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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1887)
OMAHA EAiiJY ) BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOKNING. JUNE 29 ; 1887. NUMBER NO KUiNCiO FOR AMERICA , Eoportcd Negotiations for a Papal Ambassa dor at Washington Contradicted. WHAT CATHOLIC LEADERS SAY Cardinal OtbbonR Hays the Holy See llocs Not Entertain Such nn In tention The Cause or tlio Rumor * McGlynn'n Htatntnont Dcnlnl. BAI.TIMOIIK , Md. , Juno 21 ISpcclal Tele gram to the BKE. ] Of nil the utterances made by Dr. McGlynn In his statement to the press at Buffalo last Friday , none at tracted more general attention than that nbout the establishment of n papal nuncio nt Washington. Dr. McGlynn professed to sny * | pn the highest authority" that the Roman church government was desirous of having n minister from the pope accredited to nnd re ceived nt Washington ; that such minister would be nn archbishop. 0110 of the ' 'Italian " he It "whoso would ring , as put , presence bo a fruitful source of corruption and en slavement lor the Catholic church In this country. " For thu purpose of ascer taining positively whether any such proposition was under consideration nt Koine , your correspondent obtained an audience with Cardinal Gibbons yesterday , Though greatly averse to saying anytlilns for publication , he nt last authorized title statement to be made on his authority tin highest in the Honiau Catholic church In the United Stales : "First , the holy see has up to this mo ment expiessed no Intention of sending D nuncio to this country , and , second , tin holy sea does not even entertain , such an I mention. " The cxp licit nnd absolute character of thl. denial shows that either Dr. McGlynn hat been grossly misinformed or else has nils apprehended certain Incidents that occurred a considerable time ago at the white house , but which Is not generally known. This matter was explained to your correspondent In Washington this morning by a well- known Catholic gentleman , who Is thor oughly informed nbout It , ns he Is nbout nearly everything else connected with the Catholic church In this country , it Is this : A Catholic prelate , who Is very far from being considered a retnrseiitntivo man 01 the church , called on President Clwolam : and broached the question of having r pupal ambassador nt Washington. He die this entirely on his own responsibility and as marly ns can be ascertained , without even the knowledge , direction or sanct'on ' of any other person than himself , nnd cer tainly without that of the Icadeis of thu ohuich hdroor abroad. In reply to his re marks the president informed him that II any such proposition ns that wns to bo made It must bn submitted by recognized heads o : the church hero-cither Cardinal Gibbons the archblshoi ) of New York , 01 some on < fully qualified tonpank authoritatively nnd it a representative capacity on the subject. This ended the discussion at thn time and I lias never ucen renewed nor Is it at all likolj it will bo. My informant added : "When the states of the church were recognized as a political bodv. with the pope ns torn poral ruler , the United States did have i minister nt Rome. But this diplomatic rola tlou was discontinued when the Italian government ernmont established Its seat of authority Ir the Eternal City. Kver since then this gov ernment has declined to recognUe the tern poral authority of the pope. No formal at tempt has ever been made to havn these dip lomatic relations resumed , nor Is It In tin Veast piobable that such nn effort will b. made. There is every reason to think tha the appointment of a nuncio would not b < acceptable to the civil authorities of tin United States , nor Is It desired bv the cplsco Date of the country. You have perhaps seui It stated that Ulnhop Dwenger or For Wayne , Is in favor ot such diplomatic cstab llnhmcnt. This Is not true. lie and one o two other bishops , 1 believe , did once sue Kust that for the convenience of the chuicl bore It would bo desirable to have some oni to act simply as n medium of communicatioi between the propaganda and bishop nn < clergy hero on matters ot rontiover y. Bu oven this was not approved by his colleagues In fact he blood practically alone among tin seven tv or more archbishops nnd bishops o the country In his advocntlon of thn menx uie. The American hierarchy Is ni-alnst nn : change In the present plan of government particularly the establishment of a nuncli at Washlgton. Cardinal Gibbous Is oppose * to It stronifly , nnd so nro all the other lendlni prelates of the country , Including Archblshn ] Corrlgan , of New York , who expressed hi opposition to It when In Homo morn than dozen yeais ago. Since then I do not thin' the matter has been seriously considered By those enjoying the confidence of th cardinal I have heard It stated that the sut Jcct was not even alluded to durlug hi recent sojourn In Koine. . " The Desert Liand Law. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. The cotnmU loner of the general land office , with the ai proval of the secretary of the Interior , I- ued to registers and receivers of the Unite States land ofllcos an amendatory clrculn governing proceedings to obtain title t public lands under thu desert laud law , li which It says lands bordering upon stream ; lakes or other natural bodies of water , c through or upon which there Is anv rlvei stream , nrrayo , lake , pond , body ot water o living spring , are not subject to entrv undo the desert land law until the ; clearest pror ot their desert character is furnished. Land containing sufficient moisture to produce natural grow th of timber are not tn bo elnsse ns desert lands. Surveys of desei land claims eannot bo made In advance c the regular progiossof public survojs. Bofor tin si pi oof shall bo Hiibmltted by any perso claiming to enter lands under the desert Inn act such person will bo lequlied to file notlc of Intention to make such proof which Him be published in the same manner ns require iu the homestead and piu-cinptlou cases. Clerks. WASHIXGTOH , Juno 2S. | Special Te ecrain to tl.o Bui : . | Thu clerk of the second and thlta classe In the quartermaster general's olllc have received notifications from th civil service commissioner * of the results < tholr examinations for promotion. Tim tin class cleiks are still in a state of luteii' anxiety and adopting every expedient to u certain the