Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1887, Page 9, Image 9

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    TgE OMAHA DAILYBEE ; : SUNTTAY JUNE 2f , , 188'7.-TT ' LVE PAGES. 41
The I'opo's TarnS and Chalice Glitter
with PrcolougOcnis.
Thd present pope has no less than four
linrns , the most noted of which wns
) "built" expressly for Pitts IX „ by the
order of ex 1f ucen Isabelht of St ! ii In
Although presented to lire 1)01)0 at the
time mcntloned it wns never worn until
the services of the proclamation of the
dogmn of the ] mmneulato conception.
Ili form is ovoid , with a foundation of
silver cloth , upon winch , piled one ibooo
the other , nru three crowns , magnificent
n brilliant dlnmonds turd other precious
stoics anml pondamt pearls.
Oa the sunmiit of this ovoid structure
is a cross of diamonds , on the top of
which is perched a globe of urecious
stones , supported by a great , dcepazuro ,
slmrklhtg sapphire ,
The crowns rescuthlo ducal crowns in
hcraldrytlie pearl ornnmouts alternating
with lend ornaments ; 'I'Ito would bu
monotony of the lower circle is avoided
by golden liues or bands , between which
arc literally sown , as ht a lieldomeralds ,
rubies and pearls ,
'Phis beautiful piece of hendgoar weighs
two and a quarter poumis , and cost only
a trifle over 100,000 frnncs ,
In 1953 Abdul a1lCdjid , the ' 1'urkish sul
tan , sent Pius IX , nn Oriental t u1tile ,
whom cloth and Icdher : Portions , except
the sent , were studded with precious
stones , mostly diamonds. Thu highest
expression of the 'I'uekislt emperor s np-
recinlion of a person , whether nn unn-
bassador or the nmbussndor's master , is
a horn or a saddle , lint since Clement
X11 , , who bCCtlnn 1)01)0 in 1.00 , was
thrown front his horse in the Honian
forum , thu I'ontiltS have ceased equcs-
trian performances , and therefore the
sultan's saddle haul no practical or possible
siblo destination beyond being hung up
on a peg within a ginss case.
however , as the 1)01)0 wanted a sp1Cn
did chalice , one day a happy thought
Caine to him atul lie ordcretl the saddle
taken trait Its pcg , fled the precious
stones pecked out , thvt they might be.
conic the decorations of a chalice whleh
should equal in briihnncy and costiimess
the tiara presuntad by ox-Queen Isabella ,
1 ho Vaiticam jeweller lhutroforc built a
vessel which was cmunolled over with
the dcopest blue. On this enaniel the
diamonds were grouped in bouquets ,
but the real IICCO du rCSUSbu1CO was a
a cross made wholly of diamonds , that
stood out iii nta rniliccut relief n aint the
azure background , 'this chalice Ivas
usCd on the oeeasion of the propagation
of the ttorna [ , ail the clerical journals
sny that lire sight of it "produced a pro
found hupreSsion , "
Rcstrletlons on I'resentatlons to
Queen Vlcierha ,
' ! 'hero had of late , says Labouchere ,
been such : t rush of American , ladies to
ho presuiited to the queen that a most
uneonipromiiug circular has been issued
from thin Amereui legation , in which
ileiii , f l 'Itio ( announces that there can
be no presmitations front thin diplomatic
circle , except under special eircum-
stuices , 1 , e. , when a lady is tosses5Cll of
such genuine dlstinetuot that her position
in the united States justifies her attendance -
anco at the drawing-room under the
auspices of liar m m Istur.
