THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY : -3TJNE 26. 1887 ; TWELTJil PAGES. OMAHA WINS TWO STRAIGHT , Coatings Again Defeated in the Second Game of the Series , JHE SAME SCOREON BOTH DAYS. " t Excellent Hport Developed on the rirflt Dny of tlio llyklntf Tournament Result of tlio Anicrlonn Derby. Duplicated the Hcorc. ASTlNfiB , Neb. , Juno 25. ISpecInt Tele gram to lliu Bin. : ] Omaha duplicated Its ecoro of yesterday , the game again resulting 0 to 4 with Omaha on top. It was n splendid game throughout , nnd played amidst ( -rcat enthusiasm. The following Isthoofllclal BCOIU- . OMAHA. i'os. it. In. I'O. A. K. Bwlft 2b 1 2B 3 4 0U Walsl ss 1 B 1 U Pwycr. Ib 0 3 12 0 0 Krelnnorcr o 1 1 4 3 Itourku iib 1 1 3 0 iMcKsitt. rf 1 1 0O 0 Uader If 1 1 O 0 ttcnitH m o 1 3 0 O'Leary . _ . p 0 0 0 2 Tot.iisT It 'M 11 HARTINOB. I'OS. II. III. I'O. A. K. Klcnzlo , , m o 0 0 Fussclbach . . .ib 0 1 1 weaslny . .ss o 5 2 Kelslnir . .Ib 0 10 0 Ueegan . .If 3 0 0 jLauman . .rf 0 1 0 itohrcr . .2b 1 3 8 EbrlKht 5 2 ' ' JVehrlo . ! P o 0 4 Total n ai 17 SCOUK HV INNINGS. Omaha . 0 0031021 * 0 Hastings . 0 1001 9 000-4 Earned runs Omaha. : ) ; Hastings , I ) . Two base hitsEbrlKht , Dwyer. Three base hits Kohrer. Mi-ssltt. Hasos on balls Wehrlo 1 , O'Leary 0. Passed balls Krohmoyor it. Time of game 1 hour and 40 minutes , Umpire McLaugliilii. Denver Dol'onts Lincoln. DENVKK , Juno 28. [ Special Telegram to itho UKE.J The Delivers turned the tables * > n the Llncolr.s to-day and defeated them ] jb > superior playing at every point. Dave dlowc , who has the reputation of being the ( worst "kicker" In tuo Western league , deemed to bo off trim to-day and only made Jtwo "breaks" atMcSorley In the second and fourth Innings. Ho was promptly squelched , liowevor , by the Denver captain and ro- nalucd quiet during the remainder of the game. Voss pitched a fine game , supported t > y Hrlggs , up to the end of thn fourth Inning , trhon he had a linger badly in Jutcd and was replaced by Dallas. 13rown was not In 'very good form , but his slow balls bactly .fooled tbo Dcnvcrs during the first half of the game. Score by Innings : Denver . a 0 1 a 4 0 3 3 0 15 .Lincoln . 2 0030001 1 7 Errors Denver 0 , Jjlacoln 0. Base hits- Denver 2-1 , Lincoln 11. Kuns earned Den ver 13 , Lincoln 0. Two base hits Smith 2 , JJcrr , McSorley , Hoover , Sllch , Phillips , iBeckloy , Toohoy. Three base hits Heckloy. llonio runs Voss. Double plays McSorloy | to Phillips to Smith ; Phillips to McSorley to ittailUi ; LangtoHowo to lieckloy ; Phillips * o AleSorloy. liases ou balls Voss 1 , Brown * . Hit by nltchcr llall and Bt-ckloy. iTassod balls Briggs 1. Struck out Voss o , iirown 3. Loft on bases Denver 9 , Lincoln B. Wild pitches Voss 1 , Brown 1. Batteries -Denver : Voss and Brlggs and Dallas. ( Lincoln : Brown and Hoover. Umpire 9 > caclc. | _ Lincoln Iun a Pitcher. KANSAS C TY , Neb. , Junr 23 [ Special Tol- Jogram to tbo BUK. ] Schwartzel , the crack pitcher of the Lcavenworth club , was sold to Lincoln to-day for § 700 and left for Lincoln to-night r ? The Kansas City-Loavenworth game was postponed to-day ou account of the bad cou- illtlon ot the grounds from ruins. v - ' Oauooln Defeats lAvld City. > OBCKOI.A , Neb. , Juno 85. [ Special to the - BEK. | David City and Osccola played a very Interesting came of base ball yesterday , re- lultlng In a victory for the homo team by n ecoro of 11 to I1. Below Is the score by in nlngs : Osceola. . 10003200 David City . 1110 41100-0 McCool WliiH tlio Game. McCooL JUNCTION , Nob. , JtinoM. fSpo- rial Telegram to the BKE.J In to-day'seame between McCool and Lushtou , the score was U to a lu favor of McCool. National Ijonguo Games. PiTTsnuBO , Juno 25. The eamobctwopn ' Ihe Pittsbnre and Washington teams to-day resulted as follows : | lttsburK..O a 01100000 0-4 Washington ! ) 031000000 1 5 ritchurs Galvln and Whitney. Base * hlts-1'lttnburg 12 , Washington 11. Errors 1 PltlsburK U , WaihlUKton 3. Umpire s' Powers. i ! CIIICAOO , Juno 25. The game between the . , Chicago and Boston teams to-day resulted S , ; as follows : i- ' Chicago 3 00000411 8 * < Boston 1 00013011 7 ft. , Pitchers Baldwin and Con way. 'Base s < hlts-Chlcflco 14 , Boston 13. Errors "f'Cblcaio8 , Boston & Umpire Doescher. * ' , Juno 25. The iramo bo- " twcen tbo Indianapolis and Philadelphia ' teams to-day resulted as follows : V , Indianapolis 0 13010001-5 A , , rhllixilelphln 3 0111014 0-11 V , iPltcliers Kirby and Cahill for Indianapo lis ; liuftlnton for Philadelphia. Base V hits Indianapolis 10. Phllndflphla Errors r-lndlanavolis 3 , Phlladolplila 3. Umpire Pparce. * DKTIIOIT , June25. The Kamo between the Detroit and New York teams to-day re- -nulled as follows ; ft" Detroit 0 00000300-3 t New York 3 1010005 * 15 Pltehcrs Weidman nnd Kcofc. Base "hlls-Dclrolt 10 ; New York 27. Errors- " Detroit 0 ; New York 3 Umpire Val entine. j j' The Ainorlcnii Association. 4v DAT.TIMOHK , June 25. The Kama between d ) the Baltimore and Athletics to-day resulted . . M follows : < T.4 ' Baltimore , 0 00041013 8 iAthletlo 0 30000011 5 iv Pitchers iiiiiltli and Alkintiou. Base hits lia Baltimore II , Athletic 10. Eirors-Baltl- . . , j ere 4 , Athletics 4. Umpire JU-ruuson. \ Niw : YnitK , JuneS ! . The Ramo between fiii the HrooUyns and Metropolitans resulted as VM.follows : . Metrotxlltans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 'Brooklyn 0 0001100 0 2 a. Pitchers Mays and Tcrry. Base hits * " Metropolitans 8 , Brooklyn 11. Errors-Mot- ftattopolitansS , Brooklyn 0. Umpire Curry. S CI.KVKI.ANP , June 25. The game be- oit twccn Cleveland and St. Louis teams to-day gfTMUItcd aa follows : P * Cleveland 0 00000000 0 i"8t. ; Louis I 0000003 * i ! i , " . Pitchers Morrison and Itinir. Base Vv * ! U8 Clevelanu" , St. Louis ft Errors Clave- - fcndfl , St.lxulsO. Umpire MnQuado. t > CINCINNATI , Juno 24. The Kamo between the Cincinnati and Louisville teams was postponed to-duy on account of rain , > Nortliwc8t rn Lieaeno Game * . DKS MOINES , Juno 25. Oames to-dny In the Northwe.stern league : Dos Molnes 0 , " Milwaukee ? , at Milwaukee ; Ean Claire in , < c Minneapolis 10 , nt Mlnncanolln ; St. 1'nul I'i , i. Dulutli C. at St. Paul ; Oslikodh 5 , La Crosse $ f t TB , at Oshkosh. t Ttio niorclo Tournament. ir The opeuln day of the bicycle tournament ll * J t Association park was RSIICCOM. All day , " 25 'the heavens were obscured by heavy , leaden . t clouds , and their threatening aspect irept * f many from the grounds who would othri- Ofti. vise hare cone. However , as It was , there v wa a talr attendance , and the sport was ol 1 a the most exhilarating and enjoyable cbarnc- " ? ' < * tir , la the grand stand there were probably , aw people , vrlth a ( air representation of the ' f : \ft\t \ ex , whllo the open teats wore well Illled and the quartcr-Ma'tch numerously dotted After stlrrlnr overture by the Musical * t Union band , the judgei. Mr. H. E , Cliarlei rtt tb Ixloo lub , Now York city , and Mr , § ndy QrlixTold. ot the BKK , and the timer ? ilwtrj. J. f.Allard and Ucorse E.Kay , too ; their position In the stand , ) and the first event on the afternoon's card , tlio 3:30 : class , amateur , ono mile , two best In three , was called. Mr. I1 rank Parmolco ofllclatcd as pistol flrrr. Tlio starters were Edwin 11. Cody , Dlehl WurtT. . P. Cinmer , John 11. Kastman , John W. C. Itlorton , of Omaha ; M. A. Sailor. J. It. Stockdalo , of Minneapolis , und Will I'attcrson , of Plattsmouth. They cot a line start , Ctirrlo leading for the first lap , but ho was passed In order by Stockdale , Wurtz and Patterson , who main tained tlielr respective positions until the chalk line was Missed. Tlme-btockdale , 3:18 : ; Wurtz , 3:18 : 3-5 ; Patterson , 3'J'J. : In the second heat all dropped out lint Stockilale , Wurtr , I'attcrson , lllcrton and Currlo , and after a spirited contest , they ranis out as before Stockdalo , Wurt/ and Patterson. Time Stockdalo , 3:52 : 3-5 ; Wurtz , 3:50 : : Patterson. 3J50 3-5. The swond event was n boys' race , half mile , best two In threo. There were but two starters , W. It. Plxley and Julius Bnrthcl , Bnrthcl being allowed 100 yards handicap. Tim dash was an ex citing one , younc Plxloy electrifying the audience by n line burst of speed on the home stretch and landing himself winner by twpiity-llvn yard ? . Tlmo-Pixiey , 1:23 : ; Baithol , 2:11. : For some unaccounted for reason this race was not completed , and no awards were made. The following attraction was the 3:00 : class , amateurs , with Tlios. F. Ulackmore , Charles Pcabody nnd itolit. Smith , of Omaha , and h. O. Sas-age. of Minneapolis , for the starters. This was a beautiful raos , notwithstanding no very tcmarkablo time was made. resultIng - Ing In a dead heat between Pcabody and Smith , with Savage third. On rounding the homo stretch B.'ackmoio ' went over his wheel , and for a moment both steed and rider were lost In a cloud of dust , and sustain lug some very severe contusl n.s , ho withdrew. Time Peabody , 3:10 : ; Smith , 3:10 : 'J-5 ; Savage , 320. ; In the second heat Saviuo led at the start , lie was quickly overhauled by Peabody , however - over , who maintained his position to tlio close , Smith and Savage crossing the line simultaneously. The second place , however , was given to Smith by the judges on a claim of foul , Savairo having crowded him out of position on rounding the turn tor home. Time Pcabody , i:03 ! : 3-5 ; Smith , 3OU : 1-5 ; Savage , 3:091-5. : The event of the day was the professional one mile handicap and repeat , and this fol lowed the three minute class. The starters were Tom Hard wick , ( with fortv yards statt ) ot Galena , Kansas ; Wilbur K. Knapp ( scratch ) ; John S. Prince , Omaha 'scratch ) ; Ed Bulloci : ( loity ynids start ) , llalr , and S. b. Whlttaker ( twenty yards tart ) , Chicago , III. There was much speculation as to the out- : omo of tlio race , local enthusiasts claiming hat it was n walkover for Prince , and if 'rinco didn't take it , Knapp , the Colorado lminploti , would. The result shows what the average tip on 'cycles , as well as live short 'alls , Is worth to tlio ambitious sport who issays . to line his pocket by workliu them. ' At the Hash of the gun they go toir evenly , the cowboy setting the pace , but It only ro- qulred three laps to pump him , ana Knapp and Prince both passed him and Hardwlck , ind bent to the.'r ' work to overtake the doughty Chtcagoan. This , however , was rt ' ) leger job than they had contracted for , and 10 lead them across the chalk line an easy winner. Time Whlttaker , 3:502-5 : ; Knapp , 3:05 : ; 'rl ' nee , 3:07. : The second heat was a fair duplicate of the first , Whlttitker. to the surprise of the other iontcAtants , declining to avail himself of the .mndlcap , but Insisted n scoring irom the scratch. He glided to the front nt the start , uid never relinquished It until the race was > vou. vou.TlmeWhlttaker , 3:00 : 4-5 ; Knapp , 3:01 : 1-5 ; tluco , 3:014-5. : And thin wound up a highly interesting programme , and If enthusiasm goes for mght , there should bo at least from ono Jiousand to fifteen t hundred people nit to see the sport this atternoon Theio nro six attractive events on the card In addition to a number or foot races , which will bo sandwiched with the "cycling. It Is a healthful and beautiful iport , calculated not only to elevate the morals , but to developo the physique , and is well worthy of the most liberal patronage. NOTKS AND COMMKNTS. "What's the matter wltn Prince ? That's ivhat the local 'cyclists want to know. Third's a dizzy position for a rider of John S.'s rep. Whlttaker and Peabody , of all the contest ants , were the only ones who rode in correct bicycle costume. The wheelmen , headed by the Musical Union band , will parade to the park at 1 o'clock sharp this afternoon. Whlttaker says he wants no handicap from any man In Omaha. If there is anv liandl- cap sto bo given away , he'll make a few pres- outs himself. ramme for this afternoon , In ad- illtlnn to the three mile dash lor amateurs , S3 class ; the live mile dash , 3CO : class ; the three mile dash,3is : class and professional ten mlle dash , embraces a half mile professional foot race , with seven entries , nnd a quarter mile amateur foot race , eiirht entries. This will enliven the 'cycla trials and enhance the af ternoon's sport materially. Whlttaker goes aealnst Prince and Knapp again to-day In a ten mlle dash. In this Prince and Knapp are both expected to show up In eood shape , although neither Is lu the tettlo that Whlttaker Is. More expedition will be exercised In getting off tlio events this aftprnoon. and the audl- ieneo need uot tear the tiresome waits of yes- teiday. _ _ _ _ _ The Amtirlcnii Derby , CHICAGO , June 25. The annual summer meeting began to-day at Washington Park. The attendance was the largest ever seen ou the ground , being estimated at from 30,000 to 85,000. The Derby , estimated at S14,0X ( > , was won by D. J. McCatty's chestnut colt C. H. Todd , by Joe Hooker , dam Itosa B. , and was ridden by Hamilton. Ho was run out by another Callforulan , the Baldwin filly Miss Ford with