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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1887)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 28 ; 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered fcj- carrier In miy pnrtof tliocltj-ni twenty cents per week. II. VT. TiLTOW. . . . Manager. TKI.iriONE3 : ! : BtFiNrpsOrncr. No. U. NioiiT EDIT on No. 23. MINOH MHNTION. N. Y.Plumblng Co. New spring goods atRcltcr's , tailor. Muse Wise yesterday sold twcn'y mules and a team of horses. About ono mile of rails were yesterday laid on the motor line. Paul ISoiiuet is staking out ground fern n largo addition to his livery stables. The funeral of the little child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lcutzingcr was held yesterday afternoon. The round-house of the Manawa motor line is being built in Manawa park near Hotel Manawa. The colored people will give a festival in the North Muin street Baptist church on Friday night. Permit to wed was yesterday granted to Thomas Walton umi ElUa Cowrey , both of this county. A small child of Mr. Voight , the Mam street cigar manufacturer , is quite SICK with hcarlct fover. The new bridge over Railroad slough on the road to Manuwa is completed and can now be used. J.J. Shea has let the contracts for his now residence. It will have twelve rooms and will cost about $ y,000. , John Gilbert was yesterday encaged in putting in a drive well for the Manuwa motor line at its round house at Luke Munawa. Married , Sunday , nt the residence of T. C. Glassnor , by Rev. I ) . 11. Cooley , Mr. William Henry Foster nnd Miss Susie J. ( ilassncr. At thq Bechtelo yesterday afternoon an Omaha couple , Theodore liucstng and Fredcrika Risser , were happily joined in marriage by Justice Suluir/ . The Wabash railway is to sell excursion tickets along its lines from .Inly 2 to 4 in clusive , good to return on the nth for one ami a third fare for the round trip. CiT'io graduating exercises of St. Fran cis * academy take place this evening at 7 o'clock. Thoio who desire to inspect the art display can do so during the day. The work of sewering Fifth avenue has commenced. The catch basins , corner of Seventh street , are dug , and as fa t as the pipe can bo had work will proceed. There will bo a debate on the "Pump kin and the Vino" at the African Baptist church on North Main street this evening - ing between Messrs. Tansy and Shorty. There are four young ladies who will bo graduated from St. Francis academy this evening Misses Kate Morris , Sophia Gerner , Annie Blanchard and Katie Con- tier. To-night Rev. Dr. Phelps is to bo in stalled as pastor of the Presbyterian church. The services will bo especially interesting and the public generally is invited. Frank and Fred Webster , two boys living near the packing house , are com plained of for using abusive and insulting language towards a worthy woman in thai neighborhood. Four coaches for the now motor line are at the Northwestern yards. Those \vho indulged in the gloomy predictions that the railway would not be built are & 9where to bo found now. The city aldermen say that as soon as work begins on the new bridge the city will begin the lilling and paving of Broadway , so that by the time the bridge is done the street will bo completed , making one of the finest drives in the city.The The opening meeting at the tabernacle on Fourth street'was a most interesting one. There was a largo crowd. The meetings will bo continued every night except this evening. This afternoon there is to bo a service at U o'clock. Everybody invited. The case of Mrs. Stein against the city has been reversed by the supreme court. She received in the lower court a verdict for $1,500 for damages on account of slip- on a defective sidewalk , between roadway and Washington avenue. The employes of the city tire planning on getting their pay in time to spend it on the Fourth. The bills would not reg ularly bo allowed until the evening of the first Monday of the month , but as that comes on the evening of the Fourth , arrangements will bo made for their get ting their pay the last of this week. Mr. Lawson was yesterday given the contract for building the new boiler works to be located In connection with the Ogden iron works. The construction of these works will commence at once , and bo rapidly pushed to completion. This enterprise is a valuable addition to Council Bluffs , and will meet with hearty encouragement. The democratic organ Is beginning to Introduce Riley W. Briggs , of Carson , as an available candidate for assemblyman. Uy the way , the satno organ grinds out n doleful tune about the republicans , B. F. Clayton and Frank Shinn. It seems that they are coming into prominence nmonc those who are looking towards a possible nomination by the republicans. The discovery of the condition of some of the paving blocks on Oakland avenue is causing considerable discussion as u cedar block paving. This paving is now about three years old , and whilotho ; sur face looks well , if the foundations are sc rotten us the samples indicated , anothei year will see Oakland avenue in a condi tion needing repaying. It is fortunate that the discovery is made just now , foi the council will investigate thoroughly before deciding us to more paving of thu kind. Washington Lafayette Shepherd , o Louisiana , was the distinguished titli given himself by a swarthy citizen win stood up boldlv to faeo the charge of va grancy yesterday , lie hud an overcoa r on his arm and u pair of overshoes 01 * } his feet. He had just come from Nev * Orleans , and had come prepared foi northern cold. Ho expected to get a po sition in the new hotel. The judge kindl' ' told him to hunt uu the new hotel am when he found it to come buck and Ic Urn know where it was located. Wash ingtou Lafayette is doubtless still hunt ing.Tho The members of the Southwestori , Iowa Press association are to meet ii Council Blull's to-day. As there are s many enterprises on fool , taking up th attention of thu public spirited eitiV.on ; an attempt was made to got the editor to delay their visit to the Blull's , in orde that arrangements might bo made for more publio rccoution and entcrtair rnunt. The president of the associaiio decided , however , that the meeting her could not bo well postponed , and e > pressed due appreciation of the courtc sies intimated , out said the associatio was to moot here simply for busiiie ; purposes , and did not expect to bo or tortaincd by the city. The ncxvspapu men will bo made welcome , though , an their stay in the city will bo made i pleasant as possible. Remnant sale this week at llarknc : Brothers. Latest improved gasoline stoves at 601 Main street. W A. WooU. When yon are in the city stop at U Pacific house. Streetcars pass the do < every fifteen nllnutes for all the depot Meals OOo each , THE.NEWS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS The Total Assessed Valuation Much Greater Than Ever. THE COMING FOURTH. The Motor * ntiii Cnrs Kcntly to Itoll A Slcnprr Choked nntl llobbcd The UutnuH of tlio Cliy Council. The lnyVo Cclnhrntc. Tlin Fourth of July will open In Coun cil lilull'd a grand culubnitiou which will continue four tliiys. The programme for the I'uurth Is us follows : Sunrise Niitioiisil snlulc. At 8 n. m. , Btmrd mount in Itnyiiss : irk by Doiljjo Liirht Guards , company A , of Council HlulVs ; company 11 , from ( Jlcnwood ; company 1) , from Hoonc ; company K. from Slu'tiamlonh ; company 11 , Third mjimont , from Sioux City. At IhCO the Fifth regiment state guards and Knights of Labor will parliciimto in : i grand pa- rude. They have invited the Grand Army of the Hepublic , Knlchts of I'vthins , Odd Fellows. St. J'utrick's lienevolent society , Ancient Order of Hi bernians , Ivoyal Arcanum , A. O. U. Workmen , the trades unions , Good Templars , lire department , mayor and city council and citi/.ens. At lOtiiU n. in. in Uayliss jiurk , Miss Nellie Hatcher will read the declaration of independence. Following this will bo the chief oration of the day by Hon. Jf.pso Harper , of Dan ville , 111. , a prominent member of the Knights of Labor. The exercises will close in time for dinner. In the after noon the best race * over witnessed in the western country will open at the Driving Park association grounds. Also u com petitive drill between companies of the Fifth regiment , for special puree. The Kamblcrs , the largest bicycle club in the state , will run a race of one mile. Day fireworks. The races on the Fourth arc the 2:13 : and : > : ! JO trotting and the 2:25 : pacing. On Tuesday there will bo the 2:21) : ) trot ting and 2:115 : pacing races. There will be a special race for $1,000 purse between noted Omaha pacers , Lottie P. , with a record of 2:171 : , owned by ! < ] . A. Henson , and Dan D. , record of 2:15 : , owned by C. E. Mayue. On Wednesday there will be the 2:38 : trotting , 2:33 : trotting and free-for-all pacing. On Thursday there will be the 2-18 : trotting and 2:23 : trotting races. There