The feverish yearning to bend the lanee
at ltuckhtghiant paltcc ; , which pesscsSCs
so mniy Amorcan ladies , arises from
line axtr tvmgu nt notion that tut
ance at n drawing roon will inevitably
produce an invitation to time jubilee oi-
tertainmont ; but there are scums Anion-
cans now llauntinq about London who
could assure their countrywomen that it
Is one thing to attend a drawing-room ,
end quite another to get invited to tbo
As n commentary upon this , it may be
well to add thatout of 1,600presentatmons
to the queen time preset season , too
' Americans numbered only fifty , whichi
hardly justifies the title of a "rushIt
may also be added that ynuthgood , looks ,
anti especially money , will continue , as
beretotoreto win admission to this show
as to Bull'mlo hill's , unit not personal
merit or distinction , which is not nltyays
accompanied with the above.
On the Verge of Marrta e.
Harper'e Bazar ; Once engaged the
happy pair should avoid nil publmo
onstrauons of nllcction , except that they
may walk together arm in arm , and the
young lady may drive out with her milli-
anced withu a servant behind. She must
not however , go to the opera or theatre
with hhn alone ; she must have a chaperon
if she would consult the prejudices of
lYhilo It is delightful to see a young
couple really in love they should nt g
to a theatre to show it All unsophisticated -
cated human beings are fund of this
cqoistqc adeux , bunt is most painful to
the lookers-on. ' 1 hose lovers sould remember -
member that people arc observing them ,
laughing at tem , and if they make love
on a stage-coach drive , a picnic , a lawn
tennis party , thin whole pleasure of time
party is spoiled. A woman loses her
dignity by this process , and nothing is
liner lit a young woman than a sweet ,
mnidunly reservo.
When an engagement is announced
the family of the lover nil call on that of
the lady. Time announcement should
conic from the mother of the gentleman ;
as soon as is convenient and proper there
should ho an invitation extended by the
family of the young man to that of the
young woman. Slto then becomes an
autocrat ; everything is rofer'cd to her.
She goes out with her future mother-in-
law or sisters , and is one of them in fact ,
though not in none ; she can visit than
at their country house ; but she must
never travel atomic with her lover. Our
langua ro is singularly deliclent ; we have
no word to represent fiance and fiancee ;
"my daughter's engaged" is a very
awkward phrase ; "m daughter's beau'
is old fashioned ; "my dauhter's young
man's is very countrified ; "my daughter's
hover" is scarcely a ) roper horse ; so we
have to beat about the bush unless we
adopt the French word ,
As batter edframo ninny be rcinvlgor.
hted by that wonderful tonic , Dr. J , II.
, McLean's Strengthening Cordial an d
hilood Purilior , it enriches the 1)100(1 , an d
vitalizes and strengthens the whole body ,
The Drev.makers' Blacklist.
There Is excitement among the ladle s
of Pittsburg's fashionable society. It hn s
been announced that the dressmaker s
and millincraofthatcitytired , of dunnin g
their customers for the amount of un
paid bills , will combine to make a coin -
photo list of the delinquents and will pub
lash this list alter time mnnnor of the Mer
chant 'Tailors' minion. The modest ,
ehrlnkmg clement of the female sex - . -
k and everybody knows that this elemon
Isvcry large-has nn aversion to anything
like publicity , and this element of Pitts
I burg womauhood will doubtless resoly e
that the milliners and dressmmnkers at o
"horrid , mean tlmIngs " Dressmaker s
ought to know that ladies don't 1160 thi s
sort of thing , and if they persist in it the
must expect to lose good customers.
Just how these fashionable queens o f
Filtsburg society expect time dressmaker s
and nrilhners to live is something that
they could perhaps , not readily express
As for time ldea that dressmakers woul d
suffer by losing customers of this kind , I t
Is quite as absurd as time South stree
clothing dealer's remark that ho los
m ono on every suit of clothes that h a
told , but mane"ed to get along bysellhn g
a Brent litany. abut it Is possible that th c
Pittsburg fashionables can stave off th o
I mrcatoned doom , If they will all nmak e
haste to pay the mtonoy that they owe t e
the hpnest , hard workln ; women wh o
totvo them as well as possible for the sak e
U a docent livelihood , the dreaded ox
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unsure may not be made after rill ,
' TOlnen shoulu not forget that they owe
spec1nl eonsidoralion to other wotnon
who arc obligcm4 to make a living mid who
make it honestly.
