Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier in on ; part of tboclty nt
twenty cents per week.
H. W. TILTOW , . . . Manager.
BrBJKr.pROmcr , No. 1A
N. Y.PlumblnK Co.
New spring goods utRcItcr's , tailor.
Additional Council Blulls news on the
seventh pajjo.
R. O. Dun & Co.'a July books arc out
and being delivered.
There will bu n meeting in the Tuber-
nnclo i this ovenliiE. Everybody invited.
Allen & Happ have rented a portion of
the J.J. Drown biillding , lirsl lloor , and
will fit up a Hrst-cliiss restaurant.
The HUE job rooms in Council Bltifl'p
yesterday received another largo new
press , the iiiercaslnir business iiRCussitat-
ing increased facilities.
Sonic unknown nipped a gold watch
from Goldstein's pawn shop on Hroad-
way. The sneak act was very slickly
done and no clue seems to show up.
The city council is to meet Friday
night for the allowance of bills , so that
the employes of the city may get their
pay In time to celebrate the 1-ourth.
John Short is complaining bitterly that
some one is tearing to pieces and carrj-
ing oil a vacant house near the transfer
belonging to him. lie says n reward will
bo forthcoming for nn informer.
The colored man Smith , charged with
trping to carve a dancing patry with a
razor , was to have had a hearing before
Judge Aylosworth yesterday , but the case
was continued until this afternoon at 3
Laura Maleol. a woman of the town ,
and John Morris , who claims to have
worked in Fowler's packing house , came
over from Omaha last evening under tlio
inlluenco of liquor , and were placed in
the city jail.
A farmer's team , standing on Alain
street , near First avenue yesterday , be
came frightened at a circus band , and
broke into a run. The frightened horses
dashed right into Baylies park , and came
to a stop against the iron railings , the
wagon being smashed , and one of the
horses having ono of his legs cut.
The Ugden house has to bo reopened
next week. The rooms alone will bo
used at present , and these occupying
rooms can secure their meals out. The
opening of the hotel will provo an accom
modation to many , as the city will bo
full of strangers during the coming week ,
while the celebration and the races are
in progress.
With thosloping.sandy beach , fine hotel ,
boat club houses , convenient bathing ac
commodations , rapid transit to and from
the city , steamers , and all. lake Manawa
supplies the need , and these in search of
recreation and pleasure need not to go
away from homo. The next improve
ment needed there Is electric lights to
guide the late rower to a safe landing.
It will come.
Remnant sale this week at ilarkness
Latest improved gasoline stoves at N
604 Alain street. W. A. Wood.
Tlio Press Association.
The meeting of the Southwestern Iowa
Press association was announced to beheld
held hero yesterday , and quite an elabo
rate programme was arranged. It was
expected that there would bo forty or
fifty members present. Arrangements
wore made by the citizens to have car
riages furnished the visitors for a drive
about the city. The Fifth regiment band
had planned on serenading them in the
evening , and otber details were provided
for. The number of visitors was , how
ever , small , there being hardly n half
dozen. Among these present wore J.
Fred Myers , or the Denison Rnviewr ; A.
L. Howard , of the Sidney Times-Union ;
C. K. Kennedy , of the Villisca Review ;
Ed Russell , of the Corning Free 1'ress ;
A. H. Sniir , of the Harrison County
News , and C. II. Snyder , of the Red Oak
Express. These gentlemen were at the
Facitio house , and held a meeting for the
transaction of routine business and ad
journed. They were driven about the
city and made to enjoy themselves so far
as possible in the limited time , for they
left ou the evening trains for homo. It
is hoped that the next time a meeting is
arranged to take place hero there will bo
a larger attendance. Council Bluffs
gladly welcomes these gentlemen , and
wsuld like to have an opportunity of en
tertaining every editor in western Iowa.
Order your bathing suits at Harkncss
J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title and deserve the success
they arc enjoying.
Embroidered suits at a discount at
Harkness Brothers.
One thousand head ol ono , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A ,
J. Greenamayer , Facitio Houso.
At the Pacific house you will save from
60o to $1 per day. Try it and bo con-
vinced. _
A Pastor Married.
Last evening : there was a wedding al
Saints' church , which interests a large
number of friends , and calls forth man ]
congratulations and well wishes. Tlu
bridegroom was Rov. J. F. McDowell ,
who has served so acceptably as tlu
pastor of this church. The bride was
Miss Lizzie Williams , an accomplished
lady and a worthy mistress for tlu
manse. The ceremony was performct
by Rev. M. 11. Forscott , of Omaha.