will bo chariot races every day. All the railroads are olluring excursion rates. The City Knthors. The city council met last night with all the aldermen present. Notice of acceptanceby the Lake Manawa railway company of the ordi nance was received and placed on file ; also acceptance of the resolution grant ing right of way. An invitation was received from Mr. Graves inviting the council to be present at the session of the state railway com missioners on next Thursday. The invi tation was accepted. Petition of A. Cochran for opening Pacific avenue from transfer grounds to Ninth avenue. Referred. Petition for filling of certain alloys in Hyatt's addition. Petition to have n house on Fourteenth avenue , between Eighth and Ninth streets , being built in the street , removed. Referred. Petition for paving Fifth avenue from Main to BlnlV street and on Blurt" from Willow avenue to Story street. Re ferred. Petition for the grading of Woodbury avenue. Referred. Petition for change of grade from Wil low to Glen avenue on High School ave nue. Referred. The bill of John Jettons for $33 for filling was allowed. The committee on streets anil alleys re ported favorable on the bid of Williams & Lcnahar for curbing. Concurred in. The same committee reported favorable on bids of C. R. Mitchell and P , Sweeney for grading south of Broadway. Con curred in. The same committee reported favor able on the bid of J. Callahan f > > . grad ing north of Broadway. Concurred in. An ordinance was passed to pave Fiftli avenue and Ulutl' street , Fourth street from Broadway to Story , Harrison from Washington avenue "to Benton street. The contract of the Sun Vapor Light and Stove company was agreed to. An ordinance was passed to sewer Bluff street from Willow to .Ninth avo- nues.5 The committee on judiciary recom mended that the petitions referred to them on account of assessment bo not al lowed , as the parties did not appear be fore the board of equalization. Con curred in. Eli/ahoth Willoy was granted $100 for injuries received , upon recommendation of the committee on judiciary. Order your bathing suits at Hurkncss Brothers. The Rolling Htock. Four of the cars for the Manawa motor railway arrived over the Chicago & Northwestern yesterday morning. They are the ordinary open street cars , with seats crosswise and side curtains. The two motors arrived also , coming over the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. They arc not new ones , as many would suspect , but have each been used about six weeks. When Mr. Graves trica to order the Baldwin noiseless motors at the works he found it impossible for them to ( ill his order for eight months to come and in consequence lie had to look elsewhere - where for them or not operate the Man awa line this season. Fortunately ho found those two just received. They had been used some , but were in good condi tion , and he purchased them in order to open the Manawa railway without delay. The cars are lettered "Lake Manawa Railway Company , " the numbers being ono to four inclusive. The motors are named , one , ' 'Council BluH's , " the other "Omtiha. " Bargain sale this week at llarknesa Brothers , City Finances. The assessments of the city , us equal " by the board , have been footed up , The total of the assessed valuation has not bciu run so high as was gencralh supposed. The total is $ l,508,7&0. This is an increase of $700,000 over the previous ous assessment. With the increase in tin value of real estate in this city , the ad vance is not groat. The bills for running the city , during the month of May , and audited nnd pah this month , amount to $0,700.78. Tin chief items of expense are for gas , $41)0 ) lira department , $811.police , $1,424 ; sal aries of city otliccrs , f 1,319. The bill tor gits and strrct lightlnf amounts to about $500 a month , ngli ulouir through the year. It is urged tha by contracting with soiuu other ligh companies the city's expense in this par ticular can bo cut down one-half , am better satisfaction given. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to th majority of real cstato oilices in the city , $2 per day. The best summer cprset at Harjcnes Brothers. ' , ' . . J'rTsi'innt ' J. C. Abbott , of Milton , Irt. , was In the city yesterday. F. S. 1' , of Dunlap , dined at Bech- tele's yesterday. 