Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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r The West Produces the Former and the East
the Latter *
Corn Actlvo nncl a Good Deal of
Bt re UK til Manifested A not lior
Little llooni In Onls Gen
eral Quotation * ) .
CHICAGO , Juno 34 [ Special Tclotrram to
tlio UKK J The wheat market was quiet , and
to the surprise of local talunt It was hteady
as well. \ \ estern news was bulllsli ? .nd tlio
tenor of udvlcea from New York was bear
ish. No now export business was reported
from that point , and the burden of news
from there was to the effect that the demand
for foreign account had practically ceased
for the present , though the vested grain
merchants are satisfied that the old world
must yet draw ht-avlly on American stocks
to supply the requirements over and above
the amount provided for boforu the new
wheat will become available. The newspapers
nnd prlvatoeorrespondence from the north
west are full ot reports of excessively hot and
dry weather , which are represented
to have checked tint development of cereal
growth at a critical point and to bo very
seriously threatening the crops. Between
the bullish western advices and the bearish
eastern news Chlca.o halts. June wheat
opened this morning at G'J > c , ranged G'J'f
( gOU c , nnd rested at f/J c. July
opened at C'J c , rnnuud 70) < aO' > c.aiid rested
nt 1 o'clock at C'j ; c. August opened at
T Adt c , ranged ? W , c and nt 1
o'clock was ( luotud at W&c , with September
restlnK at74Xc. Tiadlnjs was almost cntltely
In the way of chanilnir over. .Tlio weakness
that was manifested was duo mainly tc
monetary nervousness In Now York and
tears of a disturbance attendant upon the
Bhlf ting of cash property next Friday. The
Buuscquont strength was attributable In part
to the little booms In earn and oats , to the
phenomenally Hunt receipts nt western
points of accumulation , and to the sluuly
roturnlui ? intrinsic value of wheat. Al
the current range of prices the public Is tak'
Ini ; mild cautiously , but It Is taking hold.
Corn was active but unsettled , pi Ices rul
Ing Irregular within n moderate rangu. Tin :
market , though not without some weak
spots , showed a Rood deal of Independent
strength and at 1 o'clock there was n pretty
firm closing at or near tlio Ion and at c
above yesterday's closings. There good
nenoral trading all through and afalrsprluk
ling of outside orders. Local shorts covered
freely during the morning hours and there
wns also some Investment demand on tlu
general belief In some quarters that corn hat
gone low enough. Tlio market advanced Xc
wltli but few reactions , July selling up Iron
S0c at the opening to SOJ c. At aionnd the
top receivers wore largo selleis and
offerings , together with the numerous snuil
lots oflong corn that came out , broke prlcei
to the full extent of the early Improvement ,
July selling elf to iffiJsruUl a on the spilt
When tno pressuie of long otfcrlngs wn :
removed the market quickly rallied to vorj
near the best prices of the mornini ; , the 1
o'clock closings standing at Mc tor July
88) 0 for August , 3'JXc for September , ant
40jc for October.
Uals experienced another little boom In tin
speculative market to-day and there wai
quite a largo trade. As noted yesterday tin
snorts were anxiously coveting outstandlni
contracts , the reports of a continuance o
the dry weather In the west causing more o
less uneasiness. July advanced trom liOc a
the opening to 2Tc ; August from 2fl } c ti
B7c , and September from 20e to t7J ! c
There was only a slight reaction from tin
outside figures up to 1 o'clock.
In the provision pit trading opened wltl
something of a boom. Yesterday's advanci
In short ribs and lard rather frightened tin
outside shorts , and as the receipts of hogi
were again under the average number am
holders of the pioduct showed Indli
ferenre to sell the lirst transaction
reported wore made at n sharp advance
lifwedon last ntuht's closing , the opoulin
Bates of lard were at a price allowing an an
preclatlon of r > c , and of short ribs of 5@r.c
and for a short time the feeling was nnmis
takably itrong. Later , when urgent order
were tilled , the mtrketeased elf , though tlier
was good support Klveu to It thioughoul
and there was no serious depression , li
short ribs the opening advance was slmpl ,
lost , and In lard the 1 o'clock res
wns only i o under the las
figures ot last night Trading I
these aitlclrs during the session were quit
animated , with August and September th
pivotal deliveries. The difference bctwec
July and August ranged at 12V @ 15c In lar
and IS&VJKc in short ribs , tor casii an
June poifc the nominal quotations wer
$31.00 bid nnd 3.00 asked. Ontstandlni
June trades In pork are now believed to b
practically settled.
AFTKHNOON SUSSION Wneat was enslei
June. OUMQOSiJtfc ; July , OOXQCOKe ; AUKUS
7 } < o ; September , 74b'c. Corn was qulel
July. 80Kc ; August , 88c bid ; Septen
bcr 89c bid. Oats were fairly active nn
firm. 1'ork was nominal. Lard was ut :
CHICAGO , June 2-S. ( Special Telegram I
the BEKI CATLE Considering that them
Is larger by 8,000 over the same time last wecl
It Is easy to figure out that there can be n
Improvement in prices. Then aeam dresse
be f operatives could easily get along f <
several days without natives , ns their coo
Ing and refrigerating capacity Is now full <
beef awaiting shipment , There has been
tight reversal In the stocker and feed !
trade , the extremely low prices of lasv wee
bringing In better outside demand. Shli
ping steers , 1,3'X ) to l.WX ) Ib
4.ia@ 4.00 ; 1,200 to 1,850 Ibs , S .00@4.UI
BSD to 1,200 Iba. gXWi 4.00 ; Mocker * an
feeders , steadier at < 1.75@3.ii5 ; cows , bul
and mixed , 31.50 3.50 ; bulk. St.75oaS (
through Texas cattle , Sl.lWO'j.AO for bull
and cows nnd 8'iO.XiiJ.95 for steers , bulk i
lloos The market was active , with
sharp up turn of n strong 15c and In som
cases SOc. Packers paid as high as 2 5. 'JO ;
few ipeculatora paid S5.'r > . and one lot 4
prime 1'hlladelphlas wit S5.I.O. There wi
scarcely anything , especially late In the for
noon , that sold below 85.OOQ5.10. Light ser
told within a range of SM&g5.K2 ( } { for Vor
ers and for skips und nulls.
