THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. FRIDAY M BNING. JUNE 24 : 1887. NUMBER GJ QUIN BOHANAN AT LIBERTY. OhijrHo Oook's Mnrrlerer Escapes From Jtvll at Nebraska Oily , GONE TO JOIN SIMMERMAM. Ono of the Guarda Arrested For Liberating the Prisoner A Number of Kcwardtt OF * forcd For Ilia Capture. rtohnnnn'H Nr.miARKA CITY , Neb. , Juno a ) . [ Special Teleeratn to the Br.K.J Last nitlit : , while the guards the deputy shcrllf and his assist ants were asleep , Quln Bohnnan , who mur dered Charlie Cook at Wavcrly , Neb. , and who was confined In our jail awaiting the action of the United States supreme court to see whether ho should have a new trial or not , mnde irood his escape , and Is now a free man , The guards wcro sleeping on thu In. side of the corridor , and It being Impossible L . to open tin ; gates and doors from without , It [ * it looks very suspicious and the feeling hero Is that there must have been treachery done. The city Is quite excited , and upon the sher iff offering a reward squads of men are now out searching for him , but the majority of the people are Inclined to believe he has gone never to return. In his bed was found a dummy , and so well was It put together that the county judge had to feel ot It to believe It was not a human being. The bird must have tlown early In the night and wns not dlecovered unt > l breakfast time this morning. It re mains a mystery how ho secured other clothes which ho must have done In order to use his old ones for a dummy. The shcrllT of Lan caster county , where the crime was com mitted , has offered n reward of 8100 In addi tion to the others. As the day rolled on the feeling grew more bitter regarding our criminals , and there may bo a picnic in store for those left behind. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. NiniiASKA : CITY , Neb. , June 23. [ Special Telegram to the Br.n.J When Jailer McCal- lum made his rounds this morning of the prison cells , no response came from that of Quin Buhnnnn. Fiom appearances the prisoner was In bed , and wns at first thought to be dead , but Investigation disclosed the startling fact that Bohanan had escaped dur ing the night , and had loft a dummy In his bed. No trace of any kind can bo found as to how ho made his escape. The jail Is a very strong one , and BO arranged that a prisoner could not liberate himself from thu Inside , even If he had keys , and he must have had assistance fiom the outside. Several years nco Bohanan attempted to bribe a former jailer for his release , but his scheme was dis covered In tiuio to bo fmstrated. Tlio sheriff has wired nil over the country , and all efforts will bo used for his recapture , but there IH very little hope , ns few believe Bohaiian would ever bo taken nltve , judging from his character and the hopelessness of his case. Great excitement prevails and particulars are meagre. Bohanan was under sentence of death , awaiting the decision of the United States supreme court. Dick Glockc , guard at the jail , was aucstcd to-night for letting Bohanan out of jail. The other prisoners nil assort that Glocko opened the doors about 0 o'clock last night and saw Bohanan walk out. It is supposed that he did the work for a money consideration from Uolinnnn's friends on the outside. THi : I'UKLINO AT LINCOLN. LINCOLN , Neb. , June 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK 1 Tlio talk on the streets to-day Is the escape of Quln Bohnuan , who broke j ll at Nebraska City last night , the news ot which reached this city this morning. George Cook , brother of the man murdered by Bohanan at Waverly , oilers S'XW reward for Bohanan's captnra nnd Hhurllf Melid : has telegraphed the sherlu"of Otoe county that ho will per sonally add 9100 to the reward offered. The commissioners of this county. In which the murder was committed , were discussing the question of offering a reward ou the part of Lancaster county , but have not yet acted. It Is remembered that at Bohnnan's trial five or six men from Missouri were present watching the proceedings as Bohau- nn'.s friends , and the Impression among those acquainted with the inside facts Is that old friends on the out ldo have holpud secure Ills escape from thu jail. Donne Collojio Graduate * . Umrnr , Neh. , Juno S ! . [ Special to the BKU.J 1'ho final closing exercises of the commencement of Doano college were held at the Consre/ratlonal / church this morning. There was a larcu and appreciative audience , with a largo number of prominent persons from abroad. The class consisted of six members , all of whom rendered thalr parts very creditably to themselves and to the col < lene from which they graduate. Miss Young , of Lincoln , was present , and entertained the audience with her violin. She was called back several times. The president announced at the close of the exercises that another stcr had been taken forward by the Institution. They have created another chair In tlio fac ulty , and called Hov. A. II. Show , of Waco , te till the same , which call he has accepted He also announced that thn board of trustees had been Increased to the number ol twenty-seven , and spoke of several othei plans of impiovomont which would take place during the coining year , and that build' tugs to the extentof 3100,000 would be pushed as fast as possible. The entertainment lust night by ills' Decker , of the musical department of the college , was very well attended. She has spared no paln.s to make It a success , and thr enthusiasm with which she , with .Mis. Doant and Mrs. Stevens , were greeted whenevei thov appeared , was an Indication of the ap preclntlon of Miss Decker's efforts. Miss Young , of Lincoln , rendered several piece : upon the violin , and was called back asalu and again. Tno people of Crete will alwayi remember her with a great dim ! of pleasure and she will rJways bo welcomed by a Crcti audience. _ Hack From Ills Wedding. Fnr.uo.NT , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special lotln BKK. I C. M. Stebblns , one of Fremont' leading merchants , and a very popular youhi manarrived home to-day with his bride fron Cedar HanU'.s , la. , where the ceremony tool place last evening at 0:30 : o'clock. Tin bride's u.ima Miss Alary Gcrber. and wa one of the