2 THE OMAHA DAILY BJjJE : FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 1887. A CAIIHON COMDIXK. Klcolrlc Ijlit | CoiniinnloH Untor Into n Combination , Nnw Youic , Juno ai. fSDcd.il Tclcernin to ttio JiF.i.j : Tlio Times this mornliiKsnys : "A meeting wns hold In tills city jestenlny Which Is of direct Importance to all electric light Interests. Tito causes which led to It have boon developing ( or many months. Tlio electric light Industry , so f.ir as arc lights aru concerned , depends directly upon carbons. The consumption of these c.irbons by the various companies Is at present In the neigh borhood of 00,000,000 per year. The mnrket hn.s been supplied by two llrms In 1'lttsbnre , thrco or four In Cleveland and two in St , Iiouls. These companies two months ago formed a coinhlnntlon , and the combination took charge of all the factories. The prlco of carbons w < w suddenly nnd without warning put up from StO ana 813 per 1,000 to S20 and $2.'i. It-was known that only one raw mate rial was of much account In making electric Hi-tit carbons. This Is the coke from polio- leiim uttitha. The manufacturing , conso- mtontly , of the petroleum COKO pro duct was flceu to be the key to HIP situation. The electric light men irot together and talked the matter over. The proposition was to tnko thn entire product of coke of the Standard Oil company and man ufacture carbons for theiusulU'S. Everybody was found to be In favor of the movement. One company subscribed for 1,000.000 carbons bens per month. The others subscribed for from ViO.uoo to 600,000. The subscriptions wcroMl upon the basis of the old rates , the cost of the larger size not to nxctx'd $15 and the smaller In proportion. Thou a commit tee was appointed to confer with the Stand ard Oil company and the conference was held yesterday. Tlio company's tlgtiro lor Us entire coke product , 20,000 tons per year , was bet at 88 per ton or 8100,000 per annum. The olectrlc light sjndlcate consider the oiler and will accept It as soon as the various parties Interested in their syndicate can lu- nlfy tholr assent. This will eflectualljr de stroy the business of the western companies. It will cut elf tholr supply of raw material nnd leave them no way out of tholt dilemma , Binco , while lha electric Unlit carbon amil - cato will prob.ibly use not mom than half of the coke product , they will still control It all. The new carbon factory is to bo In this city. United Workmen Elect Ofllcora. MII.WAUKEI : , Juno23. Tlio supreme lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen elected the following ofllcers to-day : Supreme premo master workman , William 11. Jordan , of Oakland , Gal. ; miproma foreman , 0. M. Masters , of Sparta , AVls. : supreme overseer , William 1 * . ( irahnin , of Cedar Fulls , la. ; supreme premo recorder , M. w. Sackott , of McadvlIIe. I'a , ; supreme receiver , J. 11. Lctihart , of Meadvmc , PH. ; supreme guide , John A. Chold , of Portland , Ore. ; snpieme watch man , William M. Hutts , ot iialtlmoro ; su preme medical examiner , llusjh. Dolierty , of Boston. The committee on laws and super vision reported a revised constitution and by-laws for the good of thp order , which wore tnado the special order for to-morrow. Tholr consideration will probably occupy consider able time. _ Fatal Accldum in a Mine. WiMCKSiiAiiitH , Pa. , Juno 23. An acci dent occm red ! n slope four of the Susquehanna - hanna coal company's mine , caused by an explosion of gas , at 8 o'clock last nlgnt. A gang of men who wore engaged in driving the canzway In the slope entered the mine and this morning three of their comrades were brought to the surfuco dead and four Injured. One of the Injured men has since died and the otliois are unconscious and 11- ublo to die at any moment. It Is bdloved by those at work at the time of the accident that the ens was sot on flic by a powder ex plosion. The Texan Train Robbers. SAN ANTONIO , TCX , June 23. Last night George Shrnlf , a well-known gambler , for merly marshal of Tilling , was arrested on the charge of hclne the train robber leader. Captain Dick Marshall Itankln arrival last nlKhl with thtoo men arrested near La Grange and suspected of being implicated In the Klatonla tram robbery. It is irported the ofliceis found the camping place of seven ot the robbers and obtained clews which make them contldeut of capturing the whole gang. This evening J. P. Richardson , of McMuI- len county , was arrested on suspicion of being one of the train robbers. Patriotic Sons or America. CHICAGO , Juno 23. The Patriotic Sons of America closed the elnventh national conven tion to-day. The following officers were elected for ensuing year : President , George P. Smith , Chicago ; vice president , Frank L. Murphy , Pennsylvania ; treasurer , A. H. Phillips , Colorado ; secretary , F. W. iiend- ley.Onlo. The convention adopted a new platform of principles , the more important declarations being against permitting any foreign socialists , anarchists or nihilists to land at our port ? , nnd forbidding foreign iipeculalators and adventurers fiom Investing in American real estate. Jeff J ) vi * on tlio Flaga. DANVII.LK. III. , June 3J. In response to areiiiost | from l > auvilla that he deliver an address at Its fair this year , Jeffuraon Davis has replied that It will be Impossible for him to come to Illinois thU year. In his letter , which was received to-day , Mr. Davis says referring to tlio rebel Hag episode of recent date : "The order of the war department to retuin the captured flags to the confederate states was a violation of all known military precedent * . The flans were captured by the volunteer army of the north and bolonjj to the several states. " Army of the Potomac. SABA/TOO A , N. "Y. , June 23. Thrco hun dred persons attended the banquet of the Army of the