Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1887, Image 1

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JtJ . . . ,
Ex-Senator Van "Wyck Writes Him a Letter
About the St. Joe & Western ,
Ilut Itnllronds ChniiKO Their Names ,
and Thny Still Continue to Cllne
to Unearned Lands Wash
ington News.
Van Wjck'H Last Letter.
Juno 24. ISpeclal Tele
gram to the BEK. ] Tlio following letter has
been sent to the sccietaryof tlio Interior by
ex-Senator Van Wyck :
To the Honorable , the Secretary of UK
Interior : Many years ago the general land
olllco and deportment of the Interior fie-
quenntly gave away tlio publlcdomatn at the
polite request of rallioad corporations ,
whethcrBiistalned bj the action of congress
or not. A notable case was that of the pres
ent St. Joseph & Western , formerly the
Denver A : St. Joseph , Like convicts assum
ing an alias to escape Identity and convic
tion , the Denver & St. Joseph asked and re
ceived patents for 12,000,000 acics on the pre
tense that they would build between Has
tings and Kearney , In the state of Nebraska.
Patents were actually given for the land , and
never up to this day nas n shovel full of earth
been thrown between these points. The
above facta fully appear In the records ol
your office and without dispute. It Is strange
that this wrong should bo done in the first
instance and then continue these many
years without effort to regain the land. The
company of course sold these ill-gotten land.
and they are now In the hands of Innocent
purchasers who , under the circumstances ,
should not be disturbed. The question IB ,
has the government no remedy again si
the railroad company ? With due
respect 1 submit they have. The com
pany had the benefit of the snlo , and there
fore the equity held by the governmeni
should follow the railroad In whose hands II
temporarily may be. This road from St
Joseph to Hastings Is still in existence , and ,
run by Its present management , it Is to-ilaj
ns much n land grant rend ns at Its creation
nnd Its obligations to the government cannot
bo discharged because It has passed Intr
other hands. If any lands were now dui
that road , tlio present management would lu
recognized to receive them. If debts conk
bo discharged In that way , the Union Pacific
nnd Central Pacific would bo tricked int <
other hands , so the road under Its present
management must be. responsible for this no
only legal , but equitable claim. This statt
of tacts will help answer n question otter
suggested , how tar the present secretary li
precluded t > y the action of former ndmfnls
tratlons. It has been alleired In some quar
ters that the people elected this administrator
to reform nnd entirely reverse the action ol
too many poorpredecessors In the extravagan
nnd criminal management and giving awaj
public lands to railroad companies. In thi.-
connection , nnd bearing on this point , suit
ns a supplement to the letter I addressed yoi
n few days ace asking that you compel the
B. & M. railroad in Nebraska to disgorge
about 200,000 ncios It has taken In defiance ol
the supreme court , 1 desire to add that tlu
said B. & M. have actually received patent !
for nearly 4,000 acres In excess of this Illoira
taking on the north sldo of their track am
In excess of every acre giving them the lull
complement they claim , nnd this fact alsc
appears In the records of your olllce , NO tha
to-day , on the showing In the laud rtonart
rncnt , this company has patents for abou
' . ' ,000,000 acres which they should bo mm
pelled to restore to the government. Will
the hone that you will bo able to reclaiu
from the St. Joseph * Denver , now knowi
as tlio St. Joseph & Western , lands foi
which patents were never Issued without an ;
pretense of ri ht , 1 am , etc.
( Signed ] 0. H. VAN WVCK.
Military Matters.
WASHINGTON , June 24. | Special Telecran
to the BUE. ] Commander Charles S. Coltoi
will be continued until October 1 as ordnauci
officer at the Norfolk navy yard.
First Lieutenant Harry L. Klploy , Thin
cavalry , returned to Fort Leavenworth Tues
day from n short trip east on leave.
Lieutenant James T. Anderson , Slxlecntl
Infantry , who Is on leave from San Antonio
Tex. , Is visiting his father , Judge Anderson
at Columbus , O.
Lieutenant Harris L. Koborts , Nlneteontl
Infantry , who Is stationed at Fort Clark
Tex. , has been granted two months' leavi
from July 15 , with permission to apply fein
in extension of two months.
Advices received here trom San Francisco
relating to the mental condition of Captali
James F. Simpson , Third cavalry , give n
hope ot ultimate recovery. Ho is now at SI
Elizabeth's asylum there.
Captain John L. Bullis , Twenty-fourth In
Tantry , was at Fort Leavenworth onTueMln' '
en route to San Antonio , Tex. , to look afte
his extensive land interests for n week o
two before rejoining his company In tin
Indian territory.
A general court-martial , composed wholl ;
of officers of the Filth artillery , convenoi
this morning at Kort Columbus , Governor'
i > Island , New York harbor. Captain Wlllian
li. Beck Is president nnd First Lleuteuun
William II. Hamilton Judge advocate.
Captain Edmunds Luff. Eighth cavalry
left Fort Brown , Texas , this week to join hi
family atTopeka , Kan. , where Mrs. Lull ha
been for a month. During the war Captali
Luff served two years In the famous "Cbicag
board of trade battery" of light artillery , an
later became n captain of volunteer cavalry
The order directing the return of Llentoi :
int A. K. Smith , surgeon , from duty at th
military academv , has been suspended untl
September 30. The leave of absence erantc
Major C. H. Alden. surgeon , has been c.i
teuded until September SO.
Statistics of Postmasters.
WABIUNOTON , Juno 24. The total numbe
of salaries of postmasters received and ad
justed In accordance with tha provisions c
the law of 1SS3 , which adjustments tak
effect nt the beginning of the next fiscal yeai
July 1 , is V6 ° . Twenty-two of the preson
number of third class presidential offices wi
on that date be relegated to non-prcsldcntli
or fourth class , and two of the present tourt
class offices will bo placed on the list of pros
dentlal olliccs of the third class. The ton
number of presidential offices at the bcgu
nlng of the fiscal year will bo 2KSO. The !
aggregate receipts for the four quartoi
ended March 31 last , were 535,170,101 , e
r which sum ll.OH per cent , making an aggn
gate of 5,8K.OJ : ! ) ; , will bo ubsorbcd for tli
salaries of theie postmasters tor the next 11
cat year. The Increase In the gross receipt
of those offices , ns compared with those o
Iho previous year , was 82.0S4.C19. The tots
of these receipts amounted to 74.4 per cer
of the total reveuno of the department fc
Iho same period. Seven of thti present nun
berof second class offices will bo raised t
first class otllces July 1. and six will be rch
cated to third class. Fifty third class office
wilt bo relegated to second class. The tot :
number ot presidential offices established t
raised from fourth class during the preset )
rear Is IIS.
Nebraska nnd IOWA Pensions.