KKW YOHK , Juno 28. | Special Tolegra
to the BEK.J STOCKS The New York sto <
market continued greatly disturbed and e
blblted more activity. Everything dopem
upon tne money market , and so long as It t
mains tight nothing but nn erratic market
expected. While rates wore not so high t
day , they were high enough to cause gre
Inconvenience to weak and dcmorallzi
holders and cause them to throw their stonl
overboard with considerable freedom. TI
rates paid depended upon who the borrowi
was and how much he wanted. Reuewe
were made at 7 to 8 per cent , and loans
ftomo Instances were as high as 1-16 to . '
The ( art that 1500,000 In gold was on the w
from London apiwared to have no effect , ai
U will take several millions to produce i
easier feeling , as large lines of stocks ha
In several Instances been called In , and
will require a largo amount of money to p ;
( or them. There were numerous sensation
rumors afloat , but they were not worth i
pealing , and In many Instances wore mere
the vaporings ot the wreckers who are e
dsavorlng to force prices down ai low
possible. The selling was heavy from t
tort until noon , particularly of Jteadlnt , t
I'aul and PaciQc Mall , and declines ot 1
IK p r cent were recorded ; The latter w
attributed to the Gould party , who were gu
nlng for a lot ot 10,000 shares held on a bt
order at W. The object ot the Gould party
aid to be to get the stock down to sect
enough to make moro directors. There w
Mid to be a big deal on foot , and tboso w
tiava watched developments say U IN the te
- raph bill which has reached a point whi
i Uould , Uarrett und Mackay have come to
understanding , ( larrett and Mackay must
turn their property ai a'lo3 , but Gould tells
them they can moro than make up their loss
In tlio market , mm ho agrees to help them
get the stock. London was1a persistent
buyer on all tins soft spots. Whlto and Cam-
mack's directors were credited with favoring
lanjo short lines and their action Induced
others to do likewise , and the otlerlnzs by
the demoralized hulls aild tliu eleventh-hour
bears were readily absorbed , About noon It
was aKo reported that the Baltimore & Ohio
deal ( telegraph ) had iono ; through and Jay
Mould's iicrMinal check for 54,500,000 had
passed through the uleailug house , which Is
exacted to make the money market easier.
It was also announced that Ojrus W. Field
had admitted m-lling 50,000 shares of Man
hattan to Jay Gould , but rofucd to name tlio
price. Money became easier and Gould
ottered Sl.000,000 at r per cent. This caused
a decidedly strong f cell up , the shoits rushed
to cover , and the market closed linn at
almost the outside llgnres ot the day , and
recorded advances of } f to 2J.f points ovoi
yesterday's close. Pucltic Mall ( however ,
was Jf per cent lower. Chicago stock house ;
were lavoied with a better business. Many
of tliu heavy operators , believing thu worst
over , bought on the murnlng bieak.
GoviiiNAtr..s : Ts ( ioverumuut bunds were
dull but steady.
U. H. 4's coupon. ! ' . " . ) > 'C. AN. W 117f
U. S. 4K'scoiiD..10'.iM do pictorred..l4S
Pnclllci > 's thJ.5..rsi > .f N. Y. 0 110' ' < i
CaimdaSotith'n. . te'fiO. K. AN ! I7 !
' Pat-lilt ! . . 37 % O. T. BO
Alton. 140 Pacific Mall 45J4
do preferred. . . .11.0 I * . 1) it K. ' IWi
C. , H. it ( > . HU Pullman Pai.'cariiw'
I ) . , [ , . & W . Heading r > 0 } {
1) . vtlt.G 'J'.IU Uock Island . . . .liW
Enu 'Jl % it. L. its. F. . . . 117
da preft-rred. . . . Os ) < ; do niefetrud. . . , 75
Illinois Central..llil' , , ' C. , M. it St. P. . . bS
I. , H. i\c \ W ' . ' ( ) tlo preferred. . 121
K.s T Ub'.f ' St. P. , te O 50J4
hake Shore 'JOU do preferred..U44 }
L. iVN Bl'f ' Texas Paclllc. . . "
Mlchlican Cent'l. . 8SV Union Pucllle. . . 50
Mo. Paclllc 101' < \V. \ , St. j. . . . lb.4
No. I'ncllio IfJJj do profpued. .
doprelcrred. . . . tax \V. U. , TeleKMph 73) , ;
MONKY o.v C.vij. Loaned from 4 per com
per annum to Mi ( per ci-iit ana Interest pei
diem ; closed at5@0 percent.
PJUMK MEitcANrn.ii PAI-EU Lower at
Si < J per cent.
weak at S4.b-J'f ' for sixty day bills , andR !
tor demand.
Olilcaco , Juno US. Following quota'
tlons are tin ) liiiiocloslni ; ilgurps ;
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Quiet and steady , with slight fluct
uatlons , closing about 3b@J- below yestcr
day ; cash , O'J 5-10n ; July , O'J ' 11-lOc ; August
7ac. .
Corn More nctlvn and llrm. Kc above yes
terday ; cash , 'M o ; July , 80/fc ; August
US 11-lOc.
Oath Active and % @lc above yesterday' ;
Kye Dull at 51c.
Uarley Steady.
Timothy Seen Prime , 82.23.
Flax Seed-81.20.
Whisky S1.10.
Pork-Steady ; cash , 822.00.
Lard Opened btioiiKur , closing ( pilot a
Itibldu figures ; cash and July , SQA-M ; Au
just. ( SO..W.
IJulk Meats Shoulders , 35.40(3)550 ( ) ; shor
ribs , 87.50 : short clear , S7.00 ( < ! i7.l'o. '
Butter Firmcreamery ; , 14 } @ 18 ; c ; dairy
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , '
© So ; Hats , 7JiQiSc ; youii ( ? Americas , b >
Qife-i'i : ; skims , ' "
llliles-U nchaiiKcd ; heavy green salted 7 , ' c
licbttlo , 7 ( i Sc ; s.iltoil bull hides , Oc ; rei'i
salted call&c ; dry Hint , r.@l5c ! : tlry ciil'
iyftil4c ; dearoiiB , 40c each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; Nn. l country , sollil
quotable nt 4c ; No. 2 , Uu ; cake , -le.
Keua'nts. ' ShlpnientF
Flour , bbls 10.COJ 8,00
Wheat , bu Is.tOO iiiS.oo
Corn , bu tG.OOO 11.00
Oats , bu . . . 75.00
Uye , bu 1000 U,00
Barley , bu ii.UOO l.OU
Now iTort. Juno 23. Wheat Receipts
4K1.000 ; exports , 14:1,000 : ; spot less active am
a bhatto lower , closing steady ; options vor ;
Irregular ; June declined :5c : , closing with
recovery of le ; July 5gc lower ; later month
% @ ? | c hlcher , closlni ; steady. Unvradei
rud , bOOOKc ; No. 3 red , S2 < 3S3c ; No. '
red , U2c in elevator , 87c alloat , 8087
free on board ; July closlni : at b4J < c.
