Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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i > " , 1'coullnr Decision By the Iowa Hu-
promo Court.
UcsMoixr.t In. . Juno 27. [ Special Tele-
ftrain it > tholJKK. ) Tiio most Important de-
clsion filed by the Iowa supreme , court for
years was rcndcicd to day In the case of the
les ) Molnca Narrow GntiKe utreet railway
company against thoiiroad Gauge .street rail *
way company of the same city. In 1WX3 the
city council save a company that proposed
to operate- street car line a charter grant
ing them exclusive rlk'ht to the streets of the
city for thirty H'nM. Last } car a new com-
IMUV proposed to hullil another street rail
road , mitas enjoined by the old ono on the
claim that the charter of 1S5 controlled
nil of the streets of the city exclusively for
thirty } ears. The now company won In the
lower court on the ground that the council of
twenty years URO had no rleht to tmitcraway
an exclusive rlulit to rmbllu street * . Mean
time the case was appealed and the new com
pany built nnd has operated wivwal miles of
track as a rival road. To-dav thu slipromo
court decided that thu old charter Is still
binding and that the orlclnnl company has
exclusive ritjht and can bar out all competi
tors. The decision Is received with reat stir-
by loacllm : lawyers , who regard It i\s
Crlso InK to a past epoch of jurisprudence.
Other decisions rendered by thu court to-
ilav were ns follows :
W. II. Forbort , appellant , vs. L. Clough ,
Chlckasaw dhtrict. Alliniiud.
Southern White Lead company , appellant.
Ts. Julius W. Unas ct al. , Uubmiuo district.
Mnry Urovvn and Anna Ilrown , appellants ,
vs. I'eter Kli-nc , jr. , assignee , & company ,
Dubuque circuit. Atllrmeii.
. A. biitherltind , aptiellaut. vs. 0. E. Tyner ,
Cherokee circuit. AHIrmed.
lames lluticliaw , appellant vs. William
Wilier , Jasper circuit. Reversed ,
1'etcr Connolly , appellant , vs , George F.
Bean , Oass district Adlrmed.
Al. N. J'aynu vs. Kansas City , St. .Joseph &
Council Blults mllrond company , appellants ,
1'remnnt district Alllnned.
J. W. iltllls. appellant , vs. the Chlrairo ,
Hock Island & PacIUc railroad company , Polk
circuit. AllinnuJ.
Sarah Jr. Kstes v.s. Chlcano , Iowa it Da
kota railroad company , appellants , llardln
circuit. Alllrmcd.
Thomas Jones vs. Walter Shay , appellant ,
Adams district. lto\crsed.
Mnjor Moblcy Dead.
DunuquR , la. , .Juno 27. Major M. Mobloy ,
an old and prominent resident of this city ,
formerly a leading banker , is dead.
Street Hint In Itochc'Ucr.
ltociiKSTin : , X. Y. , Juno 27. This mornIng -
Ing about 100 laborers In the employ of con
tractors on the city streets struck tor Increased
wnpes. This afternoon the contractors put
on a force of new men and serious trouble
ensued. A mob of 200 or more strikers and
friends gathered on Gorham street and at
tacked th now men with stones , etc. A
equad of otllccrs who came were likewise ns-
Baulto.l , and after snvcral futtla attempts to
disperse the men the police opened IHo with
revolvers.Vlion \ the li ht was over It was
found that two policemen worn seriously In
jured by stones , three of thn mob bidly
clubbed , and onti .shot through the Mead. Two
more wore shot but carried away by friends.
Ono has since died. The city Is now quiut ,
but tiouulo Is feared to-morrow.
fly n AVomnn.
ST. 1'A.ur , , June % ! . Advices from Blackfoot -
foot , Idaho , tell of a dailnu jail delhcry Itibt
night. Airs. Henry N okcrson called on her
husband , who wtis imprisoned for horse
stealing. She bronchi levolvcrs nnd to
gether they ovornowered nnd locked thn
ciinrd In a coll. They then rolensed Aleck
Woods nnd 0110 Williams , both sentenced to
haiie July 22 tor murder , also another horse
thief , and then made their escape , horses
linvliitf been provided. Woods refused to
tnko n horse nnd wns caught to-day. The
others are nt lario yet ,
Chinese Honors nt Vale.
Nr.w HA.VK.V , Conn. , June 27. Com
mencement opened at i'nlo to-day with the
customary exercises. The clnss poem was
by William McCormlck. ot Ilarribbtirg , Pn. ,
and the oration by James Hockwell Shuflluld ,
Of Utlcn. N. Y. AmoiiK the scholarship
awards Van Pliou Lee , ot China , secured ono
year honors In political science , history , ana
law , also in
Stock nrokorn .
llAinronn , Conn. , Juno 27. The firm of
llubbard & Farmer , stock brokers , has made
an assignment In bankruptcy because of the
unexpected failure of Us Now Yoik partner ,
C. W. Kohlsaat. The liabilities nro noi be
lieved to bo large.
A Jealous IIuHhnml'ft Deed.
LOUISVII.I.K , Ky. , Juno 27. Georco Born-
liiK to-night killed his wlfo nnd then suicided.
Jealousy caused the crimo. Bernlnc was
twonty-elnlit years of nco nnd the eon of a
Wealthy citizen of St. Louis.
Fatal Tall-Kiiil Collision.
WHEELING , W. Vn. . Juno 27. Uy a rear-
end collision on the linltlmoio & Ohio to-day
Engineer John Jennlnits wrts killed nnd
1 Ireinan Davis seriously Injured. Four cars
of cattle were nearly nil killed.
* Bachelor Imcly Graduates.
BOSTON , J no 27. The commencement ex
ercises at Harvard wore hold to-day. The
degree ot A. U. was conferred on live lady
Ball Denied the lloodlers.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. JndRo Shepnrd this
morning refused to admit William J. Alc-
Oarlgle nnd Kd McDonald to ball.
