THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , .TUNE 25. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advancements under this hond.10 cents po Ino lor tlio llrst IIKI rtion , 7 cents for cntli sub trqucnt Insertion , nndl.Mn lltio per month. No advertisement taken for iossthnn25 cents for tlie first ln ortlon. Hovcn words wll jbo counted to tlio mi' ) ' , they must run confecu * lively niul must tro paid In nilvnnco. All silver- tlsomontH mu t lie handed In before 1 : no o'clooK ji. in. , and under no circumstances will they bo tfllun or discontinued by telephone. Turtle * advertising IntheMj columns nnd hav ing tlio answers addre sid In care of TUB DEC W III plenfo ask lorn chock to ennblo thorn to got their nonn will ho delivered except cm presentation of check. All unsw ers to udver * tlpcmcnts Rhniild bo enclosed In envelopes. All nclvtirtlsnments In thojn column' are pub- Untied In both morning mid evening editions of Uho llr , tlio circulation of which nirgrcgntcs more tlmn U.dOO papers daily , nnd gives tlio advcrtl'tr the 1)cn < nt , not onlj of thn pt | v clrculntlon of The Her. but nlM ) of Council Illuffs. Lincoln , nnd pthor cities und towns throughout tills part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. rONKY to loan , no commission. Cole , .110 S 15th. WI MONKY to to into parties wlshlnv to biillJ. 8. 8. Camptiull.IllO B luth st , Chambnr of Commerce. 750 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of J 1.000to 75,000 at sUper cent Interest. Miolcs.V Ciumb. ii-t ) "iVfONEV" LOANInTlty property in i'l sums of fuOT ami upwards nt lowest rati s. Money fclways on hand. 8. 8. Campbell , 310 Houth Sixteenth street. KTJ M 0NKV 1O LOAN-O r. DavlH Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , l&Oo Fnrnnin ft. MONUYto loan at lowest rntoof Interest on 1st mortirairo security by Btangland and tar son , ,110 8 Mill st , room 1. 7b2 $ r > iiO,000 to loan on rent estate No delay. HnrrlsA Batnpson , 151C DouKlns St. T/iS , To loan on Omalm city property atO $500,000 percent. O. W. Day , s. c. cor. Ix. ! Hid. MONEY TO LOAN-On cltv and farm prop- crty , low iRtcs. Stewart 4 Co. , Itoom J Iron bank. Wi Wit have special facllltlcfl for plnclni ? Inr o loanfl on centially located business blocks , nnd will Klvo very low rales. Central Ixian & Trust Co. , B. K coiner Kith and 1-ur- nmn. Will remove July 1st to 1011 Fnrnnin et , CSJ 27 MONLV to loan , cash on timidno delay. J. W. and n. L Squlro , 1413 I'urnnm St. , Tnxton hotel bulldlni ; . 510 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real ustato ! no cotmnli'Mon chargod. I.eavltt Durii- hnm , Doom 1 Crolfrhton lllock 512 'JITONIJY to loan on Improved city pioportj JuJL and farms from ? 1,000 uji , ut lowest rate \pply to Wm. It Loach , Heal Estate Atrrnt , 1&09 larnam. 5o4JylO 6 I'EUCENT Money to loan. Gregory & llmlloy , HoomB land 3 , Hcdick block , 320 p. 1Mb St. 513 MONEY loaned on rosldonco property. First and second mortgages bought. E P. How- ley , ,114 Bouth 15th Btruot. 2CDJ26 LOAN Money Loans placed on improved - proved real estate In city or county far New England Loan A. Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , Uth and Chtrago Ms C14 " \X7J2 will glvo very low rates for chalco farm T loans In southcentral and custom No- tirnskii. Continl Loan iVIriiBtCo , W. E. cornur 10th and rariinrn.lll loniovo July 1st to 10U Farnum st. ! CT MONEY to loan on Improv od city property at B per cent. Mom y on hand : donothavo to watt Have a cotnplctn set of abstract books cf Dousrlat county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Jlnrrls Html Estate and Loan Co , U20S. 15th st. 515 T\f ONKY TO LOAN-b > the nndor gnod , who -I" has the only properly orgnnUod loan ngency In Omalia. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pliinoe , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , ic. without removal. No delays All business strictly confidential. Loans no made that any part can bopald at nny Imo.each payment reducing the coot pro rata Advances inado on fine wotuhcs und dlHmondg. Persona Bhould carefully consider who they arc dealing With , as ninny now concerns are dally coming Into existence , fcbould you need rnonoy call mndneenip. \ \ . It Croft , Itoora i W'thnoll Bulldlnir 16th and Harnur. BIO . rlMlK OMAHA Financial Exchange , ' * No.w < corner of Harncy and 35th gts. , . over State National bonk. l prepared to make short time loans on any available ( security. - Ix > nns made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans madeon Improved real estate t current rates. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. fioourcd notes bought , colder exchanged. fihort tlmo loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral fates. llcnl Citato to exchange for good interest ( innornl financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on bnnd for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett. Manager. 617 $ 1750000 TO LOAN atfl per cent. Llnuhan Mahoney , 1501) ) Fnrnatn. 618 MONEY LOANKDut C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horson.wngons , personal property of all kinds , und all other ar- tlcleKof value , without removal. Ul 8. 13tn. over Itlngham s Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 619 A PKH CENT Money. V H. 0. Patterson. 15th and Horncy. 6:0 BUSINESS CHANGES. \\7ANTiD-Gonoral : agout for Npbruskn for World Tjpo Writer $10 Haiild , simple , easy to me. Writlntr equal to 1100 machines. A good business for lire man. Address Day 4 Lcater , J5 Murray bt. . Now Vork. 78 25 "IjlOH hAlE riist class Ice cream parlor and A confectionary store. Enquire31 , S. 13th st 70J TjlOK b ALII Or trado.stock groceries , wagons' - horses , and llzturos. bouse and store tor rent , part real estate und part money , also ono E seated carriage and oua cow. apply to 2J09 Cumlng st. 779 30 OIt SALE Lunch counter at Hans Skew , 701 flouth 7th St. 0824J [ JlOll BALE Nice , clean stock of grocoilos lr r - line location. Altrftdo. lleiisons for sell Ing going Into uthor business. AddrcEsT aJ.Hu Olllco. CW 20 noli BALE Hrst class restaurant paluij $ JOO a mouth , good reiiseua for f " ddroesTUa ! lino. 057 21' TIOlt HALE Heal cstato business , olllco IE - good location , good list of property uml horse and buggy. Konson for soiling poor lie alt h. \\lllsell at rrusonablo tlguro or trade Cor good property. Addre-s T. 30 , Heo otlico. jAOH BALh-Clrocory store at Invoice. $1.200 - o tl.51 * : S horses , I wafon ; good bualnofs. J 8 John > on,3IQ81ith st. Itoom 4. 003 271 WANTED PtirtlPs w ho desire to buy or sol or exchange stocks of general morchun- pise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes , hardwaredrugsJewelry Improved or iialm- proved town oruityiiroporly , Imurovedor un- r > rev cd farms in any pun of the United htatos. to address Krause A Foster , 010 B. Uth 6t Omalm , Nejj. 680 30 auAUi : An Improvoil form of 1JO acres J. la Iowa for goods or Innds In Nohrnska. Cash paid for balance. Andrew Kevins , . y 1 SALK-lloot nnd shoo stock Including 5 years lonso of gtoro , best location In State and city. Address T10 lire olllco. . . . . . 