Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertisements under tills hcnd.lO cents po
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Intcrtlon , and $1.60 n line per month.
No advertisement taken far loss Urn n 2.1 ccnM
fortlio first Insertion. Seven words wll Jbo
I counted to the line ; they must run conBccu-
lively nnd mutt no paid In advance. All ndver-
tlEomcntt ) must bo handed in before 1 :30 : o'clocit
p. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns and hav
ing the nnswors addressed In cnro of THE HKB
will plcnso ask for a check to rnablo them to get
tliclr lettersas none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All nnswcrs to adver
tisements phnuld bo enclosed in envelopes.
All ndvcrtl cmcntH In thoeo columns nro pub
lished In both morning nml evening editions of
Iho llr.K , the circulation of which
aggregates more than H.fiOO pnpora
dally , nnd plveS the Rdvprtl or the
benefit , not only of the city circulation of The
HER but nlM > of Council IlliilTs. Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout this part of
thn wr t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
M ( to loan , no commission. Cole , 310 S
16th. 03
MONEY to loan to parties wishing to bnllJ.
8. 8. Campbell , 310 8 10th tt. , Chamber of
Commerce. 750
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of ( l.OOOto (5,000 at six per
cent Interest , faholcs * Crumb. 320
TTfoNEY TO LOAN-On city property In
JTJL puins of $500 and upwards at lowest ralrp.
Money Klways on hand. 8. B. Campbell.310
Bouth Sixteenth street. 22
M IONF.Y TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1506 Farnam st
MONEY to loan at lowest rate of Interest on
1st mortgage security by Btangland and
Larson , 310 S 15th st , room 1. 782
$ IWiO.OOO ' to lonn on real estnto. No delay.
Harris A : Sampson , 1510 Douglas St. 558
, To loan on Omaha city property at a
$ percent O. W. Days. e. cor. Ex. nld.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city ann farm prop
erty , low talcs. Stewart &Co.ltoora3
Iron bank. 50J
WE have special facilities for placing largo
loans on ccntially located busmcnl
blocks , and will glvo very low rates. Central
Loan& Trust Co.,8. E. corner Ifith nnd Far-
nam. Will remove July 1st to 1011 Farnnm st ,
68'J ' 27
MONEY to lonn. cnsh on delnv.
J. W. nnd F. U Squlro , 1413 Furnam st ,
I'axton hotel building. 510
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real PStato ;
no commission charged. Lcavltt llurn-
hnm , Koom 1 Crolghlon lllock. 512
M ONI1Y ( lo loan on Improved city property
Apily | to Win. 11. Lonch , Itonl Kstato Agent , 1509
Farnam. 6U4Jyl'J '
Gregory * 11 nil I or ,
Rooms land 3 , Kcdick block , 320 B. 16th Bt
MONEY loaned on resilience property. First
nnd Bccoud mortgages bought. E. S. How
ley. 314 South 15th street. 2fltlJ26
TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth and Chicago its. _ 514
WK will glvo very low rates for chotco farm
loans In south , contrnl and eastern Ne
braska. Central Loan Ac Trust Co. , 8. E. corner
10th nnd Furnntn. Will remove July 1st to 1611
Fnrnnm st TO ! 7
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
0 per cent Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Have n complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , nbstrnctor
Harris Iloal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 8. 15th st.
MONEY TO LOAN-bythonndorslgned , who
has the only properly organl7od lonn
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo
on furniture , pianos , orgnns , horses , wagons ,
machinery , &c , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part cnn bopnld at nny Imo.cach
payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances
tnadopn flnewnluhcs nnd diamonds. Persons
Should carefully consider who they nro denting
with , as ninny now concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money cnll
and see mo. W. It Croft , Koora i W'thnoll
llulldlng 15th nnd Hartley. 610
milK OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
JN. . W. corner of Harnoy and IBth sts. ,
over State National bank.
le prepared tn make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlmn loans made on Improved real estate
at current rales.
Purchase tanney mortgages negotiated.
Kccurcd notes bought , colder exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage.
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
; rates.
; Itcnl citato to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
V Ooncrnl financial business of all klnda trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Manager. 617
1750,000 TO LOAN at 0 per cent Llnuhnn
P Mnhonuy , 1509 Farnam. 618
MONEY' LOANED nt C. F. Kcod & Co.'s Loan
Olllco , on furniture , plnnos , horscswagon3 ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of vnluo. without removal. 319 8. 13tb.
over Illngham A Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. C19
ffTKH CENT Money.
V It. C. Patterson , 15th at.d Humpy. MO
'A NT ED-A "paitnor with $150 for nti
amusement enterprise ; pays $700 every
month. T52 , Iloo olllco. 7115 2oj
FOU SALIC Cheap. Laundry complete , do
ing good business. Address P. O. box 232.
city. 64127J
BUSINESS chanco-Ico cream and confec
tionary parlors. Now , neat , clean ; In good
location for first class restaurant , ground lloor
84x21 ; basement. Must stll at onoo on account
of BloKiiCffS. Particulars nt Kocord Advertising
Coinpany's olllcc , 1513 Fnrnam. 782-28
BUSINGS chanco-Storo building and
stock of general nidso. nt Hanley Falls ,
Minn. , cheap for cosh. Trade $4,500. llecord
Adv. Co..1513 FaniBui. 7l > 2-20
US1NHS8 Chanco-Farmof 40n acres nour
Ida Grove , lown , 85 acres In crops , 150
ncrcs under fence , first-class order , exchange
Tor other Innd or properly. Kccord Advertising
Co. , 1513 Farnnm. 7112 cti
'ijioil HALE F1rst claw Ice cream parlor and
J- ' confectionary store. Enquire 317 8.13th Bt
irult SALE Or tradestock grocerlcd.wngons'
JL horses , nnd fixtures , house nnd store tor
rent , pnrt rcnl estnto and pnrt money , also ono
S soniod carriage uad ono cow. apply to 220'J
Cumlngst _ 77B SO
iCTOIl 8ALK Nlco , clean stock of groceries In
JL. line location. A 1 trade , llcnsons for soil
ing going Into other business. Address''iiillec
Oftlce. O'JU 26 *
B USINE8H CHANCC-Llvcry for lalo In
good location. Ton horses , eight vehicles ,
building , lot. lor full particulars wrlto or
call , Kccord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam st.
, | TUSjJO
> Olt SALE Heal estate business , oflloo in
good location , good list of property nnd
horse and buggy. Koason for soiling pooi
health. Will sell at reasonable figure or trade
( or good property. Address T. 30. Uco office.
TCIOH SALE-Groccry store at Invoice , $1,200
JL' $1,600 : 2horses , 1 wut'on ; good Dullness ,
J. 8. JohnsonaiflSiath st. Room 4. COJ 27J
WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell
or exchange stocks of general raerchan-
olio , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
hardware , drugt. Jewelry Improved or u lnv
provt-dtown orclty property , Improved or un >
provrd farms In any part of the united States ,
tonddrets Krnute & Fottcr , 318 8. 16th st
Omaha , Nob. 6"0 30
V > 'U"8INKS8 CHANCi : f.OU worh nf fnriil-
JL > lure , household goodt. utrnsils , clo. , can
tie bought It taken to-day , for IJO'J. ' Purchasci
has privilege of routinic two fiats , 14 rooms ,
in central part of city. If taken at once.
Record Advertnlng Co. , 151 ! ) Farnam. 792 2
_ . . 'E ' An Improved form of ISO acre !
In loon fur goods or lands In NVhraika ,
Cash pnld for balance. Andrew luvlne ! > , 1903
Douglas it. 585 2-JJ
BltelNK Schanco * Excellent stock of read )
inudo clothing and gents furnishing good ;
on Farunm st. Fur fttlu for cash , llecord Ad
vcrtliingCo.,1513 Fnruara. 792-28
* CVHT BALlJ lioot nnd shoe stock Including
JL' 6 years ! HIO ot ( tore , bent location Ic
Ftfcta tntl city , Atldross T10 Uco otlico.
_ J76Jy 17
"irott SALE Iirug store of $4,5007 goodtrad <
X' itaMlshe > ) , will sell oueaf > y terms or will
take western laud as part pa ) ment A'ldresi _ Nelkon li Bon , Valrbury. Neb. 487 29J
tUSINiSS : "CHANCE-City lots from $ CUO t
-I > $1,100. Will trudo for almoit anything
Record Advertising Ca , 1613 farnam if2 lift
ANTED Uentloman wishing an bonee
business , prnQts $8 to $ li every day
pnly $100 required : will exchange for stock 01
trade. Two boat banks of Omaha given as ref
erences. Cull or write tn Office No. 1,119 Nertt
jUternlh strtm. Omaha. Neb. 438
tCo.N b.Four miles from Fullerlon.iount ]
itat. Itucord AdrwrtUlnji Co. , 1513 Farnam' .
