Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TOESDAY. .TUNE 28 : 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this head , 11 cents po Inu tor the IlrH ln ertion , T cents for * ach sub fHiiicnt Insertion , and $ l.Wa line per month. Nondvottlsonicnt taken for leis tnnn 25 cents fortho fliet Intertlon. fiovcn words wll ; bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively nnd must bo nnld In advance. All adver tisement * must bo handed In before 1 : HO o'clocit p. m. , find under no circumstances will they bo takrn or discontinued by telephone. PnrtloB nd\erti lng Inthc'c columns nnd hav ing the answers nddre seil in care of THE HER ivfll plcnfo ask font cheek to ennblo thorn to get tliolr letters , as nonn will be delivered oxeept on | ireentnllon of check. All nnswcrs to Rdver- tlscmcjnts should bo enclosed In envelopes. All ndvortlscmcnts In those columns nro pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of The ilr.B , the circulation of which npgregates more thiui 14.COO pnncrs dRIly , nnd gives the Kdvertlcer thu benefit , not only of the cltv circulation of The Itr.r. but nlso of Council Hlufr.s , Llscoln , and other clttoB nnd towns throughout tills part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. ' ONKT to loan , no commission. Cole , 310 8 M' 15th. wn MONRV to loan to parties wMiliig to build. B. S. Campbell,310 S ICth St. , Clmtnbnr of Commerce. 750 TVI ONF.Y TO LOAN on Improved city prop- 1'L orty In sums of tl.OlXHo $5,000 at six per cent Interest , Choice & Crumb. 320 MfNEVI ) T ( ) ' I.OAN-Inrcltjr ) pFo'prrty In eums of J500 nnd upwards nt lowest rates. Money hlwnyn on hand. S. B. Campbell.310 fouth Bixlconth street. 822 ONKV TO lloAN-O F. Dnvls Co. , real M1 estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st M1MONEY to lotin Rt lowest rntoof Interest on MONEY security by Stnnglund nnd Larscn , 310 S Ifitlist , room 1. " ? 2 WiO,000 to loan on real estnto. No delay. $ Harris & Hampson , Ifitn Douglas St. 6'ia , To loan on Omnlm city property ntfl $500,000 . O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. _ C71 MONEY TO IOAN-On city nnd fnrm prop erty , low tales. Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3 Iron bank. roa "V\7E have special Incllltles for placing largo TV loans on centrally locnted business blocks , nnd will glvo very low rates. Central Loan * Trust Co. , 8. E. corner 10th nnd Fnr nara. Will remove July 1st to lull Fnrnnin st , C8'J 27 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. nnd IL. . Squlro , 1413 Furnara St. , Foxton hotel building. 510 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Lcavltt llurn- hnm , Hoom ICrolvhton lllook. 512 MONEY to loan on Improved city property und farms from $1K)0 ( ) up , at lowest ' rate. Apply to Win. B. Loach , Heal KstaUi Agent 1509 rarnuin , ( jMjylu PMCENT-Monoy to loan. Gregory i Hndley , Rooms land 0 , Hodick block , 3iO S. 15th St. 613 LOAN Money Ixiiiiis placed on improved - . proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth und Chleago stH. 514 " \\7 E will glvo very low rules for choice fnrm T loans In south , cent nil and eastern No- brnsku. Cent ml Loan .V Trust Co. , S. r , corner 10th nnd Fntnain. Will remove July 1st to Hill Fnrnnin fit , ( Mil 27 WANTED A paitner with JIM for an amusement enterprise ; pnys $7W ) every month. T62 , lion ollico. 7t'5 ' 2jJ MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt 0 per cent. Money on hand ; ilo not have to wait Have a complete eel of abstract buoks of Douglas county , I. N. Watson , abstractor Barrio Heal Kstnto and Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 515 MONEY 1O LOAN by tuo undersigned , who has the only properly oigAnl cd lonn ngonoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , owms , horses , wagons , mnchlnory , &c. without rcmovnl. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loons so made that any part can bopald nt any Imo.oach payment reducing the cost pro nita. Advances xnadq on flno watches and dliimonds. Persons ihould carefully consider who they arc dealing with , as many new concerns arc dally coming into existence. Should you need money call nd see mp. \ > . It Croft , Hoom 4 WUhnoll Building 15th and Homiiy. 510 Fmocinl Exchange. Nrw. corner of llnrnoy nnd 15th sts. , . over Btnto National bank ; , f If.l'reparod to make short time loans on nriy available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real 9stato. Long tlmo loans made on Imnrovod real estate lit current rales. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Scoured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Bhort tlmn loans made on second mortgage. according to marginal interest , at collateral rates. Heal citato to exchange for good Interest b arln paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money nlways on hand for approved loans of any kind , without dolny or uunecossnry pub llclty. Oorbctt. Mnnngcr. 017 B700.000 TO LOAN nt B per cent. Llnuhan Ac J Mnhonoy , 160'JVnrnnm. 613 MONEY LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan Ofllco , on furniturepianos , horseswngons , personal property of ull kinds , und nil other nr- tlclcs of value , without removal. U19 S. 13th. over ninghntn's Commission storo. AH busi ness strictly conBdentlal. 51U 6 PER CENT Monoy. 11. C. Patterson. 18th nt.d Hnrnoy. 520 BUSINESS CHANCES. Tp OH SALE Cheap. Laundry complete , doIng - J1 Ing good business. Addrots P. O. bov 2,12. "ClOH SALE First class Ice cream pnrlor and - ' confectionary storu. Enquire 317 S. 13th st _ _ 7tU WH SALI-Ortrndo.stockgroceriesi\ ! horses , nnd llxtnrcs , house nnd store tor rent , pnrt ronl estnto und part money , alto ono t souied carriage and ono cow. apply to 2-IU'J ' Cuinlng st. 770 30 TjlOH 8AI.1 ; Iteal estuto business , ollloo m * good location , good list of property nnd norsu and buggy. Hoa.son for solllnc poor lunltb. Will soil ut reiiHonablo llguro or trade for good property. Address T. DO , lieu onico. C5J 2d TL1OH SALE tirocory btoro nt invoice , * 1,3X1 J. $1,500 ; 2uorsosl wiifon ; good business. J. S. Johnson , 31U815th Bt. Hoom 4. 1.0.1 27J WANTEtP-PurtlBS who dcslro to buy or fell or ozclmngo stocks of general merchun- pmc , dry goods , groceries , boots nnd shoos , hardwaredrugs , Jewelry Improved or iinlm- proved townorolty property , improved or un proved farms in nny nurt of tlio United States , ipaddrois Krnuso A Foster , 310 S. 16th st. Omaha. Nob. ] 5si 30 TOH THADK An Iniiirove.l form of la ) noros JIn lown for goods or lands In Ncbrnskn. Cash paid for balance. Andruw Kevins , 1302 Douglna st. MIS 2iJ ) E10H BALE-lloot nnd shoo stock including fi years Icuso of storu , best locution lu EtiUo mid city. Address T10 Hco olllco. OH BALE-Drug store of $4,60(1 ( , gooTtraiio X' ostnbllsliud , will sell on on > y terms or will take western hind us iiurt payment. Address J. H. Nelson A8011 , Falrbury. Nob. 4s7 2SJ " 1\TANTED Qontlomnn wishing nn honest T business , prollts $8 to $ U , every day ; only $ UX > required ; will nxchungo for stock or trade. Two bust bnnks of Omaha given us ref erences. Cull or write to onico No. 1,119 North Sixteenth street , Omaha. Nub. 419 OTT BALlf The best T'Krgnln nroccry store Jf centrally locatoil on paved Street. Old es- labllBhed trudo. Call on Fearun , Cole * lloo- yrtsou.SlOS. 15th st. _ _ t | V\7ANTED-Partner lth $1,200 to purchase * T