W ASHJSUTON. Juno 2-1. [ Special Tclegrai
lo the BKE. ] Iowa pensions were Issue
lo-day as follows : Susan , mother of J. W
Kimsell , Jctlerfon ; minors of K. H. Oabori
Estneivllle ; John Ewnll , sr. , Plum Hollou
Joseph Fisk , Council Bluffs ; John Johusoi
Bedfield ; WIMUm Frltch , K.eoUuk ; ilug
r Gwynn , Osterdock ; Daniel Junes , Luthi
F. McAtee , Jamaica ; James Maxwell , Kid
nrdsvllla ; J. A. McKarlaud. Boone ; U. (
White , West Grove ; O. P. Barrett , Allertor
John Scarce , Ingnrt Grove ; J. W. Hctlanc
CreMon ; H. ( ) . Sutton , Carton ; Nathn
Kennedy , Odebolt ; J. C. Whinner , 1 <
Thomas Malone , Mrllnda ; Casper Arniucs
WlnUrset ; J. Poole , Sioux Itnplil !
J. M. Hueel , Fort Madison ; llo :
Whcalley , WHsonvlllo ; Simon lloU
DniMolnes ; A. N. Keres. Creston ; Geor
Itoicoo. Fort Dodge ; F. li. Myers , Contvi
trllle : Kvan Evanson. North wood ; D.inli
bmltn.Exllne : Henry Clausen.Gicen Islam
W. II , Allen , Uudd ; Elijah Hague , SUello
on ; M. L.Andrews , Mount Pleasant , in
crease ; Joseph McUosg , Orient ; O. Van Bo-
earl , GrlnnelljF. M. Vcstch , Centrevlllo ,
reissue ; S. P. Jones , Des Molnes.
Nebraska pensions : T. N. Adams , Endl-
eott ; G. W. Oitlglpy , Aurora ; J. A. Scott ,
Jellwood : N. B. Whltefipld. Pern ; Patrick
Clancy , Verdon ; W. O. Sallce , Alusworth ;
J. O. Tutrs , Newark.
A Kansas Settlor's Claim.
Juno 21. Commissioner
Sparks has reported to the secretary of the
nterlor the case of William Matlocke , n set
tler In Kansas on land within the Indemnity
Imlts of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas road ,
who settled before the railroad withdrawal
ivns made , but was prevented from putting
ils claim on record by erroneous advice of
the icslster of the land oillce , who was
it tjio same tlmo an official of
the railroad company. Subsequently ,
when he applied to enter , ho
was told that the lands were withdrawn for
the railroad. In 187U the tract was uatentcd
to the rallroad.btit Matlocko remained on tlio
land. The railway company attempted to
oust him , nnd , on failure. In the district
court , nppealcd to the supreme court. Com
missioner Sparks recommends that stilt
bu at once brought to set aside the railroad
patent and take such steps as nro necessary
lo protect the settler's home. If the recom
mendation Is adopted similar Intervention
may be asked In ngieat number of eases
wheio setticis were pursued in like manner
by tlio railroads with costly litigation.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , June 21. [ Special Telegram
; o the Bii.J : A new postolfico has been es
tablished at Buchanan , Cedar county , Iowa ,
and Andrew M. Bloinqulst appointed post
John H. Holnrlch has been appointed post
master at Van Buren , la.
The following changes have been made In
the Nebraska star service : Benkleman to
Ogallala : From July 1 , embracing Ncel at
now site without change of distance. Special
service from Fleming. Box Butte county :
From Carlyle change olllco of supnly to Box
Butte. Special service has been discontinued
at Ne-el , Dundy county , Nebraska.
The sixty-four peisons who were examined
for positions of postofllco Inspectorujyester-
dny each had a personal interview with the
postmaster general this afternoon. Thirty-
live appointments will be made to-morrow.
Western Discrimination Complaints.
WASHINGTON , Juno 24. Tlio Inter-state
commerce commission has received from I.
Friend & Son , Lincoln , Neb. , their complaint
against the Southern Pacific , Denver & KIc
Grande , nnd Burlington & Missouri Klvei
railroads. The commission has assigned
western cases upon Its docket for considera
tion as follows : July 14. Win. A. Fulton &
F. D. Harding , of Hudson , Wis. , against the
Chicago , St. Paul & Minneapolis railroad ,
nlleeing unreasonable freight charges ; July
20 , E. B. Kavmond , M.r/.cppa , Minn. , against
the Milwaukee it St. Paul road , discrimina
tion and violation of section 'J.
Work at the Navy Yard.
WASHINGTON , June24. fSpecIal Telegram
to the BKE.J A number of the employes of
the Washington navy yard have commenced
the manufacttiio of machine tools for USD In
finishing rlilod cannon. Two largo hoop
lathes are being made which will bo capable
of holding hoops of all sUes up tc those foi
sixteen-incli guns. The working plans foi
the great cane loof , tuisscs nnd other addi
tions to the ordnance shop have boon com
pleted. The olnns for reconstruction are
still in process of preparation.
National Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , June 24. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin.1 : Mrs. Cleveland , eseortec
by Colonel Lament , is expected to return t <
this city to-moirow.
The officers and employes of the paten
ofllco held a meeting this afternoon ant
adopted resolutions ot rozret at the death o :
Major Bacon , financial clerk of the paten
office for many years ,
Bourbon Conferences.
WASHINGTON , Juno 24. [ Special Tolc
gram to the Br.r.J There has been n number
bor of Informal conferences within the Ins
few days among democratic congressmen li
Washington. The tone of most of the tall
Is to the elfect that more definite informntloi
should be secured as to the status ot the nox
house on various questions of party polic'
before any imoortant progress can bo mad'
in conferences ns to the action to bo taken b
the democrats lu congress.
Pension Claims.
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. ISpeclal Tele
cramto the BnK.--Tho | number of pousiot
claims pending Juno 11 In the pension ofllc
was2.tS8,8b2 ) ; received during the week end
ing June 18. 5,22" ; certificates issued , 3,575
including 1,074 Mexican pensions : rejected
CS4 ; total number disposed of , 4,203.
Mining Accident at Virginia City.
VIRGINIA CITV , Nov. , June 21. Fir
broke out this evening In the Gould it Cuir.
mine. All the miners escaped with the ex
ception ot six employed at the 500 level o
the Best it Belcher mine. Signals from then
have ceased ami It Is feared they have per
Ished. An attempt Is belne made to reach tiiei
by volunteers. In addition to the men Im
prisoned In the Best & Belcher , live men ar
Imprisoned In the bOO level nm
four men lu the 400 level of th
Gould & Curry mine , making In nil lifteei
miners Imprisoned. But little hope Is Intel
talnodot saving the men on thn 400 level
The engines are busily engaged in putnpln
nlr to the levels where the miners nre 1m
prisoned. Thousands of people sunound th
mines and the most Intense excitement pic
vnll.i. No effort Is being made to put on
the fire , as It Is Impossible to ascertain wuor
it Is.
In the Hands of a Receiver.