West in the saddle. All ages , ono mlle : Jacobin won , Aurella second , Luke of Bourbor third. Timo40K' All ages , six turlougs ; Eva Kohlon , won , Alleghenoy second , Blue-Eyed Belle third. Time 1:17. : All ages , six furlongs : Tom Uptc rove won , Cay Sexton second , Drumstick third. Time 1:16. : American derby for three-year-olds , mile and a half. Starters : Whlto Nose ( Stnval ) , Libretto ( Withers ) , Kenelon ( Shaucr ) , Clar ion ( Arnold ) , Cary ( Hlaylock ) , Gollali ( Mur phy ) , Miss Foia ( West ) , Jim Gore ( L. Jones ) , C. II. Todd ( Hamilton ) , Montiosc ( Lewis ) , Terra Cotta ( McCarthy ) , Mary ( Kiley ) , Sale Ban ( Schlutious ) , Hindoo Hose ( Garri son ) . After bomo delay at the post they were sent elf to a good start , Feuoloii. Cary. Moiitrnso and Jim Gore up in the front rank. Fouclon at once taking the It-ad and showing the way around past the three-quar ter pole , with Terra Cotta In second place , Cary , Montrose and Jim Gore following In their order , and comlnir down past the stand at A rapid gait , all bunched , the order of the leaders unchanged , and Miss Ford running Into liUU place , and nway they rushed around thn club house turn , Feueion leading easily , Terra Cotta lapped by Cary , following , with ttio order tlio same at the quanur pole , but as they ran Into back stretch. Todd np and rode him into third place as they reacheu the halt mile , whore for a mo ment Terra Cotta had taken the load und was ahead In front of Fenelon ana Todd at his saddle , Cary. GollahPiid Miss Ford fol lowing close In their order. On the far turn Fenelou collared Terra Cotta and led him into the hnmt ) .stretch. Cary was now third a-neek In front of Todd nnd Gollah lapped , andalldrivlncr. Fenelon first causbt the whip and then Terra Cotta , the latter responding and coming ahead took the Irad. Before reaching the furlong poln Fenelon , Miss Ford and C. H. Todd clo d up , all whlnpliitr. and Mary , now making hei run , came fast. Terra Cotta falling at thn dls- tance stanl , and itan.iUon , carrying C. H , Todd to the iront , won after a driving finis ! ] by a neck from Miss Ford second , Marv third , nearly two lengths away. Time 2:3fK. : Two-vear-old allies , live furlongs : Zulolka , won. Wlnoua second , Huntress third , 'lltw Mile and a quarter , over five hurdles : As- cell won. Judge Jackson second , The Doctoi third. Tluie-2M. : _ Rhcepiihnnd Uny Races. NK\V VortK. June 25. Tno attendance was large , the weather Hue , and the track fast a Shecpjhead bay to-day. Tlio following U tbi summary : Milo * Bonanza won , Bess second , Glcanei third. Tml:43V. ! : . Mllo. maiden twu-year-olds : Umpire won Belledore second , Locust third. Tlmo-llS : > ( One and thrtHMjuarter miles : The Ban won , Barnuru second , Elk wood third. Time- 3:03. : 3:03.Quo and three-sixteenth' : Fiorcnct M. won , Klchmond second , Berlin third. l'lma-2:03lf. : Ono and three-sixteenth miles : Brown Duke won , Boaz second , Telllo Dee third. Timc-2w. : Handicap , hurdle , two miles : Mammonlst won , Judge Griffiths second , Shamrock third. Titno-4U3. : _ The GoiiGHtn Will Win , [ Copi/Hi/M JtwT LU James Gorf. ' < n BennclL ] LONDON , Juno 25. [ Now York Herald lablo Special to the BKK.J The Uencsta as evidently won tho'great jubilee race Irre- pectlvo of all tlmo allowance. The yachts- iicn at the clubs this morning were amusing lemselves with reflections that only people i-lio know nothing about yachts during thence nco are those who have paid Sl'-O each to ollow these lu the Norham Castle. No oubt the passengers have enjoyed the views f the Hebrides and the pleasure of good ca air and brilliant sunshine , but they lost ho London Illuminations and processions , nd have not been able to discover n single acing yacht from the second day after start up. Ono passenger Is a special reporter ngaged for n New York dally. Few els have been made , Inasmuch as It was bo- oved from tlio outset that Sir Hlolmrd Sut- oil's experienced navigation nnd skill In andling the Ucnesta must result in his vlnnlug. The Field to-day says : The progress of ho Norham Castle appears to bo somewhat ko that of the steamer which set out to cpompany the race of the Cambria nnd appho In 1870 nnd to mark the course. She the yachts after the first hour , though unking a pleasure trip to the French coast. ml saw nothing of them until she returned o Cowcs next morning , where she found hem at anchor. Those on board the Nor- am Castle have , however , been able to glean lome news of the yachts , for , as ono special lorrespondent on board naively remarks , hey have at last been able to hear something f the yachts by reading the telegrams In the newspapers. _ _ _ Yale Freshmen Victorious. NJW : LONDON , Conn. , Juno 23. The two- mlle straightaway race between tlio freshmen f the universities of Yale and Pennsylvania itartcd at 7:05.55 : this evening. The action f the Yale men was magnificent , their itroko being full , vigorous and clean , In dis- Inct contrast to that of their opponents , ivho pulled ragged. The starting stroke was hlrty-four for Yale and thirty-six for Penn- iylvauia. At thn half mile , which was lassud by Yale In 2:21 : , the rate was : Yale hlrty-livo , Pennsylvania thirty-four , and hero was open water between them going ip toward the mile flits. Yale passed the mile Inlf)2 : > f , four length * In front. A milo find a halt was covered by Yale In 0r : s , with mother length added to her lead. Shu fin- shPd In 9 minutes and 55 seconds , five and a ialf lengths ahead of Pennsylvania. Time American Athletes in London. [ C'opi/rfght 1SS7 by Jcimci Gordon Vcnnett LONDON , Juno 2. > . [ New York Herald Jable Special to the BEK. ] This has boon ho day of the summer meeting of the Lon don athletic club at Stamford Bridge , justbe- end Buffalo Bill's Wild West exhibition. Great interest arose from E. D. Lange , H. J. Young and W. B. Page , all ot the Manhattan athletics , of Now York , having entered for the two-mllo walk , thirty yard lurdles , and high jump respectively. About 2,000 attended , including many ladies. The mile and a half handicap was won 'rom the Scratla mark by A. B. George , a young brother of W. G. Geoigo , In 230 yards. The level race , C. G. Wood , of the Black- hcath Harrier's club , lowered the record with 2:14 : 5 seconds. The first New Yorker out was Young for .ho hurdles , wearing an elastic stocking on Ills left leg and the Manhattan colors on its breast. Ho ran In the fourth heat , but only cot second , four yards behind , giving ho winner eight yards. Ho explained his iletcat