Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Chicago Wheat Considerably Affected Bj
the Panic In Wall Street ,
Corn ContlnucH Weak With Hut Slight
TrnnaautloiiH On\ts Dull Hut
Finn More Interest lit Pro-
vlfiloiiB Quota ttons ,
CiacAaoJtinc2J. ! [ Speclftl Telcernm to
tlio UEK.I Tlio panic In the New York stock
market nbdorbcd speculative nttuntlon tolny
to tlie exclusion o everytlilng ulsp. Tlie
values of commodities iloalt In on tlio bonrd
of trade sulfcrud syiupiithctlc doproclntlon In
conseqUi'nco of the break In stocks , but the
locnl iimrkct ruled steadier than wai to Imve
been expected , and tlio closlncs do not show
any Important change as compared with yes
terday. Speculation dragged and cash In
quiry was loss oacr , though the number of
small orders from interior milling points
seems to bo on tbu Increase. Exporters nru
having llttlo to say and bids for English nnd
continental account arc generally consider
ably below the market. The foreign demand
Bcoins for the moment to liavo bcun satisfied
and the great mass of speculative investors
appear disposed to wait until the lirsc of next
month to sco what Is k'olni ; to become of cash
wheat before entering Into now contracts.
July wheat opened at 70Xc , August at 72c ,
September at 74c and December at 7UJf c.
July sold ott to &Mc , August to
72c nnd September to 74Kc. There
was a subsequent recovery to 70) ) c for July ,
72&QWXC for AiiBiist , 74c for September.
The tone at 1 o'clock was rather easier anil
the ranee at that moment was 70(3bOi4C ( for
July , W ? @ 72Xc for Auirust , 7 % c for Sen-
tembcr. Juno ranged K@4C under July.
Trading In cash wheat was spiritless.
There was a continuation of yesterday's
dullness in the speculative market for corn.
Outsider orders wore plionmMnally llcht and
local Interest Is lacking at present , the busi
ness passing being conlincd to the scalping
crowd. A weaker fecllni : was developed.
Prices coveiod a ranijo ot Me during the
morning session. Hut very llttlo was done
at either extreme and most trading was with
in kc limits. July ooenedat 8C < c , or yes
terday's closing price , weakened and barely
touched fflyrfc , and at 1 o'clock was quoted at
SOWSaekc together. AitKUSt rated at H7c ,
Seutembur at ilUj c , and October at 3U c ;
a decline all round of % @J c.
Oats wcro dull but lirm consldnrlnc ; the
weakness In other linos. The fluctuations In
prices worn too narrow to attract attention
or to make a decent scalp possible , and tlio
1 o'clock quotations were : July 25X'J5Kc ,
August i % p. September 35 ( g25c. This
was substantially the same as yesterday's
In tlio provision pltt there was a little
more doing. No particular activity was wit
nessed , yet there was an improved disposi
tion to take hold and the market was not
only regarded with increased interest but
was also well supported. Yesterday's ex
treme outside prices were not sustained , yol
the iliicttiatlons wcro cniilinod to a small
ranuo and the declitii'.s suffered worn
limited. In lard the day's actual reduction
was only SK@5c , and In shor ribs 5@7 } c. In
the near deliveries for these articles trading
is largely In the way of rlianplug over out
standing contracts , the difference between
July and August being widened In lard to
12Hc and In short ribs to inc. Uetweou Au
gust and Septi'iiiDor the dllterenco in both
was conerally 10 \ fork was again quoted
at $22.00 for cash and Juno.
AFTKIINOON Si : siox Wneat was vulot ;
Juno G'J-Ke , July 70't'c , Auizust ' 3 c. Corn
was steady ; Juno closed at about ! 5. > } c , Jills
BO c bid. August atST fc , September at o9J < (
bid. Oats were easier lor June , ' > la bid ,
July afl c asked , August 85Hc. 1'oik was
quoted at 822.00 for cash and Juno , wlU
no trading. Lard was stione and unchanged
Short ribs declined 2 } c.
CHICAGO , Juno 24. [ Special Telograrr
tothoUun. ] CATTLE The receipts to-da.\
were very much lighter than yesterday , bui
that's not saying much. There would lmv <
been as many cattle as the trade required hru
there not been a hoof received to-day. Tin
market was less demoralised than on yester
day. Cattle that wore wanted sold'morc ac
tlvely at yesterday's prices , but the marke
for big , heavy and thin and rough cattle wa :
aa bad an over , If not worse. Many such cat
tie remained unsold. Shipping steers , l,8.'y
to l.fiOO Ibs , 83.75@4.r)0 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs.
83.50O4.2S ; OSOto 1,200 Ibs. , 3.20@3.7 ; stork
crs and feeders , 31.50@3.00 ; cows , bulls ant
mixed , $1.40rii.lOO : sBp-fed steers ,
4.20 ; Texas steers , S2.7533.50 ; cows , 3'J.
Iloos Trade U rather slow , as to price
there was llttlo or no change at the opcnlni
ns compared with yestcrdav , and speculator
bought freely. Late arrivals , or stock tha
was held out of the view of regular buyers li
til- ) morning , sold 5c lower than at the open
lug. Most of the bujers of light as.sortei
claimed that sort was 6@10c higher all daj
About all the good to choice mixed or as
ported sold within ranges of SS.OUQS.Ori ,
few inferior at S4.UO@4.1C , and a few fane ;
at S5.10 ; Yorkers. 85.oo5.05.
Uoverument bonds were dull and heavy .
Chtcaco , June 21. Followlnij quott
tlnns are the : HO closing Ucures :
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat-Unsettled and lower ; after llucti
atlng within Kinall rangti all day. closed * i
below yesterday ; cash , OO 'o ; July , 70 1
August , 72Xc.
Corn Quiet and easier , closing -VK < 5 1 *
low yesterday ; cash , 85 > < c ; July , SOk'c ; Ai
gust , a7"fc.
Oats Steady as compared with yesterday
with , i/c Improvement ; casti , 25 > t'c ; Jul
. ; August , astf-iflc.
Kyo-DulI at 52c.