results. Tht records of these o' amlnutlons are subm Itted by the deimrtmei examining board to the civil servlen con inKslon. nnd the secretary will from time I time rail upon the commission to deslgnai clerks for promotion. Clerks who have l be dropped owing to the decreased nppr < prlntloiH , will be those who have made th poorest records nt the examinations. Chicago's Startling Humor. CIIICAOO , June 2S. The Dally News th evening says that a startling rumor has bee widely circulated In tie citv to-dny to tl effect that the supreme court has decided l give the condemned nnarehls ts a new trln overruling Judge ( inrv's decision. Tl rumor cannot , however , bo traced to a r ponslblo source. St.ito's Attorney Grlnnell knew nothli about It. Judge Mngruder , a member of tl supreme court , declined to conflni ; or dec lie rumor. His manner cn > np > t to Indlial that the report lacked fouiut&tloa. Albert Victor Glittered and liliHcd. Dum.i.v , June 23. Prince All.eit Victor i Wales review ed the ttoops at Phcunlx PHI to-day. The reception given to the prince t the populace wns a tidxt-J oi'e , couxbtnlr hisses nnd cheers. \Vitathur Indication * . For Nebramkk : Occasional local ruin . outherly wtndj , nearly ) temper ature. For Iowa : Occasionally light talus , Bout erlv wliulA. nn.irly statu.-uiiry temperntuie. For KiuU'rn Dikotu : Local rains , fi. lowed by fair wunthet , a&uttjr/vjieily wind JAKU HHAUP DYING. Ills Physician Sny.s Ho Cannot Llvo Ten Dnys. Nnw Yonrr , Juno 23. In an cxtrn this evening , the Mall nnd Express says it Is be lieved that Jnke Sharp Is dying. Thercason ho did not testify in his own behalf this afternoon , ns wns conli'lontly expected bv every one right along , was because his physi cian expressed the opinion that the strain of n rigid cross-examination , ntr. , would result In his death. A reporter subsequently learned that the phvsiclnn Is of the opinion that Sharp cannot live more than n week or ten days at least Unauo excitement would kill him at once , owing to heart trouble. The paper nsserts thnt a scheme Is under consid eration now to lake the case out of the hands of the jurv by bringing Judto Barrett p cer tificate from tlio physician to the effect tint Sharp would In all probability drop dead In the court room when the jury brought the r'erdlct matter what It was. It Is bought this would Induce the judge to stop he case where it is. Adopted My the PIIII.AIIKI.VHIA , June 28. Keturns from cvernl thousands of local assemblies ot Knights of Labor to-dny , show thnt the new oiistllutlon and national trade assemblies ins been adopted by n three-fourths vote. A.II analysis of the vote shows that half those assemblies opposing the adoption of the new constitution objected to the clause forbidding any mnmber or assembly to sell or give away malt or snlritous Honors at any meeting or entertainment of the order under pain ot six months suspension from the order. The xrtlcle upon co-operation was adopted nnan- moimly. It provides for the creation and disbursement of a fund tn aid eo-onerativo enterprises. The now constitution gives the { eneral executive board power to settle all itrlkes nnd disputes regardless of origin , Knch district , state , national or unattached local assembly shall bo entitled to one dele gate for each ' 1,000 members or majority 'rnctlon thereof. Tim term of office has > eon fixed nt two yearn , compensation to bu ixed oy assembly at the time of the election. Thu national trade nssem > llcs' clause provides that such assemblies nay bo formed upon n favorable vote bv wo-thlrds ot the locnl assemblies of thai trade making nppllcntion. ncrnhnrdt In Gnrtc. 1SS71 > v Jam * * (7nntim Hniii'iM Conic , Juno 28. [ New Yoik Herald Sable Special to the Urn : . ] Sarah Born , mrdt quickly recovers fiom mal do mer. Sh < reached Queoustovvn this mniuiug per the 3ity ot Klchmond , nna is now playing Ir "Camlllu" here to n largo audience , attendee jy her manager , whom , In her pigeon Kng Ish , she calls her "Henry of 70 Abbey , " To noriow night she will bo iu Dublin to plaj Fedora. Progress of Coercion. LONDON , Juno 28. In tlio commons tonight - night numerous now clauses weio proposed ay the Parnelllto members , but nil vvero 're jected. The government protested ngalnsi wasting time over proposals which thej claimed were applicable to common law. Upon motion to adjourn the debate W 11. Smith arose nnd paid thnt nfter the dls cusslon of tills nnd the preceding evenini the house would be picparcd for the notice hi was about toglvo. ( Cries of "cloture" am cheers.1 Ho would on Thursday move-tha nt7 o'clock Monday evening resolutions 01 the report stage bo put seilatlm without do bate. Papal Rnvoya to Ireland. ItoMH , June 28. In consequence of n dls patch from Monslgnor Scllla , who rcpre sented the popn nt the queen's jubilee cele bmtlon In London , Monslgnors Porisco am Gunldl have been ordered bv the pope to pro cccd to Dublin and execute their mission. It Is stated thnt the pope was induced ti send the papal mission to Ireland by tint In dstnnco of English bishops , clergymen ant lav men that tlio reports of the Irish bishop on the condition of Ireland was exazgeratcd Mouslgnors Pcislco nnd Gualdi left thli evening for Dublin. The Anuio-Tilrklsh Convention. LONDON , June 24 In the house of com mmons to-day , Sir James Ferguson , unde foreign secretary , said thu government die not know the tcuns of the French notes t the sultan with rofeienco to Hie Kgyptiai convention ; that Kngland had hail nn coin munication with France on the subject , IIIK there wns no ground for assuming that th convention would entangle Kuglaud In vvai Will Proclaim tha League. LONDON , Juno 28. The Standard say that It Is understood on the passage of th crimes bill thu government will Isstio special proclamation declaring the natlonr league In Kerry , Clare and Cork an llleg.i association , nnd will also proclaim thus counties and bring them within the rang of secret inquiry nnd the summary juris diction sections of tlio act. The Ameer's Troops Victorious LONDON , June 2s. in the lords to-da Viscount Cioss , secretary of state for Indlt replying to Lord lioseb.ury , said the vlcero , of India telegraphed under date of Juuo S that a serious engagement took place un tin lth lust , between GhllzaH and the ameer' tioops , nnd that thn viceroy's agent at Car dalmr reported that the ameer's troops gainu a decisive v Ictory. Rvnunxc of