475Jyl7 . H SALK-Drug store of $4,500rgood'tiado 1 ostubltshod , will sell on easy terms or will > ' 1 V > western hind as _ part pi\mont. Address I. It Nelson .V Son. lrbury. Neb. S7 28J l.'VXfANTF.D-floiitlomRM wishln-f an honest ' bualness , pro lit s $8 to $14 every diu" only $100 required ; will exchange for stock'-lr ' trudo. Two best banks of Omiiha glvonnsrof- Tonces. Cull or write to Onioo No. 1,11 North Blxtcfinth ytrcet. Omaha , Neb. 4J9 FOH \LE-lhe best b'irgain ( irocory Store comrally located on paved street. Old es tablished trade. C.ill on Fearan , Oilfi * ( too * crtsqn,310B.J51h st. ei 7j ! UOCI.KY STOCK-Clean ami frcsTTfor's ; JJ Parrot t i Williamson. Upstalrs,1401 DOUK * IMKt. , KA clean stock ot grocerle jworth J$850. . will ho sold for $350 If taken this week. Will exfhanito for city lot C ! l nt once flccord Advertlalng Co. 1113 Farnam. IW.1 24 "fT" ! ) ! ! SALK-A good liuslneis ; inmll capita ! V required ; good reasons lor selling. Ad SrcssT44 _ _ HeeolBpe. jio | 710U 8Al < B-A good hotel In the Uv towlTol JChadron doing a good business on verv easy terms. Full particular * by uddreajlng-ftf jj l.nngworthy. ' Lnsk , Wvomlng71IJy2JJ A HA'HUAI.S Fixtures , furnlshingaTnd § | T , -fV. vvr of a reitaurxut tor sale. Addrcii " 8 Dolloe _ offloo. tvs 25J TG'OKSAlJK A boarding housoand'turnllurfT * ' dojnf irood business , 40 bourdon. goo < ! Jf on for soiling. Call at Currlo * Vellum ; loth and Capitol av , Kxpuillon liulldlng. 33a PERSONAL. TjtllSONAL Lesioni clven on plane ororsa > fH pupils own residence * , or residence of M ProTMt , profeworof music cd riouch. For Jfcruii apply 87O Varaaa. aa KOJ PP.nSONAL-Ncftt nnd tasty all wool business I lulls $7. Fine blue diagonal dress milts , [ 10.75. Call and see them or write for samples. j O. Jones it Co , American Clothiers , UJ 1 arnmn st , Omaha. W3JJO 1)l.ltSONAfi-If you want n desirable , cen trally located oQlce you c.ui flnd It at U18 8 15th st V7S * J 3liHSONAL- choice residence lots In the thriving flty of bouth Omaha to exchange 'or wild land In caMt-rn Ncbrnskn und V\e torn own. munt bo suitable for tanning. Address T'J. lleo office. 1451-JO 1DEHPONAL I'rlrnto homo for Indies during tonllnemcnt , strictly confidential , Inlunta adopted , udilre s E 4J , lleo olllco. srjJ-3 PEHPONAT Mrs. * 5r "NnnnuPr. WaTren clnirvojnnt , Mrdlcnl and Ijunlncm Medluu ) Boom ha 8,121 North loth st .Omaha. Neb. 5J7 LOST. LOST On llth stroetfoiithof railroad bildgc , Orniihn , 1 ox toirlerdog , answers to if "lony , " ) ollow color , vrhllo spot In fore- icml. ; 6iewmd to party delivering eumo to biiglno house No. 4 , Dorcas nnd llth streets. 7J7 2 J STHAYED Hoan pony 8 ) cnrs old ; also a sorrel colt 2 months old with iciiro fin lolt foreleg $1 reward for return to C. Nelson , N. W. cor. 2Hth and Davenport. 751 2JJ SEVENTV-FIVi : dollars' reward. Strayed or stolc'i from rear of 111 N 17th st , a largo roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing be tween l.GCWoml 1,400 pounds , rcdlsh brown Jiimio and tall , hind unklo somewhat swollen- $21 will bn paid for rctmn of anlmiil to owner ; , ut 110 H llth tmid If stolen the shcrltl of Doug las Co will pa ) u reward of $10 for the arrest and conv Iction ot the tlilof. C9U ] " OST Oroy pony with wlnto face nnd feel , i would weigh botwun nine and ten hun dred , 7cnrs old. Hctiirn sumo to Htubcn 111os , GO } . Uth street und cl ilni rc\v nrd. 704 25 Sl'llAVED A light moustjcolored mnro , ono white hind font : linden leatherImltei with rope nttachcd Hovrard for return. T. J. Heard i. Uro.,1410 Douglas st , or 2211 wct)8tcr ) st. MO T OST On Wednesdny ovonlng , between H. & JJ M. depot und Park uvo ( viu rarnnm street und bt. Mar'savonuo cars ) , a Knight 'templar cross from watch clinln , nnnio engraved on cross. 1 Inder will plcn'o loavii at Omaha Na tional bank mid get rownrd. J. H. Franco. 70J 2IJ IOSI' On Eighteenth , bhcrnmn nvo or draco > Pt. , "SpecIdeations. " Please irturn to IIO'S ' North ifith at. , or P. J. Creedon , architect , opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor anil builder. 3lb V OST Or strayed from bottom on north XJ SitnndoiS ) street , buy hir-.e , 4-yunra old , marked with S. S ou left hind hip. Mnno Bhorn short. Hcturn to II. H. Haun. 6008. 10th st. 4CJ-24 STORAGE. miKST-CLASS Storage at 110 N Uth ft. S'lOHAOF. First-class storage for nice fin in- turo and boxed goods 1 crguson Fiirnl- t lire Co. , 715-717-7JI Nortly 16th street. 175 CJTOHAQK First-class storage for nice tur- 3 nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-st. 62S OLAIBVOYANT. MADAMK MANATOU , Clairvoyant , 'loom 20 , 1312 Douglas St. 471 24 * MRS. ntlllANT Clarlvoj nnt from Hoston , is lollahlo In all alf airs ot llfo , unites separated love 13. 822 N. ICth et , room 1 591 J23 | MISCELLANEOUS. AKE N01ICF.-W. 0 King fc Co. , House Moving and liaising , nddioss 1320 Pierce st. 74'JJ)2J ' MHS. Dlt. JENNIE bl'AHHlNO-An olectno phjflclanof long nnd suet oRSful practice and thorough Miovvledge of medicine , has opened an ollc ! at22) N. 14th street , llor u-p- utatlon is enviable us u general practitioner. Mldwlfoiy treutod night orduy. Hooms2JJN. 14th Street 707 27 Ol.SS pools and vunlls cleaned nnd dead animals removed bv John Nelson , em lingo collector for 4th ward south of Douglas Pt. 1403 llarney St. tJlJy 2 ADOPTION Tno babies for adoption , boy nnd girl , peed parentage Enquire of Dr. Williams , room 17 , Arlington block , 574-2" > * SPECULATORS opportunity. Information on stocks onlv telegraphed under code to nny subscriber. K , Sherman 1'ltcli , 10 Wall St. , N. Y. 71ZJy 2 * rilHi : old Drnwncll Hall , (118 ( a Uth St. Is -L ready to glvo board and room , or monl board as low ns the lowest. Pleasant rooms and the coolest dining room in the city. Meals 25c , Como to tbo old Uiowncil Hall , CIS S. IGth 54C 2i TNSTKUCTIONS given In drawing and paint- -L Ing. Apply at < M)11 ) Cuss street for particu lars. 48J U4J EMPLOYMENT , Hental and Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ help , or have houses to rent , or accounts to collect , call on M. Maynard , 1)17 ) Houth 1 tth St. , Omaha. 301J25 FOItKBNT Squnre I'luno ( d monltjlr. HoBpo.lfilsnougiai. 521 TO parties baring houses tor rent , Kontal Agency , Ilonawa it Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office. Wo hare turned over to them our rental list , we recommend them. McCaguB llros. 620 Foil HENT Organs , fl per month , liome , 1B13 Douirlas. 5J4 Ol. C. House furnishing good ) , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J. llonner , MIS Douglas st C2j 1OII RENT Square ilano , $ t moat n IT. A Home. 1613 Douirlas. 5J4 JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 711 N 18th. D.3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. "l/IOH BALE-Lnriro pony , suitable for nows- -L boy , market gardener or peddler. luqulro 2410 Hnrney St. Bi)3 ) 29' "ITIOH SALK A Norman tuaio 4 ) enrs old , Jvrolghs 1,100pounds ; just right for a two- Boated buggy. Enquire on promises , 1330 Vlr glnla avenue. CUT 25 T71OH SALE Ono flholo cooking rnneo with J-1 top warming closet and hot water con nections. Ono 4 hole range. Hoth cheap. O. H. Mack , cor Howard and llth its. Cl 24 F'OK 8ALK--Counters and tables , cheap. Ap- _ PlL1 ? M. Provast. 2J3 1 urnuin 2jJ J4J ITIOK SALK Household furniture , house tor L1 rent to purchasing party , 1315 Webster st. 717 20 * > OH SALK-J'x ) worth of rurnlturo , almost now , for $175 lleddtng , stoves , utensil * , nnd numerous other articles Included , Full particulars at olllco of Hocord Advertising Co , , 1511Furnamst. 