Corn Hecolpts , 180,000 ; exports , 3:3,000 :
spot > 4 < iHc higher ; options -unsettled , wit
July > < @ % c lower , others M@-i hlghei
UnKratlud , 44 } @ 17Kc ; No. , 40Ji ( < 547)i
afloat ; July closing at 4G > Yc.
Oats Higher ; receipts 71,000 ; exports
01 : mixed western , & ! ici35G ( ; white , 87 ( < 41i
Petroleum Firm ; United , G2c.
ERRS Firm ; western ,
Pork Firm.
Lard Ilitrher ; western steam , spot , SD.8I
Butter Firm with fair Inquiry for lln
grades ; western , 10@lb } c ; western cream
cry , 1501 3Mc.
Cheese- Quiet ; western. 6 ® 7ffc.
Kausas City , Juno 28. Wheat Dul
and weak ; No. 2 red , cash and June , no bid
or oilers ; July , COc bid.
Corn-Steady ; No. 3 June , 83c bid , 34 } $
Oats No. 2 , cash , 27c asked ; August , 2i
Minnoapoili , June 28. Wheat Stead ]
No. 1 hard , cash and July , 71ke ; Aumist. 7ii :
No. lv northern , cash and Jut r , 70 > 'c : No.
northern , rash and July , O'Jc. On track : No.
hard , 73c ; No. 1 northern , We ; No. 'Jnortl
ern , 71c.
Flour Dull and weak : patents , 5M.20i
4.30 ; bakers' . * 3.SOuuo. :
K ceipt Wheat , 101.000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 27,000 bu ; Hour , 21,01
Slllwnnkec. Juno 28. Wheat Stead )
cash and July , 7tc.
Corn Quiet at SCfflacjifc.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 white. SIKc.
live Dull ; No. 1. 57c.
Bkrley-StronK ; No.2,57c.
Pork .June , $14.25.
Cincinnati , June 23. Wheat Weal
No. 3 red , 7fic.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 33c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 3 mixed. 29Xc.
Kre-Easler ; No. 2. G0@61c.
Pork Steady at 815.00.
Lnrd In coed demand at 80.20.
\Vhlsicy-Steady at 81.05.
Ht. Linulu , Juno 28. Wheat Firm nr
ulKhor ; cash , 74c ; July , 73c.
Corn Easy and lower ; cash ,
July , S3Xc.
Oats Lower ; cash , 28 > c ; July ,
Pork-Uull at 815.00.
Whisky-Steady nt 81.03.
Butter Steady and unchanged ; creatnet
15Q18c ; dairy , WZlSc ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Hrm ; July , 73 }
August , 74c. Corn higher ; July , 33 o ; A
gust , 35c. Oats quiet ; June , 2bc.
Ijlvcrpool , June 28. Wheat Stendyai
demand talr : holders offer moderately ; r <
western , sprlnir , Os OdMCs 10 l jxr cental ; i
winter , Cs lOdUGs lid per cental.
Corn Firm with demand fair ; new mlxi
western , 4s per cental.
New Orleans , June 28. Corn Dull ar
drooplru : mixed , 484bXo ; yellow , Wa :
white , 54Q55c.
Oats Quiet and steady at30 < a30Xc.
Corn meal Quiet and wo.k at S2.25.
iloi ; Products Quiet ; pork , 81.5,00 ; lai
rellned , tierce , S0.50.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 55.S7)i ; long cle
and clear rib , S7.50.
Juno 23. The Drovers' Jou
reports as follows :
Cattle Hecelpts. 10.000 ; active : natlv
steady ; Texans 5ijlOc lower ; Rblpplni ; stee
SiW(54.00 : ( ( ; stooUtirs and teedcrs , ? 1.7 !
3.25 ; COWR , bulls und mixed , 81.50(23. ( ;
bulk , 81.750l'l25 ; Texas cattle. 81.OOig3.U5.
Hogs Hecelpts , ll.ouo ; active and 10(31
hUher ; rough and mixed , 4.'JO@5--
packlnt ; and shipping , 95.10@5.30 ; ski ]
63.75 < g4.'J5.
Sheep Itecelpts , 3,000 ; steady and u
changed : natives. S2.75 < i4.40 ; western , 83
f'M. < ; Texans , 83.50 3.W ; lambs , per bet
The Drovers' Journal report from l.ond
cites general supplies very heavy ; ofterln
of American cattle llclit and prices stead
good to best sU-ors , lO ll c per Ib , slnkl
National moot Yarn * . East t
e III. , Juno 28. Cattle liecelp
3.000 ; shipments , 700 ; active nnd stead
choice heavy native auers. 84.30$4.50 ; f
to good Rhippliii : steers 84.OtXft4.30 ; butche
steers. 83.40@4.5) ) ; reeders , ( air to eoi
53.3)44.00 ) ; gtoclters , fair to coo < l , 82iX3J.
Uoi 4 Receipt 3,000 ; stiJpuieuts , not
nctlvn and lOc hlRhcr ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections,35.05(25.15 ( ; packing nnd
Yorkers , medium to choice , 84.85M5.00 ;
pigs , 84.S004.SO.
KnnRAR City , Juno 2S. Cattlfi Receipts ,
4,000shipments. : 1,000 ; corn-fed strone ; crass
i-leady : common to choice , S'J.45' ' < ;
stookers. S2.25iK2.00 ; feeding steers , 82.05Q
3.W ) ; cows , 82.rKX.iX : ( ) .
Iloss Recelpti , 11,000 ; shipments. 400 :
nctlvo and Oc higher ; common to choice ,
8J.40QJ4.00 ; skips and pigs , S3.00@4.25.
Tuesday , Juno2S.
On tlu.
The receipts of cattle were liberal nnd the
market aliout steady nt yesterday's prlres.
Tlio market was not verv active , although
more than half ot therccelptschanged Imnd" .
Butchers' ' stock was slow , especially thin and
grassy cows.
Thp receipts of hogs were heavy. The mar
ket opened about sleady and n lew loads were
sold at yestei day's prices. The appearance of
nnrc buyeis on the market livened tlilnus tin
and tliu best heavy hogs advanced 510c.
After the advance the market wns very ac
tive and the pens were soon cleared. The
market closed strong , with everything of any
account sold.
There were no fresh receipts and nothing
doing on the market.
llogs 0,400
Pro vail I n tr I'rlces.