MnhilUatlnn. PARIS , Juno 23. General Forron , mlnlstc of war , explained to thn budget commute to-any thnt the experiment of tnoblllzln the army would cost 8,000,000 finncs. Mrs. Imngtry'H Legal KrsldPiiCP. SAN Kit VNn * ro , Juno ! X [ Special Trh gram to the Bnn.I Mrs. Langtry , the Eng llsh actress , has taken n house In this clt ; with thn expressed intention of making her legal residence. An Interview bar. bee Diluted here with General Barnes , her n loriioy , who Is uiported ns saying that tti nctress will bring.suit for dlvoice after tli lnp < o of six months , the potiod necessary 1 acquire legal residence. Steamship Fnros llo'lucsd. ' SAN FII..NCISCO. June 23. [ Special Tel gram to the Bm.l : The Oriental steamshl ; lilies from this city have reduced the cab ! faro from San Frnnclsco to Hong Kong nn Yokohama to 8200 , a reduction of Sl ( nud § V ) respectively , nnd luvo made tl round trip rate to the two cities 8350. Tin Is in consequence of Canadian competitor Powder Mill Klovntod. WAYNK , N. J. , June 28. The Laflln Uand powder mill exploded this niornlni killing John Coves and Charles Tie August KHrouse who was near the mill h : not been seen since , and is undoubted ! killed. Govern ! men nro sllchtty Injurei Tlu > explosion shook thn ground tor a ere ; distance , breaking windows. Damap small. Pennsylvania Btrlk rn Evicted. PiTrsuttno , June 2S. According to al nouncement the striking employes of tt saltvrorks nt Natrona were evicted from tr compnn > ' 8 houses to-day. The officers \vei assaulted In a numoer of Instances , but un served their temper and succeeded in cue pletlsc the work without casualty. Uubliers Arrested. Ci.KVhf.\Ni ) , Juuo fti A message fro Alplun , Mlch.nt an early hour this uiornln Mates tr-at Morgan , Hnnltty and lUrrlneto1 three fur whiter * who rescued McMun their leader , at llavenna. O. , while he wi being brought her * by DMpctlve llulllgn and Captain llohn , have txvu arrested sfl < a desperr..e ettuggle. The ilrnken MunnfaiMurcra. SpRiNariL : , , O. . June Vi. Tbe crcdltni of Wliiti'ly , Fasslcr it-Keltr , , re p r roam fartuserj , met this afterti' > on and appnm the nrtlort of Hie firm rtskln , ; for a receive and niiiMilntod n committee to look Into tl ait&irt of tt : company and report. Tt " ' ' " : oDll ae as usual , ALL READY FOR THE OPENING The Crete Assembly Grounds Prepared For the Rush of Visitors. PROSPECTS FOR A GRAND TIME Mnny Improvements Mrulo Over Last Year Brownsville's City Slarshnl Fatally Stabbed By a Drunken Prisoner State Nows. , .s * the Crete Assembly. Cnr.TE , Neb. , June 23. [ Special to the BEE. I Everything Is now In readiness for he opening of the assembly to-morrow. The weather Is all that could bo asked , and the crounds are In first class shap < > . Thegtounds resent \ cry near the same appearance that .hoy did last year , only they are more beau- If nl. The tents are better arianged in the hady nooks and places where shade can be had , and placed In a much more convenient way than they were last year. Mr. Water man has spared neither pains nor exertions o get them In the most desirable places , and ust where people wanted them. He has been putting them up for the past ten da > s , md had them taxen up and put down some iwo or three times , In order that all may be icconnnodated and suited. There are now some & 0 tents up on the grounds , a good many large tamlly tents , which are quite con spicuous. The Congregational , lawyers' and editors' headquarters present a splendid ap pearance. The do/en or more cottages which have been put up are very line and attractive , and show the people what can bo done In the future. Every arrangement that Is possible ha : been made , so that the people can be accom modated. People are alreadv commencing tc arrive on the grounds and by to-morrow af ternoon there will be thousands upon the erounds. The Shubert quartette will give their hrst concert on Wednesday evening. Everyone should manage to attend , It pos sible , us this Is one of thu llncst musical com panies in the country. They are sookon ot very highly by the press wherever they ha > e appeared. The dining hall , under the man agement ot J. D. F. Head , who has lor n stewaid Mr. Bertram , who tor twoiyeais had charge of the dining department at Chau- tautiua , N. Y. , will undoubtedly give the \ery best satisfaction. Dr. Dunning will ar rive to-morrow with the lost of the workers. The prospects aio now that there will be twice as many people on the grounds than there were last year. The new electric light is alieady up and will be in working shape to-nigiit. It will bo quite an attraction for the reason that there will bo sixteen arc lights ot 2OOC caudle power. They will bo placed at con venient points , rommcning at the road as you turn to go toward the assembly grounds , down to the bridge and M > on to the grounds , so that every part of the grounds will be lighted by tlio dllferont lUhts. The Twenty first Infantry band , consisting of twenty-twt pieces , will be on the grounds July 1 anc stay until the 6th or 7th. It Is one of the linest bands In the west , and will bn quite ai attraction , as two conceits will be given cacl : day , and a good deal mor * on the Fourth , Geneial Morrow will accompany them , ant will speak on thn Fourth. General Cowln of Omaha , will be present and deliver ai oiatlon. From the number of letters that an pouring In It looks as If lawyers' day will hi one of the chief attractions. K\ery oni seems to be tmpiessed with the Idc.i tlu Hon. J. M. Woolworth will beat his best , fo : certainly the occasion and crowd will bo ol sufficient Importance to insplio anyone. A. Deadly Drunk. BOONVU.T.E , Neb. , Juno 23. ( Special to tin Bur . ) Quite a commotion prevailed on oui streets this morning over a tragical affai that happened last night. James Allen , \vh < has been addicted to the use of liquor to some time past , was on a "high lonesome , ' and after getting t > o full that even the pro prietor of the saloon could no longer endun him , asked the city marshal , John Daugh- erty , to take him away. Allen was placei in the cooler about 10 o'clock p. in. , but th marshal thought he would bo e.isy with him so he left the jail door unlocked , giving liln n chance to escape. Ho staid In jail til about 1 o'clock a. in. Tuesday , then got out stirtod for David Plasters' south of the city where ho Intended Inquiring for -\\OIK It seems fhat about thu same tlmi