Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
A-- ? ' OMAHADAILYt BEE : WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1887. BIG SUIT FOR DAMAGES , Ik A Lincoln Citizen Who Thinks Himself In jured to That Amount , BUILDING CONTRACTS AWARDED Jlio Comlnc Sciston of the Ijancagtcr County's Ta.toliorn' Institute Kx- pcctctl to Accoinpllnh Much Qootl Capital Novf . THE nr.n's i.iNcot.N iiunr.Au. ] A cnso has boon filed hi district court in which the plnmtliT risks for ? 2j,000 damages. It has boon sovural thijM since a dntnrtgo suit has bcon filed and the present one promises to bo fought to a finish. The plaintiff Is Charles W. Hoxio , and ho sues Timothy Kclloy for the above amount of change , tilloging in his petition that Kellcy , with malicious contrivance and intention to injure nnd bring the plaint ! A'into disrepute , charced fcnd caused it to bo reported that ho , the plaintiff , had committed forgery , and further caused him to bo arrested nnd cost into prison on the charge of forging and making alterations In a certain con tract. This , U will bo rememborcd , was a row over a sale of real estate and Hoxio was arrested and tried on the charge that ho had altered u contract to change the amount of commission in the deal. At the trial that was held in the justice court Hoxio was acquitted , but ho recites that ho wus Injured in his credit and reputation and was brought into public disgrace and imprisonment. On thin statement of facts ho asks a verdict for $25,000.CO.NTHACT CO.NTHACT AWAnDCD. Yesterday the board of public lands ami buildings met in adjourned session to open bids and award contracts for the construction of now buildings at the Norfolk asylum. Thcro wore three bids for the work , us follows : 1) . 13. Howard , Lincoln , fOJfi80 ( ; Hugh Murphy , Omaha , $05,000 , and George II. King , of lirook- lyn , la. , f8'J,750. The contract was awarded Mr. Howard on his bid of 100,580.THE THE COUNTY INSTITUTE. The eleventh annual session of the Lancaster county touchers' institute will bo hold in the Academy of music build ing , Lincoln , commencing July 18 and continuing until July JJO. inclusive. There aru some 300 or 400 teachers in Lancaster county , and County Superin tendent McClusky hopes to make this session the largest in attendance and the most thorough in work accomplished of any Institute yet held in the county. 1'rof. Ooorgo Beck , of Plattville , Wis' . , Superintendent C , I ) . Kakestraw , of the Nebraska City schools , and Prof. D. It. Lillibridgo , of the Lincoln business col lege have been secured as the instructors. In the published announcement of the in stitute Superintendent McClusky iny.s : "Tho session will last two weeks. Teach ers intending to teach in Lancaster county the coming year are expected to be present from the opening to the close of the institute. In order that you may bolter understand the work required at this session , it may be well to mention ' that' State Superintendent George 11. Lane has prepared a general m annul covering the work of second grade studies , methods , etc. , for the use of instructors. Your superintendent considers it a val uable guide in your wovk aud has there fore made arrangements to furnish each teacher with a copy of the manual , which may bo had at any time by calling at the county superintendent's olllce , Teachers receiving mnuuals will bring them to the institute. It is recommended that all make a careful study of the manual and the branches therein named , the course of study for the common schools and the school laws of Nebraska. Lectures and association meetings will bo hold and the dalus will be announced at the opening of the institute. KESOLUTIONS FOIl TIIAYER. Farragut post , at its last meeting , passsed with much