The Vulgar Display of Studied Extravagance -
travaganco a Hello of Ignorance.
Philadelphia 'l'imes : I' otwmtlmstanding
the earnest efforts made by many ministers -
ters and lending public journals to restrain -
strain time excessive cost of funerals , the
expensive display in the burial of the
dead is incrensitig rather than ditinnish
ing. If this extravagant and utterly tin-
compensating in funerals
was confines to people of abundant
menus , who can nflord any outlay of
funeral occasions , it would be a matter
of little or no concern to the public ; but
so far as there has boon any growth of
simplicity in funeral , it tins been cimielly
among tie more intelligent and opulent
1)001)10 , while those iv ho can least afford
extravagant funerals are compelled by
what Choy regard as an imperious eus-
tom to exhibit their appreciation of their
dead by time wanton outlay of money in
tlmoir burial.
A great funeral parade on the burial of
the private citizen is not only unreasonable -
able , but it fairly crosses time line of
vulgar display. Grief for the dead is the
most sacred of time world's many sorrows -
rows , and it is time last thing that should
be paraded before the unsympathetic
multitude. Indeed , the burial of time
dead should be as far removed as possm-
blo fron time outside world. Tlmo dead
should be sacred to the gaze and loving
ollices of those who mourn for them ;
should be absolute exclusion of the
curious idlers w hose presence so sadly
has the sanctity of grlof , So ostentatious
become the display of time merest
regulation respect for hdead that maw
of the death notices in time public jotri
mils barn addcli to thorn time wise admoul-
tion-"Please unit ! lowers , " And many
timers have time still bettor admoiltion-
Internment private. ) Time admonitions ,
forced by love of lavish display , teach
the lesson that all should learn , and time
lesson that wotmid save thousands of poor
families from starvation or severest
rifico for months titter n funeral , merely
to gratify time vulgar taste for vain poop
and idle ceremony in the burnt of limo
This tendency to parade and display on
funeral occasions is oppressive upon the
largest portion of citizens in every corn-
munityt for the minority of time people in
every city or neigh orhood are in moder-
ate or straightened circumstances. They
feel cocpolledto imitate tfiosoof fortune
in ostentatious respect for the dead , and ,
between costly caskets , flowers , car
rla es , and decking whole families in time
barbarous habilhnetts of woe , they often
involve themselves in debts which tboy
cannot pay Or must practice the severest
self-denial for months after to defray the
cost of wjmat is simply a mockery of lion-
eat grief. It is not only a needless op.
ression of persons of humble means ,
but it ms a burlesque of the sincere sorrow -
row that is felt for the dead. The as-
suns lption that love for the dead is exldb-
ited in a profusionoi costlyllowors , or in
a costly casket , or In a long line of costly
carria'cs for ( dlo lookors-on , is simply
farocni , it strips the love of time dead of
Its holiest offices and transforms a funeral
into time empty pomp of a vulgar parade ,
, while it impoverishes many to the verge
of want. And why is it done ? Simply
because many of those who can nfford ! t
make a parade of funerals , as it parade
and oxtrnv'agance were tributes of re-
sped for the dead ; and time poor , often
more shmcero In their grief , are taught
that the measure of respect for their
loved ones who are oallett away Is the
t measure of pomp and extravagance cx-
t hibited fu their burial.