the marshal Happened to com up along behind him on hi way home. Allen , thinking that th marshal was after him again , began t threaten , and did finally turn upon him and with a laruo knife , stabbed Daugherty In tin top of the head , breaking about two Inche of the blade off In the skull. Doctors wer summoned and the blade extracted after i portion of the skull had been removed. It 1 a serious and probably fatal wound , althougl the patient rests easy at present. Allen 1 loik-ed satcly In j.ill awaiting results. Th saloon hero Is one of the lowest charactci being run at all times , Sundays notoxcepted The law abiding citizens of ourcommunlt should put some restraint on this and sc that It keeps within the bounds ot law o least. _ Busy llinoH at Button. BUTTON , Neb. , Juno 28. | Special Tele griim to the Bui : . ] The B. & M. olllclals t < day purchased of L. D. Fowler Pleasant III. addition in East Sutton , south of the Kansn City & Omaha stock yards , and J. 0. Benne ! Ishoie platting and pricing lots. This I the second sale of this addition In the la ; few weeks. A largo force ot men and team are engaged In excavating for eight bile blocks now under contract. Nearly ever citl/.on Hccms to bo looking lor n cnrpeutei brick mason , or some other mechanic , Su ton has always boon a thrilly , busy towi but the oldest Inhabitant says ho never sv ; such busy times as now , Vailed to Convict. COI.UMJIUS. Neb. , June 28. jSncrial Tele grum to the IIK. ! : | George Jenklnbon , th young man suspected of trying to burn th Clothur house on Sunday murnlng last , hat an examination bofora J. C. Uowdry to-da and was discharged , the evidence not beln sulllolout to hold Jenklnson tor the olTeiib chaiged. A large number of witnesses wer examined , but the testimony lacked the dl rectncss required in so serious and dlabolicn an olletise. Arrcstnd For Rape- HAIMD OITV , Dak. , June 23. [ Sped ; Telegram to the BI.E.J 11. T , A peter swore out warrants ycsterdn before Justice Wells charging I P. Uullen with assault with Intent to comin rape on the pcrhon of Bertha A Ipeter , wife c the complainant. The prisoner was ai ralened , but the hearing was continued tint to-morrow at 2 p. iu. The prisoner f urnlshe bond * In & 200. The lleimhlloan Valley Ilcfrefthnt' ' McCooK , Neb. , June 23. [ Special TeU grain to the BKE.J Parts of the Itepubllca valley which have been suffering for rain r crlved relief this morning , a heavy rain fal Ing. Farmers \vcar smiling faces , conlider. ot good crops. The whole valley blooms. Beheaded By a Train. CIIKYEN.NE , Wjo. , June 29. [ Special Te egram to the BKK.I The early Union Pi cine frelgnt run over and killed Fran Schraeberger , api'd sixty-lit o , at this plac to-day. The unfortunate man was con plelely beheaded. No hUme Is attached t the ruilrod company or euiplojes , A Deadly Drnnlc. JlKOV/HviM.K , Ntb , , June 28. ISpecli Telegram to the flti : . ] Last night Jl Allen , well-diicgitr. got drunk and etabbt John Doucltcrty , city roarshull , In the bet wlih murderous tnlfo. Dougherty wl probably die. . Allen U In jail. MrCoolc KnleM * of Pytnln . McCooK. N b , , June 'A f Special TeU K to to tea -BvE.1 iKutlmu dlv felon , un formed rank Knights of Pythias , was Insti tuted In this city last night by Colonel J. J. Monnll , of Omaha. Thirty-two knights took the obligation. After thn ceremonies the bovs sat down to nn elegant spread at the B. & M. eating house. Improvements at Kearney. KKAHXET , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele- ram to the BKE.J To-day the Kearney trcot Hallway company let the contract to toblnson A Ultt , of Waterloo. la. , for build- ng four miles of street railway to bo coin- 'leted ' in sixty days. The contract price Is I24.0JO Thn board of supervisors has adopted plans or a r > oooo court house , Architect Wagner , f this city , pettinz the plans. Saturday jSiB.OOO wortn of real estate 'hanged ' hands and It was only an ordinary 'ay for business. THE MAJISI1 FIELD P1HK. The Lous Three and a Half Millions- Help Ncntled. June 28. U Is now esti mated that the loss resulting from the do- tructlon of the city of Marshlleld will not bo ess than 53,000,000 , and may bo nearly . ) , . The heaviest losses are : The Upham Manufacturing company , whose loss approximated at SbO.OOO ; Sangea , Kock- well & Co. , of Milwaukee , 34r > 0,000 , rcpre- entlng the whole season's cut of lumber ; Fremont Hotel company 523,000 ; Mayor A. S. Upham , general store and stock , 850,000. There are about 1,000 losers , the amount vary- ng from S'XX ) to S10,000. Twelve solid blocks of stores were destroyed. But one house re mains unscathed. Half of the population Is still there , but Is suffering for want of clothing. Supplies were sent from neUh- "joring towns that answered the purpose emporarily , but Mayor Upham telegraphs , hat more provisions must be sent at once or ho people will suffer. The remaining In- 'mbltants are again camping In the woods to night. Owing to the poor faclltlles for com municating bv wire the details ate coining In but slowlv. Yesterday afternoon the most of the well-to-do peonle left tor Chlppewa Falls , and this morning two car loads of lomeless working people were brought as as Stevens Point , the railroad company carrying them free. At Hurley , Wl * . MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Juno 28. The busi ness part of Hurley , WIs. , was destroyed by ire to-day. Iho town Is one of the mush room .settlements In the mining regions and HIP buildings were not very viilu.ilMe. The .oss will not exceed ghO.OOO. For a time It was feared that the whole town would burn. AtSunmnn , Ind. SUXMAN , Ind. , Juno 28. A destructive lire occurred hero to-day , destroying B. Nco- man's waichouso and general store , besides nine other houses , mostly dwellings. No es timate Is given of the loss. Tne total loss only reached S20.COO , with ample liihuiance. VOtmilKES IN VICTORIA. Tlio HoosHor Statesman Expresses Himself On National Altai is. VICTOIIIA , B. C. , June 28. [ Special Tele gram to the lli.E.J U. S. Senator Voorhees , of Indiana , arrived here on Saturday and ivcnt to Alaska on the Olympia last night. In an Interview ho said it was a mistaken Idea that the American government would ; lese Behrlng sea to foreign vessels. In fact , he did not see how It could legally ac compllsh It. While tire trouble was engen dered by a commercial'company , and Presi dent Cleveland wastawaro