Good Halnti For Crops.
BT. PAUL , June 27. Pioneer-Press specials
from central Dakota nud Minnesota report
Boaklnc rains > 'n't\tly bunollttlnt ; the crops
iKifilunlng to sulfur tor want ot rain.
Brooklyn Navy Yard Inspected.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 27. Secret-try Whitney
Inspected the .Brooklyn navy yard to-day.
A. Citizen Wants the OOR Tax Raised
to $5O.
OMAHA , Juno 20. To vho Editor of the
BKE : I was glad to notioo In your Sat
urday's issno an editorial suggesting that ,
In view of sovurnl recant cases of chil
dren and others bomg attacked by dogs ,
the nuliuals should bo uithur muy./.led or
It is H fact that impresses itself
Very forcibly upon ono coming from nn
castor city , that Oninhn is infested to au
unusual extent with cura whoso number
is only exceeded by their worthlussncss
How they can ntl'ord any pleasure to their
owners it in dillicult to imagine. Many
of them doubtless have no owners , al
any rate , tincared for aa they arc , it
would bo sheer kindness to terminate as
speedily as possible , their miserableox
The city government or our police
force will probably not act decisively m
this matter , and will , perhaps
await the development of a
genuine case of hydrophobia
RS the result of a dog bite , ana when two
or three human lives have boun sacri
ficed within their judicial wisdom con
clude it Is about time to slaughter n few
worthless and miserable dogs.
i would suggest that thu dog tax bo
raised to say $00 per annum and vigor
ously enforced. This would at leas
Imvo the oiled of ridding the city o
worthless canines who ranko our streets
dangerous by day and render night hid
cons by their infernal yelps ana howls
They areof no use whatever , nnd it is
infinitely better that they should all bo
killed than that our children should bo
in constant danger of incurring tha
most dreadful of nil diseases hyuropho
bla. Please ngitato the matter until the
dangerous o is abated ,
Yourg Truly , CITIZEN.
Hla Slonth Gave Hint Away.
A. Alexander was arrested lost nigli
by Captain McDonald , charged wit ]
grand larceny. He picked up n pooko
book containing f 15 in cash and a lot o
valuable papers belonging to a gentle
0MU * OB Lake itrect nd refused to. glv
horn up when applied to. Alexander
unios the llntl , but witnesses to whom ho
mule hh cracks about picking up the
) ook , a.nd In whoso presence ho tore
ip and destroyed thu papers , will be on
mnd and testify to this fact , and it looks
is if Mr. Alexander would hnvo dillictilty
n clearing himself.
The Sweeper 1'lcks Up A Sleeper.
Henry Tloinan , nn old time van , curled
up like a cockroach under the titruot
weeper last evening for a quiet snooze ,
ml while thus wrapped in the realms of
lumber , the horses were Hitched nnd the
nachine started , Tlonian barely escaping
jelng made sausage meat of. As it was
10 received several ugly cuts about the
calp , face and hands. City Physician
lalph dressed his wounds.
A llouschroadrr
A man giving the name of A. Andcr-
on , was caught in thu act of breaking
nto the house of A , Hnthbcrg , Tenth and
Capitol avenue , at 2 o'clock this morn-
ng. Oflicurs ( Jotlola and Jim lirady cap-
ured Anderson just as nn entrance was
I'crHonut I'araRraplii.
John Drexel is seriously indisposed.
Major John C. Watson , of Nebraska
City , is in Omaha.
lion. E. F. Wurron is a prominent Nebraskan -
braskan at the Paxton.
\V. P. Saunders , of Beatrice , Neb. , was
it the Arcade yesterday.
Mrs. S. 15. Phillips , of Kansas City , is a
guest at the Metropolitan.
James Smith , of Oakdale , Nob. , reg-
stered at the Arcade yesterday.
William Canada , of Nebraskr. City , is
n Omaha , looking for Qiiinn liohauon ,
lion. 15. F. Warren , of Nebraska City ,
was in and about the courts thib inorii-
George Fo wprthy , ono of the musical
itul camera nttists of liroken How , is in
the city.
Messrs. L. M. and 11. M.Clomont.prom-
nunt real estate speculators of Frisco ,
Cal. , are here.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atkinson and Miss
! 5. V. Kennedy , of Uodford , la. , are guests
it the Arcade.
Frank 15. Aikon , the actor , on the way
o New York from 'Frisco , was a guebtat
thoMillaid last night.
J. M. McDonald , of Cincinnati , gen
eral manager of the Standard Oil com-
iany , is at the Paxton.
J. A. Van Pelt , of Van Pelt Bros. , pro-
) rietord of the Des Moincs paint works ,
s at the Metropolitan.
Charles West , of Lincoln , representing
ho Lombard Investment company ot
incoln , is at the Paxton.
Thomas , a Kansas City cap-
talist who is interested in Omaha real
ifatato , is stopping at the Pa\ton.
Charles Hopper , of Lincoln , and J. A.
Ayre.s , jr. , of David City , are among the
Nebraska arrivals at the Merchants.
Miss Orchard returned yesterday from
iho college which she has been attending
for two years past for her summer va
John Folov , a wealthy railroad con
tractor of North LOUD , accompanied by
Ills wife and sou , is a gue&t at thu Mer
William 15. Wright , of Ashland ,
Neb. , and T. and 15. Clarke , of Plaits-
mouth , were among the late arrivals at
the Millard last night.
Mr. Fred Kennedy , a prominent young
business man of llornellsville , N. Y. ,
spent Sunday m Omaha aiffl left last
night for Fremont on a prospecting trip.
At the Miliard : Frank 15. Aikcn and
Miss Karsiior , of San Francisco ; Dr.
ISyron Clark , Washington , Pa. ; Timothy
ana' Benjamin Clark , ot Plattsmouth ,
John W. and T. K. Chirk , of Weeping
Water ; I\Jis3 \ Mamie Carson , of Bro\vn-
G. W. Whitmore , traveling salesman
for Leggett & Myers , and who fell from
Lho stair railing into the cellar of A , S.