Potomac this evening. Toasts wore responded to by General John C. JJlacIc , Colonel Calvin K. Pratt , General Henry W. Slocum , General W. T. Sherman , General W hippie , General D. K. Sickles , Corporal J. Tanner , C. M. lepew ana oth ers. ers.A committee was appointed to make ar rangements for the meeting at Gettysburg in July , 1888 , and to Invlto the army of northern Virginia. MftAter Plum bora Adjourn. CHICAGO. Juno S3. In the convention of master plumbers to-day the report of the ox- ecutlvo committee recommending tlio con tinued strict observance of the rule that man ufacturers sell plumbers' goods to none but taasuir plumbers was adopted. Officers were elected and the convention adjourned. Western Live Stock Hates. CHICAGO , June 23. At a meeting of the general managers of the western lines to day for tlio purpose of considering the befct manner of procuring actual weight on Hvo stock shipment received at the Union stock yards , It was agreed to turn the matter over to a committee to make such arrangements u will secure ttie end in view , Silver OliMnr * lloturninir to Work. NKWYOUK. Juno . The silver chasers , who have been on a strike for the last three months , are torsaklng the Knights of Labor and me being taken back by employers on condition ot renunciation of alloglimco to trades unions. All are expected to be nt work In a few days. Steamship Arrivals. NKW YOIIK , June 3J. ( Special Telegram to the UKK. | Arrived The .Statoof Penn sylvania , from Glasgow. Qur.i.Nsrow.v. Jnnn SV-Airlvnd The Urittaulu. from Now York. SOUTHAMITON , Juno 21 Arrived The Trans from .Now Yorit for iiremeu. Cannot Ooncoilo the Advance. Ptrrsnunn , Juno 133. The sheet Iron workers Interested In the sUmplngand hoi- ) owsaru branch of tlio business considered the new sralo otfored by the Amalgamated association unil decided it Impossible to con cede thumU.iuce. Jake Si > ni'i > 'a Trial. NKW YMIU , June 23. In the Slnrp cose to-tiny , Foote , of the First National bank , toM ot thn dealings with Alderman Farley in 1N > 5 , and about tha denomination ot the policy tha latter lad. Vrnforroil to lliuitf Hlmnolf. Vt. , Juno 2.1. John Suj- i trial for the inurdor oi Helen A. sutclJo by Imcglug this HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT It Took Flaos at the Boyd Opera House Last Night. ST. CATHERINE'S ACADEMY. Additional Chnptcri on the Public Educational Institution * A of Sorrow Wanted nt Topckn. The High School Commcnccmont , The opera house curtain rose last even ing upon a high school raduntlui ; class of twonty-nino young ladles anU gontlo- men. It wasthu largest chisa which lias , under similar circumstances , ever assem bled in Omuhn. In appearance it w.ai certainly not inferior to any that hiw ap peared in roootit years , and it may well bo doubted if in intellectual strength and varied accomplishments it may not favor ably bo compared with any of these which have gone before it. Nine of the members were young gentlemen , the re mainder yoiinp ladies , the namus being : is follows : John Ahlquist , Mubul Hal- combo , low.i B.U1 , Nolllo Biinsorinnn , Amelia lUiimoo , Harry L. Uownor , J.V. \ . Hroach , Hello L. Cox , Augustus K. Uot- wilor. Hose Donahue , Emily Dorn , Enoch J. Ellison , Jeannutto I ) . GlblH , Clara Griffin , I. Harris , Carrie House , Uortha Lciscnring , Mary Eudlngton , Anna N. McCaguo , Nolls Moycr , lion Nelson , M. Alta Peacock , Victor S. Koaewater , S.idio Schlusinger , Lou Slironsliiro , Leonard C. Stranguna Wells , Etta Whitney and Minnie Woodman. From this list Sadlo Sohlesiuger alone was absent thtongh illness. Tim stage was set with the beautiful palace arch , backed with the consurva- tory. It wits ft peculiarly appropriate letting , the members of the class appear- ng to excellent atlvauttigo. The young allies were nHire.it in muslin , lace , silk and satin , nnd in tlio traditional white each looking like the veritable tiugel the average female graduate is supposed to bo on the night she leaves nor books ho- hind her. In the midst of these borulllcd and bewitching creatures , the nine young gentlemen sat. the envied of every youth n the auditorium. Miss lown Hall was the first essayist , : ier subject being "Charles and Mary Lmnib as brother nnd sister.1' This essay lisphiyed a deep appreciation of the genial writer , the echo of whoso laughter , or rather that which he created , still rings in mntiy hearts. It told of the early life of the two , the mutual love which existed between them , their long walks , their visit to the grave yard , the condition of the parents in their old age and of the dreadful tragedy which made tlio sister a matricide. This was followed by n reference to his later life , and the lavish eneoniums which great men had passed upon him. notably that of Words worth who said that Lamb "was good if o'er a good man lived. " This essay is chielly remarkable for its warmth of admiration nnd the Christian eeling which actuated both brother mid sister , nnd an appreciation of the literary work of the poot. It was appreciated , nnd the following little maidens , Ida Newman , Emma Moor. Edna Robinson , Ada Waiigli , Ella Hreekonridgo and May Maynard , deposited ( lowers in profusion at the feet of the essayist. Augustus K. Uetweiler discoursed upon the "Genus Homo. " Starting out with the assertion that every endeavor to comprehend the animal kingdom from a scientific point of view makes modern geology the basis of its conclusions , he held that scientific study must aocopt the phenomenon of adaptability ; that the versatility of the organs of plants meets the variability of their external circum stances and accommodates them to changes that are always taking place. He then briefly traced from the era in which was the simplest expression of human life that of the protozoan , then the vertebrate