1) . M. Higgs. of Muscatine , was at the i'acilic yesterday. J. R. Allen , of Sioux City , dined at the Pacilic yesterday. E. T. Galt'ly , of Sioux City , was at Bcchtelo's yesterday. M. II. McClasky , ot Glenwood , was at the llechtole yesterday , Dr. F. Al. Hill , of Persia , was at the Bechtele Sunday night , anil left yester- E. Cronshaw , of Mondamm , was among the lowans at the Pacific yester day.C. . C. N. Lynmn , of Ottawa , was in the city yesterday and visited Omaha in the afternoon. J. J. Hughes , son of Martin Hughes , is home front St. Benedict's college , Atchison - son , Kan , Rev. S. S. Hoover , of this city , occu pied the Methodist pulpit in Missouri Valley - ley Sunday. Miss Katie Groncwcg has returned from Chicago , where she has been at tending school. Mr. Leonard Everett and his mother left last evening over the Sioux City fern n northern trip. A. H. Snill'proprietor of the Harrison County News , of Missouri Valley , was in the city yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Montcomcry re turned yesterday from u two weeks trip in the north and cast. J. D. Falrcs , of Harlan , well known in merchantilo circles , visited the city Sun day , and loit yoMorday morning. S. E. Maxon , who has done so much planning for others , is now planning for himself to open an ollice in Omaha. The aged father of the Meteulf brothers is visiting them here. He is from Ohio , and front Gariield'sold district. Although in Ills ninetieth year , he is very vigorous and active. L. W. Ross , late chancellor of the law department of the state university , is to deliver tltn patriotic oration at Oakland. Mr. Ross will soon take up .his residence in this city. James McDermott , the Ogdcn house clerk , has rpturned from a visit to his old Wisconsin home , at Janesville , and will bo found behind the hotel counter as usual next week. William Shaw lias been appointed as compact manager for the Underwriters' union in this city. Ho is fromOwatonna , Alinn. , is a thorough insurance man , and will no doubt till the position acceptably to both insurers and insured. Mr. C. If. Taylor , who steps out of the position on the 1st of July , is to become associated with C. E. Maync , in Omaha , in a lire in surance agency. Mr. Taylor during his stay in this city has made many friends , and the business has been evidently handle. ! by him in a very successful anil satisfactory manner. J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title and deserve the success they are enjoying. Embroidered suits at a discount at Harkness Brothers. Ono thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers tor sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire ot A. J. Greenamayer , Pacific House. Buddy Jlnbboil. Yesterday morning a horse trader , sleeping in his room near the North western depot , was rudely awakened by three men who choked htm and robbed him of about thirty dollars. Such wns the story that ho gave the police , but no very definite description could be given of the men , and no clue to bo hud as to their probable whereabouts. Col Kate's Cashmere Rouquor. A white , pure , exquisitely perfumed toilet soap. The best for chapped hands and tender skins. At the Pacific house you will save from fiOo to f I per day. Try it and bo con vinced. Get your bathing suit goods at Hark- ness Brothers. For Snle. Two drug stores in central Nebraska. Good thriving towns. Will invoice from $1,500 to $2,000. Anply to HAHLF , HAAS & Co. , Council Blutl's , Iowa. For female diseases and chronic dis eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Rico , No. 11 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr. Rice's new invention. It makes a man of you in live minutes. No. pain. No. 11 Pearl street. C. R. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher Over A'o. 12 North Main St. City and county maps , of cities and counties CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , NO. zt MAIN ST. , COUNCIL U LUFFS , I A : OFFICER < e ruser , Council Lluirs.Iowa. Established lb5T. ON 30 PAYS' TRIAL : THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS llaj a I'ad dlff rrnt from all othen. U cap ibaiw. with 8 lf. tENSIPLC Br adlmtlM Ball io rtmtradanu Tci.iJI tU'\t \ to all UMltloni ot th TBUJS m m Kd , Tbi | th. ball la the cup fc r SBSW preasna back th lntes > * " B tinea fust as a person . does. With the f Inner. wrttfllKhtpn > ureth Jler. nlaUliel.liecurely . iluy and night , and a radical cnr cortalii. It U eair , dnrnM * and cheap. Kent by null. Cir cular , ( no. kGOtkklM IBlli CO. , UM. , lib BEST LIG'HT ' LIVERY The llnet of driving horses alwayi * on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. REAL