by saying : "My left leg Is sprung and am afraid of Intbrfurrlnc with my cham pionship chancc-haal gone faster. My IB * has Improved lately. I hope to be all right for July 3 , when linn for the Ameteur cham pionship 0110 hundred and twenty yards hur dle. " The next race was a two mlle walk , with Lange , the smallest of the competitors. Ho was on the fi cratch with the Spartan Harrier Adamson , a very fabt walker , but L'.ingo led him fifty yards In the first half mile , and walking remarkably well , amid cries of "Bravo , Lange , " "Go on , Lange , " and continuous cheering. He took thu lead a half milo from tlio finish , and , walking well without exertion , finished at 14 minutes , 32 seconds , only cloven seconds behind the record , which could have prob ably been beaten had ho been pushed , as ho did tlio first mile in seven minutes. Young took Lang straight In the decision room , where ho held an impromptu reception , sev eral judges and their friouus coming to greet tlio American. I asked Lange what ho in tended doing with his prize , which was a silver cup. lie laughingly replied : "i shall take It to New York ana exhibit it iu the club house for the boys. " Pate ; , who had a very easy task In the high jump , hut who came solely to win the cham pionship next Saturday , thought discretion the better part of valor and refused to jump , because , as ho explained , his foot was still sote and weak , caused by his great jump nt Madison Square gardens. Ho has his first jump next Thursday , and Saturday compotes almost untrained. He is obliged to take dally swimming practice to keep himself In training exercise. The prizes were distributed by Lady Mayoress Hanson , whose husband Is one of the vice presidents of the club. She intro duced another vlco president , who spoke flatteringly of Lango's victory , adding : "It will do good In both countries to see for eigners come here and win our prl/.es. " All three Americans assuied me that the London Athletic Club , who had made them all honorary membeis , had and are dolnt all they can to make their visit comfortable. The Ij fover'a Weekly Crack. The Lofever Gun club hold Its wceklv shoot on the Omaha Gun club grounds , back of Shontield's warehouse on Nicholas street , yesterday aftei noon. The attendance was slim , but the shooting far above mediocre. The first shoot was six single blue rocks , IS yards' rise , witli the following score : Penroso . 1 1 0 Brewer . 1 1111 0-5 AbeicrombU . 1 o 0 0 1 l-S Kotcham . I 0 i 0 1 0 3 CtirysUr . 0 1 5 Townbend . 0 00010-1 Small . 0 11000-2 Nason . I 01001-8 llurcpsg . 1 1110 1 5 Fltchctt . 0 1111 1 5 The second match was the Club shoot , for the Lclever medal , held the past week bv Kennedy , ' slnclo blue rocks , 18 yards' rise , nnd which came out as follows : Fitchett . mio itioi 11111 inn noio-si Nason . oioiooatoi inn 001 n 11011 ta TowntPnil . 00011 llltC 11001 W100 00010-10 Chrysler . 10111 null 11110 1II1U 11110- ? ) iiunrefs . loioi ooin neil 10101 uoiu-ia Abercroiuble. . . .10101 01111 Oolll 00111 UUHj-10 Kek-ham . 01111 00010 J1011.J0110 10010-14 Siniill . mill 01100 OIOJ1 01011 10011-14 Mr. FHchett , having made the highest spore , carries the medal for the current week. Following tlita came an Interesting 50-blrd match between I'onrose and Brewer , Brewer tiling his new magazine Winchester. It was a hot contest , the champion , Penrose , com ing out just two birds In the van. Ihe score : Pen robe-l 01111111111101111 111101 10101111110111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 . Brewer-1 111111111110111111 11111100111100101111111 1001111 1 42. Besides these three events there were FOV- cral minor shoots of hardly sufficient Inter est to warrant a publication of the score. Ijocal Sporting 1'lpa. Barrett's circus and menagerie Is billed for Omaha Monday , July 11. Next year , the management asseveiwte. In accents wJIrt , that they'll have a team that'IJ eat the pennant blood. raw I Hope so , , ' The Omahas duplicated their. Ftlday'i game at Hastings yesterday afternoon , again coming out on top by a score of C to 4. 1/ook out for a netf mfin in the points for the Omahas. He's adandy , should they suc ceed In securing turn , and it looks as It they woula. ' An effort will bn made to ect on with the prospective Warren-Miller feather vplsht bout In Omaha. jJfrnUI , though , It can't bo accomplished. The Omahas have An-opnorttinlty to secure Norman Baker , a pitcher of national reputa tion , and they'd betterEUiUch the opportunity baldheaded. w < The west end of the grand stand Is to bo boarded up and the frco scats moved up flush with tlio stand in order ) to afford a better view for those who qliooso to occupy these. Workmen will begin tlio erection of a re porters' btand at the ball park Monday , Im mediately In the rear of the back stop , within Iho grand stand. A much needed improve- nent. Mr. A. G. Courtney , traveling representa tive of the Lefevio Arms company. Syracuse , X i. , and W. A. Greisory , ot thn lEemlngtou Flro Arms company , illoii , N. ' Y. , nro at the Mlllard. There Is to bo two great games at assocla- lon park on the Fourth , forenoon and after noon , with the Delivers. It will be an extra occasion , of course , and there Is to bo music and flags and all that sort of a till HIT. A hugo bulletin board will bo put up to the left of the grand stand , at the ball park , this week , on which all National league nnd Western league games will bo bulletineddur- nS the games' upon tlio local grounds. Another commendable stroke of enterprise. John P. Clew , who knocked out Chicago's fter , Tom Hindi , at Minneapolis Friday ilcht , it seems still claims tills city as his residence. Thought Omaha had put such a crimp In this man Clew that ho had forever renounced her as a home , or temporary abiding place oven. Tbo Penrose-Uardln team , which Includes n addition to these two well known shots , Petty and Mart/ , are out with a challenge to shoot a telegraphic match with any team In the United States or Cauadas. Stakes to be nutually agreed upon. Arrangements wore consummated ycster- ilay for a race , go-as-you-please , between Jerry Murphy , of Omaha , nnd an unknown , from this city to Lincoln and return , for a jnirso of 8100 , to como off some tlmo In Au gust. It will bo u novel event and exclto iiucli interest in sporting circles. Danipl O'Leary , the progenitor of pedes- Tlaulsm in this country , and who has been In Omaha for the past eight weeks , leaves this morning for DCS Molnes , la. , wliere ho goes into a seventy-two-liour walkIng - Ing