FOIl 8ALF. The best bargain Grocery store
centrally IpcRtod on paved street , Old es
tablished trndo. Cull on Fcnran , Cole ft Kot > -
ortson.ilios. 15th at. 201
Bl'SINKSS Cbnnco Dairy fnnn In Ornngo
county , N. Y. . GO miles from metropolis.
02 acres , dwelling houss of 11 rooms , 4 barns ,
beautlfiillylocatcd , will bo traded for western
Innd or city lots. Kccord Advertising Co. , 1513
Fnrnnm. 7V2 " 0
fioCKHY STOCK Clcnn niul fresh for sale.
Parrott Si Williamson. Upstalrs,1101 Doug
las t 1467
WANTED-PnrtncrwIth $1,200 to purchase
onrj'liiilf Interest In flour mill. The money
to bo used In purchnslni ; additional mnchlnery ,
abnnilnnt water power. Hnro opportu
Addrc's It , I ) . Uroom , Cedar llnplds , Neb.
7H Jy
BUSINESS Clmncc-WIII tnko n stock of
fresh groceries as pnrt of trndo for some
ctiolco city property. Address67 , Hoc olllcc.
834 20J
BUSINESS Clinnco ICO acres of Innd In
Gosper county , Nob. good location , will
exchange for lots or house iind lots. Hccord
Advertising Co. , 1.113 Knrnarn. 7itt 20
I poll SALE- peed business : smnll CHpltal
1 reiittlrcd ; peed reasons lor selling , Ad-
44 licoofflcc. _ 710 _
ITlOIt SALE-A Rood hotel In the llvo town of
- 1Cbadron doing u ( food business on very
easy terms. Full particulars by addressing * f.
H. I'.nngworthy. L i k , Wyoming. 71.IJy22J
BUSINESS Chnncc-200 norea two miles
anutlionst of lllnghnm , town , on Waonsh
It H. , two-story frnmo house , good water , well
Improved , exchange for city property. Kccord
Advertising Co. , 151J Fnrnntn. 71'0 '
BUSINESS Chnnoo The best stock ranch
In Morrick county , Nob. , for snlo , 1,100
ncrcs , l.COO ncrcs under fence , two peed wind
mills , cattle bnrn , horse stable , ( .1,600 house.
Kccord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farrmmst.
792 20
VJU SALE A boarding house and furniture ,
doing good business , 40 boarders , good
reason for selling. Call at Currlo * volliim ,
16th and Capitol avc , Exposlton Hulldlng. JOT
1 > EKSONAL Dinner Scts-A largo number of
very hniidsomo dinner eels Just received ut
Moody's China Btoro , 302 Nortn 10th st. 817'0
PERSONAL -Don't buy a dinner sot until you
see the largo line of sots at Moody's China
store , : > ( TJ north Ifith st. The hnndbome ts sets
and the lowest prices In the city , 847-20
PKHSONAlj. Should this , by chance , attract
the attention of a rennud ami congenial
young lady , who desires the acquaintance of
an honorable gentleman , having llko qualities ,
she J9 respectfully Invited to answer ; and the
same will be treated In strictly confidential and
most couitcous manner. Address "T 6J , "
Omaha Ueo. fcG2 26 *
PEKSONAL-HolId Mexican silver spoon are
giving such good satisfaction that our
customers are calling for them the second
time. Only$2forono do/en teaspoons. Call
nnd see them at Moody's China store , 30J North
16th Bt , cor. Davenport. 825 20
IJEKSONAL-Nont and tasty all-wool business
suits $7. Fine blue diagonal dress suits ,
110.75. Call and see them or write for samples.
I , . O. .Tones It Co. , American Clothiers , 13J9
Farnnm st , Omaha. 903 J 3J
TDEKSONAL If you want a desirable , con-
JL trally located ofllco you can find It at aid
S 15th st 078
iJEKSONAL Ton eholco residence lots In the
thriving city of South Omahn to exchange
for wild land In eastern Nebraska and Western
Iowa , niUHt bo suitable for farming : . Address
TO. lleo office. { 451-30
TJEKSONAL-Prlvnto home for Indies during
confinement , strictly conlldentlal , infants
adopted , address E 42 , lice olllco. 849Jy3 *
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and businesa Medium
Boom Ma 8,121 North 16th Bt .Omaha , Nek.
TAKEN UP 1 pair ponies , white and yellow
colored , 5 miles southwest of city. Cluus
Mattls. 2 > jy2-9-lfl-23
LOST HOOK with ice accounts of Newell &
Kennedy's. Ilcturn to their ofllco. 703 203
LOST Embossed leather card case on Eouth
Tenth street , near Herman Konntzo's.
Howard for return to W. F. Allen's olllcc , 215
South Thirteenth street. bnjfl *
LOST On 13th street south of railroad bridge ,
Omaha , Fox terrier dog , answers to name
of "Tony , " jellow color , white spot In fore
head. 15 reward to party delivering snmo to
engine house No. 4 , Dorcas and llth streets.
S THATED Hoan pony fl years old ; also a
sorrel colt 2 months old with scare on left
forolog. t * > reword for return to C. Nelson ,
N. W. cor. 2Sth and Davenport 754 20J
KVENTY-F1VB dollars' rownrd. Strayed or
Stolen from rear of 111 N 17th Bt , a largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween 1,300 end 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
mane nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen *
$ 2,1 will ho paid for return of animal to owners ,
nt 110 814th st.and if stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of { 50 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. 693
LOST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave or Uraco
St. , "Specifications. " 1'lcase return to
110(4 ( North ICth St. , or I * . J. Crccdon , architect ,
opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and
builder. 348
BURST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft
_ 521
STORAGE First-class storage for nice furni
ture and boxed goods. Ferguson Furnl-
turo Co. . 715717North ! 16th street. 175
Q 1TORAGE First-class storage for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-st
Mild. DO RANT Clarlvoy ant from Boston , is
reliable in all affairs of life , unites separated
lovers. S22 N. 16th st room 1 691 J28 |
IF you want good bonrcl nnd a room go to the
Old llrownoll Hall. 618 3. Ifilh st B52-29
TO Kxchango If you have house and lot.
farms , merchandise , etc. , to exchange call
at my onice , J , 8. Johnson , 318815th. room 4.
837 20 *
LESSONS in singing by Professor Provnst ,
teacher of piano and organ. Also lessons
in the French language. For terms apply nt
2723 Farnam. 831 30 *
IN view of the large amount of business coming
In wo will horonficr charge but 50c per month
right through for advertising business chances ,
until cancelled Wu have ollicos In loading
cities , fume rates. No commission , llocord
Advertising Co. 1613 Farnam. 73'KIO
rpWOcnr loads horses and mules for snlo
J- just arrived. A splendid etock of young
mules , horses and marcs , from first handscare
fully selected , now ntJ. W. Hooves'now snlo
barn , No. 1A18 Sounders st. Cnll early for first
choice. Will bo sold tor cash or on time. J.
W. Kocco. 797 28 *
ri'AKE NOTICB-W. O. King & Co. , HOUEO
JL Moving and Hailing , address 1320 Plorco st
749JSJ *
MK8. DR. JENNIE 8TAKU1NG An electric
physician of long und successful practice
and thorough knowledge of medicine , tins
opened an ollico nt 223 N. 14th street. Her rep
utation is cnvlabli ns a general practitioner.
Midwifery treated night or day. llooms 223 N.
1 4th street. 70727
CCSS pools and vaults cleaned and dead
animals removed by Jobn Nelson , garbage
collector for 4th ward south of Douglas it 1403
Harncy st.
SPECULATOIta opportunity. Information
on stocks onlr telegraphed under code to
any subscriber. E , Bherman Fitch , 10 Wall st.
N. V. 71JJy Z2 *
TTtORRBNI squar * Piano H mouthlr. A
Jj Hoipe.1513Douglas , 624
EMPLOYERS should examine our list of ap
plicants for clerical or other positions.
We take names of such as can furnish cxcet-
ent references only. No entrees 10 employers.
Kccord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam st 792-28
rpo parties having houM for rent , Hental
JL Af t-.icy. llonawa k Co. , 15st. . opposite poit-
office .We have turned over to them our rental
111. We recommend them. McCague Bros.
FOR IIENT Organs , $3 per month , dospe ,
1613 DouElaa. 624
Ol. C.-Houte furnishing goods , all kinds ;
caih or mitallment ; lowest prices at J.