FituuKKiCK , Md. , Juno 24. The Catc
chin iron company to-day went Into th
hands of Thomas Gorsuch , who file
a bond for 8100,000 na receiver. Th
company nsked for the appointment of n n
colver for protection against the creditors o
E. L. Harper , of the Fidelity bank , Clncln
natl , who has be-on an extensive purchase
from the Catochln company , and n number o
whoso drill U arc In the hands of the com
Itnllroad Consolidation.
Si'niNoi'iEi.D , III. , Juno 24. The ccrtlf
cato of consolidation was recorded In th
office of tne secretary of state to-day by th
Mount Vernon & Wnbash railwaycompan
of Indiana and the Paducah & Moun
Veruon railway company of Illinois. Thes
are consolidated under the name of th
I'aducah & Mount Vernon railway companj
Transcontinental Kates.
CHICAGO , Juno 24. At to-day's meeting o
the Central Trafilc association , H resolutloi
was adopted that cast-bound through rate
from Pacific coast points necessary to nice
Canadian or ocean competition bo shared b
the central traffic roads on a basis of 25 pr
cent , subject to concurreut action by th
truDK lines.
A Canadian Panic.
CHICAGO , Juno 24. A special to the Dall
News from Montreal says : The stock tnai
kot Is panicky this morning , caused by th
suspension of Mel ver & Barclay , who hav
been long In leading stocks. The losses at
said to be S200.000 , but the liabilities ot th
stock exchacge are small.
Class KxoretscH at Cainhrldgo.
CAMiiuuiai : , Ma.- * . , Juno 24. The clns
exercises took place in Sanders' theater n
follows : Class orator , F. E. Hamilton
"Giants ; " Poem by F. S. Palmer , of Plait-
burg. N. V. ; Ivy oration , by Francis Mlchae
San Francisco. The exercises closed wit
Ringing the class ode.
Business Houses Hurned.
DAVTOS , W. T. , June 24. A number o
stores In the business portion of town wer
destroyed by tire to-day. The losses tggre
Eato 5llf , COO ; insurance , 860,000. '
Yesterday's ' Transactions On the Exchange
Almost a Repetition of Black Friday.
The Whole Iilst Experiences Decline ;
and Halites of From Five to
Twenty Per Cent A Day
< to Be Hcinemborcd.
n.n Exciting Day On 'Chanijo.
NEW YOKK , June 23. [ Special Telegran
to the BKII.J The stock exchange thti
morning became extremely active and ex
cited with heavy declines. The marke
opened with a feeling of confidnnco In man :
of the stocks which suffered so severely yes
terday , and largo supporting orders wen
given all over the room. In a few moments
however , there was very heavy selling appa
rent , and a report was started that there hai
been a falling out between Jay Cionld nm
Kussell Sage and Cyrus W. Field. At tin
same time Berdan ottered some heavy block ;
of Manhattan stock , which , were taken bi
Wright & Co. , and for a short period tin
sales by Berdan amounted to 7,000 shares am
Wright's purchases to 11,000 shares. Thesi
sales were made at about 100 , but as soon a
Wright & Co.'s orders were filled the prici
broke to f49K and at that point Mlnzes
heliner & Co. had a stop order reached am
they offered the stock down 19 per cent
without making a sale. A rally dli
not occur until the prlco rcacliei
1'JO a fall of 3C > per cen
from the opening figures. The room wa
crowded with brokers nnd the declln
brought out selling orders In all classes of se
curlties. Western Union , which held lim
for a while , began to break about 11 o'clock
and in fifteen minutes dropped 8 per cent
The fall In other stocks was corresponding ! ;
great The greatest excitement was in tin
loan crowd , where Inquiries were made fo
loans on call , but the parties who have bcci
prominent In loaning money refused to lom
any amount , no matter how small. The ox
clteiuent reached Its greatest height short ! ;
before noon , and a veritable panic was dc
voloped. No attention was paid by broker
to fractions in sales made by them , am
fluctuations were so wild that sales wer
sometimes trom 5 to 10 per cent apart. Tli <
stocks bought near the opening were throwi
over when ttio break occurred , and this sell
Ing completely demoralized speculators. Th
marking down of loans and deliver ;
of orders kept the clerks and mes
senders lully as busy as th
brokers , nnd the street was i
scone of more excitement than has been wit
nessed slnco the May panic of 1885. Th
greatest declines , so far as recorded , are
Manhattan , 40i to 110 ; Missouri Pacific , 1
to SUM ; cotton seed , 7 to 3'J ; Kichmom
Terminal , 7f to 20 ; New EngUnd , 0 to 43 > , '
and Lake Erie & Western , 5 to r-3 . Th
loom ilurlng the panic was tilled with rumor
of all kinds , and telegrams from all point
followed each other in rapid succession , glv
ing selling orders and inquiring about th
many reports which were by this time clr
ciliated all over the country. The increasei
short Interest saved the room from a nione
panic by Its demand for stocks tor delivery
nnd S. V. White and some other larg
operators entered the market and began buy
Ing freely. They soon gathered a largo fo
lowing and tlio buying turned th
market almost as lapldly as I
had fallen and stocks took Ion
jumosback to their former prices. Manhatta
lecovered'JO per cent of its loss and othc
stocks generally recovered about half the d <
cliiio recorded. When the delivery lion
passed at the stock exchange without th
announcement ot any failures the sticetbi
came more confident and other buying o :
ders were received from nil sources. Th
bears attempted to cover nt the same tini
that the big operators like Schopp began t
buy , and the consequence was almost all th
loss sustained during the panic of the nuiir
Ing was regained. Schopp bid for blocks r > , ot
shares at a time and the Vamlerbllt broke ;
made olds tor as larco blocks of the
specialties. The trading for the day was ti !
liveliest remembered , the whole list bavin
declined and rallied from 5 to 20 per cen
The tooling Is now more confident , and It :
generally thought that the losses ni
widely scattered through the countr
and are not confined to the city , ns In pri
vious panics. Money Is btlll scarce , even i
the high rates chawed , and this Is cousldere
the worst feature of the market. The repoi
of Jay tiould's death seems to have been cl
ciliated with a well-defined purpose to brea
the market , and one broker was heard to sa ;
"It looks to mo as though Gould was tradln
on tlio news of his own death. " When se\
eral Intimate friends of Mr. Gould wei
nsked if Mr. Gould was dead they shoo
their heads omliiouslv and gwo , niysterku
answers. A reporter of tne Associated nres
justtawMr. Gould In his ollicd and Goul
inrnlsliert him with the following :
To John J. Kieinau : The bulletin you m
putting out that my Manhattan stock Is i
loan is a malicious falsehood. Not n shai
of my Manhattan Is In loan or has had in
name on the back , nor do 1 owe n dollar I
the world. You should promptly contradlc
Yours truly , JAY GOULD.
Mr. Gould said further that tlio story tin
ho mid Mr. Cyrus W. Field had quarrcle
was untrue ; that ho nnd Mr. Field were t
good friends as ever. Tlio rumor that M
Field Is In trouble Is also baseless.