of this fact , n commission would bo appointed to Inquire Into the fisheries question. Senator Veer hees thought the question would form nn Isbuo In the next presidential cam paign , and Elaine's action In the eastern fisheries dispute might cost him the nomination. Without doubt Blalnn would bo the presidential candidate at the next election. Yoorhors thought Cleveland. If nominated , would secure the election. The only thing that could losn the election foi Cleveland was the formation of a third party , and Yoorhees was alarmed at the strength of Henry George In Now York and also of Dr Mcdh nu , who controlled the Catholic vote , But there was a probability at the last mo ment , ho thought , of throwing all this strength to the democratic party. ISlalno'ft Opinion of Hinps. BOSTON , Juno 28. ( Special Telegram t ( the BEU.J The Globe this morning publishes a letter from Its correspondent , who accom panied Blaine and party across the ocean or the steamship Kms. Among other things In writes : "One day the conversation duftet oft to the Gorman ancestry of England' : ruling house , and Blaine thought the familj had lost in vigor sluco George I. A Gormat protessor who was present took up the dis cussion and the whole history of Englaiu and Germany for the past two bundled yean was gone over. The names of obscun princess was recalled and their deeds am misdeeds lived again around that dlnnc : table. Blaine was evidently 'well up' in his tory. The professor did not have to correc him more than three or four times for ai hour and a half. Blaine 'took exceptions' li one case. 'My Idea. ' said Blalw , 'Is tha kings and queens and all such rulers are tel eratcd through Ignorance or loyalty of tin people. To acknowledge such a king a among men Is a kind of slavery. It Is wrong 1 think it must go. Still , If we must ha\ < kings for a few hundred years more , the pen pie morn than ever demand that they shal be klnglv. Knglaud Is badlv off In this re speck There Is more ot a kin.'to Gladstom than in all the royal family. 1 am to judg < people by their deeds. ' " Allison n a Candidate. CHICAGO , Jtino 2S. [ Special Telegram t the Bni.l : United States Senator W. B Allison , of Iowa , has been In the city for several oral days , nnd the repoitis that ho Is lookln , utter his fences In Illinois , with a view o the presidential nomination. While th senator was nt homo to every politician wh called , ho was linariahly engaged when reporter desired an audience , and evaded ai Interview with the ease and courtesy whlcl distinguishes the astute politician. Con giessmun D. B. Henderson of Iowa , how e\er , who accompanied the senator , via more easy of acress , and did the talking fo both. Henderson said there was no dotib about Senator Allison being a candidate fo the presidential nomination , nnd that h would be unanimously supported by th state of Iowa. He believed Allison was strong man before the people and he though his chances as good as any man thus fa mentioned on the republican side A th house. Ho d Id not want to pose as a prnphel blithe would not bent all surprised it th senator was selected as the standard beaic mlbb8. McGlyna and Sharp. NEW YOHK , June 28. At the headquarter of the K nights of Labor to-day It was state that nothing was known as to the truth o falsity of the statement that McGlynn wa going to join the Knights. At the conclusion of the testimony In th Sharp's case , Parsons announced that th defense rested their case. Judge Barret then adjourned court until to-morrow who the summing up will beeln , with no restrU tlons of time on either side. The Itochestcr Hlota. ROCIIESTEK , N. Y. , June 83. Thlrtee rioters are now under arrest and others wll be jailed this morning. They are all Boh < nilaus and Italians. The strike Is confine wholly to laborers ot these nationalities There has been no Interference with me who desire to work. . Disastrous 8trlk.o , ' WOONSOCKET , It. I. , June28. Threelarg cotton-mills at Manvllio have shut down li definitely on account of'.thn weavers' strike The operatives whu number 2OJ ( ! , are -most ! 'French ' Uuuudiaus and arc fdat leaving th village. N THE FIELD OF SPORT , Tastings Suffers Its Fourth Consecutive Defeat , This Time By Lincoln A VERY ONE.SIDED CONTEST Philadelphia Scores Twenty-Four to Indlunapollft' Nothing The Omaha MftGun Club Slioot The \Var- ron Miller Fisticuff. Hastings Again a HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 23. ( Special Tele gram to the Ur.r. . ] Hustings sutrorctl Its 'ourth consecutive defeat to-daynt tlio ha tula of Lincoln. The following Is tlio score : , lncoln 1 4 3 o o i o i * -lo Hastings 0 Kuns earned Hastings 7 , Lincoln 3. Base ills Hastings 10 , Lincoln 13. Errors Hast- tigs 0. Batteries Swartzel nuil Dolan , IVehrleland Ebrlght. Ijoavnnworth Defeats St. Joe , LKAvnNvvoiiTH , Kan. , Juno 28. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. I Leavenworth do * 'eated St. Joe to-day by the following score : Leavenworth..2 0301350 1-20 Sit. Joe 2 3140010 0-11 Huns earned Leavenworth 11. Two base ills Sunday , Drlschel , Proesct. Three base ills Sunday. Home runs Peoples , Curtis , iVhltehead , Welch , Proeset. Struck out by Proeset 1 , Welgrltfe- . Hascs stolen Leav- enworth 2. Batteries Protect and Welch , Welgrllfe and Strew. Umpire Kane. Time of game Two hours. " \Vlsnor Defeats Stan ton , STANTON , Neb. , June 23. ( Special Tele gram to the HICK. 1 The Stanton base ball slab played the Winner club at Wlsncr to-day. The score was IS to 11 In favor of Wlsnar. About 400 people witnessed the game. National LJPHKUO Games. PITTRHURO , Juno 28. The Kaine t > etvvee.n ; ho Plttsburg and Washington teams to-day resulted as follows : I'lttsburg 0 0041301 0-8 Washington 0 0000000 0- Pitchers Galvln and O'Day. Base ilts Plttsburg 14 , Washington 5. Errors Plttsburg 0 , Washington G. Umpire Poweis. l\i > iAyAroTt < < . Juno 28. The canio be tween the Indianapolis and Philadelphia teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 0 00000000 0 Philadelphia 1 5401347 * -24 Pitchers Sowders and Morrison for India- napolls , Fetvu on forPnlladelphia. Base hits Indianapolis 3 , Philadelphia 22. Krrnrs Indianapolis 13 , Philadelphia 0. Umpire Pcarce. DHTROIT , Juno 21 * . The caino between the Detroit mid New York teams to-day rebuked as tollows : Detroit 0 33000100-7 NwwYork 0 32000000 4 Pitchers Get/ein and Keefe. Base hlls Detroit 13 , New York 10. Errors- Detroit 2 , New York 3 , Umpire Val entine. CHICAGO , June 23. The game between the Chicago and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : Boston 3 01000300 0 Chicago 01631021 * 19 Pitchers Stemmoyer for Boston , Clarkson and Van llaltran for Chicago. Base hits Chicago IB , Boston 10. Errors- Chicago 2 , BostonS. Umpire Doescher. The American Association. ST. Louis , June 28. The game between the St. Liouls and Louisville teams to-day resulted as follows : St. Louis 3 03100000 0 Louisville. 