Strang'ti building Friday morning last ,
still lies in a precarious condition at the
Uhilds hospital. He is paralyzed Irom the
hips down and may die.
Messrs. F. T. Mittauer. A. C. JolilVe ,
C. W. Moulton and W. E. Coombs have
returned from a pleasant two week's va
cation at Spirit Lake , Iowa. They made
the long journey on their 'cycles , and
their experiences en route going and
corning were many and varied.
Creluliton CollcRo Commencement.
The commencement of Croighton college -
lego will not take place until to-morrow
night , an announcement to tliocflcct that
it would to-night to the contrary not
The young pcoplo of St. Phillip church
will give a literary entertainment at St.
Dnrnubas guide room June 23. Tlio
public is invited.
He Apologized.
Detroit Free Press : Soon after day
light wo wore all aroused by a wrangling
in the sleeping car , nnd presently it was
discovered that the row was- between the
porter ami a passenger the latter nn old
man with a fringe of red hair nronnd his
hkull , who had turned iu without un
" 1 toil you I hcv bin robbed brutally
robbed ! " shouted the old man.
"It can't be , Bah , " replied the porter.
"Then whore's my money my ? 1J ( ? I
had it iu my handkerchief when I went
to bodl"
"Better look around , salt. Mebbo it'a
in do berth. "
"Don't mobbo mo , von infernal nigger.
I'm a telling yon that some ono has
basely and brutally robbed mo ns I
slept. "
' 'Wo all turned out and began to count
up to see if the robber had got anything
moro , nnd while wo wore doing this the
old man was pulling on his cowhide
boots. The right ono went on with a
chug , but when it came to the loft he
found an obstruction. Reaching in his
hand he pulled out the handkerchief and
the money.
"Dat's what I 'apeetod all do time , "
said the much relieved porter.
"Ynas , tills isthostutV. and I remember
of putting it thar , " replied the old man.
The colored man felt that ho ought to
have an apology of some sort under the
circumstances , and after taking two or
three of us into the smoking-room to got
advice the old man went back and said :
"Look hero , Moses , I'm a fair man. 1
thought yon brutally robbed mo , but yon
didn't , nnd I civo you credit for it. I
also called you nil Infernal nigger.
Please move to strike out the word 'in
fernal' and out she goes , and now you
blasted nigger como out hero and show
mo how to get some water to wash iul"
Good , If True.
WASIUNOTOK , Juno 23. Prof. Klisha
Gray is said to have n now discovery ,
which promises as extraordinary results
as are obtained from the telephone. No
patent has as yet been issued or even ap
plied tor , but the invention is protected
by about thirty different caveats. Meun-
while the inventor te engaged in perfect
ing it. The general plan can perhaps DO
best described by the term "auto-tele-
graphy. " It Is claimed that it will bo
possible by this invention to write upon
a sheet of paper and to have an auto
graphic fau scmilo of the writing repro
duced by telegraph oOO miles away anil
probably a much greater distance. The
successful experiments so far have been
limited to about three hundred miles.
It is expected that the same results will
be obtained on much larger circuits. It
may bo some time before tha invention
is perfected , but the inventor has great
confidence that a great and practical
rival to the telephone will ultimately bo
It will l > o iho Grandest Ever Ex
perienced In this City.
Another enthusiastic meeting of the
committee of the Knights of Labor hav
ing In charge the arrangements for the
grand celebration of the Fourth of 'July
in this city was hold lust night In Julius
Meyer's rooms. There was almost a full
attendance of members. Air. Meyer pre
sided , nnd the deliberations of the body
were in no wise hampered by a box of
fragrant cigars , which Insensibly suc
cumbed to thu appreciation of those
The most assuring promises of a suc
cessful parade was given from ovcry
quarter. General Croon had accepted
the Invitation to be present with his stall' .
To-day General \Vheaton \ , of the fort ,
will bo invited to attend with the milt-
ury under his control , and the Invitation
vill undoubtedly bo accepted. Invltn-
lens had also been accepted by tlto
nayor , city council , school board , police
commissioners and board of pub
ic works. it Is now known
hat at least jCO wagons , beautifully
decorated and representing the nidus-
ries and mercantile ) interests of Omaha
will bo in line , and they will bo attended
by not than 7,000 mechanics.
It was also announced that thu follow-
ng bauds had buun engaged : Musical
Jnion , Second Infantry , Union P.icilic ,
A. O. 11. , Bohemian , Blnnlus , Notth
Omaha and Gate City Drum corps.
Thn committees Laving in charge the
nanagumont of this great show , U gather
with the chief olliuors of the p.irauo and
thi'ir assistants , areas follows :
Kxecuthe Julius Movci , ulmliman ; It.
VKeofe , It. Tlz.ird , John Jenkins , U.
Wlmnnn , I ) . KelehiT , C. Cheney.
Speaker 1) . T. Mount.
Athletics I'hlllp Andres , Jeiomo Pentzcl ,
( leorire Anthes. I' . P. I'omeroy , H. Kiniiino-
row , Thomas Kalconer.
H.irlii'cuo1Krank , J. Bultcrlleld , F. II ,
Iliiv. ( iL-or o H. btryKur.
ilntlns-W. C. Hover , W. I1. Cos , C.
Aburnatliv , J. F. McAialey , n. Uailloy.
( irand Marshal William Colmrn.