The world Is growing in intelligence ,
aid as it advances in enlightened cmvili-
salon the simplicity of funerals vvlll
surely follow. Just as intelligence in-
creases , time love of hollow pomp and
ceremony Is diminished , and the severest
simplicity to the burial of the dead will
be a certain outgrowth of a higher stand-
- and of culture among the UCUUIa Tile
vulgar display of studied cxlrnviagmnce
is a relic of ignorance , as the unostentatious -
tatious parade of woe in unhealthy and
unsightly crape is a relic of harbarsmm ,
'uloptcd and softened by the caprice of
fashion ; and both insult the sincere grief
of the homiest heart. Ime burial of the
dead is solely the affair of the sorrow-
smitten household , and bcrcavcumctt
can have no taste or tolerance for the
pageant that invites time idle mpltiuulo
and that exacts oppressive tribute front
time ) oor. It is simply a want of broad
that makes time Slewarts and
the Vanderbills erect great burglarproof -
proof vaults to protect the remains of
their dead from the grasp of the thief
who would steal them for a raison.
tImtd they erected a crematory and
incinerated time bodies , as did
thomost enlightened of time earlier civilizations -
zations , they can preserve all that can be
preserved of their departed friends in
time bontiful urn and make it a imousc-
hold treasure ; but they teach extrava-
ance and ostentatious display , and , in
time case of Stewart , it is not even car-
thin that his dust rests under the costly
muonu cent that is inscribed with his
mama ,
There is every reason for simplicity In
funerals , Simplicity is time only thing
that harmonizes with the grief of limo
home that is shadowed by time angel of
sorrow , and time ostentatious display of
bereavement under time fitful regulations
of fashion ofl'onds the aliectionate memory -
ory of time dead. Let pulpit and press
anti intelligent teachers of ovary class
unite to bring into disfavor the ostentatious -
tious display of costly funerals and costly
fantastic mourning apparel , timid the
poor will not alone be prnteetod from
needless and oppressive expenditure , bet
till will be protected from vulgar pomp
anti ceremony which aver mock these
who sincerely mourn time loss of their
household gods ,
An lunplemont that Causes More
Deaths in One Day Thnn time
Railroads Do in a
Whole Year.
Annually succeeding tlmo Fourth of
July the 'papers ' of the country teen : with
denunciations of time deadly toy pistols.
Time linrm ms already done and the words
are then wasted. By that time at least a
thousand boys' lives have been suddenly
011(10(1 by time infernal contrivamco. More
boys are killed annually in the United
Stales by time toy pistol than time uumbm'
of people who commit suicide , arc killed
by lightening , or the cars amid yet
the sale of time toy pistols goes on
without time efforts of any society or
party to prevent it Time killing is a
vary simple operation. Time pistol is so
constructed that a cap composed of cor
rosmva sublimate Is placed whore It wall
be struck by the hammer of time pistol ,
making a sound pecuhnrly pleasing to
the saint ! boy , but very frequently hod
ing a portion of the cap in has hand.
The result ms quite equal to time bite of a
rattlesnake. As a rule the boy dies within
a weak of lock jaw , often suffering in.
tense torture. At least a dozen deaths ro-
stilt from this cause in every city in time
country on every fourth ,
The toy store windows are piled full
of these murderous inmpletnents , and it is
save to say that pretty near the usual
naimbor of deaths will occur trout this
cause this year. Beware of the toy pistol ,
"Unsex' Fritz" a Good Sort of Patient.
London Figaro : Time crown prince of
Germany astonishes those around him b
the resignation and good temper with
which he bears has very trying ailment.
He grumbles , it ! s true , at time dietary of
stops on which ho is necessarily kept ,
but only in a grimly humorous fashion ,
As Imo is not lOrnmitted for time present to
speak oven a whisper , ho always has a
small vorcolain slatoat Imissidaon which
ho writes his wishes , And not intro.