ono-half Inturost In Hour mill. The mnnoy to bo used lu purchasing additional mnohlnerv , Abundant water power. Hare opportunity. Addrcfs L. IX. Uroom , Cc < tnr HuplJs , Nnb. _ _ _ _ _ T _ 7J"Jy3 * IpOH BALE-I. good"bticinosi : small capital , ' required ; good ffiibOiib lor boiling. Ad- fWM.1' 44 Hop olllce. _ _ [ 710 _ SjUHfBALH-A good hotel In the live town ot JChadron doing n good business on very jaiyterm * . Full < pnrtlculnrs by addressing M , it. Lnngwortby. Lunk _ _ , Wyoming. _ _ _ _ _ 71.1 Jy22J _ TIWH 8ALE-$1W will buy one-half interesT X' good paying OIUco business. Experience not necessary , J. g. Johnsou , 318 S K.tli.ltooui CioH WALK A boarding house and furninire , * . doing good builnuss , 40 bourdon , good Maion for tflllng. Call at Currlo & volium , iotb and Capitol VP , Expusltoa llulldlnif. fg'J " L PERSONAL. _ to tha Indict of Omaha , we btvoSO good girls that v nnl plaovi In prl "families. Let ys till your ordois and you tl that wu irtf reliable. Omaha Kmp , Uu- ygs va PERSONAL-Neat and tnity all-wnol lnislrje < < _ .n.jul ! . $7. Fine blue diagonal dress suits , 10.75. CaU and ie them , or wnt for snniple * . fc. \ Jonji 4 Co. , American Clothiers , IM Tirngin > t , Omaha. . VOl J 3) ) TL > kTisONAL-Teii choice retldencc lotiTn"Thi JthrlUr city of South Oinilm to oichangt ( or wild land In eastnrn Nebraska and Western * .iaiwtb luiubi * for f rmlng. r 9 , l pKHEONAI. If j-ottwnnt n flpdlritWet cen- U trnlly located oDIco you can Und. It at 314 B 18th st. B78 "pEHSONAk-Prlvnto home for Isdles clurlnc 1 C'onnnomont , strictly confidential , Infants adopted. addro S E 42 , lleo onico. E4 Jy3 * PEHSONAI/-Mr . Dr Nnnnio V. Warren claln-oyant. Medical nnd business Medium Koom No , 8,121 North ICth et. ,0maha. Neb. 527 rOUND , rpAKKN up Juno 25th. two bay mares , one .1 with whlto fuco. W , Marham tionr deaf nnd dumb Institute. Ml 2l'J 'MAICEN 1'P A whlto cow , right eye miss- JL Ing nnd n wound on luco. Owner cnn mvo same by ( tilling on Gustavo Puul.Twunty- eo\cnth and Center ptrcot , I3-2U-30. Jy. 4-11. LOST. ' - Wiilnut tllll , lap robe. Iloturn to LOBl'-On MIIY Meyer & Co. , llth nnd Farnum , nnd recoltu reward. WJ5 29J CTIlX"YliT ) c7r"sTolen dark brown driving O horse 8 yours oil. wolvht 1,000 pounds. Illnd feet whlto und whlto spot breadth of hand iclow lot t side. A proper rewnrd will bu paid for return of horse to Hobt UcCIolInml , 1911 Douglns ft. BS.J 2'.i - horse , wulght POO , C years old. STHYED-Huy return to T. D. DUKIII , Wnl- nut hill. 1I 0J " " "bsT-HIrd , thrush , with short lull , Inst ' 1 hursday , pIcKeil up by little girl with rod dress on , return to G1U N 10th und gut tuwnrd. \ U2l ! 27J Pajiers in onvelopu addressed to Miss LOST Hobcrts , Under suitably rewarded by leaving ut41H S 15th sj. Blii 2b LOST A pocket book In or about the I'nlon Puclflc depot , cantiilnlng a promlsory note drawn by Porkln , In favor of Thomas Hnucher. Any ono tlndlng the snino will bo kind enough to leuvo It in this olllcu. U10 28J LOST Hnv horse and side-bar top buggy from 27th and Cumlng , Sunday , Hoturn to 10IH Farnum st. nnd get toward. UJ227 LOST On street bttwocn 2B ! ) So. 17th st. nnd llun com Park , or In CHr3 ! ! Pnrk nvo. line , ngoM watch with elinln und locket. $10 rowurd for tetilin to Dillrnnco's stable. St. Mary's nvo. . KC. . 27" T , OST Buturdiy afternoon , one big bay JJ lioise. A. H. Mnyno , Orchard Hill. He- turn to N. W. oor. 15th nnd Hnrnuy. S79 STHAYED Hotin pony 8 years old ; nlso n sort el colt 2 months old with scnro on loft forolcg , $ " > rewnrd for return to C. Nelson , N. W. cor. gstli nud Davenport. 764 20J SI'.VENTY-FIVE dollars'rownrd. Strayed or stolen fiom rear of 111 N 17th st , a largo 10:111 : horse , about 17 hands high , nelirliing bb- twoen 1,300 end 1,100 pounds , rcillsh brown mime und tall , hind nnklo somewhat swollen- $25 will bo pnld for return of nnlmal to owners , ut 111) ) SHth st.uiid If stolen the sherlll of Doug- lus Co will puy H reward of f jO for the nrrcst nnd conviction of the thief. CM LOST On Eighteenth , Shcrmnn ave or Ornco St. , "Specifications. " Please return to 1104 ! North 10th st. , or P. J. Croodon , architect , opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor nnd builder. iltH STOUAGE. TUHST-CUASS Storage nt 110 N 13th st. TOHAOK Flr t-clr n storage for nice furniture - turo and boxed goods. I'erguson Fiirnl- turo Co. , 71.V717-'i2l J orth 16th street. 17. ) First-class stonigo for nice tur- STOHAOE nlturo or boxed goods , ntlil'i Dodgc-st. CLAIRVOYANT. M1U. DUKANT Chirlvoyant from Hoston , ia reliable In nil affairs of life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. ICth st , room 1 Wl J2S ) MISCELLANEOUS. rpHHEE babies for adoption , two boys r.nd L n girl , Ono boy two Sears old. Emiuiru of IA- . Williams , Hoom 17 , Arlington lllocic. Oil Jy 2J _ HAVE you nny llrst mortgages you would lllioto turn over for Omaha teal estate. It so cull on H. W. Huntress , 150 ! ) Fniniim st , 001 2'Jj ' IF you wnnt good board und u room go to the Old llrowncll lloll.fila H. IClh st. fS'3-29 LESSONS In singing by Professor Provnst , teacher of pluno nnd orgiin. Also lesions in thu 1'ronch Inngungu. For terms npply ut 22J Fnrnam. 831 liO * f Nviow of the largo amount of business coming JL in wu will hereafter clmrgo but duo per month right through for ndvortlsing business chuncus , until cuncolloil Wo hitvu ollicos In lending cities , same rules. NO commission. Hecord Advertising Co , 1513 Fnrnnin. 79J 3J fpwocnr lends horses nnd mules lor snlo J- just nrrlvcd. A splondld btock ol j-oung mules , horses nnd mnrcs , from llrst hnnds.caro- fully selected , now ntJ. W. Hooves'now sale bat n , No. 1M18 SnundorB st. Call early for llrst choice. Will bo sold tor cash or on tlmo. J. \S' . Hecco. 707 2S rpAKE NOTICE-W. 0 King & Co. , House JL Moving and liaising , address 1320 Picrco st. 74'JJ2J MH8. OH. JENNIE STAHHlNO-An electric physician of long nnd successful practice nnd thorough knowloduo of medlelno , hns opened nn onico nt 223 N. 14th sti cot. Hnr tep- iitutlonln cnvlnbl- n general nrnctltlonor. Midwifery treated night orduy. Hooms 2ilN. lllh street. 707 27 ESS pools nnd vaults cloannd nnd dond nnlinnls removed by John Nelson , garbage collector for 4th ward south of Douglas Ft. 1403 Hiirney st. twljy22 SPECIII/ATOHS opportunity. Information on otcickHoulvtologriiphad under code to any subscriber. E , Sherman Fitch , 10 Wnli St. , N. Y. 712Jy 22 * "ITIOll KM NT Square Hiano ( J inontalv. A JHospo. . 151.1 Doni'lnt. 621 rilO parties hnving houses lor rent , Huntnl J. Agency , Honnwn & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office. Wo hare turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCaru * Uros. TTloit HENT Organs , $3 per month , tiorpe , Jt ? 1813 Douglas. 624 O 1. C. House furnishing goodi , nil kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Ilonnor , 1315 Douglas st. 525 FOK HKNT Square rjuno , $ t montolr. Hoipa. 1513 Douglas. 624 you wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to . Ferguson's , 715 N 18th. 623 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. "IjlOH SALE Largo pony , suitable for nows- Jboy , market eurdcnor or peddler. Inquire 2410 Iluraoy st. CU2 2U * FOH SALE-A small , gentle horse , $7. " > . 