Pernonal Paragraphs.
Rev. Father Lonnahan , of Dunison , if
the guest of Rev. B. P. McMenoruy.
Miss Flora Longmald , in company witl
Miss May Clark , of Omaha , leave thii
evening for a month's visit to friends it
Michigan ,
Rev. Father Charles Zicglcr , of St
Louis is in the city , having come to at
tomt the commencement oxorciaes at St
Francis academy last evening.
H. Ourcn , of Living Springs , was ii
the city yesterday. His son , who was a
the Kiel hotel under treatment , is nov
at home. There seems little change n
his condition , though hope is fed upoi
the fact that he is no worse and at time
shows signs of improvement.
The lots In Lake View addition are al
large , high ana dry. The buyers o
these lots at the auction saloon Saturday
at 3:80 p. ui. , will double their money f
n short time. They command a beaut :
ful view of Lake Manawa.
Other agents may talk as hard as the
please about the Haniman piano. 1
ecu away with them for all Unit. Tli
Mueller Muslo company sell always enl
the best.
At costl We will sell refrigerators fc
the next thirty days to make room fc
fait goods. Cole & Cole , 41 Main strce
The best summer corset at H&rknei
i Brother * .
j ,
The Graduating Exercises of St , ' Francis
Academy Last Evening ,
lown Editors In the fihtlfr A Cold
Water Injunction Installation of
tlio Now Presbyterian Pas
tor 1'crnonnls.
St. Frnuoli Acndcrnjr.
The exercises of the sixteenth annual
commencement of St. Francis academy
were held lust evening. The programme
was lengthy , but it presented nil inter
esting showing of the result of the edu
cational processes of tlio academy upon
the girls and misses of all iiges.
The "musical features of the programme
were especially line. The sisters give
excellent instructions in this art , and the
pupils show proficiency.
The graduating class consisted of five
young ladies , nnd they acquitted them
selves well. Miss Sophia Gcrner gave a
well written essay on "Vcritas. " Later
in the programme she gave as a recitation ,
"The Uhymo of the Duchess May. " She
lias more than ordinary elocutionary
ability , and her .selection was very pleas
ingly rendered.
Aliss Anna Blanchard's graduating
essay was on "The Scroll of Life. " It
was a thoughtful , gracefully worded one
anil welt presented.
Miss Katie Connors gave o very poet
ical , yet practical sermon in her essay on
"Wear Your Velvet Within. "
The rest of the programme consisted
of instrumental and vocal selections ,
recitations and operettas.
Tlie audience was very large and all
seemed delighted. At the close the hon
ors , graduating medals , etc. , wore con
ferred. The following were those who
won these honors :
lligeest honors graduating medals con
ferred on Miss Katie Morris , Miss Sophie
Gnrncr , Aliss Anna Blanchurd , Aliss Ratio
White Rose for amiable and polite do.
porttnent , awarded by vote of the board
ers to Aliss Mary Coloman.
White Kosc for amiable and polite de
portment , awarded bv vote of tlio day
scholars to Miss Louise De Haven.
Deserving of honorable mention for
imoroveinont in lady-like deportment ,
Miss Alice AIcGrath , Mits Alaud Young ,
Aliss Annie Murphy.
For general good deportment and ex
cellence in studies : Miss Haltio Begg ,
Aliss Alary Coieman , Miss Alary Alurray ,
Miss Alaudo Davis , Aliss Aggie Alurray ,
Aliss hi//.io Tholl , Aliss Aggie Cook , Aliss
Eflio Bolati , MissMaeirio O'Donncll , Aliss
Tessio Coyne , Miss Nettie AlcAlee , Aliss
Angle Wicklmm , Aliss Alary Alunro , Aliss
Alav Wilson , Aliss Cora Bailey , Aliss
Alary Henkle , Miss Kittio Duane , Aliss
Jennie Keating , Aliss Nellie Lacy , Aliss
Alary Hesnan , Aliss Josie Lacy. Aliss
Jcanio CIcary , Aliss Nellie Aloore , Aliss
Annie Kilmartin , Aliss Alice Drees.
For amiability , application nnd attend
ance : Alibs Alary O'Neill , Aliss Minnie
LJnthank , Aliss Alollio Lacy , Aliss Ce
celia Hughes , Aliss Annie Nugent , Aliss
Kate Mountain , Aliss Mamie Aladdcn ,
Aliss Lena Tholl , Miss Louise Herman ,
Aliss Florence Alurdock , Aliss Alinnlo
Carroll. Aliss Nellie Hines , Miss Emma
Schneider , Aliss Clara Connors.