744 25 TIIOH SALE Tno elevators with all iniicnln Jorye'omploto and other - property , at Com and lllngham , Iowa , n bargain. Full particu lars ) nt olllce of Uecord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnum st. 740 21 \\rANTED-Wo hnvo n good petition for ' T bright young man familiar with the city Apply ut Western Union 'lelograph olllce , 790 24 DtOU SALE Horse.buggy and hnrnen cheap for cash , northeast corner 2Cth and Pierco. OJ5 27J 1-OH hALl Halt dozen now National cabl- , not letter flics , different si/es , will bo sold at a reduction from regular prices , call and nee them at the Western Newspaper Union , 611 S 12th st. 2U4 28 iOU HALK Improved stock and grain farm , GOO acres , cheap. Hoi 03 , Coburg , Iowa. 4b42yj | jiOK SA 1E Span line mntchod buy driving J-1 horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 16th st. 679 jlOH hALE Furniture nnd lease of six rooms -Mn flat,6u78.13th St. Room No. 3. 3SJJyl5 FOR RALE One six-foot upright black wa | . nut show case , Milton Rogers & Son. 009 PALK-4,000,000 Hard BrlcK. T. Murray. 743 _ 77011 SALE-6 milch cows. K A Marsh. 004 JU N ICth. tsi JJ'OH ' SALE-llrlck. T. Murray. 623 WANTED MALE HELP. \\f ANTEUAgentsWorld Type Writer $10. Hupld , simple , easy to use. Writing equal to $100 machines. Hg ! profits. Send for circu lars. Day A , Lester , 36 Murray bt. , New York. 78S 25 ) A good cook for meat and pastry at California hotel. 760-U "IVANTKD-Salosmon : fire traveling snles- ' ' men ; salary aud eipuiuoi , no oxporlence necpuary. Addrcf s wltn itaup. 1'ulmer 4 Co. , Wlnona , Mlnu. 7Wi 2J' WANTKD-Yount-m n in private family to tend horse * and do yard work. Sirs. Crcga & bon , 316 So. Uth , 777 24 * WANi'KD ltifprct llojroung tuun for ro- froahment Hand. Nonohutwho nndur- Mandi his business Julius Thlele , 'Jth and Far- n m. ? n K \VA.VrEU-Forthe Union Puoltlolt. H. an < ! i' Its northern branches a food ten and cigar saleimau ; to the right party big Induce , menu olferoJ. Addreet Konnard & Miller. St Joseph , Mo. sa < ( j " \\TANTEP Manufacturer , cabinet-maker , ' cirpentor. or any one that Is hnndi' with tools to manufacture n househol 1 article on royalty. Every furn'turo ' dealer wants to han dle It. Address or call between the hour ) Of S ind 10 n. m. to-day. 112. . Parsons , Hivrker IIOUSQ. 733 20j T\7'AMKI-rcok. trscKlaors , men on grade , 11 teams , teani'tcrs , men on surfacing. D. C. O'Keofo.'HHI So. llth st , 741 24' \\rANTED-Stouocutters. Appl ) to W. H. > > Tjler , Lincoln. Nob. 331Jyl5j \l7"ANrED 2 good ciirpcntors. Inquire bo * ' ' twcon 0 nml nt the ( lees hotol. liood wages , bo.ird furnished. J. M. Cnrpontf > r. _ 797 21J V\rANTED A few energetic men to work In ' the city. Light , clean , nnd profitable em ployment. Call nt once , room 11 , Williams block. c3 " , iR 21J " \\7AN'1EO Carixmtors. Inquire nowchuroli M 'JCtb and Leavonvvorth. M. T. Murphy. OH \\7ANFiTl-A watchmaKor. Address T 4" , euro Heo olllce. 73J 21 * A\7AN1ED An experienced furnlturo pules- iniin. Apply to M.P. Martin , 017 S Uth st. \\7ANTTD-Mnn of oxporlnnco totakucharge ' or general inorchantllso store. Must Fpenk ( lertimn. Address , P. O. Ilex 224 Swan- ton , Neb , 57825 * \\AN1EO Lnborors nnd tcnmsters. Wages laborers $1.75 tier tiny , board tVO per wock ; teamsters $ J > per month und bond. Apply four miles v\est of Fort Omulm on Omaha extension Chicago It North" csforn rail road. C , P. 'licat , Contr. 703 m * WANTED Men to sell nursery stock Ad dress White lltos. , Aurora , Nob.Jilt Jilt 23J U ? ANTii : ) Younir mnn about ISwIthicfer- cnccs. Address "f 41 , " Hcoonico. C 5 24 ] JANTRD-15 brlcklavcrs at Hist Nntlnnal bnnk.Omnha , Dan llam ° hor. I032n * " \\7ANTBD Intelligent , reliable , cnorsotlo ' men us special uuonts. W. I. Allen , General Agent Mutual Lifo Insurunco Coin- pan ) ot Now York , No. 215 South Uth street. r > si WANTED Men for railroad worAlbriiht'8 ! l.nboi agoiicv , HJi ) I m unmet. VIA " \\rAN1 ED Expo'lencod boouiteopcr in dry ' goods hou'o , roteienccs required. None nooil address who huvonot had oxperleuce. Addtess T 12 , lleo olllce. 4' \\7ANlLn-Hallronil laborers for Colorado. 1 f Albright's Labor Agency , IIM V'ai num. 42) ) ( IMW ) paid per month to men to "oil our Broods. P Address with stumps , D. SV. McLnno > \ Co , llurllngton , Iowa. 6''OJy2 ' * " \\7ANI'l'l ) A ( rood nniron maker ut onco. 1 T Muldoon Krlsl , llth and Jones sts.C5I C5I WANTED FEMALE HELP. \ \ ANTI.D-llil to do housework , good > wages. Call ut 2COi ( Ifuvcnport street. 7C4 25j If ANTED A peed healthy wet nurse Apply - ply t03 No ISth st. 7J'J 25 1 A nurse for infant child , 812 No , 18th street. 73025 IfANIED A si eond gill , accustomed to BOVTlng. Mrs. Fred W. ( liny,2021 Douglas. 7J82I irAN'TEI-Lndv nifonts. Inquire Itoora 59 , C07/OH8 HollSO. C312IJ IfAN'LED Chambermaid at Windsor hotel. 1 070 24 WANTED A middlo-agod woman to take care of baby ut Mrs. J \ \ . Morrison , ITO Uavonpoit bt. 071 21 * TXTANTED A competent toucher for the ( Jerraan-Amnrlcan school for I'nulisli tuition Address L. Heimrod , llth and Jack son , or Ph. Andres , 171" > Douglas 715 \ AANTED Dining room tjlrls nt the Canflcld House nt ouco. 7.0 24J \V"AN > lnr-G ° < " ' Oonnini girl Call nt 017 > N. 10th Kt D. Allman. 70 > 21 \ \ oraan cook for South Omaha , ' fiO : Ukltchon helper ,50 girls for gen eral housework , 5 dining room girls for city , laundrcFS for nrtvnto famll > .4 nlllsc for chll- Ulun Mrs. lircga iSon , 318 S. 15th. " \ \ " ANTED A girl to COOK , wn h and lion. ' ' Mrs. John W. ( Jell. 1401 7th uv o ir WANTED CJIrl for general housevsork. In- at " 111 Chicago street. N. .1. Ed- holm. CJ2 24 W ANTED A good girl for general house work. Inquire flJG S luth Bt , 410 " 1XTANTED A competent girl to do general T housework ; also nurse gill. S. w. cor. 22d and Lake st. Uood wages paid to the i Ight pt rson. . 4tU24 \ \ 7ANTED-A good cook. N W cor 20th and Loavonworthst. 451 \ \ AMED-lmmodlatoty , a good girl tor gen- einl houiowork. Inijnlrc , JJ10 1 arnmn at , 410 24 * "IV'ANTKD A ) oung gill for gonorul house- woik , In n small family. Apply at M3 Pnrk nvo. 5S7 W ANIKU ( Ilrl for general housework In _ small family , 2112 Douglas ht. 4bO AY JANTED 'Iwo good girls for took nnd second end w ork , Good w ages ut . ' 427 Dodge st. Ml T\rANTED A good girl , wnihor nnd Ironer. T ? Good waaoi. Mre. trauk E. Moorcs , 017 South 18th. 50J \\TANrKD-rirst class waist and ski.t irTiT kers. Mrs. MnudoMnrtl , roonig 4 nnd 1 , Jacobs block , 15th mid Capitol avo. 7.1S2u * \v / ANTED A good girl Immediately , north- f oust corner 21st mid Cass st. 740 S6J W"AN nTf ) 10 dInTm. roolh glrlsTTTor smno hotel , $ JOOO ; kitchen girl.'O.OJ ; 2 chumborniaids , f 15 ( Ml ; girl to care for 4 chil dren , $17.00. 50 gnls far gonorul hoiibework. So 00 to $100 poi week. Mrs. llrogu & fen , .ilO Bo. I5th , up stairs. 770 24 * PANTED-Ludy bookkeeper at U. P. MentMarkot. Uthst , near Webster. 7B'l SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-Sltuatlon by young man of 4 years' experience as clerk In baker und confectionery. Is well recommended and will work for Interest nf his employer. Mrs. Urogu i. Son , 316 bouth 15th , upstairs. 