicr K bu. box , 51.23 ; tomatoes , per crate
box , S-.SJ.
LIMONS : Kxtra fancy , per box , 87.00 ;
5 box lots. S0.60 ; fancy , SO.&O ; choice , S5.00 ;
choice , 6 box lots , S4.60.
BANANAS ETC. Choice stock , 53.00 ( 4.00.
C.M.IFOIIXIA FIIIMTS Bartlett pears are
expected to arrive about July 1st. Apricots ,
per 20 U ) box , S1.75 : plums , per 20 Ib box ,
551.75 ; prunes , per 20 Ib box , SI. 75 ; peaches ,
per 20 Hi per box. 51.75 ; Bartlett pears , per
40 Ib box , $ .1.50 ; led Astrachan apples , per
bov. 52.50.
WATr.iiMKi.oNB The first car load of
Geoicia w.ittei melons Is due on thu 27th
lust. Watermelons , Georgia , per 100. 35.
OISANQKS The market Is b.iro to-dav.
IMversIde Mediterranean Sweets , per box ,
85.00 ; S box lots , S1.75 ; Santa Ana , 54.50 ; C
box lots , 54.25. _
General Markets.
YAIIJCISIIKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 51.10 ; fuiiilturo. No. 1 , 51.00 ;
conch , extra , 51.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asiihaltum ,
o\tir > , b5c ; shellac , S .50 ; hard oil finish ,
" '
in'v PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12e ; Paris whiting. 2 > tfo ; whlilin , ' , ild ( > rs ,
2fe : wliltlng , com'l , l/c ; lampblack , Germantown -
mantown , I'-'u : laiupblnek , oidlnary , be ;
I'russlan blue , 53c ; ultraiuarliK' , Ibc ; Vandyke
brown , be ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sicuna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green , genulno , 25c ; Purls grocn. common ,
2.'c ; chrome green , N. VOe ; vet-million ,
American , Ibc ; Indian , raw and but tit
umber , 1-lb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna
120 ; Vandyke brown. 13c ; icllni'd lamp
black , I'-'c ; coach black and Ivory black lOc ;
drop blacic , lOc ; ultraiiiarlno black , ISc :
cliiome green , L. , M. Jc 1) . , lOe ; blind and
shutter crecn , L. . M. ite D. , lOc ; Paris gieeti ,
20c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian redl'c ' ; Tus
can , 22c ; American vcrmlllloti , L. it D. , 20c :
yellow ochte , 2c ; L. M. it O. 1) . , 18c ; coed
ochre , 10o ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining color ,
lluht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , 12o.
Dnuns AND CHKMICALS. Acid carbolic ;
50c ; acid tartaiic , 5''c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib ,
OOc ; bark sasafrass. per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per
Ib , 73cchiiichonldla ; , per o ? , 25e ; chloroform ,
per Ib , 60c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 51.25 ;
epsom salts , per Ib , 8&c ; glycerine , pure , per
lu , EOc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20o ; oil , castor ,
No. 1 , per pal , 51.00 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per
gal , 51.40 : oil , olive , pur gal , 81.40 ; oil , orlit-
aunum , 50c ; opium , 54.50 ; quinine , P. it W.
nud H. iVc S. per oz , 70c ; potobbluin , iodide ,
pet Ib , 53.25 ; snllcln , uer o40c ; sulphate
morphine , pi-roz , 53.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
strychnine , per oz , 51.10.
PAINTS IN On. White load , Om ah a , t'.P
OKc : white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7e ; Mar
seilh's , green , 1 Ib cans , luc ; French zinc
creen seal , 12c ; Frencli zinc , H'd seal , He ;
French v.lnc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vcrmilllon , Kngllsh , in oil , 75c ;
clnomoyc _ _ . . . ,
oehre , 1'roiicli , 2ic ; oclue , American ltc ;
Winter's mineral , 2J4e : Lohigh brown , 2J c ;
Spanish brownUVc : Prince's mineral , 3c.
