Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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' Prices Expected to Decline Becanse the
Market is Oversold.
A Firm Undertone In Corn nnd Trad
ing at Improved I'rlecH Dry
Weather Kciiorts Itoom
O nts ( Quotations.
CIIICAOO , Juno 27. [ .Special Tclcuram to
the UKKJ Light money In Now Yoik ,
heavy selling u > two or three btroni ; local
t houses , and cables depressed the wheat mar
ket early and kept It depressed until after 12
o'clock , when values hardened and a sharp
advance near the close carried prices hack to
the level , a shade above Saturday's closing ,
and * -6@c ( iliovo Inside prices realized.
Trading was on a limited scaht and the ab
sence ot excitement was a marked character
istic of the market. July opened nt
sold down to C'.Utfc , aud rested at
at 1 o'clock. August opened nt 7 W , settled
to n\4 \ ( & \c \ , nnd nt 1 o'clock stood 72&c. '
' The range for September was 73 > < < 474I4C.
I The lust quotation ot the ton ; ; session was
74'4c. ' The upturn right nt the close was at
tributed to bul : crop leports from various
sources , the principal cause lor complaint
being too much heat lu thu northwest and
chinch bugs. It is probably trim that thu
mojkct Is oversold. The speculative public
tins been working the theory that values were
j reasonably certain to work oil to a lower
Y levol. Foreigners , too , have been thinking
that way. nnd beyond a doubt they hnvo been
parting with a portion ot thu wheat bought
for July on the great break , believing that
they can secmo grain later on more advan
tageous terms. They- want every bushel of
wheat originally hourht , but thu prospect of
cheaper prices was too great a temptation for
them. This , with tree speculative helling
here and In Now York , has niudu the r.tnk
und Ille of. speculators aud the maiket pe
culiarly susceptible to nervous agitation ,
The speculative ! market for corn was po
vaded by better ana urmer undertone to
day. There were no surface Indications of
any attempt to bull the market , but nil ot thu
Hurroundiuga were more tnvoiablc for hold-
urn , and after a weak and fractionally lower
opening , prices were given a little boost.
The Improvement , whlcli amounted to Ji@
% c. was maintained , or nearly so , up to 1
o'clock , Wiien the quotations were J CiJtfc
higher all around than at the close ot busi
ness on Saturday. Seller July advanced
from 3c ! to ! ! 6yo c on the split , and
August from : t7tfc to 3JJfc , September corn
was in good demand , the premium on whichever
over July widened to % September closed
at 3'J , ' c ut 1 o'clock. Trading was of a
k larger volume on both local and order account -
> count than Saturday. The estimated receipts
for to-morrow were larger 285 cars but there
was a corresponding increase in the charters
by lake shippers , room lor sas.OOJ bushels ot
corn being taken.
Oats were boomed % @lc to-day on reports
of dry weather In the west. The shorts cov
ered outstanding contracts freely , and toward
the close thorn appeared to bo some invest
ment buying , while tlm lonirs , having a prollt
in their trade , realized. As In corn the outside
figures were maintained to the close of the
regular session. July rested at255fc , Au.ust
nt tfJVc and September ntOV e. ' 1 lie bulk of
bust ness done , as usual , was in the uioru de
terred deliveries.
In the provision market the Interest devel
oped was centered mainly In short ribs. Laid
attracted mote or less notice , but U scarcely
held its own with ribs , wlilcli , owing to the
Sunday lire at the stock yards , were In active
demand troni short sellers and parties wno
considered It advisable under the circum
stances to provide lor outbfandlng contracts.
Buyers of this class were both numeious and
urgent lu their calls , and as a consequence -
sequence ribs experienced an actual advance -
/ vance ol 17KB2'Jic on Saturday's
. .Jr * closings. Lard sympathized with
this article and sustained an Improvement of
< % ( < t5c. in both of these lines trading was
chleity In August and September , while the
' difference between July and August was
somewhat widened. At the close at 1 o'clock
July lard was 15o and July ribs 7 { c under
the August market. For casli and June de
livery pork was ncaln quoted nt ' 2.00. lu
the entire trade there was a better showing
of speculative life than ou the closing days
of last week.
AFTKIINOON SESSION Wneat was firmer ;
Juno closed at ( i'J e , July atC'J c , August nt
la c , September ut 74Kc. Corn was llrm ;
June 8Gc , July 3 > fc , August SS 'c , Septem
ber S9Yc. Oats were active and higher ; June
Bfic , July 2G , ' c August UO c , September 2Gc
asked. I'ork was $ i.OO for June , Lard ad
vanced 5@7kc ; July $0.4 ! % August S0.53
v bid , September SG.IM. Short ribs were excited
and 7 > i ( < $ luehls'her ; Julv clbsed at 37.52J ,
August at 7.07 > i , and September ut 57.77K-
CHICAGO , Juno 27. ( Special Telegram to
BKKI CATLK Out of the 8,000 ou sale al
least 3,000 wete Texuns , and the latter alst
laid a shade higher than at the low fig
ures of last week. Native butchers' stock ,
especially old cows , sold as low as at an >
time. Light bulls and rough stock gen
erally sola no better than last week. Tucrc
were but u few lots of stockers and feeder :
en the market Llxht little things sold a :
low as last week. Veal calves sold at about
the low range of last week. Should the rut
prove as heavy as last week snippers need
not look for any improvement Ship
ping steers , l.ittO to 1,500 Ibs
| 3. 0@4.45 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ib !
v S3.00@415 ; U50 to 1,200 Ibs. 83.30Qy.75 ; stock
ere and feeders , 81.6oQJi.00 ; cows , bulls am
mixed , 81.50(33.00 ; slop-fed steers , S-I.OOO
4.2.1 ; Texas cattle a shade lower ; steers , S'J.Oi
( 3.55 ; COWS , S3.25Q2.W.
lloos llo s were active , most of the sale :
nt about the same as Saturday. Here urn
L there a lot of inferior may have sold a Rlmd <
> oft. Then again sales were made at an ad
vance of a nickel , especially nlco lieh
weights , yet the great bulk sold arouud abou
5.00 for the ordinary run of mixed aud 85.0.
for heavy. Tlio market closed strong am
* ' about all sold.