7t5 24 UAN 1 ED Situation us second gill by u very neat and nice appearing girl 11 jrsold. Mrs. nrcgo A. Son , 310 b 15th. 778 21J WAMKD Situation as elork In retail grocery or hardware store by a man of 8 years' experience. Is sober. Industrious , und will work tor what ho Is worth Mrs. Itrogu i\ , Son , . .Hi 3. llth. 7iil 24 * \\rANrKn-Hy mlddio-ngod ( lorman woman ' T position to take charge of children , best of reference. T 50 , Heo olllco. 747 21J \ \ 1rANTM ) Work by man with two good 1 1 teams. Address T 6J , Uce onico 7.M 24j \\TANTI.D A situation ns cleik in dry goods t store by a young lady with some oxperl- cnce. ( iood reference given. Address 4-11 Con vent st. 031 25J ) Ily ) oung gentleman , good permanent - manent position ol trust. Will furnish $100 to $100 security for same. Traveling pro- lorred , Address W. J. II. , Oil s llth st. (114 ( 28J \\7 AN1 ED-1'osltion by rapid stonogiaphor ; T > largo experience ; no objection to going out ot city. Address T.ll line onico. U472QJ VI7ANTEI-Posltlon by steady man as watch. i man. janitor , porter , or work In wholesale house. Host cicy references. Address T. 2d , Boo. 670 25 .MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\rANTED-JJy July 1st , furnished room , with prlv ate family , and prlv lieges or bath. Itefcronccs. Address , P. 0. Hox79ioltv 77024' \\'ANTED Orders for business men or ' women , ckrks , bookkeepers , etc. , can furnish ) ou parties well recommended and no oIKce fee. Mrs. Uroga & Son,318 South 151 h. 78J 25' riy gentleman room-inata to share nice room. Inquire 1U17 Farnam t. 743 24J \\7ANTiD : 'lo rent by ono gentleman , do- > slrabln front room ; private family within Oblksfrora P.O. Address T 61 , Doe olllce. 75527 * \\rANTl-.D-.NIcely furnished room for ono f ' young man , bet. Uth and "Oth < tts. , Jack * yon and Webster sts. Address with terms , .Dally llee. F 4B. 748 24 * WANTED To buy housm whuili can be re moved. A. F , Mayoe , 1403 Dodffo st 793 W'ANTl'J ) Teams to haul bricks from III * nnr't brick ) ardut Florence. Good wages paid. Go straight out Saunders t CS021' \\'ANTKD-Orders for all kinds of help. We fill them promptly and are giving univer sal satisfaction. Try usance and ) ouwillgo nowhere else. Mrs. lircga 4 Bon , 315 S. 13th up stairs. 693 8J \VANTED-A s'lngla furnished room near center of city ; plea ja etato price. . Ad- drcssT40. Bee onico. fla7 24- WANTKD-Torent a well ventilated coai * fonably furnished room.ocntraliy located. Aaonag w. & Seavcy , chief ot police 711 8ft ANV person having n goc1furnlshcd home , with modern conveniences , wlshlnv to rent for six or twelve nionrtffe can find u ro- rponslhle toiinnt by calling at Klnslor's tlrug store , 1307 Farnnm st. * 00127 AN'll.D 2or3horso power onelnf , "n 1 hand. Apply ut Mlllnrd hotel olllco. 4SO I'ANTRD Teams for WvJlroud work. A1- > brlght's Labor Ageno ) * , 11JO Farnnm 743 FOB BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. F I OH HENT-Occldcnlul hiSwl corner sloro room. Apply to John II. Payntor. on premises. N. a The hotel Is st'll ' luittitig ; Iho entrance being on the bouth side. 7t > l FOR HENT (1 ( room new house Uth undVlnton. Inquire 411 3. Uth. 701 25J FOR RENT House of three rooms , two clo'ots and stable , nw. cornur 4th and Williams sts. 775 26 * I' 7611 RENT Store , tire 14x13 , excellent locu * 1 tlon for grocery , runt $ J1 per mouth. Record Advertising Co , 15U Puriiuiu st. 715 25 1710H RENT July 1st , 0 room cottnco , oust -U front , SM S. 21st , near Leavenvvorth . 75'J 23J F I OH HUNT Stone nnd Hat on corner Saun dcrs .uid Chuk sts. C.V. . Carlson. "ITIOH Itr.NT 7-1 oem house and stable , fl I , on -U California st , near loth , rooms iiro rented for $75. rurnlturo for sale , ? 5V ) . 12 room boardlmt hou o,2i } blocks from P O , 4C etcadv boarders Toi sale on time. li-room brick lint , J blocks fiom P O. 1 uinituro a weeks In u o , lor salo. lle k room nnd 3 otllccs. Co-opcratlvo Lund * Lot Co. , 203 N loth St. 731 2" _ IJlOlt HUN T Hcntaurant and fixtures. Apply J : at once , 81J N ICth St. tOO 27J IT OH lir.NT ftew house. 14 rooms. All mod ern conveniences. Never been occupied. Three mlmitos' walk frum P 0 lloforenros exchanged. T. 47 , Hoc olllce. 7-J _ FOH HUNT Now house , ten loom" , fleam heat , nil ImprvemcnU. C.V. . nnd O. IS. 1 hompson. 314 b 15th ft. 13 } FOH HP.NT Pnrt of ftoro 01 olllco room. It quire at l.'W ItiniKliis at. UU FOH Itr.NT 0 room hou o unit barn , 17th mid Center sts , house heated by hot water and nil modern Improxonzuts J'l'i Al o H7 100111 house us above J40. J. I. Wolslmus , Jl'J S. 16th street. 407 7011 HFNT ( new fiioom houses , cellar , _ ' well , ball , closets etc. , I'i miles unrtlinost of postotllce. .1 blocks to street ciis , ? J > to fM pi'pinonth Gicjrory & Hudloy , Hoonia 1 nnd.1 , J-'J 8 luth st. OjO FOH HI'.NT Simll ollico In excellent loca tion. Enautio of K. Hlrrctt ic Co.J14 J S. 15th. 227 _ NT Ihroo room house , llCOli S 7th 315 "ITIOH HUNT duod bain , siiltablu for foiu Jborecs. . Inquire at U17 s. 13th Bt. UJJ FOIt IMINl' One oflico , second lloor , at 310 S16th6t. Kent , MO. 447 1I1OH HUN T 3-room house on llth nnd C Ploicusta. Inquire at 017 fcouth IJ ii st. tl 17 FOH JIENT Sroomol house Inquire of J. F. Jliirton,2 > 10 Capliol avenue. dVJ 25 * F HUNT Two luiik stores v\lth baso- ' incuts Slth nnd llarallton streets. Dofelr- nblo location for dry poods and ding stoio Flats above II desin d. Leavltt liurnhatn , loom 1 , Cri'lghlon block. ( > 7I TCTOIl HI'.NT 'Imeo room house , 70) ) ' } Pacillc. i ? Tor Hont Six room hoiisivllOt B7th , For Kent 'Ihroo loom house , jor , N2Jth C J Lot for Lcaso Southeast corner CIIOIOE 4'xS"i'i Leavenwortli nilillPotk nvo.or vvlll build to suit tenant , llobblo.nios | > 'J HENT Largo basement on 1'arnam ht. llonaw u & Co , oppoalto'poatolllco ' " IT'OH RENT-2lurgo stores ol\ South ICth st. 1 near Vlnton , $ W u month each. Also 2 ftoros same size but having 5 living rooms ubovc , rent for $1Jpei month. All have city unter throughout. Apply J F. llamniond. 117 houth ICth st. ? 4JI jTc HLNi' J room house)703 Paclllc. 1 512 HIGH HLM'-Brlckjarda , ' ) . Murray. 440 FOH HENT Store ana second..lloor on cor It'th and Maroy Bt. lDiUtro ] of Mrs. l\ Langc , ( KIS S 13th. * 869 Tj > OH HENT Window , good tocilltr for Jew J1 clcr or real estate. Apply to 3JJ n loth. 5'JJ FOB BENT ROOMS. FOH nENT-Two rurnlshcd rooms 417 N. 14th St. C70 FOH IlENT-Furnishod rooms. 701 8 17th 45J 20' F1 I OH HENT I'uinishod rooms. 1707 Cass. 015 FOH HENT Nlcoly furnished rooms.sultublo for two or four gentlemen , lliu Dodge st. 74J 21 FOH HENT Past front room and nlcovonll modern Improvetnonts. line location , near rnrnam st. Address P. 0. box MS. 7t > 3 ' . ' 5 ITOH HI.NT Ono or two furnished rooms. 721 South Ibth St. Oil 'J7J FOH HENT-Deslrnblo rooms at 22J7 Dodgo. (117 ( 27 FOH HUNT Vront rooms , suitable for two gents , or man und Ho , wltn the privilege Of bourd. Olft N. loth. Oil 2I4 FOH HENT Itooms , from 65 to $31 per month. Call und get a II t. Demand still grontor than supply. Hccord Adv crtlelng Co , 151J Farnam. CJ9 24 FOH HKNT Largo front room , nlcoly fur nished , olcgant location , modern conven iences , prices reasonable. 