Aids K. Standoven , John Jenkins ,
3. S. Auclimoi'dy , I'hlllp Andies , C. M.
Assistant Marshals K. 1' , Sweeney , assotn-
> ! } 3'Jll ; Krit/ William , lOaS ; llariy L.i
Unnolio. W.O ; John Gorman , 45 IS ; 11. T.
livlne. , V.ri7 ; A. Jlobeii , ? Wi ; Isxac I' ,
u-H'J ; Doi soy li. llouck , Mil ; V. S. Lewis ,
JUi ! ; Charles 1'aspsll , .TOO : fcOlO of South
Omaha ; IMO. Ullmorc ; 71) ) , Panlllioii ,
Charles K , Hale ; and 23 n , Thomas VIP Hoy.
lolm H. bawhlll , G. A , Ouster post ; Tony
13. Iloukamp. Clitiuinakct'b union ; L. Jen
sen , > m them fatal Danish club ; Leo Halt ,
I'limei's union ; A. Jensen , Tailor's union ;
1'iank Kaitimei , ilrlukiuoiildei's union ;
George T. Thompson , journeymen stone
cutters ; M. T. IH.tck , C.upentuis' union ; 11.
ICuminerow , Omaha tuin\creln , Patrick
DToolo , A. O. II. ; Samuel titntihor. Brick
layer * ' union ; Chutlesjl'lshtr , Duiaut Khe
rompaii } ; 1' , S. lloyer , Danish soclt't } ; 1' . J.
Dillon , Moulders' union ; Coincllus LMicli ,
llrlekl.uois. ' PJnstcicn > ' and Stone Mason
Tenders' union.
This evening there will bo a mcetinc of
the conimittoo and aidat Julius Meyer's '
rooms , at 7 30 o'clock.
To-morrow night at the same place ,
there will bo a meeting of the chief mar
shal and aids to make final arrangements
for the parade.
On ne\t Thursday Israel Frank of
South Omaha will Lill the monster steer
which is to bo used in the grand barbecue
on the fair grounds. The aniinil will bo
bhmglitored in Hammond's packing
house and will weigh 2,000 pounds , llo
will bo put on to roast on Sunday and
kept over the lire until OH will bo in con
dition to make an e\cnlli nt morsel for
thousands of palates on the Fourth.
The Bijr I'nckiiii ; HOIIHO nt Smith
Oinnha ChniittPH Hands.
Armour has at last decided to locate a
packing house at Omaha. Some time jo
mention was made in thuso columns that
the J. A. Lipton packing house at South
Omaha was killing hogs for Armour &
Co. The meat was lo'idcd into Armour &
Co's refrigerator cars and .shipped to
Chicago. This house is now to be
turned over to Armour & Co. , who will
operate it in the future , . 'The house is
very complete and provided with all the
latest devices known in the business. It
has a capacity of handling from 1,000 to
2,000 hogs pur day. It was constructed
last year by the stock yard" company for
Thomas J. Lipton , who also has a pack
ing house in Chicago. Lipton is the
largest retail dealer of provisions in the
world nnd has over thirty mammoth re
tail establishments in England and Scot
land. To supply this trade he has located
packing houses in America. The trade
which Lipton supplies demands what are
are known as light hogs that is , hogs
weighing from IbO to 2'd pounds. Jn
some parts of the country , where corn is
not plenty , it is easy to obtain light hogs ,
but , in Nebraska , where corn is in abun
dance and cheat ) , the farmers will not
sell their hoc- ; , while they weigh only 200
pounds , when they can nmko thorn welch
1500 pounds by keeping them a little
longer , and thus realize more for them.
For this reason the Lipton packing house
at South Omaha has not been a success ,
aa the kind of hogs necessary to supply
their trade could not be had. The house
has been running in a small way over
binee it was opened last fall , and , aside
from the past few weeks , it has not been
any help to the Omaha hog market. A
good manv of the hogs which they killed
they wore forced to ship up from Kansas
City. All this will bo changed now ,
as Armour handles all kinds of
hogs , both light and heavy ,
and will take them as they como. The
house will be run to its fullest capacity
and will thus bo a great help to the
market by creating a greater demand for
hogs. It is talked that Armour will
build additions to the packing house and
increase its capacity , but at this early
date it is impossible to give any exact in
formation as to what these improvements
will bo. The hoc men are nil greatly
elated 9ver the announcement that Ar
mour is coining here at once , as his
name alone is a .source of great strength
to a new market like this. Said one ,
"Armour is the best man any market
could have , ns ho is always booming
prices up instead of bearing them down ,
knowing that it is no disadvantage to
pay a biir price for his hogs when by
doing that he compels his competitors to
pay the same prices. "
Man or the Lord.
Yesterday morning there was a meeting
oftho Omaha Congregational Union at the
Vaxton. This association is composed ol
the Congregational ministers of the city ,
and the object Is to advance missionary
work in both town and neighborhood.
There wore present : llov. A. F. Sherrill ,
First Congregational church ; Rev.Vil -
lard Scott , St. Mary's avenue ; Hov. A. B ,
Pcnnlman , Third church ; Hov. 11. C.
Crane , Hillside ; Rov. J. A. Milligan ,
Saunders street ; Hev. M. J. P. Thing ,
Bethlehem chapel ; Rev. ILW. Brtiechort ,
German church ; Rev. J. L , Maile , state
superintendent. The association has
been incorporated. The ollicers will bo
announced later.
The Third Congregational church , on
the corner of Nineteenth and Spruce
streets , have sold Its property for ? 7,000
imd will erect a $10,000 church ir
Kountzo 1'laco , where they have accepted
a donation of two lots from Herman
Kouutzo. They will also erect a parson
age to cost $3,600. The church hus been
making excellent progress , although i
has a membership of sixty. '
' Tbo clergymen of tbU denomination
will bold an Important meeting nt the
FJrst M. E. Cliurcli , Uils morning at 10
' " '
° 'clock
' - ' . " .
r.mvAitt ) riANN.
The funeral of Kdward Flynn , ono of
the best known and most appreciated
young Irishmen ofi.this city , took place
yesterday afternoon from bt. I'hllomu-
na's church. It waa largely attended by
the members of tlm At O. II. , the I'nrncll
social club , and a > number of friends.