NEW YOHK , June 27. SpeclalTelcgrar
to the BKK. STOCKS Liquidation still gee
f on In stocks on the Nrw York stock ei
change. The market was active but exceed
ingly erratic. Tlio scare over light munej
which was said to be passed .Saturday , wn
again brought to do service for the bears an
had a depressing effect on the entire list. Kate
went bid up to > and 3-10 per cent and Intel
Cbt per diem , and for the tluio caused a par
Icky feelluir , the active stocks declining 31
. I points. The secretary ot the treasury wa
reported ns again coming to the relief ot th
street , but the rumor had little effect Tti
failure ot one small firm was announce !
and added to the general feeling of dlstru :
that prevails In financial circles , as the resu
of the recent stirring up In different parts c
the country. There was free selling of Ion
' stocks by demoralized bulls , also Increase
offering ! by the bears. The latter mad
special attacks upon St. Paul and Loulsvill
& Nashville , aud were assisted by sellln
orders from London , where the feeling o\i
- political complications was very iiervott
< mid timid holders showed a desire to K' '
from under. Notwithstanding the boar raid
Bt Paul only broke I.1 * ' aud Louisville
Nashville 4X per cent. Gould stocks we :
especially heavy , Missouri 1'aclrtc declluh
IK and Texas 1'acltic 1 % per cent Mauba
tan was adversely affected by the decision i
Judge Ingram and opened 7 points lowc
reacted 2 , but broke 5 and sold to 137 , bi
rallied to ISO. Itcadlng stood up under tl
, adverse influences remarkably well and on
> declined IK per cent About 1 o'clock tl
market became quieter. A great deal of tl
t Belling pressure was removed andthorepc
UJ- that 5500,000 in gold hail been shipped fro >
' London to New Yoik , and more would fc
low. and that the rate for money there w
IX per cent for three months , caused a belt
i. fe liOK and raUii * of X@3 poluta wen i
corded. The last hour the mnrkfit again bo-
caino weak nnd prices declined sharply ,
1'ncllic .Mall headed the list , owing to large
loans on It being called. The same thing
was snld to have occurred on other stocks
and the market closed weak nt almost the
inside Ilgures of the day. Money loaned nt
the close at C i > er cent The total sales were
tlovKHSMK.VTs Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4'scoupon. 12'J'f ' C. &N. W 117
U. S. 4X'scoup..lO'Jif do preferred..US
racllici/sot'05. . 12:114 : N. Y. C 1105
CanadaSouth'n. . 57X O. R.&N. . US
Cential I'arltlu. . 88 , O. T. Wi
Chicago & Alton. 14-i IMclllcMall 45j <
do preferred..1(0 ( I' . . It. .V K &M
c.t H. &u ivj' ' Pullman 1'al.Car. 140
It. , L. t W 132 % Itc.tiling
I ) t | { .tt 2SK Hock Island.12' '
Erie ill St. L. its. K. . . . : n
do preferred. . . . Oil i do preferred. . . . 75'f
Illinois Central..121Jf U. , M. A St , 1 . . . K ) %
I. , H. * W 20' * do preferred. . 120
K. vt T 27Jf .St. 1' . Ac U 4'J
Lake.Sliore ' . do preferred. . 112 J <
L. AN fii % Texas I'acliic. . . . 2SB'
Michigan Ceiit'l. . S'.i ' Union 1'ucliic. . . . 55 f
Mo. I'nclllc I004 ' W. . St. L&l1. . . . Ib
N . 1'acllin i do preferred. . ! > 2
do preferred. . . . W. U. Telegraph 71 ;
* Kx-dlvldend.
MONKY ON CAM. Was stringent , ranging
from 5 per cent per annum to1 per cent and
Interest per diem ; closed at fl per cent bid.
PuiMK MBHCAXTII.H I'At'Eit 5&G per
STKJIU.VO ExciiAxm : Dull auk weaker :
S4.W % lor sixty day bills , and 9.tiS } { lor de-
mand. _
Chlcngo. Juno 27. Following quota
tions are the 8:80 : closing figures :
riour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat blow and quiet : opened weak nt
UC'Tc ; ' ( lower , and closed HcOMc. above Sat
urday ; cash , G'J u ; July , G'J ' c ; August ,
Corn Dull nnd quiet , and considerably
higher ; cash , yo > 4'c ; July , 'M 7-ICc ; August ,
bats Active and considerably higher ;
casn , 2f > e ; July'o'sc ' ; August , 20)c. )
Rye 5lc.
Timothy Seeu Prime. S3.15.
Flax Seed-51.l0. !
Whlskv 81.10.
Pork-Steadv ; cash , S22.00
Lard Moderately active and firmer ; cash
and July , 0.4 X ; August. $0.55.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 85.40rt)550 ( ) ; short
clear , ; short ribs , 87.53K.
Uutter Quiet ; creamery , 14@18c ; dairy ,
Cheese Fairly active ; full cream chcd-
dars , 7f@7'fc ' ; Hats , 7K@7Jic ; young
Americas , 8jjS/c ( ; skims , 3ftGc. (
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy green salted ! { c ;
llxht do , 73C'iSc ; salted bull hides , Oc ; green
salted calf.So ; dry tllnt , 12@13c ; dry calf ,
laMHc ; deanons , 40ceactt ; dry salted , lOc.
Tnllow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at 4c ; No. 2 , : ic ; cake , 4c.
HecnUits. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10.000 18,000
Wheat , bu a.r > ,000 727.000
Corn , bu 53,000 341.000
Oats , bu 77.000 103,000
lire , bu 1,000 1,000
Barley , bu 3,000 0,000
Now York. June 27. Wheat Receipts ,
700,000 ; exports , 110,000 ; spot firm ; op
tions very irregular ; June advanced 2 e.
closing til m ; later months opened heavy and
declined % ® lc , subsequently ruled stronger ,
alloat , 8Tc lice ou board : July closing ut
, .
Corn-Ueceipts , 200,000 ; exports , 23,000 ;
spot > fKc and options X@c lower , clos
ing steady. Ungraded red , 40JiJi47Kc ( ; No.
2 , 40 ( < S40 c delivered to arrive , nnd spot
July closing nt 40c.
Oats Firm ; iccelpta. 127,000 ; exports ,
none ; mixed western , 8i : ( < i35c ; white , 87@4tc.
Petroleum Steady ; United rlosed ntd c.
Kjtjss Firm ; western ,
Pork Active and linn.
Lard Higher , but loss active ; western
steam , spot , quoted at S0.70QG.75.
Butter Quiet ; western , 10 < ai8c ; western
creamery. 15@18c.