113 N 16th st. 9 12'l ' Tj OH SALE Horse.buggy nnd harness cocap Jfor cash , northeast corner 20th nnd Pierce , OJ5 27J ; > OK SALE Half iloen new National cnbl- 1 1 net letter flics , different sizes , will bo sold nt a reduction Irom regular prices , call and see them nt the Western Newspaper Union , 611 B 12th st. 2'JI 23 E 1O11 SALE Impioved stools and grain farm , COO acres , cheap. Uox 63 , Coburg , Iowa. 481 2'JJ t SA1.K Spun line nmtchod buy driving horses. C. F. Hnrrleon , 413 S 16th st. 670 JHH SALE Furnlturonndlonseof six rooms 3 In Hut. 607 3.13th St. Hoom No. 3. USJJylS 1T10H SALE-One six-foot upright blue * will- J. nut show casi ) , Milton Hogers & Son. 90 FOH SA1.E Two horses nnd carriage. Horses sold singly or double , 1713 Cnss st. B7H 2h SALE-4,000,000 Jlurd HrlcK. T. Murray. 74'1 ' TT'OH SALE- JD Studclinker buggies nt Senmnn's. Studbbaker phaetons ut Sonrann's. Btudfjhaker carriages nt Seaman's. : -tuilelmker spring wagons ut Seaman's , Studebukerdnilt uugons at Seaman's. Corner of Fiirnnm and llth sti. Five cat loads Just received. hSS n OH S A I.K-6 milch cows. i A iliirth. IW I ! N ICth. fw.1 JfOHBALU-Hrlck. T.Murray. 513 WANTED MALE HELP. l7"ANTr.O--Tcums , toainftern , men for U. H. > work. D. C. O'Keoto , UOJ S. llth et. 879-27J irANTED-Ahoy to carry ndvcrtl.ilng banner - ' nor , apply to 617 S 13th. 913 VVANTBD-Four young men of business TT qualifications. J. 51. French Jc Co. , Hooui K | llualinmn blk. UOlJyJ " \VANTF.D-Agoodbarberatonco. No. 132 : > \ So. 13th BI. Franu Pokorny. 894 2b * WANTKD Agenta to stnd for our terms lei free simples and U per cent discount. Prices for hot weather. Nothing cells * o fasl ns our new door plates , bells , street numbers Ac. , 100 percent profit. Michigan Doorl'lati Co..Grand Haplds. Mich. WANTED A few energetic men to work It tbo city. LIB lit , clean , and profitable mn ployipcnt. Cull at once , rcoin 11 , Wllllami block. | TM 7J \\rANTBD-MenibitU nursery itock. Ad if dreii Wlilto Uioi. , Autora ' Nab. . IUI MJ Y\7A'NTTU-Carpenter nn J 'builder wants sit- T nation as forotnim. Hoforcnco given. 3nll on or nddrcBs llotinott , 1317 Douglns rt. _ J _ _ M 2V \VANTED--A flrst'Clws brrad and cnno T tmkor. Good wnges irunriinteed Ad- dressJacob Flshor. Hustings , Nob. E50-2T VVfANTED-Oood , honest younir ninn ns collector - lector nnd tnko chnriro of branch olllco ronl ostute. Must deposit gjQOcash n security. Oood wages , experience not oscontlnl. Address - dross , T V ) llco olllco. KV-57 * V\7"ANTED Carpenter to tnko contract to > build two cottnees nnd tnkn hnr > o nnd buggy us part puymcnt. Apply 410 N Kith t. 7W 87 * TXTANTKD Fli li\o inon Immediately , steady ' ' work , big money , no experience required , -till at once , boars' Itcal Estatu office , Will- aim block. ID ! 2iJ VXMNTED-Stono cutters. Apply to W. H. > Tylur , Lincoln. Noli. 33. > Jyl5J ATANTED Carpenters. Innulro now church Mth and Lea\onworth. M. T. Murphy. 018 " \\7ANTBD Intelligent , rollablo , energetic > > mun ns spcclnl twents. W. I1' . Allen , General Agent Mutual Iifo Insurance Com pany of New VorK , No. 215 South Uth street , fiSl t \\rANTKU-Men for rullrond work.Albrlght's > Labor 8KoncvllJ20 rarnnni HI. HIS ' \\rANrKD Experienced booitKoeper in dry goods house , references required. None ncod address who bava not had experience. Address T 13 , lleo ofllco. 477 \v JANTED Itnllroud laborer ? for Colorado. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Knrnnui. 420 $111 paid per month to men to sell our goods. Audreys with stamps , D. W. McLano & Co. , Ihirllngtou. Iowa. C'0i.ly2 ! * ANTED A good wmron maker at onco. W Muldoonit Krisl , llth and Jones sts.B.M B.M WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\rANTED-At Transfer Hotel , Council T > lllntfs , two uxporlcncod dining room girls , $17 per month. IUO 2SJ V\ANTED-A first girl utj. J. Brown's IMS > Sherman nvo. HI4 "S1 \\rANTED Dining room girls and illsh- > T washers , Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1B05 Dav enport. UJ7 211 \\fANTED Wotnuu past 60 years of into to > > wash dishes nnd wnlt on tnble. Apply 107 No. 12th st. SPl 2l ! " \\TANTED-OoodgIrlor woinnn In kitchen , W J14 S 13th M. HO'I 28 * " \\TANTED-Tno dressmuKers und two up- prentices. Mrs. M. Schwcrln , Illb North ICth st , up stuns. yt-0 2i ) WANTED C.ltl for geneinl housework , 1717 St. Mnry'snvu , 018 2U W ANTED THO girls nt Dorun house , 42.'S lSth Et , St. Mnry's avo. IHl \\rANTP.D--10good plain cooks for prlvnto T t families and boarding houses , $5 ; 3 laun dresses for city , ono for Soutn Omaha ; chain- bornmld ami dishwasher tor Central City , fares paid ; 10 dining room girls4 nnd $5 ; irood cook and laundress for 1'ort Omaha ; HI girls for pri vate lamilios In nnd out of city. Canadian Emp. olllce , 310 So. 15th ; t. J1 27J TVTANTED-B good plain cooks and laun- > i dresses for prlvnto famuli's at $5 per week , 2 good laundresses , 3 chambermaids , 1 ironniQgnl , l kitchen girl $5 , 14 dlnlnir room girls , 3 girls tor light house work , and 50 lor general hou'cwork , Canadian Employment ollico , 318S. 15th , Up stairs. 8b6 27j Q W ANTED-Lndy ngcnts ; call Tucsdnv. 811 N. 17th , basement. K'tl ' 27) ) V\7"ANTI5D-A girl to do housework In n small T > family nt 1112 B I'lth st. B'.itf WANTED Women cook , also chambermaid , one who can help wait on table In board ing houBo. good wages , 710 S llth. l )5 ) 27J WANTED H ) gins at good wages , for gen eral housework In nlco places. No olllce fee. Canadian Employment Otllco , 31H S. 15th. 87428 * WANTED Oirl for general housowork. must bo good cook , washer anil ironor. 1313 Shermun live. , Hist house north Crncost 5' ' ! 27 * WANfEU-Sowlngglrl. Apply 1014 Fninnm. 872 27 * WANTED. A good fcmalo cook for board- Ing house at Ashland , Nob. Good pay for tbo right person. Address V , Albert , Ashland , Nob. 870 27f WANTED Partner Lady or gentleman , with $3iiO to start a restaurant , lunch counter , cigar and fruit business. Jtcst locn- tlf.n in city. Address TfiO , Hoe olllco. 841 27J ANTED-Laundry girl at the City hotel. 801 27 \\7ANTED-Lady nnd gentleman ngonts to > sell our goods on tlmo pnymcnts in city. Lovell Mnnf'gCo. , 221 N lUthst. 8:0 Jl * " \\7ANTED-A competent teacher for the < Qermnn-Amorlcaii school for Knuhsli tuition. Address L. Helmrod , 13th and Jack son , or Ph. Andres , 1715 Douglas 715 I7ANTED A girl to COOK , wash and iron. > Mrs. John W. Hell , 140'J 7th nvo. C3i 1T ANTED-A good cook , NW cor 20th nnd i Leuvonworthsi. 451 V\rANTEO A young gill for general house- ' t work , In a small family. Apply ut KM Park live. 657 W ANTED tJlrl for genernl housework In small tnmlly , 2112 Douglas st. 4U ) " \\rANTEO A good glrl.wnshor nnd Ironer. > 1 Good wngos. Mrs. Frank E. Moorcs , til" South 18th. 500 \\TANTED-FirstcIass wnlst and skirt mn- T > kors. Mrs. Maude Marti , rooms 4 and . * > , Jncoba block , 15th and Cnpltol RVO , 75S2C , * SITUATION WANTED. \\7ANTED-8ltuntlon in prlvnto family by ' young mnn thoroughly experienced In taking cnro of horses , oarrlngos , lawns , etc. , Is not nfrnld of work. ( No olllco too. ) Canadian Kinp. olllco , 310 So. 15th St. , upstmrs.J2028 J2028 * WANT I'.D Situation by a machinist and millwright , to take charge of the motlvo power and machinery In mill or factory , llest of references nsto character ntid ability. Ad dress , T M , Dee. S'JI ' 29J \\"ANTED-Situutlon ns coachman In prlvuto ' family by ( Gorman ) mnn of 15 years exper ience , strictly temperate ; bus good refer ences ( no olllco foe ) , Cunudlnn Employment olllco , 310 S. 15th. . 