most popular youn < : ladles o Cedar Hiplds. They are receiving the warn congratulations of their host of friends. A Dnd Man Captured. NF.HAWKA , Neb. , June23. ( Special to th BEK. ] Yesterday evening a man who hat been engaged to help In the boarding car wn caught stealing from the boys. He Immo dlntely demanded his time , which Was re fuied. This enraged him , and he-wentli the pouulng car and began cutting the boys : \ valises. Young Lewis , son of the chief en- ulnecr of the Missouri Paclllcrallroad.rushed In and ordered htm to hold up.whon he drew n revolver and shot Lewis In the shoulder , the ball ranglnir across tlio body and lodging near tlio other shoulder. The wound Is pain ful but not dangerous. Ho made his escape In the brush , but wns captured by Sheritl Elkenbarry at Berlin , Otoe county , to-day. Ho says he has served six years In the Jollet pen. KntghtH of Pythian Picnic. I'Al'lLt.toN , Neb. , June 23. [ Special Tel egram to the BKK. | Bellevue lodge No , 2 , Knights of Pythias , picnicked hero to-Uay. Charles Berger , ns representative ot Pa- ptlllon lodge , met the delegation In Omaha and conducted them to thogrovojus : In the cdiru of town , whcro an address of welcome was made by F. J. Thomas on behalf of the cltl/ons , and by , ) nmes Hassot on behalf ot the Knights of Pythias of this place , re sponded to by Harry Merrlam , editor of the Pythian Spur. Omaha. The day was spent In dancing and having a creed time generally. The party returned by special train at 7 this evening. A Nebraska City Iititnlior Deal. CmrAco , June 23. [ Special Telegram to the Br.K.I Mrs. Belle S. B. Harvey filed a bill In the supeilor cotut against Defoiest P. Holfo and Hon. J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska , for an accounting and settlement of a partnership business In the lumber trade , of which all parties were members In Nebraska City. Thn firm dissolved by con sent In 1884 , when there were outstanding accounts which have not yet been settled. Hoifo had the management of the partner ship , nnd there Is claimed to be $12,102 duo from him. A receiver Is asked for. Tendered a Position. NOIIKOLK , Neb. , June 23. [ Special to the BEK. I Dr. Hasson , ot Ponra , has been tendered the position of assistant superin tendent of the now insane asylum by Governor Thayor. Ho was hero yesterday looking over the ground. Dr. Hasson is a graduate of Hush Medical college and Is re- carded as one of the most accomplished lu his profession in northern Nebraska. County Scat Election Called. Noiipor.K , Neb. , June 23. [ Special to the JKK. | The Knox county commissioners yes- .erday called a county seat election , to bo : ield July 10. At a mass meeting of Crelgh- on citizens last night , the following cxecu- ive committee was appointed to look after Jiolu'hton's Interests : George E. Cheney , A. J. McCarn , A. D. Uolbrook , E. Perlue and William Marsh. Mangled By the Wheel * . HASTINGS. Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele1 gram to the BEF..J A tramp , while nttempt- .ng to get on a moving freight train Inst nitcht , was run over and cut In two at the 'ilps. _ Dosed for AVIfe Reatlnc. DKAHWOOD , Dak. , Juno 23. | Special Tel egram to the Br.K. | Sim Nichols , at Car bonate , for wife boating , was tarred and feathered. The Old Lottery Swindle. MAissiiALLTowtr , la. , June 23. [ Special Tclcgiaiu to the HEM. | Peter Van Kranken , an old and wealthy citizen ana an elder In the Presbyterian church , was swindled of $2,000 In cash last evening on an ancient conbdcnco game. An ostensible land buyer , after looking at his farm , Induced Van Krankon to accompany him to look over a neighbor's land that was tor sale. On the toad they met a man with a card lottery game , and Van Kranken was Induced to try It. Ho drew 85,000 , and being required to show up a like amount , borrowed $3,000 of the land buyer and drove back to town and got the balance , all of which he placed lu the land buyer's hands. The 35,000 won was also put in the land buyer's bauds and the game proceeded , this time S 10,1,0(1 ( be.ine drawn by the latter , which was also pnld over to him. The rani manipulator now being out of lands desired to come to town for more. The land buyer proposed to drive him In and the scheme was quickly ex ecuted , the two Miarpers diivlng rapidly oil with Van's 53,000. leaving him atoot three miles from town. Coining In , the crooks changed disguises and scaped. Io\va Supreme Court Decisions. Dns MOINCS , la. , Juno 23. | Speclal Tele gram to the Br.K.J Tlio supreme court filed the following decisions hero to-day. C. B. McGregor vs. Fuller Implement com pany , appellant , Creitou superior court. He- versed. Horace Vlnton. administrator , tappcllant , vs. Cerro Gordo county , Cerro Gordo district. \fflrmcd. J. B. Edgerly vs. Jasper county , appellant. Hwcrscd. State of Iowa vs. Georpo and Minnie. Haberle , appellants , Mitchell district. Af firmed. G. F. McDowell vs. A. O. Booth , appellant , Cerro Gordo circuit. Afllnned. Thomas Knox vs. F. Emoser and J. C. Johnson , appellants , Dubuque circuit. He- versed. Anna It. Curtis , appellant , vs. Pocnhonfas county , Poeahontas circuit. Atlirmed. Anton A meson , appellant , vs. James O. Thorstcd , Mitchell circuit. Affirmed. Murder at Cedar Rapida. CCDAP. HAIMDS , Ia.June 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK. ] Jack Martin , a brakeman on the Burlington , Cedar Itapldh & Northern railway , In a drunken row at his home to night , stabbed Dave McElroy , a boiler maker In the shops ot that road hero. McElroy was stubbed twice fatally In the groin and rluht Innu' . He. is unmarried. Martin Is In cus tody. John O'Hourkc , a brltlco builder of Chicago cage , emploved on tlm Chicago & North western bridge bulldlni ; below the city , fell thisfvenlnz , sustaining fatal injuries. Mysteriously Disappeared. DnsMoiNKS In. , Juno23. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] About three weeks ago a young man by the name of John Anderson left his boaralng place at Mrs. O. Meads , about two miles east of this city , leaving no Intention or clue as to where ho can bo found. Holett his trunk and clothes and his bills all paid. His friends cannot account for his disappearance , except foul play. None of his acquaintances have seen him. Thn man was about thirty years ot ago. rather small In slzo , has a light complexion aud light mustache. ProtcstlMK Against Prohibition. MUSCATINK , Is. , June 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BfB | At the citizens' meeting last night to protest against the enforcement of prohibition , there was n largo attendance. Numerous speeches were made aud a com- mltteo appointed , witli William Hutting as chairman , to dratt resolutions and tuport at a subsequent meeting. Hotel Destroyed By Fire. HUMUOLDT , la. , Juno 23. ISpcclal Tele gram to the BKF I The Wright house caugnl fire at 2 o'clock this morning , and was burned to the ground. The Inmates escaped , but narrowly. Loss , 55,000 ; Insurance , 83.5CO. New York's Vounjt Toughs. NEW YOHK , June 23.-Moses J. Speight , aped littcen , an Inmate of the house ol refuge on Blackwell's Island , struck liU keeper , William Cole , on the head with e heavy stick , last night , from the effects ol which Cole died this morning. Spelubt then calned possession of the keys but when the liovs discovered the keeper was seriously injured their courtgo failed them and they forgot about Mcaulnir. and cried for aid , They were soon locked up and quickly con fessed their plans. The fluchtpl College. CI.VONNATI , Juno Si The Tlmes-Star'e special ftom Akron , Ohio , says that at to day's commencement exercises at Buciitel college , John It. Buciitel , founder of the college loge , made an. addltioual gift to the college of 3175,000. ' A DEMOCRATIC POW WOW The Large Nnmbar of Bourbon Leaders in Washington Starts Fresh Humors. SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED. A Statement of Postal Receipts Shows a Largo Increase In the Busi ness ot the Omaha Ofllco Capital Nnwa. nnurhnns Gathering. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. | Special Tele gram to the HF.E. | The presence of many prominent democrats In Washington just now seems to lend color to the rumor that there Is to be a conference with regard to party policy , revenue reduction , etc. Among the leading democrats now hero are Senators Harris , Hansom , Cockrcll , Gorman , Urown , Call , Pugh and Jones ot Arkansas , Kcprc- sontatlvcs McCreery , Holman , Wilson of West Vliginla , Crisp and Governor Knott of Kentucky. There are many others here , and It Is said that Speaker Carlisle will arrive soon. Postal Statistic * . WASHINGTON. June23. [ Special Telegram to the HUK.J The sale of postage stamps , stamped envelopes and postal cards at first class postolliccs for the month of May , 1SS7 , ns compared with the month of Mav , 1880 , showed an Increase of 8155,533.72 , or St.fcfl per cent. At DCS Molncs for 1SW5-7 , respectively , the eales were Sl'.HT.M ' and t7H2.23. a dc- of S1,575.HC ; Burlington. 83.0lfl.03 and 53.22-1.59 , an Increase of Sl31.5fl ; Lincoln , S3.C39.02 and $4.220.83 , an increase of S5bO.GO ; Omaha , 8lO.SbS.29 and 514,138,79 , au Increase of $3,250.50. nnttcrwnrth's Circular. WAsnNOTONJune23. [ [ Special Tolceram to the DEB. ) Representative Buttcrworth has sent out another circular to subscribers of the American telephone urging them again to withdraw from the company and receive hack the money subscribed for the stock. Mr. Uutterworth said to-day that ho proposed to resign the presidency of the com pany in a few days , as he did not care to be connected with It on account of not being able to spare the time necessary to attend Its business. "Properly managed , " ho said to day , "tho enterprise Is a good one , butl shall not continue my connection with It , and there Is a possibility that some persons took the stock under some misapprehension. I trust they shall surrender tlio stock , and , If tliny desire , start over. The fault Is not In the merits of the enterprise , but In the fact that the chief promoter turned out to have a record Hint exposed the project to attacks at any and all times. " A Collapsed Concern. \VASIIINOTON , Juno 23. | Special Tele gram to the UEK.J The American Telephone company has made but little progress In re- galnlnir thoconlldenceot the public since dis covery was made that Tyrer. vice president and general manager , had been un inmate of the penitentiary. The basis of the com pany's claims for consideration consisted of an alleged franchise from the government of Venezuela to use their telephones In that country. This concession from Venezuela was obtained by one Senor 1'ndron , May 3 , lbS4. Newspapers which reached hero from Venezuela yesterday contain tlio announce ment that the franchise given to 1'adron had been revoked and a now franchise , to Include all of the towns In that country , was rerently RIanted to Slgnor Acjullonia Orta. a native who has lias no connection with the Ameri can company. The ollicers of the company refuse to credit the report , but If trim it will knock the bottom out of the concern. The Navy Flat's Found. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. The recent con troversy over the captured battle Hags caused many Inquiries as to the disposition made of the naval Hags captured during the late war. It ts learned at the navy department that some of the llanjk were turned over to the naval aeademv and are now there. An ac cidental tire In the old navy department building several years ago destroyed some of them. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Juno 2 % ( Special Tele gram to the HEE.J Nebraska pensions were granted to-day as follows : J. A. Nason , ScrlbnerS. ; O. Hubbard , Eveter ; William Austin , Newcastle , Increase ; James Morri son , Wahoo ; Stephen Alford , Mt. Pleasant ; J. W. Cottrell , Hralnavd. Iowa pensions : Elizabeth , widow of Alex N. Gow , Martlnsburg ; busannnh , mother ot William B. Burrls , IndependenceS. ; S. Day , Martlusbure ; Shakespeare Mokuo , Coves- vllle ; J. H. Ogdcn , Keokuk ; Lcmar Eddy , O.skaloosa ; James Parner , 13 loom Held ; E. G , Aurand , Osslnn ; William L. Jones , Me- Grecor ; ,1. U. i'raley , Albion ; Ezra Hawk. Martlnsbnrg ; E. JUist , Allerton ; Barney Markle , Hedrlck , Increase ; S. S. Anderson , Went Point : I. J. Turnure , Mason City ; Thomas , f ; . Hughes , WlllminEtyurg ; Jonn Wiley. Humeston ; Abratn Edwards , Ulen- wood ; William II. Ash , Ios ilolnes ; Jaincs McKee , Mnquoketn ; .lames S. Bofd. Mlle ; Daniel Embree , Grand Junction. Uelssuc.s : J. H. Shea. OCR Molnes ; John Shields , Da venport ; \V. T. Ogle , Centervllle ; Jabob Harsh , New Virginia ; John Clark , Center- vlllo ; Samuiil II. Horsey , Cretan ; Newton I'otiney , Ualiton : William Sawyer , Hillsdale - dale ; George \V. Boper , Walker. Military Mnttem. WASHINGTON , Juno 2i. ; [ Special Tele gram to the BKU. I Array leaves : Captain Henry Jackson , Seventh cavalry , one month * First Lieutenant James 1) . Nicunrson , Seven teenth Infantry , two months ; Acting Assist ant Surgeon 11. M. Ueeble , Fort Yate.s , Da kota , fourteen flays. Army furloughs : Sergeant I'ullard Cole , troop H , Tenth cavalry , four months ; Pri vate Barney Hobnrg , company 1 , Thirteenth Infantry , sis mouths to KO abroad : Private Daniel Gallagher , company I ) , Fifteenth In fantry , four months. The rlilo competition of the department o Texas for places on the department rifle team this year takes place at Fort Clark , Tc.xas , beglnnlnic AuustS , and will be held underthe supervision of First Lieutenant Oskaloosa M. Smith , Twenty-second In fantry , aide-de-camp inspector of rlllu prac tice of the command. Major William T. Lystcr and Captains Thomas Urlttou and Jacob F. Munson , with Lieutenant Amos H. Shattuck as judge ad vocate , coniDoso tlio regimental court of the Sixth Infantry ordered bv Colonel A. McD McCook to meet June 27 at Fort Douglas , Salt Lauo City , Utah. Sergeant Lawrence H. Spiedel , company K , complains that ho has Ivcen unjustly treated by Captain Charles G. Penuoy , ills commanding oilicer. An army oflicer Is presumably to bo trice at Fort David A. Hussoil. Cheyenne , Wyora- Inu' . before a general court martini whlcl will convene there July 7. and which Is com posed as follows : Colonel Henry A. Morrow fwenty-lirstinfantry , president : Lleutenanl Colonel Nathan W. Osborne , Sixth Infantry ; Major JamesS. Casey , Seventeenth infantry Captain Itichard Comba , Seventh Infantry- Captain William Mills , Second Infantry Captain Clarence K. Bennett , Seventeen ! ) Infantry ; Captains Charles Keller anc Chares A. Dcmpsey. Secand Infantrv ; am Captains Thomas G. Troxel and Cyrus K. Roberts , Seventeenth Infantry. Captain Cnarles Porter , Eighth Infantry , Is dtstallei as Judge advocate of the court. Major-General Schotleld has Issued an order for a target practice camp at Creed more Lone Island , for the annual rlllo practice o troops In New "Vork harbor from July fi to July 15 , both dates Inclusive. Battries C , H and N ( Morris' . Fessenden's ana Brewen ton's ) , will encamo there July 10 to 27 battrle * A , E and M. KUth artillery ( Beck'i Itoels1 and Day's ) , will be at the camp anc will bo succeeded July 23 to August 8 by butteries B , I and , L , Fifth artillery ( Captains - tains Van Need , Qrsbb ana Randolph ) , Allowing the battorW company A.Tweltth n fan try ( Captain George S. Wilson ) , will 9 to .lOifor practice. Major Abraham C. Wlldrlok , Fifth artillery , will oiutiund the camp. , It Is now definitely stated that some time n July the Seventh cavalrv will bo trans- ered from Dakota and Montana to the Dc- lartment of the Missouri. This will place General James vV. Forsyth , colonel of the eminent ( General Sheridan's old-time chief of staff ) , In command ot the now cavalry ana light artillery school at Fort Klley , Kan * as. Hen Dutler Hpr.nkd. WARHINOTOV , June 23. General Butler , eprescntlng the Burton car company , ad dressed the Inter-state commerce commission his morning. Ho attacked the testimony of tenoral Manager Stone , ot the Chicago , iurllngton ifeQulney road , In certain purlieu- ars. citing the dimensions of the Burton care o show that Its capacity for carry Ine railroad ies , "for example , " was greater than that of lie ordinary cars , contrary to the statement if Stone. Ho cited authorities In support of ils claim that the roads had no right to make discriminations , and declared that the Inter state commerce law had not changed the condition of the law In this respect Butler was followed by Wlrt Dcxtor for the HurlliK'ton road , the substance of whose argument was that the Burton company Is a common carrier , seeking to Intrude Its cars ipon the tracks of the respondents. Mr. Greene , for the Lake Shore road , followed witli a denial of the several allegations of the llurton company. John S. Blair , for the Union Pacific and M'ssourl ' Pacific , argued ho qnestlon ot jurisdiction and tha justice of ho rates charged the Burton people. Judze Shellabarger argued lu the same line with Dexter. . Clereland's Western Programme. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram otho BKK.J Mrs. Cleveland will precede the president west , eolng first to Madison , where she will visit the VIlas family. The iresldent will join her there the second week n September , and together they will visit Detroit , Jackson , Grand Kaplds , Chicago , St. Louis , interior cities and the Pacific coast. - A Civil Bprrico Move. WASHINGTON , June 23. [ Special Tele- ; ram to the Bee. | The civil service commis sion has Invited the secretary of the local civil service boards at New York , Philadel phia , Boston , Chicago , St. Louis. Baltimore , Cincinnati. Brooklyn , Bulfalo and Louis ville to meet In this city to-morrow for the purpose of conferring with UIH commission with a view to systematizing the work of the examiners us to make them practical , the same as in all the larger cities of the country. The Iron antt Htcel Interest. ' WASHINGTON. June 33. Assistant Secre tary Maynard to-day gave a hearing to a com mittee representing' the American Iron and Steel association on tlio general question of classification of steel wire rods. Postal Chances. WASHINGTON. JunoSI. The name of the postolllce at Henrietta , Nuckolls county , was changed to-day to Huskin , and Isaac N. Keller appointed postmaster , vice Mrs. Mln- nlu liuhJman , resigned , Tnklujr n Vacation. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. First assistant Postmaster General Stevenson loft Wash ington to-day for a month's vacation at his homo at Bloomitigton , Jll. M'GtiYNN XAlLKS HACK. lie Assaults the Propaganda as n "llomiNh Machine. " BurrAi.0 , Juno fei-Father McGIynn , in an Interview totuay , presented his case as that of a man who has been sentenced being forced to appeal without any Idea but that the result was a foregone conclusion and that he would be snubbed and Insulted by the propaganda. He assaults the church In Home as a "Homlsh machine , " and closed as fol- losvs : "Theengineers of the machine who are profiting by Its power and ils emolu ments , are really laughing In their sleeves at us for our excessive generosity In contrib uting Peter's pence to the support ot the whole army of lackeys and flunkies , both lav and clerical , who surround the pope with barbaric pomp soaroely equalled by that of any Imperial despotic court" NKW YORK. June'3. The following Is a copy of a cablegram sent to Homo yesterday to Cardinal Simoom , prefect of the rtropa- ganda , and signed by Jeremiah Coimhlln , M. D. , chairman : "One'hundred thousand Catholics in mass mcetlnir in this city Satur day , June 18 , denounced the threatened ex communication of Dr. McGiynn , witli whom they are prepared to stand , and pretest against ecclesiastic Interference witli the social rights of American citizens. " Kuril's Compliments to Rosser. IticiiMOND , Va. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BUR. ] In ISttl , In a written let ter to a friend , General T. L. Hosser spoke of Jubal A. Early as his "noble friend. " He- cently , In a published card , ho said that Early ought to have been hansed for burn- lug Chambersburg. In the State to-day Early publishes a reply , In which he says : "Hosser has heretofore shown his utter dis regard for truth In some of the publications he has made inregard to some of the opera tions of the army of northern Virginia , and especially those in my command in the val ley In 18t > 4 , and I have fully demonstrated the falsity of many of his statements. Having figured extensively as a falsifier of history , ho has recently appeared In another role , that of a consummate ass , and It must be con fessed that he has proved himself an adopt in that character. " lie compares Hosser to Judas Iscariot , and suggests that he make some atonement for his apostac < - to the con federate cause by hanging himself , as Judas did when ho became aware of the elfect of his treachery. Collision at Sea. BALTIMOIIK , June 23. Captain Hummel of the British steamship Lore , which arrlver hero tills evening from Rotterdam , reports that on Tuesday last , at about C o'clock In the evening , his vessel was In collision witl the British brlgantlno Aldwjth , of Prince Edward's Island , which was carrying a cargo of sugar from St. Lucia to Now York. The collision occurred off. . Cape Hcnlopon In a dense tog. Three of the brig's crow jumpec aboard the Lore , but thomni the steamer lay around several hours nothing could be scon of the brlir. , NKW YOIIK , JunaSft , The brig Aldwyth reported by the steamer Lero as havlnu been In collision with that' .vessel in n fog , has ar rived here badly damaged. KMIod By a Boiled Dinner. NEW YORK , Juno 23. "Brick" Pomeroy has preferred chnrges' to the commissioners of hospitals against the management of Gouvernor hospital , alleging drunkenness debauchery , cruelty' ' W patients and Incom potency , and asserting that the death of Can tain Jack llussey wns caused not by the bul let of the drunken policeman , Halm , but b\ giving him a hearty meal of corned beef and cabbage. Fire a4 * Suicide. Nnw YOHK , June 23. The fire which started early this morning was gotten under control after burning three six-story build ings and a four-story factory. The loss Is ' about 5225,000. No loss'of life reported. Max Marquis , advertising clerk tn the Dally News office , aged fifty years , blew ou his brains this raornlnsr , death resulting al most instantly. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Southerly winds , fal weather , followed by local rains , nearly sta tlonary temperature. For Iowa : Fair weather , warmer , wind becoming southerly. For Eastern Dakota : Occasional Ugh rains , nearly stationary totnperature.easturly winds , becoming variable. The Jury Diisucreod. ST..Loui8 , June 24 ' The Cora Lee. jury disiprecd and were 'discharged. N THE FIELD OF SPORTS 'ommy Warren to Meet Tommy Miller , the Omaha Featherweight , A CHANCE FOR A GOOD FIGHT Chlcnco and Philadelphia Piny a Thirteen Innlne Tie Uame-Tho Mnyltowor Win * at Mnr- blphoad Other Sports. \Vnrron Will Meet Miller. Tommy Wurren , the feather-weight pu gilist , has written to Omaha that he will meet rommy Miller of this city If the latter will ret down to US pounds. Ho will meet him n a ton-round contest , ho says , for gate re ceipts , or will fiu'ht him In private , five per sons on a side , for g 1,000 a side. National Ljcamio Onmcs. PiTT.siiURo , Juno SI. The game between the Pittsburg and New Yorc ! taar.H to-day resulted as follows : Pittsburg . 0 001 1000 * 2 New York . 0 01000000 1 Pitchers Galvin and Welch. Base hits Pittsburg 12 , Now York . Errors-Plttsburg 0 , New York 4. Umpire Powers. INUIANAPOMS , Juno 23. The game be- : woen the Indianapolis and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis. . ! 1 10 Boston . 4 011002010-9 Ten Innings. Pitchers Morrison and Madden. Base hits Indianapolis 17 , Bos ton W. Errors Indianapolis 7 , Boston 10. Umpire Pearce. CHICAGO , June 23. The game between the Chicago and Philadelphia teams to-day re sulted as follows : Chicago 7 , Philadelphia 7. Game called at the end of the thirteenth Inning on account of darkness. Pitchers Ualdwln and Casey. Haso hits Chicago 13 , Philadelphia 10. Errors Chlcairo 4 , Philadelphia 5. Umpire- Valentine. DKTIIOIT , Juno 23. The game between the Detroit and Washington teams t OKI ay re sulted as follows : Detroit . 0 8000200 4 Washington . 0 0000002 2 Game called at the end of the eighth Inning on account of rain. Pitchers Getzein and O'Day. Base hits Detroit 8 , Washington 7. Errors Detroit 4 , Washington 4. Umpire Doehchcr. The American Association. CINCINNATI , June 23. The game between the Cincinnati and Louisville teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati . 3 00001000-3 Louisvlllu . 1 00000000-1 Pitchers Smith and Hamsev. Base hits- Cincinnati 0 , Louisville H. Errors Cincin nati 3 , Louisville 5. Umpire Hurley. HAI.TIMOHK , June 23. The game between Baltimore and Brooklyn to-day resulted as follows : Baltimore . 