Showing the prevailing prlcus pild for 11 va
stock on this market :
Choice steers. 1800 to 1503 lbs..84.00 ( .10
Choice steers , 1100 to I35t ( Ibs. . . 3.0J3I.OJ
Fat llttlu steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . aM J-bo
Extra choicocows and holfoia. . . . H.W < W.25
( iood to cliolco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75W1.00
Common to medium cows B.25g2.r 5
Good to cholcti bulls 2.75toi.OO :
Llirht and medium hoc * 4.50t ( l.i5 (
( iond to choice heavy hogs 4.0501.75
Good to choice mixed hugs 4.V ! < 1.70
Itepre cnt.ituo aalos.
NATIVI : sTr.r.ns.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
2 . . . 015 S3.40 13..MM S3.75
44. . . . llGt ! 3.55 18..1IW 3.S5
175..12(57 3.70 2b""lH8 3.fO
! fl..l01S ! ! .7U S..12rS 3.00
20..1168 3.73
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4..W.H g2.fi5 3. . . . 71i ( 3.10
5. . . . b'.W 2.00 20. . . . 1100 3.25
1..10JO 3.00 2. . . 075 3.25
5..1-MO 3.00 3. . . 8S3 3.2.5
No. Av. 1'r.
1..15.0 ! fc2.50
No. Av. Shk. 1'r. No. Av. Shte. Pr.
70..2JISOO 84.00 14S..240 200 84.65
CO. . . 240 ice 4.00 o0..2.54 40 4.(15 (
05 . . .277 100 4.CO 73..210 4.07
bS..20U240 4.00 00. . . . 293100 4.07
07..25S 120 4.00 71..U09 120 4.07
b0..2JO 120 4.00 70. . . . 243 120 4.07
05. . . . 225 bO 4. ( X ) 70. . . . 2C7 120 4.70
71..207 40 4.00 CO..201 40 4.70
CO. . .2.'i7 4.00 13.2yO : ) 240 4.70
70..227 N ) 4.00 78..235 100 4.70
G5..25 ] SO 4.00 07. . .257 100 4.70
70..211 SO 4.W ) OJ..270 bO 4.70
( * . . . .219 SCO 4..2 ( b7..207 100 4.70
00..2CO 2M ) 4.li2k 55..371 bO 4.70
G7..2JO 120 4.021 OI..24S KO 4.70
09..204 80 4.05 07..C65 200 4.70
75..234 bO 4.05 05..2.57 120 4.70
05..25 40 4.f.5 07..245 bO 4.70
03..245 100 4.05 70..349 120 4.70
71..3JJ bO 4.05 58. . . 275 N ) 4.72
75..108 bO 4.05 CO..21 40 4.75
li0..22U2bO 4.05 74. . .2.VJ 120 4.75
0.1..223 SO 4.05 05..270 100 4.75
.V.I..2S2 4i5 ( 02 . . .207 240 4.75
07..210 4.05 07.2bS200 4.75
73..2.J1 110 4.l'5 50..273 bO 4.75
C'.220 ) SO 4.05 00..353 N ) 4.75
01..203 120 4.05 01. . . 212 120 4.75
02 . . .245 120 4.0.5 73..2.V ! bO 475
07. . . . 15 ! 100 4.05 C3..25S 40 4.75
hive Sinuk Hold.
Showing tliu number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day
( } . II. Hammond & , Co ! G-
hocal 1'
Shippers iii :
Total 47t
Anglo-American Packing Co 3,7S1
U. 11. Hammond & Co G.V
T. J. Llpton bO (
Total 5,33-
Showing the number of ctttle. hog * ant ]
sheep shipped from the vards during the day.
No. cars. Kt. Dest
30 C. H. & Q Chicagt
4 It. I Cnlcagi
7 N.W Chlcagc
IK Qj.
20 .Mil Chlcagi
All sales ot stock m tins market are mode
per cwt live weight uulass otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at lc per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins. " or hogs weighing less tlun ItW Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are doclced 49 IDs.
nnd sUgsSOIbs. by thuniiblla inspector.
Ijive Stock Notes.
ilogs all sold.
Cattle steady.
No sheep market.
Hogs 510c higher.
Heavy hogs in better demand.
O. Andrews , Syracuse , was in with a loai
of butchers' stock.
John Charles , Dannebrog , was In au
marketed a load of cattle.
J. C. Goodell , Kearney , was nt the yard
and sold a load ot cattle.
J. B. Drum , Arapahoe , was hero and di ;
posed of two loads of hogs.
W. W. Morse and Leroy Loselle , Beatrice
were in looking lor feeders.
Frank Sanders was In and sold two load
of hoes shipped from Dannebrog.
Thomas Boucher , Coleridge , was here wit
a load of cattle of his own feeding.
Mr. Buckley , of Buckley & ICoss , Strom !
burg , was in and marketed a load of hogs.
A. F. Nlhart , Kislngs , wan at the yard
with a load of bogs which sold on the mai
Mr. Beahm , of Trekel & Beahm , Cortlanc
came In and sold two loads of cattle and on
of hogs.
J , L. Jackson , n well known feeder an
shipper of Cortluud , was hero and sold a Ion
ot nogs.
J. Mandelbaum , Campbell , Neb. , came i
with two loads ot hoes , which sold on th
Among those in with fdocfc was J. It. Ar
drcws with a load of cattle of his own feec
Ing from Turlington.
All the packing houses will be closed o
the Fourth and there will bo no stock agent
here to ship out stock.
The best handy fat steers are selected fc
the dressed beet trade , and anything that I
common Is slow sale.
Joseph Bliss , of Bliss & Bliss , one of tli
oldest live stock shippers in the state , was i
looking over the yards.
Denny Bros. , Tekatuab , were hero an
marketed nine loads ot cattle of their ow
fcedlnc shipped from Herman.
Mr. Lincoln , Squires & Co.'s head buyer t
Chicago , was here with William Parson
Mr. PiUbous will remain hero a ? a permaner
J. E. Halo , Ord , was at the yards and ma
keted two loans of l.ozs and a load of cattl <
Ho Is on his road to Minnesota for a month
rest and recreation.
General Produce.
0 Tuesday , June 28.
i , JVic following arc the prices at whlc
round lota of produce tire sold In this inn
7ct. ; 'flic quotations OH fruits and otht
commodities M ; ; > c < I In from a distance ui
the prices at which outside orders"tire'fillet
Enos The market is about steady at 12i
BUTTER The receipts are liberal and I
excess of the local demand : creamery , 15i
I7c ; dairy , choice , 10@l2c ; dairy , good , ft
CHEESE. Full cream rheddara , singl
' " full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Yout
Americas , lie : fancy Swiss , 20c ; Swis
ir Imported , 25ce Llinburger. 12c ; brick ,
a' . POULTUY The receipts are fairly llbera
I , I There are a good many very small iprit
X I chickens 'coming in which are -slow sal
i' | chickens , old , I3.0X23.25 ; spring , large , i
0.1.00 ; spring , small , 1,7&Q$2.25 ; .pigeons
fwai .00.
POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce.
Old potatoes are golnir at 5XX851.00. accord
ing to quality. New potatoes nt 2 Kc
KASlKltX ANt > SoUTllHHV FllVlTS. TllO
fiutiplv of raspl'Oirles and blackberries Is
very limited. Blueberries aie more plenti
ful. Stiawberries about yhyed out. Cher
ries scarce and wanted. Peaches from the
south arriving mostly In bad condition ; Cali
fornia stock more desirable. Some box ap
ples arriving. No barrel npples vet. Black
raspherrlw , per 24 tt [ case 4.40 : red rasp-
beirles , per 2i pt casd , 5 00 3.35 ; blnck-
berries , per 24 qt ca'-e , $5.00 ; blueberries ,
per 1 bu stand. S4.00 l.fiO ; blueberries , ber 13
qt box. 81.50(31.75 ( ; punus. per one-third bu
box , S1.25 ; peaches , southern , per halt bu
box , St.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box ,
75SSI.OO. (
WATIKMII.OXS : : The first car load of
Georgia \\nttermelons Is due on the 27th
init. Watermelons , Genre In , per 100,535.
VicnrAiiiis : : : New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
2Jifc ; new onions , porbblsi..iOpcr : bubox ,
51.50 ; cabbngo per crate , St.OO ; tomatoes ,
per % bu. box , 51.25 ; tomatoes , per crate
box , S2.75.
OHANOKS The market Is bare to-dav.
Rherslde Mediterranean Sweets , per box ,
S5.005 ; box lots , S4.75 ; Santa Ana , 54.50 ; B
box lots , 84.25.
LKMOXS Kxtra fancy , per box , 87.00 ;
5 box lots. SH50 ; fancy , SG.50 ; choice , Ki.uo ;
choice , 5 box lots , 84.50 ; talr to uood , SD.T.Vg
4.(0 ( ; fair to uood , ft box loth.5UK3.75 ! ) (
BANANAS Err. Choice stoek , S3.COt4.00.
C > i.iKoi.NiA ! Fituirs Uartlett pears urn
expected to arrive about July 1st. Apricots ,
pur 201b box , S1.75 : plums , per 20 Ib box ,
$3.00 : iirtine.s , per 20 Ib box , 51,75 ; peaches ,
Iicr20ibper box , 82.00 ; Baitlett pears , per
40 lit box. ; red Astrachan apples , per
box , i2.50.
General Markets.
YAHNISHKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , 4-xtia , S1.10 ; fmnltuiv. No. 1 , 5t.K ( ) ;
cosich. extra , 31.40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , Sl.75 ; Japan , 7c ( ) ; asnhaltuiii ,
extra , b5c ; shellac , 3.50 ; hard oil finish ,
sl < * > 0 >
Ditv PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12o ; Paris whltlnir. 3Xc ; whitinir , gilders ,
2J \vliitlnc ; , com'l , 1 , ' c ; lamiiblack , Ger-
mnntnwn , 12c : lampblack , ordinary , b'c ;
Prussian blue,55c ; ultramarine , IScjvandjkt1
rown , be ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4n ;
ticnna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
ii , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
chroinu green. N. VOc ; vermillion ,
American , Ibc ; Indian , raw and burnt
umber , l-lb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt slenni :
. .2candyke ; brown. 13c ; lelined lamp-
jlack , I2c ; coach bl.xck and Ivory black lOc ;
ilrup blacic , lOc ; ultr.iniarlno nlack , ISc ;
hrome green , L. , M. & 1) . , lOc ; blind anil
hutter , IM. . it 1) . , lOc ; Paris green ,
c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red Oc ; Tus-
: an , 2 c ; American vermillion , h. & I ) . , 20 < s :
rellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. it O. D. , Ibc ; mind
ichre , IGe ; patent drjer , 8c : graining color
Iclit oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut anil
ash , 13i > ,
Dituiis AND CIIKMICAI.S. Acid caroollc
/Jo ; acid tartaiic , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib ,
iOc ; bark sasafrass. pur Ib , lOc ; calomel , pel
b. 78cchncho ; ! ! > Ulla , i > eroz,35j ; chloroform ,
per Ib , Wc ) ; Dover's Tiowtler.s , per Ib , 81.25 :
epsom sails , per Jb , ; ! > fc ; flyceilnc , pure , pei
It ) , oOc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil , castor
No. 1. per gil : , Sl.GO ; oil , castor. No. 2 , pel
gal , $1.40 ; oil. olive , pur gal , 81.10 ; oil , orii :
annum , 50c ; opium , § 4.50 ; quinine , P. & W
and U. & S. pur m. , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide ,
: > er Ib. 63.25 ; sallcln , ner m , 40c ; suliilmU
orphine , per ot , 3.85 ; stilpliur , per Ib , 4c :
strvchnine , i > ur oz , Si. 10.
PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P.I
0) < fc : white lead. St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mai
seillus , gieen , 1 Ib cans , lOe ; French zliu
gieunseal. 12c ; French zinc , led seal. He
French zinc , In varnish asst.Oc ; Ficncl
zlne , 75c ; vermilllun , KnglLsh , in oil , 75c
rud , 10u ; pink , Me ; Venetian red , Cook
son's , 2jfc ; Venetian rud , Amuiican , IKc
retl lead. 7 c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c :
cluomo yellow , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. So
ochre , French , 2Kc ; ochte , American lj.c
Winter's mlneinl , 2Kc : Lehiuh blown. 2 > ic
Spanish blown.2V c : Prince's mineral , "ic.
SrntiTh Cologne spirits , IbS proof , 551.10
ilo 101 proof , SI.12 ; hiiiriis , Kocond quallcy
101 pioof , SI.10 ; do 188 proof.Sl.09. Alchohol ,
IbS proof , S2.10 iier wine gallon. Kcdist'ller '
whiskies , Sl.t)0@1.50. ) Gin blended 81.50(2 (
2.00 ; Iveiitueky bourbons , S2.OOfeO.00 ; Ken
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.000.50
Golden Sheat bourbon and r\o wlilskles
S1..50@.00. ! Brandies , imported 85.00/38.50 /
domestic , 81.3u3.00. Gins , Imported , S4.5I
fitO.OO ; domestic , bl.95ftS.00. Ciiampagne
impoitcd , per case , S28.00@3.J.OO ; America !
per case , 'jlo.00@10.00.