8J523J \\7ANTED-Situntlon by n young man , has i experience in bookueeplng. Speaks Oer- ' man nnd Bcnndmavian. Address T ( A lleo o'lico. 8i"0 2S WANTED Situation by French cook. meat , bakery and pastry , seqond-zlnss hotel or boarding house. Good relerenco. Address T 04 lleo otllco , ! M3 28 * WANTED An experienced dressmaker wishes sowing In families. Can givti good reference. Apply 1223 North 17th st. 7'Jl 30 * T\7'ANTJ < , D A carpenter nnd builder wants t position CB foreman. Is experienced lu heavy building. Address , T 53 , lleo onico. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \VANTED-Washlnirbytho day. Mrs. Anderson - > derson , KiW Chicago. 81127 * WANTED-Oood llrst mortgages as first payment on Orammorcy park lots. A. P. Tukcy , 132J Farnnm st. 815 jly T\TANTED A barn having 3 or 4 stalls within i 5 blocks of Crounso block. Address Hammond mend & Co. , P. O. box 74(1 ( , City. .BI8-2V \VANTED-Until Nov. 1. by it single gentleman - ' ' man , a suite of two well furnished rooms with south or southeast exposure , witnln four blocks of the postolllcu. Would llko to have hrcntclnst. Prlviitufnmily preferred. Address with locution and terms , box T 61 , this olllco. 840 29' \\7ANTED-To rent by ono gentleman. do > > Blrnblo front room ; private fumtly within C blks Iroat P. 0. Address T54 , Boo olllco. 755 27 * T\7 ANTED To buy 8 nouses whlon can bo ro T moved. A. F , Mayne , 1433 Dodiro st WANTED Good horse ns llrst payment on Orammorcy park lot. A. P. Tukoy , 13J4 Farnnm st , V10 jy 1 - buy good fM 1st mortgage. A. P , Tukoy , 13-'i Fnrnnin st. 014 2J WANTED-A cool room on the hill with board by gentleman. Address T 01 Dee oillco. g&i ytj ANY person having a good furnished house , with modern conveniences , wlshlnr to rent for nx or twelve months can find a re sponsible tenant by calling nt Kinslor's drug tore , 1 )7 Farnam su 60S 27 " \\7ANTED-2 or 3 nor so power engine , 2n' ( hand. Apply at MlllurJ hotel olllc * . 438 \\7ANTED Teams for railroad work. Al- brlght't Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam. 743 FOR RENT HOUSES and LOTS. "tnOB HKNT 4 new B-room bouies , cellar , JU wall , hall , closeti , ta , 1U miles northwtit of poitofflo , 3 blocks to itreit carl , | 2 to fts ctr month. Or fory * Hadloyi Boom 1 * nd 8 , MO B. IMaMi * W T70 ! fl IVr.NT-ltoilscf of thrfir-lrooms , two' clos * X' cts nnd stable , w corailr , 4th nnd Wll- lain B Sts. ' Ml 775 27J FOH HENT A hbiuo nicely furnished , 7 rooms , until January , IMS. 713 N. SM st. ! M 23J I ? OH HENT New bouse , 'ten rooms , steam 1 hent , nil Imprvoinonts. j C. W. nnd C. K. Thompson. 314 HlSthat. . \ _ M TjWH HUNT U room bricklJiit , furniture for - - snlo ; 7 room brick lint , ( iirnlturo forsnlo ontltno ; W room brick Hut , futnltuio for s lo ! ri'stnurunt doing n good bltllnuj' , ftxtutos for 'nlo at your o n price , outline ; 10 room board- nir. 'i block trntn 1' . U. , 3 < ) tom1v bonrdnr , rurnltiiro for sale at 'j Its value. Co-operation l.and.v Lot Co , so : N. lath ; f _ 7i as FOH RKNT. House of fi rooms with well nnd cistern. Cnll on premises , 415 Chicago cage street. 80127 * FOH HENT-Occldcntnl hotel corner store room. Apply to John I. 1'nyntor. on promises. N , II. The hotel Is still running ; the entrance liolng on the toutli slJo. 70-1 FOH HKST Stanonnd Hat on corner Stiun dcrs and Claik sts. 0. W , Carlson. 75A 29' _ _ T710H 11KNT Hestaurant and Uxturcs. Apply JL1 ut once , 813 N 10th st , COO 2 , j FOH HENT 1'nrt of store or olllco loom. In- ( | Ulroatl2l3 Douitlasst. _ 913 FOH HUNT New etoro nnd living rooms on Cumlnif st near Sounders fit. Apply Har ris Heal Kfliite A Loan Co. , Id ) S. 15th Et. i < > 9 room cottage $13 n month Hreunnn & Co. , Ho in 3 , Cliambur of Com merco. IKI" 27 FOH HENT H room hntuo 1317 Chicago t. Imiulro nt the Neb. broom factory. Hi" 27J FOH IlKNT 0 room house ana barn , 17th nnd Center sts. , house heated by hot water and nil modern Improvomcts , sfii'i. Also n 7 room bouso us nbovu f 10. J. U WcUhaus , U10 B. 15th etruet. 4G7 FOH HKNT 4 now ft-room houses , collar , well. hall , closets etc. , 1U miles nortlnvost of po tofllco. ! l blocks to street cars , $ i" to t'M per month. Gregory Jc Hndley , Hooms 1 and 3 , LU j S lMli fit. 1T.O . _ FOR HBNT A basement , peed place for burlier shop , s w corner llllli uud Li'iivcn- worth sts. tflfl HUNT Small oinco In excellent loca FOH tion. Kmiulro of F. Ilurrctt & Co. , SH'.J S. 161 h. 237 _ OH HKNT-Threo room house , 110614 S 7th 315 OH HKNT-OntolIIco , second lloor , nt 318 S 15th St. Kent , f 10. 447 _ HKST 3-ronm house on Hlh nnd FOH 1'lcrcofats. liiiiuiro at BIT South lUtli St. ! i.i7 _ _ Foil HBNT Two ! nrgo now stores nnd two lints of tlvo rooms eiich. City water nnd gns. On Baundorsst. C. W. Cain , 82-20 Ohio St. b3 ! " 171OH HENT Two brick stores with base- -I ? tnontrt-Mtli nnd Hamilton streets. Deslr- nblo location for dry goods and drug Ptnro. Flats above If desired. I.cavltt nurnham , loom 1 , f'rcltfhton block. 071 F OH HP.NT Thi-eo room house , 7 Hi I'nclllc. Tor Hent Six room hoiisp , IIO'S ' S 7th , 1'or Kent Three room house lOlj N-nh CS3 IIOICi : Lot lor Lonso.Sjnutticast corner 41x | ! ) t4 Lcavenworth nj'ark nve.or will build to gnlt tenant , llolibtgyros. _ 3.VJ ltr.NT-2 largo HtorcsWli South 10th St. ' near Vlntcin , f'J'J ' n mwrth each. Also 2 stores same si7o but hnvirw 5 living rooms nbovo , runt for STO per moatft- . All liavo cltv \\ilor : lliroutrliout. Apply J tP. Ilnmmond , 117 South 16th at. , $ 43t _ _ OK llENT-3-roora housiinJOJ Pacific. l 513 FOH HENT-Urlok yards , T Murray. * 415 'OH HENT Win.lnw , gorlfVlocillty for Jew dor or real estate. Aj'nly ' to3J3 n Iflth. U 6iM FOR RENT ROOMS. T710H HENT Two Furnished rooms 417 N. E nth st. , tO' . . , . 070 TJ10H HENT Furnlshed Vooiiis , 701 S. 17th. . 45123J F HENT Nicely ftirnlalied room , suitable L ? for two or four , nt 11)19 ) Dodge st , b55 27 * FFOK FOK HENT-Furnishod room. 1015 Dodge 844 st. FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room , with board ; 1914 Farnnm. b J 27 * FOH HENT 3 newly and elegantly turnishcd rooms nt 1703 Douglas st. 514 Jl * FOH HENT Newly furnished front and back parlors , single or together , tromJuly 1st. All modern conveniences ; pilvuto family ; nciir business , 1C15Cap. live. 8072 * FOH HENT 3 elegantly furnished rooms for gentlemen desiring permanent quarters , 1711 Dodgo. MS 27 * FOH HENT-Frout room with board , 1721 Douglno st. B19 20 * OH HENT-Hoom. furnished. 1720 Cnpltol nve. B12 27 J T71OH 31JNT Dos K room. Enquire Young & JL : Blackman , 211 S16th st. 540 FOH HENT Lnrgo , nicely furnished room , 82i/5S2l8tst ) fOJ 3U * _ 1T\OH \ HUNT Furnished room ; board , 521 J2 Plensnnt. tfiljyl * "I710H HENT One large and one stunll fur- JL' nlsncd room In best nolghborhood , near center of the city , to gentlemen with rotor- cnccs. G 1 , Boo olllco. 805 27 OH HENT-Furnlshed room , 009 S. 17th st. E1830J 1OH HENT Elegant newly furnished rooms , now house , all modern Improvements , to flrst-clnss parties only. 171)7 Dodgu st. &J7 FOH HENT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cuss. 615 I7OK HENT-2 elegantly furnished front rooms P for ono or two gentlemen. Plonsnntlocatlon , 1017 Cuss. 771 POH HENT 3 rooms In a flat oor 20th and Nleholes st. 112 FOll HENT-Wnre room cor. 14th and Cull. Ifornln on licit Line , lor particulars on- < iulre ut Union Nat. bunk. \Ki FOH HhNT Ono or two furnished rooms. 