For politeness and neatness : Aliss Lil-
lip Hillas , Aliss Ella Coughlin , Aliss Mag
gie Gibbons , Aliss Alay Rolston , Aliss
Katie Fitzgerald , Aliss Maggie O'Connor ,
Aliss Anna McCarthy , Aliss Josie I'oi-
rigo , Aliss Alabel Love , Aliss Daisy
Young , Miss Ida Kane , Aliss Grace Wag
A Gold Wiuor Injunction ,
J. J. Shea is having trouble with the
water works company. The company
claimed that there was water rent due
and Mr , Shea claimed that the amount
duo , if any , was due from the owner of
the house , Mr. Wheeler , and not from
him. Ho was willing to pay from the
time that ho agreed to take water but
don't believe in back pay which ought to
bo collected of another. While this dif
ference was still unadjusted tlio com
pany wont to the place and shut oil' the
water. Mr. Shea got a plumber to turn
it on again. Then he went before Judge
Aylesworth and got an injunction re
straining the water works company from
interfering or from turning the water oft
from the nouso. The water wgrks com
pany tiled a motion to have the injunc
tion dissolved. Before this matter was
heard the water works company , as is
claimed , went to the house , and despite
the injunction took up the box , whore
the water is turned off and on ,
and took it out. thns cutting oft' '
the supply. Then Air. Shea caused a
warrant to bo issued for Harry Birkin-
bine , the engineer of the company , and
H. P. Warren , the bookkeeper , for them
to appear and show cause why they
should not bo fined for contempt of
court. These two gentlemen appeared
before Judge Aylesworth yesterday af
ternoon , and gave security for their ap
pearance on triday morning , when the
case will probably be heard. There may
some interesting decisions grow out of
this case , and water consumers will
watch the outcome. It is certainly re
freshing to note that the injunction
cases , which have been heretofore against
whisky , are now involving cold water.
It is getting to be a serious state of affairs
when a thirsty soul cannot get cither
strong or mild drinks , whisky or water ,
without having the liquid filtered through
an injunction.
No Llfcht Matter.
The action of the city council in pass
ing the gas ordinance to a second reading
has called forth much indignation. Tlu
assurances have been privately and in
formally given that this obnoxious ordi-
.nauco would not receive any further at
teution. It now seems that the ordinance
Is one notch nearer the top , and is in i
much better condition for having sncakot
through in some form. The gas company
is managed by shrewd men , who ar <
naturally and to a certain extent justi
fmbly looking after their own interests
Any proposition to renew tlio charto
should be looked upon with suspicioi
and handled with care , but when tha
proposition embodies the condition o
this city paying twice as much for gas a
is paid by outer cities , it should havi
been dropped into the basket. This cit ;
has for years been paying onormou
prices for gas , and the company has ha <
a monopoly. The price of gas lias elate
late been nearly three times what othe
cities have been paying , and now it i
claimed that it is a generous reduction i
throw oft * enough so that Council Blutl
wili only have to pay about twice whn
other cities pay. The price of gas ha
been | 4.00 a thousand for years , while i
cities a better quality has bee :
given for loss than $3.00. There has bee
little agitation on tl < o question , bccaus
the citi/cns were so confident that th
ordinance for a renewal of the chnrte
would not be given oven a second read
ing. This having been dona it is tim
that the citizens should be aroused , aa
express their minds freely. Good gas t
a cheap price is what is demanded. Th
present company has bad a chance fc
several years to meet this demand , an
not having done so it seems that the cit
council should bo in no haste to rene'
the monopoly. . There has been , and !
now much faith in the wisdom and cai
lion of the council , and the people lee
to that b'ody for protection. The action
of the council in passing the ordinance
to a second rending isi however , alarming - -
ing , and a prompt halt should bo made.
The question of lighting the streets is
also an Important one. There are vari
ous devices on account of the oxhorbi-
tant price of gas. It costs the city now
about $ ,100 a month foi1 getting what
flickering lights as are afforded. The
city has been paying the gas company ? ! K )
for each post. All ono needs to uo Is to
lljturu for himself the average number of
hours each night that a lamp post is
lighted , the number of feet of gas each
burner consumes per hours , and with the
average of moonlight nights It appears
that the gas company lias been getting
over .f4 a thousand tor the gas burned
these many years in the street lamps.