0 00000000 0 Pitchers CaruthersnndChnmberlaln. Base nits ht , Louis 14. Louisville 5. Errors St. Louis 1 , Louisville 3. Umpire McQu idc. NF.wYoitic , Juno 38. Tlio itame between the Metropolitans and Baltimore teams to day resulted as follows : Metropolitans 0 0010000 0 1 Baltimore. 0 0030133 * 9 Pitchers Mays nnd Smith. Base hits Metropolitans 8 , Baltimore 19. Errors- Metropolitans 0 , Baltimore 3. Umpire- Curry. BiscoiciA'N. June 28. The game between Brooklyn and Athletics to-day resulted as follows : Brooklyn 0 0020243 1-11 Athletics 1 00000110 3 Pitchers llarklns and Sjvvnrd. Base hits Brooklyn 18 , Athletics8. Emus-Brooklyn 4 , Athletics 5. Umpire Feiguson. CLEVELAND , June 28. The game be tween Cleveland and Cincinnati teams to-day resulted as follows : Cleveland 0 0020000 4 12 Cincinnati 302100100-0 Pitchers Monlson and Gerad. Base hits Cleveland 10 , Cincinnati 11. Kirors Cleveland 4 , Cincinnati 7. Umpire- Sweeney. Oinnha Gun Club Shoot. The Omaha ( Sun club held their weekly shoot yesterday afternoon on thulr prouuds In the tear of Shaw & Field's warehouse. The liist event was for the club badge , twen- li\o blue rncks , eighteen yards rise , which re sulted as follows : nruckor. 11)100 ) 11110010101001100001-12 Votty. 11111 itioiioun 01110 lorni-is Cotter 1111110110 11011 1101111111-21 Iliowcr 111111UOOO 1100111001 ll'JOJ ' IS I'armuloo 1100111101 111111110111110 'JO Kills .0111111011 Dllll 11109 01111-14 Pemoso 01100 11000 61010 10101 00111-12 Carpenter .0011D1C01I Ullll 101 w'lnln II KrK > 01101 111(1011111 ( 11011111)10-11 ) Illinllll 0011000100 11101 0001100001 Kennedy 1111101011 11101 00110 01011-H Ifobertson 11001 10111 01111 11001 00111-11 McUreer 11101 01011 00111IHM11 10010-U nutrias neil oitoi souo now niii-if Ftulibs 11111 11011 11011 1111001111 S ] Iloford 10010 10111 00111 10100 10,00-lS Mr. Cotter and Mr. Stubbstlulng on twenty one kills , shot , oil at six blids each , and iignin it was a tie. each grassing four birds. A second tlmu the tie was shot off , sis birds each , Mr. Stuhbs coming out victorious by killing his straight , to Mi. Cottei's two , The second was a double bird match , three jiairs each , which terminated with the ill lowing scoie : Cotter 0 11110 ; KriK 1 01011 McGrler 1 01011 - Stubbs 1 11010 Pettv 1 0111 1- ; Hughes 1 01111 Cotter , Koug , McUrier , Stubbsand Hunhei tlolng for second place on four blids each shot ntf , one. pair each , with this result : Cotter 1 ; Krug , MiGrler , and Stubbs 2 , and Hughes nought. The trial was for the pay ment of the birds , Mr. Hughes being ac corded that pleasure. The third event was nlno birds each , losci to pay for the birds. Score : Parmclee I 11101110-1 Cotter 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ! Parr 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 l 0- ! Bruoker 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ( Carpenter 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l l I Ellis 0 01101111 < The attendance was good and the spor hugely enjoyed. Northwestern League Gainee. DKS UOINKS , June 2i Northwestern league : Des Molnes 2 , Milwaukee 8 , al Milwaukee. LaCrosse 10 , Oihkosu 4 , a LaCrosse. Itaolne at Washington Park , CHICAGO , Juno 23. To-day was the scconc day of the Washington Park club summei meeting. The weather was fine , the trad fast , and the attendance good. The followlnf Is the summary : All ages , one and one-sixteenth miles Rosalind won , Procrastination second Spaldlug third. Tlme 1:49. : Maidens , three-year-olds , mile : Miss Mot ley won , Lucy Johnson second , Insolenci third. Tirne-l:44. : Maiden three-year-olds , tnlle : Glen KlRhoi won , Belle Taw second , Drumstick third Time 1:40. : All ages , mild and furlong : Estrella won Fosterai second , Egmout third. Tlme- 1:54K. Mile , heats : First.heat Modesty won Irabrlde liecond. Speakfcllmv third. Tune- l : K- Second heat-Modesty won , Kerklli second , Irabrlde third. Time l:4ij : ' . Steeplechase , short course : Tuuuossei von , WollltiKton second , P Line third , i'lmo 3:69. : Shccpqhoad Hay llacos. NEW YOHK , June 28. The track at Shceps- icad Bay was fast nnd the attendance good. I'ho following is the summary : Seven furlongs : Burch won , Jennie U , second. Harry Hussoll third. Tlmo-1 * / . Three-quarters mile , two-year-old sweep stakes : My Own won. Slumber second , Fan- la third. Tlmo-l :10K. : One tulle : Stuyvesnnt won , Maggie- . second end , Florence M. third , Timo-1:40& : One Riul three-sixteenths miles , Beacon stake : Aunblne won , Oucko second , Krveller third. Timo-3:0.l. : Ouo andone-nmrtor mile : Tolu won , ( Jon- falon second , Lottery third. Time SUU : } { . One and one-half milt * , on turf : Mnm- uonlst wnn , llenulayn second , Bclluvuu third. Time 'J : 15. A Famous Ilorsn Peart. LKXINOTON , Ky. , Juno US. Tenbroock , the famous thoinughbred , died at the home of bis owner this morning. The cause Is thought to be apopK'xy. The horse wixs lit- : een years ola. Thnowner was ollered 850,000 for him last week. Yachting. LONDON , Juno 28. The schooner-yneht Fortune of Boston , arrived at Quceustowu this morning from Marblchcad. 