type which swarmed the seas- he hold it was not impossible that oven man may have aupeared here , surviving nil the changes which had taken place since the Mosozoiccra. When the earth was ready for man , the latter appeared upon the scene , and just as man now guides the development of animal nnd vegetable forms , so from the highest brute forms , guided by a Superior Intelli gence , man himself has developed in a ( lotiuito direction and for a special pur pose. He then traced mans progress from a crude state , and detailed the soul's outward expression in works of art and l v the study of tncsn works for both use and beauty. For the an imal , evolution was perhaps complete , but for the man , it has yet muchto _ ac complish. Ho closed a referoace to mau" ' aspirations to place himself in harmony with his environments , and by making reason and the will of God to prevail , becoming himself the arbiter of his own destiny. Man harmonized with nature , with God. the human became di vine and the cycle was complete. As may bo inferred , the subject was a heavy one. It was well treated by the young gentleman , whoso delivery was inclined to the forcible and effective rather than of the ornate stylo. Ven Wells recited "Jimmy Brown's Santa Glaus" in n manner which enter tained the audience. Nella Mover played "Lo Gazelle" as a piano solo quite acceptably and was lib erally rewarded with flowers. Carrie E. Howcli essayed "A Study of Ralph Waldo Emerson. " This was a fervid eulogy of the celebrated divine. It detailed his early life , his poverty , strug gles , studies , ordination , and the sympa thetic and magnetic influences which ho created by his preaching. Ho was not an imitator of Carlisle , but a leader in many ways. He exerted an influence most potent and grateful. Ho was a n loyal American and a thorough Now Euglunder , and as patriotic a citizen as over lived. The delivery was r.ipid , but the compo sition was very good. Victor llosowator essayed on "Recent Explorations. " There was a force inherent - horont in man which urges him on to discover now things. The impulses which spurred the Phonoolan explorers now in cites those of our times. The rewards to bo put forward to induce men to endure the hardships of discovery wore commer cial advantages , gains to science , glory and louown. At the beginning of the century low parts of the earth remained unexplored. Nothing was loft but the dark African continent , in the south , nnd the icy Arctic laud in the north one clothed in luxuriant vegetation , the latter half devoid nf Ufa or means of subsist ence. Worthy was the commander who lia/tirdcd his life in such realms. The name of Stanley would always be con nected with the foundation of the Congo Free State , and Grecly and Lockwood would be remembered as having in a great way cleared the route to the north pole. The Immense wealth of the Congo basin was being opened to the w6rhl. Human beings have actually trodden within six degrees of the north pole. The profits of theio enterprises nru distributed to all persons. Was it not an honor to our na tion that : it has aided in those undortak- ingsf The ftunu of tho.so discoverers ia ours , and the adventurous spirits of fu ture times should remember that the ro- uown of those lias been obtained only by great labor , illustrating "Heights charm us ; the paths which load to them do not. " The delivery was earnest , manly and graceful , and was wujmlv appreciated. Miss Sudia Sohleningcr's absence ct.uscd her recitation to he pas d. Mary Ludlngton read an intarcjiUnK and moral dedaotio eway on "Ttta Holy Grail , " She characterized the middle ages as the wonderland which divide * the ancient clvlll/atlon from the modern , that long , dark interval whoso silence nnd mysterious doom are only such as herald the coming of the dawn , She then spoke of tlioso of that period who sot out in quest af the Holy Grail , at the same time repenting tlio legend of the cup , which was supposed to have been that used by the Savior nt the last supper. One of the modern Ideas ot the signifi cance of the quest of the grail is that it is the search after truth. To Una this it was not required to go , like the knights of old , on a perilous quest , nor to immure ourselves in convents , for the gr.iil is within our homes , within our overy-day lives. The delivery of Miss Ludlnglon was really excellent , and the piece evoked a hearty npplauso. Miss Amelia Hlumvo delivered tin essay on our "Black Familiars. " It was a mid winter reverie , and in its quiet , modest way a gem of description of the appear- utico , habits ami aspirations of the crow family. A concert recitation followed , in which the following young'ladies took part : Misses Ball , Blumve.Cox , Donahou , Uorn , Gibbs , Grillin , Ilowell , Loisonvirtir , Shropshire , Wells , Whitney and Wood man. This was a medley , nicely contrived and very acceptably rendered. The class wss under the direction of Miss Uecie Johnston as wcro indeed , all the speakers of the evening , in whom greater individual excellence was noticed than in any similar previous class. Mabel Balcombo delivered an essay upon the "Italian Influence on English Poetry. " It was a flowery consideration of a poetic idea , the warmth of which seemed to have been received from the same influence which she claimed bright ened , colored and vivilicd not only the writers in England from Chanecr to Dryden - den , but oven created n halo which still hovered over the rich lines of Byron and others of oven more recent date. Toward the close , Miss Halcombo's de livery was in keeping with the nature of her subject. She retained the attention of her audience , but a faulty intonation at the close rather destroyed the charm of her earlier work. Miss Anna McCasruc played "Uouto-en- Taine" as a piano solo , and