401 N. llth. GJ7 25J jlOH RENT Furnished rooms , 1913 Furnmn Bt. 6J7 28J POH HEN I1 Four neatly nnd elegantly fur- nMiod rooms at 1708 Douglas st. 614 21 * JH HRNT-Ollloe2nd lloor , 310 S 16th , st. price $10 , 113 FOH HENT Elegant roams , fuinlturo and houio now , every modern convenience , 1709 Dodge street. Hoforencos required. 391 H aF.NT-Desk room. Enquire i'oung & Blackman , 214 S I5th st. 640 FOH HF.NT-Front rooms , sultnblo for 2 gentlemen or man and wife , HI S. IBth. 774 a FOH HENT-2 olpganlly furnlBhrd fiont rooms foronoortvvo gontlouion. Ploasnntloentloii. 1917 Cuss. 771 rOH HENT Nicely furnished front parlor , with or without board , 1701 Capitol avc. 7S1 25 * POlt HENT 3 rooms In n flat cor 20th and Nlcholes St. 112 FOH HENT-Wuro room oor. 14th nnd Cull- Ifornla on Belt Line , io'r puitlculars en quire nt Union Nat. bank. FOH HENT-5 nice unfurWjlhed rooms 2nd lloor over store. ncivJwilldlnir. Leaven- worth st bet \'irginla and Georgiauvc. B1025J FOH 11KNT Largo nlcol furnished front room , 517 Pleasant st. 377 H HENT Three room h fo west of North llth st , between Chlcuj , nnd Cass. 6'JJ FOH ItENT-OOIces In Hojlraan Dull Jin ? oor. Farnam and Uth sts. , Inyeultos or singly. I'or prices , diagrams and InfQrtnntlon apply to B.A. Sloman , 1513 Farnam st iloom 3. T710H KENT 13 rooms notf-rcnter of town , J-1 and sale of furnlturo viory cheap , a bar gain rarely otTorcd , to goodl. parties wno moan business. Vor particulars iuqiilro of Dr. Simons , 401 North Itiih strett/Uinuha , Neb. 108 4J7 Foil RENT Elegant sultoWrooms , rcferen * CBS required , 1007 Douglas BU apt OU KENT-FurnUhcd rooms , 714 N. 10th st. 468Jyl7 TpOH HENT 2 furnished rooms also rooms -L' suitable for light housekeeping , 1U14 \ \ eb * ttor st. 709 24' FOR RENT Three or four newly renovated and furnished rooms to gentleman and wlfo , in private family , cottage , where there nro no roomers , by July 1st ; references ; address - dress T 40 Hoe oftlce. . 733 25 * FOR nF.NT-Largo N K room , first floor , fur nished or unfurnished. Also , 8 1 ! room , With alcove and bay window. Northwest corner - ner IBtli and Farnam. 473 Jy 1 * TmOR HUNT One or two newly p lnled , -i- papered and furnished rooms to ono or two ladlci of culture who have occupation ! during tba day. UeTertncci , ( jig ft 17th st. j'-fc. _ 613 6 * TpOU RENT--A alngl * oi IUt Of furnished J-1 rooms , llTB17t . 6HK * CiOlt lu.NT-ruroli.v i frbpffoomi ill RENT-Very desirable furnlMiW front room , IdcitlQii central. 1811 Capitol avo. 70J 2i' 10II HENT-NIco furnished room. 9KS Fur- nam. tHiS "IIIOH H.NT-LnrRo ! front room with nle-ove. - * - nicely lurnljheHl for two gontlumcn , 2421 Dodgo. 673-20 * &iHH & IlllNF Two vroll furnished rooms with 1 Hrst class board if desired , pleasant loca tion , private family. S K cor 20th mid I'aruum. 550 j)1PJ IjAOll RUNT Temporarily vacnnt ut SO-J How ard st i irgo front room , two bids , for gentlemen , AlsoBlniTlo room , I'ioafunt loca tion , slindo trees , gin s , &o. r > 57 7 < OH HEM'-Nlccly furnished room. 19JI - Dodge st. 119 7011 REN 1' Part of oillOB room. Imiulro at - 1212 Douglas st. OU FOR RUNT U rooms near center of town , mid sale of furniture very cheap , n rare birpalti , and only olTercd to goodpirtles who mean busiiibss. For particulars luqulro of Dr. blmons , 401 N. KM street. 438 HENT Desk room , llrst oinoo to leftover over Merchants National bans. 8JO FO B SALE -HOUSES LOTS. 1TOH SALE-Allvory barn wltu stable room lor about sixty horses , situated In u doslr- nblo location , nnd now ilomg u pond business. Good reasons given for selling. Enquire of or nil Irefs A. II. Comstoek , ical oatnto broker , 16JJ I'm mini st -07 TtfOH SAI.K Corner lot on Virginia nvo with f two good hou os , cheap lit J7.UOJ 'lorms tusy. Houses rent lor * 7U per month , h. S Campbell,010 S. 10th Bt. , Chnnibor of Com merce. 273 Cuoici : INVESTMENT. * . I'arniuu street , near 20th. 110xl32por toot $ 400 rurnmn street , nor Ajth.Uzl.lJ 10,000 I'uinam street , corner ; ilstK10jlJ2 ; , per foot ISO rnrnnm street , near 'lhlit-elghth , 47x- . 1.1' . .I 4.WV ) I'urniim street , m urJMh.t'jxIJJ ' H.OO riuniuu blrcut , coitioi In Jerome Park , ) , CUJ 1 arnam sticot. coiner In .luromo 1'aik ; iUj < J Fnrnnin stiuet , near Uth , Improved SO-'xILJ 2i.003 Fiuniiru street , near Nlnotucnth , 77x1 U. Improved 40,000 Hnrnot sliect , near T ont-thlrd , CO- lUlmpro\ol . . 11,000 Ilnrnny etroot , near "lt , 174\170 , Im proved IO ) < | BO streetnoar Uth , ri.xl3' , per loot 600 Oodpo "trcet , ncai " 7th. 4S.\1J' , 1m- inoxcd H.OOO IlnuKhKuticotnear l.'tti,44x10. B5.WIJ littccntli stiuet , coiner Jackson , C0.xl33 , tmproxuil 85,000 rourteontli street , coiner Jackson , COx 85,000 I'ourteimtli btrout , corner Ciilcnpo , WivHJ , 20,000 leiliBt.opp.M 1' . ( UpotibixlOl , per foot. 200 llth Ht , coi Muholni , brtxUJ , track In alley C.OOO 11th st , near Hnnnrtl , HzA ) , Imp 1J.OOO Uiucknpu , Mi\ll- . I'uddock Place 2,000 20th Bt , ne'ir ' StJIaij's , lllxl.'O , imp 8KU ( ) KOth it. nenr UouplHs , .PlJifiO H.ivxi hnundorset. cor Hutt , 1(50x51 ( 7,500 I'mknvo , ntnrl.on\onworth , CUvl40 4 MM 1'nrK u\o. opppark , 50\t.0 2.03J Jeiomo 1'arK , noir l"iiinnin , T. front 47 z HJ . . . . . l.SX ) rastpllaret.neiu Sth.Ol'UUO l.uoo West Omaha , llne-t ncro 15.C03 llrown Park , J lots very cheap Albright's Annrx.3 lots \ery ehenp Kid st. , cor. Nicholas Trnckiik'O Imp , 1U xllJ . . 20,000 Cholco propcitj In nil parts of thoclty. S. A. Bloinnu , 1301 1 nrnnm si. , Itooms 22 and 21 TjlOK"sAIjK-Prcml os 127 So 24th t ( ome- * - times called S'lth fit. ) . conslBtlntr of two lots ultli house , Imtn nml other bulldlnpsV. . C. Iv e118 So. 21th st. 751 2t > AS we are folo attents for the followInir propeity , wo can plio jou a chance to make some iiioncj. JO I lots In Wi "it side , peed loeitlons. 2"i lots In I'ldoia , Mr } doslinble. 15 lots in Plorcn's sub. , very choice. Lots In Ilium Place , near motoi lino. Lots In Hitchcock's 1 Irst addition. II > n e and Jlots In Chony Garden , llouto and 1 lot In M.trlnn Phico. Al-o eonio do"lrallo business property. 1. N. 1'lorcoA.Co .150(3 ( JJouglas stioot. 780 20 S'IDCIv I'lirm for sale ut n bargain. A larin of lOOncre" , 1F5 acres nnilui cultivation , 100 act os of flnu timber , balance hay and piis- tiiro land , all neil \\atcred , U miles fiom Omalm , pileo f36t > or acre , M cash , bnlanco to pult innchasci. Hartman \ Gibson. C7II 25 \\7l- Can neil fern few daj-s only > > Lot 10D ( llso' ! > addition for ft,49) ) . Lot 71 GlBo'rt addition. flOJ. ! 4ili > ck 1 lloyd's addition , Si.lO ) . Duo third cash , b Uancc 1,2 and ,1 years. llomlngton X McCcrmlck , 220 Soutn 1'ith st. FOR SALU-$501 will buy a loomlnff nnd lodBlnif house , irood location , this city , pajingwell. J. S. Johnson , J10 S. 15thltoom4. MO 28J L I AND Bought nnd Bold on commission. J. D. Myeis.Ognlalla , Nc-b. SIS 24' A I'bW gcnulno bargains. Ono good lot In hnundcra & Hlmonnugh's ad dition,50x110 1,103 ell. I'l lee f Bud. l.lmlsio's addition , 1 lot50x121 , fl.UCO liisu B addition , n low blocks v\ost of Kountzo Place , enl ) $1,210 each. Must bo sold quick. Three ton acio tracts pi mod , with two trees planted on each lot. adjoins an addition whom lots are soiling for ? ! 