Cheese Higher but linn ; western ,
Minneapolis , Juno 27. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 71 > $ c ; Aucust , 7c ! ! ; hep-
teuiber , 74Hc ; No. 1 northern , cash , 70 > c ;
AuRust , 72c ; No. 3 northern , cash , C8c : Au
gust. 70c. On track : No. 1 bard , 73c ; No. 1
northern , 72c ; No. 2 northern , 70c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 4.25@4.35 ; bakers' ,
Ke elpts Wheat. 86,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 5,000 bu ; flour , 25,000
In Store-Wheat , 5,501,289 bu ; nt St Paul ,
350,000 bu.
Milwaukee. June 37. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 70c ; July , 70c ; September , 74'h'e.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 3 , 30c.
Oats Steady : No. 2 white , 31c.
Kyo-FlrmNo. ; 1. 57c.
Uarley Steady ; No. ! i , 57c.
Pork June , 814.25.
Cincinnati , June 27. Wheat Nominal ;
no demand ; No. 2 rod , 73c offered.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , We.
Oats-Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , 2D@2
Hye-Firmer ; No. 2 , C2&
Pork-uiet ) at 15.00.
Lard Firmer at 80.15.
Whlsty Active nnd firm nt Sl.05.
St. liouH , Juno 27. Wheat Weak
and lower ; cash , 74 > ® 7lo ; July , 74 }
Corn Firm aud higher ; cash , S3
July , 33s'c.
Oats l < Irra but dull ; cash , 20tfc ; July , 24c.
Pork-Firm at $15.00.
Whisky Steady at 81.03.
IJutter Quiet and steady ; creamery , 15 ®
18c ; dairy , 10 ( < il5c. )
Afternoon Hoard Wheat strong ; and
hleher ; July , 73c ; Aucust , 73c ; September ,
75 We. Corn blgher ; Aunust , 35c ; September ,
SoJ c. Oats tirm ; July , 25c ; August , 24c.
LilTorpoul , June 27. Wheat Quiet and
Corn-Quiet but steady.
Kansas City. June 27. Wheat -
weaker ; No. 2 red cash , We bid , C2Kc asked
Corn Weaker ; No.3June , SOcn&ked ; July
Oata No. 9 , cash , 27 ? o ; June , 27c.
New Orleans , June 27. Corn Easier ;
mixed , 48K < 8 c ; yellow , 50 ; white , 54ff55c.
Oats Uiichantrcd.
Cornnieal Uiichanied.
Hog Products Unchanged.
June 37. The Drovers' Jour-
nai reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 0.000 ; market steady
shipping steers , 83.80&4.45 ; stockers am
feeders , Sl.ftX33.00 ; cows , bulls ant
mixed , 81.033.00 ; Texas cattle , a shadi
lower , at * 3. 5@3.55.
Hogs Receipts , 17.000 ; opened steady am
closed 5c hi/her ; rough and mixed , S4.S
Cr5.05 ; packing and shipping , I4.uoi35.05
light , S4.SX35.10 ; skips , S3.iX < Koo.
Sheen Receipts , 3,000 ; firm ; natives
83.00@4.40 ; western , S3.30@3.70 ; Texans
12.75 ( 3.00 ; lambs , per head , 81.60(34.2.- ( .
Nnttaiinl Stock Yardi , Ka t 8t
Ijoulsj , 111. , June 27. Cattle Receipts
2,300 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers
I4.40@4.CO ; ( air to good shipping steers
S4.00M4.U5 ; butchers' steers , S3.70ffl4.25
feeders , 83.10 4.00 ; stockers , 82.80 3.10
Hogs Receipts , 4,500 ; shipments , COO
active and strong : choice heavy au
butchers' selections , 85.00(85.10 ( ; packing an
Yorkers , fair to choice , 54.75 ( 4.05 ; pig :
$4.25(34.70. (
Knaiaa City , Juno 27. Cattle Receipt !
1,300 ; shipments , none ; corn fed firm , pras
weaker : common to choice , $3.40(34.1(1 ( (
stackers. 8-.50-J.W ; feeding steers , 83.00C
3.2T , ; cows , 81.ftVa3.25.
lloes Rpcelpts , 5,000 ; shipment * , nonf
steady ; common to choice ,
Is , Monday , June 27.
& Catlo.
re The receipts were light to-day and thct
tig was very little doing on the market. Prici
remain about the same as Saturday. The d <
of mand Is light and the market lifeless.
jr , Ilogo.
Ut Th run of hogs was liberal for the fin
he day of the week. The market was slow I
open , the buyers holding back at first Thei
was not much done before 10 o'clock In tr
no mornlnir. When the market did open It wi
he active and the pens were soon cleared , 'ft
art market was about steady at Saturday
artm prices , nearly everything bringing one prlc
There worevery fair receipt ! of sheeo ac
terre the market was fairly active , several loac
re- changing baud * .
Cattle i. 300
Hogs , 2r.oo .
Sheqp i. . . WO
Provnlllti 1'rloo * .
Bhowlne the prevailing prices p.tlJ for llva
stockon this market :
Choice steers , i : to 1500 Ibs..84.00(34.10 (
Choice steers. 1100 to 13V ) U . . . 3.W1.00 !
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Iba. . . . 3.506.CH.M
Kxtrachotcecowsandheifers. . . . s.l.Vrt.l.a.'i '
( Jood to choice corn-fed cows , . . . 2.7.VSH.OO
Common to medium cows 2.2.va2.G5
Uood to cholco bulls 2.7.V.13.00 .
Llchtand medium hoes 4.45MI.OO
( iood tocliotco heavy hogs 4 , ( > 0@4.05
(5ood to choice mixed hogs 4.50 ( ( 4.CO
Hcprcsontattvo Males.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
30. . . ur.t 83.00 35..1171 S3.75
1..1UOO 3.05 05. . . . 1037 3.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
51. . . . 1330 S3.CO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8(50. ( . . . 70 83.00 IIS. . . . 78 3.00
129. . . . 77 3.00
No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr.