725 South ISth st. CI1 27J OH HENT-Desirablo rooms nt 2227 Dodge. 617 27 FOH HENT-Offlce 2nd lloor , 310 S 15th. st. price $10. ( 11,1 FOH HENT Elegant rooms , furniture and house now , every modern convenience , 1703 Dodge street. Heferences required. OH HENT-NIccly furnished front room , 1C33 Dodgo. WO Jy2- OH HENT-2 rooms flABllel1 | for " l11 housekeeping , 8o9 llowflrf st. bt\ T710H HENT 3 nicely tunUsnod rooms with Jlarge closets. conipletoVur houskecplng. Fiirnlturo for sale , with Wivllcgo of renting lioiisu. 2QI2llarney st. , 837 23J FOH HENT Furnished frpnt room , rcnl rousoiiablo , 60 ! ) N 18th Pft C33 29J POH HENT-Nowly fiirnUb'@a room , single 01 In suit with bathroom. KA 403 N Kltn st. 3rd tloor , room 40 , | f 643 27 OH HENT-Largo nlcolyi'lurnished front room , 617 Pleasant st. 18 377 OH HENT Throe room house west of North llth st. , between ChlcagcTand Cuss. C'J. OH KENT-Otllces lu HeoHinn nullding cor. Farnum and 13th sts. , In jsiiltos or singly. For prices , diagrams and Inf aimntlon apply to B.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam et , Hoom 3. Tf 52L _ _ plOH HENT Large front room 1012 Jlurt s. OH HENT 13 rooms near center of town and sale of furniture very cheap , a bar gain rarely offered , to good parties who meat business. For pnrtioulars inquire of Dr. Simons , 404 North ICth street , Omaha , Neb , FOU HENT Elegant suite of rooms , reforon CBS required , leOTJOouglm et. 301 OH HENT-FurnUhed rooms , 714 N. Ifllh Et 468 Jy 17 * FOR HENT Largo N E room , first lloor , fur niehed or unfurnished. Also , B E room with alcove and bay window. Northwest corner nor IBtb and Fanmin , 473 Jy 1 * > OH HENT A eluglo or suite of furnlshoc rooms , 117 8 17th. G'J4 S : ' TJ10H KENT-Furnlthed front rooms wltl X1 flrtt-clais board ; ull modem couv nlenc s BlBNlSUiit. . fUSJj RKNT-NIca furulihod room. 2025 Far ' HENT Two well furnished rooms with I'OH first class board if doslred , pleasant loca tion , prlvnto fnmUy. S E cor 20th nnd Fitrnnm , iron HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , IWI JP Dodge u 119 oilTiENT 1'art of oilice roonii Inaiilro at 1212 Douglas st. U13 "IjlOH HENT 13 rooms near center of town , -L end sale of furniture very cheap , a rnro bargain , Mid only ollercd to good parties who mean buninets. Tor particulars Inquire of Dr. Simons , 404 N. ICth street. 4JS IflOH HENT Desk room , first odlac to left over Merchants National bnnK. Bli FOR S ALE-HOUSES LOTS. A LIST of bni-galns- 2Jluts In Hitchcock's add , each flOJ to I'M , fi lots In Ilrowu's Park , | iWO to J-OJ. 7 lots In Walnut Hill , f 1,0.0 to $1,500 , 2 lots In Louu'e mideach $ lI.'ih ) . KOiUO eornor S 13th st. , 113,000. A corner with store , fiflxliO. cheap for cash. A corner on Jones at , 00x13. ! , rents for $100 per month. 2 lots In llaker Place , for both fOO. A corner In lsano'8 ndd. 70x120. $ , ! .OW. A n-room cottage and lot , 75x11.2 , $ .t.lXM. tllxlUO east front on Snundcrd 8t , fj'W. 3 lots In Hlvcr View , each Jl.SOO. \Volmvoa number of cheap houses and lots In various parts of the city suitable for business ami residence purposes. 1'or prices nnd terms call at the olllco of McOavock & O'Connor , 310 S. 18th st. 9tii ) 8J UCTlONSnlu of 9 cottages III Crolghton Heights at 3 p. m. i-aturday , July -lid. Parties Mlth small nieans can now coeure it homo on easy terms. ( J. W. Mount. W.IJyl "VTOW Is jour time , fl.W ) buys 5 acres Hit miles X > southwest of P. O. , high and sightly. 1'nt- terson Ilros , , Hoom 21 , Fronzcr block , 810 2 rpo F.XCHANQK-2 houses nnd lots , frnmc , Jonc" > 'ioom , ono 4'room , lotBlllxl 10 nnd MX 140 , for Nebraska or Iowa lands , small mort gage. J. S. Johnson , 310 S. 15th , Hoom 4. 8JU 20J T > AHiinXTIJK I'luco-A corner lot for $1,300. JL Only f300 cash. IJInckburn & Kcnnody. liOO 23 TONII Qnllaglicr,317 South 1.1th. rnlrinount Plnco , noxlSl , ? l.hV > . Cor , 51x110 fl.Si'O. 30x121 , $1,000. Thfvonio all olegunt lots. Meyers , HIclmrdM .V Tlldcn's add. 6 loti fl'Dl ' ) for comers and sMOO for lusldn lot . Ailtouth fionts. Compare these prices with what others uru asking , B-room IIOIIFC , 23d st nnar Cnss. $1,000 ; Ji cash. 2,000 lots and over 100 houses for snlo. Hnvo some special bargains on Hand now that will pay you to Investigate. 773 2i < FOH trading , selling or buylnir any kind of ru.U e-tnto In or oiu of theclty call on or address the Omaha Iluslness Exchange , 311) ) S. 15th St. . HciomJ. 7 2 FOH SALE Or oxchnngp for gooil Omaha pioporiy n 40 aero faun adjoining the town of Klkhorn , ull enclosed , a good 10 room liousii , largo barn nnd otnor out buildings , plenty of shrubory , fruit and berries of all Kinds , suitable ns nn addition , or good truck Inrm , u beautiful homo. Audrojs J. II. Rllvle , r.lkborn , Neb. 767 30J AUCTION Sale of hou o.s and lots In ( 'rclgh- ton Heights on Saturday. Will be a rare ctuinco to buy homos on small payments. C. \V. Mount. LOOK AT THESE ; East front on Sheridan In Hnnscom Place , nbovo grade. $1.030. Extra cholcu eouth front on California street , cast of Twenty-ninth , $ . ' ,100 , 7.MI50 , east Iront ( Jeorgla nvoiiuoflX ) , 50 leet , Leavenworth near Thirty-first street , fl.Cf.0. 10 room liouso , Iwollth street , near Martha , Extra good bargain Choice business prop erty on lower Harnoy. A choice corner fronting Puzton's residence block , upper Fnrmiin. * 40 feet on Fnrnum trontlng same block , $ , , r,00. , A south front on Hamilton street near Con vent , on grade , $2,000 , fiJ tcet on Howard between Sheridan nnd Virginia avenues , ft..100. ! l lots , tornor Da\enportnnd Thirty-third , ? 3ono. South (4 ( lot 10 , block I , Horbach's second , with liouso cnhlo laid by it , $ fl,0 ) . 10 ixlIM an Nineteenth struct between Union Pncillu nnd II. & M. tracks , $7,0,0. 45 loot on Lonvoiiwortli sticut , east of Sheri dan , $150 per foot , tiO tcot on South Sixteenth street , fS7 per foot snap , 120 lei't on Twentieth street. In Kirkwood , $ 00. 2 south fronts In A. 8. Patrick's , near Kount/o Place , f J.SOD for both. E83-27 T. J. Hook. ISu'O rnrnntn street. INVESTMENTS. CHOICE street , near 20th , HOxKi-J.por foot $ 400 Fnrnara street , near 2jth , ' zi)2 : ) 10,000 Farnnm street corner 31si , 130x1 J2 , per foot 150 Farnnm street , near Thirty-eighth , 47x- 131 4.0CV1 Fariiam street , near3 < th , 5xl3J H.OJO Farnam street , coiner In Jerome Park n.COO Farnnm street , corner In Jerome Park 3,000 Farnam street , near 12th , Improved 20.2x132 25,000 rarnam street , near Nliiotcomh , 77x132. improved 40,000 Harnoy street , near Twenty-third , 60x- 133 , Improved 11,000 Harnoy street , near 21st , 174x170 , Im proved 60.000 Dodge street , near 12th , ililxlIK , per foot 600 Uodgo htrcet , near 27th , 4iixl32 , im proved 3,000 Douglas street , near 12th , 41x132 35,000 Fifteenth street , corner Jnchaon , GGxl32 , improved 35,000 Fourteenth street , corner Jackson , U'Jr ' 132.Improved 33,000 Fourtoouth street , corner Chicago , 60x132 20,000 16th st , opp M. P. dtpot.naxllU , per foot. 200 llth st , cor Mcholus , ( UxlJ2 ! , truck In alley B.OOO 13th st , near Howard , Wxfl'J , Imp 13IX ) ( ) Truckage , CiJxll2-i'nddoek Place 2,000 20thstneu- Mary's , 40x120 , imp H.OO. ) 20thst , nsnrDouglas , : nxni 8Kio Situndara st cor Hurt , 100x51 7.W10 Park ave , ncarLoavon orth , 06x140 4.WM 1'arknvo. opp park , Mxl.lO 2,000 Jerome Pork , near Fnrnum , E front 47 x IRS 1.830 CastPllar St. . nonr 8thOH'xl20 1.000 West Omaha , finest acre 15.UK ) llrown Park , 2 lots very cheap Albright's Annex , 2 lots very cheap 2dst.cor. Nicholas Trackage Imp. , 132 xiW. ; 20,000 Choice property In nil parts of the city. ' B. A. Bloman , 1301 Fariiam st , , Kooms 22 nnd 23. FOH SALE Promises 127 So. 21th Pt. ( some times called 25th St. ) , consisting of two lots with house , barn nnd other buildings. W. C. Ivcs , 118 So. 2Uh St. 751 28 * VtfE hnvo n 10-acro tract near the Institute on T T which wo con ninko you n price that A'lll you to InveBtigate. Active Heal Estate nnd 'rnporty Exuhnnge , 1524 Dodge street , Omaha , Neb , 821 3' ) FOH SALE At a bargain , 610 acres of llrst class farming hind In Howard county , this state ; first class soil ; close to two lines of rail road , nnd snrioundod by well Improved farms. Pan divide to suit purchaser , and will make tins a bargain If sold < | ulck. Small cash pay ment ; very ensy terms. Address Gcorgn N. Illcks , 215 South Fifteenth street. 