50 each , vul ! tell for f'JOU an acre , ( iood money can bo made by btilng those- acres lillewild nddltlon on JJd street near Ltilto st New U-ronm hoii'-o in Hist class condition , nil modem improvomcnts , price $5,500 , r.o llnor rosldonco propoity In the city. Let us show ) ou this propoity for wo can recommend - commend It. Patrlck.s Second ndditlou , 2 good lots , prlco J2.VJO and J2.40U ench. A. S Patrick's addition n good south front 50 xU'O on Corby st , n low hlockn west of Kountzo Place , only ? IX)0 ( ) , a good Inv etment. . Kount/o Place , corner lot. 84xlJI. 81,000. 11-room house on Chicago fit , nil modern Im- ) ) iovomontR , barn , etc , on paved Bt , three inlnutes'wnlK fiom postolllco , u decided bar- ( jaln nt f7rOO , f J.COO ou'b. Invostlguto this , Mitchell & Lconmurk , 001 25 Heal Kstntc , 1510 Dodge St. FOH 8ALK Hcnt or trade , live-room cottngo In Paulson's addition , Ten-room house anil three lols In Ludwlck place , nnd other property. I * V. Crliin , 12J N 1,1th St. 40J HOICE LANDS-11 porncro. $ RO mnkcs 1st } our'npavmonton K > 0 litres. Wrlto for In formation. W. F Pulno , hidnoy , Neb. fl"OJy2J FOR SALE At a bargain. 010 acres of first ciass farming land In Howard county , tkid Btuto ; llrnt cln s hoilj close to two lines of mil- rend , und surrounded by cll Improved farms. Can divide to suit purchaser , and will mnko thi u baignln If sold quick , hmall cash pay ment ; very easy terms Address Ooorgo N. Hicks,215 South fifteenth stioet. 7JJ24 FOH SALK-Lot 1 blklOO , (6xH3 ( belngBOHth Me = t cor Oth and Dod osts , $27,503 ; terms easy. Lot 4blk 314 , (10x132. ( bolng southeast cor 14th mid Hurt ets , tll.wu. terms easy. 2JxI U on Douglas si botwcon llth and 12th st , Improv ed , bcln westj ! of lot 2 blk 12J , t7C03 ! , terms easy. 3.xl3J on Cumlng st. between inth nnd 20th , Bt. being west ) { of lot B blk 2J1M , terms easy , $7,500. All special taxes nssoesod against the above real estate , are paid up In full P. O , UrlunU70N , 25th tvo. , formerlv Divis ion st. ( HI 2ftj 0HOICK Acre Tracts I offer , this week some ot the finest nero properly , suitable for platting Into lots , oor put upon the market. This property is located just two nnd three- fourth miles west of HaiiPcom Purk , and the ciimo dlstuncu from South Omaha ; high nnd healthy location ; mugnlncont view , and right in the way ot the future grotvth ot tbo oil ) mid South Omaha. isltuatod between thotwo valleys of tlu Pnpll * lion , It occupies the key to thofuturo riillioud building In und out of the city and the flock Yards. Iho Missouri Pacillc Hallnuy ) runs alongside the entire length of It , nnd the flukes are already driven only H few rods away fcrtboPromont , Elkhorn Ac Missouilalloy Hullroud. The Northwestern , Chicago , Hocit Island & Paclllo , Chicago , Milwaukee iV St Piiul and tbo Wabash will bo In Omaha In u snort tlmo. Kvory road entering Omaha will nook an cn trnnco to Bvuth Omaha nnd the Stock Vards and an outlet to the great \Vebt , Kuburhan trains are promised on tno Missouri Paclllo this summer out as far a boymour Park every two or throe hours during the day , 'Ihls will on * able the laboring man as well as his wealthy neighbor , to got In and out of the business center of the city by n fifteen mlnuto's rldo.nnd make this property easier of acc-cestbun lots half way between , which cost four nnd llvo timostho monoy. only accessible by slow going street curs or ou loot. Cull and let us show you tbls property , and If jou nro not satisfied it Is as xafo and sure n chance for H big piotlt ns anrthlntr on the market , you need not buy. Horaember what has been made on acre property during the past your. There U only a limited number of these acres and tlrst comers will gel the choice. Carriages will DO In waiting to take out all who wish to sou this property. Goo. N. Hicks , SIS South Plfteonth stmct , Opera Home Ilulldlng. 75. 21 IMMEDIATE sale will take 1 lots or leas only 6 or B blocks from Exchange bid and Union Stock yards on favorable forms , button bouses under contract In same block. Iwant Trhut they are worth. I don't want fancy prlcoi t want to sell quickly. I1U. llranoh. UJ TTIOfl BALE At A borgnln. lot on 20ih and JU Bjirlng st innulro at tbaElkhorn Yalloy 5wberhopCorlUta ndDoJg it. . 717 21J . .71011 SAt.K-Choteo lot In Orohanl Hlllfs'.O. -L1 'IvrolotslnSaundersA Hlmnbaugh'i South fronts , ono n corner , for both , f lli , Some of the best lots in Clifton Hill ; will sell three together for ? I'V ' > 0. \\lll fell 4lots In Walnut Hill , ono a corner , for nil JJ,50i ) . Two lots In linker's add , close to railroad , church and school , * l,200. lliavongood list of Improved buslnp n and residence piopertv ut prices from K.OtiO to StO.OOii. Ho sure and glvo mo n i all If you want to mnko money. .1 nines Stockdale , 111 N. leth street. 70tl30 rpOWHOMIt may roncern. To iwtlcs nhn Jbuild houses costing from tl.ivi to 11V1) ) . no furnish beautiful building lots In Kcdlck Park requiring no payment of pilnclpnl for 5 jears. Hedlck Park has city water. 350 mnplo mid elm treesII lesldnuco * undwr contract to build , ii'jnn to cost loss than (1,20J. Its sticets nro grilled mid turnplked It Is within thoclty limits , opposite Kountzo Place , and nccessiblo tromciltliiirSaumloraor State. Prlco of lots unlll.luly 1H , 11,000. \ \ o also oiler 100 It Irontlim llanscom Park , $0.000 , M to H cash Cor 100x150 , fleorgla ave , f.X ( , t , OM cash. Full lot and 7-room hou u In ovccllcnt condi tion , Parker's ndd , J3.VU CorOilxltJ , Improved , S 11th near v Induct , flo.Wfl. Mead A Jamlcson , Solo Agents , JH a 15th Pt. 718 "IjlOHSALK-Or trade , 25 lots in the western -L part of Omulm near the lionson our line , pi Ice flOO oacli , $210 duo on contnutrt puyabln in 8 quartorl ) pa ) mcnts , will trade Interest In contracts for NourasKa bind. MeCnlloch .V Co. , 1500 Karnain st. 10JO T A liAKOINLots5 andn.blotk T Lowe's ndd , fronting on Hamilton , Chailos nnd 34th sts. , total irontngo ot J97 feet , f 1JilO , Two lots looxl.'fi.tho lines ! east ami south front corner In Ambler Place ( old partI ) blocks fiom line , both for $1,750. Corner PWXI2D mist nnd north front In Weft Omiiha , two blocks south of rarnam St. , S4.&JO. Corner2V > foot fiontniri' on Military Houd.lJS feet ilcon , on cur line , JS.O'X ) . C E Hollar , 310 S. ICth st , Hoard of Trade building 274 _ FOH SALE ICO acres , 7 miles from postolHco , S100 per ncro 1 his Is u baigaln. Will muko purchnser * I1.1K)0 ) In ono your. Lot In Plain- vliivv , flJ75. H. W. Huntress , 150' ' Pnrnum street 601 S5J "ToNH aullaghor.l7 ! ) South 11th. fl rulrmount Pinto , iiOxlJI , fl.-W. Cor , 61x110 fl.KiO. .iUxlJI , $1,000. Iho'O mo nil oilgnnt lots. MoorB.IUchunts&Tildon's udd. 51ots ( ! > 00 for cm tiers and ? V00 for Inside lot" . Ail south fionts Compnro thcso prices with what ethers are nuking , H-rooni house , 21d st near Cnss. SI.OOO ; 'i cnsh. 2,000 lots mid ov or 100 hoiiBcs for sale. Huv n Fomo spcc'lal bnrgnlnson hund noiv Hint will p ly ) ou to investigate. 