Honner. 11118 Douglas st MB
Fen BEKT-Hquare riano , $ < montalr. A
Hope. 1613 Douglas. 624
JF you want tn buy or sell furniture , go to
/.Ferguson's , 715 N llth. K
UU HALE-A single family driving horse ,
t Will be guaranteed sato and sound In
every respect. Apply at 1812 North Fifteenth
r stroot. M4-t8
i " 1/10H SALE Large pony , suitable for news-
JL' boy , market gardener or poddler. Inquire
.1410 Hargey it M 2i >
WoH SALK Household furniture , house for
.V rckit to purcbatlng-party , 1115 W.ebitor st
, . . 757 86 *
T710H SAVK--norsobuggy and harness cheap
JL1 for cajh , northeast corner 2CtU nnd Pierce.
OJ5 27J
IfOll SALE-Ha1f dozen new National c bl-
J.1 net letter flics , different sizes , will bo sold
at n reduction from regular prices , call and
sec them nt the Western Newspaper Union , 611
B 12th st. 2i)4 ) 23
TJ OIl SALE Improved stoclt nnd grain farm ,
-C ceo acres , cheap. Uox 63 , Coburg , Iowa.
171011 SALE Spun Hno matched bay driving
-C horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st.
I/lOll HAM ; Furniture nnd Icnso of six rooms
-L1 In lint. 507 S. 13th st. Koom No. 3. 332Jyl5
"lilOKSALE Ono six-foot upright lilncic wnt-
JL' nut chow case , Milton Kogors k Son. 909
FOIt SALE Two horses nnd carriage.
Horses sold singly or double , 1718 CIKS st.
fc70 28 *
TT'OIl ' SALE-4,000,000 Hard Brlcit. T. Murray.
J 740
Studctmkcr buggies at Seaman's.
Studebaker phaetons nt Sonmnn's.
Stuilobakcrcnrrlnges nt Seaman's.
Mudelmkcr spring wagons nt Scnmnn's.
Studcbukerdrnft wngons nt Scnmnn'x.
Corner of Farnam and llth sts. Five car
loads Juet received. K.2
FO SALU-6 milch cows. K A Marsh , 901
N 10th. 5.Vi
F IOHSALU-Urlck. T.Murray.
VYfA.Vil.U--Cuinp cook men lor Iowa men ,
V T for the west. D. C. O'Kcefo , 309 S. llth st
875 26 *
T17ANTED Two experienced grocery clerks.
TT Must no hustlers ; none other need apply.
1C. A. llrown.Co. , 720 N Itith st. 857 20
WANTED A good agent to cnnvnss for
Gaskcll's Popular Family Atlas on the
nstnllinont plan. Also a lady agent to canvass
good popular standard book. Call between
'nndu p. m.HSS. 23d st. b5l-2 < ) '
WANTED Three or four good sl/ed nctlvo
boys. Steady work. Fair pay. Apply 111
'actory. ' N. K. Fairbanks Co. 831 20 * \
: - - broad and cake
linker. Good wngcs guaranteed. Ad
dress , Jncob Fisher , Hastings , Neb.
WANTED-dood , honest young innn ns col
lector nnd tiiKo clmrgo ot brunch ollico
real estate. Must deposit $300 cash as security.
Good wngos , experience not oscentlnl. Ad-
ilrcss.T 60 Iloo ollicc. b58-27'
W . . . . ) Knilroml laborers. Canadian
Employment olllcc , 310 So. 15th et.
813 26 *
WANTED-Rhoemukor. yonng man , single ,
to go to Wayne. Neb , mostly cow work ,
good wage ? . Btondy Job to right man. Omaha
Emp Iliireau.llU N loth t-t , up stalls.
WANTED Hey 15 years old lives at homo to
learn trade , wages $3.50 per week.
Omaha Emp llurcau , 11U N ICtli st. 810 20
WANTED-Cnrpontcr to take contract to
build two cottages and tnko liorso and
buggy us part payment. Apply 418 N 15th ft.
71W 27 *
W ANTED Good milknr , Sarfttoga Dairy.
811 26 *
WANTED Two competent drug clerks. Ono
must spouk ftwedc and the other German
nncl Swede. Address with references. A. F.
hllvcthorn , Kearney Neb. M)2 ) 20
17ANTED Gcnernl agent for Nebraska for
> World Typo Writer $10. Hnpld , simple ,
easy to tife. Writing equal to $100 machines.
A good business for llvo man. Address Day A-
Lester , 35 Murray St. , New York. 25-2-1MO
WANTED Manufacturer , cabinet-maker ,
carpenter , or any ono that Is handy with
tools to manufacture a household nrtlclo on
royalty. Every furniture dealer wants to han
dle It. Address or cnll between the hours of 8
nnd 10 H , m. to-day. EB. . Parsons , Ilnrker
house. 735 2iJ (
WANTED-Stono cutters. Apply to W. H.
Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. 335Jyl5J
WANTED Carpenters. Inquire now church
26th and Luavonworth. M. T. Murphy. 018
\\rANTED Laborers and teamsters. Wages
> ' laborers $1.75 per dnj' , board * 3.X ! ) per
week ; teamsters $2.1 per month and board.
Apply four miles west of Fort Omahn on
Omuha extension Chicago & Northwestern mil-
road. G P. Trent , Contr. 708 20 *
ANTED-Agents-World T > po Writer flO .
Kapid , simple , easy to use. Writing equal
to $100 machines. Dig profits. Sonil for circu
lars. Day & Lester , 35 Murray t-t. , Now York.
W I ANTED Men to sell nursery stock. Ad
dress White lit os. , Aurora , Nob.4U1
4U1 28J
w ANTED-15 bricklayers at First Notional
bank , Omahn , Dan Hamsher. 60920 *
WANTED Intelligent , reliable , energetic
mon as special atrentH. W. F. Allen ,
Qeneral Agent Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Now York , No. 215 South 13th street.
W ANTED Men for railroad work.Albrlght's
Lnbor agency , 1120 Fnrnam st. 9\S \
WANTED Experienced booKKocper in dry
goods house , references required. None
need address who have not had experience.
Address T 12 , Ileo ofllco. 477
W ANTED Hnllrond laborers for Colorado.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
$100 paid per month to men to cell our goods.
Address with stumps , D. W. McLano Co. ,
Uurllngton , Iowa. 600 Jy 2 *
WANTED A good wagon maker at onco.
Muldoonfe Krisl , Hth and Jones sts.
WANTED 50 girll nt good wages , for gen
eral housework in nice places. No ofllco
fee. Canadian Employment Office , 31' ' ) H. 15th.
87428 *
WANTED Girl for general housework ,
must bo good cook , washer nnd troner.
1513 Sherman avc , , first house north Grncost.
850 27 *
\XT ANTED-Two dlnlngroom girls. Gate City
T HcBtaurant. 119 N. 10th. Wages $1 00 u
week. 80120 *
WANTED-Sewlnggirl. Apply 1914 Fnrnam.
87227 *
WANTED. A good female cook for board
ing house at Ashland , Nob. Good pay for
the right person. Address V. Albert. Ashland ,
Nob. 870 27'
WANTED--fl dining room girls , 4 chamber
maids , 4 dishwashers , 2 girls for Ice cream
parlor , 50 girls general housework. Girls leav
ing their orders with us pet their places or ect
their money back. Omaha limp Bureau , lit ) N
16th st 807 20
WANTED A nlco , nent , tidy , Gorman girl
must speak Gorman , ns nurse girl to
travel with ono of the first ladies ofthe city.
Must glvo good reference ! . Omaha Employ
ment Ilurcnu , 11U North 16th st 840 20
WANTED-A first girl for washing , cooking
nnd ironing ut J. J. Urown's l&5i ; Sherman
avo. W4 % *
WANTED 20 dining room girls , 4 forsnmo
hotel , $20 ; kitchen girl , $20 ; 2 chamber
tnnlds , $16 ; girl to earn for 4 children , $17. 50
girls for general housework. $3 to $5 per week.
Mrs. Urcga & Son , 316 So. 15th , upstairs.
77020 *
WANTED Partner Lidy or gentleman ,
with $300 to start n restaurant , luncb
counter , cigar and fruit business. Best loca
tlf.n in city. Address T 69. Boo office. 84127J
WANTKD-An experienced dressmakoi
wishes sowing In families. Can give good
reference. Apply 1223 North 17th st. 79130 *
ANTED-Lnundry girl at the City hotel.