match which commences Monday ( to morrow ) evening. G. W. Nollls , jr. , the bicyclist en route from Hcrklmer , N. Y. , to San Francisco , and at present taking In the touiimment here , expects to reach his destination about Auirust 15. Ho is making this lonir pilgrim age in tno interests of that excellent Journal , the Wheel und Itccreatlou , and Is writing up his cxpertcnco iu seiial form as ho goes along. D. E. Fletcher , a local all-round athlete , wants to go against any man in Nebraska for S100 or S200 and the championship of the state , In tlio hltch-and-ktck , two feet kick , pole-vaulting , runnlng-high-jump , three standing jumps without weights , 125-ynul inrdlo race , sixty-yard dash , running hop- Btop-and-juuip , and catch-as-catch-can wres tle. Man and money to bo found at the St. Charles' _ CONVICTED , OF MUUDEK. Ed Carr Fonu'd Guilty of HIlllnR AVarrjon l onc. ALBION , Nob. , Juno'25. ( Special to the BEK.I The trial of Kd Carr , for the murder of Warren Lone at fc > t ; Edward , In this county , on the cvenlngf of the Gthof April last , was cornmcnce'd ! In the district court on Tuesday of this week , and has occupied the attention of the court until yesterday after noon , when It wasrglvQti to the Jury , who still remain out. The trial has excited great Interest , and the attendance was so largo that the opera house hall had to bo engaged to accommodate those who wished to hear the trial. County At tor'hoy * Austiuo and C. J. Green , Esq. , of Omalik , conducted the prose cution , and ex-Judge ArmstrongHon. W. M. Robertson and Hon. G. W. Brown ap peared for the detensB. 'The trial has been ably conducted , and the arguments of the at torneys showed that much thought and labor had been given to the case. LATEII. The jury have just came Into court nnd returned a verdict for murder in the first degree. Judge Armstrong lias liled a motion for a new trial. Grnnd Island Gleanings. GIIAND ISLAND. Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to the BKI : . ] A largo and nppic- clatlve audience witnessed the exercises given by the high school last night at Bar- tenbach's opera house. The programme was interesting throughout and an admittance fee was cnarged of 50cent5 , and the proceeds given towards paying a small deficiency that exists In the soldiers' homo fund. About SSOO was raised. Considerable excitement was caused yes terday by the arrest of several prominent business men who refused to pay their occu pation tax. E. V. Van Camp resisted Officer O'tfell and qulto'a sciifllo ensued , which re sulted In Van Camp's being taken before Police Judge Gam and lined and put In jail. Others gave ball and the question of the validity of the law is to bo tested In the courts. The necessity of the law was caused by too low valuations by the assessors , which whpn taxed to the full limit falls to produce suffi cient revenue for the city's expenses. Au thorities differ as to the legality of enforcing such a tax. The nverago'valuatlons made by assessors here has been only about ono tenth of the actual valuation. A big law suit will bo the final outcome , as both sides are de termined to fight on the question occupation tax. The city needs the revenue and a de termined effort will be made to collect the tax. Several more arrests will bo made to day. day.Crops are promising beyond measure. They ceitalnly never have looked better than now , so far as oats and corn are concerned. Abundant but not excessive rains have kept them BrewIng - Ing nicely and with a favorable terminal of the season the crop will be enormous. Tlio chinch bug is doing some local work on wheat. The building boom Is still on and several large blocks are to go up. Bonds are to be voted on for the building of a city hall and enlargement of the waterworks system. Surprised the Minister. OAKLAND , Nob. , Juno 25. ( Special to the BEE. ] The event of the sen = on hern was a surprise party given llov. Mr. White and family , of this place , by the ladles of the Lutheran society and others last evening. Early In the ovenine carriages were sent over the town to convey thpso who wished to par ticipate , and soon they 'began to "throng nis castle. " each of tbenj' bringing presents of some kind and money. Tno host and nostess were taken with surprt'TSjlmt met all partici pants at the door wfth a'most cordial wel come. Itefreshmcnla , were served and a pleasant and enjovfttle'-tlnio passed. The purse of money was presented to the family by Mrs. K. Smith. Revr-Mr , White has en deared himself to th ( | < eo lo of Oakland and vicinity by his ChristlnWijllrlt and nerslstent work as a minister ot'lhe cospel. The event will long be roniemtwre'd , by the reverend , family and all partlcipantA. Commenccment-At Wllhcr. Wii.nF.rt , Neb. , Jnn 25. [ Special to the BEK. ] The eloslne exercises of the Wllber public school took placa , yesterday. The year's work has been , a mpst successful one. The second annual j graduation exercises were held In the high school room , Miss Elva Bhinc. the only member of the class , receiv ing a diploma. The school last year was placed upon the accredited list of the state university , and graduated a class of three , the first sent out from a high school of baline county. Tlio outlook for next year Is eood , If the school can be so fortunate as to retain Prof. Penrse and the excellent corps of teachers. The Suicidal Mania. OAKLAND , Neb. , June 25. ( Special Tele gram to the BIIE.J Mrs. Fred Bruce of Oak land , endeavored to commit suicide last evening by cutting her throat with a razor severing the anterior jugular ; veins , and .cut ting through the wind pipe. By Immediate 'attention , rendered by Dr. Clark , her life was saved" . It U believed she Was snfferlni ; 'with aberration of tlio mind , as this Is the 'second attempt she has made to take her life WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , The Gollapso of Wheat in Chicago in No Way Affects the Banks. MONEY LOANS ON SAFE MARGINS of lending Railroads Show CoiiHltlernblo Improvement Over the Corresponding 1'orlod Liftst Year. CmcAon , Juno 25. | Spoclnl Telegram to ho BIE. : | Local financial affairs Attracted considerable attention during the week just closed. Complications arising out of the re cent collapse of the wheat market have In volved seine of the local banking lustltu- .Ions , us they advanced quite liberally on that description of property , but the losses sustained will bo mungro , as the bulk of the oans were made on wldo margins. All the Chicago banks are undoubtedly solvent , and no fears need be