quently he amuses lus wino and daughters -
ters vvho are indefatigable in their attentions -
tentions , by expressing his wants by
moans of those quaint little drawings and
hieroglyphics like those used in the rebuses -
buses so dear to the readers , o1 puzzle
papers , ; , ,
School-Teaching Tlmlt will scorn Very
Ftumny to Boys and Girls 1Yho Now
Attend New lng1and .Sehoolg ,
Now London Day ; In those days the
first exercise was reading two verses
from time Testament by the older 1)111)115 ,
wlio had back seats , while time small
children warn nearest time fire. After
time reading if the teatsher wars a maim of
prayer he ollerad one , This was done
while time little ones were roasting before
tlmo lire. Then began the cxercisos in
Webster's spelling book , the teacher in
winter pointing to the letters with a penknife -
knife , and in summer wRh the point or
his scissors , as they were more or less in
Thumps were generally on time head ,
withm : t thnubio on lime tencher's finger ,
if afemalo. Tien came time study of a-b ,
ab. Thew rending was begun with the
maxim 'Let no mnah put oil' time law of
God , " Tlmen as time reader progressed
came time stories in Webster's spoiling
book of the tmufortunate and silly dairy
maid ivho , with lmer mill : pail on lmer
head , caleulatcd how many eggs site
would sell it for and what a line dress
she would buy , until , tossing her head
with these prideful reflections , down
came the milk nail to the ground and
whim it all imer sweet hopes.
Thanthero , was the 'moral story about
the boys' stealing apples. The farmer
first tried to stop mom b throwin g tufts
of grass , but finding theta of no afloat ho
threw stones , which wore more eAectuai.
The American Preceptor succeeded that
book. The children were given a recess ,
though it was'not ' known by that name.
Time boys went first by themsclves and
afterwards icaltgirls , At recess time
mcu 1 he goose.quill pens , time
quills being picked up oftentimes while
the ehiidren were ondho way to school
They woulu le damp , and a split could
not well be made to form limo two nibs ,
if there were girlc who could not learn
the "rule of three" the teacher explained
it during the recess , 'Shortly ' came amp
on time window to call in nil the children ,
After geography followed a lesson in
grammarforty minutes longwumch none
of time eimitdren tmderatood. but most of
them hated. Ruled paper wns not
known , Time father bought n few sheets
of paper , wlmieh were stitched at home.
It was all qualities. Time tamtcher hind to
rule time lines , and keep busy mendtug
the pots. The ink was hone made.
Later on Caine the Columbian Orator
and English reader , tilled witim solid unit-
ternot suited to the wants of the lenrnor.
Children of sixteen , or about that age ,
got to read very well Limo book passing
from class to cass , Vila girls were gall-
orally the best readers , hero were no
regular classes in arithmetic , but time
books were Daboll's µ id Pike's aritli-
mettes , No larsonswere given oat , but
a pupil would get one , ho could. The
teacher , If he could , + wolmld work out a
"sum , " Ho had a booltawdh the problem
worked out. When a pupil was troubled
he would copy fro thl , and the pupil
in turn would CONY p a similar book
in his own desk , ad this satisfied both
teacher and pupil , ' Btit the bappiest exercise -
erciso was at time ent'otthe ( week ; reciting
from time eommandin wts and the Cate-
ciiism and time tuhled of weights and
measures. Time books of the old testament -
ment had to bo recited in order.
Boston as a Garq61ing Town ,
Boston Letter in Balsas City Journal :
This is quite a poker townThere is
sonme pretty bight playing in the climbs ,
but the viemssltudos of limo game arc most
actively pursued in file modest gambling
( rolls , convenient ) attached to tlthd rnte
gin mills , of which 100 or more are scat.
toyed about the city. As a rulethe poker
dive makes no prate ions to gorgeousness -
ness , time object of its xistenco bong to
bring the luxury o gambling within
reacof the poverty tricken , Anybody
who has a dllar wherewith to
stack of Live-cent chips to ho cautiously
invested in "table st es , " mmay procure
in one of these estabjlslmmonts an opportunity -
tunity for extended speculation in Jackpots
, No one Pdoes -
pots who not-possess a
considerable degrgo of facIlty ( mn mach' '
ng the Pasteboards , howover.sliould ,
veutire'lnto a place of this description ,
lest he ho skinned alive by confederates
of time proprietorwuo ill every well rcgtm
lated poker roost Ire employed to browse
upon the unsopimietieateml.