80S j 14 TIHHEE thousand live hundred buys a 12-room liouso onlr Wt blocKsfrom oar line , only 1,500 cash , llluckhurn & Kennody. JOU 2b ' Full to attend auction sale of nine now cottages and lots , In Crolgliton Heights , on Saturday , July 2d. 1'ar terms sou advortlso- nient Thursday. C. W. Mount. l 20Jyl FOH SALE-nO No , 1 tiirms within a radius of 20 miles of Omiihn. Also n low good busi ness chances In two llvo towns. J. II. Sllvls , Heal Estuto end Loan Agent , Ulkhorn , Neb , 57'J ' Aug. 8 FOH SALE-Cottago,7 rooms and b.uh room , lire place , oak tmuitel , cistern , city water , etc. , Ill feet of ground. 22d st. north of St. Mnry'snvo. 91,500. C.W. & 0. E. Thompson , CMS. 16th st. 210 \\E Cnn soil for n tow days only > > Lot lOG ( lisa's addition lor $0,4J ) . Lo 171 UIso's addition , 1.300. U > ck 1 lloyd's addition , l.503. ; ( Ono-thlnl cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Remington i : McCormlck , 22U Soutn 15th it. 1011 SALE Now store building etui lot on llollovuo street , tlio leading thoroughluru between the city and South Omiiha. Can sell forl , 0.00 ; only $ W.OO cash , bnlnnco 1 and 1 ! yearn. Gun , N. Illcks , M > 1 215 South 15th street. OH SALE A livery barn with stable room for about sixty horses , situated In n desir able location , and now doing n good business , Good reasons given for selling. Enquire of or address A. II. Coinstock , roul estate broker , 1523 Fnrnam s 207 11011 SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with J1 two good bouses , uheap nt 17,00) ) . Terms easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. H. Campbell,310 S. ICth Bt , Chamber of Com- pierce. 273 T7\Ol \ ! SALE-Choluo lot in Orchard Hill $ H.V ) . -t Two lots In Saundora * Hlmebiiugh's South fronts , one n corner , for both , $ liu ) . Some of the bast lots In Clifton Hill ; will sell three together for $1.000. Will sell 4lots In Walnut Hill , OIIQ a corner , for alls 1,500. Two lots In Maker's add , cloio to railroad , church nnd school , $1,200. I have a good list of Improved business uud residence property at prices from tOOO to rw.OOO. Ho Bure and glvo me a call If you want to make money. James Btockdate , 113 N. 16th itroet. 70(130 ( ( lllt-We can stU you a lot foi OHCHAK0 140 CMhBlackburn k Kenucdy 006 * V BIonAnC5AIN-Onohun,1rcd feet front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $ & ,000 , fartoa time. V. L. VoJIcka , M South I'tth st KEAD our list of houses and lot * lit nnothor column nndcomo around nnd let us show you n houso. lllackburn , V Kennedy , Jin S 15th SELECTS , am ttin carefullv llstol bargains hunted doirn by Cake & Hillings. Our sam ple c e : 2 lots with 2houses , J. I. Hcdlck's sub , only block from ftieot ciir line , 103x131 ft on 2 streets , biff money hero for you. Come , ever 1U1 , corner Doilgo and 15th , and we'll make It plcasaut nnd profitable for you. _ * _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 370 riio\YlIoM It may concern. To parties who JL build houses costing front $1.200 tn $1 , ' . > 0 , wo furnish bountiful building lots In Hedlck Park tequlrlug nu payment ot piluclpal for 6 years , Hedlck I'ark has city water , 350 ninplo and elm lrras,41 residences tlndnr contract to build , none to cost less than $1,20J. Its sticots nro grMled ami turnplkod It U within the city limits , opposite Kountzo Place , and accesslblo from fcltlicr Saitnders or Stnto. Prlcu of lots until July 1st , $ lOJd. Wo also oiler 100 It fronting Itnnscom Park , ? 0,000 , K to J { cash Cor 100x150 , Georgia nvc. $ : . , ( XK ) . $2,000 cash. Full lot nnd 7-room house In excellent condi tion , ParKer's ndd , f3.5W. CorBiixlltJ , Improved , S llth near viaduct , $10iA > 0. Mend . \Juiulcsun , Solo Agents , 313 b 15th st. 713 TpOilSALE Or trade , 25 lots in the western JL part of Omulm near the llcnson car linn , price $400 each , $ " .so duo on contracts pnynblu in 8 iiunrterly payments , will tnulo Interest In contracts for NobrusKii lati'l. McCiiltocn Co. , 15M Furttam St. 10JO T710H SALE A line fnrm of 100 iicros. en- Jclosed with 3 wire fence , 33 ucies under cultivation , 11 acres of u h trees In thrllty growing condition , price 810 per ncro , terms usy. This oiler good for thirty du > s only. Address Clins. II. Wilson , Oxford , Furims coun ty , Nob. 1)73J)8 ) * A HE You looking for n house ? We Imvu n now 12 room house with all modern con veniences , only a blocl ; nnd n half from street car line on u high and sightly lot Hint wo cnn soil lor $ V > UJ. only $ l'M cash. A lit ) loot lot 111 PntrloK's ndd with two bran mm' fl room cottuges and ono with 4 roonis , only hull block Irom car line , the whole Imsl- ness for $ , " > ,500 , ' $ cash or will sell separately You Irid hotter look this up. A mint firootn cot- tngolth barn , on Popplctun nvu , nlcu sightly locution , only $ 'Il > h ) , M cash. A line 7 loom house on full lot , Ciiiltol | Hill , very cheap. A 5 room cottugo on Capitol HIM on hnlf lot , vorv cheap , at f 1,500 ; two others at $6,000 only half b ock liom car lino. Wo ImM ! ftonio awfully good property , both Improved and unimproved. Como nroiind und lot us show this property , lllackburn * Kon- nedy. 31 S. 16th St. WI 23 . SALE $ rjOO will buy n rooming und lodging bouso , good location , this city , pnylngwoll. J. S , Johnson , 310 S. I..thltooni4. CIAKKSON"i : Iloatty's special bargains. Highland Place , n south and west corner , 110x15" ! , ono ol the choicest building situs In the city nt u btirruln. lioyd's adilition. Lots 8 nnd P , block 5 , witnln n block ot Stnto st nml Amos HVOIIUO , 91'jtM , ? " )00 ) cash wanted , this Is n f .1. Lake st. , elegant corner .itnls coming busi ness St. , cheap. Lakes iidcl , J0ftxl40 , northeast corner 16th and Spruce , very cheap , $7,000. Preston und Williams , ( Ox140.21st nvo neir St. Mary's , n very desirable biilldinir lot , $7,00) . Falrmount Place , 40x100 , corner , $1,500. Terms oa y. California st , 2 choice ncres In Pork Place , n splendid purcnnso. Hrlggs Plnco , u south front on llnrnoy , $ ln" > 0 nnd a north front on Farnum , 1,575. Easy terms. Hcsidenco property A nice cottniro home close to streetcars for $1WO : $1,000 cash , bill In A nice cottage nnd lot 60x127 , corner. In Lowe's ndd for $1,700 , very onsy terms. This Is cheap nnd n good oliitnco to own u homo. Druid Hill , on Stuto nt , Insldo of Holt Hv. . op posite Kount70 Place , wnno very choice lots nt low prices nml ensy term" , only ! - . " > cash ro- nulled ; will have struut oarsthis year , on State street , nnd then prices will double. Wo nro ready to assist purchasers in building In nny of the Inllawlnir additions : lloyd's tiddl- tlon , Druid's Hill nnd Om.iha Heights. Consult us hororp buying and see the burgolns wo l.avo to offer < tn 1 our Iniliicnnionts to thnso whhing to Improve. Clurk on & lloatty , 21'JSo. 14m St. F you wnnt to buy , soil or Undo , call on L. V. Crum.IMN 15th st , 100 lots H of a mile of U. P. depot for snlo or trade. a-room house for rent. Two 10-roorn houses for rent , sale or trado. Idlvwlldn. Ily J15 1 , V. Grunt. 