801 27 *
\\rANTKD-Lady and gentleman agents tfl
TT sell our goods on tlma payments In city.
Ixivcll MnnrgCo. . 821 N 13th st. 800 jl *
WANTED-A competent teacher for the
German-American school for Envhsl
tuition. Address L. Helmrod , 13th and Jack'
son , or Ph. Andres , 1715 Douglas 716
\I7ANTED-A irlrl to coo , wash and Iron ,
Mrs. John W. Hell , 14097th avo. 5J
W ANTED-A good cook. NW cor 20th and I
Leavenworth si. 461
W ANTKD A young girl for general hotis
work , In a small family. Apply at 3 <
Park ave. 68T
W : ANTED Girl for general housework It
mall family , 3112 Douglas st. 460
WANTED A good gtrl , washer nnd Ironer ,
Good wages. Mrs. Frank B. Moores , (111 (
South 18th. 600
TAT ANTED-First class walat and skirt ma
T > kers. Mrs. MaudoMarti , rooms 4 and 6
Jacobs block , 1Mb apd Capitol ave. 7586 *
WANTED-Posltlon by Scotchman , 00 years
of age , marriedM foreman or manager ol
farm or stock ranch , has thorough kuowledg (
of all kinds of stock , nas good references
Strictly temperate. Omaha Employment 11 u
rcau. 119 N 18th st 808 U
WANTED-Posltlon by an examined'drug
gist Sneaks English , German , Frencl
and Danish , is a good penman. Can give 10
curity and loan money. Addr u T 58 , lee. ,
, , ' ' . 838 8i *
WANT1VD-A cnrjjfttitpr nnd builder wnnts
position eg foreman , l experienced In
heavy bulMiug. i Address , T 65 , llco oflVcc.
WANTED lly yoring gentleman , good per-
mnncnt position of trust. Will furnish
$100 to $500 security for same. Traveling pro-
forrcd , Address W. J. II. , 015 S llth st. 014 26J
WANTED-Poiltion by rapid stenographer ;
largo cxperltivco : no objection to going
outofcity. Addresi Till llco ofllco. 647 20J
V7sjTEO FimilslicJrooms for lighthouse-
TT keeping , for two persons. Would cook
on family stovo. Iloferouces glTon. Address
S. T. Nixon , city , i f536 *
\1TANTED A barn hnvlng 3 or 4 stnlU within
T > 5 blocks of Crounon block. Addrc s Hammond
mend i Co. , P. U box 740 , City. tms- ' " . )
\VTANTED-Untll Nov. l.hyn slnitlo gcntlo-
T T man , a sulto 61 two well furnished rooms
with south or southeast exposure , nltnln four
blocks of thn postofllcc. Would llko to hnvo
breiutlnst Prlviitofnmily prcfrrrcd. Address
with location and terms , box T 61 , this nlllco.
84 29 *
WANTED To rent by ono gcntlomnn. do
slrnblo front room ; prlvnto family within
0 blk s fro m P. O. Address TD4 , lice ofllce.
755 27 *
W ANTED To buy 8 houses which can bo re
moved. A. F. May no , H'JS Dodge st
\ \ ; ANTED-Orders for all kinds of help. Wo
fill them promptly and nro giving univer
sal sntlsfactlon. Try us once nnd you will go
nowhere else. Mrs. Urcga & Son , 315 S. 15tli
up-stalrs. 593 26J
TirANTED Orders for business men or
T T women , clerks , bookkeepers , oto. , can
furnish yo'.i parties well recommended. No
ofllcefoo. Mrs. llrcgaS Son , 316 South 15th.
7K1 20 *
WANTED To trndo some rhoico city prop
erty for a stock of groceries. Address T
50 , Hoc olllco. 833 20J
ANY person having n good furnished house ,
with modern conveniences , wlshlntr to
rent for six or twelve months cnn flnd n re
sponsible tcnnnt by calling at Kinsloi's
store , 1307 Farnam st COS27
W ANTED 2or3 horse power engine , 2nd
hand. Apply ut Mlllard hotel olllco. 480
\v 7 ANTED-Teams for rnllrond work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 743
FOll KENT 4 now fl-ioom houses , cellar ,
well , hall , clo cts , etc. , l't ' miles nnilhwust
of postoflloo , : i blocks to street curs. $22 to $2.1
per month. Gregory & Hndley. llooms 1 anil 3 ,
3JJ S. 15th st. I'J'J '
TGIOH KENT 9 room brick lint , fiirnltnro for
JL' snlo ; 7 room brick Hat , furniture lor sale
on time : 10 room brick lint , fuinlturo for sale ;
restaurmit doing a good business fixtures for
sale at your own price , on time : Hi room bonid-
Ing. ! 5 block trom P. O. , 30steady hoarders ,
furniture for sale at Vi Its vnluo. Co-operation
Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th gf Kl 28
FOK RENT. House of 0 rooms with well
nnd cistern. Cull on premises , 2315 Chl-
cngo street. 801 27 *
FOU KENT-Occidcntnl hotel corner store
room. Apply to John I. Payntor. on
N. H. The hotel Is st 11 running ; the ontrnnco
being on the youth side. 73 ( !
F IOIl KENT Stone nnd Hat on corner Snun
dcrs nnd Clark sts. C. W. Cnrlon.
75f , 20
FOK KENT Nlco s-room house , cistern nnd
city wnter. bnrn , etc. . on Popploton nvo ,
$40. Koom 3 , Frciucr lllock. S26 20J
FOU KENT KcRtnnrnnt nnd llxturcs. Apply
nt once , S13 N Ifltli st. COO 27J
POIl KENT New house. 14 rooms. All mod
ern conveniences. Ncvor been occupied.
Thrco minutes' walk from P. O. Itefcrcnces
exchnngcil. T 47 , llco olllco. 723
F 'Oil ' KENT Now house , ton rooms , stcnm
_ licnt , all imprvqmonts. C. W. nnd (1. K.
Thompson.314 S15tlvst. 73.1
FOK KINT-I : nrt of store or ollico room. In ,
quire at 12 ! 3 UOjUif Ins St. 013
FOK KENT d room house ana barn , 17th nnd
Center sts. , house heated by hot water and
nil modern Improvorcets , $05. Also n 7 room
house us nbove $10. J. L. Wclshaus , 310 8. 15th
street. 407
FOK KENT 4 new 0-room houses , cellar ,
well , hall , closets etc. , 1U miles northwest
of po tolllco , 3 blocks to street cars , $25 to (30
per month. Gregory & Dudley , llooms 1 and H ,
5.M815that. I OJO
FOK KENT Ground tloor , 48x18. good lo
tlon for grocery. $2. " > per month , corner
three streets , immediate possession. Kccord
Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam. 7t > 2 20
TI1OR KENT A basement , good place for
JP barber shop , s w corner 16th and Lenven
worth sts. 810
FOK KENT Small office In excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co.,314 ! {
S. 15tli. 227
B KENT-Three room house , 110615 8 7th
F I Oil KENT-Onc ofllce , second Qoor , at 310
SlSthst Kent , $10. 447
F ! OH KENT 3-room house on Hth and
Plorcests. Inquire at 017 South llth st.
FOU KENT Two largo now stores and two
flats of llvo rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saundcrs st. O. W. Cain , 2230 Ohio st. 812
FOK KENT Two brick stores with base
ments 24th and Hamilton streets. Desir
able locution for dry goods and drug storo.
Flats above If desired , Lcavltt llurnham ,
room 1 , Crnlghton block. 674
T71OK ItKNT-Tnreo room houso. 7lia'J Pacific.
JL1 For Kent Six room house , 1106 8 7th ,
For Kent-Three room bouse , 1013 N20th 633
/"CHOICE Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
\J 4Sx8Vi Lenvnnworth and Park avoor will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Dros. 35'J
FOK HENT-2 largo stores on South 16th st.
near VInton , $ * ! n month each. Also Z
stores same size but having 5 living rooms
nbovo , rent for $50per month. All have city
water throughout Apply J. F. Hammond. 117
South ICth it. 434
, UENT-3-roora house , 703 Pacific.
TJ1OB llENT-Brick yards , T. Murray.
FOIl IIENT Store and second floor on cor
16th and Marcy st. Inquire of Mrs. F.
Lange , COS 8 13th. 889
FOIl KENT-Wlndow , good locality for to
clcr or real estate. Apply to 3Ji n 16th.
FOIl IIENT Nicely furnished room , suitable
for two or four , nt 1U19 Dodge st 855 27 *
FOIl UENT-Furnishod rooms , 1810 Dodge.
b77y25 ]
F IOlt KENT-Furnlshod room. 1615 Dodge st.