7S..225 40 E4.55 (55..BOO ( 4. )
75..227 1201.55 00..2H3 210 4.00
15..22S SO 4.f > 5 05..221 SO 4.60
102..253 200 4.00 CO..2.14 40 4.00
110..210 ICO 4.00 70..240 120 4.00
04 . . .210 40 4.0 ( ! .V.2R5 80 4.00
03 . . .851 bO 4.CO CO..237 4.00
70. . . 23.1 bO 4.U ( ) 6.-I..23S 120 4.00
5'J..204 SO 4.00 C5..237 120 4.M )
5'i..244 40 4.00 71..2.V ) 120 4.00
00..250 200 4.00 7S..IDS I'.O 4.00
73..811 200 4.00 12..802 4.00
77..2IU 40 4.00 72..2X1 120 4.00
81..229 200 4.00 85..218 40 4.00
05..2.13 bO 4.00 00..245 4.0-i
71..231 120 4.00 121..2TO SCO 4.05
bO. , .20'J3JO 4.00 75..251 4.05
Mve Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the mat ket to-day
O , H. Hammond it Co 171
Local 11
Total 182
Anglo-American Pneklnn Co 2420
U. U. Hammond As Co 250
Total 2070
Stevens & Hamilton 118
Beadle 2fo
Kolbo 12'J
Total 507
Showing the number ot cattle , hoes nnd
sheep slilpp.'d from the yards during the day.
No. cars. lit. Dest
4 C. 15. & Q Chicago
4 0. 13. & Q Chicago
1 Mil Dakota.
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ke per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS.
andsta sSOlbs. by thoou'jllo inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle dull.
Everything steady.
An active sheep market
V. Allyn , Plum Creek , was a visitors at
the yards.
11. Ford , Marqucttc , was here and sold two
loads of hogs.
Mr. McManamus , Bancroft , was In and sold
two loads of hois.
A. E. Horn , Chicago , stopped oil here ou
his way back from the west
A. 15. McCandloss , Nemaha City , Neb. ,
was among the visitors at the yards.
Pat McGrcavy , of McGreavy 15ros. , Ban
croft , was in looking over the yauls.
Henry Grooves and Mr. Martin , Manning ,
la , , were among the visitors at the yards.
James Danley , Ashland , was hero nnd
marketed two loads of 253-lb hogs nt 84.60.
G. W. Unrtow , Seward , will have thirteen
Hereford bulls at thu yards on Wednesday.
D. G. Dawson , Fremont , was In with two
loads of hogs which were sold on tbe market
11.13. Conner , Columbus , was here and
marketed 25 native steers averaging 1171 Ibs ,
at 83.75.
Mr. Barker , of Beer & Barker , Gibbon , was
at the yards with six loads of cattle shipped
from Cozard.
Jonn Eubank. Richfield , was In and mar
keted four loads of sheop. Part of them
were sold to a wholesale sheep butcher at
Mr. O. Donnell , Iowa , was at thn yards
looking over the town lots which he bought a
year ago. He was greatly pleased to see the
Improvements that had been made and that
the lots had greatly increased In value.
A. C. Virgin , of the firm of Virgin & Nel
son , Utlca , stopped at thu yards on his re
turn from Iowa , where he bought 300 cattle
for his feed yards. While hero ho bought
Colonel Savage's celebrated Bashaw stallion
George Frost , Elkhorn , sold a load of steers
of his own feedini ! to a local butcher. Tliev
were short hoins and nro diesslng over GO
per cent. Robert DInsdnle , of the same
place , sold a load here the same day which
nro also turning out very tine beef.
It has been decided to lock the scale houses
hero on the Fourth of July nnd have no busi
ness done except what is necessary to unload
and feed what stock may come In. Shippers
should bear this In mind nnd not ship any
thing to arrive hero on the Fourth , as It will
have to bo held over.
Tbe world admires shape. One reason of
the great popularity of llerefords is their
beauty as much as their real Intrinsic value.
The patron of Hereford who brought that
breed to present perfection In America was
William li. Sotham , the first American Im
porter of Hereford * , Wherever llerefords
nro best and most widely known In America ,
the name of William H. Sotham Is known
and revered nlso. Admirers of this noble
breed are offered a rare opportunity for In
vestment at Sotham & Stlckney's sale at
South Omaha , 1 p. m. , June 30 , Colonel J.
A. Mann , auctioneer. Bale positive , no re
serve or by-bids. Remember the date , June
30,1887 , South Omaha. Range Journal.
General Produce.
Monday , June 27.
fhc following arc the price * nt which
round lots of produce arc mild In this mar-
hct. Tlic quotations on fruits nml other
cominotUtlc * shipped In from n distance rc
the prices M which outsule orders arc nilcil :
Eo 9 1 he market is about steady at 12(3 (
BuTTRn The receipts are liberal and In
excess of the local demand : creamery , 15(3 (
17c ; dairy , choice , 10@12c ; dairy , good , 0(2 (
CHEESE. Full cream Cheddars , single ,
full cream flats , wins , lOc ; Young
Americas , lie ; fancy Swiss , 20c ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25c : Llmburger , 12c ; brick , 13@lOc.
Poui/niY The receipts are fairly liberag
There are a good many very small sprln :
chickens coming In which are slow sale
chickens , old , $3.00(33.25 ( ; spring , large , 82.5C
(33.00 ( ; spring , small , 81.75(32.25 ( ; pigeons ,
75(31,00. (
POTATOES , Stock ot all kinds Is scarce ,
Old potatoes are going at 00@S1.00 , accord
ing to quality. New potatoes at 2@2 } { <
per Ib.
cmpulv of raspbeiries and blackberries Is
very limited. Blueberries are more plontl
fill. Strawberries about played out. Cher
rles scarce and wanted. Peaches from the
south arriving mostly In bad condition ; Call
fornla stock moro desirable. Some box ap
pies arriving. No barrel apples yet Blacl
raspberries , per 24 qt case 4.40 ; red rasp
berries , per 24 pt case , 83.00(33.25 ( ; black
berries , per 24 qt case , 85.00 ; blueberries
per 1 bu stand , 84.00(34.50 ( ; blueberries , her 1 !
qt box. 31.50(31.75 ; plums , per one-third bi
box , 81.25 ; peaches , southern , per half hi
box , 81.50 ; apples , southern , per half bu box
WATKHMELONS The first car load o
Georgia wattermclons Is due on the 27tt
st tnst Watermelons , Gears I a , per 100 , 835.
to VEOETAULES New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib
re 2/aiu-n ; newoulons , perbbl , 83.50per bu box
no 11.50 ; cabbage per crate , 54.00 ; tomatoes
as per K bu. box , 81.35 ; tomatoes , per crati
be box , 82.75.