I'-Hini-.s Gieen butchers' , 5K(26o ( : creei
cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , Ill2c ; dry salt , 0@10c
creitn calf skins. Sc ; damaged hides , t\\i
thirds price. Tallow 3e. Grease Prlmi
white , So : yellow , 2c : brown , l&c. Slice ]
pelts , 25M75C.
HKAVV HAHDWAUE Iron , rate 82.70
plow slue ! , special cast , 4 } c ; crucible steel
CJ c ; cast tools , do , 12 ( lbc ; wagon spokes
jier set , S2.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel
Joes , sawed , dry , 81-00 ; tongues , each , 80c
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , Gli$71c
cell chain , per Ib. 0)13c ; malleable , 8@10c
Iron wedges , flc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teetl
4 c ; spring steel. 4@5c ; Burden's hors *
shoes , S4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , S5.7.1
Barbed wire , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 lb =
Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , 83.00 ; steel nail'
Grocer's List.
Java , 23@'isc ; interior Java , 24@20c ; Moclin
as JSOc ; Arbucklo's , roasted 2.5c ; Me
Laiu-hlfn's XXXX. 3c ; Dllwoith'b , 2.5 'c
Bed Cross , 35 fc.
SYBUINo. . 70 , 4-gallon keg . S1.88@1.8a
New Orleans , per gallon , 38@4Gc ; mapl
syrnp. half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c
1-gallon cans , per doz , 810.0 ( ' ; half gallo
cans , per doz , 85,00 ; quart cans , 83.00.
CANIJY Mixed , 8K@llc ; stick. 8J @ 9J4c
CKACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter an
picnic , 4 } c : creams , 8) ) < c ; ginger suaps,8 > c
city soda , 7tfc.
PICKKLS Medium. In bbls , 87.00 ; do I
half Dbls , 84 00 ; small , In bbls , 8800 ; do , i
half bbls. 84.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; d <
powdered ,
CANNED UOODS Oysters , standard , rx
case. 82.90(31.10 ( ; strawberries , 2 Ib. perca <
83.30 ; raspberries , 210. per case , 82.25@2.4 :
California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricoti
per case. 83.503.00 ; peaches , per case , 84.0 <
white cherilcs , per case , 85.50 ; plums , p <
case , S3.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81.85 ; cc
plums , 21t ) . per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 3 ll
ercase , 83.30@5.75 ; lib. mackerel , per do
§ 1.3.5 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , Sl.50@i.55 ; 21 !
gooseberries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib. strln
beans , per rase , 81.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , pi
case , 81.00 ; 3 Ib. marrowfat peas , per ca
S2.40 2.0 ; 3 Ib. early June peas , per cas
82-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. con
Dry Liumber.
No. 1com , sis.
JJo. 2 , com , s 1 s 17. !
No. 4 , comsis 13.i
No. 1,4 AOln , 12 & 14 ft. rough S10J
No. 3 , " " " " " " " ib.i
A , 12.14 and 10 ft.- S23j
H , ' " ao.i
C. " " 15.1
1) , " " " 13.1
1st com , ff in White IMqe Cellini : 8S4.
Clear , % In. Norway Pine Ceiling lGj
A 6 inch white pine 131.
C" . , . BO.
K" ' " " ( jJelFen'B ) 10.
A 12 Inch 8. Is 846.
No. 1 , com. 18 in s. I B. , 13 & 14 20.
" " " "
10ft 10.
No. 2 " " 12 & 24ft 18.
" " " " 10ft 17.
1st and 2d , clear , Itf Inch , s.2s 850.
Sd.clear , 1 Inchs. SB. , 845 ; 151) ,3 In 47.
B select , 1 Inch , s.2 s.,880 ; l , J > | , 2 In 37.
White cedar , 8 ln.Hg. . ia > < c ; 0 In. iru. . n
nd ) ! Bhln dl > fB s. A new method of oi
poundina Tar. A euro Bu&ranteed. or mon
refunded. Hold by druMttti , and at the office
TAR-Olfa CO. . 71 IAM Mltt. ( HMtM. frUetl
ArfSvo | Leave
Omaha Onmha
Depot loth nnd i'iorco sts.
1'ncillc Express 7:60 : am 8M : pm
Denver Express ri:90iin10.Vi : | : am
Local Express 11:00 : am 6:05 : ptn
Except Sunday.
H. * At. II. K. II.
Depot lutli nnd 1'aclUc sts.
Mall ami Kxprttjs KtfPpm 10:05 ntn
Night Express 10:00am : 7:45 : pm
c. n.A o. 11. It.
Depot lOlli and . . . .
Mail and Kxpri'ss 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Expicss u ; 5pm
K. C.8t. .J.AC. H.J
Depot 10th and I'Aciilcst
Mull fiT. : pra
Express 7:00 : am , 8:50 : pm
C. St. I' . M. & O.
Iepoll5th and Wchstorst.
Sioux City Express Mi-Cipm 9:15 : am
Uftiitjrott Express 10iOnuii:45 : : pm
Uhtir I'asioiijiur 7:40 : pin 5:35iuu :
Exceut Sunday
Depot 15th and Webster st.
Day Express O.aiamillo : nm
Might Kxnrpss 5xpm : : ) 0:10 pm
Lincoln Express 11:10 : am , 0:10 : pin
Hnnnlm : between Council Hluffs nnd South
Onmlm. In addition to tlio stations mrn-
tloiu'tl , trains slop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-
lourtli streets , nnd nt Summit , In Omaha.
WcHlwnrd ,
I M-r M.\\i + J
'And Chicngc
Thtonly ro 4totake for Des Molnes Mar
ihalltowa , C dar Rapldi , ClleOn , Dlxoa. Chic *
go , Hllwamke * and all points ea t. To thepeo
pie of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah
Idaho , Nerada , Oregon , Washington and Call
fornla , It off ri superior advantage * not pout
Me by any other line.
Amen * a few of the numerous point * of 4m
portoritjr enjoyed by the patron * of tbli road
between Omana and rhlcajo , are Its two tralni
Rdar oDAY COACHES , which are the finer
thut human art and laifonuitr can create. Iti
PALAUK BLEEPING OAKS , which are model
of comfort and eleg-anee. ItuPARtXDB DRAW
ING KOOM OARS , unBurpaised by any , and Iti
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS
the equal of which eannot bo found eltowhere
At CounoO Bluffi the train * of the Union Paolfl <
Hy. eonneot la Dntoa Depot with tfcoee ef tUi
Chlcaco fc Northwritorn Uy. ID Chtoato thi
trains of tmle line mnke eloie connection wltl
UIOM of all eattern line * .
i'er Detroit , Columbui , Indlanapolli , Clnoin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buffalo , llttsbury .Toronto
Montreal , BMOO. Now YorK. Philadelphia
Baltimore , Waehinglon and all points IB thi
east , aek fer a ticket rla thn
If yon wlea the beat acoommodatton. AU tloke
Kent * MO ticket * ria this line.