2 01100030 0 Athletic . 0 02000020 4 Pitchers-Smith and Wcyhlnir. Base hits Baltimore 13 , Athletic S. Errors Balti more 1 , Athletic 5. Umpire tfenruson. CI.KVF.LAND. Juno 23. The game be tween Cleveland and St. Louis teams to-dty resulted as follows : Cleveland . 1 00200000 3 St. Louis . 0 2108000 0-11 Pitchers Crowoll and Caruthcrs. Base hits Cleveland 0 , St , Louis 15. Errors Cleve land 4 , St. Louis 0. Umpire McQuado. Northwestern IjeaettB Games. DKS MOINF.S , la. , June23. TheNorthwost- ern league to-day : Des Moluos 6 , Minne apolis 12 , atr Minneapolis ; St. Paul 13 , La Crosao 10 , at St. Paul : Eau Claire 3. Milwau kee 2. at Milwaukee ; Oshkosh 7 , DuluthO. at Duluth. _ Racing In Mud. NEW Youic , Juno 23. Twenty hours of continuous rain made the track at Sheens- head Bay a miserable mess and mush. The attendance was small. The following is the summary : Seven furloncrs : Young Duke won , Mam'sello second , Himalaya third. Time 1:83. : 1:83.Twoyearolds , threo-quaitors of amilo : Satisfaction won , Fordham second , Klngiisli third. Time 1:18. : Three-year-olds and upwards , seven fur longs : Monawa won , Climax second , Saxony third. Time 1:8 : < W. Ono and one-half miles : Hanover won , Onckosecond , Hypatla third. Time ! ! :44 : } . One and three-eighths miles : Wonderment won , Ernest second , Fcront third. Time 2:2SVf. : Hurdlu race , two and oneelnth miles : Shamrock won. second , Major Pickett third. TIme-4u. : : Town Circuit Kncou. CEDAH RAPIDS , la. , June 23. The third day's races of the Iowa circuit resulted as follows : Pat Qnlnn won the 2:38 : race In throe straight heats. Best tlmo-a:27 : > i' . Tribune won the 2:33 race. Best time In the pacing free-for-all , Tommy Linn won in three straight heats. Best time ever made here-2:20 : , 2WJf : , 2:22 : # . Starters For the Derby. * CHICAGO , June 23. The following horses , with weights as noted , were announced posi tively to-day as the starters In the American derby , to bo run Saturday at Washington park : Carv , 118 Ibs ; Clarion , 131 ; Terra cotta , 121 ; Fenelon , 118 ; Libretto , 121 ; White Hose , 118 ; Montroso. 121 ; C. Il.Todd , 118 ; JlmGore , 121 ; Goliah , 118 ; Miss Ford , 113 ; Wary , 110 ; Safe Ban , 118 ; Hindoo Hose , 113. Won By the Mayflower. MAIIIU.EHEAH , Mass. , June 23. The fog which has prevented the yacht race for the past few days at last lifted and the race was sailed to-day. The conditions were favora ble for the English cutter Galatea. The Mayflower crossed the line at noon , about one-fourth of a mlle ahead of the Galatea. rounded the stake boat % minutes ahead of the Galatea , and crossed the finish line at 4:10. : The Galatea crossed the line at 4 :30 : > . The Mnyllower beat the Galatea 13 minute * and 23 seconds ; the Sachem beat the Iroquois 10 minutes and 40 seconds ; the Huron oeat the Stranecr 41 seconds , and the shadow beat the Shona 13 minutes and 27 seconds , corrected time. _ Sculllnt ; Ilaco Postponnd. NKW LONDON , Conn. , June 23 , The Co liimbla-llarvard race has been postponed tc June 27. - The Evangelical Lutherans. C CHICAGO , June 23. The A ugustan synod of the Evangelical Luthirin church to-daj adopted a resolution that no students In the synod's educational Institutions at Hoct Island be allowed the use of tobacco , Tc meet the deficit In the home mission treasury It was decided to levy an assessment on tin various conferences to the extent of 10 cent : a member. Declared the Strlko Off. CHICAGO , June 23. Late to-night the brick layers' union passed a resolution withdraw' ing the demand for Saturday pay day and declaring the strike off. This resolves the affair Into a lockout pure and simple , ami the bricklayers declare they will now prose cute the stone pool for conspiracy In case ol refusal to sell Htone to contractors friendly t ( the bricklayers. The Wahash Cut Hate * . CHICAGO , June 23. At the meeting of the Central TraOlc association to day tocousMei the snrlous cut rates to the seaboard made by the Wnbash , It was resolved that Chalrmar Flnl : and the eastern trunk lines bo appealed to for action to protect the western eonncc tlons and prevent tne demoralization thai must follosv the unauthorized rates of tin Wobash , Wife Poisoner Lynched , ADKICDEKN , Miss. , Juno 23. At 2 o'elocl this morning forty masked men rode Inti Kosciusko , proceeded to the jidl , Ovrrpowerni the jailor , and took- James M. , a whlti man , to a convenient place and Jiangedjihn Oa Sunday lasv PAULOlt Ol'lOKA. Chrlstlno NUIfum'ti Jtiblloo ftecoptlott In London. ICopyrfoh ! Ifffi fcu Jtimt * fJnrJon ntnnrtt. ] LONDON , Juno 22. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlio Br.t-Chrlstino : | Nlll- son , as Countess Miranda , gave a jubilee at her homo this aftcrnooon , the first London roccntlon slncn her second marriage , at her mansion tn Kenslncton count , not far from the charmed palace where the queen was born. She were a navy blue silk trimmed with rare old point lace , and wearing ear rings , brooch , rings , bracelets , diamonds and saphlres. She was assisted by her step daughter , M'llo ' Miranda , who were a white and chocolate-stripped silk , and had a mod est cotlTuro , front hair in maiden fern stylo. Among the jtuests were several Americans the three Misses Saundcr of Cincinnati , Senators McPhcrsou and Halo. Dr. Whltler of Chicago , Mr. Holllng of Boston , Natur ally , music received more attention than the jubilee strawberries and cream , early peaches or the a la ruse. Madame Nlllson sung , recalling to many a guest the words which Ferdinand addressed to Pros- pcrosiWard , "Admired Miranda , Indeed the top of admiration. " She iravo "Sorlnat Dol- rairn , " accompanied by llerr Yaiu on the piano and a girlish American violinist , llattlo Caipenter , a protege of tlio hostess , who were a white crepe dress. The bow ised In- the latter was a sift to the younrster 'rom Emperor William. Madame Ntllson presented another protege , a young country woman , Mile. Sin red Arnoldsen , of the Drury Lane opera troupe. She was dressed unpretentiously In silk , figured with minia ture black and whlto diamonds , and sang a uiorceau from "II Harblero. " The