Sonmq talk has been created by the exploit -
ploit of a young 1Iuv'ard : student , who is
said to have broken a gilt edged faro
batik ott Tremnont street the other night
by playing time celebrated "prrgresstve'1
system ; the invention of which , by Petti-
bone in ] 00 ; , lirst compelled the gamblers
to uiace a limit oft the mane , 1 he nature
of this syslen unity be rca-lily explnined
by supposing that you nre betting simply
on time odd nud even , Let its assume , for
example , tint you begin by umtting : five
$1 chips upon the odd. Yon lose , and
thereupon bet six chips. This bet you
win , mind the croupier shoves you over
$0 You are $1 ahead so far , Having
icon the last bet , you risk ore chip less
next time and lose $5. That von add a
chip once , mnorn and tvin $0 , fhus , hay-
in'- lost two bats and won two , you are
still $ w winner , You go on , adding n
chill every time you lose and taking off
one every time you win , time result being
supposing you win only as many bets as
you lose you nevertheless find yourself
at the cud of your play ij4 ahead for
every pair of bets you have made , minus
the percentage of the batik , It has always -
ways bean understaa ! hitherto that limo
progressive system was of no use save
against unlinmited faro , but it Is possible
that the youth from Cnntbridge has mm-
proved upon it. His winnings are v'ari
ously stated at front $3,000 to $30,000.
/ , - ' - -
The Medical Value of Lomons-A Hot
Weather Malady.
Clmicago Journal : "While you arc giving
ing people simple mimics for preserving
their health , wlmg don't you tell then
about time use of lemotis" an intelligent
professional man askedmetheother day ,
fie went on to say that him hind long been
troubled with tut inactive liver , which
gave him a wo'Id of pain and trouble ,
until recently he was advised by a friend
to take a glass of hot water with limo
juice of half a lemon squeezed into it ,
but no sugar , night mind umorningand see
what the ellect would be. He tried it ,
and fotnad himself better almost imuted
lately. Ili , duly headaches , whichu mcd-
fctno hind failed to cure , left him ; his appetite -
petite improved , and he gained several
pounds in weight within a few weeks.
After a while he omitted time drinkaitlmer ,
tit night or in the morning , and now at
tiltnes floes without either of thorn. " 1
am sntmslied froth experiences" said he ,
"that there is no better medicine for persons -
sons who are troubled with bilious and
liver complaints than the simple remedy
1 have given , whmiohi is far more oMca
ciousthan quintnu or any other drug ,
while it is devoid of their injurious con.
sequences , It excites the livcrstimulates
the digestive organs and tones up limo
system generally. It is not unpleasant
to take , wither ; indeed , one soon gets to
liking it :
safe Summer Drinks.
Allentown National Educator : A glass
of cool water , not ice water , is lima most
delicious , grateful mind gratiying beverage
age that a person can take in hot
weather , besides costing nothing and
leading to no bad habits. Men in glass
factories , where time beat is fearful trunk
water ony , not Iced , and mire healthy and
vigorous. Field hands , on cotton and
sugar plantatmots , drink a mixture of
molasses and water. A safe drink for
harvesters is water in which oat meal has
been stirred , in warm weatlmer when
there is excessive vermicular action of
time bowels , or loosenessas It is familiarly
called , every step a person takes has a
tendency to sot the bowels in nrotmon , Instinct -
stinct and common sense , therefore , dictate -
tate the most perfect rest. Drinking
fluids aggravates the malady. Lumps of
ice ohawed anti swcllowed in as largo
feces as possible tv1U allay the excessive
thirst. Parched rice boiled and eaten
with boiled milk is the best food , This
treatment will cure nine cases out of ten
if adopted within fortyoight.hours ; ; if
not , call'u physician , ,
. . .