Uarloy Steady at 57c ,
Timothy Seen Prime , 52.1332.15.
Flax Seed-91.22.
Pork Unchanged ,
Lard Ituleil comparatively stead v ; cai
and July. S8.85 ; August. SO.47Kf40.5o ;
Bulk Moats-Shoulders. ; she
clear.87.&r > 7.7U ; short ribs , 87.23.
Butter Easier ; creamery , HX@lSc ; dalr
Cheese Finn full cream cheddars , 7H
7J/o ; llats , 7Jf@Sc ; young Auierlcaa , UK
6 we ; skims , bijwcc
hgw-Wenk ut lO
Hides-Steady ; heavy ereen salted
? htdo,7 Sc ; salwd bull , hides , 60 ; gro. .
paltodcalf.Ho ; dry Hint 12 < % l3c ; dry cal
ISMUc ; deacons , 40o each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Firm ; No. l country , solid , quo !
bio at 4c ; No. 3,3o ; cake , 4c
Kecelpts. Shlpuien1
Flour , bbls 10.000 13C
Wheat , bu 65,000
Corn , bu 40,000 237.C
Oat * , bu 85,000 03,0
Kyci bu. 4.C
Barley , bu 3,000
N m York. June 24. Wheat Kecelp
,000j iporu , 147,000 j cun leas active
some nnd ' .ftfS' ' e lower ; options Ir-
rt'Kiihir aiul unsuttled ; Juno opened lirm
and advanced U3ic , latter nioiittis a trltle bet
ter , but subsequently there was a decline of
3c on June mid ? scg' , < c on other months ,
closing steady and Sst ' c above the lowest ;
ungriiaed roil , s' ( < i 14c ; N'o. 8 red , 8U fc ;
No. 1 r d , S'ici ' N'o. 2 red. bCJf Tc In store ;
bTMSTJic iillont , bTdJ'iTJic tree oil board ;
July closltiB at N5Kc.
Com Spot steady and moderntrly nctlve ;
options null and rather easier , closing
steady ; receipts. 11,000 ; exports , -11,000 ; un
graded , Mt } tl McNo. \ . -licallo.-xt : July
clo .lnint Ifyfc.
O.its-1) , ' ' 1 higher ; receipts , 01,000 ; nx-
poilstoo ; mixed \\ediern , : ilSCc ; whlto
western , 3T@llc.
Petroleum Steady ; United , OlJ c.
Kitrs--Qilet | but steady ; western , 14@14J.fc.
Pork Steady and demand moderate.
hard Lower but modeiately active ; west
ern steam , spot , fl.70 0.5.
Utitter Quiet nnd lirm on line creamery ;
western , lOiiMSc ; westoin creamery , IDQISc.
( Jheeso Firm and fair Inquiry.
Minneapolis , Juno 21. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 hard , cash and July. TIJ O ! Aunust ,
7U3 c : No. 1 northern , cash , 70c ; July , 70Kc ;
No. U northern , cash , n < < c ; July , GSJxc. On
track : No. l hard , TJKQ'iic ; No. 1 noitheiu ,
718 Q72c < ; No. a noitiiurn , oo fc.
r lour Patents , g-i.UO&i.SS ; bakers' , $3.30
Jtecolnts Wheat , 80,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 8,500 bu ; Hour , 13,000
Milwaukee. Juno 21. Wheat-Steady ;
cash , 70Vc ; July , 71 e ; September ,
Corn Easier ; No , 3 , liti c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 30 > fc.
Kyo-Qulet ; No. 1 , 57c.
Uarloy Nominal.
Piovlslons Firmer ; Pork , June , Stl.2-"i.
Cincinnati , Juno 24. Wheat Nominal.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , H'Jc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 20 c.
Uyo-Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , CO o.
Pork Unchanged at S15.00.
hard Unchanged at $ ( U'J } .
Whlsuy In fair demand at S1.05.
St. Iioiils , Juno 24. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 70V4Tiij ( c ; July , 73 > c.
Coin Weak ; cash , 3"r < t37XR ; July , mc.
Oats-linn ; cash. 27"Jo ' ; July , 24c.
Pork-Steady at 815.00.
Whisky 81.03.
Butter Quiet but steady ; creamery , lo@
IBc ; dairy , lOfijtlBc.
Afternoon Board Wheat , steady ; July ,
73Xc. Corn , lirm ; July , 3ilc ; August , 3oc ,
Oats , steady ; June , 2So ; July 24c.
Katisaa City , Juno 2-1. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red cash , G3J c bid ; June , C4u bid , 04 > ic
asked ; JulyOJMc bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2cxsliSO ! c ; July,30) ) < rc ;
AiiBiist , 31c hid , HlJ c asked.
Oats No quotations.
Ijlvcrtiool , June 24. Wheat Dull find
lower ; holders olfer finely ; red western
sprliiu' , Os Ud(2ris ( lie per cental ; red western
winter , Os 10d@7s per cental.
Corn Dull ; new mixed western , 3s HXd
per cental.
Now Orleans. June 24 , Corn Easier ;
mixed , -We ; yellow,50@ . > le ; white , ! > 4@55c.
Oats Quiet and lirm at JiGGiSOl.fc.
Cornmeal Dull at 82.25.
HOK Products Easier and not quotably
iavi > : STOCK.
Chicago , Juno 24. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports a.s follows :
Cattle Hecelpts. 4,000 ; steady ; shipping
steers , S.20@4.50 : ) ; stockers and toeclers ,
S1.50M3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed
Sl.40Q3.Oo ; Texas cattle , S .lSCgU.OO.
llogs lteceipts. 18.000 ; market closing
weak ; rough nnd mixed , S4.70g5.00 ( ; pack-
lug nnd shipping , S4.UO(35.10 ( ; light , S4.70Q
5. 00 ; skips. & 3.00@4.CO.
aShcen Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives
S2.75@4.25 ; western , 3.40@.75 ! ; Tuxans
C2.75Qi3.50 ; Inmbs , per head , 81.00(24.00. ( Stock Yards , Kat St.