Herald heard Madame Nlllson say with much naivete to the group , "If her volco lasts she will bo my successor In public estimation. " Miss Estcllo Jacobs , a contralto singer re cently from Now York , wcarlnc a cream lace summer dress , sang an alrafrom Anna Boiena , which the hostess greatly applauded. Among the guests was maniwer Aaboy and 't became an open secret that ho Is endeavor- nn to make a secondtravellngconccrt troupe next winter to America with Nilsson and Misses Arnoldsen and Carpenter , they to travel at the north. Patti at the south. Count Miranda , a sort of Spanish-looking hamlet In jet black mourning suit , corresponding with his eyes and moustache , beamed cour teously on the company , but his want of fa miliarity with tlio English confined his con versation to those who speak Fiench. Shn Wanted to Ba Abducted. LONDON , Juno 23. The Countess Campos reached Dover accompanied by Garboeul' , ler lover , and throe other gentlemen. The Campos family agent and a French detective armed with n wanant visited ttui hotel where the countess was stopping , accompanied by the Spanish consul. The consul explained to Mllo. Campos how her family felt over her abduction ; that tha warrant for her arrest was to recover her from her abductors and re store her to her family. She declared that she wished to marry Garboeuf : that she was not a prisoner against her will. Upon this declaration the English police refused to sanction her arrest. liritUh Affairs. LONUON , June 23. The Prince of Wales , accompanied by the Kings of Greece Denmark , * Belgium and Saxony , the crown prince of Germany , and several other princes , Lord Wolseley and the Duke of Cambridge. reviewed 12,000 tioops at Alde.rshot to-day. A hastily summoned cabinet meeting was held to-day to consider thu hitch in regard to the Anglo-Turkish convention In reference to Egypt. The cabinet has decided to prorogue car- nrqont about the middle of August.TfrH reported In unionist ( ju.irtcrs that If strong opposition bo offnrort to the pronosed supple mentary crimcfl bill It wlllbo : dropped. Franco nnd the I'opo. FAIUS , Juno 21. Mgr. Hotclll , presenting credentials to Pie.sldont Grevy as the papal nuncio , referred to the pope's allcutlnn for Franco as the oldest daughter of the church and as a noble and generous nation , and said the pope desired that a perfect undeistand- ing shall bu maintained. The president thanked the nnnclo for the friendly sontl- ments and said the Vatican could rely upon the cordial co-opeiatlon ol the French gov ernment In consolidating thu present good relations. * O'D.mnell Sum the Tlmcn , LONDON , Juno 23. Frank Hugh O'Don- nell , formerly member of parliament for Dungarvon , and ex-vice-president of the homo rule confederation , has brought suit against the Times for libel. Tlio suit Is based upon the article commontinc on the letter recently sent to the Times byO'Don- nttll to correct' the statement madu by that Paper regarding tlio allowed connection of Paruellibin with crimes. Kins Otto Declared Insane. , Juno2t.Klnir : Otto , of Bavaria , has been ollicially declared Insane. LONDON , June 23. A dispatch from Ber lin to the Standard says : An elfort will probably bo .undo at tlio next session of the Bavarian parliament to dethrone King Otto , who Is hopelessly insane. It is .stated thut the recent will accept the crown it offered by the people. Jubilee Banquet for Consult * . LONDON , Juno 23. United States Consul General Waller presided at the jubilee ban quet given to-night at the Hotel Metro pole by the foreign consuls ( n London. Two hundred persons woio present , Including representatives' of forty nations. Toasts were ottered to Queen Victoria , foreign sov ereigns and presidents , ami the coiporatlun of London. _ Cork's Mayor Uounced. Conic , June 23. In consoqucitce of the ac tion ot the mayor of Cork Moisting a black ilac on the occasion of tlio jubilee , and be cause of his having shown favor to the na tionalist , Plunkett , the divisional maglstrato , supeieiided him , and oidcred that only the resident paid magistrate shall try prisoners , A Newspaper Dental. I'Ain. ' , Juno 23. The Journal dos Dobats denies that the French and Hnssian ambas sadors at Constantinople have sent a note tn tlio porte threatening that war would result If the Egyptian convention was ratified. Blocked. BOMHAY , Juno 23 , The Russian force ha ! arrived at Karatiiil. ! | The supposed destina tion of the force Is Bodakshan. The Bokharose , In splto nf orders from the amcni of Hokara , refused to allow thu Bus.slans tc proceed. Tlio Manohrntnr lOxploHion. MAN'jHKSTr.i ! , Juno 23. Tlio fire caused by the explosion yesterday has been over come. Great ( lama e was done to Pnmonn palace and many other buildings to whicli the ' .lames spread. A fireman and a girl wen killed. The Mnnarclm of Hussla. ST. 1'ETKitsnuno. Juno 23. It Is almost certain that the czar and czarina will hotoic long visit Copenhagen , and that from tlfen the czar will go to meet Kmporor William , and perhaps Emperor Francis Joseph , of Austria. A Ilopnrtp.d C'onNplraoy. BKI.GIIAHR , June 23. The raport has boon received hero from Bulgaria that Stambiilolf , one of the regents , and Snrvkolf. president of the sobranjc , have been seized by coir snlrators. The report is not believed. Catholics Dnnounco Conroinn. DUIIMN , June 23. Tlio annual meeting ol Catholic archbls'iops ' and bishops was heli : to-day , at wnlch a resolution was passc < again denouncing thu coercion measure be lure parliament. An Kinporor'H Vacation. , Ilio'DK-JANKIHO ( via Oalveston ) , Juno C.5 ' Parliament has glved'poinil'slori ! .to ' " ' < emperor to leave for Europe on the SOtti Inst CINCINNATI'S ' BROKEN BANK Comptroller Tronholtn Arrives and Takoa Charge of the Institution , WHAT HE SAYS OF 1TS AFFAIRS Harper and Hopkins Surrendered Ily Their Itotidstiiou nnil Unnbto to Secure Mall llrukurVtl - shlrc Also Arrostcd. Tlio Itrnkcn Unnlc. CINCINNATI , .Innu 23. Trcnholin , comi > tiollur of the curieney , arrived and has taken charge of tlio Street c.xclloiuonl about tlio Fidelity bank , wliieli never 1ms boon great , IMS entirely subsided this morning. Bank Kxanlner Powell Is still In charge. ] f tlio president and directors can bo assessed to tlio