Si'iiiiTB Cologne spirits , 183 proof , 551.10 ;
do 101 proof , SI.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.10 ; do 1SS proof.Sl.OU. Alcholiol.
Ib8 proof , S2.10 per wine uallon. Redistilled
whiskies , S1.00@1.00. Gin blended Si.flo ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00 ( < G.OO ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , s-.OOQ0.50 $ ;
Golden Sheaf bouibon and rye whiskies ,
5jl.50Q3.00. Brandies , imported 85.00 8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.3oay.00. Gins , imported , 551.50
( G.OO ; domestic , 551.2.V < { 3.00. Champagnes
imported , per case , 528.00(333.00 ( ; American
per case. 810.00@10.)0. ( )
ISHini'S Green butchers' , 5) ) < , ( a6c ; green
cured , 7Uc ; dry flint , ll12c ( ; clry salt , 9@lOc :
green calf skins. 8c ; uamaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease 1'rlino
white. So : yellow , 2c ; brown. l > ic. Sheep
pelts , 2575c.
HKAVY llAitowAUK Iron , rale 82.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4 } c ; crucible steel ,
GJ c ; cast tools , do , 12aiSc ( ; wagon spokes ,
per set , S2.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , § 1.25 ; tel-
locs , sawed , dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , 80c ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , Oi@71c.
cell clialn , per Ib. 0 > @ 13c ; malleable , 8@10c ;
Iron wedges , Oc : crowbars , Go ; harrow teuth
4Vc ; spring steel. 4@5c ; Burden's horsi
shoes , $4.75 ; Buiden's mule shoes , $5.75.
Barbed wire , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , 2.GO ; steel nails ,
Grocer's List.
COFFKE Ordinary grades , 19KC20Kc ; fair ,
20lj21c ( ; piimn. 21@23 ; choice , 2-JQ24 ; fancy
green and yellow , 23@25c ; old governmenl
SYBOINo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.28@1.30 ;
Now Orleans , per gallon , 3S@40c ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , SlO.l'O ' ; half gallon
cans , per doz , 55.50 : quart cans 53.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8' < @uC ; btlck. 8 09 0.
CHACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4c ; creams , 8 } c ; ginger snaps,8) c !
city soda , 7 > $ c.
PIOKKI.S Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do in
half Dlls , S4 00 ; small , In bbls , 53.00 ; do , in
half bbls , 54.50 ; gherkins , lu bbls , 59.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , S5.00.
SUOAII Granulated,6R' < 36 } e ; cent A,6 < ( i
; white extra C , 5XM5fu ; extra C. 5
; yellow C.5f@5\/c ; ; cut loaf , % @ %
powdered , 0 > B'7c.
CANNKO GOOIJS Oysters , standard , pei
case. $3.UO@3.10 ; strawberries , 3 Ib. per cauo ,
52.30 ; raspberries , 2lb. per case , 52.25@2.43 :
California pears , per case , S4.50 ; apricots ,
per case. 33.50 ( 3.00 ; peaches , per case , 84,90
white cherries , per case , 55.50 ; plums , pei
case , 53.60 ; blueberries , per case , S1.85 ; egg
plums , 2lu. per case , 83.50 ; pineapples , 2 tb
per case , S3.20@5.7fl ; lib. mackerel , per doz ,
51.35 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , 51.60@1.55 ; 3 Ib
gooseberries , per case , 81.75 ; 3 Ib. strlni
beans , per case , 51.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , pel
case , Sl.CO ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case
S3.40@2.50 ; 2 Ib. early June peas , per case
52-75 ; 3 Ib. tomatoes , 52.50 ; 2 Ib. corn
Pry Lumber.