LoulB , III. . Juno 24. Cattle Receipts.
1,400 ; shipments , 1,300 ; weak ; choice heavy
native steers , S4.30@4.50 ; fair to good ship
ping steers , $3..iOr ' ( > 4.25 ; butchers' steers ,
SH.0@4.1B ' ! ; leeders , § 3.1a04.00 ( ; stockers ,
82.20 ( 3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 2..100 ; shlpmrnts , 000 :
nbout steady ; choice heavy and butchers' '
selections , 85.00(35.10 ( ; Yorkers and packers ,
84.855.00 ; pigs , S4.10@4.bO.
Kantian City. Juno 24. Cattle Receipts ,
2,200 ; shipments. 700 ; about steady ; common
to choice , S3.40dl4.10 ; slockers. S2.50@i.OO : ;
feeding steers , S3.103.30 ; cows , S1.75M3.10
lions Receipts , U.OOO : shipments , 3,000 ;
steady nnd closing lOc lower ; common tc
choice , 81.3504.83 ; skips and pigs , 53.00@4.25 ,
Friday , Juno 24.
There was a falling off In thn receipts ol
cattle to-dnv of 200 head. The markei
opened bniely steady anil n few bunches
cunnged hands , but the market was no
The low prices nnd dull market of the pas
few days has evidently had Its etfect ns tin
receipts have been growing less every dav
The receipts to-dny foil short of yesterday 'i
receipts by 1,300 brad. The mar t opoiiec
about steady on light hogs and they were al
sold oiuly In the day. The demand was slov
on heavy hogs and very few were sold untl
late In tlio forenoon , when they bo nn taklni
them at a little stronger prices. Althougl
they were not all sold until In the ntternoon
the pens weio closed before the marke
closed. _
Thnro wcro a few sheen In which had beci
conti acted tor before their arrival.
Cattle . CO
UOK.S . - . . 2co
Sheep . 10
FrovallinK Prices.
She wine the prevailing prices paid for live
Block on this market :
Choice steers , 1803 to 1500 Ibs . . . . 34.00(314. ( 10
Choice steers , lioo to 13W ibs. . . : i.oo@4.oo
Fat little stners WO to 1050 lt > 3. . . . H.OOMK.M
Extra choice cows and heifers. . . . 8.1.V2ii.'ir :
Good to choice corn-fed cows . . . . 2.7.r(3.oo :
Common to medium cows . U.i' ) @ ' .G. " >
Good to choice bulls . 2,7fiai.OO ( ;
Llcht and medium hoea . 4.45 ( 4.00
Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.55@4.ri5
Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.00M4.GO
Representative dales.
Av. I'r.
1430 82.75
15'JO 3K ( )
. B20
. 71K )
. 700
No. Av.
C9. . .20 ; ! 260 .
SO. . . : ilO 2bO .2S-J
57. . , a 200 ,215 40
C3. . .254 ICO . : i3H SO
7J1. . .243 100 . 231 40
C5. . .37U 120 .238 120
705S. . .241 120 .i 3 100
5S. .259 120
07. . 270 100
59. .22S bO
M. . . . 253 200 . 800 120
87. . . . 2W 120 .S4'J 200
54..S09200 .S4'J IfiO
70. . . . 231 bO .2iy 40
ih C8..210 40 .253 40
01. . . .270 40 .314 320
rt 60. . .2. ' 9 ! sO .B24
rtr 01. . . . 26 1 120 ,243 40
r , 07. . . .23 : ! 200 . 294 120
ft' , . . , . 200 100 .S20 120
I 04. . . .213 .255 40
8) . . . .207 .257 100
05. . , . 253 W
e ;
" Iilvo Stock Hold.
f" Showlngthu number oflie.vl ot stock so\ \
f"a ou the market to-day
G. fl. Hammond < St Co . 2
a66 Harris A FUber .
66 8iilpi > ors . l
oo Local .
DO Total
00 IIOO.S , 1 = 1
AuKlo-Amcrlcan Paekliiic Co . , . W
G. U. Hammond & Co . ; . 8
liwrls < k Either . , . , . . , . . . i
Clarke Bros. . . . . 02
Total "wca
Unsold 100
iiarrls & Fisher.
Showing the number of cattlo. hoz * nnd
sheep shlpp.-d from the yards during tlio day.
No. cars. Ht. Dost.
19 C. B. &Q Chicago
14 U. I Ch Icago
All sal < H ot stock in this market are made
per cwt. llvu weight unless ollierwlso stated ,
bead lions sell at la per Ib. tor all welcliU.
"aklns , " or hoijs weUhlni : ! thiiii 100 IDs.
no value. I'ru nant sowsaro doclcuJ 40 iDi.
atidatisM Ibs , by thuniiulia impjotor.
Ijivc Stock Notes.
Llcht rrcclpts.
LlClit hogs steady.
Cattle barely steady.
Heavy hoits advance.
,1. M. Oudoti , ot Chapman , Neb. , came lu
with a load of c.ittlc.
Mr. GILHon , of thn DiisU Lake cattle com
pany , was hero with ten loads nf cattle.
U. It. Thow , North Ueiiil. was In and sold
a load ot hops at a very satisfactory price.
] { . H. Conner , a well known feeder , of
Columbus , Is looking over the market , lie
has tun or eleven loads which he Is feeding.
A. Sutton , of the lirm of Mclnto-m & Silt-
ton , the well known live stock men , of Chap
man , was in and marketed four loads of cat
John Wiggins , Columbus , a well knewn
shipper , ami secretary of tlie live stock asso
ciation , was lu with a load ot IIOL'S and a load
ot butchers' stock.
Nothing lu our yards has attracted such
marked attention as tlie ileietord hulls to ho
soltl at auction In the sheet ) Puns Thursday ,
June 30. There aie sixty ot them and all
pure-bred recorded Hereford1' , poperty of
Latham & Sticknev . Mr. Latham is tlio
only son ot the late William H. Latham , first
Importer to America of Uerefoid cattle , dralt
horses and cotswold sheep. No hotter time
will over bu ollcred the cattlemen ot the west
to secure prlmo Heielord bulls at their own
price. _ _
General I'roiluce.