120 N 15th st. FOH SALE Hy Shaw .V bo. , 510 Slfith st. Houses and lots In all pints of the city. You can't nlford to rout when you know the prioo and terms of this class of property. On Georgia avenue MO have n largo plooo of ground for sale ut loss tlinn Its value. His worth looking nt If you want a nice resldoneo ptoporty. Lots for sale In dlffaront pnrts of thecity.and you arc sure to mnko money by doallnsr with us. Wo nro headquarters lor enfo Investmoiits. 5 > 1 I1OICE LANDS- $ ' ) per ncre. JM ) milROS 1st year's payment on 1(10 ( ncros. Write for In- formation. W. F I'alno , Sidnuy , Nob. 0'.K1J2J TMMEDI ATE nnlo will tine f > lots or less only JL 5 or H blocks from Exchange bid and Union Stock ynrds on fnvorublo terms. Sixteen house' ) under contract in sumo block. I wnnt what they are worth. 1 don't want fancy prices 1 want to sell quickly. E. H. llranch. 12J OliTY-TWOfcot on Stuto struct f7. > U Full lot In Saundcra & Himobuugh's udd 475 Two good lots In Meyers , U. & T. nud , each. 7M S.E. cor. In lloyd's f50 Trnckugo In Paddock Pltco , elinap , Hoom 2' ) , Paxton building. Proponals for Crnctlnj. SEALED proposals will ho receive I by the un- ilert-Uned until II n. m. . July llth , 1M7 , f < ir grading2tth Avenuolroui Iluit .sticct to Cnll- fornla street In accordance wllh plans nnd speclflcr.tlons on llln in the olllco of the board of public ) woilis. Uuls will be made on printed blankb f urnUlicd by the board , and to bo accompanied by a cer tified chock In the sum ot $500 payable to the city of Omiiha , as an ovldenco ol good lalth. The board reserves the right to i eject nny or nil bids nnd to wulvu delects. ST. A. D. Hu.coMnK , Chnlrman Honril of Public Works. Omnhn , Juno 27th , 1M7. J2'iJy'J Proposal for the Construction of the Superstruc ture of the City Hall Building. SEA ! . pioposals will bo received by the tin- ileralgncd until 11 o'clock n. in , July 30th , 1887 , fortho construction nt the superstructure of the f/'lth Hull Hiilldlng , In nccordancfi u'llli tlieplnns nnd spocllleations on ille * in the ot llco ol the board of public works. Uuls will boiiiiulo on printed blanks fninlshod by tbo board , and to be uccompnnlod with acer tified check In the sum of $1000 , us nu uvidonco of good talth. The board reserves the right to reject any or nil bids and to wnlvo doructs. . t. A. D. HALfOMHE , Chnlrman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha. Nob. , July 21th , 1 7. J27d3w3tw Ordinance No. t.ioo. AN Ordlniinco locating certain adilltlonnl water hydrants in the city of Omulm : Ho It Ordnlnod by the cltv council of the city of Omohn. Section 1. That the City Wntor Woi Us Com pany be and the same Is hereby nidvrcd to pluco additional water hydrants In the city of Oninhn , us follows ; Ono on 13th street , 400 foct south of Hancroft ftlCM.'t. Ono nt tlio coiner of 3Hh and Illondostrnete1 Ono nt the corner of Hint nnd Hlondo streets. Ono ut the corner of ; ilst and Woniwortli HIS. Ono on 31st ttrcet , IUO loci south of Popple- ton street. Cnn nt the corner of ) rd nnd Popi'loton sts. Ono on ; tJril,400 Icet north ol l'ni'leton | | st. Ono ut the corner of 27th und Hickory sts. Ono on 27th , ut center of Mock between Hickory und fahlrloy streets. Ono at the corner of 27th and Shirley streets. Ono on7th , nt cuntur of blook butwoon Shir * ley und Ed CrcUhton uvonuo. One ut the corner of 2Tth und Ed Crclihton avenue. One. nt the corner of 27th nnd North streets , Onoat thocornurof Walnut und North Ms. Ono on iith : struct , Oltect houth of Unncroft streot. Section2. That this ordlnanoi shnll tnko effect nnd bo In lorco from and after Its passage. Passed Juno 1st , W . WM. F. IIKUIIKI. , President City Council. J. 1) ) . KOUTIIAIUI , City Clork. Approved Juno 2nd , 1887. w. j. HiioTCII , Mayor Ordinance Ho. 1307. Ordinance requiring the rommUslonurs of AN Hoard of tire nnd I'olico roiumlissloii- ers. to execute nfllcinl bonds , for the lulthful pcrformanco of their dntios us such com mil- elonerii. Ho it ordulnod by thu city councilor the city Section 1. That the Commissioners of the Hoard of I'lro iiirl I'olico Commliiloners bo and they nrs hereby required to enter Into and tflvo bonds to the city of Omuhn , In the usual form otolllclul bonds , to the city , In thu sum of live thousand dollars each , with two good und sum- dent sureties , to be approved by the city coun. ell , conditioned for the faithful porlormanco of their duties n such coir.mlailonors. which Buid bonds , whim tn approved , shall bo tiled , and kept In the otllco nt the ally clurk. Section'- . This ordinance shall tnka ctloct and be In force from and uftcr Its passage. missed Junp 7th , 1HH7. ; WM. H. HECHEL.Pres.City Council. J. n. BOliTHAHD.OIty Clork. . . ' Approved June lOtb , 18S7. ' , W. J. I1HOATCM , May f. ' ' . Ordinance No , 1301. ' AN Ordlnnncb locntlng certain nddltlonn water h.ulrnutsnnd etroct mnliis In the city of Omulin : Ilo It ordnliicd by the City Council of the City o Omulm i Section 1. Tlmt the City Wutor Workt Com- naiiy ho nnd the same Is hnrcby ordered to locate additional n liter hydnints In the city of OniKhn , as follows ; One at the corner of Vinton nnd 17th streol * . Ono at the corner of Vlntoit and l tb stroeU. Onunt tluicortiorof Vinton nnd 20th stieets Onoat the corner of Martha nnd Kill streets. Onu a * , the corner of Dorcas und 1 1th streets , One ut the corner of Center und Hlh streets Ono nt the cornerof Hickory und 14th flrcels. Onont the coiner of Wllliniit nnd 14th streets. One of thu coiner of Plcico und Uth sticots. Ono nt the corner ol Mnson nnd Uth lrects. Ono ut the corner ol Marcy nnd llth streets. And ono tH'Uu'en William und Hickory streets on 14th street. ScL'llon1. . Tlyit this onllnnnco shnll lake nltect nnd bo in force f ruin nnd after Its pnssuiio. Pns ed Juno 1st , lt S7. WM. F. llKOiiui. , President City Council. .1. 