's OIIANGES Th market Is bare to-day
Ulverslde Mediterranean Sweets , per box
85.00 ; 5 box lots 84.75 ; . Santa Ana , 84.50 ; ,
box lots , S4.25. . .
3d LEIIONS Kxtra fancy , per box , S7.00
da 5 box lots. 18.60 ; fancy. SO.SO ; choice. 85.00
choice , 6 box lots , * ; fair io good , I3.7PC
4.00 ; fair to eood , fi tw lol.s3.f > 0 < iW."r , . j
BANANAS , Kir. ( . 'hiiicn.sinck , i3.WM.OO.
0 > i.iroiiMA Fntms'-llartlett pears nro
expected to nrrlve about July l t Apneots
per 80 U > box , PI. 75 : plitnn , per CO Ib box ,
58,00 : jirvine.i. per 20 Hi box , SI. 75 ; pcnehcs ,
per 20 Ib per box. 58.00 , : D.tttlctt peats , per
40 Ib box , - ; red Astrachnn apple * , per
box , S2.00. _ _
Ocnornl .Markets.
VAiiNi itis : > Barrels ! per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furnuun1 , No. 1 , Sl.W ) ;
conch , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.80 ; Da
rn nr , extra , 81.75 ; Jnpnn , 70o : iisiitialtuin ,
extra , b5c ; bhellac , Sli.oO ; hard oil finish ,
Ditv PAINTS White lend , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 8Xc ! wliltinu' , gliders ,
2c ; whiting , com'l ' , 1'lc ; Inmphlnck , Or-
imuitown , I'-c ; lamutilnbk , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue , fiSc ; ultraiimrlue , Ibu ; Vandyke
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , ic ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sleuna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
gieen , genuine , 85c ; Pnrls green , comuion ,
8Jc ; chrome green , N , VUc ; veimlllion ,
American. Ibc ; liulliui , raw nnd burnt
umber , Mb cans , 12c ; raw nnd burnt sienna
12candyko ; brown. 13e ; lellned lump-
black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black lOc ;
drop blade , lOc : ultr.iiiKirino blnck , Ib'c ;
chrome green , L. , M. & I ) . , ICe ; blind and
shutter trreen , L. , M. > V 1) . , lOc ; Pm Is gieen ,
20c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red''o ' ; Tus
can , 82c ; Auiericnn vcrmllllon , L. A ; 1) . , 20c :
yellow ochre , 8c ; L. M. iVO. I ) . , Ibe ; irood
ticlire , IGc ; patent drjcr , 8c : graining color ,
lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , 12c\
Diit'os AND CIIKMIPAI. . Acid cnrnollc ;
50c ; acid tartnilc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib ,
OOc ; bark snsalrass , per Ib , 10e ; calomel , per
Ib , 78cchliiclioutdia ; , per 0 ,8,53 ; chloroform ,
per Ib , 50c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.85 ;
epsoni salts , per Ib , B&o ; glycerine , liure , per
Ib , ; ; 0o ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ! oil , castor ,
No. 1 , per gal , 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per
gal , S1.40 ; oil. ollvo , per , 81.41) ) ; oil , orlu'-
nnnuni , 50c ; opium , $4.50 ; iiilnlni | > , P. it W.
ntid U. ifcS. pur or. , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide ,
per Ib. 83.85 ; stllcln , per o40c ; suliilmto
morphine , per OA S3.5 ; sulpliur , per Ib , 4c ;
strychnine , pcroz , SI. 10.
PAINTS IN On. White lead , , I'.P
Ga : white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mar
heilles , creen , 1 Ib cans , liic ; French zinc
green seal , 12c ; Fieuch zinc , led seal , lie ;
French zinc , In vnnilsh nsst. , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , Kngllsh , in oil. 75c ;
led , lOc : rose pink , 14c ; Venetlnu led , Cook-
son's , 8 c : Venctlnn reel , American , IKc ;
red lead , 7 c ; cli i ome yellow , gunulnt' , 8Uc ;
chiome yellow , K. , 12c ; ochru , lochelle , lie :
ochre , French , 2 fc ; ochie , American lj.3c ;
Winter's mlucrnl , 2 > n'o : Lchlgli blown , 2Xc ;
Spanish brown , 8V c : Prlucu's mineral , 3c.
Si'iiiiTS ColoRiio spirits , 183 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; sturlts , second quality ,
101 proof , SI. 10 ; do 1SS proof.Sl.OU. Alchohol.
188 proof , 82.10 per wine unllon. Uedist'llcd '
whiskies , Sl.00@1.50. (51n blended 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00C40.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(30.50 ( ;
( lOldcn Shont' bouibon nnd rye whlskhis ,
S1.50@3oo. Branding , Imported ;
domestic , 81.3u3.00. ( ilns. Imported , 84.50
( ? ( i.CO ; domestic , S1.2. ( 8.00. Champagnes
imported , per case , 888.00(333.00 ( ; American
per case. S10.OOQ10.00.
ffl Hi nics lirecn butchers' , 5KgOc ( : green
cured , 7 } c ; dry flint , lli12c ( : dry salt , U@10c :
erenn calf skins. 8c ; d.uuaged hides , tuo
thirds price. Tallow 3c. ( irease Prime
white , w : yellow , 2c : brown , l > c. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.
HEAVY HAKDWARR Iron , rate 82.70 ;
plow bk'el , special cast , 4J c ; crucible steel ,
OKc ; cast tools , do , 13Ciilbc ! ; wagon spokes ,
per set S8.00@.50 : ) ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel
lees , sawed , dry , 81.00 ; tongues , ench , 80c ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , OlZ71c. ( !
cell chain , per Ib. GMftP'o ' ; malleable , b@lOc ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth
4)i c ; spring steel , 4rt5o ( ; Burden's licrs'o
shoes , fl.75 ; Burden's inulu shoes , 85.75.
limbed wire , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nulls , rates 10 to 50 , 82.00 ; steel nails ,
82.75. _
Groccr'H List.
COFFKK Ordinary grades , 10M ( < ? 20i c : t'alr ,
20ra21c ; prime. 21@83 ; choice , 8J24 ; fancy
green and yellow , 23@2ic ; old covernuient
Java , 23@'iSc ; interior Java , 24@20e ; Mocha ,
2 : JOc ; Arluiekln's , roasted ajprc ; Mc-
Lauihlln's XXXX. % ; Dllwoith's , 8 , ) > ; c ;
Red Cross , 25 > tfc.