Friday , Juno 24.
flic following arc Hie price * tit ivhlch
ruimd tots nf produce ttrc .sofit tit thta mar
ket , Tlio < iuot < itlont on frtilUi < tnd other
collll\odttlc ) \ klilppcil In f mm n illitnncr tire
the prices nt trhlrli outside orders tire Jlllcd :
Ecios Tlie high prices hits stimulated the
receipts and stocks are beginning to accumu
late. The bulk are going at 12it ( > l2c , with a
few nt I3c.
BUTTKII The receipts are liberal and in
excess of the local demand : creamery. IB ®
lc ; dairy , choice , 10@l2c ; dairy , good , W $
lOc CiiEEsn. Full cream cheddars , single ,
9 } e ; full cream llats , wins , lOc ; Young
Amciicas , lie ; fancy Swiss. 20c ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25cLlmrjurger : , 12c ; brick , 13@lGc.
POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce.
Old potatoes are goint : at UO@S1.00 , accord-
inc to quality. New potatoes at 2@2Kc
per Ib.
CHANGES Santa Ana Mediterranean
Sweets , per box , 84.50 ; 6 box lots , 84.25.
C.AUKOII.NIA Knurrs California apricots ,
per box , Si.78 ; plums , per box , 81.25 : peaches ,
per box , 82.50.
BKIUUKS , ETC. Strawberries nro about
played out. Very little Rood shipping block
arriving. Black raspberries are plentiful
and nice , ited raspberries very lirm , but too
tender to stand long trips. Blackberries are
arriving In very nice condition. Blueberries
have also put in an appearance. Domestic
cherries are scaico aim will command hich
prices ; stra\\burrles , ppr 10 qt case , 83.25 :
> lack raspberries , per 24 ( it case 4.00 ;
red raspbeiries , per24pt case , S3.00 ; black
berries , per 24 qt case , Sl.00@rj.00 ; blueber
ries , per 1 bu stand , 84.50@5.0U ; cherries , per
' qt basket , 81.75(32.00. (
PEACHES Per one-third bushel box , SI.50
@ 1.75.
Ai'iT/RS Apples are now beginning to
como in. One-third bushel boxes will be
quite plentiful within a few days. New ap-
) les , per Xbu. box , S1.00 < < 1 > 1.25 ; per bbl , 85.00.
VioETAinr.s : Now potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
! Kc ; Mo. , per bbl. , 83.50 ( < 8l.oO ; new on-
.oiis. per bbl , S3.50 , per box , 81.50 ; cabbage ,
perorate , 84.00@4.50 : tomatoes , per X bu.
iox , S1.251.40 ; turnips , per bbl , 83.00 ( < 43.50 ;
bents , per bbl , 83.00M3.50.
WATKUMKI.OXS Tliero have been several
cars in which met with ready sale at 835 per
mndred. Canteloupes are expected shortly.
PKOVISIO.NS. llam , 12c ; breakfast bacon
rib , 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , lie ; dry
salt sides , 9c ; dried beef , regular ,
12 ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50 Ib
cans , 7c ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c :
iard , lOlb cans. Fairbanks , 7 > c ; lard 5 Ib
POUI.THY The receipts are lalrly liberal.
There aio a good many very small spring
chickens coining in which are slow sale :
chickens , old , 83.00 ( < i3.2. > ; spring , large , 82.50
C3.00 ; spring , small , S1.75M2.25 ; pigeons ,
75(31.00. (
LESIONS The hot weather of the past few
days has caused an increased demand tor
lemons ; picscnt low prices cannot possibly
last much longer ; fancy bar , per box , 86.00 ;
fancy , 85-50 ; fancy , 5 box lots , 85.00 ; choice ,
81.50 ; cholcn , 5 box lots , per box , 84.00 ; tali
to good , S3.75@4.00 ; talr to coed , 5 box lots ,
BANANAS , ETC. Port Llmon , per bunch ,
S3.00@4.00 ; cocoanuts , per 100 , 80.50 7.00.
cans , Fniibanks , 7Mc ; lard , 3 Ib cans , Fair
bauks , 7c.
General Markets.
VAIINISHKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 :
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 ; Da
mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70e ; asphaltum ,
uxtia , Soc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finish ,
Dnv PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc
12c ; Paris whiting. 2 > o ; whiting , gliders
2,8 e ; whitlnir , coiii'l , IJfc ; lampblack , Oer
nmutown , 1-c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c
Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , I8cvaudyk ; <
brown , So ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common
22c : chrome green. N. Y , 20c ; vermllllon
American. IWc ; Indian , raw and burnt
umber , 1-lb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt slcnm
I2c ; vandyke brown. 13c ; relined lamp
black , l-'c ; coach black and ivory black lOc
drop black , IGc ; ultramarine black , 18c
chrome green , L. , M. ft D. , lOc ; blind anc
shutter croon , I , , , M. & D , , lOc ; Paris green
20c ; Indian reu , 15c ; Venetian redOc ; Tus
can , ! Mc ; American vermllllon , L. it D. , 20e
yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. fcO. D. , 18c ; KOOC
ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , 8c : graining color
lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut anc
ash , 12c.
DUITOS AND CrtKnicAi.3. Acid carbolic
50c ; acid tartarlc , B2c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib
COc ; bark sasafrass , pur Ib , lOc ; calomel , pe :
Ib , 78cchinclionidlt ; ) , per o,25c ; chloroform
per Ib , 50c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25
epsom suits , per Ib , tl&c ; glycerine , pure , pe
Ib , ROc ; lead , acetate , per ib , 20c ; oil , castor
No. 1 , per gal , 81.00 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , pe
gal , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , orlg
annum , BOc ; opium , S4.50 ; quinine , P. ft W
nnd R. A S. per oz , 70c ; potassium , iodide
per Ib. 83.25 ; sallclu , per n40c ; sulphati
morphine , per 07 , 83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c
strychnine , per oz , 81.10.