13 ft " w go ftz8 ! ft'z ' * i
43t 17.50 soirso ibno lone , OSM 210
3x2 17.50 17.5017.50 ! 18.50 18 60 aj.50'i ' . ' .5' '
17.70 10.50 U > .50 22.fiOl2i.5i
17.60 17.50 17.60 IH.RO 19.HI SJ.50 " 5.5
4x12 1HOO IH.OO 18.00 10.00UOO \Z \ 4.6
13.60 18,50 [ H.IQ H.50 'M 6Q'ji.OO ' ; 210
No. 1 , com , sis 819.0' '
No. 2 , com , s 1 s < 17.5i
No. 4 , com , sis 13.51
No. 1,4 &C In , 12 & 14 It , rough 510.01
No. 2 , " ' ' " " 18.01
A , 12,14 and 10 ft. . - . 522.0
B , " " 20.51
C , " " " 15.W
D , " " " 13.01
1st com , Jf tn White Pine Colling 8S4.0
Clear , H In. Norway PlnoCeillng 10.0 *
FI.O01I1NQ ,
A 0 Inch white pine 331.S
C" ' . . ) . . * . 30.0
E" " " " ( SolFen'g ) 10.5i
A 12 Inch 840.0
No. 1 , com. 13 In s. I s. , ' 12 it 14 20.0
" " idft
No. 2 ' " 'l2&34ft 18.0
" " " " 10ft 17.0
1st and 2d , clear , itf Inch. 8.3s 850.0
8d , clear , 1 Inen , s. 2 s. , 845 ; l' < , 11 ,2 In 47.0
B select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 30 ; 1& 1& , 2 In 87.0
White cedar , 0 In. , KB. , I8&c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie
Komcmbor the great unction sale o
pure bred Hereford bulls , by Sotluun < !
Sticknoy , at the stock yards to-day a
1 P. ni , .
California Tourists.
A party of cxcuraionista from the east
occupying three Pullman cars , passei
through Omaha yesterday morning ei
route for California. W. J. Grcer , travel
Ing agent of the Union Facllio road , wa
In churpo of the party.
Ilemcrnbfir the great auction sale c
pure bred Hereford bulls , by Sothara i
Stickncy , at tbe fctock yards to-day a
1 p. m. ,
Arrive i
Omaha Omaha
Depot lOlh nud Plcrco sts. '
1'ncllic Express 7Wnni' : ) 8:20 : pm
Denver Kxpress. . . . . firtOinnlOtMnm
* lx > cal Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pin
Except Suiulay.
H. A M. U. K. II.
Depot lutli niul I'acillfl sts.
Mull nnd Express ' KiRlpm 10:05 : nin
NlKlitExpress 10:00 : ttm 7:45 : pm
O. U.A Q. U. It.
Depot lotli nna Pnoltic st * .
Mall nnd Express 0:20 am 0:00 pm
Chicago KxprosS C5ptu :
K. C.8t. J. * C. U. :
Depot lOtli mid PAcllicst
Mnll fit's pm
Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. A O.
DepotlStti and Webster at.
Bioux City Express I MS pro :15 : nin
Bnnerolt Express 10:40 : am * 4 MS pm
.Blair Passenger ' :40 : pm 6:33 : pm
Except Sunday
Depot 15th nnd Webster su
Dny Express 0.MamilW : am
NlRlit Express 5topm : : : H ) pm
Lincoln Expiess 11:10 : am , 0:10 : pm
Uunnlne between Council UlulTs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
Th onrj road to take for Dos Molnei Mar-
shalltowa , Cdar Rapidi , Cllntsn , Dlzoa , Chlca-
( TO , MUwaukee and all polnu eaxt. To the peo-
nlo of Ncbraikn , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah.
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon. Wiwhlngton and Cali
fornia , H oir r § superior advantage * not poetl-
bio bjr ny other line.
Among a f ew of the nu rou * point * of su
periority njojed b/ the patrotu of this road
betweoBOmana ana Chicago , ar It * two tralni
adnr of DAYOOACHEU. which an th * flneat
that human art and Ingenuity cam create. It *
PALACE 8LKBP1NQ CARS , which ar * roodelf
of comfort and elexnnc * . Its PAHLOH DIIAW-
INO HOOM OARS , uniurptisxl br r. and Iti
widely eelebratod PALATIAL DINING OAH8
tbe equal of which cannot be found eltewhere
At CouneO Bluffi the trains of the Union Paclfla
HT. oonneot in Union Depot with those of the
Chicago * Northwestern Ily. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
Vor Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buffalo. Plttsburg.Toronto ,
Montreal. BMton , New YorK. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all polnu la the
east , aak Mr a Mcket via thn
If you wUh th * beat aooommodatton. All ticket
amenta Mil tickets via this line.
Qenl Maoafer , OenL Pa * * ' * Atenl
Chloaco , III.
Westers Agent. City Pass'r Ageat ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Rj
27io Vest Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to }
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Bluflb
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi
Rock Island , Frceport , Rock ford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosee ,
And all other important points East , Noitbcat
. . . . und Bouthoait.
For through tickets call on the ticket agon
at 1401 Fanmm at , In Paxton hotel , or at Unloi
I'aclflo depot ,
Pullmnn Sleepers and the finest Dining Can
In the world ere run on thu main line of thi
Chicago , Milwaukee it St , Paul Hallway and every
ery attention Is paid to passengers by courtu
ousemploycos of the company.
It. MII.LEII , Ucnoral Manager.
J. P. TUCKEH , Assistant Goncral Manager.
A. V. n. OAHFBXTER , Qenoral Passenger ane
Ticket Agent
to. KJlBArronn , Assistant General Pasitn
Mr and Tioket Aguut.
J. T.OiiAU CIueralbuperlateDil
Orta Jotto' Dlreclor/ ,
Agricultural Implements.
Wtiol u1 DcnUrln
Implements , Wagons ,
KI > llneetFi. Jones ttrcat , littwvon BU )
Affi'lcuHurnl Iniplcmcnts ,
\Y gen .C rrlano . llimlf . rile.Vhol lc , Om.ha.
VAJtLIX , O It Elf DO U / ' , C MAUT1N
\Vtiotottito DcAlera In
A riculinral Imiilonionts ,
ITuBOnt nnd Hugnles. _ HHBB'Jf niUV7. Jonc Hi
Artists' Material.
A. JWSI'K , JIJ. ,
Artists' Malcvinls , 1'lanos and Grgana ,
1M3 I > o > luUn Street ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
BuiUlors'Uartlwarc&ScatoKci.iii'SJiop |
Mechanics' Tools ami ItufTato Bralct. 1(00 Uouglm it ,
s QiDnlia , NfK
Roois aid Shoes.
Jobbora of Hoots inul Slices.
1111 Furnani it , Onmtiit , Noli , ilmmfivctorj , Biimmot
itrrct , llutlnn.
AVlioIcsalo Rubber Uoot-j and Shoes
Itubliur ntul oiliHl clothing nmt Felt lloott
and Shoes. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglm.
Beer *
Hocr Hrowcrs ,
1M1 North 1'th Street , Oranlia , Kob.
Butche.-t' Tools.
Hutehcrs * Tools and Supplies ,
! UI KO Ciulngi of ill klndi nlwiija In etotk. 131J
Joiiu t. , < ) mah
Coffee , Spicei. Etc.
Omaha CotTvo and Spice Hilly.
Tcai.Ooffcat , Spleen. Ilaklnc I'oivdor , FlxTOrlnsEr-
tracts , I-auniry Iihio. Ink , Ktr. 1111-10 llnrrty
_ Btrt-et. Omaha. N b. _ _
Co/we ? .
John Eponcter , Prop.
Manafaeturer of Oalvanlind Iron an1 Cornice ,
and 10) and 1U6 N , 10th it. QmabH. Neb.
UanufKcturcri of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormtr Wlndowi , Finals. MelallcBkjIlght , etc. 310 S.
Um it. . Omaha.
_ _
C. Specht , Prop.
OnlTanltd Iron Cornier * , etc. Spcct'ilmprovcd Pat-
entMntnllchkyllKht. 606 anil 610 3.U1U n.Ocinlil > .
Jobbern of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. 1(11 Douglas street.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for Mm MatiufACturcrs and Importer ) ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Chlmuujri , cto. OIBrc , 317 Soutb 13th it ,
a. Nob.
_ _ _
Mammoth Clothinp ; House ,
Cornur 1'iiiiuim unJ T ntli Streets , Oninlm , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
J rA7iiURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Bntter , Kcgsand Produce. Consignments solicited.
Headquarters for Stoneware , Kerry Dozes and
tirape llaiketi. 1411 l > oil entreet , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Morcliants ,
epcclaltlcn Butter , KHK , Clioeno , To tltrj , Garao ,
Ojsturs , etc. , etc. D2S. iilhHt.
Commission llerchants.
Frutts , Produce and Provliloni. Omaha , Nsb.
< C CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poullrj. Butter , Qanie , Tulta , tc. XM a. lithti
Omaha , Neb.
Coal ancf Lime.
Oio. f. LAHAOII. I'rei. C. F. HoonilAX , V.
J. A. SUNDBUf.AVD , Bee. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
303 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
J. < T. \TOIiysON \ CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Llmo ,
And fhlppum of Cnnl and Cukp , Cement , Hlailer ,
Umo , llnir , Klre Hrlok , Hraln , Tlla anil Bewerl'lpe.
oraco. Puzton TloUil. Varuum it. , Umnlia , N b ,
Tflf phone 811.
Manufacturini ? Confectioners ,
Jobbers of KrulnNut ntul Clrais. till Farnam Bt.
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
OUDI and Ammunition , 215 to 123 8. lltb it. , 1010 to
1IC4 rarnamlt.Om haN b.
Manufactareri of Fine Cijrars ,
And Wholnalc Dealers In Iat Tobaccos , Nos. 109
an * 110 N. Uth iir ct , Om ah a.
_ _
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods A Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb ,
Distiller * of I.lqnors , Alcohol anil Splrlti. Importer *
and Jobbers of Wlues an Jl.lijuori.
CO. and ILER < V CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobberr of Fine Wines and Liquors ,
Bole manufacturers of KsnuedT'a Eait India Bit
ters and Domriilc Mquori , 1)13 ) llarnsj SU
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Fnrnam tt. . Omaha. Keb. _
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Ulrrori , etc , 1J08.1J08 and 1110 Faroaui it. , Omaia.
_ i | " 1\ \
Crocerisf ,
* ( o.t
Wholcsalo Groceries and Provisions ,
Noc. TOJ.7W.TWan * 711 B.lOth St. Omaha. Neb.
StcCORD , m.HADY M C ,
"Wholesale Grocers ,
IJtn ami LearenwortU sti.Omsbu.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwsre , Sheet Iron , Kle. Agent * for Ilono fccules
and Ulaml PuwderCo. , Omaha , Nub ,
' . JT. StllOATClt ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wajon Rtotk. Uardware Lumber , etc. 120
andnilHsrucy it. . Oaaha.
'Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waconand Carrlav * Wood Slock , Uearr Hudwart
Kic. Illl and LsaTeawarta it. . Omaha. Mm ,
Stoves , .Hanges , Kurnwen , Tiles , '
Uanllti.Uraltt , Bras * a owls. ' lill and UW rarao
0/naAa / Jobbers' ' Directory.
' Iron Works.
Iron Works , '
Wronebt and Cait Iron BallJln < Wort , Iron Plalr *
Ilnlllnc , Heann anil ( llnleri , StPnm Knslnm , llrntl
> york , Ooneral ffoiinclry , Machlna and IllarkimUl
Worr. omcenDJWorki.U. I' . UT.andirtlinicel.
H. K. ISA tt'YER ,
tt nitfactiirlnir Dealer in Smokp Stacks ,
Ilrllchlngs , TiinX < , aml ( li'no-al llollor ll imlrlng ,
IJli IMiialiK Ircol.Omnha.
Manufarlnrer * of
Ire nnd Iron Knllliifl's , Desk Rail * .
Wltiilow tluardn. Flower Rtamls. Wlr Sl m , Hid Or > lrr hy mill urnmptlr atten.iodt * .
' Itoalar , . All Klnd of
nuildliifir MiKorial at Wholesit.l
13lh Street and Union I'nrtno Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , itc. Yanli-CornerTlh oml liouglnai Curntf
- ' - -
9th nnd Dmr
Wholesale Lumber , '
BUS. llth otrecl , Omaha , K b. f.Colpt'ticr , ManncCfj
C. NTlTlETX , -
13lh and California rtr t , Omaha. Neb.
' "
Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , TJto.
Cor.Cth and Dougtai t , Omaha. NoX
To Dealers Only. i
Omen , (403 ( Farnam ilrtBtOmiilm.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpoti and Parquet Flooring. 8th mt noURla (
WholcsHlo Lumber , Etc.
troportrd and American rortlnnd Cement PtiM
AgantforMllnHtikeo llrdrnullo Cciuoul nnd Beit ,
CJulnry Wbltcl.lnio.
i 7 n I
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Llmllad. John K. Boyd , S'lperlntetdtnt.
Stack Commission.
Live Stock Commissioiu i
Oeo. nuiko , Mansger
PnlonSloak Vardn.B. Omaha. Tel plione t8 ? .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BhlpmenUof an ? and Ml kinds of Stock solloltod *
union Stock Yartl , . Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers nnd Jolbors ( if
Millinery and Notions ,
l13and IJlSIInrncr Fl.ootOmahnNeb.
CO *
Wholeiale Dealer * In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
401 and Qj 8. Tenth St , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls , I
leans Pants , Shirts , Rtc. 1102 and 1104 Doujlai street *
Umaha , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlcu tock of Vrlntlug , Wrapping nnd Wrlfc
Inif imppr. Bpoilal utlniitlnn given U > car load oR
orilera , which will be shipped direct from mill. AV |
orders will receive neraonal Attention. W < Kuar-
antee good gooda anil low prloas. lll nn.l 1111 *
Job Printers , lilank Book Makers ,
And Book Binders. lOfi and 103 South Fourteeutif
itrest. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Pnblisliors.
Dealers In Type. Pretids and Printer'Supplies. EOf
feouth Twelfth Street.
Manufactiircrn and Dealers In
, Hoilors & General Mnohlnon'
Bheot Iron work. Steam 1'uiuuf.Sw Ullli , Aon *
Bhaf linn , Dodga Wood split Pullnrs , Boltlnz , tu ,
Alsowagoni , icrapers.andb aUtles. Nimfi La -
Tenworthst. Om.iha
Wholesale Piunps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoamand Water Buppllcs. Headquarters fcr MajC
FoDstCo'a UoO'li. 1111 1'aruam St. , Oniuha. NOD.
DalladnrWInd lliliii floam and Water Buppllea.
i > lumMnzUGodB. netting , Hcnr. 918 and UM Fur-
num it. , Omaha. B. K. Kelton , Mauagvr.
Telephone No. > 10.
Pumps , Vines and Engines ,
W m , Water , nallway and Milling Hupplici. EU *
HO , vaiied KM ramam St. . Uajaha , Neh. 7.
. . .a . , J , B , ,
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s *
fire and Ilurglar Proof Safai , Tims Ixxiks , VaulU
ajM Jail Wof . IJt-l tarnsin ilrott Omaha , Neh.
Omaha Snfo Works.
llannf actnrersof Fire and Barirlarl'mof Safes , Vault
Doors , Jail Work , flutters and Wire Work. Cor.
_ 14th and Jackion ts. . uinghn , Ne b , _ i
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholeialo Manufactursra of
Sash , Doors , lUiiuls and ilouldliigs ,
Branch offleo. 17t > i mill Uanl U. , Oniab ; , Ntb.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mimld'ngt.StalrWorkHnd ' Interior Hard Wood Flnlial
Juil opvued. N. 1C. cor. Bill and LvavenwurthCls.
Ouiaba , Neb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The best accommodations for travelers.
The bett hotel in town ,
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
45 Lincoln , Neb. I
The ban known and uoet j > opulnr hotel la
tlioFlato. IocallonoenUnlappointments | " "I
clans. lloHil'Url"H ] for commercial men anil
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