Jne of the lloral mementoes was a boau-
: iftil harp , marked , in immortelles with
the name of the lattci ; organi/alion. He-
( liiicni mass was olinutod and the remains
were then escorted , to Holy Sepulchre
Mr. Flynn was but twenty-four years
of ago , nnd had been in this country but
: hri'u years , during which time ho had
jccn an esteemed employe of the Smelt
ing works company , lie was popular
among all his associates , and this was at
tested by the fact that both of the organi
zations ofAhleh he was a member have
adopted feeling resolutions of regret.
Potty Polloo Pointers.
There wore twenty-one arrests re
ported at police headquarters up to 12
o'clock last night , some in rags , some in
toes , but none inclvot gowns.
John Crawford , an irredeemable vag ,
who has served more times than he has
lingers and toes , was among the savory
batch. The last time Crawford was be
fore the judge he was ordered from the
town , but the sequel shows that , like
Cnssibcanca , hn would not go.
OniccrTurnbull switched in onn James
Steward , .suspuctud of having stolen a
medicine case.
Mike Gavin , just released from jail
Yesterday , showed up in good form again
last night and will probably bo returned
for an extended term this morning. He is
a vag.
Andrew Palmer was found in a drunken
leop on the sidewalk on Karnnm street.
Hu insisted that his hotel bill was paid
and that ho would hku to retire. Ho did
among the dem/.uns of the coop.
J. Murphy , Pete Conley , Jim Kennedy
and Bob Ford , not the man who killed
Jeto James , all jigaroo citi/.ons , were
ushered in in a lump.
Ah , but thesu aio busy times in police
In the police court ycnterdav afternoon
Jame Rii'seJ was lined J'i and costs for
recklessly driving up and down Snundurs
A petition is in circulation , and has so
far received numerous signatures , asking
that an elevator be placed in the court
hou o , so that persons having business
at the county building may reach the
stiuoture without climbing the eighty-
nine .steps leading up to the basement.
The Eclipse Pressed Brick company tiled
articles of incut poratinn in the clerk's
olllco yc'tt'rdai afternoon. I'lie capital
stock is ? 10,0 tO and the incorpoiators are
W. L. Muulis , K. S. Flagir and P. B.
Wardlr.-f. .
II. Benedict brincra suit in the county
couit against Willl.i'rii Xolsnn , asking
? 7'.i3.)0 ) judgment oifHTtiill of clothes sold
to plaimirt. , .3 I
oiM-wp i ifj" 13 uon :
Sound ? of strife emanated from the
diu' northwest cornp'r Jf Tenth and Cap
ital avenue last evening , and Oflieer
Bloom , aecompanil by Larry Casey ,
ran in to ascertain tlVuneaning ) thereof.
Once within and the > proprietor , Charles
Grove , turned upon Casey , against whom
it seems ho has beoii nnrsinc an old
grudge , and with a lick sti night from
tlie shoulder knocked him down , tell
upon him and bit his > .ir olV. While pios-
( rate 1 rank Corner , * Grove's pnitner ,
kicked Casey sin oral times in the ribs.
Bloom hurried out to. , pull the bov , and
was followed" by a gang , who threatened
to do him up. Groves and Corney , how
ever , were towed in , and this morning at
! ) o'clock the former will answer to the
sariout charge of majhem , and the latter
to assault and battery. Casey's aricular ,
which Jailor Ornisby has preserved in
an envelope , will licure in the evidence.
Corney was released on ? 25 bond to ap-
near this morning , but Groves was caged.
The officer is attur thu entire trang who
pur.siicd him to the bov , and all will bo
nr Springfield.
SritisariULU , Neb. , June 25. [ Corre
spondence of the BI.E. ] Ev-Mayor
Hardy , of Lincoln , delivered a lecture tea
a large audience at tlm school house on
the question of prohibition.
At a mooting of the citizens Saturday
evening it was decided to celebrate on
the 21st of July instead of the Fourth , as
most of our citi/uns Ind made arranco-
incuts to attend the Omaha celebration.
A big time is expected at Springliuld , as
there will most likely bo an excursion
from Weeping Water and ono from
An unknown was found dead in the
P'ipio about four miles northeast of Pa-
pillion. The body was in a bad state of
decomposition and could not be idcn-
tilied. The jury returned a verdict that
the unknown came to his death from
causes unknown to the jury.
The Painters' Strike.
There is still but little prospect of the
differences between the masters and men
being brought to a satisfactory settle
ment. Conlidenco is very generally ex
pressed by the strikers , however , that
their cause will triumph in the end. A
leading master painter told a BKI : re
porter last night that an agent is at work
in Iowa engaging men to supply the
places of those on strike , and that twenty
men from that stale have arrived and are
already al work. It is expected that
other men will follow in the course of a
few days.
The yKromuit Arnvott.
Prof. Oscar Hunt , the famous scro-
limit , and well known in Omaha , arrived
from Cleveland last evening. The pro
fessor is to make an ascension In a gas-
inllatcd baleen at the fair grounds on the
Fourth , on the occabionjpf the Knights of
Labor celebration , llejjsxpects to reach
an altitude of thrco mlics and travel a
distance of thirty-live orfortyj | more. It
will bo the attractive feature of the daj ,
ami witnessed most litcTy by an immense
concourse of people. Tlio professor will
bo accompanied In this aerial excursion
by a reporter of the BEB :
Charles O'Brien , rt'wtoncrwurst ven
dor and n juvenescenf hbodlum , stabbe'd
and seriously injured 'Will CliHtou , who
resides at the corner of Eighth and
Dodge , last night , In the doorway of a
Tenth street slum. fr'cni ) ' who is but
sixteen , is the promising youth who
pulled a gun on a boy last fall because
he wouldn't ' lot him ride on his sled , and
for which olfonso ho served a lengthy
term in jail. Ho is young in years , but
very tough.
Will Join the Parade.