PAINTS IN On. White load , Omaha , P. P
6 } < e ; white luad , St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mar
seilles , creon , 1 Ib cans , IGc ; French 7.1nc
green seal , 12c ; French zinc , icd seal , lie
French zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; Frond
zinc , 75c ; vermilllon , English , in oil , 75c
red , lOc : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook
hon's , 2Vo : Venetian red , American , IWc
red lead , 7kc ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c
chrome yellow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochcllo , 80
ochre , French , 25 c ; ochie , American Ihc
Winter's mineral , - K0Lehlgh brown , % c
Spanish brown,2V c : Prince's mineral , Sc.
Si'iiiiT.s Cologne spirits , 183 proof , 81.10
do 101 proof , S1.12 : spirits , second quality
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 1SS proof.81.0y. Alchohol
16S proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Hcdistillei
whiskies , S1.00Q1.50. Uln blended 81.50(1 (
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00Cit6.00 ; Ken
lucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@fl.50
Golden Sheaf boiubou and rye whiskies
S1.50@3.00. Brandies , Imported S500rt 8.50
domestic , 51.Jo@3.oo. : ( ! ius. imported , 84.5
( IJO.OO ; domestic , S1.2.5c ( < 3.0i ) . Champagne
Imported , per case , 8 > i8.00J33.00 ( ; Amerlcai
per case , 810.00(310.00. (
HlDKS Ureeu butchers' , 5V @ 6e : greei
cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , HGl2c ; dry salt , U@IOc
ereen calf skins. 8c ; damaged hides , tw
thirds price. Tallow SB. ( Jrease Prim
white , 3c ; yellow , Sc : blown , IXc. Shee
pelts , 2.VS 5c.
HEAVV JlAitnwAnr.--Iron , rate 82.70
plow htpel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel
OJ < c ; cast toold , do , VJOilbc ; wjigon spokes
per set , S2.00 < 3'J.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fei
Iocs , sawed , dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each , 80c
axles , each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , 0171t
cell chain , per Ib. 6K@l3c ; malleable , 8@iOc
Iron wedges , 6c ; crovvbars , Co ; harrow toetl
4Vc ; sprinic steel. 4@5c ; Burden's hors
Rlioos , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 85.7 !
Barbed wire , In car 'lots , 14.00 per 100 Ibi
Iron nalli , rates 10 to 50,52.60 ; steel nail ;
( rounr'd List.
Corrm : Otdlnirynratlc , 10Sioi ? : c ; fair ,
21c ; prime , 21jtAJ ( ; choice , UJ < iJ24 ; fancy
green and yellow , tu@ ic ; olil govpinmpiit
Jed Cross , SJJ c.
Svni'i' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.28j1.30 ;
l ew Orleans , per gallon. ! ib ( 40c ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ;
gallon cans , per doz , SlO.tiO ; half nation
aus , per do/ , 8".r)0 : qiiartlcani l > , 8:1.00. :
CANDV Mixed , SKC'illc ; btlck.
CUACKKIIM Garncau's soda , butler and
picnic , 4Hc ; creams b'fc' ginger snansStfe ;
Hy soda , 7Uc.
PirKKi.s Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls , 84 00 ; small , In ibbls. S8.CO ; do , In
'ialf bbls. 84.BO ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; do ,
n half bbls , S-VOO
powdered ,
CANNIH : ( loons Oysters , standard , per
aso , 82.iO3,10 ! ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case ,
82.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , 82.25(32.45 ( ;
California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apilcots ,
per case , 83.50a3.X ( ( ) ; peaches per case , S4.SX ) ;
white cherries , per case , 85.50 ; plums , per
case , 83.50 ; blueberries , per ease , Sl.bS ; egg
plums , 21u. per case , 82.5o ; pineapples , 2 Ib.
per case , S3.20@r.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per do/ ,
81.S5 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , S1.60@i.55 ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , per ense , 81.75 : 2 Ib. string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
rase , SI.CO ; 3 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case ,
82.40(32.50 ( ; 3 Ib. parly Juno peas , per case ,
82-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes. 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
Dry Jjttml > cr.
1U ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft20 | ft'2t ' ft
2x4. 17.fiOl7.fiO 17.50 lfr.50 Min . m Oi.OO ± . ! .
17.51) ) l T , " , (1 I7.W
17.70' ' l7.fiU17.fiO 18.fiOi ) w.5os..fio ; : ;
SvlO I7.M1 17.50 17.W
I MX ) I MM iSiBoliiliriO
1x4-8x8 13.50 18.5' ' )
No. 1 , com , s 1 s 810.50
Mo.2 , com , s 1 s 17.50
No. 4 , com , s 1 s 13.5'j '
No. 1,4 AC in , 13ttl4tt , rough 310.00
No. 2 , " " " " " " " 18.00
A , 12,14 and 10 ft S22.00
13 , " " " 20.W
0. " " " 15.00
U , ' " " 13.00
1st com , % In White Pine Colling S34.00
lear , in. Norway Pine Celling 10.00
A 6 inch \vliito pine Sil.50
C ' 30.K ( )
K" " " " ( SelFen'g ) 10.50
A 12 Inch s. Is 840.00
No. 1 , com. 12 lu S. 1 S. , 12 A 14 20.00
' " 10ft 10.00
No. 2 " " " 12 & 24 ft 18.00
1 ' " " 16ft 17.00
1st and 2d , clear , 1 > Inch , s. 2 s S50.00
3d , clear , 1 incne. 8 s. , 845 ; W , 1U,2 in 47.00
B select , 1 Inch , s.2 s.,830 ; 1J4 % 1 , 8 in 87.00
White cedar , 6 in. , KS12Kc ; 0 In. qr.He. .
Special Ordinance No. 97O.
AN Ordinance levying n epceliil tn.v nnd us-
seesincnt on curtain lots un > t rt'iil estate lu
the city of Oimilm,4o cover the one-half cost
of frrnulnir"Jnd street from Davenport street
to ( 'asa btrcot.