F IOIl RENT Nicely furnished front room ,
with board ; 1914 Farnam. 873 27 *
F IOIl KENT 3 newly and elegantly furnished
rooms nt 1708 Douglas st 614 Jl *
FOIt KENT Newly furnished front and bacx
parlors , single or together , from July 1st
All modern conveniences ; private family : near
business , 1615C p. avc. 8072 *
FOU 11RNT-3 elegantly furnished rooms for
gentlemen desiring permanent quarters ,
1711 Podgo. i . 610 27 *
Clou HENT-Twa Furnished rooms 417 N.
14th St. . 670
F IOn IlENT-Furnished rooms. 701 B 17th.
T7KR SENT-iDeiroom. Enquire Young ft
JU Blackman. 214,816th , tt. 640
THOR HUNT Large , nicely furnished room ,
JC 829Vi S 21st St r MJ 30 *
F IOlt KKNT Furnished room ; board , 621
Pleasant. . 821 jy 1 *
FOIl KENT One , large and nno small fur-
nlinod room in boit neighborhood , near
center of the 'clty.'to gentlemen with refer
ences. G 1 , Uco olllco. 805 27
F IOIl KENT Furbished rooms with board at
I 2210 Farnam st. 836 26
F KENT 1 nice room with board for two
gentleman , at 1812 Chicago st. 814 2U *
T OK HUNT-Furnlshed room , 009 U. 17th st
-T 818 30J
T710U HUNT Elegant newly furnished rooms ,
JL' now house , all modern Improvements , to
first-class parties only , 1707 Dodge st. 827
III HUNT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cass.
FOK KENT 2 elegantly f urnlihed front rooms
for ono or two gentlemen. Pleasantlocatlon ,
1917 CMS. 771
F IOH KENT-3 rooms In a flat cor 20th and
Nlcholes st. 113
BKENT-Ware room cor. Hth and Call ,
tfornla on Bolt Line. For. particulars en-
qulro at Union. KM , bank. 1M
T70K HKNT-Front rooms , suitable for i
JL' gtntlemeu or man and wife , ill 8.16th.
774 za
FOH IIKKT ? Ono or two furnished rooms.
723 South 18th St. Oil 27J
T7AOH HENT-Dtslrablo rooms nt 2227 Dodge.
. 617 27
TJIOH KENT Furnished rooms , 1913 Farnnm
J St C2726J
FOU KENT-Omcc 2nd floor , 310 S IDth. Bt.
price $10j 11J
FOll KENT Elegant rooms , furnlturo nnd
house now , every modern convenience ,
1709 Dodge street , llcforonccs required.
FOIl llENT-Nowly furnished room , single or
In cult with bathroom. No. 40SN I6tn at. ,
3rd lloor , room 40. M3 27
Oil KENT Largo nicely furnished front
room , 617 Pleasant st. 377
F IOIl KENT Three room house west of North
llth st , between Chicago and Cnss. G'X !
FOK IlENT-Ofltces in Hollman Dtilldingcor.
Farnara and 13th sts. , In suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
8.A. Sloman , 1612 Farnam st , Koom 4.
FOll KENT Large front room 1012 Hurt s.
794-i0 !
" 171011 KENT Kooms nnd rooms nnd bonrd on
JL' Fnrnnm , Douglas , Howard , Jones , King , 9.
18th , N. 15th , N. 26th streets and others ,
ranging from lowest to highest prices. Wo
wnnt more on our list. Wo direct scores of
seekers dally. Kecord Advertising Co. , 1513
Farnnm , 702 2(1 (
FOIl HF.NT--13 rooms nenr center of town ,
and sale of furniture very cheap , a bar
gain rarely offered , to good parties who mean
business. For partioulnrs Inciulro of Dr.
Simons , 401 North 16th street , Omahn , Neb.
F IOIl KENT Elegant sullo of rooms , referen
ces required , U'07 Douglas st 301
T7 > OH KENT-Furnlshod rooms , 714 N. 19th et.
466 Jy 17'
FOR KENT Three or four newly renovated
and furnished roams to gentleman nnd
wife , In prlvnto lamlly , cottage , where there
nro no roomers , by July 1st ; references : nd-
dress T 40 Iloo olllco. 735 20 *
FOU RENT Largo N E room , first floor , fur
nished or unfurnished. Also , S E room ,
with alcove nnd bay window. Northwest corner -
ner 18th nnd Farnnm. 472 Jy 1 *
TOOK KENT A single or sulto of furnished
JP rooms , 117817111. IW4 26
FOIl RENT Furnished front rooms with
first-class board ; nil modern conveniences.
318 N 15th St. 714 2iJ )
FOR RENT Nlco furnished room. 2025 I'ar-
nnm. 965
" 171011 RENT-Lnrgo front room with alcove.
-C nicely lurnlshod for two gentlemen. 2421
Dodgo. 573-20 *
Tj OR KENT Two well furnished rooms with
K flistclnss board if desired , pleasant loca
tion , prlvnto family. S 1 ] cor 20th nml 1'nrmmi.
M ? Jywj
KENT Temporiirlly vacant at BOB How-
X1 ord st largo front > oem , two beds , for
gontlomcn. Alsoslnglo room. Pleasant locu
tion , shade trocs , grass , &c. 557
KENT Nicely turnlshcd room , 19-'l
Dodge st. 119
F iOR RF.NTPart of ollico room. Iiirgulro nt
1212 Douglas St. VI. )
FOU KENT 13 rooms nenr center of town ,
and sale of furniture vary cheap , n rare
bargain , and only ollcrcd to good parties who
mean business. Tor particulars inquire of Dr.
Simons , 404 N. 16th sticct. 438
F I OH IIENT Desk room , first ofllce to lolt
over Merchants National bank. S-'O
PKCIAIj HAKOAlNBforn tow day.
Lot 15 , blkll. Patrick's 2nd , $1,050.00.
Lot 7 Polham Place , f 1,2 : > 0.00.
Lot II , blk 18 , lledfora Place$800,00.
For terms address 1313 Douglas st. SCO 20 *
FOK SALE-40 acres of land In DCS Moincs
county , Iowa , suitable for farming ; price
$1.000 , $ IOJ cnsh , balance 0 years time at 5 per
cent ; would oxchnniro for smnll house and lot.
M. J. Franck , Merchants hotel , Omaha. 845 20j
NOW Is your time , $3.500 buys5 ncresSU miles
southwest of P. O. , high and sightly. Pai-
torson Hros , , Koom 21 , Frcnzcr block. 8 < Q 2
TjlOll SALE-Ncw Itoro building and lot on
JL' Hellenic street , the leading thoroughfare
between tha city and South Omaha. Can sell
for $1,050.00 ; only $6M.OO cash , balance 1 nnd 2
yearn. Gco. N , Hicks ,
800 1 215 South 15th meet.
FOK SALE-A livery barn wltn stable room
for about sixty horses , situated In n desir
able location , and now doing a good business.
Good reasons given for selling. Enquire of or
ad.liess A. H. Comstock , real estate broker ,
1523 Farnam st. 207
Tj Olt SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia are with
F two good houses , cheap at $7,003. Terms
easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. 8.
Campbell , 310 8. 16th st , Chamber of Com
merce. 273
Fnrnatu street , near 20th , 116xl33por
foot f 400
Farnnm street , near 20th , 22x132 10.000
Farnam street , corner 31st , 136x132 , per
foot 150
Furnam street , near Thirty-eighth , 47x-
13J ! 4.003
Farnam street , nenrS tli.03x132 8,030
Fnrnnm street , cot nor In Jerome Park 3,600
Farnam street , corner in Jerome Park 3,000
Fnrnam street , near 12th , Improved
2U.'xl32 25,003
Farnam street , near Nineteenth , 77x132.