extent of their resources It will iiroduca about $1SOO,000. Hon. W. L. TrcnholiD , comptroller of tha currency , who arrived Iiero to-day , was Inter viewed this evening regarding the Fidelity bank affairs. His suspicion hud first boon aroused in April last when ho discovered that the Fidelity had "reserve'1 accounts of eighty country banks , and tbnt its Indebtedness to oilier banks was very lar e. When notice ot the appaient connection of the bank \\ltn-tho Chicago wheat deal was first given In the press , the local examiner was directed to re main In Cincinnati and bo ready to act. This was done when checks wcro pro tested In Now York. A receiver has not been appointed , but will bo by Treuholm. No definite statement of the bank's affairs can bo umde until after the receiver takes charge. The government has acted as soon as there wai tangible evidence of wrong doing. The sensational feature of ' to-day's pro ceeding was the surrender , late this after noon , of K. L. Harper and H. K. Hopkins by thelrbondsiiieii. Desperate offoi ts have been made by them to-night to got now bonds men , but at a late hour they were unsuccess ful This evening J. W. Wllshlro , the broker who took checks of the Fidelity bank to Chicago to try to hold tip the market , was also arrested , charged with aiding the willful and unlawful misapplication of the funds of the bank. Ho gave bond In S3T > ,000. Later lint per and Hopkins , being unable - able to get bondsmen , \\ent to jail about midnight. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. At the olllce of the comptroller of thecuricncy It Is said no In structions liavo bron sunt to Cincinnati for the arrest of the ulllcers of the Fidelity Na tional bank beyond the general Insinuations sent to the examiner to take every precaution to prevent the cse.ipe of any olwiors who may be criminally guilty. Garnlahccd For Debt. ST. Louis , Juno 23. The funds In the Fifth National bank of this city belonging tn the Fidelity hank of Cincinnati wcro gar < nlsheed to-aav at the Instance of the Union National bank of Clcvclan J to satisfy a debt of 525,000. _ Tlio Chicago Hank All It IK lit. CmcAoo , Juno 23. A special bank ex-t amlner and clearing-house committee have been working all the evening on the books of the American Exchange bank ot this city. It Is reported lute. to-night that it Is already certain that the bank's riedlt Is not Impaired , mid Hint the only loss Is that of S300,000 already nipoited by tu proaldont. " ' Reaper Muniil'aonirorH i'iiiNOKm.i ) , O. , June 23. Whltely , Fass- ler & Kelly , the ercnt reaper manufacturers , went Into the hands of a receiver this oven- Inc tor the protection of Its Interest * , on ac count of tlio llnnnctnl dilllt'.ullins of other paitlos. The assignment is only temporary. The linn has issued a call for a meeting of credltoip next Tuesday. The. receiver Hays the looses wcro caused by parties .10 whotn the llrm had given Its paper originally , and when they failed to protect It the company decided to stop payment until the attaint were straightened out. No statement o ( liabilities could be civon , The business goes on as usual. Granted tlio Attachment. Niw : YoitK , June23. Judiro Lawrence to day granted an attachment to the firm ot Coliin & Stanton against the property of the Northwestern Construction company tn this Rtatc. Thu suit is to recover S.12.GOO damages lor breach of contract In connection with the proposed sain ef drat mort airo bonds of the Kansas City , Wy.uidotle & Northwestern railroad company. * i Heavy Canadian Failure. QUKDUC , Juno 2.1. The stores and ware houses of Hcaudet it Chlnle , wholesale hard ware dealers ot this city , have been closed on account of financial embarrassment. The linn's liabilities are S)3.r.,000. ) . It Is stated that the linn will be rc-cHtabllshed nnd a new partner with large capital taken In , KINO OP COOK'S ISLAND. A Ilandsomn , Dashing Aincrlcnit Con- Rolni a Widowed QIIRRII. Nr.w YORK , Juno 2 : ) . | Special Telegram to the Iii.l ! : A suit for a divorce will bo begun hero In a few days by Mrs.t'barlos W. Hanks , whoso husband Is now consort ot Queen Makciv of Cook's Island In the South Paclllc. Tlio couple were married In Albany and soon after removed to San Francisco , whcro Banks , who is a handsome , Intelligent young man , secured employment lu t6o ex press odlco of Wells , Fargo & Co. He was given a position of trust , which ho abused , about six months ago , by absconding with S.W.OOO of tlio company's money. Detectlvoa tracked him to Tahito , from which place ho managed to escape a few hours before the ar rival of tlio olllccrs , taking passage In a schoooner. The vessel touched at the port ot Harotonga , Cook's Island , where Queen Mnkca reigned. She was a widow but soon forgot her sorrow when consoled by a handsome - some young American. Ho had been thera but a short time when ho accepted n seat be side her on the throne. ' The facts coming to the knowledge of his wlto who had In the meantime come east , she ordered divorce pro ceedings to bo Instituted and a copy ot the summon * will bo mailed to King Hunks at tliu palace at Karetonga. Deadly Dote Illto. UAViniTnAW , N. J. , Juno 23. Matthew - < thow Ournee , sixty years old , wealthy and unmarried , who was bitten by a dog n month ago , was seized with symptoms of hydrophobia Monday , and died this morning after a night of great agony. _ No HusltiRHi of Importance. COLORADO .Si'iti.vns , Colo. , Juno W. The Oonorat Freight Agents' association mot In convention at Maultou this moinlng. Thirty- five roads were lepresented at the inditing. A tew matters of detail were considered , but no business general import'uico trans- ' acted. Adjourned to meet In tit. Louis lu .November. Wnhn h IlccntvorH' Allowance * . ST. Lours , June 25. In the federal dis trict eourt to-day it wa decided In the saso of the U'ab.iMi receivership to allow eacb. receiver ) on account , SS.OUO fr ( jm | pur- elraoof lands and $100,000 to pay the II of tin ! l u ( 'rightful Itnllwny Acoldo' isviixuv , N. S.V. . , Juntf'JS. Hy tl5 Ing of a , train on tlio Uab-sbury vJ to-duyj sovi'ii pcrhons wore klllvd 'a/ otlii'ift Injured. The accident wavr - tr.i fiiijuw ot the brakes to worifr - train wns going down au lucllu * '