On the stock exchangeregarding the state
inents that there had been a talliiK out b
tween Jay Gould , Kussell Saco and Cyri
W. Field , George Gould said : "It Is nil
mistake ; there has been nothing between m
father , Mr. Sage and Mr. Field of n nntui
other than the most friendly , 1 am postlv
The sharp break In the stock maruet th
morning was undoubtedly caused by nn ov <
amount of selling by the bear crowd and tl
stringency In money. i think tl
market Is a buy now In all breaks. At pro
out I think the long sldo Is the safe side , bi
so far ns any falling out between Mr. ftaur <
Mr. Fields and my father having caused tl
break It Is false. "
Cyrus Field was seen In his office this a
tcrnoiin In regard to the rumor that ho an
Jay Goulu and Kussell Sago had fallen on
causing the big drop in stocks to-day. M
Field said : "There is nothing In It , not tl
kllchtest foundation for the story. "
'ilie Tribune Buys : "Kussell Snge said i
Jay Gould's health yesterday : M was wit
Mr. Gould on Monday and I never saw hi
in better condition. It Is true that when 1
first came back ho was suffering from his ol
enemy neuralgia and lie looked like a sic
man. Some of his friends were apprehci
slvo about his health , but I never eay a ma
nick up quicker than ho did in two or thn
clavs. Mr. Gould was down town yetserda
at least ns far ns his house. ' " The tot
sales of the day were CC8,354 shares.
Affairs In Hawaii.
NEW YOHK , Juno 24. [ Special Telegra
to the BEE.J In an Interview with tl
Herald reporter yesterday , Grossman , of tl
firm of Grossman & Bros. , the largest Ne
York commercial establishment connectc
with Hawaiian trade , said the attempt i
make the people believe that Hawaii Is c
the verge of revolution Is the work of Clai
' -1 heard boat
Spreckles.1 Sprcckles say on
of vessel bound for Honolulu last spring tin
he carried the king ana the legislature In li
pocket and he could do what he pleased wli
them. King Kalakaua has set down his fo
like a man and refused to allow the policy <
his government to bo dictated any longer t
a foreign monopolist. Our firm has stacks <
money at stnko In Hawaii , and we are pe
furfectly easy In our minds. The goven
inent Is perfectly safe. Consul ( loner said there Is nothing at all I
this talk about Hawaii being on the verge i
civil war.
A Trader Killed by Indian * .
BLUFF Cnr , Utah. Juno 15.--A party i
five Navajo Indians visited the trading DO
of A. M. Barton and killed him. They the
helped themselves to the contents of the sto
and departed without molestluif tUi wife <
IUWlly of. tljc wu.raetea luftn , ; , . ,
Iowa's State Institution of Learning
In K Dad Way.
Dr.s MOINES In. , June24. ISpeclal Tele
gram to the BEE. ] There Is much feeling
liero over the request of the regents for the
resignations of three of the older professors
at the State university. Many of the alumni
Imvo united In requesting the regents to re
consider their action , but the latter have
refused audadoutod the following :
Kesolvcd , That the board of regents np-
Preclnto fully the sentiments and approve
the feeling that animates the nlumni In the
resolutions which they have presented ; that
the board also recognize the full right nnd
propriety of that body , ns nlso of the stud
ents , to express their judgment upon thn
questions of university control , but that as
we have acted In the light of what we believe
to be the best observation nnd exinrlonco
attainable , we cannot feel that our action
should bo retracted , nnd we therefore adhere
to the same , nnd submit It to the cooler judg
ment and reflection of the graduates and tlio
people of the state , assuming , as wo must ,
the lull responsibility of our course.
Prof. Pnrker has resinned his chair , ns
requested by the regents , and accepts the
situation with that graceful philosophy
which always characterized him. It Is said
that Profs. Leonard and Fellows will refuse
to resign , and that the latter will soon pub
lish a letter charging that his removal was a
punishment for his activity for urohibltion
and was pursuant to a bargain made in order
to secure the last appropriation.
IOWA Supreme Court Decisions.
Dns Moixics , la. , June 24. { Special Tele
gram to the Br.K.J The supreme court ren
dered the following decisions here to-day : a
Mary Ensler vs Frank A. Ensler , appellant ,
Dubuque circuit. Keversed.
B. S. Mumper , appellant , vs J. 8. Wilson ,
Fremont district. Kevrrsed.
E. S. Smaller vs Louis Mass , appellant ,
Bremer circuit. Affirmed.
Charles E. Keed vs Burlington , Cedar Kan-
Ids & Northern railway company , appellant ,
Tama ciicult. Affirmed.
E. T. Wilder , appellant , vs Secor , Burnop
& Law , Winnebago district Koversed.
J. U. Gallagher , appellant , vs Mahlon
Head et al , Greene circuit. Affirmed.
Fought With a nurglar.
AFTON , la. , June 24. | Special Telegram
to the BKI.J : Between 1 and 2 o'clock this
morning a burglar entered the residence of
K. S. Bymer. The latter was awakened by
the noise , and arising was confronted by the
Intruder. A lively tussle followed , which
resulted in both falling out through the win
dow. The burglar drew his revolver , but
was ovei powered , however , when the two
fell to the ground. Mr. Bymer was so much
hurt by tne fall that the burglar escaped ,
leaving part of his clothing behind.
Business Failure at Dubuque.
DitiiUQUK , la , , June 24. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.J The Carroll Cracker
Manufacturing company has gone into
liquidation by a foreclosure of n mortgage
held by Waters & Dennis , Hour dealers. The
liabilities will amount to $5,000 ; assets ,
82,103. _ _
Burlington's New Mayor.
BUIILINGTON , la. , Juno 24. Thn city
council to-night elected Edward Hagemnun
mayor , vice Hon. A. G. Adams , deceased.
A Florida Muddle.
PENSACOLA , Flo. , June 24. ISpeclal Tel
egram to the BEE.I It Is believed here that
all business transacted at the recent session
of the legislature Is null and void because the
senate failed to organize In conformity with
the mandates ofthe state constitution
adopted In 1SS5. Under ttin constitution ol
1853 the lieutenant governor's duty was to
preside over the senate , but the new consti
tution provides that the senate on the con
vening of each regular session thereof shall
choose from nnionfc Its members a perma
nent president , who shall bo its presiding of
ficer , and also provides that no person hold
ing a lucrative office or appointment undci
the United States or this state shall be elig
ible to a scat In the legislature. Upon con
vening the senate In April , Lieutenant Gov
ernor Mnrbv assumed and acted the role ol
president of that betty nnd exercised even
privilege of senator , on one occasion decid
ing a question by his own vote. The notion
of thn senate In permitting ono disqualified
by the constitution to participate ns n mem
bcr , nnd its failure to elect ono of Its own
members to ttio presidency , It is claimed , ren
der's the whole session's work unconstitu
tional and annuls the election of Pasco tc
the United States senate.
Bucking Canadian Tjnhor.