Wliorons , It having been , and being lioreby
ljuilKed , iletonnlncd nnd established tliat the
sovoial lots nnd pieces ot real estate herein
after referred to hu\o cnch been Bpeclnlly bon-
cllttcd to the lull amount heroin levied nnd
assessed against each of said lots and pieces of
leal cstitto , icspecUvely , by routnn or the ( Trad
ing ot that part of ! 'nd street , trom Davenport
Rtt oet lo Cuss street , done unUor contract with
KuU & Culliilmn.
Therefore , for the purpose of paying the ono-
half cost of such grading :
Ho Itonlnlncd by the city council of thoclty of
Oimilm :
Section 1. That the one-half cost of grading
that part of 2''nd street , in the eity ot Omaha ,
Irotn Dnvpnpoit stioot to Cass sttcet ,
Bald one-halt of said cost being the sum ot
Sf27U.Ofl. said grading being done unilor contritct
with Kntit Cnllahan , be and thobarno Is hereby
levied and as'oi-fed , according to spcclnl none-
llts by ronson ot Paid grading , upon tbo follow
ing described lots nnd real estate , us shown by
the generally rocognfrcd map of the city ot
Omaha , IBM , lithographed nnd publlshc-d by C.
K. Muyne , said coat being so levied on ald lots
and teal estaterespectively , ns follows , to-wlt :
Name Lot or Ain't of
of Owner. Description. Block. Tux.
Charity H McConnell 3 48 f 10 13
" 4 48 SIM
Byron Itcod 5 48 2:1(13 : (
Nancy Hnlt 0 48 10 IS
John &MJ Trimble 1 49 2362
Merchants Nat'l Hank S 40 1013
JasW Hnvavo n'/S 7 40 500
.lanoAHonnett s'7 4i ! 507
James W Savage n',5 ' 8 49 1181
Jnno Allonnott B'i 8 49 1181
MaryJIluck 1 50 2162
Truman lluek 2 BO 1013
John B Detwilor 7 BO 10 1:1 :
" 8 60 ' . ' 383
SnrahVChaso 3 61 in 13
Ins Weeks sli ft 4 Bl 7S7
BB Wood Il88ft4 51 1,176
LH Heed 5 61 2362
B D Beats 61 1013
Section 2. That the special taxes nnd assess
ments levied nnd assessed ns nfotcanid , shall bo
duo Immediately upon the passage nnd ap
proval of tlda ordinance , and shall become de
linquent If not paid within Illty days thero-
aitor ; and thereupon , shall bo added , Interest
ut the rate of ono percent a month , payable In
advance from the time Bald tuxes become to
Section3. That thlaonllnancoshalltnko effect
and bo In force trom and after Us passage.
Passed Juno 7th , Ibb" .
WM. F. liBciiEb , President City Council.
J. B. SOUTH tun , City Clerk.
Approved Juno 10th. lt7.
W. J. BitOATCit. Mayor.
The above tax la now duo and payable nt the
office of the city treasurer , and will become de
linquent as provided In section 2.
JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer.
To Whom it May Concern.
Whereas , On the 4th day of May , 1887 , N. S.
Crew executed nnd delivered to K. H , Corbctt ,
ono certain promissory note for the sum ot
' , with Interest nt ten per cent per annum ,
duo and payable thirty day a after Unto ; and on
May 27th , Ib87 , the said N. S. Crew executed
und delivered to E. H. Corbett , ono certain
promissory note for the sum of $1,050 , duo nnd
payable Juno 15th , 1887 , with Interest nt tenpoi
cent per annum , nnd secured the payment ot
both notes by the assignment of certain bovcral
Union 1'aclllc Hullroiid I.anJ contracts , and cer
tain contracts upon real estate situated In the
city of Omaha , county of Douglas , ttnto of Ne
braska ; said contracts being collattorally secur
ity for said notes. And , whereas , said notes
wore duly sold and transferred for n valuable
consideration before nintutlty , to George K.
Barker , and , whereas , there is now due on suit ]
notes the sum of $500 and $1,050 , with Interest ,
together with 115 for attorney's fee , and 16 pel
cent of the amount duo ns liquidated damages.
Now , therefore , I , B. O. Burbank , attorney
for the aforesaid George K. Barker , will , nt mj
oflico , 1402 Farnam street , on the 2T > th day ol
Juno , 1887 , nt 9 o'clock n. in. , soli to the hlgnosl
bidder tor cash , the said contracts iiereiofoic
mentioned and describe
Attorney for George E. Barker.
Omaha , Nob. , Juno 22 , 18b7. jun2'dt !
Proposals for Sale of Booth Privileges foi
the Grand /Vrmv / Reunion.
S HALED proposulgHvill be received until July
1st , for exclusive Itooth privileges on the
camping ground of the Grand Army Komibllo
at their annual reunion , to bo held in Omaha
September 6th next , and continuing ono week
Those privileges will permit nny reputable
business such as restauiants , refroshmcnl
stands , grocers , butchers , bakers , tinware , hab
erdasliars . No intotlcating liquors or gnm
bllng allowed on thoi grounds. Fitly thousand
soldiers are expected lo , participate at this re
union , and the importance ot the business cat
bo estimated from this , na their subsistence
will bu purchased mainly on the grounds , llldi
from others than persons of known responsi
bility must bo accompanied by certified check
for one-tenth of the amount nnd approved
paper , payable on or .before September 1 si , f 01
bnlanco. Klifht reserved to reject any or ul
bids , AH bids must bo addressed to _
1.0U18 llKlMHOn ,
Chairman Committee < m Privileges and Trans
portatlon , Board ot Trade Committee.
Capital $6OO,00 (
Surplus 100.OOC
Herman Kountze , President ,
John A , Creighton , Vice-President ,
F , H. Davis , Cashier ,
W , H. Me quier , Asst.-Cashier
ijiNHonn W ST.DAJJ
MBnilllUUU minntun , l > ecvl herroa
WB DebUltr , UxtManhoed.rtc lukTlna tried In TU
rr known renwlr , hu tflimfrr a almpl
la hu fellow sufferer )
Th enl7 road to take for Oes Molnes Mar-
ihailtowm , Cedar Rnulds , Cllafn , Dlzoa , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all pointi cunt. To thopeo-
of M brnikn , Colorado , Wyomlnpr , Ctah.