Improved 40,000
Harney street , near Twenty-third , 50x-
Kl. , Improved 11,000
Harnoy street , near 21st , 174x170 , Im
proved 60.000
Dodge street , near Uth , 06x132 , per foot 600
Dodge street , near 27th. 48x132 , im
proved 3,000
Douglas street , near 12tb , 44x132 35,003
Fifteenth street , corner Jackson , 66x132 ,
improved 35,003
Fourteenth street , corner Jackson , MX
lie , Improved 35,000
Fourteenth street , corner Chicago ,
(10x132 20,000
lath st , opp M. P. dtpot,6'.ixl04 , per foot. 200
llth st , cor Nicholas , 06x132 , track in
alley. H.OOO
13th st , near Howard , 33x63 , Imp 13,000
Trackage , ( X > xll2 , Paddock Place 2,000
20th st , near St Mary's , 40x120 , imp 8,00 ! )
20th st , near Douglas , 33x60 8,000
Hanmlers st cor Hurt , 100x51 7,500
Park nvo , near Lenvcnworth , MX HO 4,500
Pnrk ave , opp park , 50x150 2,000
Jerome Pnrk , near Farnam , E front 47 x
132 1.8M
Cnstellnr St. . nonr8th.6HSxl20 1,000
West Oinnha , finest ncro 15,000
llrown Park , 2 lots very cheap
Albright's Annex.2 lots very cheap
2 < 1 st , cor. Nicholas Trackage Imp.,132
x3J ! 20,000
Choice property In all parts of the city. ' 8. A.
Bloman , 1301 Farnam St. , Kooms 22 nnd 23.
AT A llMUl.MN-I.ots 5 Hndfl.block T Lowe's
ndd , fronting on Hamilton , Charles nnd
34th sts. , total irontago of 397 feet , $5,2uO ,
Two lots 100xl20tho finest east nnd south front
corner In Ambler Plnco ( old pnrtM blocks from
cur line , both for $1.750.
Corner 15Jx120 east nnd north front In West
Oinnha , two blocks south of Fnrnnm st , $4,600.
Corner 285 feet frontage on Military Iload,128
feet iloon , on car line , $5,090.
a E. llclUr , 310 S. 10th st , Board of Trade
building. 274
FOIl 8ALK-Preml5csl27Bo. 24ih ft. ( some
times called 25th St. ) , consisting of two lots
with house , barn and other buildings. W. C
, 118 So , 24th St. 751 28 *
E have a 10-acre tract near the Institute on
T T which wo can make you n price that wll
Fay you to Investigate. Actlvo Heal Estate am
roporty Exchange , 1524 Dodge street , Omaha
Neb , 824 30
T71O11 SALB-At a bargain , 040 acres of flrs
JL' class farming laud In Howard county , this
state ; first clunj soil : close to two lines of ral
road , and surrounded by well Improved farms
Can divide to suit purchaser , and will make
this n bargain If sold quick. Small cash pay
inent ; very ensy terms. Address George N
Hicks , 215 South Fifteenth street 800 J14
TO WHOM It may concern. To parties who
build houses costing from $1.200 to $1,500
wo furnish beautiful building lots In Itcdlck
Park requiring no payment of principal for C
Itcdlck Park lias city water , 350 maple and
elm trces,45 residences under contract to build
irjno to cost less than $1,200. Its streets an
graded and turnplked It U within the clt ;
limits , opposite Kountze Place , and accosslhli
trom either Snunders or State. Price of lot
until July 1st , $1,000.
Wo also offer
100 ft fronting Hanscom Park , $0.000 , H to H
Cor 100x150 , Georgia ave , $5,000 , $2,000 cash.
Full lot and 7-room house In excellent condl
tlon , Parker's add , $3.500.
Cor60x132 , Improved , S llth near viaduct
$10,000. Mend & Jamleson , Solo Agents , 318 t
15th st 718
FOR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha near the Ilenson car line
price $400 each , $250 due on contracts payublt
In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska land. MoCulloch Ac Co.
1609 Farnam st 1000
FOIt BALE A fine farm of 160 acres , en
closed with 3 wire fence , 34 acres , undo
cultivation , 11 aorcs ot ash trees In thrifty
growing condition , price $10' per aero , terms
eisy. This offer good for thirty days only
Address Cbas. 11. WlleonOxford , , Furnai coun
tjr.Neo , , , '
on SALK-ClioJco lot In OMhnrd Hill I8M. '
C Two lolslnS.RtmdrrjA MlmclmuKh's South
rontsono n corner , for both , $1,1(4.
Some of the best lots In Clifton Hill : will sell
hreo together for fl.ixM.
Will sell 4 lots In Wnlnut 11111 , one n corner ,
or ail $ .1,500.
Two lots in linker's ndj , ctoso to railroad ,
htirch and school , $1,200.
I have n good 111 of Improved wislnefg and
csldenco property at prices ftom * 2OGO to
.W.OOO. Ho sure and glvo mo n cnll If you wnnt
o make money , James Stockdalo , 113 N. 16th
trcet. 71M30
S wo nro folo ngcnts for the following
property , wo cnn giro you a chnnco to
o some money ,
lee lots In West Side , good locations.
25 lots In Eldorn , very desirable.
15 lots in Plorco's suU , very choice.
1,01s In Maker Place , nenr motor lino.
LotIn Hitchcock's First aiHItion.
II > use nnd 2 lots In Cherry Garden.
House nnd 1 lot In Marlon I'luce.
Also somodoslrnblo business property.
I. N. Plorco & Co,1500 Douglas street.
780 * 0
TO iXCIIANOK-2 : houses and lots , frame ,
ono.Vrooni , ono 4-room , Iots31x40 and : ilx
40 , tor Nct > rR kn or ( own hinds , smnll mort
gage. J. 8. Johnson , 316 8. 15th , Koom 4 ,
WU 2flJ
TONH Onllsghcr,317 South l'Uh. _
f ) Kalrmount Place. mxlSl , $1,1-50. Cor , 53x110
fl.SiiO. ; ui.v12l , fl.OOO. Thei-onio nil olrgant lots ,
Meyers , ItlchiirdR & Tlldon's ndd. 5 lots ? ! < H )
'or corners and tW for Inside lots. Ail south
routs. Compare these prices with what others
are asking ,
n-room house , M ft near Cuss , (4.000 ; H rash.
2.00J lots and over 100 houses for sale , llavo
omo special bnrgnlnson ham ! now tlmt will
my you to investigate. 773 2d
EEAD thc o bargains. New seven room
houio , nnd lot In Pcllmm Place , U blocks
torn car , only til.100. Kasy terms.
Two lots in iv rent Place , ono a corner ;
$2,000 for both. ' * sell separately.
Corner lot In Orchard Hill , block 3 , f 1,030 ;
f500 cash , balance easy-
Fine lot In Myers. HIctiiraM and Tlldcn's ndd ,
f'00 ' ; cheapest lot In the addition.
Two of the best lots In Thornburg Place ,
M..i.V ) ; terms tn suit.
ll'wolots In West Side within ono block of
depot , only $1,50(1 ( Will sell separately.
3SI\ room bouse In Lake's add , only 12MO ;
crms easy.
UuoilMx room hou o tn Patiloks 2nd add ,
only ono block trom car line , f2.Mld : f > 03 cash.
Five room house , and lot 50xl.'iO , Hlllsldo No.
2 , (2,000 : H casli , baUuce to suit.
Wo have other bargains in houses and lots of
all prices , also In vacant lots In all the best ad-
lltlons ol the city. Clarkeon , \ > oed \ Co. , 1118
S IDth St. fMM
FOIt trading , felling or buying any kind of
real ostnto In or otu i > l thoclty call on or
iddrcss the Oinnha llusiucss Kxchango , ! I10 S.
15th Bt. Koom 1. 7SJ
TT'OIl SA 1,15 Or exchange for good Omaha
-I' propoily a 40 ncro fnnn adjoining the
own of ICIkhorn , all enclosed , n good 10 room
inusu , largo barn nnd other out bitlldingfl ,
ilontyof Bhrubory , fruit nnd bnrrios of all
tlnds , suitabli ) as an nddttlnn. or good truck
'arm , n beniitiful home. Address J. II. Silvia ,
Klkhoi n. Neb. 7C7 30J
1J1OII SAIiIj-Lot lUSxlSl , four blocks from
-IJ paved Kt. , south part of town , price $1fiOO ,
Jinlf cash , bnlniico to suit. J. W. Knrol. Williams
St. , bet. Hth and 15th. 502 2lj (
East front on Shcridnn in llanscom Place ,
above grade , 11.050.
r.\tra choice south front on California street ,
cast of Twenty-ninth , $2,100 ,
7fixl50 , oust front Oeorgla iivtmno , $2,000 ,
50 foot , Lcnvonworth near Thirty-first street ,
? 4.000.
10-room house , Twellth street , near Martha ,
? 5,000.
llxtra good liargaln Choice business prop
erty on lower Harnoy.
A eholco corner 1 routing Pazton's residence
block , upper FaniBin.
40 feet on r'nrnam fronting same block , $ , WO.
A poiith front on Hamilton street near Con
vent , on grade , $ 'J,0iO. (
52 feet on Howard between Sheridan and
Virginia avenues , 34,500.