Svntir No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.23@1.39 ;
New Orleans. ] iur gallon. 3SiP40c ( ; mniilo
syrup , halt bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
legation cans , per doz , S10.(0 ( ; half gallon
cans , per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans 83.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8X@llc ; stick. 8K@9J.fc.
CUACKKIIS Gnrnean's soda , butter nnd
picnic , 4Xc ; creams , 8Xc ; glnirer snaps.SJ c ;
city sodn , 7 c.
PICKKLS Medium , in bbls , 87.00 ; do in
half bbls , S400 ; small , In bbls , 88.00 ; do , in
half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , lu bbls , t'J.OO ' ; do ,
In half bbls , S5.00.
SUOAH ( ! ranulnted,6M(36Kc ( ; conf.
OJ c ; white extra C.5fa5Jfu : extra C.
5 e ; yellow C , S QS c ; cut loaf , 0 %
powdered , 07c.
CANNED ( ioous Oysters , standard , per
case. S2.W33.10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case ,
82.30 ; raspberries , 81b. per case , 82.85@3.15 ;
California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots ,
per case. S3.rXKg3.GO ; pc&che.s , percasp , 84.00 ;
whlto cherries , per case , 85.50 ; plums , per
case , 83.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81.85 ; eig
plums , 2 lu. per case , 32.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib.
per case. 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per do * ,
81.85 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per iloz , S1.50@1.55 ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , per case , 81.75 : 2 Ib. string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
ease , 81.00 ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case ,
82.40@2.50 ; 3 Ib. early Juno peas , per case ,
82-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , 82.00 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
82.50. _
Dry Lumber.
12ft 14 ft'lC ' ft ID ft 20 ft'ss ' ft'si ' ft
2x4 17. BO 17.50 17 50 iM 22.50
17.50 17.f)0l7.M ,
17.70 17.50 1T.5 ! ) 18.N ) 1H.50 22.50 L'.W
2x10 . 17.W ) 17.50 17.60 IH.5) ) 19.5(1 ( 2.50 22.B- - )
4x12 . IS 00 1H.OU1BOO 1 .00 20.00 SlBum.60
13.60 18.50 iar > o 19.60 20 no'a.iojlsi.00 '
No. 1 , com , 8 Is Slfl.Og
No. 2. com , s Is I7.5u
No. 4 , coin , s 1 s 13.50
No. 1,4 & 0 In , 13& 14 U , rough Slfl.oo
No. 2 , " " " 18.00
A , 12,14 and 10 ft S22.00
B , " " " 20.50
C , " " " 15.00
D , " " " 13.00
1st com , % In White Pine Ceiling S-UOU
Clear , % In. Norway Pine Ceiling 10.00
A G Inch whlto pine 831.50
C" " " " 30.00
E" " " " ( SelFen'g ) 10.50
A12inch s. Is 840.00
No. 1 , com. 13 In s. 1 s. , 13 & 14 20.00
" " " ion lo.oc
No. 3 " " " 12 & 24 ft 18.0C
" " " 10ft 17.0C
White cedar , 6 In. , Js. , l2Xo ; 0 In. qrs. , He ,
3OS a. 15Ui St. , Oiuulin , Alcb.
Capital , - $300,000
Loan * Mntlo on IIcul Entitle.
School , County and A\unlclpnl \ Bonds Nc
1'rusidunt. Vlcn 1'rcs.
Secretary. Trousurer.
F. r
filO North 16th Street ,
Paid in Capital $100,00 (
OKO. E. nAltKER , President.
ROUT. L. GAHUCHS , Vlco-Frosldent.
F. n J01IN30.\Cnhloi
KOBT. L. QAnLiciig , , Wu. HKIVSIU ' .
A general banking business tranaacttd.
' Intereii allowed on Imoiltpo
Arrive- I.OIXVO *
Omnha Omaha
Depot 10th and Pierce sts. ' I
Pnellic Kxptess 7.Vam : ) 8:20 : pm
Denver Express 5:20 : pm 10V : am
l.ocal Kxpress 11:00 : nm 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
B. , t M. R. U. R.
Depot 10th nnd I'ncltlc sts.
Midland Express rinpm : ! 10:05 : am
Nldit Express 10:00 : urn 7:45 : pm
O. H. * Q. R. R.
Depot 10th and 1'iwltlcsH.
Mail and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express ( i : 5 urn
K c st i c ' n ' *
Depot idth nnd I'ac'liic'st
Mall r , : r. nm
Express 7:00 : tun 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. & O.
DepotlSttiand Webster St.
SiouxClty Express 4:45pm' : 9:15 : nm
Bancroft Expicss 10:10 : nm4M5pm
Blair Passenger 7:40pm : 5:35 : inn
Depot 15th nud Webster st
Day Express fi.2. " > atull:10 : nm
Night Express r > : : .opm i'lo ' : pm
Lincoln Expicss 11:10 : nm , 0:10 : pni
lUinnlii' ' : between Council UluiTs anil South
Omaha. In addition to the stations ini'ii-
tloiifd , trains btop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth btrectH , uud nt Suuiiiilt , lu Omaha.
\V 'Ntwnr l.
I Leave ' Arrive
CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfer
I depot | depot
0. U.1.&P. : , . . - . oirmn :
All Trains run Dally. H : to a m 5:2. : * > pm
0in p in 7:00 : p in
C. & N.V. \ .
AlHrnlnsrun dally. . . . . j 015am ; 0 :15 : a m
6:40 : p m 7 :00 : ; pin
C. B. & Q.
All trains run dally. . . . j 9:35 a m o :15 : a m
0:25p : m 7 :00 : p m
C. M. & St. P.
All trains run daily. . . . . | 0:15 : a in 0 .15 : a ra
0:40 : p m , 7:00 :
1C. C. SU.I. &C. B.
* Kxci'pt Saturday. 10uo ; m to :35 : a ra
liixcept Monday. * S:55pui : 6 :30 : pm
W. St. L. & P.
All trains run daily . . 2l5pm ; 12:15 : pm
S C. & P. '
All trains ruu daily . j 7:05a : in' : a m
0:25 : u m | : SOpm
The only road to tnke for DCS Molnes Mar-
ehalltowm , Cedar Rapids , Clltfm. Dlxoi , Chi ca
po , Milwaukee and all points cunt. To tbe people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah
Ictuho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , It offMrs superior advantages not posit-
bio by any other lino.