1/ooal Sporting Tips. Tommy Miller , of this city , Is In rocolnt of a letter this afternoon ftoin Tommy War ren , the featherweight champion , now of Minneapolis , In response to the articles of agreement forwarded by Miller on Friday last Warren , as usual , cracks his old chest nut about going against a man without the requisite reputation to make the fight a payIng - Ing Investment. Ho adds , however , that If Miller can secure backing for a light for any part of 5500 , from 8300 up. ho will come to Omaha and tight him at US pounds , excur sion money to be split at 75 and 25 per cent , or the winner take all ; or ho will allow Mil ler 8100 for expenses to go to Minneapolis and tight him ( Warren ) for SIooo , orM > for expunges and light him for S500 , men to weigh day of tight. Tills strikes the gentle men Inteiested In Miller as very Inlr and they will use every endeavor to uriug the men together. Herb Kothory , Miller's backoi , already guarantees a purse of S5UO or more it Warren will come here , the winner to take a ratio of two-thirds ot whatever money Is raised. Notwithstanding this city boasts of as many gentlemen Interested in the gun and trao as auy citv In the country , UIOMI who follow the lield are slucularly ttc.trcc. Tiiero Is Hardly any Interest manifested In the laws providing for the protection nnd propigatlon of litih and game. In thu lust convention of spoilsmen , this vital question was not broached In discussion , Prof. Hunt , who makes the balloon ascen sion at the Knights of Labor picnic on the Fourth , will also be hero during the fall this tall and make an ascension eachday. beuio- tary Glbbs savs Hunt Is the greatest attuic- tlon for the children that the management have been able to .sucnro. Walsh , short , has been hitting hard and fielding admirably during Ihn present trip. M ly ho continue his good work on thn homo grounds : for the nudlcnco was getting trillo rocky on his play. Prof. Ed. Miller was waylaid by footpads last night on Dodge , between Tenth and Eleventh , and received an ugly lick across thu face with a club or other weipon In the tussle that ensued. The close season for chickens comes to an end August in , and the bo > s have already begun to brush up their gnus and look to their dbgs. The prospects arc favorable for a good ciop of bints. Tommy Miller goes Into training to-day out at the lake , under the charge of McUonrr Johnson. Ho Is to bo out In shape to .stand airainst any nnd allcomers In hi.t class. The Omaha rowing association are receiv ing plans and specifications for their pro posed new club and boat houses nt Lake Manawa , Council Blnil's. With n little careful management , nnd more attentive coaching , thu Omahas are yet liable to cut a figure In the pennant chase. Ashlnger's challenge to Knapp for a cycle tilt yet remains unaccepted , neither can Prince and Whittakor hitch. II. A. Penroso Is receiving many letters ot Inquiry relatUe to the prouosed bench show to bn held here In October. Lincoln chicken fanciers are anxious to get up a ( ly with Omaha birds toi the evening of the Fourth. There Is a strong likelihood of the Loavon- wortli club's franchise being transferred to Wichita. If the Omahns beat the Dcnvors to-day , they can have the eaith. Gould RiiyM Manhattan. Now York , , 'mio 2S. Jay Gould to day purchased a block of 50,000 shaies of Man hattan stock fiom Cyrus W. Field. The prlcn was 125. The Tribune to-monow will publish a long Interview with Jay Gould , in which the millionaire admits that ho to day purchased 50,000 shares of Manhattan Elevated stock as an iiuesuncnt for himself Individually , be cause ho thought It a good oargain. Ho said there was no chaniru in the telegraphic situation. Ho pionoiiuccd the general outlook encouraging. The same paper has an Inteniewwitn Cjrus W. Fluid , who de clined to dvothc price the stock sold at. He Is still a heavy stockholder in Manhattan , and has evorv confidence In It. The biibiiiess outlook of the country Is good and thcio should bo an Improvement In stocks. Evnrts Presides OTOF Yale's Alumni. Nnw HAVIV , Conn. , June 28. Hon. William M. Evaits picslded at the i'alo alumni mcetlni ; held to-day. 'Jhp attend ance was vciy largo and unusual Interest was taken in tha proceedings. Hon. Edward Picriepont expressed the opinion that the couiso laid down uv Ynlo wixs too extensive in its requirement for the average man. These who Intend to become teachei' . piofessoij ) , etc. , should bo encour- aired to take a full course , but the student who is looking forwuid to allle strucglu In thn business \\oilil should tui allowed to pursue - sue a shorter route and get at his lifo work booner > _ The Ha lc AVill 1'iotcct Hawaii. Niw : Yoitic , Juno 2 . [ Spec-la ! Telegram to the BI.I : . ] Tlio Washington correspond- out ot the Iloiald i-a\s that It Is undeistood that when the troubles In Hawaii Involve fcuol n Interests , oiirgovcriimcnt will Insist that only Amcilcan authority hhall bo ti'C < u- nl7ed In thu Hawaiian country. In what loim this will bo established has not been considered , but no lorelgn government will be permitted undprnlen of sottlnt ; up a pro tectorate to establish Itself In that countiy. Mexican ItaiulltH nt Work. EL PASO , Juno 28. A few days ago a stage tmvcling between Saracl and Santa Anna , the latter a station on the Sonora railroad , was attacked by six masked bandits , who tied two lady prisoners to the coach wheels and robbed them of 52,500. The man who resisted them was shot , dying soon nfter. II was a whole dav before the party were found and rescued. The bandits wore pursued and two of them captured and hung. KtoaniBhtp Arrlvaln. MOVIM.K , Juno 28. ( Special Telozrnm tn the BUK.l Airlved The Anchorla , from Now York for Glasgow. Nr.wYonifJune2S. Arrived The Werra , from Bremen , and the Wisconsin and Eng land , from Liverpool. llAMiiunn , Juno 33. Arrived The Less- Inir , from New York. GI.ASOOW. Juno 29. Artlved Thu State of Indiana , from Nov. ' York. Crashed to Death. Ci.vri.NXA.Ti. O. , June 2S. The Tlmej-Stai Portsmouth ( Ohio ) , special savs that the ox- caVatlon for the pile tor the South Shore railroad bridge thiro miles from that city caved In this moiuing , crushing six men U death. A \VeH-Known Glerurman Head , 'Si'Ri.NOFiKi.u , IIU. , Juno 2t Kev. W. h , Prentice , one of the oldest and belt Itnow.n clergymen of the Methodjcl church ot cafiiu Illinois , died iu this cUylb liny , A Largo and Representative Gathering Eessiou at Dubuque , THE INTER-STATE LAW ASSAILE Curious Abandonment of a Months-Old tnlnntim it Train- * A llorso and Cnttlo tMaguo Urcalcs Out. Manufacturers and Johhors. DuiiUVUF , lix. , June 28. ( Special Tel * gram to the Hun. 1 The lovvn Manufacture crs' nnd Jobbois' association met here to-duyj with a latve representation fiom DesMoluus , Cedar Kaplds , Marshalltown , Dnvciipurti Sioux City , , Burlington and other lending wholesale points. The session will continue to-monovv nnd v Igornus notion Is expected on calling the meeting to order , Mr. Louts Han bach , n lending mnnufncturer and jobber ol DCS Molnes , delivered u veiy vigorous address < dross , nttaeklng the Intcr-stnto commereqi law , which has been permitted to make so much trouble lor lo\va jobbers. In conclu sion