enthusiasm the fol lowing resolution , commending Governor Thayer nnd his prompt action on the rebel Hag question ; Itcsotved , That the action of Governor John M. Thayer tn telegraphing President Cleveland protesting against the return of the rebel lings to the so-called confederate state meets our cordial endorsement. Ucsolved , That the sentiments of lovalty and'lndlcnntlon at the subserviency of trea son expressed by Governor Tlmycr tn said dispatch Is In full harmony with the sontl- me Us of the soldleri of the union now re siding In this cimmoiwjalth. : liesolved , That the piompt action of Gov ernor Thayer In coixlomnlnit the action of the president meets with the hearty approval of the momburs of this post. Ketiolvcd , Tlmt a copy of these resolutions bo duly transmitted to Governor Tlmycr by the adjutant of the post- II-MIIIY IIOTCIIKISS , JAMES llu.vrox , 1'ost Commander. Adjutant. Farragut post also passed resolutions defining their position upon the pension bill and the etlorts to increase the recog nition accorded loyal soldier's of the union. ABOUT THE CITY. I ; our additional plats were filed In the county clerk ' oflico yesterday showing that If the hot weather has increased the number of sales that the mania for lay ing out additions continues nnd will so long us there is gloiy in colng-out in the country and staking town lots , In police court yesterday George Dodd was before the exponent of the law on a warrant sworn out by S. Greenstone , charging him with assault. The usual line was asbosncd. G. F. Kurmg , a drunk and disorderly , was lined , nnd M. Lynns. who became drunk and smashed a buggy and injured a woman , was lined $10 and costs and committed. Trusty , the colored man who has had trouble with the Johnson family that were dosed with poison , wont to the family residence Monday evening and soon was in a small war with the entire family. Stones and bricks were the weapons nnd the family came out second best , The sheriff made a lively chase aftur Trusty and caught him in tno woods beyond the penitentiary. In police - lice court yesterday , Trusty paid. a line of f 10 and costs and was dismissed. Lancaster county is to have a new $200,000 court house , and as a prelimi nary to the commencement of building , the commissioners will go on a journey and inspect n number of the best court houses in the west , to get their ideas working. The Lincoln canning company that is now erecting buildings and preparing for work in a short time out nt West Lin coln , will increase its capital stock to $25,000 , in order to have moans to prose cute work on an enlarged scale. Deputy Sheriff A. N. IJarnett , of Gage county , came up to the capital Monday evening , bringing with him Eugene Hughes , who will board with Wurdcu Hyers at the penitentiary for a season. There are many cheap cosmetics of fered for sale , which claim to contain nothing Injurious to the skin. This is all fcojA.nll. or very nearly all are com pounded from the most deleterious and poisonous drugs in the materia modlca. They destroy the vitality of the skin , making the consumer Dtcmaturely with ered and old. J , A. Pozzoni guarantees his medicated complexion powder en tirely free from all injurious matter , and will gladlv pay f500 to any practical chemist who can find upon analysis the lightest trace of white lead orarsunio Use none other and you will never regret. Price SO cents and fl.OO per box. Sold bj all druggisU and perfumers' . IMmtogrnphy In Color. London Times : Another process for producing colored photographs without the aid of the artists' work In the ordi nary sense of thn term , Is being intro duced into practical photography. This system originated with M. Ccllenor , but has been developed aud perfected by Mr. K.V. . Ilarkes. In