was liberally applauded. Miss Nina Bausorinan recited "Old Margaret1' with a great deal of success. J. W. Broach orated on "Tho Amer ican Army. " The peace of America ha < been unbroken by the excitement of a great war. Our means of defense have been neglected , our mili tary stations hare fallen into decay , and a nation once mighty in war has almost forgotten the glorious traditions of former pi owess. Ho spoke about the danger to bo apprehended from sirch a state ot attaint , and said tlint it had boiiu suggested that Britain might unset the acts ot 1812 and 1817. Tlio bloody battles in the streets of Pittsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago and other cities warn us that at our liresides lurk the ele ments of danger to the republic. It would be madness to oppose raw militia against trained soldiers. The regular army had been decreased in 11 shameful manner. Now was the time to honor that arm which in time would rank with the legions of Homo , the bat- tallions of Napoleon and the phalanxes of Sparta. Mr. Bioaeh has a good voice. Ho spoke without afl'ectatiou audmndo but a few gestures. Carrie House played the piano solo , "La Danso do Fies , " with much appre ciation. "Tho History of Chemistry as Told by the Elemental Genii , " was the subject of Miss Emily Dorn's csjay. In it she per sonified the elements , and told of the an noyance they experienced when they found man was encroaching upon them , the cloud of mystery in which they envel oped themselves , and finally how each one of them in turn was led from his native seclusion a slave at the car of hu man civilization. The idea was happily conceived , consistently carried out , and the effort was delivered with the interest of a lady devoted to the chemical analysis of the a < rents to whom she had given cor poral habitation and a uamo. The effort was a pronounced success. The graduates were then given their diplomas. President Points made a few remarks and the audience retired. Prof. Franko's orchestra rendered sev eral line selections during the evening , St. Catherine's Academy. The commencement exorcises and tenth annual distribution of prizes took place yesterday afternoon , at St. Catherine's academy , on Eighteenth street. This school is exclusively under the charge of the Sisters of Mercy , and is conducted by Sister Mary Bechmans ns principal , and eight teachers. Very Rev. Father Shatlel presided in the absence of the bishop , who was unable to attend. A largo number of reverend gentlemen were present , Previous to the distributiou of prizes a programme consisting of vocal and instrumental music and salutatory addresses of welcome was executed in an admirable manner by the young ladies of the academy. Whilst the several por- foimances evidenced a high order of tal on t , the Marcho Brilliantc piano duet , by Misses E. Creighton and M. Perkins , was especially worthy of mention , The salu tatory addresses to the bishop nnd clergy , read by Miss M. McGavock , was delivered in a most effective manner. In one of the rooms an exhibition of fancy work.- consisting of embroidery and'crocheting , work , was tastefully displayed , and a goodly number of water color paintings ; uud crayon drawings decorated tftewolu. " All these bore testimony to the skill of the pupils , as well as to the eflleiency of the teachers. The church veslmonts. worked by Misses Nellie Murphy and Anna Wasserman , were beautiful speci mens of necdleworK , and the paintings by Misses Clara Van Camp , QJara Croighton and Maggie Jerkins ware artistically executed. The following is a list of prices distributed ; J _ „ CIIOWNS. * . Honor Misses Etta Creighton , Agnes Mulhall , Mary Loby and Nellie. Galla gher. Attendance Miss Anna Cunningham. Politeness Misses Rosie Davis , Dora BiondorlV , Nellie McShauo , , Maggie Me- Shane and Bertha Van Camp. Christian Doctrine Misses Nellie Mur phy , Norali McAuliu" , Maggie M Aijdlo and May McShano. Singing Misses Jennie McClealand , Rose Flannery. Alice Lowery , Stelb Riley and Fannie McGavoek. Fancy Work Miss Anna Wasse.rm.att. K1UUONS. Politeness Misses Nellie Murphy , Etta Croighton. Clara Rilov , Noah McAulifl' , A nes Muihall , Clara Van Camp , Magglo McArdlo , Clara Creighton , Stella 8hano. Saran McGavock , Mary McGavock , Gall Fisher , Lorotto Dailoy , Laura Schaab , Lulu Miller , i'lulomona Swift , Maggie Hogarty , Anna Creishton and Agues Murphy. SILVER MEDALS. Christian Doctrine Misses Eta Creigh ton , Clara Riley , Nolllo Murphy , Norah McAuliir , Maggie MoArdlo , May Mo- Shane , Agues Mulhall , Katie Perkins , Sar.vh McGavock , Mary McGavock , Clara Creighton , Mary Durr. Loretto dishing , Nellie McShano , Maggie McShaue , Mary Leahy. Anna Croighton , Fannie Mc Gavoek , Masters Eddie McShano and WiJlle Coaa. HOOKS. Study First class : Misses Etta Craigh- ton , Nellie Murphy , Clara Rlloy , Norah MoAuliff. Second class , first division Miaaoa Stella Shane , Clara Van Camp , Mazgla Perkins , K&tlo Perkins , Maggie MoArdlo , Agnes Mulhall. Second divi- Ion Muaei. CUra Croightou , Grace Fisher , Lora McGayock , Mnry McGavock , Alice Lowry , Anna B rghlm , Minnie Gal- lahan , Jennie MoUk-llaml. Third class , first division Mlsws Jlattio Stevens. ( Jail Fisher , Mary Durr , Second division- Misses Laura Schvfnab , May McShauo , Anna Cunningham , Lorotto Dailoy , Lore Bushing , Lulu MlllaX , K ° sio Flaiiuery , Master Arthur Callan. Fourth class , llrst division-Misses PhUlySwift.MaryLahcy , Anna Croighton. Aancs Murphy , May Gorman , Ratio Morgan , Annie Sullivan , Rosio Davis , Maggie Hogorty , Ljdia Parker , Frances Cooper and Master Clarence Gallagher.r ; Second division Misses Nellie Merino , Lena O'RIloy , Dora Bcindorfl' , Fannie McGavock , Mary Gucknon. Alice Furay , Stella Riley , Maggie gio McShnno. May Sullivan , Master Willie Shane and Mac