cmtortalned of any loss ou .heir account. The property they hold will 30 gradually disposed of , so as not to make any Impression on ttio market , and the noney returned to the banks. The demand tor money during the week was fair , though not so urgent as during the previous three or four weeks. The amounts called lor , too , were smaller than usual , Indicating that par ties wanted sufficient funds to tldo over the present emergency or until they get their [ xffalrs settled up. Speculative paper was In little favor and very little was accepted by t > anks. Considerable money was forwarded to the country to pay for grain and live stock received , but chlclly through commission houses. Lumbermen and whole sale merchants have asked for few favors and Have been accommodated. Some demand lias existed lor money for the payment of property to bo delivered on July contracts and some money has been loaned at very wldo and safe nmrt'lcs. Katesof Interest are well maintained at GK@7 per cent on rail and C@8 per cent on time loans , depending on the standing of borrower and the amount required. Some paper was oflcrod on the street and accepted at about bank rates. Money at eastern financial centres Is gradu. illy working closer.owlng to the drain on the banks irum western depositors and Increased amounts required to pay for liberal quantities of grain being forwarded to that quarter. Kates of iuteiest have been advanced to G@U l > er cent. In foreign financial centers thcio Is no particular change to note. Money Is abundant nt lair rates of interest. New York exchange was ollered rather Ireely during the past week , whllo the demand was only fair. The market was weak and somewhat unsettled and sales were madn between banks at GO@SO cents discount pur § 1,000 and closed rather easy at C0g05 ( cents discount. Foreign cXclmtiKO was In good supply owing to the Increased exports ot cotton , petroleum and grain and the demand was somewhat limited. The market ruled weak and ship pers' sixty documentary bills on London changed hands at 34.81 > 4.bai and closed rather slow at S4.8l4.81MTna Now York stock market showed a little morn ac tivity during tlio past week and prices ruled somewhat irregular and averaged lower. learnings of the loading railroads still show considerable Improvement over the returns of last year , but the unsettled feeling In commercial and financial circles has caused some realizing by parties who have been carrying round lots. Early in the week the market was steadier and prices were slightly higher , but within the pat > t two or tlircu days a weak feeling was manifested. With largo offerings the market was decidedly unsettled and prices declined heavily. At ono time a panic was feared. but largo operators purchased liberally and checked the decline. Wall street operators traded rather freely , but outside traders were somewhat indifferent about making transactions. London operators were mod erately tree sellers , and the feeling abroad was less favorable to American securities than lor some time past. Sales on the New York stock Exchange during the week ag- Krecated 'J ,000,000 shares , Business on the Chicago board of trade stock cxchaneo was comparatively light during the early part ot the week , but a little more activity was mani fested toward tlio close. Operators shave not fully recovered irom thcctlects of the recent panic in the grain markets , and were not disposed to trade much In stocks at present. Dealers In local bonds , stocks and securities nlhc were Indifferent about trading to any oxtent. As might be expected , the past week has been an unsettled onu in produce circles , due to the effects ot the recent sharp decline In prices of cereals , rumors of further linanclal complications ails- ing therefrom and the Inability of solvent houses to close up their trades satisfactorily Considerable nervousness was manifested early in the week and distrust and lack of confidence prevailed to some extent as was evinced by free calling of margins , but all demands were promptly met and no f all- in es of any significance were reported. The assurance given oy loading capitalists and bankers that they would stand by each other In any emergency , deeming the piesent prices of property reasonable , also haa a strengthening Intluenco and tended greatly to encourage legitimate bnslness. While the losses sustained have been quite large in the aggregate outside of three or four houses , they were very widely scattered , Such a BO vero shrinkage In values could not have been sustained without impairment of capital , and considering all the fortunate surroundings of the trade the commission houses of Chicago may be congratulated on supporting their finan cial standing as well as they have In sus taining the brunt of the panic. Within the past two or three days the outlook has been more encouraging , and more contUlouce lias been expressed In nil quarters. Trade Is Im proving gradually , and there Is little doubt but business will be on a more solid basis after deliveries on July contracts have been made. The linns who were nnloitun- ately carried down with the wieck have mndc propositions to their creditors , and are settling up as rapidly as possible prepara tory to resuming business. Speculative trading has been comparatively lluht dining the week , as operators desired to clo'se np their affairs generally. Inquiry on shipping account was quite brisk and trading In tlio aiicrcgato showed a market ! improve ment. IJeceipts of crain have been moderate at all western points , considerably less than during the previous two or three weeks. Ex ports from the seaboard were quite liberal , with prospects that they will bo considerably enlarged during thn next three or four weens. Arrival of II vo stock lm\o been large at all western points. 1'acklnir in the west h pro- glossing favorably , thoucli not quite as large now as at this time last year , yet showing an Increase since March 1 as compared with re turns of last season. Nine Million Dollars Turned Loose. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. Secretary Fairchild - child this afternoon telegraphed to all assis tant treasurers directing the payment of July Interest checks and coupons upon presenta tion. Many of the Interest checks for regis tered bonds were mailed In advance in an- tlclpatlon of this action , so as to facilitate their payment. The effect will be the re lease irom the sub-treasury of about 50,000,000. The remainder of the Interest checks will be mailed to-day. APnronhlsl UoHldenoo Robbed. RAPID CITY , Dak. , June 25. [ Special Tel egram to the UKK.I Last night unknown parties entered the parochial residence In this city and ransacked the house. Clothing and other articles were torn and strewn on ( lie floor. Part of the communion service was stolen. Jtev. Father Mahoney Is at pres ent In Doadwood. and the amount stolen cannot bo ascertained till hr returns. No clue to the thief. Bad Collectors Indicted. READING , Pa. . June 25. The Hcrks coun ty grand jury , which has been Investigating frauds among the tax collectors , to-day re- tnrned Indictments ngalnst cloven collectors , alt prominent citizens , for misappropriating and misusing public funds , aggregating Thirty others will In all probability bs indicted. _ Ynlc'a Academy Graduates. NEW HAVEN. Juno 25. The chss to be graduated from the academy department of Yale next Wednesday numbers 151 , the largest class ever graduated from that de partment. Another Mgntlicant fact' is that every member succftsifully passed the'annual examination , something that has never oc curred before. MORSE'S ' LINENS , BEDSPREADS Enormous Bale To-Morrow of Bed Spreads , Towels and Sheeting. Bed Spreads 50c , Worth UOc ; Finest Marseilles Spreads $ : .lO Mar- sclllcH Spreads $1 Towels and filicctlncs , Monday. The wliito bed spreads that wo pur chased nt the auction sale hold by Messrs. Bliss , Fabyan & Co. , Now York.Mny 3Ist , being the entire slock ou haud of the CroatHATES HATES MANUFACTURING CO. Were so greatly appreciated by our cus tomers that wo will offer another lot MONDAY MOUN1NU. Our prices for bedspreads are only a few cents above the auction prlco. S. P. MOUSE & Co. HED SPREADS 50o. 100 largest size Honeycomb 15cd Spreads that are actually worth OOo. Sale price 50o. MARSEILLES HEU SPREADS $1. 150 largo 12-4 si/.o Marseilles lied Spreads , a quality that no ono else will soil less than $1.50. Our pnco $1. COLORED MARSEILLES SPREADS $3. Wo will also offer 100 finest colored Marseilles Bed Spreads , a quality worth $3. Our price $3. MARSEILLES BED SPREADS $3.90. At $3.90 wo will offer the liuest and largest Marseilles Bed Spreads made by the Bates Manufacturing company. These Spreads sold in the AUCTION SALE FOR $1.10 , but \vo secured some odd lots loft ou the auctioneers' hands by parties who could not pay cash for them after having bought them. S. P. MOUSE & Co. FINEST 10-4 SHEETING 80 CENTS. From the Wamsutta Mills wo closed out all their short lengths of finest 10-4 linen finished sheetings in pieces from 9 to 80 yards , and will offer the 40 CENT SUKKTIXaS FOU 30 CHNTS , 45 CENT SIIKKTINO3 1'OU 80 CENTS , in pieces of 9 , 10 , 13 , 15 , 20 , 21 and 30 yards. S. P. MORSE & Co. TOWELS 25 CENTS 8:15 : A. M. Monday morning we will put in our 25 cents towel box nil the 35 , 50 and 75 cent towels m our open boxes ; there is in all about 85 DOZEN 35 CENT TOWELS. * V'V 25 JO7.iN : 50 CENT TOWELS. " ' 15 DOZEN 65 CENT TOWELS. 10 DOZEN 75 CENT TOWELS. All at 25 cents at 8.15 a. m. Monday. Ihoscwho arc fortunate enough to be on hand will get bargains. S. MOKSE & Co. LACES 10 CENTS. At the same time we will sell 50 PIECES BHETONNE LACE lOc. 25 PIECES ORIENTAL LACE lOo. M PIECES ORIENTAL LACE 15c. They are worth double the price and are worth seeing. , S. P. MORSE & CO. lotva Supreme Court Decisions. DKS MOINES , la. , Juno 2.5. ( Special Tele gram to the JJnK.J The supreme court liled the following decisions hero to-day : Nettie IJalnsbaigervs Union Mutual Aid association , appellant , llardln county , lie- versed. Opinion by llocd , Hock dissenting. S. K. Uellamy & Sons vs T. S. Cathcait and others , appellants , Marion district. Un versed. Amos Ketchum , appellant vs Mary White and others , Kniroct circuit. Allirmed. Ellis Dunsmoro vs Central Iowa railway company , appellant , Mahaska circuit , lie- versed. Eli/abcth Stein vs City ot Council Whiffs , apnpllant. Uoversed. S. L. Wordcu , administrator , vs Ilnmcs- ton & SbonandMih railway company , appell ant. Gage Circuit. Itctcrsod. Myers , Sclireiner < ic Co. vs Council IJIulfs Insurance company , appellant , Adair circuit. Affirmed. liahcock & Thompson vs Chlcaco & North- wcsteiu railway company , appellant. Story circuit. Reversed. The Watson Coal and Minlnc company vn J. V. James et al , appellant , Warren circuit. Aflirmed. Sioux City's Now Street Railway. Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 8. " > . fSpecial Tele gram to tlio JJin. : | Articles of Incorporation of the Sioux City & Morning Side Street rail way company were liled for record to-day. The Incorporators arc William L. Joy , E. C. Peters , Ed llaaklnson , J. O. Patterson and F. Pcrhlilns ; . The object of the corporation Is to locate , construct , maintain , equip and operate one or more lines of street railway over and alone the streets , alleys and public roads within the corporate limits of Sioux City and Into the countiy adjacent thereto. Thi ) capital stock of the company is SirjQ.OOO , divided into shares of 5100 cat h. Business will be commenced when 20,000 has been paid In. _ Nominated Tor Btnto Senator , Dr.s MOINKS. la. , Juno % [ Special Tele gram to the HKK.J The republicans of the Lucas and Wayne county districts have nominated Colonel Waucn S. Uongan , to be state senator. The nomination , which was conceded to Lncai county , was suttlnd by primary vote to-day and Is equivalent to an election. JudKC RoducrR * Successor. DKS Motxr.s la. , Juno 20. ( Special Tele gram to the HKI : . | The governor has ap pointed Hon. Charles W. Waterman as judjjo of the Seventh judicial district , to succeed tlio late Judge Itodgerd. Mr. Water man lias been a member of tlio legisla ture for Scott county , and 1s a republican. lie was hlchly recommended for the place by leading citizens of both panics. An Omnlm Roy Killed. LA.TUNTJ , Colo. , June " " ' [ Special Tele gram to the Hnn.J This afternoon a young tramp named Krcd Wollers fell while trying to board a freight train and the wheels cut elf his left arm and right leg. lie has slnco died. Wallers was only a boy and had run away from his home at Omaha , whore he has an uncle , William Htuhman , a real estate agent at Sixteenth and Douglas streets. Jake FeolH Unwell. NE\V YOIIK , Juno 25. Jacob Sharp this evening In conveisation said : "I am a very sick man , and it is a questlon'whlch will last Hit longest , my strength or trial. My family has been uiglncme to consult n physician , but I have refused to do this for fear his pre scriptions tulcht uiakn me KO III that 1 would not be able to attend court No , It Isn't the chance of quarters from my homo to this Jail that lias knocked mo out ; it Is the result of an illness Unit has been steadily galnln ? strength for two years. 