LOCKPOUT , N. Y. , Juno 24. The receni
order ot the Dominion government to Cana
dlan custom olllclals at Windsor. Out. , tc
make a record ot all Americans residing al
Detroit , Mich. , and vicinity , who dally cross
the line to engage In work In Canada , ha ;
led to a countermand by Collector Culler , ai
Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge , N. Y
Tills morning when some Canadian laborers
numbering about two hundred , who were
engaged In employment on this stde.rcached
the frontier , tfmy were snrpilsod tc
find stationed at this end of the suspenslor
bridge deputies who demanded their names
ngcs , residence , occupation , and where ant
by whom they were em ployed. During tin
day notices were served upon employers o !
these foreigners , that If they should continui
to employ such foreign labor after July 1
the United States district attorney would b <
recommended to proceed against them ac
cording to law.
A Iiivnly Gas War.
BAT.TI.MGIIE , Juno 24. [ Special Telegran
to the BEE.I Kobert Garrett and other :
sought some weeks ace to secure n oontroll
ing interest in the Consolidated Gas rompanj
In order to hand It over to the Equltabh
company , and thus end the gas war nov
going on , to the great loss of both compa
nles , but could not get control at the figure !
set by the latter company , and though tin
stock of the Consolidated" had been pushet
up from 00 to 77.f It dropped to 5-1 when 1
was learned that the deal bud fallen through
Garrett Is said to have lost 200,000 by tin
South American Affairs.
Nr.w YOKK , June 24. Advices irom Pan
ama under date of June 14 say : At Bogota
onJuno4 , Dr. Kafacl Nunez entered formally
in possession of office as president of the re
At Valparaiso .to May 1. B99 cases ol
cholera had occurred. Of this number , 62 !
died. In Qulllota , 1,058 cases had occurrec
nnd 1,002 deaths.
The census taken throughout Brazil show !
there are less than 700,000 slaves in the wholi
A. Breach of Etiquette.
OTTAWA , Ont.June 24. The action of tin
American authorities at Niagara Falls li
preventing laborers residing In Canada fron
working In the United States has creatci
displeasure In official circles hero. The nilii
ister of customs regards It as an unfrlendl'
act on the part of tno-Uultcd States.
Saw Mill Burned.
MINNEAPOLIS , June 2-1. The Evenlni
Journal special from Wlnona , Minn. , say
Laird & Norton's saw mill , one ot the fines
in the valley , burned this morning. Loss
8100,000. Insurance not known. Ono linn
dred und fifty men were thrown out of em
A AVIfo Murderer Hung.
ST. Louis , Juno 24. Alfred Blunt wa
lianccd hero at 0:35 : this morning. Tin
crime for which Blunt was hanged was tin
atrocious murder of his young wife , May 21
I860. The cause was Jealousy.
The Iron Workers.
riTTsntmo , June 2 . The Joint commlttei
of the Iron manufacturers and amalgamate !
association to arrange the scale of waves fo
the ensuing year held another AUUa conference
enco UUS morning. . '
Omaha Scoops in Hastings By a Score of Six
to Four.
Hlcycllsts Arrive In the City to Par
ticipate In the Tournament The
Coming Warrcn-Mlllcr Fight
Other Sports.
mnhn Wlnn nt Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 24. The Oumlias
won to-day by bunching their hits In the
sixth Inning. The pamo was exceedingly
well played , and up to the sixth Inning It
looked very much as If the homo team had
the eamo won. lint the iramo Is never out
until played out , and this was no exception
to the rule. The visitors presented Bartsou
and llartcr as their battery , while Nicholson
and llceves occupied the points for the homo
club. The battery work by both teams was
excellent , Both clubs were goosed the first
two Innings. In the third llcovcs led oout
with a two-bacger , Klcnzcl was given first on
balls , and both advanced on passed balls by
llartcr. A clean hit by Rising brought both
In by a tine hit to right Hold. The visitors
were again white-washed In the third Inning ,
while Hastings scored another In its half of
the third , lloth clubs got one man over the
rubber pinto In the fourth , and then Omaha
came In and played the Inning which won
the game. Uourke led off with a fine three-
bagger to right field and WAS hit homo br
Mossltt. Gonlns got first on a passed ball
with Fltzpatrlck's failure to gather In.
Barter's long drive to the left field brouaht
In Genius. Swift nnd Walsh both
followed by safe hits , and both scored on a
dizzy hummer by Dwyer Into center field.
Hatter ended the inning by knocking an
easy ( -rounder to Deasley , who threw him
out at first. The rest of the game was unin
teresting , neither club succeeding In making
scores. The game was umpired by Me-
Laughlin , who bids fair to nialco a line um
pire. Ills judgment on balls and strikes
seems to bo good , and there were but tow
protests from either sldo and none from the
grand stand. He made but one rank de
cision. The visitors' playing was much su
perior to their playing on their Hist visit to
Hastings. Bader distinguished himself in
left Held. Ho started for Fltzpatrlck's long
drive to the clouds , tell at full length , re
gained his footing and caught the ball. He
is a favorite hero , being an old Hastings
player. Battson pitched a line game and
struck out four men , two of them , Uiengel
and Kolslng , being Hastings' best batters.
The following Is the otlloial score :
TIIK scout- .
HASTINGS. I'OS. All. H. 111. I'O. A. K
Kienzlo m 5 1 a 3 0 C
Fusselbach..i < b 0
Denslny ss 6 0 1 3 1 S
Kelstnc Ib 5 1 3 It 0 C
Fitzpatrlck.lf 5
Lauman rf 5 ]
Kohrer 2b 5
Nicholson. . . . t > 4 0 0 0 2 J
Keeves c 3 1 (
_ _
Total ; . 43 4 li 23 11 fc
OMAHA. I'OS. AH. It. 1 . I'O. A. E.
Swfft 2b 5 1 2 u 0 I
Walsh ss 5
Dwycr. Ib 3 1 2 11 0 I
Harter. c 4 0 0 0 0 C
Uourke 3b 4 1 2 0 1 (
Mossltt rf 4 0 . . .01 > 0 (
Bader If 4 ]
Genlns in 4 1 0 2 0 t
Bartson p 3 0 0 0 4 C
Totals .JO 0 8 27 14
Omaha 0 0010500 * C
Hastings < ) 0211000 0--J
Earned wins Omaha , 1 ; Hastings , 3.
Two base nits-Fusselbach , Keeves , Swift.
Three bas > o lilts Uourke.
Struck out By Bartson , 4.
Bases on balls By Bartson , 2.
Passed balls Hatter 2 , Keeves 1.
Double pla > s Fusselbach , KohrerKelsing ,
Deasley , Kohrcr , Heising.
Wild pltches-Bartson. 2.
Time ot game Ono hour and forty-five
minutes. ;
Umpire MeLaughlin.
Lincoln AViiis From Denver.