The typographical union of Omaha has
been invited to join the Fourth of July
celebration and parade which the Knights
of Labor will hold on July 4. Sunday
the printers voted to join the parade , and
will wear linen dusters , straw hats and
canes In the march. There are 200 mem
bers of the union and it is expected that
at least 100 will join in lino.
The U. S. Pacific railway commission
will leave to-day for Sidux City , la. , and
will on Wednesday at 0 o'clock a. m.
hold a public session at the.Garrottson
hotel. .
AVlint Wna Done iloforo the Judges
VcBtcrdny MorttltiK.
Yesterday morning the case ot John
Cliristncr against the Omaha & South
western road was commenced be
fore Judge Grotf. The plaintiff sues tor
$1,000 for damages alleged to have boon
sustained when the defendant sought to
move his house to build a track. The
latter claims that ho was seriously in
jured by an attack of the pluintifl.
Judco Neville was hearing the case of
Ueilly against the Belt Line company.
The Cochruii divorce case was con
tinued before Judge Wakoloy.
Yesterday afternoon the suit of Jacob
Bradstreuth was called before Judge Hope
well. It Is on appeal from thu county
court , where the defendant secured ifSOD
damages for falling through a co'il
hole in the sidewalk at the Metropolitan
hotel. The question to bo determined is
whether a tenant is liable for damages
which may bo sustained on leased prop
erty. Messrs. Cowin , Lake and Haniil
ton appear for the defendant , Parko
Godwin for the plaintlll.
Judge Berka , of the police court ,
turned out a healthy old grist yesterday
morning , dockctinc no less than thirty
vacs , drunks , fracturcrs of the peace , sus
pects , etc. , for the county jail.
Among the most conspicuous of all
this nauseous olla podrlda uf crooked
ness and indecency , was John Norwood ,
a vicious-looking darkey , who
tried to beat Hong Wing Lung
the celestial laundryman of Tenth street ,
out of his week's washeo-washeo. Hone
Wing Long piosuntud him with the
bunillu when he made n break for the
door , but Long was too agile for him ,
ann caught him by the coat tail as he was
leaping from the door. Then Norwood.
dropping his bundle , ami whipping out
a ra/or made a murderous slash at iho
lauiidryniati , who , however , luckily
avoided the stroke. Ollieer Bloom , as is
a knack of his , canio lloating along
at this juncture , and fastened onto
Norwood , although it was only after
btincing his club into piny that lie was
induced to accompanv him , Hi > got
thirty days in jail , the first and last live
on bread and water.
Nick Wallace , another coon , and n
ivoll known one about headquarters , re
ceived a similar dose for too much fa
miliarity with a Sixteenth street grocer's
James Parks , a walking arsenal , and
George Greenwalt , an annuv , were doled
out sixty anil thirty day ; , respectively ,
with the usual opuning and closing broad
and water concomitants.
Since Saturday evening the number of
arrests made by an overworked and in
adequate police force , reaches the start-
line number of seventy-two.
A decision was rendered yesterday
afternoon in the ease of A. J. Dumpsoy
vs Gage county , which was a suit to re
cover a block of ground in the city of
Beatrice , valued at * : fi,0 ( > 0.
In the United States district court the
triel of Frank Pivonka , for selling liquor
in South Omaha in May last without
having paid the necessary tax , was com-
O. Ell&worth was al o brought in by
Deputy -Marshal Allen on n similar
charge. K1FS3I
Jesse Lowe's ca o against the Pullman
car company was hoanl > e toida\ morn
ing. It is to iceover ? , "iO for a coat stolen
belonging to the plaintifi , while he was
riding in a car of the defendant on the
Missouri Pacilic road. ' 1 hu judge took
the matter under advisement.
.It'DRK KAltl.l. .
Constable Edgcrton yesterday morning
set-tired a warrant for the arrest of H.
Pohlinan , on California street , near
Creighton college. On Saturday the of
ficer was resisted and assaulted while ho
was endeavoring to seize a piano at the
instance ot Woodbridgo brothers , upon
whien payments wore duo. Pohlnmn , it
is alleged , drew a revolver , and the
constable says if had not been assisted
ho would have boon shot.
The Closing ExcrcUpa or the Colloijo
On the Hill.
The annual commencement of Crcigh-
ton college will take place this even
ing in the hall of the college , when
the following unique and interesting pro
gramme will be carried out :
Ovci tine "The Tourist , " . . . . U. Schloppcrcll
I'lolocno . Altrcd Uonaghuo
Lecture "Uy the Kitchen Kirc .
William T. Doran
Synopsis 1. Whv do I leel cold and you
warm' . ' 3. Conductions : Tea-pots ; loot-
warmers. 8. Expansions : Wapon tiles :
thermometers. 4. Kadlatcd heat drives a
wheel. 5. Molting ot Iron , copper and
platinum. 0. Latent heat : Ono pound ot
Ice and ono pound of warm water in.iko
two pounds ot Ice water. Blood heat ;
water boiled by cold ; heat ot crystal-
1/atlon. 7. On what does a lire \ lcTho \
dancing lire ball ; miner's safety lamp ; lire-
damp explosions ; a sickly llamu ; a healthy
Tableau "Tho Kitchen Club. "
Orchestra "Jtluolleto , " . K. SliiGcleo
Sons "I'm a Shepherd of the Valloy"
St. Ca-eilla Choir.
Dramatic Dialogue "The Coming Jour
nalists" . 7 .
Thomas Lee , Dennis O'Neill , Win. Waddel.
1M. Lowry , Hoderlck Murphy , James
Davis , Albert Murphy ,
Violin Solo . . . . . . .
Sonz "Swinging 'Neath the Old Apple
Tree" . St. Caeellia Choir
Lecture "Behind the Engine" . . . .C. Kroiuer
Sjnopsls 1. What our forefathers know
about steam , r.olopllo ; NMdrl-l-gl , : . 'J.