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Waahlnnton and Cali
fornia , tt oT ri superior advantages not pout-
ble by any other line.
Arnon * afew oftha nutneroui polnU of tu-
perlorlty enjoyed by the patroni of tbli road
between Omaba and Chicago , are Us two tralai
dnr of DAY COACH KS , which are the finest
tlint hutnitn art and iBUBiinlty can create. Iti
PALACE BLKBPINQ CAHS , which are model *
of comfort and elerance. Its PAHLOtl DHAW-
INQ KOOM CARS , unnurpaijed bv any , and It *
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS
tbe equal of which cannot be found elsewhere
At Council BlutTi the trains of the Dnlon Pnclfln
Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of tha
Chicago * Northwestern Hy. In ChlcdRO the
trains of tkli line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buffalo. Plttsburir.Toronto ,
Montreal , Botton , Mow Yore , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points IB the
ean , aek tec a ticket Tla thn
If you wtok the best accommodation. All ticket
airenU sell tickets ria this line.
GenL llatMwef , OenL PaM'r Arent
Chicago , 111.
Western Agent. City PaM'r Ageat ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Paul Rj
Tlio Best Route from Omaha and
Council muffs foj
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council D lulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
lieloit , Winona , La Croste ,
And ivll other Important points East , Northeast
, mid Southeast.
For through tickets call on the ticket nponl
at UOl rarnutu et , In Puxton hotel , or ut Union
Paclflo depot.
Pullman Sleepers and tbo finest DinlnK Care
In the world uro run on the innln line of the
Chicago. Milwaukee 4 St. Paul Hallway and ev
ery attention is puld to passengers by courte
ous employees of tbo company.
It , Mit.i.KH. Uencrul MunaRer.
J. V. TucKEit , AsslBtant General Manager ,
A. V. It. OAiU'ENTEit , General Paseentfer and
Ticket Airont
Quo. K. HKAFCOUD , Assistant General Passen
ger and Ticket AKOUL '
J. X , CLAUK , Qeueral Superiatoodcnt.-
Omalia Jours' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
CllfLL"PA J {
Wliolo l rieiiUr In
Agricultural Implements , Wnpons ,
anil lliictlm. Jonf Uroi't , between 8tb
in.UOtll.OnmUn , .Neb.
Agricultural Imiilonicnts.
\T gnni.r rrliuoii , llugglc < , nte. . Whnlg lp. Om hi. . .
Wholesale Denier * In
Agricultural Implements ,
i nnt ! lltiRUlos. ' .11 , ' .W , 1 5 nml RI7 , Jones t
Artists' Material.
A. nOSPE , Jit. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Doimlns Street , OniRhn.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnlldcrs'Hnrdware& Scale Uopnir Shop
Mechitiilci'Tooli ami Iluffnln S < - lo . 1 < 06 Douglm it ,
_ Omiitut , N b.
Boots and Shoes.
w. r. MOUSE cC co.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
till Farntiu ( t. , Oumba , Nub. Manufactory , Summer
itrevt. Mutton.
Z.'T.'LINDSEr dTclT.
YVholcsalo Unbbor Boot * and Shoes
Ittililior nttil Olletl CHitliliijt ana Felt Hoot *
and Shoes. Southeast Corner 14th und UouglHg.
Ldfifer Boer Hrowcrg ,
1651 North Hth StrcetOmi _ > Un , Nob. _
llutchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Uningo C ilng of all ktndi nlwsyi In "lock. 1J1 ! ba
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omaha Corrco and Spice Mills.
Tea . OOTPO ( , Spleen , flnklnit I'owdor , Fl TOrlniBs >
tracu , laundry llluo. ink , Ittc. UU-1G Uarrejr
Street , Omubt , Neb.
Comic *
John Epeneter , Prop.
Munofneturer of ( ] Manlted Iron and Cornice. tH
Dodge and 1W and 1M N , 10th it. . Omaha , Web.
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , > tnal , MetallcBkyHibt , tc. 2108.
12th t. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvnnlred Iron Cornice * , to. Bnect'slmprovod Patent -
ent Metallc Skylight. M8 and 610 8.12th pt-.Omaha.
Jobbers of
'arpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Bucrs ,
Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. 151 ! Douglas street.
Crockery and Hotians.
Agent for 'ho M uuf cturcr anil Importer ) ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , ChtmucjB , etc. Office , 317 South Ilth Bt
Oiuahn , Neb.
Mammoth Clothing1 House ,
Corner Knrnumnnil Tenth Streets , Oiualm , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , Ksssnnd 1'rnduce. Consignment ) solicited.
Headquarters for Htcmuwnre , lierrr Mores and
tirapo natkets. Ill * UoilucstreetOmaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpoclnltles llutter , Kstt * . Cheese , rp.iltry , dame ,
Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 S. nth St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Qame , Ktults , etc. 230 8. 14th It
Omaha , Nub ,
Coal ancf Lime.
, I'rei. C. r.noonMAN , v. Ptei.
J. A. aUNDIKLAND , Hec. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
Xf ) South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
x < c co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lima.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Platter ,
IJnie , Hair , Fire Brick , Drain , Tile ami SuwnrPlpo.
once , Pniton Hotel. Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Tele-phono Kit.
Confectioner/ .
F. P. FA Y P CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Frults.NutB and Cleais. 1211 Karuam BU
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quoi and Ammunition , 215 to K3 S. Ilth it. , 1030 to
1U24 Farnamst. , Orunha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Clears ,
And Wholesale Dealer * In Leaf Tobaccos , Noa.109
and 110 N. tub street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. 'sNITJa\e CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fiiniiahinp ; Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. Ilth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer !
and Jobbers of WlnesanU Liquors.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importers and Jobberr of Fine Wines and Liquor * .