Dr.NVKii , Juno 24. | Special Telegram tc
the Bii.J The best game played In Uenvei
this season was the first of the present Den
ver-Llncoln series to-day , which was wit
nessed by over 2,000 spectators. The play
Ing on both sides was excellent , the game
Uelnir won to the visitors by Halt's pitching
and Uowe's batting. Ho tied the score at the
end of the ninth amid great excitement , ami
settled the contest In the eleventh by making
a home run. The score is :
Denver . . , .1 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ' >
Lincoln. . .1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 t
Errors--Denver 4. Lincoln 4. Base hits-
Denver 17 , Lincoln 17. Kuns earned Den
ver 3 , Lincoln 5. Two base hits McSor
lev , Beckley 2 , Smith. Gorman , Kowe 2
Homo runs Goi man , Smith , Hart , Kowe
Double plays Hcrr to Kowo to Beckley 2 ;
rinlllos to McSorloy. Bases on balls Snroai
4 , Hart 3. Hit by pitcher Herr and Beckley
1'assed balls OfNell 2 , Dolan 2. Struck oui
Sproat 5 , llart 7. Left on bases Denvei
8 , Lincoln 9. Wild pitches Sproat 2. Bat
teries Denver , Sproat amlO'Neil ; Lincoln
Hart and Dolan. Umpire Deaglc.
Ncllch Defo.-UH Atkinnon.
Nni.iau , Neb. , Juno 24. ( Special to th (
BKE.I On the 22d Nellgh played Atkinson a
the latter place and easily defeated them
Over $000 was up on the game , but Atklnsot
refused to turn over the stakes. The fol
lowing Is the score :
Nellgh 4 10 3 0 15 0 0 0 * -3 ;
Atkinson 1 02001120 '
Kuns earned Nollgh 20 , Atkinson 1. Two
base hits Patterson , Osboine , Hazelett
Threo-baso hits Patterson. Osborno , Homi
run Patterson. Struck out Beck S > , Ilul-
berts , Blake 1. Passed balls-Butler 3. Pat
terson 1. Left on bases Neligh 7 , Atklnsor
2. 'llmo of game Two hours ton minutes
Umpire E. 11. Tracy , Norfolk.
McCool Defeats Rxotcr.
McCooi. JUXCTION , Neb. , June 24 ,
[ Special Telegram to the BnB.l Exeter's
crack base ball nine was defeated to-day b ;
the McCool nine. The score tood'Jtolii
favor of McCool. _ _ _ _ _
National League Games.
PiTTsnuRo , Juno 24. The game betweor
the Pittstnirg and Now York teams to-da ;
resulted as follows :
Plttsburg 0 00201000 i
New York 3 00001100 :
Pitchers McCormlck and Welch. Basi
hlts-Pittsburg 10 , Now York 12. Errors-
Plttsburg 2 , New York 1. Umpire Powers
iNDiAVAi'OMR , June 24. The game between
tween the Indianapolis and Phlladulphh
teams to-day resulted as follows :
Indianapolis 0 10041000 1
Philadelphia 0 1011000 2- :
Pitchers Boyle and Ferguson. Bas <
hits Indianapolis 7 , Philadelphia 12. Error
Indianapolis 2 , Philadelphia 4. Umpire-
CHICAGO , Juno 24. The game between thi
Chicago and Boston teams to-day resultct
as follows :
Chicago 00100806 * 1
Boston 0 0112003 C-l
Pitchers Clarkson and Kadbourne. Basi
hits Chicago 18 , Boston 10. Errors-
Chicago 18 , Hoston 4. Umpire Doe&chcr.
The American Association.
CLEVELAND , Juno 24. The game bo
twcen Cleveland and St. Louis , teams to-da ;
resulted as follows :
St. Louis 0 3301560- !
Cleveland 0 00010501
Pitchers Foutz and Fechlnny. Bus
hits St. Louis 20 , Cleveland 12. Errors SI
Louis 7 , Cleveland 3. Umpire McOuado.
BAI/TI.MOHK , June 21. The game oetwcer
the Baltimore and Athletics to-day resultui
as follows :
Baltimore 0 0 0 1 0 1. 0 3 *
Athletlq 0 ' 0 ' 2 0 1 0 0' 0 0
Pltchers-Kilroy anil . .Sewrd. < . 13aso bit
Baltimore 5. Athletic 8. Errors-Balti
more 0. Athletic ! t. Umpire Hcrcuson.
CINCINNATI , Juno 24. The game between
the Cincinnati and Louisville teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Cincinnati 0 0
Loinsvlllo 0 3520000 0-10
Pitchers Mullano and Corkhill for Cincin
nati , Ramsey for Louisville. Base hits
Cincinnati it : , Louisville 14. Errois Cincin
nati : i , Louisville 8. Umplro-Kelly.
Nr.w YOHK , Juno 24. The game between
the Brooklyns and Metropolitans resulted ns
follows :
Metropolitans 0 0 7
Brooklyn 0 0020000 1 3
Pitchers Mays and Ilardln. Base hits
Metropolitans 18 , Brooklyn V. Krrors-Mot-
ropolitans 3 , Brooklyn 8. Umpire Curry.
Heady Kor tlio Derhy.
CIIICAOO , Juno 24. The entries , Jockeys ,
weights and pools for the American
derby , to bo run to-morrow at Washington
park , are as follows : llltulo Koso ( jockey
not known ) , m Ibs. S110 ; Miss Ford ( West ) .
111 ! . $ 'W > \ ( Jollah ( Murphv ) , 11H. sr.OO : Safe
Ban ( Scliultm > ) , liy , Si' ; 'C. II. Todd ( Hamil
ton ) , 118 , 850 ; Fonelon ( hhauer ) , 118 , S'.K ) ;
Carrl ( Balylock ) , US , S100 ; White Nose
( Stoval ) , 118 , 820 ; Wary ( Klloy ) , llrt , 505 ;
JitnOorelL. Jones ) . 121 , 5100 ; Montrosu
( Lewis ) . 121 , S12J ; Terra Cotta ( McCnrty ) ,
121 , S155 ; Clarion ( Arnold ) , 121 , 845 ;
Libretto ( Withoro ) , 121 , 5170 ; Brutus ( jockey
not known ) , 108,89.
Several of the horses may be withdrawn at
tha last moment. Corrlgan may put Unite
in to help Cary out In case Baldwin Marts
both Miss Ford nnd Oollah. It was said to-
nleht that Oollali would not stait. It was
also rumored that the celebrated jockey ,
"Snapper" Garrison , was on his way fiom
the east to rldo Hindoo Kose. The mare
has been freely backed In the books to win.
The horses most generally fancied are
Uollah , Miss Ford , Terra Cotta , Cary and Jim
Iowa Circuit Races.
CKDAII KAI-IDS , la. , Juno 24. This was
the last day of tne races of the Iowa circuit.
In the 2:18 : class Miss Oowley won first
money Time 2n : : . in the 2:33 : class Consul
won. Time 2:22 : .
Yale AVlnH the Kacn.
NKW LONDON , Conn. , Juno 24. The four
IP lies straight away race between Yale and
the University of Pennsylvania crews took
place this evening and Yale won easily.