The titeani Klobo ; steam pressure of three
Atimwplieie.s. ; t. Steam engine : piston ;
double acting rotative ; crank ; dead points ;
boiler ; horsepower. 4. Cas ! and air en
dues. 5. Chemical uim'lnu to bo patented.
The Sons of Steam-a L\rlc ) . P. Huiko
Engineers and Members ot the Kitchen Club :
Gi'orijo Mercer. Hun Hello , Mich. McUricvy ,
John Furay , Jos. McCarvillo , Eugene
Noon , Chas. Fuiay , Edw. Smith.
Orchestra-"Saluto to Erin" . E. Buittger
Award ot Medals.
Distribution of Premiums ,
Orchestra . ( irand Flnalo
Public IVorks ,
The board of public works have issued
a call for bids for the erection of the
superstructure of the city hall , to bo
opened July 30.
Major Denis , ono of the inspectors of
the board , yesterday , reported that the
amount of overhaul in the grading of
Davenport street , during Juno , ending
20th inst. , was U,5U yards.
The planks in the walks of the Elev
enth street viaduct are warping badly ,
making it unpleasant and painful to walk
upon them.
Inspector O'Donovan of the viaduct
said that the contractors on the stair
ways yesterday morning sought to put in
wobdon hand rails instead of steel rails ,
as called for by the contract , on the
stairways. Ho refused permission and
then notified the board.
This body has been notified that the
cable company have put their pavement
down on Tenth street in a loose manner ,
and the latter will bo compelled to relay
Contractor Bronnan has built a fence
around the city hall lot and erected stone
cutter sheds to enable the work to bo
pushed rapidly.
The court house lot Is being sodded by
Contractor McDonald.
A. Stock Yards Water Famine.
A water famine is staring the stock
yards pcoplo in the face. The water sup
ply has boon found inadequate to the re
quirements of the largo packing houses.
It was hoped that the pond near the
yards would sufllco until the artesian
and other wells could bo .completed , bat
the pond Is now almost dry and it will bo
weeks before there will bo any moro
wells completed. The Stock
Yards company Attempted to
make some arrangement with
the Omaha waterworks company to run
a main down to the stock yards. The
waterworks company , however , would
not do anything unless a live 5 cars' contract -
tract was entered into , which the stock
yards company did not feel like doing.
As ! It now stands , thu Fowler packing
house will , without doubt , bo forced to
shut down until moro water can bo had.
The stock yards company have decided
to lay a pipe line from the river to the
yards. A 10-inch pipe will bo used , and
to save time it will bo laid on top of the
ground. A pump will bo placed on the
river bank to force the water up to the
They Sny Thnt Ho la n Married nnd
Uiullvorced Mnn.
CIIANUTI : , Kan , , Juno 20. To the Edi
tor of the BKK : I wish to Inform the
ladles of Omaha through the columns of
your paper that a certain man , C. I ) .
Mead , who works at the gas works of
said city is a married man , has a wife
and ono child living in Chanuto , Ivan. ,
and Is not divorced. Yours truly ,
Mas. COUA MKAI > ,
Chanuto , Kan ,
llnllwny News.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha road is moving its old freight
depot in order to make room for a new
brick building which they are about to
erect. The now depot will have a frontage -
ago of foity foot on Webster and will extend -
tend back 312 foot along Fourteenth
street. The front part of the building , to
the depth of about lorty feet , will be two
stories high. It is intended that this portion
tion of the depot will bo occupied by the
local agent of the road. Tlio present
wooilen depot will bo used exclusively for
the handling of out-freight and the now
building for in-freight.
T. W. Moran , formorlv agent for the
Chicago , St. Paul , Alinnc'apolis < ! c Omaha
at Wayne , Nub. , has accepted a position
in the train dispatcher's ollico in this
W. M. GUI' , formerly station agent at
Calhoun , Nob. , will take Mr. Moran's
place at Wayne.
J. 1C. Grimm , heretofore operator at
Florence , will take the station agency at
On Sunday a force of 100 trackmen of
the Omaha load took ui ) two an'd a half
miles of stool rail on its old line south
of Florence and laid iron rails in its
place. The steel rail will bo laid this
week on the now Florence lino.
Mr. Doddridgu , superintendent of the
central branch of the Missouri Pacilic ,
running from Atchison to Lenora , has
been appointed superintendent of the
northern division of the same , extending
Irom Kansas Citv to Omaha.
A now tune card on the Nebraska di
vision of the Omaha goes into effect to
day. The passenger train for Blair
leaves Omaha nt 5-35 p. in. , arriving at
( i.iiO ; K-aving Blair at 0:15 : p. m. and
reaching Omaha at 7.-10 p. in.
Mr. N. J. ( Jail , general freight ajrent of
the Milwaukee , Chicago & St. Paul , is at
the Pa.xton. _
Omnha'M Fnlr nnd Imposition ,
Secretary J. II. McShano this morning
received , among many others , a very
complimentary letter from S. C. Steven
son of the Permanent Exhibition com
mittee of Quebec , icgarding the list of
pri/os to be offered at the forthcoming
Omaha fair and which has inst been is
sued by Mr. McShano. Tlio note says
that the list is full and complete and a
ereilit to the city and state. It also asks
for a number of more copies of the list.
This from Canada , where the oxhibitois
feel they know all that can bo leanu'd
about big .shows , is something to bo
pmod. Mr. McShano is sending out
hundreds of hunjrors and bills ndvorti/Ing
the fair , and is receiving hosts of appli
cations for space.
A SynnK K io Addition.
The Congregation of Israel hold a moot
ing yesterday at the synagogue and do-
cidud to take stops to enlarge the syna
gogue on Harnoy street. The matter
hos boon placed in the hands of a com
mittee of I , Obi'rfoldor. president of the
society , and S. Kcjenonburg , the vice
president. They will have plans anil
specifications made and submit thorn
next Sunday to a general meeting of the
A Keforiii School Candidate.