Among a few of the numerous point * of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road
between Omana and Chicago , ara Its two trulna
a dixy of DAY COACHES , which are the llnost
tlint human an and Ingenuity con create. IU
I'ALACKBUSKl'lNaCAHS. which are models
of comfort and elegance. Its PAIUXJIt IIUAW-
INO UOOM OAKS , unsurpassed by any , And Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DlNINO OAHS
the equal of which cnnnot bo found elsewhere
At Council Dlufls the trnlns of thoDnlon PaclHo
itv. connect In Union Depot with those of thu
Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the
trains of this line inuko close connection with
those of all eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buffulo. I'ittaburtr.Toronto ,
Montreal , Doeton , Now YOIK. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington nnd all points ) the
east , aek fer a ticket via the
If you wtak the beet acooinmodation. All ticket
agent * Mil ticket * via this lino.
Gent Hana er , Ocni. PaM'r Afont
C ° 8 ° '
Welters Agent. City Fati'r Agtat.
Omaha , Kobraakn.
The licat Route from Omnha and
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council lilulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CeiiarKapids
Hock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dulmque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madibon , Janesville ,
Heioit , Winona , La Croste ,
And till other Important points East , Northnifi
and Boutliciiit ,
For tlirouuh tickets call on the ticket ngonl
at 14U1 Furntuu st , In Paxton hotel , or ut Union
1'iiclflo ileixit.
I'.ullman Sleepers and the finest Dining rare
In the world nro run on thu main line of the
Chicago. Mllwnukcu & Bt. 1'uul Hallway and PV-
cry uituntton la pukl to' passengers by courteous
ous employees of the company.
H. MII.I.KU. ( iuneral Manager.
J. V. TCCKKit , Asilniint Oenrrnl Manager. ,
A. V. It CAiti'UNTtit , ( JenuriU I'lissengur and
Ticket Agent.
. ' Q .o. K. IliAFFOiii ) , AssistantQcnoral 1'usien
ger and Ticket Agent.
J. T. CLARK , General Superintendent. .
Omafta Jottatf
Agricultural Implements.
* Ul7tfltvilfKL VA ItKKK ,
Wholonlv Dealer In
Airrtcultttral Ininlcinenf
c * . "nJ lncili'i ! > . .lonn Hrrot , between Otb
ml 10lliOinnh , .Si'li.
A rictiltiirnl IiiipliMiionts ,
VVnmin .Citrrliuo < , llngglc < , Kte.Vhole iilo. Om h
.c MA
\Vliolcinlu Dcnlcrt 111
Affrlciilitirul Implonients ,
ani ! Huzuloj. ' . ll.niinnml ' 107 , Jont'i tit
Artists' Material.
Artists' Mntorials , 1'ianos nnd Organs ,
1113 liimiditf Strooi.dmnln.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
s'llnnl ware iv
Mechanics'TooU nml lliiffilo Bolvi. UM Douclut lU ,
liiinlin , N > b.
Boots and Shoes.
ir. r. MOUSE iF no.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
1(11 Fftrimu t , Omnha , Neb. iUuuf.ictorj , Suinmot
otrrct , llunliin
Z. T. LlXD8Er di VU.
Wholcanlo Hub bur Boot 4 and Shoos
Hubbur ninl ( Illeil CHUhllirf uiul Kelt llooH
a. Southcaat Corner 14th mid Douylag.
! O > T Hrowers ,
1531 North IJlh . ' 'trt'Ot ' , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
s' Tools and Suppling ,
iausnge Cailnui of all kltvli nlwnyBln stock. 131S
Joni' ft.m ) U
Coffee , Spicts , Etc.
Onialia Coffco and Spire Mills.
Tcn8Ooffee < , Splcp . lUklnc I'owdir.
trncts , l-nnndry llluo. ink , Ktc. HU-1G llan' jr
Street , Oniuba , Nab.
Cornicf , .
John Epencter , 1'rop.
War.ufneturer of Onlvnnliod Iron nn-l Cornice. 9O
lloiite and 10S anil 105 N , lOlb Omabu , Neb.
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows. K1n l .MrUllckjltIUtc. ! 3108.
1211 it. , Omabn.
0. Spcclit , Prop.
Oalvnnlted Iron Cornlco' , ete. BiiecfulmproTpd Pat
ent ML-tallohkylliihl. HW and 610 B Ulli t..Omahn.
Jobbom of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , lings ,
J.lnolauniK , MattliiKt , Ktc. litl Douflai street.
Crockery and Notians.
Atontfor 'licMunufucturursand Importer * ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cblmuuyi , etc. Office , 917 South UtU it.
Ciinaba , Ncl > .
31. ELG U'l TER'S
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner 1 nrmim nnd Tenth Strewn , Oninbii , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Ilntter , Ecusiinil Produce. CnnslKiimenis lollclted ,
lleadquartprs for Htnnewaru , Ilorry HOXCB and
Urnpe HnsUeis. Kit iKKlgestreetOmaha.
Storage and Toinmission Merchants ,
Specialties llutter. K g < . Chooto , Poillry , ( lame ,
Oysters , etc. , ct . 112 B. iltU Bt.
Commission Iforcliants.
Fruits. Produce and Prarlilon * . Omaha , Neb.
Produce Commission MerehantH ,
Fonltrr , llutter , flame. Frulls , etc. m B. Ittbit
Omaha , Nvli.
Coal ana" Limt.
Ulu. . 1/jiAi.ii. I'rrs. C , F. nonnwiN , V. Piei.
J. A. HtiNDEiiLAVD , Hoc. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
ZW South Thirteenth Street , Oinaba , Nob.
OV f : CO. ,
Mannftictiircrs of Illinois White Lime.
And Chlppern of Coal and Cone , Cemunt , I'lmHr ,
Uiue , llulr. Flro Ilrick , Drain , Til * and ( 'ewer 1'ipo ,
OfHeo. 1'HXton llutut. ytintum it. , Otnitlia , Ntb ,
Confectionery ,
Mnnnfncturinjf Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruitsNutu nnd Clgan. 1211 Kituani 8U
Cigan and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cijfars , Tobacco ,
Otmi nnd Ammunition , 215 totn B. llth it. , 1100 to
I 1UM lfKrn mBt..Om haN b.
Kanufactnrera of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaecoi , No . 106
nd 110 N. 1Mb strnet. Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Notioni
1101 and 1104 DougUs , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlnciuml Liquors.