STATE , Vncint Lots , Lands , City HcsUlonces and Furms. Aero property Incstorn vmrtof city. All eolllnif clicup to insko room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koom 5 , over Officer * I'usoy's Bank , Cou Llullg. Finest Landaus Coudies and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OITICES : No. 41S Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. Na. (515 ( Main Street , Telephone No , 93. OIINT. STONE. JACOU 8IMI STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. ctice in the State and Fed era Courtt Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Bcno Block. CoUNCItBr.UFFS LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortolseShell etc.Hair On namcnts , as well as the ; . newest iiov- ' cities in hair gondg. Hair ffoodg nuuleto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 llnin St. , Council Bluffs , Io\rn. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to , Hits complete line of Ml 1 I'll' Lnrpc lints In wlilto , blnck and all colors. Pat tern bonnets , bats and toques , a sptalty. ! . No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. JV. SCHUltZ , Justice of the Peace. OillcoJVdf American Kxpress. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such as Lost , Fo.ind loLoan , For Sulo , To Itont , Wants , Boardinir , etc. , will bolnsortod In tliln column nt the loir ratoofTEN CENTS PElt LINE forthoflm insoc- Ion ami > ' . ° iveContirerLinofo.each subsequent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our olHco No. U Vcurl street , near Uroadiruy , Council Bluffs. WANTS. t\7ANTED HoiiBtUeofior ; nlen mnn to tnke > euro of liorses , inun and wlt'o prcf orretl. J. W. & K. L. S < iuiru. WANTED A Kirl ; must bo peed cook and for Kcnurui liousowork. Apply at once to Mrs. John T. UuIdwiD , No. 130 South Sixth TJiOlt HUNT Eight-room house , in ( rood ro- . .1pair ; No. Old llitill St. : H ) per month. Mrs. M. J. Cole , No. 6134th St. FOI ( KENT Coul fheds. office and scales , one tlYO-room houfto. U. May no , 829 6th avo. WANTED A ( rood cook and vlrl for vencial homework In a family ot four. Mrs. Thomas Officer , No. KU Willow avenue. FOU SALK-Or Trade Six sections of good land In Lincoln county. Neb. , on U. P. railway. Call on or addresi Udell Oroa , It Co. , 103 Paarl St. , Council niuff * . TX7ANTKD A good girl for general house * T > work. Apply at 7 < W Sixth avenue. Star Sale Stables and Mute Yards Broadway , Council lllulTg , Opp. Dummy Depot ES Horses und mules kept constantly o band , for sale at retail or in car load Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLUTEU & HOLEY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11 Formerly of Kull , Salo. Stables , corner lit. avo. and 4th st E. S. BARNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 410 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty. IIEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. Instruments Tuned and Repaired. We never full to give snf urucllou. Over 3O years' Experience In Piano and Organ IVork. , * i * Swanson Music Co. . . ' No. 327 Broadway , Council B.ui&i Iowa. * . * i * . * eoo es Store , FACTS BRIEFLmATED Another array of bar gains will be presented this week on our bargain counters during our clearance sale. WashDress Dress DressGoods Goods ! White Dress Goods ! Hosiery ! Gloves ! Laces ! AND- EMBROIDERIES MFonner Price ! AT- Henry Eiseman & CO.'S People's Store 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , : . COUNCIL BLUFFS , , 4O1 ains ! THIS WEEK , Parasols at greatly reduced prices to cloae the season's stock. Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 25o The present invoice of this splendid bargain is nearly sold , Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at prices to clean the counters , Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dress Goods in a very great variety. We are headquarters for Carpets of jail kinds. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. O. CT. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Klnint OlTlce , Mtmoulc Temple. Oiimlin Of lice , Xo 111 North lOtli fltrcct. Fnrllculnr iiltcnllon given to In venting 1'iiiid * lor neil - real- dcntM. § | iceiul bnrgultis til , lotx & acre properly In Oitialiu \ Coun cil Ulull's. Corrcspoiidenco solic ited. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE EOOMO and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe i NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Order * Shipped 1'romptly.