the Celllerier process the negative Is taken by the camera In the ordinary way and on ordinary plates. The picture is then transferred to glass by the carbon or othur similar process , and appears as a positive on a very fine transparent film. The negative can bo used for the production of nn indefinite number of pictures just as In ordinary photography. So far the Celleriur nnd I'arkes processes run parallel , l-'or col oring , however , M. Ccllorlor takes a care ful sketch or tracing of the subject on a sheet of specially prepared paper. This sketch is next colored in flat tints by the brush , and the sketch is then caused to adhere to the back of the pos itive film. The paper Is then carefully removed and the color is found to have become transferred to the film , A backing ot paper or cardboard Is then fixed behind the positive and the film is cut around to the size of the card board , which , upon being removed , Is found to have the colorcu photographic picture mounted on its face. The im provement ellcctcd by Mr. Parkcs relates to the method of coloring , which process ho has greatly simplified without im- paring the cfluctivcness of the picture. Instead of employing the sketching , col oring , and transferring process of M. Ccllerior , which occupy considerable time , Mr. Parkos simply colors the back of the positive film direct with ordinary colors laid on not , however , with the brush , but in a kind of dabbing manner by the linger. After having been colored the film Is transferred to the final sup port , either paper or cardboard , in the wny already described. The Collerjor- Parkcs process , : is it is now called , being vorked by the Celloricr syndicate , at one if whoso studios , the Pall Mall gallery , . collection ot finished works produced i.V this process has been inspected by a lumber of photographic and other art- sts. Asa whole the numerous examples Hustrating this new departure in photo graphy wore satisfactory. Ivlng on the Reputation of Others. "Tako everything that I have but my good name ; leave mo that and I am con- cut. " So said the philosopher. So say ill manufacturers of genuine articles to hat horde of imitators which thrives pen the reputation of others. The goo amo of Alcock's Porous Plasters has in uced many adventurers to put in th market imitations thiit are not only lack 'ng in the best elements of the genuiuo .rticlo , but arc often harmful in their ireots. This is not only theft , but night well bo called malpractice. Such i thing ought not to bo. The public hotild be warnad against thcso frauds , , nd , when an external remedy is needed , ie sure to insist upon having Alcock's 'orous Plaster. Strawberries ! Strawberries ! Chicago Herald "I'm : a strawberry myer , " said a sunburned young man on South \ ator street. "I suppose every body thinks he's a strawberry buyer nowadays , but he Isn't in the way that 1 mean. I represent a commission house liero and go up into Wisconsin to buy up ho crop , or such sections of it as 1 can ind. It takes some lively hustling to got the berries. The growers arc shy and they have learned that there's bijr competition between commission houses. ! Nearly all the big dealers have men out nnd farmers want to hear from us all before they boll. Sometimes wo bid against each other pretty lively , but ' .ho growers have learned to bo can- Jons. Now men who bid bigmonev don't always carry off the fruit. It lias bcon found that their houses nro not in the habit of remitting with that promptness which is dcsirablo. For this reason a man who buys for an old and prompt- paying house has the advantage. Wo are up early and late when wo arc in the strawberry country. Most of the Wiscon sin fruit comes hero by boat , nnd wo have to see it off by