-1 - -
Some Wenithy Men Whose Lot Is Not
I believe that there is more deception
about time happbmess of the average nmil-
lionaire thaw time most sceptical of us um-
amine writes Iliake IIaih. Last Sunday
I went to a iiaptist chureim presided over
by an old-fashioned clergvmau whom I
heard first when I was six years old , lie
msu't exactly the fasluotm , but lie preaches
sermons of the good old orthodox style
that are to me more neccptablo than time
vain frippet'y mid resonant conceit of time
town preachers. The usher took me half
way u1) the aisle , and I sat down behind
a matt who was perhaps forty-eight years
of nga. He wore the convatttioutl hock
coat , I was struck llrst by the magnificent -
cent contour of his head. It might have
been modeled after that of time greatest
Cmesars , itut hoe looked very much out of
health. his skin was colorless , his eyes
heavy and his brow wrinkled , From
every qunrter of the chureh eyes were
turned at Imim from tiniu to limo , What
struck me particularly wts : hits restlessness -
ness ,
It seemed au attar impossibility for
hint to remon quiet , even for ; tit instant.
He shifted his seat , twisted his Dead and
twitched hms fingers mill throughm time ser-
vice. 1 have no doubt ho would have resented -
sonted sucim n sentiment on my part , but
1 must say that 1 pitied himm-and , between -
tween you and me , ft's an excredingiy
pleasant thing to be able to pity a mom
ivito is worth $100,900,000 , Mr. Rockefeller -
feller is the lend of the Standard Oil
conpany , and ono of time rich stet of the
world : but I would not take his nervousness -
ness , responsibility and iii-health if the
capital stock of the whole of limo big
monopoly event with it ,
Another millionaire who is somevlmt
known sits about in hotel corridors mind
cafes , lonely , crabbed and curt. One after
one his friends huvc left hhn , till now not
even an old schoolfellow looks at him as
ho passes by. Ho is a rank druukartl and
notimbig mere , The vice hits brought out
nil that is repulsive in his character , anti
driven even his family iron him ,
Russell Sngo entered an elevated car
the other tiny and sautk into a seat near
time tinor , looking like a frowsy and ill.
kept farumer. I wondered at the time if
time volley of ill-natured remarks that
greeted his arrival reached time old miser's
oars ,
Perhaps poverty has sonic advantages
after all ,
Strange Foods.
Cassell's Saturday Journal : Time old
saying that what is one man's moat is
: mother man's poison is realized in the
opposite tastes of people. The 'Turks
shudder at the lhougnt of eating oysters.
The Digger Indians of time Pacific coast
rejoiced in the great locust swains of
1815 as a dispensation of the ( neat Spirit ,
and laid in a store of dried locust powder -
der smliicient to last them for several
years. Time French will cat frogs , snails
and time diseased liver of geese , but draw
time line atalligators. if mekland declares
time taste of a on constrictor to be good ,
and much like veal , Qnnssthe fermented
cabbage-water of the Russians , is their
popular tipple , It is described as resembling -
sembling anmmxtatro of stale hish and soapsuds -
suds in taste , yet , next to beer , it hats
more votaries than any other fermented
beverage , A tallow candle washed down
with quass focus a meal that it would
be hard to be thankful for , In Can.
ton and other Chimese cities rats are
sold at time rate of : s a dozen , nud the
hind quarters of the dog are hung up in
the butcher's shop aiongsmde of muttom
and lanmb , but comimuid a lmigher price.
Time edible bird' nests of time Chinese
are worth twice their weight in silver ,
the finest variety selling for as nmmelm as
0 a poind , 'm'ho ne"rocs of the leest
Indies eat baked snakes mmd 1)81111 wuruus
fried iii fat , but they cannot bu induced
to cat baked rabbits , in Mexico par.
rots are oaten , but nosy are rather tough ,
The Guacitos of the Argentina itcuublio
are in the habit of limiting skunks for
Ilto sake of their hash. Thu octoltus or
devil fish when boiled mindtimun roasted
is eater inCorslcti ( , and ildeued t dolic
cv , Ii limo Pacific Isimds : arid'
1Vest Indies , lizard eggs ax
eaten with gusto. The native
of the Antilles eat alligator eg s , and time
eggs of time turtle are popular overyt
where , through up to the conncncement
of time last century turtle was only catch'
by time poor of Jtunaiea. Ants are cateA ,
by vamriods nations , In Brazil they arq
served } v'ith a resinous sauce , and ii
Africa they are stewed with grease p >
butter , The Fast Indiums catch ttiem Iy
, ) its and carefully wash thou in ldmtiful9
like rasins , In Siam a curry of mat egg9
is mu costly luxury. Time Cingalese oat thud
bees triter robbing thou of their honey.