CO. and ILER CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobhere of Fine Wines and Liquor * .
Bolemnnufneturersof Kennedy' * Kait India Hit
ters and Doincstln Liquors. 1112
Wholesale Dealers In Fnrnituro.
Farnam H. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Hodding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1801. U08 and H10 Farnam St. , Ommha ,
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nog. TftJ. Tiff , 7C3 and til B.lOtli St. Omaha. Neb.
McCORl ) , Jt.KALU' < V CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltu and Learennorth nt . .Omiha.
Hardware ,
JobberH of Hardwuro and Xail3 ,
Tinwarehheet Iron. Ktc. Apeiil" for Howe Scales ,
and Miami Pimderl n..Omali > , Neli ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
rlDC'i Wagon Flock. Hardware Lumber , etc. I'.Ot
ud Hll llarner ( > Omaha.
EltNEY r
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wazonsnd Carrlire Wood Block , Hear ; Hardware.
Ktc. 1 jl , and \m \ LeaTCnworlb St. . ( linalin. Neb.
Stoves , -Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MauUdi , Crates , llrase Ooodi. 1B1 u4 1SS
. . Ktreet.
Oma/ia / Jotters' ' Directory.
Iron Works.
w x *
Iron Works ,
Wrmishl nnd rait Iron HulMlrii ; Work , Iron Btalra
Itiillmu , HpHnm and ( HrvlpM , strum Knclnef , llraii
Wnrklini > r l Toumlry , Mnrhlnct ami lllHrktmlii
Wr . Oitlre an J Works , IM * . Hj.midKlh sttvet.
/ / . K. SA t
ninifitctnrlnir l > p nlor in .Smoke Stacks ,
- , TmX , ml lloncrnl ll.illrr llcpnlrlnir ,
MnnufHrtnrpM of
fro nnd Iron Knilltiirs Desk HRlls ,
VVIiidnw ( lunidt , Honor Ntnmls , Wlra Hltrns , Bta
l.l N. l".th. Order. IIT mill pmniptlr atlcndodto.
Dealer , . All Kinds of
Building1 Material nt Wholosp.ln.
18th Street and tlnlon I'adflo Track , ( innha.
" "
Dealer in Ltnnbpr. Lath , Llino , Sitsh ,
Doors , Ktc. Yanls-Corncr7th itnd Uuunlasi Cornet
Vth niut IMnulas ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
MIS. llth street , Omnhn , Neb. f. Colpcttor , Mutugtr.
> "th And rnllforrln directs , OniMin , Net ) .
Lnm bcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc ,
Ccr.Ctb and Douglas sti. , Omiilia. Ntf > .
Lumber ,
To Dealers Only.
Oil ! re , U03 rnrnnm streetOmnhN ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpots and 1'nrqnct Flooring. Bth nnd DouglM
Wliolcsalo Lumber , Ktc.
Imported and American I'ortlnncl Cftnrnt. Pt M
Anent forilllwnukeo llrdraullc C'euiout and Best
IJulucy Whilel.line.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd ,
i'V Stock Commission.
ju. HURKE a ; ojv $ ,
Live Stock Commission.
G o. Ilurkc , Manaiier.
DnlonBtoek Yards , 8. Omaha. Telephone M .
Live Stock CommiBsion Mcrchante ,
EhlpmenK of an ; and all kinds of Stock f ollelted.
Union Stock Yards. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Motions.
Importer ! and Jobber ! of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213 and 1315 Hnrne ; St , eat. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Fnrntahlii ? Goods ,
40.1 and 405 S. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls , PanU , BhlrU , Ktc. 1102 and 1101 Uou lnt Street ,
Onmhn , Neb.
Wliolcsalo Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlcu ( stuck iif rrlntlntf , Wiupplntf und Writ-
1nu paper. Hpeclul ntii'ntlon Klron to car loader
'clerv wlllrli will he shipped dlroctfrom mill" . All
ordor' will receive piTinmil nfcntlon. We iiuar-
Titcii giioil Komls and low prlc- * . lilt and 11118
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Ilook Binders. IDA and 108 South Fourteenth
street. Omalm , Ncli.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dtalcrs InTypo , Vre sca and Printers' Suppllos. MI
South Twelfth ftrcot.
Manufnctnrorg and Dcnlnrs 111
neiiics , UoilorH & ( Jpneral Slnphlnory
Uhevt Iron work , Rtunm I'umni.HHw Mills , Acme
Shafting , Dodee Wood split I'ullart , Baltlaf , eta ,
Alsowsions , scrapersauds aUtKa. lJl-lluUair
Tonworthnt. Omnhi
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Iteamand Water Buppllei. HeaUqnartorii for Mad
Ko3stCn'iUoo > ls. llllVarnam St.Omaha. Neb.
n lUi1"T Wind Mlliit r-tcntn nd W t r Piippllei ,
PlumhliiK Goods , neltlDK.lloip. 918 nml I'JU tr *
uam it. , Ouiahfl. B. K. Kcllnn , M na tr.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
BUmn , Water , Hallway and MlllliiK Kuppliec. Et&
910 , K3audl Karaam St. , Omabn. N t > .
Sates , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flr and Iliirglar Proot H fes , Tims I icks , V ulU
_ nd Jull Worti. 1IH1 farnaia street Om hs > . N b.
Omaha Safe Works.
Mamifncturfisof Fir * and BorlarPriK > fSafes , VauW
JJoors , Jull Wcrk.Rtautiera and Wire Work. Cor.
lltb and Jackson Su. , Umaba , Nub ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
CO , ,
Wholasalo Manufaeturtrs of
Sash , Doors , Bliiula and
Branch oftlc ,12tU and Iisrd sti. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monld'ji ' - .8talrWorkand InteriorHnnl Wood Flalsb
Just upeiied. M. K. for. Atli and LeuvenwortliSts.
Onmba , Neb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
Thn best accommodation * for traveler * .
The Let-t hotel in town.
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn best known niul rantt popular hotel In
the Halo. Ixicatl'iicc'iitrnlHppomtmfnu ' | ( list
clnes. HcniliiiiirU'iH ] for voiiunnrrlnl men and
all political unU putillu irHthi'rlnirs.
B. 1 * . UOaUKiiProprietor. '
School , County anil Oily
Wn will pay Jilirhon price for thotu.
Minlu at luwcitiatc'o. ( 'orruspnndMictrVolivlleil ,
L BROS ; '