77J S * FOH trading , felling or btiluir any kind of real onato In or oiu of the city call on or addtees Hie Omaha lluslnoss Etuhuugo , .11(1 ( S. 15th Et. llooin I. 7bJ I7IOH SALK Or oichnngo for good Omaha 1 property u 40 aero fium adjoining the town of Klkhorn , all enclosed , a good 10 room house , laigo barn nnd other out bulldlncs , plenty or shrubory , Iruit nnd boirles of nil Kinds , suitable us nn addition , or good truck farm , u beautiful homo. Address J II. Sllvls , Elkhorn. Neb. 767 30J 171OH SAIiE-Lot 108vlJI , four blocks from JLpnved HI. , south pail of town , price $1,500 , half cash , bulnucti to suit. J. W , Knrol. Williams Pt , bet. llth and 15th. 5G2 Jflj FOH SALE A Uno farm of 1GO acres , en closed with 3 wno fence , .11 ueios under cultivation , 11 ncics of n h trees In tluitty growing condition , prlco f 10 per ucro. tcims ousy. 'this offer good for thirty days only. Addiess Cbns. H.Mlson , Oxford , 1'urnas coun- ty. No ti _ B7JJ)8 "fjlOH SALE-50 No , 1 farms within u radius of JP 20 miles of Omaha , Also n low good busi ness chnuccH In two llvo towns. J. 11. Sllvls , Heal Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Nob. 57UAiig 8 rOH SALIt-Cottugo , 7 rooms and bath room , tire place , ouk inuutol , cistern , city water , etc. , rfl foot of ground. 22d st. noith of St. Mttr > 'savo. 51,500. C. W. A. li. E. Ihompson , 314 b 16th St. 210 HAKOAIN One hundred feet front on BIO South Kloventh st , corner lot , only J5.000. rarton tlrao. V. L. Vodicka , 5iJ South 1 Hh st. SELECTS , are tlio carefully llUod bnrgattH litintcddoirn by C.iko A Hillings. Our sam ple case : 2 lots with2houses.T. T. Hodlck's sub , only block from sticet cur line , lOdxU ) ft ou Btrcets , blir money hoio for you. Como , over 1U1 , corner Dodge and llth , and we'll make It pleasant nnd piontablo for you. 3iO BAHOA1NSIn In aero property. TolnvcBtnis lotrora cnolue tiuct of twenty acres , close to Ml'hourl Paclllo railway ; only two blocks from the locution of the now Im plement manufacturing building that will employ 100 men. 'Ihe Northwestern railway are now grading for their line to the stock jurds , directly oust of this property. Those acres mo high and sightly , commanding n magnificent view in every direction. The land Immediately ndjotnlng this property has been platted Into lots nnd sells for SuOO to $4COper lot. Icanolfcrthls property In tracts of two , flvo or ton acres at (700 to tMJO per acre , onlj one- fouith cash , bnlanco ono. tvvo and tnrea jo.n-s. Don't lot this stln , but call and let us show jou this property. You can double every dollar Invested. Ocorgo N. Hicks , 215 South Fif teenth ti cot. 72J 21 "I710HSALE or trade , two fine corner lots In JJ Deer Pnrk , will sell nt burpuln , ousy terms , address J. F. ItniiHhor , 1514 s 12th St. 711 25 * FOH SALE-lly bhaw k Co. , 610 SlCth St. Houses nnd lots In all parts of t'mclty. You can't ulTord to rtmt v > htn you knovv the price nnd terms of this class of property. Onieorgla avunuo wo huveolaigo plooo of ground lor sale nt loss than Its value. It Is worth looking at If you wont a nice residence pioporty. Lots for sale In different parti of the city.and 5 ou are sure to muko money by dealing with us. Wo are headquarters lor euro Investments. 553 FOHTY-TWOfeoton Stuto street J7W Pull lot in Snunders A , Himobuugh's ndd 475 Two good lots In Mojers , H. & T. add , each. 750 8.K. cor. In lloyd'R b50 Trackage In Paddock I'laco , cheap , Hoom2d , Paxton building. 174 Bpecial Ordinance No. 975. Oi.liimnco levying a special tux and assessment sossmont on certain lots and real ostuto In tlio city of Omalm , to cover the cost of con st i uciing Eower In Bower District No. IW. \ \ horeas , it having been and being hereby adjudgnd , determined mid established that the suvorul lots and pieces of ical estate hereinafter loloned to have each boon specially benofltted to the lull amount herein lovlodund assessed uculiist eucli of said lots and [ ilccoa ot ieal estate , respectively , bv reason of the con- strmtlonof usowei In Sewer District No. , W. 'lin roloro , fortho puriioso of payln ? the cost of such soncr coiibtruction : Do It 01 dallied by the city council of thoclty of Omaha : Section 1. That the cost of constructing n sewer In Sow IT District No. 113 , In Iho oily of Omulm , "aid cost being the sum of $ . ' ,71121 , bo niul the sunn * is norooy levied and as es-jd , in proportion to the leot front along said Im provement , nnd according to special benefits b\iensnnof Bald Impiovoment , upon the lol- Ion ing described lots and run I ostuto , as shown by the generally rocognl/od map of Iho city of Omnhu , IStfl , lithographed and published by C. E. Mil } no , said cost being BO lovled on said lots mid cstato. respectively , ns follows , to-vut : II01U ! VCII'S BK'OMI AIIIIiriOK. Nmno Ixjtor , Ain't of of On not. Description. Illook. 'lux Patrick Cavminuijli 1 ,1 JTJ50 llridgct Hogun . . . .n" 2 ! l 2175 Stella M Chiimplin sH2 II 21 75 Emily Angell n > > . ) .1 2175 JohnN Iborg sXi-1 'J 217' .Ino A Orandcn 4 : i 4'U9 ' .Ino A Horlmch 5 II 4'J4'J C.irollno Andcres 0 ! l 41 . ' ' > .1 A Horhuch 7 ! ! 41.5 Gail A Ilcrggren n'i ' K ; i ui 71 NllsLarson P'i ' d II III 75 U Wlckstrnm n'il' ' ' : i 21 75 Allg Wicustiom H'/'I ' 3 2171 MagniiH A Larson n'/J ' 10 : i 2175 Nils Larson ! i 10 3 2171 Antony A Moi ton 11 II 4'J 4'J WmMiibting 1. 3 4S4'J t. V. bMlTII'S ADIIU1OV. rnlvlnDSchultz I 2 5141 Chnsll I'ul/ 2 2 54 41 fiollloli Ptor ? 3 2 5141 Ilobt McConnell t 2 5115 " A 8 5111 llonoru Oirroll n 2 5141 7 8 5141 Polor Lopport n > J H 2 272J Anna Lcppert s't H 2 * -i\ \ Champion SCIrnso 9 2 5l4'i " 10 2 5141 Ellen Gvvlnn 1 11 5111 John W Owlnn. 2 1. ) 5t is 111' linker 3 II 6145 HyA Haskcll 4 1) ) 5441 JAWhalm 5 11 5141 .1 no D Smith I II 5U1 " nV57 U yti OPMUlT t\i \ 7 II 27-'i Jonnlobmlth H II .1141 Helen ( Iwlnn cV 9 U r s | ! John P IliiHloy Mi U 11 IfKll Peter J Johnson OcM II 5U1 Puller It Bmlth n ! } 11 II 27'"J Karen Hansel si ) 11 II 2722 I Johnson 11 II 5141 Wmlljun 11 11 M41 Iliuothy Hyun II II 5141 David Ivnor 11 II 5111 Timothy Hyan 10 U 5441 I'JDuutl 1 H 514 " ' , 2 Id T.I41 . " , ; , .n'53 ' 10 S72J Noah Clark sVt 3 -11 27.9 . " ; . .i , nW 4 11 . 2723 CurollifoAjiderei. . ' . , , .eV 4 10 . 272. ! . , " . ' 5 10- & 4.41 JnoA Wltth . . . 10 f,443 Katie A llnssott . . . . . 10 5441 (1POA Wilson 10 S72J ( leoO llrowti V wlfo . s't S 1(1 ( sjia Mary A Snffoldor . n't 9 la 2723 Michael I'olev . ' 4li 1(1 ( B72-J Mill-till Kiuclit . 10 Id fl4 45 VMIhclmltm lituiman , w2 3 ft tax lot 21 , sec 10 n II . , l > o Od Section 2. That the special taxes and n montslev led nnd assessed us nlorcs aid , shall bo duo linmedlati-l ) upon the passage and ap proval of this ordinance , mid Hlnill bocoin do * ilnquont If not paid within llfly i1n > * tlieni often mid thereupon shall lienddcd mtoio < t at the tatn of ono nor t. tut u month , piynblo In ml. v unco funn the time snld taxes become so do * lliuiuent. ft ctlon 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and bi In foruu funn and utter Its passage' . Pu jedJiim'7tli. 1-W7. \VM IMUc'iiKt , , President City Council. J. H. SOUTH utn , Oty Clerk. Appiovcd J uno 10th. IS T. _ , , W J UiioiTcn , Major. This lax Is now duo mid pnvnblo ut the : > tllei of Iho oily treasurer , mid v 111 bccouio de linquent us ptovidcd In sections je.4d5t JOHN , City Treasurer. Special Ordinance No. 073. AN Oidlnunco lev ) Ing a special tux nnd as sessment on ctitiiln lols and rialostutotn thoclty of tover the one Inilf cost ofgiiullug Oth itiout Iruin Illckoi ) stioctta PaollloMioot vMieicns.K having been ami being hcrcli ) ad judged , determined mid established that tin several lots mid pieces of iu\l eeliito herein after lefcrred to , hav o e ich been Bpeelally ben. olltted to the lull amount herein 1m led and usootiseil against oaeh of mild lots and pieces o ( loul estate , respective ! ) , b ) rt'iivunof tlio grad ing ol that part ot Un stutt , from Hltkorv Ft reel to Paclllu Micot , done under contract with Clius. 