II lots , comer Davenport nnd Thirty-third ,
f-outh ' { lot 10 , block 4 , Horbnch'B second ,
with housa ciiblulald by It , ) ,00) ) .
10.1x150 on Nineteenth struct between Union
Pnciilc and II. ft M. tracks , $7,000.
45 foot on L"nvonworth street , cast of Short-
dnn , $150 per font.
r , foot on South Sixteenth street , $37 per
foot snap.
I2i ) feet on Twentieth street , In Klrkwood ,
$2.VO ) .
2 south fronts In A. S. Patrick's , near
Komit/oPHco. f..roo for both.
86J-27 T. J. Hook. 1BUU Farnam street.
FOR SALE-no No , 1 farms within a radius of
2i miles of Omahn , Alsr. a low good busi
ness chnnccB In two live towns. .T. H. Sllvls ,
Itcnl Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Nob.
579 Aug. 8
FOR SALE-Cottage , 7 rooms and bath room ,
fire place , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , 31 feet of ground. 22d st. north of St.
Mary's nvo. $4,500. C. W. * Q. E. Thompson ,
8148. 16th st 210
BIG ItAHOAIN Ono hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st corner lot , only $ & ,000.
Farton time V. L. Vodlcka , 523 South 13th st
52 ! )
SELECTS , are the carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cilko Si Hillings. Our sam
ple case :
2 lots with 2 houses , J. T. Ilodlck'a sub , only
block from sticot cur line , 108x123 ft on 3
streets , folir money hero for you.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and profitable * for you.
\VKCan sell for u few days only
Lot 10(1 ( O tso's addition for $0,403.
Lot 71 Glgo' * addition , $0,003.
U > ckl lloyd's addition , $9riOO.
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Kcmlngton & McCormlck , 220 South 15tb st.
FOR SALr.-f.VX ) will buy n rooming nnd
lodging house , good location , this city ,
paying1 well. J. S. Johnson , 316 S. 15thltooin4.
540 28J
CliAltKSON & lloatty's speclnl bargains.
Highland Plnce , n south nnd west corner ,
140x155 , ono of the choicest building sites in the
city nt a bargain.
lloyd's addition. Lots H and 9 , block 5 , wltnln
a block ot State ft and Amos avenue , 11,300 ,
$500 cash wnntcd , this is a snap.
Luke st , elegant corner on Oils coming busi
ness stcheap.
Lakes add , 100x140 , northeast corner 18th and
Spruce , very cheap , $7,003.
Preston nnd Williams , G0x140.21st are near St
Mary's , a rcry deslrahlo building lot , $7,003.
Fall-mount Place , 40x100 , corner , $1,600.
Terms easy.
California Bt , 2 eholco ncrcs In Park Place , a
splendid pnrcnase.
Ilrlggs Place , a south front on Harnov , $1 .n' > 0
and n north front on Furnam , 1,575. Easy
Kcsulcnco property A nlco cottngo homo
clofio to Mrcct cars for $1.500 : $1,000 cash , bal In
4 years.
A nlco cottage nnd lot 00x127 , corner. In
Lowe's add for $1,700 , very easy terms. This Is
cheap nnd n good ohunco to own a homo.
Druid Hill , on State ft. Inside of Holt Ky. , op
posite Kounto Place , tome very eholco lots nt
low prices and easy terms , only 1-5 cash re
quired ; will have street cnrflthls year , on Btnto
street , and then prices will double.
Wo arc ready to assist purchasers In hulldlag
In any of the following additions : lloyd's addi
tion , Druid's Hill and Omaha Heights. Consult
us beforebuylnir and sen thu bargains wo l.avo
to offer and our Inducement * ! to those wishing
to Improve. Oarkson & llcatty , 2l'J So. 14th Et
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V
Crum,120 N 15th St.
100 lots M of u mlle of U. P. dope
for solo or trade.
U-room house for rent. Two 10-roora house
for rent , sale or trade. Idlcwlldo. lly
816 It. V. Crum. ISO N 15th St.
F SALK-Uy Shaw * Co. ,
FHouses 610 816th st
Houses and lots in all parts of thu city. Tot
can't afford to rnnt when you know the price
and terms of this elms of property.
On Georgia nvonuo wo have a large piece o
p round for sale at less than Its value. It Is
worth looking at If you want a nice residence
Lots for sale In different parts of t be cityand
you are turo to make money by dealing will
us. We are headquarters for safe Investment * .
CHOICE LAND8porucro. . $ XO manes U
year's payment on IliO ncrcs. Write for In
formation. W. F Paine , Sidney. Nob. ( Ii0jy23 !
FOK SALE-Lot 1 blk 100 , MxlM belngVnntl
west cor 9th nnd Dodge ( f , $ ' 37f < 00 ; term
Lot 4blk354Mxl32. being southeast cor llth
and Hurt sts , $15,500. terms unsy.
22x132 on Douglas si between llth mid 12th fit
Improved , being wcit M of lot 2 blk 122 , l\lrM \
terms onsy.
Klxl32 on Cumlng st. between 19th nml 20th
st. being west ! i of lot fl blk 204i ! , terms euiy
All special taxes assessed against the nbovo
rcnl estate , are pnld up In full.
F. G , UrlauU70 N,25th avo. , formerly Dlvls
ton _ t B14 2rtJ
" "
"MM EDI ATI" sale will tsuo 5 lots or less only
6 or S blocks from Eichanga bid am
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Slxtcoi
houses under contract In snmo block. I wan
what they are worth. I don't wnnt fancy prlopj
I wnnt to sell quickly. E. II. Branch. IXi
TflOKTV-TWOfcoton State street. . . . . . . . . $7
JFull lot In Snunders Himobnugh's add 47
Two good lots In Meyers , K. St T. nail , each. 7V
S.n. cor. Inltoyd'd. . . . . . . M
Trackage In Paddock Place , cheap
lloom 'M , Paxton building ,
IllHsnlutlnn Notice ,
Having thU day Incorporated the Nebraska
Brick ami Terra Cotto Co. , iho co-partnership
heretofore uilstliiT botwoan William Hilton ,
Hubert. F. Probcrt and P , L , Monroe , hug boon mutual'coniont , 'Je 25 < J2t ,
Sidewalk Notice ,
VTOTICU Is hereby given to tha owner d
J-i uwncrsof iho following rent estate In.tfci
ity of Omnhn , id lay sidewalks In front of < fiuf
djolnlng their properly within Hf teen (15) ( ) dnys ]
rum the Twenty-fifth day 'of Jnno , 1S3T.
licit sidewalks to bo constructed and Inld In
ccordanco with plans nnd speclllcntlons on flld
n the * ollico of the Slilvwnlk liupoetor , nml
nnccordnncoultli resolutions adopted by the
City Council. vl/J
We. t side 2iuh nvo , from Lravcnwortli st , to
Vnolworlh ave. , repairs.
East sldo 2fUh me. from Loavcnwoith st , W
Voolworlh nvo , repnlrs.
North sldo Cass st. from 10th st. to IStlistit
North slilo Lnko st. from ltli st. to 24th st ,
North sldo Ohio st. from ICth st. to IStli iti
feet wide.
North side Ohio st. front 10th ft. to Wtluti
feet wide.
South sldo Farnnm St. , 187 feet cast from
'ln itnt St. . 4 fi-et wldo.
East sliln 2fthst , liom Parker st. to DccatUV
t.tlfoct wide.
East side 2t > thst between Parker nnd lllonda
| s.,0fci't wide.
East Bl.le27th . ft , between Parker nnd DecV
tursts.A fret wide.
Enst sldo 27th st. between Dccatur nml Frank *
In sts , n feet wldo.
Enst sldo 27th st. , botwecu Franklin nnd Sow *
enl Ms.fl feet wldo.
East sldo 27th et , between Parker nnd HloudO
sfs.rt feet wlile.
West slilo 18th st. from Hnrney St. to flrlt
nlley south , U feet wlilo.
East slilo I'-'tli st. from Cnstollnr to Arbor st&i
4 feet wide. r
South sldo Arbor st. from 10th to llth St /
i feet wide.
North Rldo Lcnvcnworth st. from 27th et to
291 have. , repairs.