The city has been trying tocconomi/o by
using oil lamps in certain districts , and
has been forced into this by the high
rates of gas. This lias gone on so long
that it-will not satisfy the public for the
company to now come in with a paltry re
duction , leaving the price as reducedoven ,
still so much higher than that paid by
other cities. It is time that the city and
the citizens insisted on cheaper rates ,
rates somewhere in proportion to
of other cities. The company's charter
has two years yet to run , but there is a
strange anxiety to get the charter re
newed now. Possibly before that two
years is up there will lie other imnrovo-
incuts in lighting a city , which will en
able tlio city to got its light si ill cheaper.
The electric light company is already fig
uring on lighting the entire city , and
thoco ivno have the making of contracts
and the granting of charters should in
vestigate carefully before deciding.
There should be no trilling with such
important matters , and no hanging of an
obnoxious onlinancn so high up as to en
able it to bo shoved to a successful top-
reach by some shrewd and unexpected
move by those interested.
Installing a Pastor.
'EJic installation of Uov. Stephen Phclps ,
D.D. , as pastor of the Presbyterian
church , took place last evening. The
thunder shower ritiuo up at an unfor
tunate time , just as the bells were ring
ing for the service. On tills account the
audience was not so largo as it would
otherwise have been. Tlio church was
beautifully decorated with plants , vines
ferns and llowers. A very elaborate iud
beautiful double star of cut flowers , the
center of red , ihe border of white , stood
by the pulpit.
The preliminary services consisted of a
business meeting ot the presbytery , at
which the record was madn complete , the
transfer of Dr. Phclps from the Cellar
KanMs presbytery being accepted , his
call to this church read , and his accept
After these preliminaries the service *
of inntalhition followed. Rev. Air. Cas
ett , of Emerson , presided. Rev. Air.
Smith , of Clarinda , offered a very tender
and appropriate prayer. Rov.Alr.McAfee ,
of Corning , read portions of scripture
Aliss Barbara Alcrkcl sang a sweet solo.
Rev. W. AIcAfee delivered a clear ami
loreiblo sermon. His text was. "Jesutr
said unto them , 'Follow Ale and 1 will
make you fishers of men. ' " Ho spoke
of the authority with which Christ spoke
Then the call was a personal ono. It
was a command not to live in accordance
anco with some code of moral ethics , bu !
to follow a living leader. The commnni
was to follow a Christ-like life. "Hi
Lhat hath not the Son hath not life.1
An obedience to the command domanilei'
sacrifice. Tlio iisl.ermcn had to lea\e
their nets. Tno yospel of love was tin
fruit of sacrifice , ami demanded sucn
fico. No good thing was to bo obtainei.
except hy sacrilice. The call for sacri
fice was'however , to bi'ing men into : .
higher ministry. If the nets had to IK
left , it was that they might become fish
ers of men , a nobler sphere of useful
ness. Cicero said that men became
most like gods when doing good to thoii
fellows. Human philanthropy , noble : i'
it was , could not compare
with the mission of winning souls. To
save a soul was greater than to conquci
a world. Christ also provides for the lit-
ness of these called to this noble minis
try. "I will make you fishers of men. "
He would supply the deficiencies. If
these who were tryinp to follow Christ
were not soul winners , it was because ot
a lack of consecration. This call caini
to everyone.
Rev. E. E. Smith , of Clarinda , then d--
livered the charge to the pastor. It wi-s
excellent , and despite the solemnity rf
the duty , it was bright and not without
a tinge of sprightlini'ss. Ho urged tin-
now pastor to "Preach thn Word.1'
Christ was the beginning and tlio end of
the word. Besides this trust , there wa -
the trust of caring for the flock of which
ho was tlio shepherd. Ilia personal life
must bo an example , yet ho need not be
gloomy. Life was not all tragedy , nor
was it a furcc. Ho should realize Un
importance of this point in the Hold. He
and his church should bo in close rela
tionship with the church at largo.
Rov. Mr. Cassett delivered the charge
to the congregation. Ho said ho did not
feel cailod upon to Instruct them as to
their duties , but to remind thorn of these ,
and stir them to greater action. He
grouped their duties into three classes ,
support , encouragement , co-operation.
The salary should be paid , and promptly.
It was not a charity , but a legal and
moral obligation. The people should
give moral as- well as financial support.