1 am suffering from an affection ot the heart , kidney trouble and diabetes. " Judge Bar rett to-night modified tils order to the extent of allotting one member of the prisoner's family to lemaln with him In jail. In ac cordance wltn this permission , Mrs. Sharp shaics his confinement to-night. A hog Jam. LAwrtENCE , Mas ? . , Juno 25. The water In the rver ( Is very high , and serious damage Is threatened. .This afternoon thousands of Iocs came down anil the center span of the 'bridge has been Washed away. For miles up the river nothing can be seen but a UUM of. Jojs , ; - , . ' t ' " . ' ' , RELLEY STIGER & CO , 111 , 111i Wo Ofibr Souio Extraordinary Bargaina in Laces and Embroideries. i : Uargalns All Next Week Tlio Object to Hctluco Stock Prlco * Cut Down Kennrtllcss of Cost. The crc.itcst bargains In blnck nll-sllk Clmntilly Inco llounciiiK Unit hns over been nllurcil in the city ( qualities and tlo- K\g\\a \ \ \ oonsiilciTl ) . 10-inch black ChnntUly lace flotino- IURS ntijl.tto ; ri'Kiilitr value , sf'J.W. 10-inch bhiok Clmntilly ltco : flouuc- m , if 1.1)5 ) ; ri'jjulnr viilno , $ ' . ' .60. I'-inch black Clmntilly lacollouncings ; > ; rocuhir vnluo. $ ! 1.00. I'J-inuh black Clmntilly hico Ilotinc- Inps , ? J.85 ; regular vnluo , ? il.75. I'J-inch black Clmntilly Inco ilotinc- Ings , $3.50 ; rojitilnr miluut.GO. . 4'Mnuh bhok Clmntilly luco llottno- iiiRs , sja.itf ; regular value , $15 o ( ) . ID-inch black Chantllly lace flouno- Ings1.00 ; regular value , 5.25. 4'Mneh black Clmntilly lacollouncings , $5.50 ; regular value , $0.75. 4'Mncli black Clmntilly lace llouncliigs , $0.00 ; regular value , $7.75. 12-inuh black Spanish Guipure lace itoiinclngs , $1.)5 ! ) ; regular value , $2.05. 1'4-inch black Spanish Gtiipiiro Inco llonnclngs , f .85 ; regular value , $ U.OO. 12-Inch black Spanish Guipure Inco tlounctnjrs , $ U,85 ; regular value , $ a.75. 75 pieces 12-lncli vt'hlto , cream and Bcigo Oriental Lace Flounclngs , at COo , worth $1.25. 150 pli'coa white , cream anil Uolgo Oriental nnd Kgyptian Laces , 4 to 10 hichos wide. The prices range from Cote to 15c. These nro actually worth ono- half more. 100 pieces , 45-Inch , fine Swiss Embroid ered Skirtings , all now and lovely de signs , nt ! > 0c , l)5c ) , $1.10 , $1.25 , $ l.0 ! ! , $1.40 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25 a yard , the host value wo have evuf oflorod , and are actually worth onn-fourtli more. r.Mititoiur.KiKs. Our ont'ro ' .stock of line embroidered Swiss , Nainsook nnd Cambric Sett Km- broidurir.s , will bo oil'ored all next week reirardloss of cost. These come in NIX ( litVeicnt widths to match. Wo can bhow an ( jinllcss variety of lovely designs and confidently assert they are the linost good.s that have been shown in the city this season. season.KKLLKY , STK'.EU & CO. , Cor. 15th and Uodgo. They Arc After Spoils , WASIIINOTON , Juno 25. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK.I The report that a num ber of lending democrats nro assembled In Washington for the purpose of having a conference on such subjects of Importance as an extra session , the surplus and the tarllf , has no moro foundation than the fact there are a number ot democratic senators and members prowling about tun departments after patronage , most of them having been hero elf and ou sluco thn adjournment of congress. Tlio Idea that tlio gentlemen named could nrcani/o with authority , caucus or any party subject is ridiculous , and tlioso who have been asked about the rumors pro nounce them untrue. Pay Up or Got Out. NEW Yor.ic , Juno 25. [ Special Tcleeram to the Bnu.J A Philadelphia dispatch to the Tribune says that In secret circular No. 0 , General Secretary Llchtman , of the Knights of Labor , warns the various local assemblies that unless the per capita tax Is paid by August 10 , assemblies In default will be sus pended. He says that the secret clrculam reach tlm public press thronch the knights before they reach nil assemblies , nnd is very severe upon those who the scciets of the order , TorrlMo Deed of n Mnnlnc. EoiNiiuna , Juno 25. Mrs. Lccklc , wife of the Piesbytcrlan minister at Alrth , near Orange Mouth , county of Sterling , In a fit of Insanity last nluMit cut the thronts of licr thice children and then cut her own. HE A1) Y TO-DA Y. ASPLENDIDSUMMER NUMBER Scribncr's ' : Magazine JULY Nu.MnEK BEGINS VOLUME II. CONTAINS. DIl. P. A. BAHCTKNT'S tiluHy Interesting nn Tuluiibln pi per on pliyelcul cullurp , entitled "The riiyslCKl Proportions or tlio Typical Jinn , " wllU raiinyll ] Blratin | . Tlinuuthor , profpfsorof | ) hy- Blcnl ciiltiiro In llnrritr'l Unlrcrslty , KIVOS tlio to- cults of liU lonk'Otpurlcnc ) n tcucher. Tlio ly- ilcm wlilcli lia oipounJs glvos tlio youth or tlm iaiidunlncantlra to proper trKlnlns , nnil plara In tlielr liiuiUsiikoy to the ttmntr nnd weak polnuof their boiHtis. Itwlllnltu KHlrto parents ni to tlio crowtu unit development of tlielr children SOME IM.USTUATIOS * OK N.M'UI.KON AND HIS T1MKS.lho eco" < l nnrt rondu'tlnz ' paperby Mr. Jollv 0. nni'UH. Hupcrbly lllunlrntcd. 'Ihe fourth Inntulmcnt of the DNI'UIir.IRIIUD l.ETTKHS OKTIIACKKUAV. Jinny of them wr.t ten from 1'iirit nnd containing Intoroniiik'nllujloii to thn fmn u mon whom lie met thorcIlliiitrited bylntoraitlnK fnc-tlmllej n ( lettoM und Jruwln i. AGIHI/.S J.IFKKimiTV YKAIIS AOO , aelllupionf nocliil llfo In.Noiv Yorknnd Now KiiBland cirlj la the centuryk'lvcn Inn fclectlon.of brliiht letters ot EI.I7A HDI'TIIOATE IlOH'NK. Illintrrtled JKMISIV llAfcCOM. nchnrmliiBihort utory by I'nir.lP * IlEVIlV. AOItKAT I'ATIRXOI.niiram tlosorr by KinrtmiliiBN'AKL'H STKVK.VIOVI .indiho flr t of n two p'irt ftory by H. II. UUVESL.V , entitled A 1'KIIILOUS INCOIi.VITJ. rUKNCIl THAIT8TI1K BOCIAI , INSTINCT , strom and nemo crlt leal pi : | > or by W.O. lUion-NEU. SKril'MlllOTIIKH'S Win : the erl l by HAIIOLO Fnnnruic. Tlio present rbnplCM u vlnj B r.iphla portMllure ot a political eonrontlun In a central New Tork town , I'OEMSby ICDITII M. TnOMAB , KM.E.v lluiiliocaiis , CIUUI.KH KIIWIV MAHKIIAM , I.III/IHK Cn.Min MoULToNami ; CIIAHLKX I.OILS' llii.niirTn. 25c a Number. - _ $ : i,00 a Year FOK SALE nv ALL DK.M.RRS. < : II.VKMS : sciciii.viut's SONS , 748715 Broadway , N.Y. THE GRAND Bicycle Race Meeting , TO-DAY ! - AT TIIK - Base Ball Park At 3:30 : P. M. 46 ENTRIES ! Of-tlic.r < i < itrfitJtl < lcrH in tlie.Coun- / , . . Mfmlo.Uu tlio "Slnttcal L til on , Admission , iiScinulOOc.