night , Then the next rooming wo must be up and skylarking about as early as the sun. The season is not a long one , and it is good for some of us that it is not. I have bought mpro'n a hundred thousand boxes of berries so far this year , aud have not eaten a smglo berry as yet. My best hold is water melons. _ A Terrible Fire arouses the apprehensions of a whole city. And yet tbo wild havoc of disease startles no one. Sad to relate , women suffer from year to your with chronic diseases nnd weaknesses peculiar to their box , knowing that they are growing worse with every day , and still take no meas ures for their own relief. Ur. Picrcc's "l-'avorito Prescription" is the result ol life-long nnd learned study of female complaints. It 13 guaranteed to cure. The Torpedo Itoat at * an Engine ol Warfare. Exchange : The torpedo boat as an en- ginn of naval warfare has not as yet proved an unqualified success. The latest French experiments with it failed entirely. A Hoot of transports was to make a voyage from Toulon to Algiers and return , convoyed by wur ships. A fleet of torpedo boats wus to attack the convoy at every opportunity. The squadron started oil'on a gale so fierce the boats could not go to sea , and came back on n night so dark that the boats could not find a single vessel. This would indicate that the torpedo boat must find an one my accommodating enough to sail only in fair weather and by daylight , if it is to got ti chiuico to blow anything or anybody up. Every family can have a first-class laundry at homo by using Electric Lustro Starch. The llcduccd Cost of lluuntnK Ku- clnoa. Philadelphia Call : The cost of running A locomotive on our railroads has fallen , owing to improved machinery , from 20j cents per inilo run in 1857 to less than 1- cents in 18S7. The wages of engineers and fireman have increased during that period from 4J cents per mile run to 5j cents. The reduced cost of running the engines has not bcon attained at the ex pense of the engineers and firemen , niuf that may explain the reason why no dis satisfaction is manifested by them. DRPR1CES SPECIAL MOST PERFECT MADE ed br the Unltod BUtei GoTernmenl. d br tb hed of tb Qrcrt UatvureltlM bUc FOod Atttlf § U u Tbe Btronffeat , Pored , utt lf ltbtoL Ir. Price the onlj Baking r thu doe * oot conula Ammonia , Lime ot lr. Price' * Extract * , Vanilla. Lemon , ete. , UUciooalr. FJUCJt UAKINU OWDEBCO. TO PROFIT YOO 25 PER CENT. And wear tlie best clothing produced by the most skilled workmen in the country , by making your purchases this week at The Misfit Parlors. The recent arrivals of garments for summer wear , consist of everything intended for man's wear , Seersuckers , Alpacas , Pongees , Silks Worsteds , and Flannel Coats and Vests , In an endless variety , at prices which we can safely defy competition. No trash. You can also , without fear or doubt , have your every desire gratified in your wear for any season of the year , you can have a stock of 800 t > airs of N ALOONS ! To select from at prices to suit your pocket-book , and in any style of cut you may desire. A full force of skilled tailors always ready to alter your garment to fit you to your taste when required , without extra charge. We also make a specialty of TS' ' FURNISHINGS INCLUDING HATS. When you think of buying anything in the above mentioned and wish something equally as nice as any man's money will buy. You will find it to your interest to day a visit to Street , Omaha , Nebraska , CAPITAL PRIZE , $150 , "Wo do hproby certify thnt wo suporvUo the nrrnnifcmoms fi > r all tliu Monthly mul Soml-An- nuul Drawings of The Loulslium State Lottery Cnmpnny , imJ In person mnrmjfo nnil control tlioilruwliwa tliomsolvu. * , nnd that the snmo nro conducted wltn honesty , fnlrno s