A colored boy named Albert Barney
was before Judge Bcrka yesterday for
disorderly conduct. As a matter of form
the lad was held in $100 bail to the dis
trict court , from whence ho will probably
be .sent to the reform school.
A Sneak Ililcf.
Yesterday afternoon James Stewart
was arrested for going through the Gruo-
nig block. Stewart stole a medicine
chest and several other articles belonging
to a physician in the block , nnd was mak
ing oil with his ill-gotten gains when
captured by Ollieer Turnbull.
Hold to a Higher Court.
Fred Harding , the man charged with
a criminal assault upon the little John
son girl , was arraigned before Judge
Berka yesterday afternoon. Harding
was bound over to thu district court in
the sum of $1,000 .
For Sale.
Ono newspaper Campbell press , bed
82x40 , ono Potter cylendor job press , bud
22x28 , ono boiler and engine , shafting
and beltinff , all in good order. Will sell
this machinery very cheap , as the owner
has no use for saino. Address to 1120
Capitol avenue , Omaha , Nob.
A Cilandorcd Horse.
Dr. Ramacclotti and ono of the mem
bers of the state veterinary commission
yesterday killed a glandcrcd horse belonging -
longing to a man named Grafo , on
Tlnrty-hccond and Hamilton streets.
The Nebraska City authorities have
taken the initiatory stops for permanent
public improvements. They have en
gaged the engineering firm of Hose water ,
Christie & Lowe to prepare plans for a
system of grades and sewerage and will
have an election shortly to issue bonds
for paving and sewering.
A Small
The alarm ot ( ire at 1 o'clock yesterday
morning was caused by a burning coal
shed m the rear of 121 1 Chicago street.
The damage amounted to about fiQ.
Estimates for glass furnished by Cum
mings vV ; Noilson , jobbers of Plate , Win
dow and Ornamental Glass , Paints , Oils ,
etc. , 1118Furnam St.
The Clint lotcors.
McDonald , the olmrlotcor , with his two
chariots and eight hor.sod , arrived yester
day to tak a part in the great races on
the Fouith of July.
J. McDonnell. F. A. I. A. , Architect ,
N. E. cor. 10th and Dodgo.
Sunday afternoon while Mrs. Itltoy ,
residing on Twenty-fourth street near
Crcighto college , was out in the yard
witnessing the laying of the corner stone
of JSt. John's church , a thief entered her
house nnd stole her gold watch , chain
and ring. *
"Tho Happy Thought Is the best hard
coal range in the world. " For sale by C.
f. Gardner , 71U North 10th St.
John Knrlght , an epileptic , was picked
up in the street this morning and sent
home in the patrol.
A game of ba o ball was played Sun
day between the Max Mover club and
Morse's red stockings , which resulted In
a score of 1 ? to 12 In favor of the latter.
Workmen digging the cable trench on
Harney , near Tenth street , inhumed the
fragments of su\cral human skeletons
last evening , probably the ostoologlcal
remains of a once noble red man or two.
The ralllo of the horses and wagon of
the late Bernard Dolan took place on
last Saturday night , at Flunnory's. Sixteenth -
toonth and \ Inton streets , and wore won
by ticket 105. the owner ot which has not
been ascertained.
Kabbl Benson will loft yostorpay with
Mrs. Benson and the children for Camden -
don , Ark. , where she will spend the .sum
mer with her father. The rabbi will re
turn in time to attend to the children's
picnic which ho gives July 0.
The lltto general store and print shop
of Lee Xagat , 807 South Tenth streetwas
burglari/edat 1 o'clock this morning , to
the extent of seven revolvers , a case of
ra/.ors , a do/on watch chain n handful of
sleeve buttons and two suits of clothes.
Ingress was otluctod through a rear door.
No arrests.
" Oh , HASAN'S
li exquisitely lovclj "said JIUs llrowl tolier
1 rlcliila , ns she euti red t lie draw IHK loom , after
taking n lonr , hot , fatlgitln ; cirlto over n
tardy , dusty nwl. "It Is mi 1'urc , tllrnnly
nnil ItcftuHliliiii. Inlwnyn lin\c itwllhinc ,
cud a ) 'tis it ItiinnlcitN Liquid , I cnn use
H In n moiiu tit m l getsucli Instant rillct from
the lEfdnrnn , ItoiiulinrKu , SIIOWIIO | | B ,
Tun , I'l-pclilpM nnil llorrli ! Old shin
Itlcinllir , causoilliyallot bun mid lry ,
llnrnh Windb. " I.udlux ,
Is for I'ucp , Ni-rlt , , sriiiN mul Iliimla. It
can't bo Dctcclcil TRY IT !
. . .
( *
1707 Olive St , St. Louis Mo.
Of the Missoun Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , Univeisily College Hospi
tal , London , Gieseti , Germany nnd New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nemos ,
More especially thse nrlsing from impiu-
dencc , unite all so suffering to correspond
without delay , Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurnblo ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms All letters receive immediate
And will bu mailed FREE to any nddres
on receipt of one 2 cent htamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility nnd
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise -which should bu read by all young
men. Address ,
1707 Olive St..St. L uis. Mo.
sliding ? Detachable
Springs. C2 ? " Better tliuii
\VhalcUone or HorxiJE ]
nud guarautecil never to
break. Price , $ z. 5 *
For talc by lesdtnj vrbo'esalo crnd retail uttb-
41S Broadway , N. Y. , Manufacturers.
C. O. D.
These Goods are all Guaran
teed to be First Class Stan
dard Goods.
3 X Soila Crackers , per Ib Hlc
! 1 X Butter ( 'wickers , ] icr Ib Hie
! J-X I'carl Oyster Crnckcrs.pcr Ib. , 3le
! J X ( linger Miups , per H 5o
! J X Croiiiu IMscnlts , iior Ib.i 5c
Grandmother Cookies , per Ib 7o {
For First CMans Goods "Chcnp" Al-
wnys Call on
720 N.'lGth St. , Otuaha , Neb.
A' . .