OenL MajMM , OenL PaM'r Areat
* " '
680' '
Welters Agent , City Pait'r Afeat.
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Chicago , Milwaukee &St Paul B ;
Ttie Best Route from Omaha am
Council Bluffs eo ;
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha an
Council Blull's
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapid
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , LaCrosfe ,
And all other important points East , Nortlicai
and Boutlieait.
For through tiokots call on tbo ticket aget
at 14U1 1 urnum et , In 1'axton hotel , or at Unlu
PttclBo depot.
Pullman Sleepers and tne finest Dining Cat
in the world uro run on the main line of tt
Chicago. Mllwaulceo & St , Paul ItutlwHy and c1
erjr attention Is paid to passengers hjr court
oui employees of tbo company. '
It Mit.t.EH. General Manager.
J. F. TUCKEIU Assistant ( lencrul Manager.
A. V. It , CuircNTcn , Uenorul Pattongor an
Ticket Agent. . . , _
Qicn.K. llArroiiD , AsiietantGenetralPuiiei
g r and Ticket AKonU
'J. T.CutBK , Quneral Superlnttnd
Joiiars' Director/- /
Agricultural Implements.
Whole alor > ealfrln
Airrtcnltnrnl Implements , Wntrons ,
Crrrlfigci uJ ItncRlrn. Jones Mreet , tutwi'un vth
mill lUhiOiunhn , Nvb ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Wngnn , rarfliigc < . Hu p e lo . Etc.Vholos.Mo , Om h .
Wliolctalo DenlcrB In
AcrrlcuUnrnl Implements ,
ITngorn am' flugcl > . _ Ml.HU.MJ nnil t ; , Jonc < t
Artists' Material.
A. IfOSPE , ,77 ? . .
Artists' Materials , 1'imios nnd Organs ,
Mil IMiiRlns Ftrpet , Omnlin.
Builders' Hardnare and Scales.
Mechanic * ) ' Toola anil llulTivln Scsln. 1KX > Douglas et. ,
v Omaha , Noli.
foot's and Shoes.
Joblicra of Hoots nnd Shoes.
1111 Farnam it , Omnlia , Neb. Mmmfnctorj , Siimmot
AVlioIosalo Rubber Boot * and. Shoes
Utilizer ninl ( ilk'il L'lotliliiir unu lea Hoot *
f.ndSboeB. Southeast Coruer Utli
Lager liecr Brewers ,
15J1 Nnrth ISlh Ktroet , , Nob.
Butchers' Tcols.
Butchers' Tools awl Supplies ,
J n 8go Cailnui of nil klmli nlw jr lu "lock. 1315
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Corrco and Spice Mills.
Tc ,0on'ce , i'nlo . Diking 1'owdnr , FlirotlniB *
tracu , ijiuiiJir Hluo. Ink. Hie. UU-1C Ilurcer
_ tJtreeM'nmlia. Mob. _ _
Cornice. .
John Eponeter , Prop.
Manufacturer of tialvnnlieil Iron ant Corntea. Mi
DoiUo and 103 anil lui N , IQtli at. , dmnlik.Nch.
Manufacturer ! or
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Ftnaln.MotnllcSkylight , tc. 9108.
mi t. . Umnha.
C. Speclit , Prop.
QaWantted Iron Cornlc < ? , eto. Bppct'n Improrcd Pat.
ent Metallc Slfllnht. Ha and 510 8.12th > t..Oniahn.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs ,
Linoleums , Mattings , me. 1511 Doutlai itrcct.
Crockery and Notions.
W. L.
Agent for * ho Manufacturer * nnd Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmpi , Chlnunuya , etc. Office , 317 South 18th tt.
Orunba , Neb.
Uammntli Clothing : House.
Cornoi 1'ariinm and Tcntli Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Bnttor , KcsBitnd I'roduce. CnnilKnmenti follclted.
lle dqunrter ( or Ktunewnre , Hurry llozfii nod
Urnpe IKikati. llli Doilgontreet , Oninlm.
Storage nnd Commission Morcliautn ,
fpeclaltlei Butter. Kxgi. Clicoo , roiltry , ( J rae ,
. OjntiTS , etc. . etc. 112 S. lltUbt.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , rroduco nd PraTliloni , Onmlm , Nch.
Froduco Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Iluttar , Unino , Fruits , etc. 220 B. 14tbit
Oniatm. Nub.
Coal antf Lim .
Uto. r. LAhAUii , 1'res. C. t. aoonnAN , V. Pieg.
J. A. SUNDEKI.AND , 60c. and Tr .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
ain&oulb Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. '
co. ,
JfannfnctnrerH of Illinois White Limo.
And Shipper * of ( ; enl mid Coke , Cemunt , I'laster ,
IJme , llilr. Fire Ilrlrk , Dmln , Tlio iin < l Power 1'lpo.
( ifflro. Pazton Ilutel. FuniHiu rt. , Umtha , Nub ,
JfP. . FAY CO. ,
Mannfactnriiiff Confcctionerfl ,
Jobberi ot Frultf.Nnts imil Clicaia. Ull tatimm BU
Cigar * and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Onm and Ammunition , 31S loJZJ B. llth it. , 10 to
1U24 Karnmmit. . Otniha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolctalo UtaUn ID L a ( Tobaccoi , Noi.lM
andllUN. Mth itreot. Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH eCO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
11U3 and 1104 Douglat , cor. llth St. , OmahaNeb.
Dlillllen of Mquors , Alcohol und Rplrlti. Importori
and Jobbers of WlnnaaJ l.lquon.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber ! of Fine Wlnei and Mqnort
bole m nu ( etur ri of Ernnedr'a Kait India lilt-
t natul DomnlloUquom. llU Ilarntr St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam Bt. . Omaha , Neb.
Furniture , Beddlnff , Upholstery ,
Ulrrori , etc. 130fi.l and 1510 Farnam it. . Omuba
Groceries ,
Wliolesalo Groceries and Provisions ,
Hoc. TO.W , 70 ! ) and 711 B. ItXIi Ft , Omaba. Seb.
AlcCORD , It.UADY ti CO. ,
Wholesale Orocer ,
Iftn anil I.earenwortU Bti.Cluaba.