1 { . Fannliig\ 'Ihoictoio , for tlio pin pose of pnlngthoonu * half COM of such giadiug : lie It ordained hv the City Council ol the city ot Oniahu : Section 1 , That the ono half cost of grading that pint of tithtieet , in the city ol Omaha from Illckoi ) btrott to Pai'lllc street , raid ono halt of said cost being the sum or $ Is11 I , * , said irradliiirbelngdouo under contrail v\ lib Thus. 11. 1 mining & Co. , bo mid the Kitmnts hereby lovitd und iis-0--cd , according to.ptitlal hcne- Ills bv reason of snld guiding , upon the fnllovv- Imr lots mm 10 il estate. IIH shun n bv thogcner- allv recognised map of thu e'lt.v of Omiiha , ISN ) , llthogiaphed mid publisht'd bv 0 E. Ma ) no , said cost being eo hnleil ou saiil lots and le'iil estate , rcspectlvol ) , us follows , lo-wit : Nmno Lot or Ain't of of Owner. Di oilptlon. lllock. 'lux. O \ H W Hv Co II4IU7 ii | H .1 211 f : ? > b5 Miix Aluuliums s-"i 0lll It D 213 John Keck , nil except 4')17 ' ) sq It In n pt mid IDvJi.d In sw pi. . . . . .3 245 Si ) 54 O A. H W Hy Co . . nlf.17 sq ft. ) 215 1'JUo lloha .1 li rol-oni , nsllt eve 1017 sq ft 111 II pt . . . .4 241 50 4S .lohn Hack . . . nSifl M2 \ ft 4 215 2.IU1 MiixAbiuhams biinrt4 211 P Tlllkelsoil UJJltS 211 I'D ( Ml MnrlnLhtltt sJJn4l5 211 20 5(1 ( HemyS Stltt s2JnM5 ! 211 2061 II P Madsen l-2 5 241 hi 117 PTurkelfOii nUullO 241 h34 MarloL&tllt sJ2ullo110 211 8.14 Hunr ) 3 Mitt hJJnfiliollO 211 .S.I I II I' MiulMMi . . . Bl-J 0 211 21 OS HoifgH & Hill eUltl ) 211 287 JoolC boot ! I1 * ! 1 2ltl 7570 Augollnii fchiuldt sll 1 24(1 ( 47113 Josllmkor nSl 2 211) ) .5241 Angelina bclimldt all 2 21(1 ( 20 47 Wm Cleburno nl-2 7 210 2'J4I ' HO Jcnkliison H ! 2 7 21(1 ( 2(1 ( 4.1 Win Cleburno nl-J 8 240 1.107 HO Jeiiklnson sl-2 rt 2HI (11117 ( Anton Cnjorl 1 Xi1 ! 1J1T5 Ll77lo K y 2 2H.1 5JH7 Murtlmjtogois 7 21.1 fi. b7 1.M.I3 Louis Peterson J 2firt lames Leo 4 2tJi ! IJ.13,1 Anna Slici lock n SI ft I 2i-S 2149 Wm Cleburno 8101115 2u ! lOlNi " 0 Sin 5J87 Nlflh Olson ol-J 3 4 2041 .lohn Molt wl-2 3 4 2U4t MiixAbinhums 4 4 Anlhnii ) Hobon 5 4 l.iivmnln.I McDowell R 4 5JS7 Nellie E WobMor J 11 fiJST 1'nter.l Johnson 4 15 121 Ji C.ul Nelson nJl It5 11 2:41 : Jiimes Lar-cii. . . . \.blJ nrti 5 11 : , 'i 21 Itoburt NoNon sl-2 6 15 111 (18 ( I'ptur M llneK ' 15 f,2 7 MmthaHogeis 0 6J83 5.-H8 SCEppeison ,17 I'M 31 Rudolph J Mnnz J IW . . . . " ' ' ' ' " ' ' Alex O Hucbamm".1. . . . . 6 33 12.135 1 U 5.JBT BEOHON 20-15-1J. Sr Rogers 3 . . 1,817(11 ( Section 2. 'Hint the special tiuos ami assess ments levied and assessed asalorusakl , fllmll bo duo immediately i.pon the passugo and ni | < piovalof this ordlnmico. and shall become de linquent If not paid within fifty days thoi oaf tor , mid thereupon shall bo added Interest nt thd rate of ono percent a month , pioablo in ad * v unco from the tlmo said Hues become so do * Sectlon'3. That this ordinance shall take effect nnd bo In force fiom anil after Its passage. Passed .In no 7th , 1887. WM. P. HCCIIKL , President City Council J. 11. SociTiiAim , City Clork. Approved June 10th , 1887. W. J. llnoATcn , Mayor. This tax Is now duo nnd pa ) able at the otllet of tlio city ticubiirei. and will become delin quent us piov ided In Section 2. jeJ4d5t JOHN Rti3iiClly Treasurer. Special Ordinance No. 974. A N Oidlnunco lev ) Ing n special tai and assess- xxmcntoncortnin lots mid icul estntoln the city ot Oiiiuhn , to oovoi the ono-hnlf cost of grudlug7th sti cell i oin Jones stiect to Plerco Btroet. huvlng been nnd bolng hoioby ad judged , determined and ostubllahod that the hoverul lots und plcce of roul CMute heroin * utier'iofcrred tohave inch boon spi clmlylicn * otltted to tin ) full amount herein lov led and asncsscd against c'uch of Halt ! lots and plccosof roul estnto , respectively , by roiif-onol tlio giud * Ing of thiil part of 7th sin ot from Jones Btieot to Pleico street , done under cunlrnct vrlthC. E. Fanning it Co. Thoioforo , fortho purpose of pa ) Intf Iho ono- hnlf cost of such grading ! He It ordained by the otty council of the city ot Omaha : Section 1. That the one half cost of grndlng that part of 7th street , In the clt ) of Omaha' . fioin.Ioncsstrcot to Pierce street , said one half of said coat being the Mini of $ J,4JI.7I , said grading being done under contract with O. K. Fanning , o. , bo and the samols hereby lovlod mid usscscd , according to Hpoclul bonelltB by reason ol paid grading , upon tno lollou Ing lots and real estate an t-houti by the generally tocognl/od map of the oily ot Omaha , 188(1 ( , lith ographed and published by 0. K. Mnyne , nuld cost being so lovl'd on snld lots und icul ustuto , l esprctlv 11) , us follow s , lo-w It : N uno Lot or Am't of of Owner. Deserlpllon. Block. Tux. EllHhu Atkins k Hy Mc- I'm hind 3 188 $3033 LIMia Alklnn 4 1M M70 John Powtr 5 IPS 84 7U \\llhislinlnnlluiiniiMi 0 IW 303:1 : UPUyCo 1 IhJ K478 189 Ell/abothDavH 1S9 'MX\ \ E I , Stone 8 189 l 7 A Hnciiman . . sTUcll ft 1 2 ( J 34 M Moitcnsen & . Chrlstcnson 201 3023 KuphrosiniiDoll 2Jftl 20(1nrt ( 201K llultii/Kriimer 2 nrt iW3I John H Levy 7 aw 3U3.1 ' * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 200 81711 Chas Met ? ! l 207 3d 33 NoUO Nelson n1 * fl 4 JOT 0165 Hiuchn Huchman b.ld It 4 : i)7 ) 2.111 ( ioo ' 1 Mill * 6 207 M78 Huns I.ursui . . U 2IJ7 5(133 ( IIP Hy Co . . . f-WlOsq ft 3 21(1 ( 24 ( X ) \1lllor..n.87JBTltl 210 11 10 UPHyCo.\ 210 84 7 " 5 2111 B47H * n 21 B 1 ! ! I7 8476 " 2 217 no : u " 7 217 MXl " 8 217 B470 II JIM 1UU.O. . . . SJllOBq ft 1 2.14 m ( a U P ly ! Co . lll"J7J Sq ft I 214 ifi 10 . . nVill ) mi ft 8 31 2340 II AMUR Co fj ] < as'ill % 214 1201 \Vll HCo 7 ill ! 3 _ 84 70 UP > Co 3 30 3 J 215 847H " . . . . .mlsq ) fl 6 2.11 7W O.vSWHHOi ) b U-sqflS 2.15 7701 H P Hv To nSilDpq fill y 11 970 O AH W H UCo kCIUSwilt ( I 2.H 21 , KS Ki ( Huinphre-.eJG2-12n8l ft 3 246 881 Aug Weiss wJJ 10-12 1181 U 3 24A 114J 010 Ol.Hon . R.1I It : i 24 1401 Humid E Sdiau . . nKI It 4 5JOJ John Ohrlfttophcrson , 651 ft 1 1 74 An. . Iron .1 Harmon . . . . 5 M71 A WStrcct . 0 240 C'i3J ' 11 Heed \ John Campbell. 1 247 84 711 247 Pctorll0)ei . wv4 217 is 10 Hobieca P Armstrong1 , .o i 217 1810 It (1 ( Jonkln&on . . . 217 K470 Knctlon2 'lhat the spoclHl taxes and rnnntH levied and iit.osed . us aloroiald. vhull bo duo Ininii llMtoly upon the passage and np * iirovulof tills ordinance , and shall become dn. liiiquunt If not paid within fifty ilus thorn. ultor : nnd tlirrrnipon shall bo mldod Interest at Iho rnto of ono ner cent a month , pit ) ableIn advance from the tlmo said taxes become to do- llnquent. Section 3 , That this onllnnnra shall taUo cf foot and bo In lorco from mul allot Us pnsiago , Pnsseil .In nu 7lb , I W7. WM. K. HKOIIKI. . President City Council J. H. SnrniAiti ) , city Clork. Approved Juno ICth , IW. W.J. IlnoATOii , Mayor. . ' Th's ' tax U now due and paj able at the olllco of the clt ) irriuurer , anil will become .dolln * q'jont us provided lnS"Ctinn2. ju'idSt . ' JOHN lluim. O.tTrca8urt.r < >