ho said : "Wo are now living In an ngo ) when the tendency Is for every one to uy nnd regulate the business of his neighbor , Instead of his own , by sumptuary laws. lnb > n unions nnd strikes , nnd , hist of all , by the inter-state law. These nil have their liamnit * Ing clfcct upon commerce and ninnufnctur- Ing. Congress was be-deged lor years to pnsa a bill to regulate transportation nnd tli smartest man in the employ ot the railroads had ample time to frami ? n bill that to day , with the Increas * ot rates , change of classification .imp advance of commercial mileage , IIM enabled ] the railioad companies to Increase their rev enue from < J to 25 iHir ceut and reduce tlio profit of the western jobber to n mere notlu lug. The fnimer's product nlso has to largely contribute tow.nd this foolish piece of nn * tlonal legislation. Instead nt heading th9 ! bill the Inter-stalo commeict ) Inw It sliouhl hnvo been named the Inter-state ialliond > moiiopolv protective law. How quick the > railroads took advantage of uvery technleaU Itv the law gnvu them Iu their favor , niutr their creed to-day is to charge all thnt thq people will stand. If a national Is necessary nt sill to legulnto com merce , law It prohibit pooling and cstibllsh n commission to eq that the law Is can led out. Let the supply and demand uvul.ito the tralUc , just as It does merchandise. " Ahnndoncd On the Trnln. MASON Ci iv , In. , Juno 2S. [ Special Tele- ginm to the BKI.J : A singular case of child abandonment was dm eloped hero to-day. On Wednesday Mis. K. M. Coibclt , a 1ml fifty-seven jears ot age , took the Central Iowa train nt Marshalltnvvn for this city. When she reached Geneva , n woman about twenty years of ago , poorly diessett andl carrying an intant , eamo to whore she was Hitting nnd ncked her If she would not hold the child a lew minutes. Thu motherly old lady consented , suspecting nothing until she readied Hampton , when the mother of thu child not appear Ing- , she left the train nnd tool : the child with her. All efforts to find thu title mother have failed , though the police and sheriff me searching toi her. Thn baby Is n blight , bluo- ejed hey , nbout six months old , well formed , but with no directions nccompauylng ills sudden debut upon the world. Iowa Supreme Court Decisions. DnsMoiNKS , In. , June 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Br.K.J The supreme court filed the following decisions here to-dny : A. H. Nowmin , truslcn , vs thn Covlngtou Mutual Benefit association , appellant , Llnil district coui t. Unversed. T. P. Dxvls vs Joseph Lulklovvolr.nnd John S. Davis & Sons , appellants , Audubon dis trict. Unversed. Matla A. Prntt et nl vs DCS Molnos et al , appellants , Dallas circuit. Kuvenod. Lyons & Dickey vs U. J. Hamilton , sheriff , nppollnnt , Carroll lie t , on rehearing. Uo- verscd. Ell/a A. Kerr. nppclhnt , vs J. L. Stetmnn , Muscatlno eliciilt. Alllrmed. Johatlmn Gross vs Nichols , Shopnrd A Co. , appellant , Osceoln circuit. Alllrmeil. J. T. Blair vs John S. nnd M. L. Wolf , ap pellants , Wapollo ell cult. Anirmod. Hannah Sheppard et nl , appellants , vs Board of Supervisors of Johnson county , Johnson clicult. Reversed. Deruh of Prominent lownnn. Buni.iNaroN , In. , Juno 23. lion. Sam- ucl N , Flandeis , a. prominent farmer ot this county and former member of the Iowa leg islature , suicided by shooting himself throu.'lt the heart with a rillo this morning. 111 health was the causa. Uev. Phillip Kuhl , n prominent pioneer Gmman Methodlstof thu west , died hero this afternoon. Funeral next Sunday. Horse and Cntilo DrcsiMoiNFB , June23. [ SpecialTelegram to the Bni.J City veterinarians are complain * Ing that an epidemic called spinal paralysis Is hre.ikmg out among horses and rattle Iti this vicinity. The doctors tntce the trouble 1 to n diminished supply of liny nnd wator. Cars Destroyed By Plro. 1 KKOKUK , la. , June 23 , ( Special Telegram ) , , tn the Br.i.l : A Chicago , Burlington .Sy Qulncy freight ran on a binning brhlgo nun Pomielson , la. , > terday allot noon au cars vvero bin ued. L Another Mexican Outrage. ' ST. Lous , Juno 23. A special frou * Wichita , Kan. , sajs : A. B. Blid , wllh hl9 wife and daughter , LotU , has m rived li > thd city and lel.ttos n tcirlblo story ol wrong iuul sullering endured while confined in pilsort nt Del Norto In Old Mexico. Last wlntoi Bird wns maunder ( if nn opoiu rompanj tonrin v In that country , and vvlillc iilajlnj , In Del Norto the entire company wore ni- ri'bt"d upon a flimsy pretext and thrown InU thn same prison In which Kdltor Culttiigwaf confined. They were denlrd n hearing 01 dial nnd were not nvcn allowed to ca 01 converse with Americans , though Severn ! tried lo wn tlmm. While they were conllnnd four mi'iiibcis of the company died of HinnlU pox , while the others sutTurcd privations ami sickness. Lately the cuiiipiii ) was lolfascd. having lost all their wardrobe and musical Instruments. Steps have beini taken to set , ctiroicdress bv nlnelui : the matter in thcfj hands of the proper authorities. Civil Sorvlno Kxninliintlontj. Nnw YOHK , Juno 28. The sjieclal com mittee appointed last week to suggest modi fications In thouivii service rules finished lt $ work In New York to-day. It wns decldoil not to recommend any rhangu In thn form ot application for candidates , but to recommuiul' that hereafter nil examination papers ha marked up In Washington : that the mark ing bo done by fifteen members from the ilf ! feicnt oUiccs throughout the countiy. Th object In view In having all the examination ) papers niarued by this central boaul Is to da n way with all opportunity f or Kiisplolon of unfairness , such ns obtains in certain localities under the present local board svs- tcm , nnd which tends to neutralize tha objects sought for under the civil service law. J National IliillilliiK rrndoH Convontton. CinrAfio. Juno 28. The national convoin lion of building trades unions abtumbleJ In thU city to-day. J.J. McGuIre , of J'hllo * delphla , wns elected temporary dulrmaiu The report of the committee on credential * showed that sovriiitj-toiir delegates front oluxcn Cities are present. All tlie building 1 trades arti tpproscnuid. Blrrk , of HrooHlyii , was elected iireshlent. A purmanunt secrc- Inry was then appointed ; iud thu mcetlui * U'ljouriifd. , T' ' . 'A" 1.1. Jure 2S.-l.ufnyctte thettro fl'Hirn-has burned. ' ! ( ' ! ! | : htc , lvt > n apiolnted ol thu TLIiti.outh