After the first start the boats wore called
back on account of Pennsylvania breaking
an oar. Another start was made at 7:140 : ,
Pennsylvania dipping first , starting at a rate
of 84 to Yale's 33. On ncaring the half
mile flan Pennsylvania's htroku was In
creased to 37 and Yale's to so. They passed
tl.o half mile point at 7:17-.V : > , Pennsylvania
loading by a quarter of a length. The second
end half was made In 2:1 : < J. Pennsylvania
pulled ahead until they cot the stern ot the
boat In front of Yale's prow. At the two mile
flag Pennsylvania had a lead of two lengths ,
but hero lost the race , the Pennsylvania
coxswain not holding the shell on a straight
course. Ho went fully half a mile furtlier
than was necessary and Yale secured the lead
and kept it to the finish. The Pennsyl-
vanlas made tremendous efforts to overtaKe
Yale. The lattcrcontlnucd to Increase I he lead
and crossed the finish tour and a half letmtha
ahead at 7:37-10 : , Time 22 minutes , 20 sec
onds. Pennsylvania finished nineteen seconds
ends later. It was a good raco. Pennsylva
nia had the worst water , which , together
with the wild steering , lost her thn load at
the place It was most needed. The olllcial
record Is astollows : Half mlle,3:05 : , Pennsyl
vania ahead ; mlle5U4 : , Pennsylvaniaahea'd :
mile and one-half , 8:08 : , Pennsylvania ahead ;
two miles , 11:10 : , nearly oven ; two and one-
half miles , 14:08 : , Yule ahead ; tlneo miles ,
10:43 : , Yale ahead ; three and one-half miles ,
19:12 : , Yale ahead ; four miles , 2i'JO : i'ale
Notes of Local Sports.
The bicycle tournament opens at Associa
tion park this afternoon at 3 o'clock. With
auspicious weather the prospects are for a
great attendance. The list of entries from
abroad Includes some of the most cele
brated 'cyclists In the country , and there Is
every assurance ot some grand contests ,
Tnere are fifteen events on the card for this
afternoon , all mile heats , best two In three.
This fact within itself is sulllclcnt guarantee
that the sport will be of a thrilling character ,
Among the well known wheelmen from
abroad aru E. A. Savage , Fred Stockdalo and
Frank Sailor , Minneapolis ; Kd Bullock and
D. E. McKelvey. Blair ; Tom Haidwirlc ,
( ialcua , Kas. : 11. E. Charles and Geouo W.
Ncllis , New York ; Phil Hammel , Chicago ;
KobNoilson , Boston ; Will A. Kowo , Lynn ,
Mass. ; Stillman (1. Whlttaknr , Chicago ; W.
F. Knnpp , Denver , and T. W. Eek , Minne
apolis. Among these me some gteat men ,
Kowo , of Lynn , Is the one mile champion of
the world. Whlttaker , of Chicago , is the
one hundred mile champion of the United
States , and Kuapp , ot Denver , is the world's
half mile record holder. The grand lantern
parade last evening was a novel and oeauti-
ful exhibition. There was nearly one hun
dred 'cycles In line , each carry
ing from two to six colored lanterns ,
and headed by thn Musical Union band.
The show was an Impressive one. The races
this afternoon will ba well worthy of atrip
to the park , and to-morrow the sport , Inter
spersed with spirit races , will be great.
In response to Tommy Warren's delii , the
following articles of agreement were drawn
uii and forwarded to Wan en's backer al
Minneapolis last evening : "We , the under
signed , Tommy Miller , of Omaha , Neb. , and
Tommy Warren , of California , do hereby
agree to fight litteen rounds with two ounce
clovesor the smallest gloves , allowed by law ,
the Martinis of Queetuborry uiles to govern.
The fight to take place In or near Mlnnea
polls , July , 18b7 , winner to take 05 per
cent and loser ! 5S of net gate receipts , men tr
put un 850 as 11 guarantee not to weigh more
than 118 pounds , and to weigh twenty-ton ]
hours before the light. Uot'oreo to bo chosen
from among the audlcnco and to bo agreed
upon by both men. Stakes J5-.JOO or upwards
as lien-after agreed upon. " Herb Kothery
who Is to back Miller , will do his utmost tc
bring about the mill , and expresses the ut
most confidence In Miller's ability to do tin
famous featherweight from the slope.
Mellenry Johnson , the Black Star , is hero
and wants to light anybodyany way , tor nnj
The Omaha Ulflo club will give the first 01
their season's shoots next Friday at theli
range northeast ot the city.
Ed Kothery Is the possessor of a line pal :
of homing piireons , as handsoinn blids a :
ever lifted wing tor trial or record.
birds are from the renowned Jimmy Patter
son coop , New York city , and the cock , i
beautiful blue checker , lias an uneouallei
record of .123 miles from Clmrlottosvillc , N
C. , to Gotham. The hen , too , Is from ancle
cant strain , but Is without record. Kothery
In conjunction with others , will organize i
homing club heie.
Fenroso & Hardlu's first annual Miootini
tournament has been fixed to open Monday
Septembpr 19. Live blackbirds will bo use (
exclusively , and at least 10.000 will bo neceh
sary to supply the races to bo shot.
The first Intelligence from the Omalms I
encouraging , anyway. They downed the
Hastings yesterday afternoon 0 to 4.
William O. Crunston. professor ot tin
manly art , arrived from Boston last ovcnlni :
Crunston Is desirous of getting up a boxlni
class In Omaha.
HastliiL's boasts of having the lowest sal
nred ball team In the Western league. Thel
work Is sufficient grounds for the justillea
tlon of their claim. They are clinging to tin
tall end honors In the pennant race.
L. O. lllbbon has developed some of tin
finest ball players In the profession to-day
Jim Whitney , the famous old Boston twlrler
was a protege of Hlbben's.
( Jeorgo W. Nlllts , of llerkimer , N. Y. , 01
route for San Francisco per bicycle , stoppei
off here to participate In the tournament a
Association park. Ho left Now York Ma <
24 and has laid elf eight days In the Interim
Ho will resume.his Journey Monday morning
There will probably be some sort of over
hauling of trio Omalms unless they make i
good showing on the present trip. The ;
have begun well.
Lucky Baldwlu has a mortgage on tin
Derby to bo run nt Chicago to-iUy. Mark
the picdlctlon.
Paulson and Pollock , the great 'cych
double team , ot 1'lattsmouth , are hero for tin
tourney to-day aiid to-morrow.
11. A. Pehroso nnd John Pelly rcturnt-i
from the Iowa state bhoot at Sioux City till
morning , . . . - .
No Oluo Yet Found to tlio Escaped Mar
dorcr's ' Whereabouts.
A Council ninlTrt Sinn Swindles
montcrs By ForKory lnuemllarloa
at Work nt Unadllla Other
Nebraska News.
Klook Hold On Hall.