There should be regularity in attending
church. The people should not let the
pastor do all the work because of his be
ing a loader. They should work with
Bargain sale this week at Harkucss
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate offices in the city ;
2 per day.
Get your bathing suit goods at Hark-
ness Brothers.
For female diseases and chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Rico , No.
11 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
Rico's new invention. It makes a man
of you in five minutes. No. pain. No ,
11 Pearl street.
Over JVb. 12 North Mtiin St.
City and countr maps , 6f cities and counties
Council BlulTs.Iowa.
Established 18ST.
The llnest of driving horses always * ou
hand mid for sale by
Vncint Lots. Lands , City IlosMoncos and
Farms. Aero piopcrty In western pnrtof city.
All soiling chciip to iniiku room for sprint ; stoe *
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Hoota 5 , o\cr Ofliier & i'usoy's Bank , Cou
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
Attorneys at Law ,
ctice in the State and Fedora Courti
Rooms 7 and S Shugurt-Beno Block.
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
iinincnts , ns
well as tlie
newest nov-
oltiesiu hair
. goods.
* J JIair poods
mudcto order
Mrs.C. L. Gillette
-9 Mflin St. , Council lilufl's. Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , ami all mail
inters promptly attended to.
l.nrgohuts in white , blnok and nil colors , rat-
I tern bonnets , lints uml toques , u specialty ,
j No 1514 UoutfhiB st. , Umnha.
. Jf. SCHU11Z ,
Justice of the Peace.
Otliceuvtir American K
Special advcrtlsomcnta , such as Lost , Found
'iOl/onn , For Snlo , To Kent , Vinnts , Doardlnir ,
etc , will bohiaorU'J la thU column ft the low
ratoof TEN CENTS 1'Elt LINE for the first Insor-
ion and i''lvoCeiHsrcrLlnoro.'cacli gutisoquoiii
Insertion. Lcuvo advertisements at our uffl.'D
No. 13 Vearl sticet , nuar liroadwujr , Council
l\f ANTKD Housekeeper ; ulso man to tnko
' care or horses , man and wife prcteired.
J. W. & K. L. Squire.
WANTED A tfirl : must bo peed cooit nml
for Kcnoriu housework. Apply at oncu
to Mrs. John T. llaldwin , No. 130 South SUtli
TJ'OU ' HKNT iight-room : house , in Kood ro-
L1 pair ; No. ( IKl Illuff st. : f30pcrmontu. .Mrs.
M.J.Colo , No. OlIHIhat.
[ lOIl KENT Coul phodl , oltlco nnd scales , ono
' tlvo-rooin house. U. Mttyno , ffiy 6th nvo.
WANTED A treed conk and irtrl for Konoial
housework In a fumlly of tour. Mrs.
Thomas Olllcor , No. 531 Willow avenue.
SALH-Or Trade Biz sections of good
FOll In Lincoln county , Neb. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or address Udell liroa. & Co. ,
103 Pearl at. , Council lUutTs.
w ANTKD A ( rood girl for general house
work. Apply at 70j Sixth avenue.
Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Ulutls , Opp. Dummy Depot
. _ . _ e
Horses and mules kept constantly o
hand , for sale at retail or In car load
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTEK & HOLEY : , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Salo. Stables , corner
lat. avo. and 4th st
E. 8. BAJINETT , .
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluff * .
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Pianos and Organs
Person ? wisliiug to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
IiutrumcnU Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to give saturaclluu
' 9vcr 2O years'Experience In Piano and Orgun Work.
Swanson M usic Co.
, ' . ' No. 327 Broadway , Council Blulfr , tova ,
Another array of bar-
ains will be presented
this week on onr bargain
counters during our
clearance sale.
Goods !
Laces !
Ttiek Former Price !
Henry Eiseman
& CO.'S
People's Store
314,316,318 , , & 320
Parasols at greatly reduced prices to close
the season's stock.
Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 25o -
The present invoice of this splendid Jlvi
bargain is nearly sold ,
Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at
prices to clean the counters ,
Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dresi
Goods in a very great variety.
We are headquarters for Carpets of all
kinds ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Uluffr Olllcc , IMiiHoulu
Temple. Omiiliu OlHco , Mo 111
North Kith street.
Pnrtfculnr attention given to In-
ventlnyf funds lor non - resi
dent * . Special bargains In lot * St
acre property In Omaha & Coun
cil IIIulU. . Correspondence nolle-
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boarders : : Keduoed : : Rates.
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Order * 8Mpp * < * Promptly.