Caterpmllars:111(1 : spulel s are dainties to
time Afrmean bishmieii , After they have
wound time silk from time cocoon tliq
Chinese cat the chrysalis of the silkworm.
Spiders roasted are a sort of dessert wttlt
tin Nosy Umihedonimums ,
t'uuring Forth an Isanenso Vomumo
of Fire and Lava-A town In aiming ,
Time explorers sent out by Governor
Torres of time Mexican suite of Sonora , to
ascertain the existence of the voicano as
reported near liavispe , Sonora , have returned -
turned , They report mint active volcano
fourteen miles southeast of lfavispe , in
lime Sierra Madru mouutaimms , 'm'ho party r
could not npitroachi nearer than four T
miles of time mountain , The crater was
pouring forth an Immense volumne of ;
smoke , lire and lava , and boiling water a
was issuimmg from the side of time mountt
multi , ' 'ho lavaau vast waves was slowly
pouring down the mountain into the '
canoms which arc being' filled , Boiling
Willer has destroyed nil vegetation in the
valleys in thu vicinity. Ilowlders weigh.
lug tans are Imurled down front time crater , ,
Time exploring party says the noise pro- n
ceedtng from the mountain was most tor.
rifle. 'lime air wits dense with smmokennd
cinders , Time party had great dllliculty "
in approaching withnt four miles of the
mountain , owing to time greet chasms
nmade by the eartlmquake , mind all the
roads and trails are wiped out , Not a
bird or living thing could be seen within
ten miles of time volcano. Time town of
Iiavispe is a ruin , 'l'imo pee mle have all
moved out on the bight plains anti are
living in tents in immortal femur , 'There imam
been a constant tremor and contiimal
series of shocks tinily since time first earthquake -
quake shock ,
lb o time vhnlo - Thing , r/ /
San Francisco Chronicle : lie came
into time club with a big scar on his nose
and a hump very low down on lus forty
head ,
"Prize fight ! " 1 asked ,
„ No. .
"No. .
"Rat i { ) against a street ? "
"No. You arc very inquisitive. Went
to n lire , that's all. "
"Did time hose strike yon ! "
"No. I got those scars saving a fel
low's clients. There was a poor devil of
a storekeeper being burned aI ) . I made
ofl' to help him. The deer didn't happen ' -
to be open , so I went through a panel of
glass with my head , got iii : tnd saved file
books , "
"That was noblul lie must have felt
grateful. ,
"Grateful be - - , lie asked me what ;
In thunder I wanted to save his ledger
for. ihdn't I know any beltir ? I didm't ,
and t guess he's my enemy tor life. "
. .y----y--
A lvonman Wlio Kept a Secret ' .VehI.
ll Paso Inter-Republics : A Mexican ,
ivimo recentlyy attoumptud to rob Illrs ,
bloods , it Tucson , seized ono of her
lingers mid hit it nearly ell , to nuiko her
mliseloao time whuretbouts of her tnorwy.
The plucky woman rofuscd to do so.
Nature usually makes a gallant fight
n'aitut disease , and when imulped by lr
Jd1.MeLeium's Strmiggtheuing Cordial and
Blood 1'urihor will uradicata it from lit t
list , to I It.
- - -
They Agrce.
lhmrhngton Free Tress : A Vassar in.
structor is getting the girlste agree not
to tyctr ; Corsets--that is shim thiiuka oho is.