Nr.mtASKA CITY , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to tlin Hii.l : Dick Klock , who warf
arrested lust night un tlio elmrgo ot assisting
Bohatian to escape , had nn cxninlnntlun this )
nfturnoon. A number of witnesses were o s
atulncd , among them nil tlio prisoners In tlio
jail. HolTmaii , tlio cniutimmcil murderer ,
last saw Bohanan le.wo Ills cull In tlio evenIng -
Ing about 3 o'clock and untor tlio cull whorflf
tlio guards slept. Ho then saw n man whom
ho recognized as Klook open tlio llro escape
and lut Uohanan out. Ho saw nil this by a'
reflection In the looking glass. Tlio ovldinice
of tlio iftlicr prisoners corroborated tlio above
and also went to Hhow that the Jail was very
loosely guarded. Klock was recognized la
thodnrk by his largo build , but as thorn are
other very largo built muii about thojalt
there are many trlcnds of Klock who are In
clined to believe him tlio victim of circum
stances. Ills bond was placed nt $1,000 , and'
Immediately ton prominent business men
placed their names thereon and Klock was
released. No clue , whatever , has ync been
obtained of Uohanan. The rewards offered'
thus lar for his capture amount to $1,900.
Forgery > t Fremont. '
FIIRMONT , Nob. , Juno 24. [ Special to thqf ,
Bnn. | A Rllck bit of forgery has Just come1
to light. A few days ago a man giving 111 *
name ns Ellis S. Smith , hailing from Council )
1)lairs , came to Fremont to purchase somo\
real cstnto. He was sold a lot in Kast sldo' '
tor t-OO and tlio deed made out to hli %
When It came to paying for the lot It trans *
plred that his money was In the lorm ot
drafts. Ho was accompanied to the First1
National ban ) ; by the agent who sold him thai ;
lot and who also endorsed the drafts. Thar
amount ot the drafts cashed was SfSOO. O
this Hum 3'-00 was paid for the lot. and Sniltli. , ,
put the remaining SGOO In his pocket and departed -
parted for \Vahoo to purchase more property ,
no said. Hut ho has not yet been heard of at
that place. The drafts which ho had cashed'
have como back marked as forgeries , ana the
bank Is out the SGOO , as the endorsement ot
the agent amounted to nothing. Olllocrs Imvo ;
been started In pursuit of the scoundrel and1
ttio Intelligence fioui them Is that they have
struck Ills trail.
Conroy Hold For Manslaughter.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jun < > 34. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Hr.ii.J The preliminary hearing
of the state against J. .1. Conroy , the It. & M.
engineer implicated In the wicck , has been
In progress two days before .ludgo Paikor In ,
the county court A voluminous amount oft
evidence was introduced on both sides , and'
at the conclusion of the hearing to-night tho'
judge held Conroy to answer tor mnuslaugh-
ter , placing his bail bond at S'.OO. Conroy's
attorney , L. W. Blllingsloy , wont on his bond
and Conroy was released until the next term ,
of court.
Work of Incendiaries.
NEBRASKA. CITV , Neb. , Juno 24. [ Special
Telegram to the Dr.K.I ( sheriff McCallum
this afternoon received Information from
Unadllla to boon the lookout for two men
coming towards tills city who are supposed
to have set lire to a barn of F. S. Johnson
near Unadllla last night , which was entirely
consumed , together with ix large lot of grain
and btoek. Loss , 55,000 ; Insurance , SWOO.
linker Asked to I/cnvo Town.
Fuu.KinoN , Neb. , Juno 24. [ Special Tel
egram to the JJnic.J A committee waited on
Baker , who was accused of seducing his own
and ordered him to leave
( laughtor-ln-law , ,
liaker , however , demands an investigation
and says ho can bring the cilmo home to one )
In a far higher social plane. The mutter wilt *
probably be Investigated In the couits. >
Small Fli-o nt Howard.
SrcwAHi ) , Nob. , Juno 24. [ Special to the
Bii : : . | An alarm of tire was runs this morn
ing at 10 o'clock. The Uiiue.s were In tha
opera honso and wcio caused by throwing a'
lighted cigar In a box of sawdust used as n
cuspldoro. It hnd Justfalrly got to work when
it was discovered and extinguished.
Grant in Colors.
GHANT. Nob. , July 24. ( Special Teloeram'
to the BEI : . | The track layers reached Grant
at noon to-day. The city Is handsomely
decorated with flags and the citizens are hav
ing it jubilee holiday.
Grand Itinter Masonn Meet. , i
CHICAGO , Juno 24. The convention ot\ \
present and past grand master .Masons ot
the United States and Canada concluded to
day. A resolution aflirmlng the supremacy
of grand lodges in their respective territories
was carried. 'Ihls was the pilndpal subject
befoio the convention. Uiund Master lar-
rah caid to-night that the object of the con
vention had been misconstrued. There wad
no Intention to form a supiemo grand ledge
or to Intcrfeio with the jurisdiction of state
grand lodges In matters of a judicial or ox.
licutlvo nature. A committee' was appointed
to nauo the next plnco of meeting.
Heavy Ijoss to Science.
MONTOOMiiuv , Ala. , Juno 21. The burnIng -
Ing of the agricultural and mechanical
college at Auburn to-day was a great cala
mity. The splendid chemical laboratory ,
together with the natural history , geological
and botanical catiinets , and apiiaiatus ot all
sorts had been gathered through many years ,
and were exceedingly valuable , iniiny ot the
cabinet specimens being very rare. Mho total
of apparatus , cabinets and contents destroy
ed was over S100.000. The building with its
Impiovemcuts was also valued at over
Sl'0,000. ' , _
Steamship Arrival * .
Ni'.wYoiiK , June 31. ( Special Telegram
to the BKE.I Arrived The Unrmanic , from
Liverpool ; the Greece , from London ; the
BolL'enlnnd , from Antwerp ; the llugla , trom
HAMiitiiin , Juno21. Arrived The Suovla ,
from Newlork.
Hill Approves Local Option.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 24. Uovernor Hill has
signed the bill passed by the late legislature
extending local option throughout the state
to the extent of permitting communities
which Imvo prohibited retail liquor soiling ,
to aUo prohibit Its sale at wholesale.
Tariff on Totmcco.
Ni.v YOUK , June 24. Albert Fink states
that , taking effect Immediately , the tarltf on
unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco stems ,
In tioushoailH or cases , \vlll bo on a basis of
' i' cents per 100 pounds from Chicago to New
Tim Hotel KonpvrN Discharged.
New YOKK , June 21. The supreme court
has reversed the decision against hotel
keepers In the Sund.iy excise test case , and
they huvo been discharged ,
Mrs. Cleveland's Trip.
Aunun.v , N. Y. , Juno 21. Mrs. 1'icsulcut
Cleveland left hero for Cayu''a about IIOOQ.
She was to bo met there by Colonel Lament
to escort her to Washington. '
A Hum mi rioml Sentenced.
CHICAGO , June a I. Tim trial of Chot
Smith , dramatic agent , who had been acting
ns a procurerfrvr Vile dens 'at Hurley , WIs , , .
was found guilty auu sentenced-to out ) year , T
In the