Hardware ,
LEE , FRIED d ) CO. ,
Jobliors of Hurdwaro nnd Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kle. Amntt for Howu Sculei
ami Miami Powdert'o. , Onmha.Null.
Heavy Hardware , Jron nnd Steel ,
BprlngiV ion Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc.
nd lll Ilarney it. ,
AVholesalo Iron and Steel.
Wa on and Carrlaiu Wood Stock. Ilearj llardwan
Ktc. lTauit 1319 Ltayrnirorititt.Omaha. Neb.
Stoves , Ranirca , Kurnacfs , Tiloa ,
ManUciar t t , Drm Ooodi. uu null UZ3
Orta Jobbers' Directory.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrone ht and Cat Iron BnllJlne Work. Iron Plaint
llnllliiB. llpann and ( llnlvri , Stfani Knilnti , llrn l
> ? urk , ( Irnural Finindrr , Maclilno ami lUackiniUK
> , 'or > . Hfllcf nnJWortu , U. 1" . Uy. nrtntl > Hni l.
il.K.SAlI'l'KK , '
a nurncturlnir Denier in Smoke Stacks ,
, T' nV , anil ( Irnivnl llolU-r
Ijli Pouvl.i * ticet , linmlia
y. H Mr-MAsr * . r
Mnniir rlii' n of
ire nnd Iron Uailiuurs , Desk Rallf ,
Window ( Juaritn. riower SiaiuM , Wire Hliiu , Hla
UJN.irth. OnlPM hr nrill promptly attondoilto.
DealO' ' . All Klndtnf
Mittorial nt Wholesale , '
16th Btroftund Union I'aclrlo Track , Omaha.
LO U IS Ji It A 1) VO RD ,
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Snsh ,
Doors , Klc. Yartti-CarnerTlh nnil I > ouifl s | Cornl
ythnml Dou-ilm.
Wliolesulo Linnbur ,
BU 8.14th ulrcotOniahsNoli. r.Oolpi'ttcr , Manngen
ISth and Cnllforuln Mreetn , Ctmahn , Neb.
J-'JtElTlK GRA F ,
I/nrn her , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta.
Cr.r.Otti and uoiulns iti. , Ouialu , NuS.
To Dealers Only.
Orr.ce , H03 r.irnam itrcct.Omarm.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpoti etui 1'nrqviot Flooring. Slli nnd DoiiRla *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and Amrrlran 1'ortland Cement. Ptatl
Agent for MIlKHiiVi-t' llTdinnllc Cement und Ileit
( Julncy White IJme.
Lite Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John V. Uoyd , S'jpor1ntcr.a nt.
Litre Stock Commission.
jf. JlUJtlCE 0 NO\S ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ Oco. Ilurko , Mnn.iK'r
Union Stock Vnrdn.H. Omaha. Telephone Ml
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nnr and nil Llints of Stock nolloltod.
Union Stock Viml- . Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
1. OliERFELDER 0 CO. ,
Importers mid .lolibcra of
Millinery and Notions ,
1115and 125IIarner ! St.eet , Oumlui , Nob.
Wliote-alo Denier * In
Notions and Furnishing : Goods ,
fl nnd 403 B. Tenth HI , Mnialin.
MannfRcturers of Overalls ,
leans Pant ! , Bhlrts , Etc. 1103 nnd 1104 Douglas Street ,
Wholesale 1'aiier Dealers.
Carry a nice tock ( if I'rlntliiK , W > .i plnx and Writ.
IIIK tinper. fciioeliil utlcntloii ulvon Ui rnr loud or
orilorn , which will bo shipped illrocl fie n inllU. All
orders will u'cclVH pcrnoiml ntiontlnn. Wttitnnr-
nnte.i iiioil Koods an I low price * . 1114 nnd IHIJ
liiuila st.
HEES rimrrnrcf
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And llook Ulndcri. 11X1 and 1DH Houth Kourteonth
treat. Omnlm , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
DoilerslnTTpo , l'rm < ei xnil Printers'Supplies. M9
South Twelfth htrent.
Pumps ,
Manufncturcra and Drain In
ncrlnes , Hollers & { icnnral Slnpliinery
Bueet Iron work , Htcam 1'umjir.MiiT llllln , Acm's
bhaflInKUodgt Waodipllt Pulla/i , Belllaf , eta ,
Aliowauoni , icrap9r , antlOal U8t. IJU-lIll fj9 .
" - - -
" '
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
gtoam and Water Sunplli'i. Headqunrtera fur lilMt
FO3ntCo'iUo < xU. Illllinruuiu it. , tlmuhi. Neb.
IlalladarWInd Wlliij rttcam and Wntar Hnppllef ,
Plumtilnit ( loo-ti. Iteltlnc. llo n. | i8 | and wiu i-ar-
uaiait.Oiunlm. 8. K. telum , Malinger.
TclephnneNn. 210.
Pumps , Piies ] nnd Engines.
Bt am , Water , Hallway and MlllhiK Supplier , nto ,
MO , IKtandV2 Karnam t.Oa hn , Nel. .
Safes , Etc.
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s *
lire and Ilnin'ar Proof Sufoi , Time Ixicks , Vault *
and Jail Work. VU ) Karnan tr t Omaha , Net ) .
Omaha Sufo Works. t
Manufacturerof nreand Uarxlarl'mofSafef , Vault
Doom , J ll Work.bhutiem and Wlro Work. Cor.
] 4thand Jarksnn HtB. , omr.h , Nab ,
Sash , Door * , Etc.
31. A. D1SHROW C CO. ,
Wholasala ilnimfnctureriof
Sash , Doors , Itlinds and Jldnldinprs
Ilrnnch office,12th nlul IisrJ ! i. > ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moold'ngn.SUtr ' Work nnd Interior Hard Wnod Klnltb
Jutluuvueil. N , t.tur. ; Bth mid LvavcnwurthBl * .
Omubu , Nub.
Johnstown , Neb , 1
The best accommodations for travelers.
The best hotel in town.
K. G. FRITProprietor. .
Lincoln , Neb. 1I
The licst kniiwn uiul mn'-l poiiulitr hotel In
tliu state. I. < > cKtlni > | ctmtuilnii'Olntriioiiu | Iliac
HeuliiiirtoiB | for 4-ommorujHl men u4
all jiolitlcal wad pulillu Kiithofltitrii.
E. 1' . lUHJUUN , 1'ro.irlotor. I
School , County and City
We will PRV hlirhcst prlco for tliotju
.Ka > : XjO i rs
JIUlo iitlouLkt tutui. ( Y rrfiiond | < > ncieoicltG ] < l.