and In good Inltli toward nil pnrtlo , nnd wo authorize the Company to use thin cortlflcato with fao-slm- lles ot our signatures uttncuod , in its advertise ments. " COMMISSIONERS. Wo the undersigned Dunk * nnd Bankers will rrny nil 1'rizes drawn In The Louisiana State Lotteries which may bo prosoutod tit our coun ters. .1. II. OULKSIIY , Pros. Louisiana National Ilk. l'IiKKi : : I.ANAUX , 1'rcs. Btnto National Bk A. H.Vi.mriX , Pros. Now Orleans N'ut'llln nk CAUL K01IX , I'res. Union National linnk. XPllECEDENTElTATRTACTION ! OVER AJILLION DISTRIBUTED. Loulsania Slate Lottery Comimiiy Inoorpor.ito.l In 1W , for 25y nrs liy IK.- _ for tfdiic.itloml unit cli.trititblo imrpotm nltli n rapltiil of J1.UUJ.OJU to which u rosurvo l.lrul ot over JSrtl.lJW has Mnco been ndilol. llyitn overwhelming popularroto It * fr.incnlsa nns mndti apart of the pre aiiiiinti > couatuutlonuiloptcu December 2nd , A. I ) . 1ST' . ' . 'J'liu only lottery ever votoil on nnd endorsed by tlio people ol' any state. It never sciilos or postpones. Its Ginnd Single Number Drawings tnlcoplace monthly , nnd the fjeinl-AnnuHl Uruwiiurs rcRiilarlyovury x months ( Juno nnd lucoui > bor ) . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY" TO WIN A FORTUNE. Bovcnlh Grand Drnvrliw. dim O , In the Academy of Muslo. Now Urlenm. Tues day , July 118S7 ZOfltU Monthly Ornwln ? . CAPITAL PUIXE , 6150,000. &f Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , S . LIST ( IP IMtlKIH. 1 CAPITAL PR1X.K 01' S1W.ODO. . . . 5150,003 1 GRAND I'Rl/.i : OF BJ.OOO. . . . 6U.HOO KIKANDPRIXKOF SO/XV ) . . . . 'M.UM Slu\llOK PRIZES OK 10.UOO. . . . 5M.IIOO 4 IAHfKPHI/.ESOF 6.0TO. . . . SO.IWO SO PRIZES OF 1 ! ) ! " 6U 100 200 " 200. . . . 4nX ( > 0 5110 " HO. . . . 1.000 11 5U. . . . 50,000 APPHOXIMTIOX ntI7ES. 100 Approijmiitlon PrUcs ot { : ax > . . . . $30,000 100 " " 2'M ' . . . 20,000 UiO " " 100. . . . 10,000 2,179 Prizes amounting to . SM-VOTO Application for club rules rheuM lie mnuoonly o thontllcoof ibo company In NuwOrluani. V'or further Information write tlo.irly , cmni : full artilreM. 1'OSTAL NOTKS.exprem moner orJera.or New York Kxclinnao In nnllimrr luttcr. Currency by eiprejj ( at our expense ) iHlilesscit 31. A. I'AU 1 111 * * ) , XKW OHLUANS , la. , OrM. A. DAUPHIN , WASHINGTON , D. C. Address Itcgtstcred letters tn NEW OllLUANS NATIONAL HANK NEW ORLEANS It ill M lit TVf H P 11 I oenorali Timt the Uaauregura presenca and of Karlr , who are In cnnrna ot tbo ilruvTlnm , u aguao unit * ot abioluta fnlrneis and Integrity , that thu chancc ra all eiinitl. unit tbat DO ono poiilbir divine bat number * nlll draw a 1'rlie. UbMKMlIKU tbat tbe payment of nil prlioi Is Gir.UlANTKKIl IIY FOITH .NATIUVAL P.\N'KS Of .Vow Orleans. ami tUo Tlckcttaro ilzned by too pruildcut of un Institution , whoso chnrtere < 1 rlitliti nro recog nized In lha ulKbett rourui therefore , beware of anjr Imitations orunonjrmoui ichomet AI.KU CUEOTUIU I1KLT8 FO1I DIMEAHEH. Oi. HORNE. INVIMTOB. IBi WABAM AVLCHICAGO. . BICHABD EBBITT , M. B. C. Y. S. , Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Royal College of Veter nary Surgeons , London , England. Offlce , BenhwTj' * Stable , 118 North 10th Street , Omaha. 1 Instant re- VARICOCELEi , lief. Wont cascgcured. Noknlfe , dnift * or clamp * ueccl. Add. T. 0.8upl > l7Oo.UoxIU , St.Louli.llo. ABSOLUTE P RFECTOH ! IN BAKINGi AND ALL- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DQOB iOUND EXCLUSIVELY ON THE MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Vcrr fetrnrnplo know tbat the flhrlnkage nf ro-wted In acla-ooT a i > from thlrtjr-llvoto fortr I" " cent. Allm utcnntaInii oTeutr.nvobercent.ornat t nnj only twenty-live percent , ofbollj matttr.nml t ! . lo-xthntlimailH Intba roatthivUmaiielntneevapo , lallouotthBJutC8.TClilch UtlnMTAL TAETOF MEil Effect of tlio SOLID OVEN Door. A TES inland birloln. medium or wet l-aoue. will be BrPUCEtlto SIX t'ouniHntifl four ouuroa ot IConKtctl meat , liowiittnlo ( < of thtcoi'oiinil nniltwel BnuncBi of Juice. V bile tbe Ion In SI4 wTcent. of thn total velcht. It > how the cuuruioua Loa * or IITIlt fEI CLXI. , cr TUB JUICK. Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEW Door. A TEV ound Sirloin , mi ilium or nelMono. will U Jriluccil lo nlnenoun l mulelfht nuucttor UoinM tnaat , pcowtiiKa loiiiof olijbt ouncei of Juice. Wblli thlslouli dvo r r c nt.of thn totnl weiaht. itilumi the JT small Lesser IIDTB > . \ EM rcn CUMT. oif Juicji SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AHD PRICE LISTS. CHABTEH OAK 8TOVES and RANGES are BOLD IN KEBKASKAaa ( oll&wi : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. P. KEN'NEV , GORDON. DALLAS& LETSON , HASTINGS. E. C. HREWER HAV SPRINGS. H.AIRD&CO NMRASKACITV. W. F. Tr.MPL.EION , NFLSON. l.n. STURDCVANT &SON , ATKINSOW. J. KASSScCO. , CHADHON , KUAUSK , UJI1KEK& WELCH COLUHHUS. OLUS IROS ! EDGAR. TANKKLL&SWEENUY FAIBDURV. OETTLE& FAGER , FFANKUS. N.J. JOHNSON NORTH UKND. J.J. McCAFKEUTY O'NnLL CITY. R. HAZLEWOOD OSCFOLA. I. S. DUKE PLATTSMOUTII. A. PEAKSON , SrrRUvn. j G. GREEN. STnoMSBURC. 1 A. 1'AOnr.N ftSON SifFiuoR. TIMMCKMAN &FKAKER The Best and Safes i Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , liead of St. Marys' Av enue. me3 &Smith,3 ja th Omaha. WE . IAKXUI , ( If. . 17 . , " > pui , mild , ioolhlftf cumnti of tl.culc. ItTdlrtcUj ihruuib all wtik ptrti rtitor. injthim - - - and Vljorouif trtntth. tlecula Current' f.H Iniunllr or e forf.ltJ5.uo U rith. UnatiitImpro < > Uo ? < ra. " - - - ' -ilu.wonicMiipcr < ninintl/cundlnlhrcainontbi. . ThotiodiaElMtrloCo. ie U8tllc t.Ghleig i. Y. DEPOT 1312 Douglass St. SPORTING GOOD 1887 Model. EPAlDIKtrS WindErmere Teniiis Bat is the delight of all skillful Tennis Play ers. THtumui , CIUXW80D , ElHtYA , rAVGRITf MD B3YSTJWN , mating the finest line ot Tennis Data on tlio market , rung- Ing In price , from $1.00 to $0.00 each. Acents tor Wright & Dltson's Wcntworth Locket , nnd W. fs D.'a Adopted Tcnnta Ball , Rpaltllng'sTradeMarked Tcnnlo Ball , Striped Tennis Coats , Hats , Belts , Shces , Stockings , complete Tennis Uni forms , nnd everything pertaining to Lawn TcnuU. Catalogue free upon application. Collins Gun Co 1312 Douglaa St M. L. DOUGLAS RtjlUh , nuriblo. liny rittlnz. Tha beet ga Slimi lit tlio World. IV. I. . 1 > OU < JI.AS $2.50 SHOE equils tile tt3 Mioe-i r tlseil hy other Urnu. Our $2 PnOK roit HOYS ( Hv prent MI > rietnn. | All tl.o iilhivuarH m.i < ! n til Ititttnii , CnnKrt' H and Iino , nil Mylt-i of toi. Sold by ' . ' .Oiio < lrxlrr thcuili ; < mt tlia U. S. If yuiir dealer il Hi not kteii them , K'tul naint ) ( .11 . 1'Oft.ll ' toV. . I , . imitfiLAs , ItiiK kldii.-'MiihS. CDAlin u ' . " " com to my rnHUU.VnciwkMlc , ) Hint KOIUO ( lealnrn nro ofTcrliiB ullicr cowls ni inlno , and nheniukril why my Mump U not on th i > hne . ttte that I turn dlicontluurd Itn use. TH IS I * 1'AI.SK. T ka non rtiiretrntrd to l i th " \V. L. Unugui feho B. " nnniftarrunt < ' < i and vrlro nr Ktnniiicil on Ixitton ; nf each ' blii ( . W. L. IXllIULAS , lirovktun , Jlnss. For sale by Kclloy , Stiver & Co.oor Dodgrc and inth-sts. ; Henry Sargout cor. toward and Saumlers ns- PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tli * OrlBlnitl and Only Gennlae. ii , B > U M . n wu < of worthlt * * Imllttloni ftold br DruxzUU * T rywli ait hr "Cklfh < ' KwU k" Vu rur n mrtry town for Wo hnvolmndlod your cl nrs for more thnn 15 years. Vour "Tannlll's 1'unch" Is the brut Bciilu ? nnd most popular nlcVIo cigar' ' wo liuvo poll ] and U still our loadliiK 6a