Morrison , Misses Lcssio Little nnd Nellie Coad. Fifth class Miss Nellie Gallagher , Master Dick Cushing , Misses Bertha V au Camp , Viola Minor , Josephine Fisher , Guss'o Lehman , Lillie McGavock , Jennie Mor ris , May Loary , Marie Armstrong , Edna Funk. "Masters Frank McGinn. Henry Bcimlorir , Leo McShano , Willie Stephenson - son , Tom Rilov , Fred Niish. Louis Galla gher , Eddto McShano and Willie Coad. Music Misses Etta Croighton , Clara Van Camp , A. Wasserman. Painting Misses Maggie Perkins , A , Washerman , C. Van Camp , C. Croigli- ton. Fancy work Misses A. Borglam , Nel- lin Murphy. Christian Doctrine Masters A.alien , C. Gallagher , F. McGinn. Leo MeShaiic , Missus Alice Furay and May Gorman. Attendance Master Mac Morrison. Father Shall'ol addressed the young people , wishing them a happy vacation , and hoped that they would spend their time profitably. The academy will resume work on the Hrst Monday in September. Tlio 1'nclllc School. The Pacific school is one of the oldest school buildings in the city. Beginning with a small strticiuro , it lias from time to time been added to until at present it is quite a formidable looking building , Notwithstanding tlioso additions it is still inadequate for the growing district in which it is situated , and it lias been found necessary to rent three rooms in the vicinity to provide for the defect. The school lias the disadvantage of being located on a very low site and from a sanitary point of view the situation is anything but a healthy one. There lias boon some talk recently of sell ing the property and building on a higher site , but no definite aetiou has yet been taKcn in the matter. Miss Margaret Mc Carthy is the principal of the school. During the year 093 scholars have bauu enrolled and -18D are in attendance , whilst the average attendance has boon 51U. The scholastic work is conducted by twelve teachers and all were busy with examina tions when the BEE reporter called. Miss McCarthy teaches the eighth B class , whiuh consists of jUjtocn scholars. Her most prominent 'pupils are Oscar Quick , Jennie Hubbard , I/ouis Edward . Jane Go 11' anddl tiadio Malionoy. Three pupils ( Kc : < r Quick , Maud Miller 1 not been absent a day during the your. The seventh B ( lliTl A classes are pre sided over by Mii sJ.ldaSihallenborger. ! Thoroparo twontyHIyo scholars , all of whom * are reported itiligcnt. The best scholars are Mart Spcthman , Cora Swanson , Fannie flood , Frank Nor- lander and L'hilip NeUor. Miss Mary Thouitsbn ) la the teacher of the tenth A and 1) classes and has thirty- nine scholars undentier supervision. Her most diligent pupils fire Hannah Hoch- strasser. Charlie Seott , Maggie Kerr , Fannlo Wright and Charlie Lanblad. Mrs. Adeline Fowler is in charge of the fifth B class. There are thirty-three scholars ou the roll and the following are the most prominent of many diligent scholars in tlio class : Peter Starr , Maggie gio Carey , Edith Shields aud Charles Smith. The fifth A and fourth B classes are taught by Miss Uosaba Eddy and com prise forty-six scholars. The best pupils are Minnie Jorgensen , Eddie Doll , Frank Potter , Mary Anderson aud Clyde Lun- blad. Ono pupil , Leon Lohnes , has been perfect in attendance during the year. Miss Mary Goodman's classes are those of fourth A and fourth B. There are forty-six children in attendance , most of whom are apt and intelligent pupils. The leaders are George Darnell , Emma Poison , Bert Emerson , Ella Bourne and Amanda Lmndberg. Delia Lozier and George Darnell have shown their aptitude for study iiy compressing the work ot two terms into one. Two pu pils , Delia Lozier and Anna Quick , are reported perfect in attendance. The third B class is taught by Miss Alice Harmon , who has thirty-eight children under her care. The brightest of these are Joel Stebbms , Ella Brown , Lizzie McGovern , Leo Lowry and Jennie Gardipco. Lena Nelson has not been ab sent during the year. Miss Helen Hunt in the teacher of the third A class , which comprises forty-six children , the leaders being Lillie Price , Emma Roscisky , George Wolff. Henry Liebcrkust and Frank Cox. The second A nnd second B classes are taught by Miss Addio Glad stone , who has forty-six pupils to instruct. The most pro minent of these are Blanche Miller , Kddio Boyer , Willard Fuller and MableDetiel. Walter Chamberlain , too , is a pupil whoso record is worthy of men tion ; ho has not been absent during the year , and has made an extra class. Miss Jessie Lazcar tcaohtis the Hrst C class. There are thirty children , of whom Nels Nelson and Martha Homclius were men tioned as particularly diligent. The first B and C is a class of lifty-livo little ones , presided over by Miss Fannie Kevins , who is assistant principal of the school. The best pupils are Nellie Allen , Caroline Glasscr and George George on. Miss Katie Powers is the teacher of the first A , in which there are lifty-fivo hchol ars. The leading puuils are Nora Pul- Ion , Florence May A.Frank , Gadulty Walter Matthews andlranck Thackcr. Leavenworrh Sclioo ) , The Loavcnworthjifhool is one of the finest educational buildings in this city. The rooms are wolf lighted , aud the ven tilation scorns to be Satisfactory to those who are most dlre ctly interested in it. This , however , refeft only to the lirst and second lloors. The" Basement is not in cluded. In the lattc fit.tco there are now two classes , Fonnjprjy there were four. Two of thorn , now tjjujjht by Miss Brown and Miss Johnston , ro located in a frame building adjoining/ part of thn latter structure originallywarved in conneotion with old Brownelli 'hall. ' It fell Into disuse when that inSJtfution bloomed into au edifice of strength and beauty on Tenth street hill , and was purchased by the board of education , moved to its present site , an addition built to it , and was then occupied by the classes men tioned. They had been sought in their subterranean retreat by the dampness of the earth and the rain storm , and com pelled to take flight to preserve their health. As a consequence of this hcglra , before other quarters could bo provided for them , an interregnum took place in which the children lot three weeks' of school. The basement rooms now in use , it is claimed are not so objcctianablo as wore the others , but are biiuicieutly dis agreeable to create a du&iro on the part ( if the principals and others , to h&vo them related to their original uses &s plavin ; ; grnui.d for the rats. . 