11. SotiTM.Miti , City Clerk. Approved June 2nd , 1 7. W J HnntTcit , Mayor. _ Ordinance No. 1302. AN Oidiniineu ordoilng pints of certain xtroots In certain imviinr districts , In the city of Omaha , paved with Trinidad sheet its- plinltum und cedar blocks , according to sped- llcatlons iiropareil by the board of public \ \ 01 ks mid city engineer of paid city nnd on tile tn the olllco of the ho.inl of public works , nnd requiring suld board lo cause said paving to bo done , and Including said board to enter Into contract with the lowest responsible bid * dor. Wlmrcus , u majority of the owners both of the nt n und feet trout of the lots und thu fool fstuto In the several puvliig districts hotoln- nfter named have In nnd for ench of said pav ing districts , it'spectlvely , duly notltled und petitioned the mil ) or nnd council to pnvo the purls ot said street" In said distiiols , icspcctivc- ly , with Trinidad sheet nspliiiUuni nnd codnr blocks : nnd Whereas , In addition to thu designation ot the material so specified bj said ii nors. thu mayor nnd city councilor suld city of Omaha do here by dctuimliio upon thu nmtoilnl so t > pccltlod us the nmtcriiil to bo u cd for paving in etich of siild 'districts ' , respectively ; thuroforo , Ho It ordained by the city council of the city ot Omnhn ; Section 1. Tlmt tint pnrt of Dnvcnpoit street In Paving Dlstt lot No. S7. that that part of 23th aveinio In Paving DlstilctvNo. It ) , bo and thu sumo uru hereby orduied pnvud with Trinidad sheet us phnltum , according to hpoclllcntlons on Ille In tno olllco of the board of public works In said city. Section 2. That that purl of 15th street. Ill Pavl.ig Dlstilct No. SS , be nnd the Fume is here by ordeied paved with cedar blocks on coneroto base , according to specifications on Illo lu the olllco of the board of publio works lu said olty , Soctloti3. 'Unit tbo board of public uotksls hereby ordered to cniifo said woik to bo done and to enter Into contracts for the same with the lowest responsible b'dder undorthospoelll- cntlons prepared by suld boiird and city engineer of said city , nnd now on Illo In the o'.lico of said board , nnd In iiecordunoo with bids rocolvod by said hoard March Ist,15s7. Section 4. That this ordinance shnll tuko effect nnd bo lu force from and after Its passage. Passed .luiielht , 1837. WM. F. llF.oiiKi. , Piosldent Cltv Counoll. J. 11. SOUTH um. Citv Clerk. Approved Juno 1st , ls"7. W. .1. DltOAtcii. Mayor. _ Ordinauco No. 1303. Ordlnnnce creating Paving Districts Nos. AN 101 and 12) ) , In the city of Oninhn , and ro- pe.illng Section I ol Ordlnuuoo No. lllt'lundso much of ull ordinances In contllct hciunltli. Ho It by the city council of thu ultv of Omulm : Section 1. Paving Districts No. 101 nnd 123 mo heieliy created In the city of Omulm : Section 2. Puvlng District No. 101 tlnill com- lirlsu nnd Inclinlo that pnrt of Leavunnoith ttieut In the city of Omaha Irom llth eticot to 2llh hticci , and ull lots and real estnto on each sldcot "aid pint of l.cnvenworth Mrootudls- tiineo of 111 J feet back trora said street. ( cctlonil. Paving District No. 123 shall com prise and Ineluilo thut pnrt of Ieaven oith ftieet Irom 2'ith nvonuo tn 3lht sttecl In thuoltr of Omahii , und ull lots und lutil estate on each sldoofsald pnit of l.e'ivcnwiirth ( tiect , n dls- tuneo of 13 J Icet lute ) : from snld street. Section 4. 'Hint Section 1 of Onllnunco No , IhU creating Put lug District No. 101 is horuby i uDcaicd. Pectlon5. Tlmt this ordinance shall takoolfect nnd be In loieo Irom nml nttci Its pnsMigu. Passed Juno Itt , Ibb7 WM F. lli.cin.i. , PiosidcntClty Council. J. H. SOUTH Aim. City Clork. Appioved Juno l t , lwl > 7 W. J.linoAicii , Mayor. _ Ordinance No. 1303. ANOrillnniicoduclnrlng2ld street , In Hcdick's . Ill Ion. upon to publlu travel , to n full width of W lent. Wimir.AS , It has boon dcclurod necessary to nppropi'lnto cuitaln private jiropoity In the oltyot Oiniilm , lor thonurposoof widening 23d street , in Hedlrk'siM addition : and , WIIKIIKAS , Tlu-eo dlsliilercstcd upDi'fll'OM have been appointed by the mayor : nnd iipnrov- CM ! by thu council , and snld nppmlnois Inning duly qualified according to lawand alter viewing the premises , bavo no damages ro- sultlng front suM upproprliitlon , and said re port Ims been uppro\od bv thu city council. Therefore , Ilu It ordained by the city council of. the city of Omaha : Section 1. That 2Hd street , In Hcdlcu'i 2d nd- ditlon.bonnd hereby is declared open to publio travel In snld addition , to u full width of < in feet. Section * . That this ordinance shull tnko of- fret nnd bo In lorco ti om nnd nfter Its passage. Passed Juno 7th , 1SS7. WM. F. Ill CHEL.Pros. City Council. J. 11 , SOIt'l II AHD , City Clerk. Appiovoil Juno 10th , IK > 7. W . HHOATCH. Unvor. J. . _ _ _ _ _ _ Orcllunnco ITo. 1308. AN Ordlnonco piovldlng lor nn nddltlonnl moat Inopootor , ptoacrlhlnirhls powers and defining Ills duties , und for dividing the city into two districts. ll It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section I. The mnj or shall appoint one addi tional inonl inspc tor , whoso powoin. duties nnd tuhuv shall liu the eamo ns piovlded In Or dinance No. 1227 , nud approved DccomborHth , IhM ] Section 2. Thocily of Omnhu shall bo divided Into twomontliupoctlon districts , and Fnrnam meet shall bo the dividing line between suld districts , and that portion of the city north of Farnam strent shnll bo known us Meat Inspec tion District No. 1. and that portion ol the city south ot I 'urn urn street Miull bu known ns Ment Inspection District No. 2 , nnd the inuyor shnll by older assign said Inspector to tlm respective districts. Section 3. This nrdlnnnco shall tnko effect und ho in force t rom nnd after Its passive. Passed Juno 7th , 1857. WM. F. llr.cnr.t , . President City Council. J. H. SotniiAiin , City Clork. Approved JunulOth , IbW. W. J. HitOATRH , Mayor. Ordinance ITo. 1300. AN Ordlnancu creating Sewer District No. 49 , In the city of Omulm and defining Its boundaries. Ilo It ordained by the city council of the city of Omulm : Section 1. Sewer District No. 49 Is hereby created In the city ol' Otmihti. Section 2. Sewer Distilct No. 49 shall com- prlso nnd Includu the alley In blook In the orglnnl plat of the city of Omaha , and ull lots and real cstuto on ouch sidoof said nlioy back a distance of 1-lcet Irom the llnosthorcof , Section 3. This onllnanco shall tnko effect nnd bu In foico train nnd nftorlts piu-sngc. Passed Juno 7th , 1SS7. WM. F. Hr.t'iiKi. , , President City Council. J. H. Soimuun. ily Clork. Approved Juno 10th , ISs" . W. J. HnoATCii. Mayor. _ Ordinance No. 130O , AN Ordinance locating certain additional water hydrants In the city of Omaha : Ilo It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Scntliml. Thut the City Wntor Works Com pnny ho nnd the sumo Is heioby ordered to plncn uddltlontil water hydrants In thu olty o Omuhii.n * follows : Onu ut thu corner of 4th nnd Codnr streets , One nt thu corner of 2ml nnd Cedar streets. Ono ut the corncrof'-nil nnd Dorcns sticots. One ut thu corner of llth and Yliilon Htronts. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take ollocc nnd tin In force from and utter Its passage , Passed Juno 1st , 1H.i7. WM. F. Hr.min , , President City Council. J. II. SotTTHAim , CltvClnrk. Approved Juno 2nd , I < W7. W.J. HitOATCir. Mayor. . . M. n , INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' National Hank IluiMIng , Hooml Uii-Plulis , Telephone No 373 , Omaha , Nebraska. lll-.t'ltKSSNTi 1'Locnlx , London. England . $5,723/174.18 Mromen's. Nowurk , N. J . lr > MHM.31 ( Jlen's Fulk ( llen'H Falls , N. Y . ] ,4'I2 H.04 nirurd , Plillndelptiln. Pn . l SI/KW.70 Wostchbster Nuw Yorlc N. Y . . . . 1.312.MU.05 RUPTURE CURED. nr Dr. Snedlkor'9 method. No operation ] No IMtni No letentlr ) > n from builticts. Ailauteil to chlldroa i well as iirnwn pooplo. Iliintliodi of autogrupa ipuonlali on Hla. All h uln in jino.lfOJ tilt llul. CONiULTATlON KUKK. IMIOT. JV. D. COOK , Room C , 101 1 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Veterinary Surgeon * * * ' Oincc , 417 S. 14th STJIEKT , ; ' 'JMAHA , NKimA-SKA.