Sole manufacturers of Kennedy's Hut Inrtlo lilt-
ters and Domestic Mqunrs. Ill ] llnrnej St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam tt. . Orashn , Neb ,
Furniture , Loddinff , Upholstery ,
Ulrrort.otc. 1200,1208 and 1210 Farnam t. , Omuha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Koo. TO,707 , TUnmnil ) 8. lOtli St , Omnha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and Lonronworth cti.Omah.i.
Hardware ,
Joblicra of Hanlwaro nnd Nails ,
Tinware , She t Iron , Ktc. Ak-entt ( or Howe bcalss ,
anil Ularul PuwdorCo.Onmli , Mili.
W. J. HROATCir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron anil Steel ,
Springs , \Yftion Stock. Hnrdwar Lumber , etc. 1201
and 1211 Ilirner t. , Omalu.
Wliolesalo Iron and Steel ,
W * ton and Cnrrlnite Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware
Etc. liilT and 1211) L nvcnwurllnl..Omabu , Neti.
Stoves , Raiitjesi , Furuacca , Tiles ,
Mantlet , tint * * , Uruu Good * . 1331 tot 1123 FarnMM
. HreiL
Oma/ia / Jobbers' Direciory.
- . . . . t
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrouithl and Ca t Iron NullillnVcrk , Iron Plalr *
llHllliiK , Hi-ami mid HIMtM , Steam linKlncn , llraM
JVork.iidicral JTouiHlrr , Mnchlu * and lllnckjiultd
Work. Office aid Work , U.r. Ity. and Kill ( tiect.
Mnnnracturiiicr Dealur in Sinoko Stacks ,
i : . " , Tiuiii < , and ( Jono-nl llolh-r lloimlrlnir ,
UVi Do.iulm liootinnlm. )
V. H. SloMANttS. r. .
Xlnnuracln'fln of
Ire and Iron Kalliiifirs , Desk Raita ,
v.l1l1.l.llllir ! ! < 1' < ' 'lower Ht nil . Wlra SU-u. Hta
I2J N. 16th. ( ) nlt'r lit mnll nrnmptlf nltondcilto ,
Dealer' . Ail Hindu of
Jfttililinff Miitorial nt , i
18th Street * nd Union 1'artlio Truck , OtnHhu.
Dealer lu Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Doon.Kto. YrJ Corner7th nml Uourflnsi Oornd
lltliaiiii Domino.
Wholesale Lumber ,
II8. Ilth iitrectOmaha , Nob. ) > , Colpcticr. Mnnagei ;
C. Jf. DIETZ ,
13th nnd California ytreotn , Omnlm , Neb ,
Lnm her , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Cth and Douglas its. , OmiiUii , NaX
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 Farnam direct , Omnha.
CJrlAS. R. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and I'arquct Flooring. 9th
WholcBiilo Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American I'ortlnnd rpmcnt. Ptnt *
Agent fur JUIIwnukcu Hydraulic t'cuiuut and Host
( Julncy WhltoLlme.
Lii-e Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , 8'jp rlntorl nt.
Livt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ . Geo. llurkc , llanaxor.
Union Stock Yards , B. Omaha. Tel phone Mt.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
JUpmeuU of an ; nnd all klnde of Stock colloited. >
Union Stock Yard a , Omnha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importoru and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1313 and 1215 llarnoy St , cot , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
40.1 and 405 B. Tenth Bt. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leans Pants , Shirts , Etc. 1101 and 1104 Doujlus Btrout ,
Omaha , Nub.
Wliolcsalo I'niiur Dealers.
Carry n nlco mock of I'rlntliiK. Wrapping aa Writ.
Inif luipor. intention alien to car loader
onlois , wh ch will tin shlppuil illr.-ct fioni lullln. All
. ordurs . will receive poraonal attention. . Wognar-
- 1 ) uw p , ! ; , , , im lllia my
Job Pi-inters , Blank Book Makcra.
And Hook Binders. 106 and KM South Fourteenth
street. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Typo , Proijoi and Printers'Supplies. Kit
Bouth Twelfth Street.
Mnnufncturcrs nnd DculcrK In
ncrlnos , Uollera & General Machinery
ghoct Iron work , Steam I'umpr. Saw Mllll , Ac ma
ShaftlnK , Dodge Wood ipllt Pullari , Uoltln ? . etl
AliowHKona , orapon.andUuloUoi. UU-tltj li i ?
Ten worth t. Omaha
"WholoHale PitmiJS , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoamntid Water Supplies , lleiulqmirlora ( or Malt
KooilCo'a ( io.Kls. llll 1'unium t.Onmhn. Nob.
UalladarWInd Mills : ntcam and Wdtor Ruppllai ,
Plumbing Goods , BHtlni. , Ilos . 918 nnd ! ) Fur-
uaui st. , Omaha. B. K. Fclton , Manager.
Telephone No. a 10.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btnam , Water , Unllwnr and Milling ( Supplier. Rta ,
820. UM nd M Karnam t. . Omaha , Neb. _
Safes , Etc.
P. ItOYER < V CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
lire and Hiini'ar ' Proof Safes , Time Locks , Vault *
nd Jail Work. 1021 Farnnrn utrect Omaha , Neb. _ _
Omaha Safe Works.
Maniil ctur rsof I'lro nnd BurglurProof Safes , Vault
Doors , Jail Work.bhutiers und Wire Work. Cor.
_ 14th and Jackaon Hts. . ( ImahH. Neb , _
Sasfi , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Jiliiuls and Mouldings ,
Branch o&ce , 121U and Imrd ( ts. , OutahA , > 'eb.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jiits.Rtnlr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlib.
Just opened. N. K. cor. 8th uud Loaveuwurth His.
Oroabn , Neb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
Tli licit accommodations for traveler * .
The beat hotel in town.
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn best known nnd most popular hotel In
tlio state , l < ocailoni-cntinlii | | > iiolnlincnts lUflt
clfibs. lloaiUitiurtiirs tor conuiifruliil men anil
all polHicfil uuil iiuljllc L'litliorliiL'd.
K.I' . llJUUNrroprlotor. ( ( ! J
School , County and City
Wo will pay highest price for them.
uft.2-2N. < E IjOA-iTS
Mn < lo at lowest rates. Correspondence solicited.