cliff" " . J.NO. It. POUTEII&CO. , UruKKlats. .lockford , III IIIBtSS , R , W. TANSILL A CO. , LAWRENCE , OSTROM & CO. , LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY : IO YEAR OLD BELLE-BOURBON WHISKEY For Medicinal find Family Use. ABSOLUTELY PURE NO FUSEL OIL ! Is Death to Sure Cure for MALARIA , CONSUMPTION , CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS BOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATION INDIGESTION , OF FOOD. DYSPEPSIA. PRICE , $1.25 Sold Only In BatUu. for Quart Bottlf. for Salt bg Grocer ! For Salt fry and Wlnt Mtrchantt Drutglt Efftrywhirt. Cueryuhtri. | N WOlMflNB " 'l.v ' ? ' * . UUIl . ! J'Slfc , BELLE F&OJJRBON"uim srni , flTOSS ° * HLY THE FLINfr OR HDMlNY PART Of W ITDr FUSELOILBCFDREITI5 THE GREAT APPETIZER. < * : Thli li to certify tbat I have examined the tainplo ot UKI.LK OFHOUKIION WHISKEY reecUnd from Lawrtnco , Oitrom * Co. , and fuund the same to tie perfectly free from Kuiel Oil and all other deleterloul lubitancet and strictly pure. I cliocrfully rccumnit-nd tlio name fur fainlluiul .Mullchiul jmrpoiei. J. P. BiBXCH. M. 1) . . Analytical Uliemlit. Loulirllle. t y. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. 1'riccj the lowest. Repairing n specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union 1'acificRailroad Company. EDUOATIONAIj' ALBANY LAW SCHOOL Thirty-M-vcntli jriirbi ltiR Sept. Oth.lStf. For ulroulara or spuclul Inloriimtlon ndilro'8 IlorucolSinltli. : . LL. L ) . Lluuii , Albany , N. Y. roitST.OLAJH ST.OLAJH , 3IICH. Throe courses of MuJr. TinroimUucsnlu orcry da. p.irinicnt. llullilliiui olofnntly riirnlrhcit. KuiCn.l Hlth > tojm. l.liflited withitm. Wntar fromHt. Clalr Illvcr. Uupcrlc > rudr nttit < In inunlr mul nrt , Ad * Uriss fur circular. bOMKUVII.I.K HUI1UOU bt , flair , Mloh. EVELYN COLLEGE. For young women , Princeton , N. J. Prospectus , fullparticulars , bent on ap- plicatonto ( . II , M Elvainc. PHILADELPHIA BKMINAItV X RiltVOUNtl LAIMKS.iajJ North llronilMt riillHilulphlu. 1'lh ycarbovlnB Bont.'JIsi , 1887 , AUUiess Mlsa It. K. JITDKlNri , I'niiclpul , who refers by flpochil puriiiUjloii to j > lr. unU Mrs , John N. Jmvott , Mr. iiiul.Mrs. 1'hlllpl ) . Armour , Mr. and Mrs. HorncoF. Waite , ON 30 PAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Jla4 a t'nd different from all other * , la run ihatta. vrltti B lf ailjuutnz liilllnrcnttr.iulai u iulf to all petition * of Ilia UxljolillctbebBll In the cup _ _ _ _ . _ , crosses back th Inles- ta 67 tine ? JUBt oa o poraon do B vviththeflnerer. Wii > Ji\iMtreuantiv \ tt claubuJdiecuralr ikir and nluhl , and a radical euro certain ItbcaiT.duriMnan'irhrip Bentl > ymall.Olf. culan fr . iliU iTUJ Ttttsa Co. , CUIH > < I" * INSTALMENT DEALERS Wllf flndjust wTial tfii-y need A FU LL Ll N C. OF INSTALMINTJJOODS sold only tu IDC 'INSTALMENT TRAOC , by ad.lrewlng s'8uil-l.V Co. , Exl .l * DRS. S. O. DAY1ESON i 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College llospi- , tal , London , Gicseu , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF rod DISEASES , More especially thse arising ( rom impru dence , nmte all so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients - tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms All letters receive immediate attention JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mullet ! FREE to any addreu on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap- tcrs on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise irhlch should be read by all young men. Address , DHS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St , St. L'nils.Mo. M ANHOOD 'rrniaturi IJKay , h.r.ouj , Uanhnod.rtc. , having od lu ral-i livery knuwn rrmt 1r. has djfCnTpmd a rlf-euro , whirh b wlU hE - wnil E to Ulj ftllo . J. MJJiOM. f M ! ! ! . H.w