South sldo I.oavenworth st. , from
29th two. , repairs. T
JAMKS ALLAN , BUIowalk Inspector *
Omnlin , Nob. , Juno25th , Ib87. 1e25d3t
Waterworks. '
proposals will bo received nt tti
olllco until < l o'clock p , m. August 2 , 1887 ,
or the construction and innmtenanco of a sy
em of wntoi works for the city of Crete , NCD _ ,
tccorulng to the plans nnd siieelllcntlons whlolt
will bo on file In this olllce on nnd after July Si
887. The exclusive franchise will bo given fOM
: woiity-flvo years to the lowest and best bidden
ivlth proper nnd ciitiltRblo conditions , as to tha
mrcluiso of the system by the city nt the end !
if the term , or such enrllor ditto as limy bo pro'
vldeil for. Proposals must be sealed and 00 >
lorsed , "Froposils for constructing water *
woiks" ,
Thn cl y reserves the right to reject nny Qjf
nil bids. . ,
lly order of the mnyor nnd city council.
F. D. WILLIAMS , City Clerk.
j-S5-m\c-3t \
Proposals for Paving1.
NOTICE Is horcby given that the bonrd off
piibllu woiUH of the city of Pmttsmouthi
Nub. , will n.col\o bids up lo .inly 20 , 1 87 , fotf
the furnishing of material nnd for pnvlng Dlsj
trlct No. 1 , In said cltv. bolnir twelve thousand )
mrds more or less , The board reserving the
right to i eject any and all bids. All of said ma- *
terlnl to bo lurnlshcil for tlio yenr 1887 as tha
same may bo ordered by tlio city council. Tho'
: ilds will no opened July 21 , 1H.S7 , nt two o'cloe
p. m. , In the city council chamber.
Jo23dOt Chairman llonr.l of Publlo Work * .
I'ropoanls Tor District I'avinv Uonrffc
City Treasurer's Ofllcc ,
Omahn , Neb. , June 25,1887. f
SEALED PKOPOSALS lll bo received uttMJ
ollico until July 25,1887 , at 12 , noon , for th
purchase of (12UK)0 ( ) of District Paving llonflj
if the city of Omaha. Hald bonds nro dated
July 1 , Ib87 , and will bo duo in one , two , throe *
Tour , live , six , BOTCH , eight and nlno years
from their date , a s.mllnr amount lire-online
due cncn year ; nro In sums of llvo hundred
and one thousand dollars each , and boar IntcN
est from their date at tlto rnto nf six per cent
um per annum , payable annually. The princi
pal and Interest are both payable at the olllco
of Konntzo liros. . In Now Yorn.
Said bonds are Issued under the charter power
or of said city , nnd ulll bo dellvcrod to pur *
ehnscrs , on payment tlinrolor. nt the city
treasury In Omaha on Augiibt 1,1887.
lluls will bo nddresfsd to ( ho undersigned anA
marked "Piopo nls for District Paving llonds , "
nnd must state the full name and address of the
bidder , the amount of said bonds desired (4 (
similar amount duo each year from ono to nlno
years ) , and the price proposed to bo paid , wltn
accrued Interest.
The right is reserved to reject nny and all
bids. JOHN HUSH , City Trensuror.
Special Ordinance No. 070.
AN Ordinance levying n special tax and as >
scssinent on certain lots uiul real estate Inj
the city of Omaha , to cover the one-half cost
ol entiling 22nd street from Da von port street
to Cnss btreot.
WliercMi , it having been , and being borcb *
adjudged , determined and established that tha
se\oial lota and pieces of realostnto herein
after referred lo have ouch uecn specially honi
ellttcd to the full amount heroin levied and
nsaeshod agnlnst each of snid lots and pieces o <
real estate , respectively , by reason of the grad
ing ot that part of 22nd Htrcct , from Davcnporp
street to Cass street , done under contract wltb ;
Katz & Callalmn.
Therefore , for the purpose of paying the ono-
half cost of such grading :
Do It ordained by the city council of thoclty ot
Omaha :
Section 1. That the one-half cost of grading
tlmt part of 22nd street. In the city of Omaha ,
from Davenport street to Cass street
said one-half of said cost being the sum oC
$270.00 , said grading being done unilor contract
with Kal.VCnllahan , be iind the sumo is hereby
levied nnd assessed , according to special liono-
fits by reason of said grading , upon the follow *
ing described lots and real estate , ns shown bjr
the generally rocognl/ed map of the city ot
Omaha , 1880 , lithographed nnd published by 01
E. May no , said cost being so lovlod on said lotf
nnd icnl estate , respectively , as follows , to-wltt
Name Lot or '
of Owner. Description.
Charity H McConnell 3
Oyron Heed . 5
Nnney llulst 6
John&M JTrlmblo 1
Merchants Nnt'l Hank Z
JnsW Savairo n 7
June A Dennett t-ii 7
James W Suvago nS ! 8
Jnno A llonnott si ! fl
MaryJ Illicit 1
Truman Duck Z
John K Dctwllor 7
" 8
Sarah VChaso 3
Jaw Weeks S44U4
Btl Wood. . . . * 1188ft 4
LHKood 6
8 D Heals 0 . _
Section 2. Tlmt the special taxes and nssesi.
mcnts levied nnd assessed as aforesaid , shallba
duo Immediately upon the passage and ap
proval of this nidlnnnco , and shall become de
linquent If not paid within fitly days thereafter - ,
after ; and thereupon , shall be lidded. ! ntert B
nt the rate of ono per cent n month ,
advance from the time said tnxos
Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect
nnd bo In force from and after Its passage.
Pnssod Juno 7th , lts > 7.
WM. F. JlKCiiKt , , President City Council.
J. II. SOUTIIAIID , City Clark.
Approved Juno 10th , 117.
W..T. HitOATCHMayor.
The nbovo tax 13 now duo nnd pnyublo nt the
ofrlee of the city tieasurer , nnd will become do *
linqiient as provided In section 2.
jeZidSt JOHN Uusn.Clty Treasurer.
Special Ordinance No. B79.
AN Ordinance levying n special tux nnd ns- ;
scssment on certain lots and real estate In
the city ot Omnlin , to cover the one-half cost
of grading alley in lllock No. 147 , from 15ta
street to 10th street
Wheieaa , It having been and being hereby ad
judged , determined and established that the
several lots hereinafter referred to , Imvo each
been specially benotlttod m the full amount
amount herein lovlnd and assessed against cacti
of u-ild lots nnd pieces of rent estate , respec
tive ! ; ) , by iciison oMho grading of that part of
alloy in lllock No. 147. from 15th ttroet to Iflttt
Htroct , done under contract with Katz & Cathy
Therefore , for the purpose of paying the ono *
half cost of such grading :
ll < i It ordained by the city council of .the city of
Omaha :
Section ! . That the one-half cost of grading
that part of alloy In lllock No. 147 , in thu city ol
Ornalm.from 15ili itioet to Kith rtrecl , said one-
half of said cost being the nun of $170.22 , said ]
grading being done under contract with Katz It
Cnlliibiin , bo and the same U hereby levied and ]
assessed , accenting to special hcnctlta by rea
son of t-nld gradingtinon the following lots and
real estate as shown bv the generally iocog
nl/.ed map of tno city ol Onmliu , UsJ , lltho-
Kraphei and publlsliod by C. E. Mayne , said ]
cost being FO levied on snld lots mill real estate
respectively , as follows , to-wlt :
Nnrao Uitor Am'toC
of Owner. Description. Oloclc. Tax.
Mxry A Wlthnell sVJftl J47 $1268
JnoAMoShnne nSO f t 1
Mary A Wlthnell f52 eJ ) 3
Jno A McShano nbU oVi 2
w'J2 '
ArtcinasM Clarke el-2 3
John ! lleiili k wl-2 U
Ciirollno Ilitlhuch 4
ClmrlotU' K Turner 6
" 0
lly II llnschmnn 7
Clias.I Knrbiich 8 . . .
bcctlon 2. That the special taxes und assess *
menu levied and nMP&hod as nfnrcsuid , shall b
duo linnicdlatcly upon the pnssago and ap-
nrn\nlof this ordinance , and tlmll Uecomo dp * ,
lln'iuent If not pnlit within llfty rt ys thereafter , ,
and thereupon sbnll bo mldcd Interest nt th
rnto of omj percent a montli , i > > nblo In ad
vance from the time said taxcfilicc&mo GO de
BottionU. Tiint this ordinance shall take effect
nnd bo In force from nnd utter the passage.
Pft od JIIIIK 7th , 1687.
WM. F. llccuifL , Presidbut City Council.
J. II. SOUTH iiiti , City Clerk.
Approved Juno K'tti. ' I8 .
W. .1 , IliiOATCil , Mnyor.
Tlil tax Is now ilno and ; < n.rubln at thn offle
ol the city trcninrcr , ami will bccuruu dell *
'niiont M piovl'U'J la Section ; * ,
, . 'JOHN MUSH , City TrcMu ; r ,