'Ibis school , lh tirincljj I , Miss Miun'.o ' J. Wood , Informed the visitor , enrolled 0')3 ' ) scholars this year. The attendance at present la about COO , while the average attendance during tlio year lias been about 530. Miss Wood sajs that the at tendance this year. Is noticeable for the number of native Omahans and Nebras- kniis. in proof of tins she referred to a long list of names which substantiated what ehij " had said. There are twelve teachers in 'the two buildings referred to. Miss Greonlco has charge of the seventh A and B with forty-two children. The lead- lug members of this class are Elmer Carl son , Julia DavN , Ixnns Frcitschkc. Her- ber Morse , Charles 1'niuk mid George Sellgson. The classes of the sixth and seventh A taught by Miss M. H. Lucas consists of thirty-eight boys and girls , though , in the winter they numbered nbotit forty-live. They have done the work of two classes in the. time ordinarily assigned to one. This claos is specially commended for the excellence In rondlnjr of a largo number of its members. The most prominent scholars are Eva Burns , Ada Stone , Emma Levi , Charles Croinbto and Henry Stenrns. Miss Ida L. Huniington's classes arc tlioso of liftli B ami sixth A , which have an average attendance of about foity- hovun. In the estimation of the teacher , nearly all of the scholars rank equally well nnd have done excellent work throughout. In proof of this she refencd to tlio fact that they had made three classes instead of two during the year. The leaders designated were ; Lyman Chaflee , Emma Valion , Ella Savngo , Edith Schwnrt/ , Fred Knickerbocker , May Lawrence , Marion Sehibsby , I'unnlo D.ivenport. In fifth B , Stella lluostls and Edna Donahoe. Miss L. Wasliburn teaches the fifth A class during the absence of Miss Solomon , who is now sick. There are forty-two children In attendance , among whom the most distinguished are Guy I'cnfold , William Manchester , IdaKhoadcs , Grace Crawford and Lime Tobbms. Mrs. Florence Heed lias in third A cla s thirty-six children. Ihis number i < < much less than the attendance during the win ter , having boon reduced by a number of her able-bodied scholars "going to work. " The le.u'ous uro Marie Kennedy , Frank Teola , Jennie Hempel , Frank Behin and Edith Burns. Miss Abbio C. Leighton is in charge of the fourth A class , which now consists of forty-six members. It formerly com prised about sixty names , though many have sineo been transferred to other schools. Miss Loighton's opinion of her cherubs , even if not of the most modest degree , seems ; certainly not unmerited by them. Several of them have not been absent from class during the year , and all of them piescnt an inviting and intelligent appearance. The leaders are David Whiting. Sadie Leisetirmg , Lloyd Billman , Alabel Full- riede , Elsie Schwartz , Alex , bwanson and Othalia Karbach. Miss McDonald , of the second B , was referred to as the arti.st of the school , and the walls of the room bore evidence of her handiwork. The thirty members of the class were engaged in language work , telling on their slates the etory of Moses in tlio bullrushos , a colored pic ture of which hung upon the board , and from which the little ones drew their in spiration. The BIE : representative was strontrly tempted to publish a coupjo ot the stories , because they were nicely composed , and the penmanship was really excellent. The more prominent children were Mary HasmiiBson , Hey Penfold , Dollie Speneor , Bonnie Jones , and \Villio McElroy. Miss Johnson's class is the third B. It is located in the fragment of Brownoll hall above referred to. In it are forty- four children , two of whom are colored , and one of these is among the brightest in the room. Sometime ago he contested in arithmetic with a white lad , and came offvictorious. . The leaders are Joseph McKinney , Birdie B.ilach , Lester Lowe , Richard Goetty , and Kichard Welty. Miss S. E. Brown is ono of thu refu gees from the damp basement. She has sin vivod malaria and other ills , and now feels perfectly contented in the shanty provided , although improvement might be made in both light and ventilation. The loaders are Florence Brown , Mamio aud Annie Coslello , Willie Vaughn and Lena Minikus. DMiss Maggie Read is another of the base ment victims. She has charge of the first A class , which was at recess when the man called. In this room there are forty-ulna children , who , to judge by their samples of kindergarten work , are bright , industrious and a credit to their instructress. Miss Rend is spoken of as a most capable teacher. She is a gradu ate of the Peru normal school , in tills state. Her leading children are Ole Ole- son , Ethel Bums , Milton Rend , Tillie Liebler and Floyd Bourn. ° In the basement also , are the classes of first nnd second A , taught by Miss Olive Hubbard , consisting of thirty-six children. The most advanced scholars are Christian Hanson , George Read , Miriam Hart , Charles Powell and Claude McKinnoy. The last class visited was that of Miss Wood , the principal , the iirt B and C. The walls of tlio apartment were alive with sporting rabbits , demure male und female human urc.Uurew , flower * nnd borders. There are forty children in atten dance , though there have been as many as sixty-five present at one time during the year. Just as the BEE man entered , a little ladv named Annie Wilde , was reading with a great deal of distinctness aud intelligence. The leaders are How ard Johnson , Annie Wilde , Anna Hansen - sen , Sydney Reeves and Adele Moore. During the year , the following chil dren have been in attendance every day : Chauncoy Mahnnna , Geo. Rocho , Henry Thompson , Elma CarlsonAlox Swanson , Laura Mark , Amelia lioltorf , Katie Hag- gorty , Ida LewmunAnna Shealcr , Annie Peterson.ThoraasBegloy.KatioSehroeder , Howard Johnson , Angela Carlson , Maud Lawrence , Harold Thompson aud Polhc Herman. Center Street School. The Center street school occupies a commanding site and stands out in bold relief to the eye of the passer-by. The grading on Eleventh in front of * the school is being assiduously carried on , und when finished \vill add to the promi nence of tne building. The school con tains four commodious class rooms , in which it was apparent that every atten tion has been givuu to cleanliness and neatness , As there is not sur- licient accommodation in the build ing for all t the children in the district , a room has been routed and is occupied 'by a class on Thirteenth htreet. Mrs. Kate M. Keau is the prin cipal , and reports that very satisfactory progress has boon made by her scholars during the year. Three hundred and forty children have bccrf on rolled nnd the number in attendance is 2"iO. The average - ago attendance has boon about i'J ) chil dren. Mrs. Kcan toaohes the fifth A nnd fourth B class , which comprise forty scholars. Her loading pupils nro Inge- borg Anderson , Sigred Anderson , Willie Bocokholl and Lena Kaufman. There has been no tardiness in the class , and satisfactory progress has been the rule rather than the exception. The clasjos third B and fourth A are taught by Mrs. Annie Fair. There are thirty-eight pupils in these classes , the most diligent of whom nro Clarence Terry , \Vlllle JolTrim , Mary Kiltcra , Mark Lerwiance and Obio Finnoy. Ono pupil , Josie Spibnaok has not been absent from school during thu year. Fannie Gofl' and Willie Jollries have dis tinguished themselves by compressing a year's work into half u year. Classes second B aud third A urn taught by Mist Mary E. Jordan. There are fifty-nlne soholtfra under Miss Jordan's care , all of whom present it bright and intelligent appear ance. Those who hnvn more particularly ilstingulshcd themselves are Jobopli 'cllican. Ellen NelsonMnggtu Johnston , Carrie Kruogcr , and Kntio GolV. Two ; ldldren , Fannie 1-rost and Frances tutora , have not been absent during the year. year.Miss Myra La Rue is the teacher In charge of the lirst C and second A chases , which carry on their studies in thu room on Thirteenth ilreot. Miss La Rue has only jocn thrco mouths in the school , but during that time reports satisfactory pro- jress. Her brightest pupils nro Paul White , Lulu Thorbor , Charlie Moran , Willie Siokort and Amelia Rlncfcldt. Miss Jciitila L. Hod field Is the lady in chargn of the little ones in ilr.st and B classes , numbering lifty-slx scholars , one of whom is colored and in telligent. The most proliciout of the class aru Edna Cullou , Daisoy McMalion. Uotsoy Nelson , Gustavo Knlbe ana lloguiar Anderson. Gustavo Kolbo has boon present every day during the year. On n n da's Parliament Prorogued. OTTAWA , Ont. , Juno 23 At 8 o'clock this vciunsthei50vernorKencr.il came down In state , and after a sentlnc to the bills passed Innnc the session , lead hU speech pro roguing parliament , Cot\vioteil of Codmnn'i ) Murder. BOSTON , Juno 23. J nines P. . NowlliiR , who Ims been on trial several days for the murder of otifi Uodnian , a young milk peddler , last \\a4io-nlghtconvlctedol murder In the hrst decree. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM , for tha 1'ncr , Nrcli , Arm * nod Ilnndi , UninatclilcsH UiiulU. Ouninntoill'iircniia Strictly IliirilllcKn. Instantly . \piilltd \ and tievrr Detected , Olnsn.ondt rtully Hnioolh , Haft. 1'IInblo nnd Dcllcntn hltlu. A 1'cnrl Ilkn Complexion tlimcd with the blush of the Hose. Alnbnhtor Neck , Armn nnd Hnnd . IIIts line PInipip * , niotchrn , Siitibinn , TViilvrtnuiilrrbrnttli , U < > uuUiic . KcdnrKi , Siillouur , and nil hKI\ Itljr.MI IIE.S and nllllctttms are removal , lUturniitK from n hot \utll % or drive , une lit Imtncdlitcly rivitrd nnd n freshed nfUrudng It. ladles blioukl no\er bo without It. Clvo the HAIj.H n Trial ! EVERY LADY who df lro a perfect CORSET FORM AND FIT should wear ono. will ( c io k nhii * ke WOKCESTEa CORSET CO. . ! l nl KO Birkel St. , HAY FEVER. NOTICR AH sufferers frcm Hiy Fever who will use tbo Smoke Hall and "Ucboll&tor"piiolt- ngeslx weeks prior to August 1st. 1837 , and have the llrst symptoms of the tllgonse iinpmu utter that date , we will ftEKUNI ) THK MONEY" Lint summer this remedy wai used by iiiiiny sufferers , and pave satisfaction In every case. 'Carbolic Smoke" jrlrea Immediate rcllof In C.itairh , Asthma , llroiichlnl und Ihroiit Alfeo- tloiid , Jloudaclio , Croup , Cnldx , Ltmif IISOH > H.-B , etc. , and IF taken In connection with our Doliol- later treatment Is warranted to cure every omo. A rrooTeit at our olnoo pnrlori. Bout by million receipt of price , $ ) . Sraolto Dull , $ - , Dfcbellutorjl. Dfcbellutorjl.CARBOMO SMOKE UAf.fj CO. . Boom 11 Croiffhton Uloek , Ointiha , Nob. DR. OTTERBOUIIG Cor.t3th & Dodge St $ . Omaha , Neb. C U R E S AH & . * tn ruii ] by ] mpriwloncct ( HnJf AtniM ) , L&CAM , Cx. ) , Cent ff.oii. ( H'oo-1 I'u ) . JIfattK. Wtalt\ Inn CM a .tcrnt tump for full Information , Coii uMtl ] u Omen Hour * 9 fa 13 * in , tli nixl ' * o * n. m For Imperfect Digestion Disordered Stomach , Jxt Travelers round thin woilrt of cure. Without ilelitr tliom al o nrcpiro Amilnuthollli that may art w. rronilll-oidkml ruoaU HIH ! Ifiwlliy rlaci A MirrtdclcniBis nt th lr rill , Kor TAItltANT S SlSI/r/KIt tunrjucri all. end all skln'cllBeoaes. Au w mctbodoJ eora- ponndlnii Tar. A Cure piamntnwl , 01 innii y rrfundrd. Hold l > ydrniirlita , end Httbnonlonnf TAR-OID CO. . 73 UKCCtFH ST. CMIC4QO. I'rlc.i ( I. AS BRIGHT'S ' DISEASE , DROPSY Death ! from them are tarrlllcei. DUclinrt'oa , itrlc- turci. prostate Elaud.urltofcio , liliJCtr und chronlOilliei * o nia them and mint IJP rurnd by Ihe Amhel Medical llureuii ICuropfun unj Amorlcau p clallilphy > lclan'i local aid inierni uorfntlreni' < tl or the inirorert ftra lost Old phyjlrl in't mlric . with partloulHr tnilrurp. ficmit 291 Uroaday.Kow York. Bneclal Ordinance No. 004. A K Ordinance lovylnir atpoclaltax ami aiioit- fV mem on coitiilii loMmul tual ontatu India ilM of Onmlm , to COUT the ono half eoM Of KradltiKTni'iity-iuuth avenue Irom I.ouvcn- worth Klrcot to Hickory street. Wherein , It ha\luir brou and lining hereby ml * JinU'cd , dL'lorinliiud ami established that thu Ruluriil loin uud plnees of icat ustatc hereinafter - after tolorriMlto.havueachlxHni spi'dally bomv titled to tlio full amount lioroln Io\lod and in- sc-tjod nKiilnst each of fluid lots and plooea of real ixtntv , rc poctHrlv , by roaion of the Rrnd- IMR of that pan or "l/tli / avtuiue fiotu loaon - worth street to Hickory sheet , done- under eon- tract with Kilt ? A : f allahau. 'I horc'loro , for the purpose of pnjlnij tlio one li.ilf oo l nf f iich frradliiKl lie It Ordained by the city council of the city of Omixlm. Suction 1 That the ouo-lialf rout ot grad- ( UK that part of 20lh nvtmuo , In the city of Onmlm , from I.tia\niiworth ttruct to Hickory street , anld olio-half of mid coat bolutf thn sum of fl.SU in , galil Kriullnu belli ) ; done uiidui con * tiavt with Kiitz \ Cnllahan , lie and the same Is lureb ) Imted aud imciisiMl , aecorilltiK to Mieelal lieuollts by leaion of Raid ( trading , uiioutlio fol lowing lots and ronlostatp as nhonti bvthoKOii * incuts lovleil nnil n o'six ! ns nlorotuilil , Khali bu due Imuiudlatoly upon the pas w uud ap proval of this ordlntioc , nnd shall become de linquent It not puld wltliln fifty days thereafter : and thereupon a pennlty of tun per cent nlmll bo mldod , to/i'thcr with Interest at therutoof 0110 per coat a month , payable In advitiu o from the time said tiuoB becoino so ilolliniuent. Section 3. Thill thIMordinance shall take ef fect and ho In foico fiom and alter Its passage. Passed Juno 1st , 1887. WM. P. llK'UkKl'iosldcntClty CounoU. .1. n. SOUTIIAIIII , nti Cloi-fc Apinovod Juno 2nd. I'M" . W. J. BIIOATOH , Major. The above tax Is now duo and payable at thu ofllco of the clt ) UcMsiiior , and will become de linquent as shown In section J. Je2JdSt JOHN IIUMI , City Treasurer. To Whom it May Concern. WhoioiH , On the Itlidnyof May , 1887 , N. 8. Crow executed and dell\oicd loK. H. Corbutt. ono certain promissory note for the BUIII or H-VJO. wltb Intci pstnt ton per ooiit per annum , duo and payable thhty da > aafter date ; and on Mil ) 27th , 18S7 , the snld N.H. Cruw executed mid dellvored to K. H. Corbptt , one certain promlnsory note foi the Hum of $ IU5D , duo and pnyublu Juno l..th , 1887 , with Interest ut tin per cent per annum , and secured the payment of Ixith notes by thoastlenniont ot ceitalnftrvcral Union 1'nclflc HHllioml l.niulcontrutlB , andcor- taln contracts upon real ( HtalcHltuatoil in Hie city of Omaha , county of DoiiKlas , ftfito of tie- bruska j nuld contracts bHn ? collaterally secur ity lor said notes. Anil , vrhcioiiH , ho Id noted worn duly sold mid tiansforrod for a valuable consideration bofoiu maturity , to ( ieoigoB. Ilurkoi , . .d , whereas , there is now duo on Bald notef , the sum of ? VK ) and $1,050 , with In tort it , together with f in for attorney's fee , and 15 per cent ol the iiuounl duo ns liquidated damages. llo'iiottlvoly. Now , thornloro , I. II. 0. llurhank , attorney foi the aforoiald George H. Darker , will , at my ollloo , 14'W ' Karniimstiool , on the 21th Owy of Juno , 1817 , at 9 o'clock u. in. , soil to the hlKhost bidder tor cusli. the ( said contracts hcroiotore mentioned and described. Q Attoinoy for George E. Ilui-kor. Omaha , Nob..Iuno22 , 1887. < uu22d Sidewalk Notice. NOTICR U horouy ivuu to the owner or gwuornof the following re l oatatu In the city of Omaha , to lay sidewalks In front of and adJolnliiK tholr property within nf Icon (15) ( ) days from the Tnontleth day of Juno , 1817. rluch sidewalks to bo constructed anil laid In 'icoordanco with plans and spocllli-atioiiB on fllit In the olllre of the HHowalk Inuportor , and In accordance with tosolutlons adopted by the City Council , viz : West sldo S" > th avo. from Poppleton ave , to Woolworlh a\o,4 feet wldo. Hust side .J-Hh at. from the north line of I.nko at. to the south line of Ohio t , . o loot wldo. West HMo 20th avr. Irom St. Mar > 's avo. to I toward st , n foot wide. WostHldoi'flth st fiom Hnrnoyit to Howard " JJortiTshlo Jlowp.nl t. from 28th at. to 2 < ilh nVj" staldoI'h'l0rihorldanst..H ' | 'A lot 9 , block 8 , Jacobs'addition , 8 Icct wldo. .I.uiks ALI.\V , Bldowulk Inflprctor. OmuVa , Nob. , JuiiO 20th , 1B87. U ld it Notlco to Coiitritctor" , SKAI.P.D propoEitlB will bo niuilved ut tlio oflloo of thu eouuty commlsHlonori up to noon of July ml. A. I ) . 18-7. lor uulldliur a county hospital lu Onmlm , Ooimliis roiinty , No- brasli i , oifonllnir to the plniis and flpeclloii- tlons on lllo In the county ooiiiinlssloncr'H LHC'II bid mutt ho accompinleil by a ccrtlUod clunk lu the iniount ot OvuhuiidridduliiirH. 'J ho rlKht Is rosorvcd to roji/ct any und all bids , lly oi dor of OKI hoard. isuti.l C. 1 * . NKhDiuti , Countr nork. JnlUdSw V/oodbridgeBrothers STATE AGKNTrf t'WU Tllfc