Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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. r W
dvertisements underfills head.10 cents po
Vie for the llrst Inmtion , 7 cents for each sub
| r < ] ticnt Insertion , nndlUiOa line per month.
i Advertisement taken for loss than 15 rents
, rtho fit Ft Insertion. Fovcn words wll Ttio
bunted to the line ; tlic.v must run consecu-
iroly and mint bo paid In Advance. All advcr-
IromcntH mu l l > o handed In before 1:30 : o'clocic
tn. , and under no clrcum tancos will they bo
ikon or discontinued by toll-phono.
P'artlee advertising Intht-KO columns nnd hav- .
pg the answers addmtod In care of Tiir USE
rill nek fern chock to enable thnm to get none will be dcllvcretl except
i iircientntlon of chock. All answers to advor-
scmcnts should lie enclosed In envelopes.
[ All advcrtlscmcntf ) In tlioo columns nro pub-
J hcd In both morning mid evening1 editions of
fho Urn , the circulation of which
Mgrcgntes more than 14,000 papers
Bally , and gives the advortl'er the
benefit , not only of tliw cltr circulation of The
BEE but nlro of Council lllufTs. LUcnln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this part of
M1 ONIY to loan , no commission. Cole , .118 B
18th. UKi
MONKY tolonn tojinrtlos wlohlni/to bull. ) .
S S. Campbell , : )10 ) B KJth St. , Chnmbcr of
[ Commerce. 750
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of Jl.OOOto } ,1,1X10 atsljcpor
cent Interest ' § Crinnb. S29
_ _ _
i TTfONEV TO ilAN-Oii clty jiHrpcrTy In
I Ail sums of JSOO nnd upwards nt loweil rates.
Money fclwnys on hnnd. 8. S. Campbell. 310
Eolith Sixteenth street. S ?
MONF.Y TO LOAN-O F , Hnvls Co , , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 ttarnam st
to loan at lowest rate of lntnrr t on
1st mortgage security by Btnngland and
Larson , 310 8 15th st , room 1. 732
$5110,000 to loan on real o tato. No delay.
Harris & Samp'on , 1518 Douglas st. 5"i3
05500,000 To loan on Omaha city property atfl
P percent. O. W. Days. o. cor. E.x. Hid.
ONF.Y TO LOAN-On city nml farm prop
crty , low i ales. Btowart i Co. , lloom 3
Iron bank. 60'J
MONEY to loan , cash on deity.
J , W. nnd V. L. Scjulro , 141.1 FKrnnm Bt. ,
Fnxton hotel building. 510
MONEY TO LOAN on improred renl ostnto :
no commission charged. Loavltt Hurn-
hnm , lloom 1 Crolghton lllock. 512
MONKY to loan on Improved city property
nnd farms from $1,000 up , nt lowest rnto.
Apply to Win. 11. Lonch , llonf l > tnta Agent , 1503
ft 1'Kfl OKNT-Monoy to loan.
V Gregory & Hndley ,
llooms land 3llcdick block , 320 a IKtb St
IF you hnvo money to loan on renl estate wo
can place seine loans for you that will bo
satisfactory. Stotts < ! o Crohnn , Cnlvert , Knn.
0 4 2U *
LOAN Money Ixittiis plnoed on unproved -
. proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan .V Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. Ulb and Chicago Mi. D14
MONEY to lonn on Improved city property at
0 per cent. Money on hnnd ; do nothavo
to iralt Have a complete Bc-t of abstract books
of Douglas county. 1. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris ItQol Estate and Loan Co. , ! . ' 0 8.15th st.
_ . . 515
M'ONEY TO LOAN by the nndorslgnod , who
lias the only properly organl/od loan
gency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mode
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business Btrlotly conQdrntlnl. Loans so
nndo that any part can bo paid at any Imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances
tnadnon flnownluhcH and diamonds. Persons
Should carefully consider who thry nro dealing
trltb , M mnny now conrnrns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money cnll
and see me. W. ll. Croft , lloom 4 WUhnell
Building 15th nnd
T11HE OMAHA Financial . .AI-IUUIKO.
JL N. W. corner of Ilarnoy and 15th sU. ,
over State National brink.
Is prepared to make short tlmo loans on any
Loang made on'chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans madoon Improved real estate
nt current roles.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , Bolder exchanged.
Bliort tlmn loans maoo on second mortgage.
Recording to innrginal Interest , nt collateral
Weal cstato to exchange for peed Interest
( loncral financial business of all Kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any'kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licly. Corbett. Manager. D17
$750.000 TO LOAN at per cent Llnahan &
Mahonuy , 1508 Farnam. 618
HONEY LOANED at C. V. Hood 4 Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticle * ot value , without removal. SIB S , I3tb.
over Illngham n Commission store. All btui-
neu strictly oonndentlal. 519
6VKH CENT Monoy.
It. C. Patterson. 15th aid Hnrnoy. 50
T/'OIt ' SALE- Good running grocery store in
41 best part of the city. Address I'nlon rus-
lauraut , Ilarnoy near I3tn st oos 30j
, TrOH BALE The nnost lee cream parlors and
J- restaurant In Omaha , u rare bargain ,
Jpason for Mllng , sickness. Itoum 4 , over
toymond'a Jewelry frtoro. 034 30 *
FOU SAIiK-Or rent , hotel. A choice open-
_ , Inar. Vnrtlouhus , address , U. II. Wilde ,
Osoeolii , Nebraska. 053 Jy llj
11 SALE Drugstore In a lively central
Nebraska town. Splendid location. Entire
Mock fresh. Invoice about $1,000. Hrlek trade.
I'roinislnar future. For particulars address
loct box No. m , foward , Neb. I'M ' Jy3
TOU BALK-Law library , cheap. Wheeler 4
JL' Wheeler , Douglas ana 15th st. oil
FOH BALE Cheap. Laundry cdmpletn , dc-
, Ing good business. Address 1' . O. bov 2,13.
city. BU27J
C1OH BALE First clats Ice croMin pnrlor and
J- ' confectionary store. Enquire 317 8.13th st
Thou bAliK Or trnilo.stock grocorles.wHgons
J. none * , nnd tlxturcB , house und store tor
rent , part real estate and part money , also ono
JJsemed c rrliigo nod ono cow. apply to 2209
Cumlng gt. 719 30
Wll HALi : Itoal estate business , otllco m
good location , peed Hit of property mid
horse nnd buggy. Itoiisou for soiling poor
; ealth. Will soil nt reasonable tlguro or trade
Xor good property. Address T. 30 , lloo olllce ,
t 652 28
* " 1XTANTKU Parties who desire to buy or sell
' * or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , grocurles , boots and shoes ,
bardwnro , drugs. Jewelry Improved or unim
proved town orcity property , Improved or im
proved farms in nny part of the United States.
to address Kraute & Footer , 31ii S. 15th st.
Omaha , Neb. 5W 30
"iTOU TUADH An Improved form of 120 acres
Jin Jowu for goods or lands In Nebraska.
ash paid for balance. Andrew llovlni , 130. !
( ouylaast 505 yJ )
THOU BALK-lloot and shoo stock Including
J. & years louse of f tore , best location In
Btalo and city. Addruss T10 Ilco olllce.
475 Jy 17
TjlOH 8ALU Urug store of $1,500 , good trade
JL' oitablljfiod , will sell ou oa > y terms or will
lake western land as part payment. Address
f. It. K laon Se Hon. F l rim ry. Neb. 4J7 2tlJ
WANTED-aoutlonmn wLiblng an honett
buslno38. protlts J8 to $14 every day ;
only $100required ! will exchange for stock or
trade. Two best banks of Omulm given as ref
erences. Call or write to Olllco No. 1 , llfl North
Blxtoenth Btrfct , Omaha. Nob. 130
Tj Oll BALK The best bargain ( Irocory store
JL' centrally located on paved street. Old-es
tablished trade. Call on Fearan , Cole * Itoo-
crUon.SlOS. 15th at. 261
ANTKII'nrtnor ith 11SO to puroluioo
one-half Interest In Hour n.lll. The money
to bo uicd In purchasing udditlonnl machinery ,
abundant water power. Hare opportunity.
Address L. IX Groom , Cedar Knplili , Neb.
Tilsj 73.
TOU SALE-A good biislneoJ ! mull capital
P reiulrodi good reasons lor selling. Ad
dress UM4UeocJBcc. 710
iH SALE -A geOl hotel In the UvoTownlof
- -
- ' KIIU | I uutVI ll tMUIIWIUfM |
thailron doinir n good business on very
asy terms. Full particulars by addressing SI.
J8. Lttugworthy. Leak , Wyoming. 71 JJy _ _ 22J _
FOU SALK-tlK will buy one-half Interest ,
good paying olllce business. Exporlonco
But uecctsary , J. 8. Johnson , 314 S 15thKoom
K , _ _ \ \ liOii 80'
r TOOK SALK- boarding home and furniture.
I JL1 doing good business , 40 bourdon , food
f reason for selllnir. Call t Currlo A Vollum.
j j'jJMhard CiipUol vo , l cwslton | llulldlng. SN
I / . * - T - , ' . ' . ,
I / * ' PERSQirAL.
_ _ _ _
kV "pKBDONAL-rTo to tbe lAdiea of Omaha , wo
fft * Jh eW eood lrl that want plaoes In priM -
M ISf.'lto ' * ' L t u till your orders and } ou
wu are reliable. Omahu Kmp. Uu-
th. toitu
detirnblo , ccn-
PEIISONAL Neat and tn ty all-wool
suits f7. Flno blue diagonal droM suits ,
f 10.75. Call and roe thum or write for snmpleo.
L , O , Jones .V Co' , , American Clothiers , 1JU9
Fnrnnin si , Omaha. H.qj30
T3KHTo 'AL-Ton choice residence lots In the
JL thriving ulty of South Omalm to etchnngo
for wild land In eastern Nebraska and Western
Iowa , mint bo suitable for farming. Address
T P. Ileo office. 4S1-30
13EHS < ONAIi-'rlvate ! home for Indies during
J confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
a-Ionlcd. iiddross K 42. Ilco olllcn. 84JJy3 *
.iSKKSON'AL Mrs. Knte Cnnnlff : You hnvo
JL been nwny from your homo clnco Friday
night 1 ndvl > o you ns n husband to como nud
get what belongs to you ; If tiot 1 will dispose
of them , M. Cnnnlir. BjQ2i *
. Dr Nnnnio V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical nnd btislneij Medium
Boom No. 8 , 121 North ICth st ,0maha , Neb.
rpAKKN L'l' Sorrel horse , WO pounds , ncnr
- iIlcnsons lurin , west on military rend II ,
H. FoahU 88 jA 13 1U27
rilAKKN up Juno 25th , two tiny mares , ono
J. with white fnoo. W. Mnrhnui ncnr denf
and dumb Institute ! . &sl 2 > . < J
LOST Smnll red ronn pony , brnndcd , with
snddlrHownrd tor return to J , 3. McClurc ,
Ambler I'lnco. M ! ) WJ
STHAYKD A small red cow , short tnll.hnd
halter on , tinder will plvnso return to n o
cor Shi'rmnii uvo nud Ilurdottu st und receive
reward. i'45
LOST On Walnut Hill , lap robo. lloturn to
Max.Moyor& Co. , lltb nud Fnrnam. and
receive reward. IU5 29J
STHAYKDorStolon-Adnrk brown driving
hoifo 8 years old , eight l.OW pounds.
Hind feet while und white spot breadth of hand
below lull side. A proper reward will bo paid
for return of. horse to Hobt McClclIiiml , 1011
Douglns et. 85. ) 2J *
STHVKD nay horse , weight POO. 0 years old.
Howard for return to r. 1) . Dnkin , Wnl-
nut hill. M8 30J
I OPT - I'nper1 * in cn\ elope addressed to Miss
J .Jennie Itoberts , llndor suitably rownrdod
by leaving nt 41h S luth tt. U1H 2S *
LOST A pocket book In or about the t'nlon
1'ncllla depot , contnlnlng n promisor ) '
note druun by 1'erkln , In favor of Tliomm
llouchcr. Any ono lliullng the nmc will lin
kind enough to lcn\ It at this olllco. 'J10 28J
1OST SpturdHV nftornoon , ono big bay
1 hoisc. A. H. Mnyno , Orchard Hill. Ho-
turn to N. W. cor. 15th and Ilnriioy. 873
STHAYKD Hoan pony B years old ; nl o n
sorrel colt 2 months old with scare on left
forolcg. t.'i rownrd for return to 0. Nelson ,
N. W. cor. 2Sth nnd Pavenport 754 2UJ
Sr.VKNTY-FlVK dollars' reward. Strayed or
stolo'i from rear of 111 N 17th st , n Innro
roan lior e , about 17 liamls high , weighing bb-
twotn 1,300ond l.UKJ poumls , redlih brown
mnno and tall , hind nnklo Koinenhnt swolh n-
? 25 will bo paid for return of nnlinal to owner ? ,
nt 1108 llth Innd If stolen the sheriff < if Doug
las Co. will pay n rownrd of ? 00 for the nrrost
and conviction ol the thief. GOO
IOST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave 01Jrnco
J ft. , "Spccltlcatlons. " l'lcne icturn to
11(115 ( .North ICth at , or 1' . J. Cruedon , architect ,
opcrn house. M. T. Murphy , contrnctor and
builder. 348
TfUUST-OLASS rftorngo at 110 N 13th pt
First-class Etorni'o for nice furnt-
turo and boxed goods. 1'orguson Fiirnl-
ture Co. , 715-717-721 North 16th street. I''i
STOHAOK Fh-Ht-class stoinge for nice tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 15U Iodee-st. )
Mltrf. DUHANT Clarlvoynnt from Itoston , 13
i cllablo la all nlfnlrs of lit o , uultes separated
lovers. 322 N. lOtll st room 1 591 ] : 'h |
HAY Olfors for putting up 500 tons hay
wanted. Address A. C. Jenkins , Huilin-
gnmo , Ndb. VG2 4J
I > AHTIKSdccIrlng situations na bookkeepers ,
clerks , gtenogrnphors , corrcspondont , &c ,
should register on our record book , Hccord
Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnum St. B1J jy 1
K bablos for adoption , two boys and
X n girl , Ono boy two years old. Enquire of
Dr. Williams , Itoom 17 , Arlington BlocK.
UjHJy 2J
HAVK you any llrst mortgages you would
likoto turn ever for Omaha teal estate.
If EO call ou II. W. Huntress , 1509 Farnam st.
IHJ3 29J
IF you wnnt good board and n room go to the
Old llrowncll Hall. 618 3. lUih St. b52-20
LF.fiSONB In slnulnar by Professor Provnst ,
teacher of piano nnd organ. Also lessons
in the French language. For terms apply nt
S72J Farnam. 831 iio
T N view of the large amount of business coming
X In wo will horoufiorchargo but 6Uo per montu
right through for advertising business chnnooH ,
until cancelled Wo hnvo olllcos In loading
cities , same rates. No commission. Hccord
Advertising Co , 1513 Farnam. 71)J-3il )
rpWOcar lends horses nnd mules 1or sale
JL Just arrived. A splendid stock of youno-
mules , borrow and inures , from tlrst hnndscaro-
fullV cclcctcil. now nt.1. W. Heaves'new snlo
bnin , No. 1H18 Saundorsst. Cnll early for tint
choice. Will to sold tor cash or on tlmo. J.
AV. Hocco. 7 ! > 7 2jj
mAKE NOTICE-W. 0 , King & Co. , House
JL Moving und liaising , address 13201'iorco st
74 J23
C1-SS : pools and vaults cleaned and dene !
nnlmnls rnmovcd by John NoNon , purbngo
collector for 4th wurd south of Douglas st 1403
Harncy st. e'.UJy22
Sl'KCULATOHS opportunity. Information
on stocks onlv telegraphed unilor code to
nny subscriber. K , Sherman Fitch , 10 Wall st.
N. Y. 712Jy 2.2 * .Sq-.iuro I'inno | J momalr. A
Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 521
TO pames having houses tor rent , llcntal
Agency , llenawa & Co. . 15 opposite post-
office. We have turned over to them our rental
list. Wo recommend thorn. McCngua ISros ,
"piois IIKNT Organs , IS per month.
J ? 1 13 Douclai. 524
OL C.-HOUSO furnishing goods , all kinds ;
* cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Banner , 1315 Douglas st 525
flOll KENT square fl no , ft montnlr.
1 llospe. 1513 Douirtas. 521
JF yo want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. F erguson' * , 715 N Uth. 52J
FOH SALE Good driving horse , medium
elzo , sound and gentle. Suitable for fum
lly driving , Gco. N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th st.
CW 3.
FOH SALE Largo Hat top desk , hlso plush
lounge cheap , 2423 Furnum. 9U12'.ij '
"fjIQlt BALK Her o harness and delivery
JL1 witgon cnenplt taken soon. 11. C. Young
incut mmKot cor 14th nnd Howard , Pitt Jyl
T3AOH 8ALK Furniture of 3 houses nnd 3 Huts
Jnnd tlio buildings for rent , locution central
lloom 4over lluymond's Jewelry Store. V9J 0
l/IOIl sALK- Largo pony , suitable for nows-
JL' boymarketk'araenororpeddlor. Inquire
2410 llurney st f.W 2'J
FOU SALE A small , gentle horse , * 7i. 118 N
Uth Et. 9-"J 29 *
Ij'OU SALK Half dojen now National cnbl-
1' net letter Dies , dltToiout size ; , will no gold
nt a reduction from regular prices , call
tee thorn nt the Western .Newspaper Union , 611
B12th t 291 23
F TK SALE Improved stock and grain farm
COO ttcrcs , cboap. llox Cl , Coburc , Iowa
481 29J
. . b.\LE Span tlno matched bay drlvi
horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 316th Et.
TOH SALl'r-Furniture and tonsoot Eli rooms
JO In flat. 507 3. Uth st. Koom No. 3. 332Jyl5
"I710H SALK Ono iiiT-foot uprluht black wal
J nut f how case , Milton Kogers & t-on. 003
F OH H.YLK-Two horses nnd carriage.
llurses gold singly or double , 1718 Cuss Et
Fou SALE-l.OOO.ttN Hurd llrloit. T. Murray
Studebakcr buggies at Seaman's.
Stu Jelmkcr phnvtona at teaman's ,
StiulobaKer cnrnugi-s at Seunian'n.
btudcbukor spring wugotis ut Seaman's.
Studclmker draft wagons at Seaman's.
tXirner of FurnHiu and lllh els.
live ear loads just received. H2ijy2t
BALE 0 mllc-Q cows. E A .Mar li , IW4
. ' N 16tb. 55.-J
TTOK BALE-IJrlck , T. Murray.
AN TED S salctmnn. Call or address 811
O North 17th st , basement . MI18J
\\rANTF.n-l > rcscrlptlon clerk , ono pck
ing Ooriuaa preferred. AdJwH > ' O
box 22Jscty. ! - m
WANTED 2 boys , II to 1 years old , for
private families , to tend horses , etc , f 12
per month , 1 coachman for private family , ! 20
> cr month , must have icfcrencos. 3 farm
iand * , 1 gardener , M rnllroad ulcn. Can adian
imp. Office. 310 8.15th. KiQ 2"J
l\fANTED-Cook for railroad camp. D. C.
T t O'Rfefo , 30J S. l.'levcnth street. CTO-2J .
W ANTKD A willing young man to work in
a saloon. Cl'J ' N. Sixteenth street W7-7VJ
\\7ANTKD-An experienced trnvellnp eolicl-
tor to can vns for ordci s for Rtnndnrd law
nnd bank directory ol U. H. Address with ref
erence etntlnir experience. IlnuKcrs 1'ubllsh-
tiff Co. , St. l.ouK Mo. P5U 23 *
w ANTti-lst : class blncksmlth , Davis \
Cowfe'lll Iron works , 103 nnd lua 314th st ,
WANTr.D Hey nbout 16 ycnro old at Ileo
mnll room. One who can get up at iUO :
nnd knows the city preferred , MO
VfA NTr.D-A bnker nt once , 1410 Paundcrs
st. _ COS ' - ' ]
\\7AJJTEI ) A boy to cnrr # ndveitl liiK bnn-
> > nor , apply to (117 8 I3tli. _ V13
\\rANTKD-Mnn nnd wlfo cook nt rnllrond
v f camp cvorvthluif f urni lied , tM per
nontli ; ft mllns from city. 1 mun cook for rrc-
nont Neb. Hey 18yonrn old to lake cnro of
lorscs nnd mllK cow , f\r \ > per month. Oiniilm
Imploymcnt Iluronu , lin N Utli st. 071 2'J
WANT1H ) A yoniiff man familiar with dry
poods competent to tnko chnrRO of set
of boons Cull with references between S nna
0 o'clock n. in. O'Dounhoo \ Shorfy. l 7fl SO
IWANTHD 1'our yonntf men of business
> iiunllPcntions. J , M. Trench A Co. . Itoom
( 'S Ilushmnn IIk. ) WIjy3
"l\7 ANTKD-A good barber nt once. No. 1325
> T So. 13th 81. Frank 1'okorny. 8'l ! ' 2 ( * *
WANTIiD AfteiUs to fond for our terms lor
tree samples nnd so per cent discount ,
rlces for hot wenther. Nothlnir soils so fast
ns our now door plntt-s , bell" , street numtiers ,
Vc. , 100percent profit. Mlchlxan Doorl'luto
Co..Grand Hnnlds , Jltch. H ajj-3j
\\rANTni ) Jlen to sell nursery stock. Ad-
Ti drosa White lltos. , Aurora , Nob.
4111 23J
WANTED-A llrst-clivss bread nnd cake
bnkor. Good wages L'Unrnntccd. Ad
dressJacob risher , Hiistinirs , Nob. WO-2 = *
WANTED Sit live men Immediately , steady
work , blir money , noo.orlcncu | > re < | iilrcd.
? all nt onco. Scars' llcnl Ustuto oflico , Will-
liunslilock. U31 23J
" \\rANTKn-Stonocuttcr8. Apply to W. H.
i > Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. ! iOJJylJ
irANTED Carpenters Inquire now church
20th and Loa\onwotth. M. T , Murphy. 01H
rolliblc , cnoriotlo
mon us epcclul nvonts. W. 1" . Allun ,
General Agent Mutual Llto Insurance Com
pany pt Now York , No. 215 South 13th street.
51 !
ANTED Mon for rnllrond workAlbilght'a
Labor nicncv , 1120 Varnnin Bt. Ola
Kxporlonced booKKCCper in dry
goods house , references leiiuirod. None
need nddrc-ss who ha\onot bud cxporlcncu.
Address T 12. Hoe olllco. 477
\\7 ANTKD llnllrond laborers for Colorado.
i Albrlght'3 Labor Agency , 1120 rnrnam.
$10U paid per month to men to foil our goods.
Address with stamps , 1) . W. McLnno & Co. ,
liurllngton , Iowa. 6MJy2 *
\V J7 ANI'KD A good wnirnn maker lit onco.
Muldoon Krlsl , 14th and Jones sts.CJI
\\-ANTKD-Dlninp girl nt Planters House.
' ' IK-2 U *
"VTrANTKD Girl lor genornl housework ;
also , cook. Apply , iminudlately , 1.110 Chi-
cngo st vi 3J
V\7ANTKD-Glrl , Roneral hoiiscwork. Mrs.
' I D. 11. Whcolor , 5.4 South 20th ft. U40
\ \MNTI3D-Immcdlntoiy , n good girl nt 1701
' t Capitol nvo. No other need apply. HJ'J30 '
\A "ANTtD-C ; dining room irlrU. 1 girl silver
* , pnutryS"i per month : ill8hwa hc-r ? - * . * > : 75
gills forgoueral housework. Lota ol good places
for girls ut this olllce. 119 N. 10th gt , lloom 1
Crounso Ulock. :6"J
" \\rANTKD Lndy airont for best selling bus-
it tlo made. Address , C. L. llii-tliiirs , In-
dlannpolis , hid , V52 bOj
t Transfer Hotel , Council
f i llhlOB , t ooxporiunceddlnliiir room girls ,
$17 per month. ttM 2.-.J .
Tfl7ANTED A first RlrlntJ. ' J. Urown's 1553
> ? Bhormnn nvo. H > 4 " 8'
T17ANTED Dining room girls and dish-
i washers. Mrs. J. W. Morrison , iro" Diw-
cnport. 927 SU
WANTKn Womnn pnst 50 years of ago to
wash dishes nnd wait on table. . Apply
107 No. 12th st fcl 29-
w ANTKD Good girl or woman In kitchen ,
314 S 13th Bt. HOJ 2b
WANTKO Two dressmnhcrs nnd two ap
prentices. Mrs. SI , Bchwcrln , Ills North
ICth st , up stairs. . fete 21) )
WANTED airlforgcneinl housework , 1717
St. Mary's nvo , His 2a
\\7ANTKD-Two girls nt L'oran house , 422 S
18th St. , nciir St. Mary's nve. W4
W ANTED A girl to do housework In a small
Inmlly nt 1112 S llth st. 8M
VyANTKD Wonioncook , nlso chnmlicrmnld ,
> > ono who can help wait on tnblo In' hoard
ing house , good wiujoa. 710 S llth. I'M 28j
W ANTKD U ) gins nt good wngos , for gen
eral housework In nlco places. No olllco
feo. Canadian Kinployment Olllco , Slil S. 15th.
"l\'ANTKD Lady nnd goiitlenum agents to
' ' sell our goods on tlmo payments in city.
Lovell Manfg to. , 221 N loth St. 8uti jl *
T\7"ANTKO A competent lonelier for the
Tf German-American school for Knuhsh
tuition. Address L. Hctmrod , 13th and Jack-
ton , or Ph. Audio" , 1715 Douglas 715
WANTKD A jouiur glil for general houso-
work , In n small family. Apply nt I'M
Pnrk nve. . 5S7
_ _
KD Girl for general housework In
small family , 2113 Douglas st. 4GO
WANTKD A good glrl.wnshor nnd ironor.
Good wages. Mre. Frank K. Moorcs , 17
South 18th. 500
WANTKD-Sltuntlon by first cliis * bread nnd
cnko bnkor , by stonily man , in city or
country town. Stnto wngos. Address Wm.
Court , 1622 Hurt St. s2 29
\VAJ 'TED--Slt"ntlon ' " I'Hvnto fnmlly by
' ' young man thoroughly experienced in
tnklng cnro of horses , cnrrlaces. lawns , ntc. , Is
not afraid or work. ( No olllco tee. ) Canadian
Kmp , olUco , 31C bo. 15th St. , -suurs. ] .
- '
\ \ ANTKD Ily a young mnn with 4 yenr's
11 cxporlonco , n situation In n retail grocery
houso. lleferoncos given. Addrc s A. s.
Cutter , H12SS Farnnm st. W9 29
" \\7AN1KD ) Situation by n mnchlnist nnd
T millwright to tnko chnruo of the inoll\o
power nnd mnchlnory In mill or factory. Ilcst
of rofcrcmcs as to character nuu ability. Ad
dress , TU ) , lice. U33 2'JJ
\\'ANl'KD-Sltuatlon ns coachman In private
' family l.y ( Gorman ) man of 15 years oxpor-
lenco , etrictly tuniporato * . has good roier-
cnces ( no ollico Ice ) , Cunndlnn Kmplovtcont
ollice,3l S. iJth. 8--523J
\\'ANTKD Situation by a joung man , has
> ' cxpcrlonuo In bookkeeping , Speaks Ger
man and Scandinavian. Ad IroiS T C5 Ilco
o'llco. 800 23J [
WANTKD-Sltuatlon by French cook , moat ,
bukory and pastry , second ol.iss hotel or
boanllng house. Good rtileroncc , Addnssl
Gt Ilco olllco , VJ328 *
" \\7ANTKD-An experienced dressmaker
> i wlplic * sowing In families. Can give good
reference. Apply 1223 North 17th st. 791 : *
"V\7ANTtD A carpenter and builder wants
1 position rs torennin. 1 $ experienced In
heavy bulldliiff. Address , T 53 , Hco otllco.
\\rANTED-Tho nddroM of the irentlouian
I > who bought the right of the Wiley Patent
Wood Graining for Ornuhn. Address Times
o 111 co , 1'apllllon , Nob. W7 20
rPHlUTY.SIXby one hundred and forty and
JL good bouso on South llth betnot-n Center
find Dorcas , oUorcd at u great btugaln by I'ow-
Kr Bros. A ; Co. , 41bS. Uth , VbO M
"VyANTF.D-Olrls , old and young , big and
f T little , black and white , for general homework
work , at good wage * nnd nice places. No olllte
foo. Canadian employment oQIco , Mrs. llrcgu
& Son , 3IH S. 15th st. OSS 3j
\\7ANTED-Olrl for general bouaaworir. 2211
I > Douglas it 087UJ
\\7ANTED-Day boarders nt private board-
Tt Ing house. 1313 Capitol avenue , 850 30J
TV ANTBD Cu tomeri to notice our change
TT Ot01HC to4IU q 15th St US0.2J
\\rANTED-fiood first mortgages at first
TT payment on. Oruramerey park lott. A.
r. Tuliey , IT t i-arnam it ' 815 Jl/ .
[ TTANTED Second-handA'Vyclo. Columbia
> > preferred , .fifty-Inch vucol ( M tn ) . Ad-
ross K. w. Allen. Fonon , Nttj W OJ
\\7ANTKD-A barn hnvln Tor 4 stalls wlthm
> > 6 blocks of Crounso block. Addre" Ham-
nond A Co. , 1' . 0. box 740 , City.
IfANTKD-Hargala in n iVklnd of
nt office of Fowler Ur ) > sJ& Co. , 418 S 1Mb.
\V'ASTEU-Untll Nevi I b n single gentleman -
* man , n sulto of two v all furnished rooms
with south or southeast exposure , within four
blocks of the postolnco. VrotiM like to have
brcaslast Private family prt-lerred. Address
with location nnd terms , b xT , 01 , this olllro.
"WANTED Girls for iiwVg room work ,
' chamber worn , f-econiMvurk , kitchen help
ers , plain cooKs , laundiesjes nnd for general
house worx , at Canadian employment olllce ,
31i ) i * . 15th gt. , up stairs. 0 < i'.i 2SJ
"WANTED To buy 8 houses which can bo re
moved. A. 1' . Mayno , 14U3 Dodge st
WANTED Oooil horse as llrst payment on
Ornmmorcy park lot A. 1' . Tukoy , 13M
Farnnm st 1'1G ' Jy 1
_ _
HoTcilSTlot In Hlllsldo No. 2 for 12.000.
Fowler llros. Si Co. , 118 S 15th st USO Si
" \\TANTKD To buy wood t.JOO 1st mortsngo.
A. 1' . Tukoy , Isli Fnrnnm st. OU 2J
ANTHB 2 or 11 norse power cnnlno , In' ' (
hnnd. Apply nt Mlllard hotel olllco. 4MJ
| 7 ANTKD-Teams for railroad work. Al-
* brlsrht's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam. 741
Ij OH HUNT A nice cottnco suttnblo forSTinll
JLJ fnmtly onhnlf block from street cnr. first
class neighborhood. Inqulro of C. 1. Eilckaon ,
212 N ICth st. HirL.
HKNT 4 now r-room houses , cellar ,
FOH , lull I , closets , etc. , 1U miles northuest
if poatotlloo , n blocks to street CHM , $2 ! to $ ' . ' 5
ier month. Gregory & Hndley , Itooms 1 nnd 3 ,
120 S. 15th St. 50
T\OH HEST House of 5 rooms 28th nnd Hnr-
J 1 nov , $2V C. K.Mnyno& Co. , N. W. cor.
IMh nna llnrnoy. 973.oO
I710H HUNT A house nicely furnished , 7
-L1 looms , until Jauunry , IWS. 713 N. 22d st.
012 28J
r70H IIKNT 8 room houeo. Inijulro .1. P.
L1 Barton , 2510 Cnpltol nvo. t-07 Jy2J
LpOU HKNT ew house , 14 rooms. All mod-
ern coiu'onlcncos. Never been occupied.
Throe mlnntos' walk from P. O. Hcfcrcnccs
zclmnirod. T. 47 , Ilco olllce. 723
FOH HKNT Now house , ton rooms , steam
licat , all Imprvcmcnu. C. W. and G. i ; .
Ihompson.314 S 15th Et. TJ3
" 131011 HKNT 0 room brick lint , furnlturo for
J2 sales 7 room brick flat , furniture lor snlo
on tlinn ; 10 room brick tint , furniture for snlo :
restaurant doing n good Imslnvs * , II.\tiiros for
snlo nl your own prlco , on tlmo : 10room board-
Ini' . ij block trcun P. O. , 3Jsloady bonrdnrn ,
f urnlturo for snlo nt " , Its value. Co-operntlon
Lnnd\- Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth sf 871 21
FOH KENT Occidental hotel corner store
room. Apply to John 1. Pnyntcr. on
N. ll. The hotel Is st 11 running : the cntranco
being on the touth side. 7i"J
F OH HEXT-7-room house. 23th nvenuo , 1
block noi th of cumlngi l'53 ' 30 *
F HKNT-NIno t9 > room hous , 14th nnd
Plorce. Apply to017 South 13th st. U37
HKNT Store nnd Hat on corner Snun
dors and Chirk sts. C. W. Carlson.
( J'V 7Sfi 30
FOH HKNT Pnrt of Ftoropr omco room. In-
qtllro nt 1212 Douglas Bt1. , 013
FOH HKNT NEW store fitd/ living rooms on
L'umlng Bt near Snumlcrft s-t. Apply Har
ris Heal Kttato & Loan Co. , S. 15th st. bS'J
1r\0 \ It IIKNT 9 room house anil bnrn , 17th and
Center ts. , house hontca by hot wntor and
nil modern Improvoicets , St ! , Also n 7 room
house as above flO. J. L. WMshaus , 319 S. 15th
Et root 407
_ _ _
7OH HKNT 4 now C-rorun bouses , cellar ,
1 well , hall , closets etc , , JU miles northwest
of postolllcc , II blocks to Ptrqct cars , S25 to ? 30
perinonth Grcffory & Hndlt7 , llooms 1 nnd'.l ,
32JS15thst. I' IttO
FOH HKNT A bnfomciit , good plnco for
barber shop , s w corner 16th nnd Lcnvcn-
worth sts. 81U
HKNT Small olHcc in excellent locn-
tlon. Kmiulro of F. Barrett & Co. , 31HJ
FOlt HKNT Three room house , llOflii S 7th
FOlt HKNT One olllco , second Uoor , nt 315
S15th st. Hent10. 7
HF.ffT 3-room house on 14th nnd
Pleico sts. Inquire at 017 South llth st.
FOH HENT Two Inrgo now stores nnd two
Mats of ttvo rooms each. City water nnd gns.
On Snundors st. C. W. Cnln,22X : ) Ohio Et. 812
F HKNT Two brick stores with base-
- monts24th and Hamilton fltrcets. Deslr-
able location for dry goods and drug storo.
Flats above if desired. Lonvitt llurnhnm ,
loom 1 , Crolghton block. 074
FOH HKNT Three room house , 70fl'4 Pnclflo.
For Kent Six room house , MM S 7th ,
For Kent Three room house , I01 > N 2Jth CSS
Lot for Lcaso. Southeast corner
OHOIOK Lenvenworth and Paik uvc.or will
build to suit tenant. Holiblo llros. .159
IpOHHKNT-2 largo stores on South 10th St.
1 near Vlnton , 30 n month each. Also 2
ftoroa sumo BI/O but havine 5 living rooms
above , rent for fV ) per month. All hnvo oily
water throughout. Apply J. F. Hammond , 117
South ICth Bt. 431
TT'oH HEST A now 10-room house , Np. 2.318
JU Chicago street : modern conveniences. In-
( | Ulrc of A. II. Comstock , 152. ) Farnam st. 917
OH HKNT Ono now seven-room house sit-
uulcd on northeast cor of King and Coif-
man et. Patrick llros. , lloom 2 Arlington block ,
1UO Jy 11
F OH HKNT 3-room house , 70J Paoino.
FOH HKNT-Brlck j-ards , T. Murray.
F OH HKNT-Wlndow , gooj locality for Jew
clcr or real cstato. Apply to 3J3 n Itith.
FOH HE NT Two furnished rooms 417 N.
uth st. nn
FOH HKNT Furnished room ; , 701 S. 45J29J 17th.
" 171OH KENT 'J newly and ckgnntly turnishod
JO rooms nt 170S Doiiglas st. 514 Jl
irOH HKNT Newly furnished front and baot
JL ? jiarlors , tingle or together , from July 1st.
All modern conveniences ; pilvuto lainlly : near
business , ICISCap. live. MT ! 2 *
FOH HKXT-Front room with board , 1721
Douglas st 81'J ' 29 *
FOIt 'IKNT-Dcskroom. Guqulro Young &
Blnckmnn , 211 S 15th St. 540
* TOH HUNT Largo , nlcvy ) furnished room ,
JU J-2JV3 S2lstst N1J 3J
FOH HKNT Furnished fraom ; board , 521
Pleasant. ' f b21 Jyl'
] 7 1 0ri llKNT-Furnlshed ro.irti , COJ S. 17th st
IK , bl 3JJ
T710H HKNT Klournnt newtyf urnlsho : ! rooms ,
X1 now houpo , nil molern-'linprovciiionts , to
first-class pnrtles only , 17U7 l edge et. 827
171011 HKNT-Furmshod rolms. " 1707 CiTsI
-L' J ) ( 015
HKNT 3 rooms In n jt'it cor 20th nnd
il-holes st. K 112
_ _
TOR HKST Ware room cor , I4th and Cnll.
-L Ifornlnon llelt Line , lor particulars en-
iiulro at Union Nat bank. 184
I7OH HENT-Ollico 2nd floor , 31il S 15th. st.
* price $ 10 , < r 113
FOIl HKNT Klognut rooiii , furnltiira and
IIOIISH now , every moUArn convenience
1703 Dodge stieet. Heforeucos required.
, rr 391
1T10R HKXT Nicely furnished front rcom
JL1 lC2i : Dodgo. UOO Jj-2'
i : > Oll JIENT-2 rooms furnished for light
IJ housekeeping , e < 0 Howard Et. h-4
"IJ10H HKNT 3 nlcolr turnl'hcd rooms will
-L' largeclosots. complotu for houskcenlng
Furnlturo for snlo. With privilege of renting
house. 2012 Ilarnoy et n 28J
Tj"OH IIKNT Furnished front room , near cui
JL' line HI corner of Dodge and 2 < th streets
Inquire of A. H. Comstccic 152J Furnam ft.
TjlOU HKNT 2 furnished rooms : alto rooms
JL1 suitable for light housekeeping , l'J14 Web
ster st. CM at *
FOIt HKNT lloom and board tor gentleman
ana wjlo or sloglu gcutlcmeu , ut 2010 Call
fornlrt tt. DM 29 >
HKST 18 rooms nour center of tdVrn
- and sale of furnlturfc very clioap.a burL -
puln curcly offoled , to ( rood parties moai
biiBlnets. For pKMioilhm liniuiru' of Dr
t-lmooi'iOI Nortn Hah sirtoi , Onialiu.'Neb.
"IVOU RENT Two well furnl hed rooms with
JLJ llrst class' board if desired , pleasant loca
tion , private family , 8 E oar 20th and rarnam.
_ _ , 650 JylPJ '
TTOIt HE.vr-Nlcely furnished room.'lO.'l
" Dodge t. . llfl
F 'OH ' Itr.NT-l'art of olllco room. Inquire nt
1212 Douglas st 813
F IOH HUNT Three room house west of North
llth st , between Chicago and Cats. CW
F [ lir.ST KurnMinl front room , rent
11 rensonnble , MM N l th st. tUJ 2UJ
FOH Itr.NT I.nrpii nlculy furnlstu-d front
room , 517 1'lonjnnt st. 377
"IIIOU UKNT-Olllcts In ilellmnn bulldmccor.
J. 1'arnnm and 13th sts. , In suites or
'or prices , dlaertim * nnd Information apply to
B.A , Slomnn , 1512 Karnnm St. , Itoom 2.
1OU nr.XT llooms. On the principle streets
1 from ? 3 to M'I per month. We can till nil
ho rooms Riven us on short notice , lli-nteis
iko to obtain full pnitlculars before KOIIK ! on
n tour of Inspection , nnd this wo plvo irce.
inch : ndvortlscincnt Is open to the public fern
nonth. ( ihcus moru rooms , wo have so many
calls. Itccord Ad Co. . 1513 Fnriiam.
FOU HUNT 1'urnlshod , for two months , n
cottntro within IllK-cn minutes walk of the
uostolllco , end of the coolest plncos In thuolty ,
f3 > per month. Address TO" Hocofflce. . UI22J
" 171011 HKNT-.luly 1st. . n furnished oust front
Jroom , with board for2 , In private family.
Apply at 701 South Ittlist , llcforoncorequired.
TJ > OIl IIKNT 2 elegant rooms , nicely fur-
JJ nlshcd on street car line ; modern con-
vonlcnec" . Ocntlumcn only. Excellent locn-
tlon. 1U17 Cats. U71
TPOK HKNT Ono Inrpo nnd ono small east
-C front room ; also ono pleasant wet room.
I'uriuturo uuw. llath room on same floor. 002
N. 17th st. 1172 30j
EOll HKNT Pulto of furnished rooms for
' gentlemen. A. llospe , Jr. , 315 N. 17th.
FOH HKNT Large furnished front room 1012
Hurt s. 71'4-WI
roll HKNT NicofurtiUhod front room , 1123
? North 17th st. Wl 2 < J
FOH Hr.NT-Hooms at 2111 Charles ft. Aljo ,
stable room for two horses. U79 23J
T710H HUNT Furnished room.s , )01U ) Chicago
J et. 78 : .VJ j
FOH ItCNT Hanclsomoly fiunl hcd front
room stiltablo for " pcntlemcn , I.'irRu
shady ln n , 15J5 , Cnpllo ! mo. OJ7UO'
F I OH HKNT Klegnnt sulto of rooms , referen
ces required , 1C07 Douglas st. 301
| j > OK HKNT-rurnlshpd rooms , 714 N. inth st.
1 ? 4fi6 Jy 17'
Tj < OH HKNT Largo M K room , llrst rtoor , fur-
X ! lushed or unfurnished Also , S K room ,
with alcove and bay window. Northwest cor
ner 18th nnd Fnrnnm. 472 Jy 1 *
FOH HKNT A fInglo or sulto of furnished
rooms , H7 S 17th. KI4 2b
FOH HKNT Furnished front rooms with
llrst-clnss board : ullniodorn conveniences.
318 N 15th St. 714 2DJ
1T1OH HKNT Nice furnished room. 2025 Far-
-L num. U6T
T71OH HKNT 13 rooms ncnr center of town ,
-L1 nnd bale of fin nituro N cry chonp , n rnro
bargain , nnd only oirercd to good parties who
menu busmo s. For particulars Inquire of Dr.
Simons , 404 N. ICth street. 433
FOH HKXT Desk room , first olDcc to loft
over Merchants National bant. 8.0
A LIST of bargains
2Jlots in Hitchcock's add , each { 400 to
6 lots lii nrown's Park , J810 to SfOJ.
7 lots In Walnut Hill , Sl.OJU tol,50J ,
Slots In Lowo's nddeach fl.-U ) .
110x140 corner 8. 13th fl. , S13.000.
A coiner vrlth store , CBx III ) , cheap for cn = h.
A comer on Jones st , CttvlXi , rents fortlOO
per month.
2 lots in linker Place , for both SSOO.
A corner In Isaac's add , 70vl20 , J3.0TO.
A G-room cottage and lot , 7f > ilti2 ; , f ,000.
81x130 ea t front on E'aundors tt , 85,500.
3 lot" In Hlvcr View , each $1,800.
Wo haven number of chcnp houses nnd lots
In various parts of the city sultnblo for business
and re'ldonco purposes. For prices nnd terms
call nttho olllcu of McUnvock iV O'Connor , 310
S. 13th at tW9 M
A PCT1ON Sale of 0 cottaircs In Crolghton
xx Heights nt 3 p. m. Saturday , July 2nd.
Parties with small menus can now pectlro H
homo on easy terms. C. W. Mount. W.jjyl
"VTOW is your tlmo , ? 3.500 buys5 acres3ii miles
JL > southwest of P. O. , high nnd sightly. Pat
terson Hios , , Itoom 21 , Froner block. 810 2
PAHMENTKK Placo-A corner lot forSl.300.
Only $300 cash. Blackburn & Kennedy.
DUO 28
TONH Gallagher. 317 South 13th.
t ) Falrmount Plnco. (10x121 ( , $1.S50. Cor , BlxllO
fl.Wfl. 30x121 , $1,000. Those mo nil elegant lots.
Meyors , Illchards i Tlldon'a add. IHntsJSMO
for corners and $ * 00 for inside lots. All south
fronts. Compare tlicso prices with what others
nro asking ,
0-ronm house , 2.fd st near Csss. 81.000 ; M cnsh.
2HJ lots nnd over 100 houses for snlo. Hnvo
porno special bargains on hand now that will
pay you to invcstljroto. 773 2 > <
TT1O11 trndlng , eelllngor buying nny kind of
JO renl oatnto In or otu ol the city call on or
r.ddress the Oninhn lluelncss Exchange , : lll ) s-
15th st. Itoom 1. 7
TOH SALE Or oxchnngo for geol Omaha
JL1 property n 40 noi-o farm ndjoiningtho
town of Klkhorn , nil enclosed , a good JO room
house , largo barn nnd other out buildings ,
plenty of shrubory , fruit nnd berries of nil
kinds , Biiitahli' ns nn addition , or good ( ruck
farm , n beautiful homo , Address J , II. Sllvls ,
Klkhorn , Nob. 7C7 3J |
AUCTION Pale of houses and lots In Crelgu-
tou Hoiglit ? on Siilunlay. Will be n rare
ciuinco to buy homos on small payments. C.
W. Mount. ittsjyl
1'nrnnm street , near 20th. 116xl32por
foot $ 400
Fnrnnm street , near 2uth.22xl3J 10.000
Farnam street corner 31gt , 130x132 , jier
foot 150
rnrnam street , neni Thlrty-clBhth , 47x-
132 4.000
Farnnm stiect , nunr3 th,05x132 H.OJO
Farnam street , coiner in Jerome. Park 3OW
Fnrnam street , corner in Jerome Park 3,000
Farnam street , near 12th , Improved
202x132 25,000
Farnam street , nonr Nineteenth , 77x132.
Improved 10,000
Harnevstroct , nonr Twenty-third , 60x-
13. ' , Improved 11,000
Ilarnoy street , near 21st , 174x170 , Im
proved , & 0.000
Dodge streetnear l.'tli , riix)32 ) , per loot 600
Ooilgo street , ncnr 2'ith , 4xl32 , im
proved 3,000
Douglas street , near 12th , 44.\13J 05/.03
Fifteenth Htroot , corner Jackson , CCxl32 ,
Improved sri.CKXI
Fourteenth street , cornur JacksonCUx
irjlmprovud ; r.5,000
Fourteouth btruct , corner Chicago ,
( WxllB 20,000
16th st , opp .M. P. dtpot.WxlOl , per foot 200
llth Ft , cor Nicholas , 01x132 , track In
alloy < ! .000
13th ft , near Howard , ! > ljcfiJ , imp 13,000
Trauknee , CilxlI2 , Paddouk I'lnco 2,0JO
20th st , no-ir St Mary's , 40x120 , imp 8'WJ
20th tt , near Douglns , iHiilO F.IXW
Riiundors st. cor Hurt , 10.1x51 7,5'J'J '
Pnrknvo , ncnr Lonvenworth , Cflxl40 4M
Park uve. opp pnrk , fiOxlAO 2.00J
Jerome IMrk , nenr Farnam , K front 47 x
IT. 1,8'fl
Castollarst. . neni-8th.Bl'/\120 l.duO
West Omahn , finest nero 15,00.
llrown Park , 2 lots very cheap
Albright's Annoy. 2 lots very cheap
22d st. , cor. Nicholas Trncknso imp. , 132
x 13' . . . . - . 20OOC
Cholco property In all parts of Ihoolty. fc. A.
Blonmn , 1301 Fnrnam St. , Itooms 22 und " ) .
T710H BALK Premises 127 So. 21th it. ( some-
J-1 times called 2.1 Hi st. ) , consisting of two lots
with hoiife , bnrn and other buildings. W. C.
Ives , 118 So. 2UU 6t. 7'il 26-
FOH SALP.-At a bargain. 640 acres of llr t
elat-s farming hind in Howard county , this
stale ; llrst clnss foil : close to two lines of ral
rend , nml surrounded by well impiovcd farms.
Can divide to Milt iiurchasor , and will mane
this n I'Argnln If t-old quick. Smnll cnsh pnv-
ment ! very easy terms. Address ( Jcorg N.
Hicks , 215 South Fifteenth street. bCC jll
MMIUEK thousand live hundred buys n2-roora !
J- house only li ! blocks from cnr line , only
1,503 cash , lllaclilium & Kennedy. 108 2H
* T \ON'T Fnll to attend auction snlo of nlno now
.U cottages nnd lots , In Crciirhton Helgjits , on
Haturday , July 2d. For terms see advertise
ment Thursday. C. W. Mount 02iJyl )
| 7Olt SALE-50 No , Harms within n radius of
-1 ? ! 'i ' miles of Omaha , Al r n tow good busi
ness chnncog In two llvu townn. J. 11. Hllrle
Hcul Kstnte and Loan Agent , Klkhorn , Neb ,
67V Aug. 8
1011 SALU Or trade for a stock of genera
merchandise or clothing ISO aero farm near
Wooplng'Water. Address , P. F. Flower , WeepIng -
Ing Water. Nob. 04J 30
. . - ' feet front on
BlGllAltO.U.N-UnoiiunJrO'l lot , only ti.OO ) .
Parton time. Y. L. Vodlcka , 6JJ South llth at
& xj
DEAD our list of bouses and lots In cnotho
-IV .column and comb around nnd tot us bow
you a hutite.lllackburui Kennedy ; , 310 S15tb
SELECTS , are thn oarftfully ll toJ bargains
hunted down by Cake A Ullllugs. Our sam
ple case )
2 lots wlth2houicsJ. L Itedlck's sub , only
block from street oar line , lOixUJ ft ou 3
Mrcots , big money here for you.
Como , over lul , corner l > oJgo and Uth , and
we'll nmko It pleasant nnd profitable for you.
fPO WHOM It may concern. To pnrtles wlio
'JL bullil house * costing from f I , 'AXl to $ l,5 < iO ,
MO furnish beautiful bulidmg lots In ItodlcK
1'ark requiring no pnymcnt of principal for 5
jears ,
lledlck I'ark 1ms city water , U50 maple and
elm trce ,4" > losldonces under contract to build ,
nviin to test loss thnn $1,200. Its streets nro
graded nnd turniilKt-d It is within the city
limit * , opposilo Kountro I'lnco , and ncco Mhlo
Irom idtlior Siiundcrs or Btntu. Price of lots
until July 1st , $1,000.
Wo also offer
100 ft fronting Hnuscom 1'nrk , f n.OOO , K to H
Cor 100x150 , Ocorgln avo. $5,000 , $ . ' ,000 cnsh.
1'till lot nnd 7-rooin house in excellent condi
tion , Parker's add , $3.500.
Cor60xliJ : , Improved , S llth ncnr viaduct ,
$10,000. Mead A Jnuilcaon , Solo Agunts , 318 s
15th st 718
'IjlOlt SALE-Or trndo , 25 lnt in the western
JU pnrt of Omaha nnnr the llenson car line ,
juice $41X1 each , $ J50 duoon contrnctH paynblii
inquarterly ! * payments , will trade Interest In
contract * for Nuurnsmi Imi'L MoCulloch \ Co. ,
150-J Karnnm st , 1000
" 1J1OU SALU-Cottago , 7 rooms and bath room ,
JL lire place , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , 1)1 ) feet of in omul. 22d st. north of St ,
Mary's nvo , $1,500 , C.V. . it 0. E , Thompson ,
EH 3. 15th St. 210
\\'E Can "oil for a tow days only
i Lot 10' ) Olso's addition for fii.fJJ.
Lo 171 Uleo's addition , $3.30) .
* illickl lloyd'a addition , W..W ) .
One-third cash , lialanco 1,2 nnd 3 years.
Itcmlngton * McCornilck , 220 South nth t.
" 171011 HALK-Now atoro building and lot ou
JL1 llcllovuo street , the leading thoroughfare
between th3 city and South Omahn. Can sell
forfl,05U.OO ; only gttOO.OO ca h , bnlanco 1 and 2
) Cars. Oco , N. IllcKn ,
MO 1 215 South l.'tli Uroct.
] 7 < OK SAIiK-A llvory bnru wltn stable room
for about sixty hordes , situated tn n deslr-
nblo location , and now doing a good business.
Good reasons given for soiling. Enquire of or
nddress A. II. Comstock , real estnto broker ,
1523 Farnam st. 07
r OHSALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo with
JP two good hou ci , cheap at f , W ) . Terms
ea y. Hou cs rent tor $70 per month. S. S.
Campbell , 310 8. ICth Bt , Chamber of Com
merce. _ 27J
irUHt SAI.K-Cholco lot In Orolmrd HlllfSW.
JL1 Two lorsln SnundcrsiV lllincbnnph's Soutn
fronts , end a corner , for both , Jl.llifl.
yonio of the bust lots In Clifton 11111 ; will sell
thrro together for f 1,1100.
\ \ 111 fc4 \ \ lots In Walnut Hill , one n corner ,
for nil f J.500.
Two lots In linker's ndd , close to rnllroad ,
church nnd school , $ 1,200.
1 liiivu n peed ll t of Improved business nnd
resldonco property nt prices ttom . ' ,600 to
$ W,000. Ilo sure and flvo mo cull If you wnnt
to nmko money. Jnmoa Stockilato , 113 N. ICth
sti-put. _ 70 > l ilO
HCHAltl ) Htll-Wounti soil you n lot for
$010 , only $140 cnsli.Hlncklmrn & Kennedy
W > 28
F Il SAMC A flno fnrra of IfX ) neros. enclosed -
closed with ! ) wire tencc , ! 1S neic3 un < lor
culttrntlon , 11 nctcs of n h trees in thrllty
Kronlnir condition , prlco ? 10 per nere , terniB
o y. This oiler peed for thlity dnys only.
Address Chns. H.N lleon , Oxford , Furnni coun
ty , Nob. _ Si7ajyh * _
AUK You looklntr for n homo ? \o Jinvo n
now 13 room house with nil modern con-
vonlenoes , only u block nnd n Imlf Irom ntrrut
cnrllne on n hlKh and gltrhtly lot tiuit o ennsell
for M.SO ) , only fJM } cnsli.
ABO toot lot In l'iitrick'6 ndd with two brnn
now ( ! room cottngcg niid" ono with 4 looms ,
only hull block Irom cor line , the wliolo liusl-
no-js for $ .1,500 , } j cnsh or will sell separately.
You liild better lookthl * up. A neat Groom cot-
tnjro with b.irn , on I'oiiploton uvo , nleo slt-ltlly
locution , only $ ' 1U'K ) , K en h. A flno T loom
house on lull lot , Capitol Hill , vury olienp. A
C loom cottiivo on Cnpltol Hill on halt lot , vury
chrnp. nt ? l,500 : two others nt f 5,000 only Imlf
block from cnr lino.
Wo Imve homo nwfully treed property , both
iniii-orrd ] mm unimproved. Comu aioun.l nnd
lot us show this property. Illuekburn A Kon-
iit'dy. nlfl a llth st. _ MO 23
FOH SAM2-S500 will buy n rooming nnd
lodtflnif lioiifo , > rood location , thN city ,
rnvln ' ? well. J. S. Johnson , 310 S. 15thHoom \ .
B n MJ
_ _
IF you wnnt'to buy , toll or trndo , cnli on I * . V.
Urura.liWN 15th st.
100 lots H of u nillo of O. \ F. depot
for sale or trndo.
U-room hoiipo for rent. Two10-room houses
for rent , sale or trndo. Idlewlldo. fly
_ 815 _ L. V. Criiin. K'O K l.'itli St.
17IOK BALK-lly Shaw & Co. ,
J ? 610 Slfith St.
Houses nnd lots In nil partsof tin ) city. You
can't nirord to rnnt when you know the price
nnd terms of this olnssof property.
On Georgia nvonuo wo have n large piece of
ground for enlont loss thnn in vnlue. It la
worth looking nt If you ivnntn nice resldonco
lots for sale In different parts of the clty.nnd
you nro sure to mnko money by doiillun with
us. Wo are headquarters for safe Invoatmonts.
I1O10B LANDH-f1) porncro. JhO mnltos 1st
year's pnymcnt on liv ) acre . Wrlto for In-
formntlon.Y. _ . V t'alne.jiidnuy. Neb , anojy-'a
. ' or losi olily
n or fi blnuks from Kxchongo bid iinJ
Union Stock ynrdson fnvnrnblo torins. Sixteen
hniisns under contrnct In snmo block. I wnnt
what they are worth. I don't wnnt fancy prices
I want to sell riulcklv. R. It. Hranch. K
T\7K have n 10-aoro tract near the Institute on
T > vihlch wo can ninko you n prlco ihnt * lll
pay you to Invcstii/atc. Active Heal Kslato nnd
Property exchange , 1524 Dodge street , Omaha ,
Neb , f-'l 3D
F01trV-TWjreot on Stnto street f7.V )
Full lot in guilders .V Himebangh's ndd 47"i
Two good lots In Meyors , H. & T. and , each. 750
S.K. cor. In Iloyd's f > 50
Trackage In Paddock Plnco , chonp ,
lloom 2(1 ( , I'uxtou building.
Takou up.
JunoSth , alight red cow with dropping horns ,
nbout 7 years old. Innulro John MoFnddon ,
14th St. , south of Vlnton. j4 ! 22 2Sjy5 12
Taken Up.
A black horse with whlto stnr on forehead :
3 miles below Port lludmund's nuith\
August Muskal. JSd'.tlow
TO J. Wnltcr , Frantlskn Kubovco , Morris
Hnthcnbcrg , John Stolnbruner , Michael
lloro.sli , Lauralne Joiisou , who are non-iosi-
( lentH ol' the city of Omaha.
You uro lieroby notified that the undersigned ,
having been duly appointed , ijunllfiednml sol-
( imiily sworn to asi' ! < s the dnmngos accruing to
property owners by rooson of the uppropiln-
tlon to the U'oof onld city of pioperty lor wld-
onlng and extending 13th sii-fol from Castcllnr
sheet to the line hotwcen townships fourteen
(14) ( ) and lifted ! (15) ( ) , which fulil appropriation
tins ( icon duly declared bvordlnnncoto bo nee-
o sary , will meet In the olllco of the city clerk of
palil city of Omnha , on the 5th dny of July , Ii-b7 ,
nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , nt which tlmo
and place said assessment of dnmngos will bo
iiindo by thorn. KDWJN DAVIS ,
.1. H. OllisoN ,
JOHN 11. Fiiuvr.
Omaha , Juno 14,1887. 1cl-2l-2ti !
MATl'KIl of application of John llodoll frfr
liquor licence. .
Not leu Is iinrcby given that John Hodoll
did upon the 2tith day of Juno , A. D. 1M7 , file Ills
nppllcntlon to the mayor ami city council of
Omulm. for license to sell malt , spirituous nnd
vinous liquor : " , at No , 701 Houtli 10th street ,
First ward , Omahn. N'cb. , from the HIM day of
April. 18f7 , to the llth ) day of April , 18h8.
If there bo no objection , roiiionstranco or
piotest tiled within uvowicAs from Juno 2-th ,
A. D , 1837 , the said lloenso will Do granted.
JOHN lloiiKi.i , , , Appllennt.
J. n. SOtlTllAltn CltyUerk , JcZSJyJ
Notice ,
Sealed proposnh will bo rrcolvod until Satur
day , July 12th , I8b7. nt 12 o'clooK , noon , nt the
olllco or the nnderslgnud , for the purcliifo ol
thcor.5t4l leutol lot 3 , In block I IB. city , known
us 1413 and 1115 Hnrney street , with the build
ings llieieon. The ounor io."orvos the r0'Iit ! to
I elect nny or nil bid" . Full particulars upon
application nt the olllteof 0. K. MOUNT ,
31U South 15th Street , Om.ilin.
Juiie ? dlQt
IIT Dr. hn'dlkar' * metliod. Noopurutlom Nu
No Detention ( ram ku liiem. Ailauto.l to uiilldron
atisell Hf iiroirn pcui'le. ' Ilun-JruJi ut auloirn > n
tcitlmrnlaltonUlo. AllbuilnCss ttrlctly conildeo-
IMIOT. \ . I > . COOK ,
Room G , 1511 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
&Dlatietes nt Cured b | the Autol Mlaiial
Dcalhi from ihem ro latrlfleei. Illiclinriivi , itrlo-
turoi , | iroitate gliinilvurlcocolu , bludni-r nil' '
chronic UHeunoi cauiu ihom ana mult ua cnrea b ;
'Tho Wontiiln llonlliiB ,
It Is stilt rcmomborcil bj' many thai
iortnln iironilnont citizens joined , not
otii ! ngo , in n flurcu ousliuicht n ntnst
liolfnionrncillc railway , Yarioiucausoj
of complnint worn formulated nml n com-
nlttcu uppolntctl to see thnt tlicsu cntisua
vcvo righted. The Iowa coiumlsslonora
vcro called upon to examine Into thuso
causes of complaint and when they ciitno
lero considerable time was taken ut > la
ho investigation , Thts other day Mayor
Jronowejj received a commnnlcntlon
rom the commission investigating the
Union Paelllo alVatrs in Omaha InvitliiR ,
hrougli him , any showing which Conn-
til 1 Hull's had to make concerning the
Jnion 1'acilie. The mayor called fn for
onsnltation several pnimini'iU citlxens ,
imong them ( ? eorgo V. Wright , T. J.
: vans , W. C. Jamrs , W. H. M.
'usoy and othufs. The request
of the railway commission was
aid before thorn and it was decided
.hat nothing bo done in regard to it. It
ooniH from till * action , or lack of action ,
: hat there has been a change of feeling
lero in regard to the Union Paelllo.
Hither the numerous causes of complaint
'iavo all been remedied , or clso. there has
won a reconciliation ell'ected , or clsa
; hose who mndo tliesn charges some
lime ago have concluded that they were
unfounded. It is singular that Council
Hull's should fail to improve such a
-htincit to show tip its grievances against
, ho Union Paellic , when a short time ago
't was so anxious to do so as to call
dther the railway commissioners of tlio
state , and start an invot-llgation of its
own. Time brings changes , and It seems
hat thorn is more friendliness towards
the Union Paellic.
I'rlccs Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 2V MA O ST. ,
S , IJL :
Omalia , ITcTo.
Paid up Capital $ SPO,000
Surplus 42,800
H. W. Yntps , President.
A , K. Toii/.ivlin , \'iu-Prcsiiciit. ! !
W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier ,
W. V. Jlorpc , John S. Collins ,
H.V. . Yatcs , Lewis S. Iluod.
A. E. Tou/ilin. :
Cor. 12th and Faninin His.
A General ISankiu ; . ' Jhisinuss Trnnsaoto
! .W. Harris & Bo.s .
ofCotmtlos.CltiM , Tow us , Wntor ,
GUH , HtiPot Co.'s n H o
iulty. Corroainiudiiuco eollcltud.
NOTICE-Allsuirer-'ra licm Hay Foyer who
will use the SmoKe Hall and "Detiellator"pacn-
ngeslx weeks prior t < > August 1st , 18S7and
hnvo the Hint syiiiptoiiis of the dlseimn nppoar
after that date , wo will HKFUND TIIK MONEY
Lnst Bummer this lomcdy was used by rnnny
sullcicrs , and gave satisfaction in every ciu > .
"Carbolic Smnko" gives Immediate relief In
Cntnirh , Afithmn , llronuhlnl nnd Throat Alfoa-
llons , Hoailachu , Croup , Colds , Lung DlseaBPI ,
etc- . , and II tnkcn In connection with our Dobol-
Inter treatint-nt Is vuirrnntod to euro every cnso.
A Free Test at our oHIoo parlors. Bent h *
mall on iccclpt of prlco , JJ. Smoke Hull , $ a ,
Dcbcllator } ! .
lloom 11 Crnighton lllock , Omnhn , Nob.
Umtiha , Nobraskrt.
Mnrtn from nQUM1 ! whoikt. lint Rern Flour
mu.lo. M.ikei buna mil mi' olc , InTl.-onilui tlm
lituln. Irenftlica * the nctTot , vurlchei tlio b'ood.
Ciiirurcnfr'tni rtjinrinla. InilUunllon. oonitlpHtlon
iltubclei , llrlulit t dltcain , "to. , will llml It Invuluit *
lilo. tiODI ) Foil WKMj 1'KOI'LK. Ordorltof your
dealer. Hinnple picnuue Ireo to | 'hr lcliiu | who will
pur UXITCII rlinrgKi , ClrcuUr 1'lvlnt ; lull partlou-
1'ralt & iruliits , OinaliiNob (
